Whitening teeth at home. The remedy is used like this. Tea tree oil lightening



Teeth are the first thing that other people notice. Beautiful teeth are also an indicator of good health.

Many people worry if their teeth don't look as white as they would like.

Exists Several ways to make your teeth sparkling white at home using simple available means.

Why do teeth turn yellow?

Teeth become discolored, yellow or brown, due to stains that occur both on the surface of the teeth (enamel) and deep within the tooth structure.

Beneath the surface of the enamel is a beige substance called dentin, which becomes visible when the enamel wears away. Enamel erosion occurs due to the loss of hard tooth structure that has been removed from the surface of the tooth.

Although you shouldn't expect your teeth to remain shiny and white until old age, many factors accelerate the discoloration of teeth.

Here are a few reasons why teeth turn yellow, beige or brown.:

· Coffee and tea consumption

· Smoking

Thinning of tooth enamel due to age

· Nutrition: This includes consuming a wide range of foods with high content acids, including sugary sodas, candies and some fruits.

Dry mouth (lack of saliva means less protection for enamel)

· Mouth breathing and nasal congestion. This reduces the amount of saliva and interferes with the hydration of the teeth.

· Use of antibiotics

· Excessive consumption fluoride

Genetic factors

Ways to whiten teeth at home

There are many teeth whitening products available, most of which use chemicals that damage teeth and tooth enamel which cause teeth to become sensitive.

An alternative to this are various home remedies that also whiten teeth effectively.

1. Teeth whitening with soda

Baking soda has a slight abrasive property. This abrasiveness helps remove stains and plaque from teeth and whitens them. And all this can be done in a few minutes.


· Dry your teeth with a towel. Get wet toothbrush, dip it in baking soda and brush your teeth as usual. You need to brush your teeth for 3 minutes.

· You can use baking soda along with regular toothpaste to clean your teeth.

· You can also mix a small amount of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to make a paste and use it to brush your teeth.

2. Teeth whitening with baking soda and foil

There is another teeth whitening recipe using baking soda and aluminum foil that promises results in a few days.

· Take a small amount of baking soda and toothpaste and mix them.

· Take a piece of aluminum foil and fold it along the length and width of your teeth.

· Apply the paste to the foil and wrap the teeth in foil

· Leave the foil with the paste for 1 hour.

· After this, remove the foil and rinse the mixture with water.

Remember: Baking soda can wear away the protective enamel of teeth, so this method can be used 1-2 times a week.

3. Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties. It oxidizes the organic matrix under tooth enamel, brightening it. This does not cause significant changes in tooth enamel and is an absolutely safe method. fast whitening teeth. The only thing you need to remember is not to swallow the peroxide.


· Take the hydrogen peroxide solution and pour it into a small container, soak a clean cloth in the liquid and lightly wipe your teeth with the wet cloth.

· You can also soak your toothbrush in a peroxide solution and use it to brush your teeth.

Remember: Long term exposure Hydrogen peroxide can cause damage to oral tissue.

4. Teeth whitening with activated carbon

Activated carbon is an absorbent substance that can absorb and remove toxins from the body, both internally and externally.

Moreover, I myself activated carbon not absorbed into the body. It is also an effective teeth whitening agent because binds plaque and microscopic particles that stain teeth and washes them away. It absorbs unpleasant odors and acts as a disinfectant.


· Wet your toothbrush and dip it into powdered activated charcoal. Brush your teeth as usual for 2 minutes, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly until the contents run clear.

· Add some water to activated charcoal to make a thick paste, dip your toothbrush into the paste and brush your teeth for 2 minutes. Rinse your mouth thoroughly. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week.

Remember: Activated carbon can stain crowns, linings and porcelain veneers. If your teeth become sensitive, stop using this product.

5. Teeth whitening with coconut oil

One of the easiest and best ways to whiten teeth naturally is oil rinse mouth. Coconut oil pulling is considered one of the most effective remedies. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which removes bacteria that causes yellow teeth.

Studies have shown that oil pulling can reduce plaque and gingivitis.


· Put a spoon coconut oil V oral cavity and rinse between your teeth for 5 to 20 minutes.

· You can also add a few drops of coconut oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual.

· To whiten your teeth, you can use a corner of a clean terry cloth soaked in oil to rub it into your teeth.

Since oil pulling is completely safe, you can do this procedure daily along with regular brushing of your teeth.

6. Teeth whitening with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil restores and strengthens gums, reduces plaque, prevents caries, and cleanses the space between teeth and tongue.

Regular use of tea tree oil will also help whiten your teeth by 1-2 shades in a completely natural way.


· Brush your teeth as usual. After this, apply a few drops of tea tree oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth again. Rinse your mouth with water.

Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week, and in a month you will notice the difference.

Homemade Teeth Whitening Remedies

7. Teeth whitening with strawberries

Strawberry contains folic acid, which helps clean and exfoliate teeth. This makes teeth look cleaner and whiter. Strawberries also contain vitamin C, which helps get rid of plaque, and malic acid, which slightly whitens teeth.


· Mash strawberries and mix them with a little baking soda to make a natural whitening paste.

· Cut the strawberries in half and use the halves to brush your teeth for 1 minute.

· Mash 3 strawberries and add some sea ​​salt. Remove excess saliva from your mouth with a paper towel and then apply a generous amount of the mixture over the entire surface of your teeth. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes and rinse your mouth. Repeat the procedure at night.

8. Teeth whitening with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also believed to help get rid of stains on teeth. While you may not get instant results, apple cider vinegar is a natural method that can help restore white teeth with regular use.


Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 2 parts water. Rinse your mouth for 2 minutes. Repeat daily.

· Mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts apple cider vinegar. Use this mixture to brush your teeth.

· Apply apple cider vinegar directly to your teeth, and after a few minutes, rinse your mouth with water.

· Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts water and use this solution as a mouth rinse every morning.

9. Teeth whitening with banana peel

Another home method Teeth whitening involves using banana peels. Bananas are rich nutrients and minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese, sodium, iron and sulfur, which are also present in the peel.

