Points of the human body of their influence. Biological active points on the human body, responsible for organs for improving health, losing weight, treatment. Photo with description. How to massage biologically active points

Acupressure has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over a thousand years. This practice involves pressing on biologically active points on the human body located along the meridians in order to relax, eliminate pain and treat diseases.

In total, there are more than 400 such points on the human body. It is believed that the energy “chi” flows through the 12 main meridians that connect the organs of our body, and diseases develop as a result of blockage or imbalance of one of these meridians.

The secret of the effectiveness of massage of biologically active points

Most Western medical practitioners attribute the benefits of acupressure massage to relieving muscle tension, improving blood circulation and stimulating the production of endorphins, which have an analgesic effect.

Whatever the reason for the effectiveness of acupressure, some studies support the effectiveness of this alternative therapy in relieving pain.

Therefore, today the site will tell you which points need to be massaged in order to:

  • get rid of headaches;
  • get rid of nausea and stop vomiting;
  • relieve tension and relax your eyes;
  • calm your nerves;
  • solve stomach problems;
  • relieve arthritis pain;
  • relieve menstrual pain;
  • quit smoking;
  • get rid of insomnia and stress;
  • increase concentration.

How to massage biologically active points

Moderate pressure should be applied to acupressure points for several seconds to minutes. To get the maximum effect, you need to stabilize your breathing: take slow, deep breaths while massaging biologically active points.

Despite the fact that the technique of massaging acupressure points is quite simple, the site recommends that those wishing to try this method contact a specialist who knows the exact location of the points on the human body and contraindications to their stimulation.

Problems that can be solved by massage of biologically active points

What problems can massage of acupressure points solve:

  1. Headaches - point L14

Located between the index finger and thumb at the point where they join. Allows:

  • relieve toothache;
  • relieve arthritis pain;
  • relieve pain in the neck and shoulders;
  • get rid of constipation and hangover.

The massage is carried out for several minutes on each hand as needed. During pregnancy, massage of this biologically active point is contraindicated.

  1. Nausea and vomiting- point P6

Located between two tendons on the inside of the wrist at a distance of about 3 fingers' width from the base of the palm. Helps get rid of:

  • nausea during pregnancy, after surgery or chemotherapy, motion sickness;
  • pain in the abdomen, chest;
  • discomfort with carpal tunnel syndrome.

The massage is carried out with the middle and index fingers for a couple of minutes.

  1. Chronic fatigue and eye strain- point GV 24.5

Located between the eyebrows. Helps:

  • improve memory;
  • relieve stress;
  • get rid of chronic fatigue;
  • relieve headache;
  • relax your eyes;
  • improve sleep;
  • relieve nasal congestion.

The massage is carried out with the middle finger for 1 minute a couple of times a week.

  1. Nervous tension- point CV 17

It is located in the center of the sternum, at a distance of approximately 4 fingers from the base of the bone. Helps get rid of:

  • anxiety;
  • nervousness;
  • depression;
  • hysteria;
  • emotional imbalance.

This point also helps strengthen the immune system.

You can massage the point in a prayer pose (palms folded in front of the chest), pressing on it with the bones of your thumbs for a couple of minutes.

  1. Stomach problems- point ST 36

Located 4 fingers below the base of the kneecap, as shown in Fig. higher. This biologically active point allows you to:

  • get rid of indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain and nausea;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • will improve your well-being.

Massage this point for several seconds daily.

  1. Arthritis pain- point B 54

This point is located in the central part on the back of the kneecap and allows you to relieve pain:

  • in the knees;
  • in the back and buttocks.

The massage lasts 1 minute.

  1. Menstrual pain

The acupressure points indicated in the figure perfectly relax the uterus and allow you to get rid of menstrual pain, as well as pain in the lower back.

These human biological points are located at the base of the spine, starting from the area just above the tailbone.

To get the effect, lie on your back and place your hands under the base of your spine so that one of them is below and the other is on top. Do the massage for a couple of minutes.

  1. Point NT 7 - for those who want to quit smoking

This point is located in the upper part of the ear, above the triangular fossa in the auricle. In addition to the fact that massaging this point helps to get rid of a bad habit, it also helps fight stress, depression, insomnia and inflammatory diseases.

The massage is carried out with the index finger (placed on this point) and thumb (placed behind the ear) for several minutes a day.

