Viferon candles for children use. Viferon suppositories for children: effectiveness against viruses, dosages and special instructions

Viferon is an antiviral, immunomodulatory drug developed by leading Russian immunologists and virologists. The product has unique pharmacological properties, practically does not cause side effects and is approved for use by pregnant women and newborns, incl. premature Various dosages medications help you choose the most convenient and effective form treatment, regulate its duration and courses.

The international name of Viferon is Interferon alfa-2b. The medicine is produced in Russia pharmaceutical company FERON LLC. According to the manufacturer Viferon, the drug has the following actions:

  • antiviral – stops the main life processes of pathogens, which leads to their death;
  • immunomodulatory (immunostimulating) – activates the production of killer lymphocytes that destroy pathogenic cells;
  • antiproliferative – suppresses the growth of viruses, stopping the processes of their cell division;
  • protective – protects the body from repeated attacks by microorganisms for a long time.

The advantage of the medication is the fact that antibodies are not formed to it, i.e. it does not lose its therapeutic properties even with prolonged and frequent use. This is very important in the treatment of severe viral pathologies, such as hepatitis B, C or D, urinary tract infections, herpes and others.

Antibiotics or not?

Viferon suppositories are not antibiotic drug, and therefore are completely safe for the body of almost all categories of patients - from pregnant women to older patients suffering from various chronic diseases.

Its task: to strengthen the body’s immune response to the penetration of pathogens through enhanced synthesis of interferon. This immunoglobulin is a unique natural protein compound that makes body cells immune to viruses, and therefore does not allow pathology to develop.

Pharmacological group

The medication belongs to the group of interferons, immunomodulatory drugs with antiviral effects.

Composition of Viferon suppositories for adults

The active ingredient of the drug is human recombinant interferon alpha-2b, the volume of which is measured in international units (IU). Viferon suppositories for adults may contain:

  • 500,000 IU;
  • 1,000,000 IU;
  • 3,000,000 IU.

The composition is supplemented by auxiliary components:

  • alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • sodium ascorbate;
  • disodium edetate dihydrate;
  • polysorbate;
  • cocoa butter;
  • confectionery fat.

Release form

The medicine is produced in the form of rectal suppositories (suppositories), white with a slight yellowish tint. The shape of the product is bullet-shaped, the consistency is mostly homogeneous, but color changes are allowed, which resemble a marble pattern. The longitudinal section is topped with a funnel-shaped depression that facilitates insertion. The diameter of the candle does not exceed 10 millimeters.

Suppositories are placed in blister packs of 10 pieces in a blister. Each carton contains 1 blister and instructions for use.

Viferon for adults (rectal suppositories) 500,000 IU interferon alfa-2b

The product line also includes the following products:

  • rectal suppositories - 150,000 - 500,000 - 1,000,000 - 3,000,000 IU;
  • ointment for local treatment— 40,000 IU\g;
  • gel for external use – 36,000 IU/g.

Because the drug is often prescribed for viral diseases of the departments genitourinary system, some patients believe that Viferon is vaginal suppositories. No, suppositories are intended exclusively for insertion into the anus, where its active components immediately penetrate into the blood and tissues of the nearest internal organs. Thus, the active substance accumulates at the site of inflammation, and therapeutic effect spreads to the entire body. This is considered one of the advantages of the drug, as well as the fact that it is allowed during menstruation, when use vaginal tablets or candles requires a break.

How to store Viferon suppositories?

The shelf life of Viferon candles is 2 years from the date of issue. They should be stored in a place protected from light at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees, preferably in the refrigerator.

The medication must not be used after the expiration date or if the storage conditions recommended by the manufacturer have not been followed.

Recipe in Latin

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription, but specialists usually give the patient a form indicating exact dosage and the form of the medicine, the rules for its administration. It is filled in like this:

Rp: Supp. Viferoni 2 – 500,000 ME
D.t.d: No. 10 in supp.
S: 1 sup. rectally 2 times a day for 10 days.

Indications - why are Viferon suppositories prescribed?

The drug is included in the composition complex therapy at:

  • and, including those complicated by bacterial infections or various types(viral, bacterial, chlamydial), sepsis;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis types B, C and D, including those that require plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption, have pronounced activity or are complicated by liver cirrhosis;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • Primary or recurrent herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes of organs, including the urogenital form, which has a localized form and is mild or average degree severity of the flow.

Viferon suppositories are popular in gynecology and urology because... often included in the complex treatment of such severe infectious pathologies:

  • Papillomavirus (PVI, HPV);
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV);
  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Chlamydia.

Indications also include:

  • enterovirus infection, better known as intestinal or stomach flu:
  • damage to the respiratory organs (laryngotracheitobronchitis);
  • intrauterine infections.

Contraindications to the use of Viferon

Suppositories are not prescribed only to those patients who have hypersensitivity to any of the components of the medication.

Directions for use and dosage of Viferon (suppositories) for adults

Suppositories are injected deep into anus. Before use, you should carry out the necessary hygiene procedures and free the rectum from feces. It can be done naturally or using a microenema.

When do Viferon suppositories begin to work? After complete dissolution of the product and penetration of the active component into the walls rectum, i.e. 15-20 minutes after its administration. In order for the absorption process to proceed correctly, the patient is recommended to spend this time in a horizontal position.

The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosed pathology. Administration is carried out 2 times a day with an equal time interval, i.e. every 12 hours.

