Volumetric facial plastic surgery. Volumetric contour plastic surgery. Classics of the genre: contouring with hyaluronic acid

Facial contouring is the leading non-surgical method for correcting age-related changes using special gels. In addition, thanks to injections, it is now possible to change the shape of the cheekbones, increase the volume of the lips and model their shape.

Facial contouring is performed for such age-related skin changes as pronounced nasolabial folds, wrinkles near the lips and between the eyebrows, as well as for a wide variety of skin defects.

The most popular procedure is contour plastic surgery of the nasolabial folds. With age, the skin in this area loses its former elasticity, the corners of the mouth droop, and the lips appear thinner. The face looks old and tired. Administering injections in minutes can correct these problems.

Despite the fact that contouring is not an operation, its effect is no less noticeable. And the cost of such a procedure will be much cheaper than surgical intervention.

Our doctors have the necessary specialization, extensive experience and aesthetic taste, allowing them to successfully engage in this practice.

Indications for facial contouring

Contour plastic surgery is good because it has practically no restrictions, and side effects are kept to a minimum. The most suitable age for this procedure is 35-50 years.

In the future, it becomes more difficult to start the process of collagen production. And the result of the work will not be so obvious

The whole procedure takes on average half an hour. It is easily tolerated and does not cause any discomfort to a person. Microneedles are used to introduce the gel during facial contouring, so no marks remain on the face. This is done on an outpatient basis. In order to reduce pain, an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin.

Unfortunately, we cannot stop time, but we can give a second youth, restore the former freshness and elasticity of the skin. And thanks to the method described, this can be done very effectively.

Preparations for facial contouring

The drugs used for injection differ in composition, as well as in the consequences they can cause:

The first category is preparations based on hyaluronic acid. They are quite easy to use - they are easily administered, do not migrate under the skin and have virtually no side effects. Therefore, they are most often used in our salons.

Hyaluronic acid is part of human skin, so it does not cause allergies and is absolutely compatible with it. After the acid is injected under the skin, it accumulates water, resulting in an increase in the volume of the skin at the injection site. But the effect of these injections is relatively short-lived.

The second category of gels used in contouring has a longer action and ultimately costs less. They are made on the basis of synthetic polymers, including silicone.

In our center we use only natural gels based on hyaluronic acid for injections. After all, synthetic gels carry another danger, in addition to side effects. If a person decides to get rid of the effect that contour plastic surgery gave, this can only be done through surgery.

Natural gels dissolve and are eliminated from the body on their own after about a year. Well, if it is necessary to change the result obtained, then an additional procedure is carried out - pinning. You can even get rid of the gel entirely with the help of special enzymes. They accelerate the removal of the drug from the skin.

Bioreinforcement method

Bioreinforcement is a type of facial contouring. The essence of this method is to create a kind of frame under the skin that will “hold” the skin, preventing it from sagging. The substance that is injected under the skin is biologically pure and does not contain any toxic or harmful substances. We use injection implants Juvederm, Surgederm, Teosyal, etc.

The gel is injected under the wrinkle itself, fills the space under it and, as it were, pushes it to the surface, as a result of which the skin is smoothed. After treatment with an antiseptic, the doctor injects the biogel linearly according to a certain pattern using the finest needles. To do this, a drawing is selected based on the areas that need to be corrected. The process takes about an hour and a half and is easily tolerated.

Thus, bioreinforcement is a cross between plastic surgery and the use of anti-aging cream. After the procedure, signs of aging are significantly reduced, facial skin is tightened, contours become more clearly defined, sagging and sagging tissues disappear. And the face as a whole looks much younger.

How long does the effect last?

How long the effect of this procedure will last depends on what drug is used, on the structure of the skin, age and even facial expressions of the person. Typically, contour plastic surgery provides an effect for a period of six months to two years. And it is visible almost immediately

Typically, several sessions are required to achieve optimal results. Usually, these are three procedures. The break between them should be 2 weeks.

In the first few months, the effect obtained after the procedure remains obvious. But after six or eight months, the lifting effect decreases. But, at this moment, the hyaluronic acid introduced into the skin is released and begins to activate the processes of producing its own collagen. As a result, the lifting effect is enhanced again, but at the cellular level.

