What does hydrocortisone ointment help with? What does “Hydrocortisone” (ointment) help with? Hormonal ointment for children

Hydrocortisone 1 is a hormonal anti-inflammatory agent for external use. It has a large number of side effects, so it is not recommended for long-term use. Before purchasing this medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Hydrocortisone 1% for hemorrhoids - composition and effect of the drug

10 g of ointment contains 0.1 g of hydrocortisone acetate. The substance is classified as an artificial analogue of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous effect. Prevents the production of interleukins and interferon, which are waste products of immune cells. Suppresses the release of histamine, disrupts the production of arachidonic acid and prostaglandins. It acts on glucocorticosteroid receptors, stimulating the synthesis of lipocortin.

Release form

The drug is supplied to pharmacies in the form of an ointment, packaged in 10 ml bottles.

Pharmacological action

Hydrocortisone eliminates inflammatory infiltrates in tissues, prevents the movement of leukocytes and lymphocytes into the inflammatory focus.

When used in doses prescribed by a doctor, it has an exclusively local effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After application, the drug penetrates into the middle layer of the epidermis. Here the active substance is converted into metabolites that enter the liver. The end products of metabolism are excreted in urine and feces.

Indications for use of Hydrocortisone 1%

The drug is used for inflammatory skin diseases accompanied by itching:

  • eczema;
  • contact and allergic dermatitis;
  • autoimmune skin lesions;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pruritus;
  • allergic reactions to insect bites;
  • seborrhea;
  • erythroderma;
  • acute conjunctivitis (special eye ointment is used);
  • increased risk of developing infection after surgery.

For hemorrhoids

Proctologists use Hydrocortisone ointment 1% for cases accompanied by:

  • anal fissure;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the rectum and skin of the anal area;
  • formation of rectal fistulas.

The drug eliminates signs of inflammation and increases tissue resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.


Hydrocortisone ointment is contraindicated for:

  • bacterial, fungal and viral skin lesions;
  • syphilitic skin rash;
  • malignant skin tumors;
  • skin tuberculosis;
  • rosacea;
  • injuries and ulcers of the skin;
  • acne;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • viral, fungal and tuberculous conjunctivitis;
  • chlamydial damage to the organs of vision;
  • primary glaucoma;
  • damage to the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • recent vaccination.

Side effects of Hydrocortisone 1%

With long-term use of the cream, the following side effects occur:

  • dryness, burning and itching of the skin;
  • local allergic rashes;
  • swelling and redness of the treated areas;
  • hormonal acne;
  • expansion of subcutaneous capillaries;
  • phenomena of hypercortisolism (when applying ointment to large areas of skin);
  • secondary bacterial infections;
  • increase in the amount and rate of hair growth on the body;
  • atrophic changes in the epidermis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • corneal perforation;
  • steroid glaucoma;
  • subcapsular cataract.


Severe overdose with local treatment occurs rarely. If the doses prescribed by the doctor are exceeded, chronic poisoning occurs, accompanied by symptoms of hypercortisolism:

  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • increased levels of sugar in the blood and urine;
  • development of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

Therapy is supportive. In case of indolent poisoning, gradual withdrawal of the drug is necessary.

Application and dosage of Hydrocortisone 1%

The cream is applied in a thin layer to clean skin every 8-12 hours. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the type and severity of pathological changes. It is not recommended to be treated for more than 14 days. In case of severe disease, the course can be extended to 3 weeks. To enhance the effect, bandages are applied to the affected areas.


The effectiveness of hydrocortisone is reduced when used together with antiallergic, antiepileptic and psychotropic drugs. When using the drug in combination with paracetamol, the risk of systemic side effects increases. The ointment reduces the activity of salicylates and hypoglycemic agents.

It is not recommended to use Hydrocortisone in combination with indirect anticoagulants. Cardiac glycosides and diuretics accelerate the process of potassium excretion. When using the ointment together with amphotericin, atrial dilation develops, accompanied by acute heart failure.

Special instructions

Use in childhood

When treating skin diseases in children, it is not recommended to use warming and pressure bandages. When applying the cream to the face, the duration of the therapeutic course is reduced. Reduced activity of the adrenal cortex develops more quickly in children and adolescents. In rare cases, the drug suppresses the production of growth hormone. During long-term treatment, monitor changes in the child’s weight and height. Regular blood tests to check cortisol levels are necessary. For children under 10 years of age, the medicine is prescribed only if the patient’s condition is serious.

Hydrocortisone in ampoules very quickly suppresses inflammatory and allergic processes, immunity and tumor growth. Has antishock and antitoxic effects. A 2.5% suspension of this drug is widely used for emergency care.

Glucocorticoid hormones are like a double-edged sword: in some cases they are irreplaceable and save a person’s life, while in others they give severe side effects. Some experts compare their effect to surgery. Medicines such as hydrocortisone can be purchased at the pharmacy with a prescription.

Mechanism of action

This hormonal drug belongs to glucocorticosteroids - GCS. Available in different dosage forms: tablets, 2.5% suspension for injection, eye ointments of different concentrations (0.5%, 1%), 1% ointment for external use. The 2.5% solution is intended for intravenous, intramuscular, intra-articular and periarticular administration.

