In vitro fertilization problems and consequences. What is IVF. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a common complication

Many couples ask the question “Is IVF safe?”, “Is IVF harmful to health?”, “What consequences can IVF bring for a woman?” There are always risks when performing IVF. As with any simple manipulation, even in the form of an intramuscular injection.

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IVF can also bring risks to a woman’s health.

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For many thousands of couples, in vitro fertilization has given the greatest and most long-awaited gift of fate - their beloved children. However, as they say, you have to pay for everything in life. This payment turns out to be the risks of ecology for a woman. The negative consequences of IVF for a woman, in the absence of timely diagnosis and a quick response from a doctor to serious complications, can cost the patient and her unborn child her life.

IVF and side effects are closely related, since this procedure involves the use of many medications.

Are there mandatory tests before IVF?

When using IVF, complications occur of a varied nature, depending on the stage of the protocol. IVF is most dangerous for women with concomitant somatic pathologies, since the use of assisted reproductive technologies entails a large hormonal load on the body. Eco xy pixie

Side effects after IVF are divided into immediate and long-term.

IVF: consequences for women's health

IVF: danger for women in the form of psycho-emotional disorders. Inspired by the hopes of such a desired and such close happiness, the woman feels great and is ready to make any sacrifices and manipulations in order to finally hear the first movement of her child. But sometimes, due to various reasons, the IVF protocol is unsuccessful. Are IVF and ectopic pregnancy compatible? For a woman, this is a big blow, and against the background of these events, many develop depressive disorders. In some cases, further management of the patient is impossible without the involvement of psychologists and sometimes psychiatrists. However, you shouldn’t worry so much, as medical statistics say the opposite:

The success rate of the first attempt of the in vitro fertilization protocol is only 30%, and with each subsequent attempt, the chances of getting pregnant increase many times over. Why does this happen? The reason for this is simple: when failure occurs, doctors have the opportunity to find out its cause and correct it during subsequent IVF protocols.

In addition, medical observations indicate that some women who failed, even became pregnant on their own after a few months. This can be explained by a hormonal surge, normalization of hormonal levels, the onset of spontaneous ovulation and the onset of pregnancy. You should not be afraid of such difficulties, because a long road always begins with one small step, and even endometriosis with IVF is not a death sentence.

IVF: negative consequences of ovarian stimulation - complications

The consequences of ovarian stimulation before IVF are one of the most common complications in the in vitro fertilization protocol. In order to carry out in vitro fertilization, reproductive doctors need to obtain biological material from the mother and father. In order to obtain eggs, the woman’s body undergoes a process such as stimulation of ovulation. Stimulation takes place with the use of powerful hormonal drugs, which, in addition to the desired effect, can also have the opposite. This pathological condition is called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Symptoms of hyperstimulation during IVF may not appear immediately.

Consequences of stimulation during IVF. The pathogenetic mechanism of the formation of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is completely unknown and is a topic for speculation. As a result of the influence on the ovaries of peak values ​​of luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin, increased levels of estrogen, the production of the so-called “factor X” begins, the basis of which is not yet regulated by medicine.

This substance leads to general transudation - sweating, the liquid part of the blood into the intercellular space, contributing to the formation of complications such as ascites - detection of fluid in the abdominal cavity, hydrothorax - accumulation of transudate in the pleural cavity, anasarca - general edema. Massive redistribution of the fluid component from the vascular rust into the intercellular space leads to a decrease in blood volume and a change in hemostasiogram parameters. This increases the risk of all kinds of thrombosis - cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism. Ovarian hyperstimulation during IVF has consequences for a woman’s body that can lead to other diseases.

Clinical manifestations of this consequence after IVF:

  • A feeling of general weakness, dizziness, headache of varying intensity and duration depending on the severity of the complication;
  • Due to the accumulation of ascitic contents in the abdominal cavity, the abdomen begins to noticeably increase, the size of which also changes depending on the degree of ovarian hyperstimulation.
  • Feeling of nausea, vomiting.
  • Reduced glomerular filtration by the kidneys. A decrease in the total amount of urine, up to anuria - a complete lack of urine production by the kidneys, which entails the formation of acute renal failure.
  • Decreased quality of life for women.
  • Severe edematous syndrome, which is manifested by the formation of swelling of the arms, legs, face, and sometimes all organs and tissues of the body.
  • A decrease in the volume of circulating blood entails its thickening, which threatens increased thrombus formation. And these are myocardial infarctions, cerebral infarctions, pulmonary embolism.
  • Rapid weight gain.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a formidable syndrome in which early diagnosis of this condition and earlier initiation of therapeutic measures to relieve it are important.

