Why does the left side of the abdomen hurt, tingle and pull. Pain in the left side of the abdomen

Pain in the left side often torments us at the most inopportune moment. Many factors can have a negative impact on our internal organs. external environment– this is both ecology and abuse of the wrong food. If you are worried about pain in your left side, determine its symptoms in order to understand what may be bothering you.

What organs are located on the left side of a person?

In the left side of a person, three regions are distinguished: the left lateral region, the left hypochondrium and the left iliac region. In this area, a person has diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and often leads to pain in the left side, small intestine, colon or .
Pain that occurs in this area is referred to as pain in the left side.

To establish a diagnosis, it is important to determine the specific localization of pain; for this, the anterior abdominal wall is conventionally divided into nine regions and three floors.
The first is the upper one, consisting of the epigastric, right hypochondrium and left hypochondrium.
The second is the middle one, consisting of umbilical region, right and left lateral sections.
The third is the lower one, consisting of the right and left iliac regions and the pubic region.

Pain in the left side - what could it be?

They can arise due to pathologies of any of the organs located in this area. Depending on the cause of the pain, it can manifest itself in different ways - be paroxysmal or constant aching, radiate to the back or encircle. In addition, the appearance of pain in the left side can be caused by other current diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, blood disease, connective tissue, circulatory system, hernia, pathology of the respiratory system and nervous system.

Pain in the left side is divided according to the mechanism of its occurrence and characteristics:

  1. Visceral pain. These are typical for gastric motility disorders, sprains muscle fibers and spasms. The pain can be dull and aching or cramping. It can radiate to nearby areas of the body.
  2. Peritoneal pain. Caused by irritation of the peritoneum, it is distinguished by clear localization and persistence. When moving and breathing, it usually intensifies and becomes cutting.
  3. Referred pain in the side occurs due to irradiation of sensations. It can occur with left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy and other diseases.

Video about pain under the left rib:

Possible diseases and symptoms

Acute, piercing pain under the ribs is a reason for immediate call ambulance, since it may indicate a ruptured spleen or renal pelvis, perforation of the stomach or small intestinal loops. This may be a sign of serious damage internal organs.

Dumb pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by a chronic disease gastrointestinal tract– pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis.
Aching pain indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Caused by duonitis and colitis. If such pain is accompanied by vomiting, this may indicate a stomach ulcer. Often such pains become symptoms of heart disease - pre-infarction condition, ischemia, angina pectoris.

If you are wondering: what is in a person’s left side due to pain, remember: accurate diagnosis and only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. Pay attention to the nature of the pain.
Pain in the left side may indicate:

  • Stomach diseases. Among them are gastritis and peptic ulcer, perforated ulcer, stomach tumors.
  • Pathologies of the spleen – its enlargement, ruptures. Remember: one of them characteristic features rupture - bluish skin in the umbilical area and left side of the abdomen.
  • Pathologies of the diaphragm – diaphragmatic hernia, which can be triggered by physical activity, obesity and even pregnancy.
  • Heart diseases – cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease.
  • Diseases of the lungs and pleura – left-sided pneumonia or pleurisy.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Spinal pathologies, rheumatic diseases.
  • Diseases of the pancreas – tumors.
  • Diseases – volvulus, obstruction, malignant tumors.
  • Gynecological pathologies - inflammation of the appendages

When such a symptom occurs, first of all we think that it is happening in the heart. But in cases of certain stomach ailments or when the process is disrupted motor activity V

biliary tract, pain may also appear on the left side. Sensations during the development of angina pectoris are pressing, squeezing or burning and can also appear behind the sternum, in the region of the heart and sometimes radiate to the arm. Still, if discomfort appeared, this is not necessarily a signal of a deviation in the work of the main organ.

Is the heart in danger or not?

Almost every person has experienced pain in the left side at least once in his life. chest, specifically - in the place where the heart is located. Such sensations draw attention to themselves and cause more concern than with similar pain in other areas of the body. This is exactly how our body reacts to all sorts of problems at the location of the most important human “part”. Not in vain dangerous symptom becomes the most common reason for people calling for help from doctors. Characteristic pain in the left side of the chest is possible if

pericarditis and myocarditis. Sensations around the heart appear especially often with hypertension in the third stage. This disease causes high blood pressure inside the arteries and impaired blood flow, as a result of which pronounced disturbances occur in the functioning of various organs.

