What are the benefits of beaver stream (Castoreum). Beaver stream for recuperation. Therapy of bronchopulmonary and colds

Surely, few people know what a beaver stream is. Those who have never tried home treatment think it is beaver urine. But in reality this is not so, because this substance is used for treatment, and biological fluid It is unlikely that anyone would use the animal internally or externally.

But about how effective natural medicines, probably everyone has heard it. Castoreum is an aromatic substance that looks like a brown mass of solid consistency and strong smell musk. The benefits of this substance have been repeatedly proven; it contains more than 40 valuable substances.

Fact! While in many animals valuable substances are excreted in the urine, in these mammals they remain in the glands that are used to treat humans.

Since animals eat mainly plant foods, their stream helps with many diseases. Thanks to its use, you can get rid of more than a hundred ailments. This substance is produced by the prepuce glands and is located in sacs located under the tail. This organ is present only in beavers and beavers; other mammals do not have it.

Today, few people know about such a substance as beaver jet, but in ancient times it was very much valued, as it helps to get rid of almost any ailment. For example, the cost of an animal's stream was 4 times higher than its skin. In the sixteenth century the substance was attributed to official medicine, but the recipe for preparing the elixir is lost. But this is not a problem, because today there are many recipes that can be used to cure various ailments.

Many people consider this substance not a medicine, but a must. biological substance, which should be in the body of every person, since thanks to the stream it is possible to strengthen the immune system and overcome viral diseases.

From history! During the war years, Alexander Nevsky's soldiers rubbed beaver streams on their wounds, burns and injuries, after which they quickly tightened and healed. And Ivan the Terrible, after being seriously wounded, rose to his feet only thanks to this substance. Chinese leader Mao Zedong used beaver stream for healing diabetes mellitus. Peter was the first to use the substance internally for hangover syndrome And colds. The poet Alexander Pushkin treated his joints with a beaver stream, and dedicated to this valuable substance a whole work.

Methods of application

There are many ways to use beaver stream; the drug is widely used to treat various ailments. In ancient times it was used to treat psychological disorders: epileptic seizures, depressive states, chronic fatigue. In addition, it was prescribed to people who suffered the Chernobyl accident and radiation sickness.

Many people think that beaver jet is a dietary supplement, but no, it is a medicine. But it is impossible to be treated based on this substance alone; it must be taken in combination with medicines. It can be used in different types: powder, ointment, tincture - internally and externally.

It is used not only to treat diseases, but also in for cosmetic purposes: for rejuvenation, removal of acne, scars and other unpleasant rashes. In addition, thanks to this substance, you can improve your health after chemotherapy and other unnatural procedures.

Fact! Very often, patients, being treated for one disease, notice improvements in the functioning of other organs. That is, this substance has a complex effect on the human body.

The range of applications of beaver jets is wide. This substance is recommended for use for the following diseases:

  • ischemia, strokes and other heart diseases;
  • stomach diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • respiratory and pulmonary diseases;
  • oncology;
  • herpes;
  • kidney diseases.

The product can also be used to treat the eyes. It perfectly fights problems such as lacrimation, itching, blurred vision, and the feeling of sand in the eyes. Athletes can also use it to always be at their best. Many people use beaver stream for vitamin deficiency and low immunity.

Treatment in gynecology

But most often this substance is used for female gynecological problems and male urological ones. That's why people call it Russian Viagra. Men over forty years of age are recommended to use the substance as a preventive measure. The jet helps well with the following problems:

  • pain when urinating;
  • impotence;
  • thrush;
  • candidiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • cyst;
  • serious condition after premature birth;
  • adenoma prostate gland;
  • prostatitis;
  • inflammation of the glands;
  • pain in the chest and lower abdomen;
  • urethritis.

But if you want to use this substance to increase desire for sex, you need to consult a doctor. After all, this drug may be contraindicated for heart disease.

  1. Melt pharmaceutical candles with herbal extract in a water bath.
  2. Add beaver jet powder to the liquid from the candle, per candle - a match head of powder.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Pour the liquid into suitable forms.
  5. Place in the refrigerator.
  6. Use as directed.

To obtain the powder, the substance must be dried in a dark place for a month. After the animal stream has hardened, it needs to be grated or finely chopped. This method of application is considered one of the most effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids and other gynecological problems.


The most common ways to use beaver stream are powder, candles and tincture. But the most effective thing is alcohol tincture, which is very simple to prepare:

  1. Dry the beaver gland.
  2. Finely chop the substance.
  3. Pour the dry substance into a jar and add alcohol or vodka, in the ratio of half a liter of liquid per 100 grams of stream.
  4. Leave for about a month in a dark room at room temperature.
  5. It is recommended to shake the tincture three times a day.
  6. After this time, take out the tincture and take it as directed.

Important! You need to store the finished tincture in the refrigerator; its color will resemble cognac, and there is no need to strain off the sediment that appears at the bottom.