For influenza, ARVI, incl. complicated by pneumonia or bacterial infection:

  • 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) for 5 days.

Treatment can be continued according to the doctor's decision, if necessary.

For chronic viral hepatitis B, C and D

incl. in combination with plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption, with hepatitis of pronounced activity or complicated by cirrhosis of the liver:

  • 1 sup. (3 million IU) for 10 days;
  • then 1 sup. every other day (3 times a week), the course of therapy can last from 6 to 12 months.

The duration of treatment depends on the data clinical tests patient and visible therapeutic effect.

For infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system:

  • 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) course of treatment is 5-10 days and can be continued according to clinical indicators;

During pregnancy: Viferon is prescribed from the 2nd trimester (from 14 weeks) for the treatment of urogenital diseases:

  • 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) for 10 days;
  • starting from 11 days - 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) every 4 days for 9 days (3 times in total);
  • then every 4 weeks until delivery - 1 sup. (150 thousand IU) for 5 days.

If necessary, the course of treatment is also carried out two weeks before the expected birth, from the 38th week of pregnancy:

  • 1 sup. (500 thousand IU) for 10 days.

Side effects of Viferon

Side effects of Viferon suppositories were recorded in in rare cases. They manifested themselves in the form of allergic reactions - skin itching, rashes. Cancellation of treatment or taking additional medicines in this case it is not required, because all symptoms disappear on their own as the body gets used to the immunomodulator, usually within 72 hours.

Viferon suppositories for pregnant women

The drug is not only approved for use by expectant mothers, starting from the 14th week of expecting a baby, but is also recommended as effective and safe remedy for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the female urinary and reproductive system. Such diseases often accompany girls who did not plan pregnancy and did not go through full examination and appropriate treatment before conception.

Also, representatives of the fairer sex in a delicate position often encounter other diseases of the genitourinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis, thrush and others, as well as classic seasonal ailments - influenza and colds. All these diseases are dangerous not only for the pregnant woman herself, but also for the unborn child, because may cause intrauterine lesions, complications during childbirth, delay or abnormal development fetus

The use of Viferon for cystitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane bladder) can slow down the activity of the pathogens that cause it and facilitate the manifestation unpleasant symptoms: discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain and pain when urinating, frequent urge to urinate.

For pyelonephritis (inflammatory process in the kidneys), the medicine will help slow down pathological processes and quickly cope with the infection without the use of potent drugs or antibiotics. Prescribing Viferon suppositories for thrush in pregnant women helps eliminate the symptoms of candidiasis and prevent infection of the fetus in utero or at the time of passage birth canal, without resorting to dangerous medications that are undesirable in a delicate situation.

Flu and ARVI are also dangerous for developing fetus: in addition to the pathogenic influence of pathogens, their symptoms can also cause harm to the baby. Thus, nasal congestion makes it difficult to supply oxygen to the child and can cause fetal hypoxia, and severe cough provoke uterine tone and premature birth or spontaneous abortion. Therefore, Viferon suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed at the first symptoms of a cold, and can be recommended to a woman as a prophylactic against many viral pathologies.

Viferon during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for the use of an antiviral agent.

About the compatibility of Viferon candles and alcohol

The official instructions for the medicine do not include drinking alcohol in the list of contraindications, but the simultaneous use of these chemicals is prohibited. Ethanol, the basis of alcohol, slows down the absorption of active components into the bloodstream and prevents their movement throughout the body, which is why the result of therapy can be reduced or reduced to zero.

Large-scale studies of the compatibility of ethanol and immunomodulators have not been carried out, so the development of side effects or serious complications also impossible.

Analogues of Viferon in candles are cheaper

Substitutes for the drug are:

  • Alfarekin;
  • Vitaferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Laferomax;
  • Laferon.

At the same time, two drugs are considered more affordable - Genferon and Vitaferon.

Which is better, Viferon or Kipferon?

Both pharmaceutical products are produced by a domestic manufacturer and contain recombinant alpha-2 interferon. But Kipferon has the following differences:

  • additionally includes an immunobiological component;
  • can be used both rectally and vaginally;
  • prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • more often causes allergic reactions.

The principle of action of the medications is the same, but the clinical effect of Kipferon occurs a little earlier (this is due to the presence of immunoglobulin in the composition). But its product line is smaller - only one dosage of suppositories of 500,000 IU, which makes it difficult to select a dose for some severe pathologies or for treating patients younger age and pregnant women. Another important point– price: the cost of treatment with Kipferon will be almost 30% higher.

What is the difference between Viferon and Genferon?

Genferon is another new antiviral agent, but with a more expanded composition. So, in addition to recombinant interferon, it contains taurine (an amino acid derivative) and anesthesin (a local anesthetic component).

Available in rectal and vaginal suppositories and due to its pronounced antibacterial effect, it is prescribed for the treatment of serious infectious pathologies of the urogenital tract. At the same time, it not only slows down the activity of viruses, but also relieves unpleasant manifestations of ailments - itching, pain and others.

Genferon is recommended for treatment severe forms diseases and mainly of the genitourinary system. Not prescribed for early pregnant women, prohibited for children and nursing mothers. It can cause serious adverse reactions in the body, requiring discontinuation of the drug and the use of symptomatic medications.

Which is better, Anaferon or Viferon?

– an immunomodulator based on affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma. The main indications for its use are:

  • state of immunodeficiency;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • encephalitis;
  • rotavirus;
  • bacterial complications (as part of complex therapy).

