How to choose the right sunglasses? Tips and examples. What to look for when choosing sunglasses

Sunglasses are not only stylish accessory, complementary external image, but also a means of protecting the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet renders negative impact on the skin and mucous membranes. And if for protection skin you can use cream, that's all possible solution to ensure eye safety - glasses.

Choose the right one sunglasses They will help you in specialized optical shops. Only in this case can you be sure of the quality of the purchased product, confirmed by a certificate. The certificate contains information about the manufacturer, material and level of protection against ultraviolet radiation. The best option is protection from all radiation spectra (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C) in the range of up to 400 nanometers.

Is this accessory necessary?

In the absence of sun protection, the eye muscles reflexively contract. A person automatically begins to squint to reduce the penetration of ultraviolet radiation deep into the retina. If you use low-quality glasses with tinted lenses, but not protective ones, the pupil of the eye remains dilated, and ultraviolet light penetrates it unhindered. In this case, you can get damage to the cornea or other serious complications.

For example, symptoms such eye disease, like photokeratitis, are quite unpleasant: increased tearing, irritation and redness, a feeling of sand in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and sometimes short-term loss of vision. Therefore, in order to choose sunglasses, you must remember that cheap products cannot be of high quality.

Which is better: plastic or glass?

Preference is given to plastic for its lightness and practicality. These glasses are more difficult to break, and they have more variety in design than frames with glass lenses. Glass, in turn, can be traumatic and unsuitable for a child, and is also not entirely suitable for people driving active image life.

To date plastic glasses have additional coverage. For example, polarization. It helps improve contrast and eliminate extraneous glare. Therefore, such glasses are especially relevant for drivers. However, the plastic may become scratched over time.

How to check sunglasses?

To check whether the lenses have a polarizing coating, you need to look at a special screen or sticker available on stands in optical stores. First with glasses, and then without them. If the picture is visible only with glasses, then their lenses have the desired coating.

You can also check polarized glasses by looking through their lenses at a computer LCD monitor or cell phone display. Coated glasses cause the screen image to darken when you turn your head.

To check Polaroid glasses, you need to find on inside temples are marked with Polaroid branding and a four-digit model code with one capital letter, indicating color. The lenses must have a sticker with the manufacturer's logo. A passport is provided with the glasses this model in Russian. Moreover, the model code indicated in the description must correspond to the indelible code on the bow. You can check the polarization of Polaroid glasses using the methods described above.

How to choose the right sunglasses?

Frame selection

The frame of the glasses should not put pressure on the bridge of the nose and temporal region. Glasses should be comfortable. If you have a wide nose bridge, it is better to opt for frames with nose pads. Nylon is considered to be the most practical material for frames: thanks to its flexibility, it prevents many damages caused by careless handling.

Frame with wide temple limits peripheral vision, therefore its use is undesirable when driving a vehicle.

It is better to choose frames according to your face shape. The easiest way to choose glasses is for a classic oval face shape: almost all models are suitable for such people.

Those with a long face will be better suited to large, chunky frames of any shape, while small, rimless glasses will not look right.

A round face is best suited to wide frames, square or rectangular in shape.

Large round glasses or aviators will look ideal on a square-shaped face, and you should choose frames with a low bridge that will visually round the face.

The following principle will help you choose the right comfortable sunglasses: the upper border of the frame should be located strictly on the line of the eyebrows, and not be higher or lower. The size of the frame should not exceed 1/3 of the size of the face, then the glasses will look more harmonious. The frame should not be too narrow or small. Its function is to protect the eyes and the skin around them. If sunlight penetrates from these sides, it is better to refuse to buy such glasses.

Size selection

The glasses must fit correctly. In order to check if they are large, you need to lower your head down, turn left and right. Suitable glasses will remain in place in this case.

