Cystitis is tormented by what to do. Tests for re-diagnosis of cystitis. Do not try to self-medicate

Inflammation of the bladder, i.e. Cystitis appears for a number of specific reasons. Main symptom of this disease- this is rapid and sufficient painful urination. This occurs due to inflammation of the bladder mucosa, dysfunction of this organ and changes in the qualitative composition of urine.

Cystitis occurs not only in women, but also in men. However, the weaker sex, due to the special structure of the body, suffers from this disease much more often. The structure of the urethra in women is not only shorter, but also wider than in men. This allows infection to easily enter the bladder cavity. If you do not pay attention to the appearance of the first symptoms in a timely manner and do not start treatment properly, cystitis can easily become a chronic problem!

Treatment of this disease directly depends on its form. If the disease is observed in acute form, then therapy with tablets, antibiotics, drops, powders and suppositories is effective.
The main thing is to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations during treatment!
After recovery, it is necessary to undergo tests - this will help confirm the presence/absence of the disease. Testing at the end of treatment is mandatory, because antibiotics are pathogenic microbes completely, and accordingly cystitis can periodically return.

Treatment of cystitis

Many women who are tormented by cystitis do not know what to do. When treating this infectious disease, you must adhere to the following recommendations from specialists:

  1. During an exacerbation of the disease, especially during the cold season, it is advisable to stay in bed and under a warm blanket. You can use a heating pad in the lower abdomen, but only if blood is not released during urination - in this case, using a heating pad is strictly prohibited!
  2. Try to drink as much as possible. It is advisable to drink tea with milk, but coffee and beer are strictly excluded. Cranberry, blueberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, because the proantyanides they contain prevent bacteria from gaining a foothold on the wall of the bladder. A decoction of oats, birch or bearberry buds is also suitable in this case, and if blood appears in the urine, a decoction of nettles is also suitable. The most effective herbal medicine is in the form of preparations - you can find it in almost every modern pharmacy. ready fees. You can brew herbs yourself, or you can use tablets such as Cyston and Canephron, Fitolysin paste or Spazmocystenal drops - all these drugs are the same herbal infusions, but only, so to speak, “compactly packaged”.
  3. The diet for the treatment of cystitis involves an absolute rejection of spices, the use of canned food, various marinades, but fruits (especially watermelon), vegetables and dairy products in this case will absolutely benefit you.
  4. If you have cystitis, it is forbidden to take a steam bath or sauna, but washing must be done warm water using special means which are intended for intimate hygiene - this will help reduce the discomfort that occurs after urination.
  5. You can take No-shpa, put suppositories with papaverine, which significantly relieves pain in the acute form of the disease. My patients use a proven remedy, thanks to which they can get rid of urological problems in 2 weeks without much effort.
  6. What you must do if you have cystitis is to take antibacterial drugs! They are really necessary in the treatment of this infectious disease. Such drugs may be:
    - Monural 3 mg once, 2 hours after finishing a meal;
    - Nolicin, 2 times a day, 1 tablet, for 3 days;
    - Biseptol 2 times a day, 2 tablets for 3 days.

It should be remembered that self-medication in this case is undesirable! The specialist will choose antibacterial drugs for the treatment of cystitis, taking into account the form and complexity of the disease. The gynecologist will take into account the absorption of the drug, the properties and speed of its distribution, side effects, the rate of elimination of the drug from the body. When choosing a medicine to treat cystitis, the doctor will pay attention to both the disease and the specific characteristics of the sick woman’s body.

If you do nothing about cystitis in women from the appearance of the first symptoms, the disease will become chronic. The very first thing to do at home is to take an antispasmodic and consult a doctor immediately.

With inflammation of the urinary mucosa and urethra The first symptoms appear in women, signaling the appearance of cystitis. You cannot hesitate in this situation. Before meeting with the doctor, it is better to stay in bed, because... movements increase spasms. To temporarily relieve pain, take antispasmodics or drugs from the NSAID group (Diclofenac, Ibuprom).

Not worth it do at the first sign of cystitis warming up the lower abdomen with a heating pad, because this may allow the infection to spread to the kidneys. IN mandatory you should take an antibacterial drug from the group of uroantiseptics. For example, Furagin helps eliminate infectious inflammation, neutralize the microorganism that caused it.