When administered intravenously or intramuscularly, the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect due to:

  • suppression of the release of inflammatory and allergic mediators, primarily histamine and prostaglandins; with prolonged use, not only inflammatory prostaglandins are suppressed, but also prostaglandins that protect the gastric mucosa from damage, this leads to the appearance of gastric ulcer (steroid ulcer);
  • activation of the synthesis of biologically active substances with anti-edematous properties; as a result, tissue swelling is eliminated almost instantly;
  • suppression of migration of immune cells (leukocytes, macrophages) to the site of infection.

Due to the suppression of cellular and humoral immunity (the formation of antibodies is reduced) the infectious process can progress without significant inflammation and swelling. Therefore, if a course of GCS is necessary for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes, antibiotics are simultaneously prescribed.

With prolonged use of hydrocortisone ampoules, there is an active effect on the hormonal system and metabolism:

  • suppresses the secretion of adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary gland, which leads to persistent inhibition and atrophy of the adrenal cortex and disruption of all metabolic processes;
  • suppresses the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) by the pituitary gland - dysfunction of the thyroid gland occurs;
  • suppresses the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by the pituitary gland - leads to hormonal disorders in women, including infertility;
  • on carbohydrate metabolism - promotes the deposition of glucose reserves (glycogen) in the liver and increases blood sugar; therefore, with long courses of treatment, diabetes mellitus may develop;
  • on protein metabolism - suppresses protein synthesis and accelerates their breakdown;
  • on fat metabolism – causes redistribution of adipose tissue; The appearance of people taking injections for a long time is typical: thin legs, fat-filled face and upper body;
  • on mineral metabolism - retains water and sodium, removes calcium and potassium; there is a threat of developing disorders of the cardiovascular system and osteoporosis.

In large doses, it inhibits the development and reproduction of connective tissue cells and tumor cells. Suppresses the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity and firmness of the skin and its premature aging.

When administered intravenously, it has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect and reduces capillary permeability. This property allows the medicine to be used as a means of providing emergency care for shock and collapse, accompanied by a sharp dilation of blood vessels and a drop in blood pressure (BP). But with long courses of treatment it can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure.

Indications for prescribing hydrocortisone in ampoules

The drug is prescribed for the following emergency cases :

  • severe allergic reactions;
  • status asthmaticus – prolonged recurring bronchospasms;
  • shock and collapse of any origin with a sudden decrease in blood pressure, including cardiogenic shock due to myocardial infarction;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • thyrotoxic crisis in patients with Graves' disease.

Short courses to eliminate inflammation and swelling of tissues and correct other disorders strictly under the supervision of a doctor in the following pathological conditions:

  • rheumatoid polyarthritis - to eliminate inflammation and pain;
  • collagen diseases - to suppress the proliferation of connective tissue;
  • some skin diseases that occur with severe inflammation and pain - pemphigus, severe fungal infections of the skin, etc.;
  • severe infectious and inflammatory eye diseases;
  • severe diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, including pneumonia and some forms of tuberculosis, severe tuberculous meningitis;
  • blood diseases accompanied by increased bleeding, leukemia.

Is this medicine prescribed to children?

The instructions allow you to prescribe hydrocortisone in ampoules to children strictly according to indications and in dosages selected by the doctor.

How to use

In accordance with the instructions for use, hydrocortisone is prescribed intravenously and intramuscularly. It can also be injected into joints and periarticular tissues. In clinical practice, the suspension is sometimes used for inhalation. Inhalations can only be carried out using a nebulizer. The dosage is selected by the doctor, the suspension is diluted with saline solution. There are no official instructions for use in ampoules.

Inhalations are carried out for emergency relief of swelling of the respiratory tract. Laryngeal edema is especially common in children due to acute respiratory viral infections. The use of hydrocortisone can prevent respiratory arrest.

Hydrocortisone for the nose in ampoules is not officially used. Since swelling of the nasal mucosa is most often associated with infectious and inflammatory diseases, a glucocorticoid can only do harm, as it reduces immunity. Therefore, some doctors recommend mixing it with antiseptics. But at present this is not necessary, since combined nasal drops are produced, which include GCS in combination with antibacterial and antifungal agents (Sofradex, Polydex, etc.)


For emergency indications, hydrocortisone is not administered only in case of individual intolerance.

For short-term courses of treatment, the contraindications are broader:

  • persistently high blood pressure;
  • hormonal disorders - Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract and diverticulitis - protrusions in the intestinal wall;
  • osteoporosis - the body already loses calcium, and taking corticosteroids will enhance this process;
  • untreated tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • systemic fungal diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (but there may be exceptions);
  • increased blood clotting and tendency to thrombosis;
  • chronic renal failure, chronic viral infections - herpes. AIDS.

Side effects

Side effects can be significant. But mainly it manifests itself with long-term treatment. A one-time administration of a hydrocortisone suspension in ampoules, even in very large doses, almost never causes side effects or overdoses - there is a mention of this in the instructions for use.

All side effects develop with long-term treatment. Here are the main ones:

  • persistent increase in blood pressure, arrhythmias, thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • osteoprosis;
  • erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • steroid diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal disorders: infertility, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, thyroid dysfunction;
  • decreased immunity and development of infectious and inflammatory processes.

Interaction with other drugs

If systemic administration of hydrocortisone in ampoules is prescribed, the instructions remind you that it is not combined with all drugs. Most often it does not go together:

  • with cardiac glycosides – the risk of developing arrhythmias increases;
  • with Aspirin – the risk of developing side effects of Aspirin;
  • with Paracetamol – the risk of developing liver complications increases;
  • with the antifungal drug Ketoconazole - the side effects of GCS increase.

Analogues of the drug

The medicine is produced by different pharmaceutical companies under different names. All such means are called synonyms. These are suspensions with the same name, Cortef tablets, Lokoid ointment and cream, etc.

Analogues are drugs that have the same effect. Analogues include any other drugs from the group of corticosteroids in solutions for injections. These are Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Flosterone (betamethasone) and others.

Various hormonal agents are used in the treatment of joint diseases. "Hydrocortisone" for joints is one of them. It has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect; under its influence, the migration of leukocytes to the inflamed area is reduced. “Hydrocortisone” is a natural analogue of cortisone, but more active. It affects the metabolic processes of carbohydrates and proteins.

Description of the pharmaceutical product

Active substance, release form and mechanism of action

"Hydrocortisone" helps reduce capillary permeability. Using intra-articular, intramuscular and periarticular administration, anti-inflammatory effects are exerted. During intra-articular administration, the active components penetrate into the bloodstream and interact with proteins. When administered intramuscularly, the effect is also prolonged.

"Hydrocortisone" has the following release forms:

  • Suspensions for injections. For joint pain and rheumatic diseases. Administration intra-articular, periarticular, intramuscular. Bottles of 5 ml. Ampoules of 0.1 g and 0.025 g. The color is white, there is a characteristic odor.
  • Powder. A solution is made from it before administering the drug. A bottle contains 100 or 500 mg of hydrocortisone sodium succinate. Intravenous jet administration using droppers.
  • Liniment 1% for the dermis. For external use. Composition of “Hydrocortisone”:
    • active substance - hydrocortisone acetate 1.0 g;
    • auxiliary components - stearic acid, pentol, petroleum jelly, etc.
  • Eye ointment 0.5%. Used in ophthalmology.
  • Pills. Contains 10 and 20 mg hydrocartisone. Dosage 20-240 mg.


  • Analgesic effect.
  • Relieving swelling and inflammation.


Treatment with the drug does not have a positive effect on arthrosis.
  • Lots of side effects.
  • For arthrosis, therapy is not effective.
  • Does not help strengthen bones.

The most effective, but also the most painful, are injections into the joint. Incorrect administration provokes complications. The tablets may harm the stomach. The use of intramuscular injections is painful, but quickly relieves pain and has less negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Taking the drug is effective only in the complex treatment of joint pain.

Indications for use

Intravenous and intramuscular injections

  • Acute allergies.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Emergency conditions.

Intra-articular injections

Injections into the joint are prescribed for acute bursitis.
  • Arthritis of rheumatoid or acute gouty type.
  • Acute and subacute bursitis.

Hydrocortisone ointments applied externally

  • Eczema.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Insect bites.
  • Psoriasis, etc.

Eye ointments

  • Keratitis.
  • Eyelid dermatitis.
  • Postoperative period.

Instructions for use of "Hydrocortisone" for joints

What should be the dose, frequency and duration of administration of the drug is determined by the doctor.

Additional visits to physiotherapy have a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints.

An increased dose can lead to ulcerative bleeding, increased blood pressure, and exacerbation of chronic infectious diseases. There are no antidotes; in case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is carried out. Vaccinations should not be performed during Hydrocortisone therapy. The use of physiotherapy during treatment with the drug helps speed up recovery.

Application of injections

Administration is carried out intravenously. Apply 100-150 mg every 4 hours for two days, then every 8-12 hours. High doses are used at the beginning of treatment, after which the dose is reduced or the medicine is changed. The drug is not administered into more than 3 joints at a time. The break between injections should be 3 weeks. Treatment of one joint cannot be carried out more than 3 times per year.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Used in ophthalmology and for the treatment of skin diseases externally. Apply thin layers to sore spots 2 times. per day. The treatment period is 1-2 weeks, sometimes up to 3 weeks. Many eye ailments are treated with eye ointment by placing it in the conjunctival sac area up to 3 times a day. per day. The treatment period lasts no more than 14 days.


Hydrocortisone cannot be used to treat the following diseases:

Glaucoma is a contraindication to hormone treatment.
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • intra-articular bone fractures;
  • caxap diabetes;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • lung diseases;
  • glaucoma;
  • postoperative condition;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • age over 65 years.

Hydrocortisone ointment is an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases accompanied by skin rashes. The drug is characterized by anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects. After applying the ointment, the number of rashes is reduced, swelling and redness disappear. The external remedy helps to quickly get rid of unbearable skin itching when an allergic reaction develops.

Patients often ask doctors whether Hydrocortisone ointment is hormonal or not. The active ingredient of the drug is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. This hormonal compound is similar in action to cortisone, produced by the adrenal cortex.

Indications for the use of hormonal ointments are pathologies occurring against the background of an inflammatory process in the epidermis. Medicines containing glucocorticosteroids are used in medicine in the treatment of adults and children.

They effectively relieve acute and chronic inflammation, reducing the severity of symptoms. The action of hormonal ointments is aimed at suppressing the work of mast cells. Biologically active compounds, including histamine, cease to be released from them.

In their absence, recovery is significantly accelerated:
  • the intensity of the allergic reaction quickly decreases;
  • the condition of the skin improves.

Hormonal agents are often indispensable in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. But, despite their effectiveness, in some cases doctors prefer to do without them. This is due to the presence of a wide list of contraindications and side effects.

The use of glucorticosteroids requires constant laboratory monitoring to monitor hematopoietic processes. When prescribing any hormonal ointment, the doctor takes into account many factors. This is the cause of the pathology, the stage of its course, the number of rashes, the age of the patient, and the presence of diseases in the anamnesis.

Description of the drug

Any dosage forms with hydrocortisone are hormonal drugs. As the inflammatory process develops, the body begins to intensively produce cortisone to suppress it. In severe pathological processes, this amount is not enough, so swelling and blisters form on the skin. Applying an ointment with a glucocorticosteroid allows you to compensate for the deficiency of the adrenal hormone.

Clinically this manifests itself as follows:
  • swelling disappears, natural skin color returns;
  • the rashes decrease in size, turn pale and disappear.

It is not advisable to use a product for local application for skin infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

In case of secondary infection, the patient’s therapeutic regimen includes Hydrocortisone in combination with an antibacterial drug.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Hydrocortisone ointment is part of the group of glucocorticosteroids and ophthalmic agents. All hormonal drugs exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-shock activity.

The external agent is also characterized by an immunosuppressive effect, providing artificial immunosuppression. This is relevant in the treatment of skin rashes accompanying autoimmune pathologies. Reducing excessive activity of the immune system helps normalize the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Pharmacological action

The similarity of hydrocortisone with the hormone of the adrenal cortex determines its pharmacological properties. It takes part in regulating the metabolism of proteins, triglycerides, complex and simple carbohydrates.

One of the pronounced effects of the drug is the accumulation of glycogen in liver cells and the synthesis of glucose. This causes an increase in insulin production by the pancreas.

During the course of using the ointment, the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for the production of prostaglandins, is blocked. In the absence of these mediators of pain and inflammation in the tissues, pathological processes slow down. Sensitization reactions are reduced, exudate stops accumulating in inflammatory foci, and hyperemia disappears.

Release form and composition

There are no non-hormonal creams, ointments or gels with hydrocortisone on pharmacy shelves.

The presence of this compound in the composition of the external agent determines its hormonal affiliation. Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce dosage forms with glucocorticosteroids:

  • 0.5% eye ointment 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 g;
  • external 1% ointment at 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0 and 30.0 g;
  • 1% cream 10.0, 15.0, 20.0 and 30.0 g.

External forms include a 0.1% emulsion used to eliminate skin irritations. The ointment is packaged in aluminum tubes. The secondary packaging for the drugs is a cardboard box, which contains an annotation.

In addition to the glucocorticosteroid, the composition of the eye product includes auxiliary ingredients: petroleum jelly, lanolin, paraffin and the preservative methyloxybenzoate. Manufacturers enhanced the absorbent properties of the external preparation by adding:

  • stearic acid;
  • pentol;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • distilled water.

Additional ingredients improve the condition of the skin, prolong the effect of the glucocorticosteroid, and ensure its penetration into the epidermis. Due to the presence of the natural compound lanolin, the preparations have a pronounced antiseptic effect.

Instructions for use

Uncontrolled use of Hydrocortisone ointment will cause serious deterioration in health. It is especially important to follow medical recommendations when treating pregnant women and young children. For such patients, a glucocorticosteroid is prescribed in extreme cases when non-hormonal agents have not brought the expected result. When treating children, ointment should not be used under bandages, as this will cause adverse reactions.

One of the features of the use of steroids is the body’s addiction during long-term treatment. If they are abruptly discontinued, a relapse of the pathology may occur, so a gradual reduction in dosage is recommended.

Indications, contraindications and side effects of Hydrocortisone

Hydrocortisone ophthalmic ointment does not have a wide list of contraindications. The hormonal agent is not used in the treatment of diseases caused by infectious agents. It is forbidden to place the drug behind the eyelid if there are microtraumas.

In ophthalmological practice it is used in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • conjunctivitis of allergic etiology;
  • keratitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • dermatitis of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • iritis and iridocyclitis.

The external product has a wide range of applications. This is the treatment of dry and weeping eczema, itchy neurodermatitis, erythroderma. Nasal drops with hydrocortisone are used for prolonged rhinitis against the background of inflammatory non-infectious pathologies. Indications for prescribing ointment are often:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • seborrhea.

Hydrocortisone can be used to treat children over 2 years of age. The drug is not prescribed to patients with ulcers and wounds, acne, rosacea, and perioral dermatitis. It is strictly prohibited in the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms on the skin.

Hydrocortisone ointment is used in the treatment of insect bites that have provoked a severe allergic reaction.

Using it for other purposes, for example, to treat herpes or other infections, will cause side effects. Swelling and itching may increase, and new rashes may form. With prolonged use, slow resorption of bone tissue occurs and the development of joint diseases. Headaches and dizziness are signs of vascular pathologies that occur against the background of water and electrolyte balance disorders.

Directions for use and doses

The medicine is applied to the skin 3-4 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course varies depending on its effectiveness and the type of skin pathology. If necessary, the doctor can extend treatment up to three weeks. As a rule, in the absence of positive results, hydrocortisone is replaced with other drugs.

The eye product is placed behind the eyelid 2-3 times a day. Sterile wipes or bandages should be used during the procedure. After application, you should not use other ophthalmic agents for 20 minutes.

Prices and conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

External and ophthalmic ointment Hydrocortisone is available over-the-counter from pharmacies. The cost of 1% of the product is about 25 rubles per 10 g, 0.5% - 65 rubles per 7 g.


Hydrocortisone ointment or cream has no non-hormonal analogues.

La-Cri, Gistan, Fenistil gel have a similar effect. Hormonal external agents also exhibit anti-inflammatory activity - Gioksizon, Lokoid, Triderm, Beloderm, Belosalik.

Hydrocortisone ointment (review) from 25 rub.


Hormonal eye ointment. Well suited for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the anterior parts of the eyeball. Also helps with skin problems.


  • Efficiency

Hydrocortisone ointment is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid drug used externally. Basically, it is used to treat skin inflammatory and allergic diseases of non-microbial origin. Therefore, hydrocortisone ointment is used to get rid of diseases such as contact dermatitis, eczema, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and psoriasis.


The main active ingredient of this remedy is hydrocortisone acetate. Auxiliary ingredients are lanolin, methyl paraben (or nipagin), liquid paraffin, and medical Vaseline.

Indications for use

This medicinal drug is found under other names: Lokoid, Cortade, Hydrocort, Hydrocortisone Nycomed, Akortin, Highton. Therefore, if you need to purchase an ointment to get rid of skin diseases, you can opt for the above-mentioned medications with a similar effect. Before starting to use this medication, it should be clarified that hydrocortisone in the human body is produced in the adrenal glands and has a powerful anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-shock effect.

If this medication is used for therapeutic purposes when allergic reactions occur, it helps to noticeably reduce itching, swelling and significantly prevents the development of inflammation. It should be noted that this drug, with long-term use and systemic use, significantly reduces the immune functions of the human body. This effect can only be avoided with a short course of hydrocortisone ointment. For example, a short course of treatment with eye ointment prevents such a negative side effect from developing.

This drug has been widely used in therapeutic practice. It is often prescribed for inflammation of the skin caused by physical or chemical influences. Hydrocortisone ointment is used for skin diseases resulting from dysfunctions of the central nervous system, in the presence of diseases such as seborrhea, lichen planus. The ointment is good for eczema, which is characterized by weeping, itchy inflammation. This medicine is indicated for use in allergic and inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

How to use

Application of this medicinal ointment to the skin surface promotes the effective accumulation of its components in the granular layer of the epidermis. A small amount of hydrocortisone undergoes a metabolization process in the epidermis itself, and the main part of the substance penetrates the systemic circulation through the skin, then into the human liver, from where it is excreted in urine or bile.

When purchasing the drug at a pharmacy, you must carefully read the instructions. This remedy is applied in a thin layer to damaged areas of the skin surface, a maximum of three times a day. The duration of therapeutic treatment is approximately 6–14 days, depending on the nature of the disease. In some cases, the doctor extends therapy to 20 days. For limited areas of skin lesions, to enhance the effect of the ointment, the dermatologist sometimes recommends using special (occlusive) dressings that block the access of air to the lesion.

Contraindications and side effects

Particular attention should be paid to the duration of treatment when using hydrocortisone ointment for children. Indeed, in childhood, suppression of the function of the adrenal glands develops much faster. It is also important to take into account possible side effects, which are usually observed in people with increased individual sensitivity. Negative side effects include swelling, itching in the lesion, hypertrichosis, and other atrophic skin changes.

Hydrocortisone ointment has significant contraindications, which include diseases such as tuberculosis, mycosis, purulent inflammation of the skin (pyoderma), ulcerative lesions and various skin tumors, skin manifestations of syphilis, hypersensitivity to glucocorticoids.

It is important to monitor the effects of this medication when you use it. If there is no significant improvement within a week, you should stop using the ointment and consult a medical specialist to clarify the diagnosis. Skin diseases take a long time to resolve. Take care of yourself!


Hydrocortisone ointment - how and what is it used for?

Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormonal drug for topical application. The active ingredient is hydrocortisone. The drug is used to treat inflammatory and allergic skin pathologies: dermatitis, neurodermatitis, seborrhea and lichen. The product has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antipruritic effects.