Instructions for use

Of course, you should consult your doctor about methods and doses of use. If you use beaver stream for prevention, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of the product twice a day. Since this substance has an awakening effect, it is recommended to take it in the evening 3-4 hours before bedtime so as not to cause insomnia. To treat any disease, the drug should be taken three times a day, one and a half teaspoons. It is recommended to drink the substance half an hour before eating.

If the patient weighs more than 80 kilograms, then he can take 1 tablespoon of the product at one time. The drug can be added to tea or coffee. But the exact dosage of the medication should be checked with the doctor who prescribed such treatment. Self-medication is strictly forbidden.

Of course, alcohol tincture helps best with various diseases, but if a person has contraindications to alcohol, then it can be diluted with water or the substance can be drunk in powder form.

The Chinese take this drug at lunch: sprinkling the powder of this substance on a piece of bread.

Methods of application

In the event that it is treated pulmonary disease, alcohol tincture does not need to be taken internally, only inhalation is allowed. This method of using beaver tincture is no less effective and beneficial for humans. To do this, you need to open the jar of the drug and take a deep breath through your nose or mouth.

Of course, how to take this drug primarily depends on the type you decide to use. For example, when treating with suppositories, they should be used in the same way as simple candles, purchased at a pharmacy. The course of treatment should last at least 10 days, inserting into anus one candle per day. This procedure should be performed before going to bed. If the disease does not go away, then the course of treatment must be repeated after a month's break.

When treated with powder, it should be taken once a day, eating no more than a match head of powder at a time. The course of such treatment can last up to two months, after which there should be a break.

Reception for children

If you do not prepare it yourself, but use a store-bought tincture for treatment, then instructions on how to drink it can be found on the jar. In the instructions you can find the following information, according to the methods of administration and dosage for children:

  1. Children under 2 years of age with severe illnesses, 1-3 drops during the day after meals. Before drinking the tincture, it must be diluted with water.
  2. Children 2-10 years old: 3 drops throughout the day.
  3. Children 10-14 years old: 5 drops throughout the day.

Treatment should be carried out in courses: you can take the drug for 30 days, take a break for 30 days, drink again for 30 days, take a break for a month, then again you are allowed to take the drug for 30 days and after that you need to take a break for six months.

Reception for adults

For adults, the methods of taking the drug will be slightly different:

  1. For half a month you need to take the medicine 5 drops in the morning 30 minutes before meals, washed down with a coffee drink.
  2. For the next six months, you should drink the tincture twice a day, 5 drops.
  3. During the first half of the second month of treatment, you can take 10 drops every morning and 5 drops in the afternoon.
  4. For the next two weeks, you are allowed to drink 10 drops in the morning and 10 drops at lunch.
  5. You need to take a break for the entire third month.
  6. Continue treatment according to the same regimen.

If the course of treatment is completed completely and the drug is taken correctly, then all ailments will disappear over time. There are several ways to use beaver stream; you need to determine which one suits you best and consult a doctor.

Important! The drug should not be taken orally after 6 pm!


To prevent the bean stream from harming a person, it must be taken in courses that only a doctor can calculate. The dosage of the drug is calculated based on the weight and age of the patient and also the method of administration. In general, this substance has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Sometimes people become intolerant to the smell and taste of this drug, since it is not entirely pleasant. However, you should not exceed the dosage indicated by the doctor, since it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid side effects.

As we see, the beaver stream is unique drug of natural origin, which can relieve many ailments and diseases. The most important thing is to learn how to use it correctly, observing the correct dosage, and your health will definitely improve.

Among the means traditional medicine There are many that not all doctors recognize, but, according to patient reviews, these substances are effective. Beaver stream can also be included in this group of drugs. Find out more about the properties of a product of animal origin, what diseases it is used for, where it can be bought and at what price.

What is a beaver jet

Those who first heard about the many beneficial properties of this medicine, I'm interested in how this is made healing agent. The answer to the question of what a beaver stream is is very simple. Both females and males of this species of animal have a special gland, which is located in the anal area and looks like two sacs connected to each other. This organ contains the stream - a dense aromatic substance of brown color with a sharp characteristic odor, which is also called castoreum, or beaver musk. Animals develop this secretion to mark their territory.

What is the use of beaver stream by humans? Many healing properties are attributed to this substance, but official medicine only notes the ability of castoreum to increase the human body’s resistance to the influence of many harmful factors. Judging by the reviews of people who have used this secretion product, the properties of the beaver stream
much wider. Next, read the features of using castoreum in more detail.

Beaver stream - healing properties

This remedy is now widely used as an effective addition in the treatment of a variety of diseases. If you look at people’s reviews about being treated with beaver stream (pictured below), the list of such diseases is very long. These include heart disease and circulatory system, hepatitis, ailments on nervous soil and even some stages of oncology. Knowing the benefits of beaver stream, some people take it for general toning of the body. There are many positive comments about the use of castoreum for the treatment of ailments in the female and male genital area.

