How often is it necessary to undergo chest fluorography? Is it possible to do fluorography again? Why do fluorography? Radiation dose during fluorography of the lungs, its consequences. What could be the consequences of frequent sessions?

For the majority of the adult population, the question of how often fluorography can be done arises because the examination involves a certain dose of radiation. The Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” requires all working citizens to undergo FLG for preventive purposes, but not everyone wants to be exposed to radiation while in full health.

At the same time, people with chronic lung pathologies are forced to control the disease, but are afraid that they undergo fluorography too often. Therefore, it is necessary to know some aspects of this procedure, its necessity, and its effect on the body.

Fluorography as an x-ray examination

During the passage of FLG, X-rays in an amount of 0.05 millisievert are passed through the human body. This is a tiny dose within the permissible radiation exposure limit, which can help save your health. Using a fluorographic examination of the chest, medical specialists diagnose:

  • severe infectious lung disease (tuberculosis);
  • inflammation of the lung tissue (pneumonia);
  • lung cancer;
  • inflammation of the pleural layers of the lungs (pleurisy);
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Based on the images taken, the doctor prescribes treatment. Timely initiation of therapy sometimes saves a person’s life, and if tuberculosis is diagnosed, it allows one to protect other people from infection by isolating the patient.

The advantages of the procedure include its low cost, and many district clinics do it for free. In addition, data is stored on digital media for a long time, requiring little time investment. The study lasts three minutes, and the decoding of the indicators takes no more than 24 hours. Sometimes it is very important to know how long it will take for the result to be ready. The advantages also include the absence of pain, high accuracy of indicators, and no need for preliminary preparation of the patient.

Photo of fluorography of a healthy person - drawing of lungs within normal limits

Frequency of examination

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the working population needs to undergo fluorography once a year. Based on the results of the examination, a certificate is issued, which is required for employment, upon admission to study, before hospital treatment, and for conscripts. The results of lung fluorography are valid for 12 months. Therefore, if there are no special indications for the examination, there is no need to undergo the procedure frequently.

For a healthy person, once a year is enough. To avoid untimely receipt of a portion of x-rays, it is important to know exactly the expiration date of the FLG. Another question about how often fluorography can be done arises if a person goes to the doctor with complaints of poor health or has had contact with a patient with tuberculosis. In this case, pictures are taken more often, which helps to identify the disease.

There is a separate category of citizens who are required to undergo a fluorogram in a more intensive temporary mode. This is a justified preventive measure, since this group of people is more likely to become infected or acquire pulmonary diseases.

These include:

  • medical staff of maternity hospitals. Newborn children and pregnant women need enhanced protection;
  • doctors working with tuberculosis-infected patients. The risk of infection in this category is higher;
  • workers of mining enterprises. There is a large percentage of lung cancer in this industry;
  • workers in hazardous industries (asbestos, rubber) and steelworkers, who are also more likely to suffer from lung cancer.

For these people, different rules apply regarding how many times a year fluorography can be done.

When is research not allowed?

FLG is not used for diagnosis in women during pregnancy. Why is this so important? Because X-rays can cause the development of pathologies in the unborn baby. This procedure is not recommended during lactation. In case of emergency, at least 6 hours should pass between the moment of irradiation and feeding. Milk should be expressed during this period. The procedure should not be performed on patients in serious condition. If it is not possible to postpone the process, it is better to use an MRI.

Children under 14 years of age are not exposed to radiation, since they receive a higher dose of radiation due to a more intense metabolism, only under absolute indications

Other cases:

  • fluorogram was done more than 2 times a year. It is recommended to replace the X-ray dose with magnetic resonance imaging.
  • there are chronic diseases of the respiratory system. In the acute period of bronchial asthma and respiratory failure, it is necessary to wait for a period of remission, since it is difficult for a person to hold his breath, which will significantly complicate the examination.

Annual X-ray control is not only the prevention of diseases in yourself. In cases where a person has undergone the procedure and the diagnosis of a lung infection is confirmed, there is a chance to protect loved ones if they have not yet undergone FLG.

People who care about their health are always concerned about the question of how often fluorography can be done. After all, on the one hand, radiation exposure is harmful to the body, and on the other hand, this examination helps to establish the diagnosis of the disease. Let's figure out whether fluorography is harmful and whether you should be afraid of it.

