Menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy. Menstruation with ectopic. Absence of menstruation and pregnancy

Interruption of the menstrual cycle after conception is the norm, a natural process, the violation of which can lead to various consequences. Why do you sometimes get periods during pregnancy?

Menstruation during pregnancy is not uncommon, but a reason to consult a gynecologist. After all, this may be a sign of a serious hormonal or other disorder that will prevent you from bearing a child.

Menstruation appears during pregnancy in the early stages, most often during the first month. This is facilitated by various failures in the maturation of eggs (for example, in both ovaries simultaneously), multiple pregnancies with the prospect of rejection of one of the embryos, hormonal disorders, and the presence of diseases such as fibroids and endometriosis.

The reasons for the release of bloody mucus in the early stages may be implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, sex, or damage to the vaginal mucosa during a gynecological examination.

Cycle duration

Can menstruation occur after conception and when does it stop? Strictly speaking, menstruation and pregnancy are incompatible; the cycle should stop immediately after implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall. And if this does not happen, it means that the fertilized egg, formed at the end of the previous cycle, simply has not yet had time to reach its destination. Usually it takes from 7 to 15 days for attachment, during which period menstruation may occur.

How to distinguish a cycle from bleeding?

How to distinguish spotting from menstruation, and why can menstruation occur during pregnancy? With regular sexual activity, without the use of contraceptives, fertilization of an egg in a healthy woman is almost guaranteed.

Signs of pregnancy during menstruation in the early stages may include:

  • the onset of the cycle is significantly earlier or later than the due date;
  • the discharge is not abundant, even scanty, without the usual clots, indicating detachment of the endometrial layer of the uterus;
  • color can vary from bloody pink mixed with mucus to red-brown;
  • unusually short running cycle.

All these signs of pregnancy after menstruation are evidence that the discharge is not menstruation at all.

As for the bloody mucous discharge that sometimes accompanies the early stages of conception - their cause is most often mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina during sex or after gynecological examinations, such discharge is not dangerous. Heavy bleeding of brightly colored blood should be alarming, which, being a sign of rupture of large vessels, requires immediate medical attention.

In the first trimester

Menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy can last up to 11 - 12 weeks, most often this is caused by hormonal disorders: taking birth control pills, hormone imbalance caused by various endocrinopathies, viral and infectious diseases, stress.

Other reasons for menstruation in early pregnancy may include:

  • implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrial layer of the uterus, which causes minor vascular damage. As a result, scanty discharge appears that does not threaten the development of the embryo;
  • fertilization occurred at the end of the cycle, and the egg did not have the opportunity to attach to the wall of the uterus, such “periods through the fetus” are real, and they can only happen in the first month of pregnancy, while the body has not yet begun to rebuild;

  • Can pregnancy occur with real menstruation, and in what other cases? A very rare occurrence of almost simultaneous maturation of eggs in different ovaries. In this case, when the first is fertilized, the second is rejected;
  • the attachment of fertilized eggs, how many there will be, does not matter. One of them is rejected, causing bleeding;
  • ectopic, in which the discharge is easy to distinguish from normal ones - they look like brown clots and are accompanied by sharp pain;
  • the attachment and growth of an unfertilized egg, before spontaneous rejection, provokes regular bloody-mucous discharge.

Menstruation in the first month of pregnancy may be no different from real menstruation and sometimes last until the end of the trimester, but they are very scanty.

What periods during pregnancy in the first trimester can be considered dangerous? Heavy bleeding with pain or frequent regular traces of blood indicate a serious pathology, for example, a threat of miscarriage. In general, pregnancy and menstruation are incompatible; any bleeding in this position is a reason to consult a doctor.