Important: glucocorticosteroid ointments have a number of side effects due to the high activity of the active substance. For this reason, it is necessary to use the medication for medicinal purposes carefully. Also, the treatment course using hormonal ointments should not exceed 5 days in order to avoid adverse reactions of the body.


The drug is a white ointment with a yellowish tint, which is sold in aluminum tubes of 10 grams. Hydrocortisone ointment 1%, since per 1 gram of product there are 10 milligrams of hydrocortisone acetate - this is the main active component, which determines the pharmacological action and dynamics of the drug.

Additional formative ingredients: petrolatum, pentol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, anhydrous lanolin, propyl parahydroxybenzoate and stearic acid.

Mechanism of action

As for the pharmacological action of the ointment, it has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. The pronounced effect of the drug is based on the fact that the active component of the composition inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators and inhibits the production of prostaglandins and arachidonic acid. Hydrocortisone accumulates in the skin structures and also in the liver. The substance is excreted by the intestines and kidneys along with bile.

What is it used for?

There are two types of Hydrocortisone ointment, which contain hydrocortisone in a volume of 10 and 5 milligrams. One percent ointment is used to treat local lesions, and a product containing 0.5% active ingredient is used to treat mucous membranes. Indications for use of the drug for the eyes and external use are described below.

Eye ointment

Hydrocortisone-POS is prescribed for allergic skin lesions, as it reduces the severity of the inflammatory process. The ointment is used to treat diseases of the anterior part of the eye in the absence of mechanical damage to the cornea. A topical remedy for use for thermal and chemical burns of the cornea, as well as for a number of ophthalmological diseases::

  • barley;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • chalazion.


Hydrocortisone ointment is used to treat local inflammatory processes of the skin, as well as to combat skin manifestations of allergies. It is not relevant to use the drug for dermatitis of microbial etiology. Dermatological diseases for which the medicine is used:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • seborrhea;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • insect bites;
  • erythroderma;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • phimosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • vulvitis;
  • arthritis.

Instructions for use

The ointment is sold in two versions - for treatment of the eye mucosa (5%) and for application to the skin (1%). Use medications strictly according to instructions, after consulting with your doctor. Below are the features of using medicines to treat diseases.

Ointment 5%The pharmacological agent is used only locally; it is unacceptable to take it orally. Place 1 cm of hydrocortisone ointment under the lower eyelid (conjunctival sac), then close your eyes and massage your eyelids to distribute the medicine over the eyeball. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day, and the duration of the treatment course should not exceed 2 weeks. In some cases, the dosage and period of use of the product is varied by the attending physician, taking into account the overall picture of the disease.
Ointment 1%Apply the drug directly to acne, or locally, spreading a thin layer directly onto the affected area, then wash your hands. Use the product 2-3 times during the day. The duration of treatment depends on the characteristics of the disease and can vary from 4 days to 2 weeks. It is not recommended to use more than 60 g. ointments for a period of one week. For inflammatory infiltration, psoriatic plaques on the elbows and knees, diseases of the joints and ENT organs, injuries, scars and ulcers, the drug is applied under an occlusive dressing. Change the dressing at least once a day to avoid side effects of the drug.

Hydrocortisone ointment for wrinkles

Hormonal ointment helps to cope with facial wrinkles, but this is a short-term effect that threatens to increase wrinkles. The following side effects are also observed: skin atrophy, diabetes and dysfunction of internal organs.

To smooth out wrinkles and scars, the drug is used as follows:

  • cleanse the skin using a cleansing toner;
  • apply a thin layer of the composition to the dry, fat-free dermis, allowing it to be absorbed;
  • similar actions are carried out twice during the day, in the morning and in the evening.

Is it suitable for children?

The medication has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, which can negatively affect the child’s health:

  • ointment can lead to disruption of the adrenal glands in childhood;
  • may interfere with the growth function of the body.

For this reason, the ointment is available for use from 12 years of age. As for young children, the drug can be used for therapeutic purposes from 2 years of age, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Harm and side effects

An anti-inflammatory drug based on hydrocortisone has side effects. During treatment, itching, hyperemia and increased swelling may occur. If the treatment course is prolonged, this can lead to the development of secondary infectious skin disorders, including trophic ulcers. It is also possible to have dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, glucosuria, hyperglycemia and other pathological conditions.


Contraindications to the use of Hydrocortisone ointment:

  • lupus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • It is not recommended to use the ointment during pregnancy;
  • ulcerative lesions of the integument;
  • acne;
  • Do not use the product for infectious diseases, including runny nose and other cold symptoms;
  • fungal skin lesions;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components, etc.


If necessary, Hydrocortisone ointment can be replaced by other hormonal agents that have a similar effect and are based on hydrocortisone. Among these local drugs are:

  • Lokoid;
  • Pimafucort;
  • Posterisan forte, etc.


Victoria: I took Hydrocortisone ointment for mosquito bites. The drug helps well, the itching and inflammation go away immediately.

Veronica: I was treated for psoriasis using Hydrocortisone ointment - the results were satisfactory.

Sonya: To treat the joints, the doctor prescribed ultrasound with hydrocortisone. After physiotherapy, pain decreases and swelling is relieved. Inflamed tissues heal faster.

Hydrocortisone ointment: indications and methods of use

Hydrocortisone ointment is a frequent inhabitant of home medicine cabinets, due to its high efficiency and wide scope of application. The product is mainly used in ophthalmology, but it is often used in the treatment of various skin diseases.

A wide scope of application is achieved through the release of two forms of the drug. One of them is aimed at treating eye diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, thermal or chemical burns of the eyes, allergic dermatitis, etc. The second form is used in dermatology and effectively fights psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and allergic skin lesions. Both forms of the drug are intended exclusively for external use.

Active components and effect of the drug

Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormonal remedy. The active component is the hormone hydrocortisone acetate, which is produced in the human body through the adrenal glands.

Ointment for external use contains 1% hydrocortisone and 99% auxiliary components (lanolin, petroleum jelly, nipazole). Eye ointment contains 0.5% hormone.

Hydrocortisone effectively fights inflammation, skin itching, reduces skin sensitivity and promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body. However, the hormone can negatively affect local immunity, which makes it possible to use hydrocortisone ointment in the treatment of allergic diseases. In this case, immune cells attack their own tissues, and the weakening of local immunity helps eliminate allergies.

The hormone is very often used in antiallergic drugs due to its ability to penetrate quickly and deeply into tissues. For this reason, hydrocortisone ointment is effective in eliminating the effects of allergies such as irritation, dryness and flaking of the skin. The drug significantly alleviates the condition of patients with eczema and psoriasis.

Indications for use of eye ointment

Indications for the use of eye ointment are quite extensive. This list includes:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • inflammation of the anterior part of the eye;
  • keratitis;
  • iritis;
  • iradocyclitis;
  • uveitis;
  • thermal and chemical damage to the eyes.

The use of eye ointment is not unusual: the drug must be placed behind the lower eyelid 3-5 times a day.

There are a number of cases in which the use of hydrocortisone eye ointment is not allowed:

  • fungal infectious and viral eye diseases;
  • trachoma;
  • glaucoma;
  • eye tuberculosis;
  • violation of the integrity of the corneal epithelium;
  • vaccination period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

For diabetes and arterial hypertension, eye ointment should be used very carefully. Limiting factors include pregnancy: the drug can be used for no more than 7-10 days and only according to strict indications. Breastfeeding must be stopped for the entire duration of treatment during lactation.

Hydrocortisone eye ointment has some side effects. Immediately after use, a burning sensation may occur; with prolonged use, an increase in intraocular pressure, development of subcapsular cataracts, and exophthalmos are possible. It is precisely because of the existence of a dangerous side effect that the drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Hydrocortisone ointment for skin

Ointment for external use (1%) is indicated for:

  • inflammatory and allergic skin diseases of non-microbial etiology;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • insect bites;
  • seborrhea.

Contraindications for the use of hydrocortisone include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • wound or ulcerative skin lesions;
  • bacterial, fungal skin diseases;
  • cutaneous tuberculosis;
  • syphilitic tissue lesions.

Similar to the form used in ophthalmology, careful use of the ointment is necessary for diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The use of hydrocortisone to treat skin diseases in children under 2 years of age is unacceptable.

For children over 2 years old, as a rule, the treatment period and the number of procedures per day are reduced. The use of the drug in children and adults should be accompanied by the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. Treatment with hydrocortisone ointment is a course of treatment and depends on the nature of the disease. If after use for 7 days there is no effect or is considered negative, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Side effects of the drug may include itching and swelling at the sites of application.

Long-term use can provoke secondary infectious tissue lesions, hypertrichosis, and atrophic changes in the skin.

Hydrocortisone ointment in both forms is stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture. The use of the drug in violation of the shelf life is unacceptable. It is best to store the ointment in a cool, dark place out of the reach of children.

Hydrocortisone in cosmetology

Aging is a natural process of any organism and it is impossible to stop it forever. Despite this, cosmetology actively and successfully fights against masking the external manifestations of aging - wrinkles, dryness, sagging skin.

Hormonal cosmetology is a rather controversial area of ​​medicine, since the result of changes in hormonal balance cannot always be predicted. However, many women resort to this method to maintain their well-being and skin condition.

The use of hydrocortisone ointment refers specifically to hormonal therapy. The hormone hydrocortisone is involved in metabolic processes, and the condition of the skin directly depends on its amount. With age, the production of this hormone, like other beneficial nutrients, slows down significantly, and the skin begins to acquire characteristic signs of age.

As a result of a lack of collagen, nutrients and hormones, the skin becomes thinner, becomes dry, and loses its elasticity. This leads to the widespread belief among women that in this case it is necessary to compensate for the lack of hormones to eliminate the signs of aging. Hydrocortisone is gaining particular popularity as a means of preventing dehydration by retaining moisture deep in the skin cells.

After using the drug, the skin acquires almost imperceptible swelling, which skillfully hides wrinkles. Many representatives of the fair sex perceive this result as a lifting effect and a worthy replacement for Botox. However, the cosmetic effect of the ointment disappears within a short time due to the disappearance of swelling, and the skin returns to its original state.

How to remove wrinkles with hydrocortisone

Hydrocortisone ointment does not have a long-term anti-aging effect. Its effect is quite noticeable, but short-lived. This property of the drug provokes many women into its long-term, uncontrolled use.

The hormonal basis of the ointment ensures the presence of many side effects.

One of them is tissue atrophy. This is the exact opposite effect of rejuvenation. Uncontrolled and frequent use of hydrocortisone may not only not bring a positive effect, but also cause significant harm. The negative impact on the skin will manifest itself in its thinning, loss of elasticity, and dryness. Under these conditions, wrinkles become even deeper and more noticeable.

The use of hydrocortisone as an anti-aging agent is allowed if it is necessary to prepare for any event and quickly give freshness to the face. The ointment gives an instant rejuvenating effect: after application, the skin is transformed literally before our eyes.

Consequences of rejuvenation

The use of hydrocortisone ointment as an anti-aging agent is a rather controversial issue that requires consultation with a qualified specialist.

Since hormonal saturation of the body occurs synthetically, the consequences of long-term use of the drug can be disappointing:

  • the likelihood of disruption of the body's metabolic processes increases;
  • the synthetic hormone is addictive, causing the adrenal glands to reduce the production of natural substances and, as a result, accelerating the aging process;
  • the likelihood of developing side effects of the hormone through tissue atrophy can cause serious damage to beauty and health.

When considering the use of hydrocortisone as an anti-aging agent, you should consult with a specialist. During the consultation, the doctor will clearly determine the presence of contraindications and indicate precautions when taking the drug. Such measures will allow you to maintain beauty for as long as possible without harm to the body.


Hydrocortisone ointment: how to use the anti-wrinkle drug

Hydrocortisone ointment for wrinkles began to be used in home cosmetology not so long ago. This drug can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription at an affordable price. Hydrocortisone gives really good results. After using it, the folds on the face become less noticeable, even the deepest ones. Despite this amazing effect, you need to know a few nuances about hydrocortisone before starting the procedure.

How hydrocortisone works, the benefits of medicinal hormonal ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment for wrinkles contains cortisol. With a lack of this substance in the body, dermal cells become dehydrated, and early signs of aging appear due to lack of moisture. Hydrocortisone allows you to retain moisture; when applied, wrinkles are literally “pushed out” from the inside.

Benefits of using an anti-wrinkle drug

  1. The affordable cost of the drug makes it an excellent alternative to expensive salon anti-aging procedures. In addition, the drug can be used at home.
  2. The product is applied directly from the tube; it does not need to be diluted with additional components.
  3. The drug gives quick results. After just a few days of applying hydrocortisone to the skin, wrinkles become less noticeable.

How to properly apply hydrocortisone ointment to the skin, features of use of the drug

Hydrocortisone ointment for wrinkles is applied to the dermis, following the instructions.

  1. First you need to wash your face, then the skin is treated with a tonic that suits the woman’s dermis type.
  2. A small amount of hydrocortisone ointment is squeezed onto the fingertip. One small drop, about the size of a pea, will be enough.
  3. The drug is applied to wrinkles; there is no need to distribute it over the entire face. You must wait until the drug is absorbed.

Features of application: important nuances

Duration of the course – no longer than 1-2 weeks. Otherwise, the skin atrophies. As a result, the skin will begin to fade even faster and more wrinkles will appear.

Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormonal drug. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using it. Studies have been conducted which have found that in some cases the drug can cause heart disease, stroke or even breast cancer.

Indications and contraindications for use, possible side effects

Hydrocortisone ointment has shown excellent results in the fight against wrinkles. It is also prescribed for the following skin problems:

  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis (allergic and contact);
  • seborrhea;
  • bites of mosquitoes and other insects;
  • eczema;
  • pruritus.

Contraindications to the use of hydrocortisone ointment

  1. The presence of ulcerative lesions on the epidermis.
  2. Bacterial and fungal diseases of the skin.
  3. Cutaneous tuberculosis.
  4. The use of anti-wrinkle ointment is prohibited if you have an individual intolerance to individual components of the composition.
  5. The period of lactation and childbearing.
  6. Hydrocortisone ointment should not be used by people with diabetes.

When using hormonal ointment to combat unwanted wrinkles, the following side effects may occur:

  • swelling of the skin, itching;
  • artificial aging of the skin (with long-term use);
  • disorders of the adrenal glands;
  • infectious lesions of the epidermis;
  • hyperglycemia.

If after several uses of hydrocortisone ointment a person feels unwell, itchy, or redness appears on the skin, the wrinkle smoothing course must be stopped immediately. It is possible that the drug is suitable for a woman. It is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Hydrocortisone for wrinkles gives incredible results. The main thing is to follow the instructions for use of the drug and not abuse it.

FINE AND DEEP WRINKLES, bags under the eyes and jowls, LOSS OF ELASTICITY AND OVAL OF THE FACE. Are you familiar with all this firsthand?