Photo of packaging of Anaferon lozenges for children 20 pcs.

Those. Anaferon is more effective against viral pathologies, while Viferon copes equally effectively with viruses and infections (including complicated ones) from the field of urology and gynecology. Anaferon is available in the form of tablets, which can negatively affect the condition of the departments digestive system and are not always convenient to use (requires adherence to a certain scheme).

Another important difference is that Anaferon is prohibited during breastfeeding.

Over the past decade, interferon-based drugs have come to be considered almost a panacea in the treatment of infectious diseases. Anaferon, Kagocel and Arbidol are prescribed by doctors for any symptoms of ARVI. Mothers share rave reviews about the instant cure of a coughing baby with a couple of Viferon suppositories.

Today we would like to dwell on the last miracle remedy in a little more detail. This is what our review today will be about. Is Viferon really that effective and safe for treating infants? Does it help with septic infections? How often can suppositories be used, and from what age?

Viferon is a miracle remedy. Is this true?

What is interferon?

VIFERON® Suppositories - instructions ()

Human recombinant interferon α -2b (that is the name of the main active substance Viferon) is nothing more than a synthetic protein. It is absolutely identical to interferon, which is produced by our body when it attacks a virus, preventing its reproduction.

Unlike many other agents that destroy microbes, interferon is equally effective in both viral nature infections - influenza, herpes, hepatitis, and bacterial infections - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis. Even with fungal infections - mycoplasmosis, good treatment results are achieved.

Mommy knows what will help improve my health.

All this, of course, brought interferon well-deserved respect from doctors. An important difference between it and others antimicrobial agents, is that he does not fight “friendly” bacteria. Do you remember how, after a course of antibiotics, you had to restore the beneficial microflora of the body? If Bifidum is not drunk on time, it may subsequently become sticky. This does not happen when interferon is used.

In what cases can a doctor prescribe Viferon?

Viferon, like any medicine for a baby, prescribed by doctor. Not a mother, not a friend, not a neighbor, who “here, it helped in exactly the same situation,” but your (that is, the child’s) attending physician. Here we have only collected all the necessary information about the medicine.

Only after consulting with your doctor can you safely go to the pharmacy to buy the drug.

So, as the instructions for the drug say, it is used in complex therapy:

Many mothers get scared when they see. And for good reason! Bald patches are one of the signs of rickets, a serious disease that affects skeletal system child. If you see bald spots on your baby, consult a doctor immediately!

Stomatitis is damage to the oral mucosa, which may be accompanied by the appearance of small pustules. He will tell you more about the types of stomatitis, the reasons for its occurrence and methods of treatment.

At what age is Viferon used in infants? Are there any contraindications?

The drug is available in four types of dosages:

  1. Viferon-1(150 thousand IU of interferon) for babies from birth, even premature ones.
  2. Viferon-2(500 thousand IU of interferon) for children from 1 year to 7 years.
  3. Viferon-3(1 million IU of interferon) for children from 7 to 12 years old (it is also used in pregnant women)
  4. Viferon-4(3 million IU of interferon) for adolescents over 12 years of age and adults.

As you can see, the medicine has no age restrictions. The main thing is the correct dosage.

Viferon can be used at any age, taking into account the required dosage.

Contraindications include established allergic reactions to substances included in the formulation. Some mothers indicate cases of allergies to cocoa butter, which is part of the candles.

Why rectally?

In the rectum (rectum - in Latin), the wax-forming base of the candle melts under the influence of body temperature, and the main active ingredient, absorbed into the mucous membrane, enters directly into the blood.

Viferon is completely painless and effective.

This principle of quickly introducing drugs into the body has been used by doctors since the time of Hippocrates. Candles, rectal tablets and microenemas are a way to deliver a substance into the blood in a minimum time, bypassing the digestive tract (they say that the latter method was successfully used by Soviet “professional” alcoholics).

Besides, interferon, remember that? - that's right, protein! What happens to proteins in the gastrointestinal tract under the influence gastric juice and bile? They are digested and disintegrate, just like any food that gets there. And they no longer think about any battle with microbes.

How to persuade a stubborn little one to get medicine in this way?

It is no secret that, despite the effectiveness of this method of delivering medicine to the body, a sick child can fiercely defend his “rear immunity.” Well, he doesn’t want to, and that’s all! There are some tips experienced mothers who managed to cope with this difficult problem:

From how he eats expectant mother, the health of her child and his DNA directly depends. We'll talk about what should be on a pregnant woman's menu on this page.

“Viferon” for children is an indispensable product in a young mother’s medicine cabinet, especially if the baby is not yet a year old. This medicine helps fight the symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, viral hepatitis, herpes, and can also be used for their prevention.

The drug is a domestic development and is available in several dosage forms. This includes ointment, gel, and rectal suppositories - there are no tablets for oral administration, since the active substance - interferon - is quite “fragile” and is easily decomposed by the inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, when we're talking about about newborns, it is difficult to use the gel. It needs to be applied to clean, dried mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, which is not easy to achieve in the case of such young patients. In addition, as the instructions for using the drug advise, it must hit the tonsils and flow down the throat, and this is almost impossible to control.

Ointment is also not suitable in every case. It is mainly used externally and exclusively on affected areas - for example, if there is a need to cure herpes. In addition, it should only be used for children over one year old. Thus, the most convenient and most controlled form of medication for infants is suppositories or suppositories.

