Safe hydrochloric acid solution. Poisoning in humans with hydrochloric acid. How does poisoning occur?

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Hydrochloric acid ( chemical formula HCL) is highly caustic, poisonous substance. Its other name is hydrochloric acid. Produced by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water.

Properties hydrochloric acid– colorless, volatile, clear liquid with an indistinct peculiar odor, taste – sour. Store only in special containers with tightly sealed lids, as leakage is possible. Dangerous for humans.

HCL in humans

Hydrochloric acid plays a very important role in the human body. In a small concentration - approximately 0.5% is present in the human stomach in the composition gastric juice. When they talk about increased acidity stomach, they mean concentrated juice - increased content hydrochloric acid.

In the body it is part of saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice of the pancreas and liver bile.

Functions of hydrochloric acid:

  • Creates an acidic environment in the stomach, favorable for the action of gastric juice enzymes.
  • Promotes the digestion of protein in the stomach.
  • Converts pepsinogens into pepsins.
  • Helps remove food from the stomach.
  • Stimulates the production of pancreatic juice.

At low acidity stomach, patients are prescribed a weak solution of hydrochloric acid with pepsin.

Industrial use

She has wide application in the metallurgical, food and medical industries.

HCL is used in various industries, and its concentration can be quite high.

  • Metallurgy. Application in soldering, tinning and stripping of metals.
  • Food industry. Application in production food regulators acidity, for example, E507.
  • Electrotype. Used for etching.
  • Medicine. Finds its application in the production of artificial gastric juice.

Included in synthetic dyes. Used in the production of cleaning and detergents. But in liquids intended for household use, the concentration of sulfuric acid is insignificant.

Danger of poisoning

Hydrochloric acid itself is extremely poisonous. Care must be taken when handling it. People working in production must strictly follow safety precautions.

There are three types of poisoning:

  1. Internal poisoning– when acid enters the body through the mouth. It can happen to a child who accidentally drinks acid due to an adult’s oversight. It can happen to an adult if he decides to commit suicide in such a sophisticated way.

What's happening:

  • Once inside, it causes extensive burns to the oral mucosa.
  • Walking through digestive tract, causes burns in the stomach.
  • Partial destruction of tissue.
  • Almost complete destruction of the protective mucous membrane.


  • Severe pain in the mouth and throat. Burning sensation. Inability to take a breath.
  • Pain and burning sensation in the stomach.
  • Black vomit mixed with blood.
  • A severe cough may produce blood and clots of flesh.
  • The tongue turns black.
  • An immediate failure of the liver, which is indicated by pain on the right side under the ribs.

First aid:

  • Ice on the throat, trachea and abdomen. If there is no ice, wet a rag cold water and hold, periodically wetting.
  • Do not try to induce coughing or vomiting. A severe burn may cause significant tissue damage. Internal bleeding may develop.
  • If there are ice cubes, give it to the victim to swallow. In this case, the pieces of ice should not be sharp or large.

The prognosis for internal poisoning is always unfavorable.

The lethal dose for oral administration is insignificant. Causes irreversible changes in the stomach and throat.

Even if a person can be saved, he is guaranteed lifelong disability and daily intake of vital medications.

  1. Hydrochloric acid vapor poisoning. It's more common occurrence, especially in production. The poisoning is not as deep and destructive as when taking acid orally, but it is also very serious. Hydrochloric acid vapor is very toxic.

What's happening:

  • Burn of the nasal mucosa, nasopharynx and mouth.
  • The appearance of gradual swelling.
  • Partial destruction of the protective mucous membrane.
  • It is possible to switch to lungs.


  • Sudden hoarseness of voice.
  • Pain in the nasopharynx and throat.
  • Severe suffocating cough. There may be discharge of mucus or mucous clots with blood.
  • Chest pain.
  • Suffocation.

First aid:

  • Remove the person from the acid leak area.
  • Apply something cold to your throat to relieve pain.
  • Rinse your throat with a weak solution of furatsilin or soda.
  • Drink warm milk.

How longer person inhaled vapors of hydrochloric acid, the greater the likelihood of developing pulmonary edema.

Then it is most likely death. In other cases, with timely medical care, the prognosis is favorable. But the patient’s quality of life will never be the same due to multiple restrictions and the need to take medications.

  1. External burn on skin contact. A chemical burn with hydrochloric acid is a very painful and difficult to heal injury. You should always wear gloves when working with it.

What's happening:

  • The skin changes its color to yellow.
  • A scab forms - a soft white crust.
  • The skin is destroyed even after the acid wears off.
  • The severity of the burn, the degree of damage and treatment measures can only be determined after a week.


  • Sharp pain at the site of acid contact.
  • Change of color of the epidermis.
  • Blistering.
  • Tissue necrosis - with strong acid concentration.

First aid:

  • If foreign objects stick to the skin - fabric, leather, etc. – you can’t tear it off!
  • Rinse the burn area with cold water.
  • After using water, rinse the burn area alkaline solution– a teaspoon of soda per glass of water.

With an external burn, the prognosis is most favorable. Application of external medications as prescribed by the attending physician, will significantly speed up the healing process. The impact of an external burn on the victim’s quality of life is minimal compared to other types of poisoning.

Hydrochloric acid poisoning is always very painful and serious.

Even its short-term effect on the human body is extremely destructive. The affected tissues will never fully recover and restore their functions.

Hydrochloric acid is a strong inorganic acid that is extremely toxic to the body. Any contact with hydrogen chloride, as this compound is also called, is dangerous to human health and life and is highly traumatic. Both hydrochloric acid vapors and the liquid itself are poisonous, although the damaging effect is in various ways contact with it varies.

It is visually difficult to distinguish pure hydrochloric acid - HCl - from water, because it is transparent and colorless. However, her sharp strong smell It’s impossible not to feel it, so accidental poisoning can only occur in children who carelessly take a sip from an unidentified bottle that was improperly stored. Well, highly concentrated hydrochloric acid, when uncorked, forms a cloud of smoke (“fog”), which smells just as pungent, by which it can be recognized. The acid that is used in industrial conditions, is technical and has various impurities (for example, iron, which also gives it a faint greenish or yellowish tint.

How does hydrochloric acid poisoning occur?

If you remember school course biology and chemistry, it turns out that hydrochloric acid in a minimum, safe concentration is in the stomach of each of us: it is the active component of gastric juice, thanks to which food is broken down. However, in industrial, laboratory and technical concentrations, hydrochloric acid is a powerful destructive factor.

Poisoning with hydrochloric acid is possible not only in laboratories (it can be obtained by mixing water with hydrogen chloride) or in production (hydrogen chloride is used by the chemical and pharmacological industries, and it is also used in food production). Household poisoning It is also possible, because it is used, for example, for cleaning surfaces.

If poisoning occurs in production and in laboratories, the causes are usually negligence, violation of technology and safety precautions when using the substance, or a sudden leak during accidents and depressurization of containers for storing or transporting acid, as well as a ventilation malfunction. The most dangerous thing is to be on the floor or in the lower floors and basements, since the vapors of hydrochloric acid are heavier than air and fall down.

Household vapor poisoning occurs if, when using acid (for cleaning), a person neglects to protect the skin, respiratory system and mucous membranes of the eyes. Contact poisoning through contact of a substance with the skin most often occurs when it is poured into another container or used carelessly.

Symptoms of hydrochloric acid poisoning

How does acid interact with tissues and organs? human body, depends on the method of injury.

Hydrochloric acid vapors affect the body through respiratory tract. It is they who become the “target” of harmful effects, causing:

  • pain in the chest and throat area,
  • nosebleeds and vomiting of blood in case of high vapor concentrations,
  • painful cough.
  • hoarseness,
  • feeling of lack of air, suffocation,
  • pain in the eyes and painful reaction to light,
  • redness of the conjunctiva,
  • lacrimation,
  • asphyxia, swelling of the mucous membranes of the larynx, bronchi, and then the lungs, which can cause the death of the victim.

In order not to miss the signs of a terrible complication - pulmonary edema - it is important to know them. This:

  • chest pain,
  • severe shortness of breath,
  • frothy cough with pinkish sputum,
  • wet rales in the lungs,
  • lethargy and weakness,
  • bluish skin,
  • frequent heartbeat.

Liquid acid can also come into contact with the skin and internal organs- depending on the situation. In any case, it necrotizes and cauterizes tissue, destroying proteins, coagulating them (causing so-called coagulation necrosis: the appearance of ulcers and erosions on the mucous membranes).

Contact with acid on the skin causes a burn, which will be the stronger the more concentrated the substance caused it. Relatively minor burn will cause painful redness and burning, more serious - severe pain (up to painful shock), blisters, tissue death, coloring of the skin yellow-gray. Acid getting into the eyes is extremely traumatic - it is almost guaranteed to cause partial or total loss vision.

Internal acid damage almost always has the most serious consequences. What happens if you drink hydrochloric acid? Severe burn of mucous membranes over the entire area of ​​contact with it: lips, tongue, teeth and all oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines. Externally, the symptoms look like this:

  • burning pain inside that can cause pain shock,
  • gray-yellow tint of the affected mucous membranes,
  • bloody, painful vomiting and sputum,
  • cough accompanied by severe pain,
  • possible pulmonary edema and toxic pneumonia,
  • profuse salivation,
  • yellowing of the skin,
  • brown spots on teeth,
  • dark brown urine (a sign of kidney damage),
  • pain in the right side (a sign of the development of severe liver damage),
  • at a high concentration of the substance, perforation of the stomach is possible - it is burned through.

A state of shock, in addition to pain, can also be caused by general intoxication of the body with damage to the liver and kidneys, caused by the destruction and death of body cells.

In a word, if this is a method of suicide, it is extremely painful, excruciating, lengthy ( acute condition lasts up to 2 days), and most importantly - unreliable, since the modern level of medicine allows us to help even in such cases with timely assistance, but the consequences for health will be extremely severe, up to lifelong disability.

How and with what can you help before the doctors arrive?

The victim, regardless of the method of injury, in case of hydrochloric acid poisoning needs immediate medical care and, as a rule, emergency hospitalization. Therefore, if you find a poisoned person with the above symptoms (an adult or child), or you yourself are injured and conscious, the first thing you need to do is call an ambulance or take him to the hospital.

The next steps are:

  • stopping the damaging effects of acid:
    • if these are couples, it is necessary fresh air(open windows or take the victim out of the room);
    • what to do if acid gets on your skin: abundant, long-term rinsing with clean running water (you can also use soapy water), followed by treatment with a weak soda solution (1 tsp per glass of water) and rinsing again;

Important: do not tear off any remaining clothing if it is stuck to the skin!

    • if the substance gets into the eyes, rinse them copiously cool water at least 15-20 minutes.
  • Inspection of the scene: if you manage to find a container with remains of the substance, hand it over to doctors for analysis: as we already know, industrial hydrochloric acid contains impurities, which in themselves can be strong toxins.

What is the healing process?

The actual treatment and removal pain syndrome is as follows:

  • If the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, nose and mouth are affected, rinse with a two percent soda solution, and also prescribe warm milk with soda or Borjomi water, for coughs -
  • If it gets into the eyes, doctors will instill an antibiotic (for example, chloramphenicol) and painkillers (novocaine, dicaine), and then inject sterile peach or Vaseline oil into the conjunctival sac. Next, it is recommended to wear sunglasses so that your eyes are not further irritated by bright light.
  • If the skin is burned, wet furatsilin dressings are applied after washing to prevent the development of infection in the wounds. For minor burns (1st degree), methylene blue can be used. With more severe defeat(2nd degree burn) after treating the skin with alcohol and removing the blisters, a bandage soaked in an anesthetic is applied.
  • If the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are damaged, they are treated with a solution of dicaine (2%). Every 2 hours, the oral cavity is treated with a mixture of vegetable oil with an antibiotic and anesthetic.
  • If the acid gets inside, into the esophagus and stomach, anesthesia with promedol or morphine is necessary, and then emergency rinsing with cold water with the addition of milk or egg white using an oil-treated probe. If it is not possible to rinse the stomach with a tube, antiemetics are not used, but induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue after drinking at least 3-5 glasses of cool water (repeat 3-4 times). It is also necessary to take mucous-enveloping agents internally: whipped egg white, milk, vegetable oil, mucous decoctions (for example, flaxseed). Small pieces of ice that are swallowed and an ice pack on the stomach also help. Next, forced diuresis is carried out.

Important: soda should not be used internally, as it causes copious discharge gas when reacting with acid, which further injures the mucous membranes. Laxatives are also not used, so as not to provoke acid damage to the entire intestine.

  • Relieving pain is necessary to prevent shock, so analgesics are prescribed.
  • Also appointed symptomatic treatment: cardiac medications for heart problems, detoxification to prevent kidney and liver damage, antibiotics to prevent the development of infections, etc.

Prevention methods

  • Store the acid correctly: the container must be special, acid-resistant, and the storage location must be out of reach of children. There should be a marking on the bottle, and so that even a child can understand it, there should be an expressive sticker with symbols mortal danger. Never pour acids into glass drink bottles to prevent children from drinking them by mistake.
  • Strictly adhere to all safety rules before and while working with aggressive chemicals: wear gloves and protective clothing to protect your skin, use goggles and a respirator to protect your mucous membranes, and always check the ventilation.
  1. Evacuate the victim from the contaminated area.
  2. Provide access to fresh air (open windows, doors, unbutton tight clothing).
  3. If the victim is unconscious, place him on his side or on his back with his head turned to one side to prevent aspiration of vomit in case of vomiting.
  4. Rinse your nose and exposed skin with a 2% soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per 200 ml glass of water) and a large number running water, rinse your mouth.
  5. Rinse for a long time (15-20 minutes) and abundantly, with a stream. open eyes running water, drip 1-2 drops of 2% Novocaine solution, 1-2 drops of vaseline oil.
  6. Inhale with a 2% soda solution.
  7. Give to the victim alkaline drink (mineral water still, milk).

Hydrochloric acid vapor poisoning: symptoms and treatment

Hydrochloric acid poisoning through the oral cavity occurs when the poison is swallowed. As a rule, this most often happens in people who are prone to suicide and children who drank the substance as a result of parental inattention. In this case, the following symptoms are noted:

  • pain and burning in the mouth,
  • nausea, brownish-black vomiting, often mixed with blood,
  • severe cough
  • profuse salivation,
  • painful sensations in the esophagus, stomach, behind the sternum,
  • the tongue turns black
  • the skin may become yellowish,
  • Painful sensations appear in the right side due to liver dysfunction.

Technical hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid- a thing in many industries that is simply irreplaceable. Metallurgy, food production, electroplating, medicine - these and many other areas today are difficult to imagine without the use of acids. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what it is technical hydrochloric acid how it is produced and where it is used. We will try to correct this situation - we will consider these issues and note the most important points that concern such an important and irreplaceable chemical product, How hydrochloric acid.

Let's talk about the dangers of coffee. Coffee is like a drug for most of us. Think about how huge the number of people around the world start their day with a cup of coffee before going to work. Some people enjoy coffee and it does not seem to cause them any health problems.

First aid for burns and hydrochloric acid poisoning

The toxicity of the substance lies in the fact that the liquid evaporates in air, releasing gas. It enters the human body through mucous membranes and skin. When hitting skin acid causes strong chemical burn. Every person's stomach also contains hydrochloric acid. It helps the digestive processes. People who have low acidity are prescribed medications with this substance. Hydrogen chloride solution is also used as food additives E 507.

Hydrochloric acid: impact on the environment and human health

Hydrochloric acid (hydrochloric acid) - an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride HCl, is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor of hydrogen chloride. Technical acid has a yellowish-green color due to impurities of chlorine and iron salts. The maximum concentration of hydrochloric acid is about 36% HCl; such a solution has a density of 1.18 g/cm3. Concentrated acid “smoke” in air, since the released gaseous HCl forms tiny droplets of hydrochloric acid with water vapor.

Emissions of hydrochloric acid vapors harm the health of Dzerzhinsk residents

Yesterday it became known that in Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region the normal level of hydrogen chloride in the air was four times exceeded. The measurements were taken not in the industrial zone, but on residential area. While regulatory authorities are trying to figure out which plant was responsible for the release, the situation may repeat itself.

The effect of hydrochloric acid vapor on the body of a pregnant woman and on the fetus

Hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen chloride gas HCl in water. The latter is a hygroscopic colorless gas with pungent odor. HCl is poisonous. Poisoning usually occurs through fog formed when gas interacts with water vapor in the air. HCl is also absorbed on the mucous membranes with the formation of acid, causing severe irritation.

Harm to health hydrochloric acid

If the acid inhalation is short-lived, the person will feel irritation in the eyes, nose, and respiratory tract; Inflammation and pulmonary edema may also develop. Even light breath acid can be fatal. After inhaling acid, a person may experience following symptoms: lips and nails become bluish, there is a feeling of heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath, coughing, suffocation, dizziness, rapid pulse, low blood pressure and weakness. Take the victim to fresh air, provide him with peace and warmth, and, if the person has stopped breathing, carry out resuscitation measures. Seek medical attention immediately.

Stabilizer E 507: why hydrochloric acid is added to candy fillings

Highly purified hydrochloric acid for medical and food industry produced in a more expensive and labor-intensive way. At the first stage, hydrogen chloride is released by burning hydrogen in chlorine. Absorption of the substance by water produces hydrochloric acid premium. It is called “synthetic technical” (GOST 857-95).

What to do if you are poisoned by hydrochloric acid

Internal acid damage almost always has the most serious consequences. What happens if you drink hydrochloric acid? Severe burn of mucous membranes over the entire area of ​​contact with it: lips, tongue, teeth and the entire oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines are affected. Externally, the symptoms look like this:


Possibility of hydrochloric acid poisoning (in pure form or in the form chemical composition, where it is the main component) in concentrations that threaten life and health are quite high for humans. The following situations can serve as a reason for poisoning:

Symptoms and treatment of hydrogen chloride poisoning

Monitor the condition of the victim, monitor his breathing and heartbeat. If he has lost consciousness, place him on a flat, hard surface and turn his head to the side. The most convenient way to monitor your pulse is carotid artery, which passes under the skin on the anterolateral surface of the neck.

Poisoning by smoke vapors from concentrated acids and alkalis

At yours? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor to not only prevent terrible disease, but also support healthy mind in the body and the organism as a whole.

Hydrochloric acid (E507)

However, because it is used in the food industry as a food additive to regulate pH, hydrochloric acid is neutralized or buffered by the food to which it is added. Thus, a person does not consume the acid itself, but the chloride ion in the salts that are formed during the neutralization reaction.

Hydrochloric acid (H Cl)hazard class 3

(concentrated hydrochloric acid)

Colorless, transparent, aggressive, non-flammable liquid with a pungent odor of hydrogen chloride. Represents 36% ( concentrated) a solution of hydrogen chloride in water. Heavier than water. It boils at a temperature of +108.6 0 C, and hardens at a temperature of –114.2 0 C. It dissolves well in water in all proportions, “smoke” in air due to the formation of hydrogen chloride with water vapor and fog droplets. Interacts with many metals, metal oxides and hydroxides, phosphates and silicates. When interacting with metals, it releases a flammable gas (hydrogen); when mixed with other acids, it causes spontaneous combustion of some materials. Destroys paper, wood, fabrics. Causes burns upon contact with skin. Exposure to hydrochloric acid fog, which is formed as a result of the interaction of hydrogen chloride with water vapor in the air, causes poisoning.

Hydrochloric acid is used in chemical synthesis, for processing ores, pickling metals. It is obtained by dissolving hydrogen chloride in water. Technical hydrochloric acid is produced with a strength of 27.5-38% by weight.

Hydrochloric acid is transported and stored in rubberized (coated with a layer of rubber) metal railway and road tanks, containers, cylinders, which are its temporary storage. Typically, hydrochloric acid is stored in above-ground cylindrical vertical rubberized tanks (volume 50-5000 m3) at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature or in 20-liter glass bottles. Maximum storage volumes 370 tons.

Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the air inhabited items is 0.2 mg/m 3 in air working area production premises 5 mg/m3. At a concentration of 15 mg/m3, the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes are affected, a sore throat, hoarseness, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing appear. At concentrations of 50 mg/m3 and above, bubbling breathing occurs, sharp pains behind the sternum and in the stomach area, vomiting, spasm and swelling of the larynx, loss of consciousness. Concentrations of 50-75 mg/m 3 are difficult to tolerate. A concentration of 75-100 mg/m3 is intolerable. A concentration of 6400 mg/m 3 within 30 minutes is lethal. The maximum permissible concentration when using industrial and civil gas masks is 16,000 mg/m 3 .

When eliminating accidents, associated with a spill of hydrochloric acid, it is necessary to isolate the danger zone, remove people from it, stay to the windward side, and avoid low places. Directly at the accident site and in contaminated areas with high concentrations at a distance of up to 50 m from the spill site, work is carried out in insulating gas masks IP-4M, IP-5 (using chemically bound oxygen) or breathing apparatus ASV-2, DASV (using compressed air), KIP-8, KIP-9 (using compressed oxygen) and skin protection products (L-1, OZK, KIKH-4, KIKH-5). At a distance of more than 50 m from the source, where the concentration sharply decreases, skin protective equipment need not be used, and for respiratory protection, industrial gas masks with boxes of brands B, BKF, as well as civilian gas masks GP-5, GP-7, PDF-2D are used , PDF-2Sh complete with an additional cartridge DPG-3 or respirators RPG-67, RU-60M with a box of brand V.

Protective equipment

Time of protective action (hour) at concentrations (mg/m 3)





Industrial gas masks

large size


Civilian gas masks

GP-5, GP-7, PDF-2D, PDF-2SH

with DPG-3

Respirators RU-60M, RPG-67

Due to the fact that hydrochloric acid "smoke" in the air with the formation droplets of fog interacting hydrogen chloride with water vapor, the presence in the air is determined hydrogen chloride.

The presence of hydrogen chloride is determined:

In the air of an industrial zone with an OKA-T-N gas analyzer Cl , gas alarm IGS-98-N Cl , universal gas analyzer UG-2 with a measurement range of 0-100 mg/m 3 , gas detector of industrial chemical emissions GPHV-2 in the range of 5-500 mg/m 3 .

In open space – with SIP “CORSAR-X” devices.

Indoors – SIP “VEGA-M”

Neutralizes hydrochloric acid and hydrogen chloride vapors the following alkaline solutions:

5% aqueous solution caustic soda (for example, 50 kg of caustic soda per 950 liters of water);

5% aqueous solution of soda powder (for example, 50 kg of soda some powder for 950 liters of water);

5% aqueous solution of slaked lime (for example, 50 kg of slaked lime per 950 liters of water);

5% water solution of caustic soda (for example, 50 kg of caustic soda per 950 liters of water);

In the event of a hydrochloric acid spill and there is no embankment or pan, the spill site is fenced off with an earthen rampart, hydrogen chloride vapor is precipitated by placing a water curtain (water consumption is not standardized), the spilled acid is neutralized to safe concentrations with water (8 tons of water per 1 ton of acid) in compliance with all measures precautions or a 5% aqueous solution of alkali (3.5 tons of solution per 1 ton of acid) and neutralize 5% aqueous solution of alkali (7.4 tons of solution per 1 ton of acid).

To spray water or solutions, watering and fire trucks, auto-filling stations (ATs, PM-130, ARS-14, ARS-15), as well as hydrants and special systems available at chemically hazardous facilities are used.

To dispose of contaminated soil at the site of a hydrochloric acid spill, the surface layer of soil is cut off to the depth of contamination, collected and transported for disposal using earthmoving vehicles (bulldozers, scrapers, motor graders, dump trucks). The cut areas are covered with a fresh layer of soil and washed with water for control purposes.

Leader actions: isolate the danger zone within a radius of at least 50 meters, remove people from it, stay to the windward side, avoid low places. Enter the accident area only in full protective clothing.

Providing first aid:

In the contaminated area: rinse eyes and face generously with water, put on anti-vogaza, urgent withdrawal (removal) from the outbreak.

After evacuating a contaminated area: warming, rest, washing off the acid from exposed skin and clothing with water, washing the eyes abundantly with water, if breathing is difficult, apply heat to the neck area, subcutaneously - 1 ml. 0.1% atropine sulfate solution. Immediate evacuation to a medical facility.

Material safety data sheet.

1. Name and composition of the substance.

1.1. Name.

technical (according to RD): hydrochloric acid

chemical (according to IUPAC): hydrochloride aqueous

synonyms: hydrochloric acid, hydrochloric acid

1.2. Compound.

1.3. The degree of danger of the product as a whole.

The product is an industrial poison and a caustic substance, highly dangerous in terms of its impact on the body. Special skin and eye protection is required.

2. Types of hazardous exposure.

2.1. Impact on humans.

High dangerous substance with a highly targeted mechanism of action. The hydrochloric acid mist has a pronounced irritant effect on the upper respiratory tract, skin, eyes, and causes severe chemical burns.

Entry routes:

By inhalation, in contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, and in the digestive organs.

Affected human organs, tissues and systems:

Central nervous and respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skin, eyes.

Observed symptoms:

In case of inhalation poisoning: cough, sore throat, lacrimation, runny nose, irregular breathing, suffocation, hoarseness, chest pain, vomiting blood.

If ingested: burns of the lips, oral mucosa, sharp pain in the epigastric region, vomiting with blood, hoarseness, spasm and swelling of the larynx, pain shock, collapse.

In case of contact with eyes: conjunctivitis and damage to the cornea of ​​the eyes, pain, possible blindness.

After contact with skin: occurs serous inflammation with blisters, ulcerations appear with relatively long contact.

2.2. Environmental impact.

General characteristics of the impact:

Hydrochloric acid is dangerous for the environment.

Ways of environmental impact:

If the rules of storage and transportation are violated, due to emergency situations, unorganized disposal and disposal of waste, etc.

Observable signs of impact:

Atmospheric air pollution is detected by the presence of a strong, pronounced odor. Pollution water bodies leads to change organoleptic properties water (appearance of a characteristic odor and taste).

When decreasing pH value in the water of reservoirs (pH<4,0) наблюдается токсическое действие на рыб уже через несколько часов. При этом кожные покровы и жабры покрываются слизью, респираторный эпителий, а затем жаберные листки разрушаются. Очень чувствительны к кислоте карпы, снижение pH до 4,8 является для них критическим.

Hygienic standards (maximum permissible concentrations in various environmental objects):

MPC avg. =5 mg/m3 (vapor); 2 classes dangers;

MPC ss. =0.1 mg/m3; 2 classes dangers;

MPC of water = 350 mg/l, org. taste; control of the pH value in water is necessary (pH = 6.5-8.5); 4 grades dangers;

MPC for fish farms (chloride anion)=300 mg/l; 4 grades dangers (environmental); for sea waters – 11900 mg/l; control of the pH value in water is necessary (pH = 6.5-8.5).

3. First aid measures.

3.1. In case of poisoning by inhalation (by inhalation):

Place the victim in a horizontal position; fresh air, drinking warm milk with baking soda; antihistamines and antitussives.

Urgent hospitalization!

3.2. For oral poisoning (if swallowed):

Drink plenty of cold water with pieces of ice, milk (if possible with a few beaten raw eggs or antacids that do not contain bicarbonates); be careful with the introduction of carbonates and neutralization. It is contraindicated to induce vomiting artificially!

Urgent hospitalization!

3.3. Skin contact:

Remove excess substance with a cotton swab and rinse with running water for 10-15 minutes.

Urgent hospitalization!

3.4. In case of eye contact:

Immediately rinse with running water or isotonic sodium chloride solution or 4% trisamine solution with the palpebral fissure wide open for 10-15 minutes.

Urgent hospitalization!

3.5. Contraindications:

Inducing vomiting artificially is contraindicated.

3.6. First aid equipment:

Baking soda, antihistamines and antitussives, solutions of sodium chloride or trisamine.

4. Measures and means to ensure fire and explosion hazard.

4.1. General characteristics of fire and explosion hazard:

Non-flammable liquid.

4.2. Fire and explosion hazard indicators:


4.3. Hazard caused by combustion and thermal destruction products:

There is no possibility of thermal destruction.

Using sprayed water and air-mechanical foam. All fire extinguishing means are used according to the main source of ignition (polymer packaging is initially involved in the fire).

No information available.

4.6. Personal protective equipment when extinguishing fires:

Isolating protective suit KIKH-5 C complete with an insulating gas mask IP-4M or a breathing apparatus ASV-2. In the absence of the specified samples - a protective combined arms suit L-1 or L-2 complete with an industrial gas mask with cartridges B with an aerosol filter, BKF, KD.

4.7. Specifics when extinguishing.

Containers with acid in a fire zone can explode when heated; cooling with water from a maximum distance is required. When interacting with many metals (Al, Zn, Fe, Co, Ni, Pb, etc.), hydrogen is released, forming an explosive mixture with air (volume explosion limits of a mixture of hydrogen and air are 4-75%).

5. Measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations.

5.1. Emergency prevention measures.

Sealing of equipment, vehicles, containers, use of acid-resistant materials, ventilation of premises, automatic control of the content of hydrochloric acid in the air of the working area. Use of PPE.

All fire extinguishing means are used according to the main source of ignition (polymer packaging is initially involved in the fire).

Avoid inhaling acid fumes. Avoid splashing or spilling acid. Add acid to water. Store in airtight containers, use acid-resistant materials. Do not store together with alkalis, organic and flammable substances, oxidizers. Hydrochloric acid storage facilities are located outdoors or in unheated warehouses with good ventilation.

Avoid inhaling hydrochloric acid vapors and contacting the skin and eyes. Use PPE. Room ventilation is required. Sealing of equipment, devices, containers. Automatic control of harmful substances in the air of the working area. Observe measures to ensure personnel safety.

Avoid spilling acid. Prevent product from entering drainage, sewerage, water bodies, and soil. Systematic monitoring of harmful substances in the atmospheric air for compliance with MPC standards. Monitor the pH value (pH=6.5-8.5) in the water of reservoirs.

Transported as dangerous goods.

5.2. Emergency response measures.

Required general actions:

Isolate the danger zone within a radius of at least 50 m. Remove bystanders. Enter the danger zone wearing protective equipment. Keep to windward. Avoid low places. Provide first aid to the injured.

Actions in case of leakage, spillage, scattering:

Report to CSEN. Do not touch spilled substance. Fix the leak taking precautions. Pump the contents into a serviceable, dry, corrosion-protected container or into a drainage container, observing the conditions for displacing liquids. Protect spills with an earthen rampart, neutralize them with a solution of alkali, soda or lime, or fill them with plenty of water, taking precautions. If possible, remove metal products from the accident area or protect them from contact with substances. Do not allow substances to enter water bodies, basements, or sewers.

Actions in case of fire:

Cool containers with water from as far away as possible.

Actions to eliminate the consequences of an emergency:

For dispersion (sedimentation, isolation of vapors), use sprayed water. Pump out the substance from low-lying areas taking precautions. Cut off the surface layer of contaminated soil, collect it and remove it for disposal. Cover the cut areas with a fresh layer of soil. Wash the surfaces of the rolling stock with plenty of water and detergent compositions.

6. Handling and storage rules.

6.1. Safety measures and protective equipment when working with a substance (material).

Uninterrupted ventilation operation. Sealing of equipment and transport containers, use of acid-resistant materials. Equipment of production premises with water fountains. Use of PPE. Prevent acid spills. Automatic control of the concentration of acid vapors in the air of the working area. While working with acid, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke. When diluting, add acid to water.

6.2. Conditions and terms of safe storage.

Hydrochloric acid is stored in sealed containers of the manufacturer and consumer, made of materials resistant to hydrochloric acid. The shelf life of the product is unlimited.