Lens color

When choosing the color of lenses, keep in mind that the safest for the eyes are gray and green. In addition, these colors do not distort shades environment, which makes them stand out when it is necessary to use them indoors and outdoors. Golden yellow lenses block blue, and therefore you can wear them only in cloudy weather. Mirror lenses reflect sunlight, which is why they are so popular among climbers and alpine skiers.

Other nuances of choosing sunglasses

Considering fashion trends, dragonfly-shaped glasses are most often recommended for women, and aviator glasses for men. Lens color lovers stylish looks prefer to change regularly: from black and gray to dark red and brown. Particularly popular is the graduated color of lenses, thanks to which the glasses have a dark tint on top, gradually turning transparent at the bottom.

Hair color is also an important criterion when choosing a frame model. So, for example, dark, blue or light green frames are more suitable for blondes, but not black. Holders dark hair You can choose sunglasses in both light and dark frames.

Also, do not forget about clothing style. The chosen model of glasses should not be dissonant with him. For example, if you adhere to an avant-garde style of clothing, then the classic shape of the frame is unlikely to fit into this image sunglasses.

For those who have vision problems, you can choose photochromic lenses with diopters that remain transparent indoors, and when exposed to bright light sunlight are getting dark. In addition to the function of vision correction, such glasses are equipped with ultraviolet protection. Before purchasing such glasses, you should consult with an ophthalmologist. The doctor will write a prescription for the selection of lenses with required quantity diopter.

In addition, you need to take care of proper care for glasses. For this purpose, you can additionally purchase a special case (it is better if it is a hard case). Lenses should be wiped with a special cloth made of thin suede or a cloth with a fleecy surface. It should be remembered that glasses should not be placed on the table with the lenses facing down - this will damage the coating of the lenses.

We are used to using sunglasses as an accessory. In fact, in addition to the aesthetic function, they perform another, much more important function - they protect the eyes from the sun. But why do eyes need protection, and do any tinted glasses provide enough protection? Let's find out how to choose the right sunglasses so that they not only preserve your vision, but also complement your stylish look.

The sun is a source of three types of radiation:

  • infrared,
  • visible
  • ultraviolet.

Visible rays of light are everything we see around us. Our eyes perceive them as color. This type of rays is not dangerous for vision.

Ultraviolet radiation is divided according to the wavelength of light into three types:

  • Long wave (type A);
  • Medium wave (type B);
  • Shortwave (type C).

The greatest danger is caused by type C waves. But they are almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer. But waves of types A and B penetrate well through it. It is from them that you need to protect your eyes and skin. With high intensity ultraviolet radiation, you can even get an eye burn.

Important! The intensity varies in different regions of the planet. In northern and southern latitudes it is average, at the poles it is minimal, in tropical countries– high, and at the equator it reaches a maximum. The more intense the sun's ultraviolet radiation, the more protection our eyes need.

Infrared radiation is scattered in water droplets suspended in the air. But with intense ultraviolet radiation, it significantly affects the visual apparatus. Therefore, when choosing sunglasses, remember that you need to protect your eyes not only from ultraviolet, but also from infrared rays.

Criteria for choosing sunglasses

You cannot buy the first accessory you like in transition. Will it protect your eyes? Then the question arises: how to choose the right sunglasses?

There are many factors to take into account:

  1. Degree of protection;
  2. The material from which the spectacle lenses are made;
  3. Type and color of lenses;
  4. Frame material;
  5. Quality of construction;
  6. Shape and size of lenses.

Having decided on each of the parameters, you can go to an optical store. Do not buy sunglasses in non-specialized stores, markets, and especially in passages. They are made of low-quality materials that are of dubious benefit, and possibly even harmful, to the eyes. True sun protection doesn't come cheap. It is better to pass by accessories cheaper than 1000 rubles.