  1. Insomnia and stress- point B 10

This pair of biologically active points is located at a distance of one finger from the base of the skull on both sides (on the neck muscles). It allows:

  • relieve stress;
  • get rid of headaches;
  • relieve neck pain;
  • fight insomnia;
  • relieve eye tension.

The massage is performed for a couple of minutes a day for several weeks.

  1. Improved concentration- point LV 3

If you want to improve memory and concentration, relieve headaches, fatigue, strengthen the immune system and prevent allergic reactions, find this point on the foot where the bones of the big and second toe meet and massage it for 2 minutes 2-3 times a day .

Despite the safety of acupressure, pregnant women are advised to refrain from massaging any biologically active points on the body without first consulting a doctor.

Impact on biologically active points on the human body is an excellent way to improve health. However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to massage acupressure points on an empty stomach, as well as in areas of skin damage.

That is, acupuncture is .

Cauterization methods

Cauterization is performed either using smoldering cigar made from wormwood leaves, or smoldering rope.
Cigars made from wormwood leaves. Cauterization carried out three ways:
  1. thermal effects;
  2. the so-called “pecking” method;
  3. thermal influence with constant movements on a certain surface around a given point (“ironing”).

Thermal impact

The first of these methods, i.e. thermal effect consists of bringing the smoldering end of the cigar close to the skin and gradually moving it away until the patient feels a sensation of pleasant warmth in certain tissues.
Burning with a cigar. The minimum distance between the end of the cigar and the surface of the skin should not exceed 1.5 cm, the procedure lasts 5 - 10 minutes. This method is indicated in cases where a certain calming effect is desired (for example, with pain in the abdominal area).

Method of “pecking” cauterization

Second method - “pecking” cauterization consists of a continuous alternation of movements of the cigar up and down at a given point. It is used to achieve a stimulating effect when collapse, paralysis. The duration of the procedure is from two to five minutes. The strongest acceptable sensation is burning heat, but not pain.

Ironing method

Third method - “iron” is as follows. Bringing the end of the cigar closer to the skin, they begin to move it over a relatively large area of ​​the body, like an iron. In this case, even very close approach of the smoldering end of the cigar to the skin does not cause a burn. The method is indicated for a large group of diseases: psoriasis, neuroderma, widespread eczema. It can relieve pain caused by stomach or intestinal spasms. Application duration is 10-20 minutes. The widely used wormwood cigars were proposed by Dr. Zhu Lian in 1951 (more details:).

Purpose of moxibustion in Chinese medicine

First of all, acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine are intended to cause strong or mild irritation.
Acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine. The first of them have an inhibitory effect on the excited nervous system. They are used for excessively increased functional activity of certain internal organs, bones, and tissues. Sometimes the patient experiences uncontrollable vomiting, which does not stop even after the complete eruption of the stomach contents. This is explained by the weakening of the regulatory function of the higher part of the central nervous system under the influence of pathological changes. In this case, the urgent application of strong irritation easily has an inhibitory effect on the excited part of the nervous system and leads to the cessation of vomiting. Mild stimulation has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, enhancing its function, thereby stimulating the body's resistance. This leads to increased blood circulation. According to the concept put forward by Dr. Zhu Lian, the basis of action exciting And braking methods are reflex influences on the central nervous system by transmitting impulses from peripheral receptors to it.

The history of one of the methods of reflexology - moxibustion - goes back centuries. Its meaning is to irritate certain areas of the skin with heat. In ancient times they said: “Irritation from without is an effect within.” Medical books of that time indicated that moxibustion was effective even when acupuncture and medications were powerless.

In eastern countries, where this method is widely used, smoldering moxa, a dry plant mass in the form of grains or cigars, is used as a cauterizing agent. Usually it is wormwood, sometimes with the addition of other medicinal herbs. It is not the beneficial properties of wormwood that are used, but its ability, after special processing, to give the optimal temperature at the moment of smoldering. We are talking about temperatures in the range of 60-70˚C. Burn cauterization, i.e. the use of cauterization with the formation of a bubble is still preserved in eastern countries. In European countries, only thermal cauterization, or heating, is currently used.

What is the benefit of cauterization? It has been proven that moxibustion has an antispasmodic, sedative effect on the body and can even stop physiological aging. This method is especially effective in the treatment of many chronic diseases, gynecological disorders, inflammatory processes, rheumatism, arthritis, insomnia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, genitourinary system, as well as colds and flu.

