Why are there no critical days if the test is negative? Why does a pregnancy test sometimes give negative results? Dangerous reasons for delay

A woman begins to worry from the first day of her missed period. Regardless of the desire to have a child, a feeling of anxiety arises literally immediately. But a delay in menstruation may not always indicate pregnancy. Let's look at all the possible reasons for late periods.

If you haven't yet checked your hCG levels using a pregnancy test, then let's cover some basics now:

    How many days are in your menstrual cycle?

    If you don't track your cycle (although I highly recommend you do), then you may not know the answer to this question. Consequently, it will be very difficult for you to calculate the days of your expected menstruation every month and you will often make mistakes, believing that this is a delay.

    Did you have unprotected intercourse during ovulation?

    Let's say 4 weeks have passed since last menstrual period, and ovulation took place 14 days ago. These are averages. Did you have an unprotected "relationship" with a man 2 weeks ago? If yes, then the probability of pregnancy is very high. If 5 weeks have passed since your last menstruation, then remember the relationship that was 3 weeks ago and so on.

    If yes, then you are most likely pregnant. Although this is not a 100% determination method. Often there is a psychological pregnancy, when a woman wants to have a child so much that she may experience a delay, nausea, chest pain and other symptoms that are actually fictitious.

No period, but pregnancy test or hCG test is negative

If you are sure that you are counting your cycle correctly and you have not had intercourse for the last month, but the delay is still present, then it could be caused by other reasons.

Are you taking any medications or pills?

Problems usually arise when taking contraception. Hormonal contraceptives very often cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Especially if they are selected independently and taken without supervision from a gynecologist.

If problems arise while taking the pills, shouldn't you pay attention to other means of contraception? Let's figure it out. Your body is ready to conceive only 5 days out of the month. This includes the 3 days before ovulation (sperm can live for a maximum of 72 hours) and 24 hours after the egg is released from the ovaries. It is quite easy to identify these days and use this knowledge to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It turns out that it is not advisable to take hormones every day in order to be protected only 5 days a month. In any case, it is your choice, but you need to make a decision only after consulting a competent doctor.

Have you had any illnesses recently?

The disease can shift your menstrual cycle. Even a short illness can significantly affect hormone levels, leading to a slight delay.


Regular or severe stress throws your hormonal levels into chaos. How to improve the situation?

  • Get rid of sedentary lifestyle life. Even short walks once a day saturate your body with oxygen and help increase stress resistance.
  • Full sleep. Each person has his own minimum time that he should devote to rest. If this does not happen, the body becomes sluggish and reacts sharply to any anxiety and depression occurs. An adult usually needs 8 hours of sleep per day.
  • Vitamins. If your diet is not rich in variety, you may need to take additional vitamin complexes. Magnesium and vitamin B preparations will be especially useful in this case. Freshly squeezed juices are also in a great way level up useful substances in the blood and improve your mood.
  • Massage - great option to relieve tension and relax muscles. Believe me, this is not a luxury, but a necessity, which is huge number benefits not only for the body, but also for the mind.

Are you overweight?

Increased body weight leads to surges in hormonal levels, which invariably leads to delays. This doesn't mean coming back normal cycle you need to suddenly lose a large number of kilograms. But you still have to make some effort.

The least you can do is reduce your consumption of sugar and wheat products. Plus a little physical activity every day. This will be a huge step towards regaining your women's health. Even daily walks will help you get a few steps closer to your goal.

Today, there are many services that help women in their quest to lose weight. These include calorie calculators, weight loss diaries, and simply communication on forums with women who have similar problems.

Are you too underweight?

If the level of fat in the body is excessively low, then this also leads to cycle disruption. It is necessary to establish the process of eating and consume only healthy products, which will contribute to gaining the necessary mass.

Do you travel frequently and work shifts?

Oddly enough, there are such reasons. Job biological clock very important for a person. And if a malfunction suddenly occurs in them, this leads to violations hormonal levels. Try to find ways to build your work or leisure schedule more kindly to your body.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This disease is based on a hormonal imbalance that interferes with the stability of ovulation. As a result, women with this diagnosis have an extended menstrual cycle and their chances of conceiving a baby are very low. Although the causes of this syndrome are not yet fully understood, one theory is that it is due to an increase in insulin production in the body.

Are you breastfeeding?

