What to do when your tonsils hurt? What to do if the tonsils are inflamed: causes, treatment methods and possible complications

When the tonsils hurt, everyone usually assumes the onset of a banal viral infection. But sometimes other, more dangerous diseases can manifest themselves in a similar way.

Therefore, it is very important to be able to correctly recognize the cause of discomfort. and, based on this, decide whether the help of a specialist is required or whether you can cope with the ailment on your own. And if yes, then how to do it correctly.

How tonsils (tonsils) hurt: symptoms. How to understand?

For most viral and bacterial respiratory diseases The sore throat is diffuse, localized on both sides and can bother you both only during the act of swallowing and constantly. A visual examination reveals loose, red tonsils.

They can be covered with bubbles with contents of different colors, coating or. In such cases, most likely the patient is faced with a bacterial infection, which requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.

This is typical for:

  • tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis);
  • pharyngitis;
  • ARVI;
  • laryngitis, etc.

Situations when one tonsil hurts are much less common. This may be due to both infectious and non-communicable diseases. In this case, the nature of the discomfort will help determine acute or chronic process takes place.

So, if the tonsil hurts very much when swallowing, this is a sign of acute inflammation. And tolerable, subsiding and reappearing pain usually indicates a chronic disease.

This is often accompanied by speech impairment, loss of appetite due to deterioration of the general condition or the fact that it is painful to swallow. Sometimes the patient cannot even fully open his mouth.

In rare situations, discomfort in the throat is felt when the gums are swollen, which is due to the peculiarities of the innervation of the organs oral cavity.

However, even if the tonsils have enlarged, it is impossible to independently determine the cause of this, since discomfort in the throat, fever, weakness and loss of appetite are typical for all inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx.

What do diseased tonsils look like: photo

The only thing that the patient can see for himself is the presence of an abscess that requires immediate appeal to the doctor.

Why does the tonsil hurt: causes of pain

When the tonsils in the throat hurt on only one side, this may be a sign of:

Peritonsillitis (peritonsillar abscess)– inflammation of the fiber located around the tonsil. Often the cause of the disease is conditional pathogenic bacteria.

It is characterized by high fever, sudden constant pain under the tonsil in the left half or right, which tends to quickly intensify, especially when making swallowing movements.

Patients often complain that it radiates into the jaw and ear and makes it difficult for them to turn their heads. Therefore, such patients often, if necessary, turn around with their whole body, fixing their neck in the most comfortable position.

Intratonsillitis (phlegmonous tonsillitis) – purulent lesion one of the tonsils, resulting in the formation of an abscess. Signs of the disease include redness, swelling and tenderness of the inflamed tissue.

Injuries of various types. They occur more often in children, but adults are not protected from them either. Most often, the mucous membranes are injured when eating hot food or containing sharp elements, such as bones.

Somewhat less often, injuries occur after careless treatment of the tonsils with medicine. Minor injuries usually occur without fever and go away on their own in a few days.

Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve – rare disease, in which pain appears at the root of the tongue, but is felt in the area soft palate, pharynx and ear. It develops against the background of chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, after tonsillectomy and in some other cases.

The disease is characterized by sudden, severe, always one-sided pain in the internal tonsils. It persists for a couple of minutes and then just as suddenly disappears. At the same time, it often spreads to the back of the throat, and also radiates to the neck and ear.

Eagle-Sterling syndrome, which consists of a pathological change in the position of the corresponding protrusion temporal bone and ligaments. This is accompanied by a feeling of the presence of a foreign body and pain of varying intensity when swallowing, usually on the right side.

Thus, there are many far from harmless reasons why one tonsil is larger than the other. Therefore, if pain occurs on one side, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor.
Source: website

The tonsil hurts on one side: how to treat it?

Initially, you should provide rest to the inflamed mucous membranes. This will not only help you recover faster, but also reduce the level of discomfort. For these purposes it is recommended:

  • refuse hot and cold food and drinks;
  • eat liquid and pureed food without solid inclusions for several days;
  • give up spicy, sour, salty foods;
  • drink a lot of warm liquid (tea, compote, juices, fruit drinks, etc.);
  • increase the level of humidity in the room by installing a humidifier and regular cleaning;
  • ventilate the room often.

If one tonsil is larger than the other, regardless of whether the right or left, it is recommended to use sprays, lozenges or rinses with antiseptic properties.

In situations where this is accompanied by an increase in temperature, it is necessary to additionally take antipyretic drugs, for example, Panadol, Nurofen, Imet and others.

It would also be a good idea to carefully lubricate the tonsils with Lugol’s solution. But during this procedure, care should be taken not to injure the mucous membranes when pressed.


It is not uncommon for pain to radiate to the ear. In such cases, you need to be able to differentiate otitis, which certainly requires prompt treatment.

To do this, you need to press the tragus - a small protrusion connecting auricle with a face and covering the entrance to the ear canal. If the pain intensifies when pressing on it, this is a symptom of otitis media and requires the use of special drops.

How to relieve pain at home?

When your tonsils and throat hurt, you can resort to any means with antiseptic properties at home. On modern pharmaceutical market They are present in great abundance and in different dosage forms:

  • lozenges (Strepsils, Septolete, Lizak, Lisobakt, Grammidin-Neo, Faringosept, Falimint);
  • sprays (Orasept, Tantum Verde, Angilex, Givalex, Ingalipt).

If they do not help, it is imperative to as soon as possible consult a doctor. Remember, you should not apply warm compresses to the neck, as they can only aggravate the situation and speed up the onset of the purulent process.

Treatment at home

Situations when the tonsil suddenly becomes ill are quite rare. Therefore, it is recommended that at the slightest sign of a sore throat and malaise, you begin to fight the infection with everyone by possible means. This will help stop pathological process and prevent the development of the disease.

One of the most effective ways To cure sore tonsils is to rinse. This simple method will help not only eliminate the discomfort and symptoms characteristic of tonsillitis, but also wash away pathogenic microflora.

Its effectiveness is due to the direct effect of the solution on the site of inflammation. As a result, the tonsils are washed and cleansed, which reduces the concentration of bacteria and speeds up recovery. To achieve the most pronounced results, it is recommended to rinse every hour or hour and a half.

What to rinse with?

Both ready-made medications and folk remedies. You can buy at the pharmacy:

  • Angilex;
  • Givalex;
  • Furacilin;
  • Chlorophyllipt alcohol;
  • Tantum Verde et al.

Each medicine is provided with an annotation indicating in what proportions it should be diluted in order to eliminate pain in the tonsils when swallowing in a child or adult. Most of them can be used during pregnancy, but only after consulting a doctor.

At home you can prepare absolutely safe and sufficient effective remedy from half a liter of warm boiled water, a level tablespoon of salt and a couple of drops of iodine. This volume is sufficient for two procedures.

When should you see a doctor? Which one do you need?

Self-medication for any unilateral pain can be fraught with a large number of serious complications, including phlegmon and sepsis. Therefore, when they appear, it is always recommended to contact medical care, especially if there is a worsening of the condition during therapy.

But the main reason for visiting a doctor is the complete lack of effect from taking painkillers or the short-term effect of use.

Treatment of throat diseases is a task; in the absence of such, you can contact a therapist or pediatrician. But if large abscesses filled with pus form, you should immediately contact a surgeon.

Drug treatment

Depending on the diagnosis, patients may be prescribed various combinations of medications, including:

Antibiotics wide range actions. On early stages in case of uncomplicated bacterial infection, the use of sprays is indicated, for example, Isofra, Polydex.

In more serious cases, drugs are prescribed orally: Azithromycin, Sumamed, Hemomycin, Amoxil, Flemoxin Solutab, Augmentin, etc. Antibiotic treatment is continued for at least 5 days, but severe course disease may require longer use.

NSAIDs (Paracetamol, Nurofen, Nise, Panadol, Imet, Rapimig, Solpadeine). These medications are used to relieve fever. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory properties.

Antihistamines(Loratadine, Suprastin, Erius, Edem, L-cet). They are indicated to prevent the development of an allergic reaction and relieve swelling.

Antiviral drugs(Viburkol, Amiksin, Anaferon, Groprinosin, Oscilococcinum). Such medications help strengthen the immune response and speed up recovery.

Or infusions of herbs (chamomile flowers, calendula, herbs, etc.). This treatment method is considered one of the most effective, as it ensures delivery active ingredients directly to the site of inflammation.

In addition to the ongoing drug treatment Physiotherapy is often prescribed. Usually it is connected after the completion of the acute process in order to accelerate tissue regeneration. Patients may be advised to take a course:

  • phonophoresis;
  • galvanization;
  • UHF therapy.

You should not be afraid of these procedures, since usually all electrodes and other contact elements are applied to the outside of the neck and do not cause any discomfort.

When is surgical treatment required?

Sometimes, despite the ongoing complex therapy However, it is not possible to achieve positive changes through medication alone.

Also, sometimes patients seek medical help after for a long time after the first signs of the disease appear.

The main indications for its implementation are:

  • peritonsillar abscess;
  • phlegmon;
  • chronic tonsillitis, in which the tonsils have completely lost the ability to protect the body from infections and have themselves become their source.

In the first cases, it is enough to dissect the abscess and thoroughly cleanse its cavity from the remains of pus and dead cells, followed by washing with solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics. In cases of total tonsillitis, tonsillectomy is indicated.

Today it can be performed as traditionally surgically, and with the help of a laser. For children it is carried out under general anesthesia, adults under local. The operation takes no more than 15 minutes and after it most patients are immediately sent home. In more difficult cases You will need to stay in the hospital for 1–2 days.


It is impossible to completely protect yourself from inflammation of the tonsils, since they are the main barrier that protects the lower respiratory tract and the body as a whole from the penetration of harmful microorganisms.

But everyone has the power to increase their own immunity, which will reduce the risk of developing the disease even after contact with pathogenic viruses and bacteria. For this it is enough:

  • eat properly and balanced, taking into account age-related needs;
  • do not neglect fresh vegetables and fruits, regardless of the time of year;
  • regularly take long walks in the fresh air;
  • increase the level of physical activity;
  • regularly do wet cleaning in the house;
  • install a household humidifier.

And may your throat never hurt!

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Just a few decades ago, many children had their tonsils removed to prevent frequent colds. At first glance, the tactics are good: no organ, no problem.

But doctors discovered that after surgical intervention The incidence of bronchitis and pneumonia has increased.

Over time, the role of tonsils in the human body has been reconsidered. On at the moment There are effective drugs that avoid surgery; preference is given to drug treatment of pain in the tonsils.

Lymphatic ring

The tonsils are located in the pharyngeal cavity, some of them can be easily seen by opening the mouth. There are seven tonsils in total, and the inflammation of each of them has specific manifestations.

Palatal. They are the first to react when an infection occurs from the oral cavity through contact or by airborne droplets. They are located between the palatine arches, at the transition of the oral cavity to the pharynx. These are paired structures, their size and shape can be assessed visually when examining the pharynx.

There are also two tubal tonsils, they are located near the holes Eustachian tubes, which connect the nasopharynx to the ear. Otitis is often observed in the clinical picture, because the infection spreads unhindered into the tympanic cavity.

The pharyngeal tonsil, as its name suggests, is located on the back wall of the pharynx. It can only be seen in case of acute inflammation; it increases in size and hangs over the uvula.

Lingual tonsil has a rough, tuberous shape, located at the root of the tongue.

Tonsils consist of lymphoid tissue, have good blood circulation which contributes to the spread of infection. When a bacteria or virus enters the oral cavity or pharynx, the immune system is activated. Protective cells located in the tonsils bind pathogens and try to destroy them. If immune system weakened, bacteria multiply, causing inflammation.

Remember! The tonsils are the primary barrier that foreign cells encounter when entering the body.

Tonsils hurt - provoking factors

If pathogen begins to multiply in the oral cavity, inflammation occurs. With a normal immune response, not all bacteria lead to disease. Provoking factors:

Hypothermia, insufficient quantity vitamins in the diet leads to weakened immunity.

When contacting sick people, some microorganisms (streptococci, staphylococci, viruses) enter the nose and oral cavity by airborne droplets.

Congenital immunodeficiency is a common cause of pain in the tonsils.

It is prohibited to share a towel, toothbrush, or personal belongings with a person suffering from a sore throat or other viral infections. bacterial diseases.

Caries, runny nose are foci of chronic infection. The spread of bacteria occurs by contact.

Causes of pain in the tonsils

There are many diseases that are accompanied by pain in the tonsils. Must be taken into account additional symptoms, research results to put accurate diagnosis.


The inflammatory process in most cases develops in the palatine tonsils. The pathogens are diverse: pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, Klebsiella, Moraxella), viruses, fungi, protozoa. The development of symptoms is preceded by hypothermia, contact with a sick person, and stress. The first signs appear acutely. The patient complains of sore throat, dry throat, and pain when swallowing. There is an increase submandibular lymph nodes. The temperature depends on the state of the immune system and can range from low numbers (37.5 °C) to 40 °C.

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic inflammation– a common cause of pain in the tonsils. Caries, runny nose, untreated sore throat lead to a decrease in protective function body. During exacerbations, the symptoms resemble a sore throat, and the general condition worsens. During remission, the patient experiences discomfort, the sensation of a foreign body in the throat. The temperature rarely rises, mainly in the evening. Due to chronic intoxication there is weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue, loss of appetite.

Peritonsillar abscess

In some cases, tonsillitis is complicated by a paratonsil abscess. The infection spreads into the tissue behind the tonsil, causing acute inflammation. On one side, a cavity is formed filled with pus. When examining the oral cavity, a protrusion near the tonsil is visualized, which is sharply painful when swallowing. The clinical picture is specific:

The pain is acute, radiating to the ear and head.

The temperature rises to 40 °C.

Swallowing, chewing food, trying to speak are very painful.

Headache, loss of appetite, weakness, sweating, chills indicate intoxication.

Allergic reaction

When an allergen enters the oral cavity, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane occurs, which are accompanied by painful sensations. Typically, the patient can pinpoint exactly what is causing the symptoms. Using new throat sprays, lozenges, visiting the dentist are the most common reasons allergic reaction.

Pay attention! In severe cases, swelling spreads to the larynx and neck, causing difficulty swallowing and suffocation. Therefore, any allergic reaction is a reason to visit a doctor.

It is not the immunodeficiency virus itself that is dangerous, but infectious complications, which arise as a result of a decrease in the body’s defenses. A characteristic feature is that the damage to the tonsils is of a fungal nature. On the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx, whitish islands of inflammation are detected.


Swallowing fish bones or sharp objects damages the integrity of the tonsil. At the time of injury, the pain is acute, but its intensity decreases and goes away after a few days.

Treatment of tonsil pain

The main task of the doctor is not just to cure pain in the tonsils, but to find and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. In this case, the therapy will be truly effective.

The inflammatory process has a different nature, this must be taken into account in treatment.

In case of bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. The course of administration depends on the severity of symptoms and the state of the immune system, on average - 7-8 days.

Fungal infections are treated with antifungal agents.

The doctor, after a thorough examination, additional methods The study decides on further tactics for patient management. If necessary, related specialists are invited for consultation: surgeon, allergist. There are some features of the treatment of sore throat:

Antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents are appointed to mandatory depending on the pathogen.

The peritonsillar abscess must be opened. The pus that accumulates behind the tonsil causes intoxication, pain, and leads to the spread of infection. After surgical intervention symptoms disappear.

Regular gargling with antiseptic solutions reduces sore throat. To achieve the effect, the procedure must be performed every hour. Bacteria and toxins are removed from the surface of the tonsils, and the oral cavity is disinfected.

In case of allergic damage, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, in severe cases – hormonal agents. It is also necessary to avoid interaction with the allergen.

Antiseptic sprays, lozenges, and lozenges reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling.

Prevention of pain in the tonsils

It is much easier to prevent development inflammatory reaction than to treat it. Experts recommend following several rules:

Avoid hypothermia, do not drink cold drinks in winter.

Eat right: your diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. We should not forget about onions, garlic, lemon, currants - natural antibacterial substances.

Maintain sufficient humidity in the apartment. Dry air, especially at night, leads to irritation of the mucous membranes and causes inflammation.

When in contact with a sick person, you need to protect yourself: do not come too close, use masks. After coming home, it is recommended to gargle prophylactically.

Timely visits to the dentist and treatment of all foci of infection are the key to successful prevention of pain in the tonsils.

Palatine tonsils (tonsils) play important role in maintaining human health. More than 70% of microbes and viruses that penetrate the body along with air and food are deposited on the tonsils. It is the tonsils that take the first blow when infection penetrates. And if a person’s immunity is weakened, the tonsils become inflamed and swollen.

The main causes of inflammation of the tonsils

Most often, swollen tonsils indicate the development of an infection in the body. The patient may complain of a feeling of squeezing, cutting and pulsating. Symptoms of the disease can be expressed in different ways:

  • emerging sharp pain in the throat on one or both sides;
  • pain when swallowing food or saliva;
  • swelling of the glands;
  • headaches;
  • Possible loss of voice or.

A specialist will be able to determine the underlying disease based on these symptoms. The most common diagnoses accompanied by swelling of the tonsils include:

  • angina;
  • abscesses;
  • chronic tonsillitis;

Despite similar symptoms on initial stage diseases, each ailment has its own distinctive features.


Refers to infectious and allergic diseases.

The disease is provoked by bacteria and fungal organisms: yeast-like fungi Candida, etc. The virus is localized in the throat, and the patient may complain of acute and unbearable pain when swallowing. Acute tonsillitis can be distinguished from acute tonsillitis by a rapid increase and maintenance of body temperature within 39°C. It becomes painful for the sick person to eat, drink and even talk.

Among the main symptoms of acute tonsillitis are:

  • chills;
  • aching joints;
  • temperature rise up to 40°C;
  • severe sore throat;
  • tonsils swell and increase in size;
  • New growths may appear on the tonsils - white spots or plaque on the tonsils;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Children and adolescents are more often susceptible to sore throat, especially during the cold season. Adults can also get sick, but much less frequently. In any case, if the tonsils are swollen and the temperature persists, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the form of sore throat and prescribe necessary tests And timely treatment. If acute tonsillitis is left to chance, serious complications are possible.


As a result, a tonsil abscess may develop - a swelling filled with tonsils, which is located near the soft palate and interferes with the functioning of the tonsils. The disease is characterized sharp jump body temperature up.

Abscesses come in different forms, often called inflammation of the tonsils. In addition to high fever, the disease is accompanied by severe pain when swallowing.

An abscess can be identified by other signs:

  • when moving your head, a sore throat occurs;
  • appears ;
  • symptoms of intoxication are observed;
  • jaw muscles cramp,
  • swollen tonsils hurt mainly with.

Like most other diseases associated with inflammation of the throat, it is dangerous with complications. It is important to seek medical help in time.

Chronic tonsillitis

The disease does not make itself felt until a certain time. Usually develops after a sore throat or other infectious diseases. Maybe, but there will be no increase in temperature. The tonsils become a permanent focus, the symptoms of the disease clearly manifest themselves during periods of relapse.

Typically, chronic tonsillitis is provoked by the following factors:

  • sore throat that has not been cured;
  • dental caries;
  • sinusitis;
  • purulent sinusitis;
  • polyps;
  • adenoids;
  • weakened immunity.

During an exacerbation, the patient feels that the tonsils are swollen, and discomfort appears when swallowing. The person is in a state constant fatigue, drowsiness and irritability. Temperature may rise and heart and joint pain may occur.

The disease rarely occurs on its own. Develops against the background of a local decrease in immunity of the pharyngeal mucosa. The reason for the development of chronic pharyngitis is exposure to various viruses. When the body cannot resist pathogenic bacteria, minimal hypothermia is enough for the disease to become chronic.

The first symptom of the disease is a condition where the tonsils are swollen, but do not hurt, and mucus drains down the back wall of the throat.

At chronic pharyngitis may bother you, causing you to need to cough. This cough is usually dry, occurs at night and prevents the patient from sleeping.

Other causes of swollen tonsils

Unpleasant sensations when swallowing occur not only with the development of infectious diseases. This can also happen when a mechanical injury occurs, for example, a person damages the tonsil with a bone from a fish. Other provocateurs include:

  • Allergic reactions - the tonsils may swell in people who are allergic to animal fur, pollen, plant sap, or dust.
  • Bad habits - when smoking, smoke burns the mucous membrane of the throat, which can result in swelling.
  • Dry air has an adverse effect on the mucous membrane of the larynx, dries it out and causes swelling of the glands.
  • Toxic substances - all kinds of household chemicals and polluted air - penetrate into the respiratory tract and cause damage.

Treatment options

For any swelling of the tonsils the best way therapy will be a comprehensive approach: medications, folk remedies, physiotherapy. In any case, you need the help of a doctor who can determine why the tonsils are swollen and prescribe the correct treatment.

Sometimes unilateral inflammation occurs when one gland swells. This phenomenon is far from uncommon, and suggests that the infection is still in a small area of ​​the larynx, and the human immune system does not allow it to spread further. It doesn’t matter whether the tonsil is swollen on one side or both, you need to take timely measures to eliminate the disease.

Conservative treatment of swollen tonsils (without surgery)

Only a doctor can select adequate therapy, based on the results of the examination and laboratory research. Treatment is selected individually, depending on the complexity and causes of the disease.

You can select general principles therapy for swollen tonsils:

  • Doctors recommend that patients follow bed rest and give up physical activity.
  • When the tonsils are damaged by bacteria, broad-spectrum antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Azithromycin) are prescribed.
  • If swelling of the tonsils is caused by a fungal infection, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs, for example, Pimafucin or Nystatin.
  • At high temperatures, the patient is prescribed antipyretics: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc.
  • To relieve throat swelling, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines.
  • Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are used to suppress the virus.
  • It is useful to lubricate the affected areas with Lugol, Collargol, Karotolin.

Medicines are prescribed for local treatment throat: gargling with antiseptic and antibacterial solutions: Chlorophyllipt.

For severe sore throats, they are used that have antiseptic and analgesic properties: Strepsils, Doctor Mom, Septolete Neo.

From 38 rub.
From 260 rub.
From 31 rub.
From 52 rub.
From 12 rub.
From 155 rub.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies can be used as additional therapy, but only after consultation with your doctor. Various rinses are especially effective in helping to clean the tonsils.

For rinsing, decoctions of medicinal herbs. Thus, chamomile and sage do an excellent job with throat irritation, relieve inflammation and have a softening effect. Rinsing is recommended every 30-40 minutes. Some well-known recipes include the following:

  • rinsing with a strong saline solution: take a tablespoon per glass of water sea ​​salt, a teaspoon and a few drops of iodine;
  • rinse with a weak solution apple cider vinegar or lemon juice with honey diluted in warm water, kills fungi;
  • You can rinse with essential oils: a few drops per glass of water.

Warming and inhalation at home require special care, only after the permission of the attending physician.

The patient is recommended drinking plenty of fluids: decoction of rose hips, warm milk, tea with honey. Large quantity The liquid will remove part of the pathogenic flora from the inflamed tonsils and remove the infection from the body naturally.


Strengthening your immune system will help prevent it. Healthy lifestyle, hardening, proper nutrition and playing sports will increase protective forces body.

It is important to treat on time chronic diseases, such as runny nose, caries, etc. You should dress according to the weather, avoiding hypothermia. During periods of outbreaks of respiratory diseases, it is advisable to take vitamin complexes.

Video: Sore throat and painful to swallow

We need to start with a little clarification of terms. Tonsils and tonsils are synonyms. It’s just that tonsils are a derivative of the Latin name, and tonsils are a translation from Greek language. Therefore, when they say “the tonsils hurt” or “the tonsils are enlarged”, we are talking about the same organ, namely the glands of the lymphadenoid apparatus of the nasopharynx - a powerful immune outpost of the body.

The range of reasons why a sore throat can hurt is very limited. This may be mechanical or thermal tissue damage, infection, allergic reaction or neoplasm. The presence or absence of the following signs will help determine the direction of further therapy:

  • Has your throat been injured recently, including consuming very hot food or drinks?
  • Have you had any infectious diseases in the last two weeks? respiratory tract, for example ARVI
  • Does the patient suffer from local chronic infection: caries, periodontitis, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis
  • Does the person suffer from common infectious diseases, for example, tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis?
  • There have been previous cases of allergic reactions, including soreness or pain when swallowing

Having gained an idea of ​​the source of the problem, you next need to move on to the most important part of the investigation into why tonsils hurt - examining the oral cavity.


The tonsils are located in a niche located in the thickness of the soft palate. Depending on the individual anatomical features of the oral cavity, the tonsils can either protrude outward and be clearly visible, or be completely hidden in the palatal recess. This determines whether it will be easy to find them during inspection. In any case, in order to facilitate the examination and avoid the urge to vomit, follow step by step instructions given below.

Preparing the site and tools

Before starting any examination, especially those related to mucous membranes, you must choose a lighted place, prepare a mirror and wash your hands with soap.

Since the tonsils are located deep, you will most likely have to use additional lighting in the form of a table lamp or flashlight.

You will also need a medical spatula or its substitute. Of course, it is more convenient to work with a spatula - its flat and rounded shape allows you to open the view of the oropharynx as safely as possible. However, a tablespoon with a flat, rounded handle without sharp corners will also work.

The instrument, whether it is a spatula or a spoon, must be washed with soap and treated with an antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide, both before and after the examination, in order to avoid the spread of infection to others.

Performing an inspection

To examine the pharynx and oral cavity, the subject needs to open his mouth as wide as possible, but without sticking out his tongue. Next, you need to insert a spatula into the oral cavity and, with its entire plane, press the front 2/3 of the tongue down and slightly forward. Compliance with these requirements will avoid the gag reflex.

During examination, the patient must pronounce the sound “a”, during which the soft palate rises and becomes visible upper section posterior wall of the pharynx. At this point, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

Examination of the tonsils and oral cavity will allow you to make a final conclusion about why the tonsils hurt: due to infection, injury or allergies.

Important! It's worth checking once healthy cavity mouth, during a period when nothing bothers you. This will help determine the normal individual color and size of the tonsils, uvula and arches of the soft palate, as well as healthy color larynx and pharynx. Then later it will be much easier to identify redness and changes in shape and size caused by the disease.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases of the pharynx are primary - when the source of infection is in the pharynx itself and is the cause of pain in the tonsils, and secondary - when pain in the pharynx is only a manifestation of the underlying infectious disease.

However, it is more important to divide a sore throat according to another criterion: cases when you can get rid of it on your own and when you need to urgently go to the doctor.

The first include only one disease, but the most common is acute pharyngitis. The second - a whole series of serious diseases from vulgar tonsillitis to an abscess, curable only in a hospital.

What can be treated at home

Pharyngitis is an acute inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Its causes can be viruses, bacteria and chlamydia.

Predisposing factors also have an important influence. Hypothermia, smoking, and drinking alcohol cause irritation of the throat mucosa and decreased immunity. Nasal diseases increase the risk of infection spreading to the throat.

The main symptoms of pharyngitis:

  • Constantly itchy and sore throat
  • Sore throat that gets worse when swallowing
  • Sometimes a slight increase in temperature
  • Possible headache

Treatment of pharyngitis is carried out by rinsing with antimicrobial solutions and using antiseptic medicines: sprays or lozenges for resorption.

When is it time to go to the doctor?

You should consult a therapist for help if the tonsils are involved in the inflammation process and the following signs are detected:

  • Tonsils are bright red
  • Tonsils hurt a lot
  • Pain is felt when pressing on the tonsil
  • Tonsils are swollen
  • Inclusions are visible white, films or pus on the surface of the tonsil
  • The temperature has risen

All these signs indicate serious inflammatory process, requiring antibacterial therapy, which can only be prescribed by a doctor after the patient has been tested for the sensitivity of the pathogen to various types antibiotics.

Important! Self-use of antibiotics without testing the sensitivity of the pathogen to them can lead to complications of the disease.

Primary infectious lesions of the tonsils

Primary infectious lesions of the tonsils include tonsillitis. Another name for diseases of this group is tonsillitis.

There are several types of sore throats, differing in appearance and symptoms. Detailed classification is given in the table.

Type of sore throat Upon examination Main symptoms
Catarrhal Tonsils are red and swollen

Tongue dry, coated

The posterior wall of the pharynx is unchanged

Burning, dry throat

It hurts to swallow

Temperature up to 38 degrees

Lacunarnaya Islands of yellow-white plaque are visible on reddened tonsils. Sometimes the islands merge into a film that is easily removed Temperature 38-39 degrees

The tonsils hurt a lot

Increased salivation

Headache, weakness

Follicular Swelling of the soft palate and arches

Tonsils are swollen

Round yellow-white bumps on the tonsils

Ulcerative-necrotic The tonsil is affected on one side

An ulcer with a gray-white coating appears on the tonsil

Feeling foreign body when swallowing

Putrid odor from the mouth

Temperature up to 37 degrees

Fungal White, cheesy or crumbly coating on swollen, red tonsils Discomfort/pain in the tonsils
Phlegmonous The tonsil is bright red, very swollen and hard to the touch Temperature 38-39 degrees

The tonsils hurt a lot

Increased salivation

Headache, weakness

It should be noted that any sore throat with incorrectly selected therapy can lead to the spread infectious process, as well as the accumulation of pus in the tissues near the tonsil, that is, phlegmonous sore throat or an abscess.

Pain in the tonsils as a symptom of more serious diseases

Inflammation of the tonsils, in addition to being an independent disease, can be a symptom of a number of serious infectious diseases, both acute and chronic.

Acute infectious diseases in this case include:

  • Diphtheria of the pharynx
  • Scarlet fever of the throat

These diseases are mainly childhood, so it is very important to be able to recognize them. The main objective signs of diseases are presented in the table.

Important! If you notice the symptoms listed above, you should immediately call a doctor or ambulance and isolate the patient if possible. These diseases are highly contagious.

Chronic infectious diseases that also cause pain in the tonsils include tuberculosis, HIV and syphilis.

With tuberculosis of the pharynx, the tonsil hurts very much, and the pain intensifies when swallowing. Another characteristic symptom- profuse drooling.

With syphilis, the pain in the pharynx is moderate; usually one tonsil is affected: the left or the right. One becomes larger than the other and changes color to red.

Non-infectious diseases

In second place in frequency after infectious diseases are injuries and burns of the pharynx and tonsils. They are easy to diagnose, since tissue damage in this case is obvious.

In the case of a minor lesion that causes mild pain in the tonsils, you can simply adjust the diet for a few days. To do this, you need to exclude hot, cold, and spicy foods from your diet. Before eating, it is better to grind the food to a puree.

It is also necessary to use antibacterial rinses for the throat to prevent the infection from gaining a foothold on the affected tissues.

If the pain does not go away after two days, you should consult a doctor.

IN in rare cases pain in the tonsils can be caused by an allergic reaction. In this case, the pain may be accompanied by swelling of the pharynx and difficulty in nasal breathing. It is possible to get rid of allergy symptoms at home by taking an antihistamine drug. However, if the drug does not help, you should consult a doctor to avoid worsening symptoms.


Taking care of your throat health doesn't require much effort. Ideally, it would be good to perform hardening exercises and lead healthy image life are the most the best means to strengthen the immune system. However, standard precautions will also help:

  • protect your throat from injuries and burns, avoiding piping hot foods, cigarettes and aggressive liquids
  • eliminate acute and chronic foci of upper respiratory tract infection before the pathogen “settles” on the tonsils
  • in case of attacks of pain caused by allergies, it is necessary to stop contact with the allergen or use antihistamines.

A situation where the tonsils hurt is a symptom that leads to many scenarios - from gargling a couple of times a day to the need for hospitalization. It is very important to listen to your feelings and conduct a thorough examination of your throat so as not to miss serious illness. And if what you see differs in any way from pharyngitis, the only right decision is to see a doctor.


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  • Denisov I.N., Movshovich B.L. General medical practice. - M.: GOU VUNMC Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. - 2001. - 496 p.
  • Denisov I.N. Clinical guidelines for practicing doctors / Ed. I.N. Denisova, V.I. Kulakova, R.M. Khaitova. - M.: GEOTAR-MED. - 2001. - 1248 p.
  • Koufman JA. The otolaryngologic manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): a clinical investigation of 225 patients using ambulatory 24-hour pH monitoring and an experimental investigation of the role of acid and pepsin in the development of laryngeal injury. Laryngoscope, 1991
  • Bartlett J. Respiratory tract infections. Per. from English M.: Binom, 2000: 192 p.
  • Shpynev K.V., Krechikov V.A. Modern approaches to the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis. KMAH, 2007
  • Tonsillitis// EntHealth, 2019. URL: https://www.enthealth.org/conditions/tonsillitis/ (access date: 01/23/2019)
  • Pharyngitis - sore throat }