Why is one breast larger than the other after mammoplasty? Breasts after mammoplasty - when will they become soft? Surgical methods for solving problems with breast asymmetry

Breast asymmetry after mammoplasty is a characteristic side effect. The syndrome does not manifest itself in the first days after surgery due to extensive tissue swelling. In addition, doctors prefer to diagnose asymmetry no earlier than 6-12 months after surgery.

Asymmetry after mammoplasty is a specific postoperative anomaly that can only be eliminated by secondary surgery. The manifestation of asymmetry is rare, but no one is immune from it, and even doctors cannot determine in advance the likelihood of its development.

After performing the plastic surgery, the doctor informs the patient about a possible deviation in the condition of the glands, gives recommendations on how to avoid it, and what to do if it occurs.

It should be said that a violation of the symmetry of the mammary glands after surgical correction does not appear immediately, but after some time:

  1. In the first day, the breasts are characterized by swelling, and hematomas form on its surface. Such manifestations are a normal situation. Sometimes these days your back may hurt a lot, which is also normal.
  2. Immediately after the corrective intervention, the patient is advised to wear tight compression underwear, which does not allow specialists to make a thorough assessment of the effectiveness of the results of mammoplasty.
  3. After completion of the rehabilitation period, a slight difference in the breast is determined by measuring the distance from the areola to the manubrium of the sternum, as well as to the inframammary fold, from the nipple to the central part of the chest along the contour outline.
  4. If the measurements showed a discrepancy of a couple of centimeters, then this is not considered a critical indicator, and therefore does not refer to a pronounced anomaly that needs to be corrected.

Based on the above, it is inappropriate to talk about the presence of true asymmetry in the first weeks after implantation of prostheses, since:

All these characteristic phenomena are present temporarily and disappear on their own.

You should wait until the recovery period is completed, and only after 2-3 months, if there is a pronounced deviation in the symmetry of the mammary glands, the doctor can diagnose its presence.

Experts name several reasons that can lead to an anomaly when, after mammoplasty, one breast is lower than the other.

Incorrect choice of implants

This effect provokes the implantation of low-quality implants that are not able to fully withstand physical stress, mechanical stress, or the shell of the prosthesis allows the gel substance to pass through.

Most often, endoprostheses suffer from this, so it is better to give preference to structural implants.

Medical errors

  • During mammoplasty, the anatomical features of the patient’s body were not taken into account, so the silicone was not installed entirely correctly.
  • If the surgeon has made an excessively large pocket for the implant, then in this situation the foreign body may move, which leads to a difference in the size and position of the breast.
  • When performing a breast lift (reduction mammoplasty), the doctor incorrectly applied the preoperative markings or there were justified or unjustified deviations from the preliminary markings during the operation.

Adverse reactions

During the postoperative period, a fibrous membrane formed, which begins to compress the prosthesis.

The manifestation of capsular contracture is considered to be a normal reaction, so the situation is not considered a pathology. However, in some episodes, fibrosis can acquire a more dense structure, which leads to deformation of the prosthesis. True, such a clinical situation is a rare phenomenon (one woman out of ten).

Individual characteristics

The operated woman had congenital breast disproportion. In this case, a slight discrepancy in the parameters of the glands after plastic surgery can become quite pronounced.

Typically, these patients are fitted with breast prostheses of different sizes.

Reaction to implanted material

Individual reaction of the patient's breast to identified foreign bodies. Usually occurs against the background of various factors independent of the operation, for example, the woman’s age. This occurs even among those representatives of the fairer sex who have not enlarged their bust through plastic correction.

Neglect of rehabilitation rules

The patient did not properly follow medical instructions during the recovery period, for example, she refused to wear a special bra or slept on her stomach.

Signs of symmetry between the two glands do not appear immediately after mammoplasty. The first day after surgery, the breast tissue remains swollen, so the effect obtained can be assessed at least a month after stopping the use of a compression bra. However, we can talk about the final result no earlier than six months later.

Clinical signs of postoperative violation of breast symmetry are basic and additional:

You should not panic if one breast sank earlier than the other - this sometimes happens and is considered a normal process. However, if a lot of time has passed since the plastic surgery (more than 6-8 months), and the second breast does not descend, you need to consult a surgeon.

If there are different breasts after mammoplasty, how dangerous is this for a woman’s body? According to experts, implant displacement itself is not capable of causing any harm to physical health, in addition to psychological discomfort.

Sometimes the prosthesis may become dislodged due to excessive physical activity of the patient. In addition, the common myth that implanted implants can rupture or explode is absolutely not true.

The danger lies in complications that can arise due to displacement of the prosthesis and uneven tension of the chest muscle tissue. Fortunately, they do not always develop, but are not completely excluded. Even an experienced surgeon cannot guarantee that they will not appear.

Common side effects include:

  1. Not resolving scars, which ideally should disappear on their own after some time (ideally, an invisible scar will remain).
  2. Unpleasant discomfort in the form of tingling (appears if nerve endings were affected during the operation). Full recovery may take up to two years.
  3. Weakening the sensitivity of the nipples. Usually it is temporary, but if it does not recover for a long time or the nipples are located at different levels after mammoplasty and, on the contrary, become hypersensitive, which was not observed before the operation, then this is a complication.
  4. Formation of a double fold. It is believed that it appears in women with cone-shaped breasts. It usually forms a few days after surgery, but can appear several years later. It is provoked by an incorrectly selected prosthesis or a violation of the surgical technique. A double fold can only be eliminated by repeat mammoplasty.
  5. Breast skin necrosis. It develops due to the fact that the weight of the implant strongly compresses the skin. As a result, the quality of blood supply deteriorates, which leads to a necrotic process. The duration of this complication ranges from 2-3 months to 5 years.
  6. Seroma (formation of a cavity with serous fluid under the skin of the chest or in the pocket in which the prosthesis is installed). Seroma usually goes away on its own, but sometimes it appears as a complication of mammoplasty.
  7. Translucency of the implant through the skin in the upper part of the chest is observed in those patients who have had an overly large prosthesis implanted, while the skin is characterized by increased thinness.
  8. Inflammation of the mammary gland tissue develops against the background of infection penetration into the structural tissues of the mammary gland. The infectious process occurs a few days after surgery or a few weeks. This is an extremely serious situation that requires immediate medical attention.

Separately, it is worth noting the occurrence of capsular contracture. Despite the fact that such a phenomenon is not considered an anomaly, there are still parameters for its norm, which is assessed using the Baker scale:

If the degree of breast hardness gradually increases, you should consult a surgeon. The situation does not pose a clear threat to health, but the appearance of pain can worsen the patient’s quality of life.

Correction of asymmetry after mammoplasty is performed only by a single method - surgical. In this case, the correction is made no earlier than 6 months after the first operation.

However, if the above complications develop, which can threaten a woman’s life, the implants are removed hastily.

Urgent removal of silicone prostheses is also carried out in the following situations:

  • There is an accumulation of intercellular liquid exudate.
  • There is inflammation of the chest.
  • There are signs of necrosis of mammary gland tissue.
  • There are signs of seroma (accumulation of blood fluid around the installed prosthesis).
  • There was heavy bleeding.

At an early stage of inflammation of the breast tissue, antibacterial therapy is prescribed; in advanced cases, the prosthesis is removed and complex treatment is carried out, and then repeated mammoplasty is performed.

Depending on the level of complexity of the asymmetry, its removal is carried out by several types of surgical intervention:

  1. Plastic surgery with the installation of endoprostheses of a different size.
  2. An operation during which the fibrous component that compresses the implants is eliminated.
  3. Surgery to create another pocket for the prosthesis.
  4. Other types of surgical correction that can remove the asymmetry of the female bust.

How to avoid pathological manifestations

To prevent displacement of the mammary glands after mammoplasty, surgeons recommend following certain rules:

  1. For one month after the operation, wear compression garments around the clock for 1-1.5 months, which are prohibited from being removed.
  2. Treat surgical sutures daily with gels and ointments prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Strictly avoid lifting heavy objects for three weeks.
  4. It is forbidden to bend sharply, sleep on your stomach and raise your arms up for 7-10 days.
  5. During the recovery period, refrain from visiting the bathhouse, pool and beach.
  6. You should not sunbathe using a solarium (there is a risk of hyperpigmentation of surgical sutures).
  7. Avoid physical activity and sports.
  8. At the first symptoms of inflammation of the mammary glands, immediately seek medical advice.

On the third, seventh and tenth days after mammoplasty, you need to come to the doctor for dressings, and subsequently visit a specialist 1-2 times a month until recovery is complete. After 6 months, be sure to do a control ultrasound of the bust.

In addition to the mandatory rules that should be carefully followed, a woman needs to listen to other advice:

  • During rehabilitation, to avoid accidental displacement of the implant, carefully control your movements, especially in the arms and upper body.
  • During recovery, do not drink alcoholic beverages, which can cause inflammation and other complications in the chest.
  • Maintain contact with the surgeon who performed the operation. In the event of an unusual situation and complications, the doctor will advise on further actions.
  • The successful performance of mammoplasty depends on the professional experience of the surgeon. therefore, you need to carefully select a specialist for the operation who can correctly select the required size of the prosthesis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

What happens to the breasts after a week, a month and a year? What will she look like, and what stages of rehabilitation does each woman go through?
Based on the doctor’s experience and the work of our plastic surgeons, we will analyze the answers to these questions in more detail and using illustrative examples. Please note that the features of postoperative recovery and the process of forming a new breast are always individual, so the plan described below may differ slightly from the actual one. There is no need to worry about this. The doctors of our clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov guide their patients from the initial consultation and examination to the successful completion of rehabilitation after surgery.

Mammoplasty is a generalized name for a whole group of operations to correct the shape and size of the mammary glands. It includes breast augmentation (endoprosthetics), lifting and reduction (bust reduction).

Thus, mammoplasty allows to correct :

  • Too small breast size (micromastia);
  • Too large size (gigantomastia);
  • The effect of saggy and empty breasts (age-related or postpartum ptosis of the mammary glands);
  • Congenital or acquired asymmetry;
  • Shape and size of areolas;
  • Tubular breast;
  • Polymastia;
  • Consequences of injuries and mastectomy.

Thus, mammoplasty with or without implants allows you to recreate a beautiful breast shape, which is almost impossible to distinguish from natural and, without exaggeration, can be called perfect. On the website you can view the portfolio of our plastic surgeons and evaluate the results.

Breasts immediately after mammoplasty

The first days after surgery, the woman recovers from surgery and anesthesia. On day 1, a special drainage is installed, which will help prevent the accumulation of serous-hemorrhagic fluid in the space around the implant. After the doctor makes sure that the operation went without complications, special compression garments are put on the chest. You need to wear it for about 2 months - to fix the position of the implants and to prevent all kinds of deformations. It is still very early to evaluate the final result of mammoplasty: there is significant swelling of the breast, and to the touch it seems too hard and unnaturally raised. Some patients experience slight bruising. This will pass very soon, so there is no need to worry. Injured tissues can disturb, causing discomfort, which is relieved with painkillers. As a rule, the patient can be discharged from the clinic home the very next day after the operation. During rehabilitation, it is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon, for example, refrain from physical activity, bathing in the bathroom, sleeping on your side or stomach for the time specified by the doctor.

Breasts one week after mammoplasty

Usually a week after, mild swelling increases. For successful recovery, the patient is recommended to rest in a quiet place. You cannot shower, and the suture lines should be carefully treated with antiseptics, disinfection solutions, or the wounds should be wiped with sterile wet wipes, depending on the recommendations of the attending physician. If the seams are sealed with special adhesives, then, as a rule, no additional processing is required. During the first week, the plastic surgeon schedules an appointment for the patient for examination and dressing. Sutures are removed on the 12-14th day after surgery if non-absorbable threads were used. Painful sensations no longer bother me. By the end of the week you can start taking a shower.

The work of plastic surgeon Hovsep.

What does the breast look like after mammoplasty a month later?

A month after mammoplasty, you can evaluate the early result: the breasts acquire a beautiful and more or less complete shape, swelling subsides, and the mammary glands become soft to the touch. Rehabilitation restrictions are gradually being lifted. For example, you can return to light exercise without stressing your pectoral muscles. The process of scar healing and stabilization of the position of the implants in the capsule is not complete, so wearing a compression bra is still necessary.

The result of breast replacement with lifting and asymmetry correction. Doctor's work .

Breasts 2 months after mammoplasty

2 months after breast correction, the compression underwear can be removed and replaced with a beautiful bra without wires, and after another 1 month you can wear it with wires. If the rehabilitation as a whole goes well, then this happy moment will come sooner - the main thing is to consult a doctor. If, within 2 months after mammoplasty, the patient notices suspicious changes in the shape of the mammary glands, for example, if they become harder, and the contour of the implants begins to appear, pain occurs - it is important to inform the plastic surgeon about this. This way the doctor will be able to take timely measures to eliminate complications. If the early rehabilitation period is completed successfully, then the woman can return to her usual lifestyle: avoiding intense ultraviolet radiation, visiting the bathhouse, extreme and overly active physical activity, which can threaten the displacement of the prostheses. It is important to remember that implants take root in capsules for more than 3 months.

The result of breast augmentation after 2 months. The work of a plastic surgeon

Breasts one year after mammoplasty

This is when you can get nothing but pleasure from your new body! Postoperative scars become almost invisible, and rehabilitation is generally completed. A year after breast correction, you can already return to your usual lifestyle without any restrictions: play all kinds of sports, sunbathe in the solarium and on the beach, steam in the bathhouse and sauna. If the rehabilitation progresses faster, then such restrictions can be lifted by the doctor after 6 months. If a woman is planning a child, then she can become pregnant after mammoplasty within 1 year.

Why is it best to do mammoplasty at the clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov?

According to independent experts, industry leaders and patients, the plastic surgery department of the clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg is recognized as the leading one in the city. We are working since 1999 year , we successfully perform all types of reconstructive and aesthetic operations on the mammary gland and, of course, value our reputation. On the plastic surgery department page you can view the work of our specialists and read their biographies. We are proud of our doctors and offer our patients:

  • Comfortable rooms, including luxury ones - for a good start to rehabilitation;
  • Operating rooms and medical rooms equipped with new technology, the presence of its own intensive care unit;
  • Own laboratory: no queues, accurate diagnostic results, quickly and, if necessary, by e-mail;
  • Availability of all specialized medical specialists in one place;
  • for mammoplasty;
  • for primary patients;
  • - our own service for remote consultations with doctors via video communication.
  • Lending and interest-free installments for plastic surgery.

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that changes the size or shape of the breast. If it sags, the glandular tissue located below is removed, and the breast itself is fixed in its normal position.

In order to correct the breast, a special prosthesis is inserted.

Indications for the operation:

  • breasts are too small or large;
  • breast asymmetry;
  • prolapse of the mammary glands;
  • breast restoration after removal.

What does it look like

After surgery, at first the breasts will be hard and swollen. Hematomas will be observed in some places. This goes away within three weeks.

Pain and swelling on the left and right breasts may appear differently, which is normal.

Some patients experience a “crackling” or “squelching” sensation around the breast or under the skin during this period.

The reason for this is air entering the chest pocket during surgery and exiting through the fatty tissue. These sensations do not require special treatment and disappear on their own within 10 days.

What problems might you encounter?

Mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that can cause complications.

These include:


Post-operative pain in most patients is mild or moderate and can be easily relieved with painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

The most difficult in this case is the first week, with the pain gradually disappearing.

But in some cases it may appear in later periods.

Chest pain for reasons such as:

  • purulent inflammation;
  • nerve injury;
  • incorrect placement of implants.


After mammoplasty, a burning sensation may appear in the lower part of the breast, indicating hypersensitivity of the skin in this area.

The cause of such unpleasant sensations is injury to the nerves during surgery.

This feeling will go away completely within two years after the operation. For two months after surgery, a tingling or tingling sensation may occur, indicating that sensation has returned.

Swelling and cyanosis

Breast swelling after surgery happens to everyone without exception, and is associated with tissue injury at the time of surgery. During the first two weeks this is the norm.

In the future, it may persist for reasons such as:

  • non-compliance with doctor’s instructions and early refusal of compression garments;
  • physical activity earlier than necessary;
  • thermal procedures.

The cause of tissue swelling in the future may be the accumulation of serous fluid or blood.

This happens if during the operation the blood vessels are damaged and not sutured.

Sometimes swelling and cyanosis occur when a vessel bursts during the rehabilitation process.

There are several reasons for this:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • incorrectly selected implant size.

To eliminate the defect, the accumulated liquid is removed, and then the cause of its appearance is eliminated.

Bruising is not uncommon. They may be located laterally under the mammary gland on the side. This indicates that blood has leaked into the gland tissue.

But it must be remembered that a significant amount of blood in the breast tissue can cause the formation of a capsule, so you should consult your doctor.

Photo: Breast augmentation up to size 3

Firm to the touch

After surgery, the breasts may feel too firm to the touch.

Given that the implant is located under the muscles, they swell and become tense.

It may take one to three months for the breasts to become soft after mammoplasty, depending on the individual.

This defect can also be caused by a dense capsule around the implant.

This is a fairly rare complication, the cause of which is:

  • the pocket for the implant is too tight;
  • implant size is too large;
  • insufficient bleeding control in the absence of drainage;
  • the patient’s body is predisposed to form a dense capsule;
  • poor quality of material for implants.

Occurs when the implant moves in any direction.

Causes of asymmetry:

  • incorrectly selected implant size;
  • anatomical features of the breast;
  • incorrect installation of the endoprosthesis;
  • implant rupture. This can occur if the shell of the prosthesis is too thin or damaged during surgery. Also, implant rupture can occur after injury or due to the fact that the material for making implants is of poor quality;
  • implant displacement. Occurs if the placement of the implant is initially incorrect or the size of the cavity is not appropriate;
  • deflation. The isotonic sodium chloride solution contained within may be depleted due to diffusion through the valve or prosthetic shell
Photo: Asymmetry

Asymmetry can also occur during suppuration.

An abscess appears in such cases as:

  • implant rejection;
  • entry of pathogenic bacteria into the wound;

The process begins with an increase in body temperature and severe pain, which cannot always be relieved by painkillers.

The skin over the area of ​​inflammation becomes red and hot.

In order to get rid of suppuration, drainage tubes are installed and loading doses of antibiotics are prescribed. If this does not give the desired effect, the implant is removed.

Video: Consultation with a surgeon


Even before the operation begins, you need to realize that thin scars cannot disappear without a trace. In order to make them less visible, you need to properly care for your skin after surgery.

It is necessary to minimize the tension of the tissue around the scar.

For this purpose, special silicone stickers and compression garments are used. They are worn until the scars are completely formed.

Do not use creams or ointments for resorption too early. You need to wait until the scar is completely formed.

If there is a predisposition of the body to the formation of keloid scars, then it is better to refuse surgery.

When the chest drops

After breast augmentation, at first the mammary glands occupy a position that is too high and uncharacteristic for them. There is no need to worry about this.

Within two months, the implants will take a natural position under the influence of the gravitational field.

In this case, one side may descend faster than the other. This is also not a reason to worry, since it is a variant of the norm.

Photo: Before and after surgery

How much do breasts hurt after mammoplasty?

If the operation is performed correctly and there are no complications, return to normal activity takes from 7 to 10 days. How long it takes for the pain to disappear depends on individual tolerance.

In most cases, the pain disappears after 5 or 6 days.

But at the same time, pain remains with active movements of the arms or physical activity. It can last for a month.

Is it possible to have a massage and when?

If breast augmentation was performed using smooth or saline implants, light breast massage after mammoplasty can begin as early as the sixth day.

Why is it necessary:

  • space for the implant is preserved. It is placed in a special chest pocket. If the implant is smooth, then the pocket is made larger than its size. As a result of healing, scar tissue forms around it. But sometimes this capsule thickens and begins to compress the implant. This can be prevented with a special light massage;
  • the implant is perceived by the body as a foreign body, therefore, the immune system reacts in a special way and tries to independently limit the material and give as little space as possible, tightening the skin around it. Thanks to the massage, the implant moves and becomes soft to the touch.

Breast massage must be continued for 6 months. At first, it needs to be done at least 5 times a day, then gradually the number of massages decreases.

In this case, the fingers are placed on top of the implant, and it is gently pushed in a circle.

Breast augmentation surgery is traumatic and carries a risk of bleeding or complications.

Therefore, after it has been carried out, in order to guarantee the planned position of the implant it is necessary:

  • wear compression garments for 4 to 6 weeks. During this period, a normal capsule matures around the implant. Also, in this case, the breast is fixed, which helps to avoid fluid accumulation or excessive mobility of the implant;
  • take antibacterial drugs prescribed by your doctor to prevent the development of infection.
Photo: Compression garments

Alarming symptoms requiring consultation with a doctor

It is worth seeking advice from a specialist in the following cases:

  • persistent increase in body temperature and pain in the chest area;
  • change in implant volume;
  • the appearance of repeated edema;
  • breast deformation;
  • significant difference in swelling and swelling between the left and right breasts;
  • stone-hard breasts, in which one mammary gland is enlarged;
  • redness that extends far beyond the suture;
  • a large amount of discharge from the seam, a change in color or the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

How to care for your breasts

In order to avoid postoperative complications, proper care is necessary:

  • You can take a shower on the fifth or seventh day after surgery, but not earlier;
  • under no circumstances should you rub it with a washcloth or press it;
  • upon returning home from the clinic, the patient needs to rest as much as possible, avoiding arm strain;
  • all housework must be done very carefully;
  • 14 days after the operation, you can gradually return to simple physical exercises for the legs, and give a small load on the arms no less than a month and a half after the operation;
  • one week after surgery, you can return to driving;
  • After surgery, a bandage will be applied to the lower chest to protect the cuts from infection. At first they will bleed. The bandage cannot be removed by yourself; it must be changed by medical personnel. It will be completely removed after 14 days and postoperative scars will be examined;
  • When using self-absorbing threads, there is no need to remove the stitches. The surface of the scar may be covered with a crust, which cannot be removed independently; it must fall off;
  • postoperative scars and scars should not be rubbed with hard towels or subjected to thermal or mechanical stress;
  • The bath can be taken no earlier than 14 days after the operation;
  • after the period of wearing compression underwear has expired, it is necessary to wear bras with wires;
  • You need to sleep only on your back or side;
  • a month after the operation, special creams will need to be applied to the scars to speed up healing and prevent the appearance of scars;

In order for mammoplasty to proceed without complications, it is necessary:

  • carefully choose a doctor who will perform surgery;
  • after the operation, follow all the rules prescribed by the doctor and take antibiotics;
  • for the first time after surgery, wear compression garments that support the breasts;
  • Avoid physical activity at first;
  • choose high-quality implants from well-known manufacturers. First study all the information about their safety.

It is necessary to realize that any operation to change breast size leads to postoperative discomfort. But following all your doctor’s recommendations will help reduce this period to a minimum.

Many women dream of beautiful and large breasts, so they decide to take such radical measures as breast augmentation. But, a complication often occurs, which is called double bubble after mammoplasty. In addition, if the operation was performed by an unqualified plastic surgeon, various problems may arise. But even if mammoplasty was performed by a first-class doctor, no one can guarantee that the postoperative period will pass without consequences. In any case, surgery is a serious burden on the body.

Pain after mammoplasty is normal. The tissues gradually begin to heal and return to normal. If your chest has been hurting for too long, then this is a reason to consult a surgeon.

Some women complain that their back hurts. Most surgeons consider this reaction of the body as normal. After some time, the soreness should go away.

A burning sensation in the breast after mammoplasty may also be normal, but it is better not to risk it and see a doctor.

Plastic surgery has come a long way. Complications after surgery are quite rare if the procedure was performed by a qualified specialist. But no one is immune from failure. If the number of unpleasant symptoms after the procedure begins to increase, you need to contact your doctor again.

Sometimes a slight increase in body temperature after surgery is considered normal. Because surgery is a serious stress for the body. The temperature may persist for several days. In this case, there is no need to panic; after a while everything will return to normal.

Consequences of mammoplasty

Plastic surgery often leads to necrosis of the skin. As a result of gravity, the implant exerts strong pressure directly on the skin of the mammary glands. Blood supply is disrupted and necrosis occurs. The process can last 2–3 months, or it can last up to 5 years. The consequences of breast augmentation can be eliminated through additional surgery and insertion of an implant under the pectoral muscle.

When breasts are enlarged through plastic surgery, the nipples may lose sensitivity. This is due to the fact that a nerve was affected during the operation. Often sensitivity is restored after some time.

Complications after breast augmentation occur when sensitivity is not restored for a long time or when a woman has had her breasts enlarged, hypersensitivity appears that was not there before.

Mammoplasty is a good way to restore the shape of a woman’s breasts. A woman who decides to undergo surgery must follow all doctor’s orders. In preparation for surgery, you need to pass all tests and be examined by a therapist and anesthesiologist. If this is not done, there is a risk of complications or unsuccessful breast surgery. According to statistics, this situation occurs in 4% of women.

Loss of sensitivity of the nipple and areola

Minor sensory disturbances may be associated with edema. The swelling will subside and sensitivity will be restored.

Most often, the sensitivity of the nipple and areola is not affected by submarinal (under the breast) and axillary access. It is disrupted during the periariolar approach (the border of the areola and the skin on the chest).

Numbness of the breast after plastic surgery

This in most cases occurs because the nerve branches were crossed during surgery and time is needed for their recovery. The recovery period is different for everyone, on average about six months.

If this is not done in advance, severe consequences, complications and scars may occur after mammoplasty.

Purulent wounds around the implant

Occurs in 1–4% of patients. The reason may be:

  • natural rejection breast implant;
  • entry infections during the operation.

It may appear a year or more after surgery. They are treated with antibiotics, and in severe cases the implant is removed.

Introduction of infection

Any operation is associated with infection. The first factor is the qualifications of the surgeon and his professional work experience. The second factor is the patient’s failure to comply with hygiene requirements after surgery.

Accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, redness and purulent discharge. Antibiotics and antiseptic drugs are prescribed, and in difficult cases, the endoprosthesis is removed or replaced.

Seroma and hematoma

It is normal for a small amount of fluid to collect around the breast prosthesis, but seroma after mammoplasty is a lot of clear serous fluid.

The more extensive the surgery, the more likely it is that seromas will appear. If the gray is left unattended, it can persist for a long time and cause hardening. Surgically removed using a syringe.

Any irritant can cause gray matter:

  • reaction body onto the prosthesis when the capsule has not yet formed;
  • physical loads, injuries;
  • early refusal of wearing compression linen;
  • non-compliance restorative period.

To prevent seroma formation, you should wear compression garments for at least 6 weeks.

A hematoma is a collection of clots of dried blood in sacs around a breast implant. It is accompanied by severe swelling, fever, and inhibits muscle mobility. Treatment of the hematoma is mandatory.

Tissue death

Tissue death - necrosis - occurs when the implant compresses the blood supply in the chest due to scar tissue (capsule) growing around it.

To prevent this from happening, in 1968 W.C. Dempsey and W.D. Latham suggested installing a breast implant subpectorally (under the pectoralis major muscle).


Immediately after the operation, the surgeon applies a special plaster to the scar. It makes it possible to maintain body hygiene at first.

It is important to allow scars and cicatrices to heal quietly in the first months. Surgeons recommend:

  • Not scratch scar, but let it heal and form;
  • smear the formed scar with a special silicone gel;
  • stick silicone strips that allow the skin to breathe and do not allow water to pass through, and also visually make the scar invisible;
  • don't visit swimming pools, postpone a trip to the sea;
  • Not load chest area, scars should not stretch.

After a few months, the incision line will not be visible at all. But if a woman’s visible part has an unaesthetic appearance and this bothers her, plastic surgery has ways to correct this:

  • excision of a scar or scar;
  • grinding.

There cannot be the same time period until complete recovery. Therefore, if the scar is red, you need to wait until it turns white. Otherwise, you can get a keloid.

Breast change

After surgery, breasts may change shape and become denser. This change is called capsular contracture.

Essentially, a capsule of fibrous connective tissue is formed around the implant, which thickens and thickens over time. Normally, the capsule is very thin and measures 1/10 of a millimeter. But with capsular contracture, the capsule grows to 2-3 mm or more.

It gradually squeezes and compresses the implant, which leads to its deformation, and therefore to a change in the shape of the breast and to pain. In severe situations, it leads to atrophic changes in breast tissue.

If capsular contracture is detected, corrective surgery is performed. The implant is changed and the capsule is removed.


In the first days, this is a natural reaction to a foreign body; the temperature after mammoplasty will be 37 or higher. In the following days, a “hangover” may occur. The surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and monitor the patient's condition.

Possible complications associated with implants

A capsule is formed around the breast implant. Capsular contracture is more common with silicone implants. Capsular contracture, consisting of fibrous tissue, begins to compact the implant, which leads to pain. The aesthetic appearance of the breast also deteriorates.

Surgery for severe capsular contracture allows removal of the capsule itself and the endoprosthesis. Mild cases do not require surgery.

Implant rupture

High-quality implants undergo many stages of testing at factories, which indicates their safety. They are filled with state-of-the-art cohesive gel and come with a lifetime warranty. Even if the implant ruptures, the gel will not leak into the soft tissues and will not harm the patient’s health.

Implant rupture may not be visually noticeable. But it is detected on a mammogram or MRI.

Severe tears can ruin the appearance of the breasts and cause inflammation, swelling and pain.

Deformation of the endoprosthesis

If after mammoplasty one breast has become larger than the other, this will disappear in the first months after the operation, when the swelling goes down.

In another case - with an incorrectly selected endoprosthesis or placement.

In the third case, deformation may have occurred:

  • More susceptible to deformation saline implants.
  • Matters volume implant filling: normal and overfilled. When overcrowded, there is less wrinkling.
  • Textured endoprostheses are more deformed and wrinkled than smooth ones.
  • Implants "under the muscle" are deformed to a lesser extent.
  • A special type of deformation also includes double bubble complication.

Implant displacement

It takes time for the breast implant to become firmly entrenched in the tissues. To do this, immediately after the operation the patient is dressed in compression garments. To avoid asymmetry and displacement, it is recommended to completely avoid physical and strength loads on the chest and upper abdomen for three months.

If after three months adjustment is still needed, additional procedures are prescribed.

A loose pectoral muscle may cause discomfort during the postoperative period, but this goes away over time as the muscle and implant adjust to each other.

Saline implants are more likely to dislodge because they are heavier than silicone ones.

An implant that is placed above the muscle is more susceptible to displacement than an implant that is placed under the muscle.

Double fold (or double bubble)

Double bubble after mammoplasty is a serious aesthetic complication. The chest does not look like a single whole, but as if folded.

30% of women have a specific anatomical feature of Cooper's connective tissue ligaments. These ligaments are located under the breast and support the weight of the entire glandular part. After surgery, when swelling goes down, a small percentage of women face this problem. Surgeons offer correction.

During correction, an incision is made, part of the breast tissue is excised, carefully straightened and fixed in a new place to a new submammary fold.

The double fold after mammoplasty will still be noticeable for some time, but after a week this deformity will disappear. Patients after such correction must wear compression garments for two weeks.


This is a specific complication of breast surgery, which is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. The mammary gland becomes deformed and its aesthetic appearance is lost.

A deposit of calcium salts forms around the implant - calcification. During examination and palpation, the surgeon identifies foci of calcification and may suggest implant replacement or correction surgery.

There is no prevention for this complication.

These deposits may be mistaken for tumors on mammography.


This is an aesthetic complication after mammoplasty, in which the implants are located very close to each other. Visually, the mammary glands seem to have “grown together.”

The reason may be:

  • too much choice volumetric breast implants;
  • anatomical location of the mammary glands.

To avoid symmastia, an experienced surgeon must select the correct size of the breast implant, otherwise you will have to make a correction with smaller implants.

Skin ripples

Mostly such ripples occur on cheap breast implants. Ripples after mammoplasty can also appear when the capsule covering the implant is not fully formed on one of the breasts. If the ripples do not go away, the surgeon suggests correction.

When the volume of native breast tissue is small, breast implants are usually installed “under the muscle”.

Reduced efficiency of breast cancer diagnosis

Breast implants and silicone have not been proven to cause cancer. Patients who have had a gland removed due to cancer are fitted with endoprostheses.

Sometimes it happens that a patient came for mammoplasty and an oncological disease was detected.

Experienced surgeons sometimes combine operations: during mammoplasty, for example, fibroadenoma is removed. And the removed material is sent for further examination.

Endoprostheses make mammography examinations more difficult, which reduces the effectiveness of diagnosing cancer.

To prevent the implant from rupturing during palpation and examination, it is necessary to warn the doctor about its presence.

Decreased ability to breastfeed

Breastfeeding issues are discussed with the surgeon in the preparatory period. Both saline and silicone endoprostheses do not have a negative effect on pregnancy and fetal development, even in the event of rupture.

With periariolar access (through the isola incision), the ability to breastfeed is significantly reduced or completely lost, as the ducts are crossed.

With submarinal (under the breast) and axillary access, the mammary gland is not injured. But if there were complications, the risk of impaired ability to breastfeed remains.

After breastfeeding, at least 6 months later, you can begin preparing for mammoplasty.

Capsular contracture

In medicine, capsular contracture is a formation that consists of dense fibrous tissue. It forms around the implanted implant, gradually squeezing it. But it is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign body.

But you should consult a doctor when signs of capsular contracture begin to bother you. Among them, hardening of the neoplasm and its increase in size are noted.

The causes of contracture formation are:

  1. Accumulation serous fluid around the implant, which leads to its detachment.
  2. Inflammation.
  3. Non-compliance recommendations specialist during the rehabilitation period.
  4. Hematomas, formed after surgery.
  5. Wrong size implant.
  6. Hit silicone between the implant and fibrous formation as a result of rupture of the first.

In cases where the capsular contracture is large, repeated surgery is performed to remove it.

In order to prevent the development of such a complication, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of a specialist during the rehabilitation period, use implants with a textured surface, wear special compression garments and regularly visit a specialist.

If your chest itches or there is a lump in the area where the implant is located, you should consult a doctor.


Often after mammoplasty, patients complain that their breasts hurt. Unpleasant sensations occur for 2-3 days after surgery, provided the healing process is normal and all doctor’s recommendations are followed. But you should know that the duration of the recovery period is individual in each case.

After mammoplasty, the nipples may hurt, which is also not a deviation, provided that the pain does not increase, but gradually disappears.

The causes of pain are injury to soft tissues during surgery and their stretching during the recovery period.

Swelling of the abdomen

Swelling is a normal reaction of the body to surgery.

But abdominal swelling after mammoplasty is not observed in all patients. Often, an unpleasant symptom occurs when access during surgery is carried out under the breast.

It appears gradually. Swelling immediately after a breast augmentation procedure is observed only in the mammary glands. After 1-3 days it drops onto its stomach. In appearance, it is swollen; when pressed, marks may remain.

The color of the skin changes only when there is bleeding. In this case, bruises and hematomas appear on the abdomen.

Unsuccessful breast surgery can lead to swelling. In this case, the symptoms will be pronounced, they will constantly increase and worsen.

To relieve swelling, it is recommended to apply cold to the abdomen, wear compression garments after surgery, and eat right. In the first days after surgery, you should not take a hot bath, shower, or visit a sauna or bathhouse. In severe cases, it is necessary to use homeopathic remedies in the form of creams to relieve swelling.

Preventive measures and reducing the risk of complications

After any plastic surgery you must:

  • Do not visit pool, sauna, bathhouse, solarium, from 4-6 weeks.
  • Do not take hot baths.
  • Homemade aquatic Procedures should be taken only with a special silicone strip on the incision, and not earlier than after a week.
  • In the first 7-10 days sleep on your back with your head elevated so that swelling subsides faster and discomfort decreases. Two weeks later - on the side. Not earlier than in a month - on the stomach.
  • Even if the patient is compression underwear, do not lift weights. This threatens complications and new operations.
  • Don't engage sports. Intensive training on the chest and upper abdomen and back can displace the thoracic endoprosthesis from its location, which again threatens complications and correction.
  • Do not exercise for the first time after surgery sex. This may cause the seams to come apart. It is recommended to start planning pregnancy no earlier than a year after mammoplasty.
  • Don't fly to airplane in the first few weeks after surgery.
  • Accept medicinal medications prescribed by the surgeon.