What does the moon in Pisces mean? Moon Pisces Compatibility

The Moon in Pisces at the time of birth indicates that such people have a strong character, hypersensitivity and impressionability. They are calm, soft, non-conflict, and easily make concessions to others. It is extremely important for them to be in comfort at all times, in any place, since inconvenience is very difficult for them to bear.

Pisces are incorrigible dreamers! They are constantly in their own world, hovering somewhere in the clouds. This is very useful quality for those of them who connect their lives with creative professions: for artists, musicians, designers. But in real life this character trait makes Pisces vulnerable and often helpless in the face of the difficulties they face.

Moon Pisces are rarely aggressive. As a rule, they are pliable and easily make concessions to others. But this is not because they always agree with what is happening, but because of the instability of their own opinion, a lack of understanding of what they really want from life, the inability to defend their ideas and views, and the fear of offending others.

Pisces people are easily vulnerable and dependent on their mood. They react quickly to any stimulus and are not able to look at things simply. If they feel severe discomfort, often withdraw into themselves and remain in this state for a long time. In many cases, these people seem to others to be indifferent, phlegmatic, “with their head in the clouds,” but in reality it all comes from the fact that they are subject to strong emotional experiences.

Pisces are sensitive to the suffering of others, merciful, intuitively understand people, and do not refuse those who need help. Often these are people with an unusual destiny and an amazing life. WITH early childhood they may exhibit phenomenal and psychic abilities, they can heal diseases, as they have strong energy.

If at the time of their birth the Moon was in an unfavorable position relative to the planets, then Pisces will suffer uncontrollable seizures laziness, causeless apathy, inertia. They can be extremely distrustful and suspicious, or, conversely, treat people overly openly and friendly. Those born during this period are romantics and dreamers, idealists and utopians. It is possible that throughout long period in life they will experience financial difficulties.

The Moon in Pisces often negatively affects the tendency to gossip and intrigue, an immoral lifestyle and addiction to bad habits. On the other hand, if there is no negative influence of the planets, people born during this period will be more positive and open, negative qualities will manifest themselves very weakly or be invisible at all.

Such individuals are fickle in friendship, in their sympathy and in love. A Pisces marriage is successful if they find a partner for whom it is not a problem for them frequent change moods and prolonged periods of introversion. Gentle Pisces need love, care and protection, harmony and comfort, so if their other half is able to provide them with all this, “lead,” treat with patience and understanding all the oddities of their chosen one, then, as a rule, such unions happen happy and strong.

For a more successful and calm life, Pisces are recommended to make every effort to choose their favorite activity, find themselves in it and give it as much free energy and time as possible. This way it will be easier for you to get away from your illusions and live a more real life.

Also be more discerning about people. Don't waste all your wonderful qualities on those who don't deserve them. Concentrate on your loved ones, parents, children, surround them with warmth, care and attention, give more positivity and smiles. After all, only they are able to forgive and understand you always!

Below are the views of famous researchers on the influence of the Moon in Pisces ♓ on our lives:

The sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the godly planet. The Moon symbolizes the mind, so a person with the Moon in the sign of Pisces understands the meaning of religious life and has psychic and meditation abilities. Such people are observant and receptive. There is hesitation in their mind, an inability to make a choice. They are sensitive, emotional, sometimes biased. They should not allow their feelings to influence their views and judgments. They are romantic and dreamy, have an easy, compliant character, outwardly somewhat unstable, but having decided on something, they act quite confidently. They are easily influenced by others and should learn to say “no” so as not to be drawn into conflicting actions. Such people kind heart, they are generous, generous and happy to oblige. Often such people can be seen volunteering in charitable societies. Tears easily appear in their eyes. They read and write willingly, and are sometimes absent-minded.
According to Brihad Jataka, a person with Moon in Pisces will “trade seafood or earn money by working in transport. He will enjoy the property of other people, have a beautiful, well-built body, big head. He will love beautiful clothes. Such people are strongly influenced by the other gender, they have very beautiful eyes, light skin faces. They will enjoy the possession of hidden treasure or knowledge valued by ordinary people." These people are beautiful, dignified and trustworthy.

Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Here the Moon is in the sign of the element of Water, visiting Neptune and Jupiter. This appears to be the best position for the Moon.
In general, the presence of the Moon in a water sign gives a very strong intuition, but, as a rule, only superficial intuition; it is associated with the perception of already manifested things that are “on the surface”. And Neptune gives an intuitive comprehension of deep things, hidden secret processes, a feeling of world harmony and ideal. Therefore, you will usually be attuned to the perception of everything deep, hidden and secret; you will most likely have a very rich inner world with very deep feelings. Usually you try to hide the depth of your inner world from others, and in some cases you can be very sentimental. You are quite capable of comprehending the secret meaning of things, have a very good sense of rhythm (because Neptune shows a sense of rhythm and musical harmony). You may have excellent musical abilities, you are likely to be very perceptive and an excellent student in almost any field. Pisces give a deep perception of information, and you usually do not absorb it superficially, but feel its inner harmony, inner essence.
This often happens with occultists and mediums. You seem to be susceptible to hypnosis and can often exhibit mediumistic abilities while in a state of hypnosis, although this may not be observed in a normal state. Unfortunately, among people with the Moon in Pisces there are many alcoholics, drug addicts, and fanatics, since Pisces is associated with a sense of ideal, harmony, and if you do not see this and cannot perceive it, then an inappropriate environment may develop around you, in which case you will strive for compensation and can replace what is missing with illusions crazy ideas(fanaticism) or through chemical substitutes (alcohol, drugs). That is, how to create some kind of artificial state that would become a surrogate for this feeling of harmony in the world. At the same time, you can be very suggestible and attached to loved ones (especially for women). You are most likely also characterized by some internal lethargy, sentimentality and secrecy. You may also be an excellent student or an excellent musician. Women with the Moon in Pisces are very gentle if the Moon is not afflicted.
You are also often capable of selflessness - this position of the Moon is perhaps the only one in which a person is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. In other signs this manifests itself somewhat differently. Not only Pisces, but also people with different positions of planets in signs, even Aries, can go to death, however, for him it will simply be an impulse of action, he is overwhelmed with energy. Capricorn can sacrifice himself to achieve his goal, but not in the name of a specific person, and we were talking now about higher manifestations Moons in Pisces.
Medical contraindications. You are more susceptible to everything infectious diseases, possible foot diseases, deformation bone tissue, bones in the foot area. There may be overgrowth of bone tissue, calluses, increased sweating. The Moon in Pisces can manifest itself in foot injuries and ankle joint, bumps and crooked fingers, growths, tendency to blood poisoning. Any contagious disease can cause you to have blood poisoning, a tendency to edema, and not just your feet. You have a craving for strong drugs, to alcohol and drugs.
During the transit Moon in Pisces, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquids (especially alcohol) - this is unsafe, since there is a connection with the kidneys (Venus is exalted in Pisces). Vulnerable skin increased danger allergies. Surgeries and procedures on the sensory organs, liver and legs are dangerous.
At the same time, you need to walk less, as your legs are more sensitive; you need to wear soft shoes. The danger of fungal diseases is strong. Foot massage is contraindicated water treatments, reception narcotic drugs, medicines.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Increased sensitivity, receptivity to the feelings and thoughts of others. This gives a feeling of mental vulnerability and forces one to isolate oneself for the purpose of self-defense. Tendency towards parapsychology. Lively imagination, which manifests itself in poetry and music. Courtesy, compassion towards others. With bad aspects - they constantly feel insulted, persecution mania, and other neurotic and psychopathic tendencies. Often extreme shyness.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Acute sensitivity, feelings overflow, drowning in endless impressions. The need to be devoted to another person, to feel needed. The woman is romantic, dependent, and needs protection. Sometimes there is a masochistic attachment. The man is vulnerable, looking for a companion who would understand his fears and worries. Tendency to imaginary escape.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Water signs. High sensitivity, ability to respond to the slightest changes from outside. It closes under external pressure, but can give an unexpected reaction. The inner world will reveal itself only in harmonious conditions. Very emotional.
Moon in Pisces, One of the most fulfilling positions is visiting its highest octave - Neptune. The subconscious contains a lot of information about past lives. Strong intuition and rich inner world.
They are characterized by innate lethargy, sentimentality, and secrecy. They are very helpful people, but everyone else wants to help them too. They have fantastic endurance. This happy women, gentle, selfless. These are excellent students and excellent musicians.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

