Obesity of internal organs symptoms. Obesity of internal organs: treatment, causes, what you can and cannot eat, diet. When extra pounds are dangerous

The medical term "diabetes mellitus" refers to an ailment based on a violation of water and carbohydrate metabolism, which provokes the occurrence of malfunctions in the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of a hormone called insulin. This hormone is considered the main component that is responsible for the absorption of sugar by the body.

The complete absence or lack of insulin gradually leads to the fact that an excessive amount of glucose accumulates in the blood plasma. The body is unable to cope with such volumes of sugar, so most of it begins to be excreted through the urine, which affects the functioning of the kidneys and water metabolism.

Thus, the tissues of a diabetic are not able to retain enough water, so the waste fluid, which is considered to be defective, is given to the kidneys. Hyperglycemia in men aged 40, 45, 50 and so on is considered a reason for more in-depth research.

The disease, which is closely related to metabolism, can be acquired in the process of life or be inherited by the patient. Vision, nervous system, teeth suffer from the disease. Due to excess sugar, the skin becomes thinner, pustules appear on them. The patient may also develop hypertension, angina pectoris, or atherosclerosis.


It is immediately worth noting that most often in men whose age is from 41 to 49 years and more, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed. This age category belongs to the risk zone, however, the disease also occurs among children and adolescents. Statistics show that many children are obese or overweight.

Type 2 diabetics, provided that they adhere to the doctor's recommendations, can be completely cured. To get better, the patient needs to lead a healthy lifestyle. This need must not be ignored, since at the advanced stages of the disease, serious complications begin to develop that adversely affect the functioning of internal organs.

Signs of diabetes in men over 40 are much less common if we consider the first type of the disease. Type 1 diabetes is considered more of a hereditary disease that manifests itself either in infancy or in young years. The disease belongs to the category of serious, incurable diseases. The patient's life is supported by regular insulin injections.

According to studies, over the past few years, the percentage of sick women and men who were 42-43 years old at the time of diagnosing type 1 diabetes has increased significantly.

However, despite the change in statistics, it is worth noting that in youth, diabetic disease is much more difficult to tolerate than in the fortieth year of life, due to the higher rate of metabolic processes.


There are several main signs of diabetes in men after 40 years of age, tolerated by men. They make it possible to diagnose diabetes in a timely manner. However, initially it is necessary to identify the main causes of the development of the disease:

Genetic predisposition, the presence of diabetics in the family. Improper, irrational nutrition, non-compliance with the diet. Obesity or a large proportion of overweight. Low activity, sedentary lifestyle.

Exposure to regular stress. Disruptions at the hormonal level.

The manifestation of diabetes mellitus has a negative impact on the male body as a whole and specifically on the functions performed by the pancreas, with which it eventually ceases to cope. For this reason, an increase in blood glucose levels occurs, that is, diabetes develops.

The primary signs of the disease after 44 years include the following symptoms of diabetes in men:

  1. The appearance of pigmentation on the face or body, which was not there before.
  2. From time to time, inexplicable itching appears in the groin area.
  3. Excessive sweating.
  4. Strong weight gain or vice versa its loss.
  5. Increased drowsiness, but sleep is restless, anxious.
  6. Increased appetite and thirst.
  7. Excessive fatigue even in the absence of physical exertion.
  8. Delayed wound healing.

However, as practice shows, most often men do not associate this symptomatology with the development of diabetes. When a man under the age of 40 and after 46-48 years of age has at least a couple of the listed symptoms, an immediate examination is required.

Early stages of diabetes can be quickly treated. To fix the problem, it is enough for a man to start physiotherapy exercises (physical activity for diabetes is recommended), correctly adjust the diet, and also give up bad habits, if any. Additionally, for effective treatment, you should also take a fortified course.

If we consider those cases where it is a man who acts as a diabetic, it is necessary to note several features of the course of the disease. As the disease develops, its clinical signs increase significantly, therefore, they also affect men's health.

Reproductive as well as sexual function suffer greatly from diabetes. If measures are not taken in time, a man begins to pay attention to a decrease in potency, sexual desire, as well as frequent premature ejaculation.

On the mucous membranes of a diabetic, as can be seen in the photo, microcracks begin to appear, the skin is very flaky and dry. The crayons of the wound remain fresh for a long time, do not tighten, which leads to the appearance of fungi, as well as the attachment of viral infections.

The patient should pay special attention to the incessant itching, which can only be gotten rid of by choosing the right hygiene products, for example, gels, shampoos, soaps, and so on. It is best to purchase products that are characterized by minimal alkalinity, that is, those that are suitable for sensitive skin types.

If a 40-year-old man has diabetes, treatment should be timely. If you miss the first signs of diabetes in men, you can allow a rapid drop in testosterone in the blood, which leads to circulatory failures in the pelvic area. Insufficient nutrition of the genital organs leads to the rapid development of impotence.

Separately, it should be noted that the reproductive function is seriously affected. The quality of sperm deteriorates, it becomes much smaller.

In addition, a diabetic has a risk of damage to DNA transmitted by hereditary information.

If the disease is not treated

Diabetes mellitus, if considered as an independent disease, does not pose a threat to life, however, in the absence of proper treatment, serious complications appear, which often lead to death.

The main types of complications:

  1. Diabetic coma is the most complex consequence of diabetes. The symptoms preceding a coma come on very quickly. If there is clouding of the mind, lethargy, frequent dizziness, the diabetic should be hospitalized.
  2. Swelling of a local or widespread nature. Especially often edema occurs in patients who additionally suffer from heart failure. This symptom often becomes an indicator of renal dysfunction.
  3. Sleep disorder. Male patients aged 47 to 49 years and older often suffer from diabetic sleep disturbance, which is manifested by insomnia, frequent nightmares, awakenings, and so on.

It is worth noting that the treatment of diabetes is subject exclusively to the endocrinologist, who, after a series of studies, will prescribe adequate treatment. However, it is best for men to be prudent. There are several preventive measures that will prevent the disease from developing.

Diabetes is less likely to be diagnosed in men who eat right, devote time to sports, and also regularly monitor blood sugar levels. In addition, an important condition for effective treatment and prevention is the rejection of bad habits. The video in this article will talk about the main symptoms of diabetes.

The most common vascular diseases

The human body is permeated with a network of arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels. There is not a single organ independent of the general blood and lymph circulation. Carrying out the difficult role of a pipeline, the vessels obey the brain and spinal cord and are controlled by its signals, reacting to a certain concentration of hormonal substances in the blood and following the instructions of the immune system.

Vascular diseases are not isolated. They are always associated with the manifestation of general failures in the regulation of life support.

Why are vessels needed?

Nutrients are delivered through the arteries to tissues and organs, oxygen is supplied, which is necessary to maintain the desired level of energy production and cell function.

Venous vessels must cope with a heavy load, collect waste blood with harmful substances, as well as carbon dioxide and deliver them upwards against gravity to the heart and liver.

The exception is the pulmonary blood vessels: an artery emerges from the right ventricle and carries venous blood to the lungs to exchange carbon dioxide molecules for oxygen. And through the venous branches, oxygenated blood is collected and enters the left atrium.

From the center to the periphery, the diameter of the vessels decreases, the structure of the walls changes. The smallest capillaries fit the cells. It is they who have the ability to pass the delivered oxygen and nutrients through their shell and take away slags.

The capillaries of the kidneys form a system of glomeruli and retain everything necessary in the blood, removing unnecessary toxic substances into the urine. Peripheral vascular disease primarily affects capillary blood flow as the end point of blood circulation and communication with tissues. Failure of oxygen supply leads to a state of hypoxia (oxygen starvation), in which cells gradually die without treatment.

What are the signs of vascular disease?

Symptoms of vascular pathology indicate the localization of insufficient blood supply. It is customary to allocate:

  • diseases of the central vessels - aorta, coronary arteries, head, neck, spinal cord;
  • diseases of peripheral vessels - the abdominal cavity, diseases of the vessels of the legs and arms.

Pathology causes:

  • violation of the structure of the wall;
  • blockade by nerve fibers of the regulation of tone;
  • occlusion (obstruction), spasm, sharp expansion or narrowing of the lumen.

Diseases develop suddenly, are accompanied by acute symptoms, or form gradually, not making themselves felt for years.

Causes of vascular pathology

The causes of pathological changes in the vessels include:

  • inflammation of an infectious nature (with arteritis, thrombophlebitis);
  • congenital disorders and malformations (pulmonary artery stenosis, increased tortuosity of the vertebral artery);
  • deposition of atherosclerotic plaques under the inner lining of the arteries of the muscular-elastic type;
  • thrombosis and embolism;
  • change in strength and elasticity (formation of aneurysms, varicose veins);
  • autoallergic inflammatory process (obliterating endarteritis);
  • violation of the structure of the walls, causing rupture and hemorrhage into the internal organs;
  • increase or decrease in tone.

Diseases contribute to the appearance of vascular changes:

  • widespread atherosclerosis;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous apparatus, which regulates vascular tone in neurological diseases, hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases;
  • acute and chronic infections;
  • heart failure;
  • avitaminosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • hereditary diseases.

Major diseases of the central vessels

The central vessels are responsible for the blood supply to the heart and brain. The most common cause of vascular pathology is the atherosclerotic process in the coronary and cerebral arteries or at a small distance (in the aorta, vertebral, carotid and subclavian arteries).

The consequence of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques is the narrowing of the artery, the tendency to increased thrombosis, tissue ischemia.

Cardiac ischemia

Ischemia of the heart muscle develops in response to an insufficient supply of blood to the coronary vessels that feed the myocardium. As a result, chronic or acute manifestations are possible.

Symptoms of chronic ischemic disease are:

  • attacks of angina pectoris (retrosternal pain) at first only during exercise, then at rest, last up to 30 minutes, radiate to the left arm, jaw, throat, shoulder blade, are removed with nitro preparations;
  • dyspnea;
  • palpitations and arrhythmias.

In acute myocardial ischemia, a heart attack develops (necrosis of muscle tissue). The clinic depends on the following factors:

  • the prevalence of the ischemic zone;
  • involvement of pathways in it;
  • the depth of the lesion;
  • degree of development of auxiliary vessels.

The pains are very intense (cutting), radiate in the same way as with angina pectoris, Nitroglycerin does not help.

Shortness of breath can turn into the form of suffocation and pulmonary edema in case of acute heart failure.

A widespread infarction is accompanied by cardiogenic shock, which causes secondary vascular damage (spasm and thrombosis of the capillary network), contributes to thromboembolism. Therapeutic anti-shock measures are extremely complex, aimed at saving the patient's life.

Ischemia of cerebral vessels

Ischemia of the arteries of the brain develops not only due to atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels. It is believed that the first manifestations can be found on the walls of the carotid arteries. Blood retention in the vertebral vessels in diseases and injuries of the spine makes the brain dependent on the state of the cartilage tissue and the skeletal system.

Chronic ischemia develops gradually, is detected in the elderly and senile age. Patients experience:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • staggering when walking;
  • hearing and vision loss;
  • gradual loss of memory and ability to remember;
  • insomnia, irritability, change in character.

Acute ischemia is manifested by ischemic stroke. Occurs more often at night or in the morning, after a brief period of precursors.

Depending on the localization of the focus, the patient manifests:

  • impaired consciousness of varying degrees (from dizziness to coma);
  • sensitivity in the legs and arms changes;
  • there are no movements in the lower or upper limbs on one side or both;
  • difficult speech;
  • have difficulty swallowing;
  • mental symptoms appear (suspicion, irritability, apathy and depression).

Mandatory appointments:

  • vasodilators;
  • means that contribute to the resistance of tissues to a low oxygen content;
  • sedative medications;
  • vitamins and anabolics to support metabolism in damaged cells.


The disease is an example of damage to the peripheral arteries due to the failure of the leading departments of the central nervous system. An excess of sympathetic effects on the muscular membrane leads to a short-term spasm of the vessels of the brain and internal organs. The manifestations of dystonia are very diverse:

  • headache;
  • a slight increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • tendency to faint;
  • palpitations and arrhythmias;
  • diarrhea or prolonged constipation;
  • nausea and lack of appetite;
  • slight increase in body temperature.

The disease affects up to 80% of urban residents. It is detected in children in adolescence after overwork, infection. Treatment consists of a balanced diet, regular physical activity, drugs that calm the nervous system.

Major peripheral vascular diseases

The most common peripheral vascular diseases include:

  • obliterating arteritis of the lower extremities;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Obliteration of the vessels of the legs causes non-specific (without pathogen) inflammation of the entire wall. Most often, this is an autoimmune process that tends to be inherited. Mostly middle-aged men are ill. The smoking factor is of great importance. Nicotine has a toxic effect on the peripheral vessels of the legs. Obliterating endarteritis affects men of the middle age group, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs affects the elderly. The symptoms are:

  • sharp pains in the calves on one or both sides;
  • cramps in the lower extremities;
  • cold feet even in warm weather;
  • the pains intensify when walking, so there is "intermittent claudication" (the person must stop and stand until they pass);
  • trophic changes in the skin - non-healing cracks, ulcers.

Varicose veins of superficial and deep veins begin with a loss of tone and sagging of the subcutaneous vessels. This manifests itself:

  • red "spiders" on the skin of the lower leg and thigh;
  • increased fatigue of the legs;
  • swelling on the feet in the evening;
  • aching pains in calves, feet.

The defeat of the deep venous trunks leads to more pronounced symptoms:

  • pain is constantly disturbing;
  • feet become cyanotic;
  • thickened venous plexuses are visible under the skin.

A special form of varicose veins is hemorrhoids. This pathology complements bowel disorders in bowel diseases, a sedentary lifestyle. The expansion of the external hemorrhoidal veins and the internal vascular ring leads to the following consequences:

  • arching pains in the anus;
  • constant itching and burning;
  • bleeding during bowel movements.

Treatment of varicose veins in a mild degree is carried out:

  • tonic drugs;
  • gymnastics;
  • wearing compression underwear;
  • rubbing with ointments.

In severe cases, only surgical techniques help. The doctor selects the treatment depending on the depth and diameter of the damaged vessels (methods of sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation) or suggests surgery to remove the entire vein.

Thrombophlebitis complicates the course of varicose veins by the addition of an internal or external infection. The inflamed area looks reddened, swollen, hot to the touch. Palpation is painful. Thrombophlebitis is localized more often in the superficial veins of the legs and arms. May be accompanied by fever and pain.

The disease is associated with dangerous consequences - separation of part of the thrombus, turning it into an embolus with blood flow into the femoral vein, portal, inferior vena and right atrium. From here, an unobstructed path to the pulmonary artery opens.

Thrombosis of the branches of the pulmonary artery leads to infarction of part of the lung, and the blockage of the main vessel causes instant death. A similar complication may occur in a patient in the postoperative period. Therefore, in preparation for surgical interventions, thrombosis prevention is always carried out (tight bandaging of the legs, a course of anticoagulants).

Diseases of the peripheral vessels of the legs in a severe stage are accompanied by gangrene of the toes and overlying sections. Therapeutic measures are designed to prevent tissue necrosis. Vascular pathology is especially difficult against the background of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis of the femoral artery.

Can vascular disease be prevented?

To prevent damage to the vascular bed, it is necessary to maintain the tone of the walls, which means that vitamins from vegetables and fruits should always be in the diet.

Dietary requirement for the treatment of arterial atherosclerosis: exclude fatty and fried foods, sweets, alcohol. Be sure to use low-fat dairy products, fish.

Smoking should be treated as a serious obstacle in the treatment of the disease. Any, even the most modern treatment, will not bring success if you continue smoking.

Movement is the key to healthy blood vessels. Daily gymnastics activates blood flow in small capillaries, peripheral veins. Do not engage in heavy sports, prolonged physical work. Recommended walking, swimming, Pilates.

Due to the variety of forms of diseases, vascular problems are dealt with by: cardiologists, therapists, surgeons, neurologists, phlebologists, neurosurgeons. If symptoms occur, it is necessary to undergo an examination and begin treatment. This will help prevent dangerous complications.

Why does obesity occur in children and why is it dangerous?

Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder that leads to excessive deposition of adipose tissue in the body. It is often called the disease of civilization. Indeed, the main factors in the development of pathology are considered to be overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, characteristic of residents of large cities. Today, there is a significant increase in the incidence and a high prevalence of obesity in children.

The problem of excess weight lies not only in the discrepancy with the standards of beauty: it lies much deeper. Overweight children can have hundreds of causes and as many possible health consequences. You will learn about the risk factors for childhood obesity, the clinical manifestations of disorders of the internal organs caused by excess body weight, and what to do with obesity in boys and girls, you will learn from our article.

The essence of the problem

Childhood obesity is a condition that is characterized by an excess of the actual weight of the child by 15% or more from the maximum average values. The body mass index in this case is at least 30 kg / m².

Globally, there is an upward trend in the prevalence of the disease. More than 60% of adults treated for obesity have had weight problems since childhood or adolescence. The presence of excess weight in a child can lead to diseases of all body systems in the future:

  • cardiovascular;
  • endocrine;
  • reproductive;
  • digestive;
  • musculoskeletal;
  • respiratory.

Common Causes

Increasingly, worried parents turn to their doctor with complaints about the appearance of excess weight in a child, the causes of which can be very diverse. Excess body weight is provoked by both exogenous (alimentary) and endogenous (endocrine) factors.

Binge eating

One of the main reasons for the development of the disease is the regular excess of energy entering the body over expended. This is achieved by eating a large number of high-calorie foods:

  • confectionery sweets - sweets, cookies, cakes, cakes;
  • muffins and pastries;
  • fried foods;
  • fatty meat, fat;
  • cream, sour cream;
  • mayonnaise and sauces based on it;
  • fast food.


A sedentary lifestyle significantly reduces the expenditure of calories that enter the body with food. In a child, obesity often becomes a consequence of:

  • sitting games;
  • lying in bed during the day;
  • long time watching TV;
  • constant presence at the computer.

Hereditary predisposition and genetic diseases

The role of hereditary predisposition in the development of excess weight in adolescents and children has been proven in several clinical studies. Responsible for gaining excess body weight are the biochemical features of metabolism, the processes of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, and the deficiency of enzyme substances in the body. There are cases of familial obesity.

A number of genetic diseases are also accompanied by obesity in adolescents and children. The hereditary nature of the pathology is indicated by the presence of dysembryogenesis stigmas and concomitant symptoms - muscle hypotonia, visual disturbances, and mental disability.

Thyroid diseases

Obesity in a child is often the result of a violation of the hormonal regulation of the thyroid gland.

For example, congenital hypothyroidism manifests immediately after birth. Along with a higher body weight compared to peers, a newborn with a low level of thyroid hormones is lethargic, rarely screams, and has a booming, bass voice. His muscle groups are in a state of hypotonia, and his stomach is swollen.

If the disease is not diagnosed within a few days after birth, the following symptoms develop during the first three to four months of life:

  • decreased appetite - the child is reluctant to suck on the mother's breast or bottle;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • pallor, dry skin.

A little later, signs of a delay in psycho-emotional and motor development come to the fore: children with congenital hypothyroidism later begin to hold their heads, roll over from their backs to their stomachs, sit, crawl. They take their first steps closer to a year and a half.

Obesity of a child with congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones develops gradually. Despite poor appetite, the baby is gaining weight and remains larger than peers. Subcutaneous fat in hypothyroidism is distributed gradually, sometimes obesity is accompanied by myxedema - dense interstitial edema in the face, neck, arms and upper body.

Acquired hypothyroidism often develops in adolescents during puberty (due to powerful hormonal changes in the body). Excess weight in children with reduced functional activity of the thyroid gland is accompanied by:

  • deterioration of memory and processes of concentration of attention;
  • a decline in school performance;
  • various disorders of the digestive system: bloating, flatulence, constipation;
  • dryness, brittle hair and nails;
  • cardial pain, cardiac arrhythmias.

Diseases of the adrenal glands

Violation of the endocrine regulation of the adrenal glands is also often accompanied by the appearance of excess weight in childhood. So, with Itsenko-Cushing's disease, accompanied by increased production of glucocorticosteroid hormones, there is a sharp increase in body weight.

Against the background of this cause of obesity in children, the distribution of subcutaneous fat occurs according to a special pattern: most of the fat deposits are based on the face and upper body, while the arms, abdomen and lower limbs remain thin.

Diseases of the sex glands

Violations of the endocrine regulation of sex hormones are actively manifested at the time of puberty, adolescents 12-15 years old.

Adipose-genital dystrophy in boys is accompanied by a sharp weight gain, underdevelopment of the internal and external genital organs, gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands), the absence of such secondary sexual characteristics as the growth of a beard, mustache, pubic hair and armpits.

Polycystic ovary syndrome in girls, along with obesity, is characterized by menstrual irregularities, excessive hair growth on the face and body, and seborrhea.

CNS diseases

Organic and functional lesions of the central nervous system can cause an uncontrolled increase in body weight. If a child suffers from neurogenic obesity, this is most often due to:

  • craniocerebral injuries;
  • previous meningitis, meningoencephalitis and other inflammatory diseases;
  • brain tumors;
  • complications of neurosurgical operations.

The most common cause of obesity is damage to the pituitary gland. It is he who controls the processes of growth and weight loss in the body. Additional symptoms of CNS disease include headaches, nausea, and vomiting of central origin. In boys, gynecomastia may additionally be observed, in girls - various menstrual irregularities.

Taking certain medicines

Some medications that a child has to take for a long time as prescribed by a doctor can also provoke the development of obesity. Among them:

  • hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticosteroids);
  • estrogen-containing drugs;
  • antiallergic drugs (in particular, Ketotifen);
  • thyreostatics Mercazolil, Tyrozol;
  • drugs used in psychiatry (Amitriptyline, Anafranil).

How is obesity classified?

Despite the fact that the problem of overweight is often visible to the naked eye, many parents are interested in how to determine at home whether a child has weight problems.

Classification of obesity in children, based on the definition of BMI, which is successfully used in adulthood, is not without drawbacks. However, its prevalence remains quite high. To determine obesity and its degree, it is necessary to calculate the body mass index - a value that allows you to assess the correspondence of weight to height. BMI = weight (kg) / height² (m²).

For example, if a boy is 8 years old, his height is 125 cm, and his weight is 24 kg, the body mass index is calculated by the formula: BMI \u003d 24 / 1.25 * 1.25 \u003d 15.36

Normal BMI in a child is slightly lower than in an adult, and is 15-18.5. This is due to the peculiarities of the physique of the child's body.

The interpretation of the results obtained, as well as the degree of obesity in children, are presented in the table below.

Preobesity is accompanied by an increase in body weight by 10-29% of the generally accepted norm. The child does not experience much discomfort, parents and others may not notice (not pay attention) to weight gain.

Obesity of the first degree is characterized by an increase in body weight by 30-49%. For the first time, the baby is faced with certain health problems - shortness of breath, decreased exercise tolerance, excessive sweating. Attention is drawn to the external signs of obesity and the growth of the fat layer.

With obesity of the 2nd degree in children, the total weight is increased by 50-99% of the average. At this stage, fat deposits become stable and are difficult to therapeutic correction. In the second degree of obesity, there are signs of damage to internal organs - hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance (prediabetes), reactive pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

With the third (morbid) degree of obesity, there is a critical increase in weight by 100% or more from the average values. Children with this form of the disease suffer from a variety of pathologies of internal organs. Often they have difficulty moving and need constant care. They can correct their metabolism and start the process of losing weight only with the help of long-term drug correction.

The method associated with the calculation of BMI in the diagnosis of childhood obesity is very crude and inaccurate. Therefore, pediatricians and endocrinologists prefer to replace it with a more reliable one based on the use of centile tables. They take into account not only BMI indicators, but also the age and gender of the baby.

Modern centile tables created in 2006 are easy to use. They consist of rows corresponding to the age of the child, and columns that indicate the percentage of children with certain weight indicators.

For example, a boy who is 3 years old has a BMI of 18. Check the table:

  1. The Median indicator reflects the absolute norm. According to the WHO, most healthy three-year-old boys have a BMI of 15.6.
  2. Values ​​that fit into the corridor between columns -1 and +1 are also considered normal BMI indicators. In our example - 14.4-16.9.
  3. A BMI value between columns 1 and 2 indicates overweight. For a boy of three years - 16.9-18.4.
  4. Values ​​between columns 2 and 3 indicate clinical obesity. In the example -18.4-20.0.

Thus, our patient is overweight. He needs to adjust his diet and undergo an examination for possible endocrine pathology.

When extra pounds are dangerous

Excess weight has a negative impact on the work of all internal organs and systems. These changes are especially dangerous in childhood, when the body is most inactive and reacts sharply to any pathological changes.

The cardiovascular system

Obesity increases the volume of circulating blood and creates an additional load on the heart muscle. This provokes the appearance of the child's symptoms:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • atherosclerotic lesions of arterial vessels;
  • chronic heart failure.

Diseases that are more common in the elderly are becoming a reality for younger patients and pose a significant threat to life.

Gastrointestinal tract

Formed negative eating habits, regular consumption of harmful foods and impaired metabolism create the preconditions for the formation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract already in childhood. Among them:

  • gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • steatosis (fatty infiltration) of the liver;
  • liver failure.

Musculoskeletal system and endocrine glands

Excessive body weight puts an exorbitant load on the not fully formed bones and joints of the child, often causing the development of synovitis, flat feet, "X" or "O"-shaped deformity of the lower extremities.

Fatty infiltration of functional cells of the pancreas leads to impaired glucose tolerance and the development of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. The activity of the gonads in obesity is also significantly reduced, which causes late puberty and infertility in adulthood.

Nervous system

Excess weight in a child often provokes the development of pathological changes in the nervous system. The most common syndromes include:

  • various sleep disorders;
  • snoring in sleep;
  • violations of the regulation of respiratory processes;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • neuroses.

Against the background of ridicule from their peers, sick children and adolescents often withdraw into themselves, they develop depression, an inferiority complex. It is very difficult to treat such conditions: often psycho-behavioral disorders remain with the patient for life. This causes deviant behavior, can stimulate the onset of alcohol and drug abuse.

Principles of diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of obesity in children is based on a conversation between the child and his parents with a doctor, a general clinical examination, an assessment of physical development indicators (height, weight, BMI) and their comparison with standardized values. Obesity-related diseases and their possible causes can be diagnosed with the help of additional tests:

  • clinical blood test;
  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • biochemical blood tests (with the determination of the level of glucose, cholesterol and its fractions, total protein, bilirubin, liver enzymes);
  • hormone tests (T3, T4, TSH to determine the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal hormones);
  • instrumental tests - X-ray examination, computed tomography, MRI, ultrasound.

The diagnosis should reflect the degree of obesity determined in the child, as well as any concomitant diseases.

Current approaches to treatment

The treatment of obesity in children is a long process that requires an integrated approach and careful adherence to medical recommendations. The complex of therapeutic measures includes:

  • diet correction: following the principles of a healthy balanced diet;
  • expansion of available physical activity, dosed loads, regular walks and outdoor games;
  • drug therapy;
  • surgical correction of the condition - according to indications.

In addition, in the treatment of obesity in children and adolescents, an important role is played by the establishment and elimination of the causes that caused it.

Treatment of childhood obesity begins with the preparation and selection of an individual diet. It is impossible to use standardized recommendations, because when creating a diet, the doctor must take into account not only the weight and the initial stage of the disease, but also the age, individual constitutional features, and medical contraindications of the child.

  1. Fractional (5-6 times a day) meals in small portions.
  2. Exclusion from the diet of confectionery, sweets, fast food and other food "garbage".
  3. Regular consumption of vegetables and fruits - sources of fiber, vitamins, trace elements.
  4. Sufficient drinking regime.

Comprehensive treatment also includes adequate physical activity. In her choice, there are also no standard recommendations. Some overweight children tolerate active outdoor games well, while others like swimming or strength training in the gym. For all babies, without exception, a 30-60 minute walk before bedtime is beneficial.

Drug treatment is used when other conservative methods of therapy are ineffective. The following drugs can be used as prescribed by a doctor:

  • Orlistat;
  • Sibutramine;
  • Rimonabat;
  • Metformin;
  • Exenatin.

The mechanism of action of such drugs is based on suppressing appetite, increasing metabolism and reducing the body's ability to absorb fats and fat-like substances from food.

Surgical-based treatment is rarely used for obesity in children. Bariatric surgeries are prescribed only for health reasons and include:

  • gastric banding;
  • gastric bypass;
  • gastroplasty (various options).

Despite the fact that such operations are designed to treat obesity, they do not have a direct effect on its cause. Therefore, even after successful surgery, the child needs to follow a diet and maintain a sufficient level of physical activity.

Prevention of obesity in children is to create the right eating behavior, timely treatment of endocrine, neurological and other diseases that lead to uncontrolled weight gain. Of no small importance is a friendly atmosphere and trusting relationships in the family, the absence of screams, scandals and squabbles.

- Excess fat deposits in the subcutaneous tissue, organs and tissues. It is manifested by an increase in body weight by 20 percent or more of the average values ​​due to adipose tissue. Delivers psycho-physical discomfort, causes sexual disorders, diseases of the spine and joints. Increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes mellitus, kidney damage, liver damage, as well as disability and mortality from these diseases. The most effective in the treatment of obesity is the combined use of 3 components: diet, physical activity and the corresponding psychological restructuring of the patient.



General information

The endocrine type of obesity develops in the pathology of the endocrine glands: hypothyroidism, hypercortisolism, hyperinsulinism, hypogonadism. With all types of obesity, to some extent, hypothalamic disorders are noted, which are either primary or arising in the course of the disease.

obesity symptoms

Excess body weight is a specific symptom of obesity. Excess fat deposits are found on the shoulders, abdomen, back, on the sides of the body, the back of the head, hips, in the pelvic region, while underdevelopment of the muscular system is noted. The appearance of the patient changes: a second chin appears, pseudogynecomastia develops, fat folds on the abdomen hang in the form of an apron, hips take the form of riding breeches. Umbilical and inguinal hernias are typical.

Patients with I and II degrees of obesity may not present any special complaints, with more pronounced obesity, drowsiness, weakness, sweating, irritability, nervousness, shortness of breath, nausea, constipation, peripheral edema, pain in the spine and joints are noted.

Patients with grade III-IV obesity develop disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems. Objectively revealed hypertension, tachycardia, muffled heart tones. The high standing of the dome of the diaphragm leads to the development of respiratory failure and chronic cor pulmonale. There is fatty infiltration of the liver parenchyma, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis. There are pains in the spine, symptoms of arthrosis of the ankle and knee joints. Often, obesity is accompanied by menstrual irregularities, up to the development of amenorrhea. Increased sweating causes the development of skin diseases (eczema, pyoderma, furunculosis), the appearance of acne, stretch marks on the abdomen, hips, shoulders, hyperpigmentation of the elbows, neck, and places of increased friction.

Obesity of various types has similar general symptoms, differences are observed in the nature of the distribution of fat and the presence or absence of signs of damage to the endocrine or nervous systems. With alimentary obesity, body weight increases gradually, body fat is uniform, sometimes prevailing in the thighs and abdomen. Symptoms of damage to the endocrine glands are absent.

With hypothalamic obesity, obesity develops rapidly, with a predominant deposition of fat on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. There is an increase in appetite, especially in the evening, thirst, night hunger, dizziness, tremor. Trophic skin disorders are characteristic: pink or white striae (striations), dry skin. Women may develop hirsutism, infertility, menstrual irregularities, in men - deterioration in potency. Neurological dysfunction occurs: headaches, sleep disturbance; vegetative disorders: sweating, arterial hypertension.

The endocrine form of obesity is characterized by a predominance of symptoms of underlying diseases caused by hormonal disorders. The distribution of fat is usually uneven, there are signs of feminization or masculinization, hirsutism, gynecomastia, skin stretch marks. A peculiar form of obesity is lipomatosis - benign hyperplasia of adipose tissue. Manifested by numerous symmetrical painless lipomas, more often observed in men. There are also painful lipomas (Derkum's lipomatosis), which are located on the limbs and trunk, are painful on palpation and are accompanied by general weakness and local itching.

Complications of obesity

In addition to psychological problems, almost all obese patients suffer from one or a number of syndromes or diseases caused by overweight: coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, stroke, angina pectoris, heart failure, cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis, sleep apnea syndrome, chronic heartburn , arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, decreased fertility, libido, menstrual dysfunction, etc.

Obesity increases the risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer in women, prostate cancer in men, and colon cancer. There is also an increased risk of sudden death due to existing complications. The mortality rate of men aged 15 to 69 years, with actual body weight exceeding the ideal by 20%, is one third higher than that of men with normal weight.

Diagnosis of obesity

When examining obese patients, attention is paid to the anamnesis, family predisposition, indicators of the minimum and maximum weight after 20 years, the duration of the development of obesity, the activities carried out, the patient's eating habits and lifestyle, existing diseases. To determine the presence and degree of obesity, the method of determining body mass index (BMI), ideal body weight (Mi) is used.

The nature of the distribution of adipose tissue on the body is determined by calculating the coefficient equal to the ratio of the waist circumference (OT) to the hip circumference (OB). The presence of abdominal obesity is indicated by a coefficient exceeding the value of 0.8 for women and 1 for men. It is believed that the risk of developing comorbidities is high in men with a WC > 102 cm and in women with a WC > 88 cm. To assess the degree of deposition of subcutaneous fat, the size of the skin fold is measured.

The most accurate results for determining the localization, volume and percentage of adipose tissue from the total body weight are obtained using auxiliary methods: ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance, computed tomography, x-ray densitometry, etc. In case of obesity, patients need to consult a psychologist, nutritionist and physiotherapy instructor.

To identify changes caused by obesity, determine:

  • blood pressure indicators (to detect arterial hypertension);
  • hypoglycemic profile and glucose tolerance test (to detect type II diabetes);
  • the level of triglycerides, cholesterol, low and high density lipoproteins (to assess lipid metabolism disorders);
  • changes in ECG and ECHOCG (to detect disorders of the circulatory system and heart);
  • the level of uric acid in a biochemical blood test (to detect hyperuremia).

obesity treatment

Every obese person may have their own motivation for weight loss: cosmetic effect, reduced health risks, improved performance, the desire to wear smaller clothes, the desire to look good. However, goals for weight loss and its rate must be realistic and aimed primarily at reducing the risk of complications associated with obesity. Obesity treatment begins with diet and exercise.

Patients with BMI< 35 назначается гипокалорийное питание с уменьшением калорийности пищи на 300-500 ккал и усиление физической активности. Ограничение калорийности идет за счет уменьшения суточного потребления жиров (особенно, животных), углеводов (в первую очередь, рафинированных), при достаточном количестве белка и клетчатки. Предпочтительные виды термической обработки пищи – отваривание и запекание, кратность питания – 5-6 раз в сутки небольшими порциями, из рациона исключаются приправы, алкоголь.

When following a hypocaloric diet, there is a decrease in basal metabolism and energy conservation, which reduces the effectiveness of diet therapy. Therefore, a low-calorie diet must be combined with physical exercises that increase the processes of basal metabolism and fat metabolism. The appointment of therapeutic fasting is indicated for patients who are on inpatient treatment, with a pronounced degree of obesity for a short time.

Drug treatment of obesity is prescribed for BMI> 30 or diet failure for 12 or more weeks. The action of drugs of the amphetamine group (dexafenfluramine, amfepramone, phentermine) is based on inhibition of hunger, acceleration of satiety, anorexic action. However, side effects are possible: nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, irritability, allergic reactions, addiction.

In some cases, it is effective to prescribe the fat-mobilizing drug adiposin, as well as the antidepressant fluoxetine, which changes eating behavior. The most preferred drugs for the treatment of obesity today are sibutramine and orlistat, which do not cause pronounced adverse reactions and addiction. The action of sibutramine is based on accelerating the onset of satiety and reducing the amount of food consumed. Orlistat reduces the absorption of fats in the intestine. In obesity, symptomatic therapy of underlying and concomitant diseases is carried out. In the treatment of obesity, the role of psychotherapy (conversations, hypnosis), which changes the stereotypes of the developed eating behavior and lifestyle, is high.

Forecast and prevention of obesity

Timely initiated systematic measures for the treatment of obesity bring good results. Already with a decrease in body weight by 10%, the overall mortality rate decreases by > than 20%; diabetes-related mortality > than 30%; caused by obesity-related oncological diseases, > than 40%. Patients with I and II degree of obesity remain able to work; with III degree - receive III group of disability, and in the presence of cardiovascular complications - II group of disability.

To prevent obesity, it is enough for a person with normal weight to spend calories and energy as much as he receives them during the day. With a hereditary predisposition to obesity, after the age of 40, with physical inactivity, it is necessary to limit the intake of carbohydrates, fats, increase protein and plant foods in the diet. Reasonable physical activity is necessary: ​​walking, swimming, running, visiting gyms. If there is dissatisfaction with your own weight, in order to reduce it, you need to contact an endocrinologist and a nutritionist to assess the degree of violations and draw up an individual weight loss program.

Obesity is a disease, and the disease must be treated. Is it possible treatment of obesity folk remedies? Let's look into this issue.

Fat deposits make the internal organs work in a constant overload mode. An obese patient suffers from shortness of breath. Arterial pressure is unstable and jumps upwards. Fat envelops the internal organs. The heart cannot work properly in a bag of fat. The lungs, swollen with fat, cannot breathe normally. The breathing of a sick person becomes short, which means that oxygen does not enter the blood properly.

The causes of obesity are different, it can be a hormonal imbalance, and malnutrition, lack of nutrition culture, and the use of certain medications during treatment. Of the many forms of obesity, the main ones are:

General obesity. With this form of obesity, the figure is completely covered with subcutaneous fat. The figure is shapeless, like one solid cloud.

Male type of obesity. It develops not only in men, but also in women. Fat is located in the upper body. People with this form of obesity are active, easily bear the weight of their body, cheerful and give the impression of a healthy person. But with age, they develop hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis.

Female type of obesity. The layer of fat covers the lower part of the body more, in the areas of the abdomen and thighs. People with this type of obesity quickly get tired, they have increased fatigue, nervousness, and menstrual disorders are possible.

What to do with obesity? You do not need to first look and go on various diets, but you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. Consult a doctor, find out the cause of obesity. The doctor will draw up a schedule of physical activity for you, select an individual diet and a set of exercises.

Of course, obesity is not a disease of today, and earlier people also suffered from excess weight. Traditional medicine also has its own ways and recipes to help sick people.

medicinal tea

Medicinal teas should include components that will help cleanse the body. A person has been suffering from obesity for years, and since the internal organs are overloaded and cannot work fully, it is difficult for them to remove harmful substances from the body. Senna leaves will help cleanse the digestive system.

When treatment begins, on the first priests, the weight decreases very actively. First of all, the body is freed from excess fluid, and in this process, the kidneys should work actively. Common parsley with dandelion will help the kidneys. Nettle will help cleanse the blood and improve blood circulation. Bloating and accumulation of gases in the intestines will eliminate mint, dill seed, fennel.

1 collection: senna leaf, parsley, dandelion, nettle - take all components 20 grams each. Mint and fennel 10 grams each.

2 collection: buckthorn bark, blackberry leaves, raspberry leaves - 15 grams each. Mallow leaves, heather, nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow - 10 grams each.

To prepare tea, herbs in the collection must be mixed and brewed: one teaspoon of the collection in a glass of boiling water. Leave for three minutes and strain. Drink this tea for health throughout the day, little by little and in small sips.

Before eating, to reduce appetite, it is recommended to drink tincture of corn stigmas. A decoction of elecampane root will help to clear the vessels and reduce weight. Two tablespoons of the root should be poured with 400 ml of boiling water, insist for half an hour and drink half a glass before meals.

Beetroot and cranberry juice, mixed in equal proportions, will help reduce pressure, relieve spasms, and improve digestion. Drink it three times a day, 50 ml.

Be sure to include cabbage, seaweed, pumpkin, zucchini, gooseberries, apples in your diet. Drink green tea several times a day. In the spring, drink birch sap, as much as you want, without restriction.

Eat Jerusalem artichoke tubers before meals. This is a wonderful tool for weight loss, and besides Jerusalem artichoke helps to treat constipation, diabetes, hypertension, anemia.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Obesity has become the biggest epidemic in every world. Some scientists call the causes of overweight a large number of thick and sugary foods in the diet - fast food, convenience foods and desserts. Others talk about behavioral metamorphoses at the basis of body weight gain.

Diseases and their consequences

However, there are genetic, biochemical and hormonal syndromes that disrupt the energy storage mechanism.

For example, obesity caused by damage to the hypothalamus - a small area of ​​the brain that regulates the function of the pituitary gland and energy balance - leads to excessive appetite, fat accumulation. People with endocrine disorders are not helped by exercise and positive nutrition.

The study showed that pathologies of the hypothalamus increase the level of insulin due to the activity of the vagus nerve, the one that connects the brain and the pancreas.

Therefore, people, even with a low-calorie diet, may experience hunger if the hypothalamus is damaged as a result of surgery or other diseases.

Excess weight is associated with a number of endocrine diseases, and the mechanisms of its occurrence depend on the pathology:

  • hypothyroidism is associated with the accumulation of hyaluronic acid in tissues, fluid retention, a decrease in mental output and a decrease in thermogenesis (fat burning);
  • polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with an increase in the tier of androgens in women, which cause the accumulation of fat;
  • Cushing's syndrome, which determines the interaction of the thyroid gland and growth hormones, leads to the formation of new fat cells.
  • Visceral Fat: Threats of Internal Organ Obesity

    Excess fat is bad for health, increases the risk of cancer, heart and liver disease, and diabetes. He seems to be easily recognizable by his lack of a waist. But there are people of typical build, in which the number of fatty tissues exceeds the norm.

    Everyone has such a girlfriend or friend, one who eats what he wants, including harmful food, does not do fitness and does not gain weight. In the West, a similar category of people is called "skinny fat" or thin fat people with fat reserves inside. They are not lucky, but people with signs of obesity of internal organs and devoid of muscle mass.

    Internal fatty deposits around the liver, heart, kidneys and are detected with the help of MRI or ultrasound. Fat, the one that is visible from the outside is called subcutaneous fat. However, all people who have 20% excess weight also have an excess of visceral or internal fat. It is he who raises the level of cholesterol, provokes inflammatory reactions, blocks arteries and increases blood pressure.

    Intrinsic fat cells produce inflammatory markers that circulate in the bloodstream, causing chronic disease, increasing levels of insulin, leptin, increasing testosterone production in women and decreasing testosterone levels in men.

    Other signs of obesity of internal organs

    A thin fat man can be recognized by the lack of forms. Despite thinness, such a person cannot boast of harmony, his body seems to be molded from bad dough - fat is wound on the bones instead of muscles. No elasticity - only cellulite and sagging.

    Other more obvious signs of obesity of the internal organs are obvious, and relate to the size of the waist. Such people are referred to as “apples”, having a beer belly even among teetotalers, when all the excess eaten is sent to the waist, masking it.

    The absence of excess weight on the hips, arms and chest does not protect such people from excess fat. More often than anyone, men belong to the category of apples. Estrogen receptors direct women's fat reserves to the thigh area, so female hormones have a defensive effect in spite of heart disease until the onset of menopause, after which a woman's belly grows steeply.

    Other forms of internal obesity

    Fat deposits in the liver or fatty liver is a common disease associated with overweight. Unexplained pain and discomfort in the abdomen, disorders and heaviness in the stomach become intelligible after an ultrasound of the liver. An increase in body fat in the body up to 10-15% threatens the body as a whole.

    Fatty liver damage is a consequence of a violation of fat metabolism, therefore it occurs against the background of insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus. Alcohol is a guide to the disease, but liver damage also occurs in teetotalers who do not eat positively or have a high level of iron in the blood.

    Fatty liver damage has a number of external signs: continuous fatigue, nausea and weakness, decreased appetite, difficulty concentrating. With the development of liver disease, heaviness occurs in the hypochondrium, dark spots appear on the skin of the neck. Occasionally, an enlarged liver can be diagnosed by palpation during the examination.

    How to recognize unnecessary weight of the endocrine type?

    Violations in one or another organ is determined by the signs of endocrine obesity.

    The thyroid type is associated with thinning of the outer part of the eyebrows, arched palate, dry skin, hair loss, redness of the cheeks, bags under the eyes. Fat mainly accumulates above the waistline, on the upper arms and shoulders. Characteristic memory impairment and poor tolerance of cold weather. In cases of thyroid insufficiency, gallstones occur.

    Signs of pituitary obesity in women include: fat deposition in the chest, buttocks, thighs and lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, headaches and visual disturbances, thickening of the skin at the roots of the nails.

    Violation of the pituitary and gonads is manifested in the appearance of countless moles, menstrual irregularities in women, increased distance between the front teeth.

    With polycystic ovaries or a violation of their work in women, the voice coarsens, hair appears on the upper lip.

    Thymus disorder is a rare type. The thymus gland is antagonistic to the work of the sex glands, and the disease can manifest itself as the development of asthma, obesity, or sudden death.

    Obesity symptoms can include weakness, heaviness in the legs, shortness of breath, headaches, as weakening muscles against the background of a large amount of fat affects the work of each body, slowly leading to metabolic syndrome and diabetes. In women, visceral fat deposition cycles after menopause, when the estrogen level declines. The main threat for women is that they have less developed muscle mass compared to men, so they are rapidly gaining fat.

    How to overcome the disease?

    Obesity treatment begins with lifestyle adjustments, elimination of factors that affect it.

    It is impossible to change genetics, an apple-shaped figure, but it is possible to influence the environment in other ways:

  • refuse semi-finished products, thick and sugary foods, canned food and carbonated drinks;
  • limit consumed
    ie alcohol;
  • eat enough, abandon low-calorie diets;
  • love sports and walk more;
  • learn to cope with stress;
  • sleep up to 7 hours a night.
  • When it comes to hormonal disorders of the pituitary and adrenal axis, despite obesity, medications may be needed.

    If the weight isn't dropping with positive nutrition, great sleep, and physical activity, it's time to go to an endocrinologist.

    In women, the first sign of endocrine obesity is invariably a hitch with the menstrual cycle: abundant or modest discharge, lack of menstruation.

    As you can see, overcoming obesity is real if you are fully engaged in solving this snag. Be slim and healthy!

    fatty liver- this is not quite a disease, but rather a consequence, the end result of other diseases, indicating that a vital organ is not able to cope with its tasks.

    The liver performs several important functions in the human body at the same time: it cleanses the blood, processes decay products, removes bile and other toxins that form in the body after digestion of food. Also, with the help of this gland, our body is cleansed of various harmful environmental factors, such as carcinogens. If we refer to the numbers, oncologists have found that almost 90% of all malignant tumors are caused by just these factors. That is, carcinogens are a kind of stimulants for the onset of cancer. In addition to all this, the liver performs even more 500 functions, along with those already listed. It is for these reasons that the liver must be protected, as it is the purifier of our body.

    If for some reason there is a failure in the normal functioning of the liver, its tissues begin to degenerate into fat. It has nothing to do with the one that is deposited under the skin on the abdomen and thighs from overeating. In this disease, the liver cells are filled with fat, which disrupts the work of these cells. With the degeneration of more than 15% of tissues into fat, it is worth worrying and starting intensive adequate treatment. But even better, just do not run yourself and monitor your health.

    Why fatty hepatosis develops - causes

    Unfortunately, the main reason that provokes the development of hepatosis, as in pancreatitis, is alcoholism, male or female. In second place is the excessive consumption of junk food with a high content of fats and substances formed in foods during smoking and intense frying in oil.

    In small quantities, the liver successfully copes with their neutralization and quickly removes them from the body. But if a harmful product is supplied regularly, it simply does not have time to neutralize toxins. Intoxication occurs, the cells die and turn into fat.

    If you know for sure that you do not abuse alcohol, fatty, fried and smoked foods, and you have been diagnosed "fatty liver" causes diseases can be in a serious metabolic disorder. That is, even if a person leads a mostly correct lifestyle, it is not possible to 100% guarantee the safety of internal organs.

    Factors causing hepatosis:

    • diabetes;
    • thyroid pathology;
    • viral hepatitis;
    • rapid weight gain;
    • malnutrition, "hungry diets";
    • inborn predisposition.

    The insidiousness of the disease is that the first months and even years it can be completely asymptomatic. In addition, there are many more diseases and diagnoses that can provoke fatty hepatosis. The same metabolic syndrome that has become the panacea of ​​the 21st century. This syndrome appears, as always, not out of thin air. The main reason for its appearance is that the internal fat mass, which is also called -, increases significantly, exceeding all permissible norms. The whole danger is that this type of fat is constantly in motion, as it is located directly in the place where many important body processes take place, namely in the abdominal cavity. If the norm of this fat is exceeded, all the internal organs of a person suffer. Not only does a large amount of visceral fat put pressure on vital organs, but also the level of fatty acids increases. Because of what, the liver simply does not have time to filter and remove such a stream of harmful substances, which, in fact, becomes the cause of fatty liver.

    One of the visible symptoms of metabolic syndrome, which can be detected without the intervention of doctors, is an increase in the abdomen. This is not an increase in subcutaneous fat that can be felt, but visceral fat that accumulates inside the abdominal cavity, around the internal organs of a person. For example, the normal ratio of internal fat to total fat in the human body is approximately 10-15%. If this rate is exceeded, the waist will grow accordingly. For the male part of the population, the norm for waist circumference is 90-100 centimeters, for women: up to 90 centimeters. You can measure the circumference of this part of the body. If it exceeds these indicators, then it makes sense to consult a doctor, to do the necessary tests. Also, it is worth starting to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. Thus, a person can avoid further complications.

    These are just a few of the reasons why hepatosis can occur. There are still a large number of diseases and factors that can cause obesity of a vital gland. For example, if a person has been diagnosed with several of the following diagnoses, an abdominal ultrasound should be done as soon as possible.

    Diagnoses for which you should check the liver:

    • visceral obesity of the abdominal cavity;
    • insulin resistance;
    • hyperinsulinemia;
    • microalbuminuria;
    • violations of hemostasis;
    • etc.

    How to recognize fatty liver - symptoms

    Those who at least once "took" the liver will immediately be able to name the main symptom: severe, constant pain, sometimes intensifying, sometimes subsiding, but never disappearing on their own, in the right hypochondrium. The pain syndrome is so exhausting that a person cannot continue to lead a normal life: work, move, eat, rest and even sleep at night. In addition, obesity manifests itself as follows:

    • bitter, bilious taste in the mouth;
    • nausea, especially after eating fatty, high-calorie foods or alcohol;
    • sometimes uncontrollable vomiting;
    • general weakness;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • deterioration in complexion - the skin is pale, with a yellowish or greenish tinge;
    • dark spots in the axillary and cervical folds;
    • marked decrease in concentration.

    On examination (palpation), the patient can literally bounce on the couch if the doctor touches the inflamed area. If the disease is severely advanced, an increase in the liver is felt on palpation of the patient.

    The danger of such a disease lies in the fact that with hepatosis a person can continue to exist without obvious signs of discomfort for a long period of time. Obesity of the liver can be identified for sure and treatment can be started in advance, avoiding complications, only by doing an ultrasound of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

    Therapy Methods

    At diagnosis fatty liver treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist, and possibly more than one, since this disease rarely manifests itself. In most cases, it is also accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, vascular and circulatory disorders, improper metabolism, and so on. There can be many reasons. Only after all the necessary procedures and tests have been carried out, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment or give recommendations on how to fix the problem (if there are no complications and neglect of the disease). Diet plays a very important role in fatty liver disease.

    It should be completely abandoned:

    • alcohol (completely, even in small doses is prohibited);
    • coffee;
    • chocolate
    • carbonated drinks with caffeine;
    • smoked meats and canned food;
    • semi-finished products;
    • ready-made sauces;
    • fried meat and fish dishes;
    • chips, crackers and other fast food.

    In general, from all food that is harmful to our health, contains trans fats, toxic substances, a large number of additives, and so on. Watch your diet, because: You are what you eat!».

    In moderation, you can eat:

    • baked or grilled meat;
    • confectionery, pastries;
    • eggs;
    • black and green tea.

    Avoid high glycemic foods such as:

    • sweet
    • White bread
    • White rice
    • sugar
    • swede
    • baked potato
    • roast potatoes
    • etc…

    • fresh and boiled vegetables fruits;
    • dairy and dairy products;
    • jelly and kissels;
    • cereals and wholemeal bread;
    • fish rich in omega-3 acids;
    • additional vitamin complexes;
    • Eat more foods that contain various vitamins, like vitamin E.

    A person must prepare himself for the fact that the treatment will take some time, and after recovery, it will be necessary to continue to eat right. That is, if the disease has receded and the liver has returned to a normal, healthy state, this does not mean that you can start yourself up again. You need to understand that proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle should become an integral part of your life.

    In addition, you need pay special attention to your lifestyle. An active lifestyle helps keep the liver healthy. This is a very important factor, because the movement speeds up all the processes in the body and helps with the digestion of food, the removal of toxic substances, and so on.

    Of course, it has long been known that a mobile lifestyle is excellent for cleansing and rejuvenating the liver, but there are two types of exercise (aerobic and anaerobic) that affect the improvement of the gland to varying degrees. If we take, for example, aerobic exercise, it is the performance of any physical activity over a long period of time.

    It is heavy physical activity that fights fatty liver much better. That is, we mean anaerobic loads, which involve performing the exercise in a short period of time with additional weights.

    For example, the same exercises with dumbbells, barbells, etc. Of course, you can run, do fitness, yoga, however, the problem is that not always a person who has been diagnosed with fatty liver can run, engage in prolonged physical exertion. If a person is fat enough, it will be difficult for him to run, and classes with weight involve short-term loads. Of course, such an approach will not be able to rid a person of excess weight, but it will allow, thereby forcing the liver to work and cleanse itself.

    By following a diet and eating right, try to monitor blood cholesterol levels. Properly formulated diet and active lifestyle help to significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. This has a positive effect on the liver, greatly facilitating her life.

    If a person has diabetes, in this case, it is very important to properly regulate the level of sugar in the blood and adhere to its norm. To do this, there are special drugs, insulin and a strict diet. In addition, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to exclude saturated fats from your diet and give preference to unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to the body. However, the ratio of fat should be approximately 30% of the total number of calories you consume, but no more. Also, about calories. It is necessary to include in your diet low-calorie foods, various vegetables rich in minerals and fiber. In addition, regarding FIBER. If it is very difficult for a person to fight the feeling of hunger, the consumption of a sufficient amount of fiber, which is precisely found in vegetables, fills the stomach. Thus, the feeling of hunger fades into the background and the person feels full.

    Proper prevention of fatty liver

    Various liver disease - obesity, hepatosis, cirrhosis, etc., are among those that are easier (and quite possible!) To prevent than to completely cure later. You need very little for this: give up bad habits, eat right and, of course, play sports. These are the three main points that must be followed. There is no need to bring your body to the point where it is very difficult to undergo treatment. It is best to exclude in advance all factors that can affect and significantly aggravate the situation with the liver. And finally, make sure that sports, healthy eating are an integral part of your life and everything will be in order!