Cracked skin at the corners. The need for medical advice. Medicines and ointments to help

Angulite or seizures is a phenomenon when the skin of the mouth and the corners of the lips crack. The phenomenon is accompanied unpleasant itching and pain. Often, such cracks spoil not only the aesthetic appearance of the appearance, but also interfere with normal life.


Exists different reasons the fact that the corners or central parts of the lips are cracking. The appearance of a jam can be provoked by both external factors (mechanical effects, irritants) and internal (lack of vitamins, allergies).


TO external reasons The appearance of a jam includes such factors:

  • Injury. Sometimes we ourselves, without noticing it, create microcracks on the skin that develop into inflamed foci. The skin in the corners of the lips is damaged by a sharp and strong opening of the mouth, during a cry, when eating very hard foods.
  • hypothermia. Most often, seizures appear in winter, when the skin is exposed to cold wind, snow and rain. In cold weather, frostbitten areas constantly appear, because of which, after a while, the lips crack, the corners hurt and dry out.
  • Bad habits. This is licking the lips, drinking excessively hot drinks, tearing off dry skin. Smoking interferes normal healing formed microcracks, and alcoholic beverages dry the skin too much, provoking the appearance of new cracks.
  • Poor quality cosmetics. Irritation after using cheap or expired lipstick, bad cream or poor-quality scrub is a common thing. The composition of these cosmetics includes special additives that provide them with the desired density. But, after the expiration date, these ingredients become hazardous to health. They cause histamine reactions, swelling and itching.

To get rid of angulitis lesions resulting from external factors, it is enough just to protect the lips from negative impact.


Co. internal reasons the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth include:

  • Lack of B vitamins. Most often, this is a lack of B6 and B12. It manifests itself not only in the deterioration of the skin, but also in a breakdown, apathy, mood swings. Pyridoskin and Cobalamin are responsible for feminine beauty and good health. Their deficiency causes anemia, one of the symptoms of which are sores on the lips.
  • Caries, malocclusion, hygiene problems. These are the most clear reasons, along which jams appear in the corners and cracks on the lips. In this case, the natural drainage of saliva is disturbed, the skin is constantly exposed to the aggressive action of the teeth or microorganisms accumulated on them, the blood flow in the mouth and nasolabial folds deteriorates.
  • Allergic reaction. Initially, it manifests itself in the form of a rash, but after that, infectious factors, as a result of which jams appear.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. During these periods female body suffering from vitamin deficiencies and minerals. Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in different ways: hair falls out, complexion worsens, and unpleasant sores appear on the lips.
  • Diabetes. Unfortunately, cracks in the corners of the mouth are one of the signs of a disease such as diabetes. If none of the above factors suit you, we strongly recommend that you get an examination by a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease

The appearance of angulitis can be compared with herpes. At first, the lips just swell slightly, after a couple of hours after that they begin to itch. Discomfort is felt in the corners of the mouth, most likely, this area is already damaged by some factor (infection or mechanically).

The next day after the onset of the first symptoms, the cracks become noticeable and increase significantly in size. If not excluded probable cause their appearance, then these symptoms will be added severe itching and local temperature rise.

In addition, the symptoms may vary depending on the origin of the angulitis. Cracks are:

  • Yeast. They are caused by a fungus of the Candida group. The disease is characterized by the appearance of cracks filled with white curdled secretions. For the treatment of this form, antimycotic agents are used, for example, blue solution, Clotrimazole cream.
  • Streptococcal. They are caused by streptococcus bacteria entering the wound. If the lips are very red and covered with unpleasant blisters, similar to pimples from chicken pox then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is not recommended to process such seizures on your own, because there is a risk of transition to a purulent form.

How and what to treat?

If the corners of the mouth crack, then the treatment involves two points: moisturizing and disinfection. The main problem is that this zone is constantly under the influence of external factors that inhibit regeneration. This is eating, talking, rubbing teeth.

Treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth with ointment

It used to be thought that one of the most effective methods treatment - application to the affected areas earwax. We strongly recommend that you do not use this method, because the probability of introducing pathogens is too high. Instead, buy special antibacterial ointments with moisturizing complex.