The Moon makes Pisces extremely sensitive to their environment; it must exactly correspond to their evolutionary level, otherwise they become bored and disorderly or suffocate.
An undeveloped Moon gives a capricious and hypersensitive Pisces, which is difficult to deal with real world, and when he doesn’t suit her, she floats off into the boundless expanses of her imagination.
This position of the Moon is typical for subtle natures: poets, artists, musicians, what is called bohemia. They serve the subtle world, and the laws of the gross are not written for them, or rather, they are written, but not the same as for the rest, but which ones they must understand for themselves, so as not to degrade and end up in a madhouse, which is likely with severe defeat.
The high level of elaboration of the Moon in Pisces produces the most subtle mystics (other aspects should indicate this) who are able to reach the highest astral planes.
With defeat and weak energy, there is a great danger of becoming a victim of manipulators, magicians and lower astral entities or programs (so-called mediumship).
Very high flexibility and empathy in communication; Lunar Pisces can lift you to the heights of ecstasy and throw you into the abyss of hellish torment - and sometimes she does this in turn, becoming a good black teacher.
Here, the full development of the Moon in Pisces is extremely difficult, since it requires mastery of a very subtle instrument.
Complex: “I have nothing existentially to rely on in this world.”

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

You are unusually light-hearted, full of sympathy for people, and this understanding of their feelings and needs borders on telepathy. You can't stand it when living creature, be it a person or an animal, suffers before your eyes. Knowing your kindness and responsiveness, people suffering from heartache or who are in a confused state, often turn to you for help. Sometimes they abuse your soft-heartedness.
You have a poetic soul, you love and feel music. Many of your feelings are foggy and vague, so you cannot easily convey what you think about life. It sounds like music is your natural language. In love you are romantic, often in love not so much with the person as with the relationship itself, with this pleasant state.
Hypersensitivity, receptivity to the thoughts and feelings of other people like a sponge, a vivid imagination that manifests itself in poetry and music. Love of travel.
Agreeable, sympathetic, shy and mentally vulnerable, often feel insulted, suffer from delusions of persecution, and if upset, then lack common sense and a sense of humor.
Melancholy, absent-mindedness, neglect of one's appearance, threat mental illness and isolation. All diseases begin through the legs.

Planets in signs. The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash

Kindness, compassion, religiosity or mystery, self-sufficiency, imagination. The Moon in Pisces is sensitive to environmental conditions, therefore it strives not to give in to its position and maintain stable emotional attachments. The ability to pass through the rhythms of the environment creates mental strength and turns out to be very beneficial in the field of music (Bach, Glinka, Schubert, Ravel, Mahler, Respighi, Rimsky-Korsakov). These are people who understand religion well (Pascal, Augustine, M. Luther, Ramakrishna), although not necessarily very religious (Moliere). Sometimes this gives a tendency towards mysticism (Edgar Allan Poe, Hoffmann). The Moon in Pisces predetermines attentiveness to one’s own and others’ psyche, which helps to overcome obstacles and failures fixed by inertia mental processes, similar to the intuitive search of Cancer. The difference is that a feeling is expressed outward when it finds not necessarily a simple, but certainly beautiful shape. Like Leo, the soul for Pisces is, first of all, its own soul (and not a social affiliation, like Sagittarius and Aquarius). Accordingly, she respects others - hence the goodwill. In its spiritual fullness, the Moon in Pisces is somewhat self-sufficient - but this is compensated by its receptivity to changes in the external world and beauty. A person strives to achieve aesthetics in his home; he is attracted to beautiful relationships with people.

