The inter-industry balance of the mob represents. Model of interindustry balance of production - abstract. What does the model provide?

  • 2.1. Inter-industry balance scheme
  • 2.2. Total material cost ratio
  • 2.3. Productive matrix
  • 2.4. Dynamic model of inter-industry balance
  • 2.5. Neumann model

Inter-industry balance scheme

The inter-industry balance model is developed on the basis of those discussed in Chapter. 1 provisions proposed by V. Leontyev. This model is based on the interconnection of material, labor and financial resources consumed by sectors of the national economy. All intersectoral balance schemes are built according to the principles proposed by V. Leontyev.

One of these schemes is shown in table. 2.1. In this scheme, data are presented in monetary units (rubles), in contrast to the natural inter-industry balance discussed in Chapter. 1. The scheme of intersectoral balance of production, consumption and accumulation of social product is based on the division of the total product into intermediate and final. The entire national economy is presented in the form n clean industries.

Clean industry - This is a conditional industry that unites all production of a given product, regardless of the departmental subordination of enterprises. Each industry appears in the balance sheet as both producing and consuming. When analyzing the intersectoral balance diagram, three balance quadrants are identified, indicated in the diagram by Roman numerals. Quadrant I reflects the structure of consumption of products by each specific industry produced by other industries. Quadrant 11 shows the end use structure of the manufactured product. Quadrant III shows the cost structure of gross domestic product (GDP).

Table 2.1

Consumer industries

End Use

Industries - manufacturers














Quadrant I is a table of intersectoral material connections. The indicators placed at the intersection of rows and columns are the values ​​of intersectoral flows of products and are generally designated Hu, where / is the number of the producing industry, y is the number of the consuming industry. Hu shows how much of the product produced by the industry is consumed by the industry G. This data is placed in a square table of size x and.

The “Final consumption” column of quadrant II reflects the types of final use in the sphere of tangible and intangible production.

By area material production The following end uses are reflected:

  • consumption of final goods and material services purchased by households using their income;
  • products of personal subsidiary plots and other natural income of households;
  • purchases by government agencies and non-profit organizations of goods and services for distribution to households.

By area immaterial production reflected:

  • the volume of paid services consumed by households at the expense of their income;
  • the cost of non-market services provided by budgetary organizations in the field of healthcare, education, social security, culture, and art.

The column “Gross accumulation” shows gross accumulation in the sectors of material production of fixed capital and working capital.

The column “Export-Import Balance” shows the sum of all exports with a “+” sign and all imports with a “-” sign.

The “Total” column shows the sum of the data in the previous three columns.

The sum of all values ​​in Quadrant II “End Use” is Gross Domestic Product. Here, when calculating GDP, the final use method is used, which involves summing up expenditures on final consumption, gross capital formation, and net exports of goods and services.

The “Gross Output” column shows the sum of products X 1 released by industry g for intermediate consumption, final consumption, gross capital formation and the export-import balance.

Quadrant III reflects the cost structure of the gross domestic product. Total gross value added

is the gross domestic product. It uses the distribution method of calculating GDP, which includes depreciation, wages, indirect taxes and profits. To obtain GDP, subsidies are subtracted from the sum of these indicators.

Static model of the input-output balance in accordance with table. 2.1 is expressed in the form of two systems of equations.

Considering the inter-industry balance diagram line by line for each producing area i, we see that the gross output of this

industry Xj equal to the sum of material costs of all industries

j = 1, 2,n consuming the products of industry x, -, as well as the final products of this area going for final use. Thus,

From the columns of the input-output balance diagram, consumption by each region follows j. Since in the inter-industry balance table. 2.1 the data is given in cost units, the values ​​in the columns can be added. The diagram shows that the gross output of this

industry Xj equal to the sum of intermediate material costs consumed by it and gross added value, i.e.

Having summed up the equations over all sectors (2.1) And (2.2), we get

The left sides of the equation are equal to each other, since they represent the entire gross social product. Therefore, the relation must be observed

This relation is similar to relation (1.10) obtained in Chap. 1. The left side of equation (2.3) is the sum of quadrant I, and the right side is the sum of quadrant III. In general, this equation shows that the intersectoral balance respects the principle of unity of cost and physical relationships within the framework of an open system of intersectoral connections.

