How to make an appointment with a client by phone. Magic words: how to make an appointment with a client

Communication ethics is a kind of unspoken set of rules that dictates this or that behavior depending on the situation of interaction between people. It's no secret that business interactions will be different from personal interactions. At gross violations rules, you may acquire the status of a person incompetent in communication. This in turn will lead you to deprivation social functions. That is, it will be more difficult for you to establish a good, trusting relationship with this or that person. That is why we believe that knowledge about the rules of communication between people is the most important in everyone’s arsenal. Our article will answer the question of how to make an appointment. This aspect is only a small part of the entire communication process, but this does not diminish its importance. So:

Making the right appointment

Let's start by answering the question of how to schedule an appointment by phone. Most of the rules of telephone communication will be relevant in direct personal communication.

  • The first thing to do is to establish contact with your interlocutor. As a rule, for this there is a regular greeting, preferably with an upbeat intonation.
  • After this, you need to indicate who you are if the person does not know who he is talking to.
  • Explain your purpose for calling your interlocutor.
  • Find out whether a meeting on this issue is possible in principle, and whether it is necessary at all. Perhaps this issue can be resolved remotely.
  • Ask your interlocutor about when he can meet and where is the best place to do it. Don't forget to tell us about your plans. If you are talking to someone taller social status, then you will have to adjust your plans to his schedule. If you are having a conversation with a person in an equal position, you should come to an option that is convenient for everyone. It also depends on whose need is being met. If you are a party that needs something, then you should take the initiative. If you are the one who can help the person, then you can dictate your terms for the meeting.
  • After the negotiations are completed, talk through everything you came to. This will be the purpose of the meeting, its place and time.
  • End contact with your interlocutor by saying goodbye.

How to schedule an appointment with a client? This question is asked by those who strive to provide their services to the client and do it as correctly as possible. Remember that customers are the main link of your profit. One awkward meeting can result in ten lost clients due to the spread of negative rumors about your incompetence. When scheduling an appointment, a client should consider their schedule and the client's schedule. First of all, you need to offer a time and place that suits you, since you are the one who is able to satisfy the right need client. The client will be able to adapt to you if he really needs your services. The tone of the conversation should be businesslike and calm, especially if we're talking about about possible conflict situation. It is not in your interests to involve emotions. After the conversation, it is also necessary to consolidate the result and talk with the client about the purpose, time and place of the meeting.

Well, finally, let's talk about personal relationships. How to make an appointment with a man? Remember that in society it is customary to give in to a woman. However, you should not take advantage of this and force a man to meet at an inconvenient time for him. It is best to choose a place where you like to be in a direct dialogue and discuss the time. The nature of personal meetings is such that they do not require clear regulations. Therefore, etiquette dictates showing up at the meeting place at exactly the appointed hour or fifteen minutes late.

And a man should invite a woman, taking into account all her activities and free time. It is best to pick her up by car and pick her up from home.

This is etiquette, dear reader. Remember that no matter how the negotiations for the meeting go, you need to discuss all the details in order to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.

So you have finally reached the person you need. I have repeatedly seen the stupor in the eyes of sellers at this moment. When they seemed to have been looking for a way to achieve this for so long important person, and here he is.

Why the stupor? Firstly, the fear of saying something wrong and losing a client, and secondly, how to express everything in 30 seconds and get results. Thirdly, how to schedule a meeting so that it takes place.

Eat emergency measures in such cases: just hang up, and when you tune in, after 30 seconds, call and say “I’m sorry, the call somehow fell through,” and then follow the algorithm u.

If we have a “cold” call, then we use the algorithm of previous lessons (attention-interest-schedule a meeting). As a result, we get something like the following dialogue: M: Good afternoon, Vitaly Petrovich, my name is Irina. Are you comfortable talking now? K: Yes. M: Vitaly Petrovich, I understand correctly, you are the director of the company, was I transferred correctly? K: Yes M: Vitaly Petrovich, are you, as a director, interested in optimizing the costs of maintaining a computer network and equipment in your office? K: Yes. M: Very good. Tell me, would it be convenient for you to meet tomorrow at 14:00 in your office? Our meeting does not oblige you to anything and will take about 15 minutes. K: Pull up. M: It's nice to deal with specific people. Then tomorrow I’ll be with you at 14:00. Tell me your direct phone number, just in case (we write down the number). Have a nice day. See you tomorrow. Of course, this conversation seems perfect. In most cases, there are a lot of objections. You can find the most common objections and how to deal with them in the practical application at the end of the main material.

The most important thing to remember from this material: It is impossible to lose what is not there. There is no need to be afraid of losing a potential client. It is important to be yourself and talk simply, as if to good friend. You don’t address your friend according to the template: dear Dmitry, would you be so kind as to meet me tomorrow near the cinema at 14:00? Templates are provided as a guide. With experience and practice, you develop your own relaxed communication style, even when making a cold call. If your client or acquaintance took you to his office neighbor and introduced you as a person who needed to be listened to, remember, you were not expected there, and they will listen out of respect for your acquaintance.

The most optimal solution- this is to say that you have heard a lot of interesting things about this person, came to meet him, are now in a hurry, and set up a meeting the next day at 14:30 to discuss possible mutually beneficial cooperation.

Exercise: Write a list of all possible objections that you think might arise when scheduling an appointment. We will discuss them in the comments. This article was written for the Academy of Experts project. Write, did you like it? If you have questions for the author, feel free to write in the comments! Also remember your friends. You can influence their development. “Like” the article (the panel is on the left of this page) and share useful tips with friends on social networks.

Kozma Prutkov once said: “Look at the root.” When scheduling a meeting with a client, there are two such “roots” that you need to carefully “look into.” The first is the difference between a prospect and a prospect, which most salespeople have no idea about. The second is the purpose of your call from the client's point of view.

First, let's understand the difference between potential and prospective.

A prospective customer is someone who already uses a product similar to yours, but buys it from a competitor. For example, any supermarket is a prospective customer for a plastic bag manufacturer, but is not a potential one.

The supermarket is already buying packages from someone. And if the packages, quality, timely delivery, price and everything else suit him, then what kind of potential can we talk about? The supermarket and its existing supplier are doing fine. The only thing you can surprise him with is the price at similar conditions. Actually, this is what many sellers are trying to do - they simply “leak” the price. Selling to a prospective client is very difficult. It is for this reason that when we try to schedule a meeting with a prospective client, we hear the same answer: “Send us commercial offer, we’ll call you back,” which means: “Dude, come on, surprise me with the price!”

A potential client is the same as what we just called a prospective client, but with a caveat. He wants to change supplier. The client may have such a desire various reasons. If the supermarket is not satisfied with the quality, price, on-time delivery, the bad breath of the sales manager or anything else, then this is a real potential client - a client who needs not only packages, but also a new supplier.

Now imagine that you are calling not just a supermarket that definitely buys packages from someone, but a supermarket that wants to change supplier. I am sure that even a child can handle scheduling an appointment.

One question remains to be answered: where to find them, potential clients? It is not you who must find them, but they who must find you. And this is the most direct responsibility of marketing. Their responsibility lies not only in the development of gigantic marketing budgets in order to increase brand awareness and increase the attractiveness of the product, but also in generating leads. A lead is information about a potential client, a person who needs your product and is thinking about changing suppliers.

If the result of marketing is not incoming calls, customer registrations on the site, requests for calculations or any other forms of manifestation of a potential client, then the question arises, why is such marketing needed? Neither recognition nor attractiveness is of any use if the potential client ultimately finds a competitor. Start paying marketers for leads rather than budgets, and you'll see how easy it will become for salespeople to make appointments and close deals!

The second “root” is the purpose of our call from the client’s point of view. Let's compare what we say and what he hears. You say: “I would like to meet with you to tell you about our product.” He hears: “I want to come to you, take your time, blow your brains out and sell you something.”

You must understand that everything in his life has worked out: with the packages, and with the price for them, and with the supplier, and with delivery times, and even with the bad breath of the sales manager. Why should he put everything aside and rush into the arms of meeting you? Only the price can force him to do this.

However, not everything is so hopeless. You can make appointments and close deals with these clients very successfully, but you need to change what the prospective client hears. To do this, you need to change the product, or rather, its positioning.

Many products can be positioned as a cost optimization tool. If you can figure out how to do this, making appointments and closing deals with potential clients will become much easier.

I can give you an example. One company sold printing supplies: paper, cartridges for printers and copiers, ink, and so on. IN classic scheme sales they had no choice but to convince the client over the phone that they are very reliable, the products are of very high quality, and the prices are very loyal. Prospective clients periodically heard all this chatter not only from them, but also from hundreds of their competitors.

Easy repositioning of the product allowed them not only to simplify the process of making an appointment, but also to significantly increase sales volumes. They stopped selling the product and started selling a service to optimize the cost of printing one sheet. In fact, few clients ever considered this cost. Everyone dealt with the cost of paper, cartridges and other consumables, but definitely not printing the sheet.

A call to such a client took on a completely different character. “We don't want to sell you anything. Using a special methodology, we will simply calculate how much you spend on printing and, if we have the opportunity, we will offer you options for real cost reduction.”

It started to work out so well for them that, ultimately, they completely reformatted their product. They began supplying their equipment to clients, determining when to change or refill cartridges themselves, and delivering the paper themselves. The client paid only for each sheet printed and, in fact, paid less than it cost him before. This is how the desire to learn how to make appointments with a prospective client completely changed product line and life of the company.

I saw a similar idea in the abrasive business. A company that supplied cutting wheels one day stopped selling wheels and started selling the cost of one cut. It is clear that wheels are different: hard or soft, for metal or stone, with large or fine grain.

Imagine a telephone conversation in the format: “Our specialists will come to you, evaluate your tool, understand what you usually cut, calculate your current cutting cost and offer you options for reducing it.” Do you feel the difference from “We would like to meet to discuss the possibility of...”? We are no longer selling anything to the client; we want to optimize his costs. And this is exactly what the client hears.

What to do if the product does not optimize costs? In any case, it must bring greater benefits to the client than a competitor's product. Otherwise, no one really needs your product. First, you need to understand this benefit yourself and translate it into numbers, and then learn to measure the same indicator of a competitor and, in the end, still sell the benefit expressed in a quantitative indicator to the client.

Don't be afraid to reposition your product! If you understand how to show a prospective client the optimization of his costs using numbers, then this client will very quickly turn into a potential one.

Successful negotiations, gentlemen!

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When conducting telephone conversations, it is necessary to adhere to a clear conversation structure and respect the time limit. The optimal call duration is 3 minutes. You should not try to sell a product or service in the process telephone conversation. Its main goal is to arrange a personal meeting, and not to make a sale. If problematic situations arise, you should use pre-prepared objections or use the “Ledge” technique.


Phone - not for sales

Any business depends on contacts with suppliers, clients, and banks. But not all issues can be resolved remotely. Most serious issues are resolved during business negotiations “face to face”.

And here there is a chain: invitation to a meeting - holding an effective meeting - productive cooperation. The possibility of further collaboration. That’s why it’s so important to arrange a meeting over the phone correctly.

Many businessmen make the mistake of entrusting their sales staff with the so-called “calling the base” of clients, believing that this measure will contribute to growth and the establishment of business contacts. However, the main task of such calls is not sales. The main thing is to convince the potential client of the need for a personal meeting. This rule applies not only to clients, but also to other partners, be it the director of the supplier company or a representative of the bank.

How to make an appointment when talking by phone

The caller needs to remember that the call is made not to make a deal, but to make an appointment, nothing more. This removes the patina of prejudice and irritation that many people have formed in relation to the so-called and saves time for the participants in the conversation.

Attention! The optimal call duration is 3 minutes.

Basic steps during negotiations:

  • capture the attention of the interlocutor;
  • introduce yourself and introduce your company;
  • explain the reason for the call;
  • make an interrogative or evaluative statement;
  • set a specific time and place.

The easiest way to grab attention is to say hello and call your interlocutor by name. Next, you should name yourself, the name of the company and be sure to emphasize the scope of its activities. This is especially true if the company name is not well known. The reason for the call should be laconic: “I’m calling to arrange a meeting.” You should not try to sell a product or service during a telephone conversation.

An interrogative or evaluative statement will help to position the interlocutor for further conversation and increase his loyalty. An example of an evaluative statement: “I am sure that you are interested in reducing the cost of your products.”

The proposal to meet should be clear, not implying a discussion of the possibility of an event. We should talk about this as an agreement that has already been reached, according to which only the nuances are clarified: “Would Tuesday suit you, at 16.00?”

When saying goodbye to your interlocutor, you need to thank him for his attention. It doesn’t matter whether the interlocutor is a man or a girl, it is necessary to adhere to a friendly and official tone, avoiding familiarity and familiarity.

Note: The “Ledge” technique is very effective, when any client’s question is used as an additional argument for scheduling a meeting: “That’s exactly why we should meet with you.”

To learn how to schedule a B2B meeting, watch the video:

Possible difficulties when talking with a client

During a business call, typical problematic situations often arise. Let's consider how the caller faces the difficulties that arise.

Table 1. Main problem situations during telephone conversations

Problem situation

Example of caller responses

The right person is not there.

When is the best time to call back?

The client refuses to meet in person and asks to send a presentation or fax.

Of course, we can send you the information electronically, but in this case you will have to spend a lot of time understanding the calculations. It is more convenient to clarify all the nuances during a short meeting.

The client is busy or unable to talk.

I understand, tell me when can I call you back?

The client is interested in prices.

Our assortment is very large, in addition, the price is affected by the volume of the transaction. Let's meet and discuss all the details.

The client is satisfied with the current suppliers.

Give me 5 minutes of time so we can make sure whether their conditions are really more profitable than our offer.

The client is irritated and claims that he is not interested in any offers.

I won't waste your time now. May I call you back in a few weeks?

The main thing that is required when problematic situations arise is to maintain an even and friendly tone.

Important! Find out how to speak persuasively.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to arrange a meeting with a client.

Today you will learn:

  1. What to say to a future client so that he definitely wants to meet with you;
  2. What mistakes should you not make when scheduling a personal meeting?
  3. Existing techniques that will help even a beginner make a first meeting.

The difference between a good and an ordinary manager

To do this, use the following instructions:

  1. Before dialing a client's number, sit in a chair, lean back, relax, be patient, polite and smile to yourself. Sometimes a person's smile can be felt from a distance. Therefore, be charged with optimism and start taking active action.
  2. Call and introduce yourself on behalf of the company. State your last name, first name and patronymic, as well as your position. In a nutshell, tell us what exactly you do.
  3. After that, state the purpose of your call. The client must clearly understand what you want from him. But you don’t need to lay out all your trump cards at once. Interest your interlocutor in something and tell him that he will learn more in person.
  4. Tell us with which ones well-known companies you cooperate. Perhaps trust large companies to your enterprise will work to your advantage.
  5. Set your own date and time for the meeting to start. The interlocutor should have the impression that he decides when exactly the meeting will be held. You're actually giving him a choice without a choice.
  6. Say goodbye to the client, not forgetting to thank them for their attention.

Here is an example of a dialogue about setting up a meeting:

— Hello, my name is Ivanov Ivan Sergeevich, I am the sales manager of the Morozko company. We are engaged in the sale of frozen foods. Can you give me a few minutes of your time?

- Hello, I’m listening to you.

— Ivan Sergeevich, I’m calling to arrange a meeting. The company I represent has a very interesting offer for you.

- What exactly do you mean? Can we discuss this over the phone?

— Our company has a personal offer for you, using which you will optimize the costs of producing your products. I can explain it to you in more detail during personal communication. Some of the most famous restaurants in the city (for example, Celentano and Bavaria) have already accepted our offer and were satisfied with their choice.

- It’s tempting, but I’ll probably think about it.

— Let us meet tomorrow at 16.00 or the day after tomorrow at 9.00, I will tell you in detail about the conditions of cooperation with us. This will be more informative than a telephone conversation. Will it be convenient for you to meet tomorrow?

— Perhaps, yes, only if possible, in my office.

- Great, then tomorrow at 16.00 I will be with you. Thank you for your time and see you soon!

Possible difficulties when talking with a client

In the process of fulfilling their job responsibilities Every person faces a number of difficulties that need to be overcome. Sales agents and managers must be able to handle objections.

Let's consider the main problem situations.

Problem situation

Manager Actions

The secretary or another employee says that the right person out of office

The manager asks when is the best time to call back

The secretary is wondering what the sales agent is calling about

Here it is necessary to answer in a veiled way, but in such a way that the secretary thinks that the manager’s call is very important and cannot be ignored. For example, “I am calling about the information that was conveyed to me by Vasily Petrovich”

The client does not want to meet and asks to send information to him at email or fax

The manager explains that he can do this, but the client will have to take a long time to understand the calculations and in this case the information may not be perceived in full. It is rational for a client to allocate a few minutes of time for a meeting rather than spend hours studying the proposal on their own

The client claims that he is busy and cannot talk

The sales agent’s response may be: “Of course, I understand, just tell me when to call me back.”

The interlocutor is interested in the financial side of the issue

The manager replies that the assortment is large and the price of the goods depends on the items the client chooses. That's why they need to meet

The client claims that he is satisfied with the current suppliers

The caller asks to spend 5 minutes of time so that the client understands whether the terms of cooperation of current suppliers are really more profitable than his offer

The client is nervous and says that the manager’s offer is not interesting to him

The manager does not insist on continuing the conversation, but asks permission to call back in a few weeks

There are several effective techniques, which will help quickly and easily convince the client of the importance of the upcoming meeting.

  1. Ledge technique– its essence is as follows: you constantly maintain interest in your interlocutor without revealing all the information completely. You can use the following expression: “So in order for me to tell you everything in more detail and convey the information to you in full, we need to meet.”
  2. Product revaluation– you need to re-evaluate your product and develop new technology his proposals. Try to replace the boring phrase “I would like to meet with you” with the expression “Our company will calculate and offer real options for reducing the cost of your products.” For example, if you sell goods to restaurants and cafes, do not say that you are offering the client to buy certain products. Surely clients already have suppliers. Offer a service for estimating the cost of specific dishes. Having done the analysis, you will show that if they buy products from you, the client will save. Therefore, it is better to cooperate with you.

Here are some tips that can avoid difficulties during the conversation:

  • Maintain interest, but don't create intrigue.
  • Do not promise the client an increase in his profits several times. This causes mistrust.
  • Do not use the phrases: “We would like...”, “We could with you...”, because the client is only interested in his benefit, and not your desire.
  • Insist on a personal meeting, because it will be harder for the client to look you in the eyes and refuse to cooperate.


The right invitation to a meeting is the first step towards holding the right meeting, which entails a long and productive cooperation. The main task of a telephone conversation is to convince the interlocutor of the need for a personal meeting. To do this, you will have to interest the client and learn how to work with objections.