My eyes are swollen and swollen, what should I do? Why do my eyes swell? Associated symptoms are observed

In the article we tell you why the eye is swollen and painful, we talk about conditions and diseases that cause unpleasant symptoms. You will learn how swelling is related to headaches, and what to do if your eyelid is swollen.

Why is my eye swollen and painful?

Most often, swelling of the upper or lower eyelid occurs as a result of an insect bite, bruise, or allergic reaction. Edema is caused by excessive consumption of excessively salty foods or alcoholic beverages. In these cases, the swelling is not dangerous and goes away on its own with the exception of unfavorable factors or carrying out symptomatic treatment.

When insects bite, they get into the bloodstream. toxic substances contained in their saliva. Tissue swelling is an allergic reaction to toxins. In this case, the eye may turn red and begin to water. As a rule, swelling in such cases goes away on its own. However, to speed up the healing process, you can use antihistamines for internal and external use.

Allergic reactions also occur upon contact with other allergens - dust, pollen, nutrients.

With excessive salt consumption, water is retained in the body. Therefore, facial swelling occurs and the eyelid swells. To prevent swelling, you should consume no more than 5 g of salt per day, for people with hypertension and kidney diseases, the dosage is even less - no more than 1 g of salt per day.

Swelling of the face, including the lower and upper eyelid, at drunkenness– the body’s reaction to intoxication. In addition, alcohol also slows down the excretion of fluid. Puffy eyes may be a symptom of a serious alcohol poisoning, treatment of which is carried out in a hospital setting - gastric lavage is performed, and in severe cases, dialysis.

Diseases that cause swelling and pain in the eye

If the eye is swollen and hurts for a long time, what could it be? Prolonged swelling and edema can indicate serious problems in the body's functioning.. Often such symptoms are associated with ophthalmological problems, as well as diseases cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.

Ophthalmological diseases that provoke swelling of the eyelids:

  • Conjunctivitis– inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eye. Swelling with conjunctivitis occurs as a result of ongoing infectious process and intoxication of the body, against the same background headaches arise. As additional symptoms, dry eyes occur, which is why they appear when you blink.
  • Blepharitisbilateral inflammation century If there is swelling above the eye and a tear film appears, causing a cloudy picture, blepharitis has most likely developed. The disease occurs with itching, fatigue eyes, blurred vision, . Headaches also occur in the background.
  • Uveitis- inflammation choroid eyes, in which swelling occurs, and it seems that the eye hurts inside. Uveitis also causes spots before the eyes. Attacks of cephalalgia are often noted.
  • Ptosis– drooping of the upper eyelid, in which swelling is observed from above. The causes of the development of the disease can be encephalitis and other diseases, so headaches and other neurological symptoms often occur simultaneously with swelling of the eyelid.
  • Barley– purulent formation on the eyelids, when scaled, can cause swelling, arise. Headaches are possible only when the body is intoxicated.
  • Phlegmonpurulent process in fatty tissue. With phlegmon, swelling appears, body temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, headaches, weakness, and chills occur.

Swelling and soreness of the eyes may occur when cardiovascular diseases– , heart failure, atherosclerosis and others. Along with edema, it increases blood pressure, headaches, palpitations, or disturbances occur heart rate, visual disturbances.

Swelling of the face, including the eyes, is one of the main symptoms kidney diseases . If the eye is swollen and painful, this may indicate the presence of renal failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, neoplasms. Due to inflammatory, dystrophic or tumor processes the kidneys cannot fully perform their work and remove water from the body. When kidney function is impaired, the cardiovascular system also suffers, as the load on the vessels penetrating the paired organ. Therefore, kidney disease often causes high blood pressure and headache.

Swelling of the eyes occurs with liver pathologies - hepatitis, cirrhosis. In this case, there arises severe intoxication the body, since the liver cannot perform its function - to neutralize and remove poisons and toxins. Against the background of intoxication, headaches, attacks of nausea and vomiting, yellowness of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera of the eyes appear.

The eye is swollen and hurts - what to do?

If the eye is swollen against the background domestic reasons, no treatment required. For speedy recovery bottom and top can be attached cold compress, treat the area with ointment, for example, Rescuer.

For insect bites and allergic reactions, you must take an antihistamine: Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadine or Claritin. Medicines in this group block the release of histamine protein and eliminate symptomatic manifestations allergies – relieve swelling, relieve headaches, runny nose and cough.

If swelling of the eye does not go away for a long time, or occurs additional symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

The specialist will order a diagnostic test, based on the results of which he will determine the cause of the swelling of the eyes and prescribe treatment. The main therapy will be aimed at eliminating the disease that causes swelling of the eyelids.

As symptomatic treatment for cardiovascular diseases prescribed antihypertensive drugs, medications to normalize heart rhythm, for kidney diseases - diuretics, for liver diseases - hepatoprotectors. In the presence of inflammatory processes, NSAIDs are prescribed.

Prescribed for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases eye drops with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral effects.

Folk remedies

To eliminate swelling of the eyes, you can use folk remedies. Do not forget that home remedies are only advisable as adjuvant therapy, and be sure to consult your doctor before using them.

The simplest and effective way– Apply an ice cube or cold compress to the swollen eye for 10-15 minutes.

Below are effective recipes funds traditional medicine.

Cottage cheese compress


  1. Fresh cottage cheese – 1 tablespoon.
  2. Gauze – 1 small piece.

How to cook: Wrap the cottage cheese in cheesecloth.

How to use: Apply a compress to the swollen eye, hold for 10-20 minutes, repeat the procedure every day.

Sage decoction


  1. Sage – 2 tablespoons.
  2. Boiled water – 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the raw material, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Cool to room temperature and strain.

How to use: Take 2 glasses per day orally. The decoction relieves inflammation and improves general health. It can also be used for lotions.

You will learn more about eye pain in this video:

What to remember

  1. Eye swelling occurs due to bruises, insect bites, allergic reactions, abuse of salty foods and alcohol.
  2. Swelling of the eyelids may also indicate the presence ophthalmological disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.
  3. With prolonged swelling of the eyes and development accompanying symptoms consult a doctor.

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Probably most of us have encountered the problem of swollen eyes at least once in our lives. Agree, swollen eyes in the morning do not look at all aesthetically pleasing. Such a nuisance arises for a variety of reasons and can ruin your mood, especially on a very important day for you. What to do if you have an important meeting and your eyes are swollen?

Causes of swollen eyes.
Puffy eyes in the morning may be caused by for various reasons. The skin under the eyes is very thin and is the most sensitive area of ​​our body. Poor blood supply and oxygen saturation leads to stagnation of blood in the capillaries under the eyes and its translucency. Lack of moisture leads to even greater transparency of the skin, resulting in sunken circles.

Bad heredity is considered the most common cause of puffy eyes in the morning. In addition, a fun party with drinking can also serve as a reason. alcoholic drinks, drinking coffee at night, sitting for long periods of time computer game, beer with friends in late time, and even with salted fish or nuts. In addition, insomnia chronic lack of sleep, incorrect position during sleep, fluctuations in hormone levels, poor nutrition, fatigue, stress, kidney disease, pregnancy can cause your eyes to be swollen the next morning.

Dehydration due to lack of fluid intake can also cause swelling. In this case, the only solution to the problem is compliance drinking regime. Namely, during the day, drink at least one and a half to two liters of clean drinking water (you can use mineral water without gas).

Common allergies can often cause swelling of the eyes. In this case, antihistamines will help cope with the problem.

What to do if your eyes are swollen in the morning?
So, in the morning you saw unsightly “bags under your eyes” in the reflection of the mirror, and you have an important meeting or presentation scheduled. What to do? How to get yourself in order in a matter of minutes? First, before taking an invigorating shower, it is recommended to do fifteen squats. Of course, if you are not used to doing exercises in the morning, this will be difficult for you, but it is quite possible. This will take you about one and a half minutes. Squats will help you activate drainage system and speed up lymph flow and blood flow, which were in “sleep” mode during night sleep. Increased blood flow stimulates the removal of excess fluid from tissues, which, in fact, are the cause of swelling. By the way, there are others in squats positive points, one of which is leg muscle tone.