In the second trimester

You can still put up with spotting in the first trimester, since most of it does not pose a threat, but do you have periods during pregnancy in the second trimester? The appearance of blood at this moment is a direct threat of miscarriage. Its reasons may be:

  • presenting position, when the walls of the uterus cannot hold the incorrectly lying placenta in a fixed position. Ruptures occur, resulting in bleeding;
  • partial or complete rejection of the placenta before birth;
  • threat of abortion and frozen fetus;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the fetal umbilical cord;
  • rupture of uterine tissue. Such bleeding occurs due to the presence of a postoperative scar, chorionepithelioma, thinning of the uterine walls due to numerous births and abortions.

Anyone who has had their period during pregnancy knows that any bleeding in the second trimester is a reason to immediately go to the hospital. With timely access to a medical facility, miscarriage and fetal death can be prevented in 95% of cases.

In the third trimester

Can menstruation occur during pregnancy in the third trimester, and what causes bleeding? Discharge during this period is a threat of interruption; their cause can be any acute infectious or viral disease, hormonal imbalance, severe nervous shock, trauma, bruises, placental rejection and bleeding from the vessels of the fetal umbilical cord.

During pregnancy, menstruation can be triggered by other pathologies:

  • an enlarging fetus can cause the development of a serious disease - varicose veins of the uterus, and in the later stages, provoke rupture and bleeding from damaged vessels;
  • cervical erosions that are not treated in time may manifest themselves as minor but regular bleeding;
  • extremely rare cases - bleeding during pregnancy can occur due to intrauterine polyps or cervical cancer.

Menstruation and pregnancy in the third trimester are incompatible and may be a reason to maintain or terminate for medical reasons. If at this moment your period begins, especially heavy periods, this can be very dangerous for the life of the mother and child.

What is the danger?

Menstruation during early pregnancy is not always dangerous, only in the later stages of gestation. In the second and third trimester, with very rare exceptions, they indicate pathological changes in the body and pose a danger to the baby and the life of the mother. For example, with varicose veins there is a chance to provoke rupture of fairly large vessels of the uterus and it is extremely difficult to stop such bleeding.

To be precise, all bleeding that occurs after conception cannot be called menstruation: they have a completely different mechanism of occurrence. Although real periods may occur in the first month of pregnancy, due to fertilization at the end of the previous cycle.

During pregnancy, there are periods triggered by mechanical damage to the vaginal walls; they can also be considered harmless, provided that microcracks are not infected.

More reasons

Pathologies that can trigger the appearance of menstruation during pregnancy:

  • abnormalities in the development of the uterus (for example, bicornuate), in which it is very difficult to become pregnant and bear a fetus;
  • acute infectious diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • various hormonal disorders and endocrinopathies;
  • bleeding disorders;

  • the presence of varicose veins of the uterus;
  • congenital pathology of fetal development;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • taking certain medications that can cause uterine contractions;
  • ectopic and multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • chorionepithelioma;
  • severe nervous shock, shock, stress.

The cause may be household injuries due to falls and bruises.


Is pregnancy possible during menstruation, or is it impossible? At this moment, extremely unfavorable conditions for the survival of sperm are created in the woman’s genital tract, so conception becomes impossible.

But is it possible to be pregnant during menstruation, and how can you tell whether you have a period or discharge? During menstruation, the breasts usually swell quite painfully and the lower abdomen pulls. If these symptoms are absent, then the following can be considered a sign of pregnancy after menstruation:

  • scanty, brownish discharge;
  • “menstruation” is always painless;
  • came much earlier or later than expected;
  • ended quickly;
  • occurs only during the daytime.

Features of physiology

Can menstruation occur during pregnancy or is this a pathology? Why do I have my periods and what causes the bleeding? Regularly, an egg ready for fertilization matures in the female body; during its maturation, the uterus prepares for the attachment of a fertilized egg, growing a special layer of cells. If fertilization does not occur, the egg and the layer of endometrial epithelium are released with menstruation.

When fertilization has occurred, the body begins to undergo hormonal adjustments so that the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine wall, and no factors provoke its rejection. Thus, to the question of whether it is possible to be pregnant if you are menstruating, the answer is yes, but only in the very early stages, because menstruation after conception is more of a pathology than the norm.

How do you know if the cycle has not stopped?

