Why does men ovulate quickly? Ultrasound for ovulation. Symptoms of premature ejaculation

The question of what ovulation is is usually asked only by women planning a pregnancy.

And for good reason, because understanding this process just needed for rapid conception if you are serious about getting pregnant. From the passages of knowledge about ovulation and certain “auspicious days”, it might seem to you that this is very complex science. But we will now prove that everything is much simpler and more interesting than it seems at first glance.

About ovulation simply and clearly

From birth, the ovaries of a girl, and then a woman, contain about a million eggs. Not all eggs survive until puberty, but those that are ripe are quite capable of fulfilling their main responsibility- the formation of a new human body.

But only a few eggs manage to fulfill their functions. From the moment a girl begins her first menstruation, every month one of these eggs matures and leaves the ovary.

In fact, ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary, somewhere in the middle menstrual cycle(normally 14 days before the onset of menstruation). Naturally, ovulation does not occur during pregnancy.

There is a special day in the menstrual cycle of every woman when there is most likely getting pregnant is the day of ovulation.

Ovulation occurs once a month, and the egg lives for about 24 hours. Ovulation itself is like a small explosion when a mature follicle bursts in the ovary and the egg is released. Everything happens very quickly, within a few minutes.

Now the task of the egg is to meet with the sperm within 24 hours in order to conceive a child. If a meeting with a spermatozoon occurs, the fertilized cell passes through the fallopian tube and is introduced into the uterus. As a result of this process comes. If, for some reason, pregnancy does not occur, then menstruation occurs, and the egg is excreted from the body.

In very rare cases ovulation can occur 2 times a month, but at about the same time with an interval between the first and second no more than 2 days. It is during this short period of time that conception is possible. Without ovulation, conception is impossible.

Therefore, for successful pregnancy planning, you need to be well versed in matters of ovulation and be able to calculate favorable days for conception.

How to seize the moment?

The egg matures and is released in each woman about 14 days (plus or minus 2 days) before the next menstruation. What day will it be from the start date? last menstrual period, depends on the length of the cycle of a particular woman.

This is where the whole complexity of calculating ovulation by the calendar method lies. If you have a 28 day cycle, you will ovulate around day 14 of your cycle. If you have a cycle of 32 days - on the 18th day of the cycle, and so on.

Based on this knowledge, you can calculate the date of ovulation using. But, if a woman has an irregular cycle, then its length changes every time, for example, from 30 to 40 days, and it is almost impossible to calculate ovulation in this way. That's why they came up with ovulation tests, a method basal body temperature who help in the realization of our maternal destiny. But more on that later.

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There are such terms as early and late ovulation.

If the egg is released, for example, on the 12th day instead of the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, then this ovulation is early. Therefore, late ovulation is when the egg is released later than the middle of the cycle. For similar phenomena there are several reasons:

  • irregular periods
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • postpartum period
  • Regular stress
  • Postponed abortion
  • Gynecological diseases
  • Premenopausal period in women over 40 years of age.

How does ovulation happen?

Just recently, scientists for the first time captured the moment of ovulation on video during an operation for IVF. Previously, it was a mystery shrouded in darkness, and one could only guess about what was happening in the female body.

The process only takes about 15 minutes. A hole is formed on the wall of the follicle, resembling a wound, from which a small cell emerges. It is small and invisible to our eyes, but in fact it is the largest cell in the human body.

Some women are able to feel ovulation. They note some dull or stabbing growing pain, which is barely perceptible if you do not pay attention to it. Then there is a fairly sudden cessation of pain - this means that ovulation has occurred.

The egg, leaving the ovary, is picked up by the villi of the fallopian tube, and they direct it towards the uterus and towards the spermatozoa. The egg cell waits for a meeting with them only 24 hours, and if not a single spermatozoon has reached it, it dies.

If during these 24 hours the fusion of the spermatozoon with the egg cell occurred, we can say that conception has occurred. As you can see, the moment of ovulation and conception are somewhat different in time.

