Eye training to restore vision. Using eye drops. Eye exercises from Norbekov

and getting rid of floaters before the eyes

You've probably already become acquainted with the technique on the "" page and have general idea about it, as well as how to practice using this method. Here I will introduce you to exercises to restore vision and getting rid of flies before your eyes. They are very simple and understandable. Require minimum costs time: it is enough to study for 20-30 minutes. per day, with their help I completely restored my vision from 0.2 to 1.0. I felt very funny when I realized that people spend a lot of money, risk losing their eyesight, and for what, to wear glasses or have surgery? While they already have everything they need to see; you only need to sacrifice half an hour a day. If you are ready to make such “sacrifices”, then go for it. Every day I repeated the same exercise cycle in the morning and evening. Probably, if you do it more often, the recovery rate will be higher, but, unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to exercise during the day while working. First I will write a schedule of classes, and then I will go into detail about each exercise. I draw your attention to the fact that for the first time it is better to measure the initial result with a test table, and then do the exercises so that the effect is visible. I have no doubt that he will.

Morning exercises (before work)

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes.
  2. Palming.

Evening exercise (after work)

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes.
  2. Palming.
  3. Working with a check table.
  4. Sniper technique.

I’ll add that sometimes at work and on weekends I did eye exercises during the day. It is possible, of course, more often, but it depends on how you feel. How to do eye exercises?

Exercise No. 1. Gymnastics for the eyes

This exercise includes a set of eye movements. With the help of this gymnastics you improve blood circulation, and therefore metabolism. In addition, you train the muscles of the eye, keep them in good shape so that they easily relax or tense when focusing your vision. Gymnastics should be done easily, without eye strain, this is very important!

  1. We start with eye movements up and down, i.e. We look up, then slowly look down and do this 3 times. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly.
  2. Eye movement left and right, i.e. We look to the left, then slowly move our gaze to the right and so on 3 times. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly.
  3. Eye movement diagonally from the upper right corner to the lower left, i.e. we raise our eyes to the upper right corner, then slowly move our gaze to the lower left and so on 3 times. Try to “draw” a straight line with your eyes. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly.
  4. Eye movement diagonally from the upper left to the lower right, i.e. we raise our eyes to the upper left corner, then slowly move our gaze to the lower right and so on 3 times. Try to “draw” a straight line with your eyes. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly.
  5. Eye movement square counterclockwise, i.e. we raise our eyes to the upper right corner, then slowly move to the upper left corner, then to the lower left, then to the lower right, then return to the upper right and so on 3 times. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly.
  6. Eye movement square clockwise, i.e. we raise our eyes to the upper right corner, then slowly move to the lower right corner, then to the lower left, then to the upper left, then return to the upper right and so on 3 times. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly.
  7. Moving in circles counterclockwise, i.e. we look up (12 o’clock), then slowly “draw” with our eyes a circle counterclockwise along an imaginary dial: first at 9 o’clock, then at 6, then at 3 and return at 12 o’clock. Try not to cut corners, although at first it will not be easy. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly.
  8. Moving in circles clockwise, i.e. we look up (12 o’clock), then slowly “draw” with our eyes a circle clockwise along an imaginary dial: first at 3 o’clock, then at 6, then at 9 and return at 12 o’clock. Try not to cut corners, although at first it will not be easy. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly.
  9. Movement snake, those. we look at the lower right corner, then slowly move our gaze upward, moving a little to the left, then we move our gaze downward, moving a little more to the left, and so on until the end, until our gaze is in the lower left corner. Then we repeat the movement according to the same pattern in right side until your gaze is in the lower right corner. The result should be the following trajectory of movement to the left and back to the right:

This exercise is done 1 time, without repetitions. After which we do exercise No. 5 - Butterfly. After some time, it will be possible to increase the number of repetitions of each exercise, except for the snake, up to 4 times. The next day there may be unpleasant sensations in the eyes, it’s the muscles that hurt. In this case, reduce the load and, most importantly, do all movements easily so that there is no discomfort. If you want to do the exercise more often, do not overdo it, as your eye muscles may get sore.

Exercise No. 2. Palming

Palming- an exercise to relax the eyes. You can do it for as long as you like and as much as you want. You can't spoil the porridge with butter. With this exercise you warm up your eyes, which increases blood circulation and metabolism. You give your eyes a rest and your muscles relax. And it’s not in vain that we involuntarily put our hands on the sore spot, so we subconsciously help ourselves. There is something in this too... So, we lie down or sit down comfortably. Warm up your palms by rubbing them together. We fold them crosswise, as in the photo.

And we close our eyes with our palms so that the middle of our palms is approximately opposite the eyeball. There is no need to touch your eyes with your hands. At the same time, you need to hold your fingers tightly so that no light penetrates at all (see photo).

It is equally important to place something under your elbows (for example, a pillow), this will provide comfort and allow you to completely relax. Then we open our eyes under our palms to make sure that no light penetrates. If you see absolute darkness, close your eyes and relax. In a few seconds you will feel the warmth from your hands, this is healing warmth, believe me. Imagine how blood circulates through the vessels of the eye, bringing healing, how the retina of the eye receives all the necessary useful substances. How the eye muscles relax and gain the ability to focus at any distance. Imagine how you see all the letters of the test table, the credits on TV, or come up with something of your own... In a word, imagine that you have already restored your vision and the job is done. The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes.

Exercise No. 3. Working with a check table

This exercise consists of practical application all restorative exercises for the eyes. In principle, I am sure that vision can only be corrected with the help of check table. With exercises we simply help the eyes recover faster. But without a test table it will not be possible to restore your vision. Because you must see your results and dynamics, feel the recovery process. And in the end, the main thing is not just to have elastic muscles, good exchange substances, but you need to see 100% - that’s the goal! Therefore, working with a check table is a key exercise in the entire technique. The test table can be downloaded in the "" section and printed or created yourself in Word, print the letters Ш, В, К, О, З in one row and in the next M, P, N, B, I, E. Ш. Arial font size 22 If you see printed letters from a distance of 5 m, then your vision is 100% or 1.0. If you see from 2 m, then your vision is 0.4. At home, you can determine what kind of vision you have in the following way: multiply the distance from which you see the letters, in meters, by 0.2. Below is a table for quick calculation.

Distance, m
Visual acuity

Once you have printed the letters on a piece of paper, you can proudly call it a “check sheet”. It is important to choose the right place for testing; it should be well lit. Preferably artificial lighting sources, because... The vision test conditions must be the same throughout the entire period of vision correction, because visual acuity depends on lighting. And the measurement process must be objective. I had a table hanging in the hallway under spotlights. Then I realized my mistake, because... there was not enough light, vision was restored more slowly, but I did not change the conditions. I recommend using a table lamp or something like that for this purpose. The table should be hung at eye level. After you have installed the table, you need to measure the initial distance from which you see the letters, convert it to meters and multiply by 0.2. This way you will determine your visual acuity - the current level. Let's get back to working with the check table. You need to find the maximum distance from which you can see the letters. Usually the next day I would start with the previous day's distance. First we look with the eye, with the worst result, covering it with a second sheet of paper. It is very important not to touch the closed eye. As soon as you see the letters, we increase the distance a little (I took a step of half a foot (14 cm)) and try to see it again. You need to look without tension, without squinting, with relaxed eyes. In general, we look as usual. Usually after 3 minutes. you begin to see the letters on the table from a greater distance. If you can’t see it, then we do “Butterfly” - exercise No. 5 and look again. When you can’t see it, don’t despair, come closer to the table. We repeat the testing procedure for the second eye. And only then do we both look. Based on the results of working with the check table, you must write down the result once a day; I did this in the evening (you can find my form to fill out in the “”) section. The result must be recorded for each eye separately and for both at the same time, i.e. write down three numbers every day. The rate of recovery for the eyes will be different, as was the case for me. Try to create a good mood for yourself during the test, be sure to smile, and be happy for the result! I’ll give you another tip on how to quickly determine the distance: measure the length of your slippers and measure the distance in the slippers, and then convert to meters.

Exercise No. 4. Sniper technique

Scientifically speaking, this exercise promotes the development of eye accommodation. In other words, it teaches the eye to focus on objects and see clearly at various distances. It seems that using this technique, snipers train their eyesight. There are people with visual acuity of 300%; this result can be achieved with simple training. Best results This is demonstrated by children whose muscles are more elastic. So the “secret” exercise.

  1. Back and forth. We bring the index finger to the nose, to the closest distance from which it is clearly visible and does not double (in this position, the eye muscles are tense), then slowly remove it, without losing focus on it (the eye muscles relax), then bring it closer and move away again. I did this exercise only in the evening for two minutes. Gradually (several weeks) you will move your finger closer to your nose and one day you will be able to see it from a very close distance.
  2. Here and there. We bring the index finger to the nose, to the closest distance from which it is clearly visible and does not double (in this position the muscles of the eye are tense), then we move our gaze into the distance (the neighboring house, the opposite bank of the river, etc.), after which we move again look at the finger. I did this exercise only in the evening for two minutes.

Exercise No. 5. Butterfly

This is an exercise to relax the eye muscles. This is a normal blink. According to the Bates system, the cause of visual impairment is the effort to see an object. You can check for yourself how simple blinking improves your vision: just blink at a poorly visible object. But there is one important point: The exercise is called “butterfly”, but this is not accidental. Because you need to blink not only often, but also very softly, easily, without straining, without squinting, as if butterfly wings. Like this... Just do the butterfly exercise for a few seconds and you will feel the result. It can be done periodically throughout the day, because... " butterfly“promotes not only relaxation of muscles, but also wetting of the cornea of ​​the eye, which is also very useful. That's all the exercises that were in my arsenal. I didn’t take any secret weapons in the form of vitamins and blueberries, although it probably wouldn’t be superfluous. He led his usual way of life with full mental and physical activity. You see how simple it really is. Go for it!!!

Vision is one of the most important functions of the body, which allows you to fully work, live and relax. Ability to see the world around us, given to us from birth, is taken for granted. While we care about the beauty of our face and figure, we care little about the health of our eyes and begin to pay attention only when we encounter obvious problems.

Today, medicine can effectively cure many eye diseases without making any special efforts. But all “fast” methods have a number of contraindications, complications and risks. Slow but effective way, if not improve, then significantly stop the decline in vision and achieve a certain improvement - this is gymnastics for the eyes, which requires only one thing from a person - persistence in performing it. Nowadays, there are a huge number of corrective techniques and exercises that are intended for people with absolutely healthy eyes and for those who have vision problems, including children.

Below you will learn about the most popular and effective sets of exercises that can improve and maintain the condition of the visual organs. They are clear, simple and easy, and most importantly, safe and require only work on yourself.

Universal eye gymnastics to improve and preserve vision

The set of exercises below is perfect for those whose profession is related to constant voltage on the eyes, children with myopia or with a predisposition to this disease (stressful study, heredity, etc.).

It is important to repeat them every day, setting aside time for gymnastics, so that nothing interferes or distracts you while doing it. You can not resort to all exercises, but decide only on the most suitable ones.

So, universal exercises for the eyes:

    "Closing your eyes."

Sit on a chair and close your eyes for five seconds, then open your eyelids for five seconds. You need to repeat seven to eight times.

Effect: strengthening eyelid muscles, relaxing eye muscles, improving blood circulation.


Sit on a chair, holding your head straight, start blinking quickly for at least one minute.

Effect: Improves blood supply and circulation to the eyes.

    "Moving your gaze."

In a standing position, look into the distance for two to three seconds. Bring your index finger to your face at a distance of thirty centimeters from your eyes (in the middle), move your eyes to the tip of your finger, and hold your gaze in this position for three to five seconds, then lower your hand. Repeat the exercise at least ten times.

Effect: eye muscle training.

    "Eyelid massage"

Sit on a chair, close your eyelids and gently massage your eyes with the pad of your finger: the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the inner, the upper eyelid - vice versa. Repeat this massage for one minute.

Effect: stimulation of blood circulation, relaxation of the muscles that hold the eye.

    "Alternate eye training."

Stand up and place your index finger along the midline of your face at a distance of thirty centimeters from your eyes, looking carefully at the tip of your finger for five seconds. Use the palm of your hand to close your left eye for five seconds. At the same time, the right finger should not take its gaze off the finger. After this, remove your palm and look at the finger again with both eyes for five seconds. In the same order, do the exercise with the second eye. Repeat five times for the right and left eyes.

Effect: eye training.

    "Horizontal eye movements."

In a standing position, keeping your head straight, move your right hand to the side (in a half-bent position), extend your index finger and, slowly, move your hand to the other side, carefully watching the finger, then slowly return your hand to starting position without taking your eyes off the finger. Repeat ten times.

Effect: improving eye coordination, strengthening the muscles that are responsible for the horizontal movements of the eyeball.

    "Pressing on the eyelids."

Sit on a chair, close your eyes, place three fingers on each eyelid and lightly press on the eyelid, holding your fingers for two seconds, then move your hands away from your eyes. Repeat the exercise five times.

Effect: Fluid circulation improves inside the eye.

    "Fixation of the gaze."

Sitting on a chair, look into the distance, fixing your gaze for five seconds, then move it to the tip of your nose and fix it for five seconds. Repeat six times.

Effect: development of holding the gaze for a long time on those objects that are close to the eyes.

    "Vertical eye movements."

Standing with your head motionless, raise your right hand (half-bent), extend your index finger and fix your gaze on it, then slowly move your hand vertically down and just as slowly return it to its original position. Repeat ten times.

Effect: training eye coordination, strengthening the muscles that are responsible for the vertical movements of the eyeballs.

    "Circular movements".

In a sitting position, with your head still, extend your arm in front of you and then move it to the right. Next, extend your index finger, concentrate your gaze on it and begin circular movements (clockwise) so that the finger is half a meter away from the eyes. Do exactly the same manipulations with the other hand, performing circular movements with your eyes counterclockwise. Repeat five times.

Effect: strengthening vestibular apparatus, development of coordination of complex movements.

Stand up and, keeping your head still, raise your eyes up as much as possible, then lower them down, then to the right and left. Repeat eight times.

Effect: eye training, namely complex movements with them.

    "Circular movements - 2"

Sit on a chair, fix your head motionless, raise your eyes up and move them clockwise. Then make the same movements, but counterclockwise. Repeat five times.

Effect: development of complex eye movements, improve the stability of vestibular reactions.

    "Statistical voltage".

Close your eyes while sitting and keep your head motionless. Raise your eyes up with your eyelids closed, then lower them down, turn right and left. Repeat this exercise six times.

Effect: development of static stress.


Lower your head while standing and look at left foot, then raise your head and direct your gaze to the upper right corner of the room. Lower your head and look at your right foot, then raise your head and look at the upper left corner of the room. Repeat four times.

Effect: Improved head-eye coordination.

    "Eye muscle training."

While standing, look at the opposite wall of the room (being only a few meters away from it), then mentally divide the distance to the wall into two parts and direct your gaze to an imaginary point that separates both halves of the room. Next, divide the half closest to you into another half and direct your gaze to an imaginary point in the middle. Divide the other part of the distance in half again and fix your gaze on the point that is in the middle. Repeat five times.

Effect: training and coordination of external and internal eye muscles, development of the ability to estimate distance.

By being diligent for at least six months, you can improve your vision. Such voltages are aimed at solving specific problems that lead to myopia. The first seven exercises are considered easier and simpler, so they are suitable for beginners and those who do not have vision problems, that is, as a preventive measure. The remaining exercises are considered more complex gymnastics and are aimed at correcting vision, but despite this, you should move on to them only after you have mastered the first half of the complex. Moreover total time performing a set of exercises, after you have learned and mastered them, should take seven to ten minutes. Such quick, easy and useful gymnastics will improve vision without health risks and significant financial costs.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov

Mirzakarim Norbekov, the author who created this method for restoring vision, is not a doctor, but positions himself as a person with high strength spirit and will. Norbekov, having improved his knowledge in martial arts, devoted a lot of time to studying aspects of health promotion and healthy image life. He opened the Self-Healing Institute and successfully managed it.

The technique he developed is controversial and is evaluated among ophthalmologists in the same way as the author’s famous work “The Experience of a Fool, or the Key to Insight.”

In his technique, he describes gymnastics for the eyes and normalization of the emotional background, or auto-training. In his opinion, only by perceiving oneself as healthy, happy, active can one really achieve healing. Thus, patients who have begun to implement this complex should not perceive themselves as sick people, and the world around them should become a related and close environment.

The complex includes seven exercises that are gentle on the eyes. When performing gymnastics, there should be no pain or strain in the eyes. All exercises are performed with a straight back, which is the main factor for achieving success.

Eye exercises from Norbekov:

    The head is fixed in a level position. Slowly direct your gaze upward to maximum extreme point, and then continue to move your eyes, as if you were looking across your forehead. Then return your gaze to its original position, direct it down, as if you were looking through your throat, returning to your original position.

    The head is in a level position. Look through right ear, return to the starting position. Next, do the same, but with the right ear.

    The head is motionless and level. Draw geometric shapes with your eyes, but without overexerting your muscles or squinting: draw a diagonal, directing your eyes from the left bottom corner premises to the upper right corner. Go down to the bottom right corner of the room and glance at the top left corner. Then do this exercise in reverse.

    "Eight". The head is in a stationary position, and with your eyes you need to draw an infinity sign (horizontal figure eight). In this case, the size of the figure should correspond to the contours of the face. Change the direction of "drawing". After completing the exercise, blink your eyes, trying to relax your muscles.

    In a silent and calm environment, stop your gaze at the tip of your nose, then slowly direct your eyes in front of you, trying to look at the surrounding objects located on the sides, while your eyes should remain motionless.

Once you have mastered the technique, the exercises should be performed in the following sequence:

    fix your gaze on the tip of your nose;

    slowly move your gaze forward;

    fixation of objects that are on the sides (eyes remain motionless);

    fix your gaze on the bridge of your nose, then slowly move it forward again and try to see the surrounding surroundings (still eyes);

    the same thing, but with the gaze fixed on the bridge of the nose.

    Bring your index fingers to the tip of your nose, fix your gaze on them and, slowly, spread your fingers to the sides, trying to follow the corresponding finger with each eye (lateral vision). Repeat the exercise two or three times, then blink twenty times to relax your eyes.

    "Big Circle" The head is in a stationary position, which must be maintained throughout the entire exercise. Imagine a dial in front of your eyes that is painted gold. Trace the smooth outline of the dial with your eyes, gradually increasing in diameter. Repeat several times.

To achieve maximum effect, Mirzakarim Norbekov recommends:

    strictly adhere to the specified sequence of exercises;

    first perform a set of exercises with with open eyes, then - with closed ones, and at the last stage - mentally;

    do everything with good mood, positive and in a pleasant, calm environment;

    have a good attitude and believe that with every opening of your eyes after training, your vision is restored.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov

V. G. Zhdanov is the author of a well-known technique, which is based on the fact that visual impairment appears due to improper functioning of the eye muscles responsible for their mobility. The exercises he developed are reminiscent of gymnastics, which was first proposed by W. Bates at the beginning of the 20th century.

A set of exercises for the eyes is based on toning weakened muscle fibers and relaxation of very tense muscles. This allows you to create a better balance of muscle mobility, which should restore focus and visual acuity.

Affordable and simple techniques help to cope with farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism identified in the early stages.

Exercises for farsightedness and myopia

Before you begin to perform them, you need to relax, take a sitting position, and quickly blink your eyes. The exercise is performed only with the eyes, while the face is motionless. Each exercise lasts about five seconds and is repeated five to ten times.

1. Look up and then look down, with only your eyeballs moving. Repeat for five seconds, but at least six times.

2. Look to the left as far as possible, then to the right.

3. Quickly squeeze/unclench your eyelids.

4. Circular movements of the eyes (first clockwise, then counterclockwise).

5. Draw diagonal lines with your eyes: from the lower right corner, move your gaze to the upper left, and vice versa.

6. Blink quickly and often, avoiding excessive squeezing of the eyelids.

7. Place your index finger on the bridge of your nose and focus your gaze on it.

8. Stand near the window, concentrate your gaze on the window handle, then quickly turn your gaze to a distant object and focus your gaze on it.

Gymnastics for astigmatism

The exercises we described for astigmatism do not find recognition among specialists, but despite this, the number of fans of this technique is steadily growing.

All exercises must be repeated at least six times, after which, by blinking (without squeezing your eyelids too much), relax your eyes:

    alternately draw imaginary lines with your eyes up and down, and then left and right, as if drawing a cross;

    draw a regular circle with your eyes;

    repeat the first exercise, but drawing crosses from straight diagonal lines;

    draw an imaginary square;

    outline an imaginary number 8 and then an infinity sign;

    in the future, a set of eye exercises can be complicated by “drawing” more complex geometric shapes(polygon, trapezoid, spiral).

Palming for the eyes

Such techniques warm the eyes with the heat that comes from the palms, improve blood circulation, relieve muscle strain, and therefore can be used by all people with vision problems.

Sit at the table in such a way that it is comfortable, place your elbows on the surface of the table. You should connect your fingers tightly and rub them with your palms in this position. After closing your eyes, press your crossed palms to your face, leaving your nose free and covering your eyes with them. When opening the eyelids, the light should not get through your fingers, that is, eliminate all the cracks. You need to stay in this position for two to three minutes.

Tibetan gymnastics

Eyes in Eastern medicine are associated with green and the element Wood. Exactly green has a positive effect on the organs of vision. For this reason, experts advise placing some green object next to the computer and periodically looking at it for five to ten minutes.

Eye massage

During the day, during breaks (you need to look up from the monitor every 45 minutes), you can perform useful self-massage, which consists of smoothing the lower and upper eyelids with your eyes closed. Another technique - circular rotations eyes closed, pressing slightly on the eyelids with your fingers.

A set of exercises for the eyes

Simple and effective exercises that have been developed a long time ago help restore vision.

    Place your index fingers in a vertical position at a distance of forty centimeters from your eyes. Concentrate your gaze on the finger, then begin to spread your arms to the sides until your eyes can see your fingers. peripheral vision, then bring your hands together again, without letting go of your index fingers with your gaze. This exercise gradually develops into the next one.

    The index fingers are placed in front of the eyes, you need to focus your gaze on them, and then look at an object that is a few meters away. Concentrate your gaze on a distant object for five seconds, then look at your fingers again. Repeat the exercise three to four times.

    Close your eyes and gently press the eyelids with your fingertips (six times). Next, open your eyes and do not blink for six seconds. Repeat three times.

    Close your eyes and open your eyes six times, making an effort, then open your eyes wide and do not blink, trying to keep your eyes open for six seconds. Perform the exercise at least three times.

    Then lower your eyes down, move them to the right, up, left and down, repeating the circle three times. Then raise your eyes and certain time look only to the right. Now perform the exercise three times in the other direction.

    Without squinting, blink your eyes frequently for two minutes.

    Gently stroke the eyelids with light movements of your fingers.

At the end of the complex you need to sit with your eyes closed for three to five minutes.

Eye wash

For such useful procedure you need to take a wide basin and fill it cold water. For extra cooling, add a few ice cubes to the water. Lower your face into the water, keeping your eyes closed, then open your eyes. Perform circular movements with your eyes in the water with a large amplitude - three approaches of ten to twenty times. At the end of washing, you need to wipe your face with a terry towel.

The blood vessels of the eyes narrow under the influence cold water, and then, as the procedure is completed, the vessels dilate again, which leads to improved blood circulation. The eyes get a healthy shine, and the whites become brighter.

There are other techniques of Tibetan gymnastics that are performed at the energy level. According to their adherents, they improve vision through a person’s internal potential and the power of thought.

Experts of the Tibetan technique and what one cannot disagree with ophthalmologists is that dull eyes signal that a person is sick. But a clear look speaks of good mental and physical health.

Children's gymnastics for the eyes

IN childhood myopia, in addition congenital pathologies And hereditary factors, develops as an adaptation of the eyes to high visual load. Functional changes turn into structural ones, making it easy to see those objects that are located at a short distance from the eyes, but the ability to see distant objects deteriorates over time.

To slow down the process of progression and prevent myopia, ophthalmologists advise regularly resorting to gymnastics. For children aged three to four years, two sessions of three to four minutes a day are enough. In the future, it is recommended to increase the training time, but not by more than ten minutes, otherwise the eyes will get tired. For children from six years old, you can safely use the first seven exercises that were presented at the beginning of our article, and for older children, up to ten years old, you can add a couple of exercises to the complex from the second part of the same complex.

Gymnastics for the eyes in children involves moving the eyeballs in different possible directions. But children are not always able to perceive the exercises well, despite the fact that they are simple. Many authors of exercise methods advise performing gymnastics with children in a poetic or playful form. Children will never perceive such activities as boring; they will rather remember and start doing the exercises.

    Children are well receptive to associations. For any exercise, it’s worth coming up with the most appropriate action that is familiar to kids. For example, blinking your eyes often helps, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

    You can easily find such exercises on the Internet or, using your imagination, you can come up with them yourself, each time composing new poetic rhymes.

    Upon completion of each exercise, do not forget to praise the children and encourage their efforts with kind words.

    After completing a set of exercises, it is important to relieve eye strain; kids can make faces - this is very useful and fun!


    A dragonfly flew in - like pea eyes (they make glasses with their fingers). Right - left, forward - backward (lead with eyes)

    Well, just like a real helicopter (circular movements of the eyes clockwise).

    We fly high (look up).

    We fly low (look down).

    We fly far (children look ahead).

    We are flying close (look down).

    Our window opened (the children spread their arms to the sides).

    The cat climbed onto the ledge (they walk like a cat).

    She looked up (look up).

    She looked down (they lower her down).

    Now I turned to the left (turn their eyes to the left).

    I looked at her (look to the right).

    Looked at the mouse (look to the right)

    And then she looked straight (look straight),

    And she covered them with her hands (children close their eyes).

Eye gymnastics for babies is usually called ophthalmological pauses. It is one of the effective methods for restoring vision. Moreover, it can also be useful for those children who do not experience vision problems - exercises can strengthen eye muscles, relieve tension and increase blood circulation in the eyes. No need special conditions to implement them, they can be carried out in classes, in kindergartens and at home.

It is important to keep the baby's head still. This position is easier to maintain while sitting.

    Alternately lower and lower your eyes, then look to the left and right. Repeat the exercise three times.

    Close your eyes and remain in this position for more than ten seconds.

    Draw a circle with your eyes, first in one direction, then in the other.

    Draw an imaginary square, and then move your gaze, building imaginary diagonals.

    Draw some shape in the air with your nose (for example, a letter or number).

    Close your eyes, bring them to the tip of your nose and imagine that it begins to grow, like Pinocchio’s (about eight seconds), then imagine how it decreases again (the same time), and open your eyes.

    Make faces (ask the child to imitate this or that animal).

What are the contraindications to gymnastics for gas?

If you are faced with any eye diseases or are experiencing changes in the health of your visual organs, you should check with your ophthalmologist about the possibility of performing the exercises described above.

Any eye exercises that involve the muscular system of the eyes are categorically not recommended for retinal detachment and recovery period after retinal surgery.

The first exercise that we will learn is called "palming" ( from English word“palm” - palm) is the most important exercise for relaxing the oculomotor muscles. Performed WITHOUT GLASSES.

Everyone knows that our palms have something unknown to science, but very healing radiation. We involuntarily put our palms on sore spots - the stomach, forehead, ear, tooth... They also help the eyes.

Rub your palms together until warm. Place the fingers of each hand tightly together. As if you want to water the birds from your palms, and so that the water does not spill between your fingers. The fingers of one palm overlap the fingers of the other at right angles. And we put this design on our eyes instead of glasses, so that the crossed fingers are in the center of the forehead, the nose sticks out between the bases of the little fingers, and the eyes fall exactly in the center of the dimples of your palms.

The nose breathes freely and is not pinched. Eyes closed. The palms are pressed tightly to the face - no gaps so that the light does not reach the eyes. Place your elbows on the table or press them to your chest. The main thing is that the elbows are not suspended, and the head is a direct continuation of the back.

Calm down, relax, take a comfortable position. We say out loud (or mentally, to ourselves): “My eyes are good, wonderful, thank you, eyes, for giving me joy and happiness to see all the colors of this world in all its glory... My eyes will see better and better every day.” And similar kind self-hypnosis under warm palms.

Then the nearsighted people imagine how their eyes become round again, like balls, in order to see perfectly into the distance without glasses (their transverse muscles relax).

And farsighted people imagine how their eyes easily stretch forward, like cucumbers, in order to perfectly SEE the smallest letters CLOSE without glasses (the longitudinal muscles of the eyes relax).

At first, for some time, under closed eyes covered with palms, residual light images will loom: a TV screen, a light bulb, a piece of window, some kind of fog, a cloud... This indicates overexcitation of the optic tract - the light does not reach the eyes, but it seems to us that we see something. To remove residual light images, imagine a black velvet curtain in a theater every time you palm the palm. He is so black, black, big, big... And then the lights in the hall go out, and he gets blacker and darker. Or imagine black mascara that you spilled in front of you and cover these luminous places with it.

Another important palming exercise is pleasant memory.

Every time, think about something good, something good that happened in your life.

Exit from palming. They sat up straight, closed their eyes slightly under their palms - loosened, closed their eyes - loosened, closed their eyes - loosened. The palms were removed. With eyes closed, we shook our heads slightly and restored blood supply to the brain. Like children, they gently “wet” their eyes with their fists and wiped them. We sighed. We exhaled. And we open our eyes, blinking quickly.

Whenever you feel tired, eye strain when reading, working on a computer, watching TV, etc., put everything aside, rub your palms until warm and do palming. Three to five minutes.

Ideally, every hour when working on a computer.

Palming can and is beneficial for EVERYONE!

And now there will be several exercises to train weakened oculomotor muscles. There are a lot of them to do it is forbidden. If you do a lot of them, your eyes will hurt, you will curse everything in the world and will never do this again. Therefore, the exercises that I will show you now can only be done three times a day- before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner.


It is categorically prohibited for those who underwent ANY eye surgery less than six months ago. Wait six months for everything to heal and heal. It is also CONTRAINDICATED for those with retinal detachment. You can provoke further detachment. Go to the doctors, now there are techniques for “welding” the retina. After welding, wait six months for everything to take root. And proceed with charging carefully.

Don't rush

1. Do all exercises very smoothly, slowly, without tension or sudden movements. The head is STILL. Only one eye works! After every exercise we blink! The extraocular muscles are one of the most delicate muscles in our body; they are very easy to strain, tear, or damage with stupid, sudden movements.

2. For those who have severe myopia (greater than minus 4), do the exercises very, very carefully! Your eye is stretched forward, so the retina is stretched, tense, and there is a danger of rupture or detachment of the retina during sudden movements and stress.

3. Extra Caution for those who have had retinal detachment. We recommend that you take a full-time course under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

Before starting classes, ALWAYS go to a doctor and have your vision checked. Find out the condition of the retina. Are you farsighted or nearsighted (its degree), astigmatism?

Eye exercises from Professor Zhdanov

1. They looked up, down, up, down, up, down. Blinked, blinked, blinked.

2 . They squinted their eyes right, left, right, left, right, left. They blinked.

3. "Diagonal". We look up right - down left, up right - down left, up right - down left. They blinked. Reverse "diagonal". Left up - right down. The same 3 times. They blinked.

4. "Rectangle". We raised our eyes upward, “drew” the top side of the rectangle, the right side, the bottom, the left side, the top again, and so on 3 times in a row. They blinked. In the opposite direction, we “draw” a rectangle (counterclockwise). Top side, side left, bottom, right. 3 times. They blinked.

5. "Dial". Imagine there is a huge dial in front of you. You look around it clockwise. We raised our eyes to 12 o'clock - 3 o'clock, 6, 9, 12. And so 3 circles. They blinked. In the opposite direction “Dial”. We looked up at 12 o'clock, 9, 6, 3, 12... 3 circles. They blinked.

6. “Snake”. Let's start drawing from the tail. Eyes left down - up, down - up, down - up and head. They blinked. Back. From the head of the "snake". Down is top, down is up, down is up and tail. They blinked.

7. "Bow". Eyes down to the left. Draw the side of the bow, diagonal, right side, diagonal... 3 times. They blinked.

8. "Hourglass". Raise your eyes up: top, diagonal down, bottom side, diagonal up... 3 times. They blinked.

9. "Spiral". We unscrew it with our eyes clockwise starting from the nose. A small circle, a second larger one, a third even larger one. And the fourth - along the wall, the ceiling, another wall, along the floor. They blinked.

Now let's twist the spiral. Eyes down to the floor, along the wall, ceiling, another wall! The second circle is smaller, the third is even smaller. And the fourth circle is very small. They blinked.

10. Horizontal “spiral”. Imagine: in front of you lies (at eye level) a thick glass pipe. You wrap 5 turns of rope around it with your eyes. Eyes to the left. The first turn is on the pipe, the second, the third - in front of you, the fourth, the fifth. We wind up the rope. One twist, two, wound in front of you - three, four and five. They blinked.

11. Vertical “spiral”. In front of you is a huge glass pipe. Looking at the floor. A turn of rope on the floor - one, at chest level - two, at nose level - three, at hair level - four and on the ceiling - five. Let's rewind. There is a coil on the ceiling, at hair level - two, at nose level - three, at chest level - four, on the floor - five. They blinked.

12. "Globe". Imagine there is a large glass globe in front of you. You are trying to spin it around the equator with your eyes. You can move your ears, head, hair. One circle around the equator, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth! They blinked. Now we spin the globe in the opposite direction with our eyes. Again 6 circles around the equator. Blinked...

If someone’s eyes hurt from unusual stress, immediately take a break for a day or two

Connecting the sun - with eye polarization with a candle

And now I’ll show you a very important exercise called "Solarization of the eyes on a candle."

This treatment of the eyes with sunlight or other light is one of the best exercises for restoring vision and relaxing the extraocular muscles.

FULL OPTION. We stand facing the sun with CLOSED eyes. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely.

With our chest and face we turn to the right, twisting right leg. The heel of the left foot turns up. The sun remains to the left. Then we also turn to the left. The sun remains to the right. We continue turning, repeating out loud: “The sun on the left is the sun on the right, the sun on the left is the sun on the right, the sun on the left is the sun on the right...” The eyes are closed all the time, the hands are relaxed. After 20 - 25 turns, 10 - 12 powerful sunbeams will appear in your eyes. The sun shines through the eyelid, bright orange or yellow dots. And our eyes, they love the sun so much that there is a powerful activation of the retina and relaxation of the oculomotor muscles.

SOFT OPTION(especially when diagnosed with macular degeneration, when a person sees sideways better than straight on).

Select a sharp shadow (tree, corner of the house). One eye is in the shade, the other is in the sun. A shadow passes through the middle of you. Feet shoulder-width apart, eyes closed, face directed towards the sun. You begin to slowly sway from foot to foot, repeating out loud: “The sun comes - the sun goes, comes - goes, comes - goes...” Thus, the eyes find themselves either in the shadows or in the sun. After 20 - 25 swings, 3 - 5 powerful sunbeams will appear in your eyes.

Attention! Immediately after each solarization of the eyes in the sun, we do palming while standing. Twice as long as solarization, until vision completely calms down, until the bunnies in the eyes disappear.

Palming while standing. With your eyes closed, turn your back to the sun, rub your palms together until warm, and place them on your closed eyes. Press your elbows to your chest, head slightly tilted forward, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed. Quietly sway from foot to foot, relax, think about something good until the bunnies disappear from your eyes. The bunnies are gone - blink your eyes and open them.

In sunny weather, perform this solarization 3-4 times daily.

Solarization without sun

If the weather is cloudy, you can do solarization using other light sources.

For example, you light a candle and turn off the lights in the room. Sit at a distance of a meter or more, make a central fixation on a burning candle, blink. And you turn your head, face, eyes, now to the right wall, now to the left. You don't pay any attention to the candle at all. When you look at the left wall, you will simply feel in the dark that the candle is somewhere on the right. Then whack - a candle flew before my eyes. And you are already looking at the right wall and feel a candle on the left. So turn your head from side to side 15 - 20 times, repeating in a low voice: “Candle on the left - candle on the right, candle on the left - candle on the right...” Eyes, of course, open.

Solarization of the eyes can be done this way: covering the window with curtains, leave a gap, which will be the source of light. Or, in a dark room at eye level, turn on a table lamp - do solarization on it... And be sure to do palming after a candle, window, or light bulb.

Let's get the blood flowing

To improve cerebral circulation, Professor Zhdanov recommends doing gymnastics in the morning and evening:

1. Tilt your head onto your right shoulder, then straight, then onto your left shoulder (without sudden movements). 4 - 5 times.

2. Head up and down. 4 - 5 times.

3. Head left and right.

4. Shoulders up and down. 4 - 5 times.

5. We bring our shoulders forward, then we bring them back, while doing so - the back - chest in a “wheel” - 4 times.

6. Rotate your shoulders back and forth - 6 times.

7. Legs are motionless, we turn “shoulder forward” - 4 times.

8. Legs are motionless, we make “shoulder back” turns, while looking back, we see the back wall - 4 times.

9. We lock our hands. The legs are motionless. We twist the body back to the right. We linger in this position. Then - back left - 4 times.

10. Bend to the sides - 4 - 5 times.

11. Circular rotations of the pelvis (feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt) - 6 times in one direction and the other.

Phrases that will help you disable the harmful points program

Before going to bed, rewrite the text once, learn it by heart in a few days, and then write it from memory.

Why write?

Scientist Gennady Shichko experimentally discovered that the word that a person writes BY HAND before bedtime, according to the strength of the impact on the conscious-subconscious mind a hundred times surpasses the word heard, seen or spoken.

Here are the 15 phrases:

1. I am a calm and balanced person.

2. I know how to relax while resting and when working with my eyes.

3. I strive to restore my health and vision.

4. I will forever destroy the glasses program, as well as the alcohol and tobacco programs in my mind.

5. Alcohol and tobacco, glasses are mine feeling unwell and vision, illness, early old age, blindness and death.

6. Sobriety, separate nutrition, relaxation and eye exercises - this is my youth, beauty, health, excellent vision and life.

7. My eyes become radiant, clear, alert and pure.

8. Every day I feel an improvement in my health and vision.

9. I blink and close my eyes often.

10. I give my eyes a rest, palming for three to five minutes every hour.

11. I see the smallest details both far and near.

12. The sun and natural light are friends of my eyes.

13. I will forever stop poisoning myself with alcohol and tobacco poison and wearing glasses - damaging my eyes.

14. My health is improving, my vision is being restored.

15. I have a beautiful one ahead of me sober life and excellent vision.

After writing 15 settings, you can’t do anything except palming while lying down.

Various exercises from Zhdanov V.G.

1. Splash cold boiled water into your eyes

“It’s better to melt it,” advises the professor. - Boil water, freeze in the refrigerator. Then wash your face with thawed water and splash it into your OPEN eyes in the morning and evening. Water retains its polymer structure as long as ice crystals remain in it.

Why pre-boil? To remove bleach. Bleach eats your eyes. Therefore, tap water must be left to stand and boiled so that the chlorine evaporates.

2. Make faces

Very useful exercise: take off your glasses, tense and relax all the muscles of your face - move your jaws, ears, eyes. Make funny (!) faces in front of the mirror. The better developed all the facial muscles are, the more efficiently they work. oculomotor muscles and blood supply to the eyes improves. Please note: infants lie on their backs and constantly grimace involuntarily. They instinctively tense and relax their facial muscles so that they develop.

3. Mark on glass

This is a universal exercise from the “near-far” series: it is very useful for both myopia and farsighted people. It is performed, naturally, without glasses.