Cauterization will quickly relieve pain of various origins; will help a hot-tempered and irritable person calm down; eliminates cramps, “revitalizes” the nerves, and copes with insomnia. Moxibustion can and should be used for cerebral palsy and after strokes during the rehabilitation period. Pmowing significantly improves blood circulation and thus eliminates the various consequences of impaired blood flow. Moxibustion regulates the production of hormones and enzymes. Thus, in people with chronic stomach diseases, cauterization optimizes the production of gastric juice and normalizes acidity. The same thing happens with the salivary glands and the production of bile by the liver.Moxibustion improves the internal secretion of the adrenal glands, testes and ovaries, thyroid and pancreas, as a result, many women's problems are solved.

Cauterization increases the absorption and resorption capacity of tissues. For example, by improving the absorption capacity of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the nutrition of the entire body and, accordingly, the functions of all internal organs improves. Thanks tonormal disposalmetabolic products are rapidly eliminated from the body of harmful substances and liquids. Resorption of bruises, subcutaneous bruises, and internal hemorrhages accelerates.

Normalization of metabolism leads to tissue rejuvenation. For example, in a person with gray hair, when certain points are cauterized, hair of his natural color may appear. With a long course of cauterization, the pressure normalizes. After cauterization for more than 60 days, the number of red blood cells increases by 20%. The amount of hemoglobin also increases. Immunity is strengthened. The clotting properties of the blood are restored, which is especially important during bleeding. The result is noticeable within 30 minutes.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with moxa moxibustion according to the method of Japanese healers

In Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese medicine, treatment with the so-called moxa moxibustion of longevity points, which are located three fingers below the knees, is very popular (Fig. 1).

Moxa is wormwood (dry and crushed, rolled into a cigarette). It is lit, and the flame is either brought closer to the biological points, or removed, that is, a piercing cauterization is performed.

There is the following legend about this in Japan.

So, in 1845, the peasant Mampe, who at that time was 242 years old, was invited to the ruler of Japan, his wife was 221 years old, his son was 201, his son’s wife was 193, his grandson was 153, and his grandson’s wife was 138.

Mampe explained his secret of longevity by the fact that his family every month from the 1st to the 8th, throughout their adult life, do moxa-cauterization of the above-mentioned longevity points.

The moxa cauterization method has survived to this day and is used to treat various diseases, including prostate diseases. However, in any case, it is advisable to stimulate (do acupressure) or cauterize the longevity point, simultaneously with targeted treatment of a specific organ.

Moxa-cauterization of biologically active points for inflammation of the prostate gland

Recipe for making wormwood cigarettes: collect wormwood grass during the flowering period - leaves along with flowers (without stem). Dry everything in the shade, then chop.

Store in bags (such as tobacco pouches) made of natural fabrics. Make a tight roll-your-own cigarette as needed. Before treatment, light it or simply set it on fire to create a stable flame.

Never touch the wormwood cigarette to the skin, but only pour it and bring it very close to it.

Hold the cigarette over each point for several seconds (until you feel very strong warmth, heat) (Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5).

Treatment with a moxa cigarette can also be carried out in another way, which is called “iron cauterization”.

It consists of moving a moxa cigarette very slowly along the line of biologically active points, or on both sides of them.

Cauterize your asthma

Ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine left humanity with the most valuable heritage, which is gradually being mastered by the entire modern civilization - Zhenjiu therapy. Or, in other words, acupuncture and cauterization of biologically active points. It has not yet been possible to reveal the mechanism of this therapy, which, however, does not prevent it from being used successfully.
One of the places in Moscow where you can undergo treatment with needles and wormwood cigars is the Naran Tibetan medicine clinic. We talk with his chief physician, Svetlana Galsanovna Choyzhinimaeva, about jujube therapy - moxibustion. Zhen therapy, which is better known and popular, will remain outside the scope of our conversation, since hitting a biologically active point with a needle with an accuracy of a fraction of a millimeter is a high art, which is specially taught to doctors, and these skills, of course, cannot be conveyed through a newspaper. Cauterization does not require such precision: the heat from a burning cigar spreads over a fairly large area of ​​skin; a shift of a few millimeters to the side does not reduce the effect. Therefore, those who wish can independently master this ancient Eastern method of treatment.

First, about cigars. The standard wormwood cigar produced in China looks like a small firecracker, its length is 20 cm, diameter is 2 cm, one such cigar is enough for several sessions. Of course, you won’t find Chinese shops everywhere in Russia, but those who want to get involved in this method can make their own cigars for burning.