Consequences for a woman after IVF: torsion of a hyperstimulated ovary.

When ovulation is stimulated to achieve the phenomenon of superovulation, ovarian hyperstimulation occurs. This organ can increase in size when exposed to powerful hormonal drugs, which can provoke ovarian hyperfunction, its significant increase in size, thereby increasing the risk of torsion. If such a pathological condition occurs, the process may progress to ovarian necrosis or IVF and ovarian depletion will occur and it will need to be removed. And this, in subsequent attempts to get pregnant, reduces the possibility of obtaining eggs, since one ovary will no longer be available, that is, the chances are reduced by 50%. How do you prepare for eco-ix?

IVF: risks to a woman’s health in the form of cyst rupture

The process of the same stimulation of the ovaries can occur with the formation of multiple cysts with liquid contents. Under certain conditions, these cysts are at risk of rupture. The rupture of the cyst can be accompanied by significant bleeding, which manifests itself in a woman in the form of sharp pain in the lower abdomen that suddenly begins. Pale skin, tachycardia, loss of consciousness. This is an urgent situation that requires immediate surgical treatment.

A woman undergoing an in vitro fertilization protocol must be informed about all the complications that may occur during the procedure and trained in tactics in case of their occurrence.

IVF and consequences for a woman after performing a transvaginal puncture to collect eggs.

Transvaginal puncture is a manipulation during which biomaterial (eggs) is collected for further fertilization. Since this is an invasive procedure, the woman and the doctor must be prepared for possible complications

Puncture during IVF: consequences after IVF

  • Since puncture is a kind of puncture of the vaginal wall and periuterine tissue to enter the abdominal cavity, such manipulation entails traumatic damage to blood vessels. Therefore, when performing such manipulations, there is a high risk of developing vaginal hematomas.
  • Since puncture involves penetration into the abdominal cavity, there is a corresponding risk of developing an infectious process. Therefore, when carrying out this manipulation, it is necessary to comply with all standards of asepsis and antiseptics, and an experienced, qualified specialist must also carry out this kind of manipulation.
  • A possible undesirable consequence of such manipulation is bladder injury. this occurs due to the anatomical proximity of the uterus, ovaries and the bladder itself. The procedure should also be performed by experienced specialists, however, even an experienced doctor is not immune from any complications. Any invasive intervention in the body carries risks.
  • Transvaginal puncture is a painful procedure that is performed under intravenous anesthesia. And any anesthesia can result in unpredictable consequences for a woman.

Embryo transfer during IVF: side effects for the mother

After fertilization is completed, that is, the union of the maternal egg and the paternal sperm, the embryos are implanted into the uterine cavity at the morula or blastocyst stage. This procedure may be slightly uncomfortable, but does not require anesthesia. After embryo transfer, the most common complication is the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy, a situation when the embryo is attached not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube, which is also fraught with complications and chronic IVF endometritis can occur.

This manipulation can also be complicated by infectious complications for the woman.

IVF: danger to a woman’s health in the form of multiple pregnancies

When performing embryo transfer, the number of embryos is always discussed with the couple. When transferring several embryos, the chances of implantation of at least one of them are always higher than when transferring one. But there are not so rare cases when not one, but two, three or even four embryos are implanted - this is called a multiple pregnancy.

Multiple pregnancy is a double risk, a double burden on a woman’s body. And this is also a social problem - not every married couple is ready to take responsibility for two or even three children, since financial well-being plays an important role in this situation.

Gestational complications after IVF: statistics.

According to statistical information, the occurrence of such pregnancy complications as the threat of miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, frozen pregnancy, and the threat of premature birth is observed 3 times more often than with a spontaneous pregnancy. Also, such pregnancies can be complicated by signs of utero-fetal infection, which can cause complications on the placenta in the form of developing chorioamnionitis, on the developing fetus in the form of intrauterine pneumonia, which are quite difficult to correct in the neonatal period. Is there any incentive for eco

Consequences of IVF for a woman’s health: oncology

When massive courses of hormonal therapy are used, long-term consequences of IVF for a woman’s body may occur. The risk of developing an oncological process is precisely such a formidable complication. At the moment, materials on the direct connection between the use of assisted reproductive technologies and cancer are still being studied, however, cases of the development of oncological processes in the mammary glands have been recorded. It should be clarified that the procedure itself cannot directly influence the development of the cancer process. But if a situation arises in which the oncological process was not detected in the early stages, then hormonal therapy will undoubtedly aggravate the existing pathological condition in the form of lightning-fast growth of the tumor, which will be diagnosed after the in vitro fertilization protocol.