Will help with illness drinking plenty of fluids. If you have cystitis, you need to urgently brew lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, nettles or bearberry. In the absence of such, you can drink unsweetened compote. Such drinks contain many proantyanides, which prevent bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder.

The onset of the disease may be associated with existing at the moment diseases, and you should definitely notify your doctor about this. It often appears due to mechanical irritation and bacteria entering the urethra. If this happens, you need to find out from your partner about the possible presence of diseases, as well as on your own do for cystitis in women sowing.

Sometimes the patient notices that he begins to write with blood. This symptom often indicates acute inflammation. However, in women it sometimes worsens for numerous reasons. Blood appears in urine when severe inflammation, which is accompanied by pain.

Does not always appear at the end of a bowel movement. In some cases, blood is present at the beginning of urination. The passage of whole clots is also observed. The reasons may be different:

  • Long-term patience causes overstretching of the fibers of the muscle membrane of the bladder, and blood circulation is disrupted;
  • A mechanical obstacle is in the way of the free outflow of urine;
  • The presence of tumors in the urinary system.

Most common reason the presence of blood in the urine is caused by bacteria (Escherichia coli, Proteus, etc.). Exacerbation has the following clinical manifestations:

  • A sharp increase in temperature;
  • Painful burning sensation;
  • Urinary retention;
  • The appearance of hematuria.

If present blood with cystitis in women, then you cannot make appointments for yourself. To eliminate pain, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics to relax smooth muscles (No-Shpa, Papaverine). Buy pain syndrome The right anti-inflammatory drugs will help.

Cystitis with the presence of blood cannot be treated with the first available antibiotic. Only after thorough examination sensitivity of the pathogen, the necessary drug is prescribed. The cause of the disease can be fungi, protozoa, and viruses. Adequate treatment can quickly eliminate the disease, and again cystitis with blood will no longer bother you. What else needs to be done when cystitis begins, so this is to comply special diet.

When cystitis does not go away for a long time, you need to review the completed course of therapy. During the period of recovery of the body, a relapse of the disease may occur due to:

  1. Re-infection.
  2. Poor hygiene.
  3. Stress.
  4. Weakened immunity.
  5. Hormonal imbalance.
  6. Hypothermia.
  7. Hereditary predisposition.

The first thing to do if suffered from cystitis, so this is to undergo contrast radiography. Perhaps the cause of inflammation was initially determined incorrectly. To complete the picture, diagnostics should be carried out neighboring organs for the presence of asymptomatic diseases.

Severe cystitis every month can be caused by an uncontrolled change of partners, unprotected sex, in which infections from a partner enter the woman’s body. Constant cystitis after chemotherapy caused by drugs that are, in fact, strong toxins. During the procedures, all mucous membranes are injured. Erosion and ulceration can form in the bladder, creating favorable conditions for the development of viruses and bacteria with reduced immunity.

Weakening immune defense during pregnancy sometimes leads to the active reproduction of opportunistic flora and its penetration into the bladder. When you suffer from cystitis during pregnancy, you need to do only what the doctor prescribed so as not to harm the fetus. Inadequate self-medication can cause premature birth, complications, cause fetal pathologies. Still pregnant women should do for cystitis special emphasis on rational intimate hygiene, as it concerns the health of the unborn child.

When the first signs of the disease appear, some women tend to take Monural to eliminate the symptoms. And they don’t know what to do if they have cystitis after a single dose. Taking the drug will be useless if:

  • Fungal infection;
  • Bacterial resistance to Fosfomycin;
  • Allergic inflammation of the bladder;
  • Viral etiology of the disease.

Bacteria, viruses and fungi are not always the culprits of the disease; if so, then it can be caused helminthic infestations or flour mite. First of all, you should definitely get tested for pathogens.

If the process worsens, first aid can be provided at home. To eliminate the disease, there are many reliable options. At the first symptoms, brew and drink nettle or simply boiled water. They drink fruit drinks, lingonberry and cranberry juices. Take cranberry-based herbal medicines.

Can do for cystitis at home warm baths with chamomile. The temperature is brought down with Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Helps eliminate acute pain in men antispasmodic drug. At acute cystitis the acidity of the urine increases, creating an environment for bacteria ideal conditions. A homemade soda elixir will help get rid of acid. What you can’t do with cystitis is violate bed rest and a special diet. By following simple recommendations, you can eliminate the disease.