Let us introduce the following notation:

Quantities cty are called coefficients of direct material costs. This value is different from the value presented in the formula ( 1. 1), dimension and numerical values ​​for the same model. The coefficient of direct material costs presented in formula (2.4) is a dimensionless quantity. It shows the sector's production costs measured in rubles i, used as costs by sector number j for the production of his products worth 1 ruble. Taking into account the notation (2.4) of the system of equations ( 2. 1) And ( 2. 2) can be rewritten as:

If you enter the matrix of direct material costs A, column vector of gross output X and a column vector of end-use products Y according to formulas

then the system of equations (2.5) can be represented in matrix form.


The most important task of further improving planning is to improve the balance of production, and the production of exactly those products that are needed to develop production and meet the growing demand of the population. For this purpose, a number of economic and mathematical models are used, including inter-industry balances.

The central idea of ​​the inter-industry balance is that each industry is considered both as a producer and as a consumer. The input-output balance model is one of the simplest economic and mathematical models. It represents a unified interconnected system of information on mutual supplies of products between all sectors of production, as well as on the volume and sectoral structure of fixed production assets, the provision of the national economy with labor resources, etc.

We are counting" width="103" height="41 src=">

and write it down in Table 1 in the corners of the corresponding cells. The found coefficients form a matrix of direct costs


All elements of this matrix are non-negative. This is written as a matrix inequality and such a matrix is ​​called non-negative.

By specifying the matrix, all internal relationships between production and consumption, characterized by the original table 1, are determined.

Now you can write a linear balance model corresponding to the data in Table 1, if you substitute the values ​​in the balance equations


or in matrix form

, ,," width="16 height=23" height="23">.gif" width="17" height="23"> and, to study the impact on gross output of any changes in the range of final products, to determine the matrix of total cost coefficients, the elements of which serve as important indicators for planning the development of industries, etc.

General model of inter-industry balance of production

Table 2 considered is nothing more than one of the main economic models (given in abbreviated form), widely known in our country and abroad: the inter-industry balance of production and distribution of products in the national economy (MBB).

In general, the MOB consists of four main parts - quadrants (Table 3).

Table 3

Quadrant I contains indicators of material costs for production. In rows and columns, industries are arranged in the same order. The value represents the cost of means of production produced in the th industry and consumed as material costs in" width="13" height="15"> -th order, standing in the first quadrant, is equal to the annual fund for reimbursement of the costs of means of production in the material sphere.

Quadrant II shows final products used for non-productive consumption, accumulation and export. Then this quadrant can be considered as the distribution of national income into the accumulation fund and the consumption fund by sectors of production and consumption.

In the III quadrant, national income is characterized, but from the side of its cost composition of net products (wages, profits, turnover tax, etc.).

Quadrant IV reflects the redistribution of net production. As a result of the redistribution of the initially created national income, the final income of the population, enterprises, and the state is formed. If all MOB indicators are written in monetary terms, then in the balance sheet columns they represent the formation of the value of gross output, and in the rows - the distribution of the same products in the national economy. Therefore, the indicators of the rows and columns are equal.

The gross output of industries is presented in Table 3 as a column located to the right of the second square and as a line located under the third quadrant. These columns and rows play an important role both for checking the correctness of the balance itself (filling in the quadrants) and for developing an economic and mathematical model of the interindustry balance.

In general, the intersectoral balance within the framework of the general model combines the balances of sectors of material production, the balance of the total social product, the balances of national income, the balance of income and expenditure of the population.

Based on formula (2), we divide the indicators of any MOB column by the total of this column (or the corresponding line), that is, by gross output. Let us obtain the costs per unit of this product, which form a matrix of direct costs:

. (6)

Cost balance along with equations

, (7)

each of which represents the distribution of products of a given industry across all industries, allows the construction of equations in the form of product consumption

, (8)

where is the material costs of the th consuming industry, is its net output ( is the amount of wages, is net income).

Substituting relations (3) into equations (7), after transformations we obtain


We write the MOB system of equations (9) in matrix form

where is the unit matrix, is the direct cost matrix (6), and are the column matrices.

The system of equations (9), or in matrix form (10) is called the economic-mathematical model of the input-output balance (Leontief model).

The interindustry balance model (10) allows you to solve the following problems:

1) determine the volume of final products of the industries" width="80" height="24">;

2) according to a given matrix of direct cost coefficients" width="91" height="24">, the elements of which serve as important indicators for planning the development of industries;

3) determine the volume of gross output of industries" width="83" height="24">;

4) for given volumes of final or gross output of industries determine the remaining volumes.

Direct costs play an extremely important role in the balance sheet. They serve as an important economic characteristic, without knowledge of which national economic planning would not be possible.

The direct cost matrix essentially determines the structure of the economy. If we know the direct costs and final product of each sector of the economy, then we can calculate the volume of gross output.

To produce a car in Togliatti, it is necessary to provide electricity not only to the plant itself, but also to the rolling mills of the Magnitogorsk plant, and the tire plant in Yaroslavl, and many others. Therefore, if 1.4 thousand kWh of electricity is spent directly on one car, then at all intermediate stages - another 2 thousand kWh (indirect costs of electricity), and a total of 3.4 thousand kWh. To produce 1 ton of staple fiber from lavsan, about fifty thousand rubles of capital investment are required directly for the chemical fiber plant, and in related industries - about eighty thousand rubles. To produce meat products for 1,000 rubles, capital investments in the meat industry should amount to 900 rubles, and in other related industries. industries - rubles, i.e. 20 times more.

Thus, direct costs do not fully reflect the complex quantitative relationships observed in the national economy. In particular, they do not reflect feedback, which is of no small importance.

How do indirect costs arise? For the manufacture of a tractor, cast iron, steel, etc. are consumed as direct costs. But for the production of steel, cast iron is also needed. Thus, in addition to the direct costs of cast iron, there are also indirect costs of cast iron associated with the production of the tractor. These indirect costs also include the cast iron required to create the amount of cast iron that constitutes the direct costs. These indirect costs can sometimes significantly exceed direct costs.

The gross output of the k-th industry is defined as

Optimization of the inter-industry balance

Since the main task of the economy is to improve production and save human labor, the task arose of optimizing the national economic model built on the basis of the MOB.

The possibility of optimizing MOB appears if direct cost coefficients reflect costs not average for the industry, but for each production method and technology. In such MOB models, the production of open-hearth steel, converter steel, and electric steel is presented separately; synthetic and cotton fabrics, etc. As a result, the optimal option with minimal costs for the production of a given volume of products must be found.

What does it mean to create an optimal MOB? If to calculate total costs and price levels it is necessary to solve hundreds of equations and perform millions of computational operations, then calculating the optimal MOB requires millions of equations and many billions of computational operations. At present, there are still no mathematical methods and electronic machines to solve such problems head-on. The data necessary for this is not yet available in full. Now we can only talk about individual important blocks for which such data is available or can be prepared in the near future.

That is why it is necessary to create a system of models for block optimization of MOB. This should be a flexible system, which could include more and more optimal blocks as they become ready.

Since all production is directly or indirectly connected with each other, the optimization of each block each time necessitates a complete recalculation of the MOB on a computer. It’s a lot of work, but the result is incomparably greater - after all, behind every percentage increase in the efficiency of social production, billions of saved rubles are hidden.

We will demonstrate the optimization of the interindustry balance using the example of reducing balance problems to linear programming problems.

reaches a minimum.

Reporting inter-industry balances are a means of analyzing the structure of the economy and the initial basis for compiling inter-industry balances. Reporting interindustry balances are developed on the basis of data on the structure of production costs received from enterprises as a result of a special one-time survey.

The development of planned intersectoral balances is aimed primarily at improving the balance planning method, accurately quantifying the complex interrelations of the process of social reproduction, and calculating balanced options for the structure of the national economy based on the widespread use of electronic computer technology.

Enough has been said about planning. Regardless of our attitude towards this process, we are always faced with the need to compare our strengths with our desires. And if in the life of one or two people it is possible to make a mistake with plans, then on the economy of a state, or even an entire union of powers, incorrectly correlated costs with profits can have a catastrophic effect. Therefore, in the modern economy, inter-industry balance with its detailed production of goods and services occupies a leading place.

Balance sheet model - what is it?

Economic and mathematical modeling of systems and production processes actively uses so-called balance models based on comparison and optimization of available resources. From a mathematical point of view, it involves constructing a system of equations that describe the conditions of equality between manufactured products and the need for these goods.

The group under study most often consists of several economic objects, some of whose products are consumed internally, and some are taken outside its framework and are perceived as the “final product”. Balance models that use the concept of “resource” rather than “product” make it possible to manage the optimal use of resources.

What does the model provide?

The input-output balance method is one of the most important elements of economic analytics. It is a matrix of coefficients reflecting the expenditure of resources in given areas of use. To carry out calculations, a table is compiled, the cells of which are filled in with standards for the production of a unit of product.

Due to the complexity of the system, it is not possible to use real indicators of any one enterprise. Therefore, coefficients (standards) are calculated for the so-called “pure industry,” i.e., one that unites all production enterprises without regard to departmental subordination or form of ownership. This creates significant problems in preparing the information component for systems.

Nobel Prize for Model

For the first time, the need to find a balance of production between different sectors was proposed by Soviet economists who studied the development of the national economy in 1923-1924. The first proposals contained only information about the quality of connections between productive sectors and the use of manufactured products.

But these ideas have not found any real practical application. A few years later, economist V.V. Leontyev formulated the importance of intersectoral connections in the economy. His work was devoted to the creation of a system that made it possible not only to analyze the current state of the state’s economy, but also to model possible development scenarios.

In the world, the input-output method is called the input-output method. And in 1973, the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for developing an applied model of cross-sectoral analysis.

How the model was used

For the first time, Leontiev used the inter-industry balance model to analyze the state of the US economy. By that time, the theoretical postulates had taken the form of real linear equations. This calculation showed that the coefficients proposed by scientists as indicators of relationships between industries are quite stable and constant.

During the Second World War, Leontiev analyzed the inter-sectoral balance of the economy of Hitler's Germany. Based on the results of this study, the US military identified strategically significant targets. And at the end of the war, the quality and volume of Lend-Lease was again determined on the basis of information obtained through Leontief’s input-output balance model.

In the Soviet Union, such a model was built 7 times, starting in 1959. Scientists assumed that economic ties could be considered stable for five years, and therefore all conditions were considered static. However, the methodology was not widely used, since the relationships between production sectors were largely influenced by the political situation. Real economic ties were viewed as secondary.

The essence of the concept

The interindustry balance model is the determination of the relationships between the output of one industry and the costs and consumption of goods of all industries involved in the production of these products. For example, coal mining requires steel tools; at the same time, coal is needed to make steel. So, the task of inter-industry balance is to find a ratio of coal and steel at which the economic result will be maximum.

In a broader sense, we can say that based on the results of the constructed model, it is possible to determine the efficiency of production in general, find optimal pricing methods and identify the most significant factors of economic growth. In addition, this method allows for forecasting.

Main tasks

  • Structuring based on the material composition of industry resources.
  • Illustration of product production and distribution processes.
  • A detailed study of the production process, the creation of goods and services, the accumulation of income at the level
  • Optimization of identified essential production factors.

For the input-output method, analytical and statistical functions are defined. Analytical allows you to predict the dynamic processes of development of industries and the economy as a whole; simulate situations by changing various data and indicators. The statistical function checks the consistency of information coming from various sources - from enterprises, regional budgets, tax services, etc.

Mathematical view of the model

From a mathematical point of view, a balance model is a system of differentiated equations (and not always linear) that reflect the equilibrium conditions between the total products produced in an industry and the need for it.

Models of economic systems are most often presented in the form of a table (see figure). In it, the total product is divided into 2 parts: internal (intermediate) and final. The national economy is considered as a system of n pure industries, each of which acts as a producer and a consumer.


Leontief's input-output balance is divided into four parts (quadrants). Each quadrant (in the figure they are indicated by numbers 1-4) has its own economic content. The first displays intersectoral material connections - this is a kind of chessboard. The coefficients located at the intersection of rows and columns are designated XY and contain information about the flow of products between industries. X and Y are the numbers of industries that produce and consume products. The designation x23, for example, should be interpreted as follows: the cost of means of production produced in industry 2 and consumed in industry 3 (material costs). The sum of all elements of the first quadrant represents the annual fund for reimbursement of material costs.

The second quadrant represents the totality of the final products of all manufacturing industries. The final product is a product that goes beyond the production sphere into the area of ​​final consumption and accumulation. An expanded balance sheet diagram illustrates the areas of use of such a product: public and personal consumption, accumulation, reimbursement and export.

Note that the total result of the second, third and fourth quadrants (each separately) should be equal to the product created during the year.

System of equations

Despite the fact that the gross social product is not formally included in any of the above parts, it is still present in the balance sheet. The column to the right of the second quadrant and the row located under the third display the gross. Information obtained from these elements allows you to check whether the entire balance is filled out correctly. In addition, it can be used to create an economic and mathematical model.

By denoting the gross product of an industry by X with an index corresponding to the number of this industry, two main relationships can be formulated. The economic meaning of the first equation boils down to the following: the sum of the material costs of any branch of the economy and its net output is equal to the gross product of the described industry (columns).

The second equation of the inter-industry balance shows that the sum of the material costs of those consuming a particular product and the final product of a particular sphere represents the gross output of the industry (balance sheet lines).

The final form of the system of equations

Taking into account all the above formulas, the following concepts are introduced into the model:

  • matrix of direct cost coefficients A = (ay);
  • vector of gross output X (column);
  • final product vector Y (column).

The model in matrix form will be described by the relation:

It remains only to recall that the balance is drawn up both in natural values ​​and in monetary terms.

The intersectoral balance (IB) is a tool for analyzing and forecasting structural relationships in the economy. The method of its construction consists in a dual consideration of various industries and sectors of the economy: on the one hand, as consumers of products, on the other, as those producing certain types of goods and services for their own consumption and the needs of other sectors of the economy.

The interindustry balance is a “chess table” of industries, in which the material costs for the production of products of a certain sector of the economy are shown vertically, and the amount of products transferred from a given industry to others for production needs (intermediate product), as well as the final consumption of products by the industry, are shown horizontally. . Using this data, it is possible to determine the unit costs of any resource for the production of the final product. To do this, the selected column or row indicator is divided by the value of the gross product. For example, dividing the amount of electricity costs by the volume of mechanical engineering products, we obtain the specific electrical consumption of mechanical engineering production.

This model entered world economic thought from the publications of Vasily Leontiev, a famous American economist of Russian origin. V. Leontiev created a scientifically based “input-output” method, which allows one to analyze inter-sectoral connections in the national economy and determine possible directions for optimizing the sectoral structure. For this scientific achievement he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

In general, the Leontief MOB model has the following form:

where X is the production volume of any industry;

Y is the final product of this industry;

A - matrix of technological coefficients of direct costs

aij, which show how much industry output needs to be spent to produce a unit of industry output.

This model shows the relationship between production and the final product. It is developed into a system of equations that displays various industries with specific technological coefficients.

The use of input-output tables makes it possible to trace how the growth of production in any industry causes adequate growth in other industries.

The MOB model is used for a special analysis of the macroeconomic equilibrium of society's labor resources and volumes of product output, production and distribution of fixed production assets for other purposes. The interindustry balance allows you to analyze the interdependence of prices in macroeconomics, evaluate material and labor costs, and determine added value. The input-output method provides information that is almost impossible to obtain using other methods and models of macroeconomic analysis.

However, from the point of view of economic forecasting, this model has a significant drawback, which is aggravated when forecasting a dynamically developing society. The model demonstrates the formula for economic development based on already established technological coefficients. With extensive development, this option is possible, but under conditions of intensification of production, technological coefficients become flexible, so making forecasts based on old proportions is not entirely justified.

"Inter-industry balance" and others

Intersectoral balance

Intersectoral balance(IOB, input-output method) is an economic and mathematical balance model that characterizes intersectoral production relationships in the country's economy. Characterizes the connections between output in one industry and the costs and consumption of products of all participating industries necessary to ensure this output. The inter-industry balance is compiled in cash and in kind.

The interindustry balance is presented as a system of linear equations. The intersectoral balance (IB) is a table that reflects the process of formation and use of the total social product in a sectoral context. The table shows the cost structure for the production of each product and the structure of its distribution in the economy. The columns reflect the value composition of the gross output of economic sectors by elements of intermediate consumption and added value. The lines reflect the directions of use of resources in each industry.

The MOB Model identifies four quadrants. The first reflects intermediate consumption and the system of production links, the second - the structure of final use of GDP, the third - the cost structure of GDP, and the fourth - the redistribution of national income.


The theoretical foundations of the input-output balance were developed in the USSR in 1923-1924, when V.V. Leontyev made an attempt to present in numbers an analysis of the balance of the national economy of the USSR. The scientist showed that the coefficients expressing connections between economic sectors are quite stable and can be predicted.

In 1959, the USSR Central Statistical Office developed a reporting inter-industry balance in value terms (for 83 industries) and the world's first inter-industry balance in physical terms (for 257 positions). At the same time, applied work began in the central planning bodies (Gosplan and State Economic Council) and their scientific organizations. The first in the USSR and one of the first in the world dynamic intersectoral model of the national economy was developed in Novosibirsk by Doctor of Economic Sciences Nikolai Filippovich Shatilov (source: "Science in Siberia", 2001 n03/f12.html). The first planned inter-sectoral balances in value and physical terms were constructed in 1962. Further work was extended to the republics and regions. Based on data for 1966, intersectoral balances were constructed for all union republics and economic regions of the RSFSR. Soviet scientists created the groundwork for the wider use of intersectoral models (including dynamic, optimization, natural-cost, interregional, etc.)

In the 1970-1980s in the USSR, based on data from intersectoral balances, more complex intersectoral models and model complexes were developed, which were used in forecast calculations and were partly included in the technology of national economic planning. In a number of areas, Soviet interdisciplinary research occupied a worthy place in world science.

At the same time, Leontyev clearly understood that the theoretical developments of Soviet scientists do not find practical application in the real economy, where all decisions were made based on the political situation:

Western economists have often tried to uncover the “principle” of the Soviet planning method. They were never successful, since to this day such a method does not exist at all.

Example of calculation of input balance

Let's consider 2 industries: coal and steel production. Coal is needed to make steel, and some steel - in the form of tools - is needed to mine coal. Let's assume that the conditions are as follows: to produce 1 ton of steel you need 3 tons of coal, and to produce 1 ton of coal - 0.1 tons of steel.

We want the net output of the coal industry to be (200,000) tons of coal, and the net output of the iron and steel industry to be (50,000) tons of steel. If each of them produces only tons, then part of the production will be used in another industry.

It takes (150,000) tons of coal to produce tons of steel, and (20,000) tons of steel to produce tons of coal. The net output will be: (50,000) tons of coal and (30,000) tons of steel.

It is necessary to produce additional coal and steel in order to use them in another industry. Let's denote - the amount of coal, - the amount of steel. We find the gross output of each product from the system of equations:

Solution: 500,000 tons of coal and 100,000 tons of steel. To systematically solve the problems of calculating the input balance, find how much coal and steel is required to produce 1 ton of each product.

AND . To find how much coal and steel is needed for a net output of tons of coal, you need to multiply these numbers by. We get: .

Similarly, we create equations to obtain the amount of coal and steel for the production of 1 ton of steel:

AND . For clean production of tons of steel you need: (214286; 71429).

Gross output for the production of tons of coal and tons of steel: .

Dynamic MOB model

The first in the USSR and one of the first in the world dynamic intersectoral model of the national economy was developed in Novosibirsk by Doctor of Economic Sciences Nikolai Filippovich Shatilov (source: "Science in Siberia", 2001 n03/f12.html) This model and the analysis of calculations for it are described in his books: “Modeling of expanded reproduction” (Moscow, Economics, 1967), “Analysis of the dependencies of socialist expanded reproduction and the experience of its modeling” (Novosibirsk, Nauka, Siberian department ., 1974), and in the book “The Use of National Economic Models in Planning” (edited by A.G. Ananbegyan and K.K. Valtukh; Moscow, Economics, 1974).

Subsequently, other dynamic MOB models were developed for various specific tasks.

Based on Leontiev’s model of intersectoral balance and his own experience, the founder of the “Scientific School of Strategic Planning” Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta (1913-1998) developed his dynamic MOB model.

Its scheme systematically coordinates the balances of income and expenses of producers and end consumers - the state (interstate bloc), households, exporters and importers (external economic balance).

The dynamic model of MOB was developed by him using the method of economic cybernetics. It is a system of algorithms that effectively link the tasks of end consumers with the capabilities (material, labor and financial) of producers of all forms of ownership. Based on the model, the effective distribution of public production investments is determined. By introducing a dynamic MOB model, the country's leadership has the opportunity to adjust development goals in real time depending on the updated production capabilities of residents and the dynamics of end-consumer demand. The dynamic model of the MOB is set out in the book “Socially Efficient Economy”, published in 1998.



  • compiled by Gontareva I. I., Nemchinova M. B., Popova A. A. Mathematics and cybernetics in economics: Dictionary-Reference Book / resp. ed. acad. Fedorenko N.F., editor. acad. Kantorovich L.V. et al. - M.: Economics, 1974. - 699 p.
  • Shatilov N. F. Simulation of expanded reproduction. - M.: Economics, 1967. - 173 p.
  • Shatilov N. F. Analysis of the dependencies of socialist expanded reproduction and the experience of its modeling / resp. ed. Ozerov V.K.. - Novosibirsk: Science, Sibirsk. department, 1974. - 250 p.
  • Shatilov N. F., Ozerov V. K., Makovetskaya M. I. et al. The use of national economic models in planning / ed. Ananbegyana A.G. and Valtukha K.K. - M.: Economics, 1974. - 231 p.
  • Veduta, N. I. Socially effective economics / Ed. Veduta E.N. - M.: REA, 1999. - 254 p.
  • Veduta, N. I. Economic cybernetics. - Mn: Science and Technology, 1971. - 318 p.

See also


  • Federal statistical observation "input-output" for 2011

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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