Degree of protection

When choosing safety glasses, think about where you will wear them and for what purpose. The degree of protection of the future accessory depends on this:

  • "0". This group includes glasses whose lenses transmit from 80% to 100% sun rays. They practically do not perform a protective function, therefore they are suitable only for northern latitudes or cloudy days in the southern regions.
  • "1". These glasses transmit from 43% to 80% of solar radiation. This is already an optimal option for city life in temperate latitudes. Suitable for middle zone Russia.
  • "2". Spectacle lenses transmit from 18% to 43% ultraviolet radiation. This class of accessories is also intended for cities in the temperate and southern regions of Russia.
  • "3". Lenses with this level of protection allow only 8-18% of solar radiation to reach the eyes. You need such an accessory if you are going to relax at sea or in tropical countries.
  • "4". These glasses have maximum protection, as they transmit from 3% to 8% of the rays from the sun. They are needed only in the highlands and in countries lying on the equator.

Not all manufacturers use numbers to indicate the degree of protection of sunglasses. Sometimes, to choose sunglasses, you have to decipher the special markings on them:

  • Cosmetic;
  • General;
  • High UV protection.

Glasses labeled Cosmetic are intended more for aesthetic purposes than protective function. They transmit from 51% to 100% of light. This accessory is suitable only for moderate intensity of solar radiation, and in the south it is better to replace it.

General marking is designed to limit the access of ultraviolet radiation to the eyes to 20-50%, which is ideal for wearing in all regions of Russia. But it is better to wear such glasses in the city, where due to tall buildings The brightest rays of the sun do not penetrate.

Glasses marked High UV-protection are classified as special. They protect the retina from sunburn, which is especially important when relaxing in snowy mountains, where rays are repeatedly reflected from snow crystals.

Lens material

Once you have decided on your degree necessary protection, think about which glasses to choose: glass or plastic. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

From the comparative table it is clear that plastic has a large number pros. Therefore, he should be given preference. This is especially true for drivers who are always at risk of getting into an accident. In case of an accident, the plastic will not break and will not damage your eyes. For the same reason, acrylic or polycarbonate lenses are more suitable for sports. However, for some, it is important to wear glass: it is durable and stylish.

Lens type

The protective functions of a lens depend on its type. They are:

  • Painted;
  • Polarizing;
  • Photochromic.

The vast majority of sunglasses you and the people you know have tinted lenses. Moreover, it is believed that the more intense the color, the darker they are, the better the eyes are protected. But this is nothing more than a delusion. Indeed, with dark glasses you can hardly see anything. But this only means that the lenses do not transmit the visible spectrum of radiation. This does not mean that they block ultraviolet radiation. Even if they reduce its penetration, damage to the retina is still caused. This is associated with the dilation of the pupil, which enlarges reflexively at a low dose of visible light rays. It’s as if a gate is opening for ultraviolet light.

Lenses polarized glasses are designed in such a way that they do not allow anything that is in excess of the norm to reach the eye, no matter how much this norm has been exceeded. This accessory suppresses reflected light and glare caused by water, ice, snow and wet asphalt, as well as bright flashes. Everything is clearly visible in it. Compare the two pictures below. The first photo illustrates what a person sees in regular glasses, and the second is what is visible in polarization ones. The difference is obvious.

Preference for polarized lenses should be given to car enthusiasts and elderly people. This is an indispensable accessory for people with photophobia and for those who have undergone retinal surgery. It will not be amiss for fishermen and simply those who love relaxing by the water and on the water, which always reflects the bright sun.

How to choose sunglasses with polarized lenses so as not to end up with a nosebleed? To do this, check their quality:

  1. Ask the seller for a hologram that cannot be seen without glasses. If you see her wearing glasses, then they are of high quality.
  2. Turn on white background and set the brightness on your phone to maximum. Bring the lenses to your eyes and turn them vertically 90 degrees. They should become dark.
  3. Take two accessories at once. Put some on, and bring the others to your eyes so that there are 10-15 cm left before the first. Then rotate them 90 degrees. If visibility has disappeared, then polarization works at 100%.

Glasses with photochromic lenses are called chameleons for their ability to change color intensity depending on the intensity of solar radiation. In the dark they look transparent, but in the sun they darken, blocking ultraviolet radiation. But keep in mind that photochromic agents in lenses are temperature sensitive, and they react less well in hot weather. Therefore, it is better to take these glasses with you to the mountains or use them in temperate latitudes. Remember that photochromic elements weaken over time, so the accessory will have to be replaced sooner or later.

Lens color

Sunglasses have multi-colored lenses not to match them with a suit. Their purpose changes depending on the light. The visibility in them will also be different:

  • Greens And gray lenses convey a picture of the world in the color in which it exists without distortion. Therefore, they are convenient to use everywhere.
  • Golden yellow glass blocks blue light. Therefore, wearing them is comfortable for color perception only on rainy days.
  • Polarized The lenses do not transmit bright light. They are convenient to wear at sea, in the mountains and in the night metropolis.
  • WITH mirrored coating. Perfectly reflect light, suitable for relaxing in the mountains.
  • Photochromic The lenses change color from clear to black depending on the degree of illumination. Therefore, they are convenient to wear almost everywhere.

There are also graduated glasses whose lenses are colored only halfway on the top side. Sometimes bottom part also colored, but less intense. The color can be applied as a gradient. This accessory is suitable for drivers on sunny days, when protection is needed from above, and nothing should interfere with direct perception.


Spectacle frames can be made from the following materials:

  • Plastic. Durable, lightweight and comfortable. It can have any shape, thickness and color. Suitable for everyone.
  • Metal. Durable but heavy. If the joints between the frame and the temples are overtightened, cracks may appear.
  • Metal with wood inserts. Looks stylish, especially suitable for men. With this accessory you can get an elegant masculine look. The frame is durable, even stronger than plastic.

To check whether the frames are of high quality, turn the glasses in your hands and try to slightly bend the temples. If they are made from good stuff, then they will return to their shape immediately after you complete the impact. But don't overdo it. Also check the screws. They must ensure a strong connection between the frame and the temples.

How to choose comfortable glasses

How to choose sunglasses so as not to be disappointed in the purchase when wearing them? To do this, they must be comfortable. Try your glasses on in store to see if they're right for you:

  • The right glasses only put stress on the area above and behind the ears. Even if you feel slight pressure for whiskey, choose another option. Ideally, the frame is 10-15 mm wider than your face.
  • The frame should only load the nose. If they put pressure on your cheeks, then this is not your option.
  • If you feel unpleasant pressure when trying on, but you really like the model, you should not hope that over time you will get used to it, or the frame will “break apart”. You will only become a prisoner of headaches.

Try to test the new product right in the store. Rotate your head actively, lean forward and backward. Do the glasses fit securely? If yes, they are right for you.

Choosing glasses based on face shape

To ensure that the accessory fits beautifully, you need to choose sunglasses based on your face shape. There are five types:

  • Round. The cheeks are the most prominent part of the face. Distance between extreme points cheeks are approximately equal to the height of the face. Square or rectangular lenses with rounded corners will suit you. In order for the face to be visually longer, the frame should stand out in color.
  • Square. Forehead and lower jaw have sharp corners. To round the face, you need the same rounded lenses: either from above or from below. The frame should be massive, but elegant, so as not to emphasize the rectangular features.
  • Triangular. If the chin is sharp and the cheekbones are high, then it is necessary to smooth out the massiveness of the upper part of the face. This can be done using oval or cat lenses that are slightly tapered at the bottom.
  • Oval. Those with this type of face are lucky because they can afford sunglasses of any size and shape. Lenses can be round, oval, square, rectangular, or even other intricate shapes. There are also no requirements for the frame. It can be discreet or bright, monochrome or multi-colored, thin or thick.
  • Elongated. If the face is long and lacks pronounced cheekbones, they need to be emphasized visually using lenses with soft lines. There should be no corners. A special highlight will be given by an accessory whose upper part of the frame has a different color.