The characteristic symptoms of this disease are severe pain cutting in the bladder area, as well as when urinating. The disease can be detected by urine analysis: it contains leukocytes and blood. Cystitis mainly affects women, although men also suffer from this disease. It is also unpleasant because if the disease occurs once, it can certainly occur again later. Like this insidious disease- cystitis. How to treat it?

Causes of cystitis

The disease is spread by bacteria that enter the bladder through the urethra. These bacteria are often E. coli. Another cause of the disease may be inflammation of the urinary canal due to friction during sexual intercourse. This reason usually reveals itself within twelve hours after intimacy.

Cystitis - how to treat it?

If you experience symptoms that suggest you have cystitis: sharp pains If you urinate or have blood in your urine, you should consult a urologist. The doctor will prescribe a complete medical examination, after which it will be possible to begin serious treatment. To reduce painful sensations when urinating, you can resort to various traditional methods which help cure cystitis. The doctor will tell you how else this disease can be treated. The main thing is not to refuse to take medications prescribed by the doctor, because coping with this disease is not easy. Antibacterial drugs are often prescribed.

Self-medication is not only stupid, but also dangerous, since there is great multitude bacteria, and there are drugs against each type. Therefore, treatment is prescribed after a complete examination.

Cystitis - how to treat it if antibiotics are not suitable, for example, you are allergic to them? Again, funds will help traditional medicine. Let's look at a few recipes. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting this treatment.

Infusion with St. John's wort and corn silk

To prepare the infusion, you will need 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort and a spoon of dry corn silk. After grinding all the ingredients to a powder, mix them with the herbs and place everything in a thermos. Then you should pour boiling water over everything, close and leave for exactly one day. After the specified time, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and pour the liquid into a glass container.

The course of treatment with the tincture lasts about a week when taken 2 tbsp daily. spoons at intervals of 2 hours. This method is very effective against pain for cystitis, but remember that it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

Sitz baths

How to treat Enough effective way when treating cystitis, take sitz baths with infusions of various herbs.

How to prepare a solution for sitz baths? Take half a teaspoon of the following herbs: celandine, birch leaves, chamomile, corn silk. Mix them together, place in a container, pour in a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and let steep for 2 hours. Sitz baths should be taken in the evening before bed, diluting the decoction with water in a ratio of 1:10. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

In order for the desired effect to be achieved, you must give up coffee, alcohol, and fried foods for the entire treatment process. It is recommended to drink 2 liters clean water daily, as well as eat fresh fruits - and then you can recover from cystitis and forget about it.

A constant desire to go to the toilet “in a small way”, pain in the lower abdomen and burning indicate the presence of a disease called cystitis. The causes of frequent cystitis can be completely different, however, they are divided into two groups: psychological and physiological. As can be seen from the name, the first group includes causes associated with the psycho-emotional state of the patient, and the second group - with the physical one.

Mostly women and girls get cystitis. This is due to the anatomical structure genitourinary system. In men, cystitis is a rare guest.

Why does inflammation occur?

In most cases, namely in 80 percent, inflammation of the bladder occurs as a result of the active proliferation of E. coli. This is directly related to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Other causes of cystitis in women are:

  • Candida mushrooms;
  • Infection;
  • The appearance of stones;
  • Cancer diseases;
  • Pathogenic bacteria.

However, the psycho-emotional factor also plays a role here. The disease occurs in women six times more often than in men. This is due to the rather wide urethra, where harmful microorganisms easily penetrate.

Men are susceptible to bladder inflammation in later life. It usually occurs against the background of existing diseases, such as chronic prostatitis or prostate adenoma.

Can cystitis occur from chlamydia?

Typically, a woman’s or girl’s body becomes most defenseless to chlamydia during surgery or hypothermia, and not after exposure to the bacteria. This happens because the immune forces try to get rid of themselves pathogenic microorganisms.

Often, the appearance of cystitis is provoked by colds and hypothermia of the body at the time of decreased immune defense. As a result, harmful microorganisms begin to actively multiply, which are the cause of inflammatory processes. In young children, cystitis occurs under the influence of the same factors as in adults, but the disease is much more severe due to the immature genitourinary system.

Sometimes, bladder inflammation in children occurs due to poor personal hygiene and wearing underwear that is too tight. As a result, girls may also experience problems with the genitourinary system.

Psycho-emotional factor

The emotional state is not the last thing in a person’s life. Already for a long time Scientists have proven that many diseases are directly related to stress. Persistent cystitis is also associated with chronic depression and stressful situations.

