A child has a cough due to a runny nose, what should I do? Treatment of cough and runny nose! Copied!!! How is a runny nose related to a cough?

A sharp exhalation through the mouth, or cough, is a vital reflex: its task is to free the respiratory tract from foreign substances, including a runny nose.

If a child’s cough from snot recurs regularly, be sure to contact a pediatrician or otolaryngologist.

Especially in infants, rhinitis can lead to unpleasant consequences, like otitis media, or cause more serious harm to health. Treatment depends on the nature of the attacks and accompanying symptoms.

Causes of night cough in a child

It is important for parents to remember that coughing attacks are not an independent disease, but a symptom. It appears both during the day and at night.

But more often it occurs only during sleep. This is explained by the horizontal position of the body.

In this case, sputum, accumulating in the bronchi, dilutes and makes it difficult to breathe freely.

To the frequent question whether a child can cough due to snot, pediatricians also give a positive answer. This is one of the reasons for such attacks.

Provoking factors also include:

Bacterial and viral diseases. These are ARVI, influenza in the initial stage, bronchitis, pneumonia. More often, nasal secretions when the body is affected by a viral infection are transparent in color and resemble the consistency of water.

How to determine that a cough is from snot?

Correct treatment is possible with an accurate diagnosis. But a pediatrician can recognize the cause - after listening in the chest area, and an otolaryngologist - after examining the throat, nose and ear canals.

Before determining that the cough has developed specifically against the background of snot, parents can conduct independent observation.

Features of such attacks:

  • In infants, nasal secretions provoke a wet cough more often than in children 3.5 - 4 years old.
  • Increased body temperature, lethargy, weakness, intestinal upset, lack of appetite indicate that a cold or viral infection is developing.

In this case, treatment requires an integrated approach, which only a doctor can provide: how to understand that there is no disease, and the cause of the pathology is in the nasal mucus? Contact a specialist.

Suspicion that the child is coughing due to snot, adult observation will help confirm or dispel.

When coughing from a runny nose, there is no wheezing or other noise in the breathing, which is determined by listening to the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs. Mucus caused by rhinitis can be seen when it is coughed up. This secret is almost impossible to blow your nose away.

Sometimes another type of respiratory spasm develops: dry cough from snot in a child; it is associated with irritation of the larynx, through which nasal secretions can flow.

Such attacks are not productive, and it is not necessary to treat them, but to eliminate the root cause - rhinitis, or to fight the causative agent of the disease.

Dry mouth, dry throat and itchy nose are signs of the initial stage of the disease. If nothing bothers you except a runny nose, and it lasts more than 7 days or chronic attacks, Physiological cough due to a runny nose can be relieved using home methods.

How to help a child urgently?

Before giving a child a medication or folk remedy, parents must be aware of the responsibility of these activities. Lack of treatment, especially in newborns,

But even in older children, nasal mucus may drain into the bronchi and develop bronchitis, into the ear canals - and otitis media is possible.

When treating infants from the first months of life to 2 years, it is necessary first of all to change the environmental conditions in which they spend the night. Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the room and use a humidifier. If it is not there, hanging wet laundry in the room is acceptable.

Clearing your nasal passages before bed is also helpful. It is enough to clean them of crusts after bathing. If they formed at night and caused a cough reflex, they are removed by instilling 1 - 2 drops of mother's milk into the nasal passage.

During a runny nose, it is advisable for infants to place a low pillow under their head, which will protect the baby’s ears from mucus getting into them.

Children over 2 years old are allowed to prepare it themselves - take from ¼ to 1 whole teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of warm boiled water.

They wash and irrigate the nose. For younger patients, sprays or drops are used; the latter are more convenient because they do not throw the contents into the Eustachian tubes.

If a runny nose appears that is not eliminated by the above methods, and relief does not occur, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs. It is not advisable to use them before the patient reaches 5 years of age, only in special cases.

Doctors warn parents against using interferon or antiviral drugs on their own, especially in the case of infants. Improper medication use reduces immune function and leads to complications.

How to treat?

Pediatricians warn: treatment of cough begins with finding out its root cause. If the provoking factor is nasal secretions, you should not take medications.

This applies to both cough and cough medications. In this case, they are ineffective and sometimes cause harm.

If a cough develops due to snot on the back wall, it is impossible to fully inhale and exhale through the nose, you have to breathe through your mouth, and there are no signs of a general illness, parents resort to the following methods:

For children under 1 year of age, nasal mucus is removed using a rubber bulb. Rinse with saline or saline solution.

It is recommended to bury the nose with children's drops Otrivin, which contains xylometazoline, or Aquamaris. This product is based on sea water from the Adriatic Sea and resembles saline solution. For patients under 2 years of age, it is better to use drops.

The substance xylometazoline is included in the list of vital drugs, but has contraindications, so the instructions for Otrivin must be studied before use. Indicated for sinusitis, rhinitis, acute respiratory infections.

If the patient is more than 3 years old, The use of the above drugs in the form of ointments and gels is permitted, if the instructions provide for this. It is allowed to use Pinosol, drops based on essential oils.

Folk remedies are also allowed. These include mixtures of aloe juice and honey, beet or onion juice. But sometimes they cause dryness, burning, and an allergic reaction.

Important! When asked by parents whether it is necessary to treat an independent runny nose, pediatricians answer that no. It is better to create conditions for its termination.

If a child coughs in his sleep: Dr. Komarovsky

If your child has a severe cough from snot and not for another reason, the pediatrician recommends taking the following measures.

Initially, install a humidifier in the room or carry out wet cleaning before going to bed. A low pillow is placed under the patient's head so that mucus does not accumulate in the sinuses and does not enter the ear canals.

The doctor considers an excellent remedy to drink plenty of warm drinks during the day and a glass of warm milk before bed; you can add a quarter teaspoon of butter to it.

This applies to patients over 3 years of age, when the body can independently cope with the digestion of milk protein.

This remedy has an enveloping property, prevents drying of the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx, fights cough attacks and warms.

The next morning, Dr. Komarovsky advises showing the patient to a pediatrician who will make a diagnosis. The further treatment regimen or elimination of the cause of night attacks will depend on it.
The doctor advises you to refrain from self-administration of antibiotics, antiviral and cough suppressants. He believes that coughing during sleep due to nasal mucus does not need to be treated. It is better to focus your energy on strengthening your immune system: a physiological runny nose goes away on its own within 7 to 10 days.

Cough from snot in a baby: what to do?

Infancy is a difficult period for diagnosing sinusitis and cough syndrome. Parents take special care to ensure that what is possible to give such children medications and whether it is necessary.

If the body temperature is normal, there is no redness of the throat or weakness, the baby is active, and the mucous discharge is clear in color and liquid in consistency, there is often no cause for concern. The body goes through one of the stages of adaptation to environmental conditions.

You can also help by eliminating the sources

Respiratory diseases in a child manifest themselves in the form of symptoms such as cough and runny nose. The body's protective reaction to the invasion of infection is manifested by the formation of mucus. It descends into the nasopharynx, irritating the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the larynx, causing soreness and then coughing.

Cough and runny nose

Causes of cough and runny nose in a baby

The main cause of the disease process is associated with a cold, but there are other factors that provoke such a reaction.

Doctors identify the following reasons:

  • Allergic reaction. Appears on dust, pollen, animal hair, and household chemicals. The child will have a cough and runny nose until the cause of this reaction is eliminated.
  • Dry air. Adults try to protect the baby as much as possible from colds and drafts, so the room where the child spends a lot of time is usually “clogged.” The windows do not open, the heating devices turn on. The air in the room becomes dry. The humidity level is from 45 to 60%, and during the heating season it drops to 25%. To increase the level, you should ventilate the rooms, purchase an air humidifier, and do wet cleaning.
  • Foreign body in the nasal sinuses. During games, children take toys or their elements into their mouths. Small parts often end up in the throat, causing coughing. After the foreign body is removed, the attack passes.
  • Physiological process. In a baby, a cough and runny nose are considered a natural reaction - this is how the body cleanses itself of accumulated mucus. If the child is not mischievous, eats and sleeps well, there is no reason to worry.

Stages of inflammation development

If the virus has overcome the protective barrier, a cold develops. Doctors distinguish several stages of development:

  1. The mucous membrane takes on a reddish tint, and liquid mucus flows from the nasal passages. The nose itches and watery eyes often form.
  2. Duration - from several hours to two days. There is a soreness and burning sensation in the nose. The mucous membrane dries out and turns pale, the sense of smell is impaired, and breathing becomes difficult. Children's temperature rises slightly.
  3. It occurs on the 4th -5th day. Liquid snot turns into thick yellow-green mucus. Breathing through the nose is impossible.

Thick snot

A runny nose must be treated at the initial stage. Otherwise, it will cause complications in the form of inflammation of the larynx, soft palate, ligaments, and the child will develop a dry cough. If a secondary infection is added, an inflammatory process will begin in the lungs and bronchi. The cough becomes harsh and exhausting. A slight runny nose in advanced form can cause acute bronchitis and pneumonia.

Treatment options for children

There are two ways to cure a runny nose and cough - with the help of traditional and traditional medicine. Complex treatment will help you quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms, stop the progression of the disease, and strengthen your immune system.

Traditional treatment

Unlike medications, folk remedies do not have side effects. At the first symptoms of ARVI, cough, runny nose, “grandmother’s” recipes will have a detrimental effect on viruses and help the body cope with the cold.


  • elevated temperature;
  • allergies to drug components: honey, citrus fruits;
  • other illnesses or complications from a cold, such as bacterial pharyngitis.

Treating a cough in a child under one year old with folk remedies is allowed only after consulting a pediatrician. A nurse or doctor constantly monitors the baby's condition.

Treatment of cough in a one-year-old child is carried out in strict accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions.

If the temperature rises to 380 C, it is necessary to normalize it. A clean cotton cloth is moistened in camphor alcohol and applied to the forehead (only after 9 months). Rub down with clean water. After one year, children are given warm tea with raspberries and currant leaves.

A cough in a child under one year old can be cured by warm, dry compresses on the neck. A clean bandage can be soaked in a warm infusion of chamomile or eucalyptus.

A decoction of eucalyptus leaves is added to the bath when bathing the baby. The vapors of the medicinal plant will create an anti-inflammatory effect, disinfect the mucous membranes of the throat and nose and strengthen the immune system.

From 6 months it is allowed to use aloe juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Gently lubricate the baby’s neck and cheeks with the solution. Irrigation and steam inhalations are not allowed at this age.

After a year, children are given warm drinks with honey, herbal teas with chamomile and sage for coughs and runny noses. Gargle with a solution of sea salt and beet juice (raw or boiled).

Thanks to the warming effect of heat compresses, blood circulation improves and inflammation resolves.


For babies, use clean warm water or chamomile decoction. The moistened cloth is placed on the upper part of the sternum, covered with polyethylene and covered with a woolen scarf or terry towel. The procedure is performed for 5 days at night.

Older children are given milk or herbal decoctions with honey.

Treatment of dry cough in a child with goat fat has a beneficial effect. It is used for rubbing. The fat is slightly heated and rubbed into the chest, back and feet.

The product contains B vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, so it will not only be useful for colds, but will also help saturate the body with useful substances and improve immunity.

Older children are given warm milk with honey and goat fat: 5-7 grams for 1 glass. fat and bee product.

If the child has a cough, he is given a warm drink. Decoctions with licorice, raspberries, and currants have an expectorant effect and help remove phlegm. Warming the paranasal sinuses with warm salt, millet or sand wrapped in a linen bag will relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and quickly relieve a runny nose.

You can treat a child’s cough and runny nose with vegetable juices. They have an antiseptic effect and are used for any pathology.

Conservative therapy is not compatible with some folk remedies.

Traditional medicine

Treatment of runny nose and cough in children with medications takes place only under the supervision of the attending physician.

To drain mucus, medications based on sodium chloride solution are prescribed: Otrivin Baby, Salin. There are no restrictions on their use. Place 1-2 drops in each nasal passage. For children under one year old, mucus is removed using an aspirator.

If a runny nose does not go away for more than 3-5 days, the doctor prescribes nasal drops of herbal origin: “Pinosol”, “Vibrocil”. Children receive 2 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Pinosol is produced in the form of ointment and cream. Children over two years of age are allowed to use.

The medicine contains chamomile, eucalyptus, and peppermint oils. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic effects. The ointment can be used as a prophylactic agent.

Preventive actions

A cough and runny nose in a child are the most common symptoms of a cold. Under no circumstances should the disease be neglected, as this is fraught with serious complications. Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Preventive measures come down to procedures that strengthen the immune system and make the body healthier:

  1. wash your hands more often - viruses settle on your hands and remain viable for a long time. With weakened immunity, they easily enter the respiratory tract;
  2. do not allow the child to communicate with the sick;
  3. regularly do wet cleaning and ventilate the room, if necessary, use air humidifiers. Normal humidity level is 40 – 60%;
  4. Give your child vitamin teas with mint, currant leaves, raspberries, and honey. Include green and red foods in your diet - they are rich in vitamin C;
  5. eliminate allergens - remove flowers, carpets;
  6. walk more in the fresh air;
  7. perform hardening procedures;
  8. maintain a routine - a daily routine when routine moments occur at the same time, proper distribution of sleep and active activities will help the body activate its strength and cope with infection;
  9. dress the child according to the weather. The main cause of a cold is hypothermia, but you should not overdo it and wrap your baby up.

Traditional medicine advises taking immunostimulating drugs as a preventative measure. The course is up to 8 weeks. Premix – 10 days, break – 20 days.


How to quickly cure a child from a cough and runny nose

When the weather changes from warm to cold and, conversely, during the warming season, when viruses spread faster than usual, children are at risk of contracting ARVI. During such periods, it is not always possible to protect the baby from a cold and its first manifestations are a runny nose and cough.

In order to cure your baby, you should follow all the pediatrician’s recommendations, which include following a daily routine, special care for the patient, and taking medications to eliminate symptoms.

Baby care

During a cold, it is very important to create the correct climatic conditions in the room where the patient is located. To prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out, it is necessary to ventilate the room several times a day, as well as humidify the air. To do this, you can use an electronic or ultrasonic humidifier or do wet cleaning 2 times a day.

You should not turn on additional electrical appliances to heat the room, as they dry out the air, which also does not contribute to recovery. The optimal room temperature should not exceed 21 degrees.

Colds and runny noses are not a reason to disrupt children’s daily routine; bathing and walking procedures should be carried out as before. If the baby has a fever, it is necessary to put the child to bed, replace bathing with rubdowns, and change bed and underwear every six hours.

Cleaning the nose

It is important to promptly clear the nasal passages of waste mucus so that bacteria do not multiply in it. In addition, nasal secretion is a natural antiseptic, which contains immune proteins that reduce the proliferation of both viral and bacterial infections. Children aged 3–4 years can already blow their nose on their own, while to clean a baby’s nose, you can use a special aspirator to pump out mucus. Before cleaning your nose, you should drip saline or moisturizing drops, such as Morimer, Otrivin baby, which dilute the mucus, making it easier to remove.

Cough treatment

A cough with a runny nose in a child under one year old can occur due to the fact that liquid snot flows into the oropharynx, causing a cough reflex. In this case, a runny nose should be treated, since nasal secretions that flow into the throat can spread the infection.

Often parents choose the wrong treatment tactics by giving their child antitussive drugs. On the contrary, it can aggravate the situation, since mucus is not expelled from the oropharynx when coughing, and can enter the lower respiratory tract.

Inhalations should also not be used, since mucus that has dried in the nose and oropharynx can swell and block the airways.

Treatment of cough with medications will depend on its form. So, for a dry cough, mucolytics are used to thin the mucus and promote its better removal. A wet cough is treated with expectorants and bronchodilators. However, before starting treatment, you should determine the cause of the cough, its form, and only a doctor can do this, and he will prescribe the necessary medications that will help cure the baby.

Treatment procedures

Treatment of colds in children is not complete without procedures that help relieve inflammation and accelerate the discharge of mucus.

For children under one year old, warming compresses made from heated cereal or salt can be used. A runny nose can be treated in this way at the initial stage; for this, the salt is heated in a frying pan and poured into a linen bag or a thick sock specially sewn for this purpose. When the temperature of the compress is 40 degrees, it is applied to the area near the nostrils and held until it cools. Older children can hold the compress on their own. This procedure increases blood flow, helping to relieve intoxication, activates the body's protective functions and relieves inflammation.

When coughing, you can lubricate the baby's chest, back and feet with badger or goat fat, put on warm socks and put him to bed.

In some cases, inhalation with a nebulizer with mineral water or an antiseptic solution is indicated. The inhalation device sprays liquid into fine particles, which allows the solution to act on all parts of the respiratory tract, thinning mucus and sanitizing the nasal cavity from possible microbes.

Drug treatment

In order to cure a cold, you should use a comprehensive treatment aimed at eliminating the infection, relieving inflammation, stimulating the immune system and getting rid of symptoms. The treatment regimen, as well as medications, should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

These may be the following medications:


Preparations based on ibuprofen or paracetamol are used to relieve pain and fever in children. You can lower the temperature only after the thermometer readings are above 38 degrees. Up to this point, temperature, on the contrary, promotes rapid recovery, since it stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies that eliminate viruses and bacteria, and also prevents the spread of infection.

Against viruses

Antiviral drugs can only be used if children have a weak immune system that is unable to cope with a viral infection on their own. Such medications, when used frequently and inappropriately, can reduce the body’s defense reactions, since the immune system, receiving help from the outside, can “relax.” In addition, it makes no sense to treat bacterial diseases with such means.

For a runny nose

A runny nose should also be treated comprehensively, using moisturizing and thinning drops. In case of severe swelling, vasoconstrictor drugs can be used, but they can be used for no more than 5 days.

Bacterial runny nose should be treated with antiseptics, and in case of complications, antibiotics should be used. Coughs in children 2 to 4 years old can be treated with expectorant, spasmodic and bronchodilator syrups. Older children can be given cough drops.

Traditional medicine

Some traditional medicine will help speed up the healing process in combination with basic therapy. So you can cure a sore throat during a cold by gargling with chamomile decoction or a solution of salt, iodine and salt. If it is unpleasant for a child to gargle, the same effect can be achieved with steam inhalations.


You can relieve pain from a dry cough in the throat and reduce inflammation by using cocoa butter treatment. To do this, a piece of cocoa butter is dissolved in warm milk and given to the child to drink before bed. Only children who do not have allergies can be treated in this way. If there is no cocoa butter, you can use honey and butter.

Radish with honey

Radish with honey is a good remedy for colds; this treatment can be used for children over one year old. To prepare a medicinal potion, the black radish is washed and, after cutting off the cap, a hole is made in it. Place a spoonful of honey in this hole and place it in a dark place overnight. During the night, the radish releases juice, which, in combination with honey, acquires expectorant anti-inflammatory properties.

Before treating your baby with traditional methods, you should consult a doctor, since their effect may be completely opposite to what is required in your particular case.


How to cure colds and flu at home

With the onset of autumn comes the rainy season and cold weather begins, which traditionally provokes the spread of colds and flu. And although this misfortune is quite common with the arrival of the autumn season, parents are always concerned about their child’s sneezing and coughing. Below you will find information on how to treat colds and relieve cold symptoms (wet or dry cough, runny nose and sneezing in a child using folk remedies.

Do we know enough

about colds and the consequences of acute respiratory infections, how to properly help your child feel better (if he coughs, sneezes, or has runny nose) and is it possible to prevent the development of the disease?

Let's look at the main causes of these so-called autumn diseases.

Infections affecting the upper respiratory tract and

causing infectious diseases in children are of a viral nature. Today, there are more than 200 viruses that cause colds and flu, but it has not been possible to develop vaccines that create stable immunity in the body against them. It is for this reason that colds in the autumn-winter period are still such a big problem - children in early, preschool age get colds from 6 to 12 times a year, and schoolchildren - from 2 to 4 times. In autumn and winter, children spend most of their time in confined spaces, in close contact with each other, which contributes to the rapid spread of viruses.

What are the most common cold symptoms?


Acute respiratory infections or flu begin to appear two or three days after contact with the virus carrier. Symptoms vary depending on the type of virus, but the most common signs of a cold are a sore and scratchy throat, runny nose, sneezing, itching, cough, headache, fever, fatigue, and fever. Young children are characterized by decreased appetite and activity. These symptoms last from 4 to 14 days, but in most cases, the child's health improves within a week. To make your baby feel better, you can relieve cold symptoms using child-friendly folk remedies, which will be discussed below.


TREATMENT OF COUGH IN A CHILD WITH FOLK REMEDIESIn what cases is it necessary to visit a pediatrician?

An examination by a pediatrician is carried out when the following symptoms are added to the above symptoms:


the nature of the cough (“deep and wet”) and the child’s expectoration of colored sputum.

in the ears - a symptom of complicated otitis media.

Pain in the upper part of the head, especially when bending over -

initial symptoms of sinusitis, which can lead to sinusitis if complex treatment of the respiratory tract is not organized in time. A high temperature is maintained for a long time and the general condition of the child worsens.

How to cure colds in infants and children from 0 to 3 years old?

Babies and children under 3 years of age get sick often

Acute respiratory infections and influenza. Treatment includes a set of measures to strengthen the baby’s immunity - rest, give more fluids to drink, add vitamin C to the diet.

How long do cold symptoms last?

Child who caught

a viral infection and having suffered the disease without complications in the autumn-winter period, he is sick for about a week. Why do children get sick from colds so often? Because young children have a poorly developed immune system. In early childhood, the functioning of the immune system in most children is at a very low level. As a rule, immunity actively develops until the age of 7, and then it begins to “work” at a level close to the functioning of the immune system in adults.

There are a lot of viruses that cause infection of the upper respiratory tract - they are diverse and constantly change their structure, which makes them resistant to antibodies,

produced by the child’s body after vaccination and creating stable immunity against them is almost impossible. Vaccinations can only prevent complications and speed up the baby’s recovery.

How is the infection transmitted?

The viral infection is spread by the so-called airborne route, that is, with microdroplets that disperse into the air when sneezing or coughing, as well as during a conversation with an infected person. These microdroplets can fall on the surface of various objects - tables, computer keyboards and mice, toys, books, pens, where they can remain viable for several hours. Thus, even in the absence of direct contact with the spreader of the infection, the child can become infected and develop a cold or flu.

Is there any way parents can try to effectively protect their child from colds or flu in the fall and winter?

Hardening is an excellent way to strengthen the immune system. One of the well-known principles of hardening is a contrast shower with alternating use of hot and cold water.

Balanced sleep and wakefulness,

physical exercise and proper diet (properly prepared food rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements) are also key factors in the fight against colds. The most effective way to prevent colds is to isolate the child from infected virus carriers, which is not always possible. Wearing protective masks, washing hands frequently, and preventing children from sharing utensils are the most common and effective measures to limit the spread of viruses.

How much

Does warm clothing protect a child from the possibility of contracting colds?

Clothing can only prevent hypothermia in a child's body, but cannot effectively protect against the disease. But it is important to remember that hypothermia of the body leads to a decrease in the protective properties of the child’s immunity.

Should I include an additional vitamin complex in my child’s diet?

For preventive purposes it is not necessary. healthy,

a balanced diet provides the child’s body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements that are necessary to fight viral infections. But today there are many different types of immunological adjuvants that can be additionally taken in the autumn-winter season... of course, individually selected by the pediatrician for a particular child. Some remedies successfully stimulate the strengthening of the immune system.

Should a child be given antibiotics if the temperature rises and fever begins?

An antibiotic is not an anti-inflammatory drug. They are absolutely useless for viral diseases.

Antibiotics are only effective for diseases caused by bacteria. For viral infections, they not only do not help, but can also cause serious allergic reactions in the child, which can be fatal if the body is weakened.

Moreover, it is unnecessary

the use of antibiotics leads to the development of resistance to them. For these and other reasons, the use of antibiotics should be limited, and they are effective only when a secondary bacterial infection is identified by a pediatrician during an examination during a cold. Complications such as purulent sinusitis, otitis media and pneumonia, which can develop against the background of a cold, of course require treatment with antibiotics.

How soon after the virus enters a child's body do the first symptoms appear?

From 2-3 hours to 2-3 days, depending on the type of virus and the degree of maturity of the child’s immune system.

ACTIVE SUBSTANCES FOR THE TREATMENT OF Runny nose, included in medical drugs for children. The commercial name of the drug says little. Be sure to look at the composition of the substances included in the children's medicine sold in the pharmacy in the form of tablets, drops or emulsion.

How to distinguish an allergy from a cold? An allergy never develops with an increase in temperature. A typical difference between allergic reactions and colds is that the symptoms are repeated in the same way and are caused by the same factors. During the autumn-winter period, viral infections are more common, and allergic reactions most often occur during the spring-summer season. According to the latest statistics, 50% of frequently ill children actually suffer from allergies that were not diagnosed in a timely manner.

identify allergies in a child in two ways: by searching for antibodies in the child’s blood and using tests on a piece of skin. If a child exhibits characteristic signs of allergies, then it is necessary to undergo an examination and have tests done at a specialized medical center and find out from an allergist what measures need to be taken to eliminate allergic reactions in the child. NEXT ARTICLE: Vomiting, diarrhea and fever in a child return to the Main page Children Portal: Home Page

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Treatment of cough and runny nose. Copied... how to treat a child for cough and runny nose

I also copied this for myself so that it would be like a reminder!!!

“I found an amazing article about the treatment of cough and runny nose in infants. May the author forgive me, I couldn’t help but copy such useful information to myself!”

May our little ones not get sick!!!

If you have a runny nose: ALWAYS suck out the snot and mucus as best you can with a nozzle suction cup or a simple blower. Remember to close one nostril with your finger. And one more rule that

I would like to put it almost in the title:

NEVER use bulbs (nozzle suckers), sprays or the like to put drops in your child’s nose. In babies, the Eustachian tube is still very short and the fluid directed by the jet easily gets there, causing inflammation of the middle ear or otitis media.

So, let's help the nose breathe:

1. One of the most effective remedies for a runny nose is four drops of Kalanchoe juice in each nostril - you don’t need to suck anything out, you can clear everything up with a mighty sneeze.


2. One drop of Vitaon in the nostril;

3. Drizzle mother's milk into the nose; (this is what we used)

4. Massage the points along the edges of the wings of the nose as often as possible;

5. You can instill a solution of sea salt; it relieves swelling of the mucous membrane well, and also disinfects. If you don’t have it, then you can prepare something similar: a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda per glass of water + 1-2

iodine drops. After salt, you must definitely breastfeed. (used when they finished breastfeeding and began to drip a vasoconstrictor after washing with saline solution - Vibrocil, for example)

6. Dilute beetroot juice with water 1:1 (a powerful thing. Test it on yourself before giving it to your child. It is possible that you will need to dilute it a little more), and use it carefully, because if the mucous membrane is inflamed or there are wounds, it can bake . Drip 3-4 times a day. (methods with juice were not used) 7. When the baby is sleeping, put a napkin moistened with eucalyptus oil (a few drops) in the crib. This

such a kind of inhalation. Snot won't interfere with sleep.

8. Carrot juice should be diluted 1:1. You can drip at least after half an hour (not used)

9. Every hour, rinse the spout with saline solution, half a pipette at a time. Then pull out all the remains with a nozzle suction and lubricate

Apply peach oil to the nose so that the mucous membrane does not dry out. (I won’t say anything about oil, the idea of ​​rinsing the nose in our case is so that the snot doesn’t go down)

10. Instill a few drops of thuja oil 2 times a day. (haven't tried)

11. Parsley juice. We ground the parsley with a pestle, and then put the whole mass into cheesecloth and squeeze it out, you get a little liquid. Place 1-3 drops in each nostril. After 30 minutes there is no snot!!! True, then green stuff comes out of the nose

boogers. Bury for at least 2 days. (we haven’t tried it... but they talked a lot about the power of “green juice” in yoga classes - they recommended giving the juice to kids almost from the first days)

12. Drip liquid balm “Star” onto your socks. On your toes so that it doesn’t get into your mouth and at the same time there is inhalation. Well, the same thing - a couple of drops on a napkin and over your pillow at night. Carefully! Menthol is dangerous for young children at high concentrations (above 5-7%). Zvezdochka has a menthol concentration of 10%, so small children should not eat it. And in a concentration of 2.6% (Tom\`s of Maine balm) it can be used, but not on the mucous membranes or internally. And apply a little. Do not smear near the mucous membranes and in no case inside the nose, but above the nostrils, where the sinuses are located, when the child is already sleeping, so that he does not accidentally lick or smear it on the mucous membranes. I literally applied a drop at a time on both sides of my nose. And more on my chest, but without rubbing it in, then I put it on

closed bodysuit with a neck. That was enough.

13. Another remedy for a stuffy nose. Cottage cheese compress. Only you need real cottage cheese, so crumbly, and not flowing out of a pack. The cottage cheese is heated, we heated it in a steam bath, it is laid out on gauze, wrapped, and placed on the bridge of the child’s nose. The advantage of cottage cheese is that

that it fits snugly around the nose.

14. Rinse the nose with herbs. This herbal collection "Elekosol" is for sale. Brew as written and rinse your nose with this (you can dilute 1:1 with Borjomi, releasing its gases). Place the baby on its side and the nostril that is closest to

beds and wash them. Then we turn and another.

15. Homeopathic remedy called Euphorbium. Children under 1 year of age are given 1 – 2 drops of a 0.01% solution

the drug in each nasal passage 2 - 3 times a day. (we used euphorbium for treatment - I didn’t notice any particular effectiveness)

16. Rinse 3-4 times a day with soda solution or chamomile solution. after rinsing, drip dioxidin into the nose (sold in ampoules in pharmacies), the drug does not irritate the mucous membrane, is very cheap and very good

treats persistent snot.

17. Instill the nose with Ectericide, 2 drops every 2 hours.

18. Drops \"DERINAT\" 4 times a day, one drop in each nostril. The annotation says: the drug has an immunomodulatory effect at the cellular and humoral levels. Activates antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial immunity. Stimulates reparative and regenerative processes. etc. etc. No contraindications

identified. No side effects observed

19. Nazivin is a baby (he collects snot) and after a few minutes it becomes very easy to suck them out.

20. Drink this infusion - 3 hours of rose hips, 1 hour each of chamomile, nettle and St. John's wort, mix and 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water and in a thermos for 4 hours. Of course, if not


21. At the beginning of the disease, the baby develops a runny nose. When young children have a runny nose, they do a nasal toilet almost before every feeding. First, use wicks with a soda solution (one teaspoon of soda per glass of water) to clear the nasal passages of mucus, and then instill one or two drops of breast milk. Mother's breast milk contains all the protective substances that a person produces throughout life. If the mother does not have milk, then you can drip one or two drops of warm vegetable oil. To avoid complications, it is better to rinse your nose with wicks soaked in a soda solution. A runny nose is most often a manifestation of a viral disease. Firstly, the body thus tries to stop the infection in the nose (not to let it go further into the throat, into the lungs), and secondly, the nasal mucosa secretes mucus (in human language, mucus flowing from the nose is called snot), which is in huge quantities contains substances that neutralize viruses. The main task of parents is to prevent the mucus from drying out. This requires, again, clean cool air and a sufficient amount of liquid consumed internally. If the mucus dries, the child will breathe through the mouth and then the mucus in the lungs will begin to dry out, clogging the bronchi, and this is one of the main reasons for the development of inflammation (pneumonia) in them. When the room temperature is above 22 degrees, the mucus dries out very quickly. The conclusions are obvious. You can help your child by moisturizing the nasal passages with drops that make the mucus more liquid. The simplest and most accessible remedy is saline solution (available in all pharmacies). This is plain water with a little salt added. It is impossible to overdose, so drop 3-4 drops into each nostril completely calmly at least every half hour. (If the pharmacy is far away or there is no time to run there, you can make some semblance of saline solution yourself, add one teaspoon of salt to one liter of boiled water, or, to be more precise, 9 grams). A very good drug is ectericide, an oily liquid that has weak disinfectant properties, and the oil, covering the mucous membranes with a thin layer, prevents them from drying out. For the same purpose, you can use oil solutions of vitamins E and A (tocopherol and retinol). There is no point in dripping both ectericide and vitamin solutions more than once every 2 hours (1-2 drops), it is logical to combine them with saline solution, there are no side effects. I emphasize once again if the room has warm and dry air, it is very, very difficult to prevent the mucus from drying out, no matter what you do. Therefore, for any illness, you must first answer the question: what to breathe? and only then how to treat?.. Never and under no circumstances drip antibiotic solutions into your nose! It is unacceptable to use vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzin, galazolin, sanorin) for a common runny nose. At first, the mucus disappears very well, and then the swelling of the nasal mucosa begins very badly. It manifests itself like this: the snot has stopped running, and nasal breathing not only does not recover, but also worsens (you can’t breathe). And to make it feel good again, you have to drip again. And so on ad infinitum. I repeat: a runny nose is protection. It will go away on its own if you don’t interfere, but help. These medications were invented to treat a completely different runny nose, not infectious, but allergic. For example, a neighbor came to show off her Persian cat, and your nose began to run (this is not from delight, but from an allergy to cats). Naphthyzin is just right here, although it’s better to kick the cat out

(You can leave your neighbor).

(From the book by E. Komarovsky “The beginning of your child’s life. For dads and moms”, Kharkov, 1996)

22. Cut the onion in half, wrap it in gauze and hang it on the stroller (crib) in which the child sleeps, keeping an eye on

at the same time so that the bow does not touch it.

23. Infuse garlic in oil and drip into the spout. Check it out for yourself!!! In general, you have to be careful with garlic - easy

get a burn to the mucous membrane. (I wouldn't risk it)

24. Runny nose - drops from 1 tsp. milk + 1/4 tsp. honey + 5 drops of onion – drop 2-3 drops into the nostril, often. Clear liquid flows from the nose - instill warm Borjomi frequently. Standing green snot – Colorgol or


25. Place Interferon in the nose.

26. You need to warm up your nose

27. To begin with, Salin (just instill. No need to suction.). drops are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription.

28. Children's medicine Triaminic - it clears the nose well, helps with cough very quickly, the child sleeps very well at night, it also brings down the temperature. (America) but the doctor explained that it acts as a “snot thickener” and as soon as the snot stops flowing like a stream and becomes more or less thick, you need to stop drinking it, because otherwise you can

earn sinusitis.

29. Aromatherapy also helps a lot. Two drops of eucalyptus oil on a napkin and hang it at the head of the crib. You just have to be careful at first - there are allergies to such things. In general, with aromatherapy for children it is necessary

be more careful.

31. Sometimes mucus accumulates in the nose during the night, preventing the baby from breathing and sucking? You can lay it on your stomach. while he fidgets there for half an hour, his nose clears at least partially,

just collect

1. For a deep cough, you can apply a mustard wrap: 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, tbsp. spoon sunflower butter, a spoonful of mustard, a spoonful of flour (there may be more spoons, so that it is enough for the size). Bring all this to a boil, smear it on a cloth and place it on the back and right side of the chest (not with the mixture, but with the side of the cloth), wrap it with a towel on top. You can even

do it at night.

2. Pour hot coarse salt (heated in a frying pan) into a rag bag (about 12x7 cm) with a rope for tying. Wrap it in some more rags and place this flat rectangle on the chest diagonally in the direction from the left shoulder to the right armpit and wrap it to the body with something warm and long, like a scarf (like a bandoleer crosswise). The child can walk like this for an hour or two. Then remove the salt and leave the scarf for warmth.

for a while.

3. Onion juice. chop the onion, put it in a jar, add sugar (you can replace sugar with honey if you are not allergic), the released onion juice - it is sweet - give the baby something to drink (according to

teaspoon). Soothes cough very well.

4. Children's medicine Triaminic - cleans the nose well, helps with cough very quickly, the child sleeps very well at night

ok, the tempo is also off.

5. For coughs, brew coltsfoot (bought in a natural food store) and drink a little, but often.

6. Drink chamomile tea (you will have to sweeten it with fructose).

7. Turn on the hot water in the bathroom and close the door. The bathroom takes 15-20 minutes to heat up. Fill about 10 cm of water into the bathtub. Then take the eucalyptus tincture and spray it onto the walls in the shower. Go into the bathroom with your baby (undressed) and breathe as much as you can. The child then needs to be dried, wrapped and warm. For ARVI, cough,

runny nose.

8. Inhalations. brew herbs in a saucepan (such as chamomile, marshmallow root, fennel), cover with a blanket and sit

as much as you can.

9. Gedelix – rubbing

10. Apply Dr. Theis balm with eucalyptus to the chest, back, and leave it open near the bed to breathe.

11. Rub the chest and back with Vitaon (at worst, with Bronchicum, but it’s sticky)

12. Drainage massage for better sputum separation:

– put the child on his back, from below from the sides (covering the ribs with his palms) and stroke him upwards towards the center (towards the neck). - put on the stomach, rubbing movements from bottom to top (palms move upward in a circular motion parallel to the spine). Can be done while the child is standing or sitting. You can do it in the position in which you manage to catch the client), most often carrying everything in your arms in a column, with one hand.

Then we pat the back from bottom to top.

– hang the child over the knee (butt up) and tap the back from the butt to the head, quite


– like any massage, we start and end with light strokes, the main part is quite noticeable. But pat everyone on the back

family in all my free time.

13. It is also quite obvious that in order to liquefy macrota, there must be liquid in the body - that is, there must be plenty of

give him something to drink, preferably something warm and sour.

14. If the cough is dry, then you can inhale with soda three times a day. Draw a hot bath, pour a couple of tablespoons of soda, draw steam into the bath itself and sit there with the child for ten to fifteen minutes. But if it's wet, then

soda is not worth it.

15. Dr. Taisa’s plantain mixture helps a lot.

16. Wrapping up. Spread the breast with a thin layer of honey and top with a cabbage leaf. You can wrap it up, but you can only wear a T-shirt

and pajamas.

17. Lazolvan? cough syrup


1. Bath for 15-20 minutes. Get into the bath every time it goes beyond 39. The water temperature is 37. gr. It is not necessary to get colder to avoid vasospasm. And the temperature drops exactly one degree, and the child relaxes and is distracted. Take a bath with anti-inflammatory herbs at night

(calendula, chamomile).

2. homeopathic suppositories "Viburkol"? to relieve fever and pain, they are weak but harmless.

Red throat

1.Aflubin + rub with eucalyptus ointment at night

2. Propolis tincture works great! Dilute a few drops in water and give it to drink, and it’s also good to anoint the neck with the same propolis before going to bed. How many

Once tested: it works very quickly and efficiently!

3. If your neck hurts badly, then no one has canceled the old grandfather’s method - eggnog, hot milk with butter (you can use eggnog). In principle

drinking hot water reduces discomfort

4. Warm drink from a bottle to irrigate your throat. (Not a sippy cup or a cup, but a bottle).

5. Recently, with the permission of our ENT specialist, we have been using homeopathic lozenges Homeovox (Boiron laboratory) for laryngitis and loss of voice; another good homeopathy drug is Angin-Heel (manufactured by Heel). A good natural antiseptic is honey in a comb, unless, of course, the child is allergic to honey (the wax must be chewed like gum for a while). The ENT specialist did not advise us to use Inhalipt or similar drugs.

use, as they irritate the mucous membranes even more.


Ibuprofen is not recommended for up to a year without medical supervision. Author: yaAlyo (http://www.uaua.info/mamforum%29 For infants, the main problem with colds is adequate drinking with clean water to dilute the mucus normally. In order for the mucus to drain well, you need to do a massage: sit down comfortably, put a on your knees, lift the leg where there is no head on tiptoe, and make tapping movements moving towards the head. Then massage in a circular motion along the back in a clockwise direction, again tapping for about 15 minutes between feedings, 4-5 times. per day.

All statements on the topic: why does a child need clean water during breastfeeding?? I leave without comments. everyone has the right to their opinion

I am against all the newfangled types of natural hip-durnip teas: household chemicals that cause multiple allergic reactions.

If the temperature rises to 38C, this is a reason to remember Nise (paracetamol and derivatives such as eferalgan cause many allergies). It is better for such a baby to take a quarter of the tablet and grind it into powder, mix with milk or formula and give it from a spoon - the syrup contains a pineapple additive.

Mucus in the nose: it’s good to drip a warm saline solution (you can dilute it with warm water - it will be warm and not too salty), a couple of drops into each nostril once an hour. Having raised two children, I am deeply convinced that the best way to remove mucus from your child’s nose is with your mother’s mouth - pull, spit out and that’s it. There really was a case of a huge bruise - I don’t know how hard you need to suck :))) Carefully suck out the mucus from the nose with your mouth: hold the head so that your index fingers cover the ears, one large finger closes one nostril, and put your mouth on the second and pull it in a little. If you see that the situation is getting worse, do everything possible to humidify the air and mucus of the child: wet sheets on the radiator and crib, drinking water, nose drops, open windows, if the apartment is hot - go outside, into the shade. The worst thing is the baby overheating! You need to be aware that a lack of fluid leads to acetonomia, and this is very bad, this means resuscitation and IVs. Therefore, if the child does not want the breast, drink 1-2 ml of warm boiled water every 5-10 minutes with a syringe without a needle on the inner surface of the cheek.

Don't go to bed - it's dangerous! Drink it all night - it’s hard, but in two or three days the child will be completely healthy. At temperatures above 38C there may be convulsions. It’s better to give some respect than to bite your elbows later.

Yes, I'm not a doctor. Yes, everything written is just experience. I won't argue :))


How to treat a runny nose and cough in a baby

A runny nose and cough in an infant must be eliminated in a timely manner, otherwise it can even result in tragic consequences. These symptoms themselves are necessary for illness, because they clear the nasal passages and respiratory tract from infection. But at the same time, they significantly worsen the condition of the newborn baby.

Despite the fact that colds are present in our lives periodically, they can be dangerous for infants. It is necessary to fight them, but you should not eliminate only the symptoms, you need to eliminate the cause of the disease itself. Therefore, the doctor prescribes complex therapy to combat rhinitis and cough.

Causes and types of rhinitis

A runny nose is usually accompanied by sneezing, itching and discharge, which are divided into the following types:

  • mucus;
  • serous;
  • purulent in nature;
  • discharge with blood streaks.

At the same time, coughing, watery eyes may begin, and the baby’s temperature may rise. It is not advisable to bathe the baby at such times. Cough occurs due to mucus running down the nasopharynx. Irritating its back walls, the child begins to cough. This usually occurs after sleep or while lying down. In a horizontal position, the cough goes away. This distinguishes it from other types of cough. But you should not hope that the cough is caused by a runny nose; it is better to consult a doctor and determine its exact cause.

A baby may develop a cough and runny nose for the following reasons:

  • penetration of viruses or bacteria;
  • allergy;
  • inflammatory process in the sinuses.

It all starts with swelling in the nose, when it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe and the nose becomes clogged.

If the cause of a runny nose is an infection, then with unscrupulous treatment or lack thereof, bacteria or viruses spread further into the respiratory tract. What causes diseases such as pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. If the infection has spread to the ears, otitis media develops. When pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the sinuses, sinusitis and sinusitis occur. All these diseases are treated according to a complex scheme, take a long time and often cause complications. Therefore, it is necessary to cure a baby’s cough and runny nose as soon as they appear, and this should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Types of rhinitis in infants:

  1. Infectious. This type of rhinitis is also accompanied by fever and general malaise.
  2. Allergic rhinitis is manifested by lacrimation, itching in the nose, liquid transparent nasal discharge, redness of the eyes, and conjunctivitis.
  3. Atrophic. Develops after long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  4. Vasomotor. It often affects young children who have had ARVI. This type can quickly turn into an atrophic form.

Symptomatic manifestations

Cough and runny nose in infants are also symptoms of various diseases. They may appear along with other accompanying symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • difficulty with nasal breathing;
  • nasal discharge;
  • sneezing.

These signs may be present in whole or in part. Sometimes an infant only has a runny nose and coughing. Due to nasal congestion and cough, which exhaust the baby, he becomes whiny, moody, and restless.

In particular, a dry cough can have a negative effect when the sputum is not separated from the mucous membrane. In this case, in order to alleviate the condition of the baby, it is necessary to moisturize the mucous membrane. And to do this, you should give the baby more to drink and moisturize the room where the baby is.

Measures to combat a runny nose

As soon as parents notice that the baby has a stuffy nose, they should immediately try to eliminate this problem. Since with a stuffy nose, he will not be able to sleep normally, much less suck a breast or bottle.

How to treat a runny nose? Treatment of a runny nose:

  1. Hydration. To do this, up to 5-6 times a day, you need to instill special drops or regular saline solution, 1-2 drops, into the nasal passages.
  2. Suction of mucus. Everyone may have their own way. You can use a rubber bulb, an aspirator with a tube, or do it with your mouth.
  3. It is recommended to place vasoconstrictor drops in the baby’s nose 2 times a day. But only if the child cannot breathe through his nose. It's better to do this before bed. Such drops can be used for no longer than 3 days. If you do this for a long time, atrophic rhinitis will develop.

If the cough occurs due to a runny nose, that is, when mucus flows down the back wall and irritates its mucous membrane, then after the runny nose stops, the cough will go away on its own.

Treatment of cough in infants

A runny nose can also occur in completely healthy children. If a child sneezes and sniffles a couple of times, this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm. The nasal passages should also be cleaned periodically. But the appearance of a cough should prompt parents to see a doctor. Of course, if a child coughs several times during the day, it is likely that he choked. But a night cough may indicate an infection in the child’s body. This can be dangerous, especially if the baby is bottle-fed. In such children, coughs and runny noses, as well as colds, occur much more often and can quickly develop into bronchitis or, even worse, pneumonia. The difficulty in treating such a cough and runny nose is that expectorants cannot be prescribed to young children, since they do not yet know how to spit out mucus.

You will have to use other methods of treating cough in infants:

  1. Rub the chest and back with a product such as Vitaon or Bronchicum.
  2. Do drainage massage. The doctor will explain his technique to mom. For inexperienced parents, there is this advice: place the baby on your lap, tummy down, so that the head hangs slightly, and tap lightly on the back. In addition, you can lay the baby on his back, grab his shins with his hands and bend them towards the chest. It is advisable to do this while exhaling. A sharp exhalation will speed up the release of mucus.
  3. Give your baby something to drink more often, preferably something sour and warm. The sputum thins out faster and is eliminated from the body.
  4. For a dry cough, you can use inhalations with soda. If you don’t have an inhaler, fill the bathtub with hot water, add baking soda and go into the steamy room with your child for a few minutes.

If a child is sick and coughing, it is necessary to follow the feeding schedule. The interval between feedings should be such that the digestive organs are able to sufficiently digest the incoming food. Some mothers, in order to calm a sick baby, give him breastfeeding. But you shouldn’t do this, as excessive food intake into the gastrointestinal tract will overload it, and recovery will be delayed.

Many young parents are also concerned about the question of whether it is possible to go for a walk if the baby has snot and cough without fever. Of course, the baby needs fresh air, but you should approach this issue wisely. A walk will be beneficial if the temperature outside is above zero, there is no wind or drafts. The main thing is that the child does not get cold or sweat.

To completely get rid of a runny nose and cough, you must first determine the cause of their occurrence. Since each disease requires special treatment. So, if you have allergies, you will have to give your child antihistamines. The allergen is identified. For viral infections, antiviral agents are needed. When bacteria penetrate in severe cases, antibiotics cannot be avoided.

What not to do?

You need to remember that you won’t be able to quickly deal with a runny nose and cough. Moreover, if the temperature has increased. You need to be patient, you will have to visit a doctor and, according to his prescription, perhaps attend physical procedures and do inhalations. You should not bathe your child for 5-7 days. In addition, it is worth understanding that traditional therapy is not a panacea, but only an auxiliary method in the main treatment. If a runny nose appears in a newborn before a month, then it can go away on its own without special therapy, you just need to visit a doctor to have him examine the baby. It will be possible to bathe the baby only after complete recovery. And over the next month, engage in disease prevention, including vitamin therapy, strengthening massage, etc.

Massage is done only after body temperature has returned to normal. It can be used over the next month, even if recovery has already occurred. In this way you can strengthen the child’s body. After the massage, you can bathe the baby in a bath with the addition of medicinal herbs. When wondering how to treat a baby’s cough and runny nose, you also need to remember that the treatment must be comprehensive. By eliminating only the symptoms, you cannot cope with the disease.

Cough and runny nose in a child can be caused by various diseases; there are different methods of treatment - medication, folk remedies. A runny nose and cough appear due to hypothermia, an inflammatory process in the body - parainfluenza, staphylococci, measles, adenoviruses, pneumococci. It is important to find out the cause in time and begin timely treatment.

Causes of cough and runny nose in a child

Symptoms are typical for bronchitis, tracheitis, sore throat, rhinitis, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis. If the cough and runny nose are caused by a cold, in addition to these symptoms, high body temperature, aches, and severe cough are also troubling. Children who are constantly sick are recommended to strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamins and also to strengthen the body. To prevent the disease from getting worse, it is necessary to get rid of a runny nose and cough in time.

Methods for treating a runny nose in a child

Babies are advised to remove mucus with a nozzle ejector because they cannot get rid of it themselves. To do this, you must first close one nostril. It is forbidden for children to wash their nose with sprays in large quantities; due to the fact that the child has a short eustachian tube, the liquid can get into the middle ear, all

You can get rid of a runny nose using the following treatment methods:

1. Drop Kalanchoe juice into your nose, no more than 4 drops.

2. Vitaon is an effective remedy for a runny nose; just drop one drop into each nostril.

3. Drip breast milk into the spout; this method must be treated with extreme caution. It has been proven that this remedy can worsen a runny nose, because milk is an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria.

4. An effective remedy is to massage the points, especially pay attention to the wings of the nose.

7. Before going to bed, you need to apply a napkin to the nose area, first moisten it in eucalyptus oil. The product acts as an inhalation.

8. You can use carrot juice diluted with water. Drip it every 30 minutes.

10. Parsley juice effectively treats a runny nose; it must first be finely chopped and squeezed, so you can get the liquid. It is recommended to drip 2 drops into different nostrils.

Video: Causes of cough and its treatment - Doctor Komarovsky

11. The nose needs to be lubricated with “Star” balm, this must be done from the outside, it is forbidden to use it inside, it can damage the mucous membrane.

12. If the nose is very stuffy, a cottage cheese compress will help, use homemade cottage cheese, it should not spread. It needs to be applied to the bridge of the nose.

14. One of the best homeopathic remedies is Euphorbium. Small children can drip no more than two drops twice a day.

Video: Cough in a child. Treat a runny nose. A unique way.

15. You need to drip 1 drop of Ectericide into your nose.

16. Derinat drops are an effective remedy; this is one of the best antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial agents that can be used to boost the immune system.

Treatment of cough in a child

1. If you are worried about a deep cough, it is recommended to use a mustard wrap; for the recipe you will need honey - a tablespoon, sunflower oil - a tablespoon, mustard - a tablespoon, flour - a tablespoon. Boil everything, apply to gauze and apply to the chest area, with a warm towel on top.

2. Pour heated sea salt into the sock. Place it under your right armpit, then wrap it with a warm scarf. Leave for up to two hours.

3. Onion juice will help soften the cough; it must be chopped and honey added if the child does not suffer from an allergic reaction. Children need to take one teaspoon three times a day. This can soften your cough.

4. When coughing, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea.

5. The best cough remedy for a child is inhalation with marshmallow root, chamomile, and fennel. Breathe for about 20 minutes.

6. Rubbing helps with coughs; the best remedy is Gedelix, balm by Dr. Theis.

7. The back and chest are rubbed with Vitaon. This way the phlegm will go away faster.

8. The best remedy is massage; with its help you can improve the discharge of sputum in a child.

9. Cough in children can be cured with the help of an infusion, it will require chamomile - a teaspoon, rosehip - 3 teaspoons, St. John's wort, nettle - a teaspoon each, pour a glass of boiling water over everything, leave for about 4 hours.

Cough and runny nose in a child with fever

2. The best medicine is Viburkol.

3. When there is a temperature, you should not wrap your child up.

Cough with runny nose and red throat

1. Dilute propolis in a glass of water and give it to the child to drink. You can rub it on your child's throat.

2. For severe sore throat, hot milk with added butter helps.

3. Drink warm water as much as possible.

4. If the child does not suffer from allergic reactions, it is recommended to give him warm honey; it cannot be swallowed immediately, it must be kept in the mouth for some time.

5. Dry cough due to laryngitis and loss of voice can be cured with the help of Homeovox, Angin-Hella. Please note that often the doctor prescribes treatment with Inhalipt, this is a very harmful drug, it can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat even more.

So, a runny nose and cough can accompany various diseases; it is important to relieve the symptoms in time and alleviate the child’s condition.

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Video: Treatment of a runny nose Folk remedies. (Treatment of cold, Peoples remedy.) A cold can appear as a result of hypothermia or a viral infection. It causes severe headaches, increased body temperature, runny nose,…

With tracheitis, the voice deepens, the throat feels sore, then unpleasant pain appears in the laryngeal area, the cough is annoying, and thick, thick sputum is released. A cough bothers a person in the morning, when a person goes outside, also...

May our little ones not get sick!!!

If you have a runny nose: ALWAYS suck out the snot and mucus as best you can.
nozzle suction or a simple blower. Don't forget to close
with your finger one nostril. And one more rule that
I would like to put it almost in the title:

NEVER use blowers (nozzle ejectors), sprays, etc.
them to put drops in the child’s nose. In babies Eustachian
the pipe is still very short and the liquid is directed by a stream,
easily gets there, causing inflammation of the middle ear or otitis media.
So, let's help the nose breathe:

1. One of the most effective remedies for a runny nose is
four drops of Kalanchoe juice in each nostril - no need
suck nothing, blow everything yourself with a heroic sneeze

2. One drop of Vitaon in the nostril;

3. Drizzle mother's milk into the nose; (this is what we used)

4. Massage the points along the edges of the wings as often as possible

5. Sea salt solution can be instilled, it is good
relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, and also disinfects.
If it is not there, then you can prepare something similar:
a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda per glass of water + 1-2
iodine drops. After salt, you must definitely breastfeed. (used when they finished breastfeeding and began to drip a vasoconstrictor after washing with saline solution - Vibrocil, for example)

6. Dilute beetroot juice with water 1:1 (a vigorous thing.
Before you give it to your child, test it on yourself. it is possible
that it will be necessary to dilute a little more), and carefully
use because if the mucous membrane is inflamed or
there are wounds, then it can bake. Drip 3-4 times a day. (methods with juice were not used)
7. When the baby is sleeping, put a napkin in the crib,
moistened with eucalyptus oil (a few drops). This
such a kind of inhalation. Snot won't interfere with sleep.

8. Carrot juice should be diluted 1:1. You can at least drip
after half an hour (not used)

9. Every hour, rinse the spout with saline solution, half a pipette at a time.
Then pull out all the remains with a nozzle suction and lubricate
Apply peach oil to the nose so that the mucous membrane does not dry out. (I won’t say anything about oil, the idea of ​​rinsing the nose in our case is so that the snot doesn’t go down)

10. Instill a few drops of oil 2 times a day
thuja. (haven't tried)

11. Parsley juice. The parsley was ground with a pestle, and then all
Place this mass in cheesecloth and squeeze out until you get a little bit of liquid.
Place 1-3 drops in each nostril. In 30 minutes
no snot!!! True, then green stuff comes out of the nose
boogers. Bury for at least 2 days. (we haven’t tried it... but they talked a lot about the power of “green juice” in yoga classes - they recommended giving the juice to kids almost from the first days)

12. Drip liquid balm “Star” onto your socks. On
socks - so that you don’t put them in your mouth and at the same time inhalation
was. Well, similarly - a couple of drops on a napkin and over
pillow at night. Carefully! Menthol for young children
dangerous at high concentrations (above 5-7%). In Zvezdochka
menthol concentration is 10%, so the asterisk is small
Children are not allowed. And in a concentration of 2.6% (balm Tom\`s of
Maine) it can be used, but not on mucous membranes and not
inside. And apply a little. Smear not next to
mucous membranes and in no case inside the nose, but above
nostrils, where the sinuses are located when the child is already
sleeps so as not to accidentally lick or smear on
mucous. I literally applied it drop by drop on both sides.
nose And more on my chest, but without rubbing it in, then I put it on
closed bodysuit with a neck. That was enough.

13. Another remedy for a stuffy nose. Compress from
cottage cheese. Only you need real cottage cheese, so crumbly,
and not flowing out of the pack. The cottage cheese is warming up, we heated it
in a steam bath, laid out on gauze, wrapped - and
placed on the bridge of the child's nose. The advantage of cottage cheese is that
that it fits snugly around the nose.

14. Rinse the nose with herbs. This herbal collection is for sale
\"Elekosol\". Brew as written and rinse your nose with this
(can be diluted 1:1 with Borjomi, releasing its gases).
Place the baby on its side and the nostril that is closest to
beds and wash them. Then we turn and another.

15. Homeopathic remedy called Euphorbium. For children
at the age of up to 1 year, 1 – 2 drops of a 0.01% solution are administered
the drug in each nasal passage 2 - 3 times a day. (we used euphorbium for treatment - I didn’t notice any particular effectiveness)

16. Rinse 3-4 times a day with soda solution or
chamomile solution. after rinsing, place drops in the nose
dioxidin (sold in pharmacies in ampoules), the drug is not
irritates the mucous membranes, is very cheap and very good
treats persistent snot.

17. Instill the nose with Ectericide, 2 drops every 2

18. Drops \"DERINAT\" 4 times a day, one drop each
nostril The annotation says: the drug has
immunomodulatory effect on cellular and humoral
levels. Activates antiviral, antifungal and
antimicrobial immunity. Stimulates reparative and
regenerative processes. etc. etc. No contraindications
identified. No side effects observed

19. Baby Nazivin (he collects sniffles) and already after
After a few minutes it becomes very easy to suck them off.

20. Drink this infusion - 3 hours of rose hips, 1 hour of chamomile,
nettle and St. John's wort, mix and 1 tablespoon of the mixture on
a glass of water and in a thermos for 4 hours. Of course, if not

21. At the beginning of the disease, the baby develops a runny nose. At
runny nose for young children almost every
Feeding makes toilet of the nose. First, wicks with
soda solution (one teaspoon of soda per glass of water)
clear the nasal passages of mucus, and then instill one or two
drops of breast milk. Mother's breast milk contains
all the protective substances that a person produces on
throughout life. If the mother does not have milk, then you can
add one or two drops of warm vegetable oil. To avoid complications
It is better to rinse your nose with wicks soaked in soda
solution. A runny nose is most often a manifestation
viral disease. Firstly, the body is thus
tries to stop the infection in the nose (not to let it go further into the throat, into the lungs), and secondly, the nasal mucosa
secretes mucus (in human language, flowing from the nose
mucus called snot), which is in huge quantities
contains substances that neutralize viruses. Main task
Parents should not allow the mucus to dry out. For this
Again, clean, cool air and
a sufficient amount of liquid consumed orally.
If the mucus dries, the child will breathe through his mouth and then
mucus in the lungs will begin to dry out, clogging the bronchi, and this
one of the main reasons for the development of inflammation in them
(pneumonia). When the room temperature is above 22 degrees
the mucus dries very quickly. The conclusions are obvious. Help
the child can moisturize the nasal passages with drops that
make mucus more liquid. The simplest and most accessible to everyone
saline solution (available in all pharmacies).
This is plain water with a little salt added.
It is impossible to overdose, so drip completely
calmly, at least every half hour, 3-4 drops in each nostril.
(In case the pharmacy is far away or there is no need to run there
time, you can do some semblance of physiological
solution yourself for one liter of boiled water, add one
a teaspoon of salt, to be more precise 9 grams).
A very good drug, ectericide, oily liquid,
which has weak disinfectant properties, and
oil, covering the mucous membranes with a thin layer,
prevents them from drying out. For the same purpose you can
use oil solutions of vitamins E and A (tocopherol and
retinol). Both ectericide and vitamin solutions make no sense
drip more often than once every 2 hours (1-2 drops), logical
combine them with saline, there are no side effects. Again
I emphasize if the room has warm and dry air,
It is very, very difficult to prevent mucus from drying out, so
Whatever you did. Therefore, for any illness it is necessary first
answer the question how to breathe? and only then
how to treat?.. Never and under no circumstances
drip antibiotic solutions into your nose! Unacceptable
use of vasoconstrictor drops for a common runny nose
(naphthyzin, galazolin, sanorin). At first it becomes very
the mucus disappears well, but then it starts very badly
swelling of the nasal mucosa. It manifests itself like this: the snot has stopped running, and nasal breathing has not only stopped
is restored, but also worsens (you can’t breathe).
And to make it feel good again, you have to drip again. So
ad infinitum. I repeat: a runny nose is protection. Himself
It will pass if you don’t interfere, but help. The following were invented
medications to treat a completely different runny nose are not
infectious, but allergic. For example, a neighbor came
show off your Persian cat, and it blows your nose
it began to flow (this is not from delight, but from an allergy to cats). Here
naphthyzin is just right here, although it’s better to kick the cat out
(You can leave your neighbor).

(From the book by E. Komarovsky “The Beginning of Life
Your child. For dads and moms", Kharkov, 1996)

22. Cut the onion in half, wrap in gauze and
hang the stroller (crib) in which the child sleeps, keeping an eye on
at the same time so that the bow does not touch it.

23. Infuse garlic in oil and drip into the spout. Check
on yourself!!! In general, you have to be careful with garlic - easy
get a burn to the mucous membrane. (I wouldn't risk it)

24. Runny nose - drops from 1 tsp. milk + 1/4 tsp.
honey + 5 drops of onion – drop 2-3 drops into the nostril, often.
Clear liquid flows from the nose - instill heated
\"Borjomi\", often. Standing green snot – Colorgol or

25. Place Interferon in the nose.

26. You need to warm up your nose

27. To begin with, Salin (just instill, don’t suction
necessary.). drops are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription.

28. Children's medicine Triaminic - cleans the nose well,

ok, the tempo is also off. (America) but the doctor explained
that it acts as a \"snot thickener\" and as soon as
the snot stops flowing like a stream and becomes more or less
thick, you need to stop drinking it, because otherwise you can
earn sinusitis.

29. Aromatherapy also helps a lot. Two drops
eucalyptus oil on a napkin and hang it at the head
cribs You just have to be careful with things like this at first
There are allergies. In general, with aromatherapy for children it is necessary
be more careful.

31. Sometimes mucus accumulates in the nose overnight and interferes with
baby to breathe and suck? You can lay it on your stomach. Bye
he fidgets there for half an hour, his nose clears at least partially,
just collect

1. For a deep cough, you can apply a mustard wrap:
1 tbsp. spoon of honey, tbsp. spoon sunflower butter, a spoonful of mustard,
spoon of flour (there may be more spoons, so that there is enough for
size). Bring all this to a boil, spread on a cloth
and put it on the back and right side of the chest (not with the mixture, but
side of a cloth), wrap a towel on top. You can even
do it at night.

2. In a cloth bag (approximately 12x7 cm) with a rope for
tying, pour hot coarse salt (heated over
frying pan). Wrap this one in some other rags too.
I place a flat rectangle on the chest diagonally along
direction from the left shoulder to the right armpit and wrap it
to the body with something warm and long, such as a scarf (like
bandolier crosswise). A child can walk like that
an hour or two. Then remove the salt and leave the scarf for warmth.
for a while.

3. Onion juice. chop the onion, put it in a jar, add
sugar (you can replace sugar with honey if you are not allergic),
with the released onion juice - it is sweet - give the baby a drink (according to
teaspoon). Soothes cough very well.

4. Children's medicine Triaminic - cleans the nose well,
helps with cough very quickly, baby sleeps very well at night
ok, the tempo is also off.

5. Brew coltsfoot for coughs (in the store nat.
bought food) and drink little but often.

6. Drink chamomile tea (you will have to sweeten it with fructose).

7. Turn on the hot water in the bathroom and close the door.
The bathroom takes 15-20 minutes to heat up. You gain about 10 cm
water in the bathroom. Then take the eucalyptus tincture and
spray it on the walls with a shower. Go to the bathroom with
child (undressed) and breathe as much as you can. child
then you need to wipe it, wrap it and keep it warm. For ARVI, cough,
runny nose.

8. Inhalations. brew herbs in a saucepan (such as chamomile,
marshmallow root, fennel), cover with a blanket and sit
as much as you can.

9. Gedelix – rubbing

10. Apply Dr. Theis balm with eucalyptus to the chest, back,
Leave it open near the bed so you can breathe it.

11. Rub the chest and back with Vitaon (at worst
Bronchicum, but it's sticky)

12. Drainage massage for better sputum separation:

– place the child on his back, from below from the sides (encompassing the ribs
palms) stroke upwards towards the center (toward the neck). -
put on the stomach, rubbing movements from bottom to top (palms
in a circular motion moving upward in parallel
spine). Can be done while the child is standing or sitting.
It is possible in the position in which it is possible to catch the client
), most often carrying everything in your arms in a column, with one hand.
Then we pat the back from bottom to top.

– hang the child over the knee (butt up
) and tap the back from the butt to the head, quite

- like any massage,
we start and end with light strokes, the main
some of it is quite noticeable. But pat everyone on the back
family in all my free time.

13. It is also quite obvious that to liquefy macrota in
the body must have fluid - that is, it must be abundantly
give him something to drink, preferably something warm and sour.

14. If the cough is dry, then you can do it three times a day
inhalation with soda. Draw a hot bath, add steam
table spoons of soda, draw steam into the bathroom itself and sit there
with the child for about ten to fifteen minutes. But if it's wet, then
soda is not worth it.

15. Dr. Taisa’s plantain mixture helps a lot.

16. Wrapping up. Spread a thin layer of honey on top of the breast
cabbage leaf You can wrap it up, but you can only wear a T-shirt
and pajamas.

17. Lazolvan? cough syrup


1. Bath for 15-20 minutes. Get into the bath every time
goes beyond 39. Water temperature 37. gr. No need to get colder
so that there is no vasospasm. And the temperature drops
degree exactly, and the child relaxes and is distracted. On
take a night bath with anti-inflammatory herbs
(calendula, chamomile).

2. homeopathic suppositories "Viburkol"? to remove temperature
and pain, they are weak, but harmless.

Red throat

1.Aflubin + rub with eucalyptus ointment at night

2. Propolis tincture works great! Divorce
a few drops in water and give it a drink, it’s also good
Anoint your neck with the same propolis before going to bed. How many
Once tested: it works very quickly and efficiently!

3. If your neck hurts severely, then no one has canceled it
old grandfather's method - eggnog, hot milk with
butter (you can use eggnog). In principle
drinking hot water reduces discomfort

4. Warm drink from a bottle to irrigate your throat. (Not
sippy cup and not a cup, but a bottle).

5. Recently, with the permission of our ENT specialist, we
laryngitis and loss of voice we use homeopathic
Homeovox lozenges (Boiron laboratory),
Another good medicine from homeopathy is Angin-Heel
(manufactured by Heel). A good natural antiseptic is honey.
honeycombs, unless, of course, the child has an allergy to honey (wax
You need to chew it like gum for a while). Ingalipt and
The ENT specialist did not advise us to take such drugs
use, as they irritate the mucous membranes even more.

Weak immunity and close communication in children's groups are the main reasons for frequent colds in children. Often the disease process drags on for many weeks, and the long-awaited recovery is replaced by another runny nose and cough. But in order to prevent the disease from dragging on, it is better to immediately begin intensive treatment.

You will need

  1. - mustard plasters, compress kit (cotton wool, oilcloth, bandage);
  2. - pharmacy nasal drops, carrot juice;
  3. - coarse salt for heating.


  1. To quickly cure a runny nose and cough in a child, assess the baby’s condition: is it possible to use thermal procedures, but they are contraindicated at high temperatures and purulent inflammation, are there other dubious symptoms that threaten the child’s life and require medical supervision. If not, carry out the treatment yourself and use mustard plasters, warm compresses on the chest, and warming up the sinuses. These procedures improve blood circulation, due to which they relieve the inflammatory process in the bronchi and nasopharynx.
  2. For a compress, use regular warm water. Soak a cloth in it, wring it out lightly and apply it to the upper third of your chest. Cover the fabric with oilcloth, cotton wool and bandage it or wrap it in a diaper crosswise. When applying a compress, make sure that each layer is 1-1.5 cm larger than the previous one. Do this for 3-5 days at night until morning. To warm your chest with mustard plasters, use only those insulated in paper. And since children are impatient with pain, apply them to the skin dry, then they will warm much longer without causing irritation.
  3. Be sure to give your child warm drinks. To soften the cough and thin the mucus, give warmed milk with mineral water or honey and a small pinch of soda, and to remove mucus from the bronchi, expectorant teas, for example, from licorice root, currant leaf or raspberry.
  4. To treat a runny nose in a child, warm the sinuses several times a day. Heat coarse salt in a frying pan, pour it into 2 bags and tie. To prevent them from burning the skin, first place terry napkins on the sides of your nose, and put bags on them. You can use a hot egg instead of salt. Do not perform this procedure if you have a purulent runny nose. In this case, use the method below.
  5. To cure a purulent runny nose in a child, use pharmaceutical drops, and only after the discharge becomes transparent - folk remedies, for example, carrot or carrot-beet juice, 3-5 drops. However, clean your nose with a salt solution first. Dilute 1 tsp. in 0.5 liters of boiled warm water, take it into a syringe with a rubber tip and insert it into each nostril one by one. To prevent water from getting into the respiratory tract or middle ear, place the child close to the bathtub and, holding his chin with one hand, slightly tilt the baby's head forward. He is unlikely to like this procedure, so if there is strong resistance, simply pump out the mucus with a rubber balloon.
  6. If a child's cold is not accompanied by malaise or high fever, do not forbid him to go for a walk. Fresh air has a healing effect, and mobility during walks improves blood circulation, which additionally helps treat runny nose and cough in a child.

Among childhood diseases, one of the most common is a runny nose. A runny nose or rhinitis occurs very often in children of different ages, and the sooner parents take measures to eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease, the easier it will go for the child. In this article we will tell you how to quickly and effectively eliminate the causes of a runny nose and cure it with folk remedies in one day.


  1. At the very beginning of the disease, hang crushed garlic over the baby’s crib, which will repel germs. Prepare a sterile solution of sea salt and place two or three drops into each child's nostril using a pipette. This will clear the nasal passage of mucus.
  2. Rinsing should be done regularly - this will keep the nose clean and help eliminate the disease. If the child’s nasal cavity swells, making it difficult to breathe, instill vasoconstrictor drops in him no more than twice a day - for example, Nazivin or Derinat.
  3. Use a special bulb to suck out mucus from your child's nose if he or she does not yet know how to blow his nose. Only after cleaning your nose, place the drops inside.
  4. The child should be in a damp room - regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. Give him more warm drinks to rehydrate his body. It is useful to use Protargol drops, which relieve the nasal passages of purulent mucus.
  5. Elevate your baby's pillow at night to raise the level of his head. This will make breathing easier. Take inhalations from the “star” balm before going to bed.
  6. To rinse your nose, in addition to saline solution, use infusions of chamomile, calendula, plantain, sage, oregano, as well as sea buckthorn, peach and eucalyptus oils, which can be added to herbal infusions. Infuse the herbs in a glass of boiling water for two hours, then cool and rinse the child’s nose through a pipette.
  7. Take two fresh aloe leaves, rinse them in warm water and squeeze out the juice. Dilute aloe juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 and instill 3-4 drops of juice into each nostril several times a day. Aloe allows you to quickly and effectively fight a runny nose.
  8. A recognized treatment for children are foot and hand baths. Do them before bed, then put woolen socks on your child and put him to bed. Prepare an infusion of birch leaves and pine needles for a foot bath. Pour two liters of boiling water over a tablespoon of each herb and boil for five minutes. Infuse the herbs for an hour, pour into a bowl and dilute to a temperature of 30-40 degrees. The child should sit next to the basin, placing his feet in it, so that the water reaches his knees. Take a bath for 20 minutes, after which the child should be put to bed.

Cough and runny nose without fever, treatment methods

A cough and runny nose without fever may indicate a hidden inflammatory process or hypersensitivity. Most often, such symptoms appear if a person has inhaled polluted air or small dust particles. If these symptoms do not go away, you should urgently consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Causes of cough and runny nose without fever

If a person experiences changes in the body, a cough may appear, which helps remove foreign particles and phlegm. A cough and runny nose indicate certain malfunctions in the human body, the beginning of a serious inflammatory process.

Most often, symptoms are observed in children who are often exposed to ARVI. If the cough is barking, the body temperature does not rise, this indicates an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx or that adenoids are beginning to form. Also, cough and runny nose can be a reaction to dust, household chemicals, and perfumes.

If the cough becomes constant and the body temperature does not rise, this indicates that acute bronchitis or pneumonia is developing. It is dangerous when symptoms occur during tuberculosis.

Cough and runny nose without fever during pregnancy

When a cough and runny nose appears during pregnancy, it is dangerous for the fetus. When a woman coughs, she constantly tenses her abdominal muscles, her ligaments actively contract, and all this threatens bleeding. Due to a runny nose, the nose is often stuffy, there is difficulty breathing, and the child suffers from serious hypoxia. A pregnant woman cannot use medications, so traditional medicine is an alternative option; you must choose those recommended by the attending doctor.

Prolonged cough and runny nose without fever

If the symptoms persist and the temperature is normal, this indicates a hidden inflammatory process or an allergic reaction. Hypersensitivity can occur in a polluted environment when a person inhales pathogenic particles. When a dry cough has been bothering you for a long time, you need to increase sputum production and drink as much fluid as possible.

How does a runny nose and cough without fever manifest?

When a person becomes infected with a viral infection, he develops catarrh in the upper respiratory tract, which turns into a cough and runny nose, but the temperature does not increase. Also, in this situation there is no sore throat, but the cough can be severe.

When you suddenly develop a dry cough, this may indicate a serious allergic reaction to the color of a plant, animal, cosmetics, or perfume. Please note that many different allergens can often accumulate in carpets and beds, causing a constant dry cough. As a rule, with allergies, the temperature rarely rises.

If you are addicted to different powders, fragrances, detergents, or abuse aromatherapy, all this can lead to a runny nose and cough.

Often, when a person has had a virus or infection, he may have a sore throat for about one month, a cough appears, a tickle in the nasopharynx and a runny nose that does not go away. If symptoms persist for longer, you need to undergo an examination.

Treatment of cough and runny nose without fever

Sometimes symptoms can indicate a serious illness. For example, pneumonia. In this situation, you need to undergo fluorography, give sputum for analysis, and a general blood and urine test.

Before starting treatment, you need to know the cause of its occurrence. Smokers can often be bothered by a runny nose, cough, and the nasopharynx becomes irritated under the influence of nicotine. Severe coughing attacks often occur, especially when they get worse in the morning, when a lot of sputum begins to be released. This suggests that the smoker already has lung atrophy, which first develops in the alveoli and then affects the entire organ.

When tuberculosis develops, bloody sputum appears. Pneumonia causes severe pain in the chest. In case of infectious and viral diseases, in addition to coughing, there is a sore throat and severe sore throat.

Antibiotics will be useless if a runny nose and cough are caused by:

1. Nicotine (for smokers).

2. When a person inhales various environmental irritants that his body does not perceive.

3. Cough and runny nose due to an allergic reaction.

4. When dust or dust mites enter the respiratory tract.

5. If the cough is caused by worms.

Antibacterial drugs can be used only when the temperature rises and there is an acute inflammatory process that the body cannot overcome on its own.

Cough and runny nose without fever most often have symptomatic treatment:

1. It is important to drink as much as possible - purified water, tea with lemon, decoction of chamomile, mint, rose hips.

2. If you are bothered by a strong dry cough, you need to take medications that can thin the mucus - Ambrobene, Bromhexine, Mucaltin.

4. If you have a runny nose, you need to rinse your nose as often as possible; sea salt and chamomile decoction are ideal.

5. If there is no temperature, you can use warming procedures - steam your feet in soda, mustard. To do this, you need to pour a bowl of hot water, add two tablespoons of mustard or soda, and constantly add water so that it does not cool down. Afterwards, put on warm woolen socks and go to bed.

6. You can use different inhalations - steam, nebulizer, etc.

So, cough and runny nose without fever are a protective reaction against an infectious, viral disease. Most often, these symptoms are characteristic of different types of allergies. A cough with a runny nose occurs if the air in the room is dry or a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract. Such symptoms are also observed after experiencing stress. It is important to find out the cause in time, only then select treatment methods so that the disease does not worsen. Cough and runny nose without fever in a child are especially dangerous; you need to constantly monitor his well-being.

How can you cure a runny nose and cough in a 2 year old 1 month old child?


Olga Gorskaya

my baby is one year old? and so far drops are better? I haven’t seen aquamaris and protorgol? alternate? and the runny nose will go away


To pierce the nose. buy aqualor - this is sea water for washing and treating a runny nose. They have different nozzles depending on the injection force, so to speak) Very convenient! We also use it for the throat. Believe it or not, my husband and I got sick here just now. The child's nose and throat were treated with sea water - she couldn't care less! go to Aqualor. ru aqualor ru

Tanya Khotuleva

PROSPAN syrup is a very good cough syrup. 2.5 ml 2 times a day


it is necessary to suction.
Mine was sick recently. I dripped a saline solution several times a day (a pinch of salt + a little warm water... it tastes like a tear), and sucked out the mucus with an Otrivin aspirator - a great thing. He screamed a lot, but he needs treatment...

Elena Volgina

Sea water cleanses well, you can steam an onion in hot milk, drink it or drip it, I did inhalations with a star with mine, covered myself with a towel over a hot kettle and played partisans, soldiers, etc., etc., it helps a lot.


yes, rinsing is good for the nose, and for a cough, sleep it off, it’s even better if you sleep it off, just not syrup, but a solution, through an inhaler, so our cough was generally treated in two days. By the way, the inhaler has attachments for both the nose and masks.


For a runny nose, you can use Rinofluimucil (spray) or Nazivin (drops), and for a cough, Gedelix helped us a lot!


Buy badger fat for coughs at the pharmacy. Rub the back, chest (except for the heart area), feet, overnight. Dress your child warmly and wear socks. My baby had a dry cough for 4 days, after rubbing it with badger fat, every other day the cough softened, after 3 days only rare clearings remained. A runny nose cannot be treated at all. passes on its own. Buy “sopilka” patches from pharmacies or moisten cotton balls with eucalyptus and star essential oils diluted in water and place them around the child at night. Rinse your nose with sea or salt water. If the nose does not want to breathe at all, dilute the star in water and smear the wings of the nose and sinuses. I did this to myself during pregnancy and my daughter (1 year old) while she was sleeping, otherwise I smeared it all over her face. As for sucking snot, it’s a controversial issue. ..I read that you can damage the mucous membrane. However, I suctioned with a bulb, but what to do if the child cannot breathe. Ventilate the room regularly, make sure that the temperature is not higher than 22. Do everything you can to increase the air humidity. a wet towel on the radiator, bowls of water on the windowsill. Microbes love dry air and heat. I also placed garlic around the crib. I don’t know if it helps or not, but the smell is terrible :) And another recipe for a sore throat and cough. Honey cake: mix 5 ingredients in equal proportions: honey + vodka + mustard + flour + sunflower oil, spread on the breast under the film and wrap with a scarf. It also helps a lot, you can do it during the day. I took a little less mustard for the child. Get well.

Olga M

and we are treated with inhalations! We bought a compression inhaler, lazolvan (you can use ambrobene) (2ml), saline solution (4ml) and off we go! We treat quickly and effectively! Warm socks for your feet won't hurt either!

Medicines don't help us either! This is the only way to save ourselves!

What to do when you have a cough and runny nose without fever

The main signs of a cold in most patients are cough, runny nose and elevated body temperature. But sometimes the disease in children and adults can occur at normal body temperature. There are several reasons for the process when there is a cough and runny nose without fever.

Causes of the pathological process

An elevated body temperature indicates that the body is fighting pathogens that provoked the development of the disease. Therefore, many doctors say: if a child has a cough and runny nose without fever, there is nothing good about it. Most likely, this occurs with weak immunity, which cannot cope with the disease on its own. But it is possible to say that the temperature should be with a runny nose and cough only in the case of a bacterial or infectious nature of the disease.

It should be remembered that these symptoms may be satellites of an allergic reaction of the body, which is not always accompanied by fever. If the cause of this person's condition is an allergy, symptoms such as a dry cough and swollen nose should be observed, and clear nasal discharge often appears.

In recent years, medical practice has increasingly recorded cases of children being affected by the avian influenza virus - H1 N 1. The symptoms of this type of flu and colds are the same, with the exception of fever, which is not caused by a virus H1 N1.

A cough without a runny nose or fever can occur if a foreign object enters the respiratory tract. Then the child is bothered by a dry cough that does not go away even with the use of medications. The child's condition will improve and the symptoms will disappear on their own when the foreign body is removed from the throat.

What does a cough indicate?

Signs of a cold without an increase in body temperature can be observed in many diseases. Most often, specialists diagnose the following diseases:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • physiological rhinitis;
  • allergy.

A cough without fever and runny nose is very often observed with a disease such as pharyngitis. Such an acute inflammatory disease does not always occur as a result of infection entering the respiratory tract; pharyngitis often develops in people who spend a long time in dusty or smoky rooms. In young children, pediatricians often detect pharyngitis of non-infectious origin, which is caused by excessively dry air in the children's room. In addition to high fever, children's throats become very inflamed, causing pain. If the cause of the disease is an infection, the clinical picture is accompanied by a runny nose and elevated body temperature. In this case, the disease rarely goes away without a cough.

The second common disease is laryngitis. It has much in common with pharyngitis, but in young children, against the background of an inflammatory process in the body, the temperature rises much more often. Moreover, laryngitis is also unpleasant because when the vocal cords are damaged, the voice often “shrinks.”

Particularly dangerous for children is the occurrence of stenosing laryngitis, in which swelling of the larynx becomes so severe that it can completely block the airways. This is one of the most dangerous diseases in which there is a cough and fever, but no runny nose.

A baby’s cough and runny nose can often be of a physiological nature, then there is no danger to the child’s health; parents simply must perform certain actions aimed at making the baby feel better. Treatment is usually not required, since the cough reflex arises from the need to clear the airways of dust particles and mucus accumulated in them. This process can be observed within 2 months from the moment of birth of the child, which is due to its long stay in the mother’s womb.

If a person is bothered by a dry cough, it may be the cause of chronic bronchitis. The process resembles the acute form of bronchitis, but high fever is not typical for a chronic disease
bodies. Bronchitis never goes away without a cough - at first it is dry due to swelling of the mucous membrane, then it becomes moist with a small amount of sputum, which gradually increases.

Most often, a runny nose and cough without fever appear with nasopharyngitis - inflammation of the throat and nasopharynx. The disease occurs as a result of a rhinovirus infection entering the body. If a child is infected with rhinovirus, in most cases he will have a high fever, but if the infection enters the body of an adult, this symptom will not occur. With such diseases, the patient is bothered by the typical signs of a cold - sneezing, sore throat, coughing attacks, runny or stuffy nose, headache. Adults who are addicted to nicotine may experience a persistent dry cough.

How to treat the signs of a cold?

Treatment of runny nose and cough, which are not accompanied by fever, should be treated depending on the causes of these symptoms. If they are caused by a cold, vasoconstrictor drugs will help - Nazivin, Tizin, Otrivin, as well as expectorants or mucolytics - Lazolvan, Libexin, Gedelix, Fluimucil, Flavamed, Ambroxol, Ambrobene. The respiratory tract will benefit from inhalations, which have an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and softening effect on the mucous membrane.

If such a painful condition is caused by allergies, you cannot do without the use of antihistamines; specialists prescribe Claritin, Suprastin, Diazolin to their patients. It is also necessary to exclude the patient’s contact with the allergen.

In any case, regardless of the factors that caused the cough, the patient will benefit from plenty of warm drinks, which have a calming and softening effect on the inflamed mucous membrane. If you have cold symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor who will make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to cure a cough and runny nose in a 5-month-old child, pharmacy, we live far away in the village


that's definitely me

The nose can be washed with a 2% soda solution, if there is no fever, then apply mustard wraps to the breast and legs. Mix dry mustard with sunflower oil. Rub on a dry, clean cloth. You can cover a diaper, which you don’t mind, with several layers of fabric so that the mustard doesn’t get on the baby’s skin, and wrap it around the chest and back. And the legs can do the same. But only if the child does not have a temperature. If there is, then under no circumstances should you heat it. If you live in a village now, then maybe you have radishes in your garden. Make a hole in it, a larger one at the top and a small one at the bottom, put a little honey in the hole, and insert the radish into a clean mayonnaise jar. Give the child 5 drops of the solution that is dripped into it with milk. Don’t be afraid that he (she) is still small, all this can already be done. God bless you.))


Squeeze carrot juice and bury it - it helps. Aloe juice helps if available. And you need to wash your nose. Solution - 1 teaspoon of soda and salt per glass of water. If your throat is fine, then the cough is most likely a consequence of a runny nose. Plantain tea is a good remedy for coughs, both from the root and from the leaves.

maestro 49

Finely chop (crush) an onion and a clove of garlic, place on a plate and place at the head of the bed overnight. Herbal medicine - there will be no runny nose in the morning.

Olga Pashkova

Milk with butter and honey is a very good treatment for cough.


http://www.prostuda.net/prostuda3.html is here specifically for infants!


at 5 months... there is nothing to experiment with.... go to the pharmacy and buy drops and tablets at least.... because he will not drink herbal decoctions - neither chamomile, nor pine buds, nor thyme, nor linden.... and they don’t care about honey... I can’t say anything about garlic.... and dripting different juices - beetroot, garlic onions, etc. - is dangerous - it can cause asthma.... well, drink hot milk

Marina Smirnova

Apply eucalyptus oil to a cotton pad or add to a container of warm water and place it near the baby’s crib. In general, it is better to consult a doctor; you should not self-medicate, especially since the child is very small, there is a risk of complications.


In such cases, you need to stock up on medications for the baby. . Or are you watching the program MALAKHOV +

Nastya Rodina (Konakhova)

Carrot juice and beet juice saved us. Dilute one to one and drop it into your nose!


My God. Now take it and try for yourself everything that has been told to you!! ! The only thing you must do, regardless of whether you are treating your child with pills or not, is to rinse your nose if you have a runny nose. For a glass of water, a teaspoon of soda and no salt or anything else. Drop half a pipette of this solution into each nose and after 2-3 seconds, use a small enema blower to suck out everything that is in the nose. At the same time, close the second nostril and mouth! After this procedure, you need to drip your nose with drops!


when you cure, try to harden gradually and regularly, prevention is better after all


When experimenting with traditional medicine, you have a huge risk of ending up in the hospital with acute bronchitis (or pneumonia). Only a doctor can accurately diagnose and make prescriptions based on this. Your baby may be allergic to carrot juice or aloe. Good luck!