Indications for use

According to reviews of people who took this remedy, the list of things that beaver stream helps with is very extensive. Thus, treatment with castoreum (after consultation with a specialist!) is indicated for:

  • diseases of the nervous system - depression, seizures;
  • heart diseases - ischemia;
  • vascular lesions - atherosclerosis, varicose veins, as well as for blood thinning;
  • ailments respiratory system– ARVI, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis and others;
  • diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, internal organs– hepatitis A, B and C, candidiasis, constipation;
  • skin lesions.

Beaver stream - instructions for use

After the bags of castoreum are extracted, they are dried. Then the resulting extract in powder form is taken into pure form or added to medicinal drugs intended for internal or external use - aqueous or alcoholic tinctures, rectal suppositories, ointments. The method in which beaver stream treatment will be carried out depends on the specific disease that the person wants to cure.

The instructions for castoreum-based drugs, which are sold in pharmacies, indicate a specific regimen for taking this drug when various ailments. The standard dose is to drink 1.5 tsp of the drug. three times a day, but it would be correct to check before starting to use the medicine required quantity from a specialist. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the manual, as this can lead to side effects: insomnia, nervousness, headaches.

How to take beaver stream for prevention

To strengthen the body and prevent many diseases, castoreum will also be useful. How to take beaver stream for prevention? When used for this purpose, the dosage should be small - 1 tsp. morning and evening (but no later than three hours before going to bed). The duration of prophylactic administration should not be more than a month.

For women

Many representatives of the fair sex are willing to pay not the lowest price for this product, because the benefits of using musk in gynecology are very significant. By using beaver stream for women, inflammation of the appendages, menstrual disorders, and tumor diseases are treated. Castoreum is often used to get rid of candidiasis. To do this, moisten a tampon in a musk solution (1 teaspoon of tincture per 100 ml of water) and insert it into the vagina overnight.

For oncology

Is this medicine effective for cancer diseases? It is important to know that beaver stream in oncology is used only as an additional remedy to the main therapy. You should definitely consult with your doctor about the possibility of using it, because the cost in this case is human life! The most noticeable results of using musk are on initial stages diseases, significantly activating the body's protective resources.

Benefits for men

Castoreum has long been used as a remedy that can increase male sexual power. How to drink beaver stream for potency - frequently asked question and now. For this purpose, use a musk-based tincture, 1 tbsp. l. twice a day or castoreum powder 1 g three times a day. This treatment regimen helps even with. It is recommended to wash down the beaver stream with strong coffee in order to interrupt it very bad taste. This is useful folk medicine and with this male illness like prostatitis. In this case, rectal suppositories with musk based on pork fat are used for treatment.

Castoreum is intended for the treatment and prevention of ailments, including impotence, women's diseases genitourinary tract and tumor formations. Witch doctors and healers have long used the product in the treatment of pathologies. The topic of the article is about what kind of beaver stream it has medicinal properties, how to prepare the extract and how to take it for various pathologies.

Musk has a peculiar smell and taste, and is obtained by huntsmen in certain time, taking into account the age of the animal. Catching should take place only with the use of firearms, sexually mature individuals and in environmentally friendly places.

They must extract and dry castoreum according to all the rules so that it is not lost healing effect. Therefore, in a pharmacy you can only find a prepared tincture, but from gamekeepers and hunters you can get a natural dried product.

It is often prepared at home and one pair of bags of beaver stream is enough for for a long time, insisting on it several times.

What is treated with beaver stream

The healing properties of beaver stream have been known since the times of Rus', when men used it as a prototype of Viagra. Even then they found out that healing of the prostate gland and genitourinary area was successful.

Treatment of prostatitis with beaver stream lasts a long time until symptoms completely disappear; it is recommended to drink it for up to 12 months with breaks. Which beneficial properties And does castoreum have any contraindications?

  1. Helps normalize blood circulation and stabilize blood pressure;
  2. Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol;
  3. Prevention of colds: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections;
  4. Elimination of varicose veins, hematomas, bruises, psoriasis and skin inflammations;
  5. Treatment genitourinary diseases in men, in women gynecological (candidiasis, ovarian cyst);
  6. Heals postoperative sutures, purulent wounds and skin lesions;
  7. ENT infections, relieves eye inflammation, fights conjunctivitis and stye;
  8. Rejuvenates, prevents early aging and the appearance of wrinkles;
  9. Male problems: prostatitis, urethritis, erectile dysfunction, normalizes the level of the hormone testosterone in the blood;
  10. Prevention of the development of cancer, relieves pain and symptoms during chemotherapy;
  11. Strengthens joints, relieves spasms associated with rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  12. Strengthens the immune system during the off-season period;
  13. Normalizes mental state, improves sleep, fights stress.


  • Alcohol tincture, restrictions:
  • Children under 14 years of age;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Alcoholism, period of remission;
  • Pathological liver diseases.

