What is the broad phalanx of the thumb called? Thumb, palmistry, its meaning in a person’s characteristics. Barley grain on finger

You may be promiscuous when creating your own image. By and large, the quality and comfort of your clothing is much more important to you than whether its style matches the fashion of today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Rina, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, your attitude towards your partner is dominated by tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive servility. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Rina, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often getting into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. When your partner is not “within reach” for a long time, you experience a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will appreciate both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” for you is always “better than a good quarrel,” which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And it is not surprising that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation while searching for the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.

When reading patterns on a person’s hands, palmists not only decipher the lines, but also pay attention to other parts of the palm, including the shape, length and location of the fingers.

Particular importance is attached to the thumb: in palmistry, this limb is considered the key to understanding a person and his destiny. Experts believe that this finger carries much more information than all the others.

Size value

In palmistry, the thumb (Venus finger) symbolizes vital energy. Its strength can be judged by the size of its limb. A long finger is a symbol of an active, active person with a strong will, who has the right ideas about life and knows how to use his knowledge. Owners of very long thumbs are often endowed with tyrannical and authoritarian character traits; they are capable of committing unseemly acts in order to achieve their goal.

  • A short thumb can be seen in people who are weak-willed, weak-willed, and incapable of decisive action.
  • It is believed that the longer the limb, the more success its owner can achieve in life, since he always persistently and persistently moves towards his goal.

It is also worth paying attention to the size of the phalanges, each of which symbolizes a specific sphere. The upper part of the finger, on which the nail grows, is responsible for willpower, the middle part for logic. The last phalanx is not taken into account, since in palmistry it is referred not to the thumb, but to the Mount of Venus.

Ideally, the length of the upper and middle phalanx should be approximately the same. This symbolizes the balance of willpower and logic, indicating a person who is decisive, but reasonable in his actions. He can develop interesting ideas and at the same time knows how to implement them.

If the nail phalanx is noticeably longer than average, then impulsiveness prevails over logic. This means that a person often makes mistakes, but they cannot prevent him from continuing his path towards his intended goal. A similar picture is observed in individuals whose main character qualities are perseverance, determination, and perseverance in fulfilling assigned tasks.

The wider middle part indicates that the rational principle predominates in a person, and willpower is weakly expressed. The owner of such fingers thinks a lot, but acts little, so he rarely puts his plans into action.


The thumb can have different mobility, this is also important for palmistry analysis. If the limb can be strongly bent towards the wrist, this means that the person easily succumbs to the influence of others, often giving in under the pressure of stronger people or circumstances. He does not like conflicts and steps aside to avoid them. At the same time, such people are open, optimistic, positive, and easy to make contact with.

If the finger bends poorly in the area of ​​the lower joint, then the person is stubborn, persistent in solving assigned tasks, he does not deviate from his position even under strong pressure.

Interpretation of the form

Studying the shape of a finger can provide a lot of information. If the limb is short and thin, this indicates an insecure person. If it is thick and wide, it indicates excessive stubbornness, as well as dependence on material wealth.

If the top of the finger has a shape close to a square, this is a symbol of honesty, justice, and practicality. People with this type of thumb are simple, down-to-earth, always approach things thoroughly, and have strong convictions.

The wide and flat tip of the upper phalanx, which is shaped like a shovel, is a sign of a business character, an active life position, and the ability to think analytically.

If the nail phalanx has the shape of a cone, such a sign indicates the subtle mental organization of a person. These people are vulnerable, sensitive, they have a developed sense of beauty, and love art.

A finger that tapers in the middle and widens towards the top and bottom (with a “waist”) is a sign of a tactful, diplomatic person.

The pointed tip can be seen in people who have special insight and know how to easily establish contacts with others.

If the phalanx on which the nail grows is round, wide and resembles a bump, this indicates the explosive nature of the personality.

Location value

By the way the thumb is positioned in relation to the rest of the hand and to the base of the palm, you can also tell a lot about a person’s character and even get information about his life purpose.

If the distance between the bases of the thumb and index fingers is wide, then this is called a deep (low) landing of the moving limb and indicates that the person is withdrawn. He does not trust others and behaves extremely cautiously, especially with strangers.

A high Venus finger, located far from the wrist, is characteristic of optimistic, open people, who are called extroverts.

You should pay attention to the distance between the palm and the limb, which forms an obtuse or acute angle. If the angle is approximately 45°, this means that the person is conservative, follows generally accepted norms and rules, and honors traditions.

A distance between the limb and the edge of the palm, forming an angle of more than 45°, indicates people who are generous, sociable, energetic, and who are constantly striving to learn something new.

If the angle is less than 45°, this is a sign of a selfish person who values ​​his own interests above all else. Such people are very proud, and sometimes they are even cruel to others.

Sometimes the thumb on the hand is positioned in such a way that at the place where the process connects to the palm, an angle is formed that resembles a noticeable bulge. This detail is often found on the hands of talented people involved in music. They have an absolute ear for music and an impeccable sense of rhythm. This convexity on the hand is also called the practicality angle. Owners of this sign are skilled, dexterous, and love to work physically. They know the value of time, so they never waste it, they are punctual, and try not to be late for anything.

What do the signs tell you?

The lines on the thumb often form patterns. They contain a much deeper meaning than the signs on any other part of the palm.

1. Circles or curls on any phalanx predict material success, profit, inheritance. Such a sign at the base of the finger warns of the need to pay serious attention to the state of health.

2. A star-shaped pattern located at the base of a limb promises difficulties in love relationships.

3. The square, which is located on the upper phalanx of the limb, indicates that the person has something important to do and all his thoughts and actions are aimed at solving the task at hand.

4. If a triangle is visible at the base of the finger, this is a sign of worldly wisdom.

5. A sign on the thumb in the form of a cross, located on the upper phalanx, can indicate frivolity and frivolity. If this pattern is large and located in the lower part of the limb, it indicates that there is great, strong love in a person’s life.

Lines that do not form any pattern also have meaning. For example, horizontal stripes often appear on the phalanges of the thumb in people who are dissatisfied with life and often experience stress. Vertical lines on the finger are a symbol of a strong, energetic personality, possessing a sound mind and loving the world around us.

Indian interpretation

In Indian palmistry, decoding the meaning of the thumb is also given great importance. Most palmists from India can reveal a person’s character and predict his fate, focusing only on the lines located on this part of the palm.

The features on the finger of Venus can be located vertically or horizontally. They are interpreted as follows:

1. A straight thin line running vertically from the side of the index finger and going from the top of the thumb to its bottom is responsible for wealth. It promises its owner material well-being.

2. The line that runs parallel to the previous one on the opposite side of the Venus finger also indicates monetary success, which is associated primarily with the family. This means that a person was either born into a wealthy environment, or will be able to achieve financial success in life in order to give everything his own family needs.

3. A thin vertical thread that originates at the base of the thumb and rises up it approximately to the middle is considered an unfavorable sign. It can neutralize the positive meaning of other lines.

4. The horizontal line running on the border of the 1st and 2nd phalanx (wheat line) can tell you whether a person will experience difficulties and at what age, as well as about his personal life. Defects in the line at the beginning indicate problems in childhood, in the middle - in adulthood, and at the end - difficulties in old age. When a line begins as a single line and then intertwines with a second line, it symbolizes a meeting with a life partner. By the beginning of the interweaving, one can judge the approximate time of formation of the union.

5. A thin, deep horizontal stripe, closest to the wheat one and located slightly lower, occurs in sociable people. Such individuals are always ready to help in difficult times.

6. A line forming a line around the thumb at the level of the middle of the second phalanx suggests that the person loves to travel.

7. A line located across the limb below the middle of the second phalanx indicates the flighty nature of the person.

8. The deep line, forming a chain and passing on the border of the middle and lower phalanges, is a family ring, a symbol of marital relations. If this trait is broad and deep, it will be difficult for a person to meet a suitable partner. Line breaks warn of possible problems in relationships.

9. The line located above the family life line is also a sign of love. If it is clear, without breaks or other defects, a person will know happiness in his personal life.

Indian palmists also pay attention to signs and drawings near the thumb. Thus, a symbol in the form of a fish predicts that a person will be able to achieve a lot, a design in the shape of a flag means wealth and success, and in the form of a tree - prosperity and a comfortable, quiet life.

Write your opinion

For many palmists, reading the thumb is almost as important as reading all the other fingers combined. It's not surprising if you think that the free-standing thumb is responsible for many of humanity's evolutionary advantages over other mammals. Some. Indian palmists are known for limiting their reading to just the thumb and ignoring the rest of the hand!

The thumb is not named after a god (although it is sometimes associated with the sign of Aries), but it is a key indicator of the level of vitality or vital energy. The longer the thumb, the more vital and strong the personality, especially if it is complemented by a strong index finger.

When can a thumb be considered long? The normal length of the thumb is when its rim reaches the base of the Jupiter finger (index, or first). Remember to take into account the position of your thumb when determining the length.
Long(s). A good leader, clear-headed, balanced and with good judgment. People with long thumbs find it very easy to communicate with themselves.
Very long. The longer the thumb, the more definite and frank the person is. Owners of very long thumbs (those that reach the second phalanx of the finger of Jupiter) can be despotic tyrants and strive at all costs to do everything their own way at any cost.
Short. A person with a short thumb is impressionable and indecisive; he is one of those whose heart rules the head. This personality may be weak and hesitant, tending to follow the crowd. These people lack control over their emotions and are insensitive towards others.
Big. Capable and full of energy.
Short and thick. Stubborn.
Small and weak. Lack of energy and willpower.
Direct (b). Closed, loyal, reliable, prudent and persistent.
Smooth joints. Full of vitality.
Knotty joints (c). The energy comes from strange flashes.
Square tip. Realistic nature.
Pointed tip (d). Impulsive and impractical.

The place where the thumb joins the palm says a lot. To determine where the base of the thumb is, divide the palm, or fingerprint, into quadrants. Draw a line from the middle of the base of your middle finger (a) to the middle of the base of your palm (c). These points are clearly visible. If you are looking at a living palm, the line will be imaginary; if you have a handprint, mark a line on a piece of lined paper with the print on top. The horizontal line dividing the palm into quadrants should intersect the vertical line in the middle (c). To determine this middle, it is best to use a ruler. It is very important to draw the horizontal line dividing into quadrants correctly, as it determines the placement of the finger: low, high or normal.

Normal attachment of the thumb (a). The normally positioned thumb joins the palm exactly at the intersection point between the horizontal quadrant line and the inner edge of the palm. This position enhances the positive attributes of the thumb.
High thumb attachment (b). A person with a high thumb should be receptive, perhaps dishonest and mediocre; the fact is that the thumb often lies relatively close to the palm in order for the palm to enhance these features. These people can be adept problem solvers, capable of bursts of creative thinking to come up with unexpected solutions.
Low thumb attachment (c). People with a low attached thumb are bold, courageous, flexible and gifted more practically than intellectually. This placement indicates physical vitality, adaptability and nobility.


The angle at which a person naturally holds his thumb relative to his palm is related to his mood, attitude towards others and level of willpower.

In general, the wider the angle between the Jupiter finger (first or index finger) and the thumb, the more adventurous and open-minded the person is. Most people hold their thumb at an angle of 45° to 90° relative to the palm, which indicates a balanced personality. If the angle is less than 45°, then the person is likely to be selfish, secretive and carefully restraining his willpower.
Lies close to the palm (a). Reflecting the hidden nature of such a hand, people who have it are stern and inflexible, withdrawn. Here there is a greater likelihood that the person is not being completely honest.
Inclined towards the fingers (b). This hand position indicates a person who is afraid of relationships with other people; they keep their affairs secret and rarely confide their problems. Such people are usually unhappy and self-destructive; they may even suffer from neuroses.
Forms a regular right angle (c) with the palm. This indicates a strong sense of justice. Such people are gentle, trusting, friendly and broad-minded.
Forms an angle greater than a right angle (r). Too soft-hearted and potentially gullible, as he relies too much on others.

Many beginners confuse the angle of the thumb with its flexibility. Actually, speaking about the flexibility of the thumb, it is judged by how the tip of the joint behaves. The flexible thumb bends slightly backward on its own, while the inflexible thumb remains almost completely straight. However, the bend will always be only soft, even on a very flexible big toe, because the elasticity of its joint is limited.

Flexible(s). Flexible nature, good-natured, noble, tolerant; A flexible thumb occurs in people who strive for extravagance. These people do not like to quarrel with others or play devil's advocate.
Inflexible (b). A sign of determination and firmness, a stiff thumb is often found in people with leadership qualities. Such a thumb can be a sign of firmness of nature, however, if it is too straight and firm, then this indicates a closed mind and that its owner expresses little sympathy for the opinions of other people.

As you can see, the thumb has only two phalanges. In palmistry, each of them has its own traditional associations - the upper phalanx is identified with will, and the middle one with logic. In reality, however, like the other fingers, the thumb has three phalanges, but the third is a soft, fleshy pad on the palm. It is traditionally identified with other similar bumps on the hand, known as cusps. Consequently, the third phalanx of the thumb is the Mount of Venus, which is identified with the most important aspects of a person's character: his health, energy, sexual behavior and those general things that give him piquancy in life. In general, the importance of the third phalanx in palmistry reflects the fact that the joints associated with this phalanx, from which the greater pale begins, stand separately.

The presence of a drop of water (the small bump that stands out when looking at the phalanx in profile; see p. 64) is a bump on the top of the phalanx that literally expresses a sense of innate self-esteem. While such drops are associated with the tactile abilities possessed by any of the fingers, a drop of water on the thumb expresses a special quality. It is often found on the hands of art connoisseurs and people who are interested in art.
The first and second phalanges have equal length (a). A balanced person in whom strong will and prudence are of equal importance. These people have acumen and are able to carry out their plans in a clear and reasonable way.
The first and second phalanges are the same width (b). People who are blunt and straight have such thumbs; they show their logical abilities well and follow their own path.
The first phalanx is wide and hard. Indicates an abundance of vitality and properly directed energy - this is the finger of a leader. It is especially good if this is combined with (narrowing) on ​​the second phalanx, since these people are able to combine their ability to lead with tact and diplomacy.
The first phalanx is longer than the second. This man's energy is not controlled by the power of his mind; he needs to determine the situation more carefully, listening to the opinions of others before taking a decisive action and trying to do everything his own way.
Strongly pointed first phalanx. A narrowing at the apex of the phalanx indicates a lack of vitality and energy.
The first phalanx is in the form of a club (c). Furious, full of uncontrollable energy. Traditionally, such fingers are christened. In fact, people with such fingers only tend to be violent and violent. The second phalanx is wide and hard. This is the thumb of a person who is logical, reasonable and thinks before acting.
The second phalanx is longer than the first. A reserved person feels limited.
Narrowed second phalanx (d). Quick-thinking, tactful, impulsive, can be evasive.

Current page: 8 (book has 12 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]

MADNESS from a Vedic point of view, this is not a disease or an evil fate, but a consequence of the exorbitance of human desires. The one who wanted too much goes crazy - great love, enormous wealth and did not give anything in return or did not do it selflessly. The incredible greed of man no longer takes into account our reality, so he is ready to change or destroy a world in which it is impossible to get what he wants, but, to our common happiness, he is no longer able to do this. Then he breaks off contact with reality and goes into his delirium, completely plunging into ignorance, from which there is no way out.

I won’t show what envy and madness look like on the hands now due to the fact that these qualities look on the hands not based on one sign, but based on a comprehensive analysis of numerous lines and signs, the interpretations of which will be described later. When analyzing hands, you must always remember that you should never make a conclusion about a person’s fate based on one sign, since human character can change, thereby changing fate. Despite the fact that I have given the main chirological signs of the 6 enemies of man: lust, anger, greed and illusion, still these qualities, namely how strongly they are expressed in a person, how deeply they penetrate and how susceptible they are to change in one direction or the other, is clarified by the signs on the palm itself, which you will learn about later on the pages of this book.

Vessel of Karma

To conclude this section, I want to tell you how our karma collectively affects us. In this regard, we need to introduce a new concept, which we will call the “vessel of karma.” This concept is absolutely abstract, since nothing is said about it in the Vedas, but this drawing and further explanations to it best demonstrate what our destiny is made of and how we can change it with our actions.

Different people have different volumes of blood vessels, which depend on what part of karma a person needs to work out in a given incarnation. The division into levels of the vessel itself is also very conditional and can fluctuate down or up due to the “merits” or “debts” of past incarnations.

Initially, the vessel is slightly filled with Prarabdha karma, which determines for a person all the starting conditions of life, which also includes our karmic debts, tasks and karma of our kind. The presence of this type of karma is mandatory in a given vessel, since the quality of our destiny in the present depends on past lives. Through the pipe “past life influence” Prarabdha karma for the majority of people flows into the vessel at the level of minor troubles. If you sinned greatly in a past life, then Prarabdha karma can flow in and fill other levels - the levels of serious illness or death. It is this type of karma that can logically explain why some children die completely sinless in infancy or are born with congenital incurable diseases.

The main pipes that fill our vessel are current life, or Kriyaman karma, which in turn is also divided into subgroups. The first subgroup is the idealization of material values, where liquid enters from the outside through several valves, which open when we begin to become attached to material values ​​in thoughts, desires and committing negative actions.

The other two pipes that can very quickly fill the vessel of karma are life in passion and life in ignorance. Life in ignorance fills the vessel much faster due to the fact that a person begins to experience personality degradation, in which this valve is almost always in an open state. Ignorance and passion open the next valve - “6 enemies of man.” “Enemies of man” can act both in combination with passion and ignorance, and individually. One by one - if any force begins to prevail in a person, then it opens the valve corresponding to it, through which the liquid enters the given vessel through the “6 enemies of man” pipe. The more enemies act on us, the stronger the pipe flows. The Vikarma pipe always opens when a person acts from selfish motives, attracting one or more Vikarmas: anti-parental, anti-family, anti-social or anti-human. The next pipe that can fill the vessel is the pipe of instant karma, that is, quick retribution for the harm we have caused to other people.

It is also necessary to remember that not all the pipes of our karma fill the vessel at the same time. If one pipe leaks due to the wrong actions of a person, then others can be blocked if his current life allows it. Immediately, as soon as a person fully realizes the error of his beliefs and stops acting incorrectly, the corresponding pipes will close and the liquid will not flow into the “vessel of karma”. If it turns out that all the valves are closed, then the liquid stops flowing from above and its level in the vessel begins to slowly decrease, and karma begins to be cleared.

The vessel of karma can not only be filled, but also cleansed. As soon as we begin to live righteously, the corresponding valves at the bottom of the vessel open and the liquid drains through the pipes, thereby emptying this vessel.

The two large lower pipes that clear karma most quickly are life in goodness and Akarma. If a person begins to live according to God’s commandments, doing godly deeds, then the corresponding valves open and the liquid leaves the vessel through the pipes. The remaining three pipes are not so large, but nevertheless very important for working out all types of karma. When working off karmic debts, karmic tasks and family karma, they also open and drain the liquid from the vessel.

But sometimes it may turn out that the “vessel of karma” becomes completely empty, thereby a person completely works out his karma and he has no accumulated sins left that can open the valves on top of the vessel. Such a person does not become attached to anything material and, as a result of his pious activities, accepts the world as it really is; reason begins to rule in his consciousness. Unfortunately, there are very few such people in our lives, because our world is mired in emotional experiences and ignorance. Therefore, for most people, the “vessel of karma” is 50–80% full, since in the lives of these people negative emotions many times prevail over positive ones and actions are far from God’s commandments.

Now you know the whole principle of how karma works and you already know the main sources of filling the vessel and the ways to cleanse it. By applying this model to yourself, you can easily determine which valve and which pipe is “leaking”, and take immediate measures to close them with your righteous actions and deeds, which will completely cleanse your “vessel of karma”.

The thumb is the finger of our karma

Among other proofs, the thumb convinces me of the existence of God - without it, the hand would be an incomplete, unfinished instrument, just as the most fertile and sharp mind would be useless without moral strength, logic and determination, the degree of presence of which is indicated by the signs on the thumb. Unconscious will, unconscious logic and unconscious decision-making unite man and animal, but only one thumb represents intelligent will, intelligent logic and intelligent decisions...

I. Newton

The thumb is undoubtedly the most important part of the hand, as it is what separates us from the animal world. The highest stage of development of an animal is manifested in the development of its hand, and in humans - in the development of the thumb. The thumb of apes is quite flexible, and therefore it is considered by biologists as a movable claw. The position and development of the thumb in humans determines its mobility in comparison with the other fingers of the hand, and it symbolizes all our internal and moral feelings, which are opposed to our instinctive impulses and reactions. There is plenty of evidence for this. For example, when a child is born, he instinctively hides his thumb in his fist, but as he grows up, starting from the third week, the child begins to show it off, thereby associating himself with a person. Also, when children feel unhappy, they begin to suck their thumb in order to calm down. Epileptics, shortly before an attack, hold their thumb in their palm, which indicates the onset of the disease and seizures before they come, thereby triggering the instinct of self-preservation. When a person is on the verge of death and his vitality leaves him, he helplessly hides his thumb in his palm, trying to cover it and hide it, thereby the subtle body of the mind already knows that the person will soon leave this world. From all this it turns out that the thumb bent inside the palm is a definite sign of depression, a feeling of insecurity, uncertainty and helplessness. Conversely, a good and developed thumb shows that the character contains willpower, dignity, the desire to overcome difficulties or the need for a quiet, calm life, as well as the ability to cope with difficult life situations. There are many more examples that can be given, but I think that you are already convinced of the importance of the thumb on the palms, therefore, after studying the theory of karma and the gunas of material nature, we will consider it as a separate large topic, and in the future we will cover the remaining four fingers of our hand with one topic .

In India, some palmists do not read the palm at all, but limit themselves only to reading the thumb due to the fact that from one finger one can recognize a person’s entire life from birth to death, as well as the main character traits and karma that is given to a person to work off when birth. The size, shape and attachment of it to the palm, as well as the flexibility of the finger, will tell us about the main character traits of a person. From the lines on its second phalanx, or rekhas, according to Vedic palmistry, one can learn about the quality of a person’s life and the main events that need to go through according to our karma. And the signs on the first phalanx will tell about single point events that will affect a person’s entire life as a whole.

Let's begin our study, as always, from simple to complex - from what signs to determine the main character traits of a person, and also study the main rekhas and their purpose, dating. To conclude this topic, it will be shown how to use one thumb to read the entire fate of a person, from birth to death. Even if you are not able to fully master palmistry, then by remembering the basic signs and the location of the lines on the thumb, you will also be able to help people. By reading destinies only from the thumb, you can warn people about negative events in life and help them avoid them, and you can also explain how to take the path of serving God and find happiness in the future.

Thumb size

The size of the thumb is the main indicator of a person’s innate energy level. The thumb is considered normal in length if the end of its first phalanx reaches approximately the middle of the third phalanx of the index finger, as shown in Figure 4.2. If the finger is below this mark, then it is considered short, unless the finger is located too low and it itself is of normal length. In addition, the thumb can look long due to the high fit on the hand, which will be discussed below.

The length of the finger can also be determined using the little finger, for which you need to place the thumb with the lower joint in the depression, which is located just below the attachment point of the Mercury finger. If the thumb and Mercury finger are approximately the same length, then the thumb is considered normal. When visually determining the size of the thumb, you should always remember the fit of the finger.

Figure 4.1 shows long thumb, which exceeds the middle of the third phalanx of the finger of Jupiter. Such thumbs belong to people with extraordinary penetrating power, striving for independence, self-reliance and leadership. They are naturally given a certain power of suggestion, which helps to subjugate people with shorter thumbs to their will. Such a finger on a woman speaks of her leadership in marriage. In addition, owners of such thumbs are people with pretensions and can never be satisfied with what they have achieved. If such a person makes a decision or promises something, then you can be sure that he will fulfill all his promises to you completely and will not change his decision, since for him this is a matter of honor. If the thumb seems heavy and large, that is, when looking at the hand it stands out for its size, then this is a leader with a capital L, because he has enormous willpower and the ability to achieve his goals by any means.

If the thumb is significantly larger than the third phalanx of Jupiter, then it is considered too long. This is a sign of authoritarian, power-hungry, stubborn and despotic individuals; they achieve all the goals they set for themselves. Napoleon, Newton and Galileo had such fingers.

Short thumb not reaching its norm, i.e., the middle of the third phalanx of the finger of Jupiter, is shown in Figure 4.2. People with such a finger have weak physical capabilities; they cannot implement their ideas and plans due to the fact that they do not have the strength to complete things. They are more focused on the sensory perception of the world than on the real state of affairs, and, as a rule, avoid quarrels and conflicts with others. Women with short thumbs are completely submissive to their partner in marriage, while men with such fingers mostly marry women with long thumbs. They often dream of success, but do nothing to move towards their goal. Such people do not have much willpower and easily follow the leader, allowing them to control them. They are driven in everything because they are indecisive and sentimental, their character lacks self-confidence, assertiveness and determination.

If the thumb is short, but disproportionately wide, and looks stocky, then this indicates that due to the unfulfillment of his desires and aspirations, as well as because of his internal complexes, a person often shows aggression and cruelty. People with such fingers often strive for power and, once in it, often begin to abuse it, revealing the most disgusting traits of their character.

If the thumb on the passive hand is strong and the thumb on the active hand is weak, this is a sign that a person does not use the innate abilities of a leader in his life, which is a sign of problems in showing initiative and determination on the path to success in life.

Phalanges of the thumb

The thumb consists of three phalanges. In palmistry, the first phalanx is called the phalanx of WILL, the second phalanx is LOGIC, and the third is the base of the thumb, or the Mount of Venus. The combination of these three phalanges reflects the moral strength of a person, without which neither strong character, nor talent, nor personal success are possible. The ability to lead people, strength of character and determination are determined by the first phalanx; the power of logic and tact is determined by the second phalanx of the thumb; vitality and all our feelings and expectations are determined by the third phalanx, called the Mount of Venus.

Phalanx of will determines a person’s willpower, the ability to realize one’s talents and abilities in practice, and the habit of bringing all started projects to their logical conclusion. A person with a long phalanx of will is decisive, resilient and proactive, and he is also able to translate his thoughts into actions.

A short phalanx indicates a lack of determination. Such people are not able to resist unfavorable circumstances for themselves. They have no ambitious desires, the role of a leader in a team is a burden to them, so they feel better in a subordinate and dependent position and cover up their weaknesses of character with conservative views on life.

Phalanx of logic shows the degree of prudence, level of logical thinking and analytical abilities. From this phalanx you can learn about a person’s diplomacy or straightforwardness, that is, how a person is able to use his will in achieving what he wants.

A short or weak phalanx of logic indicates a weakened mental organization of a person and undeveloped analytical and tactical abilities. But at the same time, such a person is efficient in making and implementing decisions, since he first acts and then thinks. If the phalanx is long, then on the contrary, first comes the thinking through the situation and method of action, and then the action itself.

When analyzing the development of the phalanges of will or logic, an important factor is their length, which is compared to each other. Ideally, the finger should be balanced, and these phalanges should be equally developed and equal in length to one another, as shown in Figure 4.3. When the first and second phalanx are the same length, then a person’s will and logic are balanced and they balance each other. The determination of such a person comes from prudence, so he has no temper at all. With such a thumb, a person has the necessary amount of firmness and determination in the amount intended to achieve his goals.

Below we will look at the disharmony of the phalanges of the thumb and determine the main character traits inherent in individuals with different lengths of the phalanges.

Figure 4.4 shows the thumb, the phalanx of logic exceeding the phalanx of will. In this case, a person’s prudence and desire to analyze everything are much stronger than will and determination. Such people spend a lot of time thinking about the situation, very often doubt that they are right and need the support of loved ones and their approval of their actions. They are able to think through all their decisions very carefully, but to implement them they often lack persistence and perseverance. The longer the phalanx of logic, the more time a person needs to decide on any action. Due to the fact that they think and analyze everything for a long time, they very often miss the right moment for action.

If the phalanx of logic is disproportionately long and far exceeds the phalanx of will, then this sign indicates a weak and weak-willed person in all manifestations, who generally lacks the qualities of a leader. Such people very easily follow the lead of other people, and they are easy to manipulate due to the fact that they are very susceptible to the influence of others.

If the phalanx of will is longer than the phalanx of logic, as shown in Figure 4.5, then hot temper, determination and willpower overpower prudence and analysis of the situation, as a result, the person first acts and then thinks about what he has done. Such a person is very stubborn, and once he has decided on something, no one can convince him, and even appealing to his common sense will not yield anything. He acts quickly and does not think about the consequences, ultimately making many mistakes, which he himself will subsequently correct. The situation can change if the phalanx of logic is narrowed in the middle and has a “waist”, then logic will add prudence and thoughtfulness in actions to the will. On the contrary, if the phalanx of logic is short, thick and crude, then the person will be extremely stubborn and straightforward, capable of acting without any reasoning.

Base of the thumb- This is the place where the power of the thumb is concentrated, in which all its energy is stored. This is part of the Mount of Venus, which demonstrates the feelings and expectations from life of what we want for ourselves. Venus contains all the life force of a person. Consequently, the fuller the hill, the stronger and more cheerful the person, and the weaker it is, the more diplomacy and the desire to give in to other people are inherent in the person. This place also shows what a person relies on in his actions - logic or instincts, whether he is tactful or tactless, capable of going ahead or giving in to difficulties. Since this hill has quite a lot of variations depending on its development and the signs on it, the hill of Venus will be discussed in more detail in the corresponding section.

Logic phalanx form

This phalanx is highlighted as a separate topic, since based on its length, shape and completeness, we can talk about the stereotype or extraordinaryness of a person and his style. The phalanx of logic indicates innate tactfulness, and it can also be used to determine whether a person is diplomatic with others or goes ahead.

In Figures 4.6 and 4.7 you see two thumbs with different shapes of phalanges of logic. In this case, we will not take into account the size, but will turn our attention to the shape of the phalanx, one of which is straight, and the second in the middle has a thinning, or “waist”.

People with a direct and brutal phalanx of logic(Figure 4.6) are very conservative. They are committed to a certain way of life and thinking, they are difficult to climb, and it is difficult to convince them of anything. These people live in familiar conditions and adhere to their traditions and rules, so they perceive any changes in their lives negatively. This form of the phalanx suggests that, first of all, they are interested in themselves and, as a rule, try to live for themselves, not paying attention to the people around them. These are often tactless, rude and harsh people who see only what is on display. They have weak analytical abilities, and with a very rough phalanx, tact and diplomacy are completely absent.

Endows a person with opposite qualities phalanx of logic with a "waist"(Figure 4.7). Such a person has a very fine organization of the mind, he is tactful, knows how to express his thoughts beautifully and is very pleasant in communication. He is diplomatic and knows how to behave correctly in society. The owner of this type of phalanx has cunning, loyalty and the ability to be in the right place at the right time, thanks to which he is able to achieve his goal. Such individuals are excellent analysts and thinkers; they are very insightful and know how to look beyond the external side of life. They will never take action until they study the problem in its entirety. Due to the liveliness of the mind, they strive for spirituality and development of the intellect.

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| Fingers and phalanges
Jupiter's finger | Finger of Saturn | Apollo's finger | Mercury Finger |

For many palmists, reading the thumb is almost as important as reading all the other fingers combined. It's not surprising if you think that the free-standing thumb is responsible for many of humanity's evolutionary advantages over other mammals. Some. Indian palmists are known for limiting their reading to just the thumb and ignoring the rest of the hand!

The thumb is not named after a god (although it is sometimes associated with the sign of Aries), but it is a key indicator of the level of vitality or vital energy. The longer the thumb, the more vital and strong the personality, especially if it is complemented by a strong index finger.

Standing apart from the rest, the thumb can resist any of them. This is his unique ability among animals, which people have achieved - to take objects and work with them, such as tools.

When can a thumb be considered long? The normal length of the thumb is when its rim reaches the base of the Jupiter finger (index, or first). Remember to take into account the position of your thumb when determining the length.
Long(s). A good leader, clear-headed, balanced and with good judgment. People with long thumbs find it very easy to communicate with themselves.
Very long. The longer the thumb, the more definite and frank the person is. Owners of very long thumbs (those that reach the second phalanx of the finger of Jupiter) can be despotic tyrants and strive at all costs to do everything their own way at any cost.
Short. A person with a short thumb is impressionable and indecisive; he is one of those whose heart rules the head. This personality may be weak and hesitant, tending to follow the crowd. These people lack control over their emotions and are insensitive towards others.
Big. Capable and full of energy.
Short and thick. Stubborn.
Small and weak. Lack of energy and willpower.
Direct (b). Closed, loyal, reliable, prudent and persistent.
Smooth joints. Full of vitality.
Knotty joints (c). The energy comes from strange flashes.
Square tip. Realistic nature.
Pointed tip (d). Impulsive and impractical.

The place where the thumb joins the palm says a lot. To determine where the base of the thumb is, divide the palm, or fingerprint, into quadrants. Draw a line from the middle of the base of your middle finger (a) to the middle of the base of your palm (c). These points are clearly visible. If you are looking at a living palm, the line will be imaginary; if you have a handprint, mark a line on a piece of lined paper with the print on top. The horizontal line dividing the palm into quadrants should intersect the vertical line in the middle (c). To determine this middle, it is best to use a ruler. It is very important to draw the horizontal line dividing into quadrants correctly, as it determines the placement of the finger: low, high or normal.

Normal attachment of the thumb (a). The normally positioned thumb joins the palm exactly at the intersection point between the horizontal quadrant line and the inner edge of the palm. This position enhances the positive attributes of the thumb.
High thumb attachment (b). A person with a high thumb should be receptive, perhaps dishonest and mediocre; the fact is that the thumb often lies relatively close to the palm in order for the palm to enhance these features. These people can be adept problem solvers, capable of bursts of creative thinking to come up with unexpected solutions.
Low thumb attachment (c). People with a low attached thumb are bold, courageous, flexible and gifted more practically than intellectually. This placement indicates physical vitality, adaptability and nobility.

Thumb angle

The angle at which a person naturally holds his thumb relative to his palm is related to his mood, attitude towards others and level of willpower.

In general, the wider the angle between the Jupiter finger (first or index finger) and the thumb, the more adventurous and open-minded the person is. Most people hold their thumb at an angle of 45° to 90° relative to the palm, which indicates a balanced personality. If the angle is less than 45°, then the person is likely to be selfish, secretive and carefully restraining his willpower.
Lies close to the palm (a). Reflecting the hidden nature of such a hand, people who have it are stern and inflexible, withdrawn. Here there is a greater likelihood that the person is not being completely honest.
Inclined towards the fingers (b). This hand position indicates a person who is afraid of relationships with other people; they keep their affairs secret and rarely confide their problems. Such people are usually unhappy and self-destructive; they may even suffer from neuroses.
Forms a regular right angle (c) with the palm. This indicates a strong sense of justice. Such people are gentle, trusting, friendly and broad-minded.
Forms an angle greater than a right angle (r). Too soft-hearted and potentially gullible, as he relies too much on others.

Many beginners confuse the angle of the thumb with its flexibility. Actually, speaking about the flexibility of the thumb, it is judged by how the tip of the joint behaves. The flexible thumb bends slightly backward on its own, while the inflexible thumb remains almost completely straight. However, the bend will always be only soft, even on a very flexible big toe, because the elasticity of its joint is limited.

Flexible(s). Flexible nature, good-natured, noble, tolerant; A flexible thumb occurs in people who strive for extravagance. These people do not like to quarrel with others or play devil's advocate.
Inflexible (b). A sign of determination and firmness, a stiff thumb is often found in people with leadership qualities. Such a thumb can be a sign of firmness of nature, however, if it is too straight and firm, then this indicates a closed mind and that its owner expresses little sympathy for the opinions of other people.

As you can see, the thumb has only two phalanges. In palmistry, each of them has its own traditional associations - the upper phalanx is identified with will, and the middle one with logic. In reality, however, like the other fingers, the thumb has three phalanges, but the third is a soft, fleshy pad on the palm. It is traditionally identified with other similar bumps on the hand, known as cusps. Consequently, the third phalanx of the thumb is the Mount of Venus, which is identified with the most important aspects of a person's character: his health, energy, sexual behavior and those general things that give him piquancy in life. In general, the importance of the third phalanx in palmistry reflects the fact that the joints associated with this phalanx, from which the greater pale begins, stand separately.

Analysis of the phalanges of the thumb

The presence of a drop of water (the small bump that stands out when looking at the phalanx in profile; see p. 64) is a bump on the top of the phalanx that literally expresses a sense of innate self-esteem. While such drops are associated with the tactile abilities possessed by any of the fingers, a drop of water on the thumb expresses a special quality. It is often found on the hands of art connoisseurs and people who are interested in art.
The first and second phalanges have equal length (a). A balanced person in whom strong will and prudence are of equal importance. These people have acumen and are able to carry out their plans in a clear and reasonable way.
The first and second phalanges are the same width (b). People who are blunt and straight have such thumbs; they show their logical abilities well and follow their own path.
The first phalanx is wide and hard. Indicates an abundance of vitality and properly directed energy - this is the finger of a leader. It is especially good if this is combined with (narrowing) on ​​the second phalanx, since these people are able to combine their ability to lead with tact and diplomacy.
The first phalanx is longer than the second. This man's energy is not controlled by the power of his mind; he needs to determine the situation more carefully, listening to the opinions of others before taking a decisive action and trying to do everything his own way. Strongly pointed first phalanx. A narrowing at the apex of the phalanx indicates a lack of vitality and energy.
The first phalanx is in the form of a club (c). Furious, full of uncontrollable energy. Traditionally, such fingers are christened. In fact, people with such fingers only tend to be violent and violent. The second phalanx is wide and hard. This is the thumb of a person who is logical, reasonable and thinks before acting.
The second phalanx is longer than the first. A reserved person feels limited.
Narrowed second phalanx (d). Quick-thinking, tactful, impulsive, can be evasive.