Protargol - instructions for use for adults and children, dosage. Protargol for various forms of runny nose in children

For a prolonged runny nose, when nothing helps and the snot is purulent green in color, doctors often prescribe Protargolum. The drug is prescribed for serious problems with adenoids, conjunctivitis, otitis media, used in urology for washing bladder. The medicine effectively kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria on the skin and mucous membranes, and the silver ions it contains, once on the inflamed surface, form a protective film, accelerating healing.

Composition and release form

Protargol is a remedy that was previously made only in prescription departments of pharmacies. They make it here and now. In addition, a product called Sialor (Protargol) produces Russian company PFC update. The drug is produced in two versions:

  • 2% solution packaged in a spray bottle;
  • a set that includes a tablet, which is accompanied by a solvent in the form of purified water and a bottle with a spray nozzle.

The product is characterized by dark brown color, which may stain the skin, so be careful when applying. The medicine is characterized by an astringent, slightly bitter taste. One tablet contains:

Pharmacological action

Protargol is not an antibiotic, so after using it you don’t have to worry about dysbacteriosis. The active ingredient of the drug is silver proteinate, which has an antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory effect. After application to the damaged area, the antiseptic forms a protective film, which reduces the sensitivity of the skin or mucous membranes, causes vasoconstriction, inhibiting the inflammatory reaction, accelerating tissue healing.

The drug is characterized by a bacteriological effect: silver ions bind to the DNA of bacteria and fungi that live on the skin and mucous membranes, stopping their reproduction. Silver proteinate cannot cope with viruses, so before prescribing a medicine, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. If a runny nose is caused by a viral infection (flu or cold), the remedy is useless.

Indications for use

In most cases, Protargol is used for instillation of the nose, eyes, and ears. According to the instructions for use, it effectively treats diseases of the ear, nose and throat, especially those characterized by the release of purulent contents (pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media). The medicine is useful for advanced adenoiditis: it quickly and effectively relieves inflammation maxillary sinuses, swelling of the mucous membrane, which leads to a decrease in tonsils, stimulates the immune system. The solution is used in the treatment of cystitis and urethritis.

In ophthalmology, the drug is used to treat inflammation of the eyes - conjunctivitis, blenorrhea, blepharitis. At the same time, it is worth noting that official instructions on the use of Protargol, Sialor does not indicate that the drug is effective in treating the organ of vision. For this reason, the drug must be instilled according to the doctor’s instructions, observing the indicated dosage.

Directions for use and dosage

The medicine is sold in the form of a spray, drops, as well as in the form of tablets and a solvent from which a solution should be prepared. Instructions for use indicate that the drug is used as follows:

  • drops are instilled into the nose and ear (when using a spray - 1-2 irrigations three times throughout the day);
  • eye drops, including Protargol for infants, is used in maternity hospitals to check the patency of the lacrimal ducts;
  • wash the throat;
  • in urology the medicine is used for washing urethra and bladder.

Tablets for preparing the solution

Protargol Sialor is produced in the form of a kit for preparing a 2% solution. To make the product, you must follow the following instructions:

  • Pour 10 ml of purified water into the bottle;
  • add 1 tablet;
  • close the bottle with a pipette cap and shake until completely dissolved (8-10 minutes).
  • the product is instilled immediately after preparation.

The official instructions for use indicate that Sialor is intended for nasal instillation. Before the procedure, you should clean and rinse the nasal cavity, ridding it of snot. If the nose is very stuffy, before using Protargol you need to drop it into your nose vasoconstrictor. Average daily dose– 1–3 drops of Sialor three times throughout the day. The course of treatment is a week.

Protargol drops

Ready solution, purchased in the prescription department of a pharmacy, is used for instillation of the nose and ears. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days. Protargol for adults is instilled 1-2 drops into the nose or ear canal two to three times a day. Since in pharmaceutical product The dosage for eye drops is not indicated; for eye diseases, the medicine can be used only after a doctor’s prescription, strictly following the instructions for use given by him.

Protargol for children

For the treatment of children under 12 years of age, a 1% solution of Protargol is used, so it is better to buy the product in the prescription department of the pharmacy. Upon reaching this age, Protargol children can instill a solution with more high concentration. When instilling, you must strictly follow the pediatrician’s instructions and the dosage indicated by him. The average daily dose is from 3 to 5 drops two to three times throughout the day. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. To treat sore throat and pharyngitis, the instructions recommend rinsing the throat with a solution 2-3 times during the day.

Special instructions

Protargol should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. You should not use the drug for longer than the period specified by your doctor, since silver proteinate can cause argyrosis with prolonged use. With this pathology, silver ions are deposited on tissues and organs, interact with proteins, which leads to pigmentation - irreversible coloring of the skin and mucous membranes in silver or blue.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

According to the instructions, Protargol is prohibited from taking during pregnancy and lactation. There is no exact data regarding the effect of the drug on mother and baby. Considering that silver proteinate long-term use has a toxic effect on the body; intoxication and argyrosis cannot be ruled out. In addition, it is possible negative impact the drug on the liver and kidneys, which neutralize toxins and remove them from the body.

Drug interactions

The instructions do not recommend using Protargol simultaneously with medications containing papain. This is the name of a proteolytic enzyme (protease), which breaks down peptide bonds between amino acids in proteins. Preparations with papain are used to slow down hair growth and in toothpastes to break down plaque. Simultaneous use with Protargol may reduce the effect of the enzyme.

Side effects

The most common negative reaction is an allergy to the components of the solution. It can express itself as burning, irritation, itching, urticaria, dermatitis in the area of ​​application. Possible anaphylactic shock. The solution causes dryness of the mucous membranes, so you should not use it for longer than the period specified by the doctor. Possible in case of overdose the following complications:

  • argyrosis;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • hepatotoxicity – disruption of liver function;
  • numbness of the skin;
  • cardiomyopathy is a primary lesion of the heart muscle, one of the symptoms of which is arrhythmia.


Protargol is not prescribed to everyone. The instructions indicate the following contraindications:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Terms of sale and storage

Sialor (Protargol) is available without a prescription. The drug is kept in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. According to the instructions, the prepared product should be stored for no longer than 30 days in the refrigerator. Sialor in the form of tablets and solvent is stored for 2 years.


Protargol can be replaced with other drugs containing silver ions. Analogues are:

  • Protalor (protargol). Manufacturer: Eco-Farm (Armenia). Active ingredient: silver proteinate. The drops come in a 15 ml bottle and cost about 150–180 rubles. Used in ENT practice, gynecology, urology, to treat eye inflammation. This good analogue Protargola for children. Indicated for checking the patency of the lacrimal ducts in newborns.
  • Collargol. Active ingredient: colloidal silver. Prepared in the prescription departments of pharmacies. Shelf life – 30 days. Prescribed for the treatment of wounds, including purulent, long-healing ones, with erysipelas skin, purulent conjunctivitis, blenorrhea, inflammation of the nasopharynx, enlarged adenoids, cystitis.
  • Vitargol Forte (SPC Elyusan, Russia). Active ingredient: cluster silver. The drug is sold in the form of drops and spray, shelf life is 2 years. According to the instructions, the drops are taken for sore throat, enlarged adenoids, fungal infections, sinusitis, herpes, and as a food additive to improve immunity. Spray is used for treatment oral cavity, wounds, burns, nasal drops for a runny nose, eyes for conjunctivitis. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Protargol price

Protargol is sold in many pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region. The cost of the drug prepared in the prescription department is about 60 rubles. Sialor is much more expensive. The price of the kit and the finished spray are no different, while the drug in the form of a tablet and solvent is more common:

Pharmacy name

Good Pharmacy



Protargol has been used as a local antiseptic since the mid-20th century. With the rise of antibiotics, silver proteinate ( chemical name drug) has lost its popularity, but doctors still prescribe it for treatment.

Description of the drug: composition and release form

Protargol – clear liquid brown (cognac) color.

Available in the form of drops of 10 ml (1% or 2% aqueous solution).

This is a combination of silver oxide or salt with proteins (gelatin, casein, peptone or albumin). The percentage of pure silver in the solution is 7-8%.

The drug is sold in a dark glass container (the compound is sensitive to sunlight).

Country of origin: Russia

You can purchase protargol only in pharmacies with a prescription department (the medicine is prepared to order).


Protargol is used to treat bacterial otolaryngological infections:

  • adenoiditis (inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil);
  • bacterial;
  • bacterial sinusitis (including);

Indications for use of Protargol:


  • pregnancy;
  • increased sensitivity to silver compounds;
  • allergy to silver;
  • breastfeeding (if it is necessary to use the drug, breastfeeding should be suspended).

Mechanism of action

Upon contact with skin or mucous membranes, the solution disintegrates. The first breakdown product - silver ions - penetrates the DNA of bacteria and stops the reproduction process.

The second breakdown product, protein, forms a protective film on the surface of the mucosa. This leads to a decrease in sensitivity and relieves inflammation.

Instructions for use

For the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases:

  1. Clear your nose of mucus and crusts using a mild saline solution and a cotton swab. In case of severe nasal congestion, you can use drops that relieve swelling (based on xytometazoline, etc.).
  2. Place the patient on his back.
  3. Place 3-4 drops of protargol into each nostril (the dosage can be reduced to 1-2 drops if the patient is less than 6 years old).
  4. Leave the patient in supine position for a few minutes.

The average duration of treatment is 7 days. It is not recommended to use the drug for longer than two weeks (especially for young children)!

Side effects

Unlike the use of protargol, it does not cause dysbacteriosis, but may contribute to the appearance of other side effects:

  • irritation and itching of the mucous membrane;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • or drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions (from or to and).

Before starting treatment, be sure to do this: apply a few drops of protargol to the skin in the elbow area. If after 15 minutes redness or itching appears at the application site, the use of the medicine is contraindicated!


When used correctly, overdose is unlikely and clinical practice not fixed. If the dose is significantly exceeded (20 times or more), toxic reactions are likely to develop.

Special instructions

Due to the toxicity of silver, modern pediatricians do not recommend using protargol to treat children preschool age. In case of urgent need, you can lubricate the child’s mucous membrane with a small amount of 1% solution.

Drug interactions

No interaction data available. However, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.


Positive reviews about the drug are associated with its high efficiency and accessibility.

Silver is active against many bacteria that cause otolaryngological diseases. The effect of using protargol appears quite quickly - a few days after the start of treatment.

The drug has no effect on viruses, so the use of silver proteinate in the treatment of ARVI is useless. Also, protargol in the first days of use does not alleviate the patient’s condition - unlike vasoconstrictor drops he won't take it off.

How to choose nasal drops, says Dr. Komarovsky:

Price for Protargol

The price of the drug is from 90 to 150 rubles.

Analogues and synonyms

A synonym for protargol is the recently appeared and widely advertised sialor. The drug is available in tablet form. The kit also includes purified water for preparing the solution.

The main advantage of sialor is its availability. The extended shelf life of the kit before preparing the solution (the drug can be stored for up to 2 years) allows it to be sold in any pharmacy. However, the price is slightly higher compared to protargol - 200-300 rubles.

Also in modern medicine others apply antibacterial agents for the treatment of infections.

Runny nose- a harmless disease, but it occurs often in our lives and brings many complications. Especially when it comes to our children. A parent faces many questions aimed at improving the child’s breathing condition.

Someone calls a doctor, someone turns to friends and relatives for advice, and someone will look for information on the World Wide Web. This article describes medications based on silver salts, known as Protargol and Sialor. It is described in which case the remedy will be effective and in which it will not. The opinion of a famous pediatrician on the method of treatment with these drops and real reviews parents. All this will help you navigate the fight against a runny nose.

For nasal congestion small child causes panic among parents. After all, the child still doesn’t know how to breathe through his mouth, and his nose is clogged...

Babies do not know how to blow their nose; when they try to inhale, they draw in mucus and begin to cry, which only makes breathing more difficult. Vasoconstrictor drops It is not recommended to use it independently, without a doctor’s prescription! But they don’t help for long and the nose needs it again free breathing. In this case, pediatricians prescribe Protargol. It is made to order at the pharmacy, as it has a very short shelf life. You can order Protargol at a pharmacy or make it yourself (Sialor, Protargol) by diluting the finished powder in water of a certain volume. If the source of nasal congestion is bacteria, then the doctor will prescribe it for the child.

Referring to the composition of silver ions, which has antibacterial effect. These drops are prescribed when nasal discharge becomes thick and yellow. If a child has a viral disease, then Protargol will not cope with viruses.

Also, remember that self-treatment may cause harm to the child's health. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.

The effectiveness of Protargol drops has been proven, and there is no dispute about this. It is enough to pay attention to the reviews of parents. If you look at it from a safety point of view, then if you follow the instructions for use, you can rest easy. If correct use, according to the expiration date, storage of the drug in the required temperature conditions, in a dark place - you probably won’t find any side effects.

The only thing you may encounter is an allergic reaction. If present, you must stop taking the drug. Question: “Are there any side effects from Protargol and how does it work? Is it an antibiotic? How effective is it and can it be used often and for a long time?

Answered by Komarovsky E.O.

Protargol does not belong to the group of antibiotics. Use it as disinfectant, contains silver salt 1-5% aqueous solution. The main direction of this remedy is to eliminate thick snot in the mucous membranes of the nose. But protargol is not widely used, even in ENT therapy. Protargol for treatment bacterial infections not particularly recommended, but viral disease he generally not effective. That is, for acute respiratory infections, the use of these drops expedient, but with ARVI - no longer. When using Protargol, already on the 2nd day it will make the child’s breathing easier, and on the 4th day it will completely free the nose from congestion.

It is important to remember that compliance with the instructions is strict and mandatory:

Contraindications and features of Protargol Sialor

If the child has individual intolerance any of the components of the drug - use is contraindicated. Protargol Sialor is a drug, which has a vasoconstrictor effect, forms a protective film in the nasal mucosa, reducing the level of fungi and bacteria.

Before using drops, you must carefully shake the bottle. Use only fresh solution, look at the expiration date! Sialor is used for a runny nose due to acute respiratory infections, for acute allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and hay fever. These drops are used as therapy or preparation for the process of treating otitis media and relieving swelling of the nasopharynx. As with any medicine, side effects may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • skin redness and itching;
  • dry mouth and numbness;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • sneezing;
  • tingling.

Swelling of the nasal mucosa, an increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate, crash heart rate, sleep problems, headaches, blurred vision.

Drops 0.1% are prohibited for use in children up to six years. Sialor is not used to treat patients who have ever undergone surgical operations on meninges. Protargol must be used after opening for 15 days, and Sialor Protargol - 30 days. Parents leave different reviews, but in general they observe more positive opinions . Below are several reviews of the drug.

“When the child’s snot became thick, the doctor prescribed us Sialor Protargol. At first I had fears, because I heard that it was harmful. But on the 3rd day, the child’s runny nose went away and everything got better! There were no negative consequences”

Anastasia, Novy Urengoy

“We first started using protargol when the child was 2 months old. In just a couple of days everything usually went away. Other drops only lasted for an hour and were used for a week and a half.”

Kristina, Voronezh

“When nothing else helped the child, I had to buy Sialor Protargol. Then the pediatrician said to use the drops for no more than 5 days. This is due to the fact that silver, which is included in the composition, accumulates in the body, and this can be harmful. Moreover, in Europe this drug has not been used for a long time, but in our country it is still available. Of course, knowing this, I felt uneasy, but the doctor convinced me that after 5 days the dosage would be small and nothing bad would happen. The drops helped us, which I'm glad about. But I definitely won’t use it unless absolutely necessary! I think that Protargol should be used when everything has already been tried.”

Olga, Krasnodar

“When I was a child, I used Protargol myself and it always helped me. I didn’t even think about buying anything else at the pharmacy. When I had a child, that’s when I found out that this medicine helps not with any runny nose, but with a common acute respiratory infection. It will not help with a more serious viral disease. This is what our doctor told me, so in order to figure out what exactly is wrong with the child, we first go for a consultation with a doctor, and then only buy Protargol or another remedy. In any case, I have a positive attitude towards this product. I believe that everything has its place. If it didn’t help someone, then maybe they just didn’t treat it right.”

Varvara, St. Petersburg

“We first encountered Protargol when a child developed swelling of the nasal mucosa as an allergic reaction. After using the drop, the swelling subsided already on the third day, but the doctor said that it was necessary to use the drops for the entire 5 days. I read that there are consequences from it, but I haven’t observed anything like that. So I liked the product and the price is affordable!”

Tatyana, Moscow

“We use Protargol every time a child has a runny nose. This is a time-tested remedy in our family. I won’t say that it is a panacea, but it really helps us, not only for children, but also for adults. I also read that Protargol is used in therapy for adenoids, I think this is also a plus of the drug, which speaks of a wider spectrum of action. And it also means that it’s not so scary. For me, the only minus is its short shelf life, but it’s a plus! counterbalance: low cost."

Evgenia, Belgorod

“When the child was 11 months old, my son got sick for the first time and our pediatrician recommended Sialor for nasal congestion. The drops are inexpensive, it won’t be a problem to find them, but I’m not excited about them. The first time we used these drops for a whole week. The second time we used it, we got it done in 5 days. But I think this is a long period of time. Maybe our case was complicated? Don't know. It seems to me that even without the drops, the snot would have gone away in a few days. Here you need to look at each child individually.”

Elizaveta, Moscow

Colloidal silver solution is a good antibacterial agent

Protargol is a colloidal solution of silver, which has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the body. Very often, pediatricians prescribe protargol for children in the treatment of many diseases.

This product has the appearance of a brown-yellow or brown powder without any odor. The taste of this drug is slightly bitter, astringent, and dissolves well in water. The amount of silver in protargol is 7.8 – 8.3%. The solution for use is prepared by pharmacists in pharmacies. Silver ions have either a restraining or destructive effect on bacteria, which depends on their concentration in the solution. Antiseptic property protargol also depends on the concentration of silver in the solution.

How does the drug work?

Silver ions disinfect foreign bodies, accumulating on their shell

When using protargol, it forms a protective film on the damaged surface of the skin or mucous membrane. Thanks to this action, sensitivity decreases, blood vessels constrict, and the inflammatory process stops.

Taking protargol, unlike antibiotics, does not cause dysbiosis, and it also effectively destroys bacteria or blocks their activity. It is thanks to this property that the drug is considered as safe as possible when treating children. Silver ions in short terms suppress bacteria, providing an antiseptic effect on the site of inflammation.

It is important to know that protargol for children is not an independent medicine; it just needs to be used as one of the elements of complex therapy.

Use of the drug

Despite the relative safety of protargol, it is not recommended for use in the treatment of children under 5 years of age. Protargol is prescribed to children for the following indications:

conjunctivitis; pharyngitis; rhinitis; otitis; adenoiditis; prevention of blepharitis in newborns.

Treatment of a runny nose

When treating a runny nose after the age of 5 years, it is recommended that children drop 1-3 drops into each nostril 2-5 times throughout the day. It is very important not to use the drug for more than 5 days. Usually the medicine is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis.

When treating a runny nose in children with protargol, you should follow the following recommendations and adhere to a certain sequence in performing therapeutic actions:

It is necessary to clean your nose well using saline solutions. After rinsing the nose, you need to put the child on his back and drop drops into each sinus 2 drops of the drug. The procedure must be carried out in the morning and evening, and also, if necessary, throughout the day.

During treatment, only a fresh solution should always be used, therefore it is necessary to monitor the production time and suitability of the pharmacological agent.

Despite the widespread use of protargol, it is still recommended for lubricating the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and not for instillation into the nose.

Treatment of adenoiditis

For enlarged adenoids in children, a silver-based drug is instilled into the nose, resulting in a decrease in adenoid tissue in the nasal cavity. Before the procedure, the nose must be rinsed well and 6 drops placed into the nasal passages. Carry out such actions 2 times a day.

For adenoids, as a rule, a 2% solution of protargol is used. The reduction of adenoids occurs due to the fact that their surface dries out. Silver suppresses the development of infection by affecting the focus of the inflammatory process.

Treatment of eye diseases

At purulent diseases eyes in children, including childhood most often conjunctivitis and blepharitis occur; a 1-2% solution of silver ions is used. You need to take 3 drops three times a day. As a rule, the course of treatment for purulent eye diseases lasts up to two weeks, if necessary, therapy is repeated after waiting a month.

Previously, this drug was widely used for gonorrheal eye lesions - blenorrhea. Now many more effective products are being produced, so protargol is used only as additional medicine. All children, without exception, immediately after birth receive a 1% solution of the drug instilled into the eyes, which prevents the development of blenorrhea.

Until the moment when such actions were not practiced in the maternity hospital, many children became blind after birth precisely because of blenorrhea. The child becomes infected with this disease from the mother during childbirth, but it is difficult to notice during pregnancy, since it usually does not manifest itself in any way.

Possible side effects

As is known, protargol can have different concentrations active substance– silver ions. The possibility of side effects, as well as their severity and duration, depends on this indicator. Sometimes children may experience such side effects after using the medicine:

redness of the mucous membranes; itching and burning sensation; feeling of dry mouth; redness of the eyes; dizziness; headache.

Very rarely adverse reaction In response to the drug, children may experience urticaria, anaphylactic shock, atomic dermatitis, and Quincke's edema.

For many years Protargol has been one of the most available drugs, which can be used in the treatment of children. That is why it is so often used by parents when treating their child. But not all doctors consider it useful or even safe for child's body. First of all, it is worth understanding that silver is one of the heavy metals, in the same row as lead, cobalt, arsenic, and cyanide.

Silver is eliminated from the body for a very long time, so with prolonged or frequent use tends to accumulate in it. And when entering gastrointestinal tract, silver ions enter the blood, after which they are rapidly distributed throughout the body. The drug inevitably settles in the liver, having a detrimental effect on it. Moreover, silver is deposited in the spleen, skin, mucous membranes, kidneys, bone marrow, in the lens and cornea of ​​the eye. In medical practice, a disease caused by an excess amount of this metal is also known as “argyrosis” or “argyria”.

Very often, protargol for children does not have a positive effect in the treatment of certain diseases. The thing is that silver does not affect all bacteria, and viruses do not suffer from it at all.

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Protargol (silver proteinate) is a colloidal solution of silver, which is produced and used in the form of an aqueous colloidal solution, and has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiseptic effect. It is a powder (dry extract) containing 7.8–8.3% silver, from which in the production departments of the pharmacy a one and/or two percent aqueous solution is prepared, which is used in the form of nasal drops, eye drops and solutions for rinsing the bladder. This medicine actively used in therapy inflammatory processes occurring in ophthalmology, urology, otolaryngology and is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes, including purulent ones - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, adenoiditis, pharyngitis, urethritis. The main positive qualities of Protargol are the absence of dysbiotic disorders intestinal microflora(intestinal dysbiosis) and lack of addiction. It is effective for the treatment of complicated runny nose of various etiologies– for prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis, for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, as well as for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammatory processes of the middle ear. For predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva), as well as during therapy inflammatory diseases urethra (cystitis and urethritis). And to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.

Pharmacological properties of protargol and mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of protargol on damaged mucous membranes or skin surfaces as a result of the inflammatory process is based on the formation of a protective film that occurs due to the deposition of proteins by silver, reducing the sensitivity of the mucous membranes and skin and activating vasoconstriction, which leads to inhibition inflammatory reactions. Silver ions also have the ability to suppress reproduction various bacteria, fungal flora and, to a lesser extent, viruses. At a lower percentage concentration, the colloidal solution of protargol has a bacteriostatic effect, and at a higher percentage it has a bactericidal effect on bacterial and fungal pathogenic flora.

Indications for use

An aqueous colloidal solution of protargol is used for the treatment of runny nose of various etiologies (rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis), for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), for the treatment of pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis), in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And also to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.

Protargol release form

The drug Protargol is available in the form of 1% and 2% aqueous colloidal solution for local application.

This is one of the few medicines available today pharmaceutical market, which must be used only fresh, ordering the solution at the pharmacy, and when the expiration date expires, purchase a new solution of the required concentration again. This is due to the fact that unique properties silver ions, which are contained in the colloidal solution of Protargol, provide its effective antiseptic effect, but it is very difficult to obtain active metal ions, because silver quickly turns into bound state. But it is precisely this quality that is used in the production of dry extract. The silver is first bound to a protein substrate, which is then dried. Colloidal solution, which was previously actively used in medical practice and has not lost its relevance at the present time, it is obtained from a dry extract, which is dissolved in distilled water. As a result of the dissociation reaction, silver ions pass into an active state from protein complexes into water and due to this they easily penetrate into the bacterial and fungal cells, disrupting their vital processes.

Protargol solution is prepared in the production department of the pharmacy, which is engaged in the manufacture medicinal solutions from medicinal raw materials. In a small locality, usually pharmacies do not have their own production department, engaged in the manufacture of medicines, will have to look for a nearby city and go for the medicine to a place where it can be prepared. The drops in the pharmacy are prepared by a pharmacist by simply mixing the dry extract with distilled water, and the preparation process itself does not take much time. But it will not be possible to purchase a dry extract and dilute it yourself, due to the fact that it is necessary to follow the preparation procedure and accurately weigh all the necessary ingredients. You can order and purchase Protargol only with a doctor's prescription.

Also, before you start using Protargol, you need to know that this is a very effective, but not entirely harmless drug, which has side effects and contraindications, as well as strict compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use for various pathological conditions in children and adults.

Protargol application

This medicine is for topical use only.

In the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, Protargol is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution: adults and children, two to three drops two to four times a day by eye drops.

For the treatment of urological infections (cystitis and urethritis), a 2% colloidal solution of the drug Protargol is used, which is used to wash the urethra and bladder.

For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) for adults and children, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is prescribed from three to five drops twice a day, instilled into each nostril.

Special recommendations for using the drug in the form of a colloidal aqueous solution are: thoroughly rinsing the nose (especially in childhood) before instilling the drug. After toileting the nose, the baby should be placed on his back and the number of drops prescribed by the doctor should be instilled into each nasal passage, adhering to the frequency of use during the day. Protargol is instilled in the morning and evening, and the effect of this drug appears after two to three days. The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined by the attending physician.

Side effects of Protargol

It should be noted that this drug, like any other drug, can cause a number of side effects, especially if used in inadequate dosage or for a long time and uncontrolled. These include: allergic reactions - irritation of the mucous membrane, itchy skin, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, redness of the eyes, angioedema or anaphylactic shock. You may also experience: dry mouth, numbness or burning sensation, headache, drowsiness or dizziness.


The use of the drug Protargol is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women and when breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of increased individual sensitivity to the drug or its components (in particular to silver and its protein components).

This fact is the main reason for the significant limitation of the use of this fairly effective drug and the need for a careful collection of allergy history. Therefore, adults and children with a high tendency to allergic reactions or with an unfavorable family history of allergies, as well as reduced immunity, Protargol is used only under the supervision of a physician. In childhood, Protargol is used only in a 1% colloidal solution.

Also, parents of small children should be aware of the high toxicity of the drug when taken orally. Children under three or four years old have incredible curiosity and practically complete absence sense of self-preservation and personal safety, so there are quite frequent cases when small child consumes internally large number medicine, when using Protargol this can lead to severe poisoning and even fatal outcome. In addition, it must be remembered that silver is a heavy metal that has a certain hazard class and permissible concentration level. Like most heavy metals, silver can accumulate when continuously supplied and is slowly eliminated from the body. And once in the gastrointestinal tract, this chemical element by virtue of their physical and chemical properties, easily penetrates the blood and spreads throughout the body. Silver can be deposited in the skin and mucous membranes, in the kidneys, bone marrow, spleen, capillary walls, cornea and lens of the eye and endocrine glands. The accumulation of silver in the human body causes a specific disease called “argyrosis.” Therefore, if there is a small child in the family, you must always monitor the amount of the drug and store it out of the reach of children.

Protargol for children

Since ancient times healing properties People used silver to treat and prevent many diseases. Therefore, many parents who note the effectiveness of Protargol solution, sometimes without hesitation, use it as soon as necessary - slight runny nose, coughing or beginning viral infection. And that's not right. Only a doctor should prescribe this drug, and it can only be used freshly prepared in a pharmacy.

Treatment with Protargol must be carried out with a full understanding of the benefits and risks of using this medicine.

Currently, when choosing an effective drug in children, especially in the treatment of prolonged inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity and its paranasal sinuses(rhinitis or sinusitis), parents rely on the opinion of a trusted doctor - a pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist. Today there are a number of modern drugs– sprays and drops, which are defined by their manufacturers as completely safe and at the same time no less effective medicines than Protargol nasal drops. But practicing doctors who have the opportunity to really evaluate everything positive qualities this drug, and are very familiar with all of its side effects- appoint him in their medical practice quite often, because he copes with his task flawlessly and quickly. Possessing a spectrum of positive effects - astringent, anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiseptic effects, Protargol, when used strictly according to the instructions! – according to the prescribed dosage, solution concentration, frequency of use, duration and in accordance with the sales deadlines, it is the most effective means in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, eye mucosa or severe purulent infections of the urinary system in children. The use of this drug in newborns avoids infection of the eyelids and very frequent postpartum complication- development of blepharitis in newborns. At the same time, Protargol, as a highly effective drug, quickly destroys any bacteria - gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic, while it does not form an addiction, and it does not cause intestinal dysbiosis.

Therefore, with good individual tolerance to silver and its protein fractions, which are used in this drug to bind its ions in the preparation of a dry extract, it is necessary to strictly control the timing of treatment, use the drug only when absolutely necessary and take long breaks between courses of treatment. In this case, such complications as argyrosis are completely excluded - a disease that is characterized by a change in skin color due to deposits of silver ions in its cells, which have accumulated in excess in the body.

Protargol drops

Protargol is a medicinal product intended only for local use in the form of drops, and is available in the form of 1% and 2% aqueous colloidal solution. It is used for the treatment of complicated runny nose of various etiologies - prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, with predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis), as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.
In the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, Protargol is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution: for adults and children by instilling two or three drops into the eyes two to four times a day.

For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) for adults and children, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is used by instilling three to five drops into the nose twice a day, each nostril.

The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined by the attending physician.

Where to buy protargol

Protargol solution is not a medicinal product that is freely sold in the pharmacy chain in finished form. It is prepared by a pharmacist who prepares medicinal solutions in the production department of the pharmacy. You can order and purchase Protargol only with a doctor's prescription.

In a small locality, pharmacies usually do not have their own production department that manufactures medications, so you will have to look for a nearby city where there are such pharmacies, having first consulted by calling the pharmacy helpline or information can also be found on the Internet.

The drops in the pharmacy are prepared by a pharmacist by simply mixing the dry extract with distilled water, and the process of preparing a colloidal solution takes little time. But it will not be possible to purchase a dry extract and dilute it yourself, due to the fact that it is necessary to follow the preparation procedure and accurately weigh all the necessary ingredients.

Protargol price

Protargol is affordable for every patient, which is 70-80 rubles, but this is not the main advantage of this medicine. In contrast to a number of ultra-modern drugs - sprays and drops, which are defined by their manufacturers as completely safe and at the same time no less effective drugs than Protargol nasal drops, they are inferior to it in terms of the spectrum of action on pathogenic bacterial microflora(gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms) And fungal flora. It also does not cause intestinal dysbiosis and does not form an addiction to it. And the combination of active anti-inflammatory and astringent effects only complements its quality, speed and effectiveness of action.

But it is also necessary to know, along with the fact that Protargol is a very effective, but not entirely harmless drug, which has side effects and contraindications, and also requires strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use for various pathological conditions in adults and children. Therefore, Protargol is not the drug of choice for initial stage a runny nose or a viral infection, the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, or even suspected sinusitis. It is appointed only in medical institution, after examination by a pediatrician, therapist or otolaryngologist, if absolutely necessary or if treatment with other medications is unsuccessful.

Protargol reviews

Protargol solution or silver proteinate is a silver-containing protein compound that has a pronounced astringent, unique antiseptic and strong anti-inflammatory effect. This product has the form of a brown-yellow powder, slightly bitter taste and odorless, highly soluble in water. The silver content in it is from 7.8 to 8.3%. From the powder (dry extract), 1-2 or 5% solutions are prepared in pharmacies, which are used for topical use. The disinfecting (antiseptic) ability of the Protargol solution increases in proportion to its concentration. The severity and frequency of side effects are also related (the higher the concentration, the greater the risk). In this regard, this drug is not prescribed at the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, at the initial stage of a runny nose, or with a banal viral infection. In addition, its use means strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use in adults and children. Protargol is prescribed only in a medical institution, after examination by a doctor, in cases of extreme necessity or in case of failure of treatment with other medications. For the treatment of complicated runny nose with prolonged purulent rhinitis or sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sinusitis), for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, for the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis) and adenoiditis. And also for predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, as well as for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis).

But it must be remembered that its use is possible only with good individual tolerance of silver and its protein fractions, strict control of the timing of treatment, and use the drug only when absolutely necessary, taking long breaks between courses of treatment.

Related materials:

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Protargol and its more concentrated companion collargol are silver preparations that came to us from the last century. IN pharmacy prescriptions they began to be used in 1964. And despite the emergence of many antibiotics wide range action and antiseptic drugs, Protargol solution is still prepared in pharmacies today. What kind of medicine is this, how does it work and how safe is it to use?

>> The website contains an extensive selection medicines for the treatment of sinusitis and other nasal diseases. Enjoy it for your health!<<

Truly precious metal

The antibacterial properties of silver were known many centuries ago - products containing silver were used by the ancient doctors Avicenna and Paracelsus. However, the creation of drugs containing silver on a production basis was considered impossible for a long time. The fact is that argentum, or silver, is a highly active metal. Monovalent silver cations cannot remain in splendid isolation for a long time and greedily search for a negatively charged ion. As a result, silver salts are formed, which, alas, do not have antiseptic properties.

Only in the second half of the twentieth century was an effective way to preserve the qualities of active silver in a stable form of proteinate - Protargol solution - proposed. This is a complex of silver compounds (in the form of oxide, nitrate or other salt) with proteins, in particular gelatin, albumin and some other proteins. Protein complexes are relatively stable in solution, and when they come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, they dissociate (that is, disintegrate) to form silver ions. That's when the fight against pathogenic microorganisms begins.

Protargol: composition and concentration

Protargol is a standardized drug that contains silver proteinate at a concentration of 2%. The concentration of pure silver in the solution is about 7.8–8.3%.

It should be remembered that the prepared Protargol solution is unstable to sunlight. Therefore, it is produced exclusively in orange glass bottles and stored in closed cabinets that do not allow sunlight to pass through.

Another feature of Protargol is the relatively short shelf life of the finished solution. As a rule, it does not exceed 30 days. That is why you will not find Protargol among ready-made dosage forms - it can only be bought in those few pharmacies where the production of extemporaneous drugs is still alive.

A happy exception to the strict rules is the 21st century drug based on silver proteinate, which began production in 2013. We are talking about nasal drops from the Russian company Obnovlenie Sialor, which are a ready-made analogue of Protargol.

Sialor - drops for children and adults

Sialor can be called a “medicinal semi-finished product”. Due to the same instability of silver proteinate, it is produced in the form of tablets, from which, through simple manipulations, you can prepare nasal drops. And this does not require pharmaceutical skills at all.

The “kit” for preparing the medicine Sialor includes:

tablet with an active substance containing silver proteinate (Protargol) and stabilizer polyvinyl-N-pyrrolidone; bottle with purified water.

The mass of the active substance is calculated in such a way that when one tablet (200 mg) is dissolved in a bottle of water, the volume of which is 10 ml, a Protargol solution with a working concentration of 2% is obtained. Thus, Sialor and Protargol are almost complete analogues, the only difference between which is the release form.

Now let's turn to pharmacological wisdom and figure out how silver proteinate works when applied topically.

The secret to efficiency

Positively charged silver ions act on two parts of the pathological process.

Firstly, they have a direct antibacterial effect by binding to the DNA of bacteria and blocking their reproduction. The spectrum of activity of silver is not so wide, but it is quite sufficient to cover the most common pathogens of bacterial infections in otorhinolaryngology. Protargol has a pronounced effect against a wide variety of types of staphylococcus, including the “favorite” Staphylococcus aureus, as well as streptococci and moraxella. If you take a closer look at this small list and think about it, you can remember that it is these pathogens that are most often responsible for the development of the most common complication of bacterial rhinitis - bacterial sinusitis (and other sinusitis).

It is known that pathogenic microflora are more sensitive to silver preparations than normal ones. That is why Protargol does not affect the vital activity of microorganisms that are representatives of the normal flora of the nasopharynx. This means that during treatment with products containing active silver, the composition of the microbiota of the mucous membranes does not change.

And secondly, the most important guarantee of the effectiveness of Protargol drops is the ability to protect the nasal mucosa from damage and inflammatory processes. This is achieved due to the fact that the medicine is essentially a protein complex. Proteins (albuminates), which “carry” silver ions intact and intact to their destination (mucosa), after the disintegration of the complex, form a protective film on it. The protein “barrier” increases the resistance of mucous membranes to toxins produced by bacteria and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

In addition, Protargol slightly constricts blood vessels, reducing swelling of the nasal mucosa and facilitating nasal breathing.

When to use?

Protargol solution is used as an antibacterial agent for a variety of diseases of the ENT organs, including:

adenoiditis; acute and chronic bacterial rhinitis; allergic rhinitis; vasomotor rhinitis; prevention of infections in chronic diseases of the nasal cavity and sinuses (including sinusitis).

Protargol is also used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Previously, silver proteinate was prescribed even in neonatology as a prophylactic against conjunctivitis in newborns. However, with the advent of a large selection of eye drops with broad-spectrum antibiotics and antiseptics, silver preparations began to quickly and, most likely, irreversibly lose their popularity in ophthalmology.

Manufacturers of Sialor recommend expanding the range of uses of silver proteinate. Thus, according to the instructions for Sialor (Protargol), it can be used externally as a preventive and hygienic product for treating the skin of adults and children.

Will Protargol nasal drops help with a runny nose?

In this section I would like to answer one of the most popular questions, especially among parents and grandparents. Is it possible to instill Protargol for a cold? Will it help with the most common children's “snot”?

First of all, let's remember the spectrum of activity of Protargol.

Silver proteinate, or Protargol, cannot be called a universal antiseptic. Yes, it is effective against bacterial infections, in particular staphylococcal, streptococcal, caused by Moraxella and some others. Yes, silver proteinate can overcome traditional thrush and other fungal infections. However, it is completely powerless against viruses.

And now it’s time to mention that the vast majority of rhinitis is caused by a viral infection. In more than 95% of cases, a runny nose is of viral origin. This means that the effectiveness of Protargol solution in such a situation can be compared with the effectiveness of ordinary water.

But for bacterial rhinitis, silver preparations will come in handy. The spectrum of their activity covers the most common pathogens of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Therefore, Protargol nasal drops are not only an excellent choice for bacterial rhinitis, but also the correct prevention of bacterial sinusitis or other sinusitis. And here ENT doctors and parents often face a problem: how to distinguish between bacterial and viral runny nose?

Bacterial and viral runny nose: differences

In order not to make a mistake in such an important stage of diagnosis, you need to know several nuances. The likelihood that you or your child has just developed a runny nose is of bacterial origin is negligible. Therefore, at the initial stage of rhinitis, there is simply no common sense to drip Protargol. Viral runny nose is usually caused by rhinoviruses and other respiratory viruses. Its distinctive symptoms are profuse watery or mucous discharge from the nose without any admixture of pus. Nasal discharge may be clear or whitish and accompanied by intense itching in the nasal cavity, sneezing and itching.

After a week has passed after the first signs of viral rhinitis appear, the symptoms of the disease should decrease significantly. The lifespan of respiratory viruses in the human body depends on the intensity of the immune response and ranges from 5 to 14 days. Thus, a viral runny nose should go away on its own in about 7–10 days. If this does not happen, it is likely that the viral infection has become complicated by a bacterial one.

Bacterial rhinitis develops quite rarely - in only a few percent of cases of a runny nose. However, a persistent, prolonged runny nose is often caused by a bacterial infection of the nasal mucosa.

A bacterial runny nose is characterized by thick, purulent discharge from the nose. Their color, as a rule, has predominantly greenish or yellowish purulent shades.

The particular danger of bacterial rhinitis is associated with possible complications, in particular bacterial sinusitis. Purulent discharge from the nose is always a reason to see an ENT doctor, and if they are accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the paranasal sinuses, headache or, even worse, fever, you should consult a doctor immediately.

When there are no symptoms of sinusitis in the clinical picture, and the characteristic purulent nasal discharge does not leave you, it makes sense to start treatment with Protargol.

How to treat with Protargol?

Protargol for bacterial rhinitis should be instilled into the nasal cavity. If nasal breathing is impaired and a lot of secretions have accumulated in the nasal cavity, you should rinse your nose before using the silver proteinate solution. For this purpose, it is better to use an isotonic or hypertonic sodium chloride solution (for example, Humer, AquaMaris, Dolphin and other saline solutions). Hypertonic solutions, due to the difference in osmotic pressure, will better remove purulent and thick discharge.

Sometimes, before instilling Protargol, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops, for example, Xylometazoline, Oxymetazoline and others. After these procedures, you should take 3-4 drops of silver proteinate into a pipette and drop them into each nasal passage. The frequency of use of the drug is 2–3 times a day, and the course of treatment, as a rule, should not exceed two weeks. Protargol should be used with extreme caution to treat children, especially young children.

We treat children's runny nose with Protargol: vacation features according to the instructions

Protargol is a silver preparation. This metal not only has antiseptic properties. We must never forget that it, like lead, arsenic, cobalt and other elements, belongs to a number of heavy metals. This means that when used in medicine, silver is a priori considered toxic.

That is why caution should be exercised when prescribing Protargol to children. The instructions for use of Protargol clearly describe from what age and how Protargol can be used in pediatric practice:

For young children, from birth to one year, only a 1% solution can be prescribed. The decision on its use in this category of patients should be made solely by the physician; children aged one to three years can use a standard 2% concentration of Protargol. If the medicine is not used for the first time, then it can be prescribed without a prescription. Otherwise, the buyer must provide the pharmacist with a written recommendation from a doctor (prescription form or at least an entry in the outpatient card); For children over three years of age and adults, Protargol can be dispensed without a prescription and, accordingly, can be dripped without a doctor’s recommendation.

Features of initial use

As we have already said, silver proteinate is a rather specific drug containing a heavy metal. Sometimes it can provoke allergic and even toxic reactions. Therefore, it is important for patients who are using Protargol solution for the first time to conduct a so-called allergen test.

To do this, one or two drops of the drug are applied to the surface of the skin in the area of ​​the elbow. After 5–15 minutes, the skin reaction is checked: the appearance of signs of allergy (redness, irritation, itching) in the area of ​​application is automatically considered a contraindication to the use of Protargol.

Side effects

Undoubtedly, the use of medications containing heavy metals may be accompanied by side effects. The likelihood of their development is greatest in people prone to allergic reactions. Regardless of how many days Protargol is instilled, in response to treatment an adult or child may experience:

irritation of the nasal mucosa; burning sensation or itching at the injection site; dry nasal mucosa; feeling of numbness at the application site; systemic side effects - headache, dizziness, drowsiness; allergic reactions - urticaria, Quincke's edema, atopic dermatitis, extremely rarely - anaphylactic shock.

If after using Protargol you notice any of these symptoms, the drops should be immediately discontinued and not used in the future.

In addition, due to possible toxicity, as well as the lack of information confirming the safety of treatment with Protargol in pregnant and lactating women, the drug is contraindicated in this category of patients.

Protargol's place: in the dustbin of history or in the home medicine cabinet?

The famous Soviet pharmacologist Dmitry Mashkovsky said several decades ago that there is no need to prescribe Protargol as an antibacterial drug for inflammatory diseases of the nose and eyes. Indeed, on the modern pharmaceutical market there are many safer local antiseptics than Protargol solution. This means that there is no point in using a fairly age-appropriate drug with a limited spectrum of activity, and, moreover, capable of causing allergic reactions.

In Western countries, solutions based on silver proteinate, including Protargol, have not been used for a very long time. Their place was taken by well-tolerated broad-spectrum antiseptics: chlorhexidine, as well as antibacterial and combination drugs for topical use (in particular, Isofra, Polydexa and some others).

The approach of absolute “non-use” of local drops for diseases of the nasopharynx, both viral and bacterial in origin, is very popular in Western medicine.

But in domestic otorhinolaryngology, Protargol is still quite widely prescribed, including in pediatric practice. At the same time, both doctors and parents often note the rapid effect of drops. The tactics of active management of bacterial and sometimes viral rhinitis using local antiseptics are preferred by most domestic ENT doctors. And patients accustomed to intensive drug treatment are ready to drip Protargol and other drops or lubricate the nasal mucosa, despite the relatively low effectiveness of these measures (or lack thereof).

Considering that in all the years of using Protargol there has not been a single case of silver accumulation in the body (argyria), we can confidently say: if silver proteinate helps you psychologically or physically, drip it for your health. The only warning concerns compliance with dosages and duration of treatment. When you really don’t notice the effect of Protargol, stop it and replace it with alternative antiseptic nasal drops or, ultimately, wait until the body copes with rhinitis itself. And, by the way, the experience of evidence-based medicine shows that the latter method of treatment is sometimes not inferior in effectiveness to pharmacotherapy.

Protargol is a colloidal solution of silver nitrate or oxide. The medicine is an effective antiseptic and has disinfectant characteristics.

When silver ions enter bacterial cells, their interaction with DNA is observed. As a result, the life process stops. However, sometimes difficulties arise with the use of the drug. In such a situation, you need to choose an effective analogue.

Features of protargol

In ophthalmology, the drug is used in the following situations:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blenorrhea;
  • dacryocystitis.

In surgical practice, collargol is used in cases of the development of erysipelas, purulent wounds, and boils. Indications also include proctitis and lymphadenitis. In urology, the drug helps treat cystitis and urethritis.

The active substance of the drug reaches the surface of bacterial cells, disrupting their work. Despite the fact that microorganisms remain alive, they stop their active reproduction and lose their properties.

The drug then passes through the cell wall membrane. This causes a decrease in enzymatic activity and provokes the death of bacteria.

The substance has almost no restrictions on its use. However, it is prohibited to use if you are highly sensitive to active substances. In addition, there are no clinical studies regarding the use of the substance during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe the drug during this period.

If the concentration of the drug is violated, there is a risk of serious damage to the nasal mucosa. There are no special instructions regarding interactions with other drugs, since the active component almost does not enter the blood. However, many doctors do not advise combining the use of collargol with other local drugs.


Many people are interested: sialor or protargol - which is better? To answer this question, it is worth analyzing the properties of sialor. It is sold in tablet form. The kit includes distilled water to dissolve the substance. To obtain a solution with a concentration of 2%, you need to take 1 tablet with a dosage of 200 mg and mix with 10 ml of water. The substance can be used for 2 weeks. The product can be stored for a maximum of 30 days.

For treatment, you need to clean your nose and instill 1-2 drops of medicine into each hole. Sialor can be used for young children. This remedy is often used to prevent respiratory pathologies.

Sialor is included in the category of drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. Due to this, it is possible to cope with swelling and restore breathing. Sialor has a wide spectrum of action - antimicrobial, astringent, drying. Using this substance you can achieve an antibacterial effect.

In pharmacies you can find several dosage forms of the substance - drops, solution. There is also a kit for preparing the solution. Sialor is most often prescribed in the following situations:

  • adenoids;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • otitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • Eustachitis.

In addition, the medicine also has certain contraindications. Key restrictions include:

If you exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor, there is a risk of unwanted side reactions. The main ones include:

  • numbness;
  • itching sensation;
  • dryness and burning;
  • headaches;
  • allergy;
  • redness of the eyes.

For children, the solution should be administered twice a day, 3-5 drops. Adult patients are recommended to use 5 drops in the morning and evening.


This protargol replacement also contains silver particles, which are presented in the form of stabilized nanoparticles. 1 drop of the product contains 30 mcg of the product. In addition to the traditional use of the drug for rhinitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, it can be used as a strong immunostimulant. Therefore, the substance is often prescribed during seasonal epidemics. The undoubted advantage of the medicine is the possibility of storage for 24 months.

The product is produced in convenient packaging, which is a polypropylene bottle with a drip dispenser. For rhinitis, 1 unit should be administered 3-5 times a day. This needs to be done within a week. The duration of therapy is 28-30 days. Then you can stop for 2 weeks and continue treatment again.

For prevention, take 1-2 drops 30 minutes before meals. This volume must be mixed with 50 ml of water. The medicine should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

The advantage of the product is its low price and the ability to activate the body's defenses. The disadvantages include uneconomical consumption and difficulties in purchasing at the pharmacy.

Other analogues of Protargol

There are a number of drugs that cannot be called direct analogues of protargol. However, they may well replace this remedy:

Protargol is an effective medicine that helps cope with many pathologies of the ENT organs. If you are intolerant to this substance, you can choose more effective analogues. However, only a doctor can do this.

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