Ointments for cracks in the corners of the mouth:

  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment. It provides both an antibacterial and caring effect, quickly relieves inflammation and helps reduce itching. It is better to apply it in the morning, carefully rubbing it into damaged tissues.
  • Erythromycin. It is actively used for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane. It is recommended to use it if the wounds in the corners of the mouth do not heal for a long time or they have switched to inner surface lips. It is necessary to smear the product twice a day, after treating the tissues with a mild disinfectant solution. Alcohol tonics should not be used.
  • Tetracycline ointment. It is based on the antibiotic Tetracycline, moisturizing ingredients Lanolin and Vaseline. Before applying the product, treat the skin with a solution of Chlorhexidine. The ointment is applied twice a day. On average, treatment lasts from 3 to 7 days. If during this time the wounds have not gone away, then you will need to change the drug.
  • Levomekol. Contains chloramphenicol and methyluracil. This active substances antibiotic group, accelerating regeneration. The ointment can be applied on mucous membranes, or if the lips are very inflamed, literally, to the point of blood. Apply the product every 4 hours until recovery.

If lips dry and crack during pregnancy, then it is strictly forbidden to use antibiotic products. Better treat the wounds natural oils. Oil helps to quickly remove swelling and redness tea tree. It can be smeared on the lips as a hygienic lipstick twice a day.

Perfectly moisturizes Butter Shea. For the treatment of jam, it is not necessary to melt the product in a water bath. Just evenly treat the wounds with a cotton swab. As an analogue, we can recommend an extract from sea buckthorn.

The chapped corners of the lips are also quickly restored by vitamin E. Tocopherol is a vitamin cocktail for oil based. It helps to moisturize the deep layers of the skin, accelerate regeneration and protect the epidermis from the recurrence of cracks. You can apply the remedy three times a day. This product very rarely causes allergic reactions.

Symptoms of angulitis can go away even after using toothpaste. This hygienic product contains a large amount of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components. In addition, it helps relieve itching and relieve redness. The tool is not recommended for use if fungal cracks are suspected.

If, in addition to cracks in the corners of the lips, the skin is peeling, then you need to provide the epidermis with an additional nutrient complex. In this case, propolis will help. It is used for seizures without signs of infection. Apply the product twice a day to problem areas. After 10 days, all symptoms should be gone. If this does not happen, be sure to consult a doctor.


If the lips often turn red and crack, then they need to be thoroughly moisturized. To do this, regularly use emollient lipsticks. This will help alert mechanical damage epidermis and chapping.

It is extremely important to use vitamin complexes, especially during beriberi. Focus on cocktails high content vitamins of groups B and A. Good feedback about Aevit and Prenatale. Before use, consult a specialist.

Eat green foods regularly (spinach, dill, and arugula are high in magnesium and thiamine). It is also desirable to enter daily diet at least one meat dish. If you are a vegetarian, then replace this protein with an available analogue.

Do not paint over or try to hide signs of cracks cosmetics. Instead, use brightening antibacterial products like honey. Also review all cosmetics for expiration dates and ingredients. If cracks appear often, but there are no signs of a disease in the body, then the reason probably lies in the cosmetic bag.

The appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips is due to a weakening of the immune system, in most cases this occurs in the spring months. The provoking factor is usually the microbes present in the oral cavity of each person. However, only when the body's defenses are reduced, the pathogenic process develops. As a result, there are pain when a person speaks, eats, laughs.