Features of an unpleasant symptom

If it hurts left side chest, this can be caused by the most various factors. Such sensations are conventionally divided into non-cardiological and cardiological. Pain that occurs in this area manifests itself in a variety of ways. They can be stabbing, squeezing, burning, burning, aching, pulling, piercing. The area of ​​their manifestation also varies. Sensations can arise either in a small area of ​​the body or spread to the entire chest, and also radiate to the shoulder area, neck, arm, under the shoulder blade, in the stomach and even in lower jaw. The duration of the painful symptom is impossible to predict - from a few minutes to many

days on end, they change their severity with changes in breathing or body position, with movements of the shoulders and arms. Sometimes these unpleasant sensations arise due to emotional or physical activity, sometimes - while eating food or at complete rest.


There are many reasons why there is pain in the left side of the chest. These may be problems in the ribs and spine, intestines and

Why the left side hurts can be explained by the development of many diseases and pathologies. Discomfort and painful sensations associated with diseases of those organs located in the left hypochondrium. This spleen , left side of the diaphragm, part of the stomach , pancreas ,intestinal loops , left kidney pole . When the functions of these organs are impaired, cramps, spasms and pain occur in this area.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen - what is it like?

Initially, you should determine the boundaries of the hypochondrium area. This left side abdomen - the left quadrant at the top, which is located under the ribs. Accordingly, what exactly hurts in this part of the abdomen in a man, woman or child, and which doctor needs to be contacted, can be determined by the nature of the pain, the period and circumstances of its occurrence. If the pain manifests itself in the upper abdomen in the center and radiates to the left side, we can talk about the development of various diseases.

Stitching pain that occurs during exercise

Those who are interested in why it stings when running, and whether it is dangerous, should take into account that a similar symptom is also observed in healthy people. If tingling only periodically develops during movement, that is, during active physical activity, then this phenomenon can be considered normal. Such symptoms quickly disappear and they only indicate that the adult or child did not warm up enough before starting. sports activities and moved very quickly.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to conduct a thorough warm-up so that the body gradually adapts to the activation of blood circulation. Stitching pain sometimes develops when walking too actively, which can be prevented by slowing down the pace.

This condition is not dangerous if it hurts only during exercise and this happens to healthy people who do not suffer from heart disease. However, even healthy people that are straining too much, when such sensations develop, you need to stop and relax, breathe deeply. As you exhale, you should press your palm on the place where the pain develops and sharply lean forward. You can repeat these steps several times.

It is also important to ensure that when the lesson is taking place, breathing is deep, since shallow breathing causes small excursions of the diaphragm.

Strong sharp pain on the left can also be noted if a person started training after eating. It is important that at least an hour and a half pass after eating before starting classes, since digestive system must cope with the digestion process.

Dagger sharp pain

Acute pain after injury

If the occurrence of pain in this area is noted when inhaling after an injury, accident, or fall, then there is a possibility that the person’s internal organs are seriously damaged. In this case, it is important to immediately contact specialists, as there is a possibility of a threat to life.

Dull aching pain in the left side

Diffuse, aching pain, which manifests itself over a long period of time and occurs periodically, may be a sign of the development of chronic illness gastrointestinal organs. Possibly inflammation in the stomach - as well as pancreatitis , etc. To determine what may hurt in the left side, or to exclude the development of pathologies, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist, conduct tests and studies. Also, nagging pain in the left hypochondrium develops with some blood pathologies , bacterial infections , sepsis , systemic diseases .

It's a dull pain

If there is constant aching or tugging in the hypochondrium, then the causes of heaviness under the ribs may be associated with the development duodenitis or sluggish. If the patient immediately experiences nausea and vomiting, then we can talk about the likelihood.

If the pain is not associated with problems in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, it can be assumed that coronary heart disease .

Causes of pain in the hypochondrium on the left

Thus, answering the question of what may hurt in the left hypochondrium, the following reasons should be mentioned:

  • cardiomyopathy , heart damage , heart attack ;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - cholecystitis , ulcer , gastritis , pancreatitis , duodenitis , colitis ;
  • enlargement or rupture of the spleen;
  • tumors of internal organs ;
  • splenic infarction due to arterial thrombosis ;
  • rheumatic manifestations;
  • diaphragm injury, diaphragmatic hernia ;
  • left-sided pleurisy , and also left-sided pneumonia , developing in the lower part of the left lung.

It is necessary to take into account what is in a person’s hypochondrium, as well as the nature of the pain (radiating to the back, aching, stabbing, just heaviness or discomfort) as well as factors that could determine the development of such pain (after eating, when inhaling during physical exercise etc.).

The hypochondrium in front of a woman may hurt when. In this condition, pain also appears in the left hypochondrium from the back due to the strong pressure of the enlarged uterus on the internal organs. Sometimes expectant mothers complain that there is a periodic tingling sensation in their side.

