Moon in my zodiac sign. Moon zodiac sign

In astrology, the zodiac is the belt of twelve constellations through which the Sun passes throughout the year. We have all long been accustomed to calculating our character, our destiny and forecasts for the near future, depending on what sign we were born under. It turns out that not only the Sun, but also the Moon “travels” in the zodiac signs. But she is in each sign for a much shorter period of time, only 2-3 days. A person’s daily horoscope depends on what sign the Moon is in today, and the lunar sign by date of birth influences our character.

Moon in Zodiac Signs Moon in Aries Sign

In the house of Mars - the god of war and struggle. On the throne of the Sun - the ruler of creativity, energy, light, joy, consciousness. In the element of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Aries, the active principle takes advantage...

Moon in Taurus

In the house of Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and finance. On the throne of the Moon, which is associated with tenderness, motherhood, and the subconscious. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Taurus, the peaceful,...

Moon in Gemini

Visiting Mercury - the god of trade and science. In the element of Air. Emotions and behavior. Emotions are quick, easy, changeable, superficial. Most of the attention is from material things, the body, emotions (as it was under the Moon in...

Moon in Cancer

The moon is in its house. On the throne of Jupiter. In the element of Water. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Cancer, it finds itself in its own house, making the work of the subconscious more active. She protects traditions, home, family. IN..

Moon in Leo

In the house of the Sun - the god of love, joy, creativity, awareness. On the throne of Pluto - the god of magic, sexual, transformational energies, influence on others, power. In the element of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters a sign...

Moon in Virgo

In the monastery of Mercury - the god of science and trade. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Virgo, a concrete and pragmatic approach takes advantage. Much more attention is paid to the little things. This -..

Moon in Libra

In the house of Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and wealth. On the throne is Saturn - the god of legality, responsibility and strength. In the element of Air. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Libra, we once again begin to seek elegance and...

Moon in Scorpio

In the house of Mars - the god of masculinity and war; in the house of Pluto - the god of death and rebirth, magic, sexual energy, passion. On the throne of Uranus (in exaltation) - the god of providence and change. In the element of Water. Emotions and behavior...

Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in Capricorn

In the house of Saturn - the god of time, patience, asceticism and trials. On the throne is Mars - the god of will, swiftness, and courage. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. The emotional background during this period is one of the most stable... continue →

Horoscope for 2019 is a professional personal horoscope for the current year by date of birth. You yourself can choose one of three semantic text interpretations, in accordance with your interests - business, health or love - family. When forming a horoscope, not only descriptive texts are generated, but also a table of aspects of the planets, where the aspects themselves are shown with colored lines. The color of the lines corresponds to the nature of the aspect: red - tense, green - harmonious. At the same time, tense aspects bring problematic situations and stimulate action, while harmonious aspects bring easy situations and luck. Blue color - describes planetary connections, which can be either tense or harmonious (read the text of the aspects). To view the horoscope for the year for past or future periods, you can use the paid Forecast Horoscope.

Tarot Horoscope is a zodiac horoscope that combines the accuracy of modern astrology and the centuries-old wisdom of Tarot cards. For a long time it was believed that the images on the cards have a complex interpretation from an astrological point of view, but after analyzing the life path of many great and famous people, astrologers were able to uncover the mystery of the Tarot cards and draw a parallel between their meaning and the position of the Sun in the horoscope of a person’s birth. Draw up a free Tarot horoscope and the “secret knowledge” will be revealed: you will find out under the sign of which Tarot card you were born, and what sacred meaning your life path has.

Love horoscope allows you to answer how suitable people are for each other in matters of love and intimacy. Like the compatibility horoscope, the spiritual aspects of human relationships are also considered here. Aspects of sexual compatibility of partners may appear in the texts, or there may be no information at all - such aspects are not present in all horoscopes. There are three planets that determine the sexual compatibility of partners - Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If a couple has connections between these planets, then the couple has what we call "Sexual Aspects", and this is a very reliable indicator of whether this man and woman are suitable for each other. Only one in a thousand couples has three or more of these aspects.

Horoscope by date of birth is a free, accurate horoscope with a psychological portrait, an astrological description of a person’s personality, from the point of view of the location of the planets of our solar system at the moment of birth. The planets, being in different Zodiac Signs, endow you with certain character traits and thereby lay the foundation of your destiny. A more complete version - An individual horoscope will also tell you which zodiac houses the planets were in at the time of your birth and what connections (aspects) they formed with each other, thereby creating a unique star pattern of your personality. This drawing, which has the astrological name “natal chart,” is the key to understanding your destiny and purpose.

The well-known astrological one comes in two types: solar and lunar. Each of them represents 12 zodiac signs, the difference is only in the period of their influence.

In a solar horoscope, each sign rules for 30 calendar days, while the Moon travels from one sign to another every 3 days. Only once a month is the Moon in the same sign with the Sun, this is the time of the new moon and two days before it.

What does the moon sign say?

in the astrological horoscope reflects the spiritual world and life values ​​of a person. It shows exactly how each sign will react in a specific situation. Some are quick-tempered, some are silent, one will get into trouble, and the other will be captive of his own thoughts throughout his life. The lunar horoscope shows how sociable, educated, talented and open to everything new a person is.

The moon represents the feminine principle in a person - it is care and a desire to support one's neighbor. She is responsible for such qualities as intemperance, impressionability and the ability to empathize with people. Belonging to one or another lunar zodiac will tell you how others will treat a person. The lunar horoscope indicates what you should devote your life to, in what area success awaits, and what you should not get involved with at all.

The influence of the Moon is strongest in the signs of Cancer and Pisces, and weaker in Virgo and Capricorn. Everyone else got the golden mean. An unfavorable position of the planet may indicate a soft character, a lack of personal opinion and goals in a person. Such people throughout their lives need absolute care and if they cannot find a worthy companion, they wither and withdraw into themselves.

How to define it?

In order to determine your zodiac sign in the lunar horoscope, you need to know not only your full date of birth, but also the time and place. The time must be accurate, because otherwise there may be an error in the calculations. Location is also important, since the satellite's position in the zodiac signs will largely depend on latitude and longitude.

To calculate your moon sign you can use:

  • Table calculation of lunar days.
  • Lunar calendar for the year of interest, the cycle repeats every 19 years, so if you haven’t found the one you need, then add 19 to the year of interest and refer to this calendar.
  • Cosmogram calculating stellar latitudes using Ephemerides.


    Lunar Aries.

    A person born in this sign is very impulsive and emotional. It often seems to others that he is not at all familiar with such terms as restraint and rational approach. He makes almost all his decisions based on his instincts and instincts. They easily give in to new ideas, they can take on several things at once, but they don’t give up what they start. They will try to the last, no matter how hard it is, until they achieve the desired result.

    In love, representatives of this zodiac very quickly begin to get tired of their partner. They constantly need new emotions and sensations, and not just one normal person is simply unable to endure such a rhythm of life. Therefore, they change companions quite often until they find someone who will unquestioningly tolerate all their antics.

    Lunar Taurus.

    People of this sign very calm and balanced. They are difficult to confuse or unsettle even in the most unusual situations. Throughout his life, Lunar will strive to feel absolutely safe. He is very stubborn, does not know how to admit his own mistakes, which is why it is quite difficult for him to make friends.

    The life of Lunar Taurus is stable and measured. They have a negative attitude towards any risk, even justified, but it only benefits them.

    In his personal life this the sign is romantic and sentimental. Having met his soul mate, he will be infinitely devoted to her, which is why he himself often suffers. Few people are able to appreciate the love and loyalty of Lunar Taurus, since he is not used to sharing his thoughts and feelings with someone. This is a man of action. He will find a thousand ways to prove his love to you, but he is unlikely to tell you about it personally.

    Lunar Gemini.

    The most sociable and cheerful zodiac in the lunar horoscope. He will radiate optimism and inexhaustible energy 24 hours a day. Often does not finish what he starts because he is unable to fully concentrate on one activity. He is naturally inquisitive and can show irritation and whims with close people.

    Moon Geminis often are restless, which is why they have problems with the nervous system. Sometimes they are cruel to others. Without hesitation, they break off relationships with people if something doesn’t suit them.

    In relationships with the opposite sex, they often choose a partner who strongly attracts them sexually. They may not pay attention to appearance, intelligence, character, and trust their first impression. They do not like to be bound by obligations; they are reluctant to get married. They will trust their loved one unconditionally, but are fickle in their love.

    Moon Cancer.

    Moon Cancer is an egoist. He is so immersed in his own thoughts and experiences that he may not consider the feelings of other people. The representative of this lunar sign always knows what he wants from life, is confident and purposeful.

    He cannot always achieve his goal, but not from a lack of diligence, but only because he raises the bar too high. Moon Cancer is the soul of any company when he is in a good mood. He has a wonderful sense of humor, is hospitable, and does not like global changes.

    When communicating with his significant other, he often resorts to manipulation. Before committing himself to a serious relationship, he tries to thoroughly study his partner in order to protect himself and his life from any surprises. Lonely Moon Cancer completely trusts the organization of his personal life to friends and relatives. Rarely shares personal experiences with anyone, even if it’s a loved one.

    Lunar Leo.

    Lunar Leo simply cannot live without the attention of others. In a large company he feels like a fish in water, easily makes new connections and uses them without a twinge of conscience. This zodiac is a born leader and this can be seen in all areas of his life.

    For Lunar Leo the material aspect is very important. To ensure complete prosperity for himself, he can work for days, forgetting about his family and personal life. Representatives of this sign are very proud and independent people. It is difficult to force them into any framework; they will always try by any means to adjust the rules to suit themselves.

    Love is not easy for Lunars. They practically do not accept compromises, often do not take into account the opinions of others, and try to control their partner in everything.

    They will never open feelings if they are not sure of their reciprocity. They behave reservedly and sarcasticly with their loved one, sometimes their jokes are inappropriate, but you shouldn’t even try to explain this to them. But in any difficult situation, this sign will become support and support for your soulmate.

    Moon Maiden.

    In the lunar horoscope of Virgo very down-to-earth natures, have an analytical mind, neat and attentive. Before taking on any business, they can spend weeks weighing the pros and cons, comparing desires with possibilities and assessing risks. Moon Virgo seeks simplicity and harmony in her life.

    She often seems indifferent and insensitive to others, but this is only due to her enormous self-control.

    In relationships with a loved one, this zodiac has a very difficult time. They tend to trust no one but themselves, so the partner has to put up with their jealousy and frequent discontent. But if the Moon Virgo truly falls in love, she will become a devoted, gentle and caring life partner.

    Lunar Libra.

    In communicating with others, representatives of this sign like to argue. Any little thing can be the subject of discussion; the process itself is important to them, during which they will foam at the mouth to defend their point of view as the only correct one.

    They often lack confidence in their own abilities, which is why they suffer from sudden mood swings. They don’t know how to control their emotions, everything is immediately reflected on their face. Lunar Libra is a born family man. Only next to their partner do they feel at ease.

    They will provide their companion with all possible support and care as long as they see that their efforts are not in vain. Aggression and any pressure in relationships are not acceptable. They never enter into open conflicts; they immediately withdraw into themselves, and if you manage to offend them, they will act on the sly.

    Lunar Scorpio.

    Scorpios in the lunar horoscope are emotional and liberated people. They perfectly sense the mood of those around them, which is why they are prone to manipulation and intrigue. They are very active in life, like to take initiative and are maximalists. They categorically do not accept half measures; they often experience feelings of envy, which is why they have rather difficult relationships with loved ones.

    In their personal lives, Lunar Scorpios are jealous, but soft-bodied. Having fallen in love with a person, they will seek his attention in every possible way. They conquer their soul mate with unprecedented diligence and physical attractiveness. This zodiac has an almost mystical sexuality, which it often uses in relationships with a loved one. A storm of emotions is constantly raging inside him; every minute next to his partner he will analyze and calculate his behavior.

    Lunar Sagittarius.

    A very cheerful zodiac sign. Such a person loves to improvise, so he never plans anything. Not an idealist or a romantic. In communicating with loved ones he is straightforward and impatient to the point of rudeness., but with unfamiliar people he tries to be as sociable as possible.

    They often like to brag about their own merits to others. Can become two-faced and secretive, if personal benefit requires it. In relationships with a loved one, Lunar Sagittarius rarely takes a leading position.

    He loves peace and simplicity, will rely on his soul mate in everything until he receives a kick from her in the appropriate place. That’s when he begins to act and fuss, but having settled the next situation, he again plunges into a kind of hibernation, allowing everything to develop as usual.

    Lunar Capricorn.

    Lunar Capricorn is man of moods. Within one day he may become depressed, and after a couple of hours he will laugh and joke. Throughout their lives, they strive for the approval of others and always try to look respectable.

    They prefer an organized approach to work and are pedantic in financial matters. They categorically do not accept negativity from the outside and are even afraid of it, so they avoid conflicts and disputes by any means.

    In their personal lives, Lunar Capricorns are very patient. Treat your loved one with care, show care and attention to his interests and goals. They never forget about their own needs, however, if they run counter to joint plans, they can easily sacrifice them. They seek trust and devotion from their companion, and often become participants in love triangles.

    Lunar Aquarius.

    Lunar Aquarius is unremarkable at first glance, but this is a mistaken impression. It is created from the fact that representatives of this sign are excellent pretenders. They, like the ocean before a storm, can remain calm and indifferent for hours, and then explode in a storm of emotions in one moment.

    It is difficult for others to understand Aquarius, so they have a rather limited circle of friends, which frustrates them very much. Always feel a strong need to be independent, both from others and from circumstances. But if in the first case they can do it easily, then in the second they have to work hard.

    They are proud of their loved ones. Lunar Aquarius has few of them, so they deeply value everyone. In love, this sign will always protect its personal space. He rarely discusses personal topics with his significant other and pays more attention to everyday problems.

    Lunar Pisces.

    Moon Pisces can easily predict other people's actions and decisions. They have almost extrasensory intuition, which is why others treat them with suspicion and distrust. They are easily attracted to new ideas, but quickly lose interest in them. By nature, Lunar people are dreamers. They tend to idealize close people, which often results in them being disappointed in them.

    In love, people born under this sign They try to avoid routine in every possible way. They will constantly pamper and surprise their partner; their imagination may seem inexhaustible. But, without receiving reciprocal attention, they quickly fall into a depressed state and withdraw into themselves.

Each person can easily determine the solar sign of the Zodiac by his date of birth. To find out your Moon sign, it is advisable to know not only the date and year, but also the time of your birth. Indeed, on the same lunar day, the Moon can pass through two signs of the Zodiac at once, leaving one sign and entering another. The moon stays in one zodiac sign for 2–2.5 days.

If you know the estimated time of your birth, then focus on the time of day - night (from 21.00 to 03.00), morning (from 03.00 to 09.00), day (from 09.00 to 15.00), evening (from 15.00 to 21.00).

If you absolutely do not know the time of your birth, take 12:00 noon as your reference point.

Now refer to the Lunar calendar (See Appendix) and find the year, date and time of your birth in the table. In the corresponding column you will see the position of the Moon in your zodiac sign. For example, you were born on April 24, 1983 at 20.00. According to the solar horoscope you are Taurus, according to the lunar horoscope you are Virgo.

Sometimes the time of birth coincides with the transition of the Moon from one zodiac sign to another (it occurs every 2.5–3 days). For example, you were born on April 24, 1983 at 10:03 pm. This is the time of the Moon's movement from Virgo to Libra. In this case, your characteristics will contain features of both signs, sometimes contradicting each other.


Don't forget to convert local time to Moscow, which is shown in the calendar. For example, if you were born in Novosibirsk at 16.30, then your result will be 12.30 Moscow time (since the difference with Moscow is 4 hours).

Lunar Aries

General characteristics of the position of the Moon in the sign of Aries

Aries (Aries) is the first sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope.

The element of the sign is Fire.

The ruling planet is Mars.

Favorable colors are crimson, purple, crimson.

Luck stone – amethyst, aquamarine, diamond.

The part of the body corresponding to the sign is the head.

Lunar Aries endows a person with activity, activity and impulsiveness. People born in Lunar Aries have energy, tirelessness, stubbornness and natural ardor.

The characteristic appearance of Lunar Aries is a thin, elongated body, deep-set brown or gray eyes, a large nose, thin lips, and a reddish tint to the hair.

Famous personalities born under the sign of Lunar Aries: Alexander Pushkin, Bella Akhmadulina, Giuseppe Verdi, Alain Delon, Richard Sorge, Marina Tsvetaeva.

Psychological portrait of a person with the Moon in the sign of Aries

Lunar Aries are very emotional and irritable. They can flare up easily, but always cool down quickly.

They often seem arrogant and touchy to others. In fact, true romantics are hidden under the rough shell. People born under the sign of the Moon Aries can be calm and kind, but they are not always reasonable and have difficulty admitting their guilt and settling relationships.

In expressing their point of view, Lunar Aries are sharp, straightforward and frank. They will not remain silent, even if it disagrees with public opinion. The reaction of other people to their behavior is of little concern to Aries Moons. For them, the main thing is to achieve justice.

In addition, the Moon endows Lunar Aries with leadership qualities. They try to be the first in everything. It is important for them to achieve success here and now. In achieving their goal, Lunar Aries are unshakable and go ahead. Inexhaustible energy and optimism help them in this.

Life in Lunar Aries is always in full swing. They attract other people with their brightness and originality. Lunar Aries love to do noble deeds and selflessly rush to help. This gives them a feeling of self-satisfaction. Lunar Aries do not expect gratitude for help and are absolutely selfless in their charity. But at the same time, people of this Moon sign are very trusting and are often disappointed in people, which leads them into a state of depression. True, the thirst for life does not allow them to remain in a depressed mood for long. They quickly come to their senses and are ready for new achievements.

Lunar Aries man

The Moon gives the Lunar Aries man self-confidence and energy. He is always full of ideas and strives to implement them at any cost. And in this he is often lucky. The main thing for a Lunar Aries man is to be first in everything. He will not listen to anyone, even if he is wrong. The Lunar Aries man is bold and impulsive. He does not recognize authorities and power over himself. Rather, he tries to subjugate others.

The Lunar Aries man is sometimes simply unbearable because of his selfishness and inflexibility. But meanwhile, he delights with his inexhaustible energy, goodwill and love of life. The Lunar Aries man is honest and incapable of deceit. He is simple-minded, loves compliments and is great at giving them himself.

The self-confidence of Lunar Aries is sometimes feigned. And behind it hides a vulnerable soul. The Lunar Aries man will never admit his weaknesses and doubts.

With age, the Lunar Aries man becomes more restrained in his emotions, less straightforward and trusting.

In relationships with women, the Lunar Aries man has a hard time. He is very hot-tempered and intolerant of comments, always trying to defend his independence and freedom. He often torments his chosen one with attacks of jealousy.

The Lunar Aries man is not slow in expressing his feelings. But easy prey is not for him. He loses interest in a woman who quickly reciprocates Lunar Aries's feelings. Although excessive coldness can also push away Lunar Aries. He is attracted to modest, timid people who know how to listen and are equal to him in intelligence.

Lunar Aries especially values ​​femininity. He must be sure that his chosen one is the best. She should always be well-groomed, beautiful and cheerful. Moreover, Aries should under no circumstances know how much effort this is given to his partner.

At the same time, the love of this sign is a real godsend for a woman. Lunar Aries gives himself entirely to his chosen one. He doesn’t know how to pretend, so he loves sincerely and devotedly, without tricks or deception. He surrounds his woman with admiration, care and tenderness. In addition, Lunar Aries is an excellent lover, although he often doubts his sexual capabilities. But if the partner disappoints Aries, he will not pretend and will break off the relationship himself.

Lunar Aries woman

The Moon endows the Lunar Aries woman with business qualities. She is always active, energetic and proactive. She has a lot of vanity and conceit.

Lunar Aries woman has a strong masculine character. She doesn't wait for anyone's help or support. She never complains and does not tolerate those who constantly shed tears. The Lunar Aries woman solves all problems herself. She is very assertive and gets things done. It's hard to get her to go astray.

The Moon Aries woman always strives for leadership and does not trust others to do what she can do herself. It is impossible to deceive and outwit her.

At the same time, the Moon endowed the Lunar Aries woman with a beautiful figure and attractiveness. Even in her old age she looks great. Lunar Aries woman loves compliments about her appearance. But she is always able to expose insincerity. But she does not accept sympathy and pity.

In a love relationship, the Lunar Aries woman is not everyone's cup of tea. She strives to dominate. And although there are always many men around her, the Lunar Aries woman prefers to choose herself and take the initiative. She does not expect an immediate manifestation of feelings from her chosen one and can take a long time to win the object of her love. A truly Lunar Aries woman will appreciate a man who will support her love of freedom and independence, will admire her and adore her. But at the same time, her chosen one should not meekly carry out all orders. In sex, she needs a passionate, primitive and sometimes rude partner who is able to respond to her inexhaustible energy.

The Lunar Aries woman is particularly faithful. But she must always feel loved. The Lunar Aries woman cannot live without romance, although she never shows that she needs it.

In love, the Lunar Aries woman is the owner. She is constantly jealous of her man, does not tolerate any secrets and can easily start a scandal. True, he quickly moves away and does not hold a grudge. But if she finds out about the betrayal of her chosen one, she will not hide her feelings and will immediately report the breakup directly.

However, the Lunar Aries woman is quite independent and can do well without men.

Lunar Aries child

The Moon endows the Lunar Aries child with cheerfulness and restlessness. He has a lively mind and a rich imagination, sticks his nose in everywhere, cannot sit in one place for a minute, quickly switches from one thing to another and does not finish what he starts. Therefore, it is simply impossible to force a Lunar Aries child to do one thing.

Children born in Lunar Aries are very stubborn and headstrong. They perceive any restriction as punishment. The Aries Moon child always acts impulsively and selfishly. He doesn't worry about his parents' feelings and loves to be first in everything.

In addition, the Lunar Aries child is a very enthusiastic person. If he is doing an interesting job, he may forget about what he was assigned. Therefore, at school he will most likely do well only in his favorite subjects.

Under no circumstances should a Lunar Aries child be forced to do anything, much less shout at him. This will only cause a negative reaction, since children born in Aries Moon cannot tolerate violence. You need to communicate with them calmly, tactfully and explain everything logically. It is important to describe the child’s responsibilities and monitor their implementation. His mother always has a special place in his life, and her influence is very strong.

To give an outlet to a child's violent energy, you can enroll him in a sports section, dancing, etc. It is important to ensure that the Lunar Aries child receives proper rest, since his nervous system is constantly excited.

Parents need to learn to promptly notice their children’s ailments. Because they resist any attempts at treatment and often carry the disease on their feet.

In astrological culture, the concept that a person is influenced by all the planets of the solar system is taken as a basis. Moreover, the planets closest to the earth (stars or satellites) have the greatest influence. The moon has the greatest influence on the child - especially if it is stronger than the natal sun.

The moon represents what is in your comfort zone: feelings, instincts, emotionality, openness, callousness. It is very good if your natal sun and moon work together - such a person feels whole.

Fill out the lunar horoscope form and determine which lunar day you were born on - the interpretation of the lunar day is below.

Year: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Day 1 As a rule, they live to a ripe old age, especially if their individual horoscope does not contain any bad influence of the following planets: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and sometimes Neptune. All their lives they are a little children: like children, they are always waiting for something, dreaming. They begin to act very energetically and brightly. Capable of accomplishing a feat.

2nd day They grow safely. They have a strong physical component. They do not need any special diet. Rarely are they full. They have a worldly mind. They become attached to loved ones and property. In a good case, this turns into devotion and thriftiness. If it's bad, it can develop into greed and predatory behavior.

3rd day In the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, they are not distinguished by longevity. They can become good athletes, military men, and also succeed in any area where drive and determination are needed.

Day 4 They can grow up to be big egoists or even self-centered. Parents will have to use all their strength and skill to guide them on the right path. They are carriers of some kind of cosmic secret: from childhood they are not entirely clear to others. As well as ourselves. But if they manage to solve their inner mystery, they become amazing people.

Day 5 Transform food into physical and astral energy. Heroes and saints may be born, but without serious outside help they are short-lived. Partially they can be helped by a good configuration in the birth horoscope with a strong Jupiter, Venus or the Sun. A distinctive feature of people of this day is fussiness, they do not get fat.

6th day They will live a long and fruitful life, leaving behind a tangible mark. Those born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy. They have a rich inner world. Visionaries and dreamers. They really don't like pressure. Freedom is valued in relationships.

Day 7 They will enjoy good health. These people are weathervanes, superficial and indefatigable collectors of gossip. They grow up either to be good speakers, public figures..., or to be gossips and very superficial people.

8th day A child born on this day is not destined for external beauty, so he will be able to attract the attention of his superiors, the surrounding world and the public only with his intelligence and knowledge, as well as diligent work, conscientiousness and goodwill. These people are often very original. There are wonderful artists. They have the ability to be reborn.

Day 9: They will live a long and fruitful life. They are often unhappy: they need to constantly clean themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral. They may be in poor health, but if they perceive it as a challenge. If they fight for internal and external purity, then their problems will become a new step in development.

Day 10 They are finding new sources of energy for themselves; many are turning to them for help as a source of strength. They often have a close relationship with their parents. Receive strength from them and repay their debts. They will really love trips and hikes, business trips and travel. Those of them who follow the lower path are selfish, superficial, and often suffer from cancerous tumors, men - prostate diseases.

11th day They will be endowed with good mental abilities, live a happy, fruitful life and live to a ripe old age. They are very strong, talented, witty, and at the same time almost unpredictable.

12th day On this lunar day, merciful, often very kind people are born. They may face a lot of suffering. But they are also given the strength to get through them. Subsequently, they may limp either due to a congenital physical defect, as a result of an accident, or due to an illness.

Day 13 Very good students. They often have unusual abilities. They can live to a ripe old age.

14th day As a rule, fate will patronize them. They have a calling. They are characterized by a longing for authority, adaptability, the ability to disguise themselves, intelligence and cunning, and the ability to lead people along. They are ready for heroic deeds, internally pure, rather sterile, and very fastidious.

15th day They are often too amorous, which is why they can suffer greatly both morally and financially. They succumb to all astral and carnal temptations. Often very talented.

16th day They will have good health and live a long, fruitful life. They love white and purity, with a penchant for blues and silvers. They don't judge others. Their symbol is the stairway to heaven, indicating the difficult path of ascent. At the first stage of their spiritual advancement they hear nothing; at the second and third stages they come to understand the language of plants and animals. They have a strong imagination. They are gentle dreamers. They love nature very much. They achieve a lot in their lives and enjoy well-deserved respect.

17th day They will be happy and prosperous. They really need their other half. They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of pair polarity, otherwise they will be pathetic and weak in life. If they find them, they become very wise and strong people.

Day 18 Individuals walking the high path. These are creative personalities, capable of self-sacrifice, heroic deeds, and at the same time can remain modest and unnoticeable, healers. They will be hardworking and efficient. Subsequently, prosperity, even wealth, awaits them. Those born on this day with the talent of an actor (usually a comedian) see the world upside down and take everything to the point of absurdity. They often become entangled in their illusions and begin to spare neither the right nor the wrong. They need to fight selfishness.

Day 19 They grow normally and safely. At the lowest level, insidious people are born, cunning people, flatterers who skillfully weave their networks, or losers, or lone creators who are not understood by the world. But if they overcome vices and pride, they will gain wisdom and longevity. At the highest level, these are people with high moral qualities, selfless, modest, bringing goodness and light.

Day 20 They live in constant anticipation of a flight, and are very prone to astral travel. The best people of this day are devotees who sacrifice themselves for the cause. At a low level, fate rewards those born on this day with an evil and unyielding character, which parents have to fight with from the cradle. Such people become false teachers, dictators, but often they are creative people. They tend to tower over those around them, in both good and bad ways.

Day 21 They will be distinguished by their hard work, efficiency, patience, restraint, and self-control. In their lowest form, they can be indomitable pride, not noticing anything in a blind rush towards the goal, trampling others. In the highest version, these are pure and honest knights, strong in spirit, defenders of justice. They are marked by hard work and efficiency, patience and restraint.

Day 22 They will be gifted, honest and active people, but they are often characterized by some cynicism. They will live to a ripe old age. In their highest manifestation, they are the keepers of wisdom and traditions, capable of penetrating the meaning of all things and comprehending any science. At the bottom are conservatives, marked by a lack of dynamics in their worldview, convinced of their monopoly on truth.

Day 23 They will not be distinguished by external beauty, so much in their lives will depend on the knowledge they receive, human kindness and their attitude towards the world around them. People of this day are characterized by tenacity and a death grip; They bring any matter to the absolute. Maturity and completeness are evident in everything.

Day 24 The best people born on this day are creative individuals with enormous energy, however, at times they want to withdraw into themselves, close themselves off from people (go into hibernation). Kind, on the one hand, and selfish, greedy, envious, on the other. As a rule, people of this day are gourmets.

Day 25 Since childhood, these are wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but capable of transformation; often have prophetic dreams. They will become Fortune's favorites, happiness will accompany them until their death.

Day 26 They will be happy, prosperity or even wealth awaits them if they overcome pride and arrogance.

Day 27 They can be lucky and happy, or too soft-bodied and weak-willed. Parents will have to educate and strengthen their will from an early age. They live in a state of constant change and fluctuation. Often these can be travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, vagabonds, mystics, dreamers, healers. At the highest level of development, these are people capable of ideal love; at the lowest level, they are selfish and slackers. The task of these people is to show willpower in order to weed out the lower world and master cosmic consciousness.

Day 28 They are very different. Until the end of their lives they will be provided with everything, although they will be incorrigible lazy people. At a low level - they are not able to separate good and bad. They are characterized by cynicism, lack of emotions, and attachments. At the highest level, these are people with the sun in their blood, altruists to whom others are drawn. They bring goodness and light to the world. These are people of high moral character. People born on this lunar day need to work with dreams.

Day 29 May have many problems. They spend their entire lives fighting with someone. As a rule, they are long-lived, but losers. They can only be given one piece of advice: go through all the illusions and temptations, hit all sorts of bumps and try to emerge from the ordeal with dignity.

Day 30 May have physical disabilities. Their health will have to be dealt with long and seriously. People of this day are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, and are monogamous. Gifted with the highest cosmic love, these people have gone through the entire circle of incarnations. This is one of their last incarnations at this level - they will most likely not be born again on Earth.