Symptoms of lung disease. Main signs and symptoms of pulmonary diseases

Can your lungs hurt? From an anatomical and physiological point of view, no, since there are no nerve endings in the lungs that could receive pain impulses and the unpleasant sensations associated with them. Most often, lung problems manifest themselves in the form of cough and difficulty breathing.

Pain in the lungs is a fairly broad concept that can serve as a sign of diseases of the respiratory system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, neurological problems, and possibly even the musculoskeletal system. But why do the lungs hurt, and what is hidden behind this symptom?

The pleura, trachea and bronchi contain receptors that can signal breathing. The main thing is that painful sensations in the lungs may indicate the most unexpected diagnoses.

It is important to be aware of how the lungs hurt in various diseases, and to know the main reasons that contribute to the occurrence of painful sensations. This is necessary in order not to get confused in the situation when chest pain of unknown etiology occurs.

What does the nature and location of pain indicate?

In order to understand the reason that provoked the painful sensations, as well as to carry out reliable diagnostic measures, the patient must indicate the strength of the painful sensations, their nature, whether there is a cough, shortness of breath, whether the use of painkillers provides relief.

Chest pain

Distinguish following reasons pain in the lungs:

  1. Only one lung is affected. Pain in the right lung, just like pain in the left lung, indicates a problem not only with the respiratory system, but also with the nervous system, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with the musculoskeletal system.

  2. Angina pectoris. An attack of angina is accompanied by rapidly increasing pain in the chest, which can cover left shoulder, left half breasts The main accompaniments of attacks are a feeling of fear, difficulty breathing, pale skin, increased sweating, and it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe. Taking simple painkillers in this case is ineffective, since the pain is caused by spasms of the coronary vessels. It is recommended to quickly take Validol and Nitroglycerin. An attack of angina lasting more than two hours may indicate a myocardial infarction.
  3. Tracheitis. With tracheitis, painful sensations are localized in the upper part of the sternum and have a scratching character. Cough – dry, “barking”. You can alleviate the condition with warm drinks, wrapping, and gargling. In case of fever, antipyretic medications (Paracetamol) are prescribed.
  4. Bronchitis. With bronchitis, pain in the lungs is diffuse in nature, and an exact indication of the location is not possible. When trying to take a deep breath, attacks of dry cough occur, which after a couple of days turns into a productive cough, sputum is released mixed with pus. There are complaints of weakness, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. In addition, bronchitis is accompanied by fever, headaches, and lack of appetite.

  5. Dry pleurisy. This disease is a companion to tuberculosis, pneumonia, and rheumatism. The pain in the lungs is stabbing in nature. If a person coughs and takes a deep breath, the pain tends to get worse. Another typical location is the right hypochondrium. The patient instinctively tries to lie down on the painful side, as this reduces the movements of the pleura and, accordingly, helps relieve painful sensations.
  6. . Most often, tuberculosis contributes to the development of this disease, which can result in pulmonary fibrosis. First, there are complaints of pain in the side, pleural friction noise, and a dry cough that is painful. Gradually, heaviness begins to be felt, the intercostal spaces bulge and smooth out.
  7. Pneumonia. The cause of the disease is pneumococcus. In this case, one or more lobes of the lung are affected. At the onset of the disease, fever, severe chills, intoxication, and redness of the cheeks occur. A sick person coughs as loud as he can. The cough is painful and produces bloody, rust-colored sputum.
  8. Soreness in the bones. Damage to the periosteum covering the ribs is accompanied by severe painful sensations localized at the site of the inflammatory process. At the same time, the bones of the chest and lungs hurt. This can be caused by injuries to the bones of the chest, cancer and degenerative bone lesions.
  9. Pain in the joints. Pain in the joints, which serve as connections to the bones of the chest, is usually provoked by arthritis, arthrosis, and neoplasms. The joint swells, hyperemia appears, and pain occurs when making movements.
  10. Muscle soreness. Myositis occurs as a complication of an infectious disease or excessive physical activity. The muscle looks thickened, palpation examination causes pain in the patient, and an increase in temperature is felt. Muscles may become more sore when the patient tries to change body position. Cough and shortness of breath are not typical for myositis.
  11. Painful sensations in the intestines. The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. In case increased gas formation severe paroxysmal pain occurs, localized to the left of the sternum, which disappears after removing gases from the intestines.

Pain in the lung area from the back

Many people sometimes have back pain in the area of ​​the lungs. What to do in this situation depends on what caused this condition to occur. When prescribing treatment, the doctor will find out what was the root cause of pain in the lungs from the back, how and when, such symptoms appeared, what their duration was, and other complaints in the patient.

Usually the lungs hurt from the back in case of the following diseases:

Diagnosis and treatment of lung pain

In order to carry out adequate therapeutic tactics regarding painful sensations in the lungs, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic procedures with appropriate specialists.

If such complaints occur, the patient should contact the following specialists:

  1. therapist;
  2. phthisiatrician;
  3. cardiologist;
  4. oncologist;
  5. traumatologist.

If pain occurs for the first time, and its onset is sudden, paroxysmal, then you should immediately call an ambulance and consult a doctor about initial recommendations for improving the patient’s condition.

If pain of any strength and localization develops, you should immediately undergo an examination, which consists of a comprehensive study of the problem area:

If the pain that occurs concerns the pulmonary system and is of a bacterial nature, then antibiotics must be taken to alleviate the condition. latest generation. The drugs of choice may be Ciproplet, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, Auromitaz.

It is also necessary to take medications that promote the removal of sputum (Lazolvan, ACC) and anti-cough (Sinekod, Cough Tablets). The mandatory treatment package includes multivitamins and immunostimulants. Drug therapy should be supplemented by physiological and rehabilitation procedures, but only after complete relief of the acute inflammatory process.

Absolutely everyone who complains of painful sensations in the lungs should strictly observe strict bed rest or gentle rest, and adhere to a balanced diet rich in high-calorie foods. Alcoholic drinks and smoking are completely excluded.

If the onset of pain is not associated with pulmonary diseases, treatment depends on which organ is affected, the severity and complexity of the disease, and the presence of associated complications.

Lungs - main body respiratory system human body, occupying almost the entire chest cavity. Like any other, lung diseases can be acute and chronic and are caused by both external and internal factors, their symptoms are very varied. Unfortunately, lung diseases have recently become quite frequent and widespread and represent one of the most important threats to human life and health. Lung diseases rank 6th among the causes of high mortality throughout the world, often leading to disability and early loss of ability to work. All this depends on the high costs of hospitalization and medications. medicines necessary for their treatment.

The essence of the problem

The main function of the lungs is gas exchange - enriching the blood with oxygen from the air inhaled by a person and releasing carbon dioxide - carbon dioxide. The process of gas exchange occurs in the alveoli of the lungs and is ensured by active movements of the chest and diaphragm. But the physiological role of the lungs in the functioning of the whole organism is not limited only to the process of gas exchange - they also participate in metabolic processes, perform secretory and excretory functions and have phagocytic properties. The lungs also participate in the process of thermoregulation of the entire body. Like all other organs, the lungs are also susceptible to the occurrence and development of various diseases, which can be either inflammatory or infectious nature- due to the ingress of various kinds of bacteria, viruses or fungi into them.

List of the most common lung diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • emphysema;
  • lung cancer;
  • pneumonia.

Pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma

Pneumonia is an inflammatory process that develops in the lungs as a result of the ingress of various pathological microorganisms: bacteria, viruses or fungi. Sometimes the causative agents of pneumonia are various chemicals that have entered the human body. Pneumonia can develop both on all tissues of the lung, on both sides, and on any separate part of it. Symptoms of pneumonia are quite painful sensations in the chest, cough, difficulty breathing, chills, fever and a sudden feeling of anxiety. Pneumonia is treated with penicillin antibiotics and is the most serious and dangerous lung disease, often leading to the death of the patient.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the lungs, bronchioles. Most often occurs in young children and elderly people due to infection of the upper respiratory tract, as well as as a result allergic reactions. A symptom of bronchitis is a dry, irritating, sharp cough that gets worse at night. There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic, the characteristic symptoms of which are difficulty breathing, whistling, swelling of the upper body, severe and persistent cough, accompanied by copious discharge mucus and phlegm, the skin of the face becomes bluish, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Sometimes, in parallel with chronic bronchitis, a person develops obstructive bronchitis, its symptom is extremely difficult breathing, which is hampered by a narrowing of the lumen (obstruction) of the upper respiratory tract, caused by the inflammatory process and thickening of the walls of the bronchi. Chronic obstructive bronchitis is a lung disease that occurs mainly in smokers.

Bronchial asthma is also a chronic disease that manifests itself in the form of attacks of a dry, irritating cough that ends in suffocation. During such attacks, narrowing and swelling of the bronchi and the entire chest occurs, which makes breathing difficult. Bronchial asthma progresses quite quickly and leads to pathological damage to lung tissue. This process is irreversible and has characteristic symptoms: a constant debilitating cough, cyanosis of the skin due to a constant lack of oxygen and rather heavy, noisy breathing.

Tuberculosis, emphysema, cancer

Tuberculosis is a lung disease caused by Mycobacterium - Koch's bacillus, transmitted by airborne droplets. Infection occurs from a carrier of the disease and at the initial stage is practically asymptomatic. This happens because the antibodies produced immune system humans, envelop these mycobacteria in so-called cocoons, which can be found in the lungs of a person in a sleeping state quite long period time. Then, depending on the state of a person’s health, his lifestyle, external factors, and the number of mycobacteria that have entered the body, the disease begins to progress and manifests itself in the form of sudden weight loss, increased sweating, rather reduced performance, weakness and a constantly elevated temperature of up to 37 °C. body temperature.

Emphysema is the destruction of the walls between the alvioli of the lungs, which leads to an increase in lung volume and narrowing of the airways. Pathological tissue damage leads to impaired gas exchange and significant loss of oxygen, leading to breathing difficulties. For the lungs, the disease emphysema is quite secretive, its symptoms appear even with significant damage - a person develops shortness of breath, he rapidly loses weight, the skin turns red, it becomes difficult, almost impossible to breathe, and the chest becomes barrel-shaped.

Another disease is lung cancer. A pathological, fatal disease that is practically asymptomatic, especially in early stage of its development. Sometimes cancer can be identified by the presence of chest pain, cough, shortness of breath and hemoptysis. Cancers characterized by the rapid growth of pathological cells (metastasis), which spread throughout all organs and systems of the body. Therefore, cancer is considered a fatal disease and practically cannot be cured, especially at the stage of metastasis.

Sometimes there are cases of pneumonia developing without a cough. This is a more dangerous disease, since when you cough, the body naturally clears itself of mucus and phlegm, which contain a fairly large number of pathogenic microorganisms, causing inflammation. A cough signals a pathological process in the lungs and allows you to start on time necessary treatment, which reduces the risk of complications. In the absence of cough syndrome, the bronchi are not cleared of phlegm and mucus, which leads to worsening of the inflammatory process and the appearance of pus in the mucus and sputum.

What should the treatment be?

If you have any cough, even not a very strong one, you should consult a doctor, do the necessary laboratory tests and get diagnosed. After identifying the cause, the symptoms of lung disease must be treated with medications prescribed by a doctor according to the disease and the degree of its development. Except drug therapy, you can use fairly simple and no less effective means traditional medicine:

  1. Lung balm based on aloe leaves - prepared from crushed aloe leaves, which should be poured with grape wine and mixed with liquid honey. Infuse the mixture in a cool place for several weeks, then strain and consume 3 times a day daily for any lung diseases.
  2. A medicinal mixture of carrot, beet, and black radish juice with the addition of alcohol and honey must be infused in a dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Then drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day until the infusion ends. Then take a break while the new mixture is prepared. This composition helps well in relieving and alleviating the symptoms of all lung diseases.
  3. You can prepare a medicinal paste that should be consumed 3 times a day with a glass of goat milk or spread on bread, making a sandwich: 10 fresh yolks chicken eggs mix with sugar, add melted chocolate, lard and grated apple. Mix everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. This mixture is an excellent expectorant and also has properties to strengthen the immune system.

But still, in order to correctly determine the diagnosis, take medications and folk recipes, you should consult a doctor.

Ventilation - air flow through airways into the alveoli during inhalation and its removal during exhalation;

Diffusion, or penetration of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the alveolar-capillary membrane from the alveoli into the pulmonary capillaries and back;

And thirdly, perfusion, i.e. the delivery of blood enriched with oxygen through the pulmonary arteries, its distribution among the capillaries and the removal of blood rich in carbon dioxide from them in the opposite direction through the pulmonary veins.

From the above diagram it follows that a deterioration in gas exchange can be the result of changes in any of its links, which to one degree or another is facilitated by a violation of the protective and cleansing mechanisms of the respiratory system, which prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, dust particles, toxic substances etc. into the lungs.

For patients with lung diseases, the most typical manifestations are shortness of breath, cough, hemoptysis and chest pain. They also note respiratory failure.

A cough is, as already mentioned, a forced “explosive” exhalation that occurs as a result of irritation or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

It can be voluntary and involuntary (reflex), dry and with sputum (productive), constant and paroxysmal, morning and night.

For tumors, as well as acute tracheitis, bronchitis and initial stages pneumonia, pulmonary infarction The cough is usually dry, debilitating and does not bring relief. A persistent cough is characteristic of long-term inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract: chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, etc.

Changes in air temperature and body position can cause coughing in patients with chronic bronchitis.

Nocturnal paroxysmal coughing bothers patients with congestive heart failure.

Cough with sputum production is usually associated with an inflammatory process in the bronchopulmonary apparatus.

So, with lobar pneumonia, the cough is initially dry, but later rusty sputum begins to separate. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by prolonged cough with the separation of mucous sputum, which during the period of exacerbation of the disease becomes mucopurulent. In the presence of bronchiectasis, the cough is accompanied by the release of copious, purulent sputum, which forms layers when settled.

Purulent sputum indicates the presence of severe, including destructive, i.e. necrotic, processes in the bronchopulmonary system accompanied by the disintegration of lung tissue - bronchiectasis, lung abscess. With necrosis of the lung parenchyma, sputum has foul odor, blood and elastic fibers appear in it. Copious morning discharge of sputum accumulated overnight (the “morning toilet” of the bronchi) is a classic sign of bronchiectasis.

Patients with tuberculosis complain of a constant (for many weeks) cough with sputum, often mixed with blood.

