What to do if you smoke during pregnancy. Prohibitions on tobacco dependence drugs for pregnant women. Is it possible to get rid of bad habits?

A bad habit interferes with the development of the fetus and provokes the appearance congenital diseases and defects that will have to be treated for more than a dozen years.

During pregnancy, it is important to give birth healthy baby. Change to correct image life is difficult, but choosing effective method and adhering useful tips make it quite possible.

How smoking affects maternal and fetal health

Scientists have long established that nicotine is harmful to health and negatively affects the development of the fetus. The list of diseases that smoking causes is horrifying in its length. More than 4,000 hazardous substances enter the human body with cigarettes.

Among them there are such toxic elements as formaldehyde, lead, arsenic. In addition to poisons, ammonia vapors enter the body of a smoker, carbon monoxide and even elements of acetone. In fact, the composition does not include tobacco, but only its remnants.

All the quality material is spent on expensive cigars, while ordinary people are honored only with the plant that did not meet the requirements. Tobacco leaf scraps, paper and waste processed into resin are added to the filling.

All these substances are dangerous even individually, it is scary to imagine how they affect the body in a mixture.

Part of the composition of the cigarette:

  • Cadmium (a metal that causes kidney damage);
  • Hydroquinone (causes eye diseases);
  • Hydrogen cyanide (gives headaches);
  • Carbon disulfide (affects the ability to conceive a child);
  • Phenol (contributes to the development of skin diseases);
  • Benzoperine (the biggest danger for pregnant women, it can change DNA).

Several hundred studies have already confirmed that Negative influence tobacco applies to both the expectant mother and the unborn baby. The danger is not only the risk improper development fetus and pathologies caused by smoking, but also the likelihood of miscarriage and arbitrary labor activity. This can lead to premature birth.

Mortality among premature babies is over 30%.

The impact of nicotine on an undeveloped child directly affects the future maturation of the long-awaited child. Such children, as a rule, lag behind their peers not only physically, but also psychologically. Immediately after birth, newborns whose mothers failed to quit smoking during pregnancy are underweight and may be 1.2 cm shorter.

Proven ways to quit smoking while pregnant

Nicotine- the main stumbling block in the fight against a bad habit. It is he who is addictive and is considered dangerous along with drugs. V human body nicotine is produced in small doses, but people who smoke sooner or later, the amount of produced substance falls, because now it comes from outside.

With the refusal of nicotine, for some time the body experiences a shortage of this alkaloid, until all systems are rebuilt to work without external replenishment.

Deprivation plays an important role in smoking cessation.

So, in psychology they call the process of restriction or complete renunciation of something. In this case, a person trying to become a non-smoker is comparable to a child who was forbidden to eat sweets. I just want more cigarettes and sugar. The reason for this is not the body's need for nutrients, but out of reach of the desired.

In some cases, deprivation causes aggression.

Whichever way you choose, it will be stressful for the body, both physically and mentally. It is necessary to carefully monitor the health of yourself and your baby, and in case of any deviations, immediately go to an appointment with the gynecologist leading you.

Instant failure

One of the most popular ways to overcome a problem. Most women, upon learning about pregnancy, decide to say goodbye to an unhealthy lifestyle, and all packs of cigarettes are immediately thrown into the trash can.

This method is one of the most complex and effective. Initially, the girl who quit experiences irritation and an unbearable craving for nicotine.

The main thing is to hold out for 3 weeks, after which complete weaning begins.

phasing out

An easier way to get rid of an addiction. Once you decide to quit smoking, you need to begin to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke in order to eventually achieve freedom from addiction.

This method has less effect on peace of mind, but the risk of not quitting increases. Everyone knows the phrase: "But one cigarette will not make it worse." It is precisely such deceptive thoughts that lead to the futility of all efforts.


This type of exposure makes it easy to forget about the habit. The method has not been proven by doctors, but many claim its effectiveness. The main advantage of such a tool is freedom from moral and physical torment. There is no need to take any drugs and you are no longer drawn to smoke a cigarette with a cup of coffee.

Is it safe to quit smoking during pregnancy?

The decisive factor in the fight against a habit that is dangerous to health is the factor of a person's dependence on nicotine. Abrupt withdrawal can be painless for those who are addicted to "incense sticks" recently and those who limit themselves to a small number of cigarettes per day.

Doctors are divided into two camps. Some argue that pregnant women should never abruptly quit smoking. Such actions entail too much stress for the mother and can provoke a miscarriage against the background of muscle contraction. The method of gradual failure is considered much more effective and more correct.

It is thanks to this method that every 20th person is cured of cravings for cigarettes.

According to the opposite "camp", the extra days of smoking will harm the mother and child even more. It is better to endure the stress of a sudden cessation of nicotine once, thereby not allowing smoking to negatively affect the health of an emerging child. To say exactly which of the opinions is true, on this moment impossible.

Possible consequences of smoking

Respiratory organs suffer enormous damage. Chronical bronchitis, emphysema, lung obstruction - all these diseases are the consequences of smoking. Doctors are already tired of repeating that only 10% of cases of lung cancer do not appear due to cravings for nicotine.

Second selection argument healthy lifestyle life - the cardiovascular system, which suffers no less than the lungs. The risk of blood clots increases, which leads to heart attacks and strokes.

The average smoker loses 15 years of his life.

The effect is also on the reproductive system. Every cigarette smoked gradually leads to impotence in men, and it will become a problem for women to get pregnant. Smoking while carrying a child confidently leads the mother to the grave and reduces possible term baby's life.

Harm to the health of the fetus

It is important to quit smoking early dates pregnancy, so that nicotine has a minimal chance of harming the baby. In the first trimester, the fetus is already forming internal organs. On the 15th day, the baby's brain appears, and already on the 21st week, it is possible to see a heartbeat on an ultrasound scan. In the early stages, the baby can be poisoned, and diseases are already creeping up.

One of the causes of stillbirth is the poisoning of the embryo with nicotine.

With the onset of the second trimester, circulatory system. Smoking during this period threatens to reward your child congenital diseases hearts. The impact of nicotine on the nervous system can cause significant deviations due to disruption of the neurons.

Children whose mothers consumed nicotine during this period are born already nicotine dependent.

smoking on later dates pregnancy mainly affects mental development child. The baby experiences constant oxygen starvation, and due to hypoxia, the brain inevitably suffers. In the third trimester, the risk of embryonic death is increased.

The most common diseases in children of smoking mothers:

  • Diabetes;
  • Autism;
  • Obesity;
  • Diseases respiratory system;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Clubfoot.

What to do if you can't quit

It is often difficult to give up habitual actions and for many it does not work out. Then future mother forced to resort to additional measures in order to protect her child from negative impact as much as possible.

You should resort to such methods only as a last resort, after consulting with your doctor.

Nicotine substitutes

Available as inhalers, nicotine patches and chewable tablets. One of the most popular companies producing such products is Nicorette, which is in great demand.

The consumption of such drugs is primarily used to combat the mechanical habit of smoking, significantly preventing the stress of nicotine withdrawal. The alkaloid continues to enter the body from third-party sources.


Has a lot positive feedback. By accepting them, the chances of throwers are doubled on average. The medicine has many contraindications. Studies have not been conducted on women bearing children, so consult your doctor before use. Do not try to calculate the dosage yourself.


Vapes, which are rapidly gaining popularity, allow owners to replace the usual taste of tobacco with the aromas of berries and fruits. Smokers prefer to wean from nicotine with the help of such inventions, because filling liquids are sold with different contents of a dangerous alkaloid, including zero.

This method is an extreme measure, because. e-liquids contain a lot of harmful substances and also negatively affect the development of the fetus.

  • When planning a pregnancy, do not delay the decision to refuse bad habit. Only after 2 years do former nicotine addicts have a chance to conceive and endure healthy child the same as in non-smokers.
  • Remember that you are not forcing yourself to quit your favorite habit, but you are following it. decision for the benefit of the child.
  • Enter the taboo on cigarettes at home.
  • Forget about marijuana and any drugs. Also say goodbye to coffee and alcohol, which negatively affect the development of the fetus and encourage smoking.
  • It is worth giving up hookahs, because. their tobacco also contains harmful substances and combustion products.
  • In the first month of throwing, it is not recommended to spend time near cigarette smoke to avoid temptations.
  • If you want to smoke, eat pineapples. They reduce the body's need for nicotine.
  • The incentive will be friends who decide to help and get on the path to a healthy lifestyle as a token of support.
  • It is easier for a pregnant woman to quit smoking if you replace a bad habit with a good one. For example, walking on fresh air.
  • A popular home remedy for nicotine cravings is to moisten a cigarette with milk, let it dry, and smoke it. You will definitely not want to feel the taste of tobacco again.
  • The main condition in the fight against the habit is the understanding that this is done primarily for the sake of oneself and the health of the child.

Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking. But not everyone is able to quit addiction overnight. At the onset of pregnancy, the refusal nicotine addiction required. But you need to take into account the nuances of this process, so as not to harm unborn child.

  • Harm from smoking during pregnancy

    At the doctor's request to stop smoking at the onset of pregnancy women react differently. Some give up a bad habit instantly, others come up with ridiculous excuses. One of the arguments is the need stress management. But in fact, the harm from nicotine is much more.

    Experts say that a child is negatively affected even if his father smokes. Not less harm inflicts on the fetus regular visits to a woman smoky premises. The dangers of nicotine are as follows:

    • underweight newborn;
    • risk of miscarriage;
    • preeclampsia;
    • congenital anomalies The child has;
    • problems with lactation;
    • mental disorder;
    • fading pregnancy;
    • intellectual disorders;
    • pathology of physical development.

    Smoking also affects the condition of the expectant mother. Shortness of breath appears much earlier than it does in healthy women. Increasing chance development lung diseases . There are jumps blood pressure. The gestation process in this case will be problematic.

    Other organs also suffer under the influence of nicotine. Smokers develop gastritis. Appear vascular diseases which can cause a stroke. While a woman smokes a cigarette, her child suffers from a lack of oxygen.

    There is evidence for the theory that nicotine negatively affects performance reproductive system child in the future. Problems show up during puberty. In girls, there is a decrease in the number of healthy eggs. Boys develop pathology of the structure of spermatozoa.

    IMPORTANT! Smoking should be abandoned at the stage of pregnancy planning. Nicotine has a depressing effect on the reproduction of women.

    After giving up a harmful ritual, a woman will notice significant changes in her body. They touch the sensitivity of the olfactory organs, appearance teeth, work respiratory system and stomach. Nicotine has a depressing effect on the receptors of the nose, not allowing you to fully enjoy the palette of aromas that surround you in everyday life. People, quit smoking begin to notice how beautiful the world around them is.

    Can you quit smoking during pregnancy?

    Smoking and pregnancy are mutually exclusive concepts. Doctors recommend quitting smoking as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. There is an opinion that a sharp rejection of a bad habit is no less harmful in relation to the child. There is some truth in this, but risk of complications higher in this case.

    If you quit gradually, then the regular intake of nicotine will lead to severe poisoning of the child's body. This is especially dangerous in the early stages, during the formation main life support systems. Therefore, upon learning about pregnancy, it is better to stop smoking immediately. A woman should show willpower, because the health of her child depends on it.

    The intake of nicotine in the body in the second trimester causes deformation of the placenta. She can no longer fully protect the fetus. In case of its rejection, an abortion occurs. A miscarriage in the second trimester is harder to survive than to give up addiction.

    If nicotine addiction too strong, you should seek the help of specialists. The doctor will prescribe recommendations that will need to be followed for a certain time. Most often they are based on two principles:

    • daily decrease number of cigarettes smoked;
    • smoking an incomplete cigarette.

    REFERENCE! According to statistics, the children of women who smoke develop much more slowly. They later begin to walk and talk. They later develop logical thinking and the ability to learn.

    How to quit smoking?

    To get rid of a bad habit, you need to understand the nature of its origin. Nicotine has a short-term relaxing effect on the body. 40 minutes after the last cigarette smoked, substance concentration in the body is halved. The body signals the need to relax. This makes a person pick up another cigarette.

    Smoking is a ritual providing moral satisfaction. To break a habit, you need to replace it with more useful action. You need to think about what can bring the same pleasure. If you experience nicotine cravings, you should resort to an alternative ritual. The success of the result depends on willpower and human motivation.

    Some women use pharmaceutical products. These include various chewing gums and patches containing nicotine. They reduce cravings for the alkaloid.

    The task of the expectant mother during pregnancy is to ensure the most favorable environment around you. The following principles will help speed up the process of getting rid of a bad habit:

    • Fitness classes or gymnastics for pregnant women will distract from bad thoughts and help the body cope with stress.
    • Long walks will normalize the functioning of the respiratory system.
    • Avoiding smoky rooms and people who smoke will deprive you of a reason to take a cigarette in your hand.
    • Swimming in the pool perfectly switches attention and improves mood.
    • Getting rid of attributes of a bad habit(lighters and ashtrays) will allow you not to think about it.
    • An excellent substitute for cigarettes can be lollipops, chewing gum, fruits and juices.

    ON A NOTE! E-cigarettes are not the best substitute for nicotine. It contains no less harmful substances.

    Timely quitting smoking will reduce the likelihood of developing pathological processes. This will ensure a healthy future for the child. For women suffering from nicotine addiction before pregnancy, doctors recommend convert close attention to your condition.

Smoking accelerates the destruction of vitamin C, as a result, the body experiences its deficiency, and its consequences can be very serious. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to metabolic disorders, there may also be problems with the absorption of proteins and frequent.

It has already been proven that due to nicotine poisoning in a woman during the conception of a child, the risk of miscarriage increases by 8-10 times.

Consequences of smoking during pregnancy

The most dangerous is the effect of nicotine on a child in the womb. It must be imagined that your baby begins his life in an environment of nicotine poisoning (intoxication). The baby, being in the womb of a mother who smokes, acts as a passive smoker. As you know, an adult smoker after a few hours (depending on the intensity with which he smokes) of being forced to give up cigarettes simply has an unbridled desire to smoke or at least take one puff. Experts in this field call this phenomenon "nicotine hunger". It’s hard to imagine, but newborn babies also have a “nicotine hunger”. This "hunger" can manifest itself in different ways (it all depends on how long and how much the mother smoked during pregnancy).

It often happens that the kids constantly cry a lot and it is difficult for them to fall asleep, and the reason for this is the mother's smoking. And sometimes it even happens that a child was born, took the first breath in life, screamed, and after a couple of seconds began to choke and turn blue. This is a manifestation of a strong nicotine hunger in a child. In rare and emergency cases, doctors may even ask the mother to light a cigarette and exhale the smoke towards the baby.

Children of smoking mothers are far behind in development, not only in utero, but also after birth. In mothers with this bad habit, children suffer from oxygen starvation in utero and because of this they are often born prematurely, they have a small weight, and they suffer from work disorders respiratory organs. More for a long time after childbirth, children suffer from poisoning received during their stay in the womb. Nicotine contributes to the damage to the brain cells of the child, which can lead to sleep disturbance and causeless whims of the baby.

Stop smoking before pregnancy!

It is better not to start smoking at all, but if this bad habit has already enslaved you, you should find the strength in yourself to quit smoking about a year before the expected pregnancy. It takes a year for nicotine to completely disappear from the female body. Some women who smoke say that they have been smoking for a long time and cannot get rid of this habit, but at the same time they try to eat right, drink vitamins, walk in the fresh air so that smoking does not affect their unborn child. Undoubtedly, proper nutrition, taking vitamins and walking in the fresh air are very useful, but still, the child will definitely receive his dose of poisoning from nicotine. That is why you should abandon this bad habit before pregnancy!

quit smoking for real

quit smoking for real! They say that cigarettes are a drug, although this is not true! And any sane woman is able to quit smoking. The most difficult period of quitting smoking is the first 24 hours, if you endure, do not give up, then the next day you may no longer remember that you are drawn to the cherished pack of nicotine. The incentive to smoke again can be different reasons, for example, for the company with friends, out of habit out of boredom, the desire to take a spectacular pose or when nervous disorders. At this time, when your hand reaches for the cherished pack to pull out and light a cigarette, ask yourself “What do I need this for?”, after answering yourself, try to come up with another way to take off nervous tension or just take free time. Quitting smoking is possible, you need to remember this.

You can't stop smoking!

Women who smoke for a long time and more than 10 cigarettes a day should quit smoking during pregnancy very carefully and slowly. Pregnancy is already a very big stress for the body, so any changes in the usual rhythm of life during this period (this includes quitting smoking) will only increase the already painful condition of the woman. When a woman quits smoking abruptly, her heart rate decreases and muscle contractility increases, and this is already can lead to miscarriage. A severe, painful condition can last quite a long time, from several weeks to a month. The main thing here is not to overdo it! You need to understand that before you could only rely on your own strength, but now you need to remember that there is one more person in you.

What is the best way to quit smoking during pregnancy? Experts say that in no case should a sharply pregnant woman take and quit smoking. This should be done gradually, not in one day, but spread over 3 weeks.

    At the first stage, reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day by half and switch to lighter cigarettes.

    After a week, further reduce the number of cigarettes per day. And make yourself a rule: do not finish smoking a cigarette to the end, take a few puffs to bring down nicotine hunger and that's enough.

    In the third week, allow yourself to take puffs only in the most extreme cases, if the heart starts beating too fast, dizziness begins, etc. And at the end of the third week, you will no longer want to take a cigarette in your hand.

sudden pregnancy

In most cases it happens sudden pregnancy, and future parents are not quite ready for this. At the moment when they find out about the pregnancy, the embryo is already about 2-4 weeks old, and by this time he has already managed to “pick up” enough nicotine. At 4 weeks, the embryo begins to form the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, spine and brain, and that is precisely the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, spine and brain suffer greatly from nicotine influence.

Women who quit smoking at the beginning of pregnancy worry that they have already poisoned their unborn baby with nicotine in the first weeks. Do not panic, you can minimize the harmful effects of smoking during the rest of your pregnancy. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have recently quit smoking. Your doctor will prescribe you vitamins great content vitamin C and iron. Foods that contain caffeine should be avoided, such as chocolate, coffee, black tea, cola, etc. Eat as much as possible fresh vegetables, fruit, drink fresh juices. Try to drink as much liquid as possible, such as milk, kefir, green tea, non-carbonated mineral water, all this will contribute to the removal of nicotine decay products. Be sure to walk for at least 3-4 hours in the fresh air, try to avoid smoky rooms and in no case allow people to smoke in your presence. If you follow these simple rules, you can correct the damage caused by nicotine to your body and give birth to a full-fledged, healthy baby.

And dads don't stay away

It is better to quit smoking, of course, together with the second half. First, it will save you from envy when your husband goes out for a smoke break. Despite the fact that many men believe that they do not need to quit smoking, because they do not carry a child in themselves. But it's not! There is an opinion that if one of the parents smokes, this in any case affects future offspring. Nicotine poisons the body of not only women, but also men, and this affects the quality and quantity of sperm. So in order for the child to be healthy, both parents should quit smoking.

It should be noted that, unlike the female body, nicotine is excreted from the male body faster, in just 3 months. This suggests that if only dad is a smoker, then pregnancy can be planned already after 3 months from the time he gave up smoking. In case dad flatly does not want to give up this addiction, try bringing him the following medical studies:

Scientists have found that if one or both parents are smokers in the family, children are twice as likely to suffer from diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma, tobacco contributes to the narrowing blood vessels, and also greatly impairs blood oxygen saturation.

Children of parents who smoke are 6 times more likely to suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract. In girls who were born already passive smokers, they can be observed in later life.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and social development(2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

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The problem of infertility is now much more serious than it used to be, several centuries ago. The sexual revolution bears a serious responsibility, if only for the fact that it spreads infectious diseases. And young people no longer want to have children, the delay in pregnancy is growing more and more.

If you don't smoke, don't even start. Whatever advertising says, a cigarette in the hands does not color anyone, moreover, it slowly but surely poisons the body, causing irreversible consequences in it. Nicotine has a particularly detrimental effect on the fetus during gestation. Sometimes, having learned about the destructiveness of cigarettes for her baby, a woman begins to wonder: how to get rid of this disgusting habit?

Impact of smoking on maternal and fetal health

It would seem that no matter how the future mother, who should protect both herself and the baby developing inside her body in the first place. However, the statistics are relentless: in Russia, 50% of women smoke during pregnancy. A single cigarette contains more than 4,500 harmful substances.

Let's face the facts:

  • The likelihood of a miscarriage smoking woman is 22-41%, for a non-smoker only 7.4%. More and percentage premature birth(14%). More often you have to resort to caesarean section(2-3 times), because under the influence of harmful substances that regularly enter the body, the placenta attaches to the lower wall of the uterus and blocks the natural exit for the fetus.
  • Risk ectopic pregnancy in heavy smokers it increases by 2 times, they are 5 times more likely to suffer from chronic colpitis and cardiovascular pathologies. getting worse color perception hearing loss due to swelling eardrum, the ability to feel the taste of products is dulled.
  • The absorption of nicotine during lactation quickly wears out the female body and ages it. The amount of milk is noticeably reduced and it becomes unpleasant in taste. with mustard. Therefore, parents often have to resort to artificial mixtures.
  • The risk of irreversible changes and inflammations in the retina that can lead to partial or complete blindness increases several times. Due to the increase in testosterone, subcutaneous fat is distributed over male type, the voice coarsens, the skin becomes thinner and dryer, teeth are destroyed, osteoporosis and insomnia occur, peripheral circulation. And this is not the most complete bouquet of diseases.

The consequences for the child look even more deplorable:

  • Smoking causes oxygen starvation in the fetus, which, in turn, leads to a delay in the development of respiratory and nervous system. As the child grows, he more often than his peers develop diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, blood clots form in the brain.
  • The toxic substances contained in cigarettes have a depressing effect on the production of spermatozoa in boys. The latter take an abnormal form, become lethargic, move little. There is a destruction of the Y-chromosome, in addition, there is a disease of cryptorchidism. In girls, rudimentary eggs die, which in the future will affect the ability to have children.
  • Having matured, the girl is more likely to face breast cancer, and the boy - liver cancer.
  • More than 30% of children are born with physical defects: cleft palate, cleft lip, strabismus, hernia of the inguinal region.
  • High risk of anomalies mental development: Down's disease, mental retardation.
  • One third of the children adolescence begins to suffer from obesity and diabetes.
  • During schooling children of smoking mothers stand out from their classmates: they are noticeably behind in their studies, they can hardly cope with homework (especially with the exact sciences), they are restless, they do not remember new information well. The risk of suicidal tendencies is increased, the tendency to antisocial behavior, drug addiction, alcoholism and substance abuse is more common.

But the danger lurks not only in active, but also in passive smoking. Even a regular stay in a smoky room can leave a negative imprint on the development of the fetus:

  • Stillbirth
  • Anomalies in the structure of internal organs
  • preterm birth
  • developmental delays
  • underweight
  • Weakness of the respiratory and nervous system
  • Leukemia
  • Lungs' cancer
  • Kidney pathologies
  • Diabetes

Is it possible not to get rid of a bad habit?

To smoke or not to smoke - the expectant mother decides on her own. The harm from this habit has long been proven, and only selfishness can make a woman follow her own desires and claim that she is unable to cope with them. Ask yourself the question - are you ready for the birth of a sick, weakened child who got all the problems because of your unwillingness to listen to common sense? Is your son's or daughter's tear worth a pack of cigarettes and smoke rings picturesquely flying up to the ceiling? I think you already know the answer.

Options for quitting smoking during pregnancy:

- instantly

At this time, it is important to tune in to success, not trying on the role of a victim. Think that you are a caring mother who dreams of giving birth to a strong, healthy baby to the delight of everyone, and you do not smoke anymore and have never taken a cigarette in your hands. Do not set specific dates for yourself, do not break a pack of cigarettes for show - just throw it away. Realize that toxic substances will no longer enter your body and the body of the crumbs that you bear. Come up with another, useful, habit, instead of smoking: it can be a new hobby, trips to interesting places, communication with people, allowed sports.

ATTENTION! In a person who quits smoking abruptly, certain changes occur in the body, specifically, due to a decrease in heart contractions, the muscles begin to contract, which can provoke a miscarriage. The percentage of this is very small, but it is there. In addition, a woman can be tormented by headaches, shortness of breath, coughing and sleep disturbances. All this gives an additional load on the bronchopulmonary system.

The conclusion will be this - it is best to quit smoking abruptly in the early stages of pregnancy.

- the use of drugs

Popular now e-cigarettes do not contain so many harmful resins, and nicotine may not be there at all. However, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to use them, because the possibility of carcinogens and other substances entering the child's body is not excluded. chemical substances through steam. Don't consider this device like a panacea. The same applies to special patches. But sucking lozenges and inhalers will not hurt.

REFERENCE! The drug Zyban (Bupropion) is able to suppress the craving for smoking in as soon as possible and relatively safe. However, in the list of possible side effects convulsions and attacks of epilepsy, sleep disturbances, nausea and vomiting are indicated. This means that it cannot be used if there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as during breastfeeding.

- phased out

Reducing the number of cigarettes smoked day by day allows you to get rid of the habit less painfully. Not only the quantity changes, but also the property - in the first week, replace your cigarettes with lighter ones. In the second - do not finish smoking one cigarette to the end, but put it out after a couple of puffs. In the third week, try to smoke as a last resort.

IMPORTANT! female body recovers much longer than the male: it is enough for the stronger sex to give up cigarettes for 3 months to completely get rid of nicotine in the blood, while the lady will need at least a year.

- folk methods and means

Methods such as hypnosis and acupuncture are not widely used. The opinion of doctors is very contradictory, and the cost of such services is very high. And no one gives a 100% guarantee that you will quit smoking. But more and more paid smoking cessation programs include both methods one and two.

You can help yourself like this:

  • Soak a few tablespoons of oats in cold water for a day, then bring to a boil and cool. Take 3-4 sips whenever you feel like smoking.
  • Pour a tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain, add honey and glycerin in equal proportions. Take a few sips 7 times a day.

ATTENTION! When choosing how to get rid of the habit of smoking, be sure to inform your doctor and ask him for advice. The specialist will tell you how to smooth out the harm already done to the body: suitable diet, vitamin complex, special preparations.

IMPORTANT! Vitamin C (500mg/dl reduces the effect of toxins on development) will help speed up the metabolism in the body and cleanse the blood. bronchopulmonary system fetus). The benefits will bring foods high in iron, fiber, green tea and herbal preparations, mineral water without gas, milk drinks. Avoid coffee, black tea and sugary drinks. Eat more seafood, garlic, carrots, turnips and oranges - they remove nicotine from the body. Avoid passive smoking areas and go outside more often.

Why You Shouldn't Quit a Habit

Some doctors oppose drastic smoking cessation. The fact is that the adaptation period, which takes 2-3 weeks, abruptly passes painlessly. Most often, a woman experiences apathy and depression, she has sharp drops mood, reduced alertness. So unstable mental condition it can be dangerous for both her and the child if there are no relatives nearby who can surround the pregnant woman with attention and vigilant control. In this case, you need great power will - only 5% of people are able to quit smoking in this way the first time.


Now you know what harm a seemingly harmless habit can do. The main condition in an attempt to get rid of addiction to nicotine is own wish and the ability to take matters into your own hands. Be persistent and responsible for your own and others' lives!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

It is well known that smoking is a bad habit that should be abandoned. It is better for women to do this before pregnancy, preferably at least a few months in advance. The period of bearing a child in itself is a serious stress for the body, so preparation for it must begin in advance.

But if the pregnancy came unexpectedly for the expectant mother herself, the decision to give up cigarettes has to be taken urgently in order to apply as much as possible less time health of the unborn child.

Effects of smoking throughout pregnancy

“I can’t quit smoking during pregnancy, although I understand that it is harmful” - this is exactly the complaint that gynecologists and therapists often hear. Unfortunately, getting hooked on nicotine is always easier than quitting.

Some continue to smoke until childbirth, because they do not find the strength to quit this occupation.

But regular intoxication with nicotine and other substances harmful to health, of which there are many in tobacco smoke, adversely affects the condition of the fetus.

If the expectant mother smokes, the child's risk of developing from the first months of pregnancy increases several times:

  • mental pathologies;
  • hay fever and other types of allergies;
  • heart disease;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • chronic respiratory diseases.

Children of smoking mothers are much more likely to be born prematurely, and in the early stages of tobacco smoking often provokes miscarriages. Since nicotine impairs blood circulation, the supply of oxygen vital to the fetus is inhibited, and blood flow in the vessels of the placenta is disturbed. Accordingly, while a pregnant woman smokes, her baby suffers from hypoxia and a lack of nutrients.

Unfortunately, not all smokers are able to tell themselves “I can quit” and make sure that words do not diverge from actions.

What to do if, while waiting for a child, you really want to smoke and thoughts about tobacco all the time haunt you?

    1. To begin with, give up the idea of ​​gradually reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke. Remember: safe dosage or harmless way no smoking during pregnancy! Even a couple puffs on a cigarette or hookah can harm the health of a mother and her baby.
    2. It is important not only to abruptly and immediately give up such a bad habit, but also to avoid places where people smoke. Passive smoking no less dangerous than active, and a smoky room is far from the place that is ideal for a pregnant woman who really cares about her health. The stress that the developing organism of the unborn child will experience during the sudden withdrawal of nicotine will be disproportionately less than the problems provoked by the habit of using tobacco.
    3. Try to synchronize the process of weaning from cigarettes with the first months of bearing a baby, when toxicosis becomes your reliable ally (this phenomenon is observed for up to 12-16 weeks in most pregnant women). Nausea in response to tobacco smoke, will help to hold out for the first time, and after a few weeks, when the toxicosis will come to naught, the dependence will already be less pronounced and it will become easier to bear it.
    4. If there is no toxicosis, and you can’t cope on your own (as some women say, “I smoke and scold myself, but there is not enough willpower to finally quit”), try to seek help from a psychotherapist.
    5. There are many effective methods helping to forget about tobacco without the use of medicines. Good result sometimes gives acupuncture, as if by a wave magic wand causing a real aversion to cigarettes, as well as "replacement policy": every time you feel like smoking, eat an apple or mint, drink water, distract yourself with something.

Pharmaceutical replacement of cigarettes: benefit or harm to a pregnant woman?

Sometimes the last salvation that experienced smokers have to resort to is a nicotine patch or its analogues - chewing gum, tablets, lozenges. Their use allows you to get your usual dose nicotine without the need to drag on a cigarette: it turns out that fewer carcinogens enter the body, and the withdrawal process becomes less painful.