It doesn’t matter what goal you are pursuing - whether to add volume to your lips or slightly rejuvenate your face, contouring is an excellent solution. Our doctors will help you achieve the desired result quickly and easily.

Cost of facial contouring

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Modern plastic surgery is currently experiencing another change in trends. If previously most operations were carried out with the aim of maximizing tissue removal, now they are increasingly being tried to preserve them. And in cases of facial plastic surgery, they even complement existing tissue in those areas that form its “young” contours:

  • Temporal;
  • Chin();
  • Cheek and cheek area.

This approach became the reason for the transition to gentle methods of facial plastic surgery by restoring the volume of soft tissues. For this the following can be used:

  • Permanent materials (the patient's own fat for lipofilling and fascia for smoothing deep wrinkles and folds);
  • Fillers (absorbable fillers).

Volumetric plastic surgery allows you to achieve noticeable rejuvenation. If in the case of a facelift you may notice unnatural tension, then plastic surgery provides a more youthful appearance. It is quite simple to check this fact; to do this, it is enough to evaluate the condition of the face at a younger age in old photographs. Instead of facial skin tension, you will notice:

  • High cheekbones;
  • Rounded eyebrows;
  • “Filled” cheeks;
  • Smooth and smooth contours of the temporal region.

Volumetric plastic

Age-related changes appear on the face not only in the form of gravitational ptosis of soft tissues. The aging effect is also achieved due to a significant reduction in the volume of adipose tissue, which is especially noticeable against the background of resorption of the skull bones. Volumetric facial plastic surgery is used to partially restore lost shapes.

Many different fillers can be used to correct contours, but the best way to do this is to use the patient's own fat. This plastic surgery requires little filler, so it can be obtained from almost any area.

Facial lipofilling

The technique of facial lipofilling is not much different from the correction of other areas using this method. The only difference is the diameter of the cannulas. In this case, ultra-thin cannulas are used to collect fat, and the filler undergoes more thorough cleaning.

The procedure for collecting autologous fat consists of the following steps:

  • Infiltration of subcutaneous fat in the donor area using a special solution (within 10-15 minutes);
  • Collecting fat through cannulas into syringes with a volume of no more than 20 mm (avoids the destruction of fat cells due to the creation of excessive vacuum in the syringe);
  • Sediment of the fat emulsion directly in the syringes (blood impurities settle down);
  • Additional cleaning of filling material.

Autologous fat injections can be performed as independent procedures or as an element of eyelid surgery, facelift and others.

Using autofat, you can enlarge any area of ​​the face (lips, cheeks, cheekbones, eyebrows, temples and chin). The injection of your own fat allows for precise correction of the oval of the face, emphasizing the height of the cheekbones and the fullness of the cheeks. Using this filler, you can smooth out wrinkles on the face and neck, fill in nasolabial folds, as well as emphasize the shape of your lips and completely change their pattern (in combination with cheiloplasty).

Carrying out volumetric facial plastic surgery

During the initial consultation with a plastic surgeon at the Union Clinic Medical Center, the need for surgery is discussed and, if a positive decision is made, a day is set for it. A standard medical examination is carried out 5-7 days before this date.

Facial lipofilling can be performed under either local or general anesthesia. The second option can be chosen at the request of the patient or in cases where a large number of injections are expected.

The duration of the operation depends on the complexity of its implementation and the number of areas that will be filled with autologous fat. The minimum duration does not exceed 30 minutes, and the maximum is 1.5 hours.

Volumetric contouring or softlifting is an injection technique for “volumetric” facial rejuvenation using fillers that are injected to the optimal depth under the skin for each zone. In this case, hyaluronic acid is used, which promotes the penetration of fillers.

Softlifting allows you to rejuvenate your facial skin and restore its elasticity and shine, lost ten, fifteen and even twenty years ago. Using this procedure, you can easily correct the contour of the cheekbones, tighten the facial skin, improve the contours of the lips, and also lift the drooping corners of the mouth.

Nasolabial folds, in some cases, may appear before the age of thirty, but after this threshold they are sure to appear in most women. This makes volumetric facial contouring the most popular means of combating these unaesthetic imperfections. Of course, today there is no pill that would immediately get rid of all diseases, and it is also impossible to achieve impeccable 20-year-old beauty with just one procedure. Therefore, to achieve maximum anti-age effect, a fixative set of measures should be carried out, which includes not only lifting the problem area itself, but also the areas adjacent to it. What is the soft reinforcement technique used for?

Volume contour plastic surgery with modeling elements is based on the method of non-surgical intervention, which eliminates the need to contact plastic surgeons. Moreover, it does not imply any age restrictions.

If you use this injection technology in combination with other equally effective methods, you can enjoy elastic and youthful facial skin until you reach a respectable age. Moreover, without any surgical interventions.

Integrated approach

Using hardware capabilities in combination with volumetric contouring, you can achieve the most lasting results. If there is atonic, flabby facial skin and excess subcutaneous fat, it is recommended to start with radiofrequency therapy, which remodels the structural fibers of the dermis: they are compressed or the skin frame is tightened, thereby eliminating the looseness and pastiness of the tissues.

After using this technique, you can begin introducing filler: the filler will act as a modeling implant, which will remove the risk of facial overload. If there are obvious deficiencies in the dermal layer, thermal stimulation is advisable. As a result, radiofrequency therapy, which triggers the process of neocollagenesis, during which young, high-quality collagen is produced, is rightfully considered an excellent prevention of facial skin aging in the short term.

Contour plastic surgery - modeling, moisturizing, smoothing.

STYLAGE is an ultra-modern drug used in injection contouring, based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. It is produced on the basis of a unique technology that combines all the latest scientific achievements in the field of microbiology. The effectiveness and safety of the STYLAGE drug are guaranteed by the patented IPN - Like technology, as well as the presence of an organic antioxidant in the composition and the technological characteristics of this product.


  • low BDDE content
  • easy and precise introduction
  • effective result
  • availability of compliance with European medical standards and a quality certificate.


Safety and simplicity of procedures

STYLAGE effectively eliminates wrinkles (“crow’s feet”, “furrows of anger” on the forehead, nasolabial folds around the mouth, etc.), thanks to the presence of ingredients that act at different depths, moisturizes the skin and corrects the oval and contour of the face, including cheeks and cheekbones, increases lip fullness.

Harmless biodegradable drug

The drug contains only natural ingredients that will not lead to allergic reactions. As a result, adaptation and rehabilitation periods are not required.

You should stop taking anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin for five days.

If there is an inflammatory process in the area where the drug is used (herpes, acne or eczema), the procedure is impossible.

Many women who are already “for”, looking at their reflection in the mirror, sadly note age-related changes. “Bags” appear under the eyes, the skin sags over time, becoming more and more covered with wrinkles and folds. All this seems to emphasize life’s fatigue and is stamped with care and life’s dissatisfaction. It turns out that avoiding all this is not so difficult. You can perform volumetric modeling of the face, which will literally help to rejuvenate it without resorting to surgical intervention.

What does volumetric modeling technology mean?

This modern correction method involves the harmonious recreation of a lost image by restoring one’s appearance and giving the skin its original appearance. The drugs that are used in this case, and in their composition have biocompatible components responsible for youthful skin, are able to satisfy the patient’s maximum desire to correct his appearance. Depending on the expected natural result, they can be injected quite deeply or subcutaneously almost painlessly.

The advantages of this technology include:

  • very fast and lasting impact - depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the drug he has chosen, but in any case, the duration of the effect of the substance is guaranteed from 1-2 years;
  • renewal of youthful contours and dry skin not only visually, but also prolonging them at the cellular level, since it stimulates the production of protein, which forms the basis of connective tissue and ensures its strength and elasticity;
  • Convenience and painlessness of the procedure - the correction lasts only 15-30 minutes and does not require a recovery period or changes in your usual lifestyle.

What distinguishes this technique from other radical methods of rejuvenation is, first of all, its absolute safety for the patient and the fact that it in no way creates any inconvenience. In addition to correction, it also has a therapeutic effect, because it stimulates real skin rejuvenation processes. And the effect of its use can be seen almost immediately, and over time (within 2 months) it only improves.

This method makes it possible to successfully solve many non-standard problems of facial correction, thus relieving it of scars or cicatrices, and to carry out correction in delicate and complex areas such as the temporal and infraorbital areas, lips, neck, and décolleté.

It can help you change for the better in one step to look amazing and delightful at a reception, anniversary or birthday, since it does not require any specific preparation for the procedure and is usually performed on the day of visiting the clinic.

How does this happen?

Rejuvenation and elimination of age-related facial defects were previously carried out using subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid. But this method did not always provide the opportunity to fully recover; in addition, it was often accompanied by microtraumas from the effects of injections.

Fillers - special substances created on the basis of the above acid - helped to overcome all this. The method of administration remained the same - subcutaneous administration of the drug. But the procedure is carried out only by experienced and highly qualified doctors.

Volume modeling of the face with fillers is now possible not only with the help of a special needle, but also with a microtraumatic cannula, which is especially applicable for facial correction in the area around the eyes, temples, cheekbones, cheeks, and edges of the lower jaw. The main advantage of cannulas, which are made from flexible medical steel, is their anti-traumatic properties. With their help, you can completely painlessly and without harmful consequences for the epidermis introduce the drug into the deepest layers of the skin, returning the natural fullness to the face.

Thus, in just one session you can lift your eyebrows, eliminate folds and wrinkles, and restore the volume of your cheekbones. Moreover, by treating different zones, you can gradually not only give your face its former youth, but also make it more beautiful by changing, for example, the shape and volume of the lips, etc.

This is one of the most harmless methods of facial rejuvenation. There is no anesthesia for this procedure. The swelling after the intervention is completely insignificant, which does not at all limit the client from working or attending any events. But you should abstain from thermal procedures (bath, sauna, hot bath) for a couple of days. And the suggested care comes down to the recommendation to protect the face from exposure to direct sunlight and not to use decorative cosmetics.

When is volumetric facial modeling performed?

Lately, representatives of the stronger sex have often been visiting specialized clinics for facial correction along with women. The age of patients varies. After all, facial modeling is not always carried out after 40-45 years. If, for example, there has been sudden weight loss and you need to restore sagging skin on your face, then you can resort to such a service even at the age of 30-35.

In this case, you should know that timely correction allows you to achieve the desired cosmetic effect with a minimum dose of the drug. Therefore, the costs will be cheaper.

Volumetric modeling is indicated when:

  • your face is drawn and looks exhausted;
  • it clearly shows weakening of the muscles, so-called gravitational ptosis;
  • “bags” are observed under the eyes;
  • have lost the proper volume of the cheekbones and cheeks;
  • you want to add plumpness and sensuality to your lips;
  • worried about wrinkles in different parts of the face;
  • asymmetry has been identified or the outline of the lips has been disrupted;
  • folds in the nasolabial area have become more expressive.

Although there are few of them, there are contraindications for which this method of rejuvenation is not recommended. Thus, correction with fillers is not carried out:

  • women who are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • those who have poor blood clotting;
  • clients with autoimmune and infectious ailments;
  • those who are prone to skin inflammatory processes;
  • affected by herpes and other chronic ailments in their acute phase;
  • taking medications to prevent blood clots;
  • having permanent fillers made of silicone or biopolymers in the area intended for correction.

Types of plastic surgery

Facial correction using acupuncture involves the following four types:

  • contour plastic surgery - correction of certain parts of the face (lips, nose, nasolabial and other folds, wrinkles, receding scars) using products such as Revanesse, Teosyal, etc., although Radiesse has recently been preferred;
  • volumetric correction - affects certain areas (cheekbones, chin, neck), differs from the previous type in the use of an increased amount (2-3 ml) of the product and the depth of its administration. In this case, the use of Juvederm Voluma is indicated;
  • biological reinforcement - the filler is introduced over the entire area to be corrected (usually the cheeks, neck) in the form of a mesh;
  • vector lifting - the drug fills the thinnest channels made inside the skin with cannulas. In this case, drugs are used that can stimulate the production of skin collagen - Radiesse, Ellanse.

The best results of this effect manifest themselves after 2-3 weeks and last for 2-3 years.

Rehabilitation of the main part of the face

Volumetric modeling of the middle third of the face, which is anatomically complex, has recently gained the greatest popularity. It was the advent of such an instrument as the atraumatic cannula that made such exposure safe and harmless.

In this case, the volume of the drug per injection depends mainly on the zone that needs to be corrected, the individual characteristics of lymphatic drainage and other factors. In order to avoid possible swelling and other undesirable manifestations, it is advisable to carry out the correction in 2 stages. The procedure itself, as has been noted more than once, is completely painless and takes little time.

Its results are visible almost immediately:

  • the face acquires the proper oval and youthfulness;
  • facial wrinkles are eliminated;
  • the contours of the cheeks and chin gain beautiful shape;
  • the lack of volume in the soft tissues of the face is compensated;
  • nasolabial folds are smoothed;
  • All problems with the facial frame are eliminated.

The effect of this influence helps you look younger, more beautiful and lasts for at least 1-1.5 years.

Main fillers

Thus, a new painless and effective solution - 3D volumetric modeling of the facial oval allows you to choose the optimal method based on the individual characteristics of each patient.

A number of specially developed tools, which are divided into:

representatives of stabilized hyaluronic acid - are characterized by high interaction with water, which gives them the ability to provide the proper volume to certain areas of the face. They are non-toxic and biologically compatible, do not cause allergic reactions. These include Surgiderm, Revanesse, Teosyal, Repleri. Used for contouring of lips and folds, volumetric correction of cheeks and chin, as well as biological reinforcement;

products that allow the skin to stimulate its own collagen are not so hydrophilic, but they promote the production of collagen and elastin by skin cells, which accelerates the rejuvenation process. The drugs are also non-toxic and non-allergenic, however, the time they are eliminated from the body is much longer than in the previous group, which is determined by the period of their exposure. If for the drugs of the first group it is 6 months - 1.5 years, then for these drugs it is 2-4 years. The main ones from this group are Radiesse and Ellanse. Products of this type are used for vector lifting of the face and neck, volumetric correction, and sometimes also for plastic surgery, which involves competitive adjustment.

Selection of all kinds of fillers

The cosmetic market currently offers a very wide variety of fillers from many manufacturers. All of them, by and large, can be divided into high-quality, proven products that have a good price, and original ones, which are analogues at a cheaper cost.

It is quite clear that a real professional specialist will not use cheap analogues.

Among the drugs that are distinguished by their quality and demand for volumetric facial correction, the following fillers should be noted:

  • Juvederm, a French production based on hyaluronic acid of biosynthetic origin, and its derivatives Wolfit, Juvederm Voluma, etc. They are wonderful for restoring volume, as well as for smoothing out significant wrinkles and folds of the skin;
  • Radiesse - (a product from American manufacturers) with the main active ingredient - calcium hydroxyapatite. The action of the drug is similar to the Juvederm mentioned above, but has a longer period of action;
  • Surgiderm - refers to new French-made products based on the mentioned hyaluronic acid, but with certain inclusions that give this product certain abilities. The drug is created in several versions.

Each of them involves use in specific cases of facial modeling.
The use of volumetric facial rejuvenation requires a thoughtful approach to this issue. But if you are confident in your positive decision, then you should not look for cheap ways, but use only the best, proven means and highly qualified specialists trained to work with this or that drug. Only in this case can one hope for a satisfactory result.

And it is always immediately visible on patients. This is evidenced by the photo of volumetric facial modeling offered by us:

Dermatovenerology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenerology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated June 29, 2004); Confirmation of the certificate in the Federal State Institution "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate in the Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenerological patients in accordance with procedures for the provision of medical care, standards of medical care and approved clinical protocols. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

Wrinkles, nasolabial folds, a noticeable nasolacrimal groove, a swollen oval of the face and loss of volume are problems that can be easily solved by plastic surgery. Are fillers capable of coping with the tasks? It turns out that the possibilities of fillers are almost limitless. Fillers are used to model and harmonize the face (lip augmentation, eliminate nasal hump, correct the shape of cheekbones and chin), prevent aging and disguise visible age-related changes. Filler is like a magic wand - it works quickly, inexpensively, safely and with excellent results. The only but significant disadvantage is that many fillers have a duration of action: from seven days for native hyaluronic acid and up to two years for stabilized cross-linked hyaluronic acid. But there is a plus to this - the fillers are removed from the body, which means the effect is reversible, so you can return to the original state without various corrections and operations. For these reasons, contouring is unlikely to replace plastic surgery, which provides a long-term permanent effect, but rather complements it, making it minimally invasive and improving the final aesthetic result.

Which filler is better?

Preparations for contouring differ in density, purposes and areas of application. Dense hyaluronic fillers replenish the volume of the cheekbone area, nasolabial folds and chin, while less dense hyaluronic fillers, without possible swelling, correct the shape of the lips and the area around the eyes. It is wrong to talk about which filler is better, because each of them has different goals.

What does volumetric contouring correct?

Wrinkles are not the biggest tragedy that happens to appearance after a certain age. It is not the folds that give the face fatigue and exhaustion, but a lack of volume in the mid-cheek area and cheekbones and the appearance of a nasolacrimal groove. Classic contouring with hyaluronic acid will only cope with superficial wrinkles, but will not replenish lost volumes - this is the task of volumetric contouring using flexible cannulas. The drug is distributed at different levels (intradermally, subcutaneously, above and below the muscle, along the border of bone and soft tissue).

So, the indications for volumetric contouring are:

1. Deep wrinkles in the forehead, deep spaces between the eyebrows.

2. Unaesthetic forehead relief.

3. Deficiency of subcutaneous fat volume in the temporal regions.

4. Loss of volume and drooping of the eyebrows below the orbital edge.

5. Lack of volume in the cheekbones.

6. Infraorbital and nasolacrimal grooves of different depths.

7. Ptosis of the midface due to volume loss.

8. Humped nose, saddle nose, negative projection of the tip of the nose.

9. Insufficient lip volume, undefined lip contour, lip asymmetry, thin lips, purse-string wrinkles.

10. Pronounced nasolabial wrinkles, labiomental wrinkles.

11. Insufficient chin projection.

12. Atrophic scars.

13. Disturbance of the relief after injuries and operations.

How is volumetric contouring performed?

Depending on the case, the procedure takes different times (from 15 minutes to 60 minutes) and is sometimes performed without any anesthesia or in combination of conduction anesthesia with local anesthesia. For each correction zone, a drug is selected with the appropriate density, elasticity, ability to be retained in tissues and retain volume. The drug in precise dosage is symmetrically distributed in soft tissues using a flexible conductor with a blunt end. This so-called cannula carefully penetrates the tissue, does not damage blood vessels and nerve endings, which eliminates the appearance of swelling and bruising and reduces the risk of postoperative complications. The filler plays the role of a plastic implant and, correctly distributed in the deep layers, allows you to maintain the harmony of the face.

Photos before and after lip correction with Dr. Nikeshin

How long does the result last?

Lifting and volume effects last from six months to one and a half years, depending on the filler used. Next, the process of removing filler molecules from the tissues and replacing them with their own tissue begins, so about 10-20% of the volume is retained, and non-degradable fillers become enveloped in a capsule and retain the volume forever. After the procedure, the face acquires the desired freshness and youth, and to enhance the effect, physiotherapy and health promotion rules are always helpful.

Photos before and after correction of the nasolacrimal trough by Dr. Nikeshin

How to choose a specialist?

Injecting fillers is no easier than performing hours-long plastic surgery. The painlessness and safety of the procedure, the absence of swelling and bruising, the preservation of individual features and even the duration of the effect depend on the specialist. The faces of stars, which have changed enormously after contouring by an inexperienced cosmetologist, are a clear example of these words. When choosing a specialist, it is better to pay attention to a plastic surgeon who practices beauty injections. performs all types of aesthetic surgeries and contour plastic surgery, and also specializes in maxillofacial and laser surgery, so he will qualitatively combine plastic surgery and cosmetology and restore beauty to the face.