Hemoptysis is the release of blood when coughing (from single spits of sputum stained with blood to pure blood, often mixed with sputum). The source of bleeding can be any part of the respiratory tract, usually large bronchi and lungs. It is often caused by bronchogenic lung cancer, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, heart attack or lung abscess, lobar pneumonia, heart disease, injuries. It should be clearly determined whether the bleeding is pulmonary (i.e., from the respiratory tract) or gastrointestinal bleeding, manifested by vomiting blood. In such cases, it must be remembered that pulmonary hemorrhage is characterized by the release of foamy, scarlet blood that has an alkaline reaction and therefore does not clot, whereas with gastrointestinal bleeding Due to the acid reaction of the stomach, clots of dark coagulated blood, like “coffee grounds,” mixed with pieces of food are released.

Hemoptysis and especially pulmonary hemorrhage are very serious symptoms that require an urgent X-ray examination of the chest organs with tomography, bronchoscopy, bronchography, and sometimes angiography to determine the cause and location of the bleeding.

In some cases, during urgent bronchoscopy, it is possible to pack a bleeding vessel with a special hemostatic (hemostatic) sponge. Sometimes the question arises about urgent surgery.

Dyspnea is a feeling of lack of air when physical activity or at rest, accompanied by an increase in the number of respiratory movements per minute.

Most often, shortness of breath occurs under the following conditions:

Respiratory diseases (impaired bronchial obstruction in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, decreased compliance of lung tissue in pneumosclerosis, pleurisy);

Impaired mobility of the chest and diaphragm - damage to the muscles involved in the act of breathing (dermatomyositis, poliomyelitis), intercostal and phrenic nerves (chest injuries);

Heart diseases leading to the development of heart failure and stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation

Less commonly, the causes of shortness of breath can be diabetes, uremia, increased basal metabolic rate (fever, thyrotoxicosis). Shortness of breath is possible due to intoxication (poisoning) with drugs, after ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. There is also psychogenic shortness of breath, observed in suspicious people who, worried about their health and suspecting heart and lung diseases, try to breathe deeply and often, which leads to nausea, dizziness and even fainting.

Therefore, to establish the true cause of shortness of breath, you should pay attention to the conditions and time of its occurrence, the intensity and duration of the attacks.

Chest pain. Unfortunately (why unfortunately, I will talk about this a little later), lung tissue is insensitive to painful irritations, since it does not have nerve endings in its structure. Based on this, pain in the chest occurs not due to damage to the lung tissue itself, but due to damage to the pleura (pleurisy and pneumothorax), diaphragm (diaphragmatic hernia), chest (spondylitis and osteochondrosis), large respiratory tract (tracheitis and tracheobronchitis) , intercostal nerve endings (neuritis). Intense pain in the chest can be one of the symptoms of cancer of the apex of the lungs, due to tumor growth and involvement of the intercostal nerves in the process. In addition, chest pain can be caused by diseases of the heart, stomach and spine.

Respiratory failure is a condition in which the respiratory organs are unable to ensure normal gas exchange or when the blood gas composition is maintained due to hard work lungs and heart. Respiratory failure may be caused by a lesion respiratory center, bronchial tree and pulmonary parenchyma, pleura and musculoskeletal frame of the chest.

It is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic respiratory failure.

Acute respiratory failure(ADN) is a suddenly occurring critical condition that requires immediate surgical or intensive resuscitation measures. Often the causes of ARF are aspiration (inhalation) foreign bodies, thromboembolism (blockage with a blood clot) pulmonary artery, depression of the respiratory center (drug poisoning), severe pain.

Chronic respiratory failure(CDN) develops gradually, over a long period of time, when the patency of the bronchi is impaired as a result of their inflammatory changes, collapse on exhalation or during spasm. The causes of CRF are chronic bronchitis, emphysema and bronchial asthma.

What are the types of lung diseases: treatment and prevention

Diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract are the third most common diseases in the world. And in the future they may become even more common. Lung diseases are second only to cardiovascular diseases and liver pathologies, which affect every fifth person.

Lung diseases are a common occurrence in the modern world, perhaps this is caused by the unstable environmental situation on the planet or by modern people’s excessive passion for smoking. In any case, pathological phenomena in the lungs must be combated as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Variety of diseases

Modern medicine copes very well with pathological processes in the human lungs, the list of which is quite large. What types of lung diseases are there, their symptoms, as well as ways to eliminate them, today we will try to look at them together.

So, a person has lung diseases of varying severity and intensity of manifestation. Among the most common are the following:

  • alveolitis;
  • asphyxia;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary atelectasis;
  • bronchiolitis;
  • neoplasms in the lungs;
  • bronchospasm;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • hyperventilation;
  • histoplasmosis;
  • hypoxia;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • pleurisy;
  • chronic obstructive disease (COPD);
  • pneumonia;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumothorax;
  • silicosis
  • apnea syndrome.

For most uninformed people without medical education, a list of such names means nothing. To understand what exactly this or that lung disease means, let’s consider them separately.

Alveolitis is a disease that consists of inflammation of the pulmonary vesicles - the alveoli. In the process of inflammation, fibrosis of lung tissue begins.

Asphyxia can be recognized by characteristic attack suffocation, oxygen stops entering the blood and the amount of carbon dioxide increases. Atelectasis is the collapse of a certain part of the lung, into which air ceases to flow and the organ dies.

Chronic lung disease - bronchial asthma, has become very common lately. This disease is characterized by frequent attacks of suffocation, which can vary in intensity and duration.

Due to bacterial or viral infection The walls of the bronchioles become inflamed, and signs of a disease called bronchiolitis appear. In the case of inflammation of the bronchi, bronchitis appears.

Bronchospasm manifests itself in the form of frequent muscle contractions, as a result of which the lumen significantly narrows, causing difficulties in the entry and exit of air. If the lumen in the vessels of the lungs narrows gradually, then the pressure in them increases significantly, which causes dysfunction in the right chamber of the heart.

Bronchiectasis is characterized by constant dilation of the bronchi, which is irreversible. A feature of the disease is the accumulation of pus and sputum in the lungs.

Sometimes the mucous membrane of the lungs - the pleura - becomes inflamed, and a certain plaque forms on it. Similar problems respiratory organs called pleurisy in medicine. If the lung tissue itself becomes inflamed, pneumonia occurs.

In cases where a certain amount of air accumulates in the pleural area of ​​the lung, pneumothorax begins.

Hyperventilation is a pathology that can be congenital or occur after a chest injury. It manifests itself in the form of rapid breathing at rest.

The causes of hypoxia can be different, ranging from injuries to nervous tension. This disease is characterized by obvious oxygen starvation.

Tuberculosis and sarcoidosis

Tuberculosis can deservedly be called a modern plague, because every year this disease affects everyone more people, as it is very contagious and transmitted by airborne droplets. The causative agent of this disease is Koch's bacillus, which can be treated with constant exposure to drugs on the body.

Among the pulmonary diseases that still have unclear causes of formation, sarcoidosis can be noted. This disease is characterized by the appearance of small nodules on the organ. Often, cysts and tumors form on these paired organs, which must be removed surgically.

Fungal infections of the lungs are called histoplasmosis. Fungal infections of the lungs are dangerous diseases; they can be caught by constantly being in damp, unventilated areas. If a person’s living or working conditions are associated with dusty rooms, then it may develop occupational disease called silicosis. Apnea syndrome is an unjustified cessation of breathing.

The chronic form can develop in each of the above diseases. The main provoking factor is ignoring the signs of the disease and lack of qualified help.

Symptoms of respiratory tract diseases

The above lung diseases have their own characteristics and manifestation patterns, but there are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of all diseases of the respiratory system. Their symptoms are quite similar, but they can have different intensity and duration of manifestation. Among typical symptoms can be noted:

  • attacks of suffocation accompanied by coughing;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • expectoration of pus and sputum;
  • spasms in the sternum;
  • increased temperature, chills and fever;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased performance and weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • whistling and wheezing in the chest;
  • frequent shortness of breath;
  • chest pain.

Treatment regimens for lung disease itself and its symptoms are selected only by a qualified doctor based on examinations and test results.

Some people try to treat themselves, but this is not worth doing, because you can cause a number of serious complications, which will be much more difficult to get rid of than the original illness.

Treatment and prevention

In most cases, antibacterial, antiviral and restorative therapy is prescribed to eliminate respiratory tract diseases. To combat cough, antitussive expectorants are used, and painkillers and antispasms are prescribed to reduce pain. The selection of drugs is carried out taking into account the age, weight and complexity of the patient’s disease. In the most severe cases, surgery is prescribed with further chemotherapy in the case of oncology, physiotherapeutic and health resort treatment.

There are a huge number of causes for the development of respiratory tract diseases, but prevention will help prevent lung diseases. Try to spend more time in the fresh air, stop smoking, pay attention to the cleanliness of the room you are in, because it is the dust and mites living in them that provoke spasms and attacks of suffocation. Eliminate allergic foods from your diet and avoid breathing chemical fumes that may come from powders and cleaning products. By following these simple rules, you may be able to avoid diseases that can affect the lungs and respiratory tract. Don't neglect your health, because it is the most valuable thing you have. At the first signs of lung disease, immediately contact an allergist, therapist or pulmonologist.

Lung diseases and their symptoms: possible pathologies and their manifestations

The lungs are a paired organ located in the chest cavity and perform a number of functions.

The main task of the lungs is gas exchange. In the alveoli, carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged between inhaled air and venous blood.

This is a vital function, the violation of which causes acute or chronic hypoxia, and when breathing stops, clinical and then biological death quickly develops.

Also, the lungs are a place that is in direct contact with the external environment, and therefore with all pathogenic agents transmitted by airborne droplets.

Considering their importance for the body as a whole, lung diseases and their symptoms are extremely important points that require the fastest and most effective treatment.

All pulmonary pathologies are divided into several groups:

  1. Congenital diseases.
    • Dysplasias are developmental defects. These include: absence or underdevelopment of the lung or bronchial tree, malformations of the pulmonary vessels, cystic degeneration, etc.
    • Pulmonary symptoms systemic diseases. Bruton's syndrome, Cystic fibrosis.
  2. Acquired pathologies.
  • Acute forms
  • With damage to the bronchial tree. Bronchitis of bacterial, viral, toxic or thermal origin.
  • With damage to lung tissue. Abscess, gangrene of the lungs. Pneumonia of various etiologies.
  • Chronic forms
  • With damage to the bronchial tree. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, COPD.
  • With damage to lung tissue. Emphysema, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis.

Benign and malignant diseases are distinguished separately. This applies to a greater extent to tumor processes in the lungs. Benign tumors include: fibroma, lipoma, adenoma. Malignant neoplasms include lymphoma, sarcoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.

Consequences for the human body. Lung diseases and their symptoms can have a wide variety of consequences for a person. Acute inflammatory pathologies with timely treatment most often have a favorable prognosis for both life and health. Chronic diseases, when properly treated, for the most part do not pose a threat to a person’s life, but significantly reduce the quality of life.

Benign and malignant diseases, as well as massive purulent processes(abscess, gangrene), require surgical intervention vital signs. Malignant diseases lungs and their symptoms are often subtle, which is why they are diagnosed late. Therefore, they often metastasize and have questionable or poor prognosis. Lung cancer is the most common cause of death in pulmonary diseases, followed by pneumonia.

Can your lungs hurt: the most common symptoms of pulmonary diseases

Can your lungs hurt? Lung tissue itself does not have pain receptors. This means that with the development of local pathological changes, the feeling of pain does not occur.

But many can say that they definitely felt the feeling of pain in the chest. The bottom line is that the chest cavity is lined by the pleura, which has two layers - visceral (covering organs, including the lungs) and parietal or parietal - lining the chest from the inside.

The visceral pleura, like the lungs, does not have pain receptors and cannot hurt. However, the parietal pleura has pain endings, and when it is retracted into pathological process pain occurs. Therefore, answering the question, “can your lungs hurt?” the answer is no, but with the caveat that pain can occur when the pleura is damaged.

Signs that you have a lung problem. Almost all pulmonary pathologies have quite characteristic clinical manifestations. They include cough (dry and wet), shortness of breath, feeling of heaviness and chest pain, hemoptysis, etc. Often these symptoms are accompanied by nonspecific manifestations - increased body temperature, general weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite.

In what cases should you immediately go to the doctor? Any pulmonary disease is a reason to visit a general practitioner or family doctor. Almost all diseases of the respiratory system tend to progress. This means that delaying consultation aggravates the patient’s condition and complicates the treatment process. But there are also signs that require immediate medical attention. First of all, it is the release of sputum streaked with blood.

In all cases, this is a symptom of serious disorders, and often the first manifestations of pulmonary hemorrhage. Severe shortness of breath is also an alarming sign, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor. Diseases such as bronchial asthma or COPD lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi and chronic hypoxia, which has a detrimental effect on the entire body. An acute attack of bronchial asthma is a life-threatening condition. To avoid it, you need to regularly take medications that only a doctor can correctly prescribe.

Lung diseases and their symptoms: clinical picture of the most common pathologies

All pulmonary diseases and their symptoms in the initial stages are very similar. All pathologies without exception are characterized by an increase in respiratory rate, an increase in heart rate and disturbances in the act of inhalation or exit.

A specific disease can be identified only by the results of a physical examination (palpation, percussion and auscultation) and laboratory test data (general blood and urine analysis, ECG) and instrumental methods studies (radiography, computed tomography, bronchoscopy). No additional research accurate diagnosis impossible to install. The main lung diseases and their symptoms are presented below.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bronchial tree with a narrowing of their lumen. Bronchitis can be acute and chronic. They arise or worsen, as a rule, during the cold season. Clinical picture includes general malaise, a dry cough, which turns into a wet one, accompanied by light or yellowish sputum. With a background weakening of the immune system, body temperature may rise to a maximum of 38.5-39 degrees. Without appropriate treatment, bronchitis can develop into pneumonia.

Alveolitis is a disease characterized by massive inflammation of the alveoli and interstitium of the lungs. These lung diseases and their symptoms depend on the specific form - idiopathic, allergic or toxic. Symptoms common to all forms are progressive shortness of breath (more so during physical exertion), dry cough without sputum, cyanosis, general malaise, and possibly an increase in temperature to 38 degrees.

Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue, often of infectious origin. In this case, the alveoli are more involved in the pathological process, into which inflammatory exudate is released. Depending on the degree of damage, pneumonia can be focal, segmental, lobar, confluent and total. Depending on the degree of prevalence, these forms of lung disease and their symptoms also differ in severity and difficulty in treatment. The main symptoms are an increase in body temperature above 39 degrees, severe cough with highlighting large quantity purulent sputum, when the pleura is retracted into the process, pain in the chest is added. Breathing becomes short, rapid, and audible wheezing may occur.

A lung abscess is a limited area of ​​purulent-destructive process in the tissues of the lungs. Develops when immunity decreases or as complications of other diseases. Most common pathogen- staphylococci. An abscess can be acute or chronic. At acute development there is a sharp increase in body temperature above 39.5 degrees, increased sweating, severe malaise, dry cough and chest pain. With a chronic abscess, chronic hypoxia with cyanosis and purulent sputum, which is released when coughing, comes first.

Emphysema is a pathology that manifests itself increased content air in the lung tissue and destruction of the alveoli. With it, normal gas exchange does not occur. Most often it develops against the background of chronic obstructive bronchitis and long-term smoking. Clinically, emphysema is manifested by severe shortness of breath, cyanosis, expansion of the chest and bulging of the intercostal spaces and supraclavicular fossa. The chest takes on a characteristic “Barrel” shape.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious disease, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Koch's bacillus. It can have various forms: disseminated, miliary, infiltrative, limited, cirrhotic, cavernous, etc. This lung disease and its symptoms are not detected for a certain time, only occasionally it can occur with nothing associated cough. With prolonged development, the first to appear are nonspecific symptoms: general malaise, pallor, apathy, fever up to 37.5 degrees, increased sweating. Regional lymph nodes are very often enlarged. After some time, a cough occurs with the discharge of clear or yellowish sputum, and hemoptysis.

Lung cancer or bronchogenic carcinoma - malignant neoplasm lung tissue, which develops from the epithelium of the bronchial walls. Depending on the location, it may be central or peripheral. General manifestations- rapid weight loss, general malaise, low-grade fever. This lung disease and its symptoms do not appear immediately. Central cancer gives the clinic much earlier than the peripheral one.

The first manifestations are progressive shortness of breath, collapse of the lung, hypoxia. A cough immediately occurs, which is quickly followed by sputum streaked with blood. Pain often occurs as the process quickly affects the pleura. Peripheral cancer clinically manifests itself only in late stages and has similar symptoms, but less severe.

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 29 years

Specialty: Audiologist Work experience: 7 years

Lung diseases in humans: list, causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Damages to the human pulmonary system go far beyond the limited spectrum that is considered critical. So, many people know what pneumonia or tuberculosis is, but they may hear about such a deadly disease as pneumothorax for the first time in the doctor’s office.

Each section of the respiratory apparatus, and in particular the lungs, is important for its irreplaceable functionality, and the loss of one of the functions is an irreparable disruption in the operation of the entire complex mechanism.

How do lung diseases occur?

In the modern world, it is customary to open the list of lung diseases in humans with a long list of vices acquired due to poor environmental conditions. However, it would be more appropriate to place first among the reasons congenital pathologies. The most severe lung diseases fall specifically into the category of developmental anomalies:

  • cystic formations;
  • additional pulmonary lobe;
  • "mirror lung"

Next in line are diseases not related to the patient’s living conditions. These are genetic lesions, that is, inherited. Distorted chromosomal code becomes a frequent culprit of such anomalies. An example of such a congenital anlage is considered to be a pulmonary hamartoma, the causes of which are still the subject of debate. Although one of the leading reasons is still called weak immune defense, which is formed in a child in the womb.

Further, the list of lung diseases in humans continues the list of acquired disorders that are formed through the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body. First of all, the bronchi and trachea suffer from the activity of the bacterial culture. Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) develops against the background of a viral infection.

And the list of lung diseases in humans is completed by pathologies provoked by environmental conditions, environmental conditions or the patient’s lifestyle.

Lung diseases affecting the pleura

The paired organs, the lungs, are enclosed in a transparent membrane called the pleura. A special pleural fluid is placed between the layers of the pleura to facilitate the contractile movements of the lungs. There are a number of diseases that disrupt the distribution of lubricant in the pleural plane or are responsible for the entry of air into a sealed cavity:

  1. Pneumothorax is a life-threatening disease, since the air leaving the lungs fills the voids in the chest and begins to compress the organs, limiting their contractility.
  2. Pleural effusion, or otherwise the formation of fluid filling between the chest wall and the lung, prevents the full expansion of the organ.
  3. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is often late consequence frequent contact of the respiratory system with asbestos dust.

Below we will consider one of the most common diseases of the pleura - pulmonary pleurisy. The symptoms and treatment of this pathology depend on the form in which it develops.

Pleurisy of the lungs

Factors provoking pleural inflammation are any conditions that contribute to incorrect functioning of the lungs. It could be long-term illnesses that have not responded to treatment or have not been treated:

Sometimes pleurisy develops due to a heart attack or severe physical injury sternum, especially if the patient has had a rib fracture. A special place is given to pleurisy that develops against the background of tumors.

Varieties of pleurisy determine two directions of development of pathology: exudative and dry. The first is characterized by a painless course, since the pleural cavity is filled with moisture, which conceals the discomfort. The only sign of illness will be pressure in the sternum, the inability to take a full breath without a feeling of tightness.

Dry pleurisy causes chest pain when inhaling or coughing. Sometimes discomfort and painful sensations transferred to the back and shoulders. The difference in the symptoms of two types of one disease is expressed by the presence or absence (as in this case) of liquid filling in the voids of the pleura. Moisture does not allow the sheets of the shell to rub together and cause pain, while a small amount of it is not able to form a sufficient barrier from friction.

As soon as the symptoms of pulmonary pleurisy are identified and the treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed, treatment begins alarming consequences. So, to pump out excess fluid, which creates pressure on the organs and prevents full breathing, a puncture is used. The procedure has a double meaning - it restores the ability of the lungs to normal contraction and provides material for laboratory analysis.

Lung diseases affecting the airways

Respiratory tract damage is diagnosed based on several indicators:

  1. Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, or shallow, shallow breathing. At running forms illness observed acute asphyxia. All types of disorders in the functioning of the respiratory system are characterized by a disruption of the respiratory rhythm, which manifests itself in a painless or painful form.
  2. Cough – wet or dry, with or without blood in the sputum. Based on its character and the time of day when it manifests itself most strongly, the doctor can make preliminary decision according to diagnosis, having only a package of primary research.
  3. Pain, varying in localization. When visiting a doctor for the first time, it is important to correctly assess the pain sensations that arise as sharp, pulling, pressing, sudden, etc.

The list of lung diseases in humans that reflect these symptoms includes:

  1. All types of asthma - allergic, nervous, hereditary, caused by toxic poisoning.
  2. COPD is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that underlies such pathologies as lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory failure. COPD is, in turn, divided into chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
  3. Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary abnormality that prevents the regular removal of mucus from the bronchi.

Let us consider below the last disease on the list as the least known of those listed.

Cystic fibrosis of the lungs

Manifestations of cystic fibrosis are noticeable in the first year of a child’s life. Expressive signs are a cough with heavy discharge of thick, viscous mucus, lack of air (shortness of breath) with little physical effort, inability to digest fats, and retardation in height and weight relative to normal.

The origin of cystic fibrosis is blamed on a distortion of the seventh chromosome, and hereditary transmission of a damaged gene is due to a high percentage (25%) when the pathology is diagnosed in two parents at once.

Treatment often involves removing acute symptoms course of antibiotics and replenishment of the enzyme composition of the pancreas. And measures to increase bronchial patency depend on the severity of the patient’s condition.

Lung diseases affecting the alveoli

The bulk of the lungs are made up of alveoli - air-saturated voluminous bags covered by a dense capillary network. Cases of fatal lung diseases in humans are usually associated with damage to the alveoli.

Among these diseases are:

  • pneumonia (pneumonia) as a result of bacterial infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary edema caused by direct physical damage to the lung tissue or disruption of the myocardium;
  • a tumor localized in any segment of the respiratory organ;
  • pneumoconiosis, classified as an “occupational” disease and developing from irritation of the lungs by dust elements of cement, coal, asbestos, ammonia, etc.

Pneumonia is the most common lung disease.


The main symptom of pneumonia in adults and children is a cough - dry or wet, as well as an increase in temperature in the range of 37.2° - 37.5° (with focal inflammation) and up to 39 ° C with a standard clinic.

Influence pathogenic bacteria called the main cause of pneumonia. A smaller percentage is attributed to the action of viruses and only 1-3% is attributed to fungal infections.

Infection with infectious agents occurs through airborne droplets or by transfer of the agent from the affected organ. The second situation often occurs with advanced caries.

Hospitalization for severe symptoms of pneumonia in adults occurs in severe cases; in milder forms of inflammation, the patient is prescribed home treatment in compliance with bed rest. The only one effective method against pneumonia, are broad-spectrum antibiotics. In the absence positive reaction the patient’s body for the chosen remedy after three days, the doctor selects an antibiotic of a different group

Interstitial lung diseases

The interstitium is a kind of frame that supports the alveoli with almost invisible but durable tissue. During various inflammatory processes in the lungs, the interstitium thickens and becomes visible during hardware examination. Damage to the connective membrane is caused by various factors and can be of bacterial, viral, or fungal origin. Exposure to non-removable dust elements and medications cannot be ruled out.


Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis is a progressive disease affecting the alveoli through damage to the interstitium. The symptoms of diseases in this group are not always clear, as is the nature of the pathology. The patient suffers from shortness of breath and a dry, painful cough, then difficulties with breathing lead to the fact that the simplest physical efforts, such as climbing to the second floor, become impossible for the person. Treatment of idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis, up to complete reversibility of the disease, is possible in the first three months after the first signs appear and involves the use of glucocorticoids (drugs that relieve inflammation).

Chronic nonspecific lung diseases

This group includes various lesions of the respiratory organs of an acute and chronic nature, characterized by similar clinical manifestations.

The leading factor in nonspecific lung diseases is called negative environmental conditions, which include human inhalation of harmful chemical substances or nicotine tars when smoking.

Statistics distribute the ratio of cases of COLD between two main diseases - chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma - and attribute the percentage balance (about 5%) to other types of respiratory tract damage. In the absence proper treatment nonspecific pulmonary diseases progress to tuberculosis, cancer, pneumosclerosis, and chronic pneumonia.

There is no general systemic therapy for the treatment of COPD. Treatment is carried out based on the diagnostic results and involves the use of:

  • antimicrobial agents;
  • UV and microwave;
  • bronchodilators;
  • immunomodulators;
  • glucocorticosteroids.

In some cases, for example, when acute and chronic lung abscess has developed, a decision is made to remove a section of the affected organ in order to stop further spread of the disease.

Prevention of lung diseases

The basis of measures to prevent the development of pulmonary diseases is an accessible diagnostic procedure - a fluorogram, which must be taken every year. It is equally important to monitor your health oral cavity and the urinary system, as areas where infections are most often localized.

Any cough, difficulty breathing or a sharp increase in fatigue should be a reason to contact a therapist, and pain in the sternum, combined with any of these symptoms, is a good reason to make an appointment with a pulmonologist.

1. LUNGS (PROBLEMS)- (Louise Hay)

They symbolize the ability to breathe life.

Causes of the disease

Depression. Sadness. Fear to perceive life. You think that you are unworthy to live life to the fullest.

I can perceive the fullness of life. I perceive life with love and to the end.

2. LUNGS (PROBLEMS)- (V. Zhikarentsev)

What does this organ represent in a psychological sense?

The ability to accept life.

Causes of the disease

Depression, depressed state. Grief, sadness, grief, misfortune, failure. Fear to accept life. I don't deserve to live my life to the fullest.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I have the ability to accept the fullness of life. I fill my life with love.

3. LUNGS (PROBLEMS)- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

The lungs are the main respiratory organs, as they saturate the blood with oxygen ( venous blood turns into arterial). They provide the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from it, which is formed as a result of oxidative processes in cells. There are many problems associated with the lungs, including all breathing problems.

Emotional blockage

The lungs are directly related to life, the desire to live and the ability to enjoy life, as they deliver oxygen to the body’s cells, without which a person cannot exist. Impaired lung function indicates that the person is feeling unwell, he is tormented by some kind of mental pain, sadness. He feels despair or disappointment and does not want to live anymore. Or maybe he feels that some situation or some person is preventing him from breathing full breasts.

He may have the feeling that he has been driven into a dead end, deprived of freedom of action. Lung problems often occur among those who are afraid of dying or suffering - or seeing someone close to them die or suffer. When a person begins to think that it is better for him to die than to live, he deprives himself of desires, which are the main food for the emotional body. He who is afraid to die is also afraid to die for something that is, to stop doing something, and therefore does not allow oneself to develop, to move on to something new. Any radical changes cause him fear and suppress enthusiasm.

Mental block

Since the lungs are one of the most important organs of the human body, everything that happens to them has a very important metaphysical meaning. The more serious the physical problem, the more decisively you must act. Your body wants you breathed deeply, to regain desires and begin to appreciate life. Understand that only you can drive yourself into a corner, suppress, plunge into despair.

Instead of dramatizing a situation, try to see something good in your life and analyze all the paths that can lead you to happiness. Change your attitude towards life and learn to enjoy it, because only you yourself can build your own happiness. Be socially active. Try to breathe deeply and deeply for a few minutes a day (preferably in the fresh air) - this will help you live a fuller life on an emotional and mental level.

Thank you

Lung pain– this is a fairly broad concept. Underneath this symptom More than two dozen different diseases can be hidden, both of pulmonary origin, or as a result of problems with the respiratory system, and conditions completely unrelated to the respiratory system, such as digestive diseases, neurological pathologies, and even problems with bones.

Pain in the lung area

From the point of view of anatomy and physiology, in themselves lungs they cannot get sick, there are no sensory nerves in their structure that perceive pain impulses, so there is no pain inside the lungs themselves, the usual manifestations of problems with the lungs are coughing and breathing problems. But what then does a person perceive as pain in the lung area?

Painful sensations in the lung area can be caused by the pleura (a film that covers the outside of the lung and prevents it from being injured by friction against the chest), or the area of ​​the trachea and large bronchi. They contain pain receptors, which cause pain when breathing or coughing.

Pain in the lungs - sharp or mild

In terms of diagnosing and determining the cause of the pain, the doctor needs to find out how intense it is, what its nature is, whether there is pain when coughing or when breathing deeply, whether shortness of breath occurs, whether painkillers help.

Sharp, intense pain will indicate an acute disease. Usually the pain is localized in the pleura, intensifies with breathing and may be accompanied by shortness of breath. Intense retrosternal pain usually occurs with acute tracheitis, especially if it intensifies with coughing. It will be important whether the intensity of pain changes with body position and whether the patient’s physical activity affects it. Typically, such pain is caused not by problems with the lungs, but by nerves, problems of the spinal column, sciatica or muscle pain.

If pain in the lungs on one or both sides occurs when coughing, intensifies when inhaling and exhaling, turning the body to the side, subsides if you lie on the side of the pain, is combined with pain in the intercostal spaces when palpating them, sputum does not come out with a cough or comes out thick, sticky sputum (sometimes streaked with blood), you should contact Pulmonologist (make an appointment) or therapist (make an appointment), since such a symptom complex indicates pleurisy, tracheitis, bronchitis or infectious lesions of the pleura (for example, pleurisy due to measles).

When pain in the lungs is combined with elevated temperature body, cough with or without sputum, wheezing, symptoms of intoxication ( headache, general weakness, etc.), you should consult a general practitioner as soon as possible, since such a symptom complex indicates an acute infectious and inflammatory process in the organs of the respiratory system (for example, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy).

If pain in the lungs is constantly present, intensifies when inhaling, and its intensification is similar to a lumbago or a prick with a sharp object, and is not combined with other symptoms of diseases of the respiratory system and heart (cough, fever, chills, night sweats, etc.), then you should contact neurologist (make an appointment), since such symptoms indicate intercostal neuralgia.

If the pain in the lungs is of a burning nature, localized between the ribs and inside the chest, combined with an increase in body temperature and headaches, and a few days after the onset of pain, small blistering red rashes appear on the skin of the chest, then you should contact infectious disease doctor (make an appointment) or a therapist, since such symptoms indicate herpes zoster.

If pain in the lungs becomes weaker or stronger when changing posture, strengthening or weakening motor activity(transition from calm state during active physical activities, for example, active walking, etc.), increases with coughing, laughing, sneezing, is localized not only inside the chest, but also along the ribs, and is not combined with other symptoms of lung or heart diseases (coughing, sweating, etc.) .d.) then you should consult a neurologist, since such a symptom complex indicates a disease of the nerves (neuritis, neuralgia, pinching, radiculitis, etc.).

If pain in the lungs intensifies and weakens with physical activity, is combined with headaches, pain in the thoracic spine, increased or decreased sensitivity in the hands, then this indicates diseases of the spine (for example, osteochondrosis), and therefore in this case it is necessary to contact Vertebrologist (make an appointment), and in his absence you can go to an appointment with a neurologist, neurologist (make an appointment), traumatologist (make an appointment), chiropractor (make an appointment) or osteopath (sign up).

If the pain in the lungs intensifies when breathing and appears after any injuries or blows to the chest, then you should consult a traumatologist or surgeon (make an appointment), since such a condition indicates a fracture or cracks in the ribs.

If pain in the lungs inside the chest is combined with a clearly felt focus of pain at a certain point on the rib, and in some cases with low-grade or high body temperature and severe intoxication(headaches, weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite, etc.), then you need to contact a surgeon, oncologist (make an appointment) And venereologist (make an appointment) at the same time, since the symptom complex may indicate osteomyelitis, cysts, tumors or bone syphilis.

If the pain in the lungs is sharp, stabbing, encircling, intensifying or appearing during inhalation, exhalation and coughing, localized at a certain point in the chest, radiating to the arm, stomach, neck or spine, existing for a long time and not going away within 1 - 2 weeks , then you should contact an oncologist, since such symptoms may indicate the presence of malignant tumor in the lungs.

If pain in the lungs appears at a time of stress or strong emotional experience, passes without a trace after a while, does not cause sharp deterioration general health (pallor, drop in blood pressure, severe weakness, etc.) so much that a person cannot go home or to the rest room, then you should contact psychologist (sign up) or psychiatrist (make an appointment), because similar phenomena indicate neurosis.

If a person has pulling or stabbing pain in the lungs, they are combined with high fever, symptoms of intoxication (weakness, headache, sweating, etc.), a moderate decrease in pressure and rapid heartbeat, then you should contact Cardiologist (make an appointment) or rheumatologist (make an appointment), since such symptoms may indicate rheumatism.

Sharp shooting pain in the lungs on the right side, combined with digestive disorders, requires referral to Gastroenterologist (make an appointment), since it may indicate a pathology of the gallbladder or gastric ulcer.

What tests can doctors order for pain in the lungs?

Pain in the lungs is a symptom of various diseases and conditions, for the diagnosis of which different methods examinations and analyses. The choice of examinations and analyzes in each case depends on accompanying symptoms, thanks to which the doctor can guess what kind of disease a person has and, accordingly, prescribe the studies necessary to confirm the final diagnosis. Thus, below we will indicate lists of tests and examinations that a doctor may prescribe for pain in the lungs, depending on the combination with other symptoms.

When a person is bothered stabbing pains in the lungs, felt throughout the chest or only at a certain point, aggravated by inhalation, combined with weakness, chills, sweating at night, long-lasting cough with or without sputum, the doctor suspects tuberculosis, and to confirm or refute it prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Microscopy of expectorated sputum;
  • Mantoux test (sign up);
  • Diaskintest (sign up);
  • Quantiferon test (sign up);
  • Analysis of blood, sputum, bronchial washings, lavage fluid or urine for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using PCR;
  • Study of washing water from the bronchi;
  • General blood test;
  • General urine test;
  • Chest X-ray (make an appointment);
  • Chest fluorography (sign up);
  • Computed tomography;
  • Bronchoscopy (sign up) with lavage collection;
  • Thoracoscopy (make an appointment);
  • Lung biopsy (sign up) or pleura.
The doctor does not prescribe all the tests from the list given at once, since this is not necessary, since in most cases a much smaller list of studies is sufficient for diagnosis. That is, first of all, the simplest, least traumatic and unpleasant tests for the patient are prescribed, which are highly informative and allow identifying tuberculosis in most cases. And only if such simple and non-traumatic tests do not reveal the disease, the doctor additionally prescribes other, more complex, expensive and unpleasant tests for the patient.

So, first of all, a general blood and urine test is prescribed, as well as microscopy of coughed up sputum. Also prescribed is either a chest x-ray, fluorography, or computed tomography. Moreover, only one diagnostic method is used, which is selected depending on the level of technical equipment of the medical institution and the patient’s ability to undergo examination for a fee if necessary. The most commonly used are x-rays and fluorography. In addition, first of all, in addition to sputum microscopy and instrumental research chest organs, the doctor prescribes any of the following tests for the presence of mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body: Mantoux test, diaskintest, quantiferon test or a test of blood, sputum, bronchial swabs, lavage fluid or urine for the presence of mycobacterium tuberculosis using the PCR method. Best results They give blood or sputum tests using the PCR method and the quantiferon test, but they are used relatively rarely due to their high cost. Diaskintest is a modern and more accurate alternative to the Mantoux test, and it is this test that is currently prescribed most often.

Further, if it is not possible to establish the presence or absence of tuberculosis based on the results of tests for the presence of mycobacteria, instrumental examination of the chest and sputum microscopy, the doctor prescribes an additional study of bronchial lavage, as well as bronchoscopy or thoracoscopy. If these studies also turn out to be uninformative, the doctor prescribes a biopsy of the lungs and pleura in order to examine pieces of organ tissue under a microscope and determine with absolute certainty whether the person has tuberculosis.

When a person is bothered by pain in the lungs on one or both sides, which occurs or intensifies when coughing, inhaling, exhaling, turning the body to the sides, subsides when lying on the affected side, is combined with pain and bulging of the intercostal spaces, cough without sputum or with a thick viscous sputum streaked with blood, the doctor suspects pleurisy, tracheitis or bronchitis, and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Auscultation of the chest (listening to the lungs and bronchi using a stethoscope);
  • Chest X-ray;
  • Computed tomography of the chest;
  • Ultrasound pleural cavity(sign up);
  • General blood test;
  • Pleural puncture (sign up) with the selection of pleural fluid for biochemical analysis (determining the concentration of glucose, protein, number of leukocytes, amylase and lactate dehydrogenase activity).
Usually, a complete blood count, chest auscultation and chest x-ray are ordered first, as these simple tests can make a diagnosis in most cases. However, if after the examinations there are still doubts about the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe either a computed tomography scan or an ultrasound scan of the pleural cavity in combination with a biochemical analysis of the pleural fluid.

If pain in the lungs is combined with elevated body temperature, cough with or without sputum, wheezing and symptoms of intoxication (headache, weakness, lack of appetite, etc.), the doctor suspects an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • General sputum analysis;
  • Sputum microscopy;
  • Biochemical blood test (C-reactive protein, total protein, etc.);
  • Auscultation of the chest (listening to the respiratory organs using a stethoscope);
  • Chest X-ray;
  • Blood test for HIV (sign up);
  • Analysis of stool for worm eggs;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG) (sign up);
  • Computed tomography;
  • Determination of antibodies in the blood to Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Respiratory syncyt. vir., and herpes virus type 6 by ELISA;
  • Determination of the presence of streptococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, and Candida fungi in blood, saliva, sputum, lavages and bronchial washings using the PCR method.
The doctor first of all prescribes a general blood test, biochemical blood test, microscopy and general sputum analysis, chest auscultation, x-ray, blood test for HIV, ECG and stool test for worm eggs, since these studies in most cases make it possible to establish a diagnosis and start treatment. And only if, based on the results of the studies, it was not possible to determine the diagnosis, a computed tomography scan and determination in the blood, sputum, lavages and washings of the presence of antibodies or DNA of pathogenic microbes that can be causative agents of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system can be additionally prescribed. Moreover, the determination of antibodies or DNA of pathogens in biological fluids usually used if the disease does not respond to standard therapy, in order to change the treatment regimen taking into account the sensitivity of the microbe to antibiotics.

When pain in the lungs is not combined with other symptoms of respiratory tract diseases (cough, shortness of breath, fever, night sweats, chills, etc.), is constantly present, can intensify when coughing, laughing, sneezing, sometimes felt in the form of lumbago, localized also along the ribs, may be combined with blistering red rashes on the skin of the chest, then the doctor suspects a nerve disease (neuralgia, pinching, neuritis, radiculitis, shingles, etc.) and may prescribe the following tests and examinations:

  • Chest X-ray (to assess the size of organs and the theoretical possibility of their pressure on the nerves);
  • Computer or Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up)(allows you to assess the likelihood of pressure on the nerves from organs and tissues);
  • Electroneurography (allows you to evaluate the speed of signal propagation along the nerve);
  • General blood test.
In general, these tests are rarely prescribed, since usually a survey and general examination of a person is sufficient to diagnose nerve diseases.

When pain in the lungs intensifies or subsides with movements, is combined with headaches, pain in the thoracic region spine, increased or weakened sensitivity in the hands, the doctor suspects a spinal disease and may prescribe the following tests:

  • Survey X-ray of the spine (make an appointment). It can be used to identify osteochondrosis, curvature of the spinal column, etc.
  • Myelography (sign up). With its help, spinal hernias are detected.
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging. With their help, you can identify diseases of the spine that can lead to pain in the lungs.
Most often, a regular survey X-ray is prescribed, and if technically possible, it can be replaced with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Myelography is rarely prescribed, since the method is complex and dangerous, since it is associated with the need to introduce contrast agent into the spinal canal.

When pain in the lungs appears as a result of any injury, the doctor will prescribe a chest x-ray to identify existing cracks, fractures and other bone damage. X-rays can be replaced by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, if technically possible.

When pain in the lungs is combined with a clear focus of pain at any point on the rib, sometimes with low-grade or high body temperature and severe intoxication (weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite, etc.), intensifies or appears during inhalations, exhalations and coughing radiates to the arm, neck or spine, the doctor may order the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test;
  • Blood test for syphilis (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of the pleural cavity;
  • Chest X-ray;
  • Fluorography of the chest;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Bronchoscopy;
  • Thoracoscopy;
  • Puncture of the pleural cavity or chest bones;
  • Biopsy of the lungs, bronchi, and chest bones.
As a rule, the doctor prescribes almost all the examinations on the list, but first of all, general and biochemical blood tests, a blood test for syphilis, ultrasound of the pleural cavity, X-ray and chest fluorography are performed. If technically possible, x-rays and fluorography can be replaced by tomography. Bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, puncture and biopsy of chest tissue are prescribed only after receiving the results of previous examinations if they indicate the presence of a malignant tumor or cyst.

When pain in the lungs is caused by neuroses, the doctor may prescribe widest spectrum tests and examinations, trying to identify a non-existent pathology. In such cases, diagnosis begins with general analyzes blood and urine, chest x-ray, tomography, sputum analysis, and then the doctor prescribes more and more examinations, trying to identify the disease. But when the results of all studies show the absence of pathology that can cause pain in the lungs, the patient will be diagnosed with “neurosis” and consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist is recommended. Some experienced doctors “identify” neurotics without examinations, and try to immediately refer such patients to a specialist of the appropriate profile without conducting tests, tests, etc., since he simply does not need them.

When the pain in the lungs is of a pulling or stabbing nature, combined with elevated body temperature, symptoms of intoxication (weakness, headache, sweating, etc.), a moderate decrease in pressure and rapid heartbeat, the doctor suspects rheumatism and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test (total protein and protein fractions, C-reactive protein, rheumatic factor, activity of AST, ALT, lactate dehydrogenase, etc.);
  • Blood test for ASL-O titer (sign up);
  • Auscultation of heart sounds (sign up).
All of the tests and examinations listed are usually prescribed, as they are necessary to identify rheumatic heart disease.

If the pain in the lungs is sharp, shooting, combined with digestive disorders, the doctor suspects a pathology of the gallbladder or stomach and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT, lactate dehydrogenase, amylase, elastase, lipase, etc.);
  • Revealing Helicobacter pylori in the material collected during FGDS (sign up);
  • The presence of antibodies to Helicobacter Pylori (IgM, IgG) in the blood;
  • Level of pepsinogens and gastrin in blood serum;
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EFGDS);
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Retrograde cholangiopancreatography;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (make an appointment).
As a rule, first of all a general and biochemical blood test is prescribed, test for the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (sign up), EGD and ultrasound of the abdominal organs, since these examinations and tests make it possible in the vast majority of cases to diagnose peptic ulcer stomach and bile duct pathology. And only if these studies turn out to be uninformative, tomography, cholangiopancreatography, determination of the level of pepsinogens and gastrin in the blood, etc. can be prescribed. Before use, you should consult a specialist.