A person’s thoughts affect the functioning of all organs and systems in the body. Feelings of fear and anxiety, as well as frequent stress, signal the body, which causes an imbalance and a decrease in the body’s immune strength.

As a result, the person’s condition becomes depressed and the body weakens. This is what influences the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! Except stressful situations, a feeling of fear can easily reduce the body’s immune strength. If fear is a frequent “guest”, then the body reacts to it in a special way. Too frequent a feeling of excitement, which is inherent in a person with fear, provokes the appearance of cystitis.

In most cases psycho-emotional reasons influence the appearance of frequent cystitis in women, who perceive any situation more sensitively than in males. Accordingly, you need to be able to keep your emotions and feelings under control. This is simply necessary for the body to be healthy.

Symptoms of the disease

Frequent occurrence of bladder inflammation indicates the presence of a chronic form of cystitis. This is due to long-term inflammatory processes, as a result of which the walls of the bladder change. It is worth noting that bladder inflammation can occur against the background of other diseases, which makes its treatment most difficult.

Urine refers to the processed liquid that is excreted from the kidneys through the urinary system. Therefore, due to the fact that the bladder is full, urine is released, which provokes the sphincter.

With cystitis, emptying the bladder occurs with unpleasant sensations which are associated with inflammation of the bladder or urethra.

Inflammation of the bladder manifests itself as follows:

  1. Severe pain appears in the lower abdomen. This is especially true if the bladder is full or when it is emptied.
  2. Cutting pain during urine output.
  3. Constant desire to go to the restroom. This fact is especially evident at night. There is a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied.
  4. The urine becomes cloudy and is released in small portions. You may notice the presence of blood in the urine, especially at the end of urination.
  5. Inability to hold urine bladder. This symptom manifests itself very sharply, which negatively affects the psycho emotional state sick.

The signs of cystitis in young children are especially frightening. The child feels uncomfortable and experiences severe shock. If your baby cries too often, you should immediately show him to your doctor.

If you experience symptoms of bladder inflammation, you should consult a doctor immediately, as children have difficulty tolerating them. If cystitis occurs in a child constantly, then it is necessary to improve the immune system and adhere to preventive measures.

In some cases, the too frequent occurrence of cystitis is the cause of other equally “harmless” kidney diseases, which is why it is so important to visit a doctor and monitor your health. If cystitis has chronic form, then you need to visit as often as possible medical institutions so that it does not transform into a more complex form. In order to prevent the signs of cystitis from returning again, it is necessary to increase the body’s immune strength and follow preventive measures.

Diagnosis of cystitis

The constant occurrence of bladder inflammation requires immediate consultation with a doctor, because it is not so easy to understand that the disease is chronic. This happens because the patient who has the disease does not immediately recognize its presence. Most people who notice signs of cystitis do not want or cannot, for some reason, visit a doctor, because they think that cystitis is a fairly harmless disease.

It is because of this that it is impossible to determine the chronic form of cystitis without an examination. Usually the doctor prescribes the following types examinations:

  • Urinalysis: according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky and bacteriological culture;
  • Prostate examination in men;
  • Gynecological examination of the fair sex with the obligatory taking of a smear from the vagina;
  • Taking a smear from the urethra for STIs;
  • Ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys;
  • Cystoscopy.

Thanks to the tests and examinations performed, the doctor will diagnose accurate diagnosis. The most important thing in this case is that all tests are done correctly, because future treatment depends on them.

The above examinations are prescribed for both acute and chronic forms of bladder inflammation. It is these indicators that will help you find out about a possibly completely different problem in the patient’s body.

How is the treatment performed?

First of all, as soon as the patient comes for an appointment, all tests are prescribed for him, and only then a competent treatment doctor, which includes a certain group medicines. Unfortunately, these medications cannot permanently get rid of cystitis, so it can easily recur.

Usually, the doctor prescribes antifungal or antiviral drugs, depending on the causative agent of the disease, universal antibiotics And medical supplies, which will restore the microflora.

However, the doctor will prescribe the patient a combined course of treatment, which includes the following cycles:

  1. Etiological. It destroys the causative agent of the disease.
  2. Pathogenetic. It is aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms in the bladder tissue.
  3. Prophylactic.

