Adverse reactions of hormonal drugs. Side effects of hormonal contraceptives kill

This group medicines used for hormone therapy. The effect of such drugs on the body has been studied well enough so that it does not cause concern.

Such a broad group as hormonal drugs includes the following categories of drugs:

  • Contraceptives.
  • Therapeutic (drugs whose action is aimed at curing a disease caused by a lack of a hormone).
  • Regulatory (for example, to normalize menstrual cycle).
  • Maintenance (insulin for diabetics).

All drugs affect the body and women in different ways. It all depends on the general condition of the body, the presence of serious diseases and the state of the immune system.


This group is used for hormone therapy and is available in the form of tablets and ointments. Pills treat serious illness caused by deviations in the hormonal sphere, and ointments have a local effect.

In girls who lack hormone production, the skin suffers from cracks and wounds in winter period because the synthesis of new cells is disrupted. To deal with such an annoyance. The doctor prescribes creams, ointments and lotions containing hormones. Usually corticosteroids are included in the ointment, which are absorbed into the blood after a few hours.

Such drugs can seriously affect the body. Therefore, it is important to maintain the dosage and, when prescribing, immediately determine the duration of the course, since one wrong step can lead to complications of existing problems.

Regulatory drugs

Due to lifestyle modern woman, deteriorating nutrition and polluted ecology, many of the fair sex are faced with menstrual irregularities. This can affect not only the genital area of ​​the body, but also general condition organism. Hormonal disorders may lead to the development oncological diseases breasts, as well as infertility. Action hormonal drugs can help solve problems.

However, before admission, it is necessary to conduct examinations and tests. First, a blood test is performed for certain substances. He will be able to identify either their excess. Such tests are quite expensive, but in order to solve problems, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. After detecting a deficiency or excess of hormones, regulation of their content begins. For this, courses of injections or tablets are prescribed. Properly selected oral contraceptives will help normalize the cycle without harm to health.

Any remedy containing hormones requires scrupulousness in determining the dosage, since it is quite simple to cross the line of the required dose. For example, exceeding the norm can lead to hair loss, swelling and pain in the mammary glands.

Hormonal preparations can be made on the basis of hormones of natural origin or they are synthetically produced substances. With a course of hormonal therapy, it is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background and normalizing metabolic processes. Depending on the functional state of one or another gland, hormone therapy is conditionally divided into replacement, stimulating and blocking.

Negative effects of hormones

For the body of both men and women, the use of hormonal drugs can cause such backfire, how:

  • osteoporosis and mucosal ulcers duodenum and the stomach itself when taking glucocorticoids;
  • weight loss and cardiac arrhythmia when taking hormonal drugs thyroid gland;
  • too much a sharp decline blood sugar while taking insulin.

The effect of hormonal ointments on the body

Preparations containing hormones for external use can vary greatly in the degree of impact on the body. Ointments and creams are considered the most powerful, gels and lotions contain lower concentrations. Hormonal ointments used to treat skin diseases and allergic manifestations. Their action is aimed at eliminating the causes of inflammation and irritation on the skin.

However, if we compare ointments with tablets or injections, then their harm is minimal, since absorption into the blood occurs in small doses. In some cases, the use of ointments can lead to a decrease in the productivity of the adrenal glands, but after the end of the course of treatment, their functionality is restored on their own.

The effect of hormonal contraceptives on the body of a woman

Features of the influence of hormonal drugs on the human body are that many factors are perceived purely individually. The use of such drugs is not only an interference with natural physiological processes, but also the impact on the functioning of body systems during the day. Therefore, the decision to prescribe hormonal drugs can only be made by an experienced doctor based on the results. comprehensive survey and analyses.

Hormonal contraceptives can be made in various forms and dosages:

  • combined;
  • mini-drank;
  • injections;
  • plasters;
  • subcutaneous implants;
  • postcoidal drugs;
  • hormone rings.

Combination preparations contain substances similar to female hormones produced by the ovaries. To be able to choose the optimal medicine, all groups of drugs can be monophasic, biphasic and triphasic. They differ in the proportions of hormones.

Knowing about the properties of gestagens and estrogens, certain mechanisms of action of oral contraceptives can be distinguished:

  • decrease in the secretion of gonadotropic hormones due to the effects of progestogen;
  • increased acidity of the vagina due to the influence of estrogens;
  • increased viscosity of cervical mucus;
  • in each instruction there is the phrase "implantation of the egg", which is a veiled abortive effect of drugs.