Can pregnancy occur after menstruation? How can I find out? Of course, by purchasing a test. But sometimes this is not a guarantee. You can confirm the presence of an embryo with 100% certainty if you take a test for human chorionic hormone (hCG), which begins to grow literally from the first week. And with normal fetal development, it increases 1.5 times every 2 days.

Some women report having menstruation in early pregnancy. Therefore, many girls are concerned about the question of whether they can menstruate at the beginning of pregnancy.

It is believed that during pregnancy a woman can forget about the existence of menstruation. But this is not always true.

So, in the first trimester you may notice slight bleeding. What is it? Is it dangerous and how to avoid this phenomenon? Let's find out in this article.

It is worth distinguishing between harmless periods during pregnancy and bleeding that is dangerous.

So, menstruation at the initial stage includes:

  1. Implantation bleeding that occurs due to damage to blood vessels by the egg during immersion in the endometrium.
  2. The fertilized egg could not attach in time. This happens in case of conception at the end of the cycle.
  3. Hormone levels dropped sharply. If a woman has a viral infection, an inflammatory process, or has suffered serious stress, then as a consequence there is a decrease in estrogen levels.
  4. Two eggs are released from the ovaries. If one of them is fertilized and the other is not, then the latter causes menstruation.
  5. Presence on the cervix. Since during pregnancy, blood begins to flow more intensely through the vessels, erosion begins to bleed.
  6. Discharge after sexual intercourse. Due to the increased filling of blood vessels, one of the vessels can be injured during sex, which will bleed.

You should know that discharge may appear after examination by a gynecologist. The doctor performs certain manipulations with the female organ and takes smears for analysis. As a rule, such discharges are warned about. If bleeding does not stop within 48 hours, seek medical attention.

This discharge is harmless and usually occurs in the first week of pregnancy.

  1. The balance of sex hormones is disrupted. If there is too much androgen in the body and little progesterone, then there is a danger of rejection of the fertilized egg.
  2. . Bleeding is accompanied by pain, reminiscent of contractions.
  3. Frozen pregnancy. The fetus stopped developing due to genetic and hormonal disorders.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. This is indicated by a little spotting accompanied by abdominal pain. Unfortunately, such a pregnancy cannot be saved. This is too dangerous for a woman's life.
  5. The uterus has an abnormal structure. A doctor caring for a pregnant woman with this pathology must be especially careful.

Every woman should know that only treatment under the strict supervision of a doctor will preserve the health of the mother and unborn child.

Treatment of the pathological condition

Bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy is an alarming symptom

They may have different colors, thickness, presence or absence of clots. Any bloody discharge should not be ignored during pregnancy.

What actions should be taken if this happens?
First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Next you should take a horizontal position. Oddly enough, the sooner you go to bed, the better it will be.

A pregnant woman is strictly prohibited from walking, getting to the hospital on her own, or using public transport.
All this can only make the situation worse.

In an inpatient setting, the attending physician will decide whether you should stay in the hospital or whether you can go home and just come to the day hospital and receive treatment.

The main condition in such a situation is to remain calm. If you are too nervous, it will not benefit either you or the child.

It is better not to undergo treatment at home; you need to stay until the threat is completely eliminated within the hospital walls.

Prevention of pathology

The main thing is to remain calm

Even with the normal course of the onset of pregnancy, there are factors that can aggravate the condition of the body, and thereby cause menstruation at the initial stage.

The cause of bleeding can be excessive physical activity, impaired metabolism, insufficient amounts of vitamins consumed daily, emotional disorders, and psychological diseases.

To prevent the appearance of dangerous discharge, the expectant mother should rest more, say “no” to overexertion, monitor the state of the nervous system, and not shy away from scheduled doctor’s examinations.

A girl should know about what can trigger menstruation in the first trimester:

  1. Cold. It is dangerous for a very young embryo. In addition, the use of medications can have a detrimental effect on pregnancy.
  2. Temperature. Fever can provoke.
  3. Poor nutrition. It can disable the entire body.
  4. Unhealthy lifestyle. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs. Smoking. Lack of sleep. All this negatively affects the body as a whole.
  5. An intense sex life can lead to early termination of pregnancy.
  6. A sharp change in weight, both in one direction and the other.

If you have any problems with your health, immediately contact the health authorities, the antenatal clinic or the nearest maternity hospital.

Be attentive to your body and then everything will be fine with you and your baby.

In the video - more about the pathology:

Oddly enough, uterine bleeding, especially in the first trimester, is observed quite often, and the ensuing pregnancy turns out to be a real surprise for a woman. You can distinguish normal menstruation from false menstruation by a number of characteristic signs indicating the birth of a new life.

Symptoms of pregnancy while having menstruation

After conception, multiple processes are launched in the female body, preparing it for bearing a fetus. First of all, the hormonal background changes, and with it the functions of many organ systems. Until the 2nd trimester, pregnancy practically does not appear outwardly, so you need to take a closer look at yourself.

In the early stages

If there is a suspicion that conception has occurred, but menstruation has arrived on time, then you should pay attention to the nature of the discharge itself. First of all, they become scarce. In addition to the reduction in blood volume, its color usually changes: from light red and pink to brown and brown. Such “menstruation” can occur repeatedly and require a visit to the gynecologist to confirm or rule out pregnancy.

Another reliable sign of imminent motherhood is a change in the condition of the mammary glands. The breasts increase in size and become quite painful. Such signs are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome, but with the onset of menstruation they disappear. If pregnancy occurs, the breasts remain swollen, and the nipples and areolas become darker due to increased pigmentation.

At a later date

As a rule, spotting at the beginning of pregnancy does not pose a threat to it and stops by the second trimester. However, regular bleeding can occur throughout pregnancy, and more pronounced signs will help to reliably determine its presence:

  • In the third or fourth month, drops of cloudy whitish liquid are released from the nipples when pressed (or spontaneously) - colostrum. In this way, the mammary glands prepare for the lactation period after childbirth.
  • Marked frequent urge to urinate, and the volume of urine is insignificant. This is explained by the increase in the size of the uterus: it begins to put pressure on the nearby bladder, and it has to be emptied more often.
  • Uterine growth becomes obvious: the stomach begins to protrude forward, the first movements of the fetus are felt. Body weight generally increases, which is especially noticeable in thin women who are watching their figure (at the same time, diets and sports do not produce results - the weight is steadily growing).
  • Pregnant women's taste preferences change, sometimes taking quite bizarre forms. There is a tendency towards foods that were not previously on the list of favorites, and pica is often observed. This term refers to the uncontrollable desire to eat obviously inedible things, for example, chalk (the body thus replenishes calcium reserves).
  • A common sign of pregnancy is fatigue along with irritability. Energy is spent by the body of the expectant mother to maintain the vital functions of the fetus, and unstable hormonal levels contribute to sudden changes in mood.
  • During pregnancy, the production of melanocyte-stimulating hormone melanotropin significantly increases and, accordingly, increased skin pigmentation. Already in the third month, a vertical dark line appears in the center of the abdomen, and spots (chloasma) may appear on the face. After childbirth, pigmentation quickly disappears and the skin returns to normal.
  • Due to weight gain, hereditary factors and changes in hormonal levels, the skin undergoes another change: on the chest, hips and abdomen appear stretch marks.
  • An increase in the concentration of estrogen in the blood may manifest itself as erythema (redness of the skin of the palms) or formation of spider veins.
  • Likely multiple acne on the face, since the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively when hormonal levels change.

The above signs clearly indicate pregnancy, and they are noticeable not only to the woman herself, but also to those around her. Regular uterine bleeding in this case is not normal menstruation at all, but a threat of miscarriage and a reason to urgently consult a doctor. After a diagnostic examination, a specialist will determine the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Menstruation during pregnancy: reasons

Menstruation and pregnancy are mutually exclusive concepts, however, the presence of scanty monthly discharge can be considered normal if the woman feels well.

  • Conceiving at the very end of the cycle may not affect the overall hormonal background and the uterus ready for menstruation. Most often happens spontaneous, which the woman doesn’t even know about, but if the fertilized egg managed to implant, the pregnancy continues.
  • When an embryo is implanted into the uterine wall, it is possible implantation bleeding. A small amount of blood is released, which is mistakenly taken for the beginning of the next menstruation.
  • Possible and banal error in calculations, when pregnancy occurs after menstruation, but the woman is sure that conception occurred earlier.
  • Quite rare, but quite probable situation with two mature eggs: one of them is fertilized and fixed in the uterus, and the other causes menstruation.
  • During intense sexual intercourse There may be damage to the cervix and, consequently, slight bleeding.

In the situations described, menstrual bleeding stops in the first trimester and pregnancy proceeds normally until childbirth. However, in exceptional cases, the fetus develops under the same hormonal background: the phases of estrogenic and gestagenic activity alternate monthly, and menstruation occurs. This condition of the body requires medical correction with hormonal drugs to reduce the likelihood of miscarriage.

Menstruation and pregnancy (video)

Heavy and painful bleeding poses a real threat to the health of the fetus and the pregnant woman herself. In this case, spontaneous abortion is an almost inevitable outcome of events. In addition, menstruation can continue against the background of an ectopic pregnancy, so if certain suspicions arise, it is unacceptable to delay a visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will tell you in detail whether a pregnancy can be carried to term during menstruation and what symptoms really pose a danger to the unborn baby.

Women are accustomed to calling almost any bloody discharge from the vagina menstruation. However, this is often not true. The greatest number of doubts and errors are associated with daubing after fertilization has already occurred. How to distinguish periods during pregnancy from normal ones? After all, remembering well, almost every woman can tell a story when an expectant mother learns about her intrauterine developing child only in the fifth month or even later.

Read in this article

Reasons for “menstruation” at different times

It is sometimes quite difficult to distinguish between periods and spotting during pregnancy on your own, especially in the early stages. More often, questions and errors arise in women with irregular, long or short cycles.

In the classical view, conception is possible only on days 13–15 with a 28-day cycle. But in reality, the ovulation process is influenced by many factors: stress, the woman’s recent emotional state, regularity of sexual activity, body weight and its fluctuations, acute viral diseases, taking medications. The list is very large, and sometimes it is difficult to predict the actions of your own body. Therefore, it often happens at the beginning, end, or even several times in one month. It is in such situations that a woman may be confused and try to independently distinguish the onset of menstruation from pregnancy.

Late ovulation

When the release of the egg shifts towards the end of the cycle, on days 21-25 after fertilization, it does not have time to implant into the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. But hormonal changes are already beginning to occur in a woman’s body. Under the influence of these events, the endometrium is still rejected.

It looks practically like ordinary critical days, and it is extremely difficult to distinguish on your own in this situation.

Early ovulation

Having open sex during the last days of menstruation can also result in conception. In this case, the discharge may continue longer than usual, and the woman mistakes it for normal critical days.

Multiple ovulation

Sometimes, especially when oral contraceptives are discontinued, several eggs are released from the ovary at once, simultaneously or with some interval. One option is repeated ovulation at the end of the cycle, at the beginning of menstruation. Then, with open sexual intercourse, the likelihood of pregnancy is high. But critical days will also perhaps be a little unusual.

Anomaly of development of female genital organs

It is not so rare to find such deviations in the standard structure of the pelvic organs as a double uterus and a bicornuate uterus, a septum in the cavity - complete or incomplete. With this development, the organ behaves a little differently than in the classical sense. The fertilized egg is implanted in one part, such as the right or left horn. At this time, menstrual-like changes occur in another, the endometrium is rejected, but only in this area. This can go on for several months, and the woman will not even suspect that she is pregnant. It is difficult to distinguish the signs of conception from the signs of menstruation in such a situation: after all, the embryo develops in one place, and the usual cyclic changes in the endometrium occur nearby.

Implantation discharge

Normally, the embryo may not enter the uterine cavity immediately, but its implantation - introduction into the endometrium prepared for this purpose - then occurs on days 14-21. On these days, bloody and brown discharge from the genital tract may be observed, somewhat reminiscent of menstrual periods.

Most often, this can be observed in those expectant mothers who have undergone any surgical interventions on the uterus - cesarean section, removal (especially with penetration into the organ cavity), and also occurs in those who suffer.

Non-developing pregnancy

For various reasons, freezing can occur at different periods - from 3 - 4 to 35 -38 weeks. This occurs due to genetic abnormalities of the embryo, somatic and gynecological diseases of the woman, the presence of infections, as well as environmental factors. The most “dangerous” period in the early stages is the days of expected menstruation. At this time, a woman’s body experiences the greatest hormonal fluctuations. In the case of a non-developing pregnancy, spotting may appear, the intensity of which may vary.

Ectopic egg attachment

If there is an obstacle to the migration of a fertilized egg through the tubes to the uterus, it can occur. Most often this is the fallopian tube, less often - the area near the ovary or itself, the cervix, even the intestines and peritoneum. At some point, damage occurs to the part of the organ where the embryo “settles”, and intra-abdominal bleeding of varying intensity occurs. It is difficult to distinguish the symptoms of pregnancy from the symptoms of menstruation in such a situation: they appear as if “discharge is about to start,” and then appears.

Threat of miscarriage

This is the most common cause of all discharge during pregnancy throughout its entire duration. Usually a woman begins to be bothered by aching, sometimes cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Then bloody discharge may appear - from spotting brown to very copious, sometimes with clots. The threat of miscarriage can also be caused by injuries, especially in the abdomen and lower back.

You should also take into account the fact that during breastfeeding, conception can occur without menstruation. In such situations, the first egg released is immediately fertilized. Then, when there is a threat of interruption, smearing begins, and the woman believes that it is menstruation.

Violation of chorion implantation processes

Sometimes, even in a short period of time, the chorion (the future child's place) migrates and is implanted in that part of the uterus, where this immediately leads to the development of pathology. It is customary to call this “low” and “central” placentation, and at later stages – central, marginal placenta previa. Even in the absence of provoking factors, bleeding may begin suddenly and without any warning signs, more often at night, during such a pregnancy. In most cases, this is heavy discharge.

Genetic anomalies and malformations of the embryo

If there is some kind of deviation in the development of the unborn baby, nature, as it were, independently tries to protect the woman from giving birth to a child with serious, often incompatible with life, defects. This is manifested by periodic sudden bleeding from the genital tract. If left untreated, spontaneous abortion occurs in most cases.

Sexual intercourse, taking smears

During pregnancy, due to a special hormonal background, the structure of all tissues of a woman changes. This is especially noticeable in the genital area. They are filled with venous blood (therefore they appear cyanotic upon examination) and are easily injured. Even the standard procedure of taking smears, especially from the cervical canal, can contribute to the development of minor bleeding. Moreover, the longer the gestational age, the more often the discharge occurs.

Excessively active sexual intercourse can cause trauma to the cervix, especially if a woman has erosion, ectopia, a decidual or regular polyp in the canal, as well as other pathology in this area. As a result, discharge may occur, often insignificant. Unusual positions during sex, rough and awkward movements can even lead to the threat of miscarriage.

Other diseases

Worried about the process of bearing a baby, a woman sometimes does not have time to understand the source of the bleeding. And even in a short period of time, hemorrhoidal nodes may appear, and with minor trauma, they may bleed. At the same time, scarlet droplets remain on the linen, leading to bewilderment and anxiety for the expectant mother. As the abdominal circumference increases, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, which contributes to the progression of hemorrhoids, which are more likely to be damaged.

How to determine: menstruation or bleeding?

It is not always easy to distinguish between menstruation and washing during pregnancy on your own. Therefore, if suspicions arise, it is better to contact a specialist who will accurately determine the cause and determine whether the discharge poses a threat to the woman.

Symptoms and phenomena that will indicate that conception has occurred, which means that these are not “menstruation” at all:

  • When performing a pregnancy test, there are two lines, even if one of them is faint (this indicates a short term).
  • A blood test for hCG shows a fairly high level (the test can be done as early as the tenth day after the supposed “productive” sexual intercourse).
  • In the chart, 37 degrees does not fall against the background of a delay in menstruation or its unusual nature (spotting or, conversely, very heavy).
  • Nausea and vomiting appear, especially in the morning and with certain foods.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and... Moreover, menstruation is often characterized by pain before the onset of discharge, while during pregnancy, each new attack entails increased bleeding.
  • Often after conception, a girl notices swelling of the mammary glands, and, as a result, an increase in their size by 1 - 3. Your nipples and areolas may also begin to hurt.

The nature of the discharge differs from standard menstruation. “For” the fact that fertilization has occurred says:

  • . Sometimes it's just one small drop of blood.
  • Sometimes the consistency and color resembles water.
  • Discharges begin after. The more days “overdue”, the more likely pregnancy is.
  • Non-standard start of “menstruation” for this girl. For example, if usually the critical days were preceded by pain in the lower abdomen, but now they are gone, and blood appears suddenly. Or vice versa.

What should mom do?

The most important thing is to remain calm. It is important to understand that “menstruation”, i.e. There should be no bleeding during pregnancy. This is a complication when carrying a child, with rare exceptions (for example, a slight spotting after taking smears from the cervix).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. It is necessary to try to remember all possible provoking moments for the onset of bleeding. Perhaps there was sexual intercourse the day before.
  2. If the discharge is insignificant (spotting in nature), the stomach and lower back do not bother you, then you should perform it and contact a gynecologist as soon as possible as planned.
  3. If the bleeding is bright pink and profuse, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the nearest hospital with a gynecological hospital using your own transport.
  4. Also, if you experience cramping pain or bleeding, you should immediately seek medical help.
  5. Under no circumstances should you stand in line and wait for an appointment if you have severe pain and heavy menstruation! This is an emergency, admission without coupons and out of turn.

With timely and effective treatment, the safety of mother and baby is beyond doubt in most cases. But even if conception has not occurred, heavy, painful discharge still requires consulting a doctor.

The beginning of a woman's menstrual cycle is the appearance of her period. They indicate the body’s readiness to fertilize the egg. Therefore, in the literal sense of the word, menstruation during early pregnancy is impossible for women. But the presence of bleeding causes concern for all ladies in an interesting position without exception. Such symptoms indicate the presence of some abnormalities, as well as possible complications.

Early pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by menstruation

Period or pregnancy

The standard concept of menstruation excludes the appearance of bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. Against the background of hormonal changes in the body, the egg in women does not mature, and the production of hormones occurs in a completely different mode. The uterus works for only one purpose - protection and proper development of the fetus. During menstruation, the endometrial layer is shed from the uterine cavity. Upon conception, this function stops completely, so pregnant women should not have physiological periods.

But in an interesting position, bleeding can often occur. Only in appearance do they resemble menstruation, but the nature and nature of such discharge is completely different. The duration and abundance are similar to menstrual flow. Therefore, many women confuse them with regular menstrual periods, and are not even aware of the possibility of conception. Until 3–4 months of pregnancy, almost every 4 women may experience bleeding.

This phenomenon during pregnancy usually occurs precisely at the time of the planned menstruation. There are practically no differences in symptoms and appearance. And if a woman does not carefully protect herself during sexual activity, then the onset of menstruation does not at all indicate that she is not pregnant.

Based on certain characteristic signs and changes, we can conclude that conception did occur:

  • bleeding began earlier than the expected menstruation;
  • bleeding is scanty and may be significantly less;
  • change in discharge color (brown, pink).

If such symptoms are present, especially in the absence of contraception, the woman is advised to take a pregnancy test. When two stripes appear, we can say with almost complete certainty that pregnancy has occurred. And the presence of blood discharge should alert and concern.

Menstruation in the early stages may indicate both the threat of pregnancy loss and the presence of various pathologies.

Causes of blood and spotting during pregnancy:

  • Threatened miscarriage (miscarriage). Profuse bleeding with aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Ectopic pregnancy (egg implantation outside the uterus). Spotting, accompanied by cutting pain localized at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg.
  • Non-developing fetus (frozen pregnancy). For a long time there may be no symptoms at all. Dark discharge combined with sharp pain in the uterine area.

In case of serious problems, bloody (usually dark brown) discharge may appear. Therefore, if you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If you have a positive pregnancy test, bleeding should be a cause for concern.

Implantation bleeding

Sometimes discharge during early pregnancy can be considered normal. We are talking about implantation bleeding.

This phenomenon is possible during the attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity, accompanied by damage to the blood vessels. In this case, we are not talking about heavy discharge; only spotting pink or brown spots are possible. After conception, the embryo attaches to the female organ on days 6–15. It is at this time that bleeding can begin.

Other causes of discharge

Bleeding during pregnancy may begin after sexual intercourse. Sexual life for pregnant women is not contraindicated (in the absence of serious problems), and does not lead to miscarriage or embryo pathologies. But sometimes discharge may appear immediately after contact with a man. During pregnancy, the uterus and vagina are supplied with a large amount of blood, which is accompanied by an increase in sensitivity to external stimuli from the mucous membrane of the female genital organs. Even with minor exposure (during sexual contact), damage to the small blood vessels of the uterus is possible, which leads to the appearance of spotting. Their number is usually very small, and there is no great danger to the development of the fetus. But still, if you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor. You can resume sexual life only after the doctor's approval.

During pregnancy, women have to visit a gynecologist frequently. Therefore, chairside examinations are carried out regularly. Sometimes, after an internal gynecological examination, pregnant women also experience bleeding. This does not indicate serious deviations or pathologies. But if the discharge becomes more abundant and does not stop for a long time, then you will need to consult a doctor.

It is not recommended to use tampons for discharge during pregnancy. It is better to buy regular sanitary (daily) pads. Foreign bodies (tampons) can severely disrupt the vaginal microflora and cause irritation and itching. It is also possible to introduce infection through poorly treated hands directly into the reproductive system.

Bloody discharge accompanied by an unpleasant, pungent odor indicates the presence of internal inflammation. In such a situation, a smear is taken from pregnant women to determine the causes. Any inflammatory and infectious process in a woman’s body during pregnancy is very dangerous and can harm not only women’s health, but also the health of the baby.

Sexual activity during pregnancy is not prohibited, but may lead to light bleeding

The dangers of menstruation during pregnancy

Any suspicious discharge at the beginning of pregnancy cannot be ignored, regardless of the reasons for its appearance. Normally, a healthy woman should not have bleeding, spotting, pain or poor health. All symptoms indicate a threat to the child, as well as to the health of the mother.

If a woman is unaware of her interesting situation and perceives bleeding as normal regular periods, then she continues to lead a normal lifestyle. This is very dangerous, especially if you have bad habits (alcohol, smoking), as well as poor diet and heavy physical activity, which are contraindicated during pregnancy. Continuing to live in a normal rhythm, you can unintentionally cause great harm to the unborn child.

Spotting at the beginning of pregnancy, which is not controlled by a doctor, can develop into severe uterine bleeding. This is fraught with the threat of miscarriage, as well as the loss of a child in the early stages. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, pathological processes in the female body can be aggravated. Often, bleeding signals an ectopic or frozen pregnancy. In such cases, immediate medical intervention, cleaning the uterus, and taking medications are necessary. Any delay causes serious problems for the woman, and sometimes death.

Any bleeding, clotted, spotting, or accompanied by an odor may indicate a problem. In the early stages, medical supervision should be carried out regularly. Only in this case is the healthy development of the child possible.