Go to any window and stick a piece of paper on the glass - a mark. If you blink, you look at the piece of paper, you see it; blinked - look into the distance, saw a tree or a house. Then again: on a piece of paper - into the distance, on a piece of paper - into the distance... Do the exercise twenty times.

At the same time, there is a powerful training of the transverse eye muscles. When you look at a piece of paper, you stress them out. Then they blinked, looked into the distance and relaxed. They squeezed the eye, weakened it, squeezed it, weakened it.

In medicine, it is customary to call the longitudinal muscles of the eyes straight, and the transverse muscles oblique. I specifically called the oblique muscles of the eyes transverse, since practice has shown that when using the phrase “oblique muscles,” people think that these are the muscles that cause the eye to squint. In fact, these are the most important muscles that carry out the process of eye accommodation, i.e., bringing them into focus.

As a result of performing the “Mark on Glass” exercise, myopic people learn to relax the transverse muscles, while far-sighted people and those with “flat eyes,” on the contrary, train them.

4. Butterfly flight

From the same series “near - far”.

a) Imagine, upstairs, under the ceiling, there is a beautiful butterfly sitting. You look at her. Next, the butterfly flies along the ceiling and lands directly on the eyebrows. Look at your eyebrows, blink, you can’t look at your eyebrows for too long! Now send the butterfly from your eyebrows back to the ceiling and beyond, carefully watching the flight. Repeat the exercise 3 - 5 times. What muscles do we train? Upper longitudinal (when we raise our eyes) and transverse (when we look at the eyebrows).

b) Now imagine that this beautiful butterfly is sitting on the wall at the level of your head. It flies up, flies, flies, flies and lands on the tip of your nose. You look at the tip of your nose, blink and quickly send the butterfly back to the wall. The exercise can also be repeated 3 - 5 times. At the same time, we train the internal longitudinal muscles, bringing the eyes to the nose, and again the transverse ones.

c) Imagine that this butterfly is sitting far away on the ground (floor). And so she flies along the ground, flies, flies... and lands on your upper lip. They looked, blinked and sent it down from the upper lip and along the floor to its place. Do this also no more than 5 times. At the same time, we train the lower longitudinal muscles and again the transverse ones.

Exercises with a butterfly can be performed all at once (a, b, c) or separately.

5. Thumb

Make a fist with your hand thumb- up! The hand was extended forward. We blink, look at the thumb, bring it to the tip of the nose; We take it to arm’s length, then blink and look into the distance (up to 10 times).

Again, the transverse eye muscles are being trained. We look at the finger - it’s tense. The closer we bring it, the more we strain the transverse muscles; when we bring it closer, we relax. And then they blinked, looked into the distance - they relaxed completely.

“These exercises do not require special time,” the professor emphasizes. - They can be done anywhere and anytime. Let’s say your boss called you into his office and let’s scold you! And you stand there and blow butterflies from nose to nose. For him - for himself, for him - for himself...

“When I restored my vision,” the professor recalls, “at the bus stop I didn’t hang around with everyone else, but went to the side, towards a tree.” So that there is a leaf in front of your eyes. I stand, blink, look at the leaf, blink, look into the distance, the leaf is in the distance, the leaf is in the distance... People at the bus stop are fooling around waiting for the bus, and I am training the transverse muscles of the eyes.

Every time, going by train from Akademgorodok to Novosibirsk, I sat by the window. I sculpted a piece of the ticket onto the glass. He blinked at the piece of paper, blinked into the distance. A piece of paper is a distance, a piece of paper is a distance. At stops I made a central fixation on the sign with the name of the station. The train started moving - I’m working with a piece of paper again. The thirty-five minute ride trained the eye muscles.

Once again I draw your attention to the fact that the most dangerous thing is to OVERTRAIN YOUR EYES. Start performing any exercises with a minimum number of repetitions and gradually increase the load.

"One-Eyed Glasses"

one of the most powerful and effective exercises to restore vision,” says Professor Zhdanov. — Allows you to preserve and develop your vision even when watching TV or working on a computer. But also very difficult. That's why I never suggest it to beginners. First, you need to train the eye muscles with regular exercises, “mark on glass”, “butterfly flight”, learn to relax them with palming, solarization. And only then can you take up the “pirate glasses”. The trick is simple. You need two pairs of any frames without glass. Maybe from old glasses. You tie one frame right side with a thick black curtain or wrap it with opaque tape. The second one has the left one. It is possible to manipulate one frame by dragging the headband from right to left, but this is a hassle.

And wear these “one-eyed glasses” at home, in nature, on vacation, read, write, work on the computer, watch TV. No MORE than 30 minutes! A powerful load occurs when one eye is forced to work for two. But a great workout. After half an hour, close your eyes, take off your glasses, palming until the visual tract completely calms down. Then change the patch to the other eye. After another half hour, take off your “one-eyed glasses,” do palming and take a break for an hour: stay without glasses. If possible, repeat this exercise 2 - 3 times a day.

The eye under the bandage, of course, is open all the time, he is also training...

If someone who is nearsighted cannot yet see the TV screen without glasses, there is no need to suffer. Take glasses with weaker lenses and watch a TV show in them, still covering one eye with an eye patch for half an hour. Then another one. After palming.

7 simple rules for TV and computer

Advised by Professor V. G. ZHDANOV

✔ Work on your computer and watch TV in a LIT room! Be sure to turn on overhead lighting.

✔ Remove all glare from the screen.

✔ Choose the font COLOR! (Nearsighted people tend to see RED better, farsighted people see BLUE better.) To choose your color, take different colored fountain pens and sign on a white sheet of paper. Place the sheet on the windowsill, turn away for a minute, blink and glance lightly at the sheet. The painting that will catch everyone's eye first is YOUR color.

✔ BLINK as often as possible! Why do my eyes get tired and hurt when using the computer? People stare at the monitor and watch all day without blinking. The mucous membrane of the eyes dries out, which leads to fatigue, pain and pain. By blinking, we relieve tension and moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes.

✔ As your eyes get tired, do PALMING. Ideally every hour. When watching TV, palm during commercials. Don't forget the rules for leaving palming.

✔ Work and watch TV more often with “pirate glasses”

It is very important to perform exercises with “pirate glasses” in cases of difference of eyes, when one eye sees worse than the other. In this case, give more visual work to the weak eye, that is, first of all, cover it with a “curtain” strong eye. Difference of eyes is dangerous because the weak eye begins to interfere with the strong one. This can lead to squint.

Incorrect lighting damages the vision of adults and children.

— THE LIGHT SHOULD FALL FROM THE LEFT! - says Professor Zhdanov. - If a person is left-handed and writes with his left hand, then on the right. But here one in twenty is left-handed. A simple rule for preserving vision, but it is very often forgotten today. When I visit acquaintances and friends who have children—schoolchildren, students—I always ask: “Where does your child do his homework?” I have not seen a single apartment with a proper table for studying. As a rule, the student sits in a remote corner, blocking the light with his back. It strains your eyesight and hurts your eyes. IN best case scenario sitting at the table facing the window, powerful light on his eyes and on the book. This is also very harmful. You need to sit with your left side to the window so that the light falls only on the book, but not on your eyes. In this case, the light from white sheet goes to the side, and the diffused light from the text comfortably, without strain, falls into the eyes.

The table lamp with a canopy on the left is our most best friend. Especially for farsighted people. Preference is a halogen lamp. If it is not there, take a good table lamp with a visor, insert a transparent glass light bulb of 75 - 100 watts. Fashionable energy-saving light bulbs are worse for vision. Direct the lamp light from the side to the left so that the light reflected from the sheet (monitor) goes to the side, and only the light scattered from the text reaches your eyes. It is important to remember: in addition to local lighting (table lamp), overhead lighting is required. The eyes should be able to take a break from the book or monitor: look at the ceiling, wall, and other objects.

Keep in mind: fluorescent lamps are very straining on the eyes.

See also Professor Zhdanov.

Vision is active process, provided not only by the eyes, but also by the work of the brain. IN visual system In addition to the eyes, it also includes nerve pathways, visual centers. It is noted that vision with each eye separately is worse than vision with both eyes. This is due to the processes of information processing in the brain. Essentially, the eye is a conductor for light information, which is then transmitted through visual pathways to think tanks where it is processed. Do you make an analogy with a computer? Each person develops his own “program” to see in the course of his life. Naturally, people who have eye problems such as myopia, astigmatism, etc. will process information worse. That's why in lately Increasingly, there are calls for complete correction of ametropia in children with glasses or contact lenses. It is believed that this will have a beneficial effect on the formation of the visual apparatus.

Vision training are important not only to people with poor eyesight, they will also be very useful for healthy people. Ultimately, improving the nutrition of the eyeball through eye exercises is extremely important for maintaining the internal structures of the eye in working condition for as long as possible.

How to train your eyesight

There are 2 options.

First way- do special exercises for the eyes. Such gymnastics helps improve blood circulation in the eye, trains both the extraocular muscles and the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for accommodation. In addition, exercises for the eyelids will help maintain tissue turgor, which will have a beneficial effect on appearance person.

Second option– use special devices.

Hardware treatment can strengthen the ciliary muscle, promote the production binocular vision, if it is impaired, stimulate the retina.

Let's take a closer look at these methods.

Eye exercises

There are a huge number of different vision exercises, generally accepted and recommended by ophthalmologists, and “unofficial” ones, which are actively promoted by supporters alternative medicine(Bates, Norbekov, Zhdanov, etc.)

“Official” exercises for vision training

The most widespread in Russia among ophthalmologists is the eye training developed by E.S. Avetisov. The technique includes 3 groups of exercises aimed at improving blood circulation and intraocular fluid, to train the eye muscles and exercises to improve accommodation.

The first group of eye exercises, aimed at improving blood circulation and intraocular fluid:

  1. Sit down. Close your eyelids for 3-5 seconds. Then open wide for the same time. Repeat 6-8 times. You can do each phase of the exercise by inhaling and exhaling.
  2. Sit down. Blink your eyes quickly for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times. You can do each phase of the exercise by inhaling and exhaling.
  3. Sit down. Close your eyelids and gently massage them with your index fingers in a circular motion. Execution time 1 minute. Set a timer. Don't put pressure on your eyes.
  4. Sit down. Close your eyes and use three fingers of each hand (index, middle and ring) to apply pressure to your eyes. upper eyelids within 1-3 seconds. Don't press too hard!
  5. Sit down. Press the index fingers of each hand onto the skin of the corresponding brow ridge and close your eyes. While holding the skin, your fingers should provide resistance to the muscles of the upper eyelids and forehead. Repeat 6-8 times.

Second group of eye exercises Avetisova E.S., aimed at strengthening the extraocular muscles:

  1. Sit down. Slow movements of the eyes vertically up and down. Look at the floor, then at the ceiling. Try to perform movements only with your eyes, without turning your head. Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. Sit down. The movements are similar to the first exercise, only horizontally. Repeat 8-10 times.
  3. Sit down. Similar exercises, only eye movements are performed diagonally. Repeat 8-10 times.
  4. Circular movements of the eyes. First clockwise, then counterclockwise. Repeat 4-6 times.

The third group of exercises for vision training according to Avetisov, aimed at improving accommodation.

  1. Stand up. Look forward in front of you for 2-3 seconds, then look at the index finger of your right hand, located in front of your face at the level of your nose at a distance of 25-30 cm, after 3-5 seconds lower your hand. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
  1. Stand up. Look at the index finger of your left hand extended in front of your face for 2-3 seconds. Then, bending your hand, bring it closer to your nose until the finger begins to double. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times. At correct execution Exercises will give your eyes a rest. If you achieve this, move on to the next exercise.
  2. Stand up. Performed while standing. Look at the index finger of your outstretched right hand for 3-5 seconds, then cover your left eye with the palm of your left hand for 3-5 seconds, while bending and unbending your right hand. Now do the same, only cover your right eye with your right hand. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  1. Stand up. It's called a "mark on glass". Stand at a distance of 30-35 cm from the window glass, on which a round colored mark with a diameter of 3-5 mm is attached at eye level. Far from the line of sight passing through this mark, mark an object for visual fixation. Look at the mark for 1-2 seconds (if you are wearing glasses, then without taking off your glasses), then for 1-2 seconds turn your gaze to the intended object. Now alternately move your gaze first to the mark, then to the object. In order not to cause overwork, remember that the first two days the duration of the lesson is no more than three minutes, the next two days the time can be increased to five minutes, and after two more days - up to seven minutes. The exercise can be performed not only with two, but also with one eye 2-3 times a day for 15-20 days and repeat it systematically with breaks of 10-15 days.

Also wide application I found a set of exercises for the eyes of N. Isaeva, since it can be performed while lying down.

Eye exercise #1
Can be performed sitting, standing or lying down. Look at the space between your eyebrows with both eyes and try to hold your gaze in this position for five seconds. Each subsequent day, add one second until the duration of the exercise reaches one or two minutes.

Eye exercise #2
Look with both eyes at the tip of your nose and hold your gaze in this position for five seconds. Add one second per day until you reach one or two minutes.

Eye exercise #3
It can also be performed while sitting, standing or lying down. Look with both eyes at your left shoulder and hold your gaze in this position for five seconds. Add one second per day until you reach one to two minutes per day.

Eye exercise #4
It is performed similarly to the third, only this time look with both eyes at your right shoulder. Hold your gaze for five seconds. This exercise will also need to be increased to one or two minutes a day.

Eye exercise #5
Rotate both eyes clockwise, fixing your gaze on the space between the eyebrows and the tip of the nose, then do the same in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise four to five times.

This set of exercises can be performed at any time of the day, no more than once a day. It is important that during exercise there is no sensation of pain in the eyes. Unpleasant sensations may occur if the exercises are performed incorrectly or an overdose occurs.

During exercises, some suggest using special glasses to train vision, such as perforation glasses. In principle, you can practice in them, although this does not provide any advantages.

You can complete the exercises of these two complexes with the palming exercise from “unofficial” techniques. You can read more about it at the link.

Provide a list of non-traditional exercises for vision training I won’t, because the first two complexes are quite enough to achieve a positive effect for the eyes - relieve visual fatigue, strengthen muscles, improve blood supply to the eyeball. In some cases, this kind of gymnastics can subjectively improve vision and relieve accommodation spasms.

Myopia affects almost a third of the world's population. There are really a lot of people who have trouble seeing in the distance, and their number is growing. Sometimes vision begins to deteriorate in childhood, and sometimes in adults. Avoiding the appearance of myopia, stopping it and even improving vision - all this can be done if you seriously do eye exercises for myopia. After doing these exercises good habit, you can maintain excellent vision for many years.

The effectiveness of eye exercises largely depends on the degree of myopia and the presence of complications. With high myopia, especially complicated ones, it will not be possible to get rid of it with gymnastics alone. However, with a weak degree of myopia, especially with the so-called myopia, which is caused by spasm of the eye muscles, gymnastics is very effective. Therefore, to the question whether myopia can be cured with exercises, we can confidently answer: yes, at least one type of it. Gymnastics relieves spasm of accommodation, improving visual acuity. In this article you will find the most best exercises for the eyes.

By doing the exercises, you will be able to:

  • relax spasmodic eye muscles;
  • increase blood flow in the organs of vision;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • improve accommodation;
  • make your eye muscles stronger.

Properly constructed gymnastics actively combats myopia.

Gymnastics to relax and train the eye muscles

Exercises for myopia, designed to eliminate visual fatigue, have an excellent effect. increased load every day. This is the most suitable complex for schoolchildren, students, and office workers who spend many hours in front of computer, tablet, and phone screens. Exercises will help relax the visual organs, which is especially important for visual impairments such as myopia.

This is the gymnastics:

  • We slowly draw figure eights with our eyes, trying to achieve maximum amplitude. Do 6 repetitions.
  • Looking forward, place your arm straight with a raised finger in front of your eyes. Moving the limb to the right, move your gaze there without turning your head. Then repeat with the other hand. The head is fixed, only the eyes move. Do 6 repetitions.
  • Place your finger 30 cm from your face, select a point in the distance at the same level. Look at your finger. Then begin to look at a distant point and back 12-15 times, fixing your gaze on both objects for 5 seconds. The head remains motionless.
  • Standing and looking forward, slowly turn your head, shifting your gaze as you turn your head. Make 10-15 turns.
  • Close your eyes tightly for 3 seconds, then open your eyes for 5 seconds. Do 15-18 repetitions. This exercise fully engages the muscles.

Training the muscles of the visual apparatus is one of the main areas of eye training for myopia.

Gymnastics for blood circulation

Exercises against myopia can stimulate blood flow in the eyes. Blood flow is vital for normal operation complex human vision apparatus: the eyeballs must be fully saturated with oxygen.

Here effective complex eye exercises that improve blood flow:

  • Move your gaze strictly horizontally in both directions.
  • A similar movement, but vertically.
  • The following movements are circular.
  • Blink intensely, closing your eyes and opening your eyes.
  • Squint your eyeballs, trying to see the tip of your nose.
  • Place a mark on the window glass, find an object in the distance behind the glass and look at them alternately.

By increasing blood flow, you will improve the supply of oxygen to your visual organs and activate cell nutrition.

Chinese gymnastics

Among exercises for vision with myopia, one of the first places is occupied by Chinese eye gymnastics. Chinese medicine known all over the world as ancient knowledge, which considers the body as a complex complex, where everything is interconnected and each organ has its own biological active points, and by influencing them, specific organs can be healed. There are also such points for myopic eyes.

Gymnastics includes four basic exercises:

  • Impact on the Qing-ming point, which is located between the eyebrows: massage 35 circles with very light pressure.
  • Stimulation of the Syb-ai point in the center of the cheek: also 35 movements in a circle with your fingers.
  • Make 35 gentle pressures on the Tai-yang point between the end of the eyebrow and the outer corner of the eye.
  • At the end of the gymnastics, you need to gently massage first the upper, then the lower eyelid.

You can find out where important points for influence are found from this video:

Such gymnastics does not include direct training of the eye muscles, but has a very beneficial effect on vision.

Avetisov method

Professor E. S. Avetisov has developed exercises to improve vision in myopia, which have a positive effect in children and adults. His technique offers several ways to train your eyesight for myopia at home. It perfectly relieves spasm of accommodation and relaxes the ciliary muscle.

This is the complex:

  • Sitting position, straighten your back, do not tilt your head. Close your eyes tightly, then open them, blink every 5 seconds, repeat 6-8 times.
  • Sitting in the same position, blink as quickly and intensely as possible for a couple of minutes.
  • Standing, extend your right hand in front of you, stop your gaze on one of the fingers, then gradually bring it closer to your eyes, looking at the finger without looking away until the picture doubles. Do 6 to 8 repetitions.
  • Without changing your position, while standing, place your finger in front of your eyes at a distance of 30 cm. Looking at the upper phalanx, cover your left eye with the palm of your second hand for 5 seconds, then open and focus on the finger with both eyes. Repeat with the left eye. Do 6-8 repetitions.
  • Move the bent arm to the right and try to examine the finger, then repeat in the other direction. 10 repetitions of the exercise.
  • A two-minute eye massage with your fingers in a sitting position, then a series of pressures on the eyeballs for 3 seconds 4 times.

Norbekov's technique

Dr. M. Norbekov developed a whole system for restoring vision, which he described in his book. He compiled large complex exercise, which is used as an exercise for the eyes for myopia, which gives a noticeable effect of improving vision. Before gymnastics, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back and tune in to the positive.

This method of improving vision, including myopia, consists of eight exercises:

  1. Looking straight ahead, roll your eyeballs up as high as possible and mentally continue the upward movement, as if through your forehead. Don't throw your head back.
  2. The same principle as in the first exercise, but the movement goes down, and the gaze seems to be through the throat.
  3. We look to the left, mentally as if through the left ear. Then we move our eyes to the right and direct our gaze through the right ear.
  4. Exercise "Butterfly". You need to draw the outlines of a butterfly with your gaze: with the head still, the gaze moves from the lower left corner to the lower right, then to the upper left, then to the lower right, upper left and finally the upper right. Make sure that the muscles do not overstrain.
  5. “Eight”: with our gaze we draw the mathematical sign of infinity, that is, a figure eight lying on its side. At the end, blink to relieve excess tension after completing two difficult exercises contract.
  6. Try to see the tip of your nose, then relax your eyes and try to see what is on either side of you, but looking straight ahead. Next, alternately look at the bridge of your nose - in front of you - at the side objects.
  7. Place both index fingers near the tip of the nose, looking at them with both eyes. Then begin to slowly move them apart in different directions, trying to see the finger of your left hand with one eye, and the right one with the other, using the lateral edges of your field of vision.
  8. The last exercise is a slow movement of the gaze as far as possible. big circle, like the dial of a clock.

It is not difficult to perform such vision exercises at home, and they give a colossal effect.

We invite you to watch the video in which you will find the necessary exercises using the Norbekov method. You can do them with us every day, for this you just need to start the video:

Gymnastics for myopia according to Zhdanov and Bates

The methods of Zhdanov and Bates include exercises for restoring vision in case of myopia, which have proven to be excellent remedy from slight myopia. The essence of the exercises is to relax your vision as much as possible. The exercise should be done calmly. The less tension, the higher the chances of getting rid of myopia.

  • Place a small picture in front of your face, examine it, then close your eyes and recreate the image from memory.
  • Closing your eyes, imagine the bright colors of the spectrum in front of them.
  • Imagine a flower in all its details, examine it, try to see it with your inner eye.
  • With your eyes closed, mentally draw a letter or number, and then reduce its size to the tiniest.

Dr. Bates also developed a method - palming, which was later included in many sets of exercises by other authors.


  • Rub your hands to warm them up. Close your fingers, place your palms on your face, closing your eyes.
  • Feel the warmth that comes from your hands, concentrate on the sensation, and relax as much as possible.
  • Spend as much time in this state as is comfortable for you.

This relaxing technique is a great preparation for other eye exercises.

For example, the complex of Dr. Zhdanov, described in this video:

Corbett technique

Dr. M. Corbett's method is based on the classic letter chart for ophthalmic testing, so to perform her eye exercises for myopia you will need such a test chart. You can not only purchase it, but you can also make it yourself, and Corbett also recommends this. You need two tables: A3 format and a small, pocket-sized one.

Before class, you need to stretch your neck muscles and relax, prepare your eyes by palming. In a bright room, sit on a chair two meters from a large table. Take the small tablet in your hand. Read the first line, then read it at arm's length, and then look at the poster 2 meters away from you. Move from line to line until you reach the bottom one. Between lines, close your eyes and make a couple of circular movements with your head.

Such eye training gives a tangible effect of improving vision in myopia.

Agarwal technique

Gymnastics by R. S. Agarwal is also based on a vision testing table, which is called the Sivtsev table. This version of eye gymnastics for myopia helps reduce the level of myopia by activating neural connections, created by visual images of letters in the human brain.

The exercise is as follows. It is necessary to look at one of the letters in the table for 5-12 seconds, then close your eyes and try to mentally recreate this letter in front of your mind's eye, trying to visualize it as clearly as possible. The goal is to achieve a result in which the mental image is no less clear than the letter on the poster.

This mental exercise for the eyes helps to significantly improve the quality of vision and restore its sharpness in case of myopia.

Windolf technique

Dr. Windolf's method involves simple eye exercises to improve vision in myopia, which can significantly improve the ability to accommodate - focusing the gaze on distant objects. The key to effective accommodation, according to Windolf, is training all the muscles of the visual apparatus.

Here is an exercise for the rectus eye muscles:

Palming before you begin. Take a shiny object - for example, a metal ball. Blink, then look at the ball and begin to narrow your field of vision to the center, trying to contract the eye muscles and imagine that the object is getting smaller. Try to feel the contraction of the muscles well, but do not overstrain them. Such therapeutic exercises for eyes with myopia will help improve accommodation.

Gymnastics for the eyes for myopia is a very important part of the complex. therapeutic measures, it is available almost everywhere - at home, at the workplace during a break, at school during a break. By making a few eye exercises a good healthy habit, you can avoid the development of myopia and improve your visual acuity.

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