Banana peels absorb bacteria and germs from the teeth, thus whitening them.


  • Take a ripe banana and rub the inside of the peel on your teeth for 2 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with water. Repeat twice a day.

10. Teeth whitening strips

Teeth whitening strips are one of the popular and inexpensive means that help you achieve a snow-white smile.

Manufacturers of the strips claim that the effect will be noticeable already on the 3rd day of using the strips. However, on average, results can be seen after about a week of use, which also depends on the level of yellowness of the teeth. The whitening effect can last from 6 months to a year after the full course.

Whitening strips are very easy to use. Typically the set consists of two strips, one of which is placed on top and the other on the bottom. You can wear them while you do household or other chores.

· Blot your teeth with a tissue to remove excess saliva.

· Place the strips so that they do not touch the gums.

· Press the strips onto your teeth and leave for a maximum of an hour (depending on what the instructions say).

Remember that long time use strips can damage gums and damage tooth enamel.

Teeth whitening without harm

Many chemicals Teeth whitening products can damage teeth by removing tooth enamel.

Chronic use of whitening strips can cause enamel erosion over time and make teeth sensitive, especially when consuming hot, cold or acidic foods.

Although dentists consider many products to be safe, those that contain a lot of acid increase the risk of tooth decay with frequent use.

These funds are needed use sparingly, ideally after you have tried home remedies.

Remember that the best way teeth whitening is proper nutrition, stopping smoking, regularly brushing your teeth and gums, and limiting coffee, tea and sugary foods.

When an important and long-awaited event is coming up, many, looking at themselves in the mirror, think about how to whiten their teeth at home in 1 evening. If you don’t have time to go to the dentist, then home whitening comes to the rescue.

Teeth whitening at home is effective and economical. When using high-quality products, home whitening allows you to achieve an effect that is often not inferior to the results of procedures in the clinic.

Why do teeth darken?

In order to choose the right home whitening method, you need to understand the causes of teeth darkening.

  • Aging. A natural factor that leads to the inevitable darkening of teeth.
  • Poor teeth cleaning. Most often, teeth darken due to poor hygiene. Plaque consisting of food debris accumulates on the surface of the enamel. If plaque is not systematically removed, it becomes dense and dark, covering the natural color of the tooth.
  • Caries. Another common cause of darkening of teeth. Hard tooth tissues are demineralized under the influence of carious process, as a result, the optical density of the tooth changes, which leads to the appearance of stains on the enamel surface. At first, such spots are light in color, but after a while they darken. Decay can spread under fillings, causing the affected tooth to change color from the inside out.
  • Nicotine. After smoking, teeth darken significantly because tobacco smoke contains a large amount of resinous substances that settle on teeth susceptible to this bad habit people. Smokers' teeth first turn yellow from nicotine and then turn dark brown.
  • Food coloring. Teeth darken in people who often eat foods with rich colors, such as: black tea, coffee, juices, berries, wine, herbal infusions and other foods containing dark food coloring synthetic or natural origin. You should not completely give up such food, but it is advisable to reduce its consumption.
  • Tooth injury. Often the cause of tooth darkening is trauma, which damages the neurovascular bundle. In this case, hemoglobin enters the tooth cavity, which leads to a change in the shade of the enamel. Over time, such a tooth darkens even more due to tissue decay.
  • Medicines. Teeth can become stained from the inside as a result of taking certain medications, such as tetracycline. This drug is not dangerous for adults, since it accumulates in dental tissues only during the initial period of their formation, but tetracycline should not be taken by pregnant women.
  • Some filling materials. The tooth may become discolored if outdated filling materials are used in endodontic treatment. Included filling materials, which were released 10 years ago, contain substances that contribute to the darkening of teeth.
  • Silver amalgam. Teeth turn black when treated with filling materials made of silver amalgam, otherwise known as “metal fillings,” which are widely used in Israel, the USA and some other countries.
  • Endemic fluorosis helps change the color of people's teeth. This disease often occurs in regions where there is too much fluoride in drinking water. In this case, teeth whitening is not advisable. Depending on the advanced stage of the disease, such patients may benefit from therapeutic and orthopedic treatment.
  • Darkening of teeth can occur with some hereditary and systemic diseases.


  • enamel is very sensitive;
  • have gum disease;
  • the enamel is thin and worn.

Before you begin chemical teeth whitening at home, you should consult your dentist about contraindications.

How to whiten teeth at home in 1 day

You can lighten your teeth by 1-2 shades in one day using preparations with a high content of active substances.

Home whitening can be done under the supervision of a dentist who selects professional products individually. Special mouth guards are made for each patient. Having received clear instructions, a person carries out the procedure at home in one evening.

Whitening preparations can also be purchased independently at any pharmacy.

Video: how to whiten inexpensively


The composition of preparations that lighten enamel by removing dark plaque includes various abrasive substances.

Quick teeth whitening at home is done using products that include carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide.

Preparations for home teeth whitening are available in the form of:

  • special pastes;
  • gels;
  • stripes;
  • pencils;
  • rinse aids.

Special pastes

There are pastes that contain abrasive substances. They whiten teeth by removing plaque and dirt. Pastes containing carbamide peroxide are also available. They are used to chemically lighten tooth enamel.

Photo: Colgate Optic White and Rembrandt whitening pastes

Currently, pharmaceutical companies produce excellent whitening pastes, for example, Colgate Optical White, Toms, Rembrandt, Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste and others.

Video: whitening pastes

Whitening at home in 5 minutes using gels

Special gels for self-whitening will help whiten your teeth by 1-2 shades at home in 5 minutes.

Apply chemicals You can either with or without a mouth guard.

Gels intended for use without a mouthguard are applied directly to the surface of the teeth with a special brush. Such preparations quickly harden, forming a protective film that has a whitening effect. This gel is harmless to health and dissolves in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva.

Photo: Whitening gel is applied with a special brush

Special gels based on carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide are included in home whitening kits. They are sold with two standard mouth guards. On inner surface Gel is applied to the aligners, and then they are put on the lower and upper jaws.

