The girl's lower abdomen hurts and hurts. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen? Stitching pain in the right and left lower abdomen, causes

Stitching pains in the lower abdomen occur with spastic contractions of individual muscle fibers located in the muscular layer of the pelvic organs.

Such organs of the lower floor abdominal cavity like the uterus, fallopian tubes, intestines and ureters have different functional purposes, but a similar type of anatomical structure.

The walls of these hollow organs are made up of three parts called membranes, such as:

  • external serosa, covering the organ from the outside;

  • the middle muscular layer, consisting of smooth muscle fibers and ensuring the movement of organ contents (urine in the ureter, intestinal contents in the intestine, etc.);

  • the internal mucous membrane lining the organ cavity from the inside.
Coordinated work of the muscular membrane is ensured complex mechanisms regulations that can be disrupted both in various kinds pathologies (inflammatory process, neurosis, etc.), and with some physiological conditions(pregnancy).

Since stabbing pain in the lower abdomen is associated with spasm of muscle fibers, this kind pain syndrome can be easily eliminated with the help of antispasmodic medications.

However, in many cases, stabbing pain in the lower abdomen is associated with pathology genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract or with serious disorders of the nervous system. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, but to promptly seek help from a professional.

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is associated with transient (transient) contractions of individual fibers of the muscular lining of the uterus.

As a rule, these pains are caused by physiological reasons. During pregnancy, the uterus rapidly increases in size. Moreover, its increase is associated both with the stretching of existing muscle fibers and with the formation and growth of new ones.

After all, in just nine months of pregnancy, the organ increases in size many times over and has time to prepare for its outstanding mission - the birth of a new person!
Therefore, it is not surprising that during such rapid growth and development, “minor problems” arise in the regulation of individual muscle fibers, clinically manifested by attacks of stabbing pain in the lower abdomen.

As a rule, this kind of pain syndrome is transient, does not have pronounced irradiation (the pain does not radiate to the sacrum, lower back, or genitals) and is not accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

It should be noted that stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, caused by physiological reasons, is sometimes quite intense and causes understandable anxiety for pregnant women. Therefore, at least for personal peace of mind, if a pregnant woman experiences stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, it is better to contact an antenatal clinic.

In addition, pregnancy itself does not exclude the possibility of other diseases of the organs of the lower floor of the abdominal cavity, occurring with stabbing pain in the lower abdomen.

And finally, the nature and intensity of pain are subjective symptoms that do not always accurately reflect the degree of anatomical damage. So you should immediately contact medical care in cases where stabbing pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the pain becomes cramping and/or girdling in nature;

  • irradiation of pain appears (pain syndrome radiates back to the sacrum and lower back, down to the genitals and legs or up to the hypochondrium);

  • spotting from the vagina and/or symptoms of internal bleeding appear (pallor of the skin, dizziness, weakness, increased heart rate combined with decreased blood pressure);

  • sharp deterioration general condition (headache, nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, etc.).

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen due to intestinal diseases

Stitching pains in intestinal diseases are usually associated with chronic inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa. At long term The disease disrupts the normal functioning of the intestinal muscular lining, which leads to periodic spasms of its muscles.

In addition, stabbing pain can occur as a result of short-term irritation of the eroded surface of the intestinal mucosa (for example, when damaged walls touch sigmoid colon after the act of defecation).

Periodically appearing stabbing pains in chronic diverticulitis and chronic appendicitis are quite dangerous. With these surgical pathologies, pain is localized in the right iliac region and, as a rule, is not accompanied by any additional symptoms.

Chronic diverticulitis is a disease associated with inflammation of congenital or acquired defects in the wall of the cecum or ascending colon - diverticula. A diverticulum is a kind of pouch connected to the intestinal lumen through a narrow mouth. The very anatomical structure of the diverticulum contributes to the stagnation of intestinal contents in it, and, consequently, creates all the conditions for the development of inflammatory processes.

Same as chronic appendicitis, chronic diverticulitis can turn into an acute form at any time and require emergency surgical intervention. Therefore, if stabbing pain occurs in the lower abdomen on the right, it is best to consult a surgeon in a timely manner. The choice of treatment method (conservative or surgical) will depend on the results of the examination.

In addition, it should be taken into account that stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right may be the first symptom of malignant tumors located near the junction of the small intestine into the large intestine. In this place there is a special valve (the so-called Bauhinian valve), which prevents the reflux of colonic contents into the small intestine.

If the functioning of the bauhinium valve is disrupted, pain of a spastic nature (stabbing or cramping) may occur due to muscle spasm in response to irritation of the small intestine by colonic contents.

In addition to tumors, an inflammatory process (Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis), but in such cases, stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right will develop against the background of a detailed picture of the disease (diarrhea, often with blood, a sharp deterioration in the patient’s general condition).

