Septoplasty (nasal septum surgery). Consequences of septoplasty of the nasal septum Septoplasty of the nasal septum indications

A deviated nasal septum is not always obvious, but is often a serious problem. It can often lead to chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Straightening a deviated nasal septum can help relieve the discomfort caused by this anatomical defect. Septoplasty is considered a gentle technique, as it allows you to preserve the cartilage and bone skeleton.

Indications for septoplasty

  • when nasal breathing is impaired due to curvature;
  • chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • damage to the nasal septum due to injury or surgical procedures;
  • perforation of the cartilaginous septum due to inhalation of toxic substances;
  • apnea;
  • snore;
  • asymmetry of the nose caused by a deviated septum.

The list of indications for eliminating septal deformity can be expanded at the discretion of the doctor.


An operation to straighten the nasal septum is not performed if there is an infectious-inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. In this case, the patient must wait for recovery. Surgery is permitted two weeks after this. We recommend contacting otolaryngologists at ON CLINIC for the treatment of ENT diseases.

Types of septoplasty

Submucosal resection. Restoration of the septum is performed using a scalpel. If necessary, the doctor breaks the bones and moves them in the right direction. Finally, stitches and a fixing bandage are applied.

Operation using an endoscope. Endoscopic surgery is performed through small external incisions inside the sinuses. First, the doctor peels off the mucous membrane, then removes the crooked parts of the cartilage plate and straightens the septum. Next, stitches and a fixing bandage are applied.

Correction with laser or radio knife (bloodless). The doctor uses equipment that generates a laser beam or radio waves of a certain frequency, which replace a scalpel.

Photos before and after operations can be seen at the bottom of the page.

Recovery period

In the postoperative period, the patient needs to breathe through the mouth for several days: cotton and gauze swabs will be placed in the nasal passages. Restoration of nasal breathing occurs in approximately 5-10 days (this depends on the degree of complexity of the operation). For a month, it is necessary to limit the intensity of physical activity and avoid thermal procedures. With complex nasal surgery (septoplasty and rhinoplasty), the recovery period may vary.


The price for correcting a nasal septum at ON CLINIC starts from 35,000 rubles. To find out how much the operation costs specifically in your case, come for a consultation with a doctor. To make an appointment at ON CLINIC, call the phone in Moscow or use the online form.

Very often, people are born with a deviated nasal septum, or receive a similar defect due to injury, however, this is not always a serious problem. Another question: when a deviated septum causes breathing problems, as well as the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Thanks to septoplasty, you can correct and correct a deformed nasal septum. The procedure is carried out through incisions and small submucosal resection.

Septoplasty of the nose: what is it?

If the nasal septum is deviated, it requires surgical intervention. Most likely, the doctor will offer the patient septoplasty - surgery to correct the nasal septum.

Today we will talk about it in detail, you will learn how this operation works, how to behave after it and read patient reviews.

Small displacements of the septum can provoke the following problems:

  1. Chronic runny nose.
  2. Snore.
  3. Problems with nasal breathing and increased blood pressure as a result.

Before you understand whether you should agree to septoplasty, you need to: explore the features nasal breathing and problems that may arise due to deformation of the nasal septum.

When we breathe, pressure is created in the nose, which changes every few hours. When you inhale, the air is evenly distributed between both halves of the nose, since the septum divides the nose into two parts.

And when it is bent, the air flow will shift to a larger nasal lobe, but in the narrow part of the nose there will be more air resistance. With a deviated septum aerodynamics are disrupted and this can cause the appearance of certain diseases.

There are many reasons why the nasal septum has an uneven structure:

  • Hereditary factor.
  • Congenital pathology.
  • Improper growth of bone and cartilage tissue.
  • Changes in the shape of nasal structures located nearby.
  • Mechanical injuries to the nose.

Is a consultation necessary before septoplasty?

Naturally, you cannot prescribe septoplasty surgery yourself only after reading reviews or articles on the relevant topic.

At first consultation required with an ENT doctor who must examine the patient, analyze his complaints and check whether he is allergic to anesthesia and other medications that will be used during septoplasty.

Deviated nasal septum the doctor notes immediately with a superficial examination using an endoscope. It is worth noting that septoplasty can be prescribed even for minor curvatures if they interfere with normal breathing. In addition, such a pathology may lead to more serious problems in the future.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Medical indications for this procedure include:

However, in order to improve the patient’s appearance, rhinoplasty is more often used, sometimes septoplasty combined with rhinoplasty within one operation.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  1. Minor age.
  2. Presence of cancer.
  3. Poor blood clotting.

Classification of septoplasty operations

There are several types of septoplasty. Endoscopic - classic surgery and laser - surgery is performed using a laser. Regardless of the type of surgery, it can be performed open and closed way.

With open surgery, access is greater and the risk of injury also increases. This method is used only for severe deformations. To perform it, an incision is made in the area of ​​the columella and then all actions are performed.

With the closed method of surgery, the incisions will be smaller and all operations with cartilage and bone tissue are carried out through them using special instruments.

Endoscopic septoplasty. With this type of operation, excision is performed directly inside the nose on its mucous membrane, which in the future eliminates the visibility of traces of surgical intervention.

In addition, modern advances can significantly reduce surgery time. As a rule, it lasts a maximum of 40 minutes, and with preparation no more than an hour.

Anesthesia depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the choice of the doctor, it can be local, general and combined. The nasal septum remains intact after the operation; only those particles of tissue that caused its incorrect position are removed.

Use of laser in septoplasty

Laser septoplasty is almost always performed under local anesthesia and has antiseptic effect, since after laser exposure the risk of complications and infections is significantly reduced. And the rehabilitation period after surgery in this case is much shorter than after a conventional operation.

According to patient reviews, they do not experience any discomfort after the operation, there is no need to stay in the hospital, and the procedure itself takes about half an hour.

However, despite all the obvious advantages of this type of operation, laser exposure has its contraindications. For example, it will be ineffective if the curvature of the nasal septum occurs not only due to deformation of the cartilage tissue.

That's why preliminary consultation required to determine in advance the degree of effectiveness of a particular type of operation.

How is septoplasty performed?

Before the operation, the patient must undergo a series of tests, which are prescribed by the attending physician. The plastic doctor conducts a superficial examination and takes a three-dimensional photograph of the nose. In addition to all this, preparation for surgery includes the following steps:

The operation itself most often lasts within an hour, but sometimes it can take three hours. At one time during the operation, the doctor must ensure that uniform air resistance is achieved by creating identical nasal passages.

If septoplasty is performed using the endoscopic method, then through an endoscope, which is inserted into the patient’s nasal cavity, the doctor can see what is happening inside and perform all the necessary actions.

Regardless of the type of operation, it includes the following stages:

  • anesthesia;
  • the process of adjusting the nasal septum;
  • suturing the mucous membrane;
  • installation of tampons against blood loss;
  • plaster bandage overlay.

Possible complications after surgery

Very often, patients note that for several days after surgery they cannot breathe through their nose, but this is quite normal and goes away quickly. Less commonly, the following side effects may occur:

  1. The appearance of blood clots.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Perforation of the nasal septum.
  4. Her suppuration.
  5. The appearance of hematomas.

To reduce the risk of such phenomena, sanitize all areas of inflammation and monitor them well after surgery.

Rehabilitation after surgery

In some cases, the patient after surgery may be left in the hospital for two days under the supervision of doctors. However, this is allowed only after endoscopic or complex surgery.

