A good remedy for a runny nose. The most effective remedy for a runny nose. Treating a runny nose in one day - recipes for quick home treatment for snot

A runny nose is a frequent companion in the autumn-spring period. Temperature fluctuations, cold rains and wind predispose to nasal congestion and rhinorrhea. If nothing bothers you other than a runny nose, you can try to cope with the disease on your own.

In treatment, you can use proven medications recommended over the years. traditional medicine. To make it easier nasal breathing, you can prepare nasal drops at home. We'll talk about the methods below.

The cause of deterioration of the condition may be:

  • cold;
  • infection;
  • allergy;
  • unfavorable working and living conditions;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • sinusitis.

Each of us is familiar with difficult nasal breathing, when nasal sounds appear, it is impossible to sleep and work normally. Depending on the underlying cause of the disease, you may also experience:

  1. rhinorrhea. The discharge may be thick, watery, profuse, scanty, transparent, yellowish or green;
  2. hyperthermia;
  3. lacrimation;
  4. photophobia;
  5. headache;
  6. body aches;
  7. severe malaise;
  8. irritability;
  9. poor appetite.

If treatment for rhinitis is ineffective or untimely, there is a risk of serious complications(sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis).

Folk remedies are effective only for initial stage diseases. If the disease cannot be stopped with unconventional methods, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine further treatment tactics.

As practice shows, it is most often possible to eliminate a runny nose with the help of aloe, onions, garlic and vegetable juices. Now let's look at each of them in more detail. folk ways treatment.


Thanks to its powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, agave is widely used not only in otolaryngology, but also in cosmetology and surgical practice.

The plant contains bioflavonoids, the action of which is aimed at reducing vascular permeability. Aloe is often prescribed for vascular pathology, however, for a runny nose it is also effective, because it reduces the severity of tissue edema.

The point is that penetration pathogenic microorganisms into the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is accompanied by damage to local capillaries. The wall of blood vessels becomes more permeable, as a result of which the liquid part of the plasma escapes into the tissue, increasing swelling and rhinorrhea.

Regular use of aloe helps strengthen vascular wall. The juice contains vitamins (E, B, C), zinc, carotenoids. The complex of natural components makes it possible to moisturize the mucous membrane, normalize its nutrition, and reduce the severity of inflammatory process and activate regeneration. Do not forget about the antimicrobial property of agave, thanks to which the medicine can be used for infectious rhinitis, including purulent runny nose.

Rules for making juice

To prepare drops for the common cold, it is necessary to use a plant no younger than three years old, as it must contain the optimal amount useful substances. Aloe leaves should be dense and fleshy. The leaf needs to be cut off near the base, washed and wrapped in newspaper. In this form, agave should be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then you should take out the plant and carefully clean it, removing thin layer peels. Aloe needs to be crushed and then squeezed out the juice.

Healthy recipes

Please note that undiluted juice is very concentrated and may cause irritation.

There are several recipes for preparing drops:

  1. For aloe juice to be safe to use, it must be diluted boiled water until 50% concentration is obtained. Adults are recommended to instill three drops three times a day. Regarding childhood, the dilution should be greater - 1:3, to reduce the risk of irritation of the mucous membrane;
  2. juice can be diluted antiseptic solutions, for example, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. In this case, the effectiveness of the medicine increases several times. It can be used for complicated bacterial rhinitis, as well as exacerbation chronic runny nose. The dilution should be 1:1 or 1:3 (depending on the strength of the effect you want to get);
  3. pure juice aloe is prescribed in exceptional cases when it is necessary to obtain a powerful antimicrobial effect;
  4. the combination of aloe with peach oil allows you to additionally moisturize, protect the mucous membrane and activate regeneration processes. Typically, this remedy is recommended for the atrophic form of rhinitis, when the mucous membrane becomes thinner and dries out. To do it yourself healing mixture, just mix 1 ml of juice with 4 drops of oil.

If, after instillation of the nasal passages, a burning sensation appears, it is necessary to rinse them with saline solution. This is necessary to stop the absorption of the drug into the mucous membrane. Next time you can prepare nasal drops with a lower concentration of juice.

If you experience sneezing, itching, or increased rhinorrhea, you should suspect an allergy to the plant. The duration of the therapeutic course is usually 5 days.


A popular treatment is garlic juice. It is widely used in colds which are accompanied by a runny nose. Efficiency of this medicine determined by the content large quantity phytoncides. They are able to quickly cleanse the nasal cavities of germs and reduce inflammation in the tissues.

Note that the use of garlic drops is justified only for bacterial rhinitis. This remedy is absolutely ineffective for allergic, vasomotor rhinitis.

Garlic Drops Recipes

In the treatment of an adult, you can use garlic juice diluted with boiled water 1:3. You should instill the nasal passages no more than twice, two drops each. Refuse this tool recommended for bloody runny nose, atrophic rhinitis, and allergies to garlic.

To reduce the irritating effect of juice, you can use the following: folk remedies:

  • 4 drops of garlic juice should be dissolved in 5 ml of olive oil. You can also use peach, fir or sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • two large cloves need to be chopped using a garlic press, poured with olive oil (1:3), and left for half an hour in a water bath. After cooling, you can instill two drops into your nasal passages.

The use of honey for microbial runny nose is inappropriate, since this product is a breeding ground for infectious pathogens.

To prepare the healing remedy, you must use fresh garlic, which will allow you to achieve the desired result in a short period of time.

Restrictions on use

The main disadvantage of garlic drops is high risk irritation and burns of the mucous membrane.

