Swelling on the face under the eye. Swelling under the eyes in the morning: the main causes and ways to eliminate them

Eye swelling gives people sickly look. Most patients perceive it as cosmetic defect which spoils appearance. But it is necessary to remember that the eyes swell for a reason, and this has its own reason in the form of various diseases.

The eyelids are prone to swelling due to their too loose structure, because they consist of subcutaneous fatty tissue, blood vessels and muscles. Often swelling under the eyes is due to fluid retention. But in some situations, the causes of swelling under the eyes are indicated by serious eye abnormalities.

Puffiness under the eyes can occur due to different types reasons. These include the following reasons.

  1. Inflammatory eye diseases.
  2. Allergic manifestation.
  3. Diseases of internal organs.
  4. Eye injury.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. Congenital pathologies in eye development.
  7. Disruption of lymph flow.
  8. Eye strain.
  9. Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
  10. Consuming salt in large quantities.

If there is swelling under the eyes in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, then the causes of this phenomenon are usually divided into two types.

  1. Unit. It occurs as a result of incorrectly selected cosmetics, poor diet, injury or poor lifestyle.
  2. Chronic. Appears due to diseases of the heart muscle, renal system and thyroid gland, clogged blood vessels, manifestations of an allergic reaction and age-related changes.

But the cause of swelling of the left eye can be the ingestion of salty or smoked food and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Macular swelling of the eye

The eye is a swelling of the central part of the retina. It can occur as a result of such reasons as:

  • diabetic rhinopathy;
  • uveitis;
  • vascular thrombosis on the retina;
  • eye injury;
  • consequence after surgery.

Swelling of the macula is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • formation of blurred central vision;
  • perception of the overall picture in pink;
  • increased sensitivity of the eyes to light;
  • promotions ;
  • deterioration in quality visual function in the morning after sleep.

This type of puffy under the eyes can be treated in three ways.

  1. Conservative therapy.
  2. Laser treatment.
  3. Surgical intervention.

Swelling of the cornea

This type of edema is characterized by deterioration of visual function in the evening.

The main reasons may be the following factors.

  • Increased eye pressure.
  • Development of glaucoma.
  • Birth trauma in an infant during birth.
  • Consequences after surgery.
  • Chemical burns.
  • Infection.
  • Impact of the stimulus.
  • Uveitis.

When there is swelling under the eyes due to inflammation of the cornea, the following symptoms are characteristic.

  • Redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva.
  • Pain in the eyes.
  • Severe fatigue visual organ.
  • Photophobia and lacrimation.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Decreased corneal transparency.

To begin treatment, you need to understand why swelling under the eyes appears. Based on this, the doctor may prescribe antiviral or antibacterial agents. Use soft lenses during treatment of the cornea is prohibited. In some situations, swelling is accompanied by increased dryness of the visual organ. Therefore, you additionally need to use a drug that contains.
When there is swelling under the eyes and the condition is considered severe, treatment is carried out using anti-inflammatory hormonal drops.

Eye swelling due to allergies

Swelling above the eyes of an allergic nature is characterized by severe swelling of the upper eyelid and tearing. In medicine it is called " angioedema", which refers to the manifestation of Quincke's edema. If swelling under the eyes is a result of allergies, then the main cause is considered to be contact with an irritant.

Treatment should be prescribed by an allergist after determining the cause. Often, drug therapy involves the use of:

  • Eye ointments. Prescribed when severe itching in the eyes, tearing and burning.
  • Hormonal ointments. Help relieve swelling under the eyes and relieve itching.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Eye drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect.

Treatment of eye swelling using traditional methods

Often, swelling under the eyes appears in the morning after a night's sleep. If swelling under the eyes occurs only occasionally, then the causes of this phenomenon may be great use fluids in the evening, prolonged crying, eye strain or the onset of a cold. Traditional methods know how to remove puffiness under the eyes quickly.