Why do cracks appear in the corners of the lips

To find the right solution to the problem, you need to understand what exactly caused it. There can be a lot of provoking factors, the most common of them:

  1. decline defensive forces body after stress, illness, changes climatic conditions, change of weather.
  2. Deficiency in the body essential vitamins- A, B, E, D, and also useful elements- zinc, iron. This can also happen after stressful situations, in women - with abundant menstrual flow, breastfeeding.
  3. Constant licking of the lips, especially in windy and frosty weather.
  4. Frequent dental procedures. Long stay with open mouth, doctor's use medical instruments and aggressive substances - these factors cause injury to the corners of the mouth. And since it takes more than one visit to the doctor when it is necessary to cure the teeth, the damage does not have time to heal. A similar situation develops in people who wear removable dentures.
  5. Using new toothpaste. As part of modern means Tooth brushing usually contains a lot of fluoride, which can cause an allergic reaction in the form of cracks in the corners of the lips. The same can lead to the use of a new lipstick.
  6. Diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders, as well as pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Various infections resulting from inadequate personal hygiene. Often, such cracks form in babies who taste everything that seems interesting to them. Some adults also have this habit and, thinking about something, they gnaw on a pencil or some other object. In some cases, the appearance of cracks is associated with a fungal infection.
  8. addiction to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Bad habits can cause cracks in the corners of the mouth, especially against the background of infectious diseases.


First, a small crack appears, because its size increases. As a result, an expression resembling a gap is formed. Her appearance help determine what caused it. this process. The crack is covered with a crust of pus and blood - the cause is an infection (streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus). The appearance of a pale gray plaque indicates a fungal infection. If you do not open your mouth, such a crack can be mistaken for a skin fold. In addition, the appearance of jamming in the corners of the lips is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain near the wound;
  • itching and burning at the site where the crack formed;
  • pain when opening the mouth.

When a person who has cracked lips eats anything salty, sour or spicy, the pain intensifies. It is difficult for him to speak, smile, brush his teeth.


Since the precipitating factor given state is different, the therapy used will also differ. Therefore, before doing any medical measures, it is necessary to pass diagnostic procedures, that is, pass the following tests:
  • examination of urine and blood;
  • scraping from the surface of the wound;
  • smear from oral cavity.

An examination by a therapist who, if necessary, will send to narrow specialists - an endocrinologist, dentist, hematologist.

These studies can detect the presence of microbes at the site of formation or in the oral cavity. Other diagnostic measures are needed in order to establish the disease that accompanies the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips. It can be anemia, diabetes, intestinal infectious diseases, HIV.

In order to quickly and permanently get rid of such a phenomenon as cracks in the corners of the mouth, proper diagnosis is required. For this it is necessary to carry out comprehensive examination to discover hidden diseases, If there are any. Because the most important thing is a strong immune system. A healthy body can easily overcome any infection. Consequently, the process of healing cracks will be faster.

What to do with cracks in the corners of the mouth?

If the appearance of cracks along the edges of the lips is not caused by serious diseases, and the nature of the phenomenon is not protracted, then the following rules can help:

  1. Strengthening immunity. This problem can be overcome if you start taking vitamins. The most effective in this case will be vitamin B, which is contained in brewer's yeast. Moreover, invaluable benefit for the condition of the skin will bring vitamins E and A contained in the Aevit complex. The tool has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect. It can be used externally by applying with a cotton swab to the lesions three times a day.
  2. Power adjustment. Until the cracks pass, salty, spicy, sour foods, peppers, and spices should be removed from the diet. If this is not done, the damaged areas will be constantly irritated.
  3. Hygiene. You can not touch the cracks with your hands, especially unwashed. Care must be taken when brushing your teeth. Choosing toothpaste, it is better to give preference to one that contains less fluoride, or a child's one, as it is less aggressive.
  4. Use a large number pure water. Such a measure will help get rid of the feeling of constriction that occurs when the wound heals and a crust forms.

accept any therapeutic measures follows only when the nature of the disease is established. Most often applied the following medicines:

  1. It is possible to treat cracks that appeared against the background of an infection with the help of medicinal ointments: Vishnevsky, Methyluracil, Levomekoleva, Tetracycline.
  2. If the causative agent is a fungus, use Nystatin or Levorin ointment.

Regardless of the provoking factor, it is recommended to disinfect the lesions with iodine.

If cracks in the corners of the mouth are a symptom of a disease, then treatment should be aimed specifically at eliminating it. For example, if the phenomenon arose as a result of an allergy, then contact with the allergen substance should be eliminated and an antihistamine should be taken.

Folk remedies

During a course of therapy with medicines prescribed by a doctor, you can supplement it folk recipes so that the wounds heal faster.

Many are known folk ways fight against similar phenomenon. It should be noted that, as a rule, all of them are aimed at eliminating exactly the symptoms, and not the cause, therefore, they can only supplement the main treatment.

The following are considered the most effective:

  1. Tea tree oil. You should take a cotton swab, moisten it in the product and apply it to the wound twice a day for a couple of minutes. Therapy is carried out until the cracks pass.
  2. Butter. To soften the crack, you can use the usual butter who should treat problem areas several times a day.
  3. Kalanchoe. The tool has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Fresh leaves must be crushed, and then squeeze the juice out of them. Apply the resulting mixture to damaged skin.
  4. Herbal infusions. For these purposes, you should take sage, celandine, chamomile - these plants will help relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process. Pour a large spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes. Then take a cotton pad, soak in the infusion and apply to the sore spot.
  5. Aloe. The plant is also excellent remedy helping to keep the skin healthy and beautiful. To prepare a medicine for cracked lips, you need to pick a leaf of the agave, grind it to a mushy consistency, squeeze out the juice, soak a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and gently treat the affected areas during the day.

Sea buckthorn helps well essential oil who need to lubricate the cracks before going to bed.

Streptocid tablets have high antiseptic properties. The medicine must be crushed and the resulting powder should be used to treat cracks, before wetting the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide.

Preventive measures

It is always easier to prevent than to treat later, so in order not to encounter cracks in the corners of the mouth, you must follow a few rules. First of all, you should not allow a lack of moisture so that the lips do not dry out. In addition, efforts should be made to reduce the potential impact on skin covering negative factors external environment. With a long stay in the cold, you need to use lip balm.

Need to drink regularly vitamin complex, especially in the spring, when vitamin deficiency is observed.

Of course best solution will contact a specialist. If the cause that provoked the occurrence of such a problem is unknown, self-treatment is not recommended.

Video: treatment of jam in the corners of the mouth

In the people, cracks and small wounds that form in the corners of the mouth are commonly called jams. This problem is quite widespread. Doctors are well aware of the main reasons why the corners of the lips crack, and how to treat them. Both those and others have already been studied quite a lot. Therefore choose the most effective method therapy is possible even in the most difficult case.

Causes of chapped lips

Professionals call seizures angulitis, cheilitis or angular stomatitis. The disease may begin unnoticed. But in running form it causes a lot of discomfort. And not only because the jams look unpleasant. Over time, cracks in the corners of the mouth become deeper, begin to hurt, and difficult-to-heal wounds form around them. In some patients, inflamed red spots may even “spread” down the cheeks.

Angulitis can develop under the influence of such factors:

  1. Hypovitaminosis. Vitamin deficiency is one of the most common causes of chapped lips. At risk are those people whose body lacks vitamins A, B and E.
  2. Allergy. Most often, seizures appear due to the use low-quality cosmetics. But it also happens that angular stomatitis becomes a manifestation of an allergy to food, wool, dust.
  3. Improper care. Many women are used to moisturizing their lips by licking them. This should not be done, because saliva greatly dries the delicate skin. Moreover, it is forbidden to lick your lips in the wind or frost. If the reason is really inattentive, in addition to cracks, peeling will appear on the skin areas adjacent to the corners of the lips.
  4. Lack of iron. Very often, cracked corners of the lips have to be treated due to, and anemia developing against this background.
  5. Diabetes. This cause is rare, but some people have to suffer because of it. The disease affects the mucous membranes and changes their condition. The disease can be recognized by constant feeling thirst.
  6. Malocclusion, braces. These reasons disrupt the process of the natural outflow of saliva, and it lingers in the corners of the lips. Constant humidity changes the microflora, and inflammation develops.
  7. Caries and other dental diseases. Sometimes treatment for chapped lips at the corners of the mouth is required due to dental problems. Usually, diseases in advanced form are a danger to the skin. Only in this case, inflammation can spread to the corners of the lips.
Treatment of angular stomatitis

To begin treatment, you need to understand why exactly the corners of the lips are cracking. Diagnosis should be carried out as soon as possible. Even a few days of delay can lead to backfire- an infection will get into the wound.

Cracks and sores in the corners of the mouth, which are commonly called seizures, are a very common problem that can occur regardless of age and gender. At first, the appearance of the manifestation of this problem, many may not notice it, but the situation changes when the wounds deepen and stop healing. This is often accompanied by pain, especially when eating and when opening the mouth. If cracks appear in the corners of the lips, the causes and treatment are directly interconnected, since, depending on the cause, appropriate therapy will be prescribed.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth in adults and children

Why do the corners of the lips crack? Jamming or angulitis in the corners of the lips can be not only independent disease, but also a symptom of any underlying pathological process in the body. Normally, natural resistant functions well protect the epidermis of the lips, which is constantly exposed to mechanical, chemical, temperature and microbiological influences. If cracks appear in the corners of the lips, the causes and treatment are directly related to each other, because depending on why the lips crack in the corners of the mouth, the prescribed therapy will depend.

Vitamin deficiency

If the skin in the corners of the lips cracks, one of the provoking factors is the weakening of the local or general immune system. Often, sores on the lips in the corners appear with a deficiency of zinc and iron in the body. The health of the skin of the lips depends on such vitamin substances- A, C, E and B2.

Thanks to vitamin A, the barrier function of the mucous membrane of the corners of the lips is ensured. Also, this vitamin helps to restore the epithelium, stimulates collagen synthesis, increases the activity of leukocytes that resist infections, against this background, various wounds and sores heal faster, chapped lips recover faster.

Thanks to vitamin E, cellular nutrition is improved, cell membranes are reliably protected from damage. The elasticity of the epidermis also increases, the aging process is inhibited, and the regeneration process is accelerated. As a result of its deficiency, problems such as cracks in the corner of the mouth appear.

Thanks to vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, the natural resistance functions of the body are enhanced, the severity of inflammatory process, small vessels are strengthened, the absorption of iron by the body increases.

Vitamin B2 contributes to the activation of cellular respiration, improves the condition of the epidermis and mucous membranes.

The lack of vitamin explains the fact that the corners of the lips crack during pregnancy, since it is during this period that the woman's body gives everything necessary substances growing fetus.

For any factors that cause changes in the amount of vitamin substances (for example, a cold, an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, hormonal disruptions, prolonged use medications) cracks may appear at the corners of the mouth.


Why do cracks appear? The skin in the corners of the lips can crack after visiting the dentist and performing various dental procedures. This is due to prolonged overstretching of tissues and mechanical impact on them. The skin starts to crack. Subsequently, microorganisms enter the formed wounds, and a "jam" develops.

Similarly, cracks appear in babies who learn the world by sending all the objects available to them into their mouths. In this case, an additional provoking factor is increased salivation during teething. In a humid environment, the development of pathogenic flora is more active, and the healing process is delayed. In this case, a visit to the doctor will help in the treatment of angulitis.

Development of infections

A common cause of this problem is an infection. The source of infection can be:

  • dishes, towels and other household items;
  • violation of hand hygiene;
  • poorly washed vegetables and fruits;
  • lipstick;
  • old toothbrush;
  • kisses;
  • related oral health problems - caries, pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, etc.

You can often see seizures as consequences streptococcal infection. Also, sometimes jamming becomes a consequence of a Candida lesion.


Where can cracks appear in the corners of the lips? In some cases, the causes of jamming in the corners of the lips may be of herpetic origin. This occurs if the virus is present in a person's blood. Cracks in the corners of the lips of herpetic origin can form when this virus is activated. In this case, there is a certain feature of such cracks - they can grow into different sides. Initially, small bubbles appear, they turn red, hurt. Further, these bubbles open, cracks appear in the corners of the lips.

A lip disease such as cheilitis, an inflammation of the red border, can also provoke a jam. One of the most rare causes the appearance of cracks is a manifestation of Fordyce's disease - blockage and hypertrophy sebaceous glands. Because on the lips sebaceous glands located mainly in the corners, pathological process sometimes leads to the development of jamming.

TO systemic diseases, against the background of which the corners around the mouth dry, the skin bursts, include:

  • the presence of blood diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • negative processes that contribute to metabolic disorders ( malnutrition, frequent fasting, unbalanced diets, frequent overeating, stress, maintenance sedentary image life);
  • disorders in the immune system;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Having bad habits

  • The habit of biting and licking lips. The microflora that lives in the mouth easily penetrates into wounds and microcracks with saliva, causing an inflammatory process.
  • Smoking. Few people wash their hands before putting a cigarette in their mouth, so pathogens on the epidermis of the lips are inevitable. In addition, nicotine has a bad effect on the absorption of vitamin B2. Both of these circumstances make smoking a risk factor for chapped lips.
  • Excessive consumption of sweets. It has been observed that sweet tooth and diabetics are more likely to suffer from jams. Enhanced Level blood sugar leads to metabolic disorders and reduced immunity.

Drinking alcohol can also trigger the development of cracks in the corners of the mouth. Ethanol causes general dehydration of the body. Dried cells of the epidermis lose their elasticity, and wounds and cracks easily appear on the lips.

Knowing why the epidermis cracked, you can quickly treat cracks in the corners of the lips. But for this you need to visit specialists and be examined.

Allergic and climatic

Sometimes the corners of the lips can crack due to allergic inflammation of the skin. They often occur as a response to the use of any products or the use of cosmetics. In such cases, the corners of the lips begin to itch and turn red. Cracks appear on them if the affected areas are constantly scratched and touched with hands. Experts will help to cope with redness, treat cracked skin.

Rounding out the list of conditions under which seizures develop are some climatic factors. These include dry and hot air and active sun. They strongly overdry and dehydrate the epidermal layer. The loss of moisture by the epidermis of the lips leads to its cracking. In this case, the causes of cracks also lie in the accumulation of histamine in the body. Ways to eliminate it - only medication. It is recommended to treat cracked skin under the supervision of specialists.

How the problem manifests itself

If the corners of the mouth crack, most often this is accompanied by such symptoms that you should pay attention to:

  • the skin cracks, peels off, tears or bursts;
  • there is redness, itching, then a crack develops in this place;
  • bleeding may occur;
  • the injured area is painful.

How to get rid of cracks, if the lips are cracked what to do? First of all, you should consult a doctor, especially if seizures occur constantly. Based on examinations, the doctor will tell you how to get rid of cracks. It is important to find out what is the reason, what vitamin is missing, from which the corners of the mouth cracked. Symptoms and treatment of diseases are closely related to each other.

Necessary diagnostics

To find out why cracks appear, you need to visit a general practitioner. Only a qualified specialist will determine the exact cause and prescribe adequate treatment. After visiting the doctor, you will need to undergo an examination and find out what is the reason that the lips are bursting. The first step in the examination is a smear from the place where the lips are torn. Only after conducting a microbiological study, the specialist will decide how to smear the skin and how to cure cracks.

In addition to a smear, to clarify the diagnosis and identify concomitant diseases the following tests may be required:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • blood sugar test;
  • analysis for the herpes virus;
  • blood chemistry;
  • testing for HIV and syphilis.

With constantly recurring cracking of the corners of the mouth, the therapist can refer you for a consultation with a dermatologist, dentist, ENT doctor and endocrinologist. Only A complex approach help get rid of the problem.

How to deal with the problem

In adults, treatment is often with antifungal, antihistamine, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing ointments. It may be necessary to treat one or another disease that is the cause.

Pharmacy funds

Of course, cracks can appear in everyone, but a specialist is engaged in their treatment. If such a problem arose from a lack of vitamin substances, if there is not enough of any vitamin in the blood, it is important to include foods rich in vitamins in the diet. Help fight infections antibacterial drugs. If a crack appears than to treat it at home:

  • For the treatment of angulitis of fungal origin good effect gives clotrimazole ointment. Smear it on the skin, according to the instructions or instructions of the doctor;
  • Bepanthen has a healing effect.
  • Traditional treatment involves the use of tetracycline, mirastimin ointments.
  • Solcoseryl - this ointment contains the substance dialysate, which is made from the blood of animals. The presence of natural ingredients contributes to the rapid regeneration of the epidermis.
  • Zinc ointment quickly creates an antimicrobial protective barrier on the skin, dries weeping sores and heals cracks.
  • Excipients in the composition of Acyclovir are calcium and starch, which helps rapid healing. Therefore this is also effective ointment from cracks;
  • It is necessary to disinfect the wounds with a solution of flucinar. Several times a day. Please note that after these drying solutions, it is necessary to apply applications with a fatty component, for example, rosehip oil or vitamin E capsules. Avocado oil also works well.

Antiseptic agents are: miramistin, chlorhexidine. to antibacterial and antifungal agents include: clotrimazole, nystatin ointment, erythromycin ointment. Wound healing agents: bepanthen, dexpanthenol. Vitamin deficiency can be filled with some drugs: vitrum, centrum. The use of creams, balms, ointments is carried out after a doctor's prescription.

Before starting treatment with medications and folk methods you need to see a doctor.

In parallel, the therapy of concomitant diseases is necessarily carried out. Also, for the period of treatment, it is necessary to minimize as much as possible in the menu spicy, sour, salty, sweet food and ethanol products. It is important to monitor the temperature of food - it should not be too hot or cold.

Strengthening immunity

Additionally, measures are needed to strengthen the immune system. effective therapy is the use of such immunostimulants: eleutherococcus, echinacea, proteflazid, immunoflazid, immunal.

The most effective are such folk recipes:

  • Aloe leaf infusion. Cut off old aloe leaves for 4 hours in the refrigerator, cut, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a dark place for a day. After that, make applications with a cotton swab moistened with infusion.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Pour the cake obtained after squeezing the juice from sea buckthorn berries vegetable oil(0.5 l for 3 cups of cake). Insist for several days in a dark, warm place, then strain and treat the affected areas. You can also use pharmacy sea buckthorn oil.
  • A decoction of chamomile and string. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials of each herb and bring to a boil. Cool under the lid, strain and make applications with a cotton swab.
  • Green tea. Brew strong green tea, cool, strain and make compresses on the affected area.

It is important to have a reasonable approach to the use of folk remedies. Do not try to lubricate cracks and ulcers with earwax, cigarette ash, or a cut onion. Such exotic recipes as running a knife or hair over a sore spot are also best left aside. Honey, often recommended for the treatment of this disease, will not help either.

Prevention of angulitis

To prevent development unpleasant problem You should adhere to the following recommendations of experts:

  • rinse your mouth after eating, you can use a special rinse, herbal decoction or warm water;
  • change your toothbrush in time;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • use hygienic cosmetics before going out;
  • timely treat diseases of the oral cavity and systemic diseases.

Not a small number of people face angulitis or, in the common people's way, seizures. Red spots and cracks in the corners of the lips occur in both adults and children. At first, the problem is not noticeable and may not even bother. However, soon not only discomfort is felt, but irritation, pustules and bleeding erosions occur. No matter how trifling the problem may seem, you should not let it take its course - if spots appear, this is only a sign of the presence of a concomitant disease.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips in adults and children

Angulite is caused by microorganisms that are in the body of any person, but do not have a negative impact, unless the immune system is weakened, or the cause is not caused by a fungus, staphylococcus aureus, or some other disease.

Contributing factors for the development of angulitis are: vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus or skin maceration, due to excessive moistening of the corners of the mouth with saliva, the habit of holding a pen in the mouth or a love of spicy dishes.

Why does angulitis appear:

Symptoms and methods of diagnosing diseases

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At the beginning of the appearance of angulitis, only redness near the lips is observed. Later, a bubble appears with watery contents, there may be impurities of pus. When it bursts, weeping erosion occurs, which causes unpleasant sensations in a person. The symptoms of angulitis are as follows:

  • burning and itching;
  • the wounds hurt with any movement of the lips, when eating (we recommend reading:);
  • new cracks appear that only aggravate the situation;
  • the wound can increase, affecting the oral mucosa;
  • later, weeping erosion becomes covered with a crust, but often cracks appear more than once and even bleed.

To determine the root cause that led to the formation of a crack in the corner of the lips, an examination is carried out. Diagnostics includes:

  1. examination by a specialist;
  2. scraping from the problem surface;
  3. smear from the oral cavity;
  4. it is recommended to take a urine and blood test.

Treatment of cracks in the mouth with creams and ointments

To cure angulitis, an integrated approach is required: first, all kinds of irritants that contribute to the development of the disease are eliminated, then drugs are used that relieve inflammation. Most effective drugs are antibacterial ointments for external use. However, do not forget that the correctness of treatment directly depends on determining the cause of why the corners of the lips crack and accurate diagnosis should be given by a doctor.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth can be treated with peroxide and sprinkled with streptocide powder. Frequently prescribed by physicians and effective drugs for the treatment of angulitis are the following drugs: Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Boro-plus, synthomycin and zinc ointment. Let's consider them in more detail.


A widely used and effective anti-inflammatory cream is Bepanthen. Main active substance is Dexpanthenol, due to which the skin is moisturized and quickly restored.

This drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. In addition, if ingested, Bepanten will not cause harm, which is why it is often used in the treatment of angulitis in children. In addition to the fact that the tool normalizes cellular metabolism, it also relieves unpleasant pain.


The active substance of Solcoseryl is diazilate. Produced from the blood of a large cattle. This dental paste is intended for various pathologies oral cavity and skin problems, including in the case of angulitis. The advantage of the drug, in addition to high efficiency, is also the fact that even women in position and children can use it.

Solcoseryl stimulates tissue regeneration, and polidocanol, which is part of it, has anesthetic effect. It is necessary to smear several times a day, lightly moisten with water on top.

Cream Boro-plus

This ointment is based on various medicinal extracts plants. Boro-plus is an excellent antiseptic, because it contains turmeric, aloe, sandalwood and even ginger lily. In addition to the fact that the cracks heal well, this ointment perfectly copes with suppuration, eliminates redness and itching. The only contraindication to the use of the remedy for angulitis may be allergic reaction for any plant component.

Zinc ointment

The basis of this tool is zinc oxide. Due to it, the cracks quickly heal and dry. After application zinc ointment an obstacle to microbes is provided by a barrier in the form of a protective film. Contraindication for use this drug is the presence festering wounds, as well as individual intolerance facilities.

Synthomycin liniment

The main component of synthomycin ointment is Chloramphenicol. This remedy has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to novocaine, which is also included in the composition, the pain of the wounds near the lips will subside significantly. The ointment is applied to cleansed and dry skin. After a few days of using the drug, you can completely get rid of cracks near the mouth. However, it should not be used by people with blood diseases, because it can lead to a failure in the hematopoietic system.

Vitamins and medicines

One of the most common causes the appearance of angulitis is that the body lacks vitamins or trace elements. Therefore, treatment consists not only in taking complex vitamin preparations, but also reviewing nutrition, as well as how balanced the diet is.

To replenish vitamins in the body, you need to diversify your menu with such products:

From medicines antibiotics are prescribed for angulitis, antifungal drugs and immunomodulators. If the corner of the mouth long time does not heal, antihistamines are prescribed.

  • It has long been customary to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth in children at home with earwax. They also used to do with cracks on the child's lips themselves.
  • One method is to apply vitamin E to the affected area. Well proven and various oils- sea buckthorn, olive, linseed, avocado, tea tree, and cocoa butter.
  • When the corners of the lips are cracked, they also advise this recipe: mix a teaspoon boric acid, egg yolk and two tablespoons of glycerin. Apply the product three times a day, it promotes rapid healing and creates a protective film on the wounds.
  • Angulitis due to streptococcal infection is advised to lubricate with celandine juice. To cleanse the skin, use laundry soap.
  • With such an unpleasant problem as cracks in the corners of the lips, everyone can face. With all the desire to get rid of cracks as soon as possible, you should not ignore the search for the root cause and consult a doctor, prescribing ointments for yourself, because the main thing healthy body, and the fact that the mouth cracked at the corners is just a sign of another existing problem.