Moon in Pisces for a woman: detailed horoscope. Send by email

How does the Moon in Pisces manifest itself in a woman and how does it affect a person’s character. Many people trust their destiny to horoscopes; when dating, they pay attention to the signs of the zodiac.

Vasilisa Volodina compiled an individual horoscope for each zodiac sign; a woman’s moon in Pisces has its own characteristics.

Depending on the date of birth, the stars are located in a certain way and influence future fate person. The location of the moon in the horoscope influences relationships with people, helps to study the psychology of relationships, and build your life in the most favorable way. Don't forget to read about.

In addition, a person’s character is influenced by the element in which the person was born. There are 4 elements:

  • Earth: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus. These zodiac signs are distinguished by their stable, balanced character.
  • Water: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. People born under these zodiac signs are very receptive and have good intuition.
  • Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. These zodiac signs are intellectuals and devote themselves to their work with complete dedication.
  • Fire: Sagittarius, Leo, Aries. Fire signs are leaders, energetic and bright people.

Moon in Pisces for a woman: characteristics

The Moon in Pisces endows a person with certain qualities, which can sometimes be contradictory. People born during this period are vulnerable, this creative people. They react emotionally to what is happening. Even a word spoken at the wrong moment can offend or delight them, make them the happiest or most unhappy people.

In a few minutes they can experience a storm of various emotions, their life is filled with various events, they are moving towards their dreams.

A person with a fish in the moon does not like the organized order of life; he is characterized by spontaneity and originality.
Thanks to a rich imagination, a person is able to engage in creativity and achieve high goals. A woman born during this period is able to provide support at any moment, making the life of another person more comfortable.

However, one should not think that it is possible to control a moonfish. A person has his own opinion, he is very wise, and knows what he wants from life. Thanks to his knowledge and strong position in life, he achieves his goals and moves forward.

A woman with a moonfish prefers to relax near a body of water; she needs such rest to restore her strength. Such a companion is ideal for a man. She is emotional, obedient, moderately liberated. Treats people positively and brings only goodness.

In relation to children, this is a caring mother who can forgive any wrongdoing. With their children, the moonfish will read books, play any games, teach something new. He takes the upbringing of children very responsibly and considers it his direct responsibility. It’s hard for a mother to teach her children order and discipline. This is due to the fact that rigor and control are not the main qualities of a woman with this placement of the moon.

Character Traits

The main characteristics of the moon fish are sympathy for people, care for them, attentive attitude to others. Representatives of this sign are optimists, romantics, and love new experiences and travel. They connect their lives with music, art, psychology, and medicine.

Moonfish Love Relationships

Representatives of this sign are romantic natures. Therefore, when they fall in love, they forget themselves, soaring in the clouds. Everything that happens makes them happy, delighted, and experience incredible feelings. Women in love see only what they want to see, without noticing any shortcomings in a man.

Moon Pisces are ready to take care of their partner, experience failures, and help in everything. They treat their man with special reverence and do everything for his happiness. That is why these signs are the happiest in love relationships.

Often a woman is caught in love disappointment. In case of failures in love, depression is possible; women withdraw into themselves and do not want to communicate with anyone. However, depression will pass the moment a new object of passion appears on the horizon.

Love with Moon Pisces can work wonders, it is such a strong feeling that fills the whole world. A woman’s appearance immediately reveals her internal state. She glows with happiness, a dreamy look appears, thoughtfulness.

A woman is very dependent on her partners, she tries for him, sometimes forgetting about her desires. You need to behave carefully with her so as not to offend her, often compliment her, and distinguish her from everyone else.

You must always be honest with moonfish. She easily recognizes lies and betrayal. Can't pay too much attention material values. Although money is an important component of life, it is not the main thing. Important for women home comfort and peace of mind.

Moon in Pisces for a woman: compatibility

Meeting your soulmate is very difficult. To make the right choice, astrologers recommend paying attention to the compatibility of partners.

Pisces and Aries. A great match, a great feeling can arise. Moon Pisces sees Moon Aries as a romantic and caring person. However, you should be careful; any harsh word can scare away the fish.

Pisces and Taurus. Taurus attracts fish. Thanks to their romance and sensitivity, relationships can become warm and sincere. The most important thing in a relationship is understanding; there is no need to demand more from a fish than it can give. If you talk to fish about financial situation, then she will become bored. A woman needs care and protection.

Pisces and Gemini . With such an alliance, one should know in advance that it may be unsuccessful. Geminis are distinguished by their attractive appearance. A Pisces partner will be attracted to warmth and care. However, in such a situation, the twins will want freedom; excessive care will seem intrusive.

Pisces, on the contrary, will not have enough warmth and comfort. Therefore, such relationships will be short-lived, with a low probability of success.

Pisces and Cancer. If your ally is Moon Cancer, then you will be able to find a soul mate, the relationship will be strong. Both of these signs are romantic in nature. They will feel good about each other. The most important thing is to live in reality, only then is it possible to create a strong family.

Pisces and Leo . Pisces in this relationship will feel excellent, protected and safe. IN
answer, Pisces will be able to surround their partner with incredible care and love, which may seem unnecessary to a man. Such an alliance is more like a partnership. If both partners are happy, they can make a great couple. However, you need to know that in these relationships you need to show patience and care.

Pisces and Virgo. Virgo is a picky sign, so it will be difficult for them to get along with Pisces. You will have to make concessions, suppress some of your desires. Virgo will be irritated by the Pisces' dreaminess and head in the clouds. A woman demands romance and tenderness in return.

However, Virgo is not inclined to openly express feelings; she can hide her emotions deep down. For the union to be strong, both partners will have to reconsider their attitude towards people and, for the sake of love, show their feelings more openly.

Pisces and Libra. This could make a great couple, both signs are optimists and love life. Pisces and Libra have been looking for love all their lives, and will not stop until they reach their goal. However, you need to remember that Libra is an indecisive sign, this can make a woman wary. Therefore, it is recommended to be persistent and boldly move towards your dream.

Pisces and Scorpio. Scorpio is very attractive to fish; he is distinguished by his charm and daring character. In the company of a Scorpio, a fish's heart begins to beat faster. Such a union can turn out to be successful, overflowing with feelings and care. However, in order not to spook the fish, you need to be gentle.

Pisces and Sagittarius. It could be a great union. However, after some time, Pisces may require a deeper expression of feelings that the partner will not be able to give. This sign is capable of providing warmth and tenderness, but only superficially, so Pisces may find this not enough.

Pisces and Capricorn. Such partnerships can form a good couple. However, it should be remembered that Capricorns need to openly express their feelings and become more emotional. Pisces may be unsure of their partner and may not receive warmth and affection. It is advisable to become a romantic, only in this case the fish will appreciate your actions. In return, Capricorn will be able to make sure that he is loved.

Pisces and Aquarius. To be with an Aquarius moon, Pisces will have to adjust a little. You need to learn to express your feelings, show serious attitude to what is happening. In this case, this union can turn out to be quite successful.

Fish and Fish. If both partners have the moon in Pisces, then the union will be excellent. The interaction of soul mates will lead to great love. Romantic adventures are guaranteed. However, this is not enough to create a strong family; you will have to adapt to the interests of your chosen one.

The moon in Pisces for a woman is quite an interesting combination, which will allow her to fill her life with bright emotions. You can easily change your destiny, just turn to astrologers for help. They will answer all questions, tell you which zodiac sign is more preferable, and give important advice.

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, therefore it contains all the qualities of the signs. The Moon in Pisces for a woman is a creative and vulnerable nature; it is difficult for them to endure betrayal and lies, so they choose reliable companions for life and trust them with their own. Pisces women - ideal wives and mothers, they express all their love and care through their actions and actions. They enjoy authority at work and in the family circle.

What does the moon in Pisces mean for a woman?

A woman with the moon in Pisces is used to achieving all her results and victories on her own. She knows that she shouldn’t wait for outside help, she needs to rely only on her own own strength. They are sure that no one except themselves can help in difficult times. Although it may be closedness and fear.

They know about the cruelty of the world, so they try not to let new people into their lives. For them, there is a social circle in which they feel cozy and comfortable, and it is difficult for them to let someone new into it. It is difficult for them to open up and start warm conversations with new acquaintances. Pisces have very subtle natures, so they experience all losses and wounds close to their hearts.

For a woman, the moon in Pisces means that they can experience a storm of emotions in one moment, it is difficult for them to control their feelings, so they immediately give away with their facial expressions and expressions when they like something and vice versa. They feel every person, so don’t try to hide something from these girls, they will immediately bring you to clean water.

The characteristics of moonfish are quite extraordinary; they contain many positive and negative qualities. They are very secretive and taciturn. It is very problematic for Pisces to tell their feelings to their significant other, and this causes many problems. Because the chosen one thinks that the girl is not too honest with him. However, by their actions and attitude, the fish prove that he is the ruler of her heart.

Creative nature allows you to do anything, the main thing is that it is for the soul and from the heart. These ladies will never do anything they don’t like, only what pleases their soul.

How to win a woman with the moon in Pisces

If a woman has the moon in Pisces, this means that only a persistent man with great feeling humor. Since Pisces are creative in nature, they are not at all satisfied with ordinary courtship, bouquets and compliments. She does not recognize mercy and affection; she needs something else. Something bright, with changing emotions, the so-called emotional swing. Only then will she be happy.

If life becomes ordinary, the fish will look for variety on the side and this can end in tears. But if you meet all the criteria of a Pisces woman and satisfy her in all plans, then you can be sure that you have fallen into a trap of love from which you cannot get out.

In love, these signs give themselves completely, the man becomes their master and controls their life. They are happy to be led; they need a guide who will swim with them in the right direction. You shouldn’t overdo it and go too far; you need to know the fine line between permissiveness and accessibility.

You will not be bored in this relationship, a water sign can make every day varied and interesting, the main thing is to trust them and be frank, and then you will conquer the peaks together.

IN family life girls respect absolutely everything - home, husband, children, personal atmosphere and do not allow anyone to disturb it. They will create and create a special world for their children and spouse.

White moon in Pisces for a woman

Selena's white power encourages mercy and compassion. All your good forces must be directed to good deeds, helping those in need and remaining selfless. Mercy is shown not only to people, but also to animals. There is an opportunity to cleanse yourself by helping the defenseless. Try to help as much as you can. But don’t forget about helping yourself, it’s important to find the right wave on which to continue life. Remember to meditate and surrender to yourself, your thoughts and your feelings.

To correct karma, you need to surrender to self-sacrifice, by atonement for all your sins. There is no need to be afraid of what will happen next, all that matters is what is happening here and now.

Very often on spiritual level abilities to prophetic dreams and to their interpretation, so it is not so difficult for them to sacrifice themselves for others. They know that something better than this life awaits them.

Black moon in Pisces for a woman

Because of your excessive emotions, sometimes it is very difficult to control the situation and the hysterical person turns on. The black moon in Pisces means for a woman that her delusions of grandeur are increasing and will demand all the attention, egocentrism is intensifying, which leads to many scandals and unpleasant moments with loved ones.

In disputes and omissions, it is better to avoid rude behavior, as this can lead to bad consequences. Try not to contact enemies and unwanted people. Excessive activity indicates a lot of energy that wants to get out.

Also appears dark side in cynicism. Pisces thinks that without them, the work won’t work and everything will be ruined, so he constantly interferes with his corrections, comments and reproaches, believing that he is helping everyone. We must not give in to these forces and eradicate them.

Let's consider astrological compatibility lunar Pisces (when the Moon is in Pisces in a person’s horoscope). Moon Pisces is the most emotional and feeling sign in everything Lunar Zodiac, their soul is tender, warm, full of sympathy for everyone around them, they are ready to sincerely and tenderly love everyone!

Pisces Moon Compatibility in Relationships

They are romantic, sentimental, look at the world through rose-colored glasses and therefore, when falling in love, in each object they are able to see something special, something extraordinary, something that makes them admire - something that, perhaps, is actually in this person and no.

But they see in him what they want to see, they see, perhaps, the potential of a person that he himself has not yet achieved! In any case, such an attitude on the part of lunar Pisces is always very flattering to everyone, and it is difficult not to fall for their bait tender feelings.

Pisces are ready to take care of everyone, sympathize and empathize with everyone, and help everyone. They show tender attention to their partner and great care for him, doing everything to make him happy. Therefore, they are more likely than other signs to be happy in love. He who is able to give a lot receives a lot!

But at the same time lunar Pisces very impractical and sometimes lose their sense of reality. For example, they may not understand that they have chosen the wrong object for their care, that this object does not need them. In such cases, the care and love of lunar Pisces may seem intrusive.

And if the lunar Pisces are rejected, it is as if they are being replaced. Their cordiality and ability to sympathize disappear, no other feelings remain in them except self-pity. Here they can fall into melancholy and indifference to everything in the world.

But all this will pass as soon as a new object for care appears on the horizon. Lunar Pisces cannot imagine their life without caring for someone. Having fallen in love, they immediately forget about everything in the world, their feelings are so strong that they obscure the whole world!

If you are able to surrender completely and completely into the caring hands of the Pisces moon, then your life will turn into endless bliss with the most ideal lover you can imagine. Pisces look so that it is immediately clear from them that they are created for love: a dreamy look, languid thoughtfulness...

Don't expect wild fun and excessive liveliness from them. But everything will be compensated by a warm, soft feeling overflowing from their tender soul.

It must be borne in mind that lunar Pisces tend to become dependent on their partner, and if this bothers you, your life can be significantly complicated. So do not indulge this property of Pisces, but rather emphasize more often that they are independent, self-sufficient and strong personality. But don’t push them away from you, be tactful - it’s very important for Pisces to feel that you need them!

Compatibility of lunar Pisces. Very important: you need to be extremely honest with Pisces; they are very sensitive and instantly recognize any deception. No matter how caring they are, you will not be able to use their attitude for selfish purposes - they sense insincerity a mile away.

They will ally only with truly loving person, and do not mislead them by any tricks or hypocrisy. They are kind and generous, but they will not let themselves be deceived.

If you want to get along with Pisces, do not focus on the material and financial side of things. Money is important to them insofar as, and they will not understand you if you put money at the forefront and make a cult out of it. However, there will be coziness and comfort in the house - an established life is very important for Pisces.

And never show coldness and aloofness with Pisces, never spare words and time to express your love. If love has passed, you need to part with Pisces. These are not the people who will support marriage for the sake of appearances, for the sake of social status, out of habit and even for the sake of children. They need love. Everything else has a much lower price for them.

The collapse of love for lunar Pisces is always a very painful moment. After all, they fly high in their feelings - and those who fly high usually crash very painfully if they have to fall. And yet, when a new love looms on the horizon, lunar Pisces, having forgotten old grievances, again rush headlong into it. That's how it is incorrigible romantics.

Compatibility with other signs

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Aries

If you are a lunar Aries, then Pisces is very attracted to you by the fervor of your feelings, they see in you the same loving and romantic person as they themselves are, but your impatience and some harshness can hurt Pisces. But Pisces seems too sentimental to you; you always want to bring them back to earth from heaven.

Moon Pisces - Moon Taurus

If you are a Taurus moon, then you are attracted to the romance and sensitivity of Pisces, and your relationship can be very warm, calm, and peaceful. Just try to understand and forgive Pisces for their impracticality; do not demand that they begin to value material stability - they will immediately become bored with you. Otherwise, everything is fine: the main thing is that you are able to give each other a feeling of security and comfort.

Moon Pisces - Moon Gemini

If you are a lunar Gemini, then your social gloss and external shine will attract Pisces, you will easily respond to their warmth and care, but will this union be lasting? Gemini will want to break free from attachment, which will seem annoying and monotonous to them, Pisces will want more warmth, tenderness, and romance in the expression of feelings...

Moon Pisces - Moon Cancer

If you lunar Cancer, with lunar Pisces you can become truly soul mates, and your connection will be very close and strong. You are both romantic, sentimental, and understand each other’s feelings well. Try to be more practical so that your life does not turn into a continuous head in the clouds.

Moon Pisces - Moon Leo

Compatibility of lunar Pisces. If you are a lunar Leo, then a representative of lunar Pisces will feel great with you: safe, protected, and with a constant excess of feelings. But Pisces can become dependent and turn out to be a minor figure in this union.

If Leo is satisfied with such an unequal partnership, then everything is fine. Only then take responsibility for the sensitive Pisces you have tamed: if you push them away, it will be a tragedy for them.

Moon Pisces - Moon Virgo

If you are a lunar Virgo, you will have to give up your inherent pickiness if you want to be with lunar Pisces. You will be irritated by their dreaminess, sentimentality, head in the clouds, they will demand from you romanticism and tenderness, which you do not want to show at all, but for the sake of love you can put up with all this...

Moon Pisces - Moon Libra

If you are a lunar Libra, then you are both very romantic, you both value love very much and have been looking for it all your life, so your union can bring a lot of happiness to both. Just remember that Pisces may be alarmed by your indecision and tendency to hesitate, this will make them wonder whether you are sincere.

Pisces Moon - Scorpio Moon

If you are a lunar Scorpio, then Pisces simply cannot resist your charm and the strong pull of your magnetic personality. You can give each other many of the most powerful and exciting feelings. Just be careful with Pisces - they are gentle and vulnerable.

Moon Pisces - Moon Sagittarius

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, you can be very good and comfortable with lunar Pisces. But over time, Pisces may need more depth of feeling than you are willing to give. But warmth and tenderness, albeit somewhat superficial, will be enough.

Moon Pisces - Moon Capricorn

If you are a lunar Capricorn, you will have to learn to be more emotional and sensitive outwardly, and not just deep down, otherwise Pisces will always feel dissatisfied due to the lack of response to their warmth and care.

Don't let their romanticism fool you. It is Pisces who, better than anyone else, can convince you that you, too, can love and be loved and deserve the most sincere feelings.

Moon Pisces - Moon Aquarius

If you lunar Aquarius, then to deal with lunar Pisces, you need to learn to communicate in emotional level. Don't assume that they are sentimental - learn from them how to express feelings. Combined with your seriousness, the emotionality and gentleness of Pisces will guarantee a wonderful union.

Moon Pisces - Moon Pisces

If you are a lunar Pisces, like your chosen one, then you can form a real union of kindred souls. Love, romantic relationships are what you need and what you will have in abundance. But for marriage, family and practical life this may not be enough...

A woman with the Moon in Pisces is looking for a husband who can respond to her deep love with tender care and understanding. Her heart is hurt by inattention, coldness, and detachment. It is difficult, almost impossible for her to understand promiscuity, infidelity, dishonesty and betrayal in marriage. She completely invests all her emotions in fidelity and love, expecting the same from her husband. This is a caring mother, completely immersed in her children, caring for them and strengthening bonds with them. She patiently endures their whims and raises them with great affection.

Suspicious behavior of others, hidden unfriendliness that slips through the interlocutor are immediately caught and strengthened by the owner of the Moon in Pisces. She is able to guess who is calling her without even picking up the phone, and instinctively senses dishonest intentions, the desire to lure her into a trap. A woman with the Moon in Pisces distances herself from such people. Insincere people usually cannot stand her soft but reproachful gaze.

Women with Moon in Pisces

What is the most characteristic feature of the Moon in Pisces for a woman? It is creative, sensitive and endowed creative abilities individual. Under Selena's influence, she becomes indecisive, hesitant and secretive. At such moments it is difficult for her to concentrate, but it is easy to make contact. This position of the night luminary is very favorable in astrology.

Women with the Moon in Pisces from birth have a wealth of information (in their subconscious) about past incarnations. Their inner world- huge. Such a young lady is very responsive, and people pay her in the same coin. For those with whom she sympathizes, this girl is a real support. The owner of such a natal chart is a surprisingly reserved woman. She is gentle, selfless, knows how and loves to study, and has excellent musical abilities.

It is characterized by fluctuations, especially in severe life situations- a consequence of lack of courage. Her hypersensitivity often pushes her to use tricks (especially in problematic and crisis situations). In matters of finance, she is absolutely not businesslike and can easily harm herself: her excessive gullibility creates many problems. Incredible and unnatural, simply amazing things can happen in her life.

In general, the Moon in Pisces softens a woman’s character, making her internally more emotional and vulnerable. You can easily and quickly pity her, because she knows how to truly empathize and make any concessions (to her detriment). It is worth noting that our heroine tries in every possible way to hide such “softness” from others. Sentimentality, daydreaming and, unfortunately, self-deception - these are the most striking features of such a young lady.

All her feelings are sincere and deep, she is very prolific creatively, sensitive to different external influences, and therefore it is important for her good attitude those around you. The Moon in Pisces perfectly develops a woman's intuition, but in the case of an affected aspect of the planet, such a girl will be impractical, absent-minded and inclined to see the whole world in the wrong (lunar) light. In a new and unusual environment, a woman with the Moon in Pisces will behave modestly and shyly. She often gives the impression of being a driven and pliable person, but only because her main need is a peaceful, calm environment.

This position of the Moon makes the girl compliant, adapting to other people’s opinions. It’s as if she doesn’t want to swim against the tide and make enemies for herself. In case of conflicts, she always sails to the side, and if her interests are hurt, she will not take either side, but will simply remain neutral. Since, due to the influence of the Moon, this young lady constantly worries and worries even for minor reasons, this makes her fearful and anxious.

In the case of negative character development, the woman is extremely nervous, restless and shows a tendency to depression. It is with an affected Moon in the natal chart that a woman can begin to abuse drugs and alcohol. Powerful emotional shocks are extremely harmful for her. She feels everything bad practically physical level that's not in the best possible way affects health.

If serious problems arise, she may shirk responsibility and postpone their solution, or shift it to other people. Due to internal weakness, she constantly needs the care, support and guidance of a more experienced and stronger partner. The Moon in Pisces for a woman makes her devoted and faithful: she can forgive her chosen one a lot and close her eyes to his shortcomings and misdeeds.

A woman with such natal chart knows how to be a good housewife and mother. But in love, she should be wary of self-deception, because she is inclined to see her beloved in the best (incorrect) light. She loves convenience and comfort not only in her home, but everywhere she goes.

She has a vivid imagination, rich imagination and vivid dreams that can take her away from real life into the world of chimeras and illusions. However, although this makes her vulnerable and helpless in the face of reality, in this case it is good soil for creative self-realization.

Since she has an instant and sharp reaction to any kind of irritant, both external and internal, she often withdraws into herself, and then nothing can bring her out of this state. It is for this reason that such women outwardly look rather lethargic, indifferent, phlegmatic and dreamy, but in fact they are subject to extremely deep and strong emotional experiences. Such young ladies, despite their magnetism, which attracts the opposite sex, get married quite late.

Moon in Pisces - time to dream

“Why isn’t reality as good as my dreams? Why are people so imperfect, why is everything so complicated in this world? Oh, how I loved him, but he turned out to be unworthy of it! Where are you, my perfect prince? I’ll wait for now, sleep, and when I wake up, maybe the world will change.”

The world will not change unless the person himself changes. But with the Moon in Pisces, you don’t want to change anything about yourself, you’re just too lazy to do anything, put effort into anything. I so want to take care of myself, feel sorry for myself, cry to someone about my sorrows, feel sad by listening to lyrical music. Pisces is a sign of a person’s deep world, the world of his fantasies, that world that is difficult to change through any physical actions. Pisces calls a person to spiritual work on himself, to knowledge of his essence. Coming into the sign of Pisces, the Moon plunges us into the waters of our psyche. On such days we live within ourselves and our internal state one hundred percent determines our behavior and actions. People with heavy souls, burdened with worries and doubts, cry about their problems, suffer because of the imperfections of the world, and blame others for their difficulties. Others inspire optimism and share their ways of solving various life problems.

While the Moon is in Pisces, it is easy to discern a person’s soul and understand what is hidden in its depths. People become mentally open and because of this they become vulnerable, easily wounded, suspicious, suspicious, fearing that someone would harm their spiritual body or get into their soul.

On such days, you can hear idealistic discussions about the world, conversations, ideas, plans that are far from reality. We tell each other about our dreams and fantasies, we want what is practically impossible in the earthly world or is given only after successful spiritual practice. Many hope for the fulfillment of the unseen, for a miracle, and if their inner state allows, then a miracle happens to them.

The farther from the beginning of the zodiac, the less and less worldly vanity and the more often the heavens call us to comprehend life. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the most distant from worldly affairs, living with the soul and capable of creating not with hands, but through the transformation of the internal state. When the Moon is in Pisces, many become depressed, unable to change the world with their thoughts and feelings, feeling powerless before the earthly elements. Pisces is a water sign, calling to nourish matter with the waters of the psyche. Those who have realized themselves, understood who they are, why they live, what they are looking for, can these days, with the power of thought and feeling, shape their lives and cause the necessary events. People who do not recognize the existence of the soul deprive themselves of the opportunity to influence their destiny at such a time.

The days of the Moon in Pisces are a difficult period of understanding everything that happened to you over the previous month. Located at the end of the zodiac, Pisces sums things up, makes assessments, and forces us to draw conclusions regarding past achievements and failures. Pisces calls to find the reasons for certain events in the internal state of the person himself. Anyone who is satisfied with himself spends these days in rest, preparing for new achievements.

What to do with the Moon in Pisces?

Pisces is a sign of spiritual service, therefore, with the Moon in Pisces, you need to provide moral support to people and help others perk up their spirit. This good time for reading spiritual literature and any books that can lift your spirits or help you understand yourself. This is a good time to attend church, think about spiritual topics, communicate with believers, people who have chosen a spiritual path in life.

They say that dreaming is not harmful. And indeed, when the Moon is in Pisces, it is even useful to dream, since by dreaming about something, you thereby shape your life. Dreams are one of the ways to control destiny. Try to imagine what you want your life to be like, what you want to become, dream about what is dear to you, what you like, about what you lack for complete happiness, and your dreams will come true. For this to happen, you cannot dream about the same thing over and over again. This needs to be done once, and if possible, presenting in your imagination an accurate picture of what you want in all details.

The Moon in Pisces is a great time for solitude with your favorite book or your own thoughts and feelings. This is a period when it is useful to be alone with yourself or alone with God. This is a time for various spiritual practices, meditation, auto-training, music and other forms of art, or for contemplating and listening to other people's works. This is an opportunity to change yourself, for which it is useful to think about your shortcomings, look for a way to get rid of complexes and develop new abilities. It is absolutely necessary on such days to forgive everything and everyone in order to ease your inner state.

The sign of Pisces is associated with such human abilities as intuition and clairvoyance, therefore, with the Moon in Pisces, you can begin to develop intuition, attend special courses to develop hypersensitivity and foresight abilities. Let your intuition or any person with developed sixth your feeling will tell you what else is beneficial for you to do on such days.

If you are unlucky with the Moon in Pisces - this means you need to turn to your inner world, feel what has a bad effect on your state of mind, traumatizes the psyche, and try to cleanse your life of all this. Problems with the Moon in Pisces may be a consequence of the fact that a person denies the fact of the existence of the soul and does not believe in intuition and support from above. In a good way In this case, visiting churches and other holy places, meditation and prayer may attract good luck.

If the acquaintance occurred during the Moon in Pisces , it can be very useful for polishing your spiritual qualities. You will see and understand each other's souls, you will be able to give each other something necessary for spiritual development. Pisces is a sign of the deep psyche, therefore relationships begun with the Moon in this sign can be deep, understandable only to those who participate in them. It's impossible to talk about here practical benefits relationships, since Pisces are too far from earthly vanity. Business relationships started on such days may not lead to any visible results, unless the activities are related to charity, religion, hospitals and prisons.

Friendship relationships can be more productive, at least friends can understand each other and give useful tips, provide psychological support. If you are in love with someone you met during the Moon in Pisces, then it is very likely that this love will remain platonic or will be so deep that you can feel the mood, physical state, and thoughts of your other half from a distance.

Difficulties in such relationships are possible due to increased impressionability, suspiciousness, vulnerability, mental disorders people involved in the relationship.

Health and beauty

If your soul is calm, then your health will be normal. When the Moon is in Pisces, try to relax, take a walk in nature, it is especially useful to relax near bodies of water, listen to the sounds of water, spend water procedures. Listen to meditative music, light lamps with aromatic oils. Aromatherapy is a great way to uplift vitality, improve the condition of the skin with the Moon in Pisces. It is also useful to take baths with fragrant products, with sea salt.

When the Moon is in Pisces, it is not advisable to fast or adhere to a strict diet, as this can lead to nervous disorder, depression. It is not advisable to strain your body with physical exercise; it is better to strain your spirit and, with the help of self-hypnosis, achieve the desired physical state.

On such days, the organs and systems controlled by Pisces are vulnerable: ankles, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine, immune system. It is extremely undesirable to influence these organs and systems with potent drugs, much less carry them out on them. surgical operations. In general, when the Moon is in Pisces, it is better to do without medications, since at this time there is a high risk drug poisoning. It is also dangerous to work with strong-smelling chemicals.

Improved well-being and appearance at this time, seafood and medicinal cosmetics based on them contribute, mineral water, used for its intended purpose and as a skin lotion. It is especially effective when the Moon is in Pisces to treat organs and systems that are ruled by the sign of Virgo opposite to Pisces: organs abdominal cavity, thin and large intestine(without rectum), bottom part liver, spleen, appendix, duodenum, retina, autonomic nervous system. The organs ruled by Virgo are the least vulnerable under the Moon in Pisces, and during this period it is most safe to perform operations on them.

To be attractive in the days of Pisces, it is better to abandon bright colors in clothes and cosmetics, choose pastel colors, soft, like water, fluffy fabrics, for example, natural silk, fine wool, fur. Jewelry at such times should be made from natural materials, such as shells, mother-of-pearl, pearls and amber, as these organic matter correspond to the sign of Pisces.

Shopping and gifts

Often on such days we are absent-minded, inattentive to earthly affairs, so there is a danger of not taking change, forgetting our purchases in the store, purchasing an impractical item or an overpriced product. For people who are already forgetful and absent-minded, it is better to go shopping during this period with an attentive friend.

When the Moon is in Pisces, you can buy and give anything related to the water element, for example, an aquarium, aquarium plants and fish (including artificial, decorative ones), seafood, sea ​​salt bath products, cosmetics based on seafood, swimming accessories and others aquatic species sports, swimming pool membership, fountains and water purification devices. You can also now buy incense, lamps, religious objects, books of spiritual teachers, CDs with calm music, musical instruments, objects of art and any things that have a calming effect on the psyche. You need to acquire something that is kindred to your soul, something that your soul desires. These are good days for finding a gift for the closest, dearest person who understands you, for the one who saves you from despondency and helps enlighten your consciousness.


The main danger of these days is to fall into despondency due to the discrepancy between reality and dreams. There is no need to give vent to such moods; it is better to come to terms with what you cannot change. When the Moon is in Pisces, people become suspicious, overly emotional, gloomy, whiny and passive, which can lead to the destruction of their inner harmony. Despondency, apathy, depression - dangerous conditions with the Moon in Pisces, since, having arisen at such a time, they can linger for a long time. Protect your soul from everything that is unpleasant to it, drive away bad thoughts and feelings so as not to defile yourself.

Dreams about the state of mind

The depths of our psyche are controlled by the sign of Pisces, and when the Moon is in it, everyone sees in a dream their soul and the states of the souls of other people. If you dream of a calm beautiful dream This means that your soul is peaceful and in a state of harmony. But it is difficult to meet a person with iron nerves and a very stable psyche, therefore, as a rule, dreams during this period are not calm. But no matter what you dream on such days, remember - this is your soul, your inner state, this is what worries your soul or pleases it, grounds or inspires it.

To bad dream didn't come true

Pisces, who govern the deep waters of our souls, can be very restless. Pisces know how to live with their souls, feel the world, but at the same time they can easily drive themselves to a mental breakdown, exacerbating the shortcomings of the world in their imagination. Perhaps, having seen a bad dream during this period, you will understand that you have begun to react painfully to difficulties and troubles, that your soul is sick. To prevent this sign’s bad dream from coming true, instill in yourself the position of a sane person, forget about pessimism, raise your head and boldly go towards possible difficulties.

If on your next birthday the Moon was in Pisces , then until your next birthday you will be very sensitive, emotional, your soul will be filled with some new, subtle sensations. You will become more sensitive to smells, you may want to purchase certain perfumes, engage in aromatherapy, auto-training, and meditation. You will have a dreamy and contemplative mood, and if life circumstances allow you to be in this state, you will be happy.

In such a year, a person is able to perceive with his soul a lot of different moods and impressions, the inner world is overflowing with feelings and emotions. Often there is a desire to develop spirituality, a desire to get closer to God.

Intuitively, in such a year, a person can determine what kind of relationship he has with the Almighty and how to improve it, as well as how to help people save their souls. In other words, the mood can be very elevated, interest in earthly joys weakens, and one wants to touch eternity.

People around you will look at someone whose birthday fell on the position of the Moon in Pisces as an enlightened person who knows the laws of spiritual life. But if a person shows himself to be a materialist, he may incur public condemnation, fail to see understanding in the eyes of others, and suffer morally.

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