Prayer for odors in the house. Are spells effective for profuse sweating? Sweat spell by the river

Detailed description from several sources: “prayer for a sweat spell” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

The anti-sweat spell will help get rid of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and the foul odor of sweat

Get rid of foul odor sweat and increased sweating(hyperhidrosis) a strong spell will help told by one village grandmother witch. A conspiracy against sweat will quickly help rid the body of excessive sweating for any person: woman or man, child or adult, just read magic words spells - conspiracy and perform a simple ritual. The conspiracy against hyperhidrosis of the armpits, arms and legs has already helped people. About you can read a lot about the sweat spell real reviews convinced of its effectiveness. Conspiracies will not tell you about the 2 most effective conspiracies for treatment excessive sweating: One is read at home, the other anti-sweat spell helps if you ride in an oat field. The second spell is quite difficult to carry out even for a villager, because finding an oat field is quite difficult, so there is probably no point in telling how to make a spell against sweat in an oat field. The best plot for hyperhidrosis at home which you can read on your own, the undisputed winner in your choice magical method of treatment increased sweating and getting rid of the foul odor of sweat .

Read over underwear damp from sweat for 5 days, 3 times a day. a spell for treating sweat that will permanently cure the disease hyperhidrosis :

Lord, help me, free me from sweat,

From night sickness, from severe prickly heat.

Dry it with dry wood and bless it with a cross.

There is a proven method against boils and ulcers that will help instantly reduce inflammation on the skin and get rid of boils, boils or purulent inflammation using a white magic spell. No need to spend money on expensive creams and pharmaceutical products against boils. A conspiracy from Chiri will help you, which you need to read yourself or ask a person close to you to do it. A plot for a boil or a plot for a chiriya is enough effective method fight against this disease which is successfully used in folk

The spell for warts is best read on the waning moon. When you go outside, find a dry straw that is still standing and not knocked down by the wind or pressed to the ground. To whisper a wart, tear off a straw and carefully touch the straw to each wart that needs to be removed 3 times, read the plot for the treatment of warts:

Spurs on feet cause severe pain in the heel, which can be cured by a good conspiracy from heel spurs. This plot must be read strictly on the waning moon. To perform a magical ritual against heel spurs that will relieve pain when walking, you need a basin of water at room temperature and a rooster’s foot with a spur. To treat heel spurs with a spell, pour water into a basin, throw a rooster leg into it and, standing in this basin, say the words of the spell three times that will help get rid of spurs on

This plot read on beef or pork bone with meat. A bone on the foot is usually called a grave bone, which most often appears in a person who has crossed the road. funeral procession. This is a kind of damage that you can quickly get rid of by doing a simple ritual of magic with reading a conspiracy. Painful growths on the legs - the bone is read out for the waning moon (waning month). Boil cabbage soup with cabbage and a meaty bone, and when the cabbage soup is ready, remove the bone with meat from the broth, eat some of the meat yourself (directly from the bone), and leave a little. For the meat remaining on the bone, read the conspiracy against growth

There is a good conspiracy for the good health of yourself, your child or your beloved husband, which you need to read once a year. A spell for good - good health will allow you to be all healthy a year and not get sick even during an epidemic. Do you want to have good health with the help of white magic - this powerful spell is the spell that you need. You need to read the spell for health 1 time at dawn and 1 time at sunset. The spell to be healthy lasts exactly a year, so don’t forget to redo it again after a year! And the text of the spell

Have you and your husband decided to have a baby, but can’t get pregnant? To get pregnant and give birth, read the birth plot healthy child. Perform a magic ritual and read old conspiracy for conception and birth of a child. After carrying out this ritual and reading the plot, even those for whom modern medicine predicted childlessness could successfully become pregnant and give birth to a boy or daughter. This white magic ritual for the birth of a child lasts 40 days. Take a long rope made of natural material (cotton, hemp, etc.) and for forty days, every midnight, tie 1 knot on the rope each time while saying a birth plot

If a person has low blood pressure, a prayer spell from low blood pressure addressed to Saint Angelina. Treatment with spells and prayers has been practiced at all times; herbalists, healers and sorcerers have always helped people restore health and bring blood pressure back to normal. To do this, they read conspiracies after which the blood pressure rose and nausea and weakness quickly went away. People have forgotten these methods but white magic keeps them and will help with the help of prayer - a conspiracy from low pressure restore your health. Before you start reading, be sure to measure your blood pressure.

If you have hypertension and headache from horse racing intracranial pressure has become almost daily, you know, conspiracies and prayers from high pressure will help bring your blood pressure back to normal and quickly restore your health without taking medications or pills. For this purpose, magicians and witches read water spells, after which the pressure returned to normal and the headache and weakness quickly went away and never returned. Modern people forgot these ways to quickly lower blood pressure and today healing magic will help you with the help of a quick and effective prayer spell to get rid of such a problem and knock down the intracranial blood pressure. After reading the plot

Treatment of the liver for cirrhosis at home can be carried out using a spell used among the people for the prevention and treatment of the liver. You need to read the plot for the liver 3 days in a row at 6 o’clock in the morning with holy water, which should be drunk an hour before meals and during attacks. Strong conspiracy intended for the treatment of the liver in humans, you need to read in a low voice, bending over the water, so that the water sways from your

You can read the plot for a hernia both for yourself and for the treatment of a hernia in a child, the plot is white and suitable for everyone. In Rus' one of effective ways struggle umbilical hernia There was always a conspiracy against hernia. At all times, people all over the world believe in the power of the healing word and the effectiveness of various rituals. To quickly get rid of a hernia at home, people used prayers or spells. Having knowledge of a magical ritual, one could independently speak the umbilical or inguinal hernia, help a loved one or child in the treatment of this illness, because if you read a strong white conspiracy for a hernia, you can cure a hernia in a newborn with an old conspiracy. Ritual

The methods of cleansing the body of toxins are so varied; for many, popular methods are healing spells to cleanse the body, which need to be read on the waning moon. During the waning moon, with the help of a conspiracy, you can independently cleanse the body of toxins and toxins at home, while at the same time very quickly cleanse the intestines and even lose a little weight with the help of this ancient conspiracy. IN folk medicine It has long been known that if you read a special spell to cleanse the body, it will adjust the body’s biorhythms for self-cleansing and as a result, the very next day after using this method of cleansing, your well-being improves, headaches go away,

This good spell for osteochondrosis has helped many to quickly relieve pain from the lower back or neck. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis, what to do and how to quickly cure osteochondrosis of the spine, neck and lumbar region? In folk medicine, there are many ways to effectively cure osteochondrosis, and one of them is casting a spell. The plot for osteochondrosis must be read on an aspen stick with a knot (a branch from the main branch), which must be burned after reading the plot, so it must be dry. While moving an aspen stick over the sore spot, say a spell for treatment