Signs of ovulation

As already mentioned, some women feel soreness in the ovary at the time of ovulation. It is difficult to say whether this pain is caused by a ruptured follicle or simply by tension in the ovarian area. According to doctors, ovulation cannot be felt, since the follicle does not contain nerve endings.

But it can definitely be said for sure that the process of ovulation is controlled by sex hormones that affect the emotional state of a woman and even her body temperature.

A day or two before ovulation, the level of the hormone estrogen in the blood rises sharply, due to which a strong emotional and physical upsurge is felt, a sense of sexuality and self-confidence increases. This hormone also contributes to increased vaginal discharge - cervical mucus, which becomes more liquid and transparent.

All this is not in vain, because these days are the most favorable conditions for conception. Ovulation has not yet occurred, but the sperm just has time to get to the location of the egg after it leaves the ovary. And cervical fluid has a composition that helps sperm reach their destination and stay active longer.

The hormone estrogen also affects basal body temperature, which is measured at full rest immediately after waking up in the rectum, vagina, or mouth. Only in this way of measurement can you see how the temperature before ovulation under the action of the hormone estrogen drops by 0.1 or 0.2 degrees.

At the very moment of ovulation, the temperature usually returns to its previous level, but the next day it already rises significantly by a few tenths of a degree. It is on this principle that the method for determining ovulation by basal temperature is based.

Summing up, one can single out the following signs ovulation:

  • Soreness in the ovarian region (doubtful sign)
  • Improved mood, increased activity and sexual desire
  • Liquid, copious and clear discharge
  • Decrease in basal temperature

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Methods for determining ovulation

There are several ways to determine ovulation.

Let's consider each of them.

1 calendar method used for a stable menstrual cycle. Any girl can do the count herself. With a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation will occur on days 13-16. If the duration of the cycle is 30 days, then on the 14th - 17th day.

2 Also, with the determination of the time of the onset of the moment of ovulation, it can help determine Ultrasound - ultrasound diagnostics.

To do this, it is necessary to observe the process of maturation in the ovary of the follicle, from which the egg will subsequently be released. It will take at least three ultrasounds, but it's worth it. At the beginning of the cycle, several follicles of approximately the same size are visible in the woman's ovary. The follicle is the sac in the ovary that contains the egg.

Then one of the follicles begins to grow and it becomes clear that ovulation will occur from it. Its size increases gradually from 1 mm to 20 mm. When the follicle reaches its maximum size, the doctor concludes that ovulation is imminent and sends the woman home.

A few days later, she visits the ultrasound room again, and if the follicle is no more, then it has burst and an egg has come out of it. In other words, ovulation has occurred.

3 Also available traditional method ovulation calculator - keeping a basal temperature calendar.

It is necessary every day, as soon as the girl woke up in the morning, to measure the temperature in the rectum (introduce a thermometer there).

Usually, the temperature at the end of menstruation is kept at 36.6 - 36.9 °, before ovulation it decreases slightly, then rises sharply and stays within 37.0 - 37.3 ° until the next menstruation.

4 Most women use to determine ovulation rapid tests, which are freely sold in pharmacies. Such tests respond to the content of a special luteinizing hormone in the urine of a woman.

At a positive result test ovulation will begin in 16 - 26 hours.

Method for determining the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine.

The same peak of estrogen that occurs in auspicious days before ovulation, provokes the release of this hormone. Thanks to him, the follicle is ruptured and the egg is released.

LH is determined in the urine of a woman 1-2 days before ovulation, and it is on its fixation that the pharmacy test for ovulation is based.

It should be carried out daily for several days, approximately in the middle of the cycle. It is important not to miss the moment when the LH level is at its highest.

This can be judged by a very bright 2nd strip on the test. After this point, ovulation will occur in 1-2 days.

To achieve success in determining ovulation, it is not at all necessary to conduct several ultrasounds every month or endlessly buy tests. There is one plus in all this - every woman ovulates at about the same time of the cycle.