If you are currently a nursing mother, then the transition to regular cycle may take some time. During breastfeeding, a breastfeeding woman receives a signal aimed at suppressing ovulation. Over time, the level of hormones will become sufficient and the first menstruation will begin, after a while the cycle will stabilize.

Have you recently given birth?

Delays can occur in women who are new mothers, even if they are not breastfeeding. The restoration of regular menstruation may take about 2 years.

Other medical problems

There are a number of other reasons that lead to delay: menopause, problems with the thyroid gland and a number of others that need to be discussed with specialists.

Many women experience stress when menstrual cycle. The thought of pregnancy immediately arises. A missed period, a negative test – all this makes women worry. Why is this happening?

The menstrual cycle in the body of a sexually mature woman is 21-35 days. During this period, the egg matures. Counting is carried out from the first day. Normal menstrual bleeding lasts 4-7 days. If blood loss exceeds the acceptable volume, anemia may develop. The absence of menstruation indicates pregnancy or negative changes in the body.

The first and main reason for the absence of menstruation is pregnancy. A woman may also experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • white discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • swelling of the mammary glands.

However, a negative pregnancy test is puzzling. You can do one more check. In addition, it should be borne in mind that sometimes the test shows a negative result, but pregnancy still occurs. This can happen if a woman has irregular menstrual cycle. In addition, the test result may be implausible when widely used fluids and kidney pathologies.

What to do?

In addition to the test, if there is any delay, you must do an ultrasound and make an appointment with a gynecologist. Women have a question: when ultrasound examination can show pregnancy? Experts say that from the 5th day. You should also take blood tests to establish or definitively refute the fact of pregnancy. If the delay is 10 days, the test is negative, you need to do a test for human chorionic gonadotropin. Pregnancy is indicated if the hCG concentration is more than 25 IU/l.

There are factors that influence the increase in this indicator in the absence of pregnancy. If a woman has a tumor of the kidneys and genital organs in her body, or she has taken hormonal drugs, the hCG level may be more than 25. The same picture is observed with hydatidiform mole and malignant tumor of the uterus.

The result may be negative even if you are pregnant. It is important not to take medications 2-3 days before the test. Results may be inaccurate when the test is done too early. For example, on a 3-4 day delay. Can be done reanalysis on the 7th day of delay. The second reason is ectopic pregnancy. In order to exclude this (if your period is late), you need to consult a doctor.

Reasons for delay

With ovarian dysfunction, the menstrual cycle is disrupted . Any deviation from it, which is accompanied by nausea, cramping pain, irritability and discharge, is a reason to consult a doctor.

If you haven't had a period for several months, your doctor may diagnose amenorrhea. This disease does not depend on age. Both a 16-year-old girl and a 45-year-old woman can get it. If this is related to pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is no cause for concern. However, if a girl has not had her period for 3 weeks, she should consult a doctor.

Any pathological process in the pituitary region can adversely affect women's health. Physical activity, stress, exams - all this applies to possible reasons delays. At the same time, cycle disruption is one of the first and early symptoms chronic fatigue.

Weight problems

Weight problems also often affect the menstrual cycle. A sharp decrease or increase in body weight can cause hormonal imbalance. Women suffering overweight, often go to the doctor with statements like: “I haven’t started menstruating for three months now. Why?". This happens due to the accumulation of estrogen, which in turn leads to a delay in menstruation.

If weight loss continues long time and reaches a critical point (45 kg), the cycle is disrupted, up to the complete cessation of discharge. Menstruation is restored with weight adjustment.

In order to determine whether weight loss is associated with changes in body weight, you can make some calculations. This way, it can be determined whether a delay of 5 days, 7 days or more is related to weight. The regularity of the cycle is restored when it is brought back to normal.

Cycle disruption is possible when moving in different time zones and climate zones. Often flight attendants also go to the doctor with something like the following problem: “I have an unstable menstrual cycle. It’s already been a week of delay.” Dysmenorrhea often occurs among flight attendants. Prolonged exposure to the sun can also cause cycle disruption.

Intoxication and disease

Nicotine, alcohol, and drugs affect menstruation. ARVI, acute respiratory infections, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis and other diseases can cause cycle disruption. For example, a girl who was being treated for tuberculosis turned to the doctor: “I haven’t had my period for two weeks.” The reason lies in intoxication of the body and the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Antidepressants and diuretics may also affect your cycle .