Immediately after anesthesia, special tubes and tampons will remain in the patient’s nose. You can breathe through tubes, but it will still be problematic. Your mouth will also be dry, so you should drink a lot of plain water.

Bed rest after surgery is not necessary, but for at least two weeks it is better don't plan long walks on foot. Regarding nutrition, the only recommendation here is that it is advisable to refrain from eating too hot and peppery foods.

Also during recovery antibiotics are prescribed. Immediately after the operation on the first day, the patient is given sleeping pills and painkillers before going to bed so that he gets a good night's sleep.

On the second day after the procedure, the following is noted:

  • Breathing is difficult because the tubes are clogged with blood clots. They must be washed every 2 hours with saline solution and a special syringe.
  • Body temperature may increase.
  • The pressure rises.
  • Migraines are observed.
  • The eyes may become watery.

Third day. On the third day after surgery, you can remove the tampons, although swelling will still be present. After their removal you will feel relief, but you need to be careful not to bleed. If it exists, it should be stopped.

Next, you need to constantly remove blood clots and crusts, as well as prevent infection. Within a week the nose sprayed with solutions based on sea salt. You can drip saline solution to help the mucus drain away better and the crust to become softer.

This is done about four times a day. Every 2–3 days need to visit a doctor. But with vasoconstrictor nasal drops it is better to wait, although the congestion will be severe.

Full breathing will be restored in a few weeks, after the swelling disappears, and complete rehabilitation will occur in three months, when the nose has healed and received its shape.

  • wear glasses;
  • visit a solarium, bathhouse or beach;
  • sleep on your stomach and tilt your head often;
  • engage in heavy sports and carry heavy weights.

Septoplasty: patient reviews

Below we suggest reading reviews from patients who had this operation.

For a long time I had trouble breathing through my nose, but only with age did this problem become more pressing. I went to the doctor and they told me that my septum was placed incorrectly and they scheduled surgery. To be honest, I expected the worst. The operation lasted only 40 minutes, and the recovery went well. The main thing is that I learned to really breathe.

According to medical statistics, deformitiescartilage in the inner part of the nose is observed to one degree or another in 80% of people. They do not always create discomfort for a person or are noticeable from the outside, but when this happens, the help of a surgeon is required to correct the consequences.

Septoplasty is an ENT surgery to correct the shape of the nasal septum.. Unlike, it is carried out not for aesthetic, but for medical reasons. Even more often, these two interventions are performed simultaneously: for example, when curved cartilage leads to a change in the shape of the nose and, vice versa, when as a result of injury not only the appearance of the organ is deformed, but also its internal structure.

In what cases and how is this operation performed? Are there any contraindications and what complications can there be? How is the rehabilitation period going and how difficult is it to endure? the site reveals the details, and our expert plastic surgeons share valuable experience:

Indications for septoplasty

The main factor determining the need for surgical intervention is impaired nasal breathing caused by. With a physiologically correct structure, the nose is divided by a cartilaginous structure into 2 channels of equal diameter, through which air enters. If the partition is deformed, one of the channels becomes narrower than the other. As a result, increased air flow resistance is formed and the aerodynamics of nasal breathing worsens. This may be accompanied by several other unpleasant conditions and complications:

  • chronic swelling of the nasal mucosa, which, in turn, can cause allergic rhinitis;
  • chronic inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis);
  • susceptibility to colds;
  • regular nosebleeds;
  • dryness and itching in the nasal cavity;
  • pain in the face, headaches;
  • drowsiness during the day and loss of performance due to impaired blood supply to the brain and heart due to chronic oxygen starvation;
  • snoring, noisy breathing;
  • apnea – short-term cessation of breathing during sleep;
  • decreased sense of smell up to its complete absence;
  • formation of aesthetic defects - if the curvature is acquired at an early age, the child may develop an adenoid type of face: a constantly open mouth, an incorrectly formed bite, a nasal voice.

Types of septoplasty

Septum defects can be corrected using several methods, each of which has its own pros and cons. The doctor chooses the best option, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s condition:

  • Classic technique. It is performed open or closed through an incision on the inner surface of the nose. The working tool is an ordinary scalpel. Today, it is considered an outdated technique due to the presence of less traumatic alternatives (however, technically they differ only in the type of equipment used, and the principles and sequence of the surgeon’s actions are approximately the same in all cases).
  • Endoscopic septoplasty. It is performed using minimally invasive surgical equipment under the control of a mini camera. The endoscope allows the operation to be performed with minimal damage to cartilage and tissue, which, in comparison with the previous option, provides a better aesthetic result and reduces the duration of the rehabilitation period. This method is applicable for corrections of any complexity, incl. when it is necessary to correct defects not only in the cartilage, but also in the bone structures of the nose.
  • Laser (septochondrocorrection). Based on the ability of a concentrated light beam to evaporate cartilage tissue. Allows you to avoid severe bleeding and swelling, since the laser not only cuts, but also coagulates at the same time, i.e. seals blood vessels. In addition, the beam also disinfects the surgical field - this provides a pronounced antiseptic effect, which means that after the intervention there is no need to insert turundas into the nose. However, this method can only be used to correct cartilage: it will not correct bone defects.
  • Radio wave operation – It is considered the most gentle option for septoplasty; high-frequency waves are used as a scalpel (the most popular device of this type is Surgitron). Similar to the laser technique, it does not involve blood loss and has a short rehabilitation period, but unlike it, it is also suitable for working with bones.

How is nasal septum corrected?

The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia and takes about 1-2 hours. The anesthesia option is selected depending on the complexity of the intervention, the wishes of the patient and his state of health.

  • Local anesthesia involves injections of lidocaine or a similar drug into the nasal area. In addition, it is usually supplemented with an intravenous sedative injection. According to patient reviews, during the operation in this case it doesn't hurt, but all the surgeon’s actions (incisions, chipping of cartilage, etc.) are felt in the head by a noticeable unpleasant pressure.

When the anesthesia takes effect, the mucous membrane is detached - this is necessary to gain access to the working area. Then the doctor performs all the necessary manipulations. The essence of septoplasty is the excision of deformed cartilage areas. Modern surgical techniques make it possible to reduce the amount of intervention to a minimum: only minor parts of the septum are removed, which prevent it from being “built” into the correct vertical position. In some cases, sections of cartilage are removed, thinned, and then placed back.

After finishing the work, the surgeon returns the mucous membrane to its original position, places self-absorbing sutures on the incisions, and fixes the outer surface of the nose. Tight turundas or special silicone splints are inserted into the nasal passages. At this point, the operation is completed, the patient is transferred to the ward under the supervision of an anesthesiologist until complete recovery from anesthesia, after which it will be possible to return home: in most cases there is no need to stay overnight in the clinic.

How is the rehabilitation period going?

Tampons (turundas), which are placed to fix the nasal septum corrected during septoplasty in the desired position, must be worn for about 2-3 days. Before they are removed, the patient will have to breathe exclusively through the mouth, which can cause unpleasant consequences: a feeling of heaviness or pressure in the head, dry mouth, a slight increase in body temperature.

A nose injured during surgery will inevitably hurt. Throughout the first week, these uncomfortable sensations can remain very strong, up to the need to regularly take painkillers. After 1-1.5 weeks, as the wounds heal, they will subside.

For 7-10 days after septoplasty, severe swelling remains in the midface: this is how our body reacts to tissue damage. Therefore, even after removing the tampons, there will be no significant improvement in breathing. In addition, crusts, accumulated mucus and blood clots should come out of the nose. It is recommended to soak them with nasal agents based on sea water or saline solution. But most likely there will be no large dark ones.