However, as evidenced clinical experience, most often stabbing pain in the lower abdomen occurs with proctosigmoiditis - inflammation of the terminal part of the large intestine. Functional and anatomical features buildings of this part digestive tract(natural bends and narrowings, dense nature of the contents) predispose both to the occurrence of inflammatory processes and to their protracted course.

In this case, the causes of proctosigmoiditis can be different: specific infection(dysentery), autoimmune process (ulcerative colitis), circulatory disorders (ischemic sigmoiditis), etc. However, general symptoms pathologies will be tenesmus (painful urge to defecate), frequent painful stools and pain in the lower abdomen on the left, which can be pulling, aching, stabbing and cramping in nature.

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen on the left with proctosigmoiditis, as a rule, appears after a shaking ride (spasms of smooth muscle muscles in response to mechanical irritation), as well as before the act of defecation (irritation of the eroded mucous membrane with feces) and after the passage of feces (contact of the affected mucous membrane of the intestine after complete emptying).

If you suspect proctosigmoiditis, you should contact your doctor. Treatment and prognosis of the disease depend on the cause of the inflammatory process.

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen due to diseases of the urinary system

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left can occur with spasms of the smooth muscle muscles in the corresponding ureter. In such cases, pain is often accompanied by so-called dysuric phenomena ( frequent urination, imperative urge to urinate, pain during urination).

The most common cause of ureteral spasms is urolithiasis. Formed in the upper urinary tract stones and sand fall down the ureter, irritating its mucous membrane. In response to severe irritation Smooth muscle spasms occur.

At severe cramps or a large stone blocking the passage, the pain takes on a cramping character and becomes extremely intense (so-called renal colic). In such cases, to avoid serious complications you should consult a doctor.
In addition, stabbing pain in the lower abdomen may indicate inflammation bladder. In such cases, they are localized in the pubic area and appear at the end of the act of urination. Cause of pain syndrome: contact of the inflamed walls of the bladder after it has been completely emptied.

In acute cystitis, stabbing pain in the lower abdomen occurs against the background of frequent painful urination(in severe cases - every 10-15 minutes). In this case, the urge to urinate is imperative, the urine becomes cloudy, and in severe cases takes the form of “meat slop” due to a large admixture of blood. It is characteristic that the body temperature does not increase and the patient’s general condition remains relatively satisfactory.

If you suspect acute cystitis consult a doctor (

Pain in the lower abdomen is a fairly common phenomenon that conceals hidden symptoms of many pelvic diseases. Colitis in the lower abdomen, what is it? Representatives of the fair sex often turn to a gynecologist with a similar symptom. Let's try to figure it out in order.

The nature of the occurrence of stabbing pain is different. This is a sharp, point-oriented pain that occurs in any part of the body. Unpleasant sensations do not arise in the internal organs, but in muscle fibers. The mechanism of pain is manifested by the occurrence of spasm, which causes discomfort.

Disease of the reproductive system in women is one of the causes of pain in the lower abdomen


The lower abdomen hurts a lot for many reasons:

  1. For diseases of the reproductive system in women.
  2. At inflammatory diseases genitourinary system in men.
  3. At various diseases genitourinary system (cystitis).
  4. For diseases of neurological origin.
  5. For inflammation of the bones of the spine and pelvis.
  6. In case of poisoning (often accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and cramps in the upper abdomen).
  7. For injuries varying degrees gravity.

Symptoms in children

The main cause of children's health complaints is pain in the lower abdomen. Why does the lower abdomen hurt in children? It is difficult to find out the location of pain on your own; children do not always understand what hurts them.

Helps diagnose the cause of pain pediatric gynecologist(for girls) and surgeon (for boys).

Painful sensations can be expressed by indigestion, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Intestinal dysbiosis, so-called. disorders of intestinal microflora.

The intestines contain many beneficial bacteria that are involved in the process of digestion and absorption of food, when the balance of bacteria is disturbed, then dysbiosis occurs. When a temperature appears, in addition to the listed symptoms, it is possible to assume the presence of an infectious disease of the pelvic organs.

Very strong cramping cause inflammation of the appendix. In case of such spastic ailments, you should immediately call ambulance. Because it's untimely surgical removal appendicitis is fraught with a number of complications.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by worms, that cause discomfort to the child. Identify unwanted residents child's body allows stool analysis for worm eggs.

Inflammation of the appendix is ​​one of the causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Pain can appear for both emotional and physiological reasons.

Spasms like a woman

Why do women have colitis in the lower abdomen? Emergence painful sensations in women is associated with inflammatory and infectious processes in the pelvic organs. Recognizing the cause of pain without the help of a professional is problematic.

Physiological reasons pain:

  1. Organ diseases reproductive system(endometriosis, cystic seals, uterine fibroids).
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urine excretory system, acute surgical pathologies (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, intestinal infections, inflammation of the bladder).
  3. Availability foreign body in the uterine cavity ( intrauterine device, in case of improper implantation into the uterus).
  4. Pathological processes (ectopic pregnancy, premature detachment placenta, threat of miscarriage, consequences medical abortion and other surgical interventions).
  5. Pain after sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis of diseases

Only a gynecologist can prescribe the correct treatment after a comprehensive examination (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, pelvic organs; blood and urine tests; puncture).

For cystic formations, prescribed hormonal drugs new generation I (Lindinet-20, Diane-35, Logest, Janine).

In inflammatory processes apply medicines that block the source of pain (Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Analgin, Spasmaton, Papaverine).

An important role in eliminating pain in the lower abdomen is played by taking immunostimulating agents (Echinacea tincture), sedatives(nopassitis, sedavit), vitamin complex(multivitamins and minerals).


To prevent the appearance of stabbing pain in the lower abdomen be sure to lead healthy image life– proper nutrition and regular physical activity, avoidance of bad habits. Movement is life. Walking improves blood circulation and muscle tone. By strengthening the entire body as a whole, we relieve ourselves of unpleasant sensations accompanied by spasms.

As part of the prevention complex, a fasting diet during the week, at least once or twice, contributes. Periodic fasting days(diet) promotes improve digestion, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The right approach to food choice gives rest to our ever-working organs of the digestive system.

Due to pollution environment harmful substances Our body needs periodic cleansing of toxins. Boiled vegetables, fresh fruits, and steamed low-fat dishes help him with this. Special diets can help you get rid of annoying pain.

The treatment menu should include a refusal to harmful products, disrupting perilstatics (motor function) of the stomach.

  1. Sweets.
  2. Carbonated drinks.
  3. Alcohol.
  4. Flour products.
  5. Dairy products.
  6. Dishes containing legumes (beans, peas, beans).
  7. Coffee.
  8. Any sauces.
  9. Canned vegetables.

The best diet in the first days after indigestion: apple, bananas, boiled without salt, dried bread.

These food products are easily digested, normalize stools, and will not cause flatulence (bloating). During the recovery period, it is recommended to eat food in small portions (portions about the size of your palm), chewing slowly and thoroughly to avoid stress on the stomach a large number food.

The diet helps improve digestion, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Fluid intake, in this case water, needs to be increased. Water is one of the main components of our body. Juices, tea, coffee drinks tend to irritate the gastric mucosa. It is better to drink dried fruit compote, the only thing you need to remember is that prunes relax the intestines, and pears, on the contrary, strengthen them. However, we note that many fruits are allergic. So feel free to nourish your body useful vitamins excluding allergens.

Sports help in the fight against abdominal discomfort. People who engage in regular activities sports loads, are less susceptible to digestive diseases, as well as pain in the abdominal area. Sport has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process and on the organs of the excretory system. With the help of sports, our body develops physically, rejuvenates, waste is removed through the sweat glands, thereby causing positive changes in the entire human system.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in the middle? There are many reasons for abdominal discomfort. They are neurological, gynecological, gastroenterological in nature. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after an examination.

Taking antispasmodic and painkillers does not treat the source of pain, but blocks it temporarily. The choice of such drugs must be approached consciously, since many drugs can cause allergies and are not suitable for everyone.


The main thing you should emphasize to yourself is not to self-medicate. It is necessary to prescribe adequate treatment by a specialist to eliminate the source of pain and identify the cause, thereby avoiding further serious health complications.

Monitor the condition of your body in a timely manner. And remember that disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Colic in the abdomen, if they are located in the lower sections abdominal space, may be a sign intestinal disorders or inflammatory processes various organs, located in the lower right quadrant. These are certain areas of the large and small intestines, as well as the mesentery, which connects the small intestine with back peritoneal space. In women, a similar symptom may indicate sluggish inflammatory processes in the right appendage, which includes the ovary and fallopian tube, located with right side from the body of the uterus. Sometimes stabbing sensations can be a sign of urinary tract obstruction and diseases of the bladder, kidneys and ureters (cystitis, glomerulonephritis).

To determine what exactly caused the pain, you need to contact your local physician. The doctor will collect a complete medical history, find out the nature of the pain, its location, intensity, conduct an initial examination, based on the results of which the patient will be prescribed further examination. If the pain is of high intensity and is accompanied by other pathological symptoms(fever, vomiting, bloody discharge), you need to call an ambulance, since similar symptoms can occur with inflammation of the appendix, rupture and torsion of a cystic ovarian formation and other diseases for which the patient needs emergency surgical care.

Stitching pain, localized on the right side, in women may be associated with inflammation of the right appendage. With this pathology, the woman complains of severe pain on the right side, which appears in the lower back, sacrococcygeal region and lower abdomen. In acute infectious inflammation the pain syndrome can be so intense that it completely limits the patient’s mobility.

Other clinical manifestations of salpingoophoritis (as well as its isolated forms - salpingitis and oophoritis), which together make it possible to diagnose disorders in the functioning of the appendages, are:

  • painful sensations of a sharp or stabbing nature on the lateral side of the abdominal area;
  • increased temperature (usually within the subfebrile range);
  • nausea (very rarely - vomiting);
  • weakness;
  • severe headaches, similar in intensity to a migraine attack;
  • signs of general intoxication ( headache, chills).

Treatment of salpingoophoritis is carried out in a hospital setting. The woman is prescribed antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs in injection form, physiotherapeutic procedures, and painkillers. The duration of treatment is usually 7-10 days, but in severe cases, hospitalization can last up to three weeks.

Hydronephrosis and kidney problems

Painful, stabbing sensations may be a symptom of hydronephrosis - pathological expansion pelvis and calyces of the renal system, developing against the background of urinary tract obstruction and poor blood supply to the organ. With this pathology, patients may complain of unpleasant stabbing sensations in the lower part of the abdominal space, lumbar region, less often - in the thighs and buttocks.

The pain syndrome in hydronephrosis always has a pronounced intensity, and clinical picture complemented by others characteristic symptoms, among which:

  • abdominal muscle tension;
  • sharp sharp pain at the beginning of urination;
  • frequent urge to emptying the bladder, accompanied by pressure and distension;
  • painful and infrequent bowel movements (constipation).

The temperature during hydronephrosis remains within normal limits, in in rare cases A woman may experience one-time, mild vomiting.

Stitching pain on the right side may also indicate inflammation of the renal glomeruli (glomerulonephritis), pyelonephritis, or ureteral obstruction.

Treatment for these diseases includes taking antibacterial agents, diuretics to remove excess fluid and eliminate swelling, diuretics to improve urine flow, herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

PathologyImageHow does it manifest?How and with what to treat?
Painful colic in the lower part of the abdominal area on the lateral side, increased temperature (in acute period), symptoms of intoxication, pain when emptying the bladderPenicillin antibiotics and macrolides (“Flemoxin”, “Sumamed”, Ampicillin”), diuretic drugs(“Furosemide”), immunotropics (“Viferon”, “Interferon”), anti-relapse drugs (“Biseptol”)
Renal colic due to inflammation, nausea, pain during urination, false urge to empty the bladderAntibacterial agents (“Nitroxoline”, “Amoxicillin”, “Metronidazole”), herbal preparations(“Canephron”), anti-inflammatory drugs (“Ibuklin”, “Diclofenac”)
Ureteral obstruction (hydronephrosis) Pain in the lower abdomen after consumption large quantity fluids, blood in urine, renal colic, radiating to the backSurgical treatment (pyeloplasty)

Inflammation of the cecal appendage

To recognize an attack of appendicitis, it is important to know it typical symptoms. These include:

  • profuse vomiting (usually one-time) without any admixture bile acids and putrid odor;
  • temperature rise to the upper limits of subfebrile condition (38°);
  • pain relief when lying on the right side;
  • increased pain during any movements associated with tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • fever;
  • loose stool.

Important! Appendicitis is not always accompanied by fever, so you should consult a doctor if you experience any pain in the lower abdomen, especially if it is on the right side.

Treatment for appendicitis

The only treatment for inflammation of the appendix is ​​its removal. The operation is carried out immediately after the patient is taken to surgical hospital. Before doctors arrive, you should not eat or drink water, as this can cause complications during surgery if it is performed under general anesthesia. It is also forbidden to take analgesic drugs - they can dull the pain for a short time. painful sensations, and the doctor will not be able to diagnose correct diagnosis, which will lead to a deterioration in health.

After the operation, the patient will be prescribed a gentle diet and preventive medication. antibacterial drugs, for example, "Metronidazole".

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Intestinal disorders, inflammatory processes intestinal walls– the most common reasons intestinal colic on the right side. In order for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, the patient must accurately describe the nature of the pain and its location. Acute colic on the right side, recurring regularly, may be a sign serious illnesses requiring urgent hospitalization: Crohn's disease and diverticulitis. No less dangerous reasons similar pain syndrome - intestinal infections, colitis and duodenitis.

Foodborne illnesses and poisonings

Intestinal infections food poisoning usually accompanied by cramping or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, but with moderate damage the pain syndrome may resemble intestinal colic. Bacteria (salmonella, staphylococcus, hemophilus influenzae) and viruses can cause intestinal infections. The most common viral infection is stomach flu caused by rotaviruses.

Infections of any type are always accompanied by pronounced symptoms, manifested by the following signs:

  • severe intoxication;
  • refusal to eat;
  • high temperature;
  • chills;
  • frequent, profuse loose stools;
  • change in consistency feces(they become liquid and foamy);
  • vomit.

Only an experienced doctor can suspect an intestinal infection if the pain is stabbing, so you should not delay going to the hospital - this can lead to severe dehydration and deterioration of well-being.

To treat most infectious diseases intestines, a standard treatment regimen is used, presented in the table below.

Group of drugsWhat medications are included?Image
Antibiotics and antibacterial agents(for bacterial infections)"Clarithromycin", "Enterofuril", "Amoxicillin", "Flemoxin", "Zinnat", "Hemomycin"
Antiviral medications (for viral infections)"Anaferon", "Interferon", "Arbidol", "Tiloron", "Ergoferon", "Amiksin"
Rehydration products
Digestive enzymes"Pancreatin", "Creon"
Histamine blockers"Suprastin", "Diazolin", "Zodak"
Preparations with probiotics and prebiotics"Linex", "Bifiform", "Acipol", "Normobakt", "Yogulakt"
Sorbents"Neosmectin", " Activated carbon", "Enterosgel"

Important! In some cases, food poisoning and intestinal infections must be treated in a hospital, so you should not refuse hospitalization if the attending physician insists on it.

Granulomatous colitis

This is a severe systemic pathology ileum, which usually develops over a long period of time (up to several years). An exacerbation of this disease in terms of symptoms is very similar to inflammation of the appendix, but there are signs that allow it to be differentiated from acute appendicitis, so taking an anamnesis is of great importance for diagnosis.

What is the difference between granulomatous colitis (enteritis) and appendicitis?

Clinical symptomWith inflammation of the appendage of the cecumFor regional enteritis
Diarrheal syndromeAppears after pain, usually of a moderate natureAbnormal bowel movements (diarrhea) occur long before the attack and can recur periodically over several months or years
Localization of painOccurs around the navel with subsequent displacement to the right lower abdomen and possible irradiationHas a clear localization in the right iliac region
VomitCharacteristic is a single discharge of vomit.Vomiting is not usually observed

Important! If the attack is not stopped in time, perforation of the ileum may occur - fatal dangerous pathology requiring emergency surgical care. Treatment for Crohn's disease is also surgical in most cases.

Video - Why does the right side in the lower abdomen hurt?


In approximately 8-9% of cases, acute stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right is a sign of mesadenitis. The pathology is an inflammation of the lymphoid tissue located in the fold of the peritoneum connecting small intestine And back wall abdominal space (mesentery). The disease relates to chronic pathologies and can occur without significant symptoms.

A patient with mesadenitis feels constant weakness and loses weight. He periodically experiences mood swings and anxious thoughts. General analysis Blood tests with this pathology always reveal an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The temperature can periodically rise to 37.3°-37.6°.

Important! About 80% of mesadenitis develop against the background of tuberculosis of the intestine, so it is important to identify the disease at the initial stage. Similar symptoms may also indicate the growth of tumors in the colon or small intestine Therefore, if there are symptoms of mesadenitis, the patient must consult an oncologist.

Video - Why does the right lower abdomen hurt?

Pathologies of the bile ducts

At hepatic colic painful sensations first arise in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, gradually descending to the lower abdomen. The pathology is characteristic of cholelithiasis and appears when stones pass through the bile ducts. In some cases, this symptom indicates biliary atresia - a severe pathology in which the outflow of bile is disrupted due to obstruction of the ducts, and concentrated bile accumulates in the liver. Signs of biliary atresia are:

  • constantly high temperature;
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • yellowing of the eye sclera;
  • hardening and tenderness of the liver;
  • lack of appetite.

Important! Obstruction of the bile ducts and cholelithiasis are diseases in which the patient requires surgical treatment followed by supportive therapy and observation in a hospital setting. 0

Indicates the development of a serious process. Very often the cause of pathology lies in serious reasons, which do not require delay. So why does it hurt in the lower abdomen? We'll tell you.

If a woman’s lower abdomen hurts and hurts, then perhaps the reason lies in an ectopic pregnancy. This concept is usually understood as a pathological process that occurs outside the uterine cavity.

Most often, with this anomaly, the fertilized egg is attached to the fallopian tubes. Much less often - to the walls of the abdominal cavity or the ovary.

At normal pregnancy the girl will not experience severe pain. If the colitis is severe, the body temperature rises, nausea begins, weakness and bloody discharge appear, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

If diagnosed untimely, a woman can lose not only her tube, but also a lot of blood.

Many patients worry that after an ectopic pregnancy they will never be able to have children. But don't worry too much. Literally after 6-12 months a woman can become pregnant again, even with one tube.


When, perhaps, the patient has a disease such as proctosigmoiditis. This pathology is usually understood as an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon. This process refers to one of the manifestations of colitis. The disease has a tendency to relapse.

The painful sensations are stabbing in nature and are often localized in the lower abdomen. Increased pain occurs during and after bowel movements.

There are additional symptoms such as:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • development of a febrile state;
  • myalgia;
  • general malaise;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestinal tract;
  • impurities of blood and mucus in feces;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • nausea.

Pathology can be diagnosed using bacteriological culture, rectoscopy, cytology and biopsy.

If the lower abdomen hurts, then treatment will consist of following a strict diet, giving enemas, taking antibacterial and hormonal drugs, placing suppositories into the rectum with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Acute appendicitis

When the lower abdomen hurts badly, the reason lies in the inflammatory process, which is localized in the appendix. This is a small appendage that comes from the cecum. Inflammation in it occurs as a result of disruption of the intestinal microflora, abuse of alcohol and harmful foods.

The pain syndrome mainly manifests itself on the right side. But it all starts with umbilical region and gradually goes down. Unpleasant symptom It is piercing in nature and is distinguished by its sharpness.

When the lower abdomen hurts due to appendicitis, additional symptoms will appear in the form of:

  • appetite disorders;
  • nausea and repeated vomiting;
  • belching;
  • diarrhea;
  • increasing temperature values ​​to 40 degrees.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance. When confirming the diagnosis, doctors carry out surgery. After this, antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate the infection in the body. A strict diet must also be followed for one to two months.


If your stomach starts to hurt badly, then perhaps the reason lies in the development inflammatory process on the walls of the intestinal tract. With diverculitis, small protrusions are formed in which food debris accumulates. When they stagnate, the microflora is disrupted, which leads to inflammation.

Painful sensations most often appear in the area where the sigmoid and descending colon are located. If the pain syndrome makes itself felt, it lasts for several days. Its intensification is observed with physical activity, sneezing, laughing, and coughing.

As additional symptoms note:

  • bowel disorder. Long-term constipation alternate with diarrhea;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • low-grade fever;
  • general intoxication of the body, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and apathy.

Treatment options include taking antibiotics and antimicrobial agents, blockers histamine receptors and drugs with a laxative effect, antispasmodics.


When a girl has colitis in the lower abdomen, cystitis is often diagnosed. This disease can occur not only in women, but also in men. But most often it is the female population that suffers from pathology. Why is this happening? This is due to the fact that the urinary system is located close to the anal opening. When freezing or improper hygiene occurs, microbes enter the bladder, become active there and cause inflammation.

Additional symptoms include itching and burning after urination, an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees, and frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Treatment consists of drinking fluids up to two liters per day, taking antibiotics and diuretics, administering antiseptic solutions into the bladder.

Ovarian apoplexy

This disease is diagnosed in girls in childbearing age. This concept is usually understood as the sudden development of hemorrhage into the ovarian tissue. This process leads to damage to the ovary and blood entering the abdominal cavity.

The causes of the pathological process can be coitus, severe physical activity, pathological location of the uterine cavity. The disease is characterized by bleeding from the vagina, general weakness, dizziness and general malaise.

To identify pathology, a woman is prescribed ultrasound diagnostics, blood tests and laparoscopy. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient undergoes surgery.

Inflammatory process in the uterine cavity and appendages

If there is constant stabbing in the lower abdomen, then the cause lies in inflammation of the uterine cavity. The pathology is infectious in nature. The cause may be infection of the genitourinary system, hypothermia, and decreased protective functions.

Painful sensations increase during emptying of the bladder. Additional symptoms include febrile state, chills, bloating. If the uterine cavity is severely inflamed, then bloody discharge comes out of the vagina.

Therapeutic measures are carried out using physiotherapy (ultrasound, electrophoresis, ultraviolet), drug therapy(antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), surgical treatment(the affected tissue is removed).

Pain syndrome often signals the development serious problems that require immediate treatment. In order not to worsen your condition, you must urgently contact a specialist, tell about the accompanying symptoms and undergo thorough examination. This will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis, determine the cause and prescribe adequate treatment. Self-medication can be life-threatening for the patient.

Pain in the lower abdomen in a woman can have a different nature and be symptoms of various diseases: gynecological, proctological, urological, diseases of the nervous system, etc. Determine the real reason Only a doctor with a complete diagnosis can diagnose the pain. You should not endure the pain when it stings in the lower left abdomen in women. It's better to consult a specialist.

A woman’s pain on the left side can be different:

  • aching;
  • sharp;
  • piercing;
  • pulsating;
  • paroxysmal;
  • permanent, etc.

An experienced doctor will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis based on the nature of the pain and its location, which will be confirmed by clinical and laboratory research patients. So, for example, with disorders of the nervous system, pain is often sharp and throbbing. For gynecological problems - constant, aching. For pancreatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) - sharp, dagger-like or burning, baking.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that different people With individual characteristics physiology, sensitivity threshold levels and with different general condition health, pain can manifest itself in different ways. So, for example, with pancreatitis they can not only be localized on the left side, but also radiate to the hypochondrium, legs and even jaw.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination

Causes of stabbing pain in the lower abdomen

The range of causes of pain on the left side of a woman is huge - from hypothermia to the presence chronic diseases organs and systems. All causes in medicine are divided into 2 main groups:

  • organic;
  • functional.

The first group of diseases is associated with the presence of pathologies of the pelvic organs, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, and vascular system.

The second indicates a malfunction of some organ during pregnancy, menstruation, ovulation, etc.

Only an extensive diagnosis can help the doctor diagnose a disease whose symptom is pain in a woman on the left.

Table 1. Common causes of pain

Gynecological diseases in women

Pain in the lower left is a sign of possible gynecological problem. There are a number of pathologies that manifest themselves with just such symptoms.

Inflammation of the appendages and uterus

Most often, women go to the doctor with a pain symptom on the left due to inflammation of the appendages. The nature of the occurrence of such processes is extensive:

  1. Getting infected through sexual contact.
  2. Chronic diseases of the female genital organs.
  3. Abortions and other operations in the uterine area.
  4. C-section.
  5. Introduction of the spiral.
  6. Allergies and personal intolerance to drugs.
  7. Diseases endocrine system.
  8. Reduced immunity.
  9. Impaired metabolism.
  10. Hormonal imbalance, etc.

With this type of pathology, women experience additional symptoms:

  • burning;
  • discharge.

TO gynecological diseases inflammatory nature include: colpitis, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis, endocervicitis, oophoritis, cervicitis, candidiasis (thrush), vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis(gardnerelosis), endometritis, vaginal microbiocenosis, etc.

The first pain symptoms appear on initial stage when diseases are in acute form and have not yet become chronic. It is then that the diagnosis will be quick and accurate, and the treatment effective and short-lived. At chronic forms Both processes are complicated by concomitant diseases, varied symptoms, complications, and so on.

Ectopic pregnancy

Fertilization outside the uterus - in the ovary, abdominal cavity, fallopian tube - also causes an attack of severe pain. This pathology dangerous due to rupture fallopian tube, then the pain begins to be simply unbearable. It might start internal bleeding, which is life-threatening.


The formation of cysts on the organs of the reproductive system is also frequent illness, causing a pain symptom, which, as a rule, has a weak aching character. Often the cause of their formation is a hormonal imbalance, which becomes more frequent:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during menopause;
  • in adolescence.

The pathology is dangerous because long time develops without symptoms, and the woman does not even suspect that a cyst formation has begun inside the organ.

If the cyst is not detected in time or is not treated, complications may develop such as:

  • cyst rupture;
  • intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • torsion of the cyst pedicle;
  • peritonitis;
  • degeneration of a cyst into a cancerous tumor.

Main symptoms late stage cyst development:

  1. Discomfort and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Bloating.
  4. Hair coarsening.
  5. Increased frequency of urination, pain, pain during urination.

An increase in the size of the ovary due to multiple cystic formations often occurs due to malfunctions of the endocrine system, hormonal disorders, neurological diseases.

The disease may not manifest itself for a long time and develop into dangerous diseases such as infertility, diabetes mellitus Type 2, vascular atherosclerosis and uterine cancer.

Therefore, it is important to identify pathology in time. Preferably at an early stage of development, for this you need to come to see a doctor, even if nothing is bothering you yet.

This benign education on the inner lining of the uterus. Polyps arise due to disruption of the endocrine system, immune systems, hormonal disorders, metabolism in the body, etc.

Women usually become aware of the disease at a later stage of development, when pain symptoms occur, particularly in the left side of the lower abdomen. This symptom may be accompanied by:

  • spotting brown discharge;
  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • intoxication: nausea, fever, weakness, etc.

Externally, this disease is very similar to malignancy. And only timely diagnosis will help establish the type and nature of the neoplasm in a woman’s body.

An erosion or ulcer in the vaginal part of the cervix also causes pain in the lower abdomen on the left.

The causes of the pathology can be operations and abortions, early and disorderly sex life, decreased immunity, bad habits and so on.

Sometimes it develops without symptoms, and the ulcer grows quickly and can develop into a malignant tumor. An examination by a gynecologist is the only way to detect and treat cervical erosion.

The disease manifests itself with mucous or bloody discharge.

Premenstrual syndrome

Every woman knows the condition increased nervousness and nagging pain in the lower abdomen a few days before the onset of menstruation. This symptom can be simply unbearable if women have suffered:

  • operations and abortions;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • infectious diseases;
  • frequent stress, overwork.

At this time, the stomach may hurt in any part of it, the lower back, or the back. Swelling and dizziness, increased irritability and depression, frequent or difficult urination, constipation or diarrhea, etc. appear.

During premenstrual syndrome may sting in the lower abdomen

Problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


Pain in the rectum, which may radiate to the left bottom part abdomen, accompanied by constipation and discharge from the anus. Only a professional proctologist can identify the disease and treat it correctly. Therefore, do not delay treatment, make an appointment with specialists.

Video - Proctitis


As a rule, the presence of stones in the bile ducts provokes another disease, which can also be expressed by pain in the lower left - this is inflammation of the pancreas. The stones block the ducts, which provokes the accumulation of enzymes secreted by the gland to digest food. If the process is not stopped, then these enzymes are converted into a harmful secretion, which begins to digest the walls and tissues of the pancreas itself. This causes acute pain in the left side of the abdomen. Acute pancreatitis begins, which has a number of characteristic signs:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dry mouth;
  • bloating;
  • nausea and vomiting.

If you have pancreatitis, you should eat right and follow a diet. We’ll tell you how to properly create a diet in our special

For any symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance, as pancreatitis can turn into purulent necrosis and cause general intoxication and blood poisoning.

You can’t delay treating pancreatitis

Pathologies of the spleen - lymphocytic leukemia and myeloid leukemia

These are cancer diseases that manifest themselves as pain in the lower abdomen. When the tumor develops and increases in size, it can cause blockage of the arteries, then the pain on the left intensifies. Volvulus of the spleen also causes pain on the left side, which is complemented by symptoms - elevated temperature, bloating, nausea and vomiting. May develop purulent inflammation, which is life-threatening. Identifying pathology at an early stage means having a chance to recover from this serious illness.


The most common proctological problems in women include. Appearance hemorrhoids in the anus causes pain, which can be localized in the left lower abdomen. Provoke pathology sedentary lifestyle life, childbirth, operations, heavy lifting, poor nutrition etc. Additional signs may be:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • itching, burning;
  • frequent constipation.

You should not endure the symptoms, since the advanced stage of this disease can even provoke cancer.

You can get acquainted with popular remedies against hemorrhoids in our


An overcrowded appendix, the organ that is responsible for immunity in the intestines, collects harmful microelements and is filled with pathogenic microflora. It can overflow, then an attack occurs, which requires urgent surgery to remove the appendix of the cecum. The pain with appendicitis is sharp, can be pulsating and radiate to the different areas bodies. Symptoms of the disease may be supplemented by:

  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • increased temperature;
  • chills;
  • dark urine;
  • bloating;
  • urinary retention.

Under no circumstances should you tolerate pain and other symptoms associated with this disease. If the appendix bursts, peritonitis and general blood poisoning may occur, which in most cases leads to death.

Inflammation of the appendix is ​​accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and sharp pain in the lower abdomen


Inflammation of the gallbladder gives a painful symptom when there are stones in it, which can also be in bile duct. Often the pain syndrome occurs in the left lower abdomen (although it is more common in the right) and is characterized as severe, encircling. A woman can experience pain shock and even lose consciousness.

At the same time, the following may appear:

  • skin rashes;
  • nausea;
  • temperature.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases

Pyelonephritis, cystitis

Infections in the urinary tract can cause cystitis. A characteristic feature The disease is increased pain when urinating. It can be localized in any lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, in the groin, etc., and can be a constant aching or acute paroxysmal one.

Urolithiasis of the kidneys

The reason is the presence of sand in the urinary tract. An excess of salts in the body forms oxalates and urates - a kind of sand. When it moves along the ureter, sharp, severe pain occurs that radiates to any part of the body. Additional signs of the disease are traces of blood in the urine, chills, fever, lethargy, and general malaise.

Diseases related to the nervous system

There is a popular belief that all diseases are caused by nerves. There is a lot of truth in this. It is malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system that provoke the whole complex diseases – any organs and systems of the body. Therefore, taking care of the nervous system, not getting upset and not taking everything to heart is the task of every woman.

Vegetovascular dystonia

The occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. These are the most common diseases. Such disorders are accompanied by changes in blood pressure, heartbeat, headache, dizziness, enlarged pupils, redness or paleness of the facial skin, increased sweating, fainting or loss of consciousness. Symptoms extend to the digestive system, when pain appears in any part of the abdomen, as well as nausea, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, and so on. You can avoid these diseases if you lead a healthy lifestyle - move a lot, eat right and don’t get upset. When determining the cause and nature of this disease the doctor must conduct an extensive comprehensive diagnostics for the correct prescription of individual treatment.

Whatever the nature of the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen on the left, every woman must remember that any pain cannot be tolerated.