Beaver jet powder in its pure form is prohibited for children; adults should follow the dosage without exceeding it.

Directions for use

Use beaver stream to medicinal purposes it is necessary in courses and if there are indications for the main therapy, the suction will only enhance the effect and contribute to a quick recovery.

What it treats in men and for what diseases you already know, but how to take it is described below. The dosage for oral administration does not exceed 1 tsp. 1 time and no more than 4 times a day.

Diseases How to take and how much Course of therapy
Diseases of the upper respiratory tract For compresses and inhalations 2-3 tsp. present. Ingestion 1 tsp* 3 times/dayUntil recovery
Skin damage, varicose veins, joint diseases, injuries, cuts, bruises1-2 tsp. * 3 rubles/day rubUntil symptoms subside
Women's diseasesInfusion 2 tsp. 200 ml of water, wet a tampon, put on overnight or suppositories with beaver stream extract. Orally 10-15 drops* 3 times/day7-10 days
Prostatitis, urethritis15 drops * 3 rubles/day3-4 months
Inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins (hemorrhoids)Candles 1 pc. In the evening5-10 days
Impotence15-20 drops * 3 rubles/dayCourse 5 months/do not take for 14 days/continue
Prevention of mental disorders, stress15 drops in the morning with coffeeLong time
Prevention of coldsIn the off-season 10 drops * 2 rubles / dayAutumn, spring

Before use, it is necessary to test the body and take up to 3 drops, increasing every day to the dosage indicated in the table.

For children

It should be taken by diluting it in juice/water in a sufficient quantity of 5-8 drops. *2 rub. — 14-30 days. Take a rest for 10-14 days and continue.

A good way to relieve a cough is to breathe in the vapors of the tincture or extract for 5-10 minutes, dilute 1 tsp. in 200 ml of boiling water, carefully pour into the container over which inhalation will take place, and sit the child down, covering with a towel. Control the process.

Beaver musk has an unpleasant taste and smell; dilute it thoroughly in juice for children. The tincture can be used externally to treat cuts, injuries, and abrasions. It will help quickly relieve swelling. Rub 1 tsp. * 2 rubles/day.

You can gargle for sore throat and other ENT diseases, 1 tsp. dilute the vodka solution in warm water 1 cup, rinse 3 times a day.

For women

Gynecological diseases such as candidiasis (thrush), bacterial vaginosis, acute symptoms Cystitis can be eliminated by taking the tincture orally, combined with suppositories at night.

Drink 10-15 drops *3 rubles/day, also for a tampon, only here dilute 1 tsp. * 200 ml water. It is better to use powder-based suppositories, 1 pc for 7-10 days before bedtime.

Beaver Stream Extract

To get water-based healing, first of all, you need to choose a high-quality product that meets the standards of extraction and preparation.

When buying castoreum, pay attention to the color, smell, and structure of the bags. They should be solid, brown in color, with a curdled mass inside, without mold, soft to the touch, with a specific smell.

The beaver stream is prepared using alcohol and vodka. Aqueous solution It is used for children, you can put drops in their eyes for various inflammations, just dilute it in a sufficient amount of clean liquid.

Preparing the tincture:

  • Beaver jet – 100 g;
  • High-quality vodka – 1.5 l;
  • Grind castoreum, mix everything;
  • Leave for 7 days, shaking every day;
  • The solution should be cognac-colored, if more saturated, dilute 0.5 liters of alcoholic product.

The water tincture is ready. Store in a cool, dark place. Do not strain and shake before use.

Used as compresses in the treatment of throat diseases. Medicinal substance gland-based can be used by men when symptoms of prostatitis occur.

On alcohol, properties, methods of treatment

The tincture is prepared on the basis of high-quality ethanol 70% vol. You need to infuse the medicine for 3-4 days, shaking it daily. Drink according to the dosages written above in the table, without increasing them.

Recipe for castoreum tincture


  • Natural musk or powder – 100 g;
  • Ethyl alcohol 70% - 1.0-1.5 l.


  1. First take a glass container with a lid;
  2. Connect everything together;
  3. Grind natural castoreum into powder;
  4. Leave for 3 days, shaking every day;
  5. At dark color Dilute the tinctures with alcohol to a cognac tint.

Method of preparing a suppository


  • Natural extract (powder): 100 g;
  • Fresh pork lard (0.3 kg) or pharmaceutical candle based on herbs.


  1. Melt everything in a water bath;
  2. Add beaver stream;
  3. Pour into molds, cool.

Recipe for castoreum ointment


  • Fat of badger, bear: 200 g;
  • Beaver extract: 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Melt lard in a steam bath;
  2. Add iron;
  3. Simmer over low heat for up to 10-15 minutes.

A good remedy for external skin damage, cuts, and can be used as a rejuvenating mask. You just need to apply it for only 15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. No more than 2 times a week.

Side effects

If you follow the instructions correctly and do not exceed the norm, no overdose or negative effects have been identified. If, after starting to take beaver musk, you develop discomfort, nausea, change in stool, then you should stop taking it until the cause of the symptoms is determined.

When thinking about buying a beaver jet, first of all, you need to use only high-quality iron. Many doctors recommend that in case of incompetence in choosing, purchase ready-made drugs based on beaver gland. Consult your physician before use.

Beaver stream (castoreum) is a waste product of the river beaver, characterized by the presence of a pungent, specific musky-tar odor and color varying from bright orange to brownish-brown.

Thanks to the diversity diet beavers, including many species medicinal plants, the chemical composition of castoreum is presented by a list of elements and compounds vital for humans.

The product is characterized by a number of conditions that determine the indications for the use of beaver stream:

Prescribed to enhance absorption ascorbic acid, acceleration of metabolic processes, as an antioxidant, capillary-strengthening drug. It is able to protect cell membranes and organelles from the effects of ionizing radiation.

What do they help with? Its use is advisable in the case of gynecological (infertility, brush neoplasms of various sizes, bartholinitis, candidiasis, colpitis) and urological diseases (premature ejaculation, the presence of sand in the kidneys, cystitis, vesiculitis, balanoposthitis, pain during urination, urethritis, impotence, pyelonephritis, prostatitis).

Castoreum is actively used in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. , have a rejuvenating effect: smooth out shallow wrinkles, even out the texture of the skin, increase its tone and elasticity.

Schemes of drug use

Preparations containing castoreum belong to the group of universal ones with a wide range of effects. There are 2 ways to use of this product– oral and external. Its regular use helps accelerate regenerative and metabolic processes, leaking human body at the cellular, tissue and system levels.

Important! Low dosages of the drug provide a calming effect, use high doses may cause the opposite effect.

The modern pharmaceutical industry releases a stream of beaver into various types: in the form of ointments, suppositories, capsulated tablets, tinctures. Required form release depends on the indications for use of the beaver stream. Therapeutic dosages in each case are calculated according to individual schemes and depend on the type of disease. The specific aroma and bitter taste of castoreum necessitate the use of this product in combination with coffee, chicory or barley drink.

Taking capsules

The drug is taken on an empty stomach before breakfast (half an hour before). The duration of therapy is a month, after which a 4-week break is taken. In total, the product is used for 3 months, excluding breaks. Repeated treatment course(the scheme is similar) it is recommended to undergo it in six months.

Alcohol tincture

Reception of an alcohol stream is carried out as follows:

  • month 1: 1st and 2nd weeks - take 5 drops daily on an empty stomach before breakfast, 3rd and 4th weeks - take 5 drops on an empty stomach in the morning and before lunch;
  • month 2: 1st and 2nd weeks - on an empty stomach before breakfast, 10 k., before lunch, 5 k., 3rd and 4th weeks - on an empty stomach in the morning and before lunch, 10 k.;
  • month 3 – stop taking the drug;
  • month 4 – the course is similar to the treatment regimen in the 1st month.

An ointment created on the basis of beaver stream is widely used in surgical practice for applying compresses, treating burns, and wound surfaces.

Rectal suppositories with beaver jet

The use of candles. Candles are placed 1 pc. every day before bed for a month.

Subject to availability certain indications treatment may involve the simultaneous use of different dosage forms product.

An aqueous solution of castoreum has been successfully used to treat ophthalmic problems. It relieves itching, increases visual acuity, reduces the severity of inflammatory phenomena. In case of injury or injury auditory nerve allows you to restore hearing, is used to eliminate and prevent the formation of sulfur plugs.

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication for the use of castoreum is the presence of individual intolerance to this product. As a result of an overdose, it is possible that side effects: headaches, sleep disorders, in rare cases nausea.

Important! Treatment data medicine provides for mandatory face-to-face medical consultation and preliminary passing of basic types of tests. These measures are necessary for subsequent monitoring of the body’s condition, determining the dynamic course of the disease and the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

Not many ordinary people know about such a substance as beaver stream. Some even believe that this is the name for animal urine. But it’s enough to look at a photo or video to understand the stupidity of such an assumption. In fact, this is a secret secreted by special organs that only beavers have.

Animals produce beaver stream through paired glands, which look like pear-shaped bags and are located under the skin on the abdomen. The weight of the organs does not exceed 200 g. Beavers use the liquid to mark the occupied territory or, by covering themselves with it, to make their fur waterproof. It is believed that animals store beaver stream in the body and use it under unfavorable conditions: hunger, illness, or for healing wounds.

Dried beaver stream

Brief historical excursion

The above extremely useful substance was known back in ancient Egypt. In those days, beaver stream was worth its weight in gold and was available only to the richest. It was used mainly by men to increase potency.

The famous doctor Avicenna had almost all indications for using the extract. serious illnesses: convulsions, hysteria, disturbances reproductive function in men and women, respiratory lesions and many others.

The story mentions the regenerative properties of the tincture. Also, beaver stream was a component of almost all antidotes. It was rumored, although it’s hard to believe, that wounds from it heal several times faster and without complications. She also helped Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who at one time suffered from joint disease.

And two centuries ago, serious illnesses became indications for the use of castoreum (another name for beaver jet). mental nature: depression, manic-depressive psychosis, epilepsy and similar conditions.

General characteristics of the substance

Castoreum is a liquid with an extremely persistent and pungent tar odor with a tart admixture of musk. Color - rich orange. However, when exposed to air, the substance oxidizes, causing it to lose color and become dull. As the liquid dries, it darkens. In the photo, the dried stream looks like two paired dark brown bags.

The main composition of the beaver stream:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • guaiacol;
  • benzoic acid;
  • acetophenone;
  • borneol;
  • ethylphenol;
  • salicylic acid.

These components are the most important, and full list consists of more than forty organic matter, each of which contributes to the valuable properties of castoreum.

Indications for use

Among the huge number of recipes and recommendations of alternative medicine, beaver stream, the use of which is indicated for many health problems, is excellent, and most importantly, safe option choice. But although many claim that it has no contraindications, caution never hurts.

In its pure form, beaver stream is practically not used. A special tincture (extract) is prepared from it, which is then used for a variety of purposes.

First of all, it should be clearly understood that castoreum is not considered an independent medicine. With the exception of those moments when it is used for the purpose of prevention or to increase the potency of a man. That is, if there is serious illnesses, for example, oncology or diabetes, traditional treatment prescribed by doctors - prerequisite recovery.

Stopping taking medications or undergoing chemotherapy, even consuming liters of beaver stream, will not improve your condition. Castoreum tincture is prescribed additionally to improve the effect of treatment or for general strengthening body.

Traditional medicine widely uses this substance, citing its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and other properties. Here are the main ones:

  • Strong immunomodulator. Activates protective forces body.
  • Improves the potency of men and women.
  • Gives a rejuvenating cosmetic effect, softens and cleanses the skin.
  • Has a bactericidal effect. Works great against infections. However, replacing antibiotics with tincture is not recommended.
  • Heals and disinfects, improves tissue regeneration.
  • Fixes the smell of perfume products and gives the perfume a tart musky tint.

Although official medicine has not recognized beaver stream extract, reviews about it are positive.

Those who have used the beaver jet note an increase in endurance and a surge of strength. Epileptics report a decrease in the number of seizures. Men suffering erectile dysfunction, after using the tincture, noticeable changes in positive side. Many good reviews suggests that beaver stream is extremely beneficial for humans.

Directions for use and dosage

Depending on the indications, beaver stream can be consumed internally or used externally. The method and dosage depend on what effect is desired. There are several generally accepted recipes for using the drug, but do not forget that the prescription must be individual.

For prevention and general strengthening of the body, beaver stream tincture is taken once, in the first half of the day. The calculation is based on the patient’s weight: 1 tsp. spoon for 80 kg. If you weigh more, the dose will be 2 tablespoons.

In case of illness, the frequency of doses should be increased to three times a day with the same dose. The tincture should be consumed during or after meals. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease and can be 10-30 days, and sometimes more.

Externally, beaver stream is used mainly in compresses. To do this, take a piece of cloth and, after soaking it in alcohol tincture, apply it to the affected area. The top is wrapped in cellophane and several layers of cotton wool, and then bandaged tightly. It is best to carry out the procedure after steaming in a bath or sauna.

The duration of the procedure is 2-10 hours. After the required time has passed, the compress is removed, and the affected area is washed and wiped dry with a towel. An alternative to compresses can be an ointment made at home or in a pharmacy containing beaver stream powder. It is rubbed into problem areas with soft massage movements.

Another method of external administration is inhalation, which is used for diseases of the respiratory system. To do this, open the container with the tincture and take several breaths separately through each nostril and mouth.

For gynecological problems in women, a tampon is soaked in castoreum and then inserted into the vagina.

Men with prostate diseases use rectal suppositories that contain beaver stream.

Drug for internal use has bad taste and smell. The best way to neutralize these sensations is regular coffee, which is what it is recommended to wash down with the beaver stream. And for those for whom this drink is contraindicated, you can try chicory.

Contraindications and side effects

Before drinking the tincture, you should definitely consult your doctor. An overdose due to amateur activities can cause irritation and insomnia.

Hypertensive patients should be especially careful; they should carefully monitor their sensations when taking the tincture. If discomfort occurs, the dose is reduced several times.

Contraindication is pregnancy due to alcohol content and lack of clinical trials drug. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to be given to children under 12 years of age.

Those who cannot tolerate alcohol should not take beaver stream. Also, one should not forget about allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to the active substance.

It should be borne in mind that the beaver stream enhances the effect of antispasmodics and sedatives of plant origin.

Among side effects The most common symptoms are headaches, allergies and digestive tract disorders.

Beaver stream - excellent remedy against many diseases, therefore it has proven itself well in official medicine. However, it should be taken only according to indications, without exceeding permissible dosages and be sure to consult with your doctor.

What diseases does beaver stream help with?

Let's consider what diseases the use of beaver stream will help with and when it is better to refrain from using it.


Castoreum has a complex effect on the body. When using it note:

  1. Replenishing the supply of missing elements in the body.
  2. Immunological effect - increasing human resistance to infections.
  3. Beneficial effect on energy processes in the body.
  4. Improving metabolic processes.
  5. Antioxidant action.
  6. Increased ability to work.
  7. Improving performance gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Strengthening the structure of hair and nails.
  9. Normalization of blood counts.
  10. Reducing excess weight.

Nervous system

Beaver stream tincture helps with migraines, neuralgic disorders, fear, convulsive syndromes. The drug softens the course of epilepsy and is able to restore the normal passage of nerve impulses.

Castoreum - aid in the treatment of prolonged depression, relief of phases of manic-depressive psychosis. However, the drug is not recommended for panic attacks and psychomotor agitation.

Cardiovascular system

Thanks to improving metabolic processes and lowering cholesterol levels, beaver stream is excellent for atherosclerosis. You can also drink the tincture for ischemia or angina.

Hypotonic patients, unlike hypertensive patients, can take the drug without fear.

Beaver stream has a restorative effect in case of paralysis that occurs in the initial stages due to a stroke.

The blood thinning effect of the drug is used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. At varicose veins Vein castoreum strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieving swelling and pain.

Respiratory system

Tincture and inhalation of beaver stream is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic for respiratory tract infections such as laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary sarcoidosis, etc.

It is believed that the drug helps fight Koch's bacillus, stopping the growth of bacteria and promoting better effective treatment tuberculosis.

Gastrointestinal tract

Beaver stream is an excellent assistant in the fight against hepatitis A, B, C, and candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract. Successfully helps with flatulence, heartburn, constipation. Castoreum is used for cholecystitis.

Genitourinary system

In gynecology, a tincture is used to soften menopause and normalize menstrual cycle, improve the quality of sexual life. Beaver stream extract helps in the treatment of thrush, cystitis, candidiasis, bartholinitis, and various inflammations. Castoreum is used as a resolving agent for cysts and kidney stones.

Men use beaver stream tincture to improve or restore erectile function, with premature ejaculation. The extract also helps treat prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis.

Endocrine system

Beaver stream tincture has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, so it will not be superfluous during treatment endocrine diseases. One of the most significant effects is the normalization of blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus.

This disease is treated exclusively with insulin. However, in combination with castoreum, after consulting your doctor about the dosage, you can achieve much better results.

The remedy is also used for lesions of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, gonads. The main thing is not to forget to consult a doctor, since endocrine system- one of the most demanding doses in terms of accuracy.


Most of the effects that beaver stream has on the circulatory system have already been examined in the course of other diseases: thinning effect, lowering cholesterol levels, normalizing hemoglobin, strengthening vascular walls, preventing accession atherosclerotic plaques, recovery normal numbers pressure.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning blood cancer, which is recent years greatly intensified, especially among the child population.

As additional means The tincture is recommended to be taken when oncological diseases circulatory system to reduce the effects of chemotherapy and stop the development of tumor cells.

Oncological diseases

For malignant diseases various organs Drinking beaver stream tincture will help little. But in terms of prevention, the product is good. The same as for support in the drug and radiation fight against cancer.

Diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system and injuries

Most diseases skin has a bacterial etiology, so beaver stream is an excellent means of combating them. It will be effective for itchy dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, fissures, trophic ulcers, urticaria, herpes zoster and other diseases.

Due to its healing effect, the tincture is recommended for use after surgical intervention both internally and externally for faster tissue regeneration. The tincture fights well against purulent complications, it can also be used to prevent bedsores.

An important role is played by the use of a beaver jet for numerous joint lesions.

It is used mainly externally in the form of compresses or ointments, relieving pain, reducing swelling, redness and local temperature reactions. The extract helps well with radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other similar pathologies.

In addition to all of the above, an infusion of water is used for instillation of the ears and eyes. In the first case, it helps with ear pain, diseases auricular nerve, helps to get rid of traffic jams. In the second, it relieves inflammation, itching, lacrimation and pain in the eyes, and increases visual acuity.

Based on all this, and also taking into account affordable price, we can safely recommend beaver stream extract for many diseases of various organs and systems. He will help in advanced cases, will reduce the risk, soften the course of the disease. It is only important to use the instructions, consult with doctors and follow their instructions exactly.

Beaver Stream Recipes

There are many options for preparing castoreum: alcohol tincture, ointment, capsules, aqueous extract. Some of them have positive reviews, others are negative.

The preparation of beaver stream extract is often filmed to attract the attention of consumers. However, among the correct recipes there are many fakes that will not help anyone, and some should be wary. Improperly prepared product will harm the body and may cause allergic reaction or poisoning.

Making alcohol tinctures

On at the moment This is the most common and most proven method that can be used even at home. There are rumors that there is also an aqueous extract of beaver stream, but how to prepare it is kept secret.

Recipe for making tincture:

  1. Once the gland has been removed and properly dried, it should be crushed. To do this, use a grater or sharp knife, scissors are also acceptable. The finer the raw material can be cut, the more useful substances it will release into alcohol. Alternative option- use of ready-made powder.
  2. The resulting substance is poured with alcohol. High-quality vodka or medical alcohol diluted to 45 degrees will do. Add 500 ml of liquid to 100 g of crushed stream.
  3. Leave for three days, shaking occasionally.
  4. After the specified period, the resulting mixture is diluted with vodka, without adhering to any proportions. The liquid should take on a cognac tint. From 100 g of substrate, about 1 liter of beaver stream tincture is obtained.

Unstrained sediment should not be thrown away. It can be used for re-settling, but the alcohol concentration should be half as much.

The finished powder is diluted with 70% alcohol, in this case there is no need to wait several days. The resulting product is diluted with water 1:1. It is worth clarifying that 96% pure medical alcohol is not suitable for this recipe.

In order for the product to turn out correctly, you must follow several basic principles of preparation:

  • Proportions cannot be changed. They must be accurate, use them whenever possible. electronic scales with an error of no more than 1 g.
  • Use clear glass containers for infusion.
  • Strictly follow the “cognac color” rule. The finished tincture should not be too dark or, conversely, light.
  • Storage also has its own characteristics. Straight lines are not allowed sun rays. The room should be cool. A refrigerator is welcome.
  • The liquid acquires its peak healing properties after 3-4 months.

If you follow the above rules, the resulting product can be used to strengthen the body. It is worth noting that not everyone can drink such a strong product, so it can be diluted with water.

Making suppositories for prostatitis

Rectal suppositories, which are made from beaver musk, have very limited use. They are intended mainly for men suffering from prostate problems.

The method of preparing a miracle cure is very simple. First, you need to buy regular rectal suppositories with belladonna extract at the pharmacy. Suppositories with ichthyol are contraindicated. Next, they are melted in a water bath, achieving a homogeneous mass.

After this, beaver stream is added in the following proportion: for one candle - a piece the size of a match head. Dissolve thoroughly, stirring. Then the resulting product is distributed into special molds and cooled.

Preparation of ointment

To make the ointment, you will need an additional ingredient - bear fat. Badger is also suitable as an alternative. 200 g of fat is melted in a water bath. Then 100 g of crushed musk is poured into the resulting mass. After this, the mixture should be kept on fire for another 10 minutes. The cooled substance can be used. Basically, it is used for rubbing into diseased joints.

Ointment based on bear or badger fat with added beaver stream

Cooking errors

There are ways to prepare beaver stream tincture that seem correct, but in reality they are not. For example, if you pour alcohol into a whole gland and leave long time, useful substances will be present in negligibly small concentrations.

There are also rumors about consuming gland raw. There will be no benefit from this, rather the opposite. Only beaver stream tincture has healing properties. Fresh musk is suitable for its preparation, although this method is not widely used.

Beaver stream in raw form

Features to Keep in Mind

Having carefully studied all contraindications, you need to exclude individual intolerance product. Therefore, it should be taken under the supervision of a specialist.

In addition, musk is one of the few substances whose digestibility is about 100%. Therefore, an overdose can lead to undesirable consequences.

Using the above recipes, you need to correctly follow the instructions, observe the storage features, and also strictly follow the preparation formulas.

Purchase options

You can buy the substance in various countries, including Russia and Ukraine. It is easier to purchase dried gland directly from hunters, beaver stream in capsules - in pharmacies. There are four forms in total:

  1. Dried glands in the form of sacs. With such a purchase, you need to be wary of those who like to make extra money with hack work. Fraudsters watched a training video without really knowing how to do it correctly. You should only trust those people for whom extracting beaver stream is their main income and have a long experience behind them. Essentially better quality product if the bags were removed without killing the animal. But their price is much higher.
  2. Extract.
  3. Capsules. They differ from extracts in that they are produced by drying and are sold with various herbal supplements.
  4. Mixtures with products. Beaver stream is mixed, for example, with honey or kvass. This option is good for maintaining the overall tone of the body. It can be bought for prevention.

Castoreum capsules

Beaver stream is most often sold by shops associated with alternative medicine based on natural preparations. Their pricing policies are different and depend on many factors: quality, release form, manufacturer, quantity of product in the package. The product is within the reach of the middle class population. The cheapest thing is dried beaver stream. Capsule preparations are usually more expensive due to impurities.