Pain in the left hypochondrium anteriorly may also be associated with traumas suffered– in this case, you may feel discomfort in the front or a dull pain in the front, as well as severe, diffuse pain. In this case, the reasons should be immediately determined by a doctor.

Pain in the left side under the ribs, mechanism of occurrence

Why it hurts on the left side under the ribs also depends on the mechanism of development of such pain. This indicator serves additional feature during the diagnostic process, when the doctor tries to determine what hurts in the left side under the ribs, what is on the right and causes such sensations.

The following division of pain in this area is known:

Nature of pain Features of manifestation
Referred pain They appear as irradiating from organs located far away. This may be a pain left-sided pneumonia , heart attack , pleurisy etc. Pain can be felt in the ribs on the left front, in the back behind, on both sides.
Visceral pain

Develop with intestinal spasms or in case of a violation gastric motility .

Also, visceral pain is characteristic of the state of stretching of the muscle fibers of the gastrointestinal tract. A person may complain that his stomach hurts; if the disease progresses, pain can be felt in the center, as well as with right side. The patient sometimes complains that there is gurgling in the stomach, pulling on both sides.

Diaphragmatic hernia develops during pregnancy, in people with severe physical exertion. Also, such diseases often occur in older people due to weakening of the muscular system. In some cases, pinching of the stomach occurs, then a sharp cutting pain in the stomach and in the left hypochondrium, sometimes the pain in the stomach radiates to the back.

Pain due to intercostal neuralgia

As neurological diseases develop, irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves may occur. When they are affected nerve cells, in patients intercostal neuralgia painful sensations can be very wide range: cramping, pulsating, piercing, sometimes sharp or aching, dull or burning pain develops. A person complains that there is pressure, tugging, numbness, aching, and burning in the lumbar region, under the ribs. Such sensations intensify when breathing - sighing, when inhaling, exhaling, as well as when coughing, pressing on certain points on the back, chest, spine, when tense, changing body position.

During attacks of neuralgia, there is tingling under the chest, periodic muscle twitching, pallor or redness of the skin, and severe sweating.

Patients with neuralgia often ask doctors what is on the left side of a person, since the pain often radiates under the shoulder blade, is felt under the heart, in the abdominal area from above, in the upper back under the shoulder blade, and also in other places when pressed. There is a feeling that it is cutting, “getting in the way” and twitching in different places.

Painful sensations occur at any time of the day, and numbness is noted in those places where the nerve pathways have been damaged.

In the area of ​​the heart burning pain is not always associated specifically with cardiac pathologies, because a person may be bothered by organs located under the heart. However, if aching pain appear on the left, under the left nipple, simultaneously with, nausea , rapid heartbeat , and this occurs both during exercise and at rest, the development of heart disease can be suspected. The patient may feel heaviness and burning under the sternum. Similar symptoms may appear when coronary disease hearts . If affected coronary arteries , the blood supply to the heart muscle is disrupted, provoking the development of ischemia.

What hurts in the left side below the ribs is also of interest to those who suffer cardiomyopathy . This is a series of diseases in which heart function is impaired, but is not noted arterial hypertension , pathologies of the valve apparatus , vascular diseases of the heart . In patients with cardiomyopathies, the heart muscle changes structurally. As a result, a person becomes more tired, colic and a feeling of pain develop during physical activity.

Pain on the left in diseases of the spleen

If pain occurs on the left side, one may suspect that the person’s spleen is bothering him.

Where is this organ located and how does it hurt? The spleen is fragile and ruptures easily, so pain develops with any pathological condition this organ. If the spleen hurts, symptoms of a slight enlargement may be difficult to detect, especially in people with overweight , since the human spleen is located deep in the hypochondrium on the left.

Splenomegaly (i.e. enlarged spleen) is noted when infectious mononucleosis and other diseases, the causes of which are infectious lesions. But with this disease, the patient also exhibits fever, , muscle pain, intoxication, enlarged lymph nodes and liver.

The spleen performs different functions in the body, being the largest lymph node, the thinnest blood filter and the largest conglomerate of reticuloendothelial tissue.

Splenic hypertrophy occurs if it performs its functions in an enhanced mode due to infectious diseases , hemolytic anemias , immune complex diseases . Its increase in size as a result of this is sometimes the answer to the question of why a person’s spleen hurts.

In addition, there are other reasons why the spleen hurts. The reasons for this may be tumor, trauma, infiltration, developmental defects. The most acute pain occurs after an injury or blow that leads to rupture of this organ. What to do if this happens, the doctor should determine as soon as possible. When the spleen ruptures, the skin near the navel also becomes blue, and the pain radiates to the back area. Once such symptoms have been noted, emergency assistance must be called immediately.

Pain on the left in diseases of the pancreas and stomach

It should be remembered: if the left side of the abdomen hurts, it may also be a symptom of ailments of the stomach and pancreas.

For gastritis

Manifestations occur in most people. The gastric mucosa is very sensitive to the action of irritants, which in modern food products contains a very large amount.

With gastritis in the hypochondrium area, aching pain, belching, nausea develops, sometimes the stomach growls, seethes, and pulsation is felt. Epigastric pain, vomiting, a feeling of pressure, and heaviness develop. The listed signs appear in children and adults most often after eating. With gastritis, the patient is also concerned about pallor, dry mouth, feeling of weakness, diarrhea , gases, bloating.

For gastric ulcers

The symptoms of this disease are similar to those of gastritis. Signs depend on how severe the disease is. But pain usually occurs after eating.

With an ulcer, the patient is worried not only by severe colic, but also by vomiting, loss of appetite, belching, heartburn, rumbling and gurgling in the stomach.

At perforated ulcer colic in the lower abdomen and hypochondrium area turns into a sudden dagger pain, why does a person may lose consciousness.

For diseases of the pancreas

What is located in a person’s left side under the ribs also worries people suffering. With this disease, strong girdling pain appears on the left under the ribs above and slightly below. This condition is characterized by vomiting with bile, bitterness in the mouth, and nausea. Sometimes the pain is so intense that a person has to sit bent over. The stool may become lighter and the urine may become darker.

If the disease becomes chronic, pain is mainly a concern after abuse junk food and alcohol. Oncological processes in the pancreas are very difficult to establish, since at the beginning of the disease the symptoms are almost invisible.

For oncological diseases of the digestive system

On early stages oncological processes may occur with mild symptoms. Therefore we should be wary different symptoms, especially if they develop frequently or occur in older people. Periodic tingling - if it pulsates and tingles in the lower abdomen or above, weakness, constant lack of appetite, anemia, rapid satiety, constant seething and periodic pain in the stomach, regular alternation of diarrhea and constipation - all this is a cause for concern. It is also necessary to immediately consult a doctor if a lump or lump appears in this area.

But if any of these symptoms appear constantly, only a doctor should draw conclusions about the disease and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the hypochondrium in women

Unlike men, in women such sensations may be a consequence physiological processes. Sometimes it stings in the left side during pregnancy, in the period before menstruation .

Why it hurts in the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be easily explained by physiology expectant mother. A number of organs located in the left side of the lower abdomen are subjected to pressure from the enlarging uterus. Therefore, during pregnancy, especially during latest dates, there are periodic pains in both the upper and lower hypochondrium. Sometimes the pain intensifies when the fetus moves. But, as a rule, it is easy. Rumbling in the intestines may also bother you, and your stomach often rumbles.

It happens that before the onset of menstruation, women produce a lot of sex hormones , resulting in spasm of the bile ducts. The woman notes nausea and bloating, pain in the left side of the abdomen. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist.

What should you do if you experience pain?

If pain in the left hypochondrium bothers the patient, and the diagnosis has not yet been established, you should initially contact a therapist who can determine which specialist should be contacted next.

Sometimes it takes a challenge emergency care and subsequent hospitalization. This should be done in the following cases:

  • with sudden acute pain;
  • for aching pain that does not go away within one hour;
  • at stabbing pains during movement, not passing for about 30 minutes;
  • with dull pain and vomiting with blood.

Self-medication is unacceptable. It is especially important not to warm the hypochondrium with a heating pad, as such actions can aggravate the course of the disease. Drugs that relieve spasms can disrupt the overall picture and complicate the diagnosis. A cold compress can be used.

Abdominal pain indicates various diseases organs. The stomach itself is not an organ, it is an anatomical formation that doctors divide into sections. So, if the left side hurts, doctors distinguish three areas of localization of pain and many diseases and pathologies that arise in this area in men and women.

Types and characteristics of pain in the left side

The abdomen is divided into 9 sections, 3 upper ones, from right to left called:

Middle ones, from right to left called:

  • right flank (side);
  • periumbilical region;
  • left flank (side).

The lower ones, from right to left called:

  • right iliac region;
  • suprapubic;
  • left iliac

The left side is represented by three sections:

  • left hypochondrium above;
  • the left side itself is in the middle;
  • left iliac region.

These sections contain the gastrointestinal organs, most of which are hollow; pain in these sections may also indicate other diseases.

All pathologies, unpleasant pain syndrome in which it is localized on the left, can be divided into:

  • diseases of the digestive system:
  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • small intestine;
  • gallbladder;
  • large intestine.

Respiratory pathologies:

  • diaphragms;
  • lungs;
  • pleura.

Diseases of the heart, blood system;

  • diseases of the renal system;
  • pathology of the uterine appendages;
  • pathologies, injuries of the spleen;
  • abdominal hernia;
  • diseases of the PNS (nervous system);
  • diseases of the blood, connective tissue;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system.

Types of pain syndrome on the left side are divided according to the mechanism of their occurrence.

  1. Visceral, which is characteristic of impaired motor functions of the digestive organs in spastic conditions. The nature of the pain syndrome is cramping or dull radiating.
  2. Peritoneal syndrome is always a symptom of dangerous conditions that require immediate surgical care. It occurs through irritation of the peritoneum by ruptured biological substrates from the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Referred pain characterizes other pathologies that radiate to the left lateral region. For example, lower lobe left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy.

Pain in the left hypochondrium: characteristics, pathologies, clinic

Pain syndrome that appears near the area of ​​the left hypochondrium in front is a sign of various pathologies:

  • stomach diseases;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • splenomegaly or splenic rupture;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • heart disease;
  • rheumatic pathologies;
  • diseases of the left lung: pleurisy, pneumonia.

Pain syndrome in gastrointestinal pathologies

Gastritis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach caused by various negative impacts at her. Pain syndrome with gastritis, aching in nature, may be accompanied by manifestations:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

In addition, gastritis adds local and general symptoms to its picture.

Local manifestations:

  • feeling internal pressure, gravity about epigastric region after every lunch or dinner;
  • belching, burning in the epigastric region, bad taste in the mouth;
  • pelvic function disorder (constipation, diarrhea).

General symptoms:

  • development of weakness, irritable reaction;
  • disorders of the heart and its system;
  • after eating a person wants to sleep, sweats;
  • burning sensation on the tongue, in the mouth.

Gastric ulcer has a characteristic depending on the duration of its course and characteristics. The pain begins after eating, as a rule, if the position of the ulcer is on the left hypochondrium.

Another clinical picture of an ulcer is manifested by symptoms:

  • heartburn, belching with sour contents;
  • loss of body weight;
  • a person may feel sick or vomit after eating.

Perforation of a stomach ulcer is a complication that occurs when a small hole appears in its wall. In this condition, irritation of the peritoneum occurs and peritonitis develops. The main symptom of this process is sharp pain, patients say “like being hit with a knife, a dagger” from the side of the ulcer.

Tumors of the stomach are manifested by the appearance of constant pain not associated with the consumption of food or liquid. Cancer on the first clinical stages, is not indicated in any way. Onset of cancer abdominal cavity characterized by:

  • decreased appetite;
  • sometimes incomprehensible vomiting, nausea;
  • emergence sharp decline body weight;
  • a person may stop liking meat;
  • There is a feeling of quick satiety with small portions.

Pain with splenomegaly (swelling of the spleen), characteristic of infectious mononucleosis. Pain occurs due to strong stretching of its capsule.

Splenic rupture typically occurs after traumatic impact on the abdominal cavity. There is a sharp pain after the blow, in the left hypochondrium. A bluish tint to the skin of the left half or near the navel appears, this is due to the release of blood from the ruptured spleen, which is a hematopoietic organ, a depot of blood cells.

Pathologies of the diaphragm include a hernia that develops in this place. It occurs if the muscles hiatus become weaker, part of the stomach comes out chest cavity. There is pain in the left hypochondrium, accompanied by a symptom of heartburn. The provocation for the occurrence of this pathology is:

  • increased nutrition, obesity;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • old age, due to senile weakening of the diaphragm.
  • Complication: pinching of the stomach, up to disruption of its blood supply.

    Pain in the left hypochondrium due to pathologies of the cardiovascular system

    For cardiomyopathies accompanied by structural changes heart muscle and disruption of its function, acute pain occurs in the left side under the ribs during physical activity. Characterized by rapid onset of fatigue and increased heart rate.

    Coronary heart disease is characterized by a violation of the blood supply to the heart, the cause of which is pathologies coronary arteries. At first, the left side will ache, later heaviness with a burning sensation inside the chest will appear, shortness of breath and an increase in pulse are characteristic.

    Pain syndrome in lung diseases

    The occurrence of pain in left-sided pneumonia is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue of the lower lobes of the lung. The pain syndrome is dull and not very pronounced. Cough causes strong tingling sensation left side. Pneumonia begins with symptoms:

    • dry cough;
    • pain: headache, muscle;
    • weakness, general malaise.

    Left-sided pleurisy is caused by inflammation of the lining of the lung, characterized by:

    • dry form with fibrin loss;
    • exudative form, with accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.

    Pain syndrome in the left side area occurs when breathing, sneezing, coughing, bending, or walking.

    Other symptoms are characterized by:

    • increased temperature;
    • sweating;
    • rapid, shallow breathing pattern,
    • the patient preferentially takes a position on the painful side to reduce pain;
    • the exudative form is characterized by the appearance of a lag in the diseased part of the chest when breathing;
    • the neck veins swell and the intercostal spaces protrude.

    Pain syndrome with neuralgia

    Intercostal neuralgia is caused by compression syndrome of the intercostal nerves. Sharp, strong, aching, dull burning pain appears in the left side and rib area.

    The attacks are accompanied by muscle twitching. They intensify with inhalation, coughing, sudden movements, and changes in body position. The pain may radiate to the shoulder blade. Location of pathological damage nerve pathways characterized by a feeling of numbness.

    Rheumatism pain

    Pain syndrome in rheumatic lesions is caused by pathology of connective joint tissue. Painful sensations are caused associated pathologies spine:

    • osteochondrosis;
    • radiculitis.

    Pain syndrome in pancreatic pathologies

    Pancreatitis is characterized by girdling pain, affecting the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

    Pancreatitis is characterized by loss of normal enzymatic, secretory function pancreas. Problems arise with glucose metabolism and breakdown of nutrients.

    Ignoring doctor's orders or delaying seeking medical help will lead to the development of pancreatic necrosis and death.

    Pancreatic cancer pain

    The occurrence of pathological neoplasms of the pancreas is characterized by constant pain localized in the left hypochondrium, sometimes in the center of the abdomen. Increased pain occurs when the person is lying on his back.

    Very often the pain occurs only on late stages tumor process near the pancreas. Because of this, diagnosing such cancer presents significant difficulties.

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

    Pain syndrome and spasms in this part of the abdomen are caused by various diseases, pathologies. Pain varies with:

    • intestinal pathologies;
    • adnexitis;
    • torsion or rupture of a left ovarian cyst;
    • ectopic pregnancy.

    Pain syndrome in intestinal diseases

    Most often it occurs during various intestinal infections, which also manifest themselves:

    • false urge to defecate;
    • bloating;
    • diarrhea;
    • feeling of rumbling in the stomach;
    • Sometimes there are mucous and blood clots in the stool.

    At ulcerative colitis the ulcerative component is attached to the inflammation of the intestinal wall.

    For infections and colitis:

    • temperature rises;
    • general condition suffers;
    • due to vomiting and diarrhea, a violation of the acid-base balance occurs;
    • dehydration occurs.

    Intestinal obstruction initially manifests itself as cramping pain in the abdomen, this is caused by wave-like contractions of the intestine. The pain syndrome has no connection with food. The attacks repeat every 10-15 minutes. When the pain subsides, it's bad sign, which indicates the cessation of intestinal motility. Other signs intestinal obstruction speakers:

    • prolonged stool retention;
    • bloating;
    • vomiting of intestinal and gastric contents.

    Diverticulitis or volvulus occurs in children infancy by inserting one part of the intestine inside another. The beginning is unexpected, the child is restless, crying, squeezing his legs. The attack ends suddenly, the child calms down, and after time the pain returns. Vomiting occurs. Stool mixed with blood, the color of “raspberry jelly”.

    With neoplasms inside the intestines, the pain is weak but constant and is not associated with food. Signs of irregular bowel movements are noticeable. Constipation occurs that cannot be treated. An admixture of blood appears in the stool. Later, chronic intestinal obstruction occurs.

    Pain in the left iliac region with gynecological pathologies

    Many women's diseases characterized by pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity and localization. What can cause pain in the left side of the female part?

    Adnexitis is manifested by inflammation of the uterine appendages. During acute form pain occurs in the lower abdomen, left or right. Symptoms of general intoxication and urination disorders are added.

    When the left side pulls in the left iliac region, this may indicate torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst. General condition the body is disrupted, blood pressure drops, temperature rises, and sometimes vomiting occurs. This pathology requires emergency surgical intervention.

    With an ectopic pregnancy, sharp unbearable pain occurs on the left or right. This may indicate a rupture fallopian tube with ectopic pregnancy. The pathology is typical for 6-10 weeks of pregnancy.

    Pathology with ruptures can be complicated by bleeding into the abdominal cavity, which will increase the pain syndrome, and when pressure is applied, symptoms of peritoneal irritation will occur. In case of this disease, you need to consult a doctor, followed by urgent hospitalization, and the need for surgery.

    Very rarely, pain in the left iliac region occurs during menstruation. Usually they cause pain in the lower abdomen, groin and lower back. Treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Pain in the left side behind

    This localization of pain indicates a symptom of heart disease. Similar symptoms are typical for:

    • an attack of angina;
    • aortic aneurysm;
    • pericarditis;
    • myocardial infarction.

    With a heart attack, very often there is irradiation of heart pain like a pain on the left in the shoulder blade, arm, side, neck.

    Also pain in lumbar region on the left they talk about kidney pathology. An infectious lesion occurs - pyelonephritis. The pain is aching, stabbing and paroxysmal. It is accompanied by urinary disorders, intoxication and general weakness. An attack may appear renal colic, which manifests itself as unbearable, persistent pain. Requires hospitalization and assistance.

    Sometimes pain on the left back or side occurs due to pathology of the lumbar vertebrae. Sometimes it can kick into the leg.

    Characteristic shooting pain with osteochondrosis, cold back and injuries lumbar region. It can occur both at rest and during physical activity, such as running. If you experience systematic pain of this nature, consult an orthopedist.

    Principles of diagnosis and treatment for pain in the left side

    Pain is always a response to pathology; it does not arise just like that, therefore, coupled with general symptoms it should be a reason to contact a doctor and emergency medical services.

    Each disease is treated individually integrated approach, often involving emergency care and the involvement of several specialists to effectively treat the disease.

    Knowing the symptoms of pathologies, pain syndrome can be independently differentiated and accepted. right decision about calling a doctor at home, or taking a painkiller to relieve discomfort. Don't hesitate to develop severe symptoms, this may lead to fatal outcome.

    Pain under the ribs in the left side occurs with acute and chronic diseases internal organs, nerves, muscles. In the projection of the left hypochondrium are the spleen, the left flexure colon, fundus of the stomach, tail of the pancreas, left part of the dome of the diaphragm, intercostal nerves, lower lobe of the left lung and pleura. The nature of the pain syndrome helps to distinguish one disease from another, to prescribe diagnostic examination and determine treatment tactics.

    The left side hurts under the ribs on the side, what could it be? We will discuss it in this material.

    Types of pain on the side in the left hypochondrium

    Painful sensations may differ in intensity, time of occurrence, dependence on physical activity, breathing or eating. Some types of pain indicate exacerbation chronic processes in the body and require adequate therapy. Acute pain in the left hypochondrium with a high degree of intensity develops when emergency conditions. Such patients must be immediately transported to hospital for treatment. surgical intervention and resuscitation measures.

    According to the intensity of the pain syndrome, there are:

    • acute – constant intense pain causing deep emotional experiences, poorly controlled by painkillers;
    • chronic – periodic pain of low intensity, which is relieved with painkillers.

    According to the nature of the pain sensations there are:

    • piercing;
    • cutting;
    • drilling;
    • stupid;
    • aching;
    • bursting;
    • shooting;
    • encircling.

    According to the source of pain, there are:

    • visceral - arise due to inflammatory processes, injuries and bleeding from internal organs;
    • muscular - arise as a result of inflammation or traumatic rupture of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall or chest;
    • neurological - occurs when the nerve trunks become inflamed;
    • peritoneal – develop due to irritation of the peritoneum (“acute” abdomen);
    • reflected - spread to the left hypochondrium from distant organs along nerve fibers and require differential diagnosis.

    If acute, unbearable pain occurs, you must call an ambulance. In case of chronic pain syndrome, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner for diagnosis of the disease and treatment.

    Spleen diseases

    The spleen is hematopoietic organ. Inflammation is characterized by a rapid increase in size of the spleen (splenomegaly), and in case of injury there is a high risk of rupture of the organ capsule with heavy bleeding. Splenomegaly occurs with mononucleosis, acute and chronic form leukemia, anemia, hypersplenism, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, ARVI.

    Diseases of the organ are characterized by bursting, pressing pain in the left hypochondrium, which does not depend on physical activity and food intake. When the spleen ruptures, a bluish area forms around the navel, dizziness, nausea, and weakness appear. The pain at the time of rupture of an organ of a traumatic or infectious nature is acute and cutting in nature.

    Intestinal diseases

    Pathology of the small intestine leads to visceral or referred pain in the left side. A tumor of the left colon in the later stages of the disease causes aching pain that intensifies 2-3 hours after eating. The pain syndrome occurs against a background of weakness, weight loss, and aversion to food. Enteritis is characterized by periodic dull pain in the left side, which are accompanied by constipation and diarrhea, a feeling of transfusion in the stomach, increased gas formation. With ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, blood appears in the stool.

    Stomach diseases

    Gastritis and gastric ulcer cause pain in the epigastric region and in the left hypochondrium. In the case of gastritis, the pain is stabbing, boring, shooting, intensifying after taking acute and fatty foods. Characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching rotten or sour, heartburn, nausea.

    Peptic ulcer disease manifests itself with hunger and night pain (increased discomfort on an empty stomach), after eating, the pain syndrome decreases. Characterized by vomiting mixed with blood, loss of body weight, and asthenia. Perforation of the ulcer is accompanied by dagger-like acute pain, vomiting, severe weakness, retardation of consciousness, and muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall. This is an acute condition requiring emergency medical care and surgical intervention.

    Stomach cancer causes aversion to food (usually meat products), constant aching pain in the epigastrium and left hypochondrium, weight loss, weakness, anemia. When a tumor grows into large nerve trunks, an acute pain syndrome occurs, which can only be relieved with narcotic analgesics.

    Pancreatic diseases

    Inflammation of the pancreas is called pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis causes indigestion and periodic pain in the left side. Characterized by diarrhea, greasy stools with lumps of undigested food, and flatulence. Pain of a stabbing, bursting, shooting nature occurs 1-1.5 hours after eating. Often the pain syndrome becomes shingles - spasmodic pain compresses the left and right hypochondrium with a “ring”.

    Acute pancreatitis refers to dangerous conditions with a high degree of mortality (up to 60%). Acute pain of high intensity appears, nausea, vomiting without relief, increased body temperature up to 39 degrees, chills, loss of appetite, fluid frequent stool. The disease usually develops after heavy intake of spicy or fatty foods or alcohol abuse. If acute pancreatitis occurs, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

    Pancreatic cancer is asymptomatic for a long time. Sometimes appears loose stool, nausea, vomiting after a heavy meal. The first sign of the disease is often yellowing of the skin and sclera as a result of compression by the tumor bile ducts. Pain in the left hypochondrium occurs in the later stages of the disease, constantly or periodically. The pain syndrome is dull, bursting, does not depend on food intake, less often intense - due to the germination of a tumor of the nerve trunks. Often accompanied by vomiting and refusal to eat.

    Muscle disease

    Muscle inflammation - myositis can be accompanied by pain in the left side. The pain syndrome is shooting and cramping, intensifies when muscle fibers are stretched while bending in the opposite direction. When palpating the affected muscles, it is determined painful lump. Inflammation of the diaphragm most often occurs with congenital or acquired hernias. Dull or burning pain develops when food passes through the esophagus and bends the body after eating. Pain syndrome usually occurs behind the sternum, but can spread to the left hypochondrium.

    Intercostal neuralgia

    Inflammation of the intercostal nerves is commonly called intercostal neuralgia. In the majority clinical cases the disease develops with herpes zoster. An acute burning pain occurs, which is localized in the left hypochondrium and can spread to the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and spine. Discomfort increases when bending towards the affected side. Subsequently, a herpetic rash forms in the intercostal spaces - small grouped blisters with transparent contents.

    Left lung disease

    Pain in the left side may appear with left-sided lower lobe pneumonia involving the pathological process pleura. There is a cutting, stabbing, boring pain in the left hypochondrium, which intensifies at the height of inspiration. Pneumonia is characterized by an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, shortness of breath, weakness, dry or productive cough, wheezing when listening to breathing.

    Dry pleurisy causes pain at the height of inspiration, while there are no symptoms from the lungs. A tumor of the left lung with spread of the neoplasm to the pleura is characterized by pain in the left side when breathing, rapid decline body weight, hemoptysis, weakness and drowsiness.

    Heart diseases

    During myocardial infarction, pain occurs in the left half of the chest, between the shoulder blades, and radiates to the arm on the affected side. The atypical course of the disease leads to referred pain in the left hypochondrium. Sharp, cramping, shooting pains in the left side of high intensity, shortness of breath, fear of death, palpitations, numbness of the left arm are noted. Taking nitroglycerin or painkillers does not bring relief.

    If pain occurs in the left hypochondrium, you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment. Timely consultation with a specialist reduces the risk of disease progression and complications.