Taking hormones

Birth control pills usually cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle. However, menstrual irregularities do not occur on their own, but only if the woman stops taking medicines. As, for example, in this case: “I took Microgynon for 3 years. I decided to stop taking the drug, but my period did not start. I'm already 20 days late. I feel pain in the lower abdomen. I have constant nausea, white discharge, but the test is negative.” This also happens during an emergency hormonal contraception(“Escapelle”, “Postinor”).

Here’s another example of a common problem: “I took Lindinet 20.” It's been 9 days since I've had my period. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative.” After taking contraceptives, the body adapts for some time. It is better to consult a doctor, do an ultrasound and take blood tests. If necessary, the gynecologist will prescribe symptomatic treatment.


During the restructuring of the female body, a decrease in sexual function occurs. Patients often come with the question: “I haven’t started menstruating for two weeks now. Why?". Early menopause is stressful for a woman. She wants to understand the reasons and, if possible, delay menopause. For example, they come with the following question: “I’m already on my 20th day of delay. I am 37 years old. Could this indicate the onset of menopause?

Cyclic changes in menstruation are also considered disorders. IN menopause and during puberty, bleeding is sometimes observed - metrorrhagia. It usually occurs 10-16 days after menstruation. The discharge can last from 12 hours to 3 days. As a rule, they are observed in women and adolescents of a certain character. Psychosomatic reactions activate the production of stress hormones, and ovarian dysfunction occurs.

Pathological causes

Inflammatory diseases

Any inflammation can cause changes in the cycle. The causative agents are streptococcus, thrush, staphylococcus, trichomonas and so on. When the ovaries become inflamed, the following symptoms occur:

  • pain;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • white, serous and spotting;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • increased body temperature;
  • infertility.


With this disease, the ovaries are affected and changes occur in female body. The delay with cystitis can be two days or several weeks. This happens due to the inflammatory process. Women come to see a gynecologist to undergo an examination. Even after complete cure the cycle may not be restored. Pathology can develop in a woman’s body. Therefore, it is important to do an ultrasound, take blood tests, identify the cause of the disease and undergo timely treatment.

Pituitary adenoma

With this disease, visible changes occur. Women say: “My nose is getting bigger, my brow ridges and bite are changing.” However, the first symptom of this disease is menstrual irregularity. In addition, the patient has visible rashes on his face; he suffers from headaches, weakness and nausea.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

With polycystic ovary syndrome, a delay of 12 days is typical, the test is negative. With this pathology, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Characteristic signs PCOS is as follows:

  • delayed menstrual cycle;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • amenorrhea;
  • high level of male sex hormones;
  • hirsutism;
  • infertility;
  • obesity.

The diagnosis is made based on clinical symptoms and analyses.

Ovarian cyst

A mass that occurs in the ovary may cause a delay of a week or more, or uterine bleeding. The cyst can be functional or pathological. Follicular cysts do not require surgical intervention. Benign tumors should be operated on.

In the absence of menstruation, women come for examination to a gynecologist: “My period is 2 weeks late. The pregnancy test shows a negative result. However, within 14 days I feel nauseous, severe pain in the ovaries. “My body temperature also increased.” For all this clear signs the doctor may suspect an ovarian cyst. Moreover, these symptoms indicate that the cyst leg has twisted.


The reasons that cause a long delay vary. The gynecologist often prescribes hormonal treatment. The doctor prescribes oral birth control pills or progestogens. There are several tactics for treating infertility with PCOS. First of all, they use drugs that stimulate ovulation. There is still no consensus on how long it should take conservative treatment. At what stage should surgery begin? Here the opinions of doctors differ.

For pituitary tumors, different treatment tactics are chosen. The prognosis directly depends on the size of the tumor and its hormonal function. If the prolactin concentration is more than 500 ng/ml, a drug therapy. If it is less, then surgery is performed.

When cycle disturbances are not associated with diseases, it is enough to establish correct image life. The doctor will help eliminate the cause that caused the delay in menstruation. If you lose a lot of weight, you should balance your diet. If you are obese, you need to exclude fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. This is where a nutritionist will come to the rescue.

At psychological problems and stress, you should make an appointment with a psychiatrist. Proper diet, following a daily routine, quitting smoking, alcohol, coffee will improve your health and the menstrual cycle will be restored. Modern medicine does not exclude treatment homeopathic medicines. Also good results If your period is late, acupuncture can help.

If a woman has a delay of two days, three days, then there is no particular reason for concern. There are several pregnancy tests you can do. As a rule, you have to wait a few more days. A cycle failure of 5-7 days is considered acceptable. But if menstruation does not begin for more than a week, you need to be examined by a doctor.

When a woman has a delay in her period, the first suspicion falls on pregnancy. If the test is negative, and bleeding does not begin within the prescribed 21–35 days, this situation is alarming and makes you think that not everything is in order in the body.

Feeling unwell only confirms this guess. If not pregnancy, then what? Why is there a delay in menstruation, although the test is negative? It is best not to get lost in guesswork, but to immediately go to the doctor and get examined.

What period is considered a delay in menstruation?

Absence of menstruation for 5 - 7 days with negative test pregnancy is a serious reason to visit a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor will be able to determine why your period did not start on time.

If the bleeding lasted only a few days, and this episode was isolated, there is no need to worry. But if the next bleeding begins after a few weeks or months, it is possible that pregnancy has occurred, and the test gave a false negative result.

Type of missed period:

  1. No periods for six months or longer.
  2. Menstruation begins once every 40–60 days and lasts 1–2 days.
  3. The cycle lengthens to 35 days or more, and periods begin unexpectedly.

Safe reasons for delayed menstruation

Absence menstrual bleeding at the expected time does not always indicate pregnancy and the development of the disease. In some cases, cycle disruption is associated with a short-term malfunction of the body and its reactions to external stimuli.

Safe reasons for a missed period with a negative pregnancy test are as follows:

  • Fatigue.
  • Injury.
  • Stress.
  • Diet therapy.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Bad habits.
  • Addiction.
  • Prolonged exposure to the scorching sun.
  • Rapid weight loss or weight gain.
  • Elevated physical activity.
  • Fasting and vegetarianism.
  • Poisoning by poor-quality food, chemicals, drugs.
  • Taking hormonal or psychotropic drugs.
  • History of abortion or genital surgery.
  • Vacation or business trip in unusual climatic conditions.

During premenopause, if a woman complains that her period does not start and the test is negative, there is no need to worry. A delay of any length indicates extinction reproductive function. Long absence bleeding with its complete disappearance before 40 years of age may indicate early menopause. A blood test for hormones will help confirm or refute this assumption.

In order for the cycle to improve, a woman facing these factors must change her lifestyle and diet. Adjust arrival critical days even a simple refusal can bad habits.

After childbirth, irregular periods are explained by the restoration of the cycle. If a woman breastfeeds her newborn for a long time, the hormone prolactin postpones the critical days until the end. natural feeding. Subsequently, the cycle normalizes within 1.5 – 2 months.

The use of oral contraceptives also affects the length of the cycle. Hormonal drugs can delay monthly bleeding for 10 to 20 days. This speaks about individual intolerance contraception and the need to cancel it.

Delayed menstruation with a negative test as a symptom of the disease

If there is chest pain and/or abdominal discomfort, and the cycle failure itself is observed for several months in a row, you should urgently consult a doctor. A set of symptoms indicates the development of diseases such as fibroids, ovarian inflammation, endometriosis, oncological changes, cystitis, ovarian cyst, pituitary adenoma, etc.

Endometrial hypoplasia

If you don't have your period and the pregnancy test is negative, the lining of your uterus may be thinning and shedding. The process of development of hypoplasia resembles menstruation. But there is no bleeding characteristic of true menstruation.

Inflammation in the reproductive system

Any inflammation and oncological pathology disrupt the regularity of critical days.

There is no pregnancy, but there is no bleeding for a long time. Women complain about a delay of 10 - 20 days. Most likely, the culprit is uterine fibroids or erosion.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

PCOS provokes a delay of 1 – 3 weeks. Reason – hormonal disorders. Problematic periods rob a woman of her ability to become pregnant. Without treatment, infertility occurs.


Anemia with a significant decrease in hemoglobin levels leads to a large delay in menstruation - there may be no bleeding for 2 - 3 weeks. The body tries to preserve blood, because a deficiency of hemoglobin does not allow it to function normally.

Some anemic girls have minor spotting once a month, but most often there are no periods. The body works for survival and does not care about procreation.

Ovarian cyst

A delay of 7 days or more in menstruation may be a sign follicular cyst. Surgery is not performed for this disease. Urgent surgical intervention require benign and malignant tumors. If the test is negative, the absence of timely periods, nausea and pain in the lower abdomen are signs of cancer.

Pituitary adenoma

The development of pituitary adenoma is primarily signaled by a delay in menstruation. Pathology also manifests itself with other signs:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Headache.
  3. Rash on face.
  4. Nose enlargement.
  5. Deformation of the brow ridges and bite.

Bladder inflammation

With cystitis, delays in menstruation can last from several days to several weeks. Leaking in bladder the inflammatory process affects the condition of the ovaries. The cycle is restored in a natural way after healing of cystitis.


Staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungal infection and Trichomonas cause an inflammatory process in the body and disrupt the cycle. In case of inflammation of the ovaries, the test may be negative, but white vaginal discharge is disturbing, elevated temperature body, nausea, vomiting, defecation disorder, pain in the lower abdomen.

Ovarian dysfunction is a general concept that includes diagnosed and hidden diseases endocrine system. To understand the reasons for the delay of menstruation with a negative pregnancy test, patients are referred to an ultrasound scan of the uterus, appendages and thyroid gland, examine the adrenal glands and do a brain tomography.

Is a delay in menstruation dangerous?

If a woman notices a one-time delay in her period due to stress, serious illness or physical overload, there is no pathology here. The body simply reacted in this way to the event it experienced.

But if a representative of the fair sex is constantly looking for a reason why there is no menstruation, and the test is negative, the untimely start of menstrual periods can signal serious violations with unpredictable consequences.

The very fact of a delay in menstruation is not dangerous to health. Only those diseases that make the cycle unstable pose a threat. Some of them are easy to treat, but there are also such emergency conditions, which are dangerous to the health and life of the patient.

Regular menstruation is the key to conceiving and bearing a child for a woman. If the patient is young and planning a pregnancy, she should monitor the slightest changes in the menstrual calendar and undergo examination by a gynecologist.

To adjust the cycle, a woman needs vitamins, microelements and the drug Dismenorm. It normalizes hormonal levels, has a sedative effect and restores the cycle with rare, scanty bleeding. With the help of Dismenorm, the functioning of the corpus luteum is corrected, the insufficiency of which causes problems with conception.

If a reproductive disorder is diagnosed, Dismenorm performs the following tasks:

  • Reduces the severity of PMS.
  • Restores ovulation and the luteal phase.
  • Eliminates bloating and swelling before menstruation.
  • Reduces psycho-emotional stress.

A deficiency of female sex hormones increases the risk of developing arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases. Women with constant delays in menstruation often suffer from cardiovascular pathologies.

Why does a pregnancy test give negative results?

Patients who use tests for self-diagnosis pregnancy, they are wondering whether there could be an error if the result is negative.

Indeed, sometimes the test gives a false negative result, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Incorrect use of the product.
  2. Using an expired test.
  3. Ectopic/frozen pregnancy (no menstruation, embryo does not develop in in the right place or died).
  4. Too much early diagnosis with an irregular cycle (a woman may miscalculate the date of ovulation and fertilization).
  5. Drink plenty of fluids the day before the test.
  6. Dilution of urine (the presence of third-party substances reduces the concentration of hCG, the pregnancy hormone, and the test shows a negative result).

If the results are not reliable, the test can be redone after 2–3 days using a product from another company. If pregnancy is desired, a woman can take a blood test for hCG to clarify gestation. The hormone will determine future motherhood on the 12th day after the expected conception. An earlier analysis may show an inaccurate result.

HCG is produced by the membrane of the embryo, so with the onset of pregnancy its level increases. The analysis reliably and week by week calculates the gestational age and identifies fetal malformations.

Delayed menstruation, negative test: what to do

If a test during a delay in menstruation gives a negative result and the woman is bothered by severe pain in the lower abdomen, or the nature of her menstruation is disrupted (for example, instead of blood and mucus), she urgently needs to consult a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Diagnostics will help detect ectopic pregnancy or neoplasms in the uterus and appendages. According to indications, the patient can be referred to more complex diagnostic procedures and consultations with a neurologist and endocrinologist.

You can't use questionable recipes traditional medicine. Herbs can increase bleeding and aggravate the underlying disease. The menstrual cycle is completely controlled by sex hormones, and they can only be influenced by special medications. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor who is guided by examination data. Timely medical care promotes quick correction cycle.

For the vast majority of representatives of the fair sex, disruptions in the cycle provoke stress, thoughts about a possible “interesting situation”, and make them think about what to do next. However, even a delay of a day or two in menstruation does not go unnoticed by many women with a stable cycle. However, a different situation causes much more worry: a delay of 20 days, the test is negative, and there are no considerations as to what could provoke such a phenomenon. So what can cause 20 days of missed period?

The normal female menstrual cycle often lasts from 26 to 32 days. Ideally, its duration should be the same every month. To determine the length of the cycle, it is necessary to count the days from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of another menstruation. Accordingly, missing menstruation at the expected time (permissible in one direction or another) is considered a delay. A good reason to visit a gynecologist is a cycle that is too short (less than twenty days), too long (5-7 weeks) and cycles of different lengths.

From the 1st day of the cycle, the concentration of estrogen in the woman’s body increases, which is why there is an increase in the endometrial layer in the uterus, which is necessary for the implantation of the embryo. In parallel with this process, a follicle develops in the ovary, in which the egg will mature. As a rule, it is released on days 14-15 (ovulation).

Where there used to be an egg, a corpus luteum, which synthesizes progesterone. The lack of this hormone provokes miscarriage at about 20 days of pregnancy. The fertilization process takes place in the fallopian tube, and the subsequent growth of the embryo takes place in the uterus. In case of pregnancy, there is usually a delay in menstruation. In a situation where there has been no fertilization, in the period from the 15th day of the cycle, the concentration of estrogen and progesterone decreases sharply, and menstruation begins.

Based on this, it is obvious that a delay of 20 days with a negative test is possible due to a simple hormonal imbalance. It should be noted that the explanation for prolonged delay of menstruation, other than pregnancy, irregular cycle and hormonal imbalance, the following processes and conditions can cause:

  • “late” ovulation;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • periods of puberty and premenopause.

But the fair sex should not worry if the delay in menstruation is less than 7 days, it happened for the first time, and testing indicates a negative result. Even in absolutely healthy women without any pathologies, 1-2 days of disruption in the cycle fit within the normal range. When the delay is 28 days or more, or cycle irregularities are systematic, then this is a good reason to visit a doctor.

Often indicate pregnancy. This condition becomes obvious when a woman experiences the following symptoms from the 1st day of the delay:

  • feeling of nausea, regular or episodic;
  • vaginal discharge is white;
  • an increase in the volume of the mammary glands;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Nevertheless, a delay of 25 days, the test is negative - this phenomenon can puzzle every woman, even the most experienced woman. To make sure that a particular pregnancy diagnostic test is free of defects, you should re-check the result after a few days or a week.

However, it is necessary to take into account the following phenomenon: a period is 20 days late, the test is negative, but pregnancy is still present!

This happens when she has a history of kidney disease, or she simply drank too much water the day before the test. Although the most common reason for this situation is low-quality tests.

General condition with a delay of 20 days

Of course, your period may be delayed, but if it is absent for more than 20 days, it often still indicates pregnancy. However, other phenomena are also noted. For example, a lady observes changes in her own body that indicate an “interesting situation,” but the test inexorably states that it does not exist. Of course, this causes bewilderment on the part of the woman. It seems that nausea in the morning, vomiting, breast enlargement, drowsiness, emotional instability and strange eating habits are quite obvious signs " interesting situation" But what about a negative test?

If the delay is not significant, there are likely 2 options for resolving this issue. To begin with, it is recommended to wait 1-2 days and repeat the test using a product from a different manufacturer. It is recommended to carry out the test in the morning on an empty stomach, using part of the first morning urine. Alternative option You will contact your doctor for a referral for a blood test to determine the concentration of hCG. Such a test will give the correct result even before the start of menstruation, and even more so for 7-15 days of delay.

When the delay is 27 days or more, and the test stubbornly indicates the absence of pregnancy, it is urgently necessary to visit a gynecologist and undergo a comprehensive examination. As a rule, already at the stage of undergoing an ultrasound, it becomes clear whether a woman is pregnant. If not, then other diagnostic methods will help identify the cause of the phenomenon.

Delay without interesting position

Often, in combination with a negative pregnancy test, it is a sign of disorders in the body. When there is no menstruation for 10-14 days, then most likely the reason is as follows:

  • the delay is caused by previous childbirth (excess synthesized prolactin stops menstruation for more than one month);
  • gynecological diseases (inflammatory processes in the appendages, endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis, oncology);
  • functional malfunctions of the thyroid gland and the development of endocrine diseases;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • various hormonal imbalances;
  • early menopause.

In addition, do not forget that missing menstruation with a negative test may indicate ectopic pregnancy. It can be excluded only after an ultrasound scan. However, when a delay and a negative test are accompanied by intense pain spreading to the lumbar region or lower limbs, spasmodic phenomena in the area of ​​the appendages, lethargy, nausea, temperature and pressure changes, you must immediately seek emergency medical help.

Often, an ectopic pregnancy is characterized by minor bloody discharge, but since there may not be any, it is better to focus on the above symptoms.

Still, it should be noted that long delays Menstruation with a negative pregnancy test is not always associated with any pathology. Sometimes it's all about the following reasons:

What to do

As soon as there is a delay of more than 7 days, you should immediately visit a doctor who, after examination, will suggest the following examinations:

  • track fluctuations basal temperature(it is optimal to start doing this from the 1st day of delay);
  • take another rapid pregnancy test after 3-4 days;
  • take a blood test for hCG;
  • undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

In fact, the most in effective ways confirmation or refutation of the “interesting situation” was always a blood test for hCG and ultrasound. So, ultrasound examination makes it possible to detect pregnancy as early as the 5th day.

A reliable way to confirm pregnancy is also an hCG test. They usually pass it on the 10th and 20th day of delay. Detection of hCG concentrations of 25 IU/l allows us to speak with confidence about an “interesting situation.”

But do not forget that there are other factors that contribute to an increase in hCG levels. For example, kidney tumors and reproductive organs, as well as reception hormonal drugs significantly increases the concentration of the hormone. For these reasons, in order to avoid mistakes, doctors suggest testing for hCG and ultrasound in combination.

Sometimes a woman has all the signs of toxicosis, her menstruation is delayed for several days, but the test gives a negative result. Ailments can be temporary, associated with some kind of discomfort or experience. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that the symptoms indicate serious illness, requiring emergency treatment. It is possible that a negative test for delayed menstruation is an error, the result of improper use or insufficient sensitivity. Doubts will be resolved by examination.


Reasons for missed periods

The duration of the cycle is most often 21-35 days. For each woman this indicator is individual. Normally, periods should come regularly, after the same number of days. Deviation of 1-3 days is acceptable. If your period does not come for longer, it is important to understand the reasons for the delay.

If a woman is sexually active and does not observe obvious pathological symptoms, then the first thing that can be assumed if menstruation is late is the onset of pregnancy. Pharmacies sell special tests that can be used to easily check your suspicions at home. If the test shows that this is not pregnancy (the test is negative), you need to think about what else could be the cause of the absence or delay of menstruation.

Non-hazardous reasons

The reasons for the delay are not necessarily dangerous. Disruption of the menstrual cycle can be caused by some temporary malfunction of the body or its reaction to an unfavorable external influence. Reasons for late periods:

  • chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, emotional and physical stress due to past diseases and injuries;
  • increased physical activity, too intense sports;
  • rapid change in body weight (obesity or, conversely, weight loss);
  • passion for a vegetarian diet or starvation diets that lead to metabolic disorders;
  • staying in unusual climatic conditions (during vacation, for example);
  • use of certain medications (hormonal drugs, psychotropic drugs);
  • body's reaction to food poisoning or other type of intoxication;
  • drug use, smoking, addiction to alcoholic beverages.

The appearance of delays after the onset of perimenopause is not a violation. They indicate the beginning of the decline of reproductive function.

If persistent delays (up to the disappearance of menstruation) occur in women under 40 years of age, this may indicate early menopause. You can verify your assumptions using blood tests for hormones.

If there is a delay in menstruation, the test is negative, and the woman has to deal with similar factors, there is no need for any treatment. It is enough to change your lifestyle, make adjustments to your diet, and give up bad habits for the cycle to improve.

Video: Why there are delays in menstruation

Pathological causes of delay

The presence of other unfavorable signs may also indicate that with a negative test the delay in menstruation is a pathology. These include changes in the nature and duration of menstruation, the appearance of unusual discharge between them, the occurrence of abdominal and back pain, increased body temperature, and others. Reasons may be various diseases or injuries to the uterus and ovaries, hormonal disorders.

Hormonal imbalance. The duration of each phase of the menstrual cycle and the sequence of processes occurring in reproductive system, depend on the content of female sex hormones in the body. Any deviations in work endocrine organs(pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas) affect the condition hormonal levels. Violations lead to cycles without ovulation and prolongation of their duration. This provokes various diseases of the uterus and ovaries, infertility. This condition requires correction of hormonal levels using special medications.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases genitals. As a result of the leak inflammatory processes adhesions, scars, and areas of tissue necrosis appear in the tissues of the uterus and ovaries, which makes it impossible normal functioning organs, leads to various violations cycle. A delay in menstruation in the absence of pregnancy can occur due to inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes(salpingo-oophoritis). Endometritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity) leads to a slowdown in its development, as a result of which menstruation comes untimely. Infection with sexually transmitted infections and hypothermia of the lower body can contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia or hypoplasia. All these diseases lead to hormonal imbalance in the body, cause painful changes in the structure of organs, and manifest themselves in numerous unpleasant symptoms(irregularity of the cycle, unusual discharge, absence or delay of menstruation, increase or decrease in their volume, infertility). If the delay occurs against the background of such ailments, it may be a sign of development dangerous conditions when emergency medical care is required.

Polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease leads to disruption of their functioning and production of hormones, which is manifested by the absence of ovulation and an increase in the level of male sex hormones in a woman’s body. Menstruation comes with delays and may even disappear altogether.

Functional ovarian cysts. This condition usually does not require treatment, since such cysts can resolve on their own within 2-3 months. After this, the cycle usually improves.

Why does a pregnancy test sometimes give negative results?

In what cases is the test negative when menstruation is late? Is an error possible? The result obtained may be inaccurate and raises doubts. Reasons for a false negative test result:

  1. Violation of instructions for use.
  2. Using a low-quality test (unknown manufacturer or expired).
  3. Testing too early. It is easy to make a mistake about the timing of ovulation and fertilization, for example, with an irregular cycle.
  4. Ectopic or frozen pregnancy. There was a delay in menstruation, but normal development no embryo occurs.
  5. Use large quantity fluids the day before the test.

Dilution of urine leads to the fact that the concentration of hCG (a hormone that is formed during pregnancy) is underestimated, the test gives a negative result.

Types of pregnancy tests

The higher the sensitivity of the test used for a delay in menstruation, the more accurate the result will be. For example, if the package indicates that the sensitivity is 10 mIU/ml, this means that within a few days after unprotected sexual intercourse you can find out whether conception has occurred or not.

The least accurate test is a test using a special paper strip dipped into urine. The result is judged by the number of colored stripes.

A tablet test is more accurate and easier to use. A little urine is dripped into one of its two windows, and the result will be visible in the other.

The most effective is the jet test. It is brought directly under the stream of urine. The sensitivity is such that it is possible to determine the onset of pregnancy on the eve of the expected menstruation, even before the delay.

The electronic version of this test records the readings on a digital screen.

What to do if you receive a false negative result

If the test results are not reliable, it can be repeated after 2-3 days using tests from other manufacturers.

Women who are waiting for pregnancy with particular excitement are recommended to take a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) already on the 12th day after the expected conception. It is not recommended to take it earlier as the result will not be accurate. This hormone is produced by the membrane of the embryo, as a result of which the level of the hormone increases significantly with the onset of pregnancy. According to the analysis, it is possible to reliably determine the gestational age by week, as well as notice fetal malformations.

When to see a doctor

If, during a delay in menstruation, the test gives a negative result, and the woman has pain in the lower abdomen, disturbances in the nature of menstruation, it is necessary, without waiting for the development of pathologies and the occurrence of complications, to immediately visit a doctor.

First of all, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which will detect neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries and determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. You may need to conduct a more complex examination, as well as visit not only a gynecologist, but also an endocrinologist and neurologist.

Video: How to take a pregnancy test