A conspiracy to heal from an illness must be read into the wind, this is the only way to let go of the illness and quickly recover by getting rid of any ailment that for a long time did not respond to treatment. The village conspiracy of the Old Believers helps to quickly recover from the most common human diseases. Both men and women can read this plot, for example, to treat women’s diseases, colds, and even sore throats from sore throats. You need to read the plot for all diseases on your own outside in windy weather; after reading the plot, the wind will take the disease and carry it away, healing you from the disease and helping you quickly recover and regain your health. Going out into the yard, standing facing

A good spell for eye health and restoration of vision should be read on Easter morning. To treat eye diseases using a spell, you need holy water and any icon. After reading this conspiracy, your eyes will instantly feel better and this is not surprising, because the conspiracy to restore vision and treat eye diseases has been helping people treat their sore eyes with Easter magic for several centuries. If your eyes hurt, your sharpness constantly decreases, or your vision deteriorates even worse, on Easter Day, wash your eyes with holy water while kneeling under the icon and say this

Traditional medicine contains many magical ways that can be carried out using a spell without the use of medicine. effective treatment joints. On the night of the full moon, sit by the window so that the moon can be seen; if this is not possible and the windows face the other direction, go outside, but be sure to look at full moon. Looking at the full moon, say the words of the spell for treatment

Sweat spell

Many people nowadays suffer from increased sweating - their sweat appears in all exciting and critical situations, and this fact becomes especially noticeable with the arrival of hot summer. To rid themselves of the vile smell that hinders all actions, people with similar problem We advise you to use the anti-sweat spell as often as possible. Our conspiracy will help you forget about marks on clothes, unpleasant smells and embarrassing situations once and for all, if you believe in its power!

You need to cast the spell early in the morning near any body of water. To perform the ritual, go to the edge of the shore, place your left bare foot on any stone and read the necessary words. It is very important that the water does not touch this stone.

Write down the spell on a carefully lined piece of paper in legible handwriting so that you can always refer to it.

Just as you, a stone - a pebble, a dark head, do not sweat and have no moisture above you, so let me, the servant of God (God's servant), stop emitting and fumbling around with my smell! May every word of mine come true, amen.

When fulfilling a plot, you need a body of water, this is bad, there is no place to find it ((

My advice: shave more, bathe more often and use deodorant 24/7 :)))

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All information is posted for informational purposes and does not call for action!

Are spells effective for profuse sweating?

The anti-sweat spell will help those people who are disappointed in modern medicine or for any reason cannot access it. However, it is worth mentioning that this method of treatment will be much more effective in combination with drug therapy.

Rituals for excessive sweating

Hyperhidrosis can also develop against the background of strong nervous tension or be a nuisance during the night hours. In addition, this phenomenon is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor, making the person feel ashamed. As a result, the patient becomes withdrawn and strives for solitude so as not to be ridiculed in society. To correct this situation perhaps in a rather non-standard way, for example, by performing magical rituals or reading conspiracies.

The following actions will help against sweating accompanied by a stench:

Prayers for sweating while sleeping

This type of hyperhidrosis causes a lot of inconvenience. A person constantly wakes up due to the humidity of sheets and clothes, gets cold and experiences discomfort. But in this case, drugs and herbal infusions allow you to achieve positive results. As a result, there is nothing left to do but ask for help from “higher powers.”

To get rid of the strong night sweats, the plot must be read in the morning over a wet bed linen. The prayer sounds like this: “Lord Savior, liberator from sweat and toil, help the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

You need to carry out a kind of ritual for 3 days in a row. It is believed that after this the problem will disappear or its scale will decrease.

Rituals for hyperhidrosis of the limbs

The stone ritual described above is suitable for treating sweating of the palms and feet, but if desired, you can use another method. For example, residents of villages where there are fields sown with oats can perform a good ritual:
  1. You need to come there at dawn, dressed in a nightgown or underwear.
  2. You need to fall into the ears of corn and somersault over your head 3 times, while mentally pronouncing the spell: “Take away the restless illness and sweat, cool it down and give strength.”
  3. After this, the jammed oats are cut off and problem areas are wiped with it.
  4. Used ears of corn are burned or hung on a tree branch located far from settlements so that other people do not have access to them.

If the words of the conspiracy are poorly remembered, you can replace them with arbitrary ones. The main thing is that they are filled with sincere faith and the desire to be cured. That's when everything will work out.

The presented slander is effective enough to save a person from the problem. However, the speed of recovery depends on the spiritual strength of the reader, so the process may take a long time, and you need to be prepared for this.

Text of the book "Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 38 - Natalya Stepanova"

Love spell on sweat

Love spells on sweat and blood are considered fast-acting and very strong. But they cannot be used during fasting and on even days. To bewitch through sweat, you must first get your sweat in a bathhouse. They do it this way: steam yourself in a hot bathhouse and collect the sweat from yourself, wiping it with a handkerchief. Squeeze the sweat into the drink or food and say:

On the flammable mountain,

There was a cauldron in boiling resin,

And under that cauldron a fire burned with fuel.

The devils were chipping branches,

They threw wood chips under the cauldron,

Satan Satanovich was commemorated.

You devils, don’t throw branches into the fire,

And don’t set the cauldron on fire,

And you (name) light red blood,

Sweat him through my love.

Let him absorb my sweat,

Love will burn in his heart,

It burns with fire and let it hurt

About me, about his wife, about God's servant. Amen.

Be my word moldable

May my business be strong.

How to bewitch an unfaithful wife

From the letter: “Probably fate punished me for disobeying my mother. Although she was not literate, she was very smart and perspicacious. I realized this only now, when absolutely everything that she once warned me about came true. Mom is no longer there, but there are a lot of troubles and problems because of the one who once became a stumbling block between me and my mother. My mother raised me alone, during the day she worked in production, and in the evenings she sewed and knitted for people until late, earning money for my studies in Moscow. I went to university and lived in a rented apartment. I still remember my mother’s letters, she wrote: “Study, son, I won’t regret my life, if only you become good person. I love you so much and want you to be happy.”

Then I met my future wife and lost his head. Nina was somehow immediately able to take me into her turn; I could not refuse her anything. She convinced me to quit studying, saying that she already wanted to wear beautiful things and eat delicious food. And while I learn, she will grow old. At first I tried to persuade her to wait until I finished studying, but she threatened to leave me and find a man with money. In general, I dropped out of school, went to work, and spent all my money on it. Nina herself did not work and did not study. I came home from work and prepared food, cooked, washed, and she lay and looked at fashion magazines. One day my beloved asked me for a fur coat, a very expensive one. I began to explain to her that there was no money for such purchases yet, and then she began to pack her things. Seeing how she threw them into the suitcase, I lost my head with fear that she would leave me and I would lose her forever. I grabbed the phone and ordered a conversation with my mother. When my mother heard how much I was asking for, she got scared, probably thinking that I had done something. Hearing my excited voice, my mother asked me to calm down and promised to send me money. I couldn’t imagine where she could get such a sum, since she never had any savings. Nina beamed with pleasure, she again fawned over me and hugged me. She was waiting for money to buy mink coat. Many years ago this was colossal money; you could buy a car or an apartment with it. In the morning my mother arrived, her face was whiter than snow. She said it was very expensive to send that kind of money by mail. It is cheaper to travel overnight in a reserved seat carriage. Mom, apparently, wanted to start a conversation with me about why I needed that kind of money, but then she saw Nina and interrupted asked question. Then everything became clear, I had to tell her that I had dropped out of school a long time ago, that I needed the money that she had collected from all my friends and relatives to buy a fur coat for Nina. When my mother and I were alone, she said: “She will ruin your life, come to your senses, but it will be too late.”

That's exactly what happened. Nina gave birth to a child and, seeing my love for my daughter, became completely insolent. She does not spend the night at home, drinks a lot and often. Borrows endless debts that I barely have time to pay off. I can't divorce my wife. The fact is that I still, no matter what, love her and feel sorry for her. I love my little daughter madly and don’t want to part with her. I am writing to you in the hope that you will teach me a prayer that would make my wife love me. I ask this for the sake of my daughter and I hope that you will not refuse me.”

A man must whisper a spell for a gift or food for his wife. This is done on men's day (Monday, Tuesday or Thursday).

In the burial cell

There is a tomb, there is a girl in the coffin.

All her relatives grieve and suffer for her,

She sheds bitter tears.

A piece does not go down their throats,

The girl's mother does not eat or drink.

Her father misses her, screams,

She cries and looks at the coffin day and night.

So (so-and-so) would grieve for me,

I would be bored, tormented and suffering,

I was in longing day and night,

I didn’t forget for a minute.

She wouldn't look at anyone

You wouldn't take your eyes off me,

I wouldn't know any of my friends

And from now on there would be a vow on her.

Miss me day and night, always

And be mine for all time.

Be, my love spell, stronger than damask stone,

There is no return for my action.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

So that no one looks at your husband

When your husband falls asleep, touch his forehead index finger and whisper:

How can the eyes not leave this forehead,

So let the women

They don't want my man.

Like a blind man who cannot see with his eyes,

How can a dumb man not speak?

So the girls wouldn't look at him,

They didn’t want to kiss or hug him.

So that there is no desire to walk away from your wife

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I live with my daughter-in-law, son and two grandchildren. For seven years everything was fine in their family, which means my soul was in joy and peace. But trouble came: my son went on a spree with his wife and cannot stop. First he got a woman with a child. Then he started hanging out with a divorcee who was seven years older than him. He got rid of her and started having a love affair with a very young girl, she was twenty years younger than him. My daughter-in-law forgave him at first, and then she packed up and left. He immediately fetched her and persuaded her to return. But I know that now he has a new mistress, and she is so impudent, no conscience, no fear. I went to talk to her, and she sent me three letters. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I love my grandchildren so much and feel so sorry for my daughter-in-law, help me bring my son to reason. Write a prayer in your books that would discourage him from going out with his wife. With great respect and hope."

Read on food and drink men's days and give to the unfaithful spouse:

Deliver, O Lord, Thy servant (name)

From dislike for his wife (name).

Tie his heart to her feet.

Reconcile him with a wedding crown,

Again, the marriage is blessed by You, indestructible.

Close your eyes, Lord.

Him to adultery

And pacify all his carnal desires,

So that he does not know any of the women,

Besides his wife,

Servants of God (name).

So that your mother-in-law does not get angry with you

From the letter: “When I met my future husband, I did not know that he was the only son of influential and rich people. I myself am the sixth in the family, and my parents are ordinary Russians. But my husband fell in love with me, and we got married. I don’t know if he and his parents had disagreements regarding me; I didn’t ask. The wedding was magnificent, and my mother-in-law and father-in-law received me well. My heart just senses that my mother-in-law is not very happy with me, this can be seen in her eyes and in her answers when I ask her something. I love my husband very much, and I don’t care what family he comes from. Even if his parents were poor people, I would love him just as much. I have only one cherished wish: that my mother-in-law should never be angry with me, because my family happiness completely depends on her attitude towards me.”

In order for your mother-in-law to love you and not offend you, you need to get up early in the morning on the third day of Easter, go out onto the street or onto the balcony that faces the sunrise, and, looking at the sky turning red from the dawn, say three times:

The sun is shining for everyone,

The sun warms and makes everyone blue,

And there is no one who doesn’t love him.

No one is angry with the sun

Nobody judges him

No one will swear at him.

Let my mother-in-law not be offended,

She wouldn’t scold me, she wouldn’t swear.

If only she were quieter than grass with me

And she passed by below the low water.

You'd miss me like a mother misses her child

And how the mare misses her foal,

The sheep screams, yearns for the lamb,

The hen is worried about the cling.

She would get up in the morning and come to me,

I would hurry to (such and such) God's servant.

She hugged the white shoulders

And kissed your scarlet cheeks,

She called her my beloved daughter.

She loved me like the clear sun,

She gave atlases and pearls.

If she needed me more than water,

More desirable than food in severe famine.

And be sure, my words are all true,

And become, my deeds, all fast.

Heaven is the key, earth is the lock,

So that no one can ruin my business.

Key. Lock. Language.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For a man to notice women

“My son is forty-seven years old, he is not married and does not even look at women. His father was just like him, and I literally raped him and then forced him to marry him. I’m already old, and I’m scared that he will be left alone. And I would like to hold my grandson or granddaughter in my arms. I heard that there is a prayer that opens a man's eyes to feminine. I beg you, teach me this prayer. I believe you and look forward to it."

Having chosen a time when the man is thinking, sprinkle the enchanted water on him. They spell water like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the heights of heaven,

In the holy side

Eve treated Adam to an apple,

Seduced into carnal sin.

Adam swallowed an apple

And I fell into a love trap.

I looked at Eva and couldn’t stop looking,

He held it close to his heart.

That’s how (so-and-so) would look at women,

I didn’t dare refuse my love bed.

I would run like a stallion after a mare,

The thought of getting married would seem sweet.

He would hug and kiss girls

And he sent his matchmakers before them.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Conspiracy to crave the female body

Take the bone left over from the dinner of that person who is indifferent to female, and leave her stray dog. When the dog grabs this bone in its mouth, you must immediately say:

Like a dog throwing itself at a bone,

So desire for a woman's body

At (such and such), at God's servant.

Now, forever, for all time!

From standing still

Speak to your husband's underpants, and everything will be as before. They speak like this:

What is taken away, I return.

What's broken, I fix.

Be not a gelding, but a stallion,

Not a gray grandfather, but a daredevil.

A rejuvenating apple in your egg,

Holy water in your face.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

So that the wife does not drive

“I have no one but my brother.

He is a good, kind, but completely weak-willed person. His wife pushes him around as he wants. He walks away from him, drinks and makes scandals. He’ll take him, kick him out of the house, and when his payday comes, he calls him again. He will lure everyone out of money, and he is not needed. One day my brother said to me: “Why am I so unlucky? I understand that she is using me, but I forgive her. Sometimes I feel so bad that I don’t want to live!“

Natalya Ivanovna, I appeal to you with a request, teach me a prayer that would stand up for my brother. I don’t want his wife to drive him out of his own home like a dog.”

God! Obleki (such and such)

Into indestructible armor

And send him indestructible strength,

So that no one ever

Neither the sexton, nor the sexton,

Neither the princess nor the prince,

Neither the merchant nor the merchant's wife,

Neither the Tsar-Sovereign himself, nor the Queen,

Neither relatives nor friends

Slave (name) was not offended,

They didn’t torture him, didn’t force him,

They didn’t beat, didn’t reproach and didn’t drive,

And they greeted us with affection and love.

They sat at oak tables,

They didn't scold him for anything.

They fed him, gave him water,

Swan beds were made.

Like the sun is red

People don't argue

And on a clear dawn they don’t eat,

So it would be (such and such)

Everyone loved the slave

Exalted and praised

Tsars-sovereigns and queen,

Girls, guys and a dove wife.

And whoever looks evil at him,

He will be furious against him,

This word will suit him,

Angel of God to him

He will come to the rescue.

From longing for the deceased

“When we buried our dad, mom went blind in one day. Doctors said it was nervous soil. Mom missed her father so much that we could not persuade her to eat even a little. She died from exhaustion, or, more accurately, from melancholy. Until her death, my mother talked with my deceased father, holding his shirt on her chest. They lived together for more than half a century, and now they are buried nearby. Recently they told me that if we had treated her for melancholy, she would not have died. In a subway passage, at a book kiosk, I accidentally bought your book. She is wonderful and has no price. You teach worldly wisdom, necessary and useful prayers, and I will be happy to buy all your literature. But among the prayers I saw in the book, I did not find the one I was told about - a prayer for longing for the deceased. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, my bitter experience has shown that people really need such prayers. Sooner or later, every family will still face this misfortune, because, unfortunately, we are not immortal. If possible, write in your books a prayer for sadness and longing for dead man. Let the tragedy of our family not be repeated for anyone.”

They open the door wide open and seat the patient opposite open door. The plot is read while standing to the left of the person (near the heart). The words of the conspiracy are:

From my words, from my deeds

Get out, melancholy, from this body.

So that there would be no melancholy

Neither in the head, nor inside,

Neither in the heart nor in the bones,

Neither in the veins, nor in the clear eyes,

Neither in the liver, nor in the red cheeks.

You won't be here, sadness.

And don’t torment your soul.

The door is open for you

The road back is forgotten.

Go, melancholy, beyond the threshold,

It is not I who persecute you, but God Himself.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

Read three evenings in a row, and after that a person will get rid of melancholy. He begins to eat, cries less, and then comes to his senses. Little by little he comes back to life. Close people should remove all photographs of the deceased person out of sight for some time. Also, if possible, remove things that may remind you of the deceased.

To forget a person

If you have parted with a person and it is impossible to forget him, if you have lost peace and sleep, and your soul is torn into pieces, wash yourself with the enchanted water, and your soul will be freed from this sadness. Read like this:

You are my thoughts, bitter thoughts,

Go, thoughts, to the deep river

And settle in deep water.

The drowned men lie and do not grieve,

And they don’t grieve about anything.

There be my sadness, longing -

In deep waters, in river sand.

God! Give me peace

(such and such) God's servant.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

Abandoned mother

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, hello!

It's hard to write about this, because you might think that I somehow deserved what happened. My only daughter forgot me. She got married, and now, apart from her mother-in-law, husband and sister-in-law, there is no one else for her. Just don’t think that I ever offended her, I lived my whole life for her. Left a widow at twenty-two, I never married again. I didn't want anyone to offend her. I feel bitter and offended, I feel like I was betrayed. If possible, teach me how I can return her affection and love?”

In order for children to think about their mother, love her and take care of her, you need to get up early in the morning on Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter) and wash your face with your left hand. back side. In this case you need to say:

How they don’t forget on Maundy Thursday

Wash, clean, wash,

Scrape and clean up

So let my child not forget me,

Loves me (name) and loves me.

Like Jesus Christ

Gave people Easter,

So let my child give me affection.

My word is stone,

My case is correct.

For now, for centuries, for all time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Protective spell for a child

Whisper to the clothes the child wears:

Who will hurt my child?

He won't see the white light.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

If a child gets dirty during baptism

“Our dear mother Natalya, yesterday we baptized our grandson, and during the baptism he crap himself. I know it's very bad omen, therefore, I beg you to teach how you can ward off trouble from him.”

First, give three alms at the temple. Then light three candles in three churches in the name of your grandson and order him good health in three churches. In the evening, bathe or wash your child and say:

I (name) of slave (so-and-so) launder,

I cleanse it with the prayer of God.

The Mother of God accepts him,

He wipes it with an imperishable white robe.

How holy is the water in the Jordan,

So my prayer is strong

For now, for ever, for all time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take you, trouble, from the baby into the abyss,

Take all the trouble and sadness with you.

To be under a sharp stone for all ages,

And never with a baby.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

If the priest dropped the ring during the wedding

From the letter: “Hello, dear Natalya Ivanovna! Our spiritual mother, God bless you many years life and good health. I turn to you for help, I ask you to tell us how to protect our young people from harm. I was at my granddaughter’s wedding, and when the priest’s assistant was handing the rings to the priest who was supposed to marry the newlyweds, he dropped them on the floor of the church along with the plate on which they lay. Everyone present gasped in one cry, because everyone knows what a bad omen this is. The priest's face became stained; he, too, was afraid of what had happened. Our family asks you, dear Natalya Ivanovna, to write for us in the next book a prayer that will save the young from harm. We thank you in advance and bow to you.”

In former times, in such cases, they did this: they took God’s oil (that’s what they call lamp oil, taken on one day from nine lamps) and church bread (artos), which is also taken in the temple. They sit the young people under the icons and draw a cross on their foreheads with God’s oil. After this they immediately say:

Our Lord, Jesus Christ,

Bless the sacred artos.

And while God's world will know God,

Let with these young

Love, happiness and peace will remain.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

After the word “Amen,” the newlyweds must eat artos (church bread).

For health, against illnesses

My grandmother's golden recipes

With the onset of age, the body's strength weakens. Just as a tree, preparing for a long, difficult winter, sheds its leaves and slows down its life process, so human body during the period of aging, redistributing his capabilities, he gets rid of those functions that become difficult for him to cope with. At a certain age, when it is already difficult to bear and give birth to a child, a woman experiences a natural menopause, during which she may experience severe headaches, insomnia, dizziness, irritability and nervousness. Some women complain about constant noise in the ears, aching joints and lower back, almost all women experience sudden chills or high fever(tides). Most women during menopause become extremely touchy or suspicious. This new feature character often spoils their relationships with loved ones.

To somehow reduce and eliminate the pangs of menopause, I advise you to use simple, but quite effective means, which were used to treat people in our family. After treatment, patients seem to be reborn and are always very grateful.

From neurasthenia during menopause

Grate valerian root (½ teaspoon). Finely chop the leaf peppermint(1 tbsp) and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour and take half a glass of infusion 3 times a day before meals.

For sweating and hot flashes

White lilac flowers – 30 g Alder buckthorn bark – 20 g Bird cherry leaves – 20 g Common fennel fruits – 10 g Peppermint leaves – 20 g Wormwood herb – 10 g Potentilla herb – 20 g

Grind the collection and mix. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture (with the top) and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Take a quarter glass of infusion with meals in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 2–3 weeks.

In case of severe menopause

Celandine grass – 20 g Yarrow grass – 15 g Centaury grass – 30 g Horsetail grass – 15 g Potentilla grass – 30 g Blueberry leaves – 30 g Mint leaves – 20 g

1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the collection mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour and drink a quarter glass in small sips 2 times a day before meals.

Blackberry leaves – 20 g Woodruff – 20 g Motherwort grass – 10 g Marsh dry grass – 20 g Mallow flowers – 10 g

Prepare a decoction and use it in the same way as in the first recipe.

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When ice starts to drift on the river, take the patient to it and wash it with river water. Then dry it with a pre-prepared towel. The spell that is read over the towel is as follows:

I will go out to Mother River.
There is a golden chair on her island,
On this chair
Mother Theotokos herself sits,
In her hands lies a damask knife.
She snatches away the disease and circumcises it,
The servant of God (name) corrects her mind.
To make it clear in the brain,
The thoughts were wonderful.
Stick to her, my words,
At every hour, at every minute,
In all daily seconds.
For the old and for the new, for the re-cut of the month,
For all dawns: morning, afternoon,
Evening and night.
The sun is in the back of the head, the moon is in the forehead,
So that no one can ever
Ruin the mind, confuse it.
Now, forever and endlessly.

How to talk bad breath away

Bad breath can be a consequence not only of diseased teeth and gums, but also various diseases liver, as well as gastrointestinal tract. In addition, there is a special kind of damage when a sorcerer, wanting people to turn away from his victim, sends such an attack on him.

The spell, with which you can get rid of bad breath, is read at three o’clock in the morning over water, which is then sprinkled on the patient in a cross shape. After this ritual, the smell should disappear once and for all. The spell words are as follows:

Father Bear, you live in the forest,
You open your mouth and roar.
The stench lives in the mouth.
Go away, stink, get rid of the white body:
To the dark forest, to the forest demon,
To the brown grandfather, the shaggy bear
Into his mouth, there you, stink, abyss.
Now, forever and endlessly.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against binge drinking

A simple, but very effective conspiracy. His words are:

Villain glass, don’t drink your soul,
Do not dry the servant of God (name).
Come to the east
Look for the damn source there.
Get along with him, grow together,
And get away from God’s servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis accompanied by suffocation

Judging by the numerous letters from my students and readers, the column “My Grandmother’s Golden Recipes” is very popular. That's why I keep posting folk recipes, using which you will definitely regain your health.

From the letter:

“I beg you to tell me how I can help my problem. I have been suffering from asthmatic bronchitis for a long time, I am already so exhausted that I have no strength left. Every time suffocation occurs, I have the feeling that that’s it—my hour of death has come.

I was treated by doctors, but only threw away my last money. What should I do?"

Unfortunately, in lately I receive a lot of letters from people who have been given a similar diagnosis. I will teach you how you can get rid of this disease. I have repeatedly witnessed how the recipe below helped people overcome this in the shortest possible time serious illness. Now my patients who have used this wonderful recipe are absolutely healthy.

Boil 2 cups of fresh whole milk, add 2 teaspoons of goose fat, ½ teaspoon of lamb fat and ½ teaspoon of bear fat.

Complete collection and description: prayer for odors in the house for the spiritual life of a believer.

Oh, you've probably noticed when you enter a house, some people smell of vanilla or cinnamon, baked goods, while others have the stale smell of tobacco or recently fried fish? How to get rid of unpleasant odors in the house easily and without hassle and give your home only pleasant aromas?

The smell in the oven after cooking a dish will disappear if you boil a full saucepan with water and orange or lemon peels in it for 10 minutes.

You should wash the kettle, wipe it dry and put a piece of sugar on the bottom.

Cut 1-1.5 kg of black bread into pieces and place it on the shelves of the refrigerator, close it and keep the bread for several hours - bad smell will disappear.

Place fish that smell like mud an hour before cooking in water with vinegar (2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

Sprinkle the cleaned and cut into pieces fish with salt (1 heaped tablespoon for each kilogram of fish), rub the fish with it and let stand for 15 minutes. Then wash off the salt by rinsing each piece in water. The swampy smell from the fish will disappear, there is no need to salt it, and the fish will not fall apart during cooking.

The smell of fish will be reduced if, during cooking, you wrap the lid of the pan with a napkin soaked in vinegar and add it to the water. bay leaf.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of boiled cabbage, you need to cover the pan with a rag soaked in vinegar and a lid on top.

Various diseases

To improve vision

The sun rises for you,

And on the sunrise side

It never goes down.

So would my vigilance

She rose and never fell.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

To keep your hair healthy and thick

The Mother of God Mary walked

Eggs help celebrate Easter,

Let the eggs and my braids strengthen.

To prevent teeth from crumbling

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,

Come, help, strengthen the bone.

The beaver's tooth is strong, the warrior's sword is red-hot,

Doesn't crumble, doesn't break,

So my teeth would get stronger, stronger,

Didn't wobble or break.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to make a thorn talk in three months

First they read the “Our Father”, and then the conspiracy:

On Sunday, on Holy Easter,

Saint Yegory rode on a white horse,

Three white dogs ran after the white horse.

One dog licks the white dawn,

The second dog licks the white moon,

And the third licks the white thorn from his eye.

Saint Yegory, stand before me,

Take down with your holy spear

The servant of God (name) is an eyesore.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Speak goiter

Young moon, you are born,

It swept all over the world,

You are in the next world too,

You see dead people and corpses.

How the dead and the dead died,

So dead and woody

The servant of God (name) has a goiter.

Come out, sick man, into the damp mother earth,

Find yourself another home,

It’s not me, but raw mother earth.

And I won’t have a goiter,

Do not languish my blood,

Go out, goiter, into the damp earth.

Zoryushka helps, the sparrow flies away,

Thunder rumbles and then subsides.

So the illness of the servant of God (name) will subside.

Get out, goiter, get out, get out, get out

In mother's damp earth.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

For dropsy

Do it on the waning Moon on an even date.

Need to take bladder from a one-year-old pig, boil it, dry it and grind it. Swallow the powder with the enchanted water.

Water spell:

How this bubble had water and left,

So that dropsy will go away from me too

For now, forever and indefinitely.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to talk bad breath away

The plot is read on the water at three o'clock in the morning. This water is sprinkled crosswise on the person who smells bad. After this, the smell completely disappears. They spell water like this:

Father Bear, you live in the forest,

You open your mouth and roar.

The stench lives in the mouth.

Go away, stink, get rid of the white body:

To the dark forest, to the forest demon,

To the brown grandfather, the shaggy bear

Into his mouth, there you, stink, abyss.

Now, forever and endlessly.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

From fetid sweat

They stand on the stone with their bare left foot, but so that the water does not reach this stone. Read three times. Then they wash themselves and leave without looking back.

How are you, stone, not sweating?

so that I, slave (name), do not sweat. Amen.

The barley was growing and mowing was approaching.

The barley was mowed, the sorceress was begged.

Grandfather witch, speak barley.

Go to the forest, to the grass,

on cold water from slave (name). Amen.

Mud-gnawing, magpie-babbler, take away into the dark forest, into the deep swamp the gnawing, sweeping white from the body. Amen.

Throw the soap into the forest or swamp.

From the waist

Snake, curl up, wrap around slave (name). Lie down on your waist, become a help, get off the road, fall, crawl away, take away the pain, take away the ailments. Amen.

To keep your face clean

How the moon shone so that (name) of the slave had a pure face. Amen.

My grandmother's golden recipes

Systematic constipation can be cured by taking cucumber pickle daily. Drink one glass for ten days.

Uterine erosion is treated by douching with a decoction of camel thorn.

Fibroids are significantly reduced if you drink an infusion made from potato flowers (white and purple) every day.

If the flowers are dry, then take one tablespoon of flowers per glass of water; if fresh, then one spoon more.

In my practice of treating patients, there were many cases of complete disappearance of fibroids from the body of the uterus.

A person who has been poisoned by mercury or lead should eat as much fresh apples as possible, including the peel. Apples cannot be replaced with juice, since juice does not contain apple fiber.

Prostate adenoma can be removed with microenemas with hazelnut infusion, as well as with a generous daily intake of fresh pumpkin juice.

My numerous clients have completely gotten rid of this disease and are ready to confirm this fact. You should also read special conspiracies, for example this:

Lord have mercy on me

Renew health in my womb

And strengthen me with the strength of the wall of Jerusalem.

Now, today and forever and ever. Amen.

During a cold, many people put it in hot cow's milk butter or animal fat, but this should never be done with goat milk. This can cause significant harm to the patient.

A person who has been sick for a long time should not eat fish before lunch on the day of the Holy Prophet John (October 5), otherwise his illness will be resolved by death and not recovery.

For inflammation of the gums

Taking this opportunity, I would like to sincerely thank you for your advice and amulets, which have saved me more than once along the way.

With sincere respect, Alexander V."

At the request of Alexander and many other readers, I give the most effective recipes fees for gum disease.

Collection Recipe No. 1

1 tbsp. spoon of thyme herb

2 tbsp. spoons of calendula flowers

1 tbsp. spoon of herbs and field chamomile flowers

4 tbsp. spoons of blueberries

Grind everything well (you can use a coffee grinder), brew 1 tbsp. spoon into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain through a strainer and rinse your gums with warm (not hot) broth. Do it 4 times a day.

Within a day the gums will become normal color, and after three days they will stop bleeding. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, you should not eat spicy, salty or anything that can irritate the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Collection Recipe No. 2

1 tbsp. spoon of field burnet

1 tbsp. spoon of calendula

1 tbsp. spoon of wild strawberry herb

1 tbsp. spoon of Bogorodskaya herb

Grind well, brew and consume as described in recipe No. 1.

Asthmatic bronchitis with suffocation

From the letter: “I beg you to tell me how I can help in my trouble. The disease exhausts me and frightens me because it doesn’t get any better. I am suffering from asthmatic bronchitis with suffocation.

I was treated by doctors, but only threw away my last money. What should I do?"

Unfortunately, there are a lot of letters with a similar diagnosis. I will teach you how you can get rid of this disease. I have seen the effects of this recipe and I am very glad that the people who used it are now completely healthy.

Boil two glasses of fresh whole milk. Add two teaspoons of goose fat, half a spoon of lamb fat and half a teaspoon of bear fat.

Drink everything half an hour before bed in small sips, and ten minutes later, drink one dessert spoon of valerian root decoction.

According to my observations, one week is enough to get rid of asthmatic suffocation, but you should not interrupt the treatment you have started for at least another three weeks.

Bear fat is sold through the newspaper, see advertisements. You should drink the milk hot and then do not leave the house to avoid catching a cold.

Tincture for gout

10 g hop cones

20 g horseradish root

50 g light May honey

250 g 40% vodka or alcohol

Leave for ten days, shaking the container with tincture periodically. Drink one teaspoon three times a day. After two courses of treatment with tincture, people get rid of gout.

For low-grade schizophrenia

20 g leafless amphora

15 g motherwort herb

50 g spring honey

300 g of seventy-degree alcohol

Infuse for three weeks. Take one teaspoon three times a day before meals.

Spell for sick kidneys

I will get up, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself,

To God's water, to the mother river,

To its steep banks, to its countless sands.

I will stand on the bridge, bow to the river and the sand.

Sand to sand, sand to sand, sand to sand,

Leave my body from God's words, from my business,

What I didn't say, what I didn't say,

Come, sand, from me to the bridge, to the sand, sand.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

From sand in the kidneys

To prepare the infusion you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of madder, but not herbs, but roots and rhizomes. Finely chop and pour one full glass of boiling water. It is better to do this at night, and in the morning you need to drink the infusion, but not all of it, but a third part. Then, during the day, drink the infusion two more times. The course is a week. Repeat the course 4-5 times a year. Only in this case will your kidneys be clean.

20 g calendula (flowers)

10 g sedum caustic

10 g tansy

300 g grape vodka

Infuse for ten days, drink one teaspoon after meals. The course of treatment is one month, then a two-week break and again a full course.

Decoction for bleeding hemorrhoids

10 g burnet root

10 g steelberry root

10 g yarrow herb

20 g mistletoe herb

Pour two tablespoons of the collection into one glass of boiling water, let it brew for forty minutes and drink half a glass three times a day.

For old rheumatism

I ask you to suggest how I can alleviate my suffering.

Sincerely Kempel Raisa, Pavlovsk."

There are a lot of letters like this. They are written by both older and younger people. Taking into account the requests of my students and readers, I will tell you how to treat rheumatism.

Today I offer you two good methods that will help you even with old, advanced rheumatism.

Heat the goose fat in a bowl and heat the sea salt in a frying pan. In a heated bath, rub yourself all over, except your head, with goose fat. Then put cotton socks on your feet and pour heated sea salt into them. The salt should be at a temperature that you can tolerate. Right in socks with salt, lower your feet into a basin with steamed hay. Goose fat on your body will increase the penetration of heat into your body. Be patient with the heat as long as you can so that your bones warm up well, and in the meantime sea ​​salt will dissolve right on your feet, which will be drowned in steamed hay.

When you wash yourself, do not pour yourself cold water, but only warm. After the bath, immediately go to bed, after drinking two or three glasses of tea brewed with dried raspberries. You will sweat profusely with a sour smell, and you will soon find that your bed has become wet. After changing the bed, immediately lie down again; If the bedding becomes damp again, replace it again.

Treatment with earthworms will help relieve aches in the joints - this is proven, good remedy for rheumatism and arthritis.

Collect the earthworms, rinse them in a colander and place them in a glass jar. Close the jar and place in the sun until a homogeneous mass is formed from the worms.

Surprisingly, those who have used this remedy claim that tumors on the joints go away quite quickly and the bones stop aching.

After smearing the sore spots, cover them with cellophane and a rag. You should not disdain this remedy. Scientists have discovered a substance in earthworms that can be used to treat not only rheumatism, but also many other diseases.

For arthritis

Sincerely, Zaikina N.P.”

I will teach you very good way treatment of arthritis (even in old form).

Buy bay leaves and dry mustard at the market. Grind the bay leaf and brew as follows: 2 cups of chopped bay leaf per 400 ml of boiling water. Add 1 cup sunflower oil and bring to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and after 15 minutes pour 5 tbsp into it. spoons of mustard.

Prayer for odors in the house

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Unfortunately, women do not even suspect that the smell on them comes from spoilage, and not because they sweat a lot and that smell is foul. They use a lot of cosmetics, creams, spend a lot of money to somehow drown out this smell, but there is no benefit. Women, my dears, use the spell below and you will get rid of this problem.

So, stand in front of the icon, there is water in a container, a candle is burning, you can put any body cream in a jar and read the FOLLOWING:

1. “Our Father” - 3 times

2. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” - 3 times

3. “Creed” - 3 times

4. Conspiracy – 3 times:

Mother of God, I turn to you, sinful servant (name), unworthy of the Lord

Our Jesus Christ.

In my prayers I ask for help, for the salvation of my sinful body.

Mother of God, help me, remove the odor from the body, which is the cause

My anxiety, my failure, my bad luck.

The body was destroyed, the smell of rot was infused by black forces out of their malice

He brought me a lot of suffering, anxiety and mental pain.

Mother of God, I ask, I beg, save, help, heal my body from the smell of rot.

Let it disappear and the body cleanse itself, become healthy and strong as before.

Mother of God, help, heal my body, the sinful soul of an unworthy slave (name).

Let the smell disappear, the skin will become as clean and soft as before, without the smell of rot.

Whoever sent it to me, let them take it for themselves, I really ask you, Mother of God.

Save, help, heal my body from damage, from rot, from the strong smell.

Save, help, protect and deliver from the corruption of someone else and brought upon me, the sinful servant (name).

Let everything return to them, who sent me damage.

Mother of God, save, help, pray for me, a sinful servant (name)

Before our Lord about my salvation and the healing of my sinful body from corruption and witchcraft.

Give me healthy body, Mother of God.

Let the smell go to the underworld, let it stink and stink,

And I will be clean by the grace of God.

Save me, Mother of God, I turn to You in my prayers.

Cleanse my body, let it be without the smell of rot.

Save, save the unworthy slave (name) from the deeds of witchcraft.

Save, heal, Mother of God, deliver from damage. Amen!

EXPLANATION: at the end of your reading, cross the water and cream three times, add a spoonful of holy water, if you don’t have one, you can do without it. In general, you should always have holy water in your house. Drink as much water as you want, when you run out, prepare more. Apply cream to areas where you sweat a lot. Go to church for confession and communion if you have never been there. Order prayers for health for yourself and your family. Go to services more often. The Mother of God and our Lord will always be by your side and will always help you in difficult times. Your faith and prayers will save you from all troubles. Have a healthy body, dear women!


Unfortunately, women do not even suspect that the smell on them comes from spoilage, and not because they sweat a lot and that smell is foul. They use a lot of cosmetics, creams, spend a lot of money to somehow drown out this smell, but there is no benefit. Women, my dears, use the spell below and you will get rid of this problem.
So, stand in front of the icon, there is water in a container, a candle is burning, you can put any body cream in a jar and read the FOLLOWING:

1. “Our Father” - 3 times
2. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” - 3 times
3. “Creed” - 3 times
4. Conspiracy – 3 times:
Mother of God, I turn to you, sinful servant (name), unworthy of the Lord
Our Jesus Christ.
In my prayers I ask for help, for the salvation of my sinful body.
Mother of God, help me, remove the odor from the body, which is the cause
My anxiety, my failure, my bad luck.
The body was destroyed, the smell of rot was infused by black forces out of their malice
He brought me a lot of suffering, anxiety and mental pain.
Mother of God, I ask, I beg, save, help, heal my body from the smell of rot.
Let it disappear and the body cleanse itself, become healthy and strong as before.
Mother of God, help, heal my body, the sinful soul of an unworthy slave (name).
Let the smell disappear, the skin will become as clean and soft as before, without the smell of rot.
Whoever sent it to me, let them take it for themselves, I really ask you, Mother of God.

Save, help, heal my body from damage, from rot, from the strong smell.

Save, help, protect and deliver from the corruption of someone else and brought upon me, the sinful servant (name).
Let everything return to them, who sent me damage.
Mother of God, save, help, pray for me, a sinful servant (name)
Before our Lord about my salvation and the healing of my sinful body from corruption and witchcraft.
Give me a healthy body, Mother of God.
Let the smell go to the underworld, let it stink and stink,
And I will be clean by the grace of God.
Save me, Mother of God, I turn to You in my prayers.
Cleanse my body, let it be without the smell of rot.
Save, save the unworthy slave (name) from the deeds of witchcraft.
Save, heal, Mother of God, deliver from damage. Amen!

EXPLANATION: at the end of your reading, cross the water and cream three times, add a spoonful of holy water, if you don’t have one, you can do without it. In general, you should always have holy water in your house. Drink as much water as you want, when you run out, prepare more. Apply cream to areas where you sweat a lot. Go to church for confession and communion if you have never been there. Order prayers for health for yourself and your family. Go to services more often. The Mother of God and our Lord will always be by your side and will always help you in difficult times. Your faith and prayers will save you from all troubles. Have a healthy body, dear women!

Acute toothache always spoils your mood and ruins your plans. The pain penetrates every part of your body and does not allow you to breathe freely. Unbearable torment does not allow you to fully enjoy life. It hurts to smile, eat, drink and even turn your head. It's no secret that the most faithful and safe way dental treatment - going to the dentist. However, our teeth do not choose at what time they start to hurt, so a sharp toothache can occur at the most inopportune moment. An old toothache spell will help you get rid of pain quickly and reliably. This small spell was used by our ancestors and helped in short term feel healthy and vigorous again.

Easy but effective ways

If painful sensations tolerable, but still unpleasant, healing prayer will definitely help you. The prayer should be read at a time when the moon is waning. At this moment, the moon helps a person get rid of even the most unbearable pain and suffering. When reading healing words, one should praise the month, bow before its strength and power. Don't forget to ask the moon to take yours to the cloud toothache and never return it again. According to custom, at the end of the prayer one should say: “Amen!”

If the toothache is acute, not allowing you to forget about it even for a minute unpleasant sensations, you should perform an ancient miraculous ritual. Wash your hands with water, then use the same water to wash the door handle. Be sure to pour the spoiled water over the threshold, thereby getting rid of toothache.

Another ancient rite should be done at dawn. You should use one finger to mark a small cross on the cheek where the sore tooth is located. In this case, be sure to pronounce the words with which you address to the rising sun. Ask for relief from pain and suffering. The plot must be completed with the following phrase: “I confirm my words, may it remain so forever!”

Special spells for children

From pain

As a rule, it is even more difficult for children to endure toothache than for adults. In addition, going to the doctor is not always easy. The following plot will help save your baby from suffering:

Animals have turnip teeth,
My child has a bone tooth,
The child (name the child) has a tooth, don’t torment him with pain,
And you, forest beast,
Accept his pain. Amen.

During teething

Teething milk teeth- this is torment for both the baby and his parents. Wetting the gums with a cotton swab previously dipped in a solution of soda or chamomile will help relieve the pain. Natural ingredients will definitely help get rid of acute toothache. Natural amber is also known for its pain-relieving functions. It is recommended to wear a necklace made of this stone around the child’s neck.

Another effective ancient method used by our ancestors is the clove spell for drying (bagel). You should use a hard donut, thread a red thread through it and tie three knots. Then cross yourself several times and say the spell itself:

The baby’s teeth are cutting, cutting through, without pain and without a tear, any the pain will go away let it disappear and gnaw itself, and let the servant of God (the name of the child) leave and pass by. Amen.

Another effective plot is read at dawn (morning or evening). You can compose a prayer at your own discretion, the main thing is to put in all your emotions and a great desire to save your child from the pain of a tooth that has not yet appeared.

Getting rid of bad breath

A special spell will help you get rid of this problem forever; it is pronounced at two o’clock in the morning over water, which should then be sprinkled on the person. The healing words are:

A huge clubfoot lives in the forest,
He opens his mouth and the damned one roars,
And in the mouth there is a stench, a stench,
The stench goes away and scours the world.

To the dark forest, to the forest goblin,
To the old grandfather and the mad bear,
In his mouth, there you stink, disappear and disappear.

Now, forever and ever
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Other healing spells

Sunny day - beautiful and magical,
Those who have toothache, may they get stronger and get rid of the disease,
And they will never get sick again, to the joy of the day and the sun.

These miraculous words of the conspiracy have relieved a considerable number of people from toothache:

Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Son,
Save me, Thy servant who has sinned (name),
From unbearable pain.
Divine healer Antipius,
Stands at the dry place,
Under that healing bush,
Three saints of Christ are standing,
Saint John the Evangelist
And Saint Antipius says
To the Divine Tikhon:
“To the Saint of Christ, John the Theologian,
When do teeth of a non-living person bother you?”
It would be the same with the servant of God (name)
My teeth didn’t hurt and didn’t bother me,
And they didn’t break or disturb.
And my word is final,
Castle on the Okiyane River. Amen.

This spell should be recited three times in a row, and your thumb should be pressed against the sore tooth:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The ancient came to the young
And he says:
“Take it from the servant of God (name the person)
A damaged tooth, give her a new one.”

At sea - on the river, in the expanse of Buyan,
There are three large spreading trees.
The first tree is Linden,
Another tree is called Birch,
The latter is called Cypress.
A badger lives under them - a badger.
You, damned toothache,
Go to that badger and free me.

Choose three evenings when the moon is waning and say the following spell every day:

The month is bright, father!
Like a dead man's lips don't bother him,
Neither teeth nor gums,
So it is with the servant of God (name)
Let neither lips nor teeth disturb you,
No gums.

May the prayer of the reader, the servant of God (name), not have a toothache.
Let them not bother me until I die.
My lips are sealed, my tongue is a reliable lock.
Be, my word, strong and reliable,
Stronger than any stone.

The following spell is pronounced over water, which you then need to drink:

Five sisters and brothers
Vasily and Peter,
Sister Anna da Maria
Yes, sister Katerina,
They said,
So that the servant of God (name the person)
My cheeks didn’t buzz and my teeth didn’t hurt,
Today and forever.
My words are sealed with a padlock
The key is in the river, and the castle is in the steppe.

On the Okiyan River, in the Buyan expanse
Forty-two dead are buried.
Their teeth and eyelids did not creak and did not hurt,
So do not torment the servant of God (name the person).

The following ancient plot is read three times in a row, while looking at the moon:

Honeymoon, your teeth are strong
Help the servant of God (name the person) - save him from pain.