Alexander Shpak before and after. Charming monster, incorrigible romantic: interview with Alexander Shpak

Bangla Road has seen a lot, but the arrival of Alexander Shpak excited even its regulars. Vampire teeth silicone implants, muscles and tattoos - people turned around and stared in amazement at the giant. A special correspondent for the ZagraNitsa portal found out what kind of person is hidden behind the extraordinary image and how he lives in a country with conservative views

“ZagraNitsa”: What prompted you to change your appearance? In other interviews you say that you choose to project your desires onto yourself rather than onto others. How is this?

Beauty - appearance, which we are trying to change to suit our own or other people’s ideals of perfection. Guys like well-groomed girls who play sports. When they take off their clothes, we experience a thrill and attraction. And if a guy takes off his clothes and walks around in front of people, what emotions will he evoke?

Well, psychologically, the desire for change was caused by the fact that girls left my life, leaving only unfulfilled dreams. On February 16, 2006, the first sketch was created, which changed everything - I decided to take care of myself as I took care of others.

Photo: from personal archive 2

“ZagraNitsa”: Did you have an idol or role model when you started to change?

A.Sh.: I don't want to look back at today's fashion or any concepts. I live my life, and most importantly, I try to spread goodness: through sports or advice. I never had an idol, but I really remember the image of Jack Sparrow, when he proudly stood on the mast of a sinking ship and looked into the distance. Remember: just a few centuries ago, men wore leggings, walked in high heels, sprayed themselves with sweet perfume, and put on eyeliner.

My face seemed faceless to me - by nature I have whitish, although “Brezhnev” eyebrows, almost invisible eyelashes. This was the first thing I decided to fix.

“ZagraNitsa”: Have you noticed the aggressive attitude of others towards your changes in appearance? If so, how did you deal with it psychologically? What tips can you give to deal with ridicule?

A.Sh.: Society put pressure and pressure on me, and here you either break or become stronger. I read all the haters’ remarks, but only close, real people can hurt me. The opinions of faceless strangers are an empty phrase to me.

Thanks to people who have become my close friends, many things are now free for me - from dentistry to plastic surgery. They can even give you money just like that: “Sasha, this is for you because you are so good.”


"ZagraNitsa": When were you born?

"ZagraNitsa": Tell us about the friends in your life.

A.Sh.: A true friend is not the one who will help when you ask, but the one who offers his help even before you realize that you need it. The attitude of those who know me has not changed after the change in appearance. After all, the main thing in me is a sense of duty, the concept of honor, friendship, and loyalty.

Photo: from personal archive 6

“ZagraNitsa”: What did you experience at the time of your first appearance in public with makeup and painted nails? Pleasure, joy, fear, adrenaline rush?

A.Sh.: I didn’t nail horseradish to my forehead, I just made my eyelashes and eyebrows darker. 99% of people didn't even notice it. To more dramatic changes, the reaction of others is standard: denial and aggression. I didn't feel any fear or excitement. Just a slight peace of mind: I finally did what I wanted.

I didn’t nail horseradish to my forehead, I just made my eyelashes and eyebrows darker. 99% of people didn't even notice it


“ZagraNitsa”: To allow yourself to be so unusual, you probably need financial independence. What was your source of income before your appearance changes? How do you earn money now?

A.Sh.: At that time I worked as a coach in a small gym. Nowadays, coaching talent and some fame allow me not to look for clients, but to choose them, and set the price for training that I consider necessary. About half of my clients have been working with me for over ten years! I value my job for the financial freedom it gives me.

Photo: from personal archive 8

“ZagraNitsa”: Often people who are bright in public are quiet and modest at home. Do you have images “for the public” and “for your own”?

A.Sh.: I'm sincere and real person. I can cry at a sentimental moment in the film. I’m a motivator in the gym - if screams from there can be heard all the way to the metro, it’s Shpak doing squats or working with weights. And in the rest of my life I am unsociable: I did not want the fame that fell on me.

People come to the gym, firstly, to be understood, and secondly, to relieve stress. Trainers use a “tactile” trick - they touch the client all the time, so that without a mentor, without these touches, he will have a feeling of uncertainty and fear


"ZagraNitsa": What superpower would you like to have?

A.Sh.: Eternal life, despite the pain of having to bury his old beloved women. Human life too short for us to fully realize our talents.

Photo: from personal archive Photo: from personal archive Photo: from personal archive 10

"ZagraNitsa": There are many versions of what happened to your pectoral muscles. Tell me how it all happened.

A.Sh.: I am categorically against training to failure, at the maximum, because I went through this myself and harmed myself. For example, the bench press is a common way to assert yourself in front of others in the gym. Wanting to be a leader, I hurt shoulder joint and tore muscles. To keep his body symmetrical, he began experimenting with breast implants. In five years they finally “crushed” pectoral muscle, and now all I can do is accept my proportions as they are.

"ZagraNitsa": How to lose weight without making extreme efforts?

A.Sh.: There is no panacea. You are sleeping, lying around, sitting, riding an elevator, riding an escalator. But Nature didn’t intend it that way!

Therefore, the first thing: movement is life. Get off a couple of stops earlier or skip the short car ride and walk the distance.

Second: limit the amount of salt. It retains water in the body, and fat is 90% water.

Third: give up sweets. A typical example: “Girls, I haven’t eaten anything all day today - just one chocolate bar and a handful of grapes.” Great, fasting has slowed your metabolism and spiked your blood sugar levels. Any next appointment The body will store food in reserve, in fat. This is provided that the adrenal glands and thyroid gland are working normally.

I admit, I really love comfort. Villas, expensive cars, black caviar. Perhaps this is compensation for a poor childhood. Sometimes I have more debts than income


“ZagraNitsa”: Tell us about your relationships with pretty clients.

A.Sh.: This is a difficult moral aspect of being a coach. Imagine, through your joint efforts, something beautiful is created female body, and in addition, the girl obeys you. Men will understand the feeling that arises from this. But an affair with a client is taboo for me, the height of unprofessionalism.

About six years ago, I stopped delving deeply into the personal lives of clients. It’s hard to get out of there later.

Photo: from personal archive Photo: from personal archive Photo: from personal archive 13

“ZagraNitsa”: 90% of haters will be speechless when they actually meet you. Have you ever encountered someone aggressive and in the same weight category as you? If yes, how did the meeting end?

A.Sh.: Haters are faceless creatures who feel complete impunity on the Internet. If I had stereotypical thinking, I would probably also be discussing on the Internet “what a man should look like.” And if it happened to them real life to answer for your words - and not a tenth of this crowd would be left.

A real fighter is a person with character, and he needs a reason for conflict. He will not shout from afar “You are a pi* * race.” Over the past ten years, I don’t remember any serious clashes, except that I had to reason with drunks.

I don’t pay attention to the words, but if a person invaded my personal space, the “ungodly freak” will again be forced to “beat up a defenseless teenager.”

“ZagraNitsa”: Do you allow extreme sex?

A.Sh.: Usually the topic of sex is taboo for me, but I will answer you. Sex is the culmination of love, romance, tenderness. But there are a whole bunch of games that make life more interesting. They help fight household chores, fatigue, and more. The usual throughout life is clearly not enough, and the game lasts forever.

Photo: from personal archive 15

“ZagraNitsa”: Your fifth marriage was with a Dominican woman. Do you think things could have been different with an Asian submissive Thai woman?

A.Sh.: I'm a romantic, and sometimes I invent a person who actually doesn't exist. This is exactly what happened with the Dominican woman. A submissive Asian girl would please the ego, but only at first. We eventually stop noticing and appreciating a quiet, calm wife.

“ZagraNitsa”: You once admitted that you “still have a feminine psyche,” and your wife in an interview spoke about the dominant masculine principle in her. Such a symbiosis?

A.Sh.: Every man has a feminine side, it’s just that Russia lives in fear of accusations of pederasty. I always liked to take care, I was full of tenderness that before her (spouses - editor's note) no one could accept. What is not taken from a romantic kills him. Irina and I found ourselves reflected in each other.

Before, I spent my whole life running and dragging others along with me. I couldn’t get tired or get sick, otherwise everything would fall apart. I wanted support, but there was none from the women I chose.

Photo: from personal archive 17

“ZagraNitsa”: In Thailand you had the opportunity to encounter ladyboys. What was their reaction?

A.Sh.: On Bangla Road I found myself the center of attention. They besieged us with requests to take pictures together, but nothing more. I noticed that people’s interest is very different in each country. If a muscular man with makeup and painted nails in Russia is a homosexual, in Thailand or the Dominican Republic he is an object of general interest, then in Europe and America people think: a wrestler or a movie star. And they firmly believe that they saw me on TV.

If a person invaded my personal space, the “ungodly freak” will again be forced to “beat up a defenseless teenager”


“ZagraNitsa”: Despite the “vampire” image, your channel has several video conversations with the Holy Father. How did you come to faith and what role does it play in your life?

A.Sh.: What does not unite people, separates them. My Masya is a believer, and I, overpowering myself, began to go to church with her. And there one priest preached things atypical for Christianity: that there is no need to suffer, you need to be happy here and now - and no “reward later.” I met such a deep and interesting person, that people started saying: “Shpak went to church, they’ve zombified him!” My faith is more than deep, but I have nothing to do with religion.


“ZagraNitsa”: Can you remember your happiest day in your life, when you were overwhelmed with emotions?

A.Sh.:(Looks at Irina.) The day when “we” was formed from two previously unknown people. The words “I love you” had not yet been uttered and the understanding of this fact was only glimmering - but Predestination had come true. And who she would become in my life, I knew from the first moments of meeting her.

"ZagraNitsa": Thanks for the interview!

Alexander Granatovich Shpak is a freak personality who waited for his time. He calls himself a bodybuilder, but in pursuit of outrageousness he has long lost touch with real world. Looking at him, people “wring their necks.” The cultured ones grin, and those who are simpler cannot refrain from making sarcastic comments. So, what is this internet star all about?

Biography of Sasha Shpak

Alex's life path is known only from the words of the man himself. According to information, he was born 37 years ago in St. Petersburg in the very ordinary family. The date of birth is symbolic, because it is April Fool's Day - April 1st. His father was an ordinary engineer, and his mother worked as a teacher all her life. foreign languages. Sasha (according to the freak himself) received two higher education, worked as a security guard and bodyguard. The big fellow was already painfully lamenting that with an ordinary face, he could only have a career as a “bouncer” and nothing more. With the realization of my insignificance came the desire to stand out from the crowd. And since he couldn’t stand out with his brains (despite a couple of dubious “towers”), he decided to completely reshape his body.

Full facial plastic surgery

Looking at the photographs showing Alexander Shpak before and after facial surgery, you are amazed at how distorted a person’s idea of ​​beauty can be. At some points he began to resemble the famous man with a cat's face.

  • Frontoplasty. So that the reader can imagine the level of horror, we note: Sasha underwent frontoplasty. This means that they cut his face along the hairline from ear to ear, and then corrected the shape of his forehead and brow ridges by placing special plates. In some places on the forehead, bone bridges were removed to level the surface. After the operation, Alexander Shpak received a more defined face, but it’s hard to call him beautiful.

  • Blepharoplasty. Standing out in the long list of his interventions is eye surgery. It is this organ that the bodybuilder places special emphasis on. After frontal plastic surgery, excess skin was removed from the eyelids, but the man decided to lift their outer corners “a la catwoman.” Let us note that less than five years have passed since such a painful operation, but skin folds already treacherously floated onto his thickly painted eyes.

  • Rhinoplasty. By nature, Sasha had a magnificent male nose, but the peculiarities of his taste became driving factor on the path of self-improvement. Alexander Shpak after plastic surgery changed only in the direction of “effeminacy”. The disgustingly elongated nose eventually turns into an ugly vulture beak. The nostrils are asymmetrical, flattened and do not flatter their owner in any way.

  • Change in cheekbones. Before plastic surgery, Alexander Shpak looked like a confident, quite attractive man. Cheekbone plastic surgery initially turned out to be a failure. Implants introduced into this area began to emphasize his “unisex” image. Sharp cheekbones against the backdrop of a constantly flabby face, they look out of place.

  • Lip augmentation. Photos showing Alexander Shpak before and after plastic surgery raise only one question: what moral trauma prompted the previously handsome guy to disfigure himself in such a way? over him upper lip as if there was a shelf (from injections, presumably), strange asymmetry and impaired facial expressions. The whistle, swollen from fillers, became the cause of the burr that the unfortunate jock has. The man is not shy about the overgrown dumplings; on the contrary, he is proud of the weighty, fleshy dumplings.

  • Botox injections. In every new video presented by the channel of the miracle trainer-cook, the depressing condition of his skin is noticeable. The bubbling face, which is “decorated” by scars from plastic surgery, every now and then spews out from its depths advice on a healthy lifestyle. It sounds strange, because according to the videos that Shurik and his wife produce and post on their Instagram and YouTube channel, the couple loves to drink a lot and eat mayonnaise. The question remains, where do the strange potholes and swelling on the freak’s strange face come from?

The man spent (from no one knows where it came from) 1 million rubles on plastic surgery on his face alone.

Body plastic surgery of Alexander Shpak

The body of the so-called jock deserves special attention. The modifications are so obvious that they just catch your eye. And Shurik has nothing to hide. He loves to walk around in pink bikinis, sticking his butt in the faces of others.

  • "The mistake of youth." This is what Alexander mysteriously calls breast augmentation surgery. Initially, sagging breasts were attributed to a side effect (gynecomastia) from a “lifelong course” of steroids, which the trainer practically fed on.

Early photos of Alexander Shpak leave viewers in a stupor. Hypertrophied “cans”, complete with a woman’s bust of almost the third size, look very lonely and ridiculous. With age, Shura removed the sewn-in breasts, which pleasantly surprised his few fans. There were obscene scars left, as if Shurik had been butchered like a laboratory toad.

  • Liposuction. Age and lifestyle factors affect the tired appearance of the YouTube star. Apparently, in the gym, the great swollen athlete is gaining “mayonnaise” mass. In 2007, the first pumping of fat from a man’s heavy body was carried out. Before the operation, Alexander Shpak positioned himself as a talented trainer, but he did not even try to lose weight on his own.

Pumping out the fat emptied Sasha's abdomen and sides, but over time the fat again filled his body. Paired folds hang at the fat builder’s waist, but this fact does not prevent him from selling his help in building an athletic body for 40,000 rubles.

  • Gluteoplasty. Most often Alexander can be seen with this one, back side. Body modifications have reached her too. The size of the ass was immediately doubled. Challenge? Hardly... There is an opinion that a huge butt is a means of attracting men.

It is still not clear whether Shpak is bisexual, but Brazilian buttocks protruding from under pink women’s panties, tight outfits and disgusting finger sucking on camera suggests certain thoughts.

  • Another sensational news was the information that Alexander Shpak had his eggs removed. Really, reproductive organ veteran of the freak movement is so modest that he cannot help but provoke jokes and questions about his whereabouts. Shpak himself, on his Instagram, began to justify himself to the camera that his organ had not disappeared anywhere, and that he himself was not gay. According to him, the reason for the disappearance of the genital organ is that Sasha “carries” it, holding it between his legs. Whether this is true or not, he invites everyone to check, but he does this very reluctantly.

Alexander Shpak’s body modifications made him a mixture of Volochkova, Turchinsky and Azis with the song “Mrazish”. And many people notice the striking similarities between him and.

Touches to the portrait of a false athlete

  • Brows. Like a real fashionista, Shpak jealously monitors her eyebrows. Initially, the hairs were thick black, because the man used permanent makeup to save time. Over the years, “Marfushi”’s eyebrows were completely bleached using a laser. Now the man's face looks more than disgusting.
  • The panda's eyes have become business card flabby athlete. Initially, you might think that this is simple makeup, but the black circles are tattoos. Smeared on the eyelids, with an oily sheen and redness - tattooed eyelids have become bad dream any stylist. The coal-black eyes of the miner accompanied Alexander after his shift even on his wedding day.

  • Lips. Lipstick has become an integral part of a man's makeup bag. Ombre style in red and black version, berry shades and gloss are generously smeared on the lips of the would-be athlete.
  • Manicure. The special mass that Sasha Shpak applies to her nails allows her to forget about manicure for a month. He loves rich colors, competing in the range with many women.
  • Underpants. He is often called a hermaphrodite, because his pink underpants leave no room for flight of fancy. Looking at the photo of a man in swimming trunks, his complexes and desires for universal enlargement become clear. Enemies slander that the wife of Alexander Shpak has much more content in her swimming trunks.

  • Hairstyle. “Vegetable saleswoman” - this is exactly the association that arises when you look at a bleached liquid ponytail. Multi-colored elastic bands make him look like an overgrown girl from the dashing 90s.

  • Tattoo. Almost 2/3 of Alexander’s body is covered with tattoos. Note that this is one continuous tattoo, which took 22,000 hours to complete. Tattoo idea - ingrained in human body skeleton. Most of the drawings cover Sasha’s legs and back.

  • Fangs. The extended fangs were supposed to cost about $2,500, but the man insists that all the procedures were performed on him “as an acquaintance.”

Social and personal life of Sasha Shpak

Wikipedia talks about the facts that replete the past of the famous freak. But there are also cases that are little known to the public.

  • Thanks to his passion for “improving”, the man was repeatedly invited to such TV shows as “Let Them Talk” and “We Speak and Show,” and in the show Male Female Alexander Shpak tried to wiggle like he was in a frying pan with overly provocative questions.

  • The athlete was detained for selling prohibited steroid drugs. The detention and search took place in a sports establishment. Law enforcement officers discovered about one and a half thousand anabolic steroids and Alexander himself, invariably dressed in a thong. The man was sentenced to three years probation.

  • Despite his repulsive appearance, Sasha listened to the Mendelssohn march six times. The last wife fully supports her husband. She has already enlarged her breasts, pumped up her buttocks, removed fat everywhere and stitched her face with mesothreads.

  • In 2016, it became known that due to long-term use of steroids, Shpak remained infertile. Examination of the semen showed that the sperm in it were dead. Note that the couple is only happy that the children will not distract them from each other.

  • The couple sells T-shirts, advice, workouts and training online.

In her life, Sasha Shpak tries to show herself as a philosopher with a claim to freedom of life choice. Often there is no content in his phrases. The once handsome athlete turned down a crooked path in search of greater fame and recognition. And now Alexander Shpak goes to train clients, wiping his greasy mouth and gesturing his ass in a sexy way.

Video: Alexander Shpak in the “We Talk and Show” program

Alexander Shpak is a Russian bodybuilder and Instagram star. He managed to become famous thanks to his shocking appearance.

The man filled almost his entire body with tattoos and piercings, and also went under the surgeon’s knife, inserting implants into his chest and buttocks. In addition, he grew fangs to look like a vampire. Of course, the public refuses to accept a person who looks like a freak, but his popularity only grows from this.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on April 1, 1979 in St. Petersburg under the zodiac sign of Aries. Fans believe that all his actions are related to childhood trauma. The bodybuilder himself claims that he did not think about the problems of his upbringing until he was 25 years old. From birth, he was only outwardly an ordinary boy, but even then he did not think like his peers. Alexander's parents were ordinary people. Mom worked as a teacher, dad was a military man. Due to his profession, the father devoted little time to raising his son, so the boy grew up in the company of his mother and grandmother.

Because of dad, the family often changed their place of residence. At one time they lived beyond the Arctic Circle. Alexander went to school at the age of five, and already at 15 he entered university. He received two higher educations in the specialties " financial manager" and "securities specialist." He also became acquainted with sports as a child. Love for physical activity his father instilled in him. He forced the guy to run, do push-ups and pull-ups. At the age of 12, Alexander already went to gym and set new records every time.


Alexander connected his life with sports and coaching. He works at a gym where he develops workout and nutrition regimens for people who want to get into shape. In addition, he has his own sporting goods store, which caused a scandal. Alexander Shpak was found anabolic steroid, for the distribution of which he received a 3-year suspended sentence. The arrest was carried out in the trainer’s apartment, where Alexander kept some of the anabolic steroids for self-use.

Shpak himself, like his biography, became popular after fans published photos from his vacation on an unknown body of water on the Live Journal website. The pictures quickly spread across the Internet and became the subject of discussion among famous bloggers, who only added fuel to the fire. The more it was discussed, the more popular it became.

In 2010, he aroused interest in himself with extravagant photos from a wedding. Feeling the taste of fame, Alexander began to possible ways support her. He created a YouTube channel where he shared his thoughts with viewers and gave coaching advice.

In 2016, he could also be found on television. Shpak appeared on the show “We Talk and Show”, where he became a guest in the episode “They gave up on beauty”.

Alexander Shpak on the project "We Talk and Show"

During the program, the showman spoke about the reasons for his passion for plastic surgery and the use of tattoos. It turned out that Alexander had the only tattoo; he decided to get it after removing moles all over his body. In the first three years, 70% of the body was covered in 150 sessions. In total, it took 22 thousand hours to apply the images. In an interview, Shpak denied speculation that he had his testicles removed. The showman assured the audience that with men's health he's fine.

In 2017, a program with the participation of Alexander and Masya Shpak “Male and Female” was released, dedicated to people who are interested in tattoos. Alexander also visited the filming of the rating program “Let Them Talk.” Among Shpak's public appearances is his appearance on the stage of the Comedy Club.

Personal life

Despite his original appearance, the bodybuilder is popular among women. He was officially married six times. The first wedding took place in 2010. Little is known about his passions. Alexander claims that family is far from the most important thing for him, and children are not yet part of his plans.

As of 2017, his wife is model Irina Meshchanskaya. Both spouses are satisfied with their personal lives. According to Irina, they complement each other perfectly, which is confirmed by the renovation they carried out together, during which the newlyweds never quarreled. In an apartment on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, the young couple created a cozy family nest, where they combined a living room and a kitchen. Distinctive features This room has a fireplace and a marble countertop interspersed with gold particles. The apartment also has a spacious dressing room and a bedroom in pink color.

The bodybuilder calls his wife Masya. Together they promote accounts on Instagram and fly abroad on vacation. The girl shares her husband’s views regarding children; Irina also does not plan to become a mother in the near future. According to her wife, she is embarrassed by the fact that she will have to share her love for Alexander with her child.

The wedding of Alexander and Irina took place in 2015. The groom wore a light summer suit with a short-sleeved shirt. And the bride looked more traditional. At the same time, both spouses had a scarlet manicure on their hands. The young people invited only two witnesses to the celebration. After the registry office, the newlyweds went to the wedding, and in the evening they relaxed on the ocean coast.

Alexander developed a love for tattoos a long time ago. The total cost of all drawings is 5 million rubles. But after a few tattoos, he wanted more. Thus he ended up on the surgical table. If you compare photos of Shpak before and after the operation, it becomes noticeable that he used to be a handsome and handsome young man. According to the bodybuilder himself, he began to change his body in order to immediately weed out people who pay attention only to appearance.

He has performed 15 operations, ranging from liposuction to frontoplasty (complete face change). In addition, the man inserted the buttocks and breast implants, but eventually got rid of them. He also grew fangs. According to Alexander, he has many friends, including surgeons, dentists and other “necessary” acquaintances, so some operations cost him free.

The showman completed his look with tattoos on his eyebrows and eyes, so for some time now it has not been possible to see Alexander without makeup at all.

Alexander Shpak now

Now Shpak lives in St. Petersburg, but often visits Moscow and Kyiv. He continues to train people and appears on the Internet and television. The bodybuilder’s height is 176 cm, and Alexander considers his ideal weight to be 105 kg. But it is not always possible to stay within the desired figure. To burn extra pounds Shpak regularly trains for 1-2 hours, walks at least 8 km, and also lies down on the table with a massage therapist.

Alexander participates in the opening of fitness centers in Russian cities. So, in February 2018, the couple visited Belgorod at the launch of the “Dream and Reality” project. The plane carrying the Shpakov family was late, but this did not stop fans of the Instagram blogger from waiting for their idols to arrive. Fans greeted the bodybuilder with the slogan: “We love Sasha and Masya.”


  • YouTube channel Sasha Shpak
  • "How to pump up"
  • "Body Chemistry"
  • "The Path of the Soul"
  • Periscope channel “Cooking with Shpak”

Little is known about Irina Meshchanskaya before plastic surgery and meeting the most famous victim of plastic surgery in Russia, Alexander Shpak. The biography of Irina Meshchanskaya suggests that she is a rather smart and courageous woman. Irina was born in 1981 into a sports family: her father taught Masya to various types training since childhood. IN big sport Meshchanskaya failed to break through, but her love for him remained for the rest of her life.

After graduating from high school, Irina Meshchanskaya-Shpak entered the Faculty of Psychology at a St. Petersburg university. Even in her first year at the institute, the girl started working and quickly made a career in large company, becoming commercial director.

Irina Meshchanskaya’s life was turned upside down by her acquaintance with bodybuilder Alexander Shpak. From that moment on, she became interested in plastic surgery, tried herself in the modeling business and started a popular blog about beauty, training and health.

In 2015, a short time after they met, Irina Meshchanskaya and Alexander Shpak got married. For the loving Alexander, this marriage became the sixth, and for Irina the second. Judging by Irina’s interview, the first marriage did not work out and crashed against a wall of misunderstanding between the spouses. For family life Shpak and Meshchanskaya are watched daily by thousands of subscribers to their lively blog on Instagram. IN short videos they tirelessly confess their love to each other, discuss problems of relationships between men and women, issues of nutrition and training, as well as quite frank topics. All videos are gaining large number views online. The couple also have a YouTube channel on which they post training tutorials.

Marriage to Alexander Shpak made Irina Meshchanskaya very popular. Irina and Alexander often meet with their subscribers in real life, answer questions and just talk about life. Fans bring a lot of chocolate to such meetings, as Irina often mentions this little weakness.

Photos of Irina Meshchanskaya before and after plastic surgery prove that a woman is trying to become more beautiful not only through plastic surgery, but also through hard and regular work in the gym. According to her, she exercises 4 times a week and places special emphasis on her abs and buttocks. Irina Meshchanskaya-Shpak was overweight for some time before plastic surgery.

Irina Meshchanskaya: before and after photos

Unlike her husband, who underwent a complete facial reshaping (frontoplasty) and dozens of other operations that made his face unrecognizable, Irina Meshchanskaya is more careful in terms of surgical intervention in your appearance.

Irina Meshchanskaya looks like two before and after operations different people. The woman gradually corrected her initially rough facial features with the help of surgery to change the contours of her face ( contour plastic surgery or ), and .

Irina Meshchanskaya-Shpak’s nose has become more graceful, lifted cheekbones have added youthfulness, and getting rid of overhanging upper eyelids gave the look openness and freshness. In the before and after photo of Irina Meshchanskaya you can easily see all these changes. Another procedure that Irina recently underwent was lip augmentation. They became noticeably plumper and, according to Meshchanskaya and Shpak, made her even sexier.

Despite the fact that sport is an important part of the life of Alexander Shpak’s wife, she has made adjustments to her figure more than once surgically. After working as a fitness trainer and beauty blogger for three years, Irina stopped training in 2017 without explanation, but then resumed training.

Irina Meshchanskaya believes that breasts and buttocks cannot be enlarged if there is no strong muscle frame, which can only be acquired through constant training.

Recently, a post appeared on Irina Meshchanskaya’s Instagram with photos of her before and after operations and a story about them. Irina, like Alexander Shpak, did it by inserting silicone implants into her buttocks and making them more rounded. Irina also talked about sculptural liposuction of the abdomen - a traumatic procedure to get rid of excess fat. In general, the girl was pleased with the result, but decided to get rid of the pigmentation that had appeared with the help of laser therapy.

Another important change in Irina Meshchanskaya’s body is breast enlargement. The girl loves to post photos in a swimsuit, so fans immediately compared old photos with new ones and noted that the girl’s breasts had become more voluminous and rounded, which is the result of mammoplasty.

In their blog, Irina Meshchanskaya and Alexander Shpak share almost everything that happens in their lives. Some videos are not entirely incriminating healthy image the life of a couple, where there is a place for alcohol, high-calorie foods and other abuses. Therefore, plastic surgery and constant sports do not save them from constantly appearing skin imperfections and excess deposits. To get rid of the latter, Irina Meshchanskaya periodically undergoes liposuction of the abdomen and sides.

In the photo, Irina Meshchanskaya and Alexander Shpak are quite happy, albeit a strange-looking parv. If Shpak has long been assigned the title of a freak and a victim of plastic surgery, then his wife has so far managed to keep her desire for beauty and perfection within the framework of common sense.

The desire to become popular and famous often forces people to take rash actions. An excellent proof of this was Alexander Shpak. Before the operation, the man looked completely different. After undergoing plastic surgery, he changed not only in appearance, but the intelligence of this healthy and handsome guy also clearly suffered.

Alexander Shpak is a popular personality on the Internet today. Some admire him, others condemn him. The man promotes a healthy lifestyle, but he is trying to convey the information by demonstrating his unusual image.

Alexander Shpak: biography

Sasha was born into an ordinary family and started with adolescence was actively involved in sports. Upon reaching the age of 23, the guy took up bodybuilding. Good looks and a magnificent figure clearly seemed insufficient for the guy to achieve success in life.

Therefore, at one moment the desire for change overpowered all principles young man. The first transformations were achieved through the use of cosmetics and tattoos.

Today Alexander Shpak is an unusual character, whose image surprises and amazes a large army of fans. There are rumors that the number of operations has reached 15 pieces, but this is clearly not the limit. One of them was frontoplasty, as a result of which the guy changed the shape of his forehead and brow ridges. A man wants to become the owner of cat eyes.

Alexander Shpak was a completely different person before the operation. Changes affected the lower part of the face - plastic surgery of the cheekbones, fangs, lip augmentation and numerous Botox injections.

Such changes provoked the appearance of problems with facial expressions. In addition to facial correction, the body has also undergone various modifications. And overly inflated buttocks are excellent proof of this. This part The guy likes to actively demonstrate his body, shocking the audience.

Alexander Shpak before and after surgery is an excellent example of how not to change your appearance. Although thanks to his appearance he was able to gain incredible popularity and acquire subscribers.

There is a huge amount of talk going on around the man. Some of them turn out to be simply unthinkable. There are rumors that Alexander Shpak had his eggs removed. Confirm exactly this fact it is forbidden. However, even if this is so, the “freak” does not experience problems in his personal life.

In 2015, Shpak got married to Irina Meshchanskaya. This is already the second union for the woman; she broke up with her first husband due to lack of mutual understanding. Although for Alexander himself this union became the sixth. The man often changes wives, but he still has no children.

This couple is incredibly popular on Instagram. A huge army of fans actively watches their lives. The couple constantly posts videos online and communicates with subscribers. Bloggers are actively raising their social networks various topics and even organize real meetings with fans.

Irina also has several plastic surgeries behind her. Therefore it fully supports unusual hobby her husband and considers him the most ideal representative strengths humanity.