How to treat earlier seed eruption. Who is prone to premature ejaculation? Causes of premature ejaculation in men

premature ejaculation - dangerous violation, as it minimizes the risk of conception. There are many reasons for the development of the disease, therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary comprehensive examination at the doctor's.



Rapid ejaculation is very easy to identify by a number of symptoms:

  1. Changing the duration of contact - it either becomes shorter or longer.
  2. Sexual intercourse lasts longer if partners use a condom. A similar situation is observed after drinking alcohol.
  3. Special means for prolonging sexual intercourse.

More often the disease develops in the presence of the following factors:

  • short bridle;
  • other diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spinal injury;
  • long sexual abstinence.

Premature ejaculation is of 2 types: primary and secondary. In the first case, the defect is not related to the brain. In the second, it's the other way around. The main thing is to know the main reasons:

  1. Psychogenic - lack of experience, development conditioned reflex with youthful masturbation, failures with former partners.
  2. Organic - neurological diseases leading to disorders of the pelvic organs, inflammatory diseases, high sensitivity of the penis.

The most common reason is hypersensitivity. It manifests itself in the fact that the receptors react incorrectly to stimuli, resulting in instant ejaculation.

Possible treatment

The question is how to deal with rapid ejaculation, you should know several methods of therapy:

  1. Psychotherapy - helps to get rid of the fear of sexual relations, which often appears in the absence of experience or for other reasons.
  2. When diseases are detected genitourinary system an appropriate course of treatment.
  3. Behavioral therapy - the doctor selects the exercises that should be performed during sex.
  4. Local treatment of premature ejaculation - all kinds of lubricants and creams are prescribed to reduce sensitivity.

How to treat

If underlying causes are identified, home treatment is possible various methods. Often the doctor prescribes not medicines, but recommends folk recipes. This method is the best, as it is absolutely safe for health. But first you need to make sure that there are no individual contraindications for the selected herbs.

The question of how to get rid of rapid ejaculation should be addressed comprehensively. First of all, you should strengthen your immune system, change your lifestyle, diet. In most cases it is not healthy lifestyle life, become the cause premature ejaculation.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to provide good nutrition, giving Special attention proteins. From all fatty, fried should be abandoned. Adjust the daily routine, avoid constant overwork, stress. Often problems with erection, instant ejaculation occur when the patient is dissatisfied with work, family, he does not have enough time for good sleep, relaxation.

The use of various tablets, ointments, gels is designed to reduce the sensitivity of the head and eliminate problems psychological nature. In the second case, the effect is given by tablets of valerian, motherwort and others. similar drugs. Recipes of healers help well, for example, decoctions of thyme, chamomile.

If you come to the doctor with a question about what to do about rapid ejaculation, he may prescribe drugs that normalize serotonin levels. In fact, these drugs are antidepressants. This may be the drug Priligy, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil. Fluoxetine is also popular, which eliminates erectile dysfunction. Gives little effect hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel that is injected under the skin. Its components penetrate the skin, become a barrier between it and the receptors that provide the release of the seed, orgasm. The gel resolves within eight to twelve months. This time is enough for a man to regain confidence in his abilities. But this method cannot be used in the presence of inflammation and poor blood clotting.

A special place among the folk remedies used to treat the causes of premature ejaculation is occupied by bee products.

They are very useful for, and you can buy them at any market or store. Honey products can be taken alone or in combination with other remedies prescribed by your doctor.

Also, motherwort, calendula, yarrow, oregano, valerian, hop cones are used to combat the disease. But first you need to go full examination. For example, hops belong to the phytohormones of the female group, so men should not take it in large quantities. St. John's wort renders harmful effect on the liver.

If you do not know how to get rid of premature ejaculation, try the following recipes:

  1. Mix hop cones and motherwort, pour boiling water over it, insulate for five hours, strain, take for a month.
  2. Pour periwinkle with water, hold in a water bath for ten minutes. Then cool the broth, strain, drink 2 times a day, ten drops.
  3. Mix oregano, mint, motherwort in equal proportions, pour boiling water over, leave for at least twenty minutes. Then strain the broth and drink twice a day for two hundred milliliters. The course is two weeks.
  4. Collection from the root of angelica, colza, rose hips. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients, soak for half an hour. Drink every day for two months.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation can take a long time. Typically when using folk methods a positive effect appears after a couple of weeks. At the same time, they are completely natural, safe, which cannot be said about chemicals and surgical intervention. It is important to take tinctures and decoctions regularly, not to interrupt the course.

The problem of premature ejaculation can only be solved by a doctor. In addition to medicines and prescriptions traditional medicine, to overcome the violation will help the operation. It is carried out at high sensitivity glans penis and only after passing the lidocaine test. This is necessary in order to avoid the occurrence erectile dysfunction in men suffering diabetes, atherosclerosis.

There are two ways to operate:

  1. Denervation with subsequent restoration of nerve trunks. The surgeon makes a small incision in the skin and exposes the nerves. The trunks are excised and then sutured. In many cases, this technique involves cutting foreskin. As a result, sensitivity decreases for three to four months, then partially restored. It is important that a man can have regular intercourse after the operation.
  2. selective denervation. The operation is carried out in a similar way, but the nerve trunks are not sutured. This reduces the sensitivity of the head by sixty percent, and the effect lasts for a long time.

Surgical treatment of rapid ejaculation in men is carried out in cases where conventional methods are not effective.

How to avoid rapid ejaculation

It is useful for any man to know how to prevent premature ejaculation. First, determine the cause, this can only be done by a doctor. After diagnosis and examination, he will prescribe the necessary course of treatment. Prevention is of particular importance:

  • lead correct image life and avoid emotional stress;
  • eat quality foods and food that contains a lot of zinc and magnesium;
  • exercise regularly, walk in the fresh air more often.

Compliance with the rules will save you from having to decide how to treat premature ejaculation. The complex is also used for prevention. psychological methods. V rare cases the patient is recommended a masturbation technique.

Premature ejaculation in men is a problem that can occur at any age. It is dealt with by a psychologist, a sex therapist and a urologist. modern medicine I learned to quickly treat the violation with psychological and physiotherapeutic methods. But remember to suitable way treatment can only be determined by a doctor.

"Why do I cum so fast?" - such a question at least once in their lives many men asked themselves. According to statistics, from 10 to 20% of all representatives of the stronger sex have problems with the duration of sexual intercourse. What causes this violation?

In the article:

Which of the men is more prone to early ejaculation?

The main risk group are adolescents and young people who have just started sexual life. The reasons for their rapid ejaculation are associated with a lack of experience, excitement in front of a girl, and also with excessive overexcitation. Often in young men, ejaculation occurs even before the introduction of the penis into the vagina, or literally after one or two frictions.

With gaining experience, the duration of sexual intercourse in young people usually normalizes, but in some cases the problems can persist for quite a long time, in which case the help of a specialist is required.

Rapid ejaculation also occurs in quite mature men, although much less frequently. In such cases, the violation occurs due to the presence inflammatory diseases or under the influence of any psychotraumatic factors.

In general, all causes of rapid ejaculation can be divided into two groups: physiological and psychological. The choice of treatment method largely depends on the correct identification of the factors that led to the appearance of the disorder.

Physiological causes of early ejaculation

In many cases, the causes of premature ejaculation may be the presence of any disturbances in the functioning of the body of a man. Most often, a pathological reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Vesiculitis, i.e. inflammatory process in the seminal vesicles, intended for the accumulation of sperm.
  2. Prostatitis, i.e. prostate inflammation.
  3. Strong sensitivity of the head of the penis, which may be congenital or acquired.
  4. Hormonal disorders in the body of a man.
  5. Some thyroid diseases.
  6. Injuries and diseases in the spine (in the lumbosacral region).
  7. Paracentral lobule syndrome is a pathology that occurs even in childhood or adolescence and consisting in the formation of a focus of overexcitation in the brain. It is manifested by a violation of the urinary system - enuresis (in childhood), frequent pollutions and early ejaculation (upon reaching the age of puberty).
  8. Excessively short frenulum of the penis.
  9. Side effects of certain drugs, most often - antidepressants.

After establishing the reason why rapid ejaculation occurs, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease if it led to a reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse.

Psychological causes of rapid ejaculation

Accelerated ejaculation can also have psychological causes, i.e. connected with emotional state men. Most often, this group of factors includes:

  1. Lack of experience and excessive excitement about this on the eve of sexual intercourse (usually found in young boys).
  2. Anxious anticipation of early ejaculation, reinforced by the past negative experience. Particularly susceptible to this trend are men with an anxious and suspicious warehouse of character, who perceive every accident as a disaster.
  3. Excessive and, as a result, the habit of quickly satisfying their physiological intimate needs.
  4. The presence of problems in relationships with a partner, which leads to the appearance of alienation in bed and the desire to quickly have sexual intercourse. In some cases emotional stress accompanied not only, but also by a weakening of erection, which requires more thorough treatment.
  5. Severe stress, which is the cause of excessive tension. As a result, a man cannot relax during intimacy, and sexual intercourse is carried out purely “mechanically”, without the desire to prolong the pleasure.
  6. Lack of acceptable conditions for sexual intercourse.
  7. Excessive arousal of a man due to too active behavior of a partner and a demonstration of a naked body.
  8. Irregular intimate life prolonged absence sexual contacts.

There may be other psychological reasons for the reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse. Finding them is often quite difficult, so in some cases the help of a specialist will not hurt. psychological factors influence this process.

You can independently understand why early ejaculation occurs, provided attentive attitude to their psycho-emotional state and analysis of the reasons that led to the appearance of failure. If you do not get hung up on the existing problem and do not pay attention to possible rare failures during sexual intercourse, you can independently achieve normalization of the duration of sexual intercourse and thereby improve the quality intimate life. During intimacy, you should not ask yourself: “Why do I finish quickly during sex,” but rather focus on pleasing your partner, using special techniques to slow down the onset of ejaculation.

Once the cause of early ejaculation has been identified, the most appropriate option is to provide appropriate treatment (if present). chronic diseases) or psychological correction man's behavior. But what to do if you urgently need to normalize the duration of sexual intercourse and show yourself with the best side in intimate relationships?

In this case, the only option is to use special preparations at . When choosing suitable means it is important not to make a mistake, because it is necessary to purchase a remedy not just to increase male strength and enhance erection (as a rule, such men are fine with this), but to extend the period of intimacy.

One of the most known drugs to increase the duration of sexual intercourse is Generic Dapoxetine. This tool is able to extend the active period of intimacy as much as four times!

The action of Dapoxetine is to significantly reduce the sensitivity of the penis, thereby increasing the time of intimacy. In addition, this drug increases male power, reduces the recovery period of the male body after ejaculation.

You can on this site. You can not be limited to the purchase of one type of drug, but give preference to complex means that combine substances not only to prolong the time of sexual intercourse, but also to enhance erection.

Such drugs may be especially necessary for men of respectable age who experience problems with potency. In this case, you can use it - this tool has a wonderful “two in one” effect, i.e. simultaneously increases potency and prolongs sexual intercourse.

It also has the same effect, because the main component of Levitra is Vardenafil. The drug is recommended for insufficient erection and too rapid ejaculation.

All the necessary properties of Dapoxetine and Vardenafil are combined in the preparation. By the strength of the impact on male body This tool is much superior to conventional Viagra. Simultaneous activation of blood flow to the penis and a longer sexual intercourse contribute to the high satisfaction of a man from intimacy.

Acquire complex preparations it is also beneficial for the purpose of saving money, because for one price the buyer actually receives two funds at once. In addition, in such medicines, the dosage of each of the substances is precisely calculated, so taking Super Livitra is much safer than combining it yourself. various means at one's own risk.

Almost every man has been in this awkward situation when he had a rapid ejaculation. In this case, the release of ejaculate in a man occurs within the first few minutes after the onset of sexual intercourse, which significantly reduces the possibility of successful conception. Most effective recipe from early ejaculation invented traditional medicine.

Greetings, dear readers. This is Alexander Burusov, and today we will try to find out which method of treating early ejaculation is the most effective. But first, let's briefly go over the causes of the disease.

More than 20 years ago, premature ejaculation was considered a problem for people over 40-45 years old. However, at present, due to excess stress and poor environmental situation, people younger than 20-25 years old are at risk.

Like any disease, it unpleasant disease has several reasons. They can be conditionally divided into psychological (associated with some kind of mental trauma or self-doubt) and organic (associated with traumatic damage to internal organs).

Psychogenic causes:

  1. Negative experience of sexual relations.
  2. Pain during intercourse.
  3. Lack of sexual experience.
  4. Excessive masturbation in early adolescence.
  5. Fear of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

organic causes:

  1. Injury lumbar spine.
  2. Traumatic injury to the urethra.
  3. Anomalies in the development of the scrotum and penis.
  4. Diseases peripheral nerves innervating the inguinal region.
  5. Vertebral hernias.
  6. Hormonal imbalance.
  7. Hypersensitivity of the glans penis.
  8. Inflammatory diseases of the urethra and prostate.
  9. Phimosis.

It is quite easy to get rid of rapid ejaculation if the exact cause of the disease is known. When it is removed sexual function back to normal almost immediately.

How can premature ejaculation be cured?

There are a great many methods aimed at ridding the male part of the population of this annoying problem. Most people are embarrassed to go directly to a specialist and therefore resort to the services of home medicine.

Currently there are the following treatment options for premature ejaculation:

  1. Family Therapy married couple aimed at normalizing the sexual life of husband and wife. Rational construction of a dialogue will allow you to get rid of irritation and eliminate the stress factor.
  2. Individual psychological consultations, the main purpose of which is to eliminate psychotrauma, to create an optimal model of behavior in bed. Psychotherapeutic sessions conducted by a specialist will help overcome all possible phobias and fears.
  3. Drug therapy: medical appointments provide invaluable assistance in curing the disease. In medicine, the following groups of drugs are used: muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory substances.
  4. Surgical intervention allows you to eliminate the problem, but is not always a valid method of choice due to the huge number of contraindications.
  5. ethnoscience. In cases where drug treatment turns out to be powerless, but you don’t want to go under the knife, you should turn your attention to the wisdom of the people. When you do not know which spray, tablet or ointment to use, you need to use folk way recovery.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation at home

It is possible to stabilize erectile function and increase the duration of sexual intercourse without pills and expensive operations. First and most milestone on the way to recovery - a change in the habitual way of life. Our body directly and indirectly depends on many factors. environment that interfere with its normal functioning.

Several simple tips helping to heal the body and defeat rapid ejaculation:

  1. healthy eating. Too fatty, fried and salty foods should be avoided, a large number spices. It is strictly forbidden to consume carbonated drinks, packaged juices, fast food and food with large quantity oils.
  2. Normalization of body weight. With obesity, the body develops hormonal imbalance, which reduces the amount male hormones and the number of women increases, which leads to a decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse by one and a half to two times.
  3. Regular physical exercise . In the absence of body activity, blood stagnation occurs in the veins of the small pelvis, deterioration of the blood supply to the genital organs, which also negatively affects genital area. It is recommended to visit the gym or swimming pool several times a week, or to work out at home.
  4. Rejection bad habits : alcohol and nicotine should be eliminated from your life once and for all. It's no secret that these substances inhibit the activity of male seminal fluid up to 60%.
  5. minimization stressful situations . When the body stays in serious condition under load psychological pressure a certain barrier is formed before sexual intimacy, which can be very difficult to overcome. If there is an opportunity to change the situation, give up work and leave the city for a couple of days, you should not neglect it.
  6. Relaxing massage just before intercourse allows you to relieve stress from the body. This will get rid of early ejaculation.

Folk remedies for early ejaculation

There are a great many homemade folk remedies, the preparation of which does not require special specific skills. If you do not want to use pills or pharmacological creams, you should turn to nature.

Should be considered individual characteristics your body, and before using some decoctions and tinctures, it is recommended to consult your doctor. Folk remedy- the fastest and effective method get rid of the problem once and for all.

Phytotherapyancient science on the interaction of components of the plant environment in the human body. When used correctly, you can achieve guaranteed results.

With early ejaculation are used:

  1. A mixture of oregano flowers with calendula flowers. It is recommended to use up to 30-40 grams of vegetable raw materials per liter of water. Take 2-3 tablespoons herbal infusion a few minutes before meals. The infusion has a myostimulating effect, improves blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  2. The best decoction for rapid ejaculation - mixture of wild rose with motherwort. 100 grams of raw materials must be thoroughly mixed and poured hot water. After 15 minutes of infusion, the resulting solution must be boiled over low heat for half an hour. Then the broth should be cooled and take half a glass twice a day. Due to the relaxing and sedative effect of the decoction, the duration of sexual intercourse increases.
  3. Oak bark- powerful natural aphrodisiac, which has a beneficial effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. For cooking remedy you should take a large pot with a capacity of up to 10 liters, as well as 8 tablespoons of chopped bark. After the oak bark is completely dissolved in boiling water, it is necessary to boil the resulting product for one and a half hours. After cooling, it can be used both as a drink that stimulates sexual activity, and as lotions for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Any of the above remedies will help eliminate problems with early ejaculation. In case when conservative therapy will be helpless, it is recommended to contact a specialist and agree on a plan of surgical intervention with him.

Premature ejaculation (ejaculation) is characterized by a short sexual intercourse (less than 3 minutes), as a result of which there is no complete sexual satisfaction with both sexual partners.

Occurs either before sexual intercourse, or shortly after its onset in the presence of a systematic sexual life.

Causes of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can develop at any age. Allocate:

  • true;
  • false.

False ejaculation develops mainly in inexperienced in sexual relations young men. This may be accompanied by such experiences as, for example, the fear of being taken by surprise. Also, the reasons may be:

  • overexcitation;
  • hypersensitivity of the glans penis.

Among the causes of true premature ejaculation are:

  • lack of magnesium in the body;
  • heredity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • spinal injuries;
  • the actions of certain drugs;
  • genital trauma.

All reasons can be divided into:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

The main problem in this case is the man's neurosis or anxiety about sexual intercourse. A man concentrates only on the process of ejaculation itself, and not on enjoying physical intimacy. This can lead to excessive tension and rapid ejaculation.

When such situations occur frequently, a man develops a fear of sexual contact. In fact, he avoids sexual intercourse for fear of not satisfying his partner. Such a neurosis can only increase erectile dysfunction.

The most frequent psychological reason premature ejaculation may become overexcitation or infrequent sexual intercourse. At the same time, tension quickly builds up and leads to rapid ejaculation and orgasm.


The psychological problems of premature ejaculation often resolve themselves. Age and experience become the main assistants in the problem.

But sometimes problems are not solved, but only grow. In this case, the help of a specialist is needed: a psychologist, a sex therapist.

Going to a psychologist is not an easy step, but sometimes only he can solve the problem

A huge role in solving this problem is played by a trusting relationship with a partner. An understanding and sensitive woman will be able to solve this trouble better than qualified specialists.

Prolongation of sexual intercourse

With a short sexual intercourse that does not suit the partner, they recommend:

  • use condoms with anesthetic;
  • during sex, think about abstract topics;
  • fulfill special exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles;
  • engage in masturbation before sexual intercourse;


Cannot be squeezed by hand urethra to delay ejaculation. This often leads to chronic prostatitis.

Physiological causes of premature ejaculation

Hypersensitivity of the head of the penis

Causes of premature ejaculation can be associated with a very sensitive glans penis. Such a pathology can be congenital or occur as a result of diseases of the genital organs.

When balanoposthitis usually occurs severe irritation genital tissues and rapid ejaculation.

Problems in the intimate sphere often hit relationships

Such ejaculation may have its own characteristics:

  • the time of sexual intercourse with hypersensitivity is almost always the same;
  • special lubricants with anesthetic help;
  • repeated sexual intercourse does not differ much in time;
  • premature ejaculation practically does not occur before intercourse;
  • use alcoholic beverages slightly prolongs sexual intercourse.


  • circumcision operation - with phimosis and balanoposthitis caused by phimosis - this is one of the most effective ways;
  • use of special lubricants with anesthetics.

chronic inflammatory diseases

Against the background of prostatitis, chronic vesiculitis may occur, which affects the seminal vesicles. Sperm accumulate in the vesicles. During ejaculation, they contract and eject the contents into the urethra.

When the bubbles become inflamed, they contract much faster. This requires a slight sexual arousal.

With vesiculitis, premature ejaculation in men develops gradually. In contrast to the hypersensitivity of the glans penis, with vesiculitis, ejaculation can occur before intercourse. Ejaculation during orgasm can be painful sensations and not bring satisfaction.

Subsequent acts require much more time. Drinking alcohol in this case only worsens the situation.

Urethritis, prostate adenoma, inflammation of the seminal hillock can also be causes.

paracentral lobule syndrome

The most common cause of this disease is birth injury or abnormal development of the fetus. Rarely, this disease is acquired in childhood. With a history of concussion, the risk of developing SPD increases.

Perhaps the problem lies in the head

With this disease, a focus of overexcitation appears in the brain. More often, overexcitation is accompanied by dysfunction of urination and frequent wet dreams during regular sexual intercourse.

Dysregulation of ejaculation

The cause of premature ejaculation may be diseases that affect the regulation of ejaculation. Main diseases:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • scoliosis;
  • spinal injury;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • fractures of the spine and pelvis;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • kidney failure.

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation

Before putting correct diagnosis, the doctor finds out the sexual and medical history, appoints laboratory research to exclude chronic infections and other problems.

As a result of the survey, the doctor takes into account the age of the man, his sexual experience, sexual activity.

You can independently conduct a test with lidocaine (in the absence of allergies!). To do this, before sexual intercourse, it is lubricated with lidocaine and a condom is put on.

If, as a result of this test, the time of sexual contact increases and the quality of sex improves, then the man is offered to be circumcised.


Rapid ejaculation is a problem that plagues young and mature men. Someone has it initially, and in some representatives of the stronger sex it occurs spontaneously, for example, after stress. In this article, we will discuss how to safely, but effectively delay ejaculation, as well as ways to not only deal with the problem, but also forget about it forever.

Problem Definition

Doctors call ejaculation fast if it occurs before the onset of sexual intercourse or immediately after the introduction of a penis into the vagina. At the same time, a man cannot hold an orgasm on his own. Most of the stronger sex confuse this problem with a short sexual intercourse. The tips in this article will be relevant for both categories of men. To fight premature ejaculation, you need to find out its cause, and after that choose a way to treat the problem.

  • Reason 1: Inflammatory diseases

Rapid ejaculation, which appeared suddenly, often indicates the occurrence of sexual problems in the form of infections or inflammation. Violation of the ability to delay ejaculation may be associated with prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis, hormonal disorders, the occurrence of tumors, accession venereal disease.

An accurately established diagnosis will help to effectively deal with trouble, for which you should definitely consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination, research, take necessary tests decide how to treat the problem. After a course of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, the choice of tactics to combat chronic prostatitis (if any) will be much easier to get rid of early ejaculation. At the same time, it is important:

  1. In time to notice a change in your own feelings during intercourse, attempts to delay orgasm and not lose sight of the symptoms.
  2. In no case do not ignore the problem, but contact a specialist in as soon as possible.
  3. Fully comply with the recommendations of the doctor, without stopping the medication prescribed by him until complete recovery.

Rapid ejaculation may appear as a result of inflammatory diseases.

  • Reason 2: lack of experience

Early ejaculation is often present in young men with a lack of "bed experience". The problem will pass over time, but the moral discomfort that it creates at the beginning of sexual activity can cause psychological complexes and the development of "ejaculation expectation syndrome". A qualified psychologist will treat these disorders, so it is better to get rid of premature ejaculation immediately. They do this by banal training:

  1. Masturbate without lubrication for 15 minutes.
  2. Masturbate with lubrication for 15 minutes, delaying premature ejaculation through distraction.
  3. When there is a partner, masturbate with her hand for 15 minutes without lubrication, and then with lubrication. Next go to practical work during intercourse.

The method is also suitable for experienced men who want to increase their endurance. It must be remembered that during each approach it is necessary to achieve seed production.

  • Reason 3: stressful situations

Premature ejaculation in men is often associated with nervous tension. Avral at work depression, scandals at home - all this becomes the cause of emotional lability, which finds a way out in bed. Sedative drugs or antidepressants are prescribed by the attending physician, but folk sages help to treat the pathology with safe herbal recipes:

  1. Dried oregano, mint and motherwort are mixed in equal proportions. 15 g of the mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Drink 1 glass twice a day for two weeks.
  2. Angelica, colza, rose hips are mixed in equal amounts. 15 g of the mixture pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink half a cup twice a day for two months in a row.
  3. By the same principle, lovage, calendula flowers and yarrow are brewed. Consume ¼ cup a day, up to a month.

The problem may arise against the background of nervous tension.

These fees have a slight calming effect, help to improve sleep, fight stress, and contribute to the normalization of sexual function. They can treat rapid ejaculation if you take courses twice a year.

  • Reason 4: hypersensitivity of the penis

The cause of rapid ejaculation is individual hypersensitivity of the male genital organ. It is associated with the presence of a large number of nerve endings on the head. Delay orgasm in this state of affairs is not possible in any way. It is possible to get rid of premature ejaculation if special anesthetic ointments are applied half an hour before sexual intercourse:

  1. Kartigel.
  2. Emla.
  3. Lidocaine solution.

These drugs have a pronounced dulling effect, so they can provoke the disappearance of an erection. You can also use anesthetic or cooling lubricants for intercourse, which will act more gently, helping to delay ejaculation and fight early ejaculation without losing an erection.

Another way to get rid of hypersensitivity is circumcision of the foreskin. This small operation allows you to significantly reduce the sensitivity of the head and completely get rid of the quick "approach to the finish line".

Sometimes premature ejaculation becomes a temporary problem that requires an immediate solution. In this case, some tips will help:

  • To prevent early ejaculation, as well as to prolong sexual intercourse, a tool proven over the years will allow - an ordinary condom. It reduces the sensitivity of the penis and also protects health. The method is perfect for men who do not have a permanent partner.
  • You won’t be able to buy pills to delay ejaculation, but there are drugs to improve erection (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra). They promote blood flow to the sexual organ, and also relax its muscles, due to which the duration of sexual intercourse increases significantly. Although these drugs are safe if the dosages are observed, it is better to leave them “as a last resort”, and before using such a remedy, consult a specialist if it can be used specifically in your case.
  • Men with rapid ejaculation can get rid of the problem with special techniques. For example, when feeling an approaching orgasm, a young man should stop intercourse and, having formed a ring at the base of the head with two fingers, wait for the excitation to decrease.
  • Ways to mechanically delay ejaculation include this: before the onset of orgasm, you need to press with three fingers on the area between the scrotum and perineum and wait until the wave of excitation recedes.
  • Treatment for rapid ejaculation can occur with the use of distracting maneuvers, for example, men are advised to count frictions (10 superficial - 1 deep, 9 superficial - 2 deep), etc.
  • With the rapid onset of orgasm in a man, sexologists recommend excluding exciting stimuli (watching erotic films, too long foreplay, sex in front of a mirror or with the lights on).
  • An already cured man can again remember his problem if he leads a promiscuous sex life or neglects his own health. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle, moderate physical activity, timely preventive examinations are mandatory.
  • It must be remembered that the delayed ejaculate must always come out later. Any training and workshops, as well as an active fight against premature orgasm should end with a full-fledged ejaculation. Otherwise, inflammation of the appendages will have to be treated.

A regular condom can help prevent premature ejaculation.

If early ejaculation begins to bother a man more and more often, it should not be considered as sexual problem, but how important and serious symptom, which speaks of the development of disorders in the work of the sexual sphere. It is easier to deal with it if you get rid of the cause of its appearance in time. Any disorders, including those of a sexual nature, are a reason to seek help, and not to cultivate complexes or embarrassment. Once the cause of the problem is found out, it can be fixed easily and painlessly.