In order for the first cycle of therapy to be implemented, antibacterial drugs are used that fight a certain type causative agent of the disease. Of the medicines available in pharmacies, preference is given to medicines that effectively fight inflammatory processes and do not cause negative influence on the patient’s body, namely: Pefloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin and others.

The usual course of treatment for cystitis is ten days. Uroseptics include medications that include the nitrofuran group, namely: Furadonin, Furazolidone or Furagin.

Prevention measures

The constant occurrence of bladder inflammation negatively affects the emotional state of the patient. When treating the disease, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures. These include:

  1. Stick to general rules personal hygiene. This applies to washing during menstruation, as well as frequent changes pads, proper wiping after bowel movements and washing after sexual intercourse.
  2. Walk “smallly” at least five times a day. To avoid bladder irritation, a woman should definitely go to the restroom after intimacy.
  3. Make sure there is no hypothermia.
  4. Reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum or give them up completely.
  5. Wear only comfortable and comfortable underwear.
  6. Proper nutrition.


To prevent cystitis from occurring again, you should adhere to the above preventive measures. But first you need to get rid of the causative agent of the disease, and only then apply preventive measures.

The main point. Frequent cystitis appears as a result of physiological and psychological reasons. In most cases, frequent cystitis occurs in women due to anatomical structure urethra. Due to chlamydia, cystitis can only occur as a result of hypothermia or surgical intervention. Frequent cystitis is directly related to chronic stress and depression. Symptoms are standard: pain when urinating, cloudy urine, constant desire go to the toilet, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Frequent cystitis is treated with antibiotics and uroseptics.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from cystitis, but is recurrent cystitis really that bad? What is correct treatment recurrent cystitis in women and how to protect yourself from it unpleasant disease- these questions require a complete and detailed answer. So that the disease does not cause undesirable consequences, you need to seek medical help in a timely manner.

If treatment for cystitis does not produce results, you should reconsider it and visit your doctor again.

Causes and signs of the disease

Infections urinary system are among the most common infectious diseases, everyone is susceptible to them - regardless of age and gender. There are cases when it is not possible to fully recover from it, and this is observed more often than in men. The cause of inflammation in the bladder is infection in the urethra, and improper treatment leads to cystitis recurrence.

Factors provoking relapses

Almost every woman was worried about why cystitis does not go away and “how to avoid a repeat episode? After an antibacterial course, the body returns to normal, but after some time the disease appears again. In addition to infections, relapses of cystitis can be caused by the following factors:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse with non-regular partners;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • hereditary predisposition.

How to treat infectious diseases?

Bacterial recurrence of cystitis often results improper treatment during the first episode of the disease. To prevent this from happening, you need to stop self-medicating and consult a specialist. Correctly selected antibiotic agents and dosages usually kill the infection within 7 days. However, in addition to antibiotics, the doctor must prescribe uroseptics and medicinal herbs, which are capable of creating favorable environment, affecting positive treatment cystitis. They should be taken for another week after finishing the course of treatment. If such measures have not been taken and cystitis does not go away for a long time, then treatment becomes more complicated as a result.

The effect of treatment cannot be achieved if the cause of the disease was initially incorrectly determined. In cases where, after a month of procedures, treatment does not help, you should undergo diagnostics with contrast radiography. Also, for a broader picture, it is recommended to undergo examination of neighboring organs in which asymptomatic disease may be present. Effective treatment will only happen when everyone is excluded possible reasons and provoking factors.

Tests for re-diagnosis of cystitis

If the symptoms do not go away for a long time, you should undergo a re-examination by a specialist and take a necessary tests, thereby identifying the causes of relapse. Typically such tests include urine and smear tests. Based on the test results, it is possible to determine the type of pathogenic infectious agent and select a specific group of antibiotics to which it is most susceptible. It is important to consider that often when long-term treatment Several types of pathogens may be identified at once, which is why the list of medications will increase significantly.

Recommendations from doctors for patients prone to relapse of the disease

Basic requirements for preventing recurrence of cystitis are control of fluid intake, diet, and hygiene.

How to treat cystitis? What to do if you suffer from cystitis? First, take all the above measures. Secondly, you should start carefully monitoring your fluid intake. Both simply still water and natural juices, compotes, teas and herbal decoctions will be beneficial. Thirdly, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and wear only cotton underwear. You can take herbal baths yourself to reduce irritation of the skin of the external genitalia. Herbal infusions it is also useful to drink, they can strengthen protective forces body.