Every adult undergoes examination using this method at least once a year. Fluorography is a type of x-ray examination in which the image obtained by passing rays of the appropriate range through the patient’s chest is photographed.

The positive aspects of this survey are expressed in the following:

  1. Low cost of research. In every district clinic, any patient can undergo fluorography; all medical institutions are equipped with the appropriate equipment. With the introduction of digital technology, film was no longer needed for photographs. Therefore, examination costs have decreased even further.
  2. Speed ​​of implementation. The shooting process takes two minutes. And you can learn about the results after some time, depending on the organization of work in the medical institution. In some clinics the result can be given out in half an hour, but in some you need to wait until the next day.
  3. Painless and no need to use any medications. The only unpleasant thing about this procedure is that you need to press your naked body against a cold metal plate. You also need to hold your breath when the nurse says. When examining using digital equipment, this will not be necessary.
  4. There is a high probability of detecting a disease in the human chest. This is why it is so important to undergo examinations every two years.

The disadvantages are minor:

  1. Use of radiation. But its dose is small, so there will be no harm to the body.
  2. Impossibility of accurate diagnosis. In the picture you can see the focus of the disease, but it is impossible to determine what kind of disease it is only by fluorography. For an accurate diagnosis, other studies and tests must be performed.

Indications and contraindications for undergoing

Fluorography is a mandatory part of the periodic medical examination of citizens.

It is prescribed to the following persons:

  • all adults and adolescents over 15 years of age undergoing a mandatory medical examination;
  • persons living with pregnant women and newborn babies;
  • citizens who are HIV carriers.

A doctor may refer you for this examination if the following diseases are detected:

  • inflammation of the lungs or pleura, that is, with pneumonia, pleurisy, etc.;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the heart muscle and large vessels;
  • cancer of the lungs and organs that are located next to them.

This type of examination is contraindicated for the following persons:

  1. Children under 15 years old.
  2. For pregnant women, X-rays can cause mutations in the child. In case of urgent need, it can be done after 25 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Nursing mothers.
  4. Seriously ill patients who are unable to hold their breath for the required period of time.
  5. Persons who, for one reason or another, cannot be in an upright position while standing on their feet (wheelchair users, bedridden patients, etc.).

Possible health effects

Many people believe that it will be very harmful to health if they do fluorography twice in a row. This is sometimes required when the shot turns out to be unsuccessful. In this case, a repeat procedure is needed. But there will be no terrible consequences, because the dose of radiation received, even after two consecutive exposures, is several tens of times less than what we receive from surrounding natural sources. Modern technology uses a negligible dose of radiation.

Received radiation

Speaking about how often fluorography can be done, we note that the maximum safe radiation dose for humans is 500 mSv per year. From external natural and man-made environmental sources, the body receives radiation of 3–4 mSv/g. But he is exposed to this influence continuously throughout the year. Irradiation during photography is short-term and its harmful effects end immediately after the end of the shooting process, thus its harm is negligible. Let's analyze the radiation dose received during fluorography and x-ray:

Examination method

Received radiation dose during fluorography, mSv per shot

Fluorographic examination

Certain professions

There is a certain circle of people whose profession, social status or health condition obliges them to undergo this examination 2 times a year:

  • military personnel;
  • health workers of tuberculosis medical institutions;
  • maternity hospital workers;
  • patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and those who have recovered from it;
  • HIV carriers;
  • citizens with drug addiction and mental illness;
  • convicted and released after serving their sentence.

The following citizens are required to undergo fluorography once a year:

  • patients with pulmonary, gastrointestinal, genitourinary diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  • patients undergoing aggressive treatment, such as radiation therapy;
  • people at high risk of disease - homeless people, displaced people;
  • workers of children's and adolescent institutions, health and educational organizations.

For children

The procedure is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age. But as an exception, the doctor may order an X-ray to be taken if pneumonia, tuberculosis or another disease is suspected. In this case, fluorographic examination is necessary.

Teenagers over 15 years old, already at school, must undergo a medical examination every time at the clinic at their place of residence. Fluorography is included in the complex of this examination.

How long are the results valid?

Typically, fluorography is done for 12 months, so its result is valid for a year. For example, S.S. Savitsky was examined on March 22, 2016, and will be valid until March 21, 2017. For citizens who are required to check the condition of their chest organs more often, the results may be valid for 6 months. To determine at what time it will be necessary to take the scan again, you need to count the expiration date of the results from the date of examination.

Replay assignment

Typically, you should be tested again after the result expires. Another reason for prescribing repeated fluorography may be to monitor the course of the identified disease. For example, when treating pneumonia, the lungs are checked three times. The first - upon diagnosis, the second - after two weeks of treatment and the third - after a month in order to ensure complete recovery. When treating other diseases of the chest organs, the doctor, depending on the course of the disease, also prescribes repeat images.

Fluorographic image of the chest

Order to undergo fluorography

The obligation of the population to undergo fluorography is established by law. It is stated in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2012 No. 1011 n “On approval of the Procedure for conducting a preventive medical examination.” It defines the sequence of the examination and the list of mandatory tests, including fluorography. By law, its frequency must be at least once every two years.

In addition, an enterprise or organization may issue orders that establish time limits and standards for mandatory fluorography. It may not be 24 months, but twelve. And for a certain range of professions - once every six months.

Sample order

Since June 18, 2001, the law “On preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” has been in force in Russia. On its basis, a new order or instruction can be drawn up to undergo fluorography of the organization’s employees or residents of a certain area.

A sample of this document may have the following content.

On employees undergoing a fluorographic examination

In order to detect diseases of the chest organs of workers


All employees of the Mountain Lavender organization must undergo a fluorographic examination once a year, and a turner 3 rubles, a welder 5 rubles, a boiler room operator 4 rubles. – once every six months.

Responsibility for employees undergoing fluorography should be assigned to the heads of departments.

Preparation and procedure

Virtually no preparation is required for the procedure. Before the examination, you need to undress to the waist, remove all jewelry, and put your long hair up.

Procedure for fluorography:

  1. Approach the metal plate, press your chest and shoulders against it.
  2. Hold your breath. But if you take a picture on digital equipment, then this is not needed.
  3. Go back and get dressed.

The process of undergoing fluorography is over. You will be notified when you can come for the finished result.

Decoding the results

Only a professional radiologist can interpret the image correctly. Depending on the type of disease, dark or light spots will be visible there. Modern fluorography makes it possible to identify serious diseases in their initial stages. Tuberculosis is characterized by dark spots in the upper part of the lungs in the form of small spots. If there is pneumonia, then dark spots of different sizes will be visible with blurred contours at the bottom of the lungs. With pleurisy, a solid dark spot is observed.

Video “Doctors order not to be lazy and do fluorography”

Information about the importance of fluorographic examinations can be found by watching a video report on the channel.

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This article provides answers to questions about how often and why such an examination is needed, under what conditions it is contraindicated, and when it is prescribed more often, what harm radiographic diagnostic forms can cause, and how to minimize negative consequences.

The procedure and timing of fluorographic examination of the population are regulated by order of the Ministry of Health. The frequency of preventive examinations is established in accordance with the type of activity and the level of risk of infection of others. Therapists, family doctors, and pediatricians are involved in compiling the contingents. On average, fluorography is done 1-2 times a year. Monitoring the completeness of coverage of this form of diagnosis is the responsibility of an authorized person in the medical institution. The result of the study must be received no later than 24 hours with mandatory registration in the medical documentation. Both the attending physician and the patient must be familiar with the conclusion of the image within three days.

How often can and should you do fluorography?

Fluorography regulated by law and how many times a year it is necessary to undergo it depend on the risk group in relation to the entire population. The following contingents are distinguished:

  • organized population. The examination is carried out by mobile fluorographic stations;
  • workers of small enterprises. Fluorography is carried out in the clinic at the place of work;
  • unorganized population. They are screened at local clinics.

For an adult

The timing of fluorographic examination of the population over 18 years of age depends on the population and the concentration of the population infected with tuberculosis in the country. If the overall incidence is below 40 people per 100 thousand population, housewives, pensioners, and people engaged in individual activities are subject to examination once every 2 years. Students and dormitory residents undergo fluorography once a year.

Certain professions

Additionally, there are mandatory contingents - employees of institutions and professions who are subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations. They undergo fluorography annually. This group includes workers:

  • preschool and school children's institutions;
  • medical and pharmaceutical production;
  • food industry, working at all stages of preparation and sale of food products;
  • trade, public transport, water supply.

For children

In vaccinated children, fluorography is permitted from the age of fifteen. However, it can be replaced by immunodiagnosis using a tuberculosis allergen. X-rays are required at age 17 before leaving school.

How long are the results valid?

When compiling groups for fluorography, the timing of the previous study is taken into account. Results are considered valid if they are no more than 6 months old from the date of the previous examination. The conclusion from the image must be included in the medical documentation. In the absence of symptoms of the disease, the following fluorography is prescribed depending on the contingent of the person.

Replay assignment

You will have to undergo a fluorographic examination again if there are pathological shadows and formations on the x-ray image, as well as symptoms of pathology of the respiratory system. Clinical manifestations in the form of cough lasting more than three weeks, low-grade fever, pain when breathing, hemoptysis will require a more detailed X-ray examination. For differential diagnosis between tuberculosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer, a computed tomography scan of the chest organs is done.

Is it possible to do fluorography 2 times a year?

Taking into account concomitant diseases and vaccination status, the doctor may refer you for fluorography 2 times a year. This category includes unvaccinated children from 1 to 17 years old with the following pathologies:

  • diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2;
  • nonspecific respiratory diseases;
  • chronic lesions of the urinary system;
  • organic and functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • undergoing courses of immunosuppressive, cytostatic, genetic engineering and immunobiological therapy.

For social reasons, fluorography is done once every six months: for migrant children, refugees and migrants, as well as those in social organizations.

Among the decreed groups of adults, the following are subject to examination at this frequency:

  • employees of maternity hospitals, tuberculosis dispensaries and some other types of health care institutions;
  • persons with human immunodeficiency virus, other chronic diseases (hepatitis, diabetes, bronchial asthma and others);
  • those who recovered from tuberculosis during the first three years;
  • persons living and working with a patient undergoing treatment for diagnosed tuberculosis;
  • persons registered at the dispensary for drug treatment and psychiatric care;
  • released from places of imprisonment during the first two years, persons under investigation in a pre-trial detention center, serving a sentence.

Who should be examined more often?

For some individuals, fluorography may vary in frequency. X-ray examination in the individual period is carried out in residents with pregnant women and newborns, children with a tuberculin test, as well as with initially identified bacterial releases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis into the environment. Regardless of the timing and results of the previous study, fluorography is performed on persons with a newly diagnosed human immunodeficiency virus. Additionally, women in labor are also examined before discharge from the maternity hospital and conscripts before military service.

Fluorography is included in the list of mandatory forms of research as part of the annual examination. It is with this frequency that it is carried out if the patient does not have specific complaints - general malaise, hyperthermia, pain in the chest, cough. If the listed symptoms bother him, which he informs the therapist about, then the doctor sends the patient for a fluorographic examination, but not for prevention, but in order to find out the causes of the painful condition.

It is very important not to delay a visit to the clinic if you have a cough, especially if it has been going on for a long time. There is no need to self-medicate, because often even a doctor, based on an oral interview and a superficial examination of the patient, will not be able to make the correct diagnosis. To identify the causes of cough, you will need to take clinical blood and urine tests and undergo fluorography. And only on the basis of the information received will it be possible to identify the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

When to conduct research

There are contraindications to fluorography, namely:

  • child's age under 15 years;
  • pregnancy in all three trimesters;
  • severe respiratory and heart failure;
  • malignant blood diseases;
  • inability to stay upright;
  • mental illness in the acute stage;
  • fear of confined spaces.

Why can't you get tested often?

Radiation affects a person constantly. The dose of radiation received during fluorography is negligible compared to that which the body receives from natural sunlight. However, in the end, the total dosage is taken into account, which limits the number of radiological procedures performed. Thus, the maximum permitted dose of ionizing radiation per year is 150 millisieverts, and in one fluorography session the patient receives approximately 0.8 millisieverts. It turns out that you can visit the X-ray room several times a month without harm to your health? Not really. After all, a person may need to undergo other forms of X-ray diagnostics, for example, radiography, computed tomography or positron emission computed tomography, which provide many times more radiation, and the permissible dose will be exceeded. Therefore, it is still better not to do fluorography once again, unnecessarily.

Possible health effects

Situations arise when the study is done twice in a row to clarify changes in the image. Here it is necessary to take into account the condition of the equipment and the previous annual dose. When performing fluorography on a modern device, the radiation dose is less than on film. However, it is not critical. Therefore, permanent changes in health status do not occur during a preventive examination. Functional impairments are observed in people sensitive to radiation, namely the elderly and children. Short-term symptoms manifest themselves in the form of dizziness, loss of consciousness, headache, lability of blood pressure and pulse. Within 2-3 days the indicators return to normal.

How can you neutralize negative influences?

To minimize the negative impact, it is recommended, in the absence of pathological changes in the lungs, to adhere to a minimum break between studies of 3 months. Repeated X-ray examinations are prescribed strictly according to indications.

The following will help reduce the radiation exposure before fluorography:

  • enterosorbents. Prescription of activated carbon (3-4 tablets), Polyphepan the day before the procedure and once after fluorography;
  • medicines containing calcium and iodine (potassium orotate, iodomarin, iodine balance). Used as a course lasting 7-14 days;
  • radioprotectors. From this group, the available drug is Naphthyzin (preparation C). The medication is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection. The duration of action is 1.5-2 hours, which is quite enough for an X-ray examination.

Persons exposed to radiation should include in their diet foods high in fiber, pectin, vitamins, calcium, and omega-saturated acids, namely:

  • sea ​​fish and algae;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • milk, kefir, cream;
  • honey, olive oil.

Is it possible to refuse fluorography altogether, and how to do it?

According to the letter of the law, fluorography is a mandatory x-ray examination for the timely detection of tuberculosis. This diagnostic procedure helps to avoid advanced forms of the disease in subjects.

Often patients, fearing negative effects on the body, do not want to conduct research. In this case, the refusal must be legally recorded in two copies by the head physician of the medical institution.

However, it must be remembered that due to the lack of proof of epidemic safety for others, the person will be suspended from work, and the child will not be able to attend kindergarten or school. Therefore, if an X-ray examination of the chest organs is refused, a Mantoux test with two tuberculin units can be performed.

A more modern immunological non-invasive method is the quantiferon test. The method is based on assessing the presence of interferon gamma in the studied material. The latter is the gold standard, having high specificity and sensitivity for detecting both latent and active tuberculosis.

Today in our country, few people pay proper attention to their health. Some people simply don’t have enough time for themselves, and some simply don’t have the desire. Fluorography is one of the most important research methods, as it allows early detection of many serious diseases of the respiratory system, one of which is tuberculosis. However, during the examination, patients are exposed to x-ray radiation, which is harmful to health. Therefore, it is very important to know how often you need to undergo fluorography. Let's look at this issue in more detail and find out how important it is to undergo examination and how often it should be done.

The role of research in modern medicine

Before we talk about how often fluorography is performed, let's first understand the general issues. Many people do not pay due attention to this examination, which can result in very serious consequences. According to medical statistics, every third person is a carrier of the tuberculosis pathogen. With good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, the body suppresses it. However, in the event of an immune failure and due to a number of other unfavorable factors, conditions suitable for the development of the disease may be created. The main danger is that in the early stages it is asymptomatic. In this case, a person will infect everyone around him, since the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, and it is also capable of surviving for a long period of time even in harsh environmental conditions.

Therefore, the question of how often it is necessary to undergo fluorography is very important. With timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment, it can be quickly defeated without any serious consequences for health. After all, it’s no secret that the success of therapy for any disease depends on timely diagnosis.

The importance of timely examination

How often do fluorography take place? This question will be answered in detail later, but first let’s find out whether this type of research is really so important. Most people go to the hospital only after they have some kind of health problem. As for routine preventive examinations, many do not undergo it. They explain their reluctance by lack of free time and other unfounded reasons. However, no one realizes the full danger that tuberculosis poses. In its advanced form, it is difficult to treat and can also cause death. Therefore, the feasibility of passing it is quite high.

What does the law say?

So what do you need to know about this? According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation number 1011, which came into force on December 6, 2012, every citizen must undergo a number of mandatory laboratory tests, which include FGT. This was done to prevent the development of the epidemic. But how often do fluorography take place according to the law? The procedure must be carried out at least once every 2 years. At the same time, each educational institution or enterprise may be subject to a separate order, on the basis of which students or workers will be required to undergo examination within a specified time frame. If working conditions are associated with increased harmfulness, then FHT may be necessary every 12 or even 6 months.

Is it possible to refuse the examination?

This aspect deserves special attention. So, we already know how often we need to undergo fluorography. But many people wonder if there is any way to legally avoid it. Despite the order of the Ministry of Health, no one has the right to force a person to undergo FGT. In addition, the following have the right to refuse the procedure:

  • persons with limited physical abilities;
  • people living in a region with poor environmental conditions.

However, there is no point in not undergoing examination without really compelling reasons. Tuberculosis is a very serious disease that spreads quickly and can lead to the development of an epidemic not only in the city, but also in the entire region.

Indications for undergoing FGT

Let's look at this aspect in more detail. It was described above how often fluorography is performed. According to the law, every person must be examined for tuberculosis at least once every two years. In some cases, FGT is mandatory.

Main indications for the procedure:

  • teenagers over 15 years of age;
  • adults;
  • to all family members in which there is a pregnant or recently given birth woman;
  • HIV-infected;
  • with pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy;
  • various diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lung cancer;
  • drug addiction.

In any of the above cases, examination is mandatory. It allows you to assess the health status of patients in order to identify concomitant diseases and draw up the most appropriate treatment program. How often can I undergo fluorography? It all depends on the specific problem. In some cases, screening may be necessary every six months.

Contraindications for PHT

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this aspect first. This method of hospital research is not always acceptable. It is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:

  • children under 15 years of age;
  • women who are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • seriously ill people who, due to certain health problems, cannot physically hold their breath;
  • disabled people who are unable to stand on their own.

It is worth saying a few words about the elderly. Many people are interested in how often pensioners should undergo fluorography. The same rules apply to them as for adults. Therefore, FGT can be performed once a year in the absence of any serious pathologies that require more frequent examination.

Possible health complications

Every person is interested in the question of how often they can undergo fluorography, since they are afraid of x-ray radiation. There is nothing shameful, and, in fact, there is nothing terrible about it. The thing is that the dose of radioactive radiation exerted on the human body is much less than what people receive every day from the environment. Therefore, if during the examination the picture does not work out the first time and you are prescribed a repeat procedure, then nothing terrible will happen. There will be no serious health consequences.

How long are test results valid?

How often do you need to undergo fluorography? It all depends on the patient’s existing health problems, as well as the type of activity. In most cases, test results are valid for 1 year. This is due to the fact that the development of tuberculosis occurs on average in 6-12 months. However, a certificate may be required in one of the following cases:

  • upon admission to a higher educational institution;
  • during employment;
  • before an upcoming surgical operation;
  • during conscription into the army.

In addition, the result of passing FGT is also necessary to visit public swimming pools and sports complexes.

In what cases is the certificate valid for 6 months?

Current legislation identifies a separate category of persons and professions, whose representatives must undergo mandatory medical examination more often than other citizens. These include:

  • teachers;
  • doctors;
  • military personnel;
  • kindergarten teachers;
  • maternity hospital workers;
  • former prisoners;
  • people at increased risk;
  • migrants;
  • people from problem families;
  • homeless people;
  • people with severe respiratory pathologies.

This is due to the fact that their working conditions are associated with an increased risk of contracting tuberculosis and developing lung cancer. Therefore, they should take their health more seriously and be examined more often for any diseases.

How the research works

Above we discussed in detail how often fluorography is performed. Now let's take a little look at its main features. Unlike other modern types of laboratory tests, FGT does not require preliminary preparation. A person simply comes to the hospital, enters the office, undresses to the waist, leans his chest against the device screen and holds his breath for a while. The procedure lasts only a few seconds, and the results of the study will be ready the next day. In some cases, when there is no time to wait, for example, if an emergency operation is necessary, you can pick up an image with a conclusion within 30 minutes.

How to neutralize the negative effects of X-rays?

If you are afraid that radiation will cause any serious complications, you can play it safe. So, for example, after undergoing the next FGT, you should take any of the following medications:

  • "Polyphepan".
  • "Calcium magnesium plus zinc".
  • "Activated carbon".
  • Dietary supplements containing calcium and iodine.

In addition to medications, there are a number of food products that neutralize any type of radiation, including radioactive radiation. These include:

  • grape juice;
  • red wine;
  • seaweed;
  • quail eggs;
  • whole milk;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fresh fruit;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dried fruits.

These foods contain large amounts of vitamins and vital minerals, so they are recommended to be consumed daily. This is especially true for people with immunodeficiency and various serious diseases.


This article described in detail how often Russian citizens should undergo fluorography. The legislation sets a period of 2 years, however, doctors recommend examinations every 12 months. Everyone must decide for themselves what exactly to do. But it is worth remembering that tuberculosis is a serious disease, which in its advanced form is not only difficult to treat, but can also lead to various very serious complications and even death. Therefore, if you value your health, then it is worth periodically undergoing fluorography. Moreover, this hospital study is free, and it is not as scary and dangerous as many people think.

In adult patients, the need for fluorography is a concern due to the presence of a certain dose of radiation. The Federal Law of November 21, 2011 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” prescribes the need for working citizens to undergo FLG in order to prevent and control dangerous infectious diseases. Therefore, you need to clearly understand when to do fluorography according to the law, and when you can refuse it.

Law of the Russian Federation on the need for fluorography

Law No. 77 of 2001 “On the Prevention of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” is often mistakenly considered to be a regulatory document. In fact, the document does not contain information about undergoing fluorographic examination for the purpose of preventing respiratory tract diseases.

In the Russian Federation, since 2012, another regulatory act has been in force under number 1011N “Procedure for conducting a medical examination.” The law is aimed at diagnosing respiratory pathologies as early as possible and prescribes testing for persons over 18 years of age, 1 rad (10 mSV) every two years.

When to get diagnosed

The legislation of the Russian Federation requires the passage of fluorography as a mandatory diagnostic measure during a preventive medical examination. Patients who have documentary evidence of completing the study within the last 12 months are exempt from the study.

Fluorography may not be necessary if you have up-to-date information from thoracic x-ray diagnostics, CT or MRI.

The safest diagnostic method

The requirements specified in the regulatory act may be changed individually or in the event of the development of an extremely unfavorable epidemiological situation. In addition, fluorography is a mandatory health insurance procedure.

Today, another regulatory act is being developed, which will provide for the procedure and timing of medical examinations for the timely detection of tuberculosis. Presumably, the law will come into force in 2018 and will replace document No. 77 of 2001.

Frequency of fluorographic examination

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the working population is required to undergo a study at least once a year.

Based on the results, a conclusion is issued, which is required upon admission to an educational institution and military service, upon employment, and treatment in an inpatient department.

  • medical personnel;
  • mining workers;
  • employees of hazardous production.

Undergoing fluorography several times a year is considered a justified preventive measure, since the chance of developing pulmonary pathologies in this group is high.

Mandatory examination according to the order of the Ministry of Health

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 2001, employees of medical institutions, regardless of position, are required to undergo fluorography upon entering work, and then every year at intervals of 1-2 times (depending on the position). The same applies to the staff of a medical institution.

Diagnostics is mandatory for employees of children's and social institutions, and public catering organizations.

Refusal of fluorography

The patient cannot be forced to undergo an examination. If you wish, you can refuse fluorography by writing a corresponding statement. An exception may be a difficult epidemiological situation or if the patient is declared incompetent, i.e., unable to make decisions independently.

How to refuse examination legally

If you wish to refuse to undergo a fluorographic examination, you must write an application addressed to the head physician of the medical institution and obtain permission.

If desired, diagnostics can be voluntarily replaced by digital radiography, which reduces radiation exposure. Thus, film fluorography involves exposure to 0.3-0.5 mSV per session, and digital fluorography - up to 0.05 mSV. For comparison: the natural background of Moscow is 0.02 mSV. Therefore, diagnostics using a digital device is harmless.

How to refuse a test if your employer forces you to take it? Only certain groups of people are required to undergo the study. When starting a job, the employer may require a report from a radiologist for safety reasons. In this case, gentle diagnostic methods.

Tuberculosis used to be a terrible disease that could not be cured even in the first half of the twentieth century. Today, disease control is possible with the help of fluorography, the diagnostic benefits of which are obvious. Diagnostics are recommended once a year, however, this is not true.

Annual examination is prescribed only to certain groups of people. Therefore, when undergoing a routine examination, find out in detail from your doctor about the importance of diagnostics, specifically in your case. But you shouldn’t refuse the prescribed fluorography. The specialist knows better whether an examination is necessary in this case or not.