  1. Cold compresses. It is enough to take something cold from the freezer, wrap it in a scarf and apply it to the inflamed eyelid. Keep the compress on for about five minutes. You can use regular ice cubes instead. There is no need to wrap them in gauze or a scarf. You just need to wipe the skin around your eyes until the ice melts.
  2. Helps relieve swelling at home fresh cucumber. It is enough to apply a slice to the inflamed part of the eyelid for a few minutes. It will draw out all the fluid, relieve redness and soothe the delicate skin around the eyes. But this method has a small disadvantage - it can whiten the skin in the place where it will lie. Therefore, if the patient has a tanned face and swelling under the eyes, then it is better to abandon this method and choose something else.
  3. Parsley will help to quickly relieve swelling on the upper eyelid at home. This plant is one of the universal methods for treating many diseases. To use parsley, it must be finely chopped and mixed with sour cream. The resulting paste should be placed on the inflamed eyelids for ten minutes. This method aims to improve blood circulation, which helps to quickly get rid of swelling.
  4. You can also make a decoction from parsley. This method helps well when there is severe swelling under the eyes. You need to add one spoon of crushed plant to a mug of boiled water. Let it brew for fifteen minutes and strain. From the resulting infusion you need to make lotions on the area around the eyes. And the remaining broth can be poured into molds and frozen. Ice cubes should be used to massage the inflamed area every morning.
  5. When there is severe swelling under the eyes, black or green tea bags will come to the rescue. After the patient has used them, it is enough to apply them to the eyelids for a few minutes. For greatest achievement effect, you can put them in the refrigerator and let them cool a little. This method helps relieve swelling, get rid of redness and...
  6. In a great way When there is swelling under the eyes, the use of blue clay is considered. It is sold in pharmacy kiosks. Clay can cure many diseases. To do this, it is enough to take not large number powder and mix with water until a paste forms. Then put it around the eyes and keep it there for at least an hour until the swelling disappears completely.

To know how to remove puffiness under the eyes, it is worth finding out the cause. Only an experienced doctor can help with this, because only he knows why there is swelling under the eyes.

Many have seen swelling under their eyes in themselves or their loved ones. There can be many reasons for the appearance of swelling. Some of them have serious consequences, while others pose no harm.

Puffiness under the eyes requires determining the cause and prescribing appropriate treatment. They can appear in both men and women.

Natural causes of puffiness and bags under the eyes:

  • Your eyes will become puffy if you drink a lot of water before bed. And also if you abuse alcohol.
  • Excessive consumption of salted, smoked, canned foods. Salts and preservatives interfere with the removal of salts from the body, and they, in turn, retain fluid.
  • Hormonal changes. Sometimes women's eyelids swell before menstruation. Hormone of the second half menstrual cycle Progesterone retains water in the body, which leads to facial puffiness.
  • . Sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow or with your head down can contribute to swelling of the lower eyelids.
  • After cosmetic procedures(for example, after mesotherapy) swelling under the eyes often remains, the cause of which is traumatic injury delicate skin of the eyelids.
  • Strong crying. In this case, fluid accumulates in the loose tissue of the eyelids.
  • Contact with toxic vapors, fumes (e.g. tobacco smoke). This occurs by a similar mechanism as when crying. The eyes begin to water, as a result, excess fluid is retained in the eyelids.
  • Age-related changes. Loss of tissue elasticity in older people, fat deposits, and impaired venous outflow lead to swelling of the eyelids.

Pathological reasons:

  • Allergic reactions (including angioedema). Develop when an allergen enters the human body (honey, chicken protein, citrus fruits, plant pollen, decorative cosmetics, some medications, etc.). In response, antibodies are activated, which, combining with the allergen, form an “allergen-antibody” complex. It causes the development of a number of symptoms. A person will complain that his lower and lower parts itch. upper eyelids, swelling, watery eyes.
  • Heart diseases (cardiomyopathy, heart failure). Distinctive characteristic cardiac edema: appear in the evening, dense, bluish. In case of heart disease, swelling also appears in other parts of the body (legs, arms, abdomen), up to complete swelling of the entire body - anasarca.
  • Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure) are characterized by swelling under the eyes. A distinctive characteristic of renal edema: it is soft, pale, and appears after waking up.
  • Foreign body. Any foreign body causes lacrimation, pain, redness of the sclera, swelling of the eyes.
  • Injury. After blows, injuries, or operations on the organ of vision, swelling of the eyelids may persist. A person may additionally complain that his lower or upper eyelid hurts.
  • Inflammatory diseases eye (hordeolum, conjunctivitis, keratitis, chorioretinitis). Swelling of the upper eyelids is more typical. Sometimes it can spread to the lower eyelids.
  • Oncological diseases ( malignant tumor– cancer or tumor of a benign nature). In this case, swelling - secondary symptom. At the beginning of the disease, a person does not notice any changes in his health status. For more late stages appear external manifestations(redness, ulcers, necrosis, bleeding), pain, dysfunction.

Watch an interesting video about the causes of swelling of the lower eyelids:


One-time swelling under the eyes does not require diagnosis if you know the cause (drank a large amount of liquid at night, cried a lot, slept uncomfortably).

If you have severe swelling under your eyes regularly or the swelling is accompanied by itching and redness under the eyes, then you should undergo a set of diagnostic measures:

  • UAC ( general analysis blood). Blood is donated from a vein.
  • OAM (general urinalysis). An average portion of morning urine is given in a sterile container.
  • Used blood ( biochemical analysis blood). Venous blood is donated from the ulnar vein in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • ECG (electrocardiography). Special device electrocardiograph using suction cups placed on the area chest, reads the electrical impulses of the heart and records it on paper.
  • Abdominal ultrasound. Using the device ultrasound examination looking around on the monitor internal organs human: kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Which doctor should I contact? If there is a slight swelling under the eye, the lower eyelid is red, itchy, or painful, then consult an ophthalmologist. If swelling is accompanied by symptoms of kidney or heart disease, then first consult a therapist. After initial examination, questioning, getting test results, the therapist will refer you to a specialist.

What to do if your lower eyelids are swollen

How to treat a swollen eyelid and? If the swelling under the eyes is not due to illness, but due to natural causes, then anything with caffeine will do, horse chestnut, hyaluronic acid(“Bora”, “Garnier”).

Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of the disease:

  1. Allergic reactions. Combined therapy is required: intestinal adsorbents + antihistamines. Intestinal adsorbents bind and remove allergen-antibody complexes and have a nonspecific detoxifying effect: Polyphepan, activated carbon, Polysorb. Antihistamines block the inflammatory mediator histamine: “Suprastin”, “Cetrin”. For Quincke's edema, it is additionally administered intravenously steroid hormones: “Hydrocortisone”, “Dexamethasone”. Drops are applied locally: “Dexamethasone”, “Allergodil”.
  2. Heart diseases are treated by a cardiologist, kidney diseases by a nephrologist. Consultation with specialists is required for correct setting diagnosis. This is the only way to get correct treatment. Visin drops can be used as an auxiliary therapy against eye swelling. They constrict blood vessels, providing an anti-edematous effect.
  3. The first step is to remove the foreign body. How quick fix to get rid of swelling of the eyelids - drops “Natural Tear” or “Vizin”.
  4. Trauma, blow, damage are reminded of themselves by the presence of a black eye. Troxevasin ointment will help with swelling and...
  5. Inflammatory eye diseases in an uncomplicated form are treated by prescribing drops with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects: “Tobrex”, “Albucid”.
  6. Oncological diseases. Benign neoplasms is observed and treated by an ophthalmologist; malignant cases are monitored and treated by an oncologist. Treatment should be aimed at the underlying disease. Visin drops are suitable for auxiliary therapy; they will reduce swelling.

Folk remedies

Treating puffiness under the eyes at home does not require special knowledge. The necessary ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy and at the market.

  • Anti-swelling mask.

If you wake up in the morning and see swollen eyelids, then parsley and potatoes will come to the rescue. They contain many vitamins and minerals that will help quickly and effectively get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

Recipe for making a parsley mask: Grind 1 teaspoon of parsley to a pasty consistency, mix with 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to closed eyelids, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse cool water.

Recipe for making a potato mask: chop the potatoes on a grater, place the pulp in gauze wipes, then apply to eyelids for 10–15 minutes.

  • Compress for swelling.

The following herbs are suitable for infusion: sage, chamomile, linden, dill, arnica, string.

Recipe: pour 1 teaspoon of the selected herb into 100 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Divide the resulting infusion in half: cool half, heat half. Now you need to alternately apply cotton pads soaked in either cold or hot infusion to your eyelids. If there is swelling under one eye, then it is enough to apply a compress to one eye.

  • Herbal tea.

Useful for swelling of the eyelids herbal teas from chamomile, string, sage. Good effect has leafy green tea. Herbal teas help remove excess liquid from the body.

Additionally, watch this interesting video recipe for a parsley mask:


Eyelid massage helps eliminate swelling after sleep. How to do it correctly?

First you need to understand the anatomical basis of massage. Lymph – clear liquid, moving along lymphatic vessels. She is responsible for the removal harmful products cell vital activity. Lymph leaves the eye area and accumulates in two groups of lymph nodes: the parotid and submandibular. Therefore, movements during massage are directed towards these nodes, i.e. towards the temple and bridge of the nose.

The massage should be done with light tapping movements with the fingertips daily for 2–5 minutes.

We invite you to watch a video about, which will help cope with swelling:


Use eye exercises and do them with us every day. In the video you will find a set of exercises and many interesting tips:

If swelling does not go away, despite the measures taken, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to find the cause.


Swelling of the lower eyelids can be avoided by following the recommendations:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition: limit salty, smoked, canned foods. Rest: night sleep at least 7 hours on a comfortable pillow. Don't drink a lot of fluids before bed. Take a walk in the fresh air every day.
  • Timely treatment of diseases of internal organs (heart, kidneys). In advanced stages it will be difficult to cope with the problem of edema.
  • Wearing sunglasses in sunny weather.
  • Eliminating or limiting alcohol consumption. This will help adults avoid puffy eyes.
  • Gymnastics to prevent edema. It can be done several times a day. Close your eyes. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Close your eyes as hard as you can and hold in this state for 6 seconds. Then relax, rest. Repeat at least 10 times in a row.

Timely measures taken will help you forget about swelling of the eyelids forever.

Share the article with your friends and family. Leave comments about your experience. Stay healthy.

The accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body causes swelling under the eyes. There are not many people who have never encountered this unpleasant and unaesthetic problem in their lives. Very often this phenomenon occurs in the morning after sleepless night, or after stress and nervous shocks which were accompanied by strong crying.

To find out what reasons led to the appearance of puffiness of the eyes - harmless, physiological or pathological process(when swelling is a sign of some disease), a thorough analysis of this condition must be carried out.

Causes of puffy eyes

The term “eye swelling” refers to a process in which excess interstitial fluid accumulates in the eyelid. A larger volume of fluid is localized in the cells of the body, the rest in the intercellular space. When the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, which mainly occurs as a result of certain pathologies, edema occurs. The fact that they are very noticeable on the eyelids is explained by physiological characteristics this section, which are as follows:

  • the skin on the eyelids is very thin;
  • there are no sebaceous glands on it;
  • there are many vessels here;
  • muscle activity is quite weak.

You should know that puffiness under the eyes and bags are different concepts. The latter are formed as a result of the skin becoming less elastic and elastic (usually these are age-related changes) and is not able to retain the fatty tissue located in this area.

Edema is excess interstitial fluid retained as a result of disruptions in metabolic processes.

There can be many provoking factors:

  1. Inflammation. The main manifestations of this process are redness skin, local feeling of heat, discomfort or pain when touching the area of ​​inflammation. Reasons inflammatory process Usually there are some diseases: barley, furunculosis, chalazion. This can also lead to the usual colds or runny nose. In most cases, the lesion affects the upper eyelid.
  2. Allergy. Swelling may be allergic reaction to some external factor. Usually one eyelid swells, the swelling develops rapidly and goes away just as quickly. Any substance can act as an allergen - medicinal product, cosmetic product, food, flowers and plants. In addition, local reactions may occur if the allergen gets on the mucous membrane. As a result, it turns red, itching, burning, and a feeling of “sand” appear in the eyes.
  3. Internal diseases. Swelling of the eyelids is one of the manifestations of diseases such as pathologies of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, heart and vascular disease, kidney disease, and problems with venous outflow. Such swelling develops and proceeds specifically. Processes, localized in most cases in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, more pronounced in the morning, indicate kidney disease. Edema that appears in the evenings signals diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In the presence of internal diseases, swelling is usually located symmetrically, that is, it occurs immediately under both eyes. To establish the exact cause, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures.
  4. Hormonal imbalance and pregnancy. The increased production of estrogen, which occurs before the onset of menstruation, causes fluid retention in the tissues, which causes swelling under the eyes. In addition, swelling can occur due to changes in hormone levels, which occurs during puberty, menopause, and drug therapy with hormone-containing drugs. Some women notice swelling that appears during pregnancy, especially in recent months. If swelling occurs throughout pregnancy due to excessive weight gain, you should consult a specialist. In this situation, the formation of edema may be a signal of some disease. Most often these are kidney diseases or dropsy.
  5. Mechanical damage. This item includes various traumatic injuries (burns, bruises, insect bites), accompanied by tissue swelling and the appearance of bruises. Swelling can appear not only when the eyelids are injured, but also in the head sections located above. This is due to the fact that with such damage, the blood vessels are damaged, as a result of which the blood, under the influence of pressure, falls into the lower parts - into the eyelid area. Characteristic feature Such edema is considered to be that they go away quite quickly on their own, even if they are not treated.
  6. Disturbed outflow venous blood and lymph. Some surgical procedures on the head, especially the face, can lead to this phenomenon. For example, cosmetic manipulations to rejuvenate the skin near the eyes can cause stagnation of blood and lymph, and this will lead to the accumulation of fluid and the appearance of swelling of the eyelids.
  7. Heredity. If the skin around the eyes began to swell during childhood or teenage years, while there are no health problems, and there are no provoking factors, then this is most likely a genetic factor. Especially if one of your close relatives also has the same problem.
  8. General fatigue and increased eye strain. Both of these factors often cause swelling of the eyelids. This problem is familiar to many people who, due to the nature of their profession, are forced to spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor, driving a car (especially at night and in unfavorable weather conditions), as well as those who read a lot in artificial light and watch TV shows. . All this leads to the fact that eye muscles They are tense all the time, which is why the eyelid area is less well supplied with blood. Such a violation causes fluid to penetrate into the interstitial space, resulting in the formation of edema. It does not allow blood circulation to normalize, it turns out to be a vicious circle. Chronic fatigue leads to disruption of the daily routine: you can’t sleep at night and can’t get out of bed in the morning. Lack of rest affects your appearance, including the appearance of puffiness under the eyes.
  9. Age-related changes. The skin of the eyelids is very thin and sensitive. And over the years it becomes even thinner and weakened. Because of its fragility bone tissue unable to provide tissue support in the same way as in youth. Because of this, they begin to go beyond normal boundaries. Moreover, than older man, the worse the functioning of his internal organs, including the kidneys, all processes become slower. The removal of fluid accumulated in the tissues does not occur as quickly as before. All this becomes the reason that in older people, swelling of the eyelids is a constant phenomenon.
  10. Excess salt. Everyone knows that salt can retain fluid in the body. Especially when it penetrates him in the evening hours, before the person goes to bed. If you regularly consume excessively salty foods or canned food, you will experience a constant accumulation of fluid in the fatty tissue of the lower and upper eyelids. In addition, after eating such products, you always want to drink, because of this, even more water enters the body, which is retained in the body, again due to salt. So, everything goes in a circle: over-salted dishes - water - fluid retention - swelling.

What else can cause swelling of the eyelids?

Besides physiological factors and diseases, the occurrence of edema can occur due to individual characteristics. First of all, this is due to lifestyle, consumption of certain foods, addiction to cigarettes and alcohol.

So, the following can lead to the appearance of edema:

  1. Sleepless night. Those who like to have fun until the morning run the risk of seeing swelling under their eyes when they wake up. This is due to a number of reasons: abuse of alcohol or energy drinks, artificial light, short sleep, as a result of which a person does not feel rested.
  2. Tears, especially at night.
  3. Use of cosmetics. You should not forget that decorative cosmetics that are applied in the morning should be washed off at night; it is advisable to do this at least a couple of hours before going to bed, otherwise the skin will not rest.

Methods for treating puffiness under the eyes

You can get rid of swelling of the eyelids and the entire face on your own if you regularly carry out the following procedures alternately:

  1. Contrast wash. If you notice swelling on your face in the morning, you should immediately wash it first with warm, then cool water. Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation will improve, the skin will be filled with energy, swelling and stagnation in the tissues will disappear.
  2. Gently massaging the face and area under the eyes: massage the eyelid area with delicate tapping movements, as well as patting movements on the rest of the face.
  3. Ice cube massage. Compresses made according to traditional medicine recipes help well against puffiness of the eyes. However, when you don’t have time to prepare the product, you can use ice cubes to massage your eyelids.

On at the moment There are many remedies that help locally eliminate puffiness of the eyelids and circles under the eyes. But they can be used only after it is precisely confirmed that the cause of the phenomenon was not any pathology. Otherwise, the desired result from the use of cosmetic procedures and folk recipes it won’t, because the provoking factor will not go away, and swelling will form again under the eyes.

Traditional medicine recipes help well with puffy eyes, especially when they are not a symptom of some disease. Below are the most effective ones.

  1. Tea compresses. Both black and green varieties are suitable. The tea contains caffeine and tannin - these components help to constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling, since they have astringent action, eliminating skin swelling. When talking about remedies for puffy eyes, one cannot fail to mention chamomile tea. The product effectively fights inflammation, has a calming effect, relieves irritation, redness and swelling. You can remove puffiness by applying cotton pads to your eyelids, after soaking them in freshly brewed tea.
  2. Eye mask. To prepare this cosmetic product, you need to chop parsley (1 tsp) and add fresh sour cream (2 tsp), mix well. Apply the composition to problem area for 30 minutes. Then remove the remains a large number water. The next stage is applying your usual care product. There is another recipe for an anti-edema mask, which is prepared from lemon balm. You need to take about two large spoons of the crushed plant and squeeze out the juice. Soak two pieces of bread crumb with the resulting liquid and place on your eyelids, leaving for a third of an hour. Remove any remaining product with cold water.
  3. Parsley compress. The plant must be finely chopped and the juice squeezed out. Take two gauze napkins, moisten them in parsley juice, place them on the swollen area, and leave for 15 minutes.

As a preventive measure against the appearance of edema, it is necessary to provide proper nutrition with a minimum amount of salt and a large volume of water.

The formation of puffiness in the morning is greatly influenced by the position in which a person sleeps. The best option You will sleep on your back, your head should be slightly higher than your body. This will prevent liquid from accumulating under the eyes.

Video: how to remove bags under the eyes

If your lower or upper eyelids swell, this leads to the formation of so-called “bags” under the eyelids. Many people consider this to be an exclusively cosmetic problem, because purely outwardly, the bags underneath add fatigue and soreness to your appearance, but since they do not hurt or itch, almost no one pays due attention to them. And this is completely in vain, because swelling around the eyes has its own reasons and signals us about disruptions in our body that are caused by fluid retention. But why does the fluid accumulate here? To understand this, let's look at the anatomy.

How is the periocular area structured?

The eyeballs are located in peculiar cushions of fat. They act as shock absorbers and keep them in the eye sockets. This layer of fat is held inside the eye socket on a membrane of connective tissue that is located behind the eyelids.

Previously, it was believed that puffiness of the eyes and bags around them arise as a result of the fact that this membrane loses its elasticity. Sometimes it stretches so much that it hangs under the skin and simply cannot hold fat layer inside the eye socket. Earlier plastic surgery removal of the bags involved excision and stitching of the membrane.

But just recently, scientists have proven that swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyelids arise due to increased swelling of the fat layer, which overstretches the connective tissue membrane, causing it to bulge outward.

For most people, swelling is very pronounced after sleep, lasts for some time, and then subsides. This is explained by an improvement in the outflow of fluid, which begins in the late afternoon.
If the bags are caused by the growth of fatty layers, then they do not decrease during the day, since they are not caused by stagnation of fluid.

What do swollen eyes mean?

Edema can signal:

About genetic inheritance pathological growth fatty layers in the eye sockets. In this case, swelling and bags most often occur in childhood or in adolescence. They also do not go away over time.

About a person’s excessive addiction to drugs, nicotine or alcohol. Such bad habits cause swelling of all tissues and puffiness of the face. They also lead to swelling of the fatty tissue located in the periorbital area. If a person’s abuse becomes chronic, then edema becomes permanent and is considered a clear cosmetic defect.

About consuming a lot of salt. Sodium chlorine can significantly retain water in the body, this also applies to the fatty layers of the eye sockets. This leads to persistent swelling. If a person is a fan of excessively salty foods, then such swelling becomes permanent and cannot be removed by any means. cosmetic procedures- no compresses, no masks, no massage.

About a significant amount ultraviolet rays. People who spend hours sunbathing in solariums and under the scorching sun throughout the year should remember that they may experience swelling of the fatty tissue in the periorbital area. This is how it tries to protect itself in harsh and hot climates and retains moisture in the tissues, which leads to the formation of chronic edema.

About changes in hormonal levels. In girls and women, swelling may appear during certain phases of the menstrual cycle or as a result of changes in hormonal background. So this can be triggered by pregnancy, puberty, menstrual irregularities, premenopausal age, as well as taking hormones as a cure for some diseases.

About overwork of the body. Fatigue of the whole body, as well as the eyes, is the most common cause of swelling in the eye area, which is persistent or temporary. So swelling can develop as a result long work with a computer, watching TV and hard, exhausting work.

ABOUT age-related changes. Over the years, tissues lose their elasticity and firmness. So the periorbital tissue protrudes under the skin of the eyelids, which looks like swelling.

ABOUT various ailments in humans, in which the periorbital tissue accumulates fluid. This process can be either reversible or irreversible, depending on the disease and its stage.

Diseases that lead to swelling of the eyes:

Kidney diseases are. If the organ fails to remove fluid from the body, it remains in the tissues. The patient may complain of swelling of the limbs and lower body.

Various allergic diseases(rhinitis, conjunctivitis, etc.) lead to swelling of the tissues of the body and face.

Acute respiratory infections also provoke fluid retention in the facial tissues and upper respiratory tract.

Sinusitis and frontal sinusitis lead to swelling of the facial tissues and fatty tissue located inside the eye sockets.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which are accompanied by disturbances in blood circulation and interfering with its outflow from peripheral tissues.
There are many ways to combat swelling. In particular, it is necessary to conduct healthy image life, sleep longer, treat all diseases on time. In order to look after

Swelling under the eye is accompanied by pain, itching, and bruising. Swelling spoils the appearance and can signal the presence of serious diseases of the internal organs.

Puffiness under the eyes appears not only due to lack of sleep

Why does puffiness appear under the eyes?

Puffiness under the eyes occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the area around the eyes; they usually form from below and form so-called bags. Fluid accumulation around the entire eye is rare and common in women as they age.

Swelling occurs both under one eye and under both eyes, and swelling in one eye may appear larger than in the other.

A large amount of water in the body provokes swelling in the different parts body, including under the eyes

Significant swelling occurs due to alcohol abuse, as a consequence of serious illnesses

Diseases that cause swelling under the eyes:

  • hypothyroidism – provokes the accumulation of fluid not only under the eyes, but also on the entire face;
  • blockage or narrowing tear ducts– causes swelling in the child;
  • pyelonephritis - the inability of the urinary system to remove all excess fluid provokes the formation severe swelling throughout the body, especially in the eye area;
  • hormonal imbalance - surges in the female sex hormone estrogen provoke a retention of 2-3 liters of fluid, some of which is concentrated in the eyelid area;
  • cardiovascular diseases - malfunctions circulatory system always accompanied by severe swelling on the face;
  • Allergy – swelling occurs as a reaction of the body to contact with an allergen.

Swelling of the eyelids is also an integral symptom respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by abundant production of nasal mucus and nasal congestion.

Sometimes swelling forms only on one side of the face under the right or left eye: typical for barley, blepharitis, conjunctivitis.

Bags under the eyes do not always signal serious illness– swelling on the face periodically occurs even in completely healthy people.

The formation of bags on the face is promoted by:

  • lack of sleep;
  • poor eye hygiene;
  • excess salt in the diet;
  • meals before bedtime;
  • eye injuries;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • visual strain;
  • drinking plenty of fluids before bed.

The formation of bags under the eyes is most often caused by lack of sleep, excess salt and water in the diet.

Swelling in the eye area is most noticeable in women and men over 45 years of age: the skin of the eyelids becomes thinner and loses elasticity, and even slight fluid retention on the face provokes the formation of bags.

IN in rare cases bags under the eyes are individual feature facial structure, and not a sign of disease.

Which doctor should I contact?

If swelling near the eyes appears regularly,... To establish a diagnosis, the doctor may write a referral to a nephrologist.


Basic diagnostic measures:

  • Ultrasound of the heart, thyroid gland and abdominal organs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • clinical blood test;
  • urine test;
  • study of hormonal levels;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • blood pressure control;
  • X-ray examination.

To diagnose the body, a urine test is taken

If diseases that provoke the formation of bags are not identified, the phenomenon has external reasons. Such patients are given recommendations on nutrition and daily routine.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes?

What to do if your eyelids are swollen? Treatment for edema includes drug therapy, folk remedies, as well as massage and masks.

Treatment with drugs

Drug therapy comes down to treating the cause of their disease and taking appropriate medications.

Furosemide is a diuretic for removing fluid from the body

If the swelling is provoked external factors, the following groups of drugs are used to eliminate it:

Suprastin helps eliminate allergic edema

Do not take diuretics without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled reception diuretics harm the kidneys, cardiovascular system and leads to water-salt imbalance in the body.

How to get rid of it using folk remedies

Folk recipes that will help get rid of puffiness under the eyes without harm to health.

  1. Kidney tea. The drink stimulates kidney function. Fill 2 filter bags with 300 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes and take 100 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of therapy is 20 days.
  2. Celery. To get rid of swelling, take fresh juice celery 3 times a day, 1 tsp. The course of therapy is 1 month.
  3. Parsley. Spicy seeds remove excess fluid from the body. Pour in 0.5 tsp. 1 cup dry parsley seeds boiled water room temperature and leave for 8 hours. Take 3 tbsp infusion. l. 6 times a day at regular intervals. The course of therapy is 2 weeks.
  4. Rose hip. Pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped rose hips with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Take the infusion 2 times a day, half a glass. Drink rosehip decoction instead of tea or coffee if the problem bothers you systematically.
  5. Cranberry. Crush 300 g fresh berries Using a wooden masher, squeeze the juice out of the berries, pour 1 liter of water into it, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes, strain. Drink fruit juice 2-3 times a day.

Massage for swelling

Daily lymphatic drainage massage will remove swelling and prevent its occurrence in the future. After putting the area around the eyes in order, conduct sessions once a week for prevention.

Lymphatic drainage massage removes puffiness under the eyes

Massage stages:

  1. Cleanse your face.
  2. At the outer corners of the eyes on the temples, make 10 circular movements with your middle finger in a clockwise direction.
  3. In direction from outer corner eyes to the inner lower eyelid make light pressing movements with medium or index finger. Repeat 3 times. By upper eyelid do the same, but in the opposite direction.
  4. Slide your finger along the upper eyelid from the inner edge to the outer, and along the lower eyelid from the outer to the inner. Make 3 such circles. Do not press too hard to avoid damaging the skin.
  5. Using the pads of 4 fingers, press lightly first on the lower eyelid, then on the upper.
  6. Using a tapping motion with your finger, make several circles in the direction indicated in step 4.
  7. Wash your face with cool water and use eye cream.

You should not massage your eyelids if there is spider veins, wounds and foci of skin diseases.

Anti-edema masks

If you are prone to swelling in the eyelid area, use masks at least 3 times a week.

Mashed strawberries are ideal for these purposes. egg white or chopped parsley.

Application rules:

  1. Prepare the mixture for application to the face.
  2. Cleanse your skin with cleansing gel.
  3. Using your hands or a makeup brush, apply the composition to the area around the eyes; if desired, the mask can be applied to the entire face.
  4. Leave the mask on for 25-30 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with cool water.

Express methods for eliminating swelling

If your eyelid is suddenly swollen or you need to quickly relieve swelling after sleep, use quick recipes:

  1. Green tea. The drink contains a large amount of caffeine, which minimizes swelling and removes bruises. If the bag under your eye suddenly swells, make a compress with tea. Dip 2 cotton pads in strong, warm water. green tea and apply them to your eyelids, take a horizontal position. Keep the compress for 20 minutes.
  2. Milk. Place cotton pads soaked in cold fresh milk on your eyelids and leave for 20 minutes. The product is effective for red swellings.
  3. Cucumbers. Place freshly cut cucumber slices on your eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Cucumbers quickly relieve swelling and remove dark circles.
  4. Patches. Apply patches under your eyes - special pads soaked in a caring composition. The exposure time is indicated in the instructions. Choose patches that have a draining effect.
  5. Ice. Keep prepared ice cubes in the refrigerator. If necessary, wipe the area below the eyelids with a piece of ice; there is no need to rub your eyes with ice. Ice quickly relieves dark swelling. Ice cubes will help when the swelling hurts and itches.
  6. Cold. Cold will help quickly relieve swelling and prevent the appearance of a black eye after an impact. Dip several metal spoons into ice water and apply one of them to the bruised area. Change spoons as they become warm. The effect occurs within 10 minutes. Cold is used if in the morning after sleeping in the wrong position a bag appears under one eye.

Possible consequences and complications

If measures are not taken in time, the swelling will progress and the eyelid may swell even more. The process will involve neighboring organs and tissue, causing serious inflammation.

Eye swelling often results in blurred vision

Possible complications:

  • increase ;
  • expansion of the area of ​​swelling on the cheeks and cheekbones;
  • Vickers edema;
  • blurred vision;
  • loss of the ability to see.

After swelling is eliminated, take preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of swelling under the eyes in the future. Try not to eat a lot of salt, do not drink alcohol and do not drink more than 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. Don’t forget about massage: simple movements will not only prevent swelling, but will also help prolong the youthfulness of your facial skin.