Before winter covers the ground with a blanket of snow, try to have time to pick wormwood or collect fallen poplar leaves (they successfully replace wormwood). At home, the collected “fuel” for cigars should be dried and then ground to obtain fine “tobacco” dust. You can also use wormwood that is sold in pharmacies. Having these raw materials, you can begin making a cigar. To do this, take a sheet of cigarette paper, or, if you don’t have one, take a sheet of newsprint with a format of 20x6.5 cm (the first number can be varied - the cigar will be longer or shorter; the second number, which determines the diameter, should be kept exactly). It must be glued with raw egg white, rolled into a tube, sealing one end, and then filled with wormwood or poplar dust through the open hole, trying to compact it tightly. The binder for the “tobacco” will be the same egg white, which will keep the dust from spilling out when the cigar burns. To make the procedure easier, you can use a plastic case for a regular mercury thermometer (sold at the pharmacy). Having filled the tube to the edge, its second end must also be sealed.

A huge number of diseases are treated with the help of cauterization. Today, taking into account the approaching winter, the associated colds and chronic diseases that worsen during the season, I asked Svetlana Galsanovna to give an algorithm for ju-treatment of these particular diseases.

Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, as well as a wide range of headaches are treated by cauterization of several biologically active points distributed over the surface of the body.

The first of them - he-gu - is located in the geometric center of the triangular skin membrane connecting the thumb and index fingers. It is necessary to cauterize both of these points on both hands one by one.

The next point is called bulan - “the gate of the lungs”; heating it promotes the separation of mucus and the removal of sputum. This point is located 1 cm below the middle of the collarbone - on the line of the nipple. Two symmetrical points of the “port of the lungs” should be cauterized.

Next, find the jugular notch - this is the triangle where the neck meets the chest. At the apex of the jugular notch there is another necessary point.

Finally, the last key link to victory over bronchitis and asthma is the seventh cervical vertebra.

How to carry out cauterization. The cigar is set on fire and the smoldering end is brought to the desired point at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. The criterion for the correctness of the chosen distance from the surface of the body will be the pleasant warmth spreading from the biologically active point throughout the body. There should be no burning sensation. If it is too hot, the cigar should be moved a little away from the surface of the body.

Each point is cauterized for 2-3 minutes, maximum 5 minutes. If the cigar is made correctly, one burning session (six points) will shorten the cigar by approximately one centimeter.

Prevention of colds requires 3-5 sessions (in Tibetan medicine the number of sessions is always odd), treatment of an existing cold requires 7-9 sessions (however, with a quickly achieved effect, you can limit yourself to three or five sessions). Preventive cauterizations can be done every other day; it is better to treat an acute illness with daily sessions.

Before starting cauterization of the next point, it is good to pre-lubricate the ju-therapy area with Vietnamese “Asterisk” or Chinese “Loan” balm, or any available essential oil, preferably with eucalyptus or pine needle extract, and do a light massage. In this case, the cauterization effect will increase.

Instead of holding the cigar motionless over the point, you can slowly make circles over the surrounding area. It is good to accompany cauterization of the seventh cervical vertebra by moving the cigar along the spine to the level of the shoulder blades.

Cauterization increases blood flow to vital points, and through them to the lungs and bronchi. In addition, inhaling the vapors of burning wormwood is healing for the respiratory tract and also promotes the removal of phlegm.

If you have cured bronchitis or achieved remission of asthma, after two to three weeks, repeat, but shorten, the course of treatment. After the end of the session, it is necessary to properly extinguish the cigar. There is no need to wet the smoldering end with water - then it will be difficult to set it on fire again. Pressing a cigar to an ashtray like a tobacco bull will not extinguish it. Therefore, the most effective way to extinguish is to lower the smoldering end of a cigar into a vessel with a narrow neck, for example, into a beer bottle. Deprived of oxygen, the cigar will quickly go out.

Cauterization also treats such a difficult chronic disease as sinusitis. In this case, you should cauterize not only the places of the maxillary sinuses (in the upper part of the cheeks, under the eyes) - cheng qi, but also several more points on the body: again both he gu points, two symmetrical ones, the so-called 11th points of the large intestine meridian . You can find these points on the body like this. Bend your arm at the elbow. Look at the elbow crease facing the face. Where this fold ends (near the elbow joint), the desired point is located.

