Wear a mink coat. The dream book explains why you dream of a mink coat. The meaning of a fur coat in dreams

If it’s summer outside, and the day before you didn’t buy a mink coat, then you should think carefully about its appearance in a dream. This part of the wardrobe has extremely contradictory interpretations, and only a dream book will help you understand exactly what such a dream means.

Controversial symbol

Unfortunately, the dream book does not have a clear interpretation of a mink coat. It can be both a symbol of good luck, prosperity and respect, and a sign of imminent marriage, as an indicator of internal constraint and excessive secrecy. Moreover, a traditional brown mink coat can be a clear indication of the time of fulfillment of a prophetic dream. Therefore, all cases must certainly be interpreted, taking into account all the details.

Execution time

If you dreamed of a brown mink coat long before the season, then you should remember this dream in all its details. It may indicate that night events will become a reality in winter.

In addition, it is necessary to interpret the dream depending on the day on which it occurred. Why, for example, do you dream of a black mink coat from Sunday to Monday? Take care of your finances urgently; unexpected expenses and financial difficulties await you.

Did you wear a mink coat on Wednesday night? A break in family relationships awaits you. If from Wednesday to Thursday you bought and gave a fur coat to a loved one, then the dream book considers this a clear indication of prosperity and a cloudless life.

Internal state

If in a dream you bought a long mink coat, but you don’t really like it, then the dream book believes that in reality you are too modest and uptight. If your clothes turn out to be hot and uncomfortable, then you are paying too much attention to your own comfort.

If in a dream a mink coat is cozy and good-quality, then your soul is also warm and good. Shabby clothes symbolize constant unrest and anxiety, and also a dubious source of income. By the way, if you dreamed of a fur coat with a hood, then the dreamer feels completely protected or, on the contrary, is trying to hide something from the world.

According to Miller

But Miller’s dream book has a very interesting opinion on this matter. He believes that a mink coat can be dreamed of by those who have inflated ambitions and are in no hurry to show their true colors. Such a dream is also a sign of pretense, lies and deception. Moreover, if you saw a naked man in a long black fur coat, then Miller’s dream book advises you to be wary of betrayal.

The following interpretations are more harmless. He believes that wearing fur clothes in a dream symbolizes a banal cold snap. If in night visions one of the relatives wore a fur coat, then, on the contrary, one should expect warmer weather.

Actions and manipulations

Perhaps the biggest role in the interpretation of dreams is played by the actions of the dreamer and other participants. If a woman dreamed that she was given a white mink coat, then the dream promises a quick acquaintance with a very interesting person and even marriage. You can judge the future by the appearance of the clothes; the more expensive and beautiful they are, the more successful the marriage will be.

A soft fur coat is a symbol of wealth, luxury, and good financial status of its owner. If it is made of natural fur, it will only provide you with warmth and comfort when you wear it. The dream in which you dreamed of a fur coat is most likely to be deciphered in relation to the area of ​​finance. It is worth saying that the world of dreams is very unpredictable, so even a fur coat in a dream can be interpreted differently. So why do you dream of an expensive fur coat, a quick disappointment, or maybe it prophesies something else?

Mink coat in a dream: what does it promise?

  • If someone gave a girl a natural, chic fur coat and draped it over her shoulders, then this promises good luck in finance, as well as well-being in business, the patronage of a wealthy person, or help in some matters.
  • A comfortable, warm fur coat in dark colors in the kingdom of frost and snow portends material stability, as well as success in financial matters.
  • A long, good-quality fur coat indicates success in business or study.
  • A beautiful mink coat with fluffy fur predicts the flow of money and huge profits.

A dream accompanied by putting on a fur coat foreshadows a long journey, road, journey. Unforeseen quarrels may also arise for any reason. In general, if you interpret the phenomenon of a mink coat in a dream, then this can symbolize a comfortable life. A fur coat is a harbinger of wealth, happiness and a successful life. In some cases, a charming fur coat in a dream can serve as a warning that you should not demonstrate your financial situation to other people. A thick fur coat in a dream can mean isolation and closedness in oneself.

For a young girl, a fur coat in a dream speaks of the upcoming appearance of a rich admirer. If you see a mink coat on yourself, then expect bad news and unexpected surprises. A white mink coat is an unfavorable sign, promising betrayal of a loved one. He may set you up for selfish reasons.

A dream about rich clothes may in one way or another be related to career growth or family relationships. If you dreamed that you were trying on a fur coat in front of a mirror, then in reality you will have luck, incredible success and a joyful future. For businessmen, the dream promises profitable offers in the field of entrepreneurship.

For a young girl, a dream about a fur coat foreshadows marriage. In this case, marriage will not only be profitable, but also happy.

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The meaning of a dream about a short fur coat (Russian folk dream book)

A fur coat in a dream means success; trying it on is a lot of money.

Interpretation of the dream by the dream book: Fur coat - This symbol, according to the dream book, means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Everyday interpretation of the dream about Fur Coats (allegory of the writer Aesop)

Fur coat - According to the dream book, this symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars. Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you misjudge the circumstances. To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to my surprise. Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances. Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones. Seeing that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing means a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one. To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; you are going to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of the position you hold, this is how you interpret what you are dreaming about.

Seeing a Fur Coat, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Fur coat - If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this predicts financial difficulties for you. Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence. If lint falls out of your fur coat in a dream, this portends discord in the family. If you had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Fur coat according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Fur coat - Big quarrel; forced road.

Analysis of the dream in which Shuba dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life. Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat means something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

If you dream of Fur Coats (according to Dmitrenko’s Ukrainian dream book)

Fur coat - A fur coat in a dream means a big quarrel, a scandal. fur coat - you will move to a new home

Interpretation of Shub from the Wanderer's dream dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

The meaning of the dream about Mink (the message of the Tarot cards)

Fur coat - News.

Fur coat in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Fur coat - Good quality, warm for stable material well-being. (Even if she is yours in reality). Chic, very expensive, don’t boast about your well-being - this will cause someone’s envy and the “evil eye”. Shabby, old, very uneven financial situation: sometimes empty, sometimes dense.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Fur Fur from the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

Fur coat - Success and wealth.

Fur coat according to Maly Velesov's dream book

Fur coat (casing) - Wealth, success // noise, quarrel, illness, lie, moving, forced journey; wear - a rich inheritance; put on at the wrong time - bad, sadness, grief; putting on yellow or white means illness; black - death.

I dreamed of a fur coat (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian dream book)

Fur coat - Putting it on in winter means nothing, but in summer the dream signifies sadness, grief and misfortune.

Why do you dream about Shuba (Slavic dream book)

A fur coat is a false path, but great protection. Sometimes it’s income. Not suggestibility. Pluto in Leo.

The meaning of a dream about Furs (Jewish dream book)

Fur coat - Putting on a fur coat A dream seen in the spring means that you will be promised mountains of gold, but these promises should not be given much importance.

A dream in the summer warns that you are ready to show excessive gullibility; and in the fall it means that you are too impatient; dreamed in winter - this dream means that you will have to go somewhere, although you would prefer to stay at home.

Meet Shuba in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Fur coat - To great and lasting wealth. Imagine that your fur coat is made of expensive fur, and what’s more, instead of a lining, it also has fur. You are not afraid of any frost.

Why see Fur coat in a dream? (according to the Magic Dream Book)

Shuba dreamed about getting involved in an adventurous business.

What does it mean to dream with a fur coat, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, what does it mean to dream of trying on a fur coat - to try to get money to start a new profitable business.

If in the summer you dreamed of trying on a fur coat, you will have very significant expenses.

In the fall, why dream of trying on a fur coat - good money.

In winter, why do you dream of an expensive fur coat - a rich groom for a woman, loss for a man.

A mink coat will captivate the fair sex with its aesthetic qualities. In reality, it is a symbol of success, since it is not cheap at all. But what happens if you dream about the treasured fur coat?

Some ladies, after night dreams, refer to the desire to buy “soft gold”. Other women believe that a symbol can be seen in the mink coat from the dream. You can find out who is right after reading the interpretations.

The sensations you experienced are very important here. If in a dream you felt bad because of the tightness or heaviness of your fur coat, in reality you too often feel sorry for yourself. This is what prevents material achievements.

Didn't like your fur coat and wanted to get rid of it quickly? The framework that was set by you is to blame for the troubles.

Did you feel comfortable wearing a mink product? May I congratulate you - a happy future is inevitable!

Mink coat on a friend

If you saw in a dream a friend dressed in such a luxurious thing, your relationship may deteriorate sharply. It is possible that she will become insidious.

A friend can get her way and seriously harm you if she was wearing a chic black fur coat.

There will be a white streak in her life, even if she achieves her goal thanks to ambition.

Sometimes a dream is nothing more than reflection of envy. You dream of people in luxurious furs if you look angrily at the rich people and other successful individuals around you.

People in mink coats often appear in dreams before disappointment in someone close to them. Surely with you they will act meanly, although you will not provoke such low actions.

Donated fur coat

Donated “soft gold” is dreamed of before a meeting financial partners. Along the path of life there will be people who can help in the process of acquiring material wealth, as well as opportunities.

Attention: assistants need to be seen. Don't expect crowds of people in expensive suits ready to offer a bag of money. A person who can improve your life can take a variety of guises!

A woman dreams of a long fur coat

If the fur coat was very long and had a hood, you are suffering from your own constraint. You probably have to look with envy at women who are not modest and shy.

Luxurious long fur coat in an attractive style symbolizes your secrecy. But it does not harm at all, because a reward for silence has been waiting for you for a long time.

Very beautiful

The more beautiful the luxurious fur, the better the circumstances will be in the future. And if the outerwear item also fit perfectly, success and prosperity It certainly cannot be avoided.

An important condition is a fur coat should be yours. It’s great if you wore it or admired yourself while in magnificent attire.

A black mink coat in a dream warns. If it was luxurious and expensive, problems in financial matters may await you. A sexy, fitted fur coat promises trouble in personal life.

A short black mink coat foreshadows possible scandals with those close to you. But I dream of a long fur coat internal problems and self-flagellation.


Red, golden and brown fur coats indicate that the dream needs to be remembered in detail. All events that occurred in dreams are capable of repeat in reality, especially if you saw the fur coat in the fall.

It’s not a fact that everything you see will come true. In the near future you will be able to see some objects from your dreams.

A white mink coat is a sign. And the more luxurious the piece of outerwear is, the more prosperous family life will be.

If married ladies dream of a snow-white mink coat, it will soon rain money on their family, or rather, . Most likely, the culprit for the enrichment will be person of the fair sex!


A blue or gray mink coat promises disappointment because of my own cold-bloodedness. Ignoring the feelings of loved ones and neglecting their opinions will lead to not very pleasant consequences.

For unmarried ladies, such a fur coat can portend a meeting with a wealthy young man, with whom life will be similar "golden cage".

Whether you agree to marry him or not is something you need to decide.

Wearing a mink coat in a dream is a harbinger of power. Soon you will either take leadership position, or you will manipulate someone.

The place where you stayed in expensive attire is of great importance. If your stay in it was accompanied by comfort and joy, your power will be productive. Discomfort in dreams foreshadows sad consequences, because, most likely, you will abuse your position.


Did you try on a fur coat in a dream that suited you perfectly? Rejoice, because soon there will be an opportunity to do very profitable business.

If you put on a fur coat and realized that you do not have the funds to purchase it, you will soon find yourself in a rather unpleasant situation. It will be unexpected, so prevention is impossible.

What do you remember best about the process of obtaining a mink coat? In reality, you will meet a person who will do.

If you are married, and such an outcome is impossible, you will randomly acquire useful connections. If at the moment you have difficulties, they will be resolved due to the favor of very serious and influential people who they will find you themselves.

A mink coat was stolen

A stolen mink coat from a dream may appear dangerous rival. You should not focus only on the love front, because a colleague may also try to encroach on your “place in the sun.”

Sometimes a mink coat is a dream of a major loss due to self-confidence. Try to evaluate your capabilities without flattery in the near future.

Why do you dream of a mink coat? The question is, indeed, interesting. A vision of this kind is rare and, it should be noted, few can make out what kind of coat it was - mink, arctic fox, fox, or some other. But in any case, there is an interpretation, and it should be talked about.

Ancient dream book

So, why do you dream of a mink coat based on this book of interpretations? The vision carries a double meaning. The first is lies and pretense. But the second is more favorable, as it promises wealth and unprecedented success. Here the meaning depends on the current period in the dreamer’s real life, and on his own feelings on this matter.

If a person sees himself in light clothes or without them at all, but choosing a fur coat for himself, then this means broken hopes, a depressed mood and the feeling that all the efforts that had previously been made to achieve this or that goal were in vain. in vain. Perhaps the dreamer will even be disappointed in something (or even someone). But in such a situation, the dream book advises not to give up. It’s better to try to quickly “let go” of the situation and start living a new life.

Modern dream book

So, why else do you dream of a mink coat? According to a modern book of interpretations, seeing someone else in it means that you should start being more trusting. Even if the dreamer is extremely vigilant by nature, doubts should be cast aside. Now is such a period in life that it is not only possible, but also necessary to be guided by common sense. But it’s better to put emotions aside. This is what dreams of a mink coat mean.

In the event that this piece of clothing turned out to be “alive” (that is, it moved), this means change. And it is advisable to prepare for them. Morally, of course.

But watching in a dream how a “mink” is torn into pieces is not good. There will probably be troubles in the dreamer's life soon. Or even a major conflict. Seeing a child in a fur coat that is too big for him means that a person with extremely high self-esteem will appear on the horizon in reality. And this person will extremely irritate the dreamer with his behavior.

Good sign

Why do you dream of a brown mink coat? This is an excellent sign, especially if this vision came to a person from Wednesday to Thursday. It promises a long, comfortable existence. That is, the dreamer can relax and enjoy life - no problems, let alone financial ones, will arise in the near future. The main thing is that the lint does not fall out of the fur coat. This would be a bad omen. Usually such a vision promises a complete break in any, even the strongest, seemingly strong relationship. And a dream in which a person hides in a “mink” can also turn into disaster. Such a vision is a harbinger of long-term loneliness.

Why do you dream of a black mink coat? Seeing it on a hanger means a pleasant journey full of rich emotions and colors. The more beautiful the fur coat, the more pleasant impressions the dreamer will receive from this adventure.

It is also worth saying why you dream of wearing a mink coat. Such a vision promises great profits. Moreover, cash receipts often turn out to be unexpected - an inheritance from a distant relative, a lottery, a bonus, a promotion at work. And again, the more expensive and beautiful the thing looks, the better the person’s material condition will be.

Interpretation according to Freud

According to this famous dream book, “mink” is a symbol of wealth and success. Buying a fur coat means wealth and significant, impressive success. But this is only if a person bought a luxurious, expensive, long one... But buying a small one means shyness. More precisely, this is a sign from above that it is time to get rid of this quality. There is no need to be afraid to say something unnecessary in the company of friends or colleagues, you just need to overcome your fear.

The book also says a little about why you dream of a long mink coat. Everything here is also good and positive: it promises a stable financial situation. But if the “mink” is as beautiful and luxurious as possible, and even long, then you shouldn’t brag about your well-being in life. Otherwise, as they say, you can inadvertently jinx it. The dream book also advises, after such a vision, to take a closer look at the people who surround the dreamer. There is probably a person among them who pretends to be someone he is not.

But seeing an old fur coat in your dream means trouble and instability.

According to Miller

But this book of interpretations claims that “mink” is dreamed of by those people who have very high ambitions. And they don’t want to show their real face to society. That is, the same thing - lies and pretense. But to see a person completely naked, but with a fur coat thrown over his shoulders, is a betrayal, which, unfortunately, is unlikely to be prevented. But it’s worth being ready to fight back.

There are also “weather” interpretations. For example, if the dreamer sees himself in a “mink,” then this is a sign of cold weather. If one of your relatives appeared in a dream, dressed in a fur coat, on the contrary, it means warming.

Other interpretations

If a girl dreams of being given a mink coat, and it is all new, snow-white and soft, then this is a sign of a pleasant acquaintance. Soon a very interesting person or a promising young man will appear in her life. So you can tune in to a long and serious relationship. And if a girl already has a chosen one, then this is for marriage. And the more expensive and beautiful the fur coat looks, the better, stronger and happier the marriage will be.

And when a man tries on a “mink”, it means profitability in his business. So in both cases the sign is positive.