Full recovery after surgery takes about 3-4 weeks, during which you cannot:

  • raise body temperature greatly: visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse, beach, solarium or gym, take hot baths;
  • wear glasses;
  • lean forward for a long time;
  • sleep on your stomach;
  • take blood thinners;
  • fly on an airplane;
  • be exposed to sudden changes in temperature.

It is advisable to avoid any physical activity and protect your nose as much as possible. During this period, you cannot massage it, rub it, scratch it hard, or blow your nose - otherwise you can move the septum that is not yet fully fixed and ensure that you need to contact the surgeon again.


The cartilaginous structures of the nose continue to grow until 18-21 years old, therefore, with rare exceptions, the operation is not performed before the specified age. Firstly, there is a chance that the existing problem will be resolved naturally, and secondly, surgical intervention may provoke the appearance of new deformities in the future. In addition to age restrictions, septoplasty is not performed in the following cases:

  • systemic diseases in the acute stage:
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • acute febrile condition;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • bleeding disorders or taking blood thinning medications;
  • epilepsy and mental disorders.

Possible complications and side effects

Septoplasty is considered a simple operation, but, nevertheless, as with any surgical intervention, the likelihood of negative consequences cannot be completely ruled out. The most common of them:

What is the reason and how to treat it?
Bleeding As a rule, it occurs in the early recovery period due to the patient’s fault. It can be provoked by taking thinning drugs, alcohol, hot food and drinks, prolonged posture of bending forward, sleeping on the stomach, etc. – a significant part of postoperative restrictions is aimed precisely at preventing this trouble. If it does happen, it is necessary to stop the bleeding using a carefully placed tampon and take a hemostatic drug (for example, Tranexam).
Formation of adhesions at the site of mucosal incisions This usually occurs when the patient is prone to the appearance of keloids or hypertrophic scars. If they are small, they do not interfere significantly; if larger, they can cause discomfort and make breathing difficult, which will require their excision.
Perforation of the nasal septum The appearance of holes in the cartilage due to improper or excessive thinning. This is the surgeon’s fault, and to correct it you will need a second operation.
Loss of sensation in the nose and/or upper teeth A fairly rare complication that occurs due to damage to nerve endings. The sensations will gradually be restored, but this process may take a long time, up to 1-2 years.
Degenerative changes in the mucosa, leading to deterioration of its functions Requires separate consultation with an ENT specialist.
Inflammatory process or hematomas between the layers of the mucosa The bruises go away within a week or two, but if the wound gets infected, then in order to avoid more serious problems you will have to take a course of antibiotics.
Mechanical injuries A careless or insufficiently qualified surgeon during an operation can easily damage the areas of the face adjacent to the nose. The consequences are sometimes sad: paralysis of the oculomotor nerves, temporary blindness, impaired sense of smell up to its complete loss. In addition, too much intervention can lead to a permanent change in the shape of the nose. To insure against these troubles, you need to take an extremely responsible approach to choosing a surgeon and clinic.

How much does septoplasty cost? Is compulsory medical insurance valid?

The cost of the operation depends primarily on the category of complexity, which is determined by the nature and degree of deformation of the nasal septum. If we are talking about correcting a minor congenital curvature, you can meet 100 thousand rubles. And for the restoration of injured cartilage, especially if they are broken in several places or crushed, you will have to pay 2-3 times more. In addition, the cost depends on the type of anesthesia used and the length of stay in the hospital - all these points must be clarified with the surgeon during the consultation.

Septoplasty can also be performed under a compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) - free of charge in a public medical institution. To do this, you need to go to a clinic or hospital at your place of residence and get a referral from a specialist to a hospital where the operation will be performed. However, in this case, you will still have to incur some expenses - for anesthesia, some tests, medications, surgical package, etc.

Reviews and comments

  • 31 August 2019, 16:26 – L-M:

Someone is looking and can’t find it, but I chose it the first time and, most importantly, now I no longer regret my choice. I had my nose done at the Galaktika clinic by Valery Yuryevich Staisupov. I found him on Instagram - I watched him for some time, read posts, communicated with patients via Direct, wrote to V.Yu. I asked questions and only then called the clinic and made an appointment for a consultation. The consultation was on May 12, and on the 23rd I already had my nose done. I had aesthetic rhinoplasty. The goal is to improve the contours of the nose: remove a small hump, reduce the tip. We didn’t do any modeling because it was already clear what I wanted to do with my nose. And no contradictions arose, even verbally))) I want to thank Valery Yuryevich and confirm once again his status as a good rhinoplasty specialist in St. Petersburg!

  • 4 March 2019, 00:12 – Katerina:

My hump on my nose was not the result or cause of a deviated septum. My nose breathed well, I just didn’t like its shape. I have a narrow face, and the wide tip of my nose did not add beauty to me, becoming the central figure of the face, drawing all the attention. And by the way, I have beautiful eyes. But there was also a hump. I am from Moscow and had the operation here, at the Alexander Grudko clinic. He has a lot of experience and many satisfied patients. And I am among them. But it became noticeably smaller. But at the same time, this is not a drastic change in appearance; all my friends recognize me. And even distant relatives. It’s just that the nose has become without a hump and has a more perfect shape. And everything is ok with breathing. By the way, Alexander Grudko’s prices in Moscow are completely adequate. There is a price on the website, you can ask. Unlike many surgeons, he has a clear fork, and not “I’ll look, then write the price.” Very honest and experienced doctor.

  • 12 August 2018, 22:35 – Valeria:

I always thought that septoplasty was exclusively an ENT operation, but as it turned out, plastic surgeons also successfully perform it, I was convinced of this from my own experience. This year, before the summer, I had rhinoseptoplasty, at the same time I had plastic surgery of the shape of the nose and straightened the nasal septum, it’s a big bonus to have septoplasty with plastic surgeons, because at the same time you can correct the shape of the nose)
Previously, I heard different opinions about septoplasty and many said that correcting the septum does not lead to anything, no one can give a 100% guarantee that breathing will be completely restored and all the sores will go away, I had no other choice, over the past years I have been constantly I was plagued by a chronic runny nose, rhinitis, sinusitis, sniffling, and the situation only got worse, so I decided to try septoplasty. Chkadua Tamara Zurabovna operated on me; she very often performs operations on the face and noses, so I decided to trust her. Purely outwardly, I haven’t changed much, my nose just became more neat and with smooth lines, I was even pleased with this, since I didn’t want to advertise my operation, but my breathing after the operation definitely became much better: my nose stopped running, I feel feeling healthier, septoplasty did me good!

  • 1 August 2018, 20:12 – Eliza:

If the nose does not breathe, many other life-complicating factors follow. Septoplasty will help avoid problems with headaches and many other serious consequences. I had no idea that I had a deviated septum and this interfered with free breathing. Sergey Levin combined rhinoplasty with septoplasty. Some surgeons advise spacing out these operations, but it is not pleasant to receive anesthesia twice and walk around with bruises and swelling on your face. We did everything in one go.

  • 28 April 2018, 15:51 – Caroline:

I, too, only had a problem with the tip of my nose, an ugly shape, I wanted a different one, but my surgeon also performs plastic surgeries for septoplasty. In general, I heard that this is a very serious problem, that many people have to suffer. After correction of the tip of my nose, my breathing was bad during swelling, but after a few days it recovered. Kosinets supported me in everything.