The session should be completed by cauterizing the longevity points. This point - tzu san-li - is located on the front side of the leg, below the kneecap. Place three long fingers (second, third and fourth) under the knee - you will find the horizontal level of the longevity point. Now set the width of the big toe on the right foot to the right of the central meridian of the bone, on the left foot to the left. These will be the points of longevity.

Treatment of sinusitis requires 11-13 warming sessions with a daily treatment regimen.



Acupuncture therapy (zhen-ju) - treatment by influencing biologically active points - has existed for several millennia.

Acupuncture therapy is based on the idea that energy moves through energy channels in our body; and if the circulation of energy in the body is disrupted, the person gets sick. Zhen-jiu, through points, each of which corresponds to a specific organ, restores disorders and thus helps to cope with the disease.

There was a time when this knowledge was considered sacred and was passed on from father to son in poetic form. Today, acupuncture therapy is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world, and in order to experience the wonderful effects of oriental medicine, it is not at all necessary to travel to distant China.


Classical acupuncture - injections with special needles into biologically active points - should be carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training. If you decide to be treated with acupuncture, make sure that the doctor has a certificate of appropriate education. It also doesn’t hurt to purchase your own set of acupuncture needles - steel, silver or gold, with a bullet-shaped tip (such sharpening of the needle allows you to perform acupuncture with minimal trauma to the tissue).

Before the procedure, you will be asked to relax in the most comfortable position - for example, lying on your back, stomach or side. When the specialist inserts the needle into the desired point, peculiar sensations may occur - bloating, aching, burning or numbness.

The specialist clarifies your sensations and, depending on them, adjusts the insertion of the needle.

It is not recommended to perform acupuncture during pregnancy, for diseases requiring urgent surgical intervention, for diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs and malignant neoplasms. Contraindications to this procedure are also severe exhaustion, physical overstrain and damage to the skin at the intended site of exposure.


Cauterization, or rather, heating of biologically active points, occurs as follows: a smoldering cone made of compressed dry wormwood - a wormwood cigar - is brought closer to the desired point on the surface of the skin. Heat irritates skin receptors in the area

acupuncture point, blood circulation increases and the amount of moisture increases. The body's reaction to cauterization of active points is similar to the reaction to acupuncture, but it is milder, and the tissues are not damaged. This treatment method is used in weakened patients and those who have contraindications to acupuncture.

Cauterization is carried out in three ways. With fixed cauterization, the smoldering end of the cigar is brought closer to the surface of the skin in the area of ​​the desired point for 15-20 minutes until a feeling of warmth appears. Intense redness appears at the site of heating. This method causes a calming, relaxing effect. With the pecking method of cauterization, the cigar is either brought closer or removed from the desired location within 2-3 minutes, causing a burning sensation to appear and disappear. The result of exposure is a tonic effect. Ironing cauterization involves placing the cigar in such a way that the patient feels a pleasant warmth, then moving it over the skin for 15 minutes.

Moxibustion will help harmonize the body.

Moxibustion is used as an independent method of treatment, as well as in combination with acupuncture. For example, if an active point reacts too painfully to acupuncture, it is recommended to pre-warm it with a wormwood cigar. The acupuncture effect of the needle can be enhanced by placing a wormwood cone on its handle and setting it on fire. Wormwood warming works especially well for colds.


In acupressure, biologically active points are applied with a finger or brush. The same techniques are used as in classical massage, with the only difference being that the area of ​​the selected acupuncture point is massaged. In this case, the patient often feels pain - this means that the point has been found correctly. There are two degrees of irritation of points: strong and weak.

With severe irritation, the finger penetrates quite deeply, affecting not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, right down to the bone. The duration of exposure is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. This massage has a calming, analgesic effect and relaxes muscles.

Acupressure massage is used for pain in muscles and joints, headaches and toothaches, osteochondrosis of the spine, and neuroses with increased excitability.

For mild irritation, apply quick (up to 30 seconds) surface pressure in the area of ​​the point. This is how weakened patients, children and the elderly are treated - they restore muscle tone and performance, relieve depression and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Acupressure massage is also good because, after consulting with a specialist, you can perform it yourself.


Perhaps the easiest way out for a modern person who has decided to join the secrets of ancient Eastern medicine is to purchase a special device with which you can influence biologically active points through electromassage. Such devices are designed for independent use. In addition to the wire, applicator electrodes and batteries, they are necessarily supplied with detailed instructions with an abundance of pictures indicating which points should be affected, say, for bronchial asthma, and which ones for gastritis or impotence. It is almost impossible to make a mistake when finding a point.