  • children under 10 years of age;
  • when the mucous membrane dries out, which will aggravate the course of the disease;
  • with severe rhinorrhea, when watery discharge- a sign of an allergy.

Onion medicines

Compared to garlic drops, onion juice is more safe method treatment. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a quick effect, because onion-based folk remedies are much gentler than pharmaceutical drugs.

The natural composition of onion juice allows you to achieve anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects. Strengthens thanks to vitamins immune defense, as a result of which the body can independently fight the infection.

Homemade onion drops reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, facilitate nasal breathing, eliminate infection and improve the outflow of mucus.


To prepare medicine with your own hands, it does not require much effort, time and material resources. Here are some simple recipes:

  • most easy way preparations. The onion should be peeled and chopped using a grater. You need to squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp and dilute it with boiled water (1:1). Instill two drops three times. If the medicine causes a burning sensation after contact with the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, it should be washed off with saline solution. Next time you need to prepare a product with a lower concentration of onion juice;

  • For colds, you can use onions with honey. The recipe includes one medium-sized onion, boiled water (160 ml), and honey (15 ml). It is best to give preference linden honey. First, you should peel the vegetable, chop it and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Approximately 60 ml. Now mix the juice with water and add melted honey. The medicine should sit for about half an hour, after which treatment can begin. One instillation requires three drops. The procedure can be repeated 4 times per day;
  • the combination of onions and oil allows you to moisturize the mucous membrane, improve nutrition and speed up tissue restoration. To prepare runny nose drops at home, you need an onion and 90 ml of vegetable oil. First you need to prepare the ingredients. To do this, chop the onion to a paste-like consistency, add oil and mix thoroughly. The product should sit overnight, then squeeze out the juice;
  • at severe runny nose, including purulent type, a combination of aloe and onion is recommended. To prepare a medicine for the nose at home, you need to chop the vegetable, squeeze out the juice, and combine with aloe (1:1). Using such a remedy is quite dangerous, as there is a risk of irritation of the mucous membrane and increased rhinorrhea. In this regard, before instillation, it is necessary to dilute the mixture with boiled water (1:1). Now you can put three drops in your nose.

Before instillation of the nasal passages medicine they should be cleaned with saline solution.


Please note that onion remedies, despite natural composition, also have some limitations in application. Onion juice is not recommended for:

  • allergic reaction to onions;
  • violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane (scratches);
  • thermal damage to nasal tissues;
  • bloody runny nose;
  • drying out of the mucous membrane.

Remember onion remedy can only be used in fresh. When stored, it loses its healing properties.

Beet juice

A cure for a runny nose at home can be prepared from beetroot juice. It is effective for colds, but is useless for allergic rhinitis. As for the infectious form, beet juice can become a stimulant for the spread of infection. The recipe requires choosing beets that are dark in color, cylindrical in shape, and have no light rings. Note that beets expand local blood vessels, so you shouldn’t expect rhinorrhea to stop after using the juice.


To prepare a healing remedy, it is better to use fresh beets, since boiled ones contain fewer nutrients. First, you should wash the vegetable, peel it, and chop it using a fine grater. Now the resulting pulp needs to be ground through cheesecloth to obtain juice. If possible, you can use a juicer.

Place the beet juice in the refrigerator for several hours. IN pure form The juice cannot be used, so for dilution you can take:

  • boiled warm water, volume equal to beet juice. Drop two drops three times into the nasal passages;
  • melted honey, the amount of which is three times the juice.

We will describe the combined recipe in more detail. It includes carrot, beet juice in equal volume, olive oil, a few drops of garlic juice.

All ingredients should be cleaned, crushed and squeezed out the juice. Mix first vegetable juices, add oil (1:2), garlic drops. For treatment, you should instill two drops of the prepared healing agent twice a day.


The recipes listed can only be used with therapeutic purpose. For prevention it is recommended to use saline solutions. They are necessary for washing the nasal passages, which allows you to clean, moisturize the mucous membrane, and protect it from negative influence environmental factors and facilitate nasal breathing.

In addition, do not forget about strengthening the immune system. To do this, you need to improve your diet, devote enough time to sleep, and regularly take walks. fresh air and carry out hardening procedures.

Treatment of a runny nose acute period its development must begin with the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor. Drug therapy necessary to avoid further complications. As additional measures to eliminate rhinitis, you can also use folk remedies for the runny nose, most of which are not only effective, but also safe for the body.

Folk remedies used for a runny nose

When you have a runny nose, the main problems are copious discharge mucous or purulent in nature, nasal congestion due to swelling and worsening general well-being. Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies should be aimed at solving precisely these problems, and therefore, when recording signs of this disease, herbalists recommend using the following methods:

  • Rinsing the nose with various antimicrobial solutions. The rinsing procedure removes microbes accumulated in the nasal passages and also makes breathing noticeably easier.
  • Inhalations of herbal decoctions, essential oils and other solutions help destroy the causative agent of the disease and at the same time thin out thick mucus, as a result of which it flows freely from the nasal passages.
  • Instillation of drops prepared from available products or plants, leads to softening of mucus, has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Drops based herbal ingredients They are safer compared to vasoconstrictors and therefore can be used for a long time.
  • At persistent runny nose or when it is repeated many times over a short period, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system; folk methods, as well as hardening the body and eating fortified foods, can also cope with this. To increase resistance to colds both children and adults need to be treated with beekeeping products - honey, honeycombs, propolis.

Treatment of a runny nose at home, when its first signs are detected, must begin with warming up the feet, for which they use foot baths with a water temperature of at least 37-40 degrees. Freshly squeezed juices, rosehip decoction, tea with lemon, ginger and honey, and eating raspberries will also help you start fighting bacteria and viruses.

During a cold, it is necessary to avoid crowded places, as this can lead to re-infection and therefore prolong the disease. It is necessary to drink more liquid, this will help quickly remove accumulated toxins from the body.

Nasal rinsing

The nasal passages can be washed with both pharmaceutical solutions and self-prepared products. Such means include:

  • Saline solution. To prepare it, you will need to dilute half a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water, preferably sea salt. After this, 3-5 drops of iodine are added to the solution. You can rinse with this product even with purulent sinusitis.
  • Infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage. To prepare the infusion you will need a spoonful of dry herbs and a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the solution can be used for rinsing.
  • Propolis solution. A spoonful of propolis water infusion should be diluted in a glass of water and then used for rinsing.

The nasal rinsing procedure for adults is not difficult. It is necessary to take a fairly flat container and pour the solution into it, after which it must be sucked in alternately through each nostril. Any solution that gets into the throat should be spat out.

For young children, their noses are washed a little differently due to the fact that they cannot yet cope with such a procedure on their own. First, they need to drop a few drops of the prepared solution into the nasal passage. Then you need to carefully suck out the solution along with the mucus using a rubber syringe.

Older children can already rinse their nose on their own, but it is necessary that their head is tilted slightly forward and their mouth is slightly open.

Nasal drops

Treatment of a runny nose at home should also be carried out using drops. They can be instilled both in the first days of illness and during the recovery period in order to completely restore the mucous layer and remove remaining bacteria. To prepare the drops, house plants, food, and pharmaceutical preparations are used.

  1. Aloe or Kalanchoe drops are suitable for treating runny nose in children and adults. To prepare them, you will need juice from plant leaves and boiled water, which must be diluted in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Aloe juice can also be diluted with liquid honey. A teaspoon of heated honey will require as many drops of aloe as the child’s age. The prepared product is instilled in two drops into each nasal passage. You just need to prepare this medicine in a new way every time.
  3. 50 ml of vegetable oil must be heated in a water bath in order to achieve its sterilization. At this time, you need to chop 4 cloves of fresh garlic and a quarter of an onion. Chopped vegetables are poured with hot oil and left to infuse for two hours. After this, the oil must be filtered and used as drops. Cooked healing composition They are successfully used even to treat the most stubborn runny nose. This remedy is also suitable for the treatment of rhinitis in children.
  4. Fresh beetroot juice is a good remedy for a runny nose; two to three drops of it are placed in each nostril.
  5. Add vegetable oil and a few drops of garlic juice to freshly squeezed carrot juice. The prepared drops are used for rhinitis in children and adults.

Treatment of a runny nose with self-prepared drops is carried out until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. The prepared formulations can be stored in the refrigerator, but before use they must be heated to a comfortable temperature.


Steam inhalations make nasal breathing easier and help remove mucus, which is the main prevention of sinusitis.

  • You can breathe over boiled and mashed potatoes, the main thing is that steam, which has antimicrobial properties, is released from it.
  • Onion is good for a runny nose - garlic inhalation. You need to chop the onion and a few cloves of garlic and place them in a jar with a tightly screwed lid. You can breathe in the vapors of onion and garlic every hour and always at night.
  • Inhalation over water with a few drops of fir, menthol or eucalyptus helps ease breathing.

Inhalations should be carried out for 10 - 15 minutes and be sure to cover yourself with a large towel during the procedure.

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies along with drug treatment will help you cope with cold symptoms faster. The main thing is to select all the remedies correctly and do not put off visiting a doctor if you feel that your condition is not getting better.

A runny nose always causes inconvenience - feeling unwell and sleep, “being overwhelmed”, lack of opportunity to enjoy your favorite smells. Today we will tell you how you can cure a runny nose at home using proven folk methods.

Although homemade folk remedies for treating a runny nose are quite effective, they must be used carefully, just like any medicine.

  • Firstly, traditional methods of treating a runny nose will be effective only in the first stages of the disease. If the runny nose is severe and accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, for example, are present purulent discharge, pain in various departments nose or hearing loss. In this case, you need to consult a specialist for advice and drug treatment, and use traditional methods as an additional home remedy.
  • Secondly, when using any folk recipe To treat a runny nose at home, carefully monitor the reaction. This is especially important if the composition includes allergens - bee products, garlic, herbs and essential oils.
  • Thirdly, when carrying out inhalations, the water must not be boiling under any circumstances, otherwise you can get a burn to the nasal mucosa, skin and respiratory tract. A comfortable temperature is 80 degrees, that is, the water should boil and then cool slightly, about 10-15 minutes.
  • Fourthly, if you are doing inhalations for a child, it is better to purchase special inhalers. Even under your close supervision, a child can get severe burns when performing the procedure over a saucepan or other open container. In addition, we advise you to halve the number of products used, since the proportions in the article are given for an adult.
  • Fifthly, at temperature and bacterial rhinitis In no case is it recommended to take foot baths, steam or visit saunas, and local heating is also prohibited. In this case, use drops, ointments or inhalations.

Home treatment for a runny nose using inhalations

Inhalations - very effective method in the treatment of the common cold, used both in clinics and at home. Couples medicinal herbs or essential oils have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, well free the respiratory passages from mucus, thereby improving breathing and moisturizing the nasal mucosa.

  • For the first inhalation recipe you will need a mixture of chamomile, calendula and sage herbs. Brew 1 tbsp. l. Add the listed herbs to a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let brew for 20 minutes. Then lean over the container, cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors medicinal herbs within 10-15 minutes. If you have a special inhaler or heating pad, then the broth can be poured into it and used according to the instructions.
  • In addition to herbs, inhalations for a runny nose can also be done with essential oils. They have the same effect and can be purchased at the pharmacy. For inhalation you will need the following essential oils - eucalyptus, mint and fir. Pour a glass of hot water into a container and add 5 drops of each essential oil, tilt your head over the container, cover your head with a towel and breathe for 10-15 minutes. If you use special inhalers or a heating pad, then the number of essential oils should be reduced to two of each oil.

Rinsing as a home treatment for a runny nose

Home rinses help with a runny nose - they eliminate congestion, relieve inflammation, itching and dryness, and are able to “pull out” mucus from the most deep places respiratory tract. For rinsing a runny nose the best product is salt. You can use either regular table salt or sea salt. Pour in 1 tsp. salt with a glass of hot water, stir until the salt is completely dissolved. After this, put the saline solution into a plastic bottle with a small hole on top, or if there is none, into a syringe or syringe (an ordinary small rubber bulb) and rinse the nasal passages. Repeat this procedure up to 4-5 times a day, doing it every 1.5-2 hours.

Warm up your nose to get rid of a runny nose

A traditional folk remedy for treating a runny nose is home heating. They help drain mucus from the nasal passages, reduce inflammation, relieve itching and irritation.

  • The simplest method is to use turundas. To do it, you just need to wrap a small amount of cotton wool around a match or toothpick, and if you are warming up a child or the mucous membrane is very irritated, just use a twisted cloth. For the procedure you will need 4 pieces. Next, prepare a solution for heating, dissolve 1 tsp in a hot glass. salt (you can also use sea salt) and soda. Place the turundas there, wait 1-2 minutes, then take out two pieces and carefully insert them into the nasal passages. Just don’t insert them too deeply; insertion should be comfortable and eliminate painful sensations. Wait 2-3 minutes until they cool down, then change the turundas, that is, 2 are working, two are heating up. The duration of this home procedure for treating a runny nose is 5-10 minutes.
  • This has proven itself to be an excellent home treatment for a runny nose. folk method like warming up with a salt bag. To do this, you need to heat (calcinate) sea or regular salt in a frying pan (calcinate it, so to speak), then transfer the salt into a small bag sewn or folded from cotton fabric. For simplicity, you can use a simple handkerchief. Apply the bag to the wings of the nose, where they are concentrated maxillary sinuses, wait 5 minutes then warm up the other side in the same way. During the procedure, you can change the position of the salt bag until the salt in it cools down. Carry out this procedure up to several times a day.

Homemade foot baths with mustard against runny nose

At the first signs of a runny nose, as well as during its course traditional healers It is recommended to make foot baths with mustard. This has long been a proven remedy in the treatment of the runny nose, and should not be discounted. For the bath you will need a basin with hot water, dissolve dry mustard in it at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water. Immerse your feet in the resulting bath and wrap them with a blanket. Carry out the procedure for 10-15 minutes, during this time hot water You can add more to maintain the same temperature. It’s good to do foot baths before bed, so that you can lie down under a warm blanket. Instead of mustard, you can use good old mustard plasters. In this case, mustard plasters should be placed in hot water for about a few minutes, then applied to the feet, secured with a bandage and put on warm socks.

Other folk methods for treating a runny nose at home

We bring to your attention a few more well-proven home methods for treating a runny nose.

  • Traditional medicine offers great option ointments for runny nose. To prepare it you will need 1 tbsp. l. melted soft honey, 1 tsp. sunflower oil and a quarter of a lemon. Grind the lemon until pureed in a meat grinder or blender, mix with honey and butter. Lubricate the nasal mucosa with the resulting ointment every 2 hours.
  • Plants such as aloe (or agave) and Kalanchoe are excellent remedies against the runny nose. They perfectly moisturize the nasal mucosa, remove mucus and relieve inflammation. To prepare the drops, grind the plant leaf into a puree, place the resulting pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Place the resulting juice in your nose, 3 drops in one nostril 2-3 times a day. Such drops will cause sneezing, do not be alarmed by this, this is how a folk remedy for a runny nose works.
  • Garlic is a well-known antiviral and antibacterial folk remedy; it also helps in home treatment of a runny nose. Garlic oil has proven itself best in this regard. To prepare it, you need 3 cloves of garlic, chop them in a garlic press or grate them on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice. Mix garlic juice with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Place the resulting oil into your nasal passages 2-3 times a day.

Alexandra Ryzhkova All rights reserved

A runny nose is a disease that occurs very often and is usually characteristic of the change of season. Every person has felt rhinitis at least once in their life, and children are no exception. For some people, a runny nose develops into sinusitis, but there is always the option of fighting a runny nose at home. You can defeat rhinitis with the use of aloe, Kalanchoe, honey, onions, herbs and essential oils.

Standard errors when treating a runny nose

Very often, at the first symptoms of rhinitis, people immediately go to the pharmacy with the phrase: “Give me some drops for a runny nose.” However, before purchasing any product, you need to know the causes of a runny nose. Otherwise, the condition may only get worse. After all, rhinitis can appear against the background of allergies or a cold, and it can also be the cause of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

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Many people ignore medication instructions, which increases the number of complications by 60%. Problems also arise if people abuse vasoconstrictor drops. When a huge amount of the drug enters the nasopharynx, blood microcirculation is disrupted. This leads to dependence on the drug.