IVF: side effects on the child's part

The issue of the consequences and influence of the very method of obtaining them on test tube children is quite controversial and still remains a subject of heated debate among members of the medical community.

Many doctors are of the opinion that children conceived in this way are more likely to be infertile. However, such cases are often found among people conceived in the most natural way. This fact may be the cause of genetic defects, so it is very difficult to accurately name the cause of this condition at the moment.

Problems with the immunity of such children can also affect not only the method of their conception, but also hereditary factors.

IVF: the consequences for the child’s health are also quite debatable, but statistical data give the following breakdown:

  • Problems in the functioning of the cardiopulmonary system;
  • Pathology of the nervous system;
  • Low birth weight of such children.

But it is worth repeating that the same complications can arise during spontaneous pregnancy.

However, the risks of congenital malformations are minimized. Since before replanting, using a genetic study, it is possible to determine the chromosome set of the embryo.

IVF: the assisted reproductive technologies used undoubtedly have an impact on a woman’s body. However, it is not possible to unequivocally answer the questions “Is IVF harmful to a woman’s health or not,” “Is IVF harmful to health or only an opportunity to find the happiness of motherhood.” Yes, there are certain complications of IVF for women in the form of complications of ovarian hyperstimulation, side effects of IVF hormonal therapy, risks and dangers, but in medicine there should always be a rule: it is necessary to weigh the risks and benefits for each individual patient and act according to this decision.

Woman's health after IVF

IVF and harm to a woman’s health are very relative concepts.

Is it important to manage pregnancy after IVF?

Health after IVF depends on many factors, ranging from the initial level of health of a particular patient to complications that arose during the protocol. However, a woman, despite all the difficulties and adversities, is ready to undergo in vitro fertilization, especially since the Federal program for free IVF under compulsory medical insurance gives every woman in the Russian Federation who needs an in vitro fertilization protocol the opportunity to experience the joy of motherhood. To do this, you need to submit an application to the site, thereby realizing your most cherished dream.

It is becoming more accessible and its popularity is growing every day. Therefore, the consequences of this reproductive technology are of interest to many. As you know, they can occur both during the procedure and after it. How realistic are children with IVF, and the consequences for a woman’s health in the future?

General negative consequences of IVF on a woman’s body can manifest themselves as follows:

  • Allergy to injected medications. No study can protect you from this.
  • Activation of chronic diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes that develop against the background of the introduction of an infectious agent.
  • The risk of arterial hypertension increases during pregnancy.
  • Bleeding of varying intensity.
  • In rare cases, an ectopic pregnancy may occur.

One of the steps of in vitro fertilization is puncture of the ovarian follicles to remove eggs. And the consequences of this procedure are loss of strength, dizziness and general weakness. This is due to the introduction of anesthetic agents. In addition, after puncture of the follicles, it is common to experience pain in the abdominal area.

Christina, 29 years old

For many years I could not get pregnant naturally, but examinations showed that I was absolutely healthy. I resorted to the procedure of artificial insemination twice, and both of them ended in the collapse of my hopes. But now there is a whole set of pathologies that have become a consequence of the procedure! It's been a year and a half now, and I still have ovaries the size of lemons. The hormonal balance was disrupted and never fully returned to normal! The doctor told me directly that these were the consequences of in vitro fertilization. Any interference in the natural processes of the human body threatens problems! As a result, I decided to adopt a child, because there are thousands of children around who need parental affection and care...

Anastasia, 31 years old

During the 7 years of infertility, I took different hormones. There were several stimulations of ovulation. Last March I finally got pregnant. I took a bunch of medications, and then they put me in storage. The pregnancy turned out to be ectopic. In general, I lost the child. After that, my mental health worsened, I took antidepressants. In addition, I discovered cysts and proliferation of potentially dangerous cells. Plus, my hip joints started to hurt. In general, I don’t know what else to expect...

About contraindications to the use of IVF and negative consequences in the video:

In recent years, a great many couples have been using assisted reproductive technologies. Each patient has her own indications for certain procedures. Every tenth woman who has problems conceiving needs IVF. Today’s article will tell you about this manipulation. You will learn what the consequences of IVF may be, and you will also be able to familiarize yourself with the stages of its implementation.

In Vitro Fertilization

What is this procedure? In vitro fertilization is a procedure that involves conception outside the female body. In this case, the probability of pregnancy is about 60 percent. Not all couples get a positive result on the first try. Some families are forced to resort to in vitro fertilization several times.

The procedure is carried out in different ways. The patient’s condition and her individual characteristics are always taken into account. The procedure has virtually no effect on men. But if the quality of his sperm leaves much to be desired, then separate manipulations are applied here too. In vitro fertilization is prescribed to couples who are unable to conceive a child naturally. The list of main indications includes: absence of fallopian tubes or ovaries, poor quality of partner’s sperm that cannot be corrected. Protocols carried out during IVF can be long or short, with minimal hormonal correction, ultra-short or hyper-long. But the first two are most often used. Read more about them and what consequences IVF may cause below. Do not forget that each patient’s body is individual.

Immediate and long-term negative consequences of IVF

It would seem that what bad could happen during the in vitro fertilization protocol?! But even if you did not experience any difficulties during stimulation and after it, they may occur in the future. All consequences of IVF can be divided into immediate and long-term.

The first includes sudden negative situations or complications that arise during stimulation or immediately after cell transfer. The most common circumstance is considered to be OHSS - Also during this period, complications such as allergies, intolerance to one or another drug, adverse reactions, and inflammation may occur. Often, the immediate consequences of IVF are abdominal pain, stool problems, nausea and vomiting, and liver dysfunction caused by the use of a large number of medications. During a puncture, a woman may experience bleeding, which is also not a very pleasant circumstance.

Doctors are still heatedly arguing about the long-term consequences. It is known that it is quite new, it is shrouded in many myths. It is believed that this manipulation causes intensive growth of tumor tumors. It is especially dangerous if their nature of origin is malignant. The manipulation may cause headaches in the woman in the future; the procedure reduces the ovarian reserve. Any modern IVF center preliminarily examines the woman and studies the risk of unpleasant situations.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a common complication

You already know what the consequences may be after IVF. It is worth highlighting OHSS - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Why is it dangerous and does it always appear?

OHSS is a condition caused by hormonal interference in the patient's body. At one stage of IVF, a woman is forced to take medications that stimulate follicle growth. Doctors need to take more than just one or two eggs—more are needed for success. Doctors often obtain 10-20 follicles from a woman’s ovaries. At the same time, the glands in the natural cycle are not able to produce as much. As a result of the medications, the ovaries increase in size and become overgrown with many follicular cysts. Symptoms of this condition are usually the following: pain in the lower abdomen, increased size of the gonads, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, thickening of the blood. Therapy is necessary for all patients with this problem.

The scale of the negative consequences can be very different. More often, doctors resort to outpatient treatment, but the possibility of hospitalization cannot be ruled out. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is dangerous because the resulting cysts can twist and burst. This can cause severe pain and internal bleeding, requiring surgery. The consequences of OHSS that doctors fear may be the following: thromboembolism, respiratory, cardiac or renal failure. Treatment involves a certain diet, rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and using blood thinners.

Short or long protocol: choice

You already know what consequences the IVF procedure has for a woman. Despite this, many representatives of the fairer sex decide to undergo this manipulation. In most cases, a long or short procedure protocol is selected. What is the difference, does the patient have a choice?

If you contact a good IVF center, it will most likely not be possible to decide on the choice of protocol on your own. After collecting anamnesis, the doctor decides which technique is right for you. The long protocol is used for women with good If your supply of eggs is small, then count on the short protocol. It will begin on the 3rd or 5th day of your natural cycle, stimulation lasts on average 10-14 days. The patient is given medications to prevent premature ovulation. The long protocol takes longer - on average 3-5 weeks. Before performing superstimulation, the doctor prescribes drugs to the patient that block the production of LH. Upon reaching its minimum values, activation of the ovaries begins with appropriate medications. It is generally accepted that the positive outcome of the entire operation depends on the hormone blocking procedure before IVF. Indeed, the pregnancy rate with a long protocol is higher.

Examination and preparation is an important stage

In order for IVF to have only positive consequences for a woman, it is necessary to take into account all the doctor’s recommendations. The first and very important examination is to determine the supply of eggs. Installing it is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to donate blood for FSH and LH. Based on the obtained values, the doctor determines the duration of the protocol. Both partners need to be examined for infections, and the woman also needs to be tested for rubella antibodies. The internal cavity of the uterus must be examined. If there are polyps, synechiae or cysts, they are removed before the start of the protocol. A man takes a spermogram to establish his fertility.

Before stimulation, the couple is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle: abstain from alcohol and smoking, and exclude strenuous sports. The food consumed by future parents should be rich in proteins. If you have chronic diseases, be sure to tell your doctor about them.

Use of hormonal drugs: stimulation

The stages of IVF are divided into three main ones: preparation and administration of medications, puncture and fertilization, embryo transfer and support. Medicines necessary for stimulation are prescribed by a doctor. In order to increase the number of follicles, FSH-based drugs are used, for example, Puregon. The stimulation of this hormone leads to the maturation of 5-30 eggs at a time. Please note that not all of them may be complete and suitable for further processing.

To prevent the production of your own hormones, compounds that block the functioning of the pituitary gland are used. These include "Orgalutran". Immediately before the puncture, the woman is given medications containing human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone).

Follicle puncture and egg fertilization

Collection and processing of follicles are the next steps. Eco involves collecting material using general anesthesia. The manipulation is quite painful, so it is not carried out “for profit”. During puncture, the direction of the needle is controlled using an ultrasound scanner. The doctor chooses the closest and least traumatic route. The procedure lasts on average half an hour. But due to the use of anesthesia, the patient needs medical observation for another 2-3 hours.

After puncture, the follicles are treated with the partner’s sperm, then potential children are placed in a favorable environment. IVF involves transferring embryos on the third or fifth day (depending on individual characteristics).

Embryo transfer and transfer

Russian legislation has recently decided to ban the transfer of large numbers of embryos. Now clinics are limited to two (at most three) fertilized cells. Be prepared for the fact that not all of them will take root. Embryo transfer does not require anesthesia. Using a thin catheter, the fertilized egg is delivered directly into the uterine cavity, eliminating the process of passing through the fallopian tubes. The manipulation lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. During the procedure, a woman may experience mild discomfort and nagging pain.

After the procedure

What are the consequences of IVF? Reviews from women who have undergone this procedure indicate that for some time after the transfer they had to remain within the walls of a medical institution. During this period, doctors recommend keeping quiet. Therefore, you will still not be able to return to your usual activities. After the transfer, doctors monitor the woman, excluding possible complications. If there is no bleeding, acute pain, and the temperature after IVF is normal, then the patient can go home. The woman is prescribed further support, including the use of progesterone-based drugs. They must be used, since due to the intervention, the corpus luteum is not able to independently support a pregnancy, which may turn out to be multiple.

Positive result: pregnancy

You can evaluate the result of the manipulation within 10-14 days. A pregnancy test often turns out to be uninformative. It shows a positive result due to the presence of the injected hormone hCG. Therefore, it is better to go to your doctor for an ultrasound. Two weeks after the transfer, a good device will show the presence or absence of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Also, a comparative blood test for hCG will provide a reliable answer to your question. The most favorable consequence of IVF is pregnancy.

Childbirth after IVF

How are children born? IVF does not require a caesarean section. But, as practice and reviews show, it is prescribed quite often. The main reason may be a woman’s chronic diseases, a history of gynecological pathologies. Natural childbirth after IVF is no different from normal childbirth. But it’s worth saying right away that with such a pregnancy complications often arise in the form of placenta previa, premature detachment, and weak labor.

Psychological side

Women often experience psychological consequences of IVF. This often happens when using donor materials: sperm or eggs. Successful parents constantly try to find features in their born child that do not match their own. Doctors advise such parents to definitely consult a psychologist, as the situation may get out of control.

Failure in IVF is also very difficult for women. Many patients immediately want to join the next protocol. But the body needs time to recover. Be strong, next time the chances of a positive outcome will be higher.

Let's sum it up

From the article you were able to find out what the consequences of IVF are. This procedure causes a serious blow to the female body. Therefore, you need to prepare for it in advance. The more thorough the preparation and the more responsible the approach, the higher the likelihood of a positive result. Good luck and patience!

Risks and complications of IVF

Risks and complications of IVF

Complications may occur as a result of any medical intervention. The in vitro fertilization procedure is no exception. The likelihood of complications with IVF is low. All changes in the body are reversible.

After completion of the procedure, the woman’s somatic and reproductive health is completely restored. In order to minimize possible complications during the IVF procedure and after pregnancy, all patients undergo a thorough mandatory (if indicated, additional) examination. Let's talk about what are the most dangerous risks for a woman during IVF, and how to prevent complications of this procedure.

Complications during IVF during ovarian stimulation

While taking hormonal drugs, hyperstimulation syndrome can become a consequence of increased ovarian function or the individual reaction of the body - this is the main risk of IVF. The complication develops due to the increased production of certain hormones and vasoactive substances.

In most cases, hyperstimulation syndrome is mild. Clinically, it is manifested by a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, bloating, and mild pain, which is the result of enlarged ovaries.

To prevent this complication, we try to use minimal ovarian stimulation using low doses of hormones; the selection of drugs is very individual, taking into account many factors: age, ovarian reserve, concomitant pathology, past IVF experience, etc.

After stimulation of superovulation, the ovaries may remain enlarged by one and a half to two times for some time. This occurs due to the fact that in place of artificially extracted follicles, corpus luteum is formed, which should support pregnancy for up to 10-12 weeks.

Each body is very individual and can react differently to any medical intervention. Extremely rare complications during stimulation are bleeding due to rupture of the ovarian follicle and torsion of enlarged ovaries. Such situations cannot be predicted, and they do not depend on the attending fertility specialist.

These conditions are manifested by severe abdominal pain, tachycardia, and general weakness of the patient up to loss of consciousness. Emergency hospitalization and surgical intervention are required.

Very rare complications of IVF for women are side effects from taking medications. Sometimes patients report increased irritability and fatigue, as well as headaches, which they associate with the use of medications. All side effects are reversible. Adverse effects disappear immediately after completing the medication course.

Possible complications after follicular puncture

The likelihood of complications developing at this stage of IVF is quite small. The risks of ovarian puncture are the same as with any other minimally invasive medical procedure.

If a woman’s immune system is weakened, infectious complications are possible during the procedure. A focus of inflammation forms at the puncture site. This condition requires antibiotic therapy.

There is a minimal risk of bleeding immediately after puncture, bleeding due to rupture of an ovarian luteal cyst in the coming days after the procedure, as well as damage to nearby organs (intestines, bladder). It must be said that the likelihood of developing such complications is extremely low - approximately one case per thousand ovarian puncture procedures.

At VitroClinic, punctures and transfers are performed by experienced doctors in a modernly equipped operating room under ultrasound control.

Possible complications after IVF

Unlike ovarian puncture, embryo transfer into the uterine cavity does not require anesthesia, which automatically eliminates the undesirable consequences of IVF at this stage associated with the use of anesthesia. A sterile, very thin catheter inserted into a woman's genital tract usually does not cause discomfort. Unpleasant sensations can only occur if the patient has a deformation of the cervical canal.

Complications after IVF are rarely observed. The embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity under ultrasound guidance. Rare cases of ectopic pregnancy occurring after the manipulation of embryo transfer into the uterine cavity are associated with independent migration of the embryo during implantation.

Embryo transfer is one of the safest stages of IVF. Consequences for the woman, if any, are associated solely with the onset of pregnancy, and not with the embryo transfer procedure itself.

Pros and cons of IVF

To characterize the positive and negative aspects of in vitro fertilization, let us cite as an example one well-known Russian proverb: “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.” What is the plus and what is the minus? Obviously, the fish are a plus. But the labor required to catch it from the pond is a minus.

The same goes for IVF. Plus is the opportunity to have children in case of infertility, including at a late reproductive age. The disadvantages of IVF are the need to spend money, time, effort, and nerves on the procedure.

Some patients mistakenly believe that in vitro fertilization harms the body. In fact, the risks of IVF are no higher than the risks of a natural pregnancy. If the procedure is carried out correctly and there are no contraindications, any consequences of IVF for the body are practically excluded.

Long-term consequences

It is also worth mentioning the widespread misconception about the long-term consequences of the procedure. There is an opinion that the risk of certain diseases (mastopathy, breast cancer, endometrial cancer) is higher in women who have undergone IVF in the past. Future consequences are allegedly due to hormonal stimulation.

This is not true. Currently, sufficient experience has been accumulated in the use of assisted reproductive technologies. It shows the absence of statistically significant differences in the incidence of any pathologies in women who became pregnant naturally and in patients who resorted to in vitro fertilization.

Unfortunately, not everyone can become a parent due to health problems. Sometimes IVF helps, although there are both pros and cons. The procedure gives a chance that many did not have 10–15 years ago. However, we must not forget that the consequences of IVF can be severe.

Dangers of In Vitro Fertilization

Artificial insemination is a procedure that is not easy for the body. The risks of IVF are numerous and are always worth remembering:

  • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • ectopic or multiple pregnancy;
  • deviations in child development;
  • complications after surgery, such as bladder injury;
  • problems with the thyroid gland, blood vessels and others.

Many of the effects are related to the use of hormones. Moreover, the effectiveness of IVF in most clinics rarely exceeds 30–40%. That is, harm is necessarily caused to the body, but it is not always possible to get pregnant and carry it to term. There may simply not be enough health or money for the next attempt.

IVF has been known since 1978. In Russia, the first child was born with his help in 1986. Although there is still a lot of uncertainty. There are different methods, and disputes between specialists still do not subside. For example, some Swedish scientists are confident that there are such negative consequences of IVF:

  • those born are much more likely to suffer from cancer;
  • there is a high risk that such children will not be able to become parents themselves in the future.

Some doctors see other threats and consequences. Their colleagues consider some of the warnings to be far-fetched and the dangers to be mere myths.

There are also objective difficulties recognized by everyone or the majority. IVF is a difficult procedure, and not every body is able to withstand it. For example, it is prohibited to carry out if there is:

  • malignant tumor in the genital organs;
  • pathologies of the uterus that interfere with the consolidation of the fetus;
  • inflammation that does not go away;
  • mental disorders: treatment is a big burden emotionally.

Risks at the preparation stage

You need to think about the consequences already from the preparation stage. Most often, threats are associated with the use of special medications.

Side effects of hormone therapy

Stimulation is carried out using hormonal drugs. This is a big burden on the body. Changed hormonal levels can cause:

  • tinnitus, hearing disorders;
  • visual impairment;
  • bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding;
  • heart pathologies: increased blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • allergies: skin rashes, bronchospasms;
  • vaginal dryness, discomfort during sex;
  • thyroid problems;
  • loss of appetite, nausea and other digestive disorders;
  • lethargy, depression;
  • metabolic disorders, increased blood sugar;
  • losing weight or, conversely, gaining extra pounds.

There are other risks of artificial insemination. It is not a fact that consequences will occur. Moreover, you should not be afraid that they will appear all at once. Good diagnosis is very important to exclude or mitigate harm.

Ovarian stimulation

When stimulated, follicles grow and then ready-made eggs appear in them. The disadvantages of IVF here are that the process requires strong drugs. Most of them can lead to the following consequences:

  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • thromboembolism - blockage of a vessel with a clot brought by blood from another place;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • pathological accumulation of fluid in the chest or abdominal cavity: hydrothorax, ascites;
  • digestive disorders such as bloating or diarrhea;
  • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

The latter occurs if the impact on the organ during IVF is too strong. Treatment is impossible without ovarian stimulation; OHSS is only a complication when the process gets out of control. This pathology entails others: the blood thickens, the excretory system works worse. The result is the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and chest.

Bleeding from a cyst

There are other dangers of IVF. Rare complications include cysts. They appear:

  • as a result of hormonal therapy;
  • after puncture at the site of follicle collection for IVF.

Cysts can pose a serious threat. The rupture leads to bleeding in the pelvis. The condition can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the perineum or abdomen of a pulling nature;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • pressure drops;
  • tachycardia;
  • the skin becomes pale and sweat appears.

Treatment requires surgery (laparoscopy). Cysts (resection) or ovaries are removed. Sometimes the formations are punctured and the liquid is sucked out of them.

Consequences at the main stages of the procedure

Each type of artificial insemination has both pros and cons. The IVF procedure offers a chance to give birth, but is associated with health risks. In addition to IVF, artificial insemination is also popular. The latter is easier to carry out: insemination occurs through the transfer of sperm to the uterus. The difference is in the mechanism of conception: with IVF, fertilization occurs in vitro, and only then the embryo is sent into the female body.

Some risks are the same with both procedures, such as a small risk of infection or bleeding. Although IVF is more complicated, so there are more pitfalls here. Ovarian puncture may result in damage or injury to:

  • intestines;
  • bladder;
  • vessel.

However, the risk of such consequences is small. According to statistics, they occur in one case out of a thousand or even less often. The next stage is no less important - replanting. The transfer of fertilized eggs can provoke inflammation in the uterus.

Consequences during pregnancy

Complications during IVF do not always appear immediately. Some of them are noticeable or occur during pregnancy.

To increase the chances, several embryos are transferred during IVF. It happens that they all take root, and multiple pregnancies can occur. Therefore, in most clinics a maximum of three embryos are implanted. With a larger amount, adverse consequences for women and children are possible.

  1. The load on the body during pregnancy increases greatly. Usually there is a lack of important substances such as iron or calcium. Often chronic diseases get worse. The spine is overloaded and suffers.
  2. If the number of fetuses is 2–3, the risk of premature birth increases. At 4–5 this is almost inevitable. It is unlikely that it will be possible to carry it to at least 38 weeks.
  3. The more children there are, the less they usually weigh and the more often they suffer from various pathologies. They are often born premature.
  4. Some children develop unevenly. This is more common in triplets. One of the children grows much more slowly, and serious problems may appear. For others, this also does not go unnoticed.
  5. A caesarean section is usually required.

To prevent complications, doctors immediately suggest reducing the number of implanted embryos (reduction). This is usually a difficult decision for parents.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy most often occurs after conception naturally. However, with IVF it is among the possible risks. Especially if the fallopian tubes are removed. The embryo is often attached precisely in the stump area.

Before the fallopian tube ruptures, pathology is recognized by the following signs.

  1. Unpleasant sensations in the side (any side), lower abdomen. Their strength varies: from mild discomfort to intense pain.
  2. There is no fetus in the uterine cavity, and the tube itself is enlarged. Installed using ultrasound.
  3. The embryo grows worse. To check pregnancy, a special hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) is used. Its level is lower than it should be.

When a pipe ruptures, a life-threatening situation occurs. Immediate medical attention is required. The signs here are the following:

  • severe pain;
  • the woman may lose consciousness;
  • bleeding from the uterus, blood in the abdominal cavity.

For IVF, heterotopic pregnancy is more common. Here the embryo is attached both in the uterus and outside it at the same time.

Fetal malformations

Doctors and scientists believe that in vitro fertilization does not have the best effect on children. The likelihood of developmental defects is higher. This is, for example, a cleft palate or lip. Statistics are provided to support this. It is not yet clear what is the reason for this situation.

There are also opponents of the theory. It is too early to say for sure that IVF and not other modern factors are to blame for the consequences.

The situation is different with chromosome damage in the unborn child. Pathologies in this area are caused, for example, by Patau or Down syndrome. With IVF, there are no more such violations than with conventional fertilization. There is even an advantage: pathologies are found in embryos and damaged ones are not implanted. Therefore, IVF is recommended for carriers of dangerous genes, even if they are capable of natural conception.

Psychological problems

During IVF, psychological difficulties almost always arise. This is especially true for women.

  1. The main burden falls on them. Treatment and pregnancy take a lot of time. Often all this is accompanied by poor health.
  2. Women are more susceptible to anxiety.

There are many reasons for concern, and they vary from person to person. However, several common problems stand out.

  1. Decreased self-esteem. The person feels as if he is physically abnormal.
  2. High probability of failure. Hence - anxiety, depression, irritation.
  3. IVF, especially with the participation of a donor, contradicts conservative views and religious principles. A person may suffer because a procedure goes against his or her beliefs or the opinions of others.
  4. Social difficulties. Sometimes couples do not share their decision with others due to fear of judgment. This is difficult, since a person always needs support, approval from relatives and the team.

Future consequences

IVF can influence the future life of a couple, not always for the good. Possible consequences include:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • risk of developing cardiomyopathy;
  • early menopause;
  • A woman’s life expectancy decreases after childbirth, this is a common myth.

Cancer development

There is an opinion that IVF leads to cancer. Impressionable women remember Zhanna Friske. IVF undermines health, and the risk of cancer increases. However, it's not all bad. Most doctors do not see a direct connection between the procedure and cancer. Rather, late pregnancy or a predisposition to cancer plays a role. Even if health is damaged, it can often be corrected. The main thing is to contact the right doctor in time.