  • 15 April 2018, 23:10 – Maria:

I just had surgery to change the shape of my nose. But of course I was worried about the fact that the nose would look beautiful, but this would not affect its functionality in any way, so that it would breathe and breathe well. I heard stories of girls who had plastic surgery and, along with a beautiful nose, developed breathing problems, from snoring to congestion. No matter how terrible my nose may seem to me, it’s better for it to breathe like that than to be beautiful and stuffy. How I don’t envy people who constantly wear drops. In general, I chose a surgeon with at least 10 years of experience, so that he would have all the certificates, and preferably awards, in the field of rhinoplasty. And it’s not difficult to find something like this in Moscow. My choice fell on a surgeon whose name is known in plastic surgery circles, Alexander Grudko. I’ve often seen reviews about breast enlargement surgeries before, and he’s also a pro at this. I already had the operation a little more than six months ago. The nose breathes perfectly, and I still enjoy the appearance every day.

  • 3 March 2018, 12:30 – Ilyina Maria:

I went to consult Pshonkina about my nose. I have a long-standing injury, due to which my nose can’t breathe well, and I have a lot of complaints about my form. I visited Pshonkina in 2010 when I had a breast reduction. But then there was no talk about nose correction at all. Now is the time, because I want to breathe)) and I want to see myself beautiful in the mirror. With such a nose this is still impossible. Svetlana Yuryevna remembered me, took a photograph of my breasts... after 8 years, nothing has changed for the worse. The nose faces the same “fate”))) I will have surgery on the 17th. Rhinoseptoplasty.

  • 1 December 2017, 21:07 – Anna Palkina:

I have a congenital deviated nasal septum. Because of this, health problems began to arise already in adolescence. Rhinitis became chronic, breathing became difficult. Doctors recommended eliminating the pathology through septoplasty. I preferred to solve two problems at once: functional and aesthetic. I turned to Staysupov. I have never met a more responsible and caring doctor! The operation went well, and during the rehabilitation period I had to adhere to a number of recommendations. Now, six months later, I feel great. The nose looks simply gorgeous!

  • 29 September 2017, 17:57 – Anna (Victor):
  • 28 June 2017, 21:36 – Natalia:

I had rhinoseptoplasty done by the best surgeon in all of Russia - Amina Askerbievna Kibisheva. She is a rhinoplasty from God! Subtle knowledge of the anatomy of the structure of tissues and cartilage. And people’s appearance saves them every day. Having a vision of what will happen after... and an individual approach to each patient, each of us received exactly our own nose shape. Plus, septoplasty in the skillful hands of a surgeon straightens the septum and the nose begins to breathe! I never cease to admire you. I am very grateful to you for my neat and breathable nose))

  • 17 June 2017, 23:26 - Julia:

My nose plastic surgeon was Alexey Nikolaevich Tamarov, I advise everyone to take note of him, as he is a very strong surgeon and can make candy out of a nose of any complexity! Personally, I needed to eliminate an aesthetic defect in the form of a rather large hump and correct the nasal septum. About 3 months have passed since my operation and I noticed that the problems that I had previously encountered have disappeared...previously I suffered from a chronic runny nose and often had difficulty breathing, I didn’t go outside without paper tissues, but now my nose can breathe freely , nothing is leaking! I came to the doctor with one problem, and he eliminated 2, which of course I am incredibly happy about)) My hump is now also a thing of the past, not a trace remains of it... only old photographs remind me of it))

  • 27 May 2017, 18:39 – Ella:

I had my nose done by Dr. Amina Kibisheva. The operation took place six months ago and I am pleased with the result. If you asked me now if I would go to her for surgery, I would definitely say YES! They straightened out my hump and reduced the volume at the tip. After which the nose became in harmony with me. Facial features became softer and more tender. At the tip, the swelling lasted the longest, I compare the photographs today and those that were taken a month after the operation, there is a difference, it is clear now that the swelling has gone away, the nose has become neat. Therefore, I want to give advice to everyone who is going to undergo rhinoseptoplasty, keep in mind that you will not see the final result immediately, but it is worth it.

  • 21 April 2017, 15:55 - Nastya:

I advise you to pay attention to the maxillofacial surgeon Chkadua Tamara Zurabovna. I had septoplasty done by her, they corrected the curvature of my nasal septum and slightly corrected the shape of my nose, but my appearance did not change, those around me did not even understand what happened to me, they noticed that I was prettier, fresher, but they never guessed the reason)) this is the most pleasant thing, because I didn’t want to become a different person after the operation. Septoplasty also helped me a lot, after it I stopped snoring, my mouth stopped drying out and my breathing generally improved. Plus, after the operation I had absolutely no bruises, which is both strange and joyful))

  • 2 April 2017, 10:46 – Aina:

Hello, I have the same problem. I seemed to have an allergy to dampness. My nose practically couldn’t breathe, it was hard to sleep, I slept with my mouth open. I suffered like this for almost a month. And I decided to go to the doctor. The doctor said that I had allergic rhinitis and said that I had a deviated nasal septum. Since I didn’t injure my nose, I didn’t even have a fracture. I'm 24 years old. How can this be? Can someone explain? Thanks in advance.

  • 4 March 2017, 02:29 – Katarina:

Quote: Svetlana

Levin performed septorhinoplasty on me. And he did the external aesthetics and corrected the septum - all in one operation.

And I had a complete rhinoseptoplasty, I listened to the surgeon’s experience and completely agreed with him. But I wanted to get by with just one tip... it’s good that the surgeon was a professional and conveyed to me that it was either all or nothing.
  • 25 December 2016, 19:12 – Zhanna:

You don’t have to listen to me for being biased, but I still think Gevorg Stepanyan is the best in rhino) I had rhinoplasty with him a year ago and it turned out great! There is no hump left, no wide wings, no drooping tip, no scars from the operation) We can say that the nose has become perfect. This is exactly what I dreamed about! So I recommend it from the bottom of my heart!) Now I’m thinking about having another operation with Stepanyan – this time I want to enlarge my breasts. I am sure that the result will be no worse;) After all, this is his second major operation. =)

  • 16 September 2016, 00:22 – Marina:

My surgeon also has a lot of experience; I had rhinoseptoplasty done by Babayan Gaik Pavlovich. The surgeon is a true professional, he knows. what needs to be done and understands his patients perfectly) He answered all my questions in great detail and clearly, told and showed me everything, and at the same time did not hide or embellish anything! I really liked this approach to business! During the operation, he corrected all my problems with my nose, corrected the septum, removed the hump and completely normalized my breathing. And not a trace remained of the operation itself! Gaik Pavlovich is a very good surgeon! I am very, very grateful to him for my beautiful nose!)

  • 24 July 2016, 00:36 – Polina:

I have already written everywhere, and I will repeat once again, that such operations should be performed by surgeons with very long experience and extensive practice, if you care about your health. You may have to pay more, but read how many stories about how you decided to save money and have the operation done by a newbie. Personally, I don’t need such happiness, so when I chose a surgeon, I looked first of all at experience and specialization. And then she was operated on by Ekaterina Vakorina, who has 24 years of experience. And, of course, I was completely satisfied with my new nose.

  • 18 June 2016, 01:04 – Polina:

And I had the septum corrected by Babayan Gaik Pavlovich. I also had an injury to my nose, which caused a hump, a curvature, and my breathing became noisy and difficult. There was no talk about whether to have the operation or not, definitely do it and as soon as possible. It didn’t take me long to find a surgeon. Gaik Pavlovich was the fourth specialist I visited, and he was the one I liked more than the others. I immediately found a common language with him, I felt calm and comfortable with him. In one operation, he completely corrected all my problems with my nose. I normalized my breathing, removed the hump and straightened the septum. My nose is now just perfect) I am very grateful to Gayk Pavlovich for this, he is a wonderful surgeon!

  • 1 April 2016, 10:55 – Taya:

I struggled with breathing even longer when I broke my nose as a teenager. And although there were no visible traces left except for a slight curvature of the bridge of the nose, at times it was completely impossible to breathe. I was often plagued by inflammation and, in general, any cold because of my nose turned into hell. After my next visit to the clinic, I was told that I needed to have an operation. I agreed. I found a surgeon quickly, because somehow I had thoughts of correcting the shape of my nose and since then I had several names in mind. I ended up having surgery with Ekaterina Vakorina. I was lucky with the surgeon; she corrected all the problems. And I made the bridge of my nose straight, and now I can breathe like a human being)

  • 28 March 2016, 23:36 – Nataly:

Hello everyone) I am very interested in septoplasty and Rhino at the same time because I have bad breathing from birth and visually there is also a curvature!! Who to go to in Perm, what are the prices? Guys, tell me) about 7 years ago I had a similar operation in a regular hospital prescribed by Laura, and to this day there are no changes! I want a good surgeon)))

  • 12 March 2016, 19:52 – Sophia:

I was told about the need for septoplasty a long time ago, but since a deviated septum did not interfere with my life in any way and I heard that almost every second person has a deviated septum, I decided not to correct it. Only a year ago, when I started having problems with my nose, I became first I thought that I just had a residual runny nose after a cold, then I was examined for allergies and in the end it turned out that constant water from my nose was due to a crooked nose. partitions. The doctors scared me that the situation could worsen further, the runny nose could develop into a chronic one, and so on... after that I firmly decided to have septoplasty. I am writing to you based on the results of the operation, I had it about a month ago, I had it done by the wonderful Amina Kibisheva and now I breathe in deeply, without any problems, and water no longer flows from my nose. In this matter, the main thing is not to delay and find a good surgeon; Amina Kibisheva was recommended to me by my otolaryngologist, so I immediately trusted her completely and completely.

  • 3 March 2016, 18:17 – Irina T.:

8 months ago I had a combined operation - septoplasty with breast augmentation with Anvar Shukhratovich Salidzhanov. He performed the operation brilliantly! I completely restored my breathing, I had a whole bouquet, my breathing was noisy and it was just hard to breathe, plus there was a small hump. Well, with breast enlargement, I think everything is clear without further ado, there was a size zero, which of course did not suit me. Anvar SHUkhratovich made my nose just perfect, it turned out neat, even, and the main thing is that I could fully breathe with it. Breasts - you just can’t take your eyes off them)) It looks natural, seductive, it turned out to be the second and a half size. The rehabilitation was quite tolerable, here Anvar Shukhratovich also helped me with kind words and good and effective advice) Thanks to his care, I recovered quite quickly) The stitches healed very well and now there are no traces of surgical intervention visible at all)

Natalia :

I also had septoplasty with correction of the nasal hump with Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko. My problems with my nose were that I was constantly sick with ENT diseases, I had sinusitis several times, which almost turned into chronic, and I had problems with breathing, and I often had a feeling of stuffiness. I had been preparing for the operation for a long time, I just couldn’t muster up the courage, but once I got ready, I decided to remove the hump from my nose at the same time... especially since I had such an opportunity to do 2 manipulations at once in one operation and under one anesthesia. Everything cost me 160 thousand rubles and for me, today, this is my best investment))

  • 21 April 2015, 22:01 - Olga:

Septoplasty is a very necessary operation, my ENT doctor told me for a long time that all my illnesses were due to a deviated septum... I had constant dryness in the nasal passages, accompanied by bleeding, frequent nasal congestion, sinusitis, and also snoring, which was like I didn’t paint the girl at all :) Having once again gone to see an ENT specialist and heard that I might soon develop polyps in my nose, I immediately began to look for a surgeon. Out of an acquaintance, I turned to the plastic surgeon Maxim Nesterenko, the doctor agreed to help me and I began to prepare for the operation) in addition to the nasal septum, I decided to correct the tip of the nose, which was slightly down... and now, 2 months later I am writing this review and to my happiness there is no limit!!! :) my nose is even, pretty, breathes through two nostrils and doesn’t bother me anymore!

  • 27 May 2014, 13:06 – LADA:

I went to different surgeons this week about my nose. I was surprised how different everyone’s approaches and tastes are. It is not clear why, but the simulation results are different for everyone! And in many cases the nose I ended up with was not the one I wanted to see on myself! So far, only Dr. Ross has touched))) Although, to be honest, I was betting on another surgeon.
Judging by Andrei Vladimirovich’s consultation, full of useful information, subtleties and nuances, in practice he is just as accurate. He answered my questions in detail, and pointed out what I had overlooked. He did the modeling and earned another 100 points)))) He made the nose that I ordered))) This means that he listened to me carefully and took into account all my wishes!!!
Of course, I choose such a surgeon!!! That's it, I won't go to anyone else!!! While I was writing this text, the desire became even greater))))

  • 6 April 2014, 21:55 – Camellia:

I have heard more than once in my life that as soon as a person’s nose is corrected, his appearance immediately improves! He becomes much cuter than before rhinoplasty. And I recently tested this on myself. A true statement!-) Only at the same time they add that rhinoplasty should be done by a trusted surgeon. Which will not screw up so much that after it the patient will be forced to redo his jambs again! And I also found such a surgeon!))) Thanks to David Rubenovich Grishkyan, who made my nose much neater). My nostrils are now a little smaller, and the tip is a little narrower. I look at myself and just fall into a pleasant state of narcissism)))). But I had heard about David Rubenovich before as a talented surgeon, but I just couldn’t find free time in my busy work schedule! I work for an airline, so I’m almost always literally in the sky) And only when I had a few free months, I didn’t waste time and started “ennobling” my beauty;-) I’ll be brief - consa, opi, restoration took place. I’m a strong-willed girl, so I wasn’t sad when I looked at myself in the mirror for the first month after rhinoceros)) Because the bruises were very noticeable under my eyes)) But everything went away. And beauty, as it came, remains) Now there is no one more beautiful than me in my team. That's what all our pilots said)) Dr. Grishkyan made me the best! Thanks to him for this!

Thanks in advance for your answer!

  • 22 July 2013, 11:03 – Vika:

And I had three nasal injuries!! I was fond of martial arts, so I got hit on the nose three times, only because of this I left the sport: it was too traumatic... When I injured my nose for the third time, I realized that something serious had begun - I couldn’t smell anything, my nose was practically not breathed. I went through an examination - not only was there cartilage, there was bone that needed to be straightened, and even the once straight back had become ugly and crooked... I went to three different surgeons for consultations, somehow none of them impressed me. And then it turned out that our neighbor’s daughter needed the same services as me, and Tigran Albertovich straightened her septum and also made a neat shape. Looking at this girl, I would never have thought that she had a fracture and rhinoceros. Here the surgeon’s professionalism was obvious. That’s when I met Tigran Albertovich, who successfully eliminated all the consequences of my not-too-feminine hobby. The partition was straightened accordingly, and the back was also straightened. The result is unmatched!! The next day, my face hurt really bad, and the bruises definitely went away for a week... but after rehabilitation, I couldn’t believe that I could breathe again, like all normal people))) On Aleksanyan’s part - attention, sincere care for the patient and rare skill. It's just luck that I ended up with him!

  • 15 June 2013, 15:50 – Nadezhda:

Ooooh, I don’t even want to remember what I had to go through with my nose. They almost left me without a nose. But, thank God, everything is already fine! It all started with an injury I received back in college. This was in 2007. I didn’t do anything for 2 years, I gave up on the fact that my nose could barely breathe. And then another injury - and again my nose got hurt))) This time it was very bad - the poor thing got bent. Well, I stopped breathing, which in my case is expected and predictable.
I decided to go to our clinic to see an ENT specialist. He gave the verdict: operate. There was no talk about beauty at all. Like, whatever happens, it will work out, the main thing is that you will breathe. Well, I agreed. They operated on me. I started to breathe, but the shape of my nose screamed: have pity on me))) Until 2012, I went through this, and then I had a second operation. But this time I went to a plastic surgeon.
I had surgery with Svetlana Pshonkina! I adore it, because after it my nose began to breathe even better and look SUPER!!! I never thought that from my crooked and slanted nose you could create such a handsome man! Many thanks to Svetlana Yuryevna! I rightfully consider her one of the best Moscow surgeons for nose surgery!!!

Septoplasty of the nose is a plastic surgery that is aimed at eliminating various defects of this organ and its septum. Despite this, first of all, the main goal of this operation is the improvement of the patient’s health, and not his aesthetic improvement, as is the case, for example, with rhinoplasty.

Anatomical structure of the nose

The nasal cavity is the primary section of the entire upper respiratory system. When air enters the nose, it moves through the nasopharynx, then flows into the larynx, trachea, bronchi and pulmonary alveoli. Only there does complete gas exchange between air and blood occur.

The anatomical structure of the nose includes the following sections of this organ:

  1. The nostrils are the external openings through which air passes.
  2. The initial section of the nose, which is divided by a vertical nasal septum made of cartilage (it is this that is most often curved).
  3. Posterior nasal passages.
  4. Choanae are two small openings that connect the nasal cavity and nasopharynx.
  5. The anterior wall is formed by the bones of the skull and cartilage.
  6. Bottom wall.

There are also new turbinates in the nose.

They consist of three such departments:

What does a deviated nasal septum look like?

The main signs of a deviated nasal septum are:

  1. An external defect that is noticeable at first glance is a crooked nose. This pathology usually occurs when there is mechanical damage to the nasal septum, which was not treated in time and the cartilages grew together in the wrong position. In this case, the person will suffer from many unpleasant symptoms.
  2. A person has a chronic runny nose, which either subsides or worsens again. Moreover, the patient may not even suffer from viruses - he will have a runny nose for purely physiological reasons.
  3. Asymmetrical shape of the nose (when one nostril is larger than the other or the organ itself is in the shape of an arch, saddle, or has a large hump).
  4. Chronic headaches that develop due to the constant touching of the nasal mucosa by the crooked nasal septum.
  5. Night snoring that cannot be cured.
  6. Frequent nosebleeds(occur due to drying out of the nasal mucosa due to a crooked septum).
  7. Weakness, lethargy and decreased ability to work develop due to a lack of oxygen entering the body. For the same reason, a person may suffer from migraines and dizziness.
  8. Unpleasant sensations when breathing through the nose.
  9. Impaired sense of smell or complete loss of it.
  10. Memory impairment.
  11. Decreased immunity.
  12. Decreased hearing due to constant inflammation in the ear.
  13. Cough and sore throat.

Additional signs of a deviated septum are:

  1. Difficulty breathing through the nose. In this case, a person may not breathe through his nose at all or only partially.

In addition, if a nasal injury occurred at a young age, the body can adapt and not show any symptoms for a long time, but the patient will still feel discomfort and impaired nasal breathing.

  1. Allergic manifestations can also develop due to a deviated nasal septum. The reason for this is a decrease in immunity and a violation of the body’s defenses, which leads to a person’s tendency to have frequent allergies to dust, pollen, food, etc.
  2. Constant dryness in the nose develops due to chronic inflammation of its cavity.
  3. Tendency to frequent infections (acute respiratory infections, runny nose).
  4. Visual impairment.
  5. Shortness of breath.
  6. Pain in the heart.
  7. Convulsive seizures.
  8. Increased blood pressure.

Why does deformation of bone and cartilage occur?

Curvature of the nose and its septum can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Too rapid growth of the skull bones can cause the shape of the nose to change and the nasal septum to become crowded. This will cause it to begin to bend and bend. Most often, this pathology is observed in adolescents.
  2. Trauma to the nose due to a fall or blunt impact, which leads to displacement of the nasal bones and a deviated septum. Moreover, if not treated in a timely manner, such a broken nose will remain crooked.
  3. The presence of oncological pathologies in the nose.
  4. Presence of polyps in the nose.
  5. Turbinate hypertrophy (excessive development of one of the nostrils) will also put pressure on the nasal septum and cause its curvature.


Deviation of the nasal septum can be different and represented by the following types:

  • classic s-shaped nose;
  • formation of a thorn or growth;
  • crest;
  • a combination of several types of curvatures at once.

The treatment process largely depends on the type of curvature a person has.


Direct indications for nasal septoplasty are:

  1. Chronic nasal congestion.
  2. Difficulty in nasal breathing.
  3. Chronic rhinitis or sinusitis.
  4. The patient's desire to eliminate a cosmetic defect of the nose.
  5. Frequent nosebleeds.
  6. Chronic sinusitis.
  7. Otitis media
  8. Dry nose.
  9. Snore.
  10. The presence of unsightly humps and curvatures on the nose.


To ensure that nasal septoplasty does not cause any complications, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its implementation.

This operation cannot be performed for the following indications:

  1. The patient's age is up to eighteen years.
  2. Blood clotting disorder.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).
  4. The patient is over sixty years of age (at this age, all body systems are weakened, so it is undesirable to perform any such operations).
  5. Various mental illnesses.
  6. Diabetes mellitus.
  7. Blood diseases.
  8. Reduced immunity.
  9. Hypertension.
  10. Heart disease (arrhythmia, tachycardia, etc.)
  11. The period after a heart attack or stroke.
  12. Acute liver failure.
  13. Acute renal failure.
  14. Stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases that are acute.
  15. Oncological pathologies.
  16. Diseases caused by endocrine disorders.
  17. HIV infection.
  18. Various viral or bacterial infections.

At a consultation with a doctor

Before agreeing to surgery, you should definitely consult with your doctor, who will perform the procedure.

The patient should be informed about the possible risks and consequences after septoplasty, as well as the expected results.

In addition, the doctor should ask about the presence of existing diseases and prescribe a number of necessary preoperative examinations. He also needs to talk about the types of septoplasty and the operation that is most suitable in this particular case.

Video: Surgeon's opinion

Types. Their advantages and disadvantages

There are two main types of septoplasty:

  • laser;
  • endoscopic.

Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. Let's look at them in more detail.


Laser septoplasty is performed using a special laser beam. It is usually prescribed for minor deformities of the nose. Today this type of operation is considered the most popular.

Laser septoplasty has the following advantages:

  1. In this case, the person will not lose blood, because no incisions are made.
  2. Low-traumatic operation.
  3. The laser has pronounced antiseptic properties.
  4. The procedure is quick (only 20 minutes).
  5. No swelling or other postoperative complications.
  6. Minimal risk of infection.

The disadvantages of this type of operation are:

  1. It cannot be performed in cases of severe curvature of the nasal septum.
  2. The operation will be effective only when the curvature is located in the cartilage tissue.
  3. It has a lot of contraindications.
  4. It should not be performed on patients under the age of 21, since cartilage can still grow before this age.


Endoscopic septoplasty is performed using a scalpel. It cuts the nasal septum and eliminates various defects.

The advantages of this type of operation are:

  • causing minimal damage to cartilage and tissue;
  • fast rehabilitation;
  • the stitches are placed below the nostrils, so they are not visible;
  • effectiveness of surgery for severely deviated nasal septum.

The disadvantages of endoscopic septoplasty are:

  • long surgery (40 minutes);
  • risk of infection;
  • risk of postoperative complications;
  • tissue trauma;
  • blood loss;
  • pain of the operation.

Photo: Before and after

Rules for preparing for surgery

There are the following rules for preparing for septoplasty:

  1. A week before the operation, you need to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:
  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood sugar level;
  • HIV test;
  • hepatitis test;
  • pregnancy test (for women);
  • blood for clotting;
  • fluorography;
  • CT scan of the nasal sinuses.
  1. A week before surgery, consult with the following doctors:
  • ENT doctor;
  • therapist;
  • the surgeon who will perform the operation.
  1. Ten days before septoplasty you need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. Ten days in advance, it is very important to stop taking medications that interfere with blood clotting (Aspirin, Warfarin, etc.).
  3. It is advisable to switch to proper nutrition and a well-balanced diet at least two weeks before septoplasty to strengthen the body and enrich it with vitamins.
  4. It is very important to avoid stress and nervous tension, because if the patient is very nervous and anxious before the operation, the doctor may refuse to perform the operation.

This is explained by the fact that during nervous experiences a person’s heart rate increases and blood pressure increases, which can cause complications during surgery.

  1. On the day of surgery, men are advised to shave their mustache.
  2. On the day of surgery, you need to cleanse your face. It should not have any cosmetics on it.
  3. It is advisable not to perform septoplasty during menstruation. It must be prescribed ten days after it.
  4. You should not eat or drink anything immediately on the day of surgery. You need to prepare essential supplies with you from home that you will need in the hospital.

Possible complications

Most often, after this operation, patients develop the following complications:

  1. Hematoma- This is internal hemorrhage in tissues that occurs due to rupture of blood vessels. Usually the hematoma resolves on its own, but in more advanced cases it must be removed surgically.
  2. Increased body temperature This is a completely normal reaction of the body to damage and inflammation. This symptom develops after almost all operations. It is relieved with the help of antipyretic drugs.
  3. Bleeding it is justified by the fact that the nasal mucosa is well supplied with blood, therefore, with the slightest injury, a person may experience heavy bleeding. Moreover, nosebleeds can occur both during and after surgery.
  4. Pain after surgery- This is also a standard symptom that is easily relieved with analgesics.
  5. Septal abscess is a rather serious complication that must be eliminated surgically. It develops due to infection in postoperative incisions.
  6. Numbness or loss of sensation in the nose may occur when nerves are damaged.

Factors that increase the risk of complications

Complications after this operation may occur due to the following factors:

  1. Septoplasty is performed incorrectly from a technical point of view.
  2. Inexperience of the surgeon.
  3. Failure to comply with the rules of asepsis and sterility during surgery.
  4. Incorrect dressings.
  5. Failure of the patient to comply with the rules of preparation before septoplasty.
  6. The patient took alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs before surgery.
  7. Performing surgery if the patient has significant contraindications.

Prevention of complications

To prevent the development of complications after this procedure, you should follow these tips:

  1. Follow all medical recommendations.
  2. After the operation (at least in the first two days), stay in bed and avoid any physical activity (especially bending).
  3. In the first two weeks, you need to eat well and avoid eating fatty and fried foods.
  4. Do not agree to surgery if there is at least one contraindication.
  5. Look for an experienced surgeon and a good clinic to perform the operation.
  6. Perform nasal dressings daily, even after discharge.
  7. Rinse the nasal cavity and wounds with antiseptic solutions (Furacelin, Peroxide, Chlorhexedine).
  8. Use healing ointments (Levomekol). They need to be applied to a sterile bandage and applied to the wound.
  9. You need to know what you are agreeing to, so before the operation the patient must be aware of the possible risks and failures.
  10. If pain, high fever or swelling occurs after septoplasty, the necessary anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs should be prescribed immediately.
  11. If a patient has purulent discharge from wounds, then he needs to be prescribed special antibiotics that will suppress the activity of microbes and pathogenic bacteria. You need to be treated with such antibiotics for at least five days in a row.
  12. Even after discharge for a month, the patient must be careful and protect himself from hypothermia, physical exertion or emotional stress.
  13. In the first days after surgery, it is important to insert bandage swabs soaked in a special solution into the nostrils to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Average cost

The price of nasal septoplasty depends on the complexity of the pathology and the deformation of the nasal septum itself.

If the curvature is listed as congenital, then the price for its treatment will be about 40 thousand rubles. If the pathology is acquired, then the cost of eliminating it will be from 50 thousand rubles.

Septoplasty is a rather complex operation that has a lot of nuances. For this reason, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons before undertaking it.

Many patients of otolaryngologists, faced with a choice - surgery or further suffering, sometimes do not know how to guide themselves in such a complex issue.

Studying the intricacies of the upcoming intervention, a thorough preoperative examination, strict adherence to preparation recommendations and unquestioning compliance with the doctor’s instructions in the postoperative period will help you decide to take the right step and achieve the desired success.

For patients who fully feel the impact of a deviated nasal septum, doctors recommend a solution such as septoplasty. What it is and how it can affect the quality of life is very important to know when giving consent to surgery.

Septoplasty is a plastic surgery to correct a deformed nasal septum. The essence of the operation is either the correction of cartilage or bone tissue, or their partial removal. No external incisions are made; all manipulations are performed through the nostrils. Depending on the complexity of each specific case, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used.

Along with septoplasty, there is also such a type of operation as rhinoplasty. These two concepts have significant differences. In the first case, the need for surgery is dictated solely from a medical point of view, because a deviated nasal septum is a pathology that leads to deterioration of health.

And rhinoplasty, although it is a surgical intervention, is a purely aesthetic procedure to change the shape of the nose. There are, of course, cases when it is necessary to combine these manipulations, then we will talk about rhinoseptoplasty.

Indications for surgery

When writing a referral for septoplasty, the ENT specialist is guided by the following patient complaints:

  • most often and first of all, these are difficulties with breathing through the nose, sometimes on one side, sometimes on both;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, becoming chronic;
  • congestion in the ears, otitis media, up to hearing impairment;
  • increased incidence of nosebleeds;
  • heavy snoring;
  • headaches;
  • decreased or complete absence of sense of smell.

All these symptoms, if measures are not taken in time, lead to more severe consequences. Decreased oxygen supply to brain cells, which causes drowsiness and chronic fatigue. The air inhaled through the mouth enters the respiratory tract as cold, contaminated, and the mucous membrane dries out. All this increases the risk of glossitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia.

How to prepare for septoplasty of the nasal septum

Septoplasty, despite its apparent simplicity, is a serious operation. What it is - the otolaryngologist must describe to the patient in great detail. He also prescribes additional consultations with other specialists, among whom should be: a plastic surgeon, a therapist and an anesthesiologist.

The plastic surgeon who monitors the patient before, during and after septoplasty, determining what exactly needs to be adjusted and how it will happen, makes this explanation in a detailed surgical plan.

To select the correct anesthesia, it is important for the anesthesiologist to know about the patient’s injuries and infectious diseases, the presence or absence of allergies. The therapist examines the general condition of the patient: pulse, blood pressure, laboratory test results, the presence of chronic diseases, and based on them, with a personal signature, gives permission for septoplasty.

No later than 10 days before the operation, the following must be carried out:

  • hardware examination (x-ray of the nose, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, fluorography of the lungs;
  • blood tests (blood group and Rh factor, HIV infection, Wasserman reaction, hepatitis, coagulation, as well as general analysis);
  • general urinalysis.

If the patient has chronic diseases, consultation with a specialist in this field is necessary.

A week before the scheduled day of the operation, all physical activity is excluded: heavy work, sports activities, dragging heavy objects, running. A ban is introduced on foods that thin the blood: fatty fish, some types of berries and fruits, onions and garlic, flaxseed and olive oil, cereals containing a high percentage of magnesium, green tea, ginger, coffee.

During the 4 days preceding septoplasty and 6 days after it, it is necessary to undergo a special course of therapy to prevent swelling in the postoperative period: twice a day before or after meals, 20 drops of lymphomyositis and traumeel.

The last meal is allowed no less than 8 hours, drinking - 6 hours before surgery. Upon admission to the hospital on the day of surgery, the patient must present the results of all studies in the original, no more than 10 days old.

How is septoplasty performed?

Septoplasty - what it is and how it is performed - will help you understand the description of its five types.

Resection with threads

This is the alignment of the septal bone with its fastening with special threads.

Special fibers are implanted into the cartilage tissue to reinforce the curved bone.

Endoscopic septoplasty

A modern technique in which minimal tissue dissection is performed, which has a beneficial effect on healing and shortens the postoperative recovery period. Endoscopic septoplasty, in turn, is divided into three types:

Endoscopic septoplasty
  • Vasotomy is the intersection of vessels connecting the mucous and bone tissues of the nose.
  • RR technology – using a laser, the cartilaginous shell is exfoliated, followed by removal or straightening of the curved part of the septum.
  • Reimplantation of autocartilage - securing the rearranged curved part of the cartilage in a new place with silicone inserts.

Laser septoplasty of the nasal septum

Laser septoplasty of the nasal septum is considered the most bloodless. To carry it out, a laser scalpel of the required angle is selected, with its help the cartilage shell is heated to a certain temperature, at which the cartilage tissue becomes plastic, like clay. Special instruments straighten and hold the cartilage until it maintains its correct shape.

Radio wave septoplasty

Radio wave septoplasty uses the ability of the Surgitron device to emit high frequency radio waves.


Under the influence of high-frequency radio waves, the possibility of severe bleeding is eliminated, there is a powerful antibacterial effect, thanks to the ideally smooth edges of the incisions, rapid tissue fusion occurs, which means that the rehabilitation period is shortened as much as possible, and there is an almost complete absence of postoperative pain.

Ultrasound septoplasty

Under the influence of high energy ultrasound, the cancellous substance of the bone is destroyed., tissue dissection, coagulation of blood vessels, which creates the same effects as with radio wave septoplasty. This method is effective for removing thorns and ridges.

Postoperative period – recovery after septoplasty

Immediately after the operation, tampons are inserted into the nostrils, and ice is applied to the bridge of the nose for half an hour. The recovery period, depending on the method used, lasts from one to two to three weeks.


You will need to wear tampons in your nose for a maximum of three days after surgery. During this same period, it is recommended not to have strict bed rest, avoid hot food, and avoid all kinds of stress. Given the need to breathe through the mouth, there should be a certain supply of fluid next to the patient during the postoperative period.

Drug treatment consists of taking Tsiprolet for five days (500 mg 2 times a day) and Erius- for 10 days (1 tablet per day), for severe pain - no more than 3 times a day, 1 tablet of Nurofen. After the final removal of the tampons, Aquamaris is injected into the nostrils as often as possible to speed up healing, soften and peel off the resulting crust.


Swelling subsides 1-2 weeks after septoplasty, which is average. This is a period when the temperature may rise, the ichor may be released, and the softened remains of the threads will fall off along with the crust. These symptoms, according to surgeons, are completely normal and do not indicate the occurrence of a complication.

For a month after septoplasty, sports and hard work are strictly prohibited.

Possible negative consequences

Provided that the operation is carried out correctly and the recommendations of specialists are followed, the occurrence of negative consequences in the postoperative period is extremely rare.

  • One of the most common complications is bleeding, to prevent which tampons are necessary, which are removed 2 days after surgery.
  • Hematoma is the second most common negative reaction of the body to surgery. If the tampon is heavily saturated with blood, the nasal passages are drained to eliminate the possibility of a hematoma.
  • If septoplasty is performed carelessly, the surgical instrument can damage the mucosal layers, which leads to perforation of the septum. This operation requires high precision and accuracy from the doctor so that such a complication does not arise.
  • A less common consequence is septal abscess.
  • A change in the external shape of the nose can be caused by high resection of the quadrangular cartilage. This defect may appear at a later date - after the swelling subsides and all tissues return to normal.

The risk of complications increases significantly with uncontrolled drug use, alcohol abuse, smoking, long-term use of certain medications, the presence of scars from previous operations, and diseases not identified during the preliminary examination.

Prevention of complications

The first preventive measure will be careful selection of a clinic and consideration of reviews from former patients. The next stage is the transition to a healthy lifestyle a month before the operation - giving up bad habits, a balanced diet, eliminating blood thinning products from the diet.

The therapist should be notified in detail about the state of health, the presence of chronic diseases, past infectious diseases and surgical operations.

It is very important to undergo a complete examination prescribed by your doctor and otolaryngologist, perform all procedures the day before and on the day of surgery, paying special attention to the postoperative course of treatment and rehabilitation.

If any unusual symptoms, pain, excessive bleeding, dizziness, or nausea occur, the medical staff must be notified immediately.


Additional therapeutic measures will be required to relieve acute conditions and exacerbations of chronic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus, the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory organs. The refusal to undergo septoplasty is clearly due to poor blood clotting indicators.

Price for septoplasty

Prices for septoplasty in different clinics vary significantly. This largely depends on the method used, devices, materials and instruments, methods of anesthesia, inclusion of a bed and food in the price.

The lowest price is 11.5 thousand, the highest is about 100 thousand rubles. The last figure includes, in addition to the operation itself, general anesthesia, 2-week hospitalization with food and consumables. To this figure it is necessary to add the cost of laboratory and hardware examination.

A responsible approach involves any intervention, including septoplasty. It is important that this is such a simple, but still operational effect. Such an important decision as choosing the right clinic will save patients from troubles.

An experienced specialist knows what septoplasty is and what side effects there are.

It is desirable that the hospital is not multidisciplinary, narrowly focused in the field of otolaryngology. First of all, you need to decide which method is suitable for eliminating the problem, and contact a surgeon who specializes in operations of this particular type.

If price matters, you should consider all the options offered in detail. The price list must indicate what services and materials are included in the price.

To be more confident in a favorable outcome of a surgical intervention, it is a good idea to inquire about the reputation of the medical institution, find out its history, staff, and the number of similar operations performed there per month. The main criterion when determining the place of treatment is the qualifications of the attending physician, his track record, and patient reviews.

Septoplasty results (before and after photos)

If all conditions are met in the days preceding the operation and several weeks after it, in most cases the outcome of the intervention is positive. The main goal - free breathing, sound sleep, absence of upper respiratory tract diseases - is achieved in most cases.

A positive side effect is always visible on the face - the appearance of the nose after a properly performed septoplasty always improves. Humps, curvature, and asymmetry disappear.

Videos about septoplasty. What is it and how effective is the operation?

This video will answer what nasal septoplasty is:

Laser septoplasty pros and cons: