Why does saliva occur during sleep? Less water before bed. Infection in the mouth

Find out if you have sleep apnea. If you frequently wake up in your sleep, have trouble breathing, snore loudly while you sleep, or if you salivate excessively, you may have sleep apnea. Apnea causes your breathing to become shallow, almost unnoticeable.

  • The risk of sleep apnea will be higher in people who smoke, have high blood pressure, and in people with a predisposition to cardiovascular disease or stroke.
  • Your doctor will be able to determine if you have apnea by doing some tests that will monitor your sleep.

Find out if you are blocked respiratory tract. Drooling from your mouth may be a symptom of a blocked airway. Visit an ENT doctor to find out if you have any problems that affect your ability to breathe through your nose while you sleep.

Lose weight. If you have overweight, then you have a high chance of developing sleep apnea. More than half of the 12 million people in the US who suffer from sleep apnea are overweight. Change your diet and start exercising regularly to achieve a healthy weight and reduce your neck circumference for easier breathing.

Conservative treatment sleep apnea. Apnea can be treated in various ways, in addition to recommending weight loss. Those people who have been diagnosed with this should avoid drinking alcohol, sleeping pills, and try to get more sleep. To clear your nasal passages, use nasal sprays and saline nasal rinses.

Get mechanical therapy for sleep apnea. The first thing prescribed to people suffering from sleep apnea is to undergo CPAP therapy ( mechanical method creating constant pressure in the airways). Patients must wear a mask that forces air into the lungs through the nose and mouth while they sleep. The idea is to create required pressure air in the airways to prevent them from collapsing during episodes of sleep apnea.

Use a special mouth insert. It will prevent your tongue from blocking your airway and will push it forward lower jaw for their further discovery.

  • Contact your surgeon. People who have a curved nasal septum, enlarged tonsils or an enlarged tongue may be good candidates for various surgical procedures.

    • Somnoplasty. This procedure uses radio frequencies to reduce soft palate in the back of the throat and thereby widen the airways.
    • Pharyngoplasty. This is a procedure in which the soft fabrics at the back of the throat to open the airways.
    • Nasal surgery consists of several procedures that can correct defects such as a deviated nasal septum.
    • Tonsillectomy. During this procedure, enlarged tonsils that are obstructing the airway are removed.
    • Surgery to advance the lower or upper jaws. During this procedure, the surgeon will move the jaw bones forward to create more space in the throat. This is a fairly intensive procedure that is reserved for only the worst cases of sleep apnea.
  • There is probably no need to explain what the process of salivation means. The oral cavity is filled with secretion produced by the salivary glands.

    Reflex actions are not controlled by a person, but under the influence various factors and due to certain conditions of the body, the amount of saliva secreted can greatly increase, which serves as a signal of problems in the functioning of organs and vital systems.

    Most people themselves notice that they have increased salivation. In medicine, this phenomenon is called hypersalivation. U healthy person normal level salivation is 2 mg every 10 minutes. But when a person is sick, or his condition simply changes, salivation can either increase or decrease.

    Causes of excessive salivation

    What does it mean? When saliva is secreted very profusely, that is, more than is sufficient, we speak of increased secretion, or so-called hypersalivation.

    Several factors can be mentioned contributing to the development of such a condition:

    • using some medicines, side effect which may be increased salivation;
    • metabolic disorder;
    • neurological diseases;
    • acute poisoning or toxic infection;
    • otorhinolaryngological pathologies.

    Reasons increased salivation in adults are usually associated with diseases of the digestive system and neurological disorders, and the causes of increased salivation in children are with acute respiratory viral infections and chronic diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, otitis media). Increased salivation in children under one year of age is most often the norm.

    Causes of increased salivation in adults

    Hypersalivation or increased salivation in adults is always a pathology. An increase in the amount of saliva can be caused by diseases oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, taking certain medications and other reasons.

    1. Increased salivation always accompanies infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx– , periodontitis, . This is defensive reaction the body, allowing timely removal of infectious agents, their toxins and tissue breakdown products from the oral cavity. Strong salivation in this case develops in response to mechanical irritation of the nerve endings of the oral cavity.
    2. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract also causes in adults heavy salivation. It can be either acute or erosion. In most patients, the amount of saliva produced per day increases noticeably. It is important to know that diseases of the pancreas, for example, also intensely stimulate salivary glands.
    3. Involuntary secretion of saliva occurs with facial paralysis(this may also be the case), in this case the person cannot swallow at all, even liquid food.
    4. Various mental disorders or stress significantly stimulate hypersalivation. However, it should be noted that this reason doesn't happen that often. Increased salivation may be a symptom of central nervous system disease. This is due to the fact that the muscles that are involved in the act of swallowing are weakened. This pathology leads to the fact that the patient is unable to swallow the entire amount of saliva produced. Hypersalivation is the first sign of Parkinson's disease.
    5. Inflammation salivary glands or mumpsinfectious disease, characterized by inflammation of the salivary glands. Inflammation of the parotid salivary glands causes the patient's face and neck to swell and increase in size, which is why the disease is called “mumps.”
    6. Deviations in work thyroid gland . Can stimulate increased salivation hormonal imbalance, i.e. disturbance in the production of hormones. This often occurs in people who have problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland. , which relates to endocrinological diseases, also sometimes leads to hypersalivation.
    7. Mechanical irritations. These can be dentures, dental procedures and manipulations, chewing gum, candy and any foreign bodies which may cause irritation in the mouth.
    8. Side effects of drugs. Some pharmaceuticals may have a side effect in the form of increased salivation. The most common drugs that have this effect are nitrazepam, pilocarpine, muscarine, physostigmine and lithium.
    9. Pregnancy. In women in this position, the cause of excessive salivation may be heartburn.

    If you have drool on your pillow after a night's sleep, there is no need to worry: sometimes drooling occurs before you wake up. People then say that a person slept soundly, which means he slept soundly. But if they start bothering you heavy discharge, it is better to consult a doctor who, after a saliva test, will determine the real reason hypersalivation.


    Diagnosis consists of the following medical measures:

    Depending on the diagnostic results, we will select effective treatment profuse salivation. It is necessary to understand that treatment without detection obvious reasons almost impossible.

    How to treat excessive salivation in adults

    In case of increased salivation, treatment in adults should begin by contacting a therapist, understanding that the fact of active salivation is a signal that normal operation body. The therapist, in turn, if necessary, will give a referral to a consultation with a more specialized specialist.

    Depending on the root cause, specialists can prescribe treatment specifically related to it, that is, they do not treat hypersalivation itself, but eliminate the problem that led to its occurrence. Perhaps these will be dental, gastroenterological, neurological or other methods.

    Sometimes, in particularly critical cases, doctors may prescribe specific treatment, acting specifically on profuse salivation:

    1. Method of removing (selective) salivary glands. This can in some cases lead to disruption of the facial nerves.
    2. Radiation therapy, as a way to scar the salivary ducts,
    3. Facial massage and exercise therapy are used for neuralgic disorders,
    4. Botulinum toxin may be injected into the salivary glands to temporarily block excessive salivary gland activity.
    5. Cryotherapy. A long-term treatment method that allows, at a reflex level, to increase the frequency of swallowing saliva.
    6. Anticholinergic drugs, how to get rid of hypersalivation (scopolamine, riabal, platiphylline and others). They suppress excessive saliva production.

    In adults, the main treatment for severe salivation is to bring the salivary glands back to normal functioning. Thus, in case of hypersalivation, all acute and chronic diseases should be cured, since most likely they are the ones that provoke excessive salivation.

    Our body constantly secretes saliva. Every 5 minutes the body produces 1 ml of saliva, this is considered normal. Much less is produced during sleep.

    If there is too much salivary fluid, a person drools in his sleep, staining the pillow, this is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo examination, since this often indicates the presence of some disease. Only those who do not experience increased salivation often should not worry.

    If a person is overtired, very tired, which is why he plunges into deep sleep, his whole body relaxes, including his jaws, so nothing can flow from his mouth. large number saliva.
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    Why does saliva flow during sleep? We will list the reasons why drooling may occur in a dream.


    There are a number of diseases that cause this feature.

    1. Runny nose. During the cold season, we often catch colds, which leads to rhinitis. Or a runny nose is one of the symptoms of allergies. Because of it, a person cannot breathe through his nose, and he has to compensate for this by breathing through his mouth. If your mouth is slightly open, drool drips onto the floor. For the same reason, in patients with deviated septum salivation appears in the nose.
    2. Diseases of teeth and gums. If adults have infections that are concentrated in the mouth area, then during sleep they open their mouths. In addition, in a number of diseases the amount of saliva increases.
    3. Gastrointestinal diseases. If the patient has cholecystitis, acute gastritis or a stomach ulcer, the person produces more salivary fluid.
    4. Worms. When there are worms in the body, they cause drooling.
    5. Diseases of the central nervous system, mental disorders. If there are illnesses nervous system In humans, the muscles involved in the swallowing process become weaker, causing liquid to collect in the mouth.
    6. Endocrine diseases. Because of them, salivation in an adult also increases, as the balance of hormones is disrupted. But its release occurs not only at night, but also during the day.

    In pregnant women

    If a woman is in interesting position, she may produce more saliva than usual. Why this feature occurs in pregnant women is not yet clear, but doctors suggest that it is due to hormonal changes in the body. This is not dangerous for the child, and after the baby is born everything will go away.

    In a child

    If a newborn baby produces a lot of saliva, this is considered normal, since his salivary glands have not yet formed. Therefore, at the age of 2 - 3 months, he has a lot of it, but he still cannot swallow it. The amount of saliva secreted from the mouth increases during the period when the child is teething.

    Other factors

    In an adult, salivation is also associated with other reasons. So, if there are mechanical irritants in the mouth, they lead to increased secretion. These are any foreign bodies, for example, candy or chewing gum, but most often a denture. Or is it all to blame malocclusion, and sometimes the absence of some teeth.

    Saliva flows from the mouths of people who regularly take medications before bed to cure a particular disease. Most often these are heart medications. If intoxication of the body occurs in an adult due to alcohol or food poisoning, then the secretion of saliva increases. This also provokes addiction to drugs.

    How to fight

    What can you do to reduce the amount of saliva produced during sleep? If everything is due to dental diseases, you need to visit a dentist. It will also help cope with malocclusion. To destroy harmful microflora in the body, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark or chamomile.

    Other diseases also require treatment. First, you should go to a therapist, who will already refer the patient to a specialist. If the cause is a runny nose, you can cope on your own. Use ointments before bed to help improve nasal breathing. Doctors also advise eating less salty foods and not getting carried away with fatty and spicy foods, as they irritate the oral mucosa and cause increased salivation.

    During pregnancy, you should rinse your mouth more often to remove microflora in the mouth, which can contribute to excessive salivary fluid. It is important and balanced diet, which must be fractional. This will help improve the functioning of the digestive system. You should not indulge your desires and eat incompatible foods.

    How else can you help yourself to reduce saliva production? Learn to sleep on your back. When you sleep on your side, saliva flows out of your half-open mouth onto the pillow. If you tuck the blanket in so that you can't roll over on your side and spend the whole night on your back, it won't leak out of your mouth. Or buy yourself a high pillow. If you sleep on a pillow, it will help keep your mouth closed and the flow of saliva will stop.

    These tips won't help those who are constantly drooling. In this case, you will have to take anticholinergic drugs that will stop excessive secretion of saliva. The doctor may recommend removal of part of the salivary glands or prescribe facial massage or exercise therapy (if neurological disorders). These or other procedures are carried out on the recommendation of a specialist.

    Hypersalivation or ptyalism is a disorder characterized by an increase in the amount of saliva produced. The reasons that provoke increased salivation in both women and men can be very different, including those associated with serious diseases.

    Symptoms and manifestations of hypersalivation

    The dominant symptom of ptyalism in adults is copious discharge saliva exceeding the norm by more than 2 times. The phrase “I choke on saliva” is relevant for a person with overactive salivary glands. Against the background of the main manifestation, accompanying manifestations arise:

    Prerequisites for the disease

    The main causes of increased salivation in adults include:

    • Processes inflammatory in nature in the oral cavity and pharynx: gingivitis, tonsillitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, ARVI. In this case, increased salivation is a protective reaction of the body, allowing the oral cavity to be freed from pathogenic microbes, infectious agents, and tissue decay products.
    • Gastrointestinal disorders: ulcers, gastritis, neoplasms, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Microorganisms entering the oral cavity from the gastrointestinal tract have an irritating effect on the glands and gums. This provokes the development of ptyalism.
    • Neuralgic disorders: brain injuries, cerebral palsy, inflammation trigeminal nerve, Parkinson's disease. These pathologies are accompanied by swallowing disorders and respiratory function, increased secretion of the salivary glands with nausea and vomiting.
    • Muscle paralysis maxillofacial area. If damaged facial nerve a person is unable to control facial muscles, which leads to drooling.
    • Mumps is an inflammatory process in the salivary glands. The disease causes not only excessive salivation, but also swelling of the face and neck (mumps).
    • Mechanical irritations. This includes dental procedures, manipulations that damage the gums: removal of stone, tooth, implantation. Ptyalism in this case is temporary.
    • Medicinal ptyalism. Is a side effect when taken medicines, which have an irritating effect on the salivary glands, which causes their activation. In this case, excessive salivation is temporary and disappears after stopping the medication.
    • The onset of menopause may also be accompanied by increased work of the glands, accompanied by frequent flushes of blood and excessive sweating. Over time, the process of saliva production returns to normal.
    • Increased saliva production can cause pregnancy. The resulting toxicoses provoke profuse salivation, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
    The cause of severe salivation can be a hormonal imbalance that occurs against the background of a disorder in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    Types of disease

    According to the mechanism of development, ptyalism is classified into the following types:

    True False
    The disorder is associated with activation of the function of the salivary glands, which causes their increased secretion.

    According to the factor of occurrence, true ptyalism is divided into 4 types:

    • Bulbar and pseudobulbar. At bulbar syndrome increased drooling caused by paralysis of the cranial nerves (vagus, sublingual). Hypersalivation with pseudobulbar syndrome causes increased reflexes of oral automatism: violent crying, laughter, uncontrollable strong salivation in an adult.
    • Somatic. The disorder occurs against the background of somatic pathologies: malignant neoplasms, helminthiasis, ulcerative stomatitis.
    • Psychogenic, resulting from severe psychological trauma.
    • Medicinal, manifested due to side effects medicine.
    Excessive salivation resulting from a disorder of swallowing function, when the mechanism of the process itself is disrupted. The problem is not related to quantitative changes in the fluid secreted, but to the frequency of its swallowing.

    In diseases of the nasopharynx, nervous system, facial muscles and jaws, swallowing causes discomfort and causes pain syndrome(angina, pain, sore throat). Therefore, a person swallows saliva less often than required by the norm. As a result, there is an accumulation of fluid in the mouth.

    Excessive salivation can be permanent or temporary. A form of the disorder when the amount of salivary fluid has increased greatly, it is released both day and night, is caused by serious pathologies, and requires the intervention of a specialist.

    A temporary increase in the amount of saliva can be caused by irritants, the absence of which will stop the disorder itself. For example, after childbirth, ptyalism caused by toxicosis disappears, and dosage form The disease goes away after stopping the drug.

    Excessive drooling during sleep

    Normally, the activity of the glands that produce saliva decreases during night sleep. If, after waking up, it is discovered that the pillow is wet, then spontaneous activation of the salivary glands has occurred. This is why an adult drools during sleep.

    This happens when salivation increases, the body, relaxed during sleep, does not have time to react, swallowing liquid does not occur, and as a result, saliva flows profusely. The occurrence of such isolated cases is not a violation and a sign of an existing pathology. But manifestations that occur constantly require the intervention of a specialist: copioussalivation during sleep can accompany a serious illness.

    Among the main factors that provoke nighttime hypersalivation are:

    • Missing teeth, creating holes in the dentition through which saliva can leak from the mouth at night. An incorrect bite makes it impossible for the dentofacial rows to come into close contact, which is what causes the phenomenon.
    • Diseases causing impairment or complete absence nasal breathing: common cold, a runny nose, in which the mucous membrane swells, or snot comes out, otolaryngological diseases, a deviated nasal septum - all these are reasons for drooling during sleep. Impaired nasal breathing forces the sleeper to actively breathe through the mouth without closing the lips, so the accumulated moisture flows out. In such cases, the flow of saliva is accompanied by snoring. Most often, when eliminated, the disease disappears and accompanying symptoms, including ptyalism.
    The reason why adults drool may be sound sleep. In this case, the person is not able to control his reflexes, the liquid is not swallowed in a timely manner, it collects in the mouth - the excess flows out.

    Hypersalivation during pregnancy

    Frequent salivation in women is often caused by such exciting and important stage like pregnancy. Numerous changes taking place in female body, can provoke various disorders, including ptyalism.

    The main reasons that cause excessive salivation in the expectant mother:

    Usually, excessive salivation does not cause complications in expectant mothers and does not threaten the fetus. But the condition needs to be monitored, since sometimes drooling can be a consequence of serious illnesses.

    With uncontrolled ptyalism, the following complications may occur:

    • Violation of adequate taste perception, food aversion.
    • Sharp weight loss. Carrying a child requires significant energy expenditure, a large amount useful substances and elements. Rational nutrition necessary for a favorable pregnancy and fetal development. The reluctance to consume food causes a decrease in weight.
    • Dehydration of the body.
    • Psycho-emotional disorders, insomnia.
    • Deterioration of condition and color skin faces.
    • Infectious lesions.

    Diagnostic measures

    The main task of diagnosis is to determine the cause of excessive salivation. Diagnostic measures include:

    • Collection of patient complaints, research medical card sick. Purpose: to identify the time of onset of primary symptoms, to identify diseases that could provoke drooling.
    • Vital activity analysis, presence bad habits. One of the common causes of hypersalivation in adults is tobacco smoking.
    • The first appointment with a specialist includes a physical examination: visual assessment of the condition of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, palpation of the head, facial muscles, and neck.
    • General blood and urine tests that need to be done to identify the cause of drooling.
    • Study of salivary fluid.
    • Referral to a more specialized specialist: dentist, neurologist, otolaryngologist.

    Based on the diagnosis, the doctor determines optimal method treatment of hypersalivation.

    Effective treatment regimens for excessive drooling

    The most common methods of treating increased salivation include classical and folk ways. The first is based on the reception special medicines and carrying out special medical procedures to effectively combat hypersalivation or its cause.

    Having carried out the necessary diagnostic measures, the general practitioner can refer the patient to a more specialized specialist to accurately identify the factor that caused excessive salivation:

    • Dental problems: missing teeth, inflammation in the oral cavity, malocclusion and other diseases that may cause excessive drooling are corrected by a dentist.
    • A neurologist, using massages or exercise therapy, will eliminate neurological pathologies, which will reduce the amount of salivary fluid.
    • Gastrointestinal diseases, helminthic infestations are treated by a gastroenterologist, as a result of which the secretion of the glands decreases.

    If a situation arises when it is necessary to treat hypersalivation directly, use:

    • Radiation therapy, due to which the salivary ducts are blocked by scars.
    • Surgery that selectively removes glands that produce too much saliva.
    • Cryotherapy. Its essence is to increase the frequency of swallowing, which allows you to reduce the amount of liquid.
    • Botox injections that paralyze secretion production.
    • Drugs that suppress excessive salivation in humans.

    The folk method is based on herbal medicine. Adequate use folk remedies causes positive reviews and comments from practicing dentists. Doctors often prescribe herbal rinses and compresses from infusions medicinal plants, which reduce the secretion of salivary fluid. The dominant area of ​​herbal medicine is mouth rinsing. various tinctures, decoctions:

    • oak bark decoction;
    • chamomile tincture;
    • decoction of viburnum fruits;
    • vegetable oils;
    • alcohol tincture from shepherd's purse.

    Ptyalism can occur at any age and have various reasons. Regular examinations by a specialist will help identify and get rid of pathologies that cause hypersalivation, and prevent the occurrence of new diseases and serious complications.

    Increased salivation (hypersalivation) occurs during meals, or when we are hungry and think about tasty food. Sometimes saliva begins to flow strongly at the sight of lemon or other sour fruits.

    This normal function body: on average, 1 ml of saliva is released every five minutes. But in some diseases it is released much more than normal.

    Causes of increased salivation at night

    The process of salivation is essential to maintain the correct temperature balance of the oral cavity and for possible proper and healthy digestion.

    The main causes of increased salivation in women:

    Increased salivation and nausea

    In some cases, increased salivation is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and pain in the epigastric region. It is known that acute gastritis or exacerbation chronic gastritis, as well as pancreatitis cause such symptoms. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

    With obstruction of the esophagus or volvulus, increased salivation is accompanied by nausea, pain and the sensation of a large lump in the throat.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, increased salivation is accompanied by constant painful nausea.

    Diseases with symptoms such as increased salivation

    Typically, with hypersalivation, women complain of too much saliva forming in the mouth and the desire to spit. Sometimes this sensation is illusory, as the examination shows, but it feels extremely real, however often.

    Malfunctions in the functioning of the salivary glands can occur due to an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, due to malfunctions of the central nervous system, or when an infection enters the body.

    Any inflammatory process begins in the mouth, while the glands become inflamed and ache, so at this time it is better not to swallow saliva, but try to spit and rinse your mouth more often with any saline solution, purchased at a pharmacy, or a solution of salt, soda and iodine.

    During exacerbations chronic diseases Gastrointestinal hypersalivation is accompanied by painful nausea, bitterness in the mouth and heaviness in the stomach and intestines.

    Any inflammatory processes of the nervous system: inflammation vagus nerve, Parkinson's disease, neuralgia or paralysis of the facial nerve and muscles cause involuntary excessive salivation, involuntary twitching of the facial muscles and shoulder girdle, as well as pain in lumbar region backs.

    Sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis can also cause excessive salivation. Sometimes excessive salivation can be caused by foreign bodies in the mouth: dentures, braces, piercings, as well as chewing gum that is constantly in the mouth.


    First of all, the doctor will check the condition of the oral cavity for the presence of inflammatory processes, will advise you to contact your dentist to check the condition of your bite, the presence of teeth that require immediate treatment, or the condition of your dentures (if any).

    In addition to the usual tests that determine the state of health, a functional analysis of the amount of salivary fluid secreted and scrapings from the tongue are performed.

    If hypersalivation is established, then first of all you need to destroy the causes that cause it. This may require consultation with many specialists.


    The choice of treatment method for hypersalivation is strictly individual. and will be appointed only after thorough examination. If you have this problem, you need to consult a dentist, otolaryngologist and therapist. If necessary, you will be sent to a neurologist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.

    There are many medications, including homeopathic ones to eliminate the problem of increased salivation in women during sleep. But the side effect in this case may be dry mouth, blurred vision, arrhythmia and tachycardia.

    After strokes and some nervous disorders It is recommended to carry out exercise therapy of the facial muscles.

    Excessive salivation is blocked with injections of anticholinergic drugs (platiphylline, riabal, scopolamine), but the effect cannot be too long-lasting (no more than six months). These medications are also available in tablet form.

    If it is impossible to get rid of hypersalivation through therapeutic means, they resort to operations to remove some salivary glands (but this procedure can lead to facial asymmetry)

    Application methods are also used radiation therapy in order to destroy the salivary ducts and form a scar in their place.

    And finally, cryotherapy is cold treatment. This procedure is most often carried out in cosmetology to rejuvenate the face or get rid of cellulite and extra pounds. During cryotherapy, a device filled with liquid nitrogen. As a result, a reflexive rapid swallowing of saliva occurs. Cryotherapy is completely painless and does not require a rehabilitation period.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine has not ignored this unpleasant phenomenon like hypersalivation. Typically, both adults and children salivate profusely during stomatitis, this disease is accompanied by unpleasant smell from the mouth, severe inflammation oral mucosa and the formation of purulent ulcers.

    To treat stomatitis, the common sorrel plant is used (popularly called “rabbit cabbage”). You can prepare teas and decoctions from it, or apply crushed herbs to wounds.

    To prepare the infusion, take a large pinch of dried herb and pour 400 g of boiling water, leave for two hours and then drink 50-100 g (depending on body weight), rinse your mouth and make compresses.

    Very effective means Pine or spruce needles are used to treat all inflammatory processes in the mouth, as well as sore throats.

    Take 3 medium handfuls of chopped pine needles(together with twigs and small cones) pour a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Infuse until rich in color, strain and rinse your mouth and throat several times a day.

    Delicious and healthy tea can be prepared from fresh berries red viburnum. Pour a small handful of berries into a mug and crush with a wooden masher, pour boiling water over it, cover with a saucer and simmer for about 15 minutes. Then you can drink this infusion as tea and, if necessary, gargle your mouth and throat with it.

    Prevention of increased salivation during sleep

    Sometimes the examination does not reveal any diseases, and you suffer from excessive drooling during sleep. In this case, it is worth contacting some prophylactic agents to reduce the amount of saliva produced:

    • Remove from your diet everything salty, spicy, bitter, that irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth,
    • Stop smoking (if you smoke) and drinking alcohol, and don’t chew for long periods of time. chewing gum(for hygienic purposes, it is permissible to chew it only 5 minutes after eating) and crack the seeds,
    • Talk to your doctor about side effects medications you are taking,
    • Rinse your mouth with sage, chamomile and oak tea, this is good for oral hygiene and reduces salivation,
    • At night, take light sedatives: valerian, infusions of motherwort and peony.

    Excessive salivation during pregnancy

    Pregnant women undergo powerful hormonal changes in the body. All organs react to this differently.

    Toxicosis can cause cerebral circulatory problems, and this in turn can lead to hypersalivation. Also, due to severe nausea, it is difficult for a woman to constantly swallow saliva, which can also include the consequences of heartburn.

    The easiest way to reduce salivation in pregnant women during sleep is to drink warm tea without sugar with a slice of lemon.

    Since excessive drooling is a manifestation of toxicosis, a pregnant woman’s appetite and sleep deteriorate, irritability appears, she loses weight, signs of dehydration appear, and sores may appear in the corners of her lips.

    In some particularly severe cases, the woman needs to be hospitalized.

    Why do children drool while sleeping?

    The causes of hypersalivation, characteristic of adults, can be diagnosed in a child, but children also have their own special causes of salivation.

    From 3 to 6 months of age, increased salivation normal phenomenon and does not require visiting a doctor.

    The first and most common reason is teething.. This process is accompanied by profuse salivation, and since a child at this age does not yet know how to control the body’s reflexes, saliva constantly flows out of the mouth. Usually by the age of 4, teeth erupt and hypersalivation stops.

    Sometimes, observing a child, you can find that with the luna leaks due to the fact that the child breathes through the mouth. This may occur due to persistent nasal congestion or other ENT diseases. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The cause of hypersalivation can be head injuries, progressive diseases of the nervous system and stomatitis.

    Inflammation of the gums or gingivitis causes excessive salivation, which is protective function the child's body for illness.

    When a child is poisoned by pesticides or mercury, the first sign is excessive salivation. All other symptoms (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, increased body temperature) appear later. In this case it is required immediate help specialists, and the child must be hospitalized immediately.

    In any case, excessive salivation is a signal from the body to the manifestation of any diseases and requires a thorough examination by specialists.