Cedar barrel: how to visit correctly. Tips for beginners. Cedar barrel for weight loss, healing and relaxation: what can be learned from this spa procedure

Currently, a home procedure called phytobath, or phytosauna, has become widespread. This is not an invention of today: the healing properties of heated steam, enriched with phytoncides and essential oils of plants, have been known since ancient times. The only innovation that can be considered is that now you can “go” to bathhouse or a sauna without leaving your own apartment.

To do this, you will need a special container - a phyto-barrel. Most often it is made from cedar wood, because it contains a huge amount of healing substances. There are several modifications of barrels (vertical and horizontal, round and square, hollowed out from a whole piece and made using cooperage technology), but their main essence is always preserved - it is a sealed wooden container into which a person is completely immersed, leaving only his head outside.

A steam generator is mounted in a special compartment of the barrel. It is necessary to heat water or a decoction of plants to a temperature where steam begins to form. Through special holes, slightly cooled steam is supplied to the interior of the barrel, to where the person sits.

It is noteworthy that the phyto-barrel takes up very little space and can be located even in city apartments, offices and gyms. It runs on AC power and does not require sewerage or water supply. Considering the cost-effectiveness and ergonomics of the phyto-barrel, this device is successfully used in many SPA-salons and massage rooms.

The effect of phyto-barrels on the body

The phytosauna has a multifaceted effect on the entire body, because the whole body comes into contact with the healing steam, with the exception of the head. It is impossible to list all the positive effects of a session in a phyto-barrel, but the main directions of impact can still be identified:
  • The skin warms up and steams, the pores open and cleanse;
  • Expanding blood vessels, blood and lymph circulation improves;
  • Metabolism is activated;
  • Salts, wastes and toxins are intensively removed through the skin through sweat, and instead the skin is nourished healing substances and essential oils;
  • Immunity increases, the functioning of the respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular, genitourinary, and endocrine systems is normalized;
  • The skin is rejuvenated and tightened, cellulite is reduced, stretch marks become less noticeable, and excess weight is lost.
Thus, there is practically no organ in human body, which I would not feel on myself positive influence from taking a phytosauna. Phytosauna is a type herbal medicine, and at correct use phyto-barrels can be cured of a large number of diseases, increase the tone of the body and rejuvenate, not to mention the fact that with its help you can forget about conditions such as fatigue, depression and nervous tension.

How does a spa treatment in a phyto-barrel work?

The procedure in a phyto-barrel takes 15-20 minutes. However, before immersing yourself in the fragrant vapors, you need to spend a little time preparatory stage, during which the steam generator is heated and herbal decoctions or water with aromatic oils diluted in it are poured into it for aromatherapy.

If a phytosauna is done for general health purposes, then it doesn’t really matter what herb or oil to use. Here you can be guided by your own preferences, choosing according to the principle of “like it or not.”

However, in cases where the procedure is carried out for a specific purpose, it is better to take the selection of herbal mixtures seriously. If you have no idea what herbs or oils are suitable for treating a particular problem, then it is better to buy it at the pharmacy already ready-made compositions or consult a herbalist first.

For example, for skin problems good action decoctions of birch leaves, celandine, chamomile, string, and calendula provide relief. For treatment colds respiratory tract, decoctions or oils of fir, pine, eucalyptus, tea tree, thyme, and mint are often used. To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, you can use lavender, rosemary, hops, lemon, geranium.

An important point is preparation own body to taking a herbal bath. To do this, you need to wash it thoroughly with soap (it is not advisable to use body gel in this case), and then wipe it dry.

Preparing a phyto-barrel is simple. For hygienic reasons, each time before the procedure, the barrel must be treated with a special detergent intended for wood. The barrel provides the ability to adjust the seat according to height. Next, you should pour the herbal decoction into the steam generator, set it to the required temperature regime(recommended temperature is 40-45 o C) and plug into a power outlet.

Over the next 10 minutes, the air in the barrel warms up and is saturated with herbal vapors, after which you can begin the procedure itself. To do this, you will need an assistant who will close the door and lid, cover the barrel with a blanket, wrap a towel around the steamer’s neck and adjust the steam temperature. To prevent burns on the skin, you can put a terry towel on the seat, and, if desired, under your feet. When all these manipulations are done, you can immerse yourself in bliss and completely relax.

By the way, for greater efficiency and better cleansing half an hour before the phytosauna, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean, still water, freshly squeezed juice or herbal tea. At the end of the session, it is also advisable to drink herbal tea with honey, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse your body under a warm or cool shower without soap. This should not be done before, because... after the procedure, phytoncides and essential oils continue to actively penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and exert their beneficial effects. At this stage, it is very useful to massage the limbs, neck, abdomen, and, if possible, the whole body. After a session in a phyto-barrel, the body is as relaxed as possible and perfectly prepared for the massage, therefore, the benefits from it will be even more significant.

Indications for phyto-barrel

The phyto-barrel can be used in two ways – as a medicinal product and as a general health procedure.

The list of indications for treatment is huge, it includes the following diseases:
1. All types of pathology of muscles, joints, ligaments, spinal column in the subacute stage or in the recovery period;
2. Chronic rheumatoid arthritis without exacerbation;
3. Dermatitis, diathesis, eczema, psoriasis in remission;
4. Prevention of colds and bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as the recovery period after these diseases;
5. Violation peripheral circulation, hypertension (up to stage IIa inclusive), hypotension;
6. Varicose veins;
7. Diseases of the liver, kidneys;
8. Pathology of the genitourinary sphere - prostatitis, impotence, weakened erection, urethritis, cystitis;
9. Obesity, cellulite;
10. Neuroendocrine diseases;
11. Severe menopause in men and women;
12. Teenage functional disorders caused by puberty;
13. Neuroses in children and adults, chronic insomnia;
14. Increased excitability, depressive syndrome;
15. Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
16. Chronic fatigue syndrome;
17. Decreased immunity;
18. Recovery from injuries and fractures.

In addition, sessions in a phyto-barrel help rejuvenate the skin, restore its tone, firmness and elasticity, and recover from strong physical or mental stress, cleanse the body of harmful substances. For preventive purposes, a phyto-barrel can be used to prevent neurological and cardiovascular pathology, osteochondrosis, gout and many other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The procedure can be performed on both children over 5 years old and adults of any age in the absence of contraindications.

Contraindications to phyto-barrel

Despite the undeniable benefits of phytosessions in a barrel, before the first procedure it is recommended to visit a doctor to identify contraindications. Otherwise, instead of the expected health benefits, you can significantly worsen the condition of your body.

If you have the following diseases and conditions, sessions in a phyto-barrel should be postponed for a while or abandoned altogether:

  • Any neoplasms, but especially malignant ones;
  • Increased body temperature (more than 37.5 o C);
  • Inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • Menstruation or bleeding of any location;
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs or other organs;
  • Inflammation of deep veins;
  • Skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • Hypertension above stage IIa;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Condition after a recent stroke, heart attack;

How often can you visit a sauna with a phyto-barrel?

Considering that during the session the head remains outside and, therefore, does not heat up, the load on the body is significantly less than when visiting a regular bath or sauna. Therefore, you can visit the phytosauna even every other day.

If the body does not respond very well to this procedure, then sessions need to be held a little less frequently, for example, once or twice a week. Of course, in this case, recovery from diseases will occur a little slower, but the principle should apply here: “Better less often, but better.”

For children 3-5 years old, one or two procedures per week will be enough. The same applies to elderly or weakened people after illness.

It is best to increase the procedure time gradually, over 5-7 sessions. You should start with a 5-minute session, and then the duration can be increased to 15-20 minutes. It makes no sense to stay in the phytosauna for more than this period, because... in the first 10 minutes, active sweating and cleansing of cells from toxins occurs, and subsequently only steam condensation on the body and active absorption are observed useful components from herbal decoctions or aromatic oils.

The duration of the treatment course is determined individually for each person. This takes into account the initial state of health, age, tolerance of thermal procedures, etc. That is why sessions should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

Phyto barrel for weight loss

Among modern spa treatments aimed at harmonizing appearance, sessions in a phyto-barrel occupy one of the leading positions. And this is absolutely fair, because the multifaceted effect of the procedure, combined with the beneficial effects of herbs and increased sweating, is very effective in helping to lose weight and get rid of cellulite.

To achieve lasting results, it is advisable to use several weight loss methods simultaneously. For example, eat diet food, perform a complex physical exercise, and do a phytosauna every 2 days. In this case, you will be able to lose weight much faster.

It is not recommended to eat any food before the procedure, but if you are very hungry, you can eat a light salad or a small portion of sugar-free cottage cheese. But doing light exercises or doing a little exercise on exercise equipment is very welcome. Physical activity will warm up and prepare the body for the phytosauna.

Immediately before entering the phytobarrel, you need to wash yourself in a warm shower with soap, and then dry your body thoroughly with a soft towel.

As the main active substance, which is added to the water for the steam generator, you should choose herbs or oils that speed up metabolism and normalize hormonal background, tighten the skin and give it elasticity. It would also be desirable to add a component that would eliminate depression and improve mood. After all, a decrease in emotional background is a fairly common companion for people struggling with obesity.

In order to decide on the choice of composition for a phytobarrel, you need to take into account the basic properties of plants:

  • Anise perfectly tightens the skin, removes sagging, and effectively fights depression and mood swings.
  • Oil or decoction of orange peel has a tonic effect on nervous system, and also perfectly removes the symptoms of cellulite. In addition, orange oil promotes more rapid recovery skin cells.
  • Patchouli, fennel and rosemary - effective means for sagging skin, the main components for contour plastic surgery body, increase the elasticity of the skin.

During the procedure, the body will actively lose water and cleanse cells of accumulated waste and toxins. Clear skin breathes better, which means metabolism accelerates, fat cells are broken down faster, and the process of losing weight goes faster.

It is not advisable to sit in a phyto-barrel for longer than 20 minutes, because... the body may not be able to cope with the increased heat load and increased sweating. Therefore, after this time, you need to end the session. After this, it is recommended to drink a cup or two of green or herbal tea, for example, chamomile or oregano. There is no need to be afraid to drink liquid after a phytosauna, because the body needs it for the full functioning of all organs and systems. The main effect of weight loss occurs primarily not due to fluid loss, but due to increased fat burning, removal of toxins and increased metabolism.

In addition, you should not dry your body after the procedure. If it is very wet, you can blot it lightly with a towel, but no more. The fact is that the substances for which oils and herbs were used continue to act on skin cells for about 20 minutes. If you wipe your body dry, much less rinse yourself in the shower, the effect of the herbal mixtures will stop and the effectiveness of the herbal sauna will be significantly lower.

30 minutes after the procedure, you can go to the shower and rinse your body warm water no soap. Next, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour or get a massage. problem areas with aroma oil.

And one more thing. During the entire course you should not take alcohol or cold drinks, or take them after a phytosauna. cold shower. All this blocks the secretion of sweat and sharply weakens the effectiveness of the phyto-barrel.

Phyto barrel and massage

Phytobarrel and massage are not only compatible concepts, but also very desirable. During the herbal procedure, the muscles of the whole body are warmed up, spasms and muscle blocks are eliminated, and the body relaxes. This condition is ideal for massage.

The massage should be done 5-10 minutes after the end of the session in the phyto-barrel. It may require oils (you can use the one with which the herbal procedure was performed) or an emollient cream. But you can do massage without using additional products.

In this case, much depends on the purpose of the massage - to enhance relaxation and a general health effect, or to combat some ailment. When treating diseases, lubricants that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory or regenerative effects may be needed. It is advisable to find out which remedy is best to use in a particular case from the attending physician who is well acquainted with the person’s health condition.

Duration general massage should not exceed 15 minutes, otherwise the effect on the body will be too strong and there will be reverse effect. At the end of the massage, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour, wrapped in a blanket, so that the body retains heat for as long as possible.

Nowadays, various spa treatments have become very popular and the further we go, the more common they become.

If once such procedures were carried out only in salons and specialized clinics, now you can have fun, lose weight, and improve your body even at home.

The phytobochka is one of these universal methods. Hot steam with essential oils and herbal decoctions penetrates deep into the body, promoting improvement metabolic processes, blood circulation, having a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the internal organs.

Classification of phyto-barrels

There are different phytobarrels - square, oval, chest-shaped, horizontal, but the most common and regular is round, standing vertically, similar to a barrel.

In such barrels there is a seating area in the form of a bench and with armrests, making the procedure comfortable and relaxing. Good sealing of the neck area is very important.

A barrel can be made using different technologies:

  1. cooper's phyto-barrel;
  2. carpentry;
  3. hollowed and chopped.

They are classified according to the material of manufacture:


This species is valued for its high anti-inflammatory effect.

The resin released during the operation of the steam generator stimulates and destroys harmful microorganisms.


The larch structure is characterized by durability and resistance to aggressive environments.

This breed is capable of becoming stronger over time.


Phytosaunas made from oak wood were common during the war and were used for treatment various frostbites and viral diseases.

Today, such a procedure will help overcome skin diseases, fungi and other skin diseases.


The most common phyto-barrel made of cedar. This material, like pine, has rich bactericidal properties, retains steam temperature well and cleans pores.

The cedar barrel has no analogues in the whole world. Even if you do not use such a sauna barrel for its intended purpose, but simply place it indoors, it will already emit a characteristic resinous smell.

It helps relieve fatigue, energize, rejuvenate, improve health and prevent the development of illnesses. Procedures in cedar phytobarrels are very useful for patients who have suffered or, with osteochondrosis, arthritis, cellulite, kidney ailments, nervous and immune diseases, psoriasis and others severe forms skin diseases.

Benefits of using phyto-barrels

Such barrels have a multifaceted effect on the body, because the healing steam has contact with the entire body, with the exception of the head.

There are a lot of positive effects, but the main ones can be identified:

  • The natural method of healing already plays an important role and has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • The skin warms up and expands, which helps open and cleanse the pores;
  • Blood vessels dilate, blood supply and lymph circulation improve;
  • With the release of sweat, salts, toxins and waste are removed;
  • The skin absorbs essential oils and beneficial substances;
  • Immunity is strengthened;
  • The work of the respiratory, cardiovascular, genitourinary, endocrine and nervous systems is balanced;
  • Thanks to such sessions, the skin is tightened, rejuvenated, cellulite disappears, stretch marks become less visible;
  • Thanks to the acceleration of metabolism and fat burning, it is lost;
  • The procedure has a relaxing effect and can also treat loss of strength;
  • Almost 40% of pairs contain essential oils and herbs more effective than use them orally in the form of tinctures or decoctions;
  • Due to the absorption of herbal vapors by the skin, the healing effect is effective for some time after the procedure;
  • Results are visible immediately after the procedure.

How the session is conducted

One session takes 15-20 minutes, it all depends on the person’s tolerance elevated temperature. The sauna creates humidity thermal environment with a temperature of about 50˚ C and a humidity of 100%.

This environment is absolutely harmless to the heart. Herbal infusions and oils are added to a special steam generator container. The generator warms up to full power.

The seat and bottom of the barrel are covered with a towel or soft film in order to avoid burns, because the wood heats up and the procedure may not be comfortable because of this.

You can prepare for the procedure by cleansing the skin with a scrub, which will facilitate better penetration of the elements into the skin and lymph.

For best results In order to lose weight and rejuvenate the skin, you can supplement the complex of procedures with a massage or a wrap of extracts and serums based on algae and mud.

After 10-15 minutes, the power of the steam generator is reduced by almost half. The procedure time can start from 5 minutes and increase with each session.

Many barrel saunas have thermostats that will help you adjust the temperature for maximum pleasure.

When a person is comfortably seated on the seat, the lid is closed and the cracks are sealed. Each person, depending on how they feel, can decide how long to stay in this device.

It is important to be very careful because the procedure can be ruined by slippery spots caused by moisture.

Indications for using phyto-barrels

This method can be used both as a treatment and as a general health procedure. The phytobarrel has both indications and contraindications.

But still this unique remedy, because when a person stays in it for a short time, it has a beneficial effect on virtually all systems and organs.

A visit to a phytosauna is good because the head is out of the steam zone and the load on the body goes less than in a regular sauna or steam bath.

Who is this type of physical therapy indicated for treatment?

  1. Suffering from overwork and chronic fatigue;
  2. For some diseases of the nervous system;
  3. In order to improve metabolic processes;
  4. For those who want to lose weight and get rid of cellulite;
  5. For respiratory diseases - bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, asthma;
  6. Pathologies of bone muscular system: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, radiculitis, polyarthritis and others;
  7. Ailments gastrointestinal tract– gastritis, ulcers, colic;
  8. Autoimmune diseases:
  9. Well suited for those who want to cleanse themselves of toxins and impurities.


Despite the impressive amount of benefits from the procedure, before the first session you need to visit a doctor to identify possible contraindications, so as not to harm yourself.

Contraindications for phyto-barrels:

  • The presence of any formations;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Menstruation or bleeding in any area of ​​the body;
  • High, over 37.5˚С;
  • Inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • Cirrhosis;
  • Inflammation of deep veins;
  • The first time of the period or ;
  • Stage 2 hypertension and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Skin diseases in the acute phase.

You can visit the barrel sauna every other day, or 1-2 times a week if the body does not respond particularly well to the procedures.


When used correctly, spa treatments will be visible positive results and improved health.

In order for the result to justify the invested money and time, you need to consult with a specialist or carry out full diagnostics V specialized clinic or sanatoriums that provide such services.

Video: Cedar barrel pros and cons

A cedar barrel (phyto-barrel) is a unique and very effective method traditional medicine, based on the principle of a steam bath. Technically, the barrel is an open cabin, which is made from Siberian cedar, a pharmacist tree. Its wood releases phytoncides - biologically active elements that have a pronounced bactericidal effect, have a beneficial effect on the condition of our body and purify the air by ozonizing it.

Why a phyto-barrel and not a regular sauna?

Constantly visiting a regular sauna causes overload of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, disruption of metabolic processes and the functioning of the thermoregulation system. This leads to constant feeling fatigue, rapid heartbeat, the appearance of heaviness in the heart area. In the phyto-barrel, the patient’s head remains outside and is not exposed to high temperatures, so the procedure is more easily tolerated - it can be repeated every other day without any damage to health. Also, the effect of a cedar barrel is enhanced by healing natural substances, phytoncides, which have already been mentioned above.

Indications for use of cedar barrels

Phytosauna always gives an excellent cosmetic and general health effect, but in some cases the procedure is simply recommended medical indications. Such conditions, disorders and diseases include:

Respiratory system diseases

Various types of allergies, inflammation respiratory tract, bronchitis and chronic sinusitis are very common diseases today. In the fight against them, a cedar barrel gives good results. First of all, warming up in a phytosauna significantly increases lung ventilation and minute breathing volume, this has a good effect on functional state respiratory system. Cough decreases, shortness of breath is relieved, sputum characteristic of a number of diseases is separated much more easily - the patient’s condition noticeably improves after the first procedures. Moreover: a cedar barrel helps prevent complications typical of bronchitis and asthma. In patients with such pathologies, there is a constant overload of the right parts of the heart and, in the long term, right ventricular failure develops. Procedures in a phyto-barrel increase the intensity of blood supply to the lungs, as a result of which the vessels relax and the load on the right ventricle decreases.

Muscle fatigue

Muscle fatigue

After high physical or intellectual stress, chronic fatigue syndrome may occur - a condition in which you get tired very quickly, become constantly irritated, and suffer from sleep disturbances. The cedar barrel helps vessels located on the periphery circulatory system, work better, which leads to a significant decrease in the plethora of the brain and a decrease in the excessive activity of its cortex. At the same time, it is activated neuroendocrine system, a large number of endorphins are released - you relax and begin to feel much better.
The same mechanism works during distress - prolonged emotional stress which can develop into neurosis or psychosis. Moreover: repeated repetition of the procedure contributes to the development of regulatory abilities, you learn to control your condition.
All of the above makes the phyto-barrel very useful for rehabilitation after mild paralysis, myopathies and myotonia, and poliomyelitis. The cedar barrel also helps with sleep disorders, childhood enuresis, and reflex muscle hypertonicity.

Asthenic conditions caused by overwork, distress, diseases of the nervous system

Steam from medicinal herbs and compositions ensure an increased flow of oxygen-enriched blood to muscle tissue, which activates recovery processes. At the same time, body temperature rises; this contributes to the fastest possible removal of lactic acid and pain relief.

Reduced cardiovascular system, hypertension

A decrease in the functional reserves of the cardiovascular system can be due to many reasons - for example, these include natural aging, a sedentary lifestyle, colds, etc. Phytosauna procedures sharply accelerate blood flow, promote expansion tiny capillaries and more active blood supply to the periphery, trigger the reserve capabilities of the blood supply system.
As a result, there are more functioning capillaries, throughput increases. Venous outflow becomes more intense, blood movement in the arteries accelerates, nutrition of all tissues and organs improves, and pressure stabilizes.
Thus, phytosauna is clearly indicated for myocarditis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other organic pathologies of the heart that are not associated with inflammation and heart failure. The sauna is also used to prevent recurrence of myocardial infarction (six months after the heart attack itself) and to treat ischemia without angina attacks.

Problems with the skin, kidneys, urinary system

In the phytosauna, sweating sharply increases, a large amount of endotoxins and exotoxins, medicinal substances accumulated in the body, are eliminated. The old epidermis is exfoliated, the processes of formation of a new epidermis are activated, and pathogenic microorganisms are dying. In addition, steamed skin responds better to cosmetics and healing ointments - their effect is noticeably enhanced.
All of the above makes the phyto-barrel an effective method of combating acne, excessive dryness or oily skin, inflammatory processes and chronic dermatoses, psoriasis. In addition, the intensive release of toxins and waste helps reduce the load on the kidneys and urinary system.
As for the kidneys, the cedar barrel helps cope with cystitis and pyelocystitis (in chronic form), inflammatory processes affecting the testicles and prostate gland.

The phyto-barrel helps to cope with functional disorders of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract, regulates neurovegetative reactivity. Warming up affects the motility and blood supply of the gastrointestinal tract and their production of secretions. Combined with a properly selected drinking regime, phytosauna helps to get rid of pain and heaviness in the stomach, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
A cedar barrel is recommended for restoration after peptic ulcer and operations on the stomach and intestines, habitual constipation, cholecystitis, functional dyspepsia.

Digestive system diseases

Phytosauna is used both for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and for their prevention - general hardening of the body. Essential oils and phytoncides help relieve spasms from the respiratory tract, increase the volume of the bronchi, and relieve swelling from the tissues of the mucous membranes. Healing steam destroys microorganisms and viruses, the threat to health disappears, and the course of various types of chronic pathologies is alleviated.

Gynecological pathologies

Steaming in a phytosauna increases blood flow in the skin, activates compensatory and redistribution mechanisms of blood circulation control. Thus, inflammatory components are removed from the tissues and their condition is normalized.
Phytosauna is used to improve the condition of hormonal dysfunctions and chronic inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs, infertility and sterility, functional disorders ovaries and uterus. Also, a cedar barrel is used to speed up rehabilitation after an abortion and to alleviate the condition of menopausal syndrome.


The mini-sauna effect that a cedar barrel gives warms up the body and steams it. At the same time, blood flow accelerates, metabolic processes intensify, and fat accumulation slows down. In other words, the body begins to more actively use up accumulated fat reserves, and accumulates new ones less willingly.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Phytosauna helps in preventing diseases bone tissue, improves its blood supply and ensures rapid formation of callus in case of cracks and fractures. The elasticity of ligaments and joint mobility increases, lymph and blood flow is stimulated, and joint swelling is reduced.

Preparing for pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, one of the most important tasks is to improve the health of the mother. Stress, chronic diseases, reduced function of the cardiovascular system, weakened immunity - all this can pose a serious risk to the development of the fetus. In order to effectively get rid of these problems, it is recommended to use integrated approach, in particular, procedures in phytosaunas.
Visiting a cedar barrel during preparation for pregnancy is great way harden and cleanse the body, prepare it for increased stress. Women who have undergone a course of procedures in a phyto-barrel during pregnancy are better able to tolerate hot weather and changes atmospheric pressure In addition, they are more balanced mentally.

Training muscle strength and endurance

The recovery period is no less important than the training itself - constant physical activity often leads to overstrain of the muscular system and the development of various types of disorders. Therefore, it is very important for athletes to use effective methods relieving fatigue. One of these methods is visiting a phytosauna.
Controlled exposure to high temperatures develops the cardiovascular system, normalizes vascular tone, and relieves nervous tension and fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the neuromuscular system, improves blood microcirculation. Thus, the effectiveness of training increases, physical and mental performance generally.


A visit to a cedar phytobarrel gives a powerful healing effect, but, like any procedure with a pronounced medical effect, it has its own contraindications, ignoring which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. These types of contraindications include:

Heart defects, severe hypertension, severe atherosclerosis

Any sauna - and a cedar barrel is no exception - has the most pronounced effect on the cardiovascular system. The main point in this regard is the improvement of blood supply due to the expansion of capillaries and the launch of previously non-functioning vessels.
At the same time, intense sweating ensures accelerated release of fluids and thickens the blood, simultaneously activating both coagulation and anticoagulation mechanisms. All of the above can be called a kind of gymnastics for the circulatory system and heart, but in some cases such “exercises” can be dangerous.
Blood pressure above 200 mmHg, obvious vascular atherosclerosis, severe ischemia - all this becomes an obstacle to the procedures. Also, you should not steam in a cedar barrel immediately after surgical interventions or if you have a tendency to thrombosis and spontaneous bleeding. The same recommendations apply if you have recently suffered a stroke or heart attack.

Some lung diseases

Warming the chest helps to increase the mobility of the costovertebral joints and cleanses the respiratory tract, the amplitude of movements of the chest increases. This effect intensifies blood circulation in the lungs and ensures greater saturation of the blood with oxygen, which gives a powerful positive effect.
Unfortunately, this mechanism of action is associated with a high load on the body and respiratory system. This load is contraindicated for people with chronic pathologies bronchi and lungs, severe bronchial asthma and active tuberculosis - it can provoke an attack or worsening of the condition.


Warming up the joints helps to increase their mobility and enhance the exchange of interarticular fluid. In arthritis - an inflammatory process that affects the joints - the same mechanism leads to a sharp increase in swelling and intensity pain, therefore, during exacerbations, steaming is not recommended.

Urolithiasis and severe kidney pathologies

Procedures in a cedar barrel reduce the load on the kidneys, reducing the formation of urine. In case of urolithiasis, this can provoke an exacerbation, fraught with severe pain And general deterioration well-being.

Serious liver damage

The thermal effect of a sauna frees the gallbladder from stagnant fluid, improves bile production and helps rid the intestines of toxins. All of the above becomes negative factor with cirrhosis, severe inflammatory processes localized in the liver, exhaustion and exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Skin diseases

Acute infections

As a rule, a cedar phytosauna has a very positive effect on the condition of the skin, but there are exceptions. These include purulent rash, fungal and viral pathologies, scleroderma, scabies. In such cases, strengthening regeneration processes and accelerating skin renewal contributes to a wider spread of pathological process and worsening its course.

Second half of pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, women are not recommended to visit the herbal barrel without special agreement with their doctor. High temperatures can negatively affect the body weakened by pregnancy and the health of the fetus.

Other contraindications

The phyto-barrel should not be used by people suffering from severe form diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, psychosis, epilepsy, serious work disorders thyroid gland. Oncological pathologies impose an unequivocal ban on procedures - any intensification of regeneration and renewal processes, if present malignant tumors unacceptable.

List of indications and contraindications


  1. Phenomena of overwork
  2. Asthenic conditions after severe mental or physical activity
  3. Distress
  4. Chronic pathologies of the respiratory system that are non-purulent in nature: sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis
  5. Pneumoconiosis and pneumofibrosis
  6. Obstructive bronchitis in chronic form
  7. Allergic diseases associated with breathing
  8. Bronchial asthma in a stable, uncomplicated form
  9. Recovery after acute diseases respiratory tract (bronchitis)
  10. Decreased functional reserves of the cardiovascular system
  11. Vegetovascular dystonia
  12. Myocarditis and other cardiovascular pathologies in which there are no signs of inflammation
  13. Rehabilitation after a heart attack or coronary disease(not earlier than six months later)
  14. Vertebrogenic radicular pain syndromes
  15. Rehabilitation after inflammation of the central nervous system (one year after the acute stage)
  16. Children's enuresis
  17. Myotonia and myopathies
  18. Neuroses
  19. Sleep disorders
  20. Neurocirculatory dystonia
  21. Reflex muscle hypertonicity
  22. Problem skin (oily, dry, acne)
  23. Chronic dermatoses
  24. Decreased immunity (frequent colds)
  25. Nutritional obesity
  26. Slagging in the body
  27. Increased muscle tone
  28. Posture disorders
  29. Extra-articular rheumatism
  30. Rehabilitation after injuries and operations on elements of the musculoskeletal system (not earlier than after 3-4 months)
  31. Deforming arthrosis
  32. Rheumatoid arthritis in remission and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  33. Nonspecific cystitis in chronic form
  34. Chronic inflammation of the testicles and prostate gland
  35. Urolithiasis
  36. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach (in remission)
  37. Habitual constipation
  38. Benign diseases of the digestive system
  39. Ovarian and uterine dysfunction
  40. Hormonal dysfunctions
  41. Menopausal syndrome
  42. Initial stages of hypertension
  43. Neuropathies of various etiologies
  44. Infertility
  45. Vascular pathologies (angiopathy in diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, varicose veins)
  46. Digestive diseases


  1. Acute phase of all inflammatory processes
  2. Severe hypertension with kidney damage
  3. Epilepsy
  4. Severe bronchial asthma
  5. Chronic pathologies of the bronchi
  6. Acute cerebrovascular accidents
  7. Second half of pregnancy
  8. Thrombophlebitis of deep veins
  9. Parkinson's disease
  10. Chronic hepatitis - liver cirrhosis
  11. Severe liver inflammation
  12. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer
  13. Fungal skin diseases
  14. Arthritis in the acute phase
  15. Urolithiasis
  16. Individual intolerance
  17. Allergy to herbs
  18. Mastopathy
  19. Severe atherosclerosis
  20. Hypertension in the stage of decompensation
  21. Severe heart disease (including recent heart attack or stroke)
  22. Neoplasms
  23. Tuberculosis in active phase
  24. Tendency to thrombosis
  25. Recent surgery
  26. Tendency to bleed
  27. Diseases of the blood system and hematopoietic organs
  28. Infectious skin diseases and some skin diseases of other etiologies (weeping eczema, penfitus, etc.)
  29. Acute infectious diseases
  30. Psychoses
  31. Oncological diseases
  32. Disorders of the thyroid gland
  33. Sexually transmitted diseases
  34. Progressive glaucoma
  35. Pregnancy


Most contraindications to procedures in a cedar barrel are associated with serious diseases and conditions that do not involve increased physical activity or exposure to high temperatures, allergic reactions or infectious and inflammatory processes. If you do not have this kind of problem, a phyto-barrel will help improve your well-being, strengthen your health and immunity, and recover from physical or mental stress.
Moreover: the cedar barrel is used for the prevention and treatment of a huge number of diseases that occur much more often than all possible complications. Phytosauna provides a pronounced healing effect and helps in rehabilitation after various injuries and operations.

And finally, treatments in a cedar barrel are simply very pleasant - it’s a great way to relax after work!

Cedar wood has been used for healing for a long time. Cedar was revered as healing tree in Siberia, about him unique properties even doctors knew today they are talking about it beneficial influence to improve work immune system generally. Many health centers, hospitals offer today wellness treatments in cedar mini-saunas.

Cedar barrel - benefits and harm

One of the ancient Slavic medicine books preserved in the Arkhangelsk Library clearly demonstrates the treatment procedure in a barrel. In the picture, the barrel stands on the stones next to the fire in which the stones are heated. When hot stones were placed under the barrel, they were watered with decoctions of medicinal herbs, and the person sitting in the barrel breathed this steam. At the same time, treatment took place both through steam and through hot water in a barrel. In this way, fever was cured, pain in the joints and spine, lumbago, even angina pectoris were treated.

Why was a cedar barrel chosen, the benefits and harms of which are incomparable? Yes, precisely because it can cause harm to health only in one case - if there are objective contraindications to taking it in general. In all other cases, a steam room located in a cedar barrel will only bring benefits to the body.

A mini-sauna is perfect for those who want to relieve tension and stress after a tiring day of work or physical activity. This is the first means of prevention against acute respiratory infections, since it cleanses the mucous membrane, helps improve blood circulation, increases the activity of metabolic processes, stimulates the immune system, and the phytoncides secreted by the cedar tree kill microbes and viruses, have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and significantly reduce pain syndrome for radiculitis, sprains.

Health improvement

A distinctive feature of the Cedar Barrel mini-sauna is that the steam there is gradually heated to a temperature of approximately 50 degrees. And already in the first 10 minutes the skin begins to breathe, and the saturation of the vapors with essential oils and herbal infusions ensures their active absorption. Their effect has a relaxing and calming effect, blood vessels dilate, venous congestion is eliminated, and body thermoregulation is restored. Each patient can choose an individual set of herbs and oils, depending on the indications, to achieve greatest effect. The recommended time to stay in such a steam room is 15-20 minutes.

Microdroplets of herbal vapor continue to be absorbed through the skin after the procedure, so take your time to shower. After a sauna session, you should relax and drink your favorite herbal infusion. If possible, get a massage, this will enhance the effect of the phytosauna.

Weight loss

The female half of humanity is constantly in search of a means to help get rid of excess weight. In this case, a cedar barrel is indispensable. The benefits and harms of this procedure are obvious. Firstly, the skin undergoes steam cleansing, dead cells are exfoliated, and the smallest blood vessels open and actively work. All this makes the skin smoother, healthier, and more elastic. Secondly, since the skin interacts more actively with herbs (it absorbs almost half of the healing herbal steam), the effect of herbal medicine increases. This leads to the disappearance of signs of cellulite. True, doctors are skeptical about the possibility of losing a lot with the help of a phyto-barrel, but they still note some effect. After all, a lot of toxins come out with sweat, blood flow accelerates, metabolism normalizes, which means the body actively begins to process internal fats.

Contraindications for cedar barrels

Like any devices used in medicine, the cedar barrel mini-sauna cannot be recommended for everyone. There are several serious medical diagnoses that exclude the use of this herbal procedure. Those who have oncological diseases, the liver is affected by cirrhosis, there are problems with the lungs (tuberculosis) or veins (thrombophlebitis), high blood pressure or arrhythmia, there are skin diseases (eczema, fungi), there is a tendency to bleeding.

Let's sum it up

To restore the immune system and skin health, a phytoprocedure such as a cedar barrel is certainly recommended. The benefits and harm that a person can cause to his body by taking it without a doctor’s recommendation depend only on himself. If you have no contraindications, then worry about your health!

Cedar barrel: how to visit it correctly? After all, the result you get depends on the right visit. In order to extract maximum benefit from a phytosauna, you must follow the basic rules and requirements. Then visiting the phyto-barrel will be pleasant, and the results will be inspiring. Let's figure out together how to properly visit this specific mini sauna.

The principle of operation of a cedar barrel

In order to understand what actions need to be taken before going to phytosana, you need to understand the principle of operation. The phyto-barrel (as it is also called) works from an outlet.
Inside the steam generator, from which it draws steam, a heating process occurs. When the steam generator heats up, it releases steam, which affects the cedar from the inside. Together with the steam, the cedar gives off all its beneficial properties and vitamins, and the steamed body, on the contrary, absorbs all the useful things that the cedar gave away. However, in order for the skin and organs to absorb as many useful substances as possible, they must be prepared. First of all, physically.

Before starting the procedure

The most important task before phytoprocedures is treating wood with a special detergent. It is enough to walk the inside of the barrel with a cloth once, and it is ready for further use.

To achieve maximum effect, the cedar barrel must be well heated before the start of the session. The temperature is set on a steam generator, which is either attached to the barrel or stands next to it. 40-45 degrees will be enough. It only takes 10-15 minutes to heat up and the barrel is ready to receive the body. Don't chase high temperatures– for a phyto-barrel, a temperature of 45 degrees will be ideal.


If possible, find someone who can help you during the session. At first, it’s quite difficult to handle a cedar barrel yourself - you’ll have to set the temperature and open/close the door.

Before visiting the barrel, you must take a shower and wash yourself well. A clean body produces sweat faster. It is best to use simple soap, leave aromatic gels and conditioners for later. This way you will wash away all the dirt and prevent it from clogging your pores. Then you need to wipe your body dry with a towel. You can take a shower while your steam barrel is heating up.

To enhance the healing and healing effect, you can add a herbal decoction to a special compartment in the steam generator. This must be done 5 minutes before the start of the session so that it does not have time to boil away.

In most models of phyto-barrels you need to sit. For this purpose, it is specially equipped with a bench and a ladder - a footrest. There are also armrests. Such saunas are specially designed to ensure a comfortable stay. To avoid burns, place towels or napkins under your feet and on the seat. They also absorb the flowing liquid.

During the session, the person's head should always be outside, and the neck should be wrapped in a towel. Thus, there will be no effect on the blood vessels of the brain, as during a visit to a regular bath, and steam will not escape outside.

Important nuance

It is important to remember that a phytosauna is not an ordinary bathhouse in which you can sit for hours. Usually they say that you need to sit in a phyto-barrel for 10-15 minutes. During the first 10 years, the body removes waste and toxins, profuse sweating, and only then does absorption begin beneficial properties cedar and herbal decoctions.

However, the time that is always recommended for treatment is very individual. When visiting a cedar phytosauna, you need to listen to your body. The 15-minute limit is considered just an objective limit, after which the body stops receiving useful substances and overheating begins. You need to leave the phytosauna when the body itself says “enough.” Listen to your inner voice, but don’t sit for more than 15 minutes.

During the procedure, intense pressure is placed on the body. The cardiovascular system is also affected. That is why you should never drink alcohol before a session.

Firstly, it will clog the pores and prevent impurities and toxins from coming out freely. Secondly, alcohol dilates blood vessels, and under the influence of steam and hot air this effect will intensify, which can affect the condition of the heart.

In addition, the body needs time to recover after a steam room. You can drink only a few hours later, after blood circulation returns to normal.

You cannot eat before the procedure. Therapeutic effect can be achieved if you visit the steam room on an empty stomach. Any doctor will tell you that vaping is full stomach has a strong impact on the heart, and you don’t really want to steam with a full belly – it will be painful.

Another important mistake is to sit in a barrel for a long time and hope for a quick effect. In fact, this is very dangerous and long-term vaping can lead to overheating. It is best to visit the barrel regularly for 10-15 minutes. The effect will not be visible so soon, but your health will be preserved.

You can’t overdo it with your visit either. It is best to visit her 1-2 times a week, depending on the purpose of your treatment.

What to do after your visit

The maximum effect from the phytosauna can be achieved if you follow all the rules even after leaving the barrel. At this time, the body is most vulnerable, so it is best to prepare.

You can't immediately run to the shower. The body has not yet cooled down and has not had time to absorb all the beneficial substances. The body needs rest - give it 10-15 minutes to recover.

After the procedure, wrap yourself in a towel and warm your feet - do not expose your body to sudden changes temperatures Jumping into a cold pool or snowdrift is also not advisable. So all the benefits of a cedar sauna will be lost.

The ideal option after the procedure would be a full body massage. Here you can already use essential oils, herbs and lotions on natural ingredients. The massage will help restore blood circulation, consolidate the phytoeffect, and also give the skin firmness and elasticity.

The wrap will help get rid of cellulite, and the scrub will cleanse the skin. It is advisable to take a shower after a quarter of an hour. The water should be warm. You should not use soap or gels, so as not to wash away the beneficial substances that have not yet been absorbed.

After this, it is advisable to drink warm tea with herbs to consolidate the calming effect of the phytosauna.