A woman has severe facial sweating. What to do with the appearance of profuse sweating in the head and face? Disorders of the nervous system

Excessive sweating of the face and head is a common and very unpleasant problem both for the person himself and for those around him. The disease has medical term"hyperhidrosis".

Sweating face and head: possible causes

To date, it is not known for certain what causes profuse sweating of the face and head. In some people, this disease manifests itself from birth and is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. In other cases, excessive sweating is a signal from the body about some kind of disease.

Doctors identify several factors as the main ones:

  1. Unstable work nervous system.
  2. Unstable functioning of the sweat glands or thyroid gland, arising as a result incorrect exchange substances.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  4. Chronic infectious diseases.
  5. Suffered traumatic brain injuries.
  6. Bad habits: alcoholism and drug addiction.
  7. Not proper nutrition And sedentary image life.

There are quite a few factors that cause sweating, so before starting treatment for the disease, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Stress and emotions

With depression, stress, or any strong experiences, the nervous system works in an enhanced mode, and visually reports this.

In addition to profuse sweating, a person suffers from migraines, loss of energy, and loss of appetite.

Shy people often suffer from this ailment, especially if they have an important meeting or trip, or a public speech. The diagnosis in this case is called “facial hyperhidrosis.”


Sweating may also occur when consuming certain products nutrition. The disease has a corresponding name - gustatory hyperhidrosis.

Most often occurs after consumption:

  • hot tea or coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • spicy dishes;
  • seasonings, sauces.

In this case, sweating is activated in the cheeks, upper lip and forehead due to excessive work sebaceous glands.

Women's problems

Excessive sweating is often experienced mature women after 45 years. When the cycle fails or menopause has already occurred: female sex hormones are produced either too much or too little. So-called “hot flashes” occur, when you feel dizzy, sweat profusely appears on your face, and you feel either hot or cold.

Endocrine system disorders

At vegetative pathologies Hyperhidrosis is not uncommon. The system responsible for the body's reactions to external stimuli is suppressed. The sweat glands work continuously, which leads to fogging of the head. The problem may also be a consequence of a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Then the activity of all organs, on the contrary, accelerates, which leads to thirst and excessive sweating.

Does an antibiotic cause sweating?

Hyperhidrosis also occurs when taking antibiotics. Sweating may appear a day or two after starting treatment. In this case there is individual intolerance drug. Getting rid of the problem is simple - you just need to change the medicine. Increased sweating may also occur due to long-term use or due to an incorrectly prescribed dose of antibiotic. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.

What to do about sweat on your face

If sweat on the face and head occurs infrequently, then to combat the disease it is enough just to maintain basic rules of personal hygiene. But if this problem is regular, then it needs to be treated.

Treatment with medications

Women with menopause are prescribed special drugs that block hard work sebaceous glands and stabilize hormonal levels. If sweating is caused by stress, help sedatives. Medications There are many to combat the disease, but only a doctor selects them after studying the reasons that caused the disease.

Folk remedies

Rinse your head apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and oak bark decoction reduces head sweating. Reception also helps linseed oil. It lowers cholesterol levels and normalizes blood circulation. Masks based on lemon juice, honey, egg white. Some women use henna hair coloring.


Basically get rid of excessive sweating Regular adherence helps healthy image life: proper nutrition and physical activity.

It is important to exclude irritants - foods that lead to sweating, alcohol, especially dry red wine, cognac, coffee, cigarettes.

Regular walks in the fresh air, taking contrast shower twice a day, a sound 8-hour sleep significantly improves well-being and effectively eliminates hyperhidrosis.

Ignore profuse sweat difficult in the head and face area. The person is overcome by embarrassment, he cannot lead his usual way of life. The problem can and should be solved! And it is best to do this at the first signs of illness.

Hyperhidrosis (improper functioning of the sweating system) is a common phenomenon. Normally, excessive sweating occurs when high temperature air or during high physical activity. The most common is local hyperhidrosis. Severe sweating of the head and face in women can signal the development of a pathological process.

Why does severe sweating develop?

Some representatives of the fairer sex have suffered from excessive work of the sweat glands of the head and face since childhood. At the same time excessive sweating is a variant of the norm, but adds a number of problems. Girls have to wash their hair more often and choose moisture-resistant cosmetics. But there is no reason to panic. You can suspect something is wrong if the tendency to excessive sweating appears suddenly. It would be a good idea to consult a therapist and undergo a series of tests to rule out serious pathologies.

Facial hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive sweating in the forehead and scalp. In addition, during moments of physical activity or during stressful situations, drops of sweat may appear above the upper lip. Along with sweating of the face and head, hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet may develop. Erythrophobia is also considered a common phenomenon - a person’s fear of blushing in society. Along with excessive sweating, red spots appear on the face, which give rise to even more complexes in the fairer sex.

You can't say that heavy sweating in women it is a life-threatening pathology. But the disease creates psychological discomfort. Dissatisfaction with one's own appearance leads to the development of neuroses. And this is one of the reasons for the decline protective forces body. As a result, a woman is more susceptible to various infections. In addition, hyperhidrosis itself may already indicate the development of another disease.

Hyperhidrosis may be a consequence of metabolic disorders

The causes of sweating of the head and face in women can be very different.

The most likely ones include the following:

  • Emotional stress. It often happens that a woman has a genetic tendency to increased sweating during emotional overload (speaking in public, communicating with a manager, etc.). But hyperhidrosis can also be a consequence of prolonged depression or frequent exposure to stressful situations.
  • Metabolic disorder. Medical name This pathology is called “cranial hyperhidrosis”. The problem may be related to diseases endocrine system. Overweight people sweat excessively. Hyperhidrosis of the head and face is one of the first signs of diabetes.
  • Infectious diseases. Excessive sweating is always observed with ailments in acute period. This is due to elevated temperature bodies. Sweat performs the function of thermoregulation. But hyperhidrosis may also indicate hidden infections fungal, viral and bacterial nature. Often increased sweating observed in people suffering from tuberculosis.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Allergic reactions. The body can react differently to harmful substance. Most often observed skin reactions in the form of redness and itching. The body may also react to an allergen with increased sweating. After all, one more important function sweat glands - removal of toxins.
  • Oncological diseases. Excessive sweating may be the first sign of malignant neoplasm in the body.
  • Hormonal changes in the body. Increased sweating is especially common during pregnancy and menopause.

Facial sweating often develops in people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. Any bad habits may lead to metabolic disorders. The result will be hyperhidrosis.

Addiction to low-quality decorative cosmetics often leads to the development of excessive sweating of the face

In pursuit of beauty, women can put their health at risk. Severe facial sweating will develop due to poor quality decorative cosmetics. This problem especially often occurs among lovers of powder and foundation. Disruption of the sweat glands in the hair area is often observed in girls who winter period refuse headwear. The body reacts to the resulting stress (hypothermia) by increased sweating.

Conservative treatment of scalp hyperhidrosis

Only a qualified specialist can find out the causes of sweating of the head and face after conducting a series of studies. The doctor takes blood for analysis, clarifies when the patient’s first symptoms appeared, and what preceded it. In accordance with the information received, the doctor prescribes treatment.

If a woman is overly nervous, she may be prescribed sedatives. Good results can be achieved thanks to the drugs Persen and Novo-Passit. In addition, tinctures of motherwort or valerian can be used. It is worth considering that sedatives lead to increased drowsiness and slower reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from driving during the therapy period. Under no circumstances should you use medications from this group without the advice of a specialist!

Novo-Passit will help relieve excessive emotional excitability

If the cause of increased sweating of the face and head is a malfunction of the thyroid gland, the woman will be referred to an endocrinologist. It is possible that it will not be possible to completely cure the disease that causes hyperhidrosis. However, recommendations from a specialist will reduce the manifestations of pathology. For example, a sick woman may be shown special diet. This is especially true for overweight representatives of the fairer sex. If body weight is normalized, the manifestations of pathological sweating will decrease, if not disappear completely.
One of the methods conservative therapy hyperhidrosis is a treatment chronic infections. The therapist may prescribe immunostimulating drugs. Vitamin therapy is also considered effective.

The sudden appearance of hyperhidrosis is a reason to make an appointment with a doctor

If hyperhidrosis of the scalp and face is an individual feature of the body and the woman is absolutely healthy, you should pay attention to treatment methods using Botox or Dysport. These drugs block the nerves that are responsible for sweat production. The procedure is considered effective, but expensive and short-lived. The injections will have to be repeated every six months.

Those who do not agree to drastic measures should pay attention to special cosmetics against sweating. Quite a lot good reviews You can hear about the drug Formagel. You should also consult your doctor before starting to use it.

Surgical techniques

A radical technique – sympathectomy – will help you get rid of excessive sweating forever. There are several options for conducting surgical intervention. During endoscopic sympathectomy, the specialist makes a small puncture and uses a small instrument (endoscope) to compress the nerve responsible for increased sweating. Thoracoscopic sympathectomy is a more traumatic operation. This also compresses the nerve. But access to it is gained through an incision in the epidermis.

Surgery is a last resort. You can always find more safe way solving the problem. In addition, if the movement is incorrect, the specialist may compress the wrong nerve. As a result, the woman will have to face complications. Often after sympathectomy, localization of hyperhidrosis is observed in other parts of the body (on the feet, in the area armpits). That is, the work of blocked glands is compensated.

Traditional medicine against scalp hyperhidrosis

When traditional medicine was not as developed as it is today, recipes based on medicinal plants. Many of them are successfully used today. You can perfectly restore the functioning of the sweat glands with the help of birch tar. Suitable for face tar soap purchased at a pharmacy. You can use it to wash your hair and face. The only negative is that tar dries out the skin. Therefore, in addition, you will have to use a special balm for your hair, and a suitable moisturizer for your face.

Tar soap - effective remedy against hyperhidrosis

It will be useful to wash your face and hair with a decoction oak bark. A tablespoon of dry raw materials must be poured with a liter of boiling water. When the product has cooled to room temperature, it can be used.

Perfectly combats the problem of sweating of the face and other parts of the body. baking soda. Good effect show scrubs with this product. Thus, it will also be possible to solve the issue of inflammation on the skin. Immediately after washing your face, apply the powder using rubbing movements, avoiding the area around the eyes.

It is necessary to act gently, otherwise you can injure the skin. After 5 minutes, the soda needs to be washed off warm water and apply moisturizer. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.

Prevention of hyperhidrosis

First of all, if you have a tendency to excessive sweating of the face, you should learn to control your emotional state and try to avoid stressful situations. If hyperhidrosis is observed on the scalp, it is necessary to choose hairstyles that do not lead to blood stagnation. It is advisable to abandon the ponytail and tight spikelet. Ideal option– loose hair. In the event that the problem becomes pronounced, it is worth making an appointment with a therapist as soon as possible.

Spring brought us warm days, and immediately there was a desire to escape from the stuffy office to the beach to plunge into the cool sea. However, not everyone was pleased with the spring sun and tan “a la Hollywood”. As summer approaches, some people have developed a problem such as severe or increased sweating of the head. Let's be honest, this is not the most pleasant feeling. Plus, in this case, the fair sex does not feel very good, to put it mildly.

Why does my head sweat?
Increased sweating of the scalp has scientific name– hyperhidrosis. In most cases, this is not the cause of a serious illness, rather it is considered cosmetic defect. Everything depends on the constitutional characteristics of the person. However, for those who have encountered similar problem, I know the feeling of awkwardness and discomfort when communicating with people. Some dermatologists believe that scalp hyperhidrosis can cause professional, social and psychological maladjustment in patients.

Sweating of the head begins to appear, usually in adolescence(during puberty). There could be any reasons. For example, increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system, hormonal changes in the body. Moreover, both men and women suffer from hyperhidrosis equally.

Types and causes of sweating
Depending on the cause, scalp hyperhidrosis is usually divided into primary and secondary. The definition of “primary” means that hyperhidrosis is not associated with any disease. Increased sweating of the head in this case may develop due to mental overexcitation, anxiety, emotional stress. If your head sweats in response to a change emotional state, then such hyperhidrosis is called facial. In other words, this is how the body reacts to a stressful situation.

Other factors that cause excessive sweating are eating spicy foods, drinking strong coffee, tea. Therefore, try not to drink hot drinks in hot weather. An increase in external temperature and certain odors can also become catalysts for excessive sweating. In summer and autumn, try to wash your face as often as possible, wipe your face with napkins, and do not use perfume. Increased muscle activity during sports is another reason that provokes increased sweating of the head.

Another cause of excessive sweating of the scalp may be dysfunction of the sweat glands or cranial hyperhidrosis. In this case, increased sweating and the unpleasant odor that it entails are caused by waste products of bacteria that feed on the fluid secreted by the body. Only treatment will help here. Should go full examination to identify and solve the problem.

Often cranial hyperhidrosis manifests itself as a result of disruption of metabolic processes in the body. For example, increased sweating is almost always observed in obese person. People with this problem are advised to wear light clothing made from natural fabrics and observe good personal hygiene.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is usually accompanying symptom any disease. Sweating of the head, which is local in nature, should alert you. So, for example, increased sweating of the skin in the ear-temporal region (sometimes in combination with redness) can be disturbing after previous mumps, unsuccessful operation on salivary gland. And, as a result, its damage.

The so-called “string tympani syndrome” occurs in the form of increased sweating in the chin area (due to taste irritation). In Parkinson's disease, facial hyperhidrosis may be a concern due to damage to the autonomic nervous system. Chronic dermatosis is also characterized by profuse sweating of the nose and other parts of the face, as well as redness of the skin and the presence of pink papules.

What to do if your head is sweating
If you have severe sweating, reconsider your lifestyle, go through your cosmetics, and throw out low-quality items. Synthetic hats or scarves that are too thick do not allow your skin to breathe. Because of this, a certain greenhouse effect and the head overheats. The result is increased sweating.

To treat primary hyperhidrosis or cope with it on your own - a person chooses for himself what is best for him to do in this case. If this is not a problem and does not interfere with work and comfortable communication, it is enough to simply use personal hygiene products more often. If it doesn't bother you pungent odor, then you can try special sprays with the addition of tar.

A more global way to combat sweating is considered to be subcutaneous administration special drug– botulism toxin. This procedure consists of blocking the arrival of a nerve impulse transmitted from the nerve to the sweat gland. Because of this, the second one becomes incapable of sweating. This method is considered the least dangerous compared, for example, with the application of aluminum salts and iontophoresis. Side effects As a rule, when the drug is administered, there is no botulism toxin. If we're talking about about secondary hyperhidrosis, then in order to eliminate the problem, you must first cure the concomitant disease.

It should be remembered that excessive sweating of the head can be both a cosmetic defect and a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, if you notice a similar symptom, you need to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate, as this is dangerous to your health.

Increased sweating is normal if a person is engaged in intense physical activity, or it is a hot and sultry summer outside. In other cases, excessive sweating may be a sign of such unpleasant disease like hyperhidrosis. It can be on the whole body or on its individual parts, for example, the head.

Like any disease, severe sweating of the head causes a person considerable discomfort and discomfort, which entails constant stress and irritability, which also increases sweating. The result is a vicious circle: nervousness - sweating - even more sweating. How to break this circle? It’s simple, you need to identify the reasons why an adult’s and a child’s head sweats a lot.

Why does my head sweat?

  • Often, sweating of the head is directly related to the presence of excess body weight. The presence of abundant fat deposits has a particularly strong influence on the secretion of sweat. Fat people sweat more intensely and more often.
  • Sweating may be related to temperature environment and clothes. If it is hot outside, it is not recommended to walk without a hat. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the headdress provides the head with an influx of fresh air. In addition, you should give preference to panama hats and caps in light colors. Dark color has the power of attraction sun rays and fast heating. It is better to choose natural cotton and avoid synthetics.
  • Another reason why your head and face sweats may be performing intense exercise, for example, during physical education or training in the gym.
  • If the head sweats a lot in an adult, the cause may be hyperhidrosis. It comes in two varieties - head and face.

An adult's head sweats a lot, reasons:

  • Genetic feature - in this case, it will be difficult to get rid of sweating of the head, since it is very individual;
  • The reasons why an adult’s head sweats a lot may be changes in intracranial pressure. Hypertensive patients most often suffer from sweating of the head. While in active phase, during the day a person’s blood pressure is elevated, and during sleep the body relaxes and all processes slow down, as a result of which the pressure drops. As a result, an adult's head may sweat during sleep;
  • Another equally common cause of sweating of the head is improper functioning of the sweat glands. This occurs due to metabolic disorders in the human body. The huge disadvantage in this case is that heavy sweating contributes to the emergence unpleasant odor due to the proliferation of bacteria and is accompanied by itching of the scalp;
  • If you experience a very sweaty head in winter, it may be due to a hat made of synthetic material. In this case, you should try changing your headdress to one made from natural materials (leather or fur). Or you can choose a lining consisting of natural fabric;
  • In women, the reason why the head sweats a lot can be the onset of menopause. During this period, a restructuring of the entire hormonal system body, which may result in a temporary increase in sweating.
  • At very profuse sweating It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist, since the cause of profuse sweating may be a malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, expressed in excessive emotionality, constant stress, panic attacks, phobias also often cause increased sweating of the head;
  • Oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, drug addiction, unhealthy lifestyle, allergies can also provoke scalp hyperhidrosis.

The child's head is sweating a lot

Increased sweating can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Parents are especially worried if their child’s head sweats during sleep or when sucking at the breast (in infants). These symptoms may indicate a disease such as rickets (lack of vitamin D3 in the body). But sweating alone is not enough to make a diagnosis. As a rule, rickets is also characterized by sleep disturbances, fearfulness, baldness, decreased muscle tone, etc.

Children's heads naturally sweat, not only because of rickets. Sweating in children is caused by excessive wrapping, high humidity in the room, clothing or bedding made of synthetic materials. Children also sweat due to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, allergies, colds. Timely discovery of the cause and correct treatment sweating in children helps to avoid the development of complications associated with a particular disease.

Treatment for sweating head

How to cure excessive sweating of the head? A dermatologist will help you deal with this problem by prescribing an examination and establishing the cause of hyperhidrosis. The approach in each specific case is individual. Mostly they are assigned first conservative methods treatment, namely taking medications that help reduce the activity of the sweat glands, physiotherapy (iontophoresis) and, in some cases, consultation with a psychotherapist. This helps patients cope with nervousness and excessive emotionality and get rid of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Partially helping to eliminate head sweating in adults is the use of antiperspirants with hypoallergenic properties like Odaban. True, the price of these deodorants is quite high. Treat excessive sweating heads and traditional methods, including rubbing and washing the hair with herbs (infusion of mint, chamomile, sage, lemon balm, oak bark), lemon juice. Children with rickets are prescribed an increased dosage of medications containing vitamin D3, as well as physiotherapy, swimming and massage.

If you sweat profusely, it would be a good idea to reconsider your diet. Try adding it to your food more often olive oil. It helps lower blood cholesterol and lower blood pressure, which leads to reduced sweating. For drinks, you should give preference to green tea, freshly squeezed juices, non-carbonated mineral water and limit coffee, soda and sugary unnatural drinks.

Consume more foods containing B vitamins, which help proper operation both the whole body and especially the human nervous system, which reduces sweating. Remove cocoa, chocolate, herbs, spices, and alcohol from your diet. These products increase nervous excitability, which is an impetus for increased sweat production.

The only methods by which high probability will be able to solve the problem of sweating of the head, are Botox injections and surgery- sympathectomy. With the help of botulinum toxin injections, the nerve endings associated with the sweat glands are paralyzed, and therefore sweat either begins to be released in much smaller quantities or stops being released at all. The effect lasts for six months; there are no significant contraindications to the procedures.

The essence of quickly getting rid of excessive sweating of the head is to influence the sympathetic nerves to reduce their activity. Sympathectomy allows you to forget about scalp hyperhidrosis forever in almost 100% of cases. However, as with any operation, complications are possible.

Hyperhidrosis is a disease in which the sweat glands actively work, producing excessive sweat secretion. This happens in a state of stress, when physical activity or due to hot weather. Sometimes excessive sweating appears only in certain areas of the body: head, palms, feet, back, etc. In this article we will discuss some features of female hyperhidrosis. If your head and face sweat a lot, what should you do? In women, this manifestation indicates hormonal disorders. Do not underestimate the problem, because in addition to aesthetic inconvenience, this may be the first sign of a serious illness.

Physiological reasons

Hyperhidrosis is divided into primary and secondary:

  1. Primary ( individual feature organism) is the norm. It makes itself felt at the age of 13–14 and manifests itself to the maximum by the age of 21.
  2. Secondary is a symptom of a more severe pathology.

Increased sweating can be caused by the following reasons:

  • high air temperature, this is typical for the summer period, when all people sweat more than usual;
  • physical activity, which increases the heart rate and “turns on” the systems responsible for thermoregulation;
  • use alcoholic drinks leads to dilation of peripheral vessels, which activates the work of the sweat glands;
  • Synthetic clothing does not allow air flow to the pores, causing increased sweating.

If hyperhidrosis is caused by the listed factors, then getting rid of it will not be difficult.

Why do women's heads and faces sweat?

Women have their own physiological factors, which can cause profuse sweating. This is due to the characteristics of the nervous system, as well as hormonal levels. If the head and face sweat, the reasons for women may be as follows:

  • adolescence and onset of puberty;
  • the period of pregnancy, when hormonal levels change in a woman’s body;
  • during menopause, as the production of sex hormones decreases.

Hormones at work female body allocated important role, they participate in many physiological processes, including thermoregulation.

Hyperhidrosis itself is not dangerous, but it causes a lot of inconvenience to its “mistress”. It is worth sounding the alarm if the cause of sweating is not physiological, but pathological. Then you cannot do without the help of medicine.

The head and face sweat a lot: pathological reasons

To understand that hyperhidrosis of the head and face is a symptom of the disease, you need to “take a closer look” at yourself. Eliminating everything possible factors factors that cause increased sweating (weather, clothing, food), and also by analyzing whether the culprit of sweating is hormonal significant period life. If you still continue to suddenly sweat, then this is a reason to visit a doctor.

The first person you should contact is a therapist. After examination and tests, he will prescribe appropriate therapy or refer you to a more specialized specialist. Sweating of the head and face can be a manifestation of the following diseases:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • thyroid disease;
  • endocrine system failure;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • excess body weight;
  • nervous disorders;
  • ARVI;
  • tuberculosis.

A woman’s head and face are sweating a lot – what to do?

If severe sweating of the head and face is not caused by any disease, but is a feature of the body, then there are several ways to solve the problem.

Conservative treatment

Herbal infusions will help normalize the activity of the nervous system. The following medicinal plants are most often prescribed:

  • Melissa;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • motherwort.

A patient with hyperhidrosis is often prescribed a complex with B vitamins.

Medications that can block the activity of sweat glands:

  • Benzotropine;
  • Oxybutin;
  • Atropine;
  • Glycopyrrolate.

But only a doctor prescribes them and adjusts the dose. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Surgical intervention

They resort to surgical solution problems are extremely rare. Basic methods:

  • Endoscopic sympathectomy - surgical blocking of nerves (clamping or cutting), due to which the sweat glands stop functioning;
  • Thoracoscopic sympathectomy, involves clamping nerve ganglia“directly”, when cutting the skin and muscles. But such intervention is not performed on the head and face.

In any case, resorting to surgery on the face is very dangerous, as it may cause damage. soft fabrics or nerve endings.

Cosmetology procedures

If the head area, including the face, sweats a lot, then Botox injections will be effective. For the procedure, two types of drugs will be used - Dysport or Botox. They are injected under the skin in the forehead, into the voids near the nose, ear, in the neck area, and, if necessary, in occipital part. To eliminate hyperhidrosis of the head and face, women only need 2 to 4 procedures.

Traditional medicine

It should not be forgotten that traditional medicine, this is not a panacea for any disease. Therefore, its recipes must be used in combination with the main treatment prescribed by the doctor. Get rid of heavy sweating women's heads solely thanks to folk recipes it is impossible, but folk remedies can enhance the effect of the main therapy.

For hyperhidrosis, decoctions of medicinal plants are successfully used:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • sage;
  • mint leaves.

Herbs are brewed based on the proportion of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. After infusion with this decoction, wipe your face like lotion. For problems with sweating of the scalp, the decoction is diluted in warm water and rinse after shampooing.

Lemon juice does a good job of eliminating sweating. It is diluted with water and applied to the skin of the face and scalp. If the problem is present only on skin face, you can wipe it with a slice of lemon. Similar effect diluted apple cider vinegar has.

It is useful to take baths with a decoction of herbs:

  • oak bark;
  • birch leaves;
  • young rowan branches;
  • sagebrush;
  • sage;
  • yarrow.

They can be used both in combination and separately. First, you should prepare a concentrated infusion, which is diluted in warm water before taking a bath.

Proper nutrition

An unhealthy diet can cause sweating of the head and face in women. The menu should be enriched with products with maximum content B vitamins. These can be:

  • nuts;
  • lean fish;
  • greens (any);
  • yolk;
  • liver;
  • hard cheese;
  • bran;
  • legumes;
  • lean meat.

Don’t forget about vegetables and fruits, which should take up the lion’s share daily ration. You will notice a noticeable effect by reducing your carbohydrate intake.


Be prepared for the fact that treatment of hyperhidrosis of the head and face is a rather lengthy process, but getting rid of excessive sweating Maybe. To consolidate the result and prevent the problem from reoccurring, we recommend:

  1. Eliminate spices and coffee from your diet.
  2. Wipe your face with a piece of ice every day and use contrast washes.
  3. Massage your face and scalp heads.

If excessive sweating returns and is accompanied by a general loss of strength, headaches, and thirst, then you should immediately consult a doctor.