Cauterization of erosion during pregnancy. Douching during pregnancy. Cauterization with chemicals

When a gynecologist informs his patients about cervical erosion, most inevitably think about how this diagnosis will affect them reproductive function and ability to endure healthy child. This is no wonder, because most often the disease affects women reproductive age. So is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion? And what is the likelihood that a disease, even if already cured, will cause pathologies in the future?

Read in this article

The essence of the disease

Few people know that most often the diagnosis of erosion means epithelial ectopia or pseudo-erosion of the cervix. In this case, the epithelium, which normally should line the inner wall cervical canal, moves a little lower, into the vagina. And although such a change may be very minor (just a few millimeters), the area of ​​epithelium that came from alkaline environment to sour, acquires a bright red hue. However, what worries doctors is not the color of the epithelial cells, but their inability to continue to perform a protective function, i.e. they become an excellent environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

Common causes of erosion

Doctors name several factors predisposing to the appearance of erosion:

  • sexually transmitted infections that lead to pathological changes cervical epithelium;
  • physical impacts (trauma, damage);
  • hereditary predisposition to this kind of pathology (for example, when there are close relatives in the family who have been diagnosed with cervical cancer);
  • , failures and disorders, including too early menarche, puberty, pregnancy;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • poor environment and non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Since cervical erosion and pregnancy planning are two things that are best not combined, it is recommended to get rid of this disease before conceiving a child.

However, there are cases when the gynecologist does not prescribe treatment. The fact is that in childhood and adolescence this disease often goes away on its own. Usually nulliparous girls with erosion by the age of 20, this pathology completely disappears without any treatment. In other cases, you should not let the disease take its course.

Is it possible to get pregnant with erosion?

So does erosion affect conception? It is definitely not an obstacle to pregnancy, but it is still best to plan a child after this problem can be eliminated.

The fact is that it is not cervical erosion itself that is scary, but infections that are more likely to develop in such an environment favorable to them. One of the functions of the inner epithelial layer of the cervix is ​​to protect the uterine cavity itself, where the fetus develops, from the penetration of harmful agents. If the epithelium is damaged, it does not fully perform this role, which means that the risk of infection increases many times over.

Another consequence of erosion can manifest itself during childbirth. The areas affected by erosion are very fragile and easily damaged, so it is often in these places that “tears” appear during childbirth.

As mentioned above, sometimes (most often when it is the first pregnancy) previously diagnosed erosion goes away on its own, either during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth. However, only a doctor can accurately determine whether a given particular case requires treatment.

Treatment of erosion

If the gynecologist considers that cervical erosion will interfere with pregnancy planning normal development child or childbirth, the woman will have to undergo one of the procedures to get rid of this disease. Today there are several ways to completely cure epithelial ectopia.

Before starting treatment, the presence of diseases such as dysplasia and cancer should be excluded. To do this, the patient needs to undergo a biopsy test and undergo a full examination by a gynecologist. In addition, the cause of the disease is identified, based on which the method of therapy is prescribed.

Pharmacological treatment


Drug therapy is appropriate if the cause of erosion is sexually transmitted infection, which is in mandatory requires antibiotics either in the form of oral medications or medications local action- suppositories, lotions and ointments. To ensure that pregnancy does not occur during the course of therapy, antibiotics begin to be taken with the onset of the next menstruation. Pharmacological treatment does not always result in complete relief from erosion, so often after it it is necessary to use more radical methods.

Cauterization with chemicals

If cervical erosion is diagnosed, cauterization continues to be the most common method of treatment. The procedure is carried out by the attending physician, who applies a drug to the affected areas, created on the basis of a combination of several acids, which “burn out” the affected epithelium. Usually the procedure is carried out once, but 2-3 sessions may be needed with an interval of several days between them.

Surgical methods

Laser destruction

Cauterizing erosion with a laser is much more effective than the same procedure using chemicals. Laser beam able to penetrate deep epithelial tissue, becoming the reason for her self-destruction. The method does not call pain and does not lead to scarring, the procedure is performed once.


In this case, the “treating agent” is liquid nitrogen. Strong cold exposure to the affected tissue also triggers the processes of its self-destruction. The entire procedure takes no more than a few minutes, but it is rarely possible to get by with just one session of cryotherapy. The reason is the small depth of impact.

DEC - diathermocoagulation

This is cauterization electric shock. Here, the effect on the epithelium of the cervix is ​​quite aggressive, and the healing of damaged tissue is quite long. One of the disadvantages of the method is scarring of the tissue subjected to DEC, as a result of which it becomes not as elastic as before the procedure. Another complication is the acquisition of a tendency to frequent inflammation appendages, which over time can become chronic.

In addition, the consequences of DEC sometimes include burns. After cauterization of the erosion, when it is possible to conceive a child, problems due to partial or complete healing of the cervical canal will become an obstacle.

Radio knife

This is a non-contact method when, as a result of exposure to radio waves, tissue damaged by erosion turns into steam. This procedure can be called the most gentle; moreover, as a result of such radio wave therapy, all microbes that damage the epithelium are destroyed.

Helper Methods

These include physiotherapy and treatment with folk remedies. Among physiotherapy methods, in combination with pharmacological or surgical ones, hardware and balneotherapy can be used. Acupuncture can be an effective auxiliary method for treating erosion. The use of herbs and external products based on them is possible only after the approval of the attending physician.

Consequences of erosion when planning pregnancy

Patients' doctors are constantly asked the question whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization of erosion. The answer is overwhelmingly yes. However, some complications are still possible.

So, when using cauterization with chemical or electrically The exposed tissue scars over time, which means it loses its former elasticity. The elasticity of the walls of the cervix is ​​very important for successful delivery. Very rarely, scars become so pronounced that they completely cover the cervical canal. It is in this case that we can talk about the onset of infertility due to cauterization of erosion. That is why young, nulliparous girls are not recommended to use this method to treat ectopia.

Fortunately, it is now possible to take advantage of more modern methods of treating erosion. After cryotherapy procedures, laser exposure and the use of a radioknife does not create scars, which means there is no danger of not getting pregnant or encountering complications of childbirth. Theoretically, you can conceive as early as next year. monthly cycle, however, it is still recommended to undergo a re-examination three months after treatment to ensure that the erosion has completely disappeared.

Erosion of the cervix, the consequences of not treating which can be quite severe (up to the development malignant tumors), must be subjected to timely and thorough therapy. Therefore, it is so important to regularly visit a gynecologist, especially for those who are just planning a pregnancy.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy is the destruction of a separate area of ​​the mucous membrane of this organ. The epithelium undergoes changes as a result of inflammation, injury, action chemicals, infectious diseases. Experts believe that such a disorder does not pose a danger to the fetus and the woman’s health if it is not complicated by infection.

General characteristics of the phenomenon

Erosion is an ulcerative disorder of a certain area of ​​the mucous membrane that lines the vaginal part of the cervix. Externally, it consists of bright red areas that can be visualized using special mirrors.

There are two types of deviation:

  • True erosion. The reason for the violation of the integrity of the epithelium is a damaging factor, due to which the upper layer of the mucous membrane peels off, and at the site of damage begins inflammatory process. Erosion of this type is often localized on lower lip cervix. The size of the lesion is about 1 cm. True erosion often bleeds.
  • False or pseudo-erosion. This type of pathology occurs when epithelial cells are replaced by columnar epithelium. In other words, pseudo-erosion is a modified area of ​​the cervical epithelium without signs of damage, the appearance of which is associated with improper healing of true erosion. Externally, pseudo-erosion looks like a rounded area of ​​bright red color. Its surface is smooth and does not bleed, unlike the true form of pathology. With this type of violation there is high risk addition of infection.
  • Congenital. Erosion of this type is diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. The phenomenon is associated with a displacement of the boundaries of the columnar epithelium beyond the limits of the cervical canal it lines. This happens even before the birth of a child, during intrauterine development, which led to the name of the pathology.

What is the danger of pathology during pregnancy?

If the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​exposed ulcerative disorders, this can pose a danger to the woman’s health and fetal development. This phenomenon is fraught with the following potential threats:

  • impairment of physical and mental development fetus: possible if, in parallel with erosion, the woman was diagnosed with an infection - human papillomavirus, herpes, chlamydia;
  • damage to the endometrium in the first trimester, which is fraught with the possibility of miscarriage;
  • complications during childbirth (premature delivery, early discharge of amniotic fluid);
  • infection of the genital tract and transmission of the virus to the child, which provokes the development of such pathologies as otitis media, pneumonia, conjunctivitis.

With an advanced pathological process, there is a risk of malignant degeneration of the affected area.

Chronic inflammatory processes of the reproductive system and infertility in the future may also be possible complications of erosion.

Risk factors

The formation of ulcerative areas on the mucous membrane of the cervix may be associated with the following factors:

  • Early onset of sexual activity (16-18 years). IN early age The epithelial layer of the cervical canal is not fully formed, so it is damaged during sexual intercourse. This can become an impetus for the subsequent development of erosion.
  • Decline protective forces body. In pregnant women, especially against the background chronic diseases and frequent worries, immunity is significantly reduced. This can provoke an inflammatory process that spreads to the mucous membrane of the cervix.
  • Hormonal changes that occur during gestation.
  • Injury to the uterus during a previous birth or abortion.
  • Infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. A woman can become infected with them while already pregnant, or not fully cure them during pregnancy planning. Trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia can cause cervical erosion.
  • Long-term use hormonal contraceptives before pregnancy.
  • Inflammatory processes of the genital tract (cervicitis, vaginitis).
  • The factor of heredity plays a certain role in the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the cervix. According to statistics, in women whose close relatives suffered from this pathology, the risk of erosion increases by 1.5-2 times.

Clinical picture

Cervical erosion causes the following manifestations:

  • discharge from the genital tract, which is brownish in color and usually appears after sexual intercourse, physical activity or taking a hot bath;
  • discomfort, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can appear and disappear randomly;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • thick white vaginal discharge: this symptom indicates the onset of an inflammatory process or the presence of a hidden infection.

Erosion does not appear in severe symptoms for a long time, and in some cases, signs of pathology never make themselves felt.

Diagnostic methods

To confirm the diagnosis, the following measures are prescribed:

  • standard visual examination of the vagina using mirrors, which can detect changes in the mucous membrane;
  • flora smear;
  • biopsy if a malignant process is suspected;
  • blood tests for viruses and infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis);

After identifying the pathology and the degree of development of the lesion, the specialist selects suitable way treatment.

Features of treatment of cervical erosion during pregnancy

The principle of treating pathology in pregnant women depends on how developed and complicated pathological process.

Drug therapy

The anomaly is treated in the following ways:

  • At heavy discharge from the genital tract, local drugs are prescribed that suppress the development of infection. A woman can be prescribed Hexicon and Fluomizin. After 16 weeks of pregnancy, you can use other local drugs– Terzhinan, Neo Penotran Forte.
  • At severe itching They recommend sea buckthorn suppositories, which also have a healing effect.
  • In order to increase immunity, the use of immunomodulators is prescribed. Indicated during pregnancy rectal suppositories with an immunostimulating effect, for example, Viferon.
  • To restore the vaginal microflora, local agents are recommended - Lactagel, Vagilak.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment of pathology during pregnancy is not performed. This is due to the fact that after treatment a scar remains on the affected area, which prevents normal delivery. Full radical treatment of the pathology is recommended no earlier than 2 months after birth.

After childbirth, the anomaly can be treated using methods such as:

  • Cryotherapy (cauterization of formation liquid nitrogen). The affected area of ​​tissue is treated with liquid nitrogen, which has an extremely low temperature. Under the influence of such a substance, tissues die. Nitrogen is applied pointwise so as not to harm healthy tissues.
  • Laser coagulation. This method involves non-contact laser action on the affected areas. The beam evaporates liquid from the cells. Subsequently, scabs form at the site of erosion, which are rejected by the body a week after the operation.
  • Chemical coagulation. The area affected by erosion is treated special drugs, which destroy diseased cells.
  • Electrical coagulation. In this case, an electric current is applied to the affected area, due to which the tissues die and are rejected, and then new healthy tissue of the mucous membrane grows.
  • Excision of overgrown tissue using a special loop.

Within a month after cauterization, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations in order to prevent the development of complications. You should avoid lifting heavy objects, refuse sexual intercourse, and do not take a bath with hot water.

If the listed types of operations were carried out, then plan next pregnancy recommended 12 months after surgery.

Traditional medicine

There are also folk methods that can be used to get rid of erosion, but it should be taken into account that during pregnancy they can only be used after consultation with a specialist.

TO folk methods Treatments for cervical erosion include the following:

  • Calendula infusion for vaginal douching. This remedy also serves as a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Tampons with honey. You need to take a teaspoon of natural honey, pour it onto a sterile bandage folded in several layers, roll it into a tampon and tie it with thread. Insert it into the vagina as deeply as possible. Leave the tampon on overnight.
  • Pumpkin tampons. You should take fresh pumpkin pulp and grind it. Wrap the raw materials in several layers of gauze, secure with thread and carefully insert into the vagina. Do this procedure before going to bed.
  • Aloe juice. It is recommended to insert it inside the vagina, after which you need to lie down for 20 minutes.

Treatment of pathology during pregnancy by any means must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Prevention methods

To minimize the risk of erosion on the cervical mucosa, it is recommended to do the following:

  • regularly visit a doctor and undergo the required examinations;
  • carefully observe the rules of hygiene;
  • promptly treat inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • avoid stressful conditions;
  • strengthen general and local immunity.

Before pregnancy, it is necessary to correct hormonal levels and avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse. Abortion of pregnancy should be avoided surgically, since similar surgical interventions negatively affect the condition of the uterus.

Is it possible to get pregnant with erosion?

Erosion does not prevent pregnancy, but conception should be planned only after the pathology has been cured. This is due to the fact that the pathological process reduces a woman’s immunity and creates conditions for infections to enter the body.

Erosion can prevent pregnancy with severe damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, since under such conditions this section copes with its functions worse.

If a woman is planning her first pregnancy, erosion is not recommended to be treated by cauterization. This is due to the fact that this method of treatment leaves scars on the cervix, the presence of which can complicate fertilization and the process of delivery. In addition, after such interventions, the diameter of the cervix decreases, that is, its patency decreases.

Cervical erosion after childbirth

Often this pathology develops after childbirth. The reasons for this phenomenon are the following factors:

  • ruptures that occur when a child passes through the birth canal;
  • hormonal disorders in the body that occur during pregnancy;
  • penetration of infection into the body.

Treatment in this case is determined by the attending physician, depending on general condition patient and the presence of associated complications.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy does not always threaten the health of the woman and the condition of the fetus. The danger is present only if, in parallel with this pathology, a woman experiences infectious process. Radical treatment It is recommended to carry out only 2 months after the birth of the child.

Cervical erosion is not such a rare diagnosis these days. Hearing such a diagnosis is far from pleasant, and even scary, because not everyone knows how to treat erosion.

Many pregnant women, having heard a diagnosis of “cervical erosion” from a doctor, are frightened because they do not understand how dangerous erosion is for the unborn child, how it will affect the course of pregnancy, can it be treated and, if so, how to do it correctly?

Pregnancy against the background of cervical erosion - this situation occurs quite often. It has been proven that these two conditions of the body mutually aggravate each other. But what to do if the pregnancy is desired, do not terminate it?

All doubts can be completely dispelled only after talking with your doctor and full examination from a qualified specialist. However, our article today will help debunk some myths.

How does erosion affect the course of pregnancy?

According to many experts, almost 50% of women carry a pregnancy and give birth with erosion. At the same time, they are born healthy children, without any pathologies.

From here we can draw the main conclusion: cervical erosion with constant monitoring by a doctor will not harm pregnancy. As a rule, throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the disease does not manifest itself with any symptoms and does not cause discomfort. Erosion will not affect the birth process itself.

However, a caveat is worth making here. Sometimes there are cases when the pathology nevertheless makes itself felt, causing the appearance of unpleasant discharge, sometimes bloody.

Bloody discharge due to erosion

The appearance of blood in the discharge is a signal of many diseases. During pregnancy, for example, this may be a symptom of placental abruption or even an incipient miscarriage. Blood may also ooze from erosion on the cervix, especially if the size of the pathological focus is large enough.

When erosion begins to bleed, leaving it untreated is already dangerous. In this case, doctors prescribe certain treatment.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy: treatment

It must be said that doctors always prescribe very careful treatment for pregnant women, which is mainly in the nature of preventing exacerbations. The range of drugs allowed for use in pregnant women is very limited.

Many drugs are strictly contraindicated, most are not recommended. Prohibited and traditional method Treatment of this disease is cauterization of erosion with a laser. That is why a competent specialist always advises his patients to get rid of erosion even before pregnancy.

However, if treatment is necessary due to itching, discomfort or bleeding, experts may advise the following:

1. Suppositories with methyluracil - can be prescribed for bleeding erosion. This drug It is most often used to treat injuries to the rectum, including in pregnant women. Many experts claim that methyluracil is completely harmless to the fetus, and its use in expectant mothers is completely justified.

2. Sea buckthorn candles– oldest folk remedy, which is used to treat erosion most often in folk medicine. Sea buckthorn has healing properties, and its use often brings good results.

3. In the event that erosion is accompanied by inflammatory processes, prescribed antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

Herbal medicine for cervical erosion

Many women believe that herbal medicine is absolutely harmless to the child. In fact, herbal treatment of cervical erosion without prior consultation with a qualified doctor can have a very unpleasant consequences, especially when it comes to pregnancy.

Traditional treatment of erosion during pregnancy

The list of drugs that can be used to treat erosion can be continued for more than one page. However, each of them has at least one contraindication. Even seemingly harmless chamomile is prohibited for use in people with hypersensitivity to her.

It is not advisable to use St. John's wort during pregnancy, since this herb has quite a strong action and has side effects.

Aloe, which is so widely used among people, cannot be called absolutely harmless. To choose suitable remedy, to the expectant mother You should consult your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine whether she can use a particular plant.

Most doctors have a negative attitude towards the treatment of erosion on the cervical mucosa with the help of phytotampons during pregnancy. Perhaps their advice should be heeded.

Douching with herbs for erosion

As for douching with decoctions or herbal tinctures, opinions differ here.

Some experts in the field of gynecology believe that douching should not be done at all, and not only during pregnancy. Many people tend to believe that douching is a completely acceptable measure for the treatment of certain diseases.

Most doctors are inclined to think that, if necessary, douching can be done by all women who suffer from unpleasant discharge, itching, burning and other symptoms of diseases that, for certain reasons, at the moment Medicines cannot cure it. The same applies to the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous girls and during pregnancy.

However, douching should be carried out strictly according to the rules.

Treatment of erosion with douching during pregnancy

To treat erosion, pregnant women can use the same decoctions of calendula, chamomile, and oak bark. When treating the disease, the following points should be kept in mind:

1. The duration of the course of treatment with douching should not exceed five days.

2. For douching, you should use a bulb with a soft rubber or silicone tip.

3. Before each procedure, the pear must be sterilized by dousing it with boiling water.

4. The temperature of the liquid for douching should be comfortable.

5. Pour in the liquid carefully, in a small stream. The tip of the bulb should not penetrate too deeply.

If you follow all the rules and at the same time observe the dynamics of the disease with a doctor, even bleeding erosion can be kept under control throughout the entire prenatal period.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy does not pose a serious danger. If the disease causes any discomfort, you should definitely get rid of it. unpleasant symptoms Any of the recipes suggested above will help.

I periodically continue to see my doctor, who treated my erosion and managed our planning for our first child and pregnancy. Now there is no erosion, no condylomas, no HPV - I’m healthy!

Doctors see cervical erosion during a routine examination on a chair as a pale spot with vague contours.

Of course, the more advanced the erosion, the larger and brighter it is. In this photo the erosion is advanced.

In order to more accurately discern and evaluate cervical erosion, the cervix is ​​stained with Lugol’s solution and observed: if there is no erosion, the cervix is ​​light pinkish-brown in color, evenly colored; if there is erosion, the erosion site is painted in a bright brown rich color (see the photo above of the colored cervix).
Condylomas look the same way: colored condylomas acquire a rich, bright brown color.

(In a modern clinic, the doctor will insert a camera into you and show you everything on the monitor with detailed explanations - you will see everything with your own eyes.)

Additional tests and procedures will show whether it is truly erosion or something else; Which cells in the erosion are malignant or benign, everything depends on this further treatment; Is there anything else besides HPV, since HPV and erosion are treated last, everything else except HPV is treated first, and only then, on a clean body, are HPV and erosion treated to avoid complications.

Now decide for yourself whether your future child needs such an inheritance? If so, don’t treat it, wait until the erosion goes away on its own after childbirth... But keep in mind: boys are born carriers, in general, on their reproductive system the disease does not particularly affect, they will only infect their ladies when they grow up... + condylomas, due to which they may have painful sensations during sexual intercourse; but girls... are carriers + erosion, which can develop into cancer, + condylomas + unpleasant discharge+ painful sexual intercourse + long months treatment and years of observation - everything I went through for the sake of healthy offspring.

(If cervical erosion is not treated, it can develop into cervical cancer, and then you will no longer have to treat, but remove the cervix, and perhaps the uterus itself.)

All the best!

P.S.: Girls! Before you give someone advice: “Don’t give a damn about her! I had... I didn’t treat it, I gave birth, it went away on its own...” - it’s better to advise finding out the cause of the formation of erosion, undergoing a full comprehensive examination, since if it is caused by viruses or sexually transmitted infections, it is necessary to be treated before pregnancy!

In general, I think that before pregnancy, if possible, you should be treated for everything, even if it is not passed on to the child. On healthy body and pregnancy goes easier, and childbirth proceeds more calmly, and there are fewer “headaches”...

Cervical erosion- violation of its mucous layer. This diagnosis is not uncommon for every fifth woman of childbearing age.

Erosion is detected during normal gynecological examination, differs from nearby tissues in its granular structure and pink-red color.

As a rule, this disease does not manifest itself in any way, and if it is detected during pregnancy, it is not capable of harming the health of the expectant mother and fetus, and does not affect the course and outcome of childbirth.

But this does not mean that this defect should be ignored: If not treated in a timely manner, erosion has every chance of developing into cervical cancer!


Types of cervical erosion are divided into:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

Congenital erosion affects girls and young people, nulliparous women.

The cervix has the shape of a cylinder and is normally covered with a flat and cylindrical layer of cells: the first covers the cervix on outside, the second it is covered from the inside. In little girls, the cylindrical layer is located on the outside, and with age it moves inward.

Due to various circumstances ( most often these are hormonal disorders) this process doesn't always happen. In this case, doctors talk about congenital erosion and do not recommend treating it until after birth.

Usually, due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, this phenomenon goes away on its own and does not pose a danger.

Acquired erosion Compared to congenital, it is not so harmless. It is usually detected against the background inflammatory diseases cervix caused by all kinds of infections: chlamydia, streptococcus and even human papillomavirus.

Erosion can also manifest itself through abortion, hormone imbalance in a woman’s body. Discover this pathology possible in women who have large number sexual partners, and those who entered into sexual relations early.

Acquired erosion in tandem with infectious diseases serves as fertile ground for development cancer cervix. It is imperative to treat this type of erosion, and after recovery, visit a gynecologist once every six months.

Treatment methods

Treatment of cervical erosion depends entirely on the cause that caused it. If the cause of the disease is a sexually transmitted infection, then are assigned. Moreover, treatment in this case must be carried out together with a partner.

For minor erosion you can resort to traditional methods treatment of this disease. Herbalists recommend douching, herbal tampons based on a decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs:, string,.

The main methods of treating erosion not complicated by infections are:

    • cryotherapy- the defect on the cervix is ​​cauterized with liquid nitrogen. The method is painless, leaves no scars and does not bleeding. But it can only cure superficial lesions;
    • laser therapy- very effective method. Does not cause complications or scars, recommended for use in nulliparous women. Damage is removed under microscope control;
  • radio knife (radio wave surgery) - using a radio knife, a suspicious area of ​​tissue is cut off. The method is the most modern and safe.

It should be noted that none of the above methods are used to treat cervical erosion in women expecting a baby. Sometimes this disease disappears even before birth.

But if erosion is caused by infection, causes discomfort and interferes with normal life, pregnant women may be prescribed suppositories with methyluracil or.

If erosion is accompanied by an inflammatory process, then the doctor will most likely prescribe antiviral drugs or an antibiotic. Always remember that only the doctor prescribes the dosage and frequency of a particular drug, taking into account the characteristics and medical history of the pregnant woman, as well as weighing the appropriateness of this prescription!

Not recommended During pregnancy, douching, in any case, should not be performed without consulting a doctor this procedure: herbs, no matter how harmless they may seem, can cause unwanted allergic reactions(even if they have not been observed before).


The best prevention of cervical erosion is disease prevention. Visit a gynecologist twice a year, get everything checked necessary tests and follow all doctor's recommendations.

Basic compliance with the rules intimate hygiene will also help prevent illness. Never leave unattended spotting between menstruation: this is not necessarily erosion, but a reason to consult a doctor.

Do not have sex with casual partners, and if this happens, use a condom. Plan your pregnancy, do not allow abortions, as they are also one of the causes of cervical erosion.

Drive the right one healthy image life, eat a balanced diet, go to fresh air at any time of the year and in any weather: by hardening, you strengthen your immune system. This means that you are not afraid of any infection or tumors.

So, erosion of the cervix is ​​changes in its mucous membrane. It can be congenital or acquired. Gives in well modern methods treatment.

Unfortunately, it almost always does not manifest itself in any way, but It is advisable to detect it before pregnancy: During it, you cannot use all known methods of treating erosion.

This disease is not dangerous for pregnant women., sometimes goes away on its own, but it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor the nature of the vaginal discharge and consult a doctor if there are any changes in it.

Lead a healthy, measured lifestyle, visit a gynecologist once every six months - this way you will prevent the disease and be able to properly prepare for pregnancy. Be prudent and healthy!