It is also a mistake that many people suffer from colds on their feet. Instead of getting treatment at home, they run to work. And the usual one bed rest can cure a cold in a couple of days.

Popular drop recipes

Today there are a number effective recipes for the treatment of rhinitis, which you can do yourself.

These simple recipes will help not only completely get rid of a runny nose, but also prevent the disease from returning.

From Kalanchoe and other plants

Kalanchoe and aloe are used for a variety of problems.

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They heal wounds well and help against bedsores. And of course, they are used as remedies for rhinitis.

Drops recipes

Kolanchoe and aloe juice can be used in their pure form by kneading the leaves and stem of the plant with your hands. Place the resulting mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Place aloe or colanchoe into the nose, but no more than five drops per day.
You can also mix aloe and Kalanchoe juices in equal parts. Place no more than three drops per day into your nose.

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You can mix onion juice and aloe. The cooking principle is the same as in previous recipes, only the proportions are different. There is one part onion to two parts aloe.
If a person is very sensitive or a child is being treated, then you can prepare a decoction of Kolanchoe at home. The leaves and stem are steamed with a small amount of boiling water. As soon as the tincture has cooled, it must be filtered, and you can bury it in your nose, but no more than 3 times a day.

But the most effective remedy prepared at home is considered to be a mixture of colanchoe or aloe juice and honey.


Like any other folk remedy or official medicine, Kalanchoe and aloe have their own contraindications for use at home:

  • Medicines from these plants are not recommended for use during pregnancy.
  • They should not be used by persons with low blood pressure or people with any type of allergy.
  • And, of course, you should not overdo it and violate the recommended dosage.

Essential oils for runny nose

Essential oils are often used in folk medicine; they can help cope with a runny nose at home.

Preparation and use

For the future remedy for the common cold, you will need a glass container, preferably with dark glass. The bottle must be rinsed well. If the container previously contained essential oil, first pour alcohol into it and then rinse with hot water.

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The basis for the product can be oil grape seeds, olive or avocado. The base oil is poured into the bottle and essential oils are added.

At the first signs of incipient rhinitis, oil will do. tea tree, eucalyptus or lavender. For 10 ml of base substance add 1 ml of essential oil.

For a runny nose, when the discharge is already thick and yellow-green in color, add 2 ml of essential oil per 10 ml. It can be sage, basil or lavender.
For rhinitis, when the nose is completely blocked, it is difficult to clear it and it is impossible to breathe, you can dilute the mixture:

  • 2 drops each of rosemary and juniper, geranium;
  • 1 drop each of sage and peppermint oil.

If your nose smells perfectly, but the cold has not yet subsided, then basil oil will do. You can also use a mixture of basil, eucalyptus and tea tree. All essential oils are added to the base, 2 drops each.
You can also bury your nose with a mixture of camphor oil, and menthol. The ingredients are added in a 1:1 ratio. You need to instill 2-3 drops into one nostril.

Directions for use

Bury ready-made product 1-2 drops in one nostril. Frequency of use per day – no more than 4 times.
All means can be adjusted to suit yourself.

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If you are intolerant to any oil, you can remove it or replace it with another. Nasal drops can be prepared at home from one oil, simply increasing its dosage.

Other ways to get rid of a runny nose


The product must be prepared in advance, before the start of the cold season. Used sunflower oil, you can also use olive oil. Add crushed wild rosemary to 100 grams of oil - 1 tablespoon. The product is infused in a dark place for 21 days. Future drops should be shaken every day.

After 21 days, the product is filtered. When a cold and signs of a runny nose appear, drops are dripped into the nose, 2-3 per nostril - the first time. Then the product is used 1 drop per nostril, up to four times a day. The product can be used for no more than two weeks in a row.


To prepare this remedy at home, only red beets are suitable. Freshly squeezed juice is dropped into each nostril, 5 or 6 drops.

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Remember, beets cannot be boiled for medicine. Beet juice can also be mixed with honey. Three beet juice is added to a teaspoon of honey.


To prepare the product, squeeze carrot juice, to which a couple of drops of garlic juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil are added. The product mixes well, and you can drop it into your nose - no more than three times a day.


Celandine grass, about 4 grams, finely chopped.

Then the herb, honey and aloe juice are mixed in equal parts. You can instill three drops into the nostril no more than 5 times a day.

Onion juice

Onion juice is suitable if a person has yellow-green nasal discharge. The juice is squeezed out of the onion, squeezed through gauze and dropped into the nose.

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You can store this onion product in the refrigerator for no more than four days. This recipe is very “cruel”, as it can burn the mucous membrane, so it is used in extreme cases. To loosen burning properties onions, you can add olive oil to the product.

You can also mix onion juice with honey at home. For these drops you will need 3 tablespoons of onion pulp, 1 tablespoon of honey and 50 ml of water. Before use, the mixture is infused for about half an hour and filtered.

In addition to instillation, you can simply breathe in onion juice.

Rinse your nose with sea salt

In addition to nasal drops, rinsing the nose with homemade products also helps.

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The simplest thing is sea salt. It is diluted with water and the nose is washed with this solution. This simple method allows you to thoroughly cleanse the maxillary sinuses and quickly get rid of rhinitis.
The main thing is that the saline solution should be weak. A huge amount of salt will not help get rid of a runny nose faster, but will only burn the nasal mucosa, as yogis say. A product based on sea ​​salt came precisely from the East. Brine shouldn't be cooler than human blood.

The salt in the solution must dissolve well, boiling water should not be used, and the water for dilution should not be hotter than 42 °C.
When rinsing at home, you do not need to sniff the solution through your nose, as you may choke. The product should flow smoothly from one nostril to the other.
The salt concentration per glass should not be more than 1 teaspoon. For children, there should be even less salt.

A runny nose is a disease that occurs very often and is usually characteristic of the change of season. Every person has felt rhinitis at least once in their life, and children are no exception. For some people, a runny nose develops into sinusitis, but there is always the option of fighting a runny nose at home. You can defeat rhinitis with the use of aloe, Kalanchoe, honey, onions, herbs and essential oils.

Standard mistakes when treating a runny nose

Very often, at the first symptoms of rhinitis, people immediately go to the pharmacy with the phrase: “Give me some drops for a runny nose.” However, before purchasing any product, you need to know the causes of a runny nose. Otherwise, the condition may only get worse. After all, rhinitis can appear against the background of allergies or a cold, and it can also be the cause of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Many people ignore medication instructions, which increases the number of complications by 60%. Problems also arise if people abuse vasoconstrictor drops. When a huge amount of the drug enters the nasopharynx, blood microcirculation is disrupted. This leads to dependence on the drug.

It is also a mistake that many people suffer from colds on their feet. Instead of getting treatment at home, they run to work. And regular bed rest can cure a cold in a couple of days.

Popular drop recipes

Today there are a number of effective recipes for the treatment of rhinitis that you can make yourself.

These simple recipes will help not only completely get rid of a runny nose, but also prevent the disease from returning.

From Kalanchoe and other plants

Kalanchoe and aloe are used for a variety of problems.

They heal wounds well and help against bedsores. And of course, they are used as remedies for rhinitis.

Drops recipes

Kolanchoe and aloe juice can be used in their pure form by kneading the leaves and stem of the plant with your hands. Place the resulting mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Place aloe or colanchoe into the nose, but no more than five drops per day.
You can also mix aloe and Kalanchoe juices in equal parts. Place no more than three drops per day into your nose.

You can mix onion juice and aloe. The cooking principle is the same as in previous recipes, only the proportions are different. There is one part onion to two parts aloe.
If a person is very sensitive or a child is being treated, then you can prepare a decoction of colanchoe at home. The leaves and stem are steamed with a small amount of boiling water. As soon as the tincture has cooled, it must be filtered, and you can bury it in your nose, but no more than 3 times a day.

But the most effective remedy prepared at home is considered to be a mixture of colanchoe or aloe juice and honey.


Like any other traditional or official medicine, Kalanchoe and aloe have their own contraindications for use at home:

Medicines from these plants are not recommended for use during pregnancy. They should not be used by people with low blood pressure or people with any type of allergies. And, of course, you should not overdo it and violate the recommended dosage.

Essential oils for runny nose

Essential oils are often used in folk medicine; they can help cope with a runny nose at home.

Preparation and use

For the future remedy for the common cold, you will need a glass container, preferably with dark glass. The bottle must be rinsed well. If the container previously contained essential oil, first pour alcohol into it and then rinse with hot water.

The basis for the product can be grape seed, olive or avocado oil. The base oil is poured into the bottle and essential oils are added.

At the first signs of incipient rhinitis, tea tree oil, eucalyptus or lavender oil are suitable. For 10 ml of base substance, add 1 ml of essential oil.

For a runny nose, when the discharge is already thick and yellow-green in color, add 2 ml of essential oil per 10 ml. It can be sage, basil or lavender.
For rhinitis, when the nose is completely blocked, it is difficult to clear it and it is impossible to breathe, you can dilute the mixture:

2 drops each of rosemary and juniper, geranium; 1 drop each of sage and peppermint oil.

If your nose smells perfectly, but the cold has not yet subsided, then basil oil will do. You can also use a mixture of basil, eucalyptus and tea tree. All essential oils are added to the base, 2 drops each.
You can bury your nose with a mixture of camphor oil and menthol. The ingredients are added in a 1:1 ratio. You need to instill 2-3 drops into one nostril.

Directions for use

Instill 1-2 drops of the finished product into one nostril. Frequency of use per day – no more than 4 times.
All means can be adjusted to suit you.

If you are intolerant to any oil, you can remove it or replace it with another. Nasal drops can be prepared at home from one oil, simply increasing its dosage.

Other ways to get rid of a runny nose


The product must be prepared in advance, before the start of the cold season. Sunflower oil is used, but olive oil can also be used. Add crushed wild rosemary to 100 grams of oil - 1 tablespoon. The product is infused in a dark place for 21 days. Future drops should be shaken every day.

After 21 days, the product is filtered. When a cold and signs of a runny nose appear, drops are dripped into the nose, 2-3 per nostril - the first time. Then the product is used 1 drop per nostril, up to four times a day. The product can be used for no more than two weeks in a row.


To prepare this remedy at home, only red beets are suitable. Freshly squeezed juice is dropped into each nostril, 5 or 6 drops.

Remember, beets cannot be boiled for medicine. Beet juice can also be mixed with honey. Three beet juice is added to a teaspoon of honey.


To prepare the product, squeeze carrot juice, add a couple of drops of garlic juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. The product mixes well, and you can drop it into your nose - no more than three times a day.


Celandine grass, about 4 grams, finely chopped.

Then the herb, honey and aloe juice are mixed in equal parts. You can instill three drops into the nostril no more than 5 times a day.

Onion juice

Onion juice is suitable if a person has yellow-green nasal discharge. The juice is squeezed out of the onion, squeezed through gauze and dropped into the nose.

You can store this onion product in the refrigerator for no more than four days. This recipe is very “cruel”, as it can burn the mucous membrane, so it is used in extreme cases. To weaken the burning properties of onions, you can add olive oil to the product.

You can also mix onion juice with honey at home. For these drops you will need 3 tablespoons of onion pulp, 1 tablespoon of honey and 50 ml of water. Before use, the mixture is infused for about half an hour and filtered.

In addition to instillation, you can simply breathe in onion juice.

Rinse your nose with sea salt

In addition to nasal drops, rinsing the nose with homemade products also helps.

The simplest thing is sea salt. It is diluted with water and the nose is washed with this solution. This simple method allows you to thoroughly cleanse the maxillary sinuses and quickly get rid of rhinitis.
The main thing is that the saline solution should be weak. A huge amount of salt will not help get rid of a runny nose faster, but will only burn the nasal mucosa, as yogis say. And the product based on sea salt came precisely from the East. The saline solution should not be cooler than human blood.

The salt in the solution must dissolve well, boiling water should not be used, and the water for dilution should not be hotter than 42 °C.
When rinsing at home, you do not need to sniff the solution through your nose, as you may choke. The product should flow smoothly from one nostril to the other.
The salt concentration per glass should not be more than 1 teaspoon. For children, there should be even less salt.

A runny nose is a frequent companion in the autumn-spring period. Temperature fluctuations, cold rains and wind predispose to nasal congestion and rhinorrhea. If nothing bothers you other than a runny nose, you can try to cope with the disease on your own.

In treatment, you can use proven medications recommended by traditional medicine. To make nasal breathing easier, you can prepare nasal drops at home. We'll talk about the methods below.

The cause of deterioration of the condition may be:

cold; infection; allergy; unfavorable working and living conditions; vasomotor rhinitis; adenoiditis; sinusitis.

Each of us is familiar with difficult nasal breathing, when nasal sounds appear, it is impossible to sleep and work normally. Depending on the underlying cause of the disease, you may also experience:

rhinorrhea. The discharge may be thick, watery, profuse, scanty, transparent, yellowish or green; hyperthermia; lacrimation; photophobia; headache; body aches; severe malaise; irritability; poor appetite.

If treatment of rhinitis is ineffective or untimely, there is a risk of serious complications (sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, bronchitis).

Folk remedies are effective only at the initial stage of the disease. If the disease cannot be stopped using alternative methods, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine further treatment tactics.

As practice shows, it is most often possible to eliminate a runny nose with the help of aloe, onions, garlic and vegetable juices. Now let's look in more detail at each of the traditional methods of treatment.


Thanks to its powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, agave is widely used not only in otolaryngology, but also in cosmetology and surgical practice.

The plant contains bioflavonoids, the action of which is aimed at reducing vascular permeability. Aloe is often prescribed for vascular pathology, but for a runny nose it is also effective because it reduces the severity of tissue edema.

The fact is that the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is accompanied by damage to local capillaries. The wall of blood vessels becomes more permeable, as a result of which the liquid part of the plasma escapes into the tissue, increasing swelling and rhinorrhea.

Regular use of aloe helps strengthen the vascular wall. The juice contains vitamins (E, B, C), zinc, carotenoids. The complex of natural components makes it possible to moisturize the mucous membrane, normalize its nutrition, reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and activate regeneration. Do not forget about the antimicrobial property of agave, thanks to which the medicine can be used for infectious rhinitis, including purulent runny nose.

Rules for making juice

To prepare drops for the common cold, you must use a plant that is at least three years old, as it must contain the optimal amount of nutrients. Aloe leaves should be dense and fleshy. The leaf needs to be cut off near the base, washed and wrapped in newspaper. In this form, agave should be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then you should take out the plant and carefully peel it, removing a thin layer of peel. Aloe needs to be crushed and then squeezed out the juice.

Healthy recipes

Please note that undiluted juice is very concentrated and may cause irritation.

There are several recipes for preparing drops:

In order for aloe juice to be safe to use, it should be diluted with boiled water to obtain a 50% concentration. Adults are recommended to instill three drops three times a day. As for children, the dilution should be greater - 1:3, to reduce the risk of irritation of the mucous membrane; juice can be diluted with antiseptic solutions, for example, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. In this case, the effectiveness of the medicine increases several times. It can be used for complicated bacterial rhinitis, as well as exacerbation of chronic runny nose. The dilution should be 1:1 or 1:3 (depending on the strength of the effect you want to get); pure aloe juice is prescribed in exceptional cases when it is necessary to obtain a powerful antimicrobial effect; the combination of aloe with peach oil allows you to additionally moisturize, protect the mucous membrane and activate regeneration processes. Typically, this remedy is recommended for the atrophic form of rhinitis, when the mucous membrane becomes thinner and dries out. To make your own healing mixture, just mix 1 ml of juice with 4 drops of oil.

If, after instillation of the nasal passages, a burning sensation appears, it is necessary to rinse them with saline solution. This is necessary to stop the absorption of the drug into the mucous membrane. Next time you can prepare nasal drops with a lower concentration of juice.

If you experience sneezing, itching, or increased rhinorrhea, you should suspect an allergy to the plant. The duration of the therapeutic course is usually 5 days.


A popular treatment is garlic juice. It is widely used for colds that are accompanied by a runny nose. The effectiveness of this medicine is due to the content of a large amount of phytoncides. They are able to quickly cleanse the nasal cavities of germs and reduce inflammation in the tissues.

Note that the use of garlic drops is justified only for bacterial rhinitis. This remedy is absolutely ineffective for allergic, vasomotor rhinitis.

Garlic Drops Recipes

In the treatment of an adult, you can use garlic juice diluted with boiled water 1:3. You should instill the nasal passages no more than twice, two drops each. It is recommended to avoid this remedy if you have a runny nose, atrophic rhinitis, or an allergy to garlic.

To reduce the irritating effect of juice, you can use the following folk remedies:

4 drops of garlic juice should be dissolved in 5 ml of olive oil. You can also use peach, fir or sea buckthorn oil; two large cloves need to be chopped using a garlic press, poured with olive oil (1:3), and left for half an hour in a water bath. After cooling, you can instill two drops into your nasal passages.

The use of honey for microbial rhinitis is not advisable, since this product is a breeding ground for infectious pathogens.

To prepare the healing remedy, you must use fresh garlic, which will allow you to achieve the desired result in a short period of time.

Restrictions on use

The main disadvantage of garlic drops is the high risk of irritation and burns to the mucous membrane.

children under 10 years of age; when the mucous membrane dries out, which will aggravate the course of the disease; with severe rhinorrhea, when watery discharge is a sign of allergy.

Onion medicines

Compared to garlic drops, onion juice is a safer method of treatment. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a quick effect, because onion-based folk remedies are much gentler than pharmaceutical drugs.

The natural composition of onion juice allows you to achieve anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects. Thanks to vitamins, immune defense is strengthened, as a result of which the body can independently fight infection.

Homemade onion drops reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, facilitate nasal breathing, eliminate infection and improve the outflow of mucus.


To prepare medicine with your own hands, it does not require a lot of effort, time and material resources. Here are some simple recipes:

the easiest way to cook. The onion should be peeled and chopped using a grater. You need to squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp and dilute it with boiled water (1:1). Instill two drops three times. If the medicine causes a burning sensation after contact with the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, it should be washed off with saline solution. Next time you need to prepare a product with a lower concentration of onion juice;

For colds, you can use onions with honey. The recipe includes one medium-sized onion, boiled water (160 ml), and honey (15 ml). It is best to give preference to linden honey. First, you should peel the vegetable, chop it and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Approximately 60 ml. Now mix the juice with water and add melted honey. The medicine should sit for about half an hour, after which treatment can begin. One instillation requires three drops. The procedure can be repeated 4 times per day; the combination of onions and oil allows you to moisturize the mucous membrane, improve nutrition and speed up tissue restoration. To prepare runny nose drops at home, you need an onion and 90 ml of vegetable oil. First you need to prepare the ingredients. To do this, chop the onion to a paste-like consistency, add oil and mix thoroughly. The product should sit overnight, then squeeze out the juice; for severe runny nose, including purulent type, a combination of aloe and onion is recommended. To prepare a medicine for the nose at home, you need to chop the vegetable, squeeze out the juice, and combine with aloe (1:1). Using such a remedy is quite dangerous, as there is a risk of irritation of the mucous membrane and increased rhinorrhea. In this regard, before instillation, it is necessary to dilute the mixture with boiled water (1:1). Now you can put three drops in your nose.

Before instilling the drug into the nasal passages, they should be cleaned with saline solution.


Please note that onion products, despite their natural composition, also have some limitations in use. Onion juice is not recommended for:

allergic reaction to onions; violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane (scratches); thermal damage to nasal tissues; bloody runny nose; drying out of the mucous membrane.

Remember, onion remedy can only be used fresh. When stored, it loses its healing properties.

Beet juice

A cure for a runny nose at home can be prepared from beetroot juice. It is effective for colds, but is useless for allergic rhinitis. As for the infectious form, beet juice can become a stimulant for the spread of infection. The recipe requires choosing beets that are dark in color, cylindrical in shape, and have no light rings. Note that beets dilate local blood vessels, so you should not expect rhinorrhea to stop after using the juice.


To prepare a healing remedy, it is better to use fresh beets, since boiled ones contain fewer nutrients. First, you should wash the vegetable, peel it, and chop it using a fine grater. Now the resulting pulp needs to be ground through cheesecloth to obtain juice. If possible, you can use a juicer.

Place the beet juice in the refrigerator for several hours. The juice cannot be used in its pure form, so for dilution you can take:

boiled warm water, a volume equal to beet juice. Drop two drops three times into the nasal passages; melted honey, the amount of which is three times the juice.

We will describe the combined recipe in more detail. It includes equal volumes of carrot and beet juice, olive oil, and a few drops of garlic juice.

All ingredients should be cleaned, crushed and squeezed out the juice. First, mix vegetable juices, add oil (1:2), garlic drops. For treatment, you should instill two drops of the prepared healing agent twice a day.


The listed recipes can only be used for medicinal purposes. For prevention, it is recommended to use saline solutions. They are necessary for washing the nasal passages, which allows you to clean, moisturize the mucous membrane, protect it from the negative influence of environmental factors and facilitate nasal breathing.

In addition, do not forget about strengthening the immune system. To do this, it is necessary to improve nutrition, devote enough time to sleep, regularly walk in the fresh air and carry out hardening procedures.