How to understand the solar or lunar zodiac sign. Lunar horoscope by date of birth

When compiling important have all the elements of the starry sky, especially the planets Solar System and the Sun. Particular importance is given to the position of the Moon in the houses of the horoscope and the determination of the Moon Sign of the Zodiac.

The Moon in the horoscope is given the role of the Luminary, comparable in importance to the Sun. If the Sun is our consciousness, the symbol of the father, then the Moon is our unconscious, instinctive. In addition, the Moon is a symbol of the Mother, fertility, fertility, and health.

It is the position of the Moon in the horoscope that we owe to where we are drawn in difficult times. life period- either immerse yourself in work and find solace in it, or go to friends, talk it out, or simply retire to your room, not wanting to see anyone. Or maybe give up everything and go abroad? What we take for granted is actually written in our horoscope, in other words, our natal chart. Astrologers read people's destinies like open books, taking into account, among other things, the Moon sign of the Zodiac and the position of the Moon in the houses of the Horoscope.

Is it so important to know your Moon Sign?

According to the position of the Moon in the horoscope, the relationship of other planets to it natal chart you can determine the preferences, talents, capabilities, fears and phobias of the owner of the horoscope or an insensitive person who doesn’t care about anything. The native's attitude towards his mother, other people, a possible partner or spouse, the very possibility of marriage or the likelihood of divorce, as well as possible reactions person per life situations- this is far from full list what an experienced astrologer can tell about in the Moon.

You can find out the sign of the Moon in the horoscope yourself - a lot

The zodiac sign of a person is usually called the constellation in which the Sun was located at the time of his birth. But in addition to the solar horoscope, there is also a lunar calendar. The constellation to which the Earth's satellite came to visit on the day a person was born will be considered his symbol. Calculate moon sign The zodiac is easy. Enough to know exact time and the person's birthday.

Moving along its heavenly trajectory, The moon alternately sets in one of 12 constellations. Being in each of them shapes the temperament of people born at this time. What exactly this influence will be depends on the sign itself and its characteristics.

Astrologers claim that the location of the Moon in the starry sky at the time of birth directly affects a person’s character. The earth's satellite is responsible for the emotional side of the personality. A person’s reaction to the outside world, his thoughts and experiences are under the power of the Moon. This also includes innate inclinations, as well as those habits that a person acquires in childhood.

The most noticeable manifestations of the moon sign will be in a relaxed atmosphere. When a person does not seek to control his actions, his subconscious reactions become most pronounced.

They are noticeable in a calm environment: on vacation, in the company of well-known people, with family.

Stargazers know that a person's character is formed not only from conscious traits. Personality is also driven by momentary impulses, emotions and unconscious actions. The second sign of the zodiac is responsible for this - the lunar sign. The moon sign is also responsible for interaction with the world, harmony of desires and thoughts, and the ability to use one’s potential.

Calculation of your lunar symbol

You will also need the exact time of birth, since the Moon is in any constellation for only 2-3 days, and the boundaries of the symbols do not coincide with the change of day.

If the time of birth is unknown, it is recommended to enter the value 00:00. In most cases, the moon sign will be determined with an accuracy of 90%.

The city in which a person was born is also important. WITH different points globe the projection of the lunar sky will have a different angle, and, accordingly, the satellite will be in different constellations.

After filling out all the fields, you need to click the appropriate button, after which the service will calculate the location of the Moon on the specified day. Once you know your lunar symbol, you can become more familiar with your own intuition, feelings and emotions. To look into your subconscious, you just need to know the date, month and year of birth.

All zodiac signs are divided into four elements. Each of the elements endows its symbols with certain character traits.

For example, Air element brings in emotional sphere human ease. Earth signs, on the contrary, make the influence of the Moon more practical and pragmatic.

The Element of Air and its charges

The days when the Moon enters the air constellations are special. This is an easy and carefree time filled with joy and fun. Human energy is at its peak at this time. The expended forces are very quickly restored when the satellite visits these signs.

People born at this time are the owners of air moon signs. Each of them manifests itself in a person’s temperament in its own way.

Moon Air signs:

Satellite in the constellations of the Earth

Earth element signs are stable and balanced. Moving into this element, the Moon endows its pets with practicality, balance and pragmatism. Regardless of the sun sign, owners of the Moon in earthly symbols are endowed with wisdom, the ability to calculate and carefully plan their lives. They are also characterized by hard work, perseverance and some conservatism..

Fire symbols and their pets

Being in the constellations of Fire, the Moon endows those born during this period with emotionality and impulsiveness. These are natures with a hot disposition and interesting fate. Finding out where the Moon was at the time of birth and calculating your lunar sign is very important for owners of a Fiery satellite. Since their character is complex, information about it will help the owner to go around sharp corners in relationships with others.

  • Aries. Lunar Aries are hot, impulsive and unrestrained. They are characterized by fiery temperament, when any reaction to the world around us instant and swift. These are individuals who love to compete and argue. Strong, powerful and furious. Lunar Aries is a man of the moment. Momentary desires and whims guide him. He finds well-being in his inner world in the opportunity to lead and improve. In relationships, you always put your desires above the needs of others.
  • Lion. A bright and charming lunar Leo is the star of any team. Communicating with him is a pleasure. These are welcoming and slightly vain characters. They love attention, applause and fans. The actions of the lunar Leo are noble and generous. He understands and accepts the shortcomings of others. He prefers not to notice his own mistakes. In relationships he is extremely faithful, since betrayal is something low and unworthy of his proud nature.
  • Sagittarius. The most optimistic and energetic sign lunar calendar. Sagittarius is charming and sociable. He is always full of ideas and plans. The sign loves life in all its manifestations. He responds to external stimuli actively and ardently, as befits the sign of the Fire trine. Lunar Sagittarius finds peace in change, so his favorite pastime is traveling and all kinds of changes in the environment - repairs, moving, innovations.

Mystical element of Water

Astrologers call the element of Water the most amazing and incomprehensible. If the Moon in the Zodiac sign by date of birth points to a water constellation, an unusual life path. Representatives of this triad are guided by emotions. These are sensitive and vulnerable natures with a rich inner world. Each of the three Water signs can be compared to a body of water. They are all dark and mysterious. But everyone is special in their own way.

  • Cancer. This is a dark pond. Being in this constellation, the Moon is in its House. Therefore, lunar Cancer is characterized by all the brightest features of the Moon. The sign is completely immersed in its experiences. But external factors constantly shake him emotional state. Cancer is receptive and can sincerely sympathize. Faithful friend, reliable comrade. This is a gentle and caring partner in a relationship. However, his character flaw can be considered vulnerability, which often borders on hysteria. This is especially true for women, since in their characters the feminine Moon doubles its strength. Moon Cancer prone to self-examination. He can immerse himself in himself for a long time, renouncing the world. The hermit lifestyle gives him true pleasure.
  • Scorpion. This is a sea whose waters are never calm. The consciousness of the lunar Scorpio is completely absorbed in analytics. He looks for the hidden meanings of events and the mysteries of existence. An outwardly calm and even cold sign hides a storm of emotions. He is vulnerable to the limit. It is generally accepted that Scorpio's emotional wounds never heal. That is why he always remembers what he was forced to endure. I am ready to take furious revenge for negativity. In love he is passionate and sexy. Scorpio does not know fatigue, and in relationships he acts as a source of energy for both partners. Feeling loved, he is ready to do anything for his partner.
  • Fish. Mystical and dreamy Pisces is a tireless river. These are soft and romantic natures with a pronounced feminine principle. Somewhat shy, but instantly open up if they feel sincere admiration. Talented and creative. They deftly adapt to circumstances. They love change if it happens smoothly and comfortably. Moon Pisces in relationships they are caring and tender, but extremely receptive. They tend to get offended by little things, plunging into loneliness for a long time, where they engage in self-flagellation and strengthen their self-doubt. Sharp corners in love they prefer to go around.

The lunar symbol in astrology determines a person’s interaction with the world, his experiences and emotions. It is impossible to control the influence of the moon sign, but it should be taken into account when analyzing personality, as well as when determining love compatibility.

All zodiac signs are divided into four elements:

Element Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;

Element Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces;

Element Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;

Element Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

People of the same element operate with similar values, so signs of the same element are ideal for friendship and partnership.

There is a concept related elements, This Earth - Water And Air - Fire. The signs of these elements may also be suitable for each other for joint partnership and friendship, but here adjustments and some misunderstandings are already possible.

A short description of each of the elements.

Moon in an air sign- days of air and light. It’s more difficult to look at the sky, you want to close your eyes, and even bright rays break through the clouds. These days we feel the energies of the sky, and our strength is quickly replenished if we just stay in the fresh air, take a walk in a field, or other place where there is a good view.

Moon in a water sign- days of moisture. The air becomes more humid, the ground can retain morning dew for a long time. The likelihood of precipitation increases. It is recommended to reduce fluid intake. You can draw energy from a pond, or visit a swimming pool.

When the Moon visits water signs, emotionality, sensitivity, and receptivity intensify. These days are especially suitable for creativity, as they awaken imagination.

Moon in a "fire sign"- warm days. In summer, the heat is especially difficult to bear, and the danger of earning money increases sunstroke, or get burned. The skin loses moisture faster, so staying in the sun for a long time is not recommended. In winter, on the contrary, these days are good to go for a walk, to the forest, or to the skating rink.

It can be especially stuffy indoors; ventilation is required. Moon in fire signs creates a warm emotional background, and we become a little warmer and physical level. These days we are more optimistic and determined to succeed.

Moon in an earth sign- days of cold. At this time in the summer, we can more easily tolerate the heat; coolness blows from the ground. And in winter we freeze more. When going for a walk, dress warmly.

When the Moon is in earthly signs, we feel the energies of the earth better, so we can recommend a trip to the country, a walk in the forest, working with earth, clay, minerals and all natural materials. These days our interests are directed primarily to the earthly plane and ordinary affairs.

Its influence on people born on a given lunar day, also indicate the signs under which this day passes.

And if the sign of Taurus gives the day decisiveness, development, strength, Gemini endows it with duality and contradiction.

The sign of Aries sharpens interest and desire to gain new knowledge.

The Gemini sign, among other things, personifies the unity of mind and spirit - as the path to higher creativity.

The Virgo sign symbolizes external realization.

If the day is associated with the sign of Leo, then it has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, and an animal way of life, on the other, it personifies will, intelligence, nobility, justice, courage, and pride.

What unusual things can you learn from a lunar horoscope? Lunar horoscope by date of birth reflects that side of our personality that we are not aware of. It explains why we do what we do.

The way the Moon affects our feelings depends on its location on the birth chart. Most people have a Moon sign that is different from their Sun sign. This is why many people with the same zodiac sign can be very different from each other. Reading the definition of their sign in the horoscope, they may feel that it is not entirely about them. If you rely only on the sun sign, the picture will not be accurate. The moon sign describes a person's qualities much more accurately. If your moon sign is also your sun sign, then you may find that its characteristics are more pronounced in your character.

The moon rules the heart, stomach, brain, bladder, intestines and left eye. As well as tonsils and fluids in the body. It serves as a reflection of that part of you that obeys instincts. Most people keep this part of themselves hidden.

If your sun and moon signs are compatible, they can work together to help you get out of trouble and achieve your goals. If they are incompatible, you may feel conflicting desires or be at odds with yourself to some extent. For example, if your moon sign is Gemini, chances are your emotions are very volatile and you get nervous easily. At the same time, people around you may judge you for this, which can embarrass you. A person with a Scorpio moon sign can also be very nervous, but he has a habit of hiding it. However, for the latter big problem may be envy. People with the Moon in Aries are stubborn, aggressive and can be difficult to control. It's great if they can give a way out negative emotions during physical activity.

Our moon sign also offers insight into how to look inside the mind, to where the child lives within a person.

Free lunar horoscope by date of birth

Person's date and time of birth:

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November Dec BR 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 19 73 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1 998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Find your moon sign

By finding out what your moon sign is, you will be able to understand yourself much better, and you will also learn how internal processes occur. Use our free lunar horoscope calculation by date of birth to find out your sign. To do this, you will need your date of birth and time of birth. Since the Moon moves through each sign very quickly (about 2-1/4 days), the time of birth is very important. If you don't know what time you were born, you can set your birth date to first 12:01 and then 23:59. If both of these times correspond to the same sign, then you are lucky. If they are different, read the definitions for both lunar signs; based on the characteristics, you can understand which sign best suits your character. Also, it is necessary to take into account that calculations are carried out according to Moscow time - try to bring your time of birth to Moscow time by adding or subtracting the corresponding time difference.

Moon Zodiac Signs

Everyone knows very well their zodiac sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun relative to the zodiac constellations at the moment of our birth. We are accustomed to reading horoscopes based on this calculation; hundreds of books have been published describing the common traits inherent in people born in a certain period. But few people know that there is also a so-called Lunar horoscope, which is compiled based on the position in the sky of this Earth satellite at the moment of our birth.

The Moon stays in the signs of the zodiac for no longer than 2 - 3 days in each of them. Star Lunar month- this is the time interval during which the planet passes through all 12 zodiac constellations. Its length is 27.3 Earth days. Being in each sign, the Moon changes its characteristics and, accordingly, its influence on various processes occurring on Earth, including on people, their behavior, habits, emotions, character, changes.

If the Sun is responsible for the formation of “visible” human qualities (such as character, willpower, perseverance in achieving a goal), then the Moon in the zodiac influences our unconscious: sensitivity, intuition, emotions, impressionability, reflexes, instincts, habits. In other words, it determines a person’s reactions to the world, those processes that happen to us faster than our thoughts are formed. It also has a strong influence on changes in our mood and on the formation of a person’s type of behavior.

Whether a person will be endowed with extraordinary abilities (for example, clairvoyance) depends on what zodiac the Moon was in at the time of our birth. Often it is the location of the Moon that determines how sensitive a person is to the energies of the cosmos, how much he perceives their changes, how strong his intuition is and the ability to positively or negatively influence others.

The moon is a symbol of the soul, a conductor between the material world and the spiritual world. By itself, this planet does not create or radiate anything. It would be more correct to say that it is a connecting link, a conductor and a reflector of energies.

It is also interesting that the Moon affects men and women differently. She is often associated specifically with the feminine principle, with a woman-mother. It has a greater influence on the feelings of men and on the rational principle of women. For men's horoscopes, this planet is very important at the beginning of life, for women - in its second half.

If the Sun for men correlates with right side body and organism, and for women - with the left, then with the Moon everything is absolutely the opposite: for men it influences left side, whereas for women - on the right.

Since the Moon is our emotions, it most directly affects our relationships with others, how easily and quickly we can find contacts with people, how strong and trusting our relationships with loved ones are. It is not surprising that the Moon in the zodiac plays extremely important role in love. A wonderful fact: the strongest and most long-term relationships between people are possible when the Moon is in the same position in a woman’s horoscope. zodiac sign that the man has the Sun. For example, if he has the Sun in Virgo, and she has the Moon in Virgo, this couple has an excellent chance of living a long and happy life together, since their couple will have complete harmony, trust and mutual understanding.

The influence of the Moon on a person depends on its position in the zodiac sign. If you feel that you are constantly in conflict with yourself, you are worried about internal contradictions - study the position of the Moon in the zodiac at the time of your birth and the current position of the Moon in the zodiac.