In the time that has passed since the appearance of the first oral contraceptives, the debate about the safety of the use of drugs does not subside, and research in this area continues.

What hormones are in contraceptives

Typically, hormonal contraceptives use progestogens, which are also called progestins and progestogens. These are hormones that are produced corpus luteum ovaries, in small amounts by the adrenal cortex and during pregnancy by the placenta. The main gestagen is progesterone, which helps prepare the uterus in a state favorable for the development of a fertilized egg.

Another component of oral contraceptives is. Estrogens are produced by the ovarian follicles and the adrenal cortex. Estrogens include three main hormones: estriol and estrogen. These hormones are needed in contraceptives to normalize the menstrual cycle, but not to protect against unwanted conception.

Side effects of hormonal drugs

Each drug has a number of side effects that can occur when a decision is made to immediately stop the drug.

The most frequently recorded cases of side effects of hormonal drugs:

  • Hemolytic-uremic syndrome. It is manifested by such disorders as anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure.
  • Porphyria, which is a violation of the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  • Hearing loss due to otosclerosis.

All manufacturers of hormonal drugs indicate thromboembolism as a side effect, which is extremely rare. This condition is a blockage of the vessel by a thrombus. If side effects exceed the benefit of the drug, it must be discontinued.

Side effects of oral contraceptives are:

  • (lack of menstrual flow);
  • headache;
  • blurred vision;
  • the change blood pressure;
  • depression;
  • weight gain;
  • soreness in the mammary glands.

Studies on the side effects of oral contraceptives

V foreign countries Studies are constantly being conducted on the side effects of hormonal drugs on a woman's body, which revealed the following facts:

  • Hormonal contraceptives are used by more than 100 million women in different countries.
  • The number of deaths from venous and arterial diseases fixed from 2 to 6 per year per million.
  • Risk venous thrombosis important for young women
  • Arterial thrombosis is relevant for older women.
  • Among smoking women accepting OK, number deaths is about 100 per million per year.

The effect of hormones on the male body

The male body is also seriously dependent on hormones. The male body also contains female hormones. Violation of the optimal balance of hormones leads to various diseases.

Either estrogen leads to decreased testosterone production. This can cause problems:

  • in the cardiovascular system;
  • with memory;
  • age;
  • decrease in immunity.

If the balance of hormones is disturbed, a course of hormone therapy is necessary, which will help to avoid further deterioration in health.

Progesterone has a male nervous system calming effect and helps men suffering from premature ejaculation, solve sexual problems.

Normal levels of estrogen in male body has a number of useful properties:

  • preservation optimal level"good cholesterol";
  • pronounced muscle growth;
  • regulation of the nervous system;
  • libido improvement.

When noted:

  • inhibition of testosterone production;
  • body fat according to the female type;
  • gynecomastia.
  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • decreased libido;
  • depression.

Any of the symptoms is extremely unpleasant, so do not hesitate to visit the doctor. A competent specialist will be able to full examination and prescribe a course of drugs that will significantly improve the condition of the body.


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Doctor's prescriptions are checked online and are often not followed up. Hormonal drugs are especially “disliked”: “Doctor, not hormones!” How dangerous are these drugs? Let's figure it out.

case from practice

Young woman, 8 weeks pregnant. Level Up thyroid-stimulating hormone pituitary gland (TSH). I inform the patient that she has hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function. I prescribe treatment, explain: a hormonal drug is needed for normal development fetus. The patient appears already before childbirth. TSH is still high. He doesn’t take the medicine - the mother-in-law forbade: “These are hormones!”.

A few years later we meet by chance on the street, she leads her son by the hand: “Hello, doctor, this is my Mitya.” Mitya has an absent look, he does not speak yet, he is noticeably behind in development from his peers. His mother has a pale, swollen face, her voice has become rough, low: it seems that hypothyroidism is progressing. The outcome could have been different. But the “iron” argument came out against the doctor’s prescriptions - “I don’t want to drink hormones!”.

Set in motion

Hormones are produced by special endocrine glands. "Hormone" is translated from Greek as "I set in motion, excite, induce." Hormones act distally, that is, at a distance from the gland where they were formed, their effects are diverse and unique.

When there are few or many

We have many different hormones, and their production is subject to strict laws. But in some diseases, the formation of hormones is disrupted.

sometimes work endocrine glands decreases. If you do not make a correct diagnosis in time and do not start proper treatment, trouble will happen. And what is the correct treatment for a lack of a certain hormone? Of course, compensation for the missing factor. Here are some examples.

Type 1 diabetes A disease in which the hormone insulin stops being produced. Without it, glucose does not enter the cells and is not formed from it. necessary for the body energy. Thanks to insulin preparations, people with diabetes live a full life.

Another example - adrenal insufficiency: weakness increases, weight loss, blood circulation is disturbed. Fortunately, there are medications similar to adrenal hormones (glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids).

Hypothyroidism- decreased thyroid function - requires compensation for the deficiency of levothyroxine, a thyroid hormone. It is inactive, but, getting into cells, it turns into active triiodothyronine, which is in charge of protein biosynthesis.

hypogonadism- insufficiency of the function of the sex glands. It occurs in both men and women. Main symptom- infertility. Treatment with drugs of sex hormones can solve the problem.

It happens the other way around: too many hormones are produced. Could be an adenoma endocrine gland or the appearance of stimulating antibodies that cause the gland to work in the “pot, boil!” mode.

An excess of hormones is no less dangerous than a deficiency: "a flood is no better than a drought." It is treated with drugs that block the gland or by removing the "naughty" gland.

From allergies to sclerosis

All of the above applies to diseases of the endocrine system and the principles of their treatment. However, the use of hormones in medicine is much wider. Thus, drugs similar to the hormones of the adrenal cortex (glucocorticoids) are treated autoimmune diseases: bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis other.

Glucocorticoids quickly improve the patient's condition. But they are appointed according to certain principles in order to healing effect was optimal and side effects- unexpressed.

female hormone preparations(estrogens and progestins) are used as effective and safe contraceptives and also for the treatment of perimenopausal symptoms.

Preparations male hormones , anabolic steroid are used in the treatment of dystrophic conditions. Alas, these drugs are sometimes abused by athletes to increase muscle mass forgetting about possible complications: damage to the liver, heart, sexual function.

Do not forget: any medicine, if used incorrectly, can be harmful. Drugs, including hormonal ones, are prescribed by a doctor who, when planning treatment, takes into account many factors. various factors: your gender, age, weight, accompanying illnesses, bad habits and previous allergic reactions, heredity.

Many belong to hormone treatment with fear and distrust. It is believed that the consequence of such treatment may be excessive fullness. So what to be prepared for, what you need to know and what to fear if hormone treatment is prescribed?

What role do hormones play?

If the human body can be represented as a harmoniously playing orchestra, then hormones play the role of "conductors". Hormones are produced at the required intervals and in the right proportions. As a result, the body works well, and the person does not get sick. But, if the functioning of the work of any gland is disrupted, then the body hormonal disbalance. To restore hormonal balance, hormonal treatment is prescribed.

Hormone treatment appointed at endocrine diseases, infertility in women and men, menopause, both female and male, osteoporosis, kidney failure, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, ischemic heart disease, skin diseases, acne. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed.

The action of hormones

When ingested, hormones are broken down into chemical compounds that affect certain organs. For example, hormonal contraceptives block the release of an egg from the ovaries, as a result, pregnancy does not occur.

Hormones in the body do not accumulate, but after about a day they are excreted. But, since they start a mechanism that continues to work even after removing them from the body. Therefore, in order to maintain the functioning of this mechanism, hormones must be taken regularly. Hormonal treatment can last several weeks, months and even years. In the latter case, the doctor prescribes breaks in treatment.

Do hormones cause cancer?

To date, it has been proven that high concentration estrogen provokes the growth of breast tissue, and this can lead to. In men, especially if a man smokes, estrogen contributes to lung cancer.

During menopause hormone therapy increases the risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer if taken for more than 10 years. 2-3 women per thousand fall into the risk zone.

Excess estrogen in men increases the risk of developing benign prostate enlargement, heart attack, and stroke.

How to take hormones

Before Appointment hormonal treatment the doctor should conduct an examination, prescribe tests for the content of hormones in the body. He also assesses the state of the body as a whole, taking into account existing diseases. If the doctor boldly writes out a prescription without prescribing tests, beware.

At taking hormonal drugs strictly observe the dosage and frequency. To maintain the desired level of hormones in the blood, hormonal preparations are prescribed clearly by the hour, since through certain time the effect of the drug ends, and you need to take it again.

The instructions for hormonal preparations indicate the recommended time for taking them.

In order for the treatment to be effective, you should never skip taking the pills.

Consequences of hormonal treatment

At the same time, the reaction to taking hormones each person has an individual. But most frequent consequences taking hormonal drugs are: slight weight gain, active hair growth, skin rashes, dizziness, digestive disorders. Taking male hormones can increase blood pressure and cause fluid retention in the body.
It is impossible to take hormonal drugs uncontrollably. For example, remedies for psoriasis and other skin diseases that relieve itching will not cure the underlying disease, but can cause addiction for life.

When not to be treated with hormones

Female hubbub estrogen should not be prescribed during pregnancy, malignant neoplasms, liver diseases.

You can not prescribe hormonal treatment to obese women, heavy smokers, people with venous disease, fibroadenoma or cyst in the mammary gland, predisposition to trombones. If a breast tumor is suspected, hormones are urgently canceled. It is also impossible to take hormonal drugs after removal of the tumor.

If during treatment there is allergic reaction, begins to rapidly gain weight, problems with blood vessels arise, hormonal treatment is stopped.

If during the course of treatment hormone therapy does not bring desired result, the patient feels a deterioration in the condition, then the drug is changed or completely stopped. Do not expect relief immediately after giving up hormonal treatment, it will come after some time, when the mechanism launched by hormones ceases to operate.

Pros of Hormones

Hormonal drugs local action(ointments, sprays, drops) quickly alleviate the condition and relieve symptoms.

Modern hormonal contraceptives not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also improve the skin, remove acne.

In men, hormone therapy facilitates the course of menopause, which occurs after 45 years. In men at this age, there is a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood, which leads to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart disease. A properly selected course of hormones will protect against the occurrence of these diseases, increase physical activity, sex drive, relieve fatigue, irritability, from which men suffer during this period of life.

Do not be afraid hormonal treatment. Some diseases can only be treated with hormones. Be sure to undergo an examination before treatment, strictly adhere to the recommendations and in no case self-medicate. Then you will achieve recovery with minimal consequences.

Endocrinologists and gynecologists have been using hormonal preparations for a long time to restore hormonal levels and treat many diseases associated with a lack or excess of hormones. But for residents of Russia, especially those older than 40-45 years old, this is one of the biggest "horror stories", so the percentage of those taking these drugs is low, although this real chance prolong youth, restore or preserve health.

Should I take hormonal drugs?

Hormones are involved in almost all processes occurring in a woman's body, regardless of age. Hormonal failure can occur as a result of any disease or be a consequence of the onset of menopause in a woman. To restore the background, do without special preparations just impossible.

After 45 years of hormonal replacement therapy in England, about 55% of women are accepted, and in Russia - less than 1%.

Hormonal drugs are widely used to treat and stabilize conditions caused by hormone imbalances.

Are hormonal drugs really that dangerous?

Preparations containing hormones, entering the body, interact with receptors that are sensitive to these proteins. As a result, low hormonal background rises. This is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which is prescribed to a woman in such cases:

  • Thyroid dysfunction. As a result, there is an imbalance of the corresponding hormones, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Diabetes. Without insulin-containing (hormonal) drugs, a woman's life is threatened.
  • Infertility. Often this is due to high level prolactin, the suppression of which with appropriate drugs will solve the problem.
  • Climax, including artificial. Occurs as a result of the extinction of ovarian function or their removal. It is they who produce estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for reproductive function, youthful skin, the severity of symptoms such as hot flashes, cordially- vascular diseases, osteoporosis.

All of these cases are a direct indication for the appointment of HRT, without which the quality of life of a woman decreases, there is a threat of developing serious diseases.

Myths about HRT

Many do not know for sure why hormones should not be taken, they have no reasons for this, but there is a great fear. It is caused by the following myths:

  • They are only contraceptives. This is not so, because the effect on the body depends on the type acting hormone, its concentration. HRT successfully fights against large quantity various diseases.
  • It is a treatment for severe dysfunctions. In fact, even a slight deviation from the norm can cause health problems that are easily solved by taking hormonal drugs.
  • Hormones should not be taken during pregnancy. This is a categorical misconception that leads to self-refusal of patients from taking prescribed drugs. This, in turn, leads to a threat to the life of the child and mother (thyroid dysfunction causes underdevelopment, including mental, in children).
  • Hormones accumulate in tissues. These substances cannot be stored long time, therefore, in the absence of a reaction with receptors, they are quickly destroyed.
  • HRT provokes weight gain. This is possible only with an incorrectly chosen dosage (self-medication), as a result of which hormonal imbalance. It leads to improper absorption of nutrients.
  • HRT can be replaced non-hormonal drugs. An alternative may be products based on phytoestrogens. But they are not able to fully replace hormones, as well as long-term use causes allergic reactions.
  • Young people are not threatened with hormonal failure. The imbalance can be caused by any factor, including stressful situations. Therefore, age is not a contraindication for taking replacement therapy.

Russian women have absolutely unreasonable fear before HRT, which is based on myths, not real facts.

Pros and cons of hormonal drugs

Women are afraid of hormones that are natural for their body, while boldly taking foreign substances - antibiotics. Highest value for women's health have estrogen and progesterone. Maintaining their normal balance will prevent the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, ischemic disease, uterine fibroids, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. They also significantly reduce the symptoms climacteric syndrome, allow you to adjust the menstrual cycle.

Only the attending physician, who has conducted the necessary examinations, can make a decision on the appointment of a particular drug and its doses.

Modern drugs are microdoses that are as safe as possible for a woman's health, and practically do not cause side effects. But sometimes side effects such as dizziness, nausea, indigestion, candidiasis, and a feeling of lack of air can occur. If you notice any deterioration in well-being, consult a doctor so that he can adjust the therapy.

Why are hormonal drugs dangerous for women?

The danger of taking hormonal drugs arises only in case of self-medication. There are a number of contraindications for prescribing HRT, and a detailed examination is also required beforehand.

Replacement therapy is contraindicated if there is:

  • Malignant tumors of the breast or uterus. This is a 100% contraindication, while benign neoplasms do not apply to the prohibition of prescribing hormone therapy. Recent studies show that modern drugs can prevent the development of any tumor processes.
  • Ovarian cyst. But the ban applies only to diseases caused by an imbalance of sex hormones. If the cause is pituitary hormones, then therapy is indicated for use.
  • High thrombosis. In this case taking HRT can cause new blood clots to form.
  • Myocardial infarction as a result of coronary artery disease. This suggests that it is too late to take hormones.
  • Fibroadenoma. Increased risk of rebirth benign education into malignant.

Other types of cancer are not a contraindication to HRT.

Hormonal contraceptives around the world are considered the most reliable in terms of protection against unwanted pregnancy. They are trusted by millions of women in civilized countries. They give freedom to choose the time of birth of the desired child, emancipation in sexual relations, getting rid of some diseases and suffering. Subject to the rules of use hormonal contraceptives provide, without a doubt, a high level of reliability. In the last decade, interest in this method of protection has also increased in our country, but passions about the benefits and harms, advantages and disadvantages in their use do not subside.

How contraceptive pills work

modern oral contraceptives may contain one or two hormones: progesterone and estrogen - then they are called combined, or only progesterone - the so-called mini-pills.

Combined contraceptives are divided into drugs:

  • with microdoses of hormones;
  • with low doses;
  • medium dosed;
  • With high doses hormones.
Preparations "mini-drank" are considered the most sparing of all birth control pills.

How do birth control pills work?

Contraceptive pills consist of synthetic hormones, which are analogues of female sex hormones, which are produced in the body of a woman constantly during pregnancy. It is estrogen and progesterone that inhibit the production of other hormones that stimulate the maturation of the follicle, due to which ovulation occurs. Therefore, by administering small doses of estrogen and progesterone with the pill, it becomes possible to suppress or slow down ovulation (ovum maturation). On this principle, the mechanism of action of all combined hormonal agents is built.

The action of the "mini-drank" is based on the same principles, but the effective point here is the effect of the tablets on the structure of the uterine mucosa, and on the change in the viscosity of the secretion cervical canal. The thickening of the secret and the friability of the endometrium does not allow sperm to fertilize the egg, and the egg itself to gain a foothold in the uterus.

All these phenomena disappear together with the termination of reception of contraceptives. reproductive function within two to three months is restored, and the woman can have the desired pregnancy.

The action of birth control pills prevents pregnancy by almost 100% if they are used correctly. At the same time, the use of these drugs regulates the menstrual cycle, relieves a woman from pain during menstruation, from menstrual bleeding. Modern contraceptives alleviate premenstrual symptoms and menopausal periods, reduce the risk of cancer, stop unwanted facial hair growth, the appearance of acne.

Does the effect of birth control pills decrease with alcohol?

Women, especially at a young age, often wonder how alcohol affects the reliability of birth control pills. Is it possible to joint reception? Of course, this question is legitimate, because taking contraceptives can be long, and life is life, and no one is immune from the circumstances when alcohol intake can occur.

I want to always be sure of efficiency contraceptives and know what factors can reduce it. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to completely eliminate alcohol. And the instructions for contraceptives often do not indicate that they cannot be combined with alcohol intake.

What to do if it is planned festive feast? If the celebration is scheduled for the evening, then the pill should be moved three hours earlier or later. In extreme cases, you can postpone taking the pill in the morning, as if you forgot to take it, but then you need to follow the instructions for the drug exactly according to it. It is also necessary to see a gynecologist to exclude pregnancy.

According to WHO, the dose of alcohol should not exceed 20 mg of ethanol per day, if there is still a need in combination with birth control pills. Moderation in drinking alcohol plays a big role in maintaining the effectiveness of contraceptives.

Side effects

The main disadvantages of birth control pills are their side effects on the body, which include:
  • Bloody spotting, especially common at the beginning of taking the pills. After adaptation to the drug, as a rule, disappear.
  • Estrogens, which are part of contraceptives, can cause bloating, swelling of the lower extremities, fluid retention in the body, increased blood pressure, migraine headaches.
  • Progestins - on the contrary, cause irritability, nervousness, acne, some weight gain.
  • Weight gain may be related to increased appetite when taking contraceptives. In some cases, this is due to fluid retention in the body.
  • Sometimes birth control pills may cause the appearance dark spots on the face, resembling characteristic spots during pregnancy. In this case, it is better to switch to another type of pill.
  • Formidable vascular diseases such as thrombosis can be caused. Their occurrence depends entirely on the dose of hormones in the remedy. How more dose estrogen, the greater the risk of developing vascular thrombosis.
  • When taking certain contraceptives, smoking is unacceptable. Women who smoke are at risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.
  • Taking combined oral contraceptives can cause cholelithiasis attacks, and cause the formation of new stones in the biliary tract.
  • Side effects may occur with a combination of contraceptives oral agents with others medicines: antibiotics, antifungal agents, etc.

What contraceptive pills get better?

Modern contraceptives, which have microdoses of hormonal components in their composition, do not cause weight gain.

But, in case of the wrong choice of drug for a particular woman or girl, some weight gain is quite possible. Many women experience weight gain in the first two months of taking contraceptives, which is easily explained by the adaptation of the body. If in the future the weight increases, then it is necessary to decide on the transition to another type of tablet.

The effect of contraceptives on fat metabolism is well studied. Therefore, it is possible for each woman to choose a remedy that would not cause the above side effects.

Bleeding while taking birth control pills

Bleeding while using birth control pills is a possible side effect. Bleeding can be both spotting and breakthrough.

Spotting bleeding occurs in the first months of taking contraceptives. More often they are observed when using drugs with a low content of hormones than when combined. The reason is as follows: microdoses of hormones in a tablet do not have time to accumulate in the body, and they are not enough to delay menstruation. This normal phenomenon, and stop taking the pills in view of the appearance of spotting discharge is not advisable. The body will adapt, and all functions will be restored.

In the event of breakthrough bleeding, you need to sound the alarm. It is better to immediately seek advice from a doctor who will conduct an examination in order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory diseases, uterine fibroids , endometriosis .

What to do if bleeding occurs:

  • Continue taking contraceptives as usual, or stop taking them within seven days.
  • Appeal to the doctor. The doctor may prescribe extra pills With high content progestins.
  • If bleeding continues, then a blood test should be taken to rule out anemia. Anemia is treated with iron supplements.

Vaginal discharge

Often women are concerned about the increase in the amount of vaginal discharge? and associate them with the use of birth control pills.

By the way, vaginal discharge are found in every woman, but normally they are odorless, transparent in appearance and insignificant.

In case of violation of the menstrual cycle, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you what to do. Establishing a cycle duration of 21-36 days is considered the norm.

Helps with mood swings herbal collection with prutnyak ordinary, which affects the level of testosterone in the body.

Acne skin problems oily hair, their greasiness? talking about hormonal imbalance female body. In this case, combined oral contraceptives with antiandrogenic action are selected.

Doctors believe that it is better to cancel the pills two to three months before the planned conception. However, it should be borne in mind that the likelihood of conception increases already in the first month after the abolition of the contraceptive.

How to take birth control pills correctly?

It is better to start taking contraceptives on the first day of menstruation - only then the pills act immediately. If taken on the fifth day of menstruation, additional precautions should be taken. Women with irregular periods can start taking contraceptives on the first day of the cycle, being sure that they are not pregnant.

In the absence of lactation, it is better to start taking it 21 days after birth. At breastfeeding taking oral contraceptives should be postponed for six months.

After an abortion, it is necessary to start using birth control pills on the day of its implementation.

Standard application mode hormonal contraceptives
The drug is taken daily for 21 days, followed by a seven-day break, then continues to be taken from a new package. Menstrual-like bleeding passes during the rest from taking the pills.

Special Modes
The 24 + 4 mode is typical for the contraceptive Jess, the package of which contains 24 hormonal and 4 non active tablets. Tablets are taken daily, without interruption.

Extended mode
It consists in taking a product containing only "active" tablets (continuously, more than one package). A common is a three-cycle regimen - taking 63 tablets of monophasic drugs followed by a 7-day break.

Thus, the number of menstrual-like bleeding per year is reduced to four.

What should I do if I forgot to take a pill?

The basic rule in case of missing a pill:
1. Take the missed pill as soon as possible!
2. The remaining tablets should be taken at the usual time for taking.

If one or two tablets are missed, or a new pack is not started within one to two days
Take a pill. There is a risk of pregnancy.

Missing three or more tablets in the first 2 weeks of taking, or not starting a new pack within three days
Take a pill. Apply barrier methods contraception for 7 days. If intercourse has taken place within 5 days, use emergency contraception.

Missing 3 or more pills during the third week of taking
Take the pill as soon as possible. If the package contains 28 tablets, do not take the last seven tablets. Do not take a break. Use barrier methods of contraception for 7 days. If intercourse has taken place within 5 days, use emergency contraception.

When do birth control pills start working?

At correct reception tablets begin to act immediately after the start of the course.

How to choose the right drug for nulliparous and giving birth women?

To the young nulliparous women more often prescribe microdosed birth control pills. They are ideally suited for drugs such as Lindinet -20, Jess, Logest, Mercilon, Qlaira, Novinet.

Women who have given birth are suitable for low-dose and medium-dose hormonal preparations. These include: Yarina, Marvelon, Lindinet-30, Regulon, Silest, Jeanine, Minisiston, Diana-35 and Chloe.

Features of contraception depending on the age of the woman

Selection of birth control pills difficult task, which can be solved together with the attending physician. The aim of the task is reliable protection from an unwanted pregnancy. Criteria may be efficacy, absence of side effects, ease of use of tablets and the speed of fertility recovery after contraceptive discontinuation.

Undoubtedly, the choice of contraceptive drug depends on age features.

At what age can birth control pills be taken?

The periods of a woman's life are divided into adolescence - from 10 to 18 years, early reproductive - up to 35 years, late reproductive - up to 45 years, and perimenopausal - lasting 1-2 years from the last menstruation.

It is advisable to start contraception at adolescence, unless, of course, there is a need for it. V last years there is a decrease in the age of first pregnancy and childbirth, and the frequency of abortions at a young age is increasing.

The most effective for adolescents, according to WHO, are recognized as combined oral contraceptives containing low doses of steroids, and third-generation drugs containing progestogens. Three-phase drugs are best suited for adolescents: Triziston, Triquilar, Tri-regol, as well as single-phase drugs: Femoden, Mercilon, Silest, Marvelon, which regulate the course of the menstrual cycle.

Birth control pills for young girls

Between the ages of 19 and 35, women can use all known methods of contraception. However, it should be borne in mind that the use of combined oral contraceptives is more reliable and effective.

In addition to oral contraceptives, other methods are also popular in our country: the introduction of an intrauterine device, the use of a condom, the use of injectable methods of contraception.

It has been proven that birth control pills are used not only for contraception, but also in medical, as well as preventive purposes for diseases such as infertility, inflammatory and oncological diseases, menstrual disorders. The only drawback to be aware of is that hormonal contraceptives do not protect women from sexually transmitted infections.

The most common remedies at this age are Janine, Yarina, Regulon.

What contraceptive pills are better to take after 35 years?

Doctors say that at this age, women should be protected from unwanted pregnancies using intrauterine devices, because. at this age, steroids, due to the presence of diseases acquired by a woman, are contraindicated.

A woman may suffer from diseases of the cervix, endometriosis, endocrinological diseases - diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, obesity. Many women smoke. These factors complicate the selection of hormonal contraceptives.

Steroids are prescribed only with a guaranteed absence of contraindications. Combination contraceptive pills preferred latest generation and triphasic preparations: Femoden, Triziston, Silest, Triquilar, Marvelon, Tri-regol.

For this group of women, products with a low content of hormones, as well as "mini-drink" preparations, are excellent. Hormonal contraception combine with therapeutic effect new generation drugs. The most popular of them is Femulen. It can be used if a woman has diseases such as thrombophlebitis, previous heart attack and stroke, hypertension, severe headaches such as migraine, some gynecological diseases.

What birth control pills are suitable for women over 45?

After the age of 45, ovarian function gradually decreases, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases, but is still possible. Many women at this age are still ovulating, and fertilization of the egg can occur.

Undoubtedly, a woman is able to become pregnant and give birth to a child, but at the same time, pregnancy often proceeds with complications, since at this age there is enough big bouquet various diseases. Usually there are diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, chronic disorders functions of the reproductive system. All factors can serve as contraindications for the appointment of hormonal contraceptives. Smoking and the presence of others bad habits also complicates the use of birth control pills.

Very often, women by the age of 40 no longer plan pregnancy, and unwanted pregnancy interrupted artificially. Abortion, especially during this period, has consequences that threaten the woman's health. Frequent complications abortion are considered the development of uterine fibroids, cancer, severe manifestations of menopause. The possibility of developing diseases indicates the need for contraception in this period.

Also, birth control pills are prescribed for many gynecological diseases, osteoporosis, to prevent the development of ovarian and uterine cancer.

At the age of over 45, it is promising to use low-dose hormonal drugs, mini-pill tablets, injectables and implants that are implanted under the skin (for example, Norplant).

Birth control pills combined action contraindicated in women over 45 years of age in the following cases:

  • if a woman smokes;
  • if a woman suffers from diseases of the heart and blood vessels - heart attack, stroke, thrombosis;
  • at diabetes second type;
  • at serious illnesses liver with the development of liver failure;
  • with obesity.
Often used at this age modern drug Femulen, which has virtually no side effects.

The effect of birth control pills

For pregnancy

When taking hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy is quite possible in cases where the woman does not take the pills correctly, or the regimen for taking them has been violated. If pregnancy is suspected or established, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

Taking hormonal drugs in the first three weeks of pregnancy does not negative impact on the condition of the fetus and the health of the woman.

Overall for the body

Hormonal contraceptives have different influence on the woman's body. In order to timely identify the side effects of contraceptives, a woman taking these drugs is obliged to consult with her doctor twice a year. Contraceptives can affect the microflora of the vagina. This influence appears various symptoms. Some people develop signs of thrush (bacterial vaginitis) because taking drugs containing progestogens leads to a decrease in the level of lactobacilli in the vagina. In this case, it is possible to cancel the tablets for a time when the level of estrogen is restored and the symptoms disappear.

For the development of mastopathy

Often women ask the question: can birth control pills cause mastopathy?

Experts claim that with right choice birth control pills and correct mode their use mastopathy cannot develop. Another thing is when a woman has a hormonal imbalance, there are chronic gynecological diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands. Violation hormonal balance, stress, depression, abortion, breast trauma can lead to mastopathy.

Contraceptives should be selected only by a doctor. The doctor must take into account all the characteristics of a particular woman, her state of health, age, heredity, phenotype, bad habits, lifestyle, sexual activity. With the wrong selection of the drug, no doubt, the risk of developing mastopathy increases.

It is important to start taking hormonal drugs only after consultation and examination by a specialist - in this case, you will avoid undesirable consequences and possible complications.

Do birth control pills help with menopause and androgenetic alopecia?

Effective treatment for women during menopause and with androgenetic alopecia can be pills and creams that contain estrogen and progesterone.

Is it possible to leave without a doctor's prescription?

Birth control pills are prescription drugs and only a doctor can prescribe them. The law does not prohibit the sale of hormonal contraceptives without a prescription. But only a doctor can help you choose the right method and means of contraception.