Women who are planning a pregnancy are faced with such a concept as ovulation. This process is very important for conception, because. if ovulation has not occurred, then fertilization will not occur, even if sexual intercourse occurs every day. So what is ovulation and why is it impossible to conceive without it? In two words, ovulation is a process that accompanies the release of a fully mature and ready for fertilization egg from the follicle. It lasts only a few minutes, as soon as the egg leaves the follicle, ovulation will end.

In the body of every woman, about a million eggs are laid from birth. They are in the ovaries in a dormant state, each egg is hidden in a house - a follicle, and is waiting for its turn to come out. Not all eggs are destined to mature or be fertilized, many of them remain in the follicles in their infancy and die over time. By the time of puberty of the female body (the first menstruation), there are already 300-400 thousand left in the ovaries from a million. follicles. And for the whole reproductive period ovulate approximately 400-500 mature and ready for fertilization eggs.

About once a month, under the influence of the hormones of the first phase, several eggs (from 10 to 15) begin to awaken, mature and grow along with the follicles in size. After ten days, out of a dozen awakened follicles, one begins to stand out, it is called dominant. It is much larger than the others, its size reaches about 15-20 mm, sometimes more. When the egg inside it reaches the peak of its maturation, the follicle bursts and the egg comes out into the abdominal cavity. Here it is picked up by the villi of the fallopian tubes and moves along them into the uterine cavity. It is more correct to say that it is not she who advances, but the fallopian tubes, contracting, push the egg. Within 24 hours, she is ready for fertilization, and if a spermatozoon meets on her way, then conception will occur. The egg will begin to divide, turning into an embryo, continuing to move into the uterine cavity, where it will attach to its wall and the pregnancy will begin to develop. If for some reason the embryo dies or fails to implant (attach) into the uterus, after a certain time, under the action of the hormones of the second, luteal phase, the endometrium will be rejected from the uterine cavity, i.e. menstruation will begin. In rare cases, two or three eggs ovulate, then two or three embryos are conceived, the woman develops a multiple pregnancy and twins or triplets (fraternal twins) are born.

Signs of ovulation (how to determine ovulation)

For couples planning a baby, it is very important to know the moment of ovulation in order not to miss it. Are there any signs of ovulation? Yes, and there are several. First, a basal temperature chart can be very helpful. If a woman maintains such a schedule, every morning measures the temperature and writes down the readings, then she noticed that every month, approximately in the middle of the cycle, the temperature drops by 0.2-0.3 degrees, and the next day it increases sharply by 0.4-0 .6 degrees, i.e. a jump occurs. So on the day when the temperature drops, and the egg is released, i.e. ovulation. On the graph, this can be seen as an ovulatory drop in temperature. That is, if you see that the temperature has gone down, then the most auspicious time for conception. It is known that spermatozoa healthy man retain mobility and viability for five days, so if a couple had sexual intercourse a few days before ovulation, then there is a high probability that the sperm in the fallopian tubes will wait for the egg and fertilization will occur. But the most favorable period is considered directly the day of ovulation and 12-15 hours after its onset. The question may arise, why not a day, because the egg "lives" 24 hours? Do not forget that the sperm is not a Formula 1 car, and it takes time, or rather, several hours, to travel the required distance before meeting the egg in fallopian tubes.

Secondly, ovulation can be traced without a schedule, according to vaginal discharge. When the time for the release of a mature egg approaches, the discharge becomes more liquid, transparent and slippery, appearance resemble protein chicken egg. notice ovulatory discharge quite easily - they become slimy and plentiful, stretch well. Most exact method determining the time of ovulation is considered folliculometry, or, more commonly, ultrasound monitoring, when the growth of follicles is monitored using ultrasound equipment. The first study is carried out approximately on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle, then it is necessary to visit the doctor every two days before ovulation occurs.

There are also subjective signs of ovulation. These are short-term pains or tingling in the lower abdomen at the moment when the follicle bursts. Or the increased sexual desire that some women experience during ovulation. Nevertheless, it is not worth focusing on subjective signs, because. abdominal pain may not be ovulatory at all, and increased sexual excitability is caused by other reasons. So it's better to lead temperature graph, focus on ultrasound monitoring or use ovulation tests.