The right sunglasses will not only protect your eyes and preserve your vision, but also prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. You don't have to limit yourself to purchasing one accessory. There may be several depending on where you are going to spend time and how you are dressed. Then you will be not only protected, but also stylish.

Many people, when buying sunglasses, chase after fashion companies, brands and look for the latest models. However, often, in the pursuit of fashion, people forget that sunglasses should not only be beautiful and expensive, but also perform their main function - namely, protect their eyes from the sun. True, not all the latest models are used for protection, and sometimes they are only a fashion accessory. When choosing glasses, we advise you to think more, not about their beauty, but about the degree of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Our eyes are protected by a special dark pigment, melanin, which decreases with age and can no longer absorb ultraviolet radiation while protecting our eyes. Therefore, older people are often advised to wear sunglasses. However, even in your younger years you should take care of your eyes. Sunglasses can help with this. But you need to choose them correctly. We'll give you a couple of tips on how to choose this useful accessory.

Pay attention to what the sunglasses are made of.

The best sunglasses are made from glass. It is glass that protects our eyes 100% from ultraviolet radiation. Plastic lenses do not have such protection, and only 80-90% (in best case scenario), protect us.

Heavily tinted glass does not always guarantee protection. Behind the dark lenses of the glasses, our pupil expands, and since glasses not made of glass do not protect the eyes 100%, approximately the same amount of radiation enters them as without glasses at all.

You should not buy cheap glasses of an unknown brand or, on the contrary, expensive ones, but with plastic lenses. It is better to choose glasses with natural glass, although they are more expensive, their quality is better. You can find out about the quality of the lenses on the label of the glasses (don’t forget to ask).

The heaviness of the product can also tell about the quality of the lenses - if the glasses are lighter, then they are most likely made of plastic. Glass has more weight and thickness.

Frame quality.

If you want to choose good glasses that will serve you for many years, then we advise you to pay attention to the quality of the frame. When purchasing glasses, check the temples a couple of times and bend the glasses slightly. A good frame is elastic and always quickly regains its shape.

Check all the screws on the glasses. They should hold tightly and tightly. Pay attention to every little thing so that you don’t have to run around fixing them on the first day or regret the money spent.

Lens type and color

We recommend choosing glasses with large lenses. Of course, they don't suit everyone and can make you look like a dragonfly, but they are the best for protecting your eyes and the skin around your eyes. Small glasses that barely cover your eyes will have little effect.

When choosing glasses for recreation, it is best to choose polarized glasses, i.e. glasses with uniform coverage. They block very bright light and are simply irreplaceable at sea. Mirrored glasses reflect sunlight and are best used on high altitudes, for example in the mountains. Chameleon glasses can be worn anywhere; they change the color of the glass depending on the light, but are not very durable. Graduated glasses, half dark, are well suited for motorists and are simply irreplaceable in the city.

Now let's look at the color of the lenses. Pink and golden-yellow lenses are well suited for a bad day when the sky is constantly cloudy. On the contrary, glasses with gray and brown lenses are better to choose on very sunny days - they provide maximum protection from the sun's rays. Dark green glasses do not distort colors and are suitable for any weather.

Here are, in principle, some recommendations on how to choose the right sunglasses. We still advise you to buy glasses that are more expensive and in branded stores, so at least you will be confident in their quality. And the quality of sunglasses is the health of your eyes. Good luck!

If you are wondering how to choose sunglasses based on your face shape for women, we will tell you and help you choose the best one. best option.

Initially, you need to decide what type of face you have, and then go shopping in search of the perfect sunglasses!

The selection of your wardrobe will also be important - after all, the neckline of a blouse, for example, can elongate a round face or shorten a long one, so here you also need to carefully select blouses or fashionable dresses.

Next, when choosing glasses, you also need to take into account some nuances, for example:
A girl with small facial features simply needs to choose glasses that are not large in size.
For those with full lips, large frames are perfect.
If you have straight bangs, your ideal is a frame with raised corners.
A thin frame will decorate a graceful face, while a large frame will make it even more massive.
If a lady has a large nose, a frame with a low bridge is simply necessary.
If you want to preserve your individuality, choose glasses no higher than the eyebrow line, as a last resort (which is also good option) - at the level of the eyebrows.

Face shapes

Stylists tell us that there are only a few of the most striking face shapes, the rest are derivatives of them. The most beneficial form, as determined by stylists, is oval face, almost any frame goes with it. Signs: soft outlines, slightly longer than wide, slightly prominent cheekbones, looks like an inverted egg. If you have this shape, you are very lucky! Feel free to go to the store and choose only according to your soul, your style and clothing preferences. But, advice: it is better to avoid maximalism; too small products, as well as very large ones, can upset the proportions.
This is Liv Tyler's face type, and Charlize Theron has the same beautiful oval.

A round face is clearly understandable - with a round chin, smooth contours and no straight lines at all. It needs to be brought as close as possible to the desired oval; to do this, choose frames that lengthen the face. Perfect fit rectangular shapes, sharp corners are shown as much as possible. Dark frames are good, visually lengthening the face, and narrow rather than wide frames are shown. Frames with raised edges, butterfly glasses, and products with delicate thin arms are perfect. Cameron Diaz and the wonderful charmer Emmy Stone have a round face.

Triangle - owners of this type have a powerful chin, narrow forehead, they are shown a model that accentuates top part faces. Aviators, half frames are their option.

Square face - no smooth lines, cheekbones the same width as the forehead, wide chin, hairline at the same level. Glasses frames are designed to soften the contour of the face and give it a feminine softness. Therefore, round, oval, and definitely somewhat large ones are perfect. Drop-shaped ones will also be good, and glasses without rims are perfect.
Celebrities who have this type of face include Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock.

Rectangle - similar to a square face shape, longer than wide, has clear boundaries. The frames shown here are large, slightly rounded; aviators would be good. Small glasses are not recommended.

The elongated or pear-shaped shape is characterized by an elongated length, a rounded chin, a high forehead and a certain angularity of the lines. The goal is to visually shorten the face and give it softness. Wide large frames are shown here, square glasses will be good, oval and rectangular glasses are also shown, bright frames will be good. You should avoid glasses without frames, small and narrow.

Ideally fitted glasses will not fall off and put pressure behind your ears. If you are in doubt about your choice, leave the glasses you like on your face for 6-10 minutes. You will feel how they fit and whether they will be comfortable to wear.

If you want to choose quality glasses, go to a company store. Branded glasses must be accompanied by a certificate indicating the degree of protection from UV rays, accompanied by a case and a special cleaning cloth.
Polycarbonate lenses provide better protection from rays A and B than glass lenses.
Lenses that are too dark do not necessarily provide better protection from intense sun rays. If they are simply colored, but do not have protective properties, as in cheap copies, the influence of the sun can be even more negative than without glasses at all.
Remember, a cap or headband with a visor is half the success in protecting your eyes.
You should also wear glasses in winter, because they protect your eyes and prevent wrinkles.

By the way, for winter it is better to choose glasses with polarized lenses; in the dark at night, photochromic lenses are better.
Sunglasses - important thing, this is not only a fashion accessory, they are primarily designed to protect the eyes, but if not chosen correctly, they can harm vision. When choosing glasses, be sure to pay attention so that you can see clearly in them and (necessarily!) feel comfortable, otherwise your head will soon begin to feel dizzy, and you will experience discomfort, and you won’t understand what it’s connected with.

Now you know exactly how to choose glasses, and you can safely go shopping.

Among the abundance of sunglasses assortment presented in opticians and specialized stores, how not to get confused and choose quality product, suitable not only in design, but also in type of protection? The task is not easy.

What harm does solar radiation have on the eyes?

Having decided to purchase a much-needed stylish accessory, first of all, you should decide in what conditions you will have to use it (on the seashore, in a car, on a walk or for all occasions) and pay attention to the protective properties of glass. Quality glasses comfortable to use, do not change color rendering and provide reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Prolonged exposure to the sun without special glasses is fraught with complications for vision. Extra caution on sunny days it is necessary for people with eye diseases or poor health.

Most dangerous time for unprotected eyes are early morning and afternoon hours When the sun is low, the effect on the eyes increases.

Also, the negative effect of UV rays increases when reflected from the water surface. When choosing sunglasses based on the type of protection, you should consider how ultraviolet radiation affects the unprotected or insufficiently protected surface of the eyes.

Consequences long-term exposure sun rays on eyes:

  • Conjunctivitis. It occurs as a result of damage to the cornea and is accompanied by aseptic inflammation.
  • Dry eyes. Burning sensation, photophobia, redness of the eyes.
  • Pterygium.As a rule, it is accompanied by pain and itching. In severe cases, swelling occurs and visual acuity decreases.
  • Snow blindness. Profuse lacrimation, corneal ulcers, short-term vision loss.
  • Cataract.Cataract. Visual acuity deteriorates, color perception changes.

Be careful, the retina of the eye is very sensitive to UV radiation, the negative effects of which appear after some time. During the irradiation period, as a rule, no discomfort occurs. pain, but this is not a reason to neglect protective measures.

How to choose sunglasses by type of protection

When choosing the right sunglasses based on the type of protection, several factors are usually taken into account - the level of UV filter, color and lens material. These parameters directly affect the functionality and safety of wearing glasses.

Radiation protection levels

Ophthalmologists distinguish several stages protective properties of sunglasses:

  • Minimal. The filter level is 15–20%. Recommended to wear in cloudy weather.
  • Initial. Allows penetration from 40 to 75% of sunlight. Suitable for gentle sun in the morning and evening hours.
  • Average. Blocks up to 65% of ultraviolet radiation. Suitable option for active people sunny days and holidays in hot countries.
  • Maximum. They transmit only 7–10% of sunlight. Designed for increased eye protection. Ideal choice for people suffering from photophobia, as well as those who enjoy skiing and surfing.

Information about the degree of protection of the glasses is located on the inside of the temple. The degree of protection, depending on the manufacturer, can be indicated in a digital value from 1 to 4 (the higher the number, the higher the filter level).

Please note that maximum protection glasses are not recommended to be worn while driving a vehicle as excessive darkness may affect visibility.

What does UVA or UVB marking mean?

Depending on intensity ultraviolet rays are divided into:

High-quality glasses must be marked by the manufacturer for bandwidth ultraviolet and spectrum rays. At the same time, detailed information about the protective properties of glasses and recommendations on the conditions of use are indicated in a special insert.

Most sunglasses only block part of the UV rays. The corresponding protection range is indicated by the UVA or UVB marking. How to choose sunglasses by type of protection?

Another type of marking, often used by manufacturers, will help with this, and containing information about the transmittance of UV rays:

  • UVA ray transmittance from 85 to 98%. Used during periods of inactive sun.
  • Blocks up to 70% There are two types of dangerous rays (UVA and UVB). A universal option for city conditions.
  • High UV protection. One hundred percent ultraviolet blocker of all types. An ideal choice for a holiday at sea or in the mountains. Blocks glare from the sun's rays from the surface of water or snow.

Glasses that filter out all harmful rays are labeled UV-400, 100% UV-Protection or High UV-protection . This indicator informs that maximum protection is integrated into the structure of the lenses, which cannot be erased or scratched. In any weather and lighting, your eyes are guaranteed complete safety.