Regardless of gender, people with the moon in the sign of Pisces have developed intuition from birth, but if it is not developed, then it remains superficial. But this rarely happens; as a rule, these people voluntarily strive to learn everything about deep level, they see more than others and notice what is often hidden from view ordinary people. Often this position of the Moon indicates the talent of a physician and a medium; they are susceptible to hypnosis, so you need to be careful. However, with negative development, such a Moon gives a tendency to drug addiction and alcoholism, which are very difficult to cure, which is due to the abode of Neptune.

Moon in Pisces for a man

Not the best, since such persons will be far from accepted. This kind of standing gives a lot of sentimentality, increased sensitivity even for a minor reason. But exactly under this moon sign real romantics are born. A huge minus is a strong addiction to alcohol and even drugs, so it’s better to completely eradicate everything connected with this from your life. Such men understand women on an intuitive level and know the answer to tormenting others. powerful of the world It’s just a question of “what do women want.”

These are very family men who will create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere in the house and will take care of children even better than a mother. Aggression is alien to them, they are more often pliable and do not know how to defend their point of view and opinion. Men with the Moon in Pisces tend to withdraw into themselves and it is almost impossible to get them out of this state. They are dreamy and can long time soar in the clouds, compassionate and merciful, they often say about them “he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

Such men can gossip and begin to weave intrigues behind someone else’s back. It is worth recognizing such negative traits as snitching, fraud and leading an immoral lifestyle. If you lead permanent job over yourself, then this may not manifest itself, but you need to be very careful and learn to control yourself. Such men are often indecisive, lazy and suffer from attacks of apathy; they tend to find fault with every little thing and be too trusting, fickle when it comes to friendships and love relationships.

But at the same time, they are reserved, compassionate and very kind. They make wonderful fathers who will never abandon their children to their fate. Those around him treat him favorably. He will never allow anyone to suffer, even if he sees this person suffering for the first time in his life. They need to learn to manage their feelings and emotions so that others cannot manipulate it for their own benefit.

Moon in Pisces for a woman

Moon Pisces are particularly sensitive and tender; they are very creative people who often suffer from excessive indecisiveness. However, in astrology this position of the Moon is considered good. These women are very responsive and will always come to the rescue. Her surroundings pay her in the same coin, so it’s hard to imagine that she will one day be left without support. Moon in Pisces is very reserved and selfless; she likes to learn everything new; her talents often include a penchant for the art of music. It is not easy for such women in the troubles of life, since making a fateful decision is very problematic for her, she will hesitate for a long time and suffer from it. Therefore, such ladies need a strong support at hand, which will take upon itself the solution to all problems that arise.

Moon in Pisces is trusting, which is why she often becomes a victim of scammers, especially in terms of finances. In the life of such a woman, many strange things happen that are difficult to explain in simple language. Even if in appearance she seems strong and self-sufficient, then we should not forget that internally she is very sensitive and vulnerable. It’s very, very easy to make her feel sorry for her; it’s easy to gain her trust and even easier to deceive her. For the sake of helping others, she can take actions that will harm herself. With age, such a woman becomes wiser, gains experience and tries with all her might to hide her hypersensitivity.

Finding herself in a new environment, the Moon in Pisces becomes modest and even shy, which is why others get the impression of her as a follower, but this is not always the case. correct opinion. These girls are compliant by nature; it is easier for them to adapt to the opinions of others than to express, let alone defend, their opinions. If it's brewing conflict situation- she will simply step aside or take a position of neutrality. She tends to worry and worry greatly even about the most trivial things, which is not with the best side affects her health. A woman with the Moon in the sign of Pisces can be compared to a very delicate and fragile flower, which must be handled very carefully, but it is precisely with these qualities that they attract the opposite like a magnet.