What are Viferon candles made of?

Candles look like small bullet-shaped objects with a small indentation on the cut. Their color can range from white to light yellow, and if the color of the suppository can be called marbled, then there is nothing wrong with that. But at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the homogeneity of the substance - there should be no foreign inclusions. The maximum diameter of the candle should not exceed one centimeter.

The active ingredient in suppositories is human interferon. Interferons are special group proteins produced in human body, which guards the immune system and helps in the fight against bacteria, viruses and even cancer mutations. They begin to be produced in response to the invasion of the “enemy” into the body and make cells impenetrable to diseases. Interferon prevents viruses from multiplying and spreading further throughout the body.

The human body contains several interferon proteins of different names, but alpha-2b brings the greatest benefit, helping to cope with severe viral diseases, for example herpes. It is this protein that is included in the Viferon suppositories. Its amount is 150,000 IU in each candle.

Additional substances in the suppositories: alpha-tocopherol acetate - 55 mg, ascorbic acid - 5.4 mg, sodium ascorbate -10.8 mg, disodium edetate dihydrate - 100 mcg, polysorbate 80 - 100 mcg, base - cocoa butter and confectionery fat - up to 1 g. Each suppository is enclosed in a plastic shell, and a plate of 10 suppositories is placed in a cardboard box.

Tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid themselves have anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerating effects. In combination with interferon, they can increase the body's resistance to viral infections and strengthen the immune system's own response to aggression.

Thanks to the use of Viferon, it is possible to reduce the doses of hormonal and antibacterial substances when treating children. At the same time, the form of administration of the suppository, due to its specificity, facilitates absorption medicinal substances without the production of antibodies to foreign proteins. Cocoa butter is a harmless analogue of artificial, highly toxic emulsifiers, and polyunsaturated fatty acids help better dissolution of the drug and its absorption.

The drug is available in four dosage options:

  • "Viferon 1" - 150,000 IU;
  • "Viferon 2" - 500,000 IU;
  • "Viferon 3" - 1,000,000 IU;
  • "Viferon 4" - 3,000,000 IU.

It is worth noting that the latter type of suppositories is used exclusively for the treatment of adult patients. Children are more often prescribed Viferon of the first or second type. Important has a dosage of the drug.

The instructions for use of Viferon state that the drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. But when it comes to treating children, especially infants, you should not rely on chance and engage in amateur activities. Before using Viferon to treat your baby, you should consult a pediatrician.

For what diseases can Viferon suppositories be used?

The list of diseases for which suppositories can help is very extensive. Without the use of this drug, not a single viral disease can be treated - from colds to severe forms of flu.

Here are just some of the diseases for which Viferon is indicated for use:

  • ARVI, influenza, pneumonia (chlamydial, viral, bacterial), meningitis (viral and bacterial), intrauterine infections;
  • viral hepatitis of various types in children (in combination with other drugs for therapeutic treatment);
  • ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, fungal diseases, herpes on the skin and mucous membranes in adults in the complex treatment of viral diseases;
  • influenza and ARVI in adults - in combination with other drugs.

Expectant mothers can use this drug starting from the 14th week of pregnancy. During lactation there are no restrictions on the use of the medicine. Adverse reaction The administration of the drug may cause allergies and itching on the skin. As a rule, these symptoms disappear three days after the administration of the suppository. A contraindication to the use of the drug may be individual intolerance to certain substances in the composition.

There is no information about the effects of an overdose of the drug, the instructions say. Also, the drug combines well with other substances used in the treatment of the above diseases. The shelf life of the drug is two years if stored in a place protected from the sun.

The dosage of the drug varies depending on the age of the patient. If we are talking about the treatment of childhood diseases, including in infants, then the recommendations are as follows:

  • for newborns (including premature infants with a gestational age of over 34 weeks) - one suppository of 150,000 IU every 12 hours, the duration of therapy should be five days;
  • for premature infants with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks, the frequency of administration of a 150,000 IU suppository is once every 8 hours, the duration of treatment is 5 days.

Depending on the doctor’s decision, treatment can be carried out over one to three courses of five days. The break between them must also be at least five days. It is worth noting that the dosage of the drug does not increase more than 150,000 IU until the child reaches the age of one year.

Children's suppositories "Viferon-1" are prescribed to infants; for children from one to seven years of age, the doctor has the right to prescribe "Viferon-2", from the age of seven to 14 years, "Viferon-3" is used, and then - "Viferon-4" for adults. It is necessary to buy strictly the drug that is prescribed for a given situation and age, so as not to harm the child or get complete absence any effect from treatment.

Let us add that Viferon is used not only as a medicine for an already developed disease, but also as a preventive measure. A course of the drug will help to slightly strengthen the immune system in anticipation of the cold season.

How to administer a suppository to a baby?

Before administering a suppository to a baby under one year old, it is necessary to carefully prepare. First of all, this concerns compliance with the storage conditions for suppositories recommended by the instructions. They should not only be hidden from the sun, but also be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 8 degrees. This ensures that the drug does not melt prematurely and that there will be no problems with its administration.

It is advisable for the child to relieve himself immediately before administering the medicine. The fact is that foreign objects entering the anus can cause the baby to have an involuntary bowel movement, so the candle simply does not have time to act. That is why it is worth waiting for the natural process little patient, and then begin treatment.