Ovulation Tests

Ovulation tests are one way to determine the day of ovulation. They are quite simple and easy to use. They are test paper strips, usually 5 pieces per pack. The strip is divided into two halves - one control, with a painted risk, the other - diagnostic, on which the reagent is applied. It remains invisible until the strip is dipped into a bowl of urine. They work similarly to pregnancy tests, only urine does not react to hCG, but to luteinizing hormone. The peak release of this hormone in the body occurs 12-36 hours before the onset of ovulation. They begin testing, focusing on the duration of their menstrual cycle. If its length is, for example, 28 days, then the first strip should be soaked from the eleventh day. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at the same time and not drink a lot of liquid before that. It is necessary to lower the strip into a container with urine for a few seconds, and after three minutes see the result. If the reagent strip on the diagnostic half of the test is the same color as the control, or darker than it, then the result is positive. If it is lighter, the next day the test should be repeated.

Ovulation days (ovulation cycle)

To roughly determine the day of ovulation, you need to know the length of the menstrual cycle. He can have different women have a different length, the duration is from 21 to 35 days. Each cycle can be divided into two phases - follicular, before ovulation and luteal, which begins after ovulation. These phases have different length, the first can be from 9 to 21 days, the second - from 12 to 16 days. The second phase is more stable, but the first, even in the same woman, can lengthen or shorten, depending on the time of maturation of the follicle, which is regulated and controlled by a complex hormonal process. Therefore, when calculating the approximate day of ovulation, one should proceed from the second phase. For example, with a 31-day cycle, the length of the second phase will be 14-15 days, which means that you can expect ovulation from the 16-17th day of the menstrual cycle. With a 28-day cycle - from the 13-14th day of the cycle, with a 21-day cycle - from the ninth day.

If the cycle is regular and stable, then ovulation will occur on the same days of the cycle, then you can use this formula to calculate. If the cycle is irregular, to determine the day of release of the egg, you will have to use additional methods, or provide for a reserve of days in one direction and the other, in case ovulation is late or occurs earlier than usual.

Irregular cycle and pregnancy

When planning pregnancy, a woman may need to take complexes of biologically active substances that normalize and support reproductive function. For example, biologically active additive to food TIME-FACTOR®, which contains vitamins C and E, folic acid, routine, minerals(iron, magnesium and zinc), indole-3-carbinol, glutamic acid, aucubin, gingerols, as well as standardized herbal extracts of angelica root, ginger root and sacred vitex fruit. The complex of biologically active substances that make up the dietary supplement TIME-FACTOR® helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and maintain hormonal balance.

If there is no ovulation

Many women believe that ovulation occurs every month. But it is not so. Normal for young and healthy body up to two or three anovulatory cycles are allowed per year. The older a woman is, the more her cycles go without ovulation. By the age of 35-40, there may be only 5-7 ovulations per year. And this is also the norm. If there is no ovulation at all, in this case we can talk about violations occurring in the female body. They may be associated with infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, hormonal disruptions or stresses suffered by a woman. To identify the cause and restore the ovulatory cycle, you need to contact a gynecologist. First of all, he appoints lab tests on hormones, infections, etc. It can be directed to folliculometry in order to monitor whether the development of follicles occurs during the entire cycle, at the same time assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries and observe changes in the endometrium. If a woman is over 35, her ovarian reserve should be checked. Based on the initial examination and test results, the doctor prescribes further examination or treatment. In many cases, ovulation stimulation helps.

Stimulation of ovulation

If for some reason ovulation does not occur, or occurs very rarely, ovulation stimulation can help. It is prescribed only if the woman's fallopian tubes are passable, otherwise there is high probability offensive ectopic pregnancy. Stimulation is carried out only under medical supervision. Depending on the age of the woman and the results of the tests, a number of medications are prescribed. hormonal drugs. When prescribing treatment, the doctor simultaneously monitors the growth of follicles by ultrasound. As soon as it appears dominant follicle right size, a dose of another drug is injected - Pregnil, which causes ovulation. Medical stimulation- enough effective method the fight against infertility, which has helped so many couples to acquire long-awaited baby.

In addition to medication, there is also folk way ovulation stimulation when taking herbal infusions. In the first half of the cycle, to increase the endometrium and stimulate the maturation of the egg, they drink a decoction of a red brush or sage, and in the second phase - a decoction of a boron uterus, which promotes the production of progesterone, so that in case of pregnancy, support it at first. Thinking that all herbs are harmless and prescribing treatment yourself is a very rash step. Infusions should be used only with the approval of a doctor, otherwise you can harm your health and bring down the hormonal balance.

Ovulation is when one or more eggs are released from one of your ovaries. This best time to conceive in Every month, 15 to 20 eggs mature in the ovaries. The most mature egg is released into the pelvic cavity and slides down the fallopian tube. From which ovary the egg will come out is impossible to predict. It is not at all necessary that if ovulation occurred in this cycle in the right ovary, then in the next it will occur in the left.

How does ovulation affect the moment of conception?

For pregnancy to occur, the egg and sperm must meet in the fallopian tube before the egg is destroyed. The egg cell lives no more than 24 hours after ovulation, unless, of course, it is fertilized by a sperm cell. However, the sperm is capable of a longer existence in the genital tract, which include:

  • vagina
  • uterus
  • fallopian tubes
In some cases, the sperm can live up to 7 days. However, the spermatozoa with the highest motor activity are produced if a man ejaculates every 3-4 days.

This means that for successful conception there is no need to have sex at the time of ovulation. It is more reasonable to take into account the most suitable period for fertilization of 4-5 days, when a healthy sperm cell has a chance to meet an egg immediately after ovulation.

How to determine the most favorable period for conception?

Ovulation usually occurs 12-16 days before your next period starts. If a woman has a menstrual cycle of 28 days, then ovulation will occur approximately on day 13-15. The first day of menstruation is considered the first day of the cycle. Duration normal cycle may vary from 23 to 35 days. Therefore, ovulation in your cycle may occur earlier or later.

The easiest way to determine the best time to conceive is to listen to your body and learn to notice signs of imminent ovulation. Use ours to calculate the best time to conceive. Familiarize yourself with the hormonal cycle physical changes that take place monthly:

  • Changes in the cervical mucus. Pay attention to changes in cervical mucus. It's pretty accurate and effective method to determine the days most favorable for conception. With the course of the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus increases in volume and changes its structure. This is a response to an increase in the hormone estrogen and a sure sign that ovulation is about to occur. Greatest Chances on conception exist when the mucus becomes transparent, slippery and stretchable. The function of mucus is to support, protect and move the sperm through the uterus to the fallopian tubes to meet the egg. Many women compare their secretions during this period to raw chicken protein.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. Approximately one fifth of all women feels the process of ovulation, which can be expressed by mild or quite noticeable pain. Some women experience pain on one side of the lower abdomen, particular sensitivity and weakness. This state is called median pain. It can last from several minutes to several hours. If you notice that such pain occurs at a certain period of the cycle, pay attention to changes in cervical mucus. Pain during ovulation can be a sure sign of the onset of a favorable period for conception. Look out for other signs as well. The study of changes in appearance and behavior throughout the menstrual cycle is becoming very popular in last years. Watch yourself and perhaps you will learn to recognize the approach of ovulation by these signs:
  • Desire to flirt and have sex. Increased libido, elated mood and increased social activity may be signs that the most favorable period came to conception. If you're in a long-term, stable relationship with your significant other, you're likely to experience a surge in sexual desire around the time of ovulation. During this period, many women seek to communicate with other men and flirt a little. If you are in a serious relationship, your loved one may become more jealous during this period!
  • external attraction. There is a scientifically proven link between your emotional state, external attractiveness and ovulation. Recent studies have shown that during the period of ovulation, many women feel more physically attractive. They begin to take care of themselves more and become more attractive to others too. Unconsciously, you can choose clothes that emphasize your dignity, give great importance accessories and personal care. Therefore, the closer ovulation, the more attractive a woman becomes. Although we think that we do not demonstrate our sexuality, as it happens in the animal kingdom, nevertheless, we use little female tricks to attract the attention of an alpha male.
  • A fragrance that drives a man crazy. Not only do you look attractive, you start to smell delicious! Scientists have found that on the eve of ovulation, women begin to smell especially attractive to men. This property passes with the end of a period favorable for conception. You may think that no one knows about your ovulation, but pheromones will tell you about it.

How to increase the chances of conception?

If you have unprotected sex every 2-3 days, active sperm will be in the right place at the time of ovulation. To increase the chances of conception, doctors recommend regular sex throughout the cycle. Making love at a time when the cervical mucus becomes wet, slippery and therefore easier for the sperm to travel also promotes conception. On average, 20-30% of fertile couples can conceive a child each month. About 84% of women can conceive within a year if they don't use protection and have sex regularly. Half of the rest are able to conceive a child naturally over the next year. Accordingly, 92% of couples can conceive a child within two years.

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Questions and answers on: ovulation in men

2009-03-19 09:48:05

Dina asks:

We want to conceive a boy, but my husband often flies by plane. How long does it take for Y chromosomes to regenerate after a flight? i.e. does F - the day of ovulation have a man restored Y chromosomes?

Responsible Yakubchik Natalia Nikolaevna:

Greetings, Dina!
I do not have any information about the effect of air travel on the Y chromosome, nor do I have reliable methods for predicting the sex of the unborn child. Chromosomes do not regenerate after damage.
I can only say that spermatogenesis (maturation of spermatozoa) is a continuous process, it takes about 3 months for the maturation of each new "batch".
Good luck to you! Wait and love your child not for his gender!

2015-09-07 10:41:51

Tatyana asks:

Hello. Please tell me if Valtrex taken by a man 3 days before ovulation can affect the future fetus. P.S. I stopped taking it 3 days before ovulation.


Hello Tatiana! The effect of valaciclovir on the ability to conceive and its teratogenic / mutagenic properties are known only from animal experiments. According to these data, the drug is safe. However, if you are not yet pregnant, planning should be postponed and resumed 3 months after the end of therapy. Take care of your health!

2015-07-10 02:45:58

Anna asks:

Hello! I'm 40 years old. A year ago, my husband left and I did not have another man during this time. But recently my husband returned and we reconciled. We went to Yarovoe and there, during the period of ovulation, we had PPA twice in a row. My cycle is almost always 28-30 days, now there is a week delay, but the test made twice showed negative result. Shortly before the trip, I had cystitis (according to symptoms). What could it be? Can tests be trusted?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Anna! ABOUT possible reasons delay in menstruation and actions to be taken in similar situation, read in the materials of a popular science article on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

2013-10-06 10:28:14

Irina asks:

Hello! Does it affect the quality of sperm, conception by a man the following medicines: intramuscular mydocalm, combilipen, inside - artrozan. My husband grabbed the lower back, and the time of ovulation. Also interested in whether it will affect conception healthy child the presence of thrush in a woman. I know that it would be wiser to skip another cycle, but there are already three missed ones, then one interferes, then another. Thanks.

Responsible Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

In principle, the problems described by you (taking medications and candidiasis) should not adversely affect the conception and health of the unborn child.

2012-12-23 09:09:49

Belisa asks:

Good afternoon. I have this problem... I had unprotected intercourse during ovulation. But the partner did not complete in me. My period is 3 days late. Could I have gotten pregnant? Do men release sperm in their mucus during intercourse?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

2012-12-08 16:01:34

Oksana asks:

Hello. From the age of 17 I was friends with a man 15 years older than me. Of course there was sex and unplanned pregnancies. And no matter how I resisted, it all led to abortions, huge stresses. At one of these moments of an unplanned pregnancy, I noticed a discharge from my chest that was transparent, yellowish in color, ran a little like water. Didn't notice anything else. From now on I am 30 years old. In 2009, I finally gave birth to my baby, breastfed for 2 years. At the end of the feeding, in the autumn, I had to wean ... I didn’t overstretch and didn’t take pills to make the milk go away. There was very little milk by that time, it almost did not arrive. Exactly one year ago, I began to feel bad. I was choked by a strange feeling in my throat, then there were swelling, the excess weight of 25 kg remained. I went for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland for the first time in my life. They find a 2 cm node with a cyst in me. She is sent for analysis of TSH, c-peptide, all tests are normal, free T4 was lowered. Then both breasts start to hurt. I reflexively press on the nipple, as if pumping, I get a black-green thick liquid. After that come tiny droplets of breast milk and colostrum.
I ran to the mammologist, they were prescribed to pass: an ultrasound - there were a lot of brushes in the breasts of both, constantly aching, quiet pains shot in the armpits, like the arrival of milk. Prolactin was also prescribed to take, but I started having delays with menstruation for a year after feeding, the cycle was always like clockwork. I have to hand over prolactin, and menstruation everything was not there, it was smeared with brown secretions for 3-4 days. I go to the puncture of the cyst of the node Shield. Glands, I leave the polyclinic for this procedure, my periods started abruptly, the next morning I run to take prolactin. It turned out from the moment of "smearing" 3-5 days. Everything is normal. Assign to drink mastodinone and endocrinol. I feel a little better. Monthly periods are restored, without any smearing, they immediately go through 27 days, as it took 2 years before childbirth and childbirth. But the discharge from the chest is true, you can’t see them on the bra, but when pressed, it is in the same vein: green-black, a little colostrum-milk. And it all increases during ovulation. I haven't been to the doctor since April. Mastodinon drank at the wrong time and not the whole pack. Endocrinol drank a lot, packs of 4. Now I have to go to an appointment, again for a thyroid puncture, what else would you advise me to take tests? Can you do a head exam?

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

None yet, keep taking mastodinone and add cyclodinone or dysmenorm to it for another 3 months.

2012-08-06 10:26:02

Patya asks:

Hello! I have such a problem - my menstrual cycle is 25 days, almost never shifts. After a trip abroad, menstruation went 2 days earlier. On the 5th-6th day of the cycle, I had a connection with a man, I have been dating him for 3 months, they usually used protection, but this time not. On the 11-12th day of the cycle, I accidentally met with ex-man, with whom I met to the last, and mating also turned out with him! Only with him, I kind of protected myself with PHARMATEX cream, but I didn’t know that it had to be supplemented with each act. In the second act, I did not add the cream! There was no more contact with Kei. Please tell me who the possible father of the child is, it depends on whether I should leave him or not! 3 months ago I still checked the day of ovulation according to the test, showed on the 11th. Thank you in advance! Please don't judge!

Responsible Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

On the 5-6th day of m.c., for conception to occur - this is unlikely, spermatozoa live in the woman's genital tract for up to 72 hours, they simply would not live up to your ovulation. On day 11-12 m.c. conception can occur, so draw conclusions about who the father of the child is. But about leaving it or not, I definitely advise you - leave it and don't do anything stupid! I wish you success!

2012-02-04 12:33:36

Alice asks:

Good afternoon! in January I asked you a question, thanks for the answer. (http://www..html)
To date - 02/04/2012, my period has not begun, a couple of days ago something in the uterus hurt a lot, but it quickly passed. It didn’t happen again. I am out of the house. I went for a second ultrasound (also transvaginal).
01/18/2012 ultrasound results:
uterus - 50mm * 34mm * 49mm, the contour is even, the structure is homogeneous, the endometrium is 4 mm, homogeneous, the uterine cavity is not dilated, the cervix is ​​normal,
right ovary 39*20*19mm, normal, normal position.
left ovary 36*23*19 mm, normal, normal position.
the structure of both ovaries - many small follicles.
02/04/2012 ultrasound results in the same medical center, only in another branch.
uterus 43*27*39mm, normal, smooth contour; myometrium is normal; volumetric formations-No; vessels of the uterus - the norm, uterine arteries: wt in the right 22.1, wt in the left 20.7 cm/s;
endometrium 9 mm, three-layer, does not correspond to the cycle,
FOCAL FORMATIONS: yes - on the basement membrane (or membrane - not very clearly written) 3 * 3 * 2 mm formation of higher echogenicity, blood flow in the formation - I don’t understand, either it is determined or it is not determined.
the uterine cavity is not expanded, the fetal egg is absent, the right ovary: 41 * 23 * 31 mm, enlarged, the position is typical, multifollicular structure. no volumetric education.
left ovary: 37*20*26mm, norm, position - BEHIND THE UTERUS!!!, multifollicular structure. no volumetric education.
For today: the left ovary slightly sips, but not always, the sensations in the lower abdomen are somehow not like that .. nothing hurts. I feel fine.
At the last ultrasound, the doctor told me that the formation in the endometrium - maybe a polyp, maybe a piece of the old endometrium. uzist doesn't know what it is. BUT he said that: this formation should have been visible on the ultrasound on 18.01. then he said that since it was not visible, it means that this is not a polyp and not a piece of endometrium .... WHAT CAN THIS BE??? AND IS IT REALLY THAT A POLYP GROWS IN 2-3 WEEKS???? STILL AND AT NOT GIVING BIRTH??? HE SAID THAT HE DOES NOT SEE THE YELLOW BODY, THAT IT IS NOT HERE.
How to find out the truth, what, where and how? I can get to my doctor in about a month ...
really looking forward to answering my questions. Thank you

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

There could be a frozen pregnancy in a short time and the ultrasound shows what is left, but the presence of an endometrial polyp cannot be ruled out. Unfortunately, those who have not given birth may have endometrial polyposis and such things cannot be left without examination and treatment. You need to be examined and treated. On the given time the presence or absence of pregnancy can be judged by an.blood for hCG.

2012-01-22 21:10:10

Alice asks:

Good afternoon! I am 27 years old. No children. I have a question, is it possible for me to be pregnant now?
Today is 01/22/2012.
The situation is this: January 12, 13, 14, 2012 - was a PA, finished in me.
16.01. started brown discharge and pulled the lower abdomen.
18.01 - went for ultrasound. the doctor said that there is no pregnancy, ovulation will be today or tomorrow, and said that menstruation will be in 10 days.
cause of discharge - violation hormonal background. didn't do any analysis.
I generally have irregular periods and their cycle is somewhere around 50-60 days. And this month, for some reason, thin endometrium - only 4 mm on ultrasound showed .... a year ago it was like 10 mm .. though on the other day of the cycle.
According to the doctor’s forecasts, I should have my period in 5 days, BUT usually I have all the signs (breast enlargement, headache, stomach pulling) and 8-10 days before the onset of menstruation, And now - THESE signs are not.
My man and my last girlfriend had been examined before, and both of them were diagnosed with infertility. I don't know the reasons.
My question is, is pregnancy possible? or 100% impossible? (I'm going to fly out in 5 days, and if there is any chance, then the flight is canceled)

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

In spite of technical progress, there are still no technologies that can determine pregnancy after 5-10 days from PA. I recommend to be examined and find out the cause of menstrual irregularities: work thyroid gland, the work of the adrenal glands or is it the ovaries that work. If at the level of the ovaries, then find out the reason for such work. If there is a problem before pregnancy, then during pregnancy these problems are especially pronounced and can lead to loss of pregnancy. If your man had problems, then both need to be examined, find the cause and undergo a course of treatment. About the percentage of possibility - do not be offended, but probably in this life only the Almighty can give 100%, and even then not always ... Take a pregnancy test with you, better "Duet" or "Frau" and take the test on February 1-2. These tests are highly sensitive, so you can do it on January 26-27, if there is one clear band, the other is weak, then you need to repeat the test in 2-3 days. If the test is negative - take Vitamin E 100 units 3 times a day, folio 1 tab 1 time a day for 2 weeks.

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