Calm, just calm! For it is mental balance and tranquility that are a good prerequisite for maintaining vitality and wellness on the days of the Moon's transit through the last sign of the Zodiac, the sign of Pisces. And efforts will have to be made to maintain mental balance during this period, since in the days of Pisces people become more sensitive, vulnerable and unprotected from negativity from the outside.

Irrational bouts of blues, a feeling of dissatisfaction and rejection of the imperfections of the world around us do not contribute to good health during the days of the Moon in Pisces. There is a persistent and insurmountable desire to escape from pressing problems. Some choose alcohol or drugs as their assistants, blurring the already tenuous connection with reality. Others unexpectedly discover a craving for meditative practices. Still others are simply looking for solitude in order to wait out this difficult period in peace and quiet.

Of course, to maintain good health in the days of Pisces, you must try to fight negative emotions using maximum resources and opportunities. But alcohol (and even more so, drugs!) can only increase vague anxiety and fears, causing bouts of unreasonable self-pity. And from the blues to depression, as you know, the path is short. Often during this period, even quite mentally stable people report sudden mood swings, depression and nightmares.

On the other hand, if you follow a number of simple recommendations, the days of the Moon in Pisces can pass, if not unnoticed, then at least without negative consequences. Be that as it may, you should save your energy during this period, try to avoid communication with unpleasant people, reverse special attention on vulnerable areas of the body and, finally, refrain from abusing not only alcohol and psychotropic drugs, but also medications.

Moon in Pisces and our health

Vulnerable organs: immune system, lymphatic and endocrine system; lower limbs(mainly toes, feet, ankles); skin

Invulnerable organs: autonomic nervous system, eyes (especially the retina), duodenum, small and large intestine; abdominal cavity (spleen, liver, pancreas); circulatory system.

If you get sick during the Moon in Pisces :

Any sane person understands that it does not matter what sign of the Zodiac the Moon is in, but if a chronic sore worsens or if there is sharp and prolonged pain in any part of the body or a specific organ (especially a vulnerable one), you should consult a specialist. However, not every person knows that during the transit of the Moon through the sign of Pisces one should show special caution to ingestion of medications.

So, if we're talking about about the aggravation chronic disease, in the days of Pisces, it is recommended to slightly reduce the usual dose of drugs or start taking their more gentle analogues (after consulting with your doctor, of course). In general, when the Moon is in Pisces, poisoning is not uncommon, and this obliges us to be even more attentive to the quality of medications (pay special attention to the expiration date of the medicine).

If you can't figure out the reasons sharp deterioration well-being in the days of Pisces, it makes sense to pay attention to own dreams. It is during this period that our subconscious acts as a good diagnostician of the state of our body, which is often reflected in the content of our dreams. And although with the Moon in Pisces dreams are rarely calm and peaceful, you should still pay special attention to disturbing dreams and nightmares.

During this period, the disease is unlikely to threaten you if you are a person with iron nerves, a clear conscience and a stable psyche. Then your dreams during this period will be harmonious and beautiful. If, against the backdrop of some aggravated illness, you are tormented by nightmares, there is a high probability that the cause of your feeling unwell– the illness is not physical, but mental. Perhaps the treatment of a disease that manifested itself during the days of the Moon in Pisces will take a lot of time, but one must begin to tune in to a positive mood, drive away dark thoughts, and stop angering God and others immediately.

What not to do:


Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Pisces

“Sadness and melancholy eats me up...” And it’s true: friends, relatives and acquaintances of Lunar Pisces repeatedly hear these words from them. And since they are not able to understand the depths of the psyche of people born under the Pisces Moon, sometimes they themselves and those around them often stop paying special attention to the Pisces Moon’s mood swings. As a result, the latter react sharply to such an attitude, often diluting their complexes, fears, feelings of loneliness and emotional dissatisfaction with alcohol and/or drugs.

Alas, the Moon in Pisces very often “rewards” both men and women born during this period with an unstable psyche, increased sensitivity, suspiciousness and vulnerability. Such a “bouquet” creates favorable conditions for an unhealthy psyche, reduced immunity and susceptibility to various viral and infectious diseases, which are quite often observed in Lunar Pisces.

Attempts to avoid routine, craving for excesses, as well as alcohol and psychotropic drugs do not at all help combat the above-mentioned problems. It would seem that this is not the strongest foundation for the development of a healthy personality... And how can it be strong, if even the lower parts of the legs of Lunar Pisces are vulnerable areas from birth?

Does this mean that most people born under the Pisces Moon are doomed to feel inferior throughout their lives? Not at all. There can be no talk of any damage. On the contrary: nature has made Lunar Pisces sensitive, subtle and, often, highly artistic people.

Their responsiveness and enviable intuition are highly appreciated by those around them. Their romanticism, which is so often lacking in others’ lives, is a kind of outlet for society. And the Lunar Pisces themselves sometimes lack only a little willpower and self-confidence, so that with the help of friendship, active pastime, the right

Moon in Pisces - time to dream

“Why isn’t reality as good as my dreams? Well why people so imperfect, why is everything so complicated in this world? Oh, how I loved him, but he turned out to be unworthy of it! Where are you, my perfect prince? I’ll wait for now, sleep, and when I wake up, maybe the world will change.”

The world will not change unless the person himself changes. But with the Moon in Pisces, you don’t want to change anything about yourself, you’re just too lazy to do anything, put effort into anything. I so want to take care of myself, feel sorry for myself, cry to someone about my sorrows, feel sad by listening to lyrical music. Pisces is a sign of a person’s deep world, the world of his fantasies, that world that is difficult to change through any physical actions. Pisces calls a person to spiritual work on himself, to knowledge of his essence. Coming into the sign of Pisces, the Moon plunges us into the waters of our psyche. On such days we live within ourselves and our internal state one hundred percent determines our behavior and actions. People with heavy souls, burdened with worries and doubts, cry about their problems, suffer because of the imperfections of the world, and blame others for their difficulties. Others inspire optimism and share their ways of solving various life problems.

While the Moon is in Pisces, it is easy to discern a person’s soul and understand what is hidden in its depths. People become mentally open and from this they become vulnerable, easily wounded, suspicious, suspicious, fearing that someone would harm their spiritual body or get into their soul.

On such days, you can hear idealistic discussions about the world, conversations, ideas, plans that are far from reality. We tell each other about our dreams and fantasies, we want what is practically impossible in the earthly world or is given only after successful spiritual practice. Many hope for the fulfillment of the unseen, for a miracle, and if their inner state allows, then a miracle happens to them.

The farther from the beginning of the zodiac, the less and less worldly vanity and the more often the heavens call us to comprehend life. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the most distant from worldly affairs, living by the soul and capable of creating not with hands, but through the transformation of the internal state. When the Moon is in Pisces, many become depressed, unable to change the world with their thoughts and feelings, feeling powerless before the earthly elements. Pisces is a water sign, calling to nourish matter with the waters of the psyche. Those who have realized themselves, understood who they are, why they live, what they are looking for, can these days, with the power of thought and feeling, shape their lives and cause the necessary events. People who do not recognize the existence of the soul deprive themselves of the opportunity to influence their destiny at such a time.

The days of the Moon in Pisces are a difficult period of understanding everything that happened to you over the previous month. Located at the end of the zodiac, Pisces sums things up, makes assessments, and forces us to draw conclusions regarding past achievements and failures. Pisces calls to find the reasons for certain events in the internal state of the person himself. Anyone who is satisfied with himself spends these days in rest, preparing for new achievements.

What to do with the Moon in Pisces?

Pisces is a sign of spiritual service, therefore, with the Moon in Pisces, you need to provide moral support to people and help others perk up their spirit. This good time for reading spiritual literature and any books that can lift your spirits or help you understand yourself. This is a good time to attend church, think about spiritual topics, communicate with believers, people who have chosen a spiritual path in life.

They say that dreaming is not harmful. And indeed, when the Moon is in Pisces, it is even useful to dream, since by dreaming about something, you thereby shape your life. Dreams are one of the ways to control destiny. Try to imagine what you want your life to be like, what you want to become, dream about what is dear to you, what you like, about what you lack for complete happiness, and your dreams will come true. For this to happen, you cannot dream about the same thing over and over again. This needs to be done once, and if possible, presenting in your imagination an accurate picture of what you want in all details.

The Moon in Pisces is a great time for solitude with your favorite book or your own thoughts and feelings. This is a period when it is useful to be alone with yourself or alone with God. This is a time for various spiritual practices, meditation, auto-training, music and other forms of art, or for contemplating and listening to other people's works. This is an opportunity to change yourself, for which it is useful to think about your shortcomings, look for a way to get rid of complexes and develop new abilities. It is absolutely necessary on such days to forgive everything and everyone in order to ease your inner state.

The sign of Pisces is associated with such human abilities as intuition and clairvoyance, therefore, with the Moon in Pisces, you can begin to develop intuition, attend special courses to develop hypersensitivity and foresight abilities. Let your intuition or any person with developed sixth your feeling will tell you what else is beneficial for you to do on such days.

If you are unlucky with the Moon in Pisces - this means you need to turn to your inner world, feel what has a bad effect on your state of mind, traumatizes the psyche, and try to cleanse your life of all this. Problems with the Moon in Pisces may be a consequence of the fact that a person denies the existence of the soul and does not believe in intuition and support from above. In a good way attracting good luck in this case may include visiting churches and other holy places, meditation and prayer.

If the acquaintance occurred during the Moon in Pisces , it can be very useful for polishing your spiritual qualities. You will see and understand each other's souls, you will be able to give each other something necessary for spiritual development. Pisces is a sign of the deep psyche, therefore relationships begun under the Moon in this sign can be deep, understandable only to those who participate in them. It's impossible to talk about here practical benefits relationships, since Pisces are too far from earthly vanity. Business relationships started on such days may not lead to any visible results, unless the activities are related to charity, religion, hospitals and prisons.

Friendship relationships can be more productive, at least friends can understand each other and give useful tips, provide psychological support. If you are in love with someone you met under the Moon in Pisces, then it is very likely that this love will remain platonic or will be so deep that you can feel both the mood and physical condition, and thoughts of your other half.

Difficulties in such relationships are possible due to increased impressionability, suspiciousness, vulnerability, mental disorders people involved in the relationship.

Health and beauty

If your soul is calm, then your health will be normal. When the Moon is in Pisces, try to relax, take a walk in nature, it is especially useful to relax near bodies of water, listen to the sounds of water, and perform water treatments. Listen to meditative music, light lamps with aromatic oils. Aromatherapy is a great way to uplift vitality, improve the condition of the skin with the Moon in Pisces. It is also useful to take baths with fragrant products, with sea salt.

When the Moon is in Pisces, it is not advisable to fast or adhere to a strict diet, as this can lead to nervous disorder, depression. It is not advisable to strain the body physical exercise, it is better to strain your spirit and, with the help of self-hypnosis, achieve the desired physical state.

On such days, the organs and systems controlled by Pisces are vulnerable: ankles, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine, immune system. It is extremely undesirable to influence these organs and systems with potent drugs, and even more so to carry out surgical operations. In general, when the Moon is in Pisces, it is better to do without medications, since at this time there is a high risk drug poisoning. It is also dangerous to work with strong-smelling chemicals.

Improved well-being and appearance at this time, seafood and medicinal cosmetics based on them contribute, mineral water, used for its intended purpose and as a skin lotion. It is especially effective when the Moon is in Pisces to treat organs and systems that are ruled by the sign of Virgo opposite to Pisces: organs abdominal cavity, thin and large intestine(without rectum), bottom part liver, spleen, appendix, duodenum, retina, autonomic nervous system. The organs ruled by Virgo are the least vulnerable under the Moon in Pisces, and during this period it is most safe to perform operations on them.

To be attractive in the days of Pisces, it is better to abandon bright colors in clothes and cosmetics, choose pastel colors, soft, like water, fluffy fabrics, for example, natural silk, fine wool, fur. Jewelry at such times should be made from natural materials, such as shells, mother-of-pearl, pearls and amber, as these organic matter correspond to the sign of Pisces.

Shopping and gifts

Often on such days we are absent-minded, inattentive to earthly affairs, so there is a danger of not taking change, forgetting our purchases in the store, purchasing an impractical item or an overpriced product. For people who are already forgetful and absent-minded, it is better to go shopping during this period with an attentive friend.

When the Moon is in Pisces, you can buy and give anything related to the water element, for example, an aquarium, aquarium plants and fish (including artificial, decorative ones), seafood, sea ​​salt bath products, cosmetics based on seafood, swimming accessories and others aquatic species sports, swimming pool membership, fountains and water purification devices. You can also now buy incense, lamps, religious objects, books of spiritual teachers, CDs with calm music, musical instruments, objects of art and any things that have a calming effect on the psyche. You need to acquire something that is kindred to your soul, something that your soul desires. These are good days for finding a gift for the closest, dearest person who understands you, for the one who saves you from despondency and helps enlighten your consciousness.


The main danger of these days is to fall into despondency due to the discrepancy between reality and dreams. There is no need to give vent to such moods; it is better to come to terms with what you cannot change. When the Moon is in Pisces, people become suspicious, overly emotional, gloomy, whiny and passive, which can lead to the destruction of their inner harmony. Despondency, apathy, depression - dangerous conditions with the Moon in Pisces, since, having arisen at such a time, they can linger for a long time. Protect your soul from everything that is unpleasant to it, drive away bad thoughts and feelings so as not to defile yourself.

Dreams about the state of mind

The depths of our psyche are controlled by the sign of Pisces, and when the Moon is in it, everyone sees in a dream their soul and the states of the souls of other people. If you dream of a calm beautiful dream This means that your soul is peaceful and in a state of harmony. But it is difficult to meet a person with iron nerves and a very stable psyche, therefore, as a rule, dreams during this period are not calm. But no matter what you dream on such days, remember - this is your soul, your inner state, this is what worries your soul or pleases it, grounds or inspires it.

To bad dream didn't come true

Pisces, who govern the deep waters of our souls, can be very restless. Pisces know how to live with their souls, feel the world, but at the same time they can easily drive themselves to a mental breakdown, exacerbating the shortcomings of the world in their imagination. Perhaps, having seen a bad dream during this period, you will understand that you have begun to react painfully to difficulties and troubles, that your soul is sick. To prevent this sign’s bad dream from coming true, instill in yourself the position of a sane person, forget about pessimism, raise your head and boldly go towards possible difficulties.

If on your next birthday the Moon was in Pisces , then up to next day birth, you will be very sensitive, emotional, your soul will be filled with some new, subtle sensations. You will become more sensitive to smells, you may want to purchase certain perfumes, engage in aromatherapy, auto-training, and meditation. You will have a dreamy and contemplative mood, and if life circumstances allow you to be in this state, you will be happy.

In such a year, a person is able to perceive with his soul a lot of different moods and impressions, the inner world is overflowing with feelings and emotions. Often there is a desire to develop spirituality, a desire to get closer to God.

Intuitively, in such a year, a person can determine what kind of relationship he has with the Almighty and how to improve it, as well as how to help people save their souls. In other words, the mood can be very elevated, interest in earthly joys weakens, and one wants to touch eternity.

People around you will look at someone whose birthday fell on the position of the Moon in Pisces as an enlightened person who knows the laws of spiritual life. But if a person shows himself to be a materialist, he may incur public condemnation, fail to see understanding in the eyes of others, and suffer morally.

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