The child should be gently placed on his side. After this, the plastic packaging of the candle is opened - as a rule, hands are enough for this, but if difficulties arise, you can use scissors. You should be careful not to crumble the candle. It is also necessary to take into account that cocoa butter melts quite quickly in your hands, so you should not delay the introduction of a candle that has already been removed from the package.

Then the baby lying on his side is slightly spread with one hand, and the drug is quickly injected with the other. After this, it is advisable to turn the child over on his tummy and wait 15-20 minutes so that the medicine has time to dissolve and disperse throughout the body.

The drug Viferon is an immunomodulatory agent with an antiviral effect, whose active component is human recombinant interferon alpha-2b. The medicine has the function of increasing immunity and is produced by the Russian company Feron. Read its instructions for use.

Composition and release form

Viferon is available in three forms: suppositories, ointment and gel. Their composition:


Yellow-white homogeneous ointment with the smell of lanolin

Opaque white-gray homogeneous gel

White-yellow bullet-shaped suppositories with a diameter of 10 mm

Interferon concentration, IU

150000, 500000, 1000000 or 3000000 per 1 piece.

Additional components

Water, tocopherol acetate, peach oil, anhydrous lanolin, medical petroleum jelly

Aqua, alpha-tocopherol acetate, ethanol, benzoic acid, sodium carmellose, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, glycerol (glycerol), methionine, human serum albumin solution, sodium chloride, monohydrate citric acid

Confectionery fat, alpha-tocopherol acetate, cocoa butter, ascorbic acid, polysorbate, disodium edetate dihydrate, sodium ascorbate


Tubes of 6 or 12 g, cans of 12 g, in a pack with instructions for use

Tubes of 12 g

Packs of 10 pcs.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Recombinant human interferon exhibits antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects, suppressing the replication of RNA and DNA of pathogenic viruses. The drug enhances the phagocytic activity of macrophages, exhibits antibacterial effect, does not affect hemosorption.

Interferon increases its activity in the presence of antioxidants (vitamin E, benzoic and citric acid), which increases the body's own immune response to infectious agents. Viferon exhibits a pronounced local immunomodulatory effect, increases locally formed antibodies, which prevent them from establishing and multiplying pathogenic microorganisms on mucous membranes. This gives the drug a preventive effect.

The quickly absorbed base of all forms of product release gives them a prolonged effect. The antioxidants in the composition exhibit regenerating, anti-inflammatory and membrane-stabilizing effects, and preserve the biological activity of interferon. Water-soluble protein alpha interferon is effective against influenza viruses, hepatitis, herpes, infections mixed type. It restores the functions of endogenous immunity and increases the production of antibodies.

The antiproliferative effect of Viferon manifests itself in the form of suppression of the growth of malignant tumors and viral genome replication. Use of the drug topically or rectally leads to rapid absorption by the mucous membrane and skin, penetration into lymphatic system. 12 hours after use, the level of interferons decreases. The remainder of the dose is excreted by the kidneys, metabolized in the liver and excreted to a lesser extent in bile. The substance does not accumulate.

Indications for use

The drug has many indications for use. According to the instructions, this is:

  • influenza, frequent and prolonged acute respiratory infections viral infections(ARVI), including complications with the addition of a bacterial infection;
  • prevention of colds;
  • relapse of stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis;
  • acute form or exacerbation of the course of a chronic recurring herpetic infection of the skin, mucous membranes, urogenital tract;
  • herpetic cervicitis;
  • intrauterine infection fetus (herpes, chlamydia, enteroviruses, cytomegalovirus, candidiasis, visceral mycoplasmosis);
  • bacterial, chlamydial or viral pneumonia;
  • bacterial, viral meningitis, sepsis;
  • chronic viral hepatitis B, C or D;
  • bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis;
  • gardnerellosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, human papillomavirus infection.

Directions for use and dosage

Instructions for use of Viferon vary depending on the type of release of the product. Ointment and gel are intended for application to the skin or mucous membranes - externally. Suppositories are inserted rectally into the anus and can be used intravaginally for some diseases. The dosage of the drug and the course of treatment depend on the type of disease and its severity.

Viferon candles

According to the instructions, Viferon suppositories for adults are used rectally. Dosage and frequency of use:


Dosage of suppositories, IU per piece.

Dosage, pcs.

Frequency of administration, once/day

Course of treatment, days


2 every 12 hours

Repetition of treatment courses: sepsis - 2-3, meningitis - 1-2, herpes - 2, candidiasis - 2-3, CMV infection (cytomegalovirus) and enterovirus - 2-3

Chronic viral hepatitis

Then three times a week every other day for a course of 6-12 months

Urogenital diseases

Treatment begins when detected initial signs lesions (burning, itching, redness)

Gel and ointment

If the skin is affected by a herpetic virus, an ointment or gel is applied to the areas of inflammation 3-4 times a day for a course of 5-7 days. Therapy begins immediately when the initial signs are detected - itching, burning, redness. This helps to cope with the disease faster and prevent relapse. According to the instructions, to treat influenza, the products are applied the thinnest layer on the mucous membrane - children 1-2 years old - 0.5 cm pea three times a day, 2-12 years old - 0.5 cm 4 times a day, 12-18 years old - 1 cm 4 times a day for a course of 5 days.

For long and frequent colds, including complicated bacterial infection, a 0.5 cm drop of gel is rubbed into the mucous membrane of the tonsils 3-5 times a day using a cotton swab. To prevent ARVI, repeat the procedure 2 times a day for a course of 2-4 weeks. To eliminate the symptoms of laryngotracheobronchitis, a strip of gel is applied to tonsils 5 times a day for 5-7 days, then three times a day for 3 weeks. To prevent the disease, 0.5 cm of the product is applied twice a day for a course of 3-4 weeks, twice a year.

For herpetic cervicitis, 1 ml of gel is moistened with a cotton swab and the cervix, cleared of mucus, is treated twice a day for a week. The product is used on the nasal mucosa after ensuring patency of the nasal passages, on the tonsils - half an hour after eating. If the gel is applied to the skin or mucous membranes, a thin film will form after half an hour. You can rub the drug onto it again, or peel it off or wash it off with water.

Special instructions

As stated in the instructions, it has not been established that the use of the product has a negative effect on the ability to drive a car or operate machinery. Special instructions:

  1. Viferon injections, syrup or tablets are not available. This is due to the fact that if the interferon protein enters the digestive tract, it will undergo enzymatic processing and lose its effect. Injection administration the drug can exhibit dangerous side effects. Due to the release form of Viferon in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment, experts have achieved the safety of the product.
  2. Suppositories are available in 4 dosages marked 1,2, 3 and 4. 1 – for the treatment of children under 7 years of age and the prevention of viral diseases in pregnant women, 2 – for children over 7 years of age and the treatment of pregnant women, 3 – for the treatment of adults and viral childhood hepatitis , 4 – for adults only.
  3. Local forms release of the drug does not cause cancer.

During pregnancy

Viferon suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed from the 14th week of gestation (second trimester) 1 suppository of 500 thousand IU twice every 12 hours for a course of 10 days. Then women can use 1 suppository twice a day, every 4th day for 10 days. A month before the expected delivery, Viferon is prescribed, according to the instructions, 1 suppository of 150 thousand IU twice a day for a course of 5 days. From the 38th week of gestation, the drug is 500 thousand IU, 1 pc. administered twice a day every 12 hours for a course of 10 days.

Viferon for children

According to the instructions, Viferon for newborns can be used even in children born at 34 weeks of gestation. For such children, up to the age of 7 years, 150,000 IU is prescribed, 1 pc. twice a day for a course of 5 days. The break between courses lasts 5 days. For premature babies, 1 suppository of 150,000 IU is prescribed three times a day, every 8 hours, for a course of 5 days. For children up to six months of age, it is recommended 300-500 thousand IU per day, 6-12 months - 500 thousand IU. A child 1-7 years old is prescribed 3 million IU per square meter body surface area per day, over 7 years - 5 million IU.

Drug interactions

Viferon goes well and is compatible with most medications used in the complex treatment of diseases. It can be combined with chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, albumin agents, and plasmapheresis medications. The instructions for use do not mention prohibited combinations with other medications.

Side effects

Most patients using Viferon say that it is well tolerated. As stated in the instructions, side effects such as skin rash, allergies, itching. The phenomena are reversible and stop on their own 3 days after stopping taking the drug. When treating the mucous membrane, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and burning may occur. The phenomena are weak and disappear on their own. An overdose of Viferon has not been detected.


All forms of release of the drug are contraindicated when individual intolerance components drug. There is one more contraindication for the ointment - it cannot be used in children under one year old with cirrhosis of the liver. For such cases, the use of gel or suppositories is allowed.

Terms of sale and storage

All forms of release of the product are available without a prescription. They are stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees. Candles can be stored for two years, gel - 1 year, after opening - 2 months, ointment - 1 year, after opening the tube - a month, after opening the jar - 14 days.


You can replace the drug with drugs based on interferons different types. Analogues of Viferon include:

  • Infagel is an antiviral gel based on interferon alpha-2a.
  • Vitaferon is an immunomodulating rectal suppository with the same composition.
  • Genferon – antiproliferative suppositories.
  • Laferon – immunostimulating nasal solution and lyophilisate powder.
  • Laferobion - antitumor suppositories, nasal powder and lyophilisate for preparing a solution.
  • Anaferon is a sublingual tablet containing affinity-purified antibodies to human interferon gamma.
  • Kipferon is an antibacterial suppository based on immunoglobulin and interferon.
  • Grippferon – immunomodulating spray and drops.

Viferon price

The cost of funds is influenced by the trading margin of the networks, the form of release, and the amount of interferon in the dose. You can buy medications online or in pharmacies. In Moscow prices will be.

Among other immunostimulating agents, doctors now especially often recommend using Viferon 1,000,000 IU suppositories. This effective medicine, the use of which involves minimal side effects. It fits in different situations, at wide range diseases. Clinical trials showed that rectal suppositories “Viferon 1000000” give really good and fast results. However, this medication can only be used under the supervision of a doctor and with regular checks of the body’s reaction. There are candles for children “Viferon 1000000” on sale. This safe drug, but self-medication is unacceptable.

What's on sale?

The powerful antiviral agent “Viferon 1000000” (suppositories) is sold as a set of suppositories packaged in a synthetic blister. This drug is designed to be administered through the rectum. Outer shell The drug is made in white color. “Viferon 1000000” (suppositories) are produced in an oblong shape, one of the ends is slightly pointed to simplify administration into the patient’s body.

One suppository contains the active component in the dosage indicated on the package and the complex excipients, simplifying the administration and increasing the effectiveness of the drug. As active substance recombinant interferon is present. As can be seen from the name and instructions, Viferon 1000000 IU suppositories contain the specified amount of the active substance. As additional components the manufacturer uses ascorbic acid, fatty substances, cocoa butter, alpha-tocopherol acetate. The instructions also indicate that the drug contains polysorbate. One package contains from five to ten blocks of candles.

Why does this work?

As can be seen from the instructions, Viferon 1000000 suppositories are based on human interferon. This component effectively fights viruses and stimulates the immune system. When interferon appears in circulatory system, natural defense forces are activated, and macrophages more successfully, efficiently and effectively identify the pathogen and eliminate it from the body. The increase in antiviral effect is due to the presence of ascorbic acid in the composition of the drug.

As the instructions say, Viferon 1000000 suppositories also have a strong positive effect due to alpha-tocopherol in the form of acetate. This is a long-known antioxidant that protects human body from negative influence free radicals. This component allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes in the body and activates the regenerative abilities of cells.

Why is this necessary?

The instructions for candles for children “Viferon 1000000” mention that regular and correct use the drug under the supervision of the attending physician allows you to reduce the body’s need for antibiotics during severe, long-term therapy. This drug helps reduce the dose of medications taken orally and shorten the duration of the therapeutic program. Thanks to this, the use of Viferon 1000000 suppositories for children according to the instructions for use reduces the load on the liver and kidneys. This reduces the likelihood of side effects and complications that often accompany problematic diseases and long-term treatment.

The instructions for the Viferon 1000000 candles contain a mention of the presence of cocoa butter in the composition of the drug. Thanks to this component, the medication retains its activity for a long time, despite the absence of synthetic emulsifiers, which cause toxicosis in many patients with poor health.

When to use?

Instructions for use of Viferon 1000000 suppositories contain a complete listing of all cases when this drug for rectal use may be useful. The manufacturer also draws attention to the fact that therapy is allowed only with the recommendations of the treating doctor and with constant monitoring of the patient’s condition by a specialist. The drug can be used not only as part of a therapeutic program, but also as a prophylactic substance that allows you to prevent a number of diseases and complications of existing pathological processes.

Parents whose children suffer from serious illness. The drug is suitable for treating even very young children - newborns, including premature babies. It can be used for formation and restoration immune system those born after 34 weeks of gestation and later. At the same time, responsibility for the regular and correct use of the drug falls either on nurses if the child is in medical institution, or on the parents if the baby is already at home.

What will it help against?

Instructions for use of Viferon 1000000 suppositories recommend using the drug if chlamydia and cytomegalovirus are detected. The drug shows good efficiency as part of complex therapy for parainfluenza, influenza diseases and sepsis. Known high efficiency"Viferon" for pneumonia, meningitis. The drug helps in the fight against infection with candida and mycoplasma. If therapy for herpes zoster is carried out, reviews of Viferon 1000000 suppositories are positive - the drug shows good results in a fairly short course. The medication is effective against enterovirus infection.

This medication is often used if viral hepatitis is diagnosed. The drug is suitable for the treatment of both adult and minor patients, including small age. In the treatment of liver cirrhosis, reviews of Viferon 1000000 suppositories are also positive: the drug is used as part of a comprehensive fight against the disease, which makes it possible to enhance the effectiveness of other medications and quickly achieve positive changes in the patient’s condition. Also, suppositories can be used for acute respiratory viral infections and associated complications provoked by a prolonged start of the therapeutic course. The drug can be used as a means of prevention in cases of increased likelihood of infection with viruses if a person is often in contact with an infected person. In addition, the instructions for the use of Viferon 1000000 suppositories for adults recommend using the drug when the body is severely hypothermic - this allows you to maintain health.

When is it not possible?

Viferon 1000000 suppositories can be used with great caution during pregnancy. In the first trimester, using this drug is strictly prohibited. At a later date, if indicated, the doctor may advise the use of the medication, warning the pregnant woman about possible negative consequences. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the patient’s condition and evaluate how much the benefit for the mother’s body when using suppositories exceeds the probable danger to the fetus.

Viferon should absolutely not be used in the treatment of persons who have been shown to be hypersensitive to any of the components of the medication. It should also not be used if tolerated. This applies not only to the active component, but also to all additional substances included in the Viferon 1000000 suppositories. Instructions for use by adults contain a complete listing of all compounds used in the manufacture of suppositories.

How to use?

Viferon 1000000 candles are designed for rectal use. The daily dose should be chosen by the doctor. In this case, the diagnosis, age, and weight of the sick person are assessed. Also be sure to take into account individual characteristics body.

In the fight against intrauterine infection, a number of pathologies in newborns, as well as in newborns ahead of schedule Children (after the 34th week) use one suppository twice a day. Course duration is up to one week. If the child was born before the 34th week, suppositories can be used as a prophylactic agent, and also as a therapeutic treatment. Suppositories are used rectally, using one suppository for 24 hours. The duration of such therapy is five days or more. This is most effective for pneumonia and intrauterine infection.

A number of childhood diseases require repeating the therapeutic course with an interval of five days between use of the drug. For such diagnoses, the treatment regimen is as follows: first, use suppositories for five days, then take the same break and repeat the therapy again. It shows good result when infected with chlamydia, cytomegalovirus. In this way, acute or complicated RVI, pneumonia, meningitis can be cured, as well as Candida infection can be eliminated.

For older patients

When treating children aged six months and older, Viferon 1000000 suppositories can be used to combat certain types of hepatitis. In particular, in the chronic form, the drug shows good effectiveness against varieties B, C, D. The drug is used daily, using one suppository. For similar diagnoses, for babies under six months of age, the same medication can be used in a reduced dose. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by tolerability, effectiveness, and the state of the child’s body. It is important that treatment takes place under the careful and constant supervision of a pediatrician. Conclusions about the need to stop therapy are made based on the tests.

In the treatment of hepatitis in adults, Viferon 1000000 suppositories show good effectiveness against chronic form diseases. Use twice a day, every day, one suppository of the highest commercially available concentration of the active component. The duration of such treatment is at least ten days. Next, the doctor takes tests on the patient and, based on the information received, makes a decision on gradual withdrawal of the medication. The process is lengthy and must be constantly monitored by a doctor. Based on the data obtained from the blood test, the dosage of Viferon is reduced.

Complex therapy

Quite often, Viferon 1000000 suppositories are used in the fight against various diseases, and suppositories are an auxiliary medication that makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the main elements of the therapeutic course. This is most effective in the fight against urogenital infections. Viferon 1000000 suppositories help eliminate infection with chlamydia, mycoplasma, gardrenella, and ureaplasma. The drug is effective against trichomoniasis and candidiasis.

For these infections, Viferon 1000000 suppositories are used once a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is from five days or more. In some cases, it becomes necessary to repeat the treatment. Between primary and reuse The drug must be maintained at an interval of five days. During treatment you should refrain from intimate contact.

Suppositories against herpes and viruses

If diagnosed herpetic infection(including the genital form), Viferon 1000000 suppositories are used as part of a comprehensive fight against the disease. Usually the doctor prescribes the daily use of two suppositories (one in the morning, the other in the evening). The best results are achieved when treatment is started in a timely manner, but delaying the start of therapy carries the risk of a problematic course and low effectiveness of the drug.

If ARVI is diagnosed, parainfluenza or influenza is diagnosed, Viferon 1000000 suppositories can be used once a day. The course of treatment is no more than a week. If the patient is a child, but older than one year of age, then suppositories are used once a day, but a lower concentration of the active substance is chosen.

Pregnancy and lactation

If pregnancy is detected at less than the 14th week, Viferon suppositories cannot be used. Starting from the second trimester, the drug can be used, and all types of dosages are allowed. What the effect on the fetus may be when using the medication in the first trimester is currently unknown to doctors, so it is impossible to talk about the safety of such therapy. In the second trimester and beyond, treatment with Viferon suppositories is allowed only under the supervision of the attending physician and with constant monitoring of body parameters.

During lactation, Viferon 1000000 suppositories can be used as preventive measure against all previously mentioned diseases. In this case, it is important to follow the rules specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

Troubles: what to prepare for?

It is known that the tolerance of Viferon suppositories is very good for most patients. Exception - patients, suffering hypersensitivity to any of the components used in the manufacture of the medicine. At similar situation patients complain of allergic skin reactions, a burning sensation in the area of ​​drug administration, and rectal discomfort. All of these reactions do not pose any danger, so there is usually no need to discontinue Viferon suppositories.

Currently, there is no official data on the possibility of an overdose of Viferon suppositories. At the same time, the manufacturer draws attention: it is necessary to follow the rules specified in the doctor’s recommendations in order to avoid unpredictable negative consequences. There is also a possibility that if the recommended doses are exceeded, allergic reactions may occur.

"Viferon": used in combination

The drug "Viferon" for rectal use shows good compatibility with most drugs widely used in modern medicine. The main component of this medication is human interferon, which increases the activity of drugs taken orally to fight viruses and microbes. "Viferon" enhances the effect of using antibiotics, adaptogens, and also increases the effectiveness of various immune system stimulants.

The manufacturer points out: “Viferon” combines well with most currently used medications, but to prevent unpleasant situations, the patient must inform the doctor about all the drugs he uses during the therapeutic course. This will prevent possible incompatibility, as well as minimize side effects.

This is important!

To improve the results of therapy and increase the effectiveness of the effect of Viferon suppositories on the body, it is necessary to take measures to normalize intestinal function. If the patient experiences constipation, especially if the problem is chronic, it is recommended to give an enema to cleanse the intestines before administering the medication.

What should I replace it with?

The choice of medications that are similar in their active component and mechanism of action on the human body in modern pharmacies is quite large. The drugs “Genferon”, “Interferon”, “Laferon” are in high demand. You shouldn’t change the option recommended by your doctor on your own, but if necessary, you need to check with your doctor what the candles can be changed to. On average, the cost of one package of Viferon candles varies around five hundred rubles.

Features of use

If the doctor recommended using Viferon suppositories twice a day, then it is better to do the procedures with a time interval of 12 hours. When using the medication once a day, it is recommended to use it at approximately the same time every day. If the patient is a newborn, then general case Viferon suppositories are used with a minimum dosage of the active component, they are installed three times a day, observing a time interval of 8 hours.

Long-term therapy for hepatitis

If hepatitis was detected in childhood, the drug “Viferon” can be taken according to the following scheme: treatment begins from the very moment the disease is detected, and the dosage is selected based on the patient’s age. So, in the period from one to seven years, three Viferon 1,000,000 IU suppositories are installed daily, and then the dose is further increased. The course lasts continuously for ten days, suppositories are placed twice a day at the same time, observing time intervals of 12 hours. Upon completion of this stage, the drug continues to be used stably three times a week. The duration of such treatment is determined by the doctor, often extending for a year, sometimes longer.