Which color to choose based on the degree of protection at different latitudes

Which sunglasses to choose by type of protection and color Characteristic Where to use
Gray or malachiteClear color reproduction, no distortionUniversal (applicable in city conditions and on the sea beach)
YellowRetains bright blue colorIn the evening and cloudy hours
PolarizedBlocks aggressive bright lightOn the beach, in the mountains, driving a car, bicycle, motorcycle
MirrorReflect lightIn the mountains, in hot countries, during periods of high solar activity
GraduatedPartially change color renditionIn city conditions, during periods of inactive sun
ChameleonsLenses change color depending on light intensityA universal option in the city

Read the popular site article:

The popular idea is that the richer the color of the lenses, the more protection they have. However, according to experts, the ability to block sunlight does not depend on the color intensity of the lenses.

If the lenses do not have protective properties, then the dark color, on the contrary, provokes higher dose ultraviolet compared to clear lenses. The pupils dilate under the influence of dark lenses, which makes them more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

Glass or plastic?

When wondering how to choose sunglasses by type of protection, you should consider that, from the point of view functional characteristics, high-quality plastic glasses and natural glass lenses have identical optical properties and equally protect against ultraviolet radiation.

However, the effect of visual perception of the image through different types glass or plastic - will be completely different. What material to choose for glasses depends on personal preference and comfort.

Advantages of organic glass (plastic):

  • lightness, almost not noticeable on the face;
  • safe to wear, does not leave any fragments when dropped;
  • large selection of frame designs;
  • variety of lens colors;

Advantages of mineral glass:

  • protection from scratches;
  • aesthetic appearance(glass lenses are thinner);
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Important to remember When choosing sunglasses based on the type of protection, mineral glass products are usually more expensive than plastic ones. At the same time, glass has increased fragility; if it falls, there is a risk of injury from lens fragments.

If glasses are purchased for children or people actively involved in sports, then for safety reasons, you should opt for accessories made of polymer materials.

What are the benefits of polarized glasses?

Glasses with polarized lenses have become most popular among people leading an active lifestyle. Basics The advantage of this type of glasses over others is blocking polarized light , which is especially important in driving conditions vehicles during periods of solar activity.

In addition to reflecting glare, they have other significant advantages:

  • provide clarity of vision in any type of activity (sports, driving, beach holidays);
  • improve color perception objects (colors are more saturated);
  • neutralize glare and bright flashes, their use reduces the risk of road accidents;
  • create additional protection against UV rays;
  • ideal option protection from aggressive rays for people with photophobia;
  • prevent eye fatigue.

Which glasses should you choose?

The choice of the right sunglasses must be taken with full responsibility; the purchase should be determined not only based on the type of protection, but also on other equally important parameters, such as size, color, conditions and place of purchase.

Wearing unsuitable glasses leads to extreme negative consequences: fatigue, headache, retinal damage, development of cataracts.

How to avoid a bad purchase

Unsuitable glasses Rationale
WITH low level protectionThey will not be able to protect their eyes from the active sun. Are additional accessory for wearing in the evening and cloudy hours.
With small lensesThey will not be able to fully protect from the sun.
Counterfeit brandsAs a rule, they only copy fashionable designs and do not provide protection from UV rays.
Red, orange and blue lensesThey distort color and irritate the retina. It is not recommended to wear it for more than two hours at a time.
Purchased in non-specialized storesRisk of purchasing glasses that do not contain a sun barrier.
With the transition from one color to anotherEyes get tired quickly.
Inappropriate size (tight, too big)Uncomfortable fit of glasses provokes the penetration of ultraviolet radiation onto the unprotected surface of the eye.
Penetration of dangerous sun rays into the eyes. The load should be distributed on the bridge of the nose.

Important to remember! Cheap glasses with plain dark lenses different colors, purchased in local retail outlets, as a rule, contain only dye and do not have protective filters.

Wearing such glasses is extremely dangerous. Don’t skimp on your health; well-chosen high-quality sunglasses will become not just a stylish accessory, but also a reliable protector of your vision.

How to choose sunglasses by type of protection, watch this video:

Sunglasses - stylish eye protection in the summer: