A 6 month old baby's mouth is open. The child's mouth is constantly open: causes, possible diseases, treatment. What to do

See a speech therapist for advice

Oksana Makerova
The child is developing. How?

Psychomotor development of a newborn child

Dear readers! In questions asked to me, you often ask whether it is normal that a child at a given age does not know how to do something, does not pronounce certain sounds, does not know how to do something, etc. Therefore, I decided to devote the next few articles to the norms of psychomotor and speech development of a child from birth to 5 years. The development parameters of premature babies will be separately noted.

I would like to start the conversation not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of fetal development, because this is the most important moment in the development of a child.

The most modern research has shown that, starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, the human fetus has consciousness. He “knows” what is happening around him, he feels, hears and understands everything in his own way. When he doesn’t like something, he tosses and turns and kicks. American specialists, after many years of research, have prepared information about the “consciousness” of the human fetus in the fourth month of pregnancy, I bring this data to your attention.

  • The fruit has a sense of taste and, like all children, loves sweets. The introduction, for example, of glucose into the fetal fluid accelerates its swallowing movements, and the injection of iodine, on the contrary, slows them down, and the fetus's face grimaces in disgust.
  • The fetus reacts to external stimuli. For example, touching the lips causes sucking movements in him.
  • A 5-month-old fetus moves its head if you stroke it with your hand, pouring cold water on the mother’s belly makes him angry, and he kicks his legs.
  • The fetus duplicates the actions and even the mood of the mother. When the mother is calm and in a good mood, rested, then the fetus behaves calmly.
  • Unborn children remember entire words and expressions.
  • The fetus reacts to light. A bright light directed at the mother's belly makes him want to hide. He turns over in his stomach and closes his eyes.
  • Unborn children respond to their mother's words and intonation. When their mother or father addresses them, they calm down and their heart rhythm returns to normal. Doctors, including speech therapists, advise mothers to talk to their child as often as possible.
I will separately dwell on the influence of smoking. It turns out that the child knows about the mother’s desire to smoke. And he is so intolerant of smoking that as soon as the mother thinks about smoking, the fetal heart rate increases several times. How can he know about his mother’s desire to smoke? It's simple: the desire to get a dose of nicotine disrupts the mother's hormonal system.

Also, long before the baby is born, his muscles begin to form. It has been established that already at 8 weeks of pregnancy the muscles of the fetus begin to contract. By week 20, there is a surprisingly “rich repertoire” of purposeful movements, including movements of the arms, legs, and head. This is not news, because long before the birth of a child, expectant mothers feel his physical activity, feel how he tosses and turns in his little world, moves and pushes.

At week 10, the fetus begins to move its limbs, after another 2 weeks it turns its head, after another week it opens its mouth, sticks out its tongue, and attempts to breathe and swallow on its own.

By week 15, he does something that many babies take months to wean off - he begins to suck his own thumb.

After another 3 weeks, he begins to actively explore his own body with his hands—his head, torso, and limbs.

By week 20, the fetus has well-coordinated movements, moves its fingers and toes, and even (!) moves its eyelashes.

And this is only the first half of pregnancy, the most important half, when all the body systems of the unborn child are being formed!

But then the baby was born. You were discharged and came home. Young mothers, and even those who have children, always have questions: is our baby developing correctly, is everything so?

Neuromotor development from 0 to 1 month

Skull perimeter
New Year's Eve
equal to 34-35 cm,
and the weight of the brain is 335 g.
At birth, a newborn is a completely and completely dependent creature. Physical and mental abilities develop slowly and strictly in a prescribed manner. This development is determined by the wealth inherited by the child and the influences exerted on him from the outside. The soul of a newborn is difficult to understand. When it comes to the neuromotor development of a newborn, some argue that we are talking about a creature with only reflexes. It is impossible to say with certainty how smart a newborn is or will be. All his movements are automatic and seem uncoordinated; at least in the first days of life, these are reflex movements, that is, movements aimed at preserving life (for example, sucking movements). These are actions in which consciousness is not involved at all. In the first days of life, his main activities are sleeping and eating; after a few days, the child begins to turn his head towards the light, which he initially avoided. When observing a newborn, a mother should note many small signs in the child's development.

Position of the torso and limbs

A. Lying on your back (dorsal decubitus)
All 4 limbs in a bent and symmetrical position. The head is usually turned to the side. The body follows the turn of the head (“entirely”). The upper limbs are next to the body, slightly bent at the elbow joint. The fingers are partially clenched in a “pronated” position (slightly open with the palm down), the thumb is brought towards the palm. The lower limbs are bent as follows: thighs on the stomach, shins on the thighs (due to bending of the knees). The state of limb flexion partially resembles the intrauterine position and is an increased tone of the flexor muscles of the limbs.
If the newborn lies in a position of too pronounced flexion (bending) or extension (extension), motionless, “numb” (the body is elongated, without any flexion of the lower or upper limbs), this means that we are talking about a violation in its development. In this case, urgent consultation and examination by a neurologist is necessary.

B. Lying on stomach(vertral decubitus)
And in this situation, the bent position prevails. The knees are placed under or next to the body. Starting from 2 or 3 weeks, the newborn manages to turn his head and even lift it for a short time in order to lay it on the other side. Occasionally he tries to make crawling movements; these movements become more active when we touch the feet of the newborn, the legs are bent at the knees.
If in this position the child cannot move his head at all, which remains with the “chin falling on the chest,” if the child cannot turn his head to the side, cannot breathe freely, then it is necessary to show the child to a doctor and the sooner the better, i.e. To. There is a danger of suffocation.

B. Pull-ups while lying on your back.
If the newborn is picked up by the arms and slightly pulled up and forward, the shoulders remain flexed and the head tilts back. When the baby reaches an upright sitting position, the head falls forward and swings from one side to the other.


The position and movements of the newborn are almost symmetrical. Some people notice a slight movement of the head in the “favorite” direction. The symmetry of the position between the right and left limbs is maintained almost constantly, whether in the upper or lower limbs. If the mother notices an asymmetry between two homologous limbs, this may have pathological significance.


A child is born with certain primary reflexes. These reflexes disappear by 3-4 months as voluntary movements take their place.

Moro reflex(named after the German pediatrician who described this reflex in 1917)
Appears only when the newborn is not sleeping. If you hit the table on which the child is lying hard (or other sharp and sudden movements), the Moro reflex occurs. The newborn straightens his torso, moves his arms away from his chest, stretches them out, straightens his fingers, and sometimes screams. The next moment there is a return to the resting position. Only a doctor can determine the symmetry of the reflex.

Grasping reflex
If a mother runs her finger over the newborn's palm, the fingers suddenly clench with such force that the newborn can be lifted off the surface. If you run your finger under your foot, you can feel it flex your toes.

Cardinal point reflex
It is named so because its study consists of several alternating stimulations (touches) around the mouth: the right corner of the lips, under the lower lip, the left corner of the lips, above the upper lip. The response appears the faster the more time has passed since feeding. The tongue and lips move towards the affected point, sometimes involving the head in this movement. When the cardinal point reflex is absolutely correct, the newborn sucks and swallows well.

Automatic walking
The newborn is held by the body under the arms in a vertical position. When the feet contact the surface of the table (floor), the corresponding limb bends and the other straightens. From this alternating flexion and straightening of the lower limbs with a slight tilt of the torso forward, a movement resembling walking is obtained.

If all reflexes and reactions are exaggerated, absent or asymmetrical, you should consult a neurologist.


The newborn may make a small number of involuntary sounds, laryngeal or guttural, especially at night. He screams before feeding, but calms down after being fed. If the bell rings, the child calms down and becomes more attentive.

Social contact

A newborn's face is almost motionless (without facial expressions). At times a smile “passes” through him for no apparent reason. Sometimes the child seems to be looking at his mother. Easily startled by noise. Motor activity and “mass” movements decrease if the child’s attention is distracted. The baby calms down when he is held, comforted when he hears a familiar voice, thanks to the warmth from contact with the mother's body or breastfeeding. When a child is calm, he opens and closes his mouth rhythmically.

Emotional behavior

7-10 days after birth, if the newborn is awake and calm, he seems attentive, lies with his eyes open; sometimes a “smile” appears.

Often infants have severe problems with sucking and swallowing, they choke, often rest when they are fed and feeding lasts for 30-40 minutes, or even longer. Mothers explain this either by the baby’s haste or by the fact that there is a lot of milk.
But in fact, these disorders are associated with incoordination of the work of individual muscles due to oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the brain stem.

In conclusion, I would like to draw a conclusion and summarize what has been written, drawing your attention to the fact that there are no trifles in the development of a child. Every little thing may indicate a developmental disorder.

What parents of a newborn should be wary of:

  • violation of muscle tone (it is very sluggish or, on the contrary, increased so that it is difficult to straighten the arms and legs);
  • uneven movement of the limbs (one arm or leg is less active);
  • trembling of arms or legs with or without crying;
  • frequent regurgitation, choking when sucking;
  • sleep disturbances (child screams, often wakes up);
  • torticollis (holds the head tilted to one side);
  • poor support on the legs, clubfoot.

Many parents notice that their child's rum is constantly open. What is the cause of this problem and is it really a problem? A constantly open mouth is not only an aesthetic problem; such a phenomenon can pose a serious threat to the baby’s health.


What is the reason why a child's mouth is constantly open? This question cannot be answered immediately and unambiguously.

  • Inflammation and redness of the mucous membrane.
  • Abundant white coating on the tongue, throat, gums, and palate.
  • The appearance of ulcers on the inside of the mouth.
  • Increased temperature, fever.


Why is a child's mouth open?

Often parents note that the child's mouth is open during sleep or play, the baby breathes through his mouth or constantly sticks his tongue out. Should parents be wary if their child’s mouth is often open or is it just pampering and a bad habit? What diseases could this be a sign of and how dangerous can a constantly open mouth become? Where to go and what treatment methods will help with this problem?..

Alas, detailed pathology is not uncommon in modern children, and this is not just an aesthetic defect, but a rather dangerous medical problem. If your baby's mouth is constantly open, it may be the result of a bad habit that the baby picked up from older children or from one of the adults. But this can also be a consequence of frequent colds, problems with the respiratory system, the consequences of physiological or psychological stress, and sometimes it can be the beginning of a serious neuromuscular pathology. The sooner you fix this problem, the less harm you will cause to the baby. After all, an open mouth is a gateway to various kinds of infectious diseases, a source of unpleasant teasing and psychological trauma.

Pathologies of ENT organs

This is the most common reason for a child's mouth to be constantly open. With pathology of the nose and throat organs, difficulties arise with the free passage of air through the nasal passages, which forces the child to breathe through the mouth in order to receive the oxygen he needs. The main pathologies that negatively affect nasal breathing are adenoid vegetations that partially or completely block the nasal passages. In addition, chronic runny nose or otitis media, sinusitis and vasomotor rhinitis, and allergic swelling of the nose can significantly interfere with normal breathing. A child who cannot breathe normally through his nose faces a number of significant problems as he grows and develops. Nature provides nasal breathing as a necessary element of cleansing, moisturizing and warming the external air. Along with the passage of air flow, special brain receptors are excited, directly involved in the process of gas exchange, the penetration of oxygen into the blood and brain cells, as well as the delivery of oxygen to all tissues and organs.

If a child has an open mouth and does not breathe through his nose, he catches colds more often and is sick longer and more severely, problems with bite and posture arise, and speech function, general behavior suffers, and problems arise in communicating with peers and adults. Due to chronic oxygen deficiency in the brain, such children are anxious, depressed, easily tired and excitable. They have disrupted normal night and daytime sleep, problems with attention and perseverance. Children with such pathologies develop a special adenoid type of face, with narrow jaws elongated in the longitudinal direction, crowded teeth, an upturned lip, narrow nostrils and a wide bridge of the nose. Children have an elongated face, narrow shoulders and a sunken, posture of such a child is characteristic - the head is tilted forward, the back is hunched, the child is slouched. Problems arise with the lower back and spine, headaches and muscle pain are frequent. At night, such children can simply snore terribly, which further aggravates respiratory problems. If such signs are detected, you must immediately go to an appointment with an ENT specialist and begin active treatment!

Presence of dental diseases

If nasal breathing is not difficult, but the child’s mouth is open, the cause may be diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. This includes early caries with tooth destruction, complete loss of some teeth, prolonged sucking of pacifiers with impaired bite formation, and the habit of sucking fingers or toys, as well as the consequences of rickets or neurological pathologies. All this leads to the child developing a pathological bite, which affects the position of the tongue in the mouth when the teeth and lips are closed. If the tongue is positioned incorrectly in the mouth, it constantly impacts the child's lower jaw, leading to deformities, disturbances in chewing, swallowing and normal breathing. Perhaps problems with closing the mouth arise due to crowded teeth, while the baby simply cannot close his mouth tightly. If you suspect problems with your teeth and jaws, your trip to the dentist should be urgent.

What to do if your child's mouth is open all the time?

ENT diseases.

Weakness of the orbicularis oris muscle.

The orbicularis oris muscle is a tightly fused bundle of muscles that are located around the lips. A decrease in the tone of this muscle is a fairly common phenomenon in newborns, as well as in children of preschool and even primary school age. It is believed that an open mouth in children under one year of age is a completely normal phenomenon, which is not worth worrying too much about, but should not be ignored. Although it may go away over time without any intervention from parents or doctors, open mouthing can still become a habit. And such a habit is dangerous for the development of mouth breathing in a child, the formation of adenoids, a crooked bite and the onset of other health problems. Therefore, if an infant’s mouth is constantly open, but he breathes through his nose and does not have neurological problems, then they do not pay much attention to this. But for older children, the orbicularis oris muscle is strengthened. This is done with the help of facial massage and special speech therapy exercises.

Neurological problems.

An adopted bad habit.

The question of why a child’s mouth is constantly open is quite relevant and worrying for many parents. This phenomenon often occurs in our lives and, indeed, is a serious problem, because an open mouth is not only ugly and indecent, but also dangerous. Is your child's mouth constantly open? Perhaps this is just a bad habit picked up from someone close to you or a consequence of frequent colds. It is likely that this is the result of breathing problems or the consequences of physiological and psychological health problems. Perhaps this is muscle failure, or maybe even a symptom of a serious neurological disease.

In any case, an open mouth is always a reason to think about the child’s health and an impetus for changing his behavior. Moreover, a constantly open mouth itself is also a gateway to new serious diseases, as well as a source of new unpleasant consequences and problems in the life of a still little man. Therefore, today we, having studied many medical reference books and analyzed similar real situations, tried to find objective reasons why a child’s mouth is constantly open.

ENT diseases.

The most common reason why a child’s mouth is constantly open is the presence of any ENT diseases. The fact is that adenoids, as well as chronic runny nose, otitis, rhinitis and sinusitis - all of this, together or separately, negatively affects the child’s breathing. A baby who breathes through his nose rather than his mouth sooner or later faces a number of serious problems. The fact is that humans are naturally equipped with the function of breathing through the nose. It is justified by the fact that the inhaled air, passing through the nasal passages, is moistened, warmed and purified. At the same time, brain receptors are activated, which are directly involved in blood gas exchange, oxygen supply to the brain and in regulating the functioning of the entire body. It has been noticed that children who breathe through their mouths catch colds more often and get sick more often. They have problems with bite, posture, as well as with speech and, in general, with behavior and communication with other children. Due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, such children are often depressed and anxious. They often have sleep disorders, they are more inattentive and quite restless.

Moreover, a baby who breathes through his mouth can be easily distinguished by his characteristic external features. Such a child has a constantly open mouth, a slightly raised upper lip, narrower nostrils than usual, and a slightly wider bridge of the nose. He has an elongated face shape, narrow shoulders and a sunken chest. To maintain balance, the posture of such a child also undergoes changes. It becomes characterized by a forward tilt of the head - and this is a serious load on the temporomandibular joint, which provokes headaches and facial muscle pain, as well as pain in the lumbar region and spine. This is exactly the portrait of a child who has problems with nasal breathing and whose body must be examined and treated as soon as possible. Because a constant runny nose and any other frequent ENT diseases easily turn into chronic forms, and breathing through the mouth becomes a habit, which sometimes cannot be gotten rid of even in adult life.

Dental diseases.

Another common cause of an open mouth in a child can be dental problems. Early caries, destruction of the integrity of teeth and their complete loss, along with adenoids, pacifier abuse, the habit of sucking fingers, rickets and neurological diseases, negatively affect the formation of a child’s bite. An incorrect bite affects how the tongue is positioned in the mouth and how its teeth and lips are closed. And the incorrect position of the tongue and the natural deformation of the jaws in this situation affect the processes of sucking, chewing, swallowing and, of course, breathing. Perhaps the child’s mouth is constantly open, because due to an incorrectly formed dental system, it is simply inconvenient for him to close it. Therefore, if your child has a constantly open mouth, visit the dentist and seek advice from an orthodontist in order to quickly cure dental diseases and correct the bite.

Weakness of the orbicularis oris muscle.

The orbicularis oris muscle is a tightly fused bundle of muscles that are located around the lips. A decrease in the tone of this muscle is a fairly common phenomenon in newborns, as well as in children of preschool and even primary school age. It is believed that an open mouth in children under one year of age is a completely normal phenomenon, which is not worth worrying too much about, but should not be ignored. Although it may go away over time without any intervention from parents or doctors, open mouthing can still become a habit. And such a habit is dangerous for the development of mouth breathing in a child, a crooked bite and the onset of other health problems. Therefore, if an infant’s mouth is constantly open, but he breathes through his nose and does not have neurological problems, then they do not pay much attention to this. But for older children, the orbicularis oris muscle is strengthened. This is done with the help of facial massage and special speech therapy exercises.

Neurological problems.

However, if, along with an open mouth, the child experiences excessive salivation or the tip of his tongue is constantly sticking out, it is necessary to urgently consult a neurologist. Such symptoms indicate that the child has neurological problems: from ordinary hypertension and ischemic damage to the central nervous system to more serious diseases.

An adopted bad habit.

Is your child's mouth constantly open? Could this be an acquired phenomenon? If you previously did not notice the baby’s habit of keeping his mouth open, but by the age of 6-7 he suddenly began to actively do this, think and take a closer look, perhaps he is copying his friend or one of the adults. As a rule, at this age children are characterized by imitation, which passes quickly and does not require any action. However, to prevent open mouth from becoming a permanent habit, you should talk to your child and try to teach him to control his actions. At the same time, do not scold or yell at your child under any circumstances. Explain that this is ugly, uncivilized and threatens the development of serious diseases.

If your child's mouth is constantly open, do not panic, remember when your baby began to open his mouth: from birth or this happened quite recently under the influence of one of the people around him. Pay attention to how your baby breathes: through the mouth or through the nose. Observe your child how often his mouth is open, when he opens it, and under what circumstances. Perhaps he just occasionally opens it slightly out of zeal, surprise or attention. Well, if this happens all the time and if you are seriously concerned that the child’s mouth is constantly open, contact an ENT specialist, dentist, orthodontist and neurologist. There are a huge variety of medications and medical devices to get rid of certain diseases that provoke the habit of keeping your mouth open. There are a huge variety of different techniques for getting rid of this habit, ranging from facial massage to special devices. The main thing to remember is that an open mouth is the source of many problems and the cause for the development of a number of diseases, so be vigilant and attentive towards your child.

For parents, the health of their children is more important than any treasure in the world. Every caring mother, from the very birth of her baby, constantly monitors his condition. Any changes in the child’s body and well-being cause concern. Parents immediately begin treatment, contact doctors and find out the reasons for what happened. Some phenomena are harmless and do not require intervention, but there are also changes that indicate serious problems. If you notice that your child’s mouth is slightly open during sleep or activity, then take care to identify the causes of this condition early.

Why does a child's mouth always open slightly?

A half-open mouth in children can be a common habit, or it can be a sign of serious problems. If this condition is periodic, namely, it manifests itself during a cold or ARVI, then you should not panic. A runny nose and congestion force the child to breathe through the mouth, so it is constantly open, especially during sleep.

When the mouth is constantly open, and not due to a cold, the help of a specialist is needed. Only an experienced doctor is able to identify the factors causing the disorder and answer the question of why this happens.

Most often it appears as a result of:

  • problems with ENT organs;
  • dental concerns;
  • muscle weakness around the mouth;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • bad habit.

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat

The most common cause of an open mouth in a child is pathology of the ENT organs. We are talking about various problems that cause difficulty in nasal breathing. These include:

  • adenoids;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis.

If an otolaryngologist has identified a disease, treatment should begin immediately. Improperly organized activity of the respiratory system leads to a lack of oxygen, which has a detrimental effect on the child’s body. As you get older, adverse effects are likely.

Dental problems

Due to problems with teeth, gums, and oral cavity, a child may feel discomfort when closing his lips, so he often opens his mouth. If there are problems with the growth and position of the teeth, then he may simply not be able to close his mouth.

Caries, leading to the destruction of children's teeth and their loss, the habit of sucking a pacifier and fingers, and rickets are factors in the formation of malocclusion. As a result, the tongue takes an awkward position in the mouth, which negatively affects the jaws and ultimately leads to disturbances associated with the natural processes of chewing, swallowing, and breathing.

From the moment the baby’s teeth appear, it is necessary to constantly visit the pediatric dentist to monitor their growth and condition. Proper care and cleaning of the oral cavity should be carried out from an early age. This will avoid dangerous deformations and subsequent corrections.

Weak orbicularis oris muscle

A person is able to control his lips (smile, push them out, bring them closer together, turn them inward) thanks to contractions of the muscles that are located around the mouth and are circular muscle bundles. Among their purposes is the function of the sphincter, that is, closing the opening of the mouth. The muscle closes and opens the mouth. Muscular insufficiency of the oral area leads to involuntary opening of the mouth.

In children under one year of age, insufficient tone of the orbicularis muscle is not a cause for concern and the problem disappears during growth. It is important to ensure that this condition does not develop into a habit. If an older child suffers, then it is necessary to strengthen the muscle with facial massage and speech therapy exercises.

Neurological abnormalities

If, along with an open mouth, there is abundant salivation and the tongue or its tip is constantly visible, then this may indicate neurological problems (ischemic damage to the central nervous system, hypertonicity). In this case, a neurologist will help, examine the child and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Adopted bad habit

When the mouth is open with proper breathing, ideal condition of the teeth and oral cavity, normal muscle tone, you just have to explain to the child that this is a bad habit. There is no reason to worry in this case. Many children play around and imitate their friends, adults, and cartoon characters. It is important to talk to your child in a timely and calm manner so that he understands how unsightly this looks and what a threat it poses.

What is the danger of the condition?

Some parents do not pay attention to the fact that the child's mouth is constantly open, explaining this condition as a habit. However, things don't always end well. The consequences can be very serious.

If for some reason a child does not close his mouth, then he naturally does not breathe through his nose. Nasal breathing is provided by nature. In addition to providing the body with oxygen, it performs a number of related functions: it cleanses, moisturizes, warms the incoming air and improves the process of gas exchange. Unpurified and cold air flowing through the mouth carries bacteria into the body, so the baby is more likely to catch colds and be sick for a long time.

Lack of oxygen causes problematic condition and behavior of the child, headaches, and distorted posture. Such children experience difficulties in communicating with people due to speech disorders, bite problems, depression and anxiety. An adult child feels uncomfortable, embarrassed by his appearance.

What can be done in this situation?

If you notice that your child's mouth is open, then observe his behavior. First of all, try to independently identify the causes of this condition.

Monitor your breathing day and night, during sleep and activity. Make sure your baby's mattress and pillow allow him to sleep in a comfortable position.

Pay attention to your child's teeth and mouth. If you notice any warning signs, take your child to the dentist.

If a child has a cold, resulting in nasal congestion, the doctor will recommend vasoconstrictors. However, it should be remembered that they cannot be used for a long time, and they are generally contraindicated for the smallest children. Antibiotics can also only be prescribed by a doctor. They become necessary when diseases of the ENT organs are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. For allergic rhinitis, topical antihistamines are prescribed.

If you have any remaining doubts, visit your pediatrician, indicating the time of onset of the pathology and the results of your observation. He will examine the child and, if necessary, schedule a visit to a specialist.

If additional signs that worry the child are clearly visible, then immediately contact a dentist, ENT specialist or neurologist. Only a doctor will determine the exact cause and help get rid of the problem.

Many parents notice that their child's rum is constantly open. What is the cause of this problem and is it really a problem? A constantly open mouth is not only an aesthetic problem; such a phenomenon can pose a serious threat to the baby’s health.


What is the reason why a child's mouth is constantly open? This question cannot be answered immediately and unambiguously.

So, let's look at the possible causes of this problem:

  • Habit. This point is not entirely the reason, however, it is worth noting that children are copies of us adults. Watch, perhaps someone close to you often walks in front of the baby with his mouth open?
  • Does your child often get colds? This factor may play a major role in exposing the cause of our problem.
  • If a child's mouth is constantly open, the cause may be a violation of the respiratory system.
  • Physiological characteristics of the body.
  • Presence of psychological problems or development of a neurological disease:

- hypertonicity,

- ischemic damage to the central nervous system.

  • muscle failure.
  • ENT diseases:

- sinusitis,

  • Dental diseases:

- caries,

- tooth decay,

- tooth loss,

- finger sucking or excessive love for the pacifier (pacifier),

What to do if a child's mouth is constantly open?

We talked about what the reason may be, but it is impossible to accurately determine it on your own. It is very important to undergo a medical examination, which will help identify health reasons or refute their presence.

So, you noticed that the child’s mouth is constantly open, watch the baby - whether he breathes through his nose or whether he always uses only his mouth to breathe. Is an open mouth accompanied by excessive drooling? If yes, there is.

If a child develops a habit such as a constantly open mouth at the age of 6-7 years, most likely he is simply imitating one of the adults.

Pay attention to the condition of your child’s teeth; if you notice anything wrong, take your child to the dentist. Breathing problems require consultation with a doctor. A child’s constantly open mouth due to ENT diseases, of course, requires a visit to an ENT doctor. Adenoids are the most common cause of an open mouth in a child.

You should not scold your child if he constantly opens his mouth, because the problem may be much deeper than you think. An open mouth is a reason to think about the baby’s condition, since this phenomenon can cause new ailments.

Nasal breathing plays an important role in our lives. First of all, nasal breathing provides humidification, purification and warming of the inhaled air. In addition, when breathing through the nose, brain receptors are activated, which is necessary for the normal course of gas exchange in the blood. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the child’s breathing, and if problems arise, take care of his health.

If a child's mouth is constantly open, this indicates a habit or pathology. ENT disease is the most likely cause of this phenomenon in a baby. Adenoids, rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the tonsils - these diseases do not allow the child to breathe normally and force them to breathe through the mouth. When the child recovers from them, mouth breathing may not stop and become a habit. This habit is dangerous because the air passing through the mouth is not warmed or purified. Because of this, the baby gets sick more often, and his treated tonsils become inflamed again, his adenoids grow, his bite and speech may even change - a vicious circle is formed.


A child may breathe through his mouth due to dental diseases. Caries, crumbling and loss of teeth, regular sucking of pacifiers or fingers, rickets - all this can change the bite. An abnormal bite leads to improper positioning of the tongue in the mouth, which affects chewing, swallowing and breathing.


Increased salivation and a constantly protruding tongue tip are a signal to visit a neurologist. In this case, the baby may have hypertension or ischemic damage to the central nervous system.

Weakness of the orbicularis oris muscle

Why is the mouth of newborns open? This is caused by a decrease in the tone of the circular muscle located around the lips, which is a bundle of muscles fused with the skin. Mouth breathing in children in the first year of life is considered normal, but make sure that it does not develop into a bad habit.

A timely visit to a doctor and sessions with a psychologist will help eliminate the causes of mouth breathing. Regular massage, special devices for muscle training, exercises will help eliminate the problem if it is not related to the disease. During the examination, the doctor chooses a way to eliminate the deficiency, prescribing conservative or medicinal treatment.

Many parents are constantly worried about the health of their long-awaited baby, especially if the child is the first-born in the family. They are often tormented by questions: does the baby cry too much, does he spit up often, is he gaining weight well, is he growing quickly, is he sleeping enough.

Healthy sleep, along with good nutrition, is vital for a person. This statement is doubly true when it comes to a little man. To ensure the harmonious development of the baby, it is necessary to establish a sleep schedule. A caring mother rocks her newborn for hours, listens to the breathing of the sleeping baby, and approaches the crib many times. It happens that a mother suddenly notices that the child is sleeping with his mouth open. The question inevitably arises in her mind: is this normal?

Sometimes newborns sleep with their head open, which greatly frightens young parents.

Some parents may immediately consult a doctor, while others will try to figure out why this is happening on their own. Advice from relatives and friends, online forums, and articles by the famous pediatrician Komarovsky come to the rescue. Often, loved ones try to allay the fears of new parents. Having heard that a friend’s child is also snoring funny with his mouth slightly open, the mother may lose her vigilance.

How should a healthy baby sleep?

Compared to adults and older children, a baby's muscles are in increased tone. During sleep, the newborn assumes the position it occupied before birth. Up to three months, a healthy baby sleeps lying on his back, with his limbs bent and breathing through his nose.

If a baby's mouth is slightly open in a dream, this does not always mean that its nose is not breathing. Perhaps the baby simply tilted his head back very strongly and the orbicularis oris muscles relaxed. To understand whether this is so, just listen. If we don’t hear sniffling, the baby’s nose really isn’t breathing.

How can improper breathing be dangerous?

In infants, the capillary network is located on the surface of the oral mucosa and can easily be damaged by small dust particles. The baby’s immune system is still immature, so a bacterial infection can easily penetrate the tiny body.

Dust, which inevitably accumulates in any apartment, can cause infection by entering the baby’s lungs through the mouth.

Thanks to the structure of the nasal passages, cold air is warmed before entering the bronchi. In addition, the ciliated epithelium of the nasal mucosa retains dust and pollen, protecting the baby from developing asthma. The mucus produced in the nasal passages traps and partially destroys bacteria.

When a person breathes through the mouth, cold, polluted air enters the bronchi. To prevent the development of respiratory diseases, parents should make sure that the baby is breathing properly.

If a child always breathes only through his mouth, he experiences oxygen starvation, which leads to suppression of brain activity and the development of anemia. The baby becomes weak, lethargic and apathetic, and may subsequently lag behind in intellectual and physical development. Such children get sick much more often than their peers due to weakened immunity. If a newborn breathes through his mouth, his voice becomes nasal and monotonous (we recommend reading:). The child loses the ability to perceive smells and suffers from lack of appetite.

Why does the baby breathe through his mouth?

The reasons need to be identified as quickly as possible. They can be harmless and easily eliminated, or serious. The most common:

  • Physiological rhinitis in a newborn. After birth, a person moves from an aquatic habitat to an air one. For some time, the mucous membrane adapts to new conditions and secretes more mucus than necessary. In addition, the nasal passages of infants are much narrower than those of adults. As a result, the baby does not breathe through his nose for some time - he has to breathe with his mouth open.

One of the reasons for nasal congestion may be physiological rhinitis, which is associated with the structural features of the nasal passages of newborns.
  • Unfavorable climatic conditions in the nursery. Low or high air humidity, gas pollution, dust in the room, and infrequent ventilation can lead to swelling of the baby’s delicate mucous membrane and the formation of crusts, which interfere with breathing through the nose.
  • Respiratory tract infections and allergic rhinitis. Infectious diseases increase the viscosity of mucus. An infant does not know how to blow his nose and therefore does not breathe well through his nose, not only during sleep, but also during wakefulness.
  • Adenoiditis. Excessive enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil occurs even in infants. This is usually preceded by infectious diseases - diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever. Impaired nasal breathing and persistent runny nose are one of the main symptoms of enlarged adenoids. If the baby constantly breathes incorrectly, his appearance changes: the bite is disturbed, the upper jaw protrudes forward. The facial expression becomes meaningless - the lower jaw droops, the nasolabial folds are smoothed out. Over time, the chest becomes deformed and becomes keeled or “chicken-shaped”. Due to the enlargement of the tonsil, blood circulation in the nasal mucosa is disrupted, which contributes to the development of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Complex respiratory diseases may develop - sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis. Often the child develops anemia. The sleep of such children is restless, the child snores, and headaches often occur. Parents notice that the child’s memory has deteriorated and the baby has become absent-minded.
  • Dental problems.

What to do?

If you notice that your newborn often or always sleeps with his mouth open, consult your pediatrician as soon as possible. Reading Komarovsky's articles and advice from experienced mothers does not replace the need to visit specialists.

  • It may be quite enough to change the baby’s sleeping position by placing a diaper folded several times under the head.
  • Physiological rhinitis can be treated by rinsing the nose with saline and removing excess mucus using an aspirator.
  • To eliminate the problem, you may need to adjust the microclimate in the nursery: ventilate it more often, carry out wet cleaning, empty the room of soft toys (they accumulate dust), create an optimal temperature - about 20 degrees.
  • If the cause of improper breathing is a disease, in addition to rinsing the nose with saline, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictors.
  • For a bacterial or viral infection, a specialist will prescribe appropriate therapy.
  • If nasal swelling is caused by allergies, medications will be used to eliminate the symptoms of this disease, and a diet may be prescribed. Often allergies are caused by pets, in which case you may need to get rid of them.

Under no circumstances should you listen to advice that there is no need to treat adenoids, as if the child will “outgrow it.” The decision on treatment methods for adenoiditis is made solely by the otolaryngologist. The doctor will prescribe surgical or conservative treatment depending on the size of the adenoids and the degree of respiratory impairment of the child.

Fresh air is necessary for a speedy recovery. If there is no temperature and good weather (warm, no precipitation, no strong wind), it is possible and even necessary to walk with your child. Walking helps your baby get rid of swelling and recover faster. But if the cause of nasal congestion is an allergy to pollen or other impurities in the air, you should refrain from walking if possible.