After squats you need to take contrast shower, alternating streams of cool and warm water. It is recommended to start with warm water. It is advisable to carry out a contrast shower with strong water pressure, this also stimulates blood circulation. After this procedure, you should definitely do fifteen more squats.

To quickly get rid of morning swelling and make your appearance familiar, while brushing your teeth, it is recommended to actively work on facial expressions (grimacing, squinting, making funny faces, etc.). It is very important to engage the muscles around the eyes. Squeeze your eyes tightly for about two seconds, and then open them wide and quickly blink and rotate them. By the way, you are guaranteed to improve your mood from such an “exercise”.

Next, you should wash your face very cold water, rubbing his face well with his palms. In general, it is better to use non-tap water for this, highly carbonated one. mineral water chilled. Gas bubbles have a massage effect on the skin at the micro level, and the minerals and salts included in the water strengthen it.

If swollen eyes in the morning are a frequent occurrence, then you can wash your face with ice cubes prepared in advance. For this you can use a regular drinking water, or you can use decoctions and infusions of herbs. This method of washing perfectly relieves swelling. Here is one of the recipes: in the evening, prepare an infusion from a tablespoon of any herb (chamomile, mint, calendula, sage, linden blossom), poured a glass of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, strain and pour into molds. Then put it in the freezer.

After the manipulations done, the condition of your face should improve noticeably, approaching its normal state, and you will spend a minimum of time on this.

We make light pressing movements (draw arcs) along the upper eyelid with pads index fingers from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Do the exercise ten times. Now the same should be done with the area under the eyes (from the nose to the temples), also ten times. I remind you once again that the movements are light, do not stretch the skin. At the end, you should alternately pat the fingertips under the eyes (back and forth). These massage techniques are very effective and only take two to three minutes. By the way, this massage can be done using frozen ice cubes. The ice cube should be moved as long as the skin tolerates it, then let it rest for a few seconds and continue the massage again until the cube completely melts. It is considered one of the most effective “emergency” ways to eliminate swollen eyes.

Additional Tips quick fix swelling of the eyes.
To eliminate puffiness or bags under the eyes, applying cold gel compresses to the eyes is effective. A gel mask can be purchased at a pharmacy. If necessary (swelling, fatigue or tension after the computer), after keeping it in the refrigerator for several minutes, it should be applied to the eye area for ten minutes. This mask can be used repeatedly.

Cold rings fresh cucumber applied to the eyes for five minutes or massaged with its pulp can also relieve swollen eyes. In addition, this manipulation will improve your complexion and smooth out fine wrinkles.

To reduce eye puffiness, it is also effective to apply a mixture of grated cucumber and potatoes for ten minutes.

A cold tea compress is also considered a good remedy. Soak the cosmetic disc in strongly brewed black tea, squeeze lightly and apply to the eye area. Ten minutes are enough to complete the procedure.

Instead of tea leaves, it is effective to use cold milk as a compress for swelling. Soak cotton pads in cold milk, squeeze lightly and apply to eyes. In addition to helping with swelling, this compress fights dark circles under the eyes.

If your swollen eyes are chronic, take herbal infusions or decoctions that have a diuretic effect. Just consult a specialist first.

Preventing the appearance of swollen eyes in the morning.
Avoid drinking sparkling drinks, including soda, and drinks containing caffeine, as they are “friends” of morning swelling. Limit fluid intake after six o'clock in the evening. Excess fluid most often shows up on your face in the morning. A couple of hours before bedtime, you can eat a couple of juicy fruits.

Avoid artificial sweeteners and be careful with salt as they cause the body to retain fluid.

Try to sleep at least eight hours a night. Because lack of sleep leads to puffy eyes and dark circles under the eyes.

In summer, be sure to protect your eyes with sunglasses.

Be sure to use sunscreen cosmetics, apply them no earlier than half an hour before going out. fresh air. Excessive tanning and exposure to the sun for long periods of time can contribute to this problem.

For care in the morning and evening, use cosmetic creams or gels for the area around the eyes that contain the extract. horse chestnut, arnica or cornflower. They effectively prevent the appearance of edema, which means they will relieve you of puffy eyes. You can apply cosmetics in combination with massage.

It should be noted that eye swelling can be temporary, or can be a consequence of serious illnesses. Therefore, if this problem occurs regularly, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

It happens that before going to bed, everything looks fine, but when you wake up in the morning, a person discovers that his eye is swollen. Most people immediately panic and search for a remedy to eliminate swelling.

No need to install it yourself terrible diagnoses, can generally swell under the influence simple reasons, this swelling is easily relieved. But you shouldn’t treat the problem negligently, since swollen eyes can be a symptom of problems in the body’s functioning.

All reasons for a swollen eye can be classified: external and internal. External ones are:

  • chronic lack of sleep, it can also be constant too long sleep more than 10 hours;
  • sitting in front of a monitor for many hours, which increases the degree of stress on visual organ s;
  • frequent stress and depression, emotional exhaustion;
  • Late meals can also cause inflammation of the periocular tissues;
  • abuse of alcohol, salty foods and even plain water before bed.

There are some other reasons that more often lead to edema in adults or children. It may swell under one eye or under both eyes at once. If the eye of an adult is swollen, it is most often caused by the following reasons:

  • Improper care of eyelids and face, use of expired or low-quality cosmetics with aggressive chemical components.
  • Consequences of ophthalmological diseases.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, heart, bladder.
  • Pregnancy, as fluid begins to be retained in the body due to a violation of the water-salt balance.
  • Menstruation. At this time hormonal balance in the body of women is disrupted, fluid stagnation of varying degrees may occur. But by lunchtime such swelling subsides.
  • Taking certain medications - vasoconstrictor, diuretic, antihistamine, and antibiotics.
  • Prolonged crying at night. In addition to swollen eyes after sleep, such a situation may cause headache, drowsiness, and depression.
  • Wearing contact lenses. They need to be removed before going to bed, otherwise swelling will occur due to irritation of the eye mucosa.
  • Allergic reactions - to cosmetics, pollen, dust, wool, drops or lenses, swelling affects the eyelid both below and above.
  • Eye diseases - herpes with inflammation of the cornea, conjunctivitis, stye, blepharitis, etc.

Now we should clarify the most common reasons tissue irritation, which can cause the eyelid to swell:

  • Abscess of the lacrimal sac - manifested by the discharge of pus with tears, pain, redness and swelling of the eyelids, and the local temperature also increases. The disorder develops as a result of lack of treatment for congenital and acquired dacryocystitis.
  • Injuries. An adult might get hit. Then the eyelid will swell and a bruise will form under it, and the skin in this place will become inflamed.
  • Renal dysfunction. The eyelid will swell with microliths, pyelonephritis, the presence of salts and sand in the kidneys, and kidney failure. Pathologies may be accompanied severe itching eyelid, which worsens after waking up.
  • Orbital phlegmon is a severe inflammatory process of the orbital tissue of the eyelid mucosa with the separation of pus. The pathology is accompanied by nausea, blurred vision, headaches, redness, and limited movement of the eyeball. The left or right eye may swell separately.
  • An allergic reaction to an insect bite - mosquitoes, wasps, bees, flies or bedbugs.


The clinical picture when swelling appears under the eye depends on the cause. If it is an infection, then the eyelids almost always become covered with red spots and are very itchy. When infected with bacteria, barley may appear, then as first aid you can use antibacterial drops Sulfacyl. Allergies also cause burning, redness and itching. With conjunctivitis or phlegmon, vision deteriorates sharply.

If the cause of the symptoms is an injury, it is always accompanied by the formation of a bruise, usually on the lower eyelid, which is painful to touch. Sometimes it appears severe discomfort from swollen eyes, numbness, increased local temperature in the affected area. Depending on the severity of the injury, itching, excessive tearing and eyelash loss may occur. The eyeball becomes engorged with blood and a veil forms in front of it.

Puffiness of the eyes always occurs after crying, especially when a person cries before going to bed.

Allergic reactions

With allergies on the eyelids and tumors around the eye, the symptoms can be very bright or, conversely, weak. This is influenced by the sensitivity of the immune system, as well as the number of allergens entering the body.

When there is swelling under the eye on one side or both, symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

  • lacrimation;
  • discomfort when trying to move the pupil;
  • itchy redness of the retina;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • pain and burning;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • discharge of pus (not always).

In case of a mild allergic reaction, a tear-stained effect is observed under the left or right eye. If the hypersensitivity is strong, the patient has difficulty opening the eyelids, and the swelling is accompanied by pain and pain.

When the eyelid swells severely, it is dangerous because sharp increase intraocular pressure, vision impairment and its risks total loss. Next, we will tell you in more detail what to do if your eye is swollen, how to provide first aid before visiting a doctor.


The conjunctiva is thin layer fabrics. Sometimes even if it swells, it does not manifest itself clearly, but is always accompanied by discomfort, itching and dryness. Also, touching the affected area is painful. At bacterial form conjunctivitis of the eye festers, with viral infection There is no pus, but it goes away much more painfully, the swelling under the eye is more pronounced.

Xerophthalmia – dry eye syndrome. Signs of pathology depend on its severity. Patients complain that their eyes are swollen, there is a sensation foreign body, also symptoms include pain and burning, redness of the eyelids, sensitivity to light. When instilling drops, pain is felt.

Signs of the disease appear more in the evening after overexertion or when staying in a room with insufficient humidity, or during prolonged exposure to cold or wind.

With the development of dry eye syndrome, xerotic changes in the connective and corneal membranes occur. In such a situation, you need to visit a doctor who will explain how to remove the tumor from the eyes correctly. Pathology is different different degrees gravity. With a mild course, the production of tears increases, and with a moderate course, on the contrary, it decreases. The conjunctiva swells and covers the free edge of the lower eyelid.


Sometimes redness becomes the only sign of damage.

With ulcerative blepharitis, yellowish ulcers form on the eyelids, then scars. This violates normal height eyelashes and provokes their loss. Chronic forms Blepharitis is characterized by redness of the eyelids, pain and itching. A specialist consultation is required on how to remove

What to do if your eyes are swollen

To answer the question of how to remove a tumor from the eye, you should consult a specialist. If the cause of the tumors is known, you can carry out therapy at home, but it is better after receiving the recommendations of a doctor who will select suitable method treatment.

A common question from patients is how to quickly remove swelling. When the eyelid is swollen due to increased pressure, you should drink rosehip infusion or black tea with lemon. Drinking plenty of non-carbonated mineral water will help stop swelling when it is caused by a hormonal imbalance.

Elimination of non-pathological ocular edema is possible on your own. For example, when the cause is drinking alcohol at night or eating salty foods, the swelling can be eliminated using tea bags as compresses for the eyelids. They can be replaced with slices of fresh cucumber. The same applies to the situation when you had to cry before going to bed.

In the absence of information about the reasons pathological condition, and in addition to the fact that the eyelid is swollen and hurts, you need to immediately go to the doctor. Sometimes required to restore vision laser correction or surgery.

First aid

To quickly eliminate the consequences of swollen eyelids, you need to know methods of how to quickly remove swelling and provide first aid. If it happened mechanical injury century, a bruise and a black eye have formed, you need urgent measures to remove swelling from the eyes. If chemicals come into contact, rinse them with running water. cool water, tilting your head as low as possible so that the water flows out freely. After completely washing out the foreign substance, the eyelids are covered with a clean napkin. Now you should seek medical help.

After an impact, the eyes need a cold compress in the first minutes; hold it for at least 5 minutes. You can take any chilled product from the refrigerator, if there is no ice, wrap it in a cloth or towel and apply it under the eye after the blow.

If the eyelid swells after being in a draft, then the first aid to remove the swelling is treatment with Tetracycline ointment. When your eyes become swollen after sleep, traditional medicine methods will come to the rescue - compresses from cucumbers or raw potatoes, wiping with ice.

If your eyelid swells after an insect bite, you urgently need to drink antihistamine– Fenistil, Suprastin, Diazolin or another. The bite can be treated with a solution of soda and hydrocortisone ointment.

Eye drops for swollen eyes

There are now a large number on sale eye drops, which differ in composition and principle of action. For a tumor, a remedy is selected in accordance with the cause of the lesion.

  1. Albucid – antimicrobial drug, is used to treat conjunctiva even for children.
  2. Floxal is an antibacterial drop that is prescribed for conjunctivitis and barley.
  3. Allergodil - used to relieve swelling and itching, and for pain due to the development of an allergic reaction.
  4. Ophthalmoferon - stops the process of inflammation, destroys pathogenic microbes and relieves pain.

If there is constant swelling, only an ophthalmologist should select the remedy. The drops also have contraindications, and only comprehensive treatment based on the results of the examination will help eliminate the problem.

Other medications for eye tumors

If the eyelid is swollen, in addition to drops, the doctor may recommend the use of other forms of medications. Antibacterial agents are available in ointments - they are often prescribed for barley and bacterial conjunctivitis. The course with such means must be completed to the end so that the bacteria do not develop immunity to the medication.

If the cause of the tumor is an allergy, then you need to drink as quickly as possible antihistamine tablet– Loratadine, Tavegil, Suprastin, etc. At the same time, it is recommended to make a lotion with soda - dilute a quarter of a teaspoon of soda in 100 ml of water.

How to remove swelling from tears

The eyes are always swollen after crying for a long time. To restore normal appearance You can use the following methods to remove swelling from the eyes after crying:

  • apply a tampon soaked in chamomile decoction, black tea or fresh cucumber juice to your eyelids;
  • easily massage your eyelids by first wetting your fingers with cold water;
  • carry out a contrast wash, patting your eyelids with your palms;
  • do simple gymnastics for the eyes.

Traditional methods

TO traditional methods How to get rid of puffy eyes at home include:

  • Rinsing with running water, a decoction of calendula, chamomile, which must first be infused for at least 1 hour. Sage and string are also used. They calm irritation.
  • Applying a compress from tea bag on the lower and upper eyelids.
  • Washing with solution baking soda or wiping with a solution of furatsilin - this will stop the inflammatory process when the eyelids swell, itch, and itch.
  • Lotions made from raw grated potatoes.
  • Lotions of fresh cucumber, grated apples.


You can prevent swelling of the eyelids by following these rules:

  • Organization of a work and rest schedule - sleep 6-8 hours, and get up and go to bed at the same time.
  • Refusal drink plenty of fluids for the night.
  • Inclusion in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Timely treatment of any pathologies of the visual analyzer.
  • Take breaks when working at the monitor, doing eye exercises, massaging light movements, without exerting strong pressure, the eyelids above the eyes, the area under them.

It is important to see in time what is swollen under the eye, otherwise the treatment process becomes much more complicated. Required for effective therapy use medications prescribed by your doctor. The specialist will tell you how to choose and use eye drops and other products. If your eyelid is swollen, you should not worry, you just need to visit a specialist who will determine the cause and help get rid of the pathology.

General physical condition a person is invariably reflected in his eyes. Their condition suggests certain diseases. internal organs and problems in the body. This organ is a mirror not only of the soul, but also of the body.

The morning after have a hard day many cannot open their eyes: the eyes are swollen, red, painful sensations appear (tingling, itching, irritation), and possibly even purulent discharge.

The problem of swollen lower eyelids is most often known to allergy sufferers, especially in spring period. At normal healthy person this process does not occur by itself. This may indicate serious diseases occurring in the body.

Usually we are concerned about how to quickly cure the disease and get rid of painful sensations and redness, and few people think about health in general, but they should.

Causes of inflammation of the periocular tissues

  1. High blood pressure (hypertension). This serious illness provokes the sensitive periocular tissues to swell and become inflamed, as they have many blood vessels. Herbal infusions Rose hips, stevia, hawthorn and tea with lemon will help lower blood pressure.
  2. Changes during pregnancy and stress hormonal background, leading to puffiness around the eyes. Consuming non-carbonated clean water V large quantities will help you get out of this state.
  3. Drinking salt or alcohol before bed. They retain water in the body. Swelling around the eyes is immediately visible, because the skin in these places is sensitive and delicate, as it does not have a fat layer. Frequent drinking of clean still water, reducing the consumption of salty foods, and local compresses made from cucumber, freshly brewed and chilled tea bags and potatoes. Ice from the refrigerator should not be applied - inflammation may add to the swelling.
  4. Diseases of internal organs. The kidneys and heart may be affected. In this case, you cannot self-medicate; you must consult a doctor.

Irritation in only one eye may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Insect bite. Severe swelling at the site of the bite indicates an allergic reaction. You need to take antihistamines (Zyrtec, Fenistil, Suprastin, Claritin, etc.). Hydrocortisone ointment will prevent the infection from developing further and will remove existing swelling.
  2. Barley is a purulent infection in sebaceous gland lower or upper eyelid. The disease begins with irritation of the eyelid. After a day, this place gathers into a clearly defined red “grain”, which is filled with pus. Touching or squeezing the stye with your hands is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to be treated immediately: cauterize it with medical alcohol or brilliant green, and then start heating it so that the barley ripens faster and the purulent sac is released. After release, the barley must be treated with tetracycline ointment, albucid or chloramphenicol. Frequent “popping up” of stye on the eye indicates a weak body. It is necessary to increase immunity. Prevention of barley comes down to drinking tansy grass.
  3. Conjunctivitis is an infectious disease. It manifests itself as pain, redness, burning and swelling of the eyes. Treatment comes down to washing the affected eyes from purulent accumulations, treating antibacterial agents. Carry out rinsing with solution boric acid, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or furacillin. After this, you need to treat with oletethrin ointment, drops of sodium sulfacyl or chloramphenicol. All medications necessary for treatment are prescribed only by a doctor, since the nature of the disease must be taken into account. Conjunctivitis can be fungal, bacterial, viral, etc.
  4. Phlegmon - purulent inflammation eye socket, eyelid or lacrimal sac of an acute nature. The disease is expressed by dense, strong red swelling. She is accompanied severe pain and always hot to the touch. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, since the danger of this infection is extremely high: the infection can spread to areas of the brain due to the spillage of purulent masses into the tissues. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics.

Elimination of irritation in the eye area

The actions that need to be taken depend on the cause of the pathology. If the reason for this lies in eating salty foods at night or lack of sleep, then you can try the following remedies:

  • contrast shower and exercises (15 minutes). After these procedures, you need to carefully massage the area around the eye sockets: from the bridge of the nose to the temples with light movements along the upper and lower eyelid. Complete lung massage patting the fingertips around the eyes.
  • Wash your face plain water from the tap, and with ice cubes: blood circulation will improve and swelling will subside a little.
  • You can make compresses from black tea bags, cotton swabs dipped in cold milk or finely grated fresh cucumber. Keep for 10-15 minutes.

If the cause of swelling is an allergy, then you need to take an antihistamine, treat the area around the eyes with hydrocortisone ointment and consult a doctor.

If inflammation occurs constantly in the eyes, then you need to consult a general practitioner and an ophthalmologist. The first doctor will refer you for examination of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, and the second will check for the presence of stye or conjunctivitis.

Preventing swollen eyes

To prevent this unpleasant manifestation from happening again, you need to follow some simple rules.

  1. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep will add to puffy eyes dark circles under the eyes;
  2. Limit the consumption of alcohol, pickles, smoked foods and liquids after 6 pm;
  3. Use only high-quality facial cosmetics. Chemicals contained in cheap cosmetics often cause irritation and allergies, manifested in swelling of the eyes, tearfulness, and itching.

If eye swelling becomes chronic, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only he will be able to find the cause of the pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Puffy eyes are not an easy aesthetic problem. In some situations, they may indicate some serious illness. Both adults and children can experience this phenomenon. It causes significant discomfort and is alarming, but it can be overcome.

Many people are interested in what to do if the eye is red and sore in the morning. First you need to familiarize yourself with the main factors causing this problem.

It would not be entirely correct to classify the causes of its appearance into “children” and “adults,” since they are often common. It is more logical to note the most common of them in the form of eye injuries, abscess of lacrimal sacs, kidney edema, Quincke's edema, allergies, etc. The most common reasons include the following:

And also the eyes can become pierced and cold, which probably happens most often. In this case, there may be a sensation of a foreign object in the eye.

Characteristic symptoms

Clinical picture is directly dependent on causative disease. If you have blepharitis or an infection, your eyelids will begin to itch and develop red spots. If you have an allergic reaction to cosmetics or nutritious foods burning and itching may occur. With Quincke's edema, phlegmon or conjunctivitis, visual acuity can significantly decrease.

If the cause of a swollen eye is an injury, it will be accompanied by a noticeable bruise. In this situation, it is painful to touch the injured area, numbness and discomfort appear, and the temperature of the skin may increase. In addition, all this may be accompanied by loss of eyelashes and excessive tearing. It also happens that the eyeballs become bloodshot and take on a red tint.

Treatment of swollen eyelids

The problem of swollen eyes should be solved infectious disease specialist, allergist and ophthalmologist. The main emphasis is on ointments, drops and other means of local action. In the event that the eyes are swollen due to some internal malfunction, the doctor may prescribe allergenic, steroidal and blood circulation-accelerating medications. Traditional recipes can also help solve the problem.

Special drops and ointments

If the problem has infectious nature , then it is advisable to resort to a course of therapy with Sulfacyl drops. This drug is especially effective on initial stages diseases. It minimizes the activity of harmful microorganisms, easing the course of blepharitis and conjunctivitis. You need to use it three times a day, placing three drops in each eye. If the edema is in an advanced stage, doctors prescribe the following medications:

It is advisable to use ointments when swelling of the eyelids occurs as a supplement to drops and traditional medicine. Oxolinic, heparin, hydrocortisone and have excellent effectiveness. The effect can be enhanced if sterile bandages are applied to the eyes after each treatment procedure.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on each of the ointments:

Folk recipes

In most cases swelling of the eyes occurs after sleeping in the morning. If the problem appears occasionally, then the reasons for this phenomenon include: overuse fluids in the evening or at night, prolonged crying, overwork eyeballs or a cold. Traditional medicine can quickly cope with swelling:

Effective exercises

If no significant swelling is observed, then it would be useful to do special exercises that allow you to strengthen eye muscles. In addition, eye gymnastics improves blood circulation function, saturates the visual organ with oxygen, eliminates inflammation and soothes skin.

To do this, it is useful to rotate the pupils counterclockwise, sideways and in reverse side. The exercise should be done at least twenty times a day.

The following exercise also has a good effect: Look down, then up, and back to the floor. Next, try to draw a conditional line from the very bottom corner rooms up to the top. After that, try to draw a rhombus, triangle, oval and other geometric shapes with your eyes.

As a useful addition, it is advisable to massage the eyelids with your fingers. In this case, you need to move without haste, painstakingly processing all areas. Remember that this does not require pinching, tapping or patting, since the skin in this area is very sensitive and thin.

It is important to promptly notice that swelling has appeared in the eye area, otherwise treatment of eye swelling will be very difficult. Therapy must be comprehensive. One way or another, this problem can be solved, and it does not pose any danger to life.

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