The duration of the course for home whitening depends on the concentration of active components in the product. Teeth whitening at home within a week usually produces the best results.

The kits come with standard-sized trays, so they may fit too tightly to your teeth, or they may be too large, causing the bleach to get onto your gums. As a result, a chemical burn of the mucous membrane occurs.

The best option is to purchase a home whitening kit and have custom trays made to order at the dentist. Such mouthguards can be used in the future for a repeated course.

The best modern teeth whitening products are gels: ExpertWhitening Whitening Gel, Smile4You, Opalescence, Colgate Visible White.

Photo: Opalescence and Smile4You whitening gels

Kits such as Tanda Pearl Ionic Teeth Whitening System, Supersmile Ultimate Whitening System, Smile4You Ultimate are not inferior in quality to professional teeth whitening products.


Whitening strips are a relatively inexpensive and effective means of whitening teeth.

A special gel is applied to the inner surface of the strips, which contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

The concentration of the whitening agent in such strips is lower than in home whitening gels, and significantly less than in professional gels. Therefore, you won’t be able to quickly lighten your teeth with this product, but you can whiten your teeth at home within a week.

Photo: Whitening strips Crest 3D White Advanced Vivid and Sheer White

Whitening strips such as Crest 3D White Advanced Vivid, Sheer White, and Rembrandt are especially popular among customers.


Pencils whiten teeth thanks to the carbamide peroxide they contain.

This is a compact and convenient tool for quick home whitening.

Photo: Zero Peroxide Teeth Whitening Pen and GoSmile On The Go Pen

Rinse aids

Whitening rinses contain active ingredients that affect dark spots on the teeth.

When using these products, oxygen is released, which gently lightens stains and does not negatively affect the tissues of the tooth and gums.

One of the good whitening mouthwashes is Listerine Whitening.

Folk remedies

Proven folk remedies help to whiten teeth quickly and effectively, such as:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • activated carbon;
  • lemon juice.

Hydrogen peroxide - traditional remedy for teeth whitening. It must be used with caution, as it may high concentration funds and long-term use the enamel is destroyed.

The teeth are wiped with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide, and then the mouth is thoroughly rinsed with water.

Whitening with soda

You can quickly whiten your teeth using baking soda. To do this, you need to make a very strong concentration of soda solution. Then brush your teeth by dipping your toothbrush into this solution.

Can be applied toothpaste onto the brush and sprinkle baking soda on top. With this method of bleaching, the taste of soda will be less noticeable.

Activated carbon cannot lighten the natural color of teeth, but it has abrasive properties. You need to crush the activated carbon tablets. Then you should apply the resulting product to the brush and brush your teeth with it for 3 minutes.

With lemon

Due to its acidic nature, lemon has good whitening properties. To whiten, apply fresh lemon juice to a gauze pad and rub your teeth thoroughly with it. You can also rinse your teeth with lemon juice.

Be sure to rinse your mouth with warm water or a weak solution of soda to stop the acid from attacking the enamel.

After an hour, you should brush your teeth.

Video: folk remedies

No harm to enamel

To do this, you need to use chemicals with low content active substances.

Such remedies do not give an immediate effect, but over a long course, the teeth lighten several tones, and the enamel remains healthy.

There are traditional whitening recipes that work effectively without damaging the enamel. For example, instead of whitening with lemon juice, you can add one drop of lemon essential oil when brushing your teeth.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects of teeth whitening are:

  • irritation of periodontal tissues;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth to cold and hot liquids and food.

Irritation of soft tissues especially often appears in the area of ​​​​the interdental papillae and the cervical part of the gums.

Gum irritation when using teeth whitening kits is usually associated with poor adaptation of the standard tray. In this case, you should order a custom mouth guard from your dental clinic.

During the whitening process, teeth sometimes become more sensitive to heat and cold. Typically these discomfort last 1-4 days after the procedure.

How to do it safely

When choosing preparations for home whitening, preference should be given to products manufactured by well-known large manufacturers. It is advisable to buy drugs that, in addition to the main component, include potassium nitrate and fluorine.

Whitening products should not be used frequently because it can damage tooth enamel.

You can use professional products and concentrated gels no more than once a year. Preparations with low concentrations of active bleaching agents and folk remedies can be used only once a week.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning should be performed to remove plaque and tartar. Otherwise, the use of chemical whitening products may result in uneven whitening of the teeth.

Saving the result

You should follow hygiene rules, which include systematically brushing your teeth with regular toothpastes, using dental floss, and using mouthwash.

1-2 times a week you can use whitening products such as special toothpastes, pencils, mouthwashes, etc.

One of important indicators attractiveness and health is the presence snow-white teeth. Often the enamel has a certain shade that is far from white. Dental clinics offer expensive techniques. There are also many ways to help whiten enamel.

Teeth whitening

Affects the color of the enamel genetic predisposition, as well as lifestyle. Smokers develop a brownish coating over time. It is worth considering that many dyes are found in wine, coffee, tea, and fruit juices.

The shade of enamel is influenced by the significant fluoride content in water and the use of antibiotics in childhood.

Home teeth whitening – pros and cons

Homemade in the following ways:

  1. Professional pastes.
  2. Whitening gels and strips.
  3. Means in mouth guards.
  4. In folk ways.

The conditions have the following advantages:

  1. Using gentle techniques.
  2. smaller layer of protective enamel than in professional clinics. This maintains surface integrity.
  3. The use of painkillers is not required.
  4. You can do it at home without harm.
  5. No discomfort.

Whitening has some disadvantages:

  1. The home teeth whitening system requires multiple repetitions.
  2. You won't be able to achieve great whiteness.
  3. Increased gum sensitivity to high temperatures and cold.
  4. Pathogenic microbes may appear in the enamel, which lead to its destruction.
  5. As a result of bleaching, pain occurs, which may bother you for several days.
  6. It might start inflammatory process in the gums and tongue.

inflammatory process in the gums

Most of the disadvantages accompany not only home whitening, but also procedures in the clinic.

It is worth considering certain contraindications to whitening procedures:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • enamel damage;
  • allergic reactions to bleaching agents.

There are certain reasons for darkening of teeth:

  • With age, the enamel darkens.
  • An unhealthy lifestyle has a negative impact.
  • For lovers of black coffee and tea, the enamel also darkens.
  • The color changes if hygiene rules are not followed.

Whitening teeth

Before you whiten your teeth, you should understand how necessary it is.

Teeth whitening at home will help in the following cases:

  1. The occurrence of deposits and the presence of plaque.
  2. Changes in the shade of the coating due to age-related changes.
  3. Recently appeared coloring of enamel in brownish and yellowish shades.

The following phenomena are less susceptible to whitening procedures:

  1. gray staining;
  2. congenital changes in enamel colors;
  3. violations of the color of exposed dentin.

You can use a variety of them at home.

Mechanical types of whitening help with tartar and plaque, and chemical effects with internal disorders.


An easy way to whiten your teeth is to use baking soda. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate affects mechanically for a raid. Action this drug based on abrasive abrasion of plaque and antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity. It is worth considering that with constant use of this method, the enamel becomes thinner and the sensitivity of the oral cavity increases.

Each tooth is treated with a special swab. It is made from a wide bandage or folded layers of gauze with soda placed inside.

This method will return the white color to your teeth.

Rinses are also used soda solution. For the procedure, mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

Soda rinses are useful for inflammation of the roots and gums. They do not injure the enamel.

Hydrogen peroxide

A simple recipe for teeth whitening - hydrogen.

This substance is used to produce teeth whitening gels. A solution purchased at a pharmacy helps whiten teeth at home without the use of expensive drugs. There are two methods used to remove plaque:

  • Wiping. The procedure is performed like this:
  1. a cotton swab is soaked in the solution;
  2. the enamel is wiped several times;
  3. rinse your mouth with water.
  • Rinsing. For this procedure, the peroxide solution is diluted in half with plain water. Before rinsing, brush your teeth thoroughly. After the procedure, you should rinse your mouth with water. Such manipulations should not be carried out for more than a week. Rinse twice a day.

Peroxide is home method teeth whitening, characterized by effectiveness.

In this case, the solution acts in several directions:

  1. cleanses the enamel;
  2. performs bleaching.

Hydrogen peroxide

The chemical composition of peroxide is water and an oxygen atom. The whitening effect is produced by the oxygen atom, which oxidizes the atoms of various substances. It affects the elimination of toxic substances and various bacteria. Due to this, hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial and oxidizing properties.

In official medicine, a 38% solution is used. This allows you to lighten the enamel up to 10 tones. In home methods, the drug is used at 10%. But even with this composition the surface brightens by several tones.

It is worth considering that peroxide is an aggressive drug and its frequent use leads to damage to the enamel.


You can whiten your teeth with lemon at home. Whitening occurs as a result of exposure to fruit acids. At the same time, the teeth are cleaned of dark plaque, but prolonged use of the acid corrodes the enamel. During the procedures, you should avoid red wine, coffee and tea.

There are several ways to use lemon:

  1. It is better to whiten your teeth with lemon peels. At the same time, the enamel and gums are rubbed inside peels. This completes within a few minutes. Then keep your mouth open for a while and then rinse.
  2. You can chew the peel. This will get rid of contaminants in hard-to-reach parts of the oral cavity.
  3. Lemon juice is used. A few drops are added to the paste. It won't whiten your teeth, but it will therapeutic effect with bleeding gums. You can rinse your mouth with a solution of lemon juice and water. The procedure is completed within a few minutes.
  4. You can whiten your teeth in a day using a special recipe: lemon juice, activated carbon and regular toothpaste. It all gets mixed up. You can use it every other day for a week.
  5. A piece of lemon is cut and kept on the enamel for several minutes. This is a simple method, but it can be used rarely.
  6. Soda is poured onto the toothbrush and a drop of lemon is dripped. This composition cleanses the enamel, but it is not recommended to use the method often.
  7. Use lemon essential oil to whiten teeth.

Lemon for whitening

These methods cannot be used frequently, as citric acid It is aggressive and thins the tooth covering.

Tea tree oil

Essential oils are used to whiten teeth. This safe way. The oil softens the effects of other substances on the enamel and has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity. Tea tree oil is used to whiten teeth.

This product is made from the leaves of the Melaleuca tree, which grows in Australia.

It is a disinfectant that is effective against various viruses, bacteria and fungi. It is used to prevent caries and fights bacteria that cause plaque, stones and tissue destruction in the oral cavity.

The oil has the following features:

  1. delicate effect on the enamel surface;
  2. eliminates aroma;
  3. forms a special film on the coating that prevents plaque from appearing.

There are the following methods for whitening tooth enamel using oil:

  1. A few drops of oil are applied to a toothbrush and teeth are cleaned with tea tree oil. Its duration is no longer than 2 minutes, then you need to rinse your mouth. The procedure is performed 2 times a month.
  2. Rinse with a few drops of oil and water. You can add a few drops of orange oil. Rinsing is done several times a week.
  3. We also whiten teeth with tea tree and lemon oil. Apply a few drops of oils to the brush and clean for four minutes.

The whitening drug does not destroy the enamel, but strengthens it.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is effective for the prevention of stomatitis, caries and periodontal disease.


Whitening products are used with a mouth guard. This device helps to hold the gel for the required time.

In this case, products that are produced professionally are used.

The mouthguard is worn every day for several hours at home. The course is prescribed by a doctor. This can whiten your teeth several shades.

Colgate whitening

Colgate whitens teeth well. It has whitening microparticles. Its unique formula helps get rid of stains on teeth that appear from frequent drinking coffee or smoking.

It's worth remembering that long-term use Pastes with abrasive properties can lead to increased sensitivity of the oral cavity.

Other ways

You can whiten your teeth with banana peels. This is a safe manipulation.

Before whitening your teeth with a banana, you should brush them with regular toothpaste.

Taken inner part peel and rub the surface of the teeth in a circular motion. This should be done within a few minutes.

The procedure can be performed several times a day.

Ash is also used for bleaching. At the same time, brushing teeth with ash is very simple; the powder is simply rubbed into the surface of the enamel.

When using whitening methods at home, you should be careful. Such procedures should not be used too often and for a long time.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to whiten teeth at home without harm,
  • rating of the best funds,
  • How effective is bleaching with activated carbon, soda or hydrogen peroxide.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

In some cases, teeth whitening at home can be no less effective than in the dentist's office. The most effective way to do this is with special home whitening kits, consisting of a whitening gel and dental trays. The second most effective remedy is probably the use of certain types of whitening strips.

It must be admitted that most patients do not like to go to doctors, and therefore they are much more comfortable doing teeth whitening at home than going to the dentist. In addition, the cost of a home whitening course will average about 4,000 rubles, which is significantly cheaper than professional whitening ® methods, the cost of which starts from 15,000 rubles.

How to whiten teeth at home quickly and effectively - this can be done using Opalescense kits or Crest 3D White whitening strips:

How effective is home whitening?

The best means for home whitening they can lighten teeth by about 4-6 shades (according to the Vita tooth shade scale), but they will require daily use for 10-20 days. Whitening at the dentist most often provides a similar result, but the procedure will only last 1 hour. But the best whitening pencils are capable of changing the color of teeth by only 1-2 shades.

You can evaluate for yourself how effective home teeth whitening will be. A noticeable result of 4-6 tones can only be obtained if your teeth initially have a yellow tint. Here you can really notice the before and after difference. But if you want to make already quite light teeth whiter, the whitening effect is unlikely to be more than 1-2 tones (and not only after home remedies, but even professional whitening).

Only teeth with a yellowish tint respond well to whitening. If your teeth have a gray or brown tint, whitening (both at home and professional) will be an ineffective procedure.

Why do teeth turn yellow and darker?

The hard tissues of the tooth consist of two layers - translucent enamel and underlying darker dentin. Over the course of life, the enamel on the teeth becomes thinner, which causes the darker layer of dentin to increasingly affect the overall color of the teeth. It is also important that dentin itself (with age) tends to become darker, thereby changing the optical properties of teeth.

Secondly – great value personal habits regarding consumption play a role various products and drinks somehow -

  • tobacco use,
  • black tea and coffee,
  • red and white wine,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • berries and other foods rich in dyes,
  • sauces (soy, tomato, curry).

Thirdly, teeth acquire a duller, grayer shade as a result of their depulpation (removal of the nerve and subsequent filling of the canals). Fourthly, after filling the root canals, the tooth may acquire a bluish color, which occurs as a result of mistakes and negligence of the dentist, if at the time of filling the filling materials are in root canals– traces of blood remain on their walls.

Teeth whitening at home –

The most effective home teeth whitening products contain exactly the same active substances that are used in teeth whitening (only in lower concentrations). The most effective is chemical teeth whitening using hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

How to whiten teeth at home - the best means

To whiten your teeth at home, you first need to decide on the choice of product. Below we will talk about several of the most effective options (in descending order of their effectiveness). Each of these means has its own pros and cons, understanding which will allow you to choose the best option for yourself.

1. Opalescense – teeth whitening with trays

Home teeth whitening with trays from Opalescense is one of the most popular home whitening methods in Europe and the USA. Opalescense whitening kits are produced by a well-known manufacturer of dental materials - the company ULTRADENT (USA), which also produces products for professional whitening at the dentist (i.e. you will get a really high-quality product).

There are 2 options for whitening with the Opalescense system -

  • (from 4300 rubles) –

    contains urea peroxide based whitening gel at a concentration of 10%, 15% or 20%. You can buy Opalescence PF (Fig. 6) in any of these concentrations. In addition to the active substance, the teeth whitening gel also contains potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride, which are necessary to reduce tooth sensitivity, which often develops due to whitening.

    Whitening with Opalescence PF is no less effective than professional whitening techniques. However, this particular Opalescence option will require more effort from you. The fact is that the whitening gel for teeth opalescence PF is intended for use only in individual mouth guards (Fig. 7-9), for the manufacture of which you will still have to go to the dentist once. Dental trays are reusable, and in the future you can use them for repeated whitening courses.

    How it is carried out -
    individual trays with whitening gel added to them are placed on the teeth for the whole night (this is the most convenient option). You can also do this in daytime. The duration of whitening can be from 1-2 hours to 8-10 hours daily, which will depend on the concentration of carbamide peroxide used, how pronounced the effect you want to achieve, as well as on the degree of tooth sensitivity. The whitening process is as follows:

    Set contents –
    The kit includes 8 syringes of 10, 15 or 20% carbamide peroxide whitening gel, 1 tray storage container, Opalescence toothpaste, travel bag case, and a tooth shade guide so you can monitor your teeth's color changes .

By the way, a similar whitening product to Opalescence PF are kits under the “Perfect Bleach” brand from the German company VOCO (with 10 or 16% concentrations of carbamide peroxide). VOCO is also a renowned manufacturer of dental materials. Perfect Bleach (as well as Opalescence PF) requires custom-made dental trays.

Application of Opalescence PF: video

  • Opalescence TresWhite Supreme(from RUB 4,500) –
    This version of the Opalescence kits is whitening for the “lazy”. This set already contains universal gel-filled mouthguards (Fig. 10), which only need to be applied to the upper and lower dentition. Opalescence TresWhite Supreme uses a whitening gel based on 10% hydrogen peroxide, rather than carbamide peroxide like Opalescence PF.

    The mouthguards in the TresWhite Supreme sets are made of two layers (Fig. 11). The outer green layer is protective - it is removed after the mouthguard is inserted into the oral cavity. A viscous whitening gel is applied to the inner transparent layer, and therefore, after inserting the tray into the mouth, it remains on the teeth. Next, you will only need to adapt, i.e. press it tightly to your teeth (Fig. 12-15). Mouthguards for the upper and lower jaws have different sizes due to the different shapes of the dentition.

    How it is carried out -
    because Since hydrogen peroxide is more aggressive than carbamide peroxide, the entire whitening process will take no more than 30 to 60 minutes a day (you can adjust the duration of the procedure yourself, but within these time intervals). After just 5 days you will notice visible results. The advantage of this option is that there is no cost for making individual aligners, but whitening in hard-to-reach areas, for example, in the interdental spaces, will be worse.

    Applying a two-layer mouthguard to teeth –

    Set contents –
    the Opalescence TresWhite Supreme set contains 10 aligners for the upper and 10 aligners for the lower jaw. You can choose your set option with different tastes– mint, peach or melon. The cost will be from 4500 rubles.

Application of Opalescence “TresWhite Supreme”: video

Which is better: Opalescence "PF" or "TresWhite Supreme"?

Although carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide have similar action– you may have noticed that the products containing them have very different concentrations. The fact is that a 10% carbamide peroxide whitening gel will correspond in strength to a 3.5% hydrogen peroxide gel. And 15% urea peroxide gel = 5.5% hydrogen peroxide (respectively, 20% urea peroxide = 7.5% hydrogen peroxide), i.e. the difference is about 3 times.

Whitening gel based on carbamide peroxide has a milder effect and causes less side effects– such as irritation of the mucous membrane of the gums and throat. Despite the fact that whitening gel with carbamide peroxide requires more exposure time on the teeth, it is no less effective than products based on hydrogen peroxide. In addition, only products with carbamide peroxide can be used for so-called “overnight whitening”, when trays with gel remain fixed on the teeth all night while you sleep (and this is the most efficient look whitening)

The whitening gel based on hydrogen peroxide used in Opalescence “TresWhite Supreme” has a faster aggressive effect, and therefore 1 procedure should last no more than 60 minutes. It makes sense to choose this option: 1) if you need a very quick visible effect, 2) you do not suffer hypersensitivity teeth. In addition, this option of the Opalescence kit is suitable for lazier people who do not want to spend time making custom dental aligners at the dentist (website).

2. Home teeth whitening strips –

Teeth whitening strips are inexpensive, easy to use (stick to the front of your teeth), and most actually work. The whitening effect occurs due to a whitening gel based on hydrogen peroxide applied to the inner surface of the strips. Concentrations vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, Blendamed 3D White Luxe whitening strips have only a 5.25% concentration of hydrogen peroxide, while different ones range from 9.5 to 14% hydrogen peroxide.

The cost of 1 set of Crest strips will be from 2500 to 5500 rubles. Despite the ease of use – “stick it on and go” – the strips have a number of disadvantages. Because the front surface of the dentition is not flat, but has depressions in the area of ​​the interdental spaces, then a very big problem arises here - the fact is that the strips are glued to the teeth, but they do not fill the unevenness in the area of ​​the interdental spaces and, therefore, the enamel in such hard-to-reach places will bleach worse.

This leads to the fact that the dark areas of the interdental spaces will contrast significantly against the background of the lightened front surfaces of the teeth, which, to put it mildly, is not very beautiful... This will especially manifest itself if you have uneven dentition. In addition, the strips have a length that allows them to be glued not to the entire row of teeth, but most often only to 6-8 front teeth. Therefore, people who have a very wide smile need to buy more expensive models of strips that have an increased length (such as Crest “Supreme Professional”).

How to use whitening strips: video

3. Whitening with toothpastes –

Whitening pastes (depending on the composition) can whiten teeth in two ways. The first version of pastes allows you to remove a layer of pigment plaque on the surface of the tooth enamel. Such pastes do not contain chemically active components that penetrate the tooth tissue. “Whitening” in this case occurs due to the presence of more abrasive substances than are found in conventional preventive toothpastes.

4. Teeth Whitening Pencil –

A teeth whitening pencil is the most ineffective and pointless way to spend your free time waiting for your teeth to lighten. Such pencils not only make teeth lighter, but also temporarily recolor their white color due to the white dye they contain. A teeth whitening pencil of the “Crestal” type (Fig. 20) costs more than 900 rubles at retail, with a purchase price of 100-150 rubles. This already says a lot...

How much does it cost to whiten teeth?

At-home teeth whitening is significantly less expensive than professional in-office whitening. For example, office whitening such as Zoom will cost you from 15,000 rubles, not counting the cost of a special kit for maintaining results at home. Together with such a set, the total cost of whitening can reach 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

If you are faced with the question: how to whiten your teeth at home effectively and without harm, then the “Opalescence” home teeth whitening system from ULTRADENT (USA) or “Perfect Bleach” from VOCO (Germany) will help you with this. Strips under the Crest 3D White brand (USA) will be slightly less effective. The cost of all these funds is quite reasonable...

How much does it cost to whiten teeth at home in 2019 –

  • Strips for home Whitening Crest 3D White – from 2500 to 5500 rubles.
  • Teeth whitening Opalescence will cost you 4000-4500 rubles. (however, if you decide to make individual trays for teeth whitening, the price of 2 trays for the upper and lower jaws will be an additional 2,000 rubles).
  • Whitening paste “Rembrandt plus” (USA) – from 1000 rubles per 50 ml tube.

How to whiten teeth with activated carbon, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Can cheap products like baking soda, activated charcoal or hydrogen peroxide help whiten teeth? Indeed, they can have a certain effect, but it will not be too significant and will have a negative effect on tooth enamel. Why is this so - let's figure it out...

1. Teeth whitening with activated carbon: reviews

If you decide to try whitening your teeth with activated carbon, you should know that activated carbon is an abrasive (like tooth powder). Unlike abrasives that are included in toothpastes, carbon crystals are not spherical, and therefore its use will lead to many micro-scratches on tooth enamel.

At the initial stage, you may notice that there is a little less pigment plaque, because... the abrasive will scrape off the plaque. However, microscratches will make the surface of the teeth rough, which means that pigment plaque will be deposited on the teeth even faster. Conclusion: charcoal has a mechanical/abrasive effect on pigment plaque, scratches and damages tooth enamel. Therefore, it should not be used.

2. How to whiten teeth with soda –

On teeth whitening with soda - millet reviews cannot be positive for several reasons. The fact is that soda has a certain degree of abrasiveness (like activated carbon, but not so significant). Abrasives remove plaque, so adding baking soda to toothpaste can actually increase its abrasiveness. The latter will indeed allow you to remove plaque a little better, but will not lighten the actual tooth tissue.

Unlike carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, baking soda does not have a chemical bleaching effect. Moreover (like activated carbon in high concentrations) it will scratch tooth enamel. Conclusion: teeth whitening with soda is not effective; it is better to buy a whitening abrasive toothpaste, in which the abrasive particles will have a spherical cut and will not scratch the tooth enamel.

3. Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide: reviews

Teeth whitening at home with hydrogen peroxide is theoretically possible, but in practice it is very difficult to do. Hydrogen peroxide in whitening products for home and professional use is used in the form of a gel, which should be in close contact with the surface of the teeth (and at the same time should be isolated from the gums and excessive contact with saliva).

At the pharmacy you can buy hydrogen peroxide in 3 or 6% concentrations. The only thing you can do is soak cotton balls or a gauze pad with peroxide and apply it to your teeth. Why is this ineffective... Gauze and cotton swabs will absorb not only the peroxide solution, but also oral fluid containing a large amount of organic matter. Upon contact with organic matter, peroxide will immediately begin to disintegrate, although the minimum time required to achieve the effect when using 6% peroxide is 1 hour.

In general, hydrogen peroxide is not part of the gel - it will disintegrate too quickly (not having time to penetrate into hard tissues tooth), the peroxide solution will spread over the gums, causing irritation/chemical burns, and if you do all this without gloves, your fingers will turn white, also due to chemical burn skin. Therefore, such home teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide may have only negative reviews, but if you are in doubt, you can try it out yourself.

4. Is it possible to whiten teeth with lemon or other acids?

Citric acid, a also any other acids cause calcium to be washed out from the surface layer of enamel. Due to sharp decline mineralization of enamel, this process really looks like teeth whitening. The color of the teeth becomes dull (chalky), the surface of the enamel becomes rough, and in addition, the teeth will lose their shine.

That is, there will be more than just deterioration appearance teeth, but also a decrease in the resistance of enamel to mechanical stress, as well as to the effects of cariogenic bacteria. As a result, rapid wear of the enamel and multiple dental caries.

Summary – advantages of home whitening

Both home and professional teeth whitening have been studied in many clinical studies, and interesting results were obtained. For example, it was found that the shorter the whitening course/procedure, the faster the original color of the enamel returns. Those. The disadvantage of professional whitening methods (where the entire procedure takes 1 hour) is the rapid color rebound.

That is why all these patients are still prescribed home whitening systems - to maintain the results of professional whitening. If the patient refuses, then within a few months the color of the teeth returns to their original state. Therefore, you should not think that home whitening products are less effective than professional ones. The products we listed above (for example, Opalescence and Crest) really allow you to whiten your teeth at home without harming your teeth. We hope that our article was useful to you!

(22 ratings, average: 4,68 out of 5)

Do you dream about professional whitening enamel, but don’t have the opportunity to visit an expensive center? Then this article will be useful to you. Here you will learn in detail how to whiten your teeth at home, get acquainted with the best methods and preparations, and also receive recommendations on preventive measures.

Unfortunately, toothpaste alone cannot achieve ideal cleanliness and whiteness of enamel.

A snow-white smile requires deep cleansing with special means and instruments. Fortunately, the procedure is quite affordable, because it can be done at home.

Effective folk methods:

  • Soda. This is perhaps the most popular teeth whitening product. Almost everyone has a box of baking soda, and many keep it for years. Application of the powder is simple. Dip a damp brush into the product and brush your teeth as usual. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly. This method should be used maximum once a week.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. A more gentle method than soda, for example. True, the effect of this method is cumulative. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with a peroxide solution for 14 days. It is diluted in the ratio of 100 ml of water to 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide. After two weeks, a break is taken for 7 days, then the course is repeated for a week.
  • Lemon zest. Express method for teeth whitening. The enamel is rubbed on the inside of the crust. Fast and easy. It is only better to resort to this method in emergency cases and no more than once a month.
  • Honey and salt. Thanks to the honey component, the mixture not only whitens teeth, but also treats gums from periodontal disease. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities and mixed together. The composition is applied with massage movements. First on the gum, then on the enamel. The product is used once a week.
  • Sea salt and lemon juice. The components are mixed together in equal proportions. Use the composition to brush your teeth in the usual way. Application should be careful and no more than three times a month. There may be discomfort during the first procedures.
  • Barley. The method is effective, but not entirely simple. The fact is that the cereal must first be burned. Mix the resulting ashes with salt and brush your teeth with the mixture in the usual way. Barley will not only whiten the enamel, but also strengthen the gums. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a month.
  • Activated carbon. The tablet is crushed into powder and applied to a toothbrush. After cleaning with charcoal, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly, then clean the enamel with paste. One event per week is enough.
  • Ash, soda and lemon juice. The components are mixed together. Brush your teeth with the resulting mixture for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Do not resort to the procedure more than 4 times a month. The effect can be noticed after the first event.
  • Sap. You just need to chew a piece of sulfur. If repeated daily, your teeth will turn white within a month.
  • Matches. Regular matches will help whiten your teeth. Their wooden part is burned, and the sulfur is broken off. The coals and sulfur must be crushed and the enamel must be cleaned with the mixture. Cleaning should be repeated no more than once a week.

This way, you can achieve a snow-white smile and save money.

A snow-white smile with the help of berries

Teeth can be whitened not only using ancient methods using ash and other mixtures, but also delicious berries. The well-known strawberries and wild strawberries can cope with the problem.

The fruits must be mashed into a paste and brushed with the sweet mixture. Finally, they need to be treated with a regular paste to remove berry residues. The fact is that the acidity of strawberries can damage the enamel, so you should rinse your mouth thoroughly after such an unusual cleaning.

Teeth whitening products at home

In pharmacies and cosmetic stores you can find many teeth whitening products. Products of this kind are divided into several categories. Below are 4 main varieties with descriptions and names of the best products.


Toothpaste can act differently on enamel pigments:

  • brighten them;
  • destroy.

It follows that products are divided into two types.

Products included in this category are more gentle on enamel. In other words, the paste gently whitens teeth. Courses of drugs last a maximum of 4 weeks; details should be read in the instructions.

List of popular products:

  1. Rembrandt. The paste specifically combats stains from tobacco and coffee. The product is made in the USA and contains the active substances: citroxaine and aluminisil. Thanks to its constituent components, the product breaks down the pigment and strengthens the enamel.
  2. Lacalut. German product high quality. Loosens pigments, suitable for sensitive teeth.
  3. President. Natural and safe product of Italian origin. Effective and gentle whitening.
  4. Splat. A good Russian product containing an abrasive system high class. The paste breaks down plaque and strengthens teeth, relieving increased sensitivity.
  5. Silca. German pasta. It is inexpensive, but it provides good action. Whitens teeth without damaging enamel.

They also respond well to the products of the Russian company Rocs (sensational and delicate whitening), Blend-a-met and New Pearl.

Teeth whitening gel

Gel products contain hydrogen peroxide, which promotes gentle whitening. Teeth whitening gel is easy to use and affordable.

List of the best drugs:

  1. Plus White"Enhanced whitening." The product not only eliminates plaque, but also freshens breath for a long time, and also protects the enamel from the appearance of pigments.
  2. Colgate Simply White. The effect is maximally manifested after a two-week course of using the gel. The natural whiteness of teeth lasts up to one year.
  3. Colgate Simply White Night. The enhanced formula is applied before bed for a few seconds.
  4. Plus White Bleach Whitening. Just five minutes a day and your smile will become snow-white. The maximum course is 14 days.
  5. Plus White Bleach Whitening Gel for sensitive teeth. Actively neutralizes the resulting pigment and brightens the enamel by 3 tones.
  6. R.O.C.S. Pro. The course of treatment with this gel is 28 days. Teeth are brightened by 4 shades.
  7. Global White "Whitening Gel". The gel lightens the enamel by 2-3 tones. The course is a week, 7 minutes a day.

The gels are available without a prescription and are intended for home use However, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Almost all products include a special brush for easy application. Before use, you should study the instructions and become familiar with the contraindications.

Special pencil

Teeth whitening pencil is an innovation in the world of cosmetic products. Many people wonder if the drug is really that effective? Won't he do any harm?

The composition of the pencil does not contain harmful components and includes the following substances:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Urea peroxide.

The consistency of the product is gel-like.

Directions for use:

  1. Clean tooth enamel with a dry cloth and rinse your mouth.
  2. Remove food residues with a toothpick.
  3. Turn the pencil dispenser until the gel appears.
  4. Open your mouth wide, apply a thin layer of the product to the lower and upper jaw.
  5. If possible, keep your mouth closed for 5 minutes.
  6. Rinse off any remaining gel that is not absorbed.

Do not eat for 30 minutes after use.

There are many drugs available. Some products can only be purchased in online stores, others are more affordable and are sold in pharmacies.

List of common whitening pencils:

  1. Bright White. The effect will already be noticeable on the 5th day of use. The results will last for a year.
  2. Teeth Whitening Pen. An effective American product that needs to be rinsed off.
  3. Luxury PRO. Ultra-strong whitening, 6 tones.
  4. R.O.C.S. Eliminates plaque, contains polishing crystals. A convenient brush allows you to whiten the side areas.
  5. White Kiss. Whitens teeth within 10 days of use. Suitable for sensitive teeth.

Gels are easy to use, but not everyone prefers this whitening method.

Teeth Whitening Strips

Teeth whitening strips are very popular among consumers, especially among those who are removing braces. After aligning the dentition, the enamel needs high-quality and gentle cleansing and bleaching. Stripes are the best way to do this.

Popular means:

  1. Classic. The easiest strips to use. Suitable for those who decide to use such a drug for the first time.
  2. Premium. Suitable for re-bleaching.
  3. Premium Plus. The strips will provide a professional effect.
  4. Renewal. Gently whitens and protects enamel.
  5. Supreme. The result lasts up to one year, which is more for a long time performance compared to most whitening strips.
  6. Advanced Seal. The drug is expensive, but very effective and easy to use. You can talk and drink water during the procedure.

The use of strips is ideal for those who want to achieve professional results at a low cost.

In what cases is it better to refuse tooth enamel whitening?

Dental whitening has a number of contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. High sensitivity.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Caries and dental damage.
  5. Minor age.
  6. Reception medicines, incompatible with bleaching agents.

You may be allergic to hydrogen peroxide. The substance is contained in many drugs, so allergy sufferers are advised to be more careful about the composition.

How to choose the right way to restore a snow-white smile?

Which teeth whitening kit is better to choose?

It all depends on the following factors:

  • the nature of the problem;
  • physiological characteristics;
  • budget.

It is also necessary to take into account allergic reaction on substances contained in drugs.

A specialist in this field will help you make the right choice; prior consultation is necessary.

Prevention of yellowing of tooth enamel

Tooth enamel turns yellow for the following reasons:

  1. Bad habits.
  2. Drinking strong drinks.
  3. Poor oral care.
  4. Diseases of internal organs.
  5. Heredity.
  6. Taking certain medications.
  7. Avitaminosis.
  8. Age.
  9. Wearing braces.
  10. Oral diseases.
  11. Unfavorable environment.

To prevent tooth pigmentation, a number of preventive measures should be followed:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day.
  2. Avoid consuming foods high in dyes, as well as coffee and strong tea.
  3. Stop smoking and overuse alcohol.
  4. Drink regularly vitamin complexes or eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrients.
  5. Care for enamel only with high-quality products.
  6. Visit your dentist regularly.