It is enough to apply the applicator to the body, and the smart device itself will find the point that needs to be affected.

The list of indications for electropuncture is quite long: headache, insomnia, bronchitis and colds, inflammation of the gallbladder and cholelithiasis, diabetes, bronchial asthma, toothache... The undoubted advantage of the method is its painlessness: all you can feel is slight, barely noticeable tingling or involuntary muscle twitching in the area of ​​application.
Conditions for successful electropuncture: there should be no metal objects on your body, and you yourself should be in a calm, relaxed state - this is how the body better perceives the therapeutic effect.

Electropuncture is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. It should not be used when intoxicated, overworked, hungry or overeating.

There are a lot of biologically active points on the human body, which, when properly performed, give positive results for a person’s well-being and health. Massage effects on them affect human health, since each point is responsible for organs, due to the presence of a cluster of nerve endings.

During the process of acupressure, the nervous system is activated, which leads to the launch of the body's natural restoration functions. Treatment can be carried out for diseases of a large number of organs.

These include the organs of vision, digestion, hearing, the genitourinary system of men and women, breathing and the cardiovascular system. The points responsible for all organs of the human body are located equally, but for each person they can be responsible for different organs.

The structure of tissues in the biologically active zone is not built in a standard way and has the shape of a regular grid. All types of cells are connected into peculiar formations - clusters of cells.

Biologically active points are mast cells that secrete substances that affect nerve fibers. This is where instant irritation of these zones occurs. Also, points on the body can change their size depending on a person’s actions. In a state of fatigue they narrow, respectively, in the mode of vigor they expand.

The basis of therapeutic massage is the impact on biologically active zones to restore the balance of all systems in the body, relieve nervous tension and raise tone.

Massage treatment is accompanied by a number of advantages compared to modern medicine:

  • does not cause irritation or pain;
  • can be used even with highly sensitive skin;
  • can affect almost all painful organs of the body, including for the prevention of the body and for weight loss;
  • treatment without the risk of aggravating the disease, since infections and damage to the skin are excluded;
  • improvement in health after the first sessions.

Contraindications for the procedure

The method of stimulating active points is prohibited during the active phase of tuberculosis, with blood diseases, neoplasms and tumors, stomach disease in the acute stage, as well as with exhaustion of the body. Acupressure may not necessarily be performed by a specialist. This can be done by anyone who knows the location of the points and their relationship with the organs.

Impact rules

When performing a massage, you must follow a number of rules:

  • The acupressure system is determined for each patient individually.
  • When applying acupressure to a specific organ, the condition of other organs should be taken into account. Especially organs located close to the one being treated.
  • The procedure must be performed using techniques established for each point separately.

Before performing acupuncture massage, you must first determine where the points on the human body that are responsible for the organs are located.

To find biologically active zones, you need to press your fingertips on different areas of the skin. When a point is detected, these actions will cause some numbness in the area and some discomfort.

Massage technique

To carry out the self-massage procedure, you need to keep your hands warm. To do this, it will be enough to rub them against each other. Pressure on acupuncture zones should be moderate, so that there is a feeling of pressure, but there is no discomfort or pain.

The impact on active zones should be stimulating.

The pressure technique differs depending on the treatment. In case of relaxation of the nervous system, you should press the points continuously. You need to make rotational movements and gradually increase the pressure with the fingertip stopping in the active zone. This procedure should be repeated up to 5 times, constantly returning to the starting position within 5 minutes.

To increase tone and excite the body, pressure on the point should be carried out with short and strong movements, at the end the finger should be sharply removed. This technique should be performed 2 times for 30 seconds.

In order for self-massage to be carried out with maximum benefit, it must be carried out in a comfortable position on a relaxed body.

Location of points on the human body for the treatment of the digestive system

The removal of toxins and waste from the digestive organs is carried out by pressing on specific biological active points on the body. The points on the human body responsible for the digestive organs are located on the bend of the elbow and the outer side of the forearm. To start the massage, you need to hold your elbow with your other hand and apply moderate pressure with your thumb.

For colic and constipation

There are several zones to relieve pain and discomfort due to constipation or colic.

The main number of points responsible for these painful areas are concentrated on the legs:

  • The point can be found on the inside of the leg, just below the knee at the corner of the tibia.
  • There is also a zone on the outside of the leg 5-7 cm below the knee bend.
  • On the big toe, at the corner of the nail, on the side of the index finger. You can also do self-massage in the navel area, pushing away from it 5 cm to the left or right.

Acupressure of points on the abdomen should be done only with the index fingers.

For diarrhea, nausea or vomiting

Problems with the digestive system occur due to poor nutrition, fatigue or stress. Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out with the help of drugs, aggravating health.

The location of the point is indicated in the navel area, 3 cm on either side of it. To carry out a massage, you need to place your palm on your stomach and press the point with your fingers. For best results, it is recommended to close your eyes, relax your body and breathe deeply.

For poor appetite

Points for improving metabolism are located on the ears and number about 200 pieces.
There is also a point called "Appetite". It is located on the auricle in the middle of the tragus. To improve appetite, it needs to be stimulated as often as possible.

Atlas of points on the human body for vision treatment

Location of points
On the head in the frontal areas All eye diseases, headache, dizziness
On the head in the inner corners of the eyes Blurred vision, swelling, photophobia
On the head in the recess of the inner edge of the eyebrows All eye diseases
On the outside of the hand at the junction of the thumb and index finger

When performing acupressure eye massage, you need to be extremely careful and apply light pressure to the necessary points.

The basic rule of self-massage for eye health is to do no harm. It is necessary to carefully touch biologically active points and feel them. In case of discomfort or fatigue, you should stop the procedure.

Eye massage can be done in several ways. You can use vibrating or kneading movements using the palms of your hands or gentle stroking. When using this technique, it is important to perform the procedure carefully and only with warm hands.

Respiratory treatment

The points on the human body that are responsible for the respiratory system help to heal from cough, bronchitis and other diseases associated with the throat and respiratory tract. The locations of points responsible for the respiratory organs are located throughout the body. They are found on the head, neck, chest, arms and legs.

With a runny nose

You can also treat a runny nose with acupressure. However, treatment will be effective only in the initial stage of the disease.

The main thing is to choose the right points and the right massage technique.

Contraindications for using the procedure should be taken into account:

  • body temperature more than 37 degrees;
  • pregnancy;
  • all diseases related to the heart;
  • skin diseases and irritants;
  • when a point is located on a mole.

The massage is performed by tapping. It is necessary to bend the thumb on your hand and tap the desired point with the bend. The procedure time is 30 seconds. Self-massage should be carried out slowly, with warm hands, in circular movements.

When coughing

Before starting the massage, as in previous cases, it is necessary to discover the location of the active zones.

Acupressure should be performed until the skin turns red or a feeling of discomfort and pain appears.

For bronchitis and pneumonia

With the help of acupressure you can quickly and painlessly recover from pneumonia or bronchitis. The most important thing is to find the right points on the human body. Their main location is the throat, legs, shoulder blades and arms.

The massage should be carried out with gentle stroking and pressing with your fingertips, but only vertically and evenly along the line. This procedure must be carried out every day.


  • hypertension;
  • cancer tumor;
  • blood disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stomach ulcer.

For asthma

The treatment method can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of chronic respiratory disease, asthma. The basis of acupressure here is to restore the respiratory tract and improve blood circulation. In this case, massage can be done using different techniques. That is, you can stroke, press, rub and knead.

Biologically active points on the human body responsible for the respiratory system. Helps with asthma

The procedure must be performed while lying on a flat surface without a pillow.

For shortness of breath

This procedure is preventive and is used in several biologically active areas. The first point is located under the thyroid gland in the collarbone area. The massage must be carried out using pressure for up to 2 minutes. It is recommended to conduct one session daily.

The second point is in the center of the crown. The treatment method is the same as at the first point - pressure. In both cases, you need to quickly and with short breaks press on the right points, every day in the morning.

When quitting smoking

In such a situation, it is best to use acupressure therapy at a time of great need to smoke.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Points on the human body responsible for the organs of the genitourinary system are usually located on the back, face, chest, stomach and legs.

Location of points Treatment of organs and diseases
In the oral cavity, in the middle of the labial groove Genitourinary system, headache, pain in the lower jaw
On the back under the process of the second lumbar vertebra Urinary incontinence, diarrhea, headaches
On the stomach in the navel area, 1 cm above Urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea
On the leg in the middle of the bend of the bent knee

For cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder is most effectively treated with acupressure and traditional treatment. It is possible to cure even chronic cystitis. The required point is on the foot, between the thumb and index finger. Press on the point with your thumb for 2 minutes, observing the breathing rhythm.

There are several more points for the treatment of cystitis. One of them is located above the ankle bone at a distance of 6 cm, the second is located on the bent knee, in the area of ​​​​the bend of the bone.

For prostatitis

To treat this type of disease, there is one point located on the posterior edge of the tibia. In the active phase of the disease, the point should be massaged clockwise for 2 minutes, morning, afternoon and evening.

For chronic prostatitis, you need to massage clockwise for 20 seconds, only once a day. With daily sessions, the course of treatment lasts two weeks. For best results, the course must be synchronized with therapeutic exercises.

For urinary incontinence

Impaired bladder contraction response is treated with acupressure. Biologically active zones for disease prevention are located in the lumbar region, in the lower abdomen, in the bladder area, and also on the back of the neck, where the occipital bone is located.

For congestion in the liver and gall bladder

To avoid discomfort and pain when treating the liver, the procedure must be carried out very carefully. The full course of treatment should not exceed 20 sessions.

The massage itself is carried out with circular strokes around the navel; at the end of the session, the abdomen is massaged with a hand and pressed with four fingers in the abdominal wall area.

Massage for hearing loss

The procedure is carried out strictly with three fingers: thumb, index and middle. Massage should be done very gently until there is a slight feeling of pressure. If the procedure is performed correctly, the patient will feel much better.

It is also worth considering that for a better result, the patient needs to relax physically and mentally. He should be calm, with positive thoughts. The points are located in the temple area, between the eyebrows, in the center of the chin and behind the ear.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of the heart and blood vessels

Points on the human body responsible for the cardiac system bring amazing results when the procedure is used correctly. The organs of the cardiovascular system are treated with points located on the head, chest and arms.

Location of points Treatment of organs and diseases
On the head, in the center of the crown Dizziness, tinnitus
On the chest near the nipples Hypertension
On the hand in the middle of the wrist fold Heart pain, palpitations, insomnia
On the leg at the calcaneal tendon Cardiopalmus
On the chest between the pectoral and deltoid muscles Chest pain

For arrhythmia

Arrhythmia can be with an accelerated heartbeat or a slow one. In medicine, this is called tachycardia and bradycardia.

In people’s daily lives, this is the most significant disorder of the cardiovascular system, but it is a disruption in the functioning of the main human organ, so it is worthwhile to engage in prevention using acupressure to improve the functioning of the heart and other organs in order to avoid worsening their performance.

To start treatment, you need to take the right position: sit on a chair and align your back exactly vertically, put your right hand on the lower abdomen, palm up, with your right hand start pressing on your left using your thumb. Massaging must be done for 5 minutes.

Massage for tachycardia should begin with light touches, gradually increasing the pressure. In the case of bradycardia, the opposite is true; initially, you need to apply pressure with high but moderate pressure. If your heartbeat is slow, you can use vibrating movements, but no more than 2 times a day for 30 seconds.

With cardineurosis, rapid heartbeat, yeast in the hands

For hypertension

Location of points Treatment of organs and diseases
On the head at the edge of the eyebrow Headache due to hypertension
On the head in the middle between the eyebrows Dizziness due to hypertension
On the chest between the navel and nipples Hyperlimia
On the hand at the midpoint of the wrist Hypotension
On the head in the center of the crown Hypertension
On the head, in the area of ​​the carotid artery Hypertension

If you have high blood pressure, treatment should be carried out by taking the correct position: sit on a chair and relax.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia

For dystonia, you should press on the point with your thumb, which is located in the middle of the foot. This should be done 2 times a day, every day.

For hypotension (low blood pressure)

Low blood pressure is treated with points located on the little finger of the hand. Use the nail of your thumb to press on the edge of the nail of your little finger, sandwiched between your thumb and index finger. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in a state of lethargy, in the morning. The massage should be performed for 30 seconds, 5 times per session.

Finding points and mastering the technique of acupressure is the path to a healthy body, a constant surge of strength and a cheerful mood. Since there are hundreds of them on the human body, at least one zone will certainly be responsible for the treatment of each organ.

Acupressure is a universal treatment method that came to us from our ancestors. Due to its uniqueness and extensive positive effects on the body, it is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about points on the human body responsible for organs

7 active points on the foot:

Press these points on your palm: