Summary of the lesson “Good and bad habits. Summary: About bad habits

Habits are divided into useful and harmful. The former can improve a person's health, as well as positively influence his life in general. Bad ones lead to problems. Therefore, let's talk about what you can do with yourself and at the same time also with health benefits. Moreover, there are a lot of hobbies that can really improve life.

force of habit

All human life consists of repetitive actions. They determine the character, form certain individual traits: will, endurance, patience, and so on.

Usually people do not think about repeating the same gesture, performing some kind of automatic movement. They act out of inertia, unconsciously.

How does a habit develop?

Everyone can accustom themselves to automatic movement. But first you have to consciously set a goal.

For example, a person wants to learn how to cook soup. For this, he will be very attentive at the first time. Choose a pot. Carefully chop the vegetables indicated in the recipe. Fry some of them in a frying pan. Throws everything into the pan in a certain sequence.

Consciousness will work very actively. But if a person continues to cook soup every day, then after a while all movements will occur automatically. At the same time, he can think about anything, listen to music or watch TV. The subconscious will not let you make mistakes in mechanical movements.

The hardest thing is not to acquire, but to get rid of habits. A person must again actively connect consciousness. Bad and good habits obey his will.

Bad habits

These actions developed over the years can poison the life of both the individual himself and his loved ones. And it also happens that a habit harms not the owner himself, but his environment. Vivid examples:

    loud laughter;

    inability to listen to others;

    caustic remarks.

However, all of the above cannot cause physical harm, only moral. It is easy to get rid of this if desired.

What is a bad habit? This is the opposite of useful. She brings a lot of trouble and makes the life of her owner unbearable, even if he does not notice her.

pernicious habits

by the most dangerous habits are considered:

  • gluttony;


    obsession toxic substances, drugs, pills;

    gambling addiction.

Such habits can kill a person. They quickly develop into an addiction and a disease that needs to be treated in hospitals, under the supervision of professional doctors.

These problems may appear due to a weakened mental state, problems with the nervous system.

Among the indecent habits are the following:

    nose picking;


    nail biting;

    groundless jealousy;

    constant yawning;

    frequent delays.

They are not as harmful as the previous ones, however, spoil the relationship between people.

Useful human habits

A successful person in life has a number of useful skills brought to automatism. They serve him in order to achieve what he wants.

The most useful human habits:

    Early to bed and early to rise. normal person you need to sleep at least six hours a day. People who wake up earlier, when the brain is at the stage of activity, have time to do much more things than sleepyheads.

    Eat right. An active person builds his diet in such a way that the body begins to work for him. Vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, dairy products provide health and longevity. You need to develop good habits and not stop when passing by fast food, do not look through the window. It is advisable to refuse carbonated water.

    Thanksgiving ability. This habit is hard to develop. Positive emotions, a smile given to another person is doubly returned. Having done something nice for another, a person realizes his importance, remains satisfied with himself for the whole day.

    Get rid of envy. Being offended by others because they succeeded is one of the most bad habits. We need to learn to be happy for people. And get your way.

    Live in the present. Planning ahead is very helpful, but you need to be aware of how fleeting existence can be. What can be done today - in the evening, clean shoes for the morning, prepare clothes, pack a bag, prepare food, stock up on groceries - should not be carried over to the next day. Constantly remembering the past or dreaming about the future is not worth it. This limits their own capabilities, nullifies good habits.

      Positive thinking is the most useful skill that everyone has to develop. Any situation, even the worst one, can be perceived as an obstacle that has made stronger than that who overcame it.

      Education. You need to learn at any age. The main thing is to set yourself an end in itself to learn something new in a day.

      Re-fulfill the plan. It's good when a person can do everything that he wrote down in advance in his actions for the day. But it is better if he manages to exceed his own expectations and create good habits from this.

    Getting rid of bad habits

    It was mentioned earlier that any acquired skills can be fought. The main thing is to be patient, to include consciousness in the work.

    It is easier to acquire bad and good habits, but this does not mean that you cannot get rid of them.

    What will be needed?

      Time. You cannot bring some action to automatic, and then eradicate it in a couple of seconds or hours.

      Decisive attitude.

      All willpower.

      Control over your own behavior.

    Work on skills

    The habit will not go away on its own. To do this, a person must surround himself right conditions. Remove an irritant, a trigger that can excite the desire to repeat habitual actions.

    A vivid example: a person wants to eat less, but it is difficult for him to overcome himself. He is obliged to bypass all pastry shops, shops with sweets, remove a basket of sweets from the table, and junk food from the refrigerator. You can ask your relatives to refrain from demonstrative eating of some foods.

    Refusing to buy junk food, a person begins to save money. More useful habits may soon develop - to save the amounts that were previously spent on products.

    Constant and vigilant control over oneself. If you rely on someone, you can never get rid of a bad habit. The brain must receive orders from a person in order to process them.

    A simple notebook in which a person will write down all achievements can facilitate the task. It will be the second reminder of the need to control yourself.

    If an individual bites his nails, then after each time he must note in a notebook the date of this process. Day by day there will be fewer entries.

    Formation of good habits in children

    Useful skills are best taught in childhood. Parents should not only show positive example to the younger generation, but also to ensure that the child develops the necessary traits in his character. Useful and bad habits children can be formed or eliminated fairly quickly and painlessly.

    For each right action a reward system should be developed to associate the skill with a pleasant association.

    Healthy habits for kids

    Basic instincts to be developed from childhood:

      The cleaning of the bed should be formed with early age parents, and then supported by kindergarten teachers.

      Wash hands after walking, using the restroom, before eating. Mom or dad should wash the hands of the child on their own early stages his growing up.

      Brush your teeth. You can come up with a game in which the baby himself will want to use a brush and paste to save white teeth from plaque.

      Morning work-out. accustom to physical education the baby is needed from two years. Exercises should be pleasant, arouse interest. With age, this skill becomes quite difficult to develop. The school also supports these good habits. Grade 1, in addition to physical education, actively spends minutes of health 15-20 minutes after the start of the lesson.

      Cleaning. Simple actions for folding toys in a box can be done by any kid. Thanks to this, he learns neatness, love for work, responsibility.

    When school is in class, good habits should be one of the topics for discussion. Teachers tell children about how important it is to eat right, to follow the daily routine. All this will allow the child to avoid bad influence from the outside.

Elena Garmash
Summary of the lesson "Good and bad habits"

Topic: « Good and bad habits» .


To form in children a clear understanding of the consequences of influence habits on human health.


1. Learn to live without bad habits.

2. Develop speech, horizons, logical thinking.

3. Raise a negative attitude towards everyone in children bad habits.

preliminary work:

Literature worked out;

Preparation of illustrations, quotes for collage;

Creation of visual multimedia products (presentation).

Equipment: Presentation « Good and bad habits» , ball, box with questions, music "sounds of the forest", pictures for a collage, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens, pencils, wet wipes, a sheet of paper for everyone.

Lesson progress


caregiver: Hello guys, today is our class on a serious subject habits - what is it? What kind habits are bad for our health and which are beneficial. What is habit?

After all, we humans have good habits and bad habits.

Habit It is the unconscious repetition of the same action. A habit is an act, which a person performs as if automatically. Each person develops a lot in life habits, how useful, and harmful.

Main part

caregiver: Guys, let's think about how good habits you know?

(children's answers)


one of the good habits - say hello. Hello! When meeting people usually say this good, good word wishing each other good health.

What is health?

(children's answers)

caregiver: And I will begin my story about health with a parable.

- The wise man was asked: "What is the most valuable and important for a person in life: wealth or fame? Here is what he answered sage: “Neither wealth nor fame makes a person happy. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king."

Health is a priceless gift. Without it, it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy.

And what good habit?

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Always be clean and neatly dressed, neatly combed - wonderful habit.

And many others good habits which we will now repeat by playing the game « good and bad habits» .

Children stand in a circle, the teacher in the middle of the circle with the ball, throwing the ball to the child calls the child responds to a good or bad habit, whether it is a bad or a good habit while talking.

Proper nutrition?

Healthy lifestyle?

Complete sleep?


Daily routine?


Not accuracy?

caregiver: Did you like the game? Shall we continue?

But, unfortunately, there are many bad habits. Let's talk about them. Bad habits badly affect the human body, spoil our lives.

What is the most common bad habit?

Smoking, mankind has known for a long time. But Lately the problem is that very young people smoke, children who sometimes do not yet realize what harm can inflict it on their health. Those of us who are already addicted to smoking cause irreparable harm to your health.

Guys, look at my box with questions, you take out a question one by one and answer it. Shall we start?

1. What substance, found in tobacco, causes the strongest harm to the body(nicotine)

2. What other substances are formed in tobacco during smoking? (resins that form cancer diseases, heavy metals)

3. Which organs are most affected by smoking and why? (lungs, liver)

4. You can get rid of this habits? (you can, but it's better not to start).

caregiver: Well done guys answered all the questions correctly.

I suggest you get some rest.

Slide 10 (Relaxation)

“Against the background of calm music, the sounds of the forest, the children close their eyes. Sit comfortably on the chairs, relax.

Children relax while listening to music.

caregiver: Well, did the guys rest?

Next bad habit - drinking, alcoholism.

The teacher asks the children questions.

1. Which organs are most affected by alcohol (brain, nervous system, liver). Alcohol is a poison that destroys cells and tissues.

2. What is the characteristic appearance of the guys who drink alcohol. (they do not grow, thin, nervous, poor prognosis for the future).

caregiver: Alcohol is dangerous at any age, especially in childhood and adolescence. It makes a person addicted, to him quickly get used to. The body is destroyed. It is difficult to correct such a mistake. Better not to do it.

Another bad one habit, that's swearing (scold) It is not polite to use it, but among your peers, you often use this "reduced" vocabulary. But our ancestors practically did not use mat. Why do we become not better, but worse than them. The ancient Slavs had a ban on swearing, as it was believed that swearing offends Mother - cheese Earth, Mother of God (mother of Jesus Christ) and the human mother. Moreover, the scolding offends not so much the mother of the interlocutor, as much as his own. There is a legend about a man who killed his father and married his mother. Since then, swearing has gone on. The Slavs could not swear in the house, since angels left this house. And the demons entered him.

Psychologists believe that the use of the mat forms an addiction similar to alcohol.

1 stage: a person hears a mate and he is not ashamed.

2 stage: a person uses swear words to be cool. For feigned prowess in your company. It is in such companies that crime is born, it is not a shame to get drunk there, to be rude to an adult to steal where, what is bad.

3 stage: Human get used to these words. He uses them without realizing it. He forgets normal words.

Guys, what do we conclude?

(children's answers)

caregiver: In order to take place in life, it is better not to swear.

Who do you think is more fun to talk to? With a person who has bad habits or good.

(children's answers)

caregiver: Of course, you are right, a person who has bad habits, not only inflicts harm to your health He also has bad relationships with people. On the contrary, a person who has good habits, not only gets sick less often, it is pleasant to communicate with him, he is smart, accurate, accurate and this causes positive feelings among others.

Guys, I suggest you make a collage about bad and good habits everything you need is on your tables, let's get started?

Practical work, making a collage.

View and discuss the collage.

caregiver: And remember you always have a choice of what to be. So try not to get the bad ones habits.

Guys in front of you is a piece of paper and a pencil if you have bad habit write it on a piece of paper, crumple the paper and throw it in the trash can.

And in conclusion, I want to say about the main thing

Who wants to be a captain in life

What he chooses - let him decide for himself!

We are for health, sport and ecology of the soul!

Final part

caregiver: And now I invite you to evaluate our class.

There is a tree of happiness in front of you, look at which tree, something is missing on it, guys, what is missing on the tree?

(children's answers)

caregiver: That's right, guys, the tree needs to be decorated, let's decorate it beautiful flowers. If you liked it class- then decorate the tree with red flowers if you don’t like it very much blue flowers Well, if you don’t like it at all, then yellow.

C possession.

1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………2

Famous personalities about bad habits .................................... 2

About habits harmful and useful……………………………………..3

2. Bad habits. Their impact on health ……………………...5

2.1 Smoking… ………………………………………………………………..5

History of occurrence………………………………………………....5

The effect of smoking on the body ………………………………………7

Statistics… …………………………………………………………….9

Facts ……………………………………………………………………..10

2.2 Alcohol…………………….………………………………………………………………11

History reference ………………………………………………11

Statistics… ……………………………………………………………14

2.3 About drug addiction and substance abuse………………………………......15

Drug addiction……………………….………………………………….….15

Narcotization of Russians: a historical perspective …………………16

What is drug addiction……………………………………………….…..18

Characteristics of the disease………………………………….…...18

Causes of the emergence and spread of drug addiction ... 20

Consequences of the disease………………………………………....… 22

3.substance abuse ………………………………..…………………………………....24

4.Conclusion… …………………………………………………………………...…27

5.List of used literature …………………………..………..…29

6. Appendix ………………………………………………………………………..30


"It's hard to imagine beneficial effect which would happen in all human life if people stopped intoxicating and poisoning themselves with vodka, wine, tobacco, opium.


"Alcoholism is such a social evil that it is difficult to overestimate at all." .BEKHTEREV "Beauty perishes from wine, youth is reduced by wine." HORACE

"Drunkenness is voluntary madness." SENECA "Wine destroys the bodily health of people, destroys mental capacity destroys the well-being of the family and, what is most terrible, destroys the souls of people and their offspring. L.TOLSTOY "No misfortunes and crimes destroy so many people and national wealth as drunkenness." F. BACON

"No body can be so strong that wine cannot harm it." PLUTARCH

"Opium - imperceptibly takes possession of all thoughts, exhausting the brain and body, leads to complete apathy, dooming to fruitless vegetation and quick death." PLATO "He who enters the house of happiness through the door of pleasure usually leaves through the door of suffering." GRACIAN

“Alcohol is a product of barbarism, it has been holding humanity in a stranglehold since the time of hoary antiquity and collects a monstrous tribute from it, trampling youth, undermining strength, supplying energy and destroying the best color of the human race.” D.LONDON

"Drunken and on a bright street it's dark." K.USHINSKY

Many more examples could be given. different authors about bad habits. But even from this material we can conclude that the topic that I chose for the essay is very important and serious. Having studied a large number of literature and periodicals, I came to the conclusion that the topic is interesting, but also quite heavy. In my essay I want to talk about contemporary issues humanity, about the threats and dangers that lie in wait for any of us.


Habits are a form of our behavior. No wonder A.S. Pushkin said: "The habit is given to us from above, it is a substitute for happiness." Useful habits help the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, harmful ones, on the contrary, hinder its formation. Habits are extremely stable. Even Hegel emphasized that habits make a person their slave. Therefore, in school age it is important to develop useful habits and resolutely fight against harmful ones that threaten to turn into vices. Good habits can be called the desire to regularly improve knowledge, to engage in exercise, as well as to such wonderful forms of spending free time as reading, visiting theaters, cinema, listening to music. All these forms of leisure, naturally in reasonable time parameters, enrich a person, make life more interesting, and contribute to self-improvement. However, in school years there are many bad habits. These include an irrational daily routine, irregular preparation for classes. But the most harmful are smoking, alcohol abuse and drugs. These habits can gradually develop into a vice that can ruin a person's life.

Nature has created everything to make a person happy. Trees, bright sun clean water, fertile soil. And U.S, people are strong beautiful, healthy and intelligent. A person is born for happiness, and it seems that there is no place in his soul for evil spirit and base vice. But some ruin their lives with drugs. She is destroyed and simple people and very talented. In the face of a terrible disaster, no one has protection. There has been a lot of talk lately about drug addiction and its consequences. This problem has become worldwide, and finding ways to solve it is quite difficult. Drug addictions, including actual drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism and smoking, are considered to be the most dangerous and harmful habits of mankind. Their existence is calculated for thousands of years, but they received the widest development and distribution in the second half of the twentieth century. By the end of the 20th century, the population's affliction with the listed bad habits increased tens to hundreds of times, and is currently being assessed as a national disaster in many European and other countries of the world. Drug addiction is a nationwide problem that causes great socio-economic damage to society and the country as a whole. Every year 20,000 people perish in our country in fires, 33,000 on the roads, 20,000 drown; this is 73 thousand people. In addition, every year 70,000 young people (under 30) die from drug overdose, 36,000 from vodka poisoning. To this we must add those dying from "tobacco" and "vodka" diseases (cancer of the respiratory system, myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis and stroke, diseases of the digestive system, genitourinary system and etc.). Everyone knows what terrible grief drugs bring. But why, do you hear, every day, there are more and more drug addicts? Drug addicts are usually viewed as doomed people. Indeed, having become addicted to drugs, a person subordinates his entire future life to one goal - to get a “dose”. And he uses any means for this - deceit, theft, fraud. Drug addicts easily break the law, tear family ties because, when they stop taking the drug, they experience such mental and physical suffering that they are not able to endure. But still it does not allow to say the word "doomed", if we are talking about completely young man. He wants to fight and win. And to win, you need to know all sides of the enemy. Like it or not, the fact remains that drugs are the number one problem among young people, and not only in Russia, but all over the world.

But what is addiction? After all, someone considers both coffee and tobacco a drug, while others say that marijuana and marijuana are practically safe. Who is right? If we look into medical encyclopedia, then we will be able to read the following: “The term drug addiction is particular in relation to the general - substance abuse. The fact is that many substances can cause a narcotic state, and all of them, without exception, are poisonous. This is a very wide range of substances - from drugs with a psychotropic effect to drugs household chemicals. Alcohol and nicotine are also narcotic substances, and addiction to them in a broad sense is also substance abuse. Mankind has long known narcotic substances. In many Eastern cultures, the use of psychotropic substances is quite common. Tobacco, coffee, alcohol are undoubtedly the most common psychotropic substances consumed in society. These are the so-called legal drugs. The use of other similar means is prohibited.



Nowadays, smoking has become a problem of universal importance. Smoking is, unfortunately, the most massive hobby of the current generation of young people. According to the World Health Organization, in many countries up to half of the male population smokes. Moreover, the army of smokers is not only decreasing, but, on the contrary, is rapidly increasing. Until recently, it was believed that smoking is clean male vice. smoking women met rarely and were condemned by society. But in recent years, the number of smokers among women has been on the rise. There is no limit to the insidiousness of tobacco.

History of occurrence

Tobacco comes from America. The plant got its name from the province of Tobago (the island of Haiti) and from there began its victorious march across all continents. The story of introducing Europeans to smoking began like this. On October 12, 1492, the sailor Rodrigo Triana from the ship "Pinta" of the famous flotilla of Admiral Christopher Columbus shouted: "Land ahead!" Among the gifts, local residents brought Columbus dried leaves rolled into tubes. In search of gold, Columbus traveled further south and landed on the coast of Cuba on October 27, 1492. Residents met newcomers with firebrands in their hands and with grass used for smoking, which they called "cigaro". The smoke of this grass, in the figurative expression of Columbus, they "drank." When smoking, everyone made 3-4 puffs out of it, releasing smoke through the nostrils. Soon tobacco was transported to France: Jean Nicot, former ambassador in Spain, he brought tobacco leaves and seeds from there as a gift to Catherine de Medici. From the name of this man came the word "nicotine" - the main component of tobacco. Gradually, smoking became popular in Europe, it also reached Russia. In Russia, during the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, those convicted of smoking were punished for the first time with 60 blows of sticks on the feet, in the second - by cutting off the nose or ears. After the devastating fire in Moscow in 1634, which was caused by smoking, it was banned under pain death penalty. In Russia, tobacco trade and smoking were allowed in 1697 in the reign of Peter I, who himself became heavy smoker after visiting Holland. Moreover, he strongly persuaded all his associates to smoke and allowed the free import of tobacco from abroad. Under Peter I, the first tobacco factories appeared; revenues from the tobacco trade flowed into the treasury. Smoking quickly spread throughout the country. At that time, no one knew how dangerous this habit was. The further science develops, the more we get information about the dangers of tobacco. There is not a single system in the human body that does not experience the effects of tobacco poisoning and does not suffer from its consequences. Special Harm tobacco causes young organism. In young men, under the influence of tobacco, the growth and development of certain organs slows down. Inhalation of smoke into the lungs leads to bronchitis; increases the likelihood of cancer. Smoking affects the cardiovascular system: the work of the heart deteriorates sharply. The lack of oxygen is especially harmful for the cerebral cortex: the smoker literally “gets stupid”, remembers almost nothing. Why is tobacco smoking so detrimental to a person? The fact is that when smoking under the influence high temperature about 30 harmful substances: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, various essential oils. The main poison of tobacco is nicotine. In terms of toxicity, it is not inferior to hydrocyanic acid. A single dose of pure nicotine of 0.08 - 0.12 grams is fatal to humans. When smoking one pack of cigarettes, a person receives a radiation dose that is several times higher than the dose established by the international agreement on the protection of radiation as dangerous to humans. Nicotine disrupts performance nervous system, heart, lungs, liver, digestive organs, sex glands. Once in the human body, this poison for a short time causes vasodilation, resulting in various brain disorders. Nicotine also affects the senses, reduces visual acuity and hearing, dulls the sense of smell and taste. In addition to nicotine, tobacco contains a large amount of harmful substances that, acting on the body, cause disruption in the work of all systems and organs.


The widespread use of smoking is associated with the ability of nicotine to exert a kind of euphoric effect on the central nervous system of a person, which boils down to a feeling of pleasant excitement, some kind of spiritual uplift, lightness. First of all, smoking harms the heart - vascular system and respiratory organs. Under the influence of nicotine, there is a spasm of blood vessels and the degeneration of their inner membrane, to a decrease in the lumen of the vessels and a deterioration in blood flow in various parts body. Further, this leads to a heart attack - a malnutrition of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart muscle with its necrosis. Nicotine has an irritating effect on the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline. Standing out in increased amount while smoking, adrenaline increases blood pressure. This effect lasts approximately 20 minutes. In doses close to lethal, nicotine causes depression respiratory center. Death from nicotine poisoning occurs from respiratory paralysis. Convulsions are also observed. Among the effects of nicotine, it should be noted the spasm of the pylorus of the stomach caused by it: the result of this is a violation of the normal passage of food, a violation of secretion gastric juice leading to gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Endarteritis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of the so-called lameness. Leg muscles during walking suffer from a lack of oxygen and accumulation harmful products metabolism, and this manifests itself in the form of numbness and pain. feet starting from thumb, become cold, and then cyanotic. This disease is accompanied severe pain, cold feet, aching, in the long term - gangrene and amputation of limbs. Suffer from smoking and vessels located directly under the skin. This leads to malnutrition premature aging, skin loss of normal healthy looking. At the same time, the skin acquires a characteristic yellowish color associated with the toxic effect of substances contained in tobacco. The adverse effects of smoking on the respiratory system are primarily associated with direct irritation of the mucous membrane with tobacco tar. The vocal cords come into a state chronic inflammation, they thicken, become coarser, which leads to a change in the timbre of the voice. As a result of smoking, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs develops, which causes coughing; rude, hoarse voice- the result of inflammation vocal cords; in addition, shortness of breath appears, and in the future, the development of tuberculosis and lung cancer is possible. In the lungs of smokers, immunity is weakened: the number of neutralizing microbes decreases, the activity of absorbing phagocytes decreases. As a result, smokers especially easily develop pneumonia. Teenagers who smoke chest 25% behind non-smokers. Experts know: nicotine narrows the smallest blood vessels faces. Due to poor nutrition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue the face becomes pale yellow. Creams will not hide this flaw. Hot tobacco smoke affects the enamel of the teeth. Microscopic cracks form in it, through which microbes penetrate. Without a doubt, smoking is bad for everyone. In women, as well as in men, smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and stomach ulcers. But smoking also brings a woman additional, very tangible harm. The earlier a girl starts smoking, the more dangerous for her exposure to the poisons of tobacco smoke. If she is addicted to smoking before the completion of puberty, then it develops worse, grows more slowly. Suffering and appearance women: complexion deteriorates, teeth turn yellow, wrinkles multiply intensively, halitosis occurs, voice quickly coarsens. Together with tobacco smoke femininity, beauty disappears, the body quickly fades. On average, smokers live 6-8 years less than non-smokers. So should one pay for such a dubious pleasure such a “ expensive price"? This slow suicide often starts from the very beginning. early childhood. According to the World Health Organization, 80% of children who smoke regularly keep the habit as adults. If a teenager smoked at least 2 cigarettes, in 70 cases out of 100 he will smoke all his life. I think that the above should convince you how harmful this occupation is.


Statistics say: every year people smoke 3,600 billion cigarettes, 3.5 billion people on the planet pass poisonous smoke from 5 billion kilograms of tobacco through their lungs. Each cigarette shortens life by 5-6 minutes. Smoking insidiously destroys health day after day, month after month, year after year, and carefree smokers continue to perform their ritual actions. Specialists know the case when 2 cigarettes smoked in a row at the start caused the death of a famous runner. After all, nicotine makes the heart work hard. If at sports loads the heart rate increases by 3 times, then nicotine raises this figure to 4. When smoking, dry distillation occurs: air, when puffed, passing through smoldering tobacco, heats up to a high temperature and enters the lungs with smoke. A burning cigarette is a chemical factory producing 3,000 compounds, including more than 40 carcinogens and 12 cocarcinogens. (A carcinogen is a cancer-forming agent, a cocarcinogen is a substance that enhances its effect.) Annually, 25,000 Canadians, 50,000 British, 250,000 Americans die of premature death. The root cause in 90% of cases of lung cancer and in 25% cardiovascular disease is smoking. A person dies every 13 minutes from the effects of smoking. In general, smoking causes such harm to the body that the life expectancy of smokers is reduced by about 8 years. V developed countries has become more and more fashionable lately healthy lifestyle life - sports, consumption useful products and, of course, smoking cessation. Non-smoking applicants are more readily accepted for work. In many in public places no smoking. There is a very large fine for smoking there. Advertising is increasingly banned tobacco products. In the schools of Beijing, a young smoker will face a grueling punishment - training on a stationary bike. Teachers believe that such a method, firstly, excommunicates the offender from the cigarette, and secondly, he - even if by force - joins the sport. In ancient times, a fierce struggle was waged with tobacco potion.


At the end of the 16th century in England, people were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouths were put on the square. The French king Louis XIII issued a special decree that only pharmacists were allowed to sell tobacco as remedy. In Turkey, smokers were impaled. A potion was brought to Russia early XVII century, smokers were also not spared. During the reign of Mikhail Romanov, smoking was punishable by death. Anyone who is found to have tobacco must be tortured and beaten on the “goat” with a whip until he confesses where he got it from ... Even such measures did not give the desired result.


Arabs learned to get pure alcohol in the 6th-7th centuries and called it "alcohol", which means "intoxicating". The first bottle of vodka was made by the Arab Rabe in 860. The distillation of wine into alcohol dramatically increased drunkenness. V medieval Europe also learned how to obtain strong alcoholic beverages by distilling wine and other fermenting liquids. According to legend, this operation was first performed by the Italian monk alchemist Valentius. Since then, strong alcoholic beverages have quickly spread throughout the world, primarily due to the ever-growing industrial production of alcohol from cheap raw materials (potatoes, sugar production waste, and others).

History reference

People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages at least 800 years before our era - with the advent of ceramic dishes, which made it possible to make alcoholic beverages from honey, fruit juices and wild grapes. But grape wine was widely used in antiquity. In Greece, vineyards were cultivated as early as 4000 BC. Wine was considered a gift from the gods. The patron saint of winemaking was Dionysus. In honor of Dionysus, special holidays were held - Dionysia, or Bacchanalia. They arranged games, solemn processions, competitions. Gradually, these festivities took on the notorious character of frenzied drinking. No wonder the word "orgy" is now perceived as a synonym for drunkenness and revelry. Even then it was noticed that the immoderate use of any intoxicating drinks is dangerous. "The thief of the mind" - this is how alcohol has been called since ancient times. Here is an excerpt from an ancient Egyptian letter. The father writes to his son: “... I hear that he abandoned his books and gave himself up to voluptuousness. At night you wander the streets, and the smell of alcohol drives passers-by away from you. They saw how he climbed over the fence and broke into someone else's house. You disgust people." In Athens, the ruler of Salon introduced a law according to which officials were punished for drunkenness: the first time - a large fine, and if repeated - the death penalty.

V ancient india the use of alcoholic beverages by representatives of the higher castes was strictly prohibited. Cult ministers - brahmins, convicted of drunkenness, were forced to drink boiling wine until death occurred. If a woman of the highest caste was convicted of drunkenness, then a brand in the form of a vessel for wine was burned on her forehead, expelled from the house, and no one had the right to shelter her. In some, primarily Muslim, countries, religious prohibitions on the consumption of alcohol have also been introduced. There was an opinion that drunkenness is an old tradition of the Russian people. At the same time, they referred to the words from the ancient chronicle: "Fun in Russia is to drink." But this is a slander against the Russian nation. Russian historian and ethnographer, expert on the customs and mores of peoples, Professor N.I. Kostomarov completely refuted this opinion. He proved that in Ancient Russia they drank little, only on some holidays they brewed mead or drank beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10 degrees. On weekdays, no alcoholic drinks were allowed, and drunkenness was considered the greatest sin and shame. At royal feasts, they also drank with ladles and bowls, but not vodka, but “honey-beer”, their strength did not exceed 5-7 degrees. Vodka appeared in Russia in the 16th century. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible set up the first tavern in Russia, where vodka was served only to guardsmen. At one time, drunkenness was prosecuted by the state. Under Peter I, drunkards who ended up in prison were hung around their necks with a heavy cast-iron medal with the inscription: "For drunkenness." Vodka began to penetrate the country from abroad, and then appeared and own production alcoholic beverages. The soldering of the people becomes unrestrained at the end of the 19th century, when a kind of drinking procedure takes shape in Russia, according to which not a single significant event does not pass without drinking. Contributed to drunkenness and hopelessly heavy share of the Russian worker. The first attempts to eradicate drunkenness were made in 1917. Since then, the war has not stopped and has been going on with varying success - the green serpent turned out to be extremely tenacious. Besides the fact that alcohol destroys the body, it destroys the personality. A person becomes dull emotionally, intellectually, morally. What is good and what is bad, what is good and what is evil - everything is confused in the head of the unfortunate. Such people are often registered with a psychiatrist or placed in psychiatric clinics. Where does drinking start? The reasons for the first initiation to alcohol are very diverse. But there are also characteristic changes depending on age. Until the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs either by accident, or it is given for appetite, or the child tries alcohol out of curiosity. At an older age, traditional occasions become the motives for the first use of alcohol: holidays, family celebrations, guests. At the age of 14-15, such reasons appear as “it’s inconvenient to fall behind the guys”, “friends persuaded”, “for the company”, “for courage”, etc. But the first acquaintance with alcohol suddenly turns out to be not what it seemed: bitter taste of vodka, burning sensation in the mouth, dizziness, nausea and, in some cases, vomiting even from a single dose of alcohol. Alcohol, getting into the body of a child, is quickly spread by the blood and concentrated in the brain. Even small doses of alcohol cause a violent reaction in children, severe symptoms poisoning: suffer digestive tract, vision, hearing, heart. The organs of internal secretion also suffer, thyroid, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. Intoxication in children develops so rapidly that it is difficult to save the child. Smoking, drinking are ugly habits. They destroy critical systems human body. It has been established that 89% of alcohol taken orally is absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach, the rest of the intestine. Most alcohol absorbs brain tissue. 1 hour after alcohol intake, its maximum concentration is noted in the blood (in plasma and red balls), others biological fluids also contain it. From 28 hours to 15 days, alcohol lingers in the most important organs - the brain, liver, heart, stomach, etc. The risk of injury is associated with the impact of alcohol on the psyche. In addition to the negative impact on biological nature person, it has a strong influence on his social entity. With the constant use of alcoholic beverages, personality degradation occurs, official position is lost, and the family is destroyed. Consider the physiological effects of alcohol on the body. Getting into the blood, it acts on the brain and causes in most people a state of fun, increased desire for communication, looseness. This is one of the reasons young people drink alcoholic beverages. At the same time, perception, activity of the motor centers of the brain and organs of balance are disturbed. Primitive instincts are out of control. This can explain unbridled outbursts of anger, increased aggressiveness. Physical performance and muscle strength also decrease, motor skills and abilities are impaired. When studying the motor reaction time of the world champion in auto racing T. Betekhausek, it was said that after taking 60 grams of whiskey, the reaction time increased by 25%. Some schoolchildren have an opinion that small doses of alcoholic beverages improve appetite. This opinion is wrong. Instead of the expected benefits of frequent appointments alcohol develops addiction to it, leading to alcoholism. Moreover, a person who drinks only beer can become a chronic alcoholic. There is a gradual fall human personality. The reasons for it are limited interests, weakness of will, as well as the indifference of the surrounding people. It is vital for such people - the inclusion of their own will, a decisive struggle against this habit. In a person accustomed to alcohol, the will noticeably weakens. He cannot cope with the misfortune that has happened. Alcohol does not relieve nervous tension, but leads to the accumulation of pathology and damage to the psyche. Those who drink from “grief”, from despair, from resentment, could be convinced that alcohol not only does not help get rid of difficult problems, but also creates new problems.


90% mentally retarded children- children of alcoholics and drinking parents; in drinking families, 40% of children are underdeveloped and sick; in drinking families, stillborn children appear twice as often, and infant mortality is three times higher than in non-drinking families; one glass of vodka reduces efficiency by 20-30%; in a state of intoxication, 55% of all thefts, 79% of robberies, 69% of attacks are committed. Terrible numbers. And the worst thing is that alcohol demands not only adults, but also their future offspring as a sacrifice. Children born to parents who are alcoholics are often mentally retarded and completely unteachable or study with great difficulty in special classes or schools. They have problems with memory, logic, perception. The behavior of such children leaves much to be desired, but they are not at all to blame for this, because alcohol made them so. One thing pleases, alcohol and tobacco products are becoming more expensive every day. And not every student can afford such expenses.


Every day the number of people suffering from the scourge of the XX-XXI century drug addiction is increasing. DRUG ADDICTION is a serious disease caused by the abuse of drugs, and an acquired pathological addiction to them. Drugs (from the ancient Greek NARKE, which means "stupor", "immobility", "unconsciousness") are included in the group of substances that have an intoxicating, intoxicating effect on the human body, affecting the psyche and consciousness. "Leprosy of the soul" - drug addiction destroys health and leads to death, degradation of the individual. And it all starts with the smallest, ending in tragedy for loved ones and the drug addict himself. Drug addiction is traditionally considered one of the vices and misfortunes modern man. However, the first acquaintance of people with drugs took place when they were just beginning to realize themselves as people. Mastering the world around us in search of food, drink, protection from the cold and predators, our primitive ancestors experienced the effect of some plants that can cause unusual sensations. The ancient Egyptians made sleeping pills from poppies. They received opium and used it to sleep or to numb pain. Bedouins, going on a long journey, stocked up with bang - a resin known as marijuana or hashish. Resin was smoked, wanting to remove mental stress caused by the monotonous desert landscape. The miners of Bolivia have long received part of their salaries not in money, but in the leaves of a plant containing cocaine, which they chewed or smoked. This helped them regain their strength and at least forget a little after the daily exhausting work underground. For a long time, drugs (or rather, plants containing drugs) had the status of completely legal substances in society. Initially, they were used as a medicine that relieves or numbs pain. With the advent of religion, drugs began to be used as ritual substances. The effects produced by them gave rise to a feeling of unity among the participants in mass ceremonies, a touch of something mysterious that cannot be known by the mind. Up to the XV century. the problem of drug addiction did not excite people. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the use of drugs was strictly controlled - situations, methods of using substances were clearly defined. Religious prohibitions (use only during religious ceremony and in certain quantities), condemnation by society (in some Eastern countries a person who became a drug addict lost the right to his property, could not start a family, etc.) prevented the uncontrolled distribution of drugs. The first mass outbreaks of the disease began to be observed in the second half of the 15th century, when, thanks to the development of navigation and the development of new territories, peoples who lacked social mechanisms for regulating consumption began to get acquainted with drugs. "Jin", hitherto reliably restrained by the fetters of tradition, broke free and began his march across the planet.


drug addiction in Russian Empire was first noted in the course of a special study carried out in 1885 by S. Moravitsky by order of the governor of the Turkestan region A. K. Abramov. As the author emphasized, drugs in the life of the local population played the role of alcohol, which was not widely spread in the East due to cultural and religious traditions and prohibitions. Opium was used most widely for the purpose of intoxication, for example, at feasts on the occasion of weddings, the birth of children, and so on. The small peoples of Siberia brought themselves into a state of ecstasy and religious visions during ritual ceremonies by eating hallucinogenic mushrooms. These rituals were controlled by shamans and tribal leaders, who did not allow the mass addiction of fellow tribesmen to consumption. psychoactive substances. In Russian and Little Russian provinces, plants containing narcotic substances, especially Indian hemp, have also been known for a long time. But preparations from them were used almost exclusively as a means traditional medicine- they were treated in the villages with bronchitis, asthma, toothache, migraines, rheumatism, plague, cholera, etc. Supervision over the consumption of narcotic drugs in Russia was traditionally carried out by the church. The use of narcotic dope or the sale of narcotic drugs not for the purpose of treatment was considered terrible sin. According to the Code of Prince Vladimir Monomakh “On tithes, courts and church people”, persons who violated the rules and consumption of a drug-containing potion were severely punished, up to “deprivation of the stomach” (i.e., the death penalty). Since foreign merchants began to import tobacco to Russia, and it had an intoxicating effect on the minds of people, it was also classified as a prohibited substance, and even nostrils were pulled out for violating the ban. The first outbreaks of drug addiction occurred on the outskirts of Russia in the early twentieth century, after the defeat in the war with Japan, when intensive migration began to Far East Chinese and Koreans. On July 7, 1915, Emperor Nicholas II had to approve the Law "On measures to combat opium smoking." An outbreak of drug addiction in the European part of Russia, even more massive than in the East of the empire, occurred during the First World War. Its main source was the soldiers and officers of the allied European armies, who introduced the Russians to cocaine, morphine, and heroin. The closed Soviet borders allowed for a long time more or less successfully resist the epidemic of drug addiction that has engulfed America and Europe, as well as many developing countries. The curbing of drug addiction in the USSR was facilitated by the current legislation, according to which all drug addicts were required to undergo treatment in state drug dispensaries and hospitals. And in cases of evasion mandatory treatment were forcibly sent to closed LTPs (treatment and labor dispensaries) for up to two years. By the end of the 1980s, drug addiction began to increasingly penetrate the country with Western rock, punk and other cultures, and was most widely spread in informal movements and youth groups. A part of domestic musicians, singers, poets was drawn into drug addiction. Drugs began to enter the USSR with an expanding flow of foreign tourists and students. In addition, they began to be produced in increasing volumes domestically. Today, despite the fact that humanity no longer knows firsthand about the insidiousness of drugs, the number of their fans is constantly growing. Why do hundreds and hundreds of people fall into the net of dope? Let's try to answer this question.


Drug addiction is not only an incurable, painful disease, but also a cruel crime of a person against his life, conscience, against his children and society. Unlike drunkenness and alcoholism, when a person continues to work, albeit with low labor productivity, drug addiction leads to rapid disability and death. Drug addicts rarely live to be 40-45 years old. Drugs are a poison that has a depressing effect on all organs, tissues, and especially on the central nervous system. Addiction to a drug, or drug addiction, is a painful addiction that a person cannot get rid of on his own. Drug addiction leads to a deep exhaustion of the physical and mental functions person. The formation, formation of drug addiction is characterized by the development of three main features: mental and physical dependence and tolerance.


The first trials are not always accompanied by any tangible effect. Sometimes observed defensive reaction body - dizziness, nausea. The drug gradually weakens this defense. And after several trials, a person feels a state of euphoria. The first experienced feeling of euphoria is the starting point in the development of a person's mental dependence on the drug. The result is an unexpected desire to re-experience the effects of the drug. If a person continues to use drugs, the change in physiological processes and the psyche are fixed and he finally realizes the impossibility of doing without drugs. At this point, you have to make a choice: what to do next - break with the drug or go further downstream. Some people try to fight, restrain themselves, seek help, others give themselves up to their passion willingly, others resign themselves to fate and try to somehow adapt their existence to this dominant factor. After a period of regular drug use, a person begins to feel the need to increase the dose, since the previous one does not give the desired effect. Over time, the drug loses its specific euphoric effect. And the patient is further forced to take the drug by the desire to avoid the state of abstinence (“withdrawal”), as well as the desire to bring himself into a working state, since outside the action of the drug this person is no longer able to work at all. mental addiction- this is a painful desire (attraction) to take a narcotic drug in order to experience certain sensations again and again or change one's mental condition. It occurs in all cases of systematic drug use, sometimes even after a single dose. At the final stage, one can observe the complete physical addiction and progressive depletion of the body - weakness, inability to mental and physical effort, weight loss, clearly visible signs of poisoning of the body. Death is coming at a fast pace. physical addiction- this is a condition associated with a special restructuring of the entire life of the human body due to the chronic use of narcotic drugs. It manifests itself in the form of physical and mental disorders that develop immediately as soon as the effect of the drug stops. These disorders are referred to as "withdrawal" syndrome (or " withdrawal syndrome", abstinence - abstinence). Abstinence (or “withdrawal,” as drug addicts themselves often call it) causes long-term suffering to the patient. He experiences a severe physical malaise, a sharp general weakness, sometimes chills. Lost sleep and appetite. Disturbed by headaches, “breaking” pains and cramps throughout the body, especially in the muscles of the back, neck, limbs, large joints, pain in the stomach, intestines, and others internal organs. The patient sweats, sneezes uncontrollably, tears flow from his eyes. He falls into melancholy or apathy, is extremely irritable, he is seized by anxiety, malicious anxiety, fraught with aggression against loved ones. Psychosis often develops - an acute disorder of consciousness with the appearance of hallucinations, when the perception of the environment is disturbed, delusions of persecution arise. From pain, horror, terrible visions, the patient rushes about, screams, commits ridiculous acts, can commit suicide or commit any crime. In the acute phase, this condition can last up to several weeks (without treatment and the inability to take the drug again). It is characteristic that against the background of its weakening, any, even the mildest disease, can sharply exacerbate this phenomenon. Another manifestation of addiction to the drug is a kind of constant acute hunger, called by some specialists an irresistible attraction. During the development of physical dependence, there may be a weakening of the intoxicating effect (a state of "euphoria"), and the patient uses the drug not from the "desire to forget", but from a desperate desire to avoid the pangs of "withdrawal" (withdrawal). Tolerance means the appearance of adaptation, addiction to narcotic drugs, when there is an increasingly less pronounced reaction to the next administration of the same amount of them. Therefore, to achieve the same psychophysical effect, the patient needs a higher dose of drugs. Then, after some time, this dose becomes insufficient and another increase is required.


The emergence of drug addiction is associated with a false, euphoric, "relaxing" or "stimulating" effect that drugs have. Therefore, substances that do not cause euphoria are not abused and do not cause addiction to them. It has been established that the greater the euphoric effect of a substance, the faster the addiction and addiction to it develops. Of course, like all diseases, drug addiction depends on the physical and mental illness this person, his moral-volitional and emotional stability. The decisive conditions for the development of drug addiction is the lack of special knowledge of a person and a lack of understanding of the great danger that the use of various drugs carries. Even short-term drug use out of curiosity or as sleeping pills can lead to drug addiction, which develops especially rapidly among young people, mentally immature and unbalanced people who reject the generally acceptable moral standards of life and behavior in society. The danger of being captured by drug addiction is especially great for neurotics, psychopaths, people who do not know how to control themselves, their actions and desires. The main causes contributing to the emergence of drug addiction are the causes of a psychological, social and economic nature, which are so closely intertwined that it is difficult to distinguish between them. The essence of drug addiction lies in a pronounced morbid craving for one or more narcotic substances, small doses of which cause a feeling of false mental and bodily satisfaction. V large doses these substances cause a state of intoxication, intoxication, narcotic sleep, or an analgesic effect. Another reason for the spread of drug addiction lies in the rapid increase in the number of narcotic substances, the expansion of the spectrum of which occurs due to the emergence of new stimulants, sedatives and other drugs that have a direct effect on the human psyche and a poisonous effect on his body. TO psychological reasons appearance and spread of drug addiction in the first place should be attributed to some personality traits, such as mental instability, weakness and naivety, which make people victims of various drugs. Moreover, important role also play the desire for self-respect and self-affirmation, elements of imitation, especially characteristic of childhood and adolescence. On a purely psychological level, the motivation for drugs is clearly morbid: the desire to reduce tension and feelings of anxiety, to escape from the problems associated with reality. In many cases Bad mood, self-doubt, especially in mentally unbalanced adolescents, lead to alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking, as an illusory sense of self-worth arises. Repeated use of a drug leads to a fixation of the habit of taking it, and the mechanism for the formation of such a habit is conditioned reflex. It is known that this habit very quickly takes possession of a person, penetrates deeply into his essence, becomes integral part his character. That is why the process of drug addiction treatment is very difficult and lengthy and is not limited to drug treatment in a hospital setting. Obviously the key to solving the problem successful treatment drug addicts - registered individual features personality. A person in life has difficult moments, problems and troubles. A lot of them and teenagers. Balanced individuals find rational ways to solve them. At the moment of overcoming these problems, they do not need tonics, as well as means that cause illusions, temporary false satisfaction, since these people have a goal that makes their life and existence meaningful. peculiar to the weak-willed and mentally unbalanced people the tendency to artificially improve mood and performance, gain self-confidence is expressed in the desire to find a source of inspiration in drugs, and eventually they become drug addicts. The fate of these people is very difficult. They realize what a detrimental role their "imaginary friends" play in life, but do not find the strength to escape from captivity on their own. More often than not, efforts to help an addict are fruitless. It is easier to never try a drug than to get rid of addiction to it. Therefore, it is very important not to fall into the captivity of drug addiction. A particular danger in this regard threatens young people, the younger generation, sick with some chronic diseases and people whose profession is related to access to drugs (pharmacists, doctors, chemists, bartenders, waiters, etc.). People who have strong will, balanced character and highly developed sense of responsibility. The reasons why a person starts using drugs are almost the same as the reasons why people start drinking alcohol or smoking. The only question is that the consequences are different.


What is the painful effect of the drug on the body? With the constant use of drugs, chronic drug poisoning occurs, which leads to a breakdown in the functions of many organs and systems of the body, and especially the central nervous system. Therefore, drug addiction, characterized chronic poisoning body with drugs, is also considered a chronic neuropsychiatric disease. The consequences of drug addiction are different, they depend on the type of drug used, but they are especially severe in polydrug addiction, i.e. with the combined effect of two or more drugs on the body. Drug addiction gradually leads to ever-increasing mental disorder associated with a narrowing of the circle of interests, a quick change in mood, reduced performance, memory impairment and loss of a sense of responsibility. The addict begins to lie, steal, commit more and more serious crimes and gradually degrades as a person. Drugs catastrophically quickly destroy the body. And first of all, vital organs suffer - the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Therefore, there is a very high mortality rate among drug addicts. Drugs in a short time completely enslave a person and make him heavily dependent on them. They destroy the personality of the addict, make him a passive and apathetic person. Drug addicts neglect family and friends, isolate themselves from society, increasingly limiting their ties with the world to a circle of the same people who are only interested in drugs. These people lose their sense of responsibility for themselves and others and are often unable to work or study. The final of many drug addicts is death, if not physical, then spiritual. Drugs have a negative effect on heredity. Their use weakens the immune system and has a devastating effect on health, leads to a weakening of attention, memory, a decrease in the ability to learn and perform simple tasks. As a result, a decrease in activity, an inability to soberly assess reality, failures, and the emergence of problems in the family. Suffering the immune system. For drug addicts, life expectancy is shortened by an average of 20-30 years! The death of patients occurs not only from serious illnesses and due to poisoning, but often also from an overdose of drugs, accidents in a state of intoxication, suicides in a fit of anguish, during "withdrawal". The patient dies from blood poisoning when using dirty syringes, and in last years- from contracting AIDS in this way. Drug addicts destroy themselves not only physically, but also spiritually. They are characterized by spiritual emptiness, callousness, coldness, loss of the ability to empathize, selfishness. Adolescents lose interest in learning, they learn new knowledge with difficulty, and the acquired knowledge is lost. Indifference to relatives, to the suffering of parents develops. The behavior of drug addicts can be observed: general lethargy, inactivity, drowsiness, difficulty in trying to communicate, pallor, lethargy of facial expressions, slowness or illegibility of speech, slowness of movements, impaired coordination, balance, gait, indifference, apathy. Or vice versa - increased activity, mental and motor excitement, fussiness, rapidity of speech, verbosity, "avoiding" the topic of conversation, cheerfulness, causeless laughter. Often there is complacency, "immersion in oneself" with freezing in a contemplative-dreamy pose. There may be irritability, anger. Eyes are characteristic: cloudy, frozen, bloodshot or feverishly shiny, "bright". The size of the pupils changes - from "pinpoint" to huge, as well as their reaction to light. Handwriting suffers, thinking is disturbed, hallucinations are possible. Changes for the worse appearance: significant weight loss or weight gain, acne, unusual redness or blanching of the skin of the face, swelling, "circles", "bags" under the eyes. Statistics show that average age drug addicts in Russia 13-15 years. Average duration The life of an active drug addict is 3 years. Children of drug addicts live a maximum of 4 months. The drug is destroying our future generation, our children, and hence the future of the whole country.

substance abuse

The term "substance abuse" is often used by specialists in the concept - an addiction to the use of a wide, rather chaotic and ever-expanding range of substances that can affect the psyche. Drug addicts are more often children and adolescents than adults. In addition, drug addicts are characterized by the indiscriminate use of substances acting on the psyche, their random combination. Couples chemical substances have high toxicity. The effect of drug intoxication comes from the inhalation of volatile chemicals - aerosols, acetone, varnish, paint, solvent. Often, lovers of "sniff" begin convulsions, they lose consciousness, and when they come to, they cannot remember what happened to them. In the future, more serious health problems occur. Some boys poison themselves with household chemicals. REMEMBER! From these substances, a person literally decomposes. Substance abuse can cause substances like plant origin, and synthetic ones, which, due to their effect on the human body, form a pathological dependence on them. A large place among the substances that cause substance abuse is occupied by psychotropic drugs, some sleeping pills, tranquilizers and stimulants that are not classified as narcotic. The concept of substance abuse is broader than the concept of drug addiction. We can assume that drug addiction is included in substance abuse, but stands out as the most dangerous social and medical points vision. According to domestic and foreign authors, in humans, the formation of all drug addictions and most substance abuse includes a chain of interrelated, successive painful conditions, among which the first link is euphoria. Substance abuse is an international disease. People suffering from this disease are everywhere. In any country, in any state, on any continent, in any city and village. And our city is no exception. In 2007 it was held sociological research drug situation among the youth of Spassk. The sample consisted of 306 people: 38.3% - students of schools in the city of Spassk; 41.6% are college students; 19.5% - Students of primary institutions vocational education(UNPO) 40.5% of boys and 59.2% of girls were interviewed. Age of respondents:

22.9% - 15 years; - 53.9% -16-17 years old; - 20.9% - 18-19 years old; - 1% - 20-21 years old; - 1.3% _ 22 years.

Self-rated health and bad habits

3.6% of respondents assess their health as "poor", 60.5% - "average", and 35.9% - "good". Smoke - 33%; drink alcohol - 68%. The structure of consumption of alcoholic beverages: - 80.9%; 2. wine, champagne - 72.8%; 3. alcoholic cocktails– 48%; 4. vodka - 34.8%.

12.8% of students do not count beer alcoholic drink. 1.7% of respondents drink beer daily. 1-2 times a week - 38.8%; 1-2 times a month - 33.7%.


As we found out in the study, most often drugs are sold to teenagers in night bars, discos, and in the apartments of distributors.

69.1% of all respondents visit night bars and discos. 9.7% of strangers (!) offered to try drugs there. Every 4th respondent has drug users in his environment: acquaintances, close friends, relatives. Today, doctors and psychologists are reaching the causal level. The cause of drug addiction are factors that lie in the field of psychology. So modern concept primary prevention of drug use is based on the fact that it is necessary to educate a mentally healthy person who is able to cope with their own psychological difficulties, who does not need to take psychoactive substances.


· Unfavorable social conditions of life contribute to the involvement of adolescents in the environment of drug addicts, these are: living in a hostel, other people's apartments; lack of trusting relationship with parents; disbelief in a "bright future" and one's own strengths.

· Most students consume alcoholic beverages. The structure of consumption is dominated by beer. Almost a third of those surveyed do not consider it an alcoholic drink.

· Every fifth respondent does not classify marijuana as a drug or finds it difficult to answer.

· Pupils and students are sufficiently well informed about negative consequences drug consumption.

· 6% of all respondents have tried drugs: basically, they try cannabis preparations for the first time.

· Systematically use drugs 1.3% of the respondents.


There is a war on drugs all over the world. In our country, possession, inducement to use drugs is prohibited by law and is severely punished.

Preparing the material for the essay, I came to the conclusion that: Drug addiction is a disease that develops in the process of using certain drugs. It consists in an increasing change in the body's sensitivity threshold to the action of a drug and in the formation of a dependence of a person's well-being on the presence of a drug in the body. Drug addicts are poor workers, their ability to work - physical and mental - is reduced, all their thoughts are connected with obtaining drugs; Drug addiction causes great material and moral damage to a person, family and society, it is the cause of accidents at work, in transport, at home; Drug addicts, degrading physically and morally, are a burden on the family and society; Drug addicts are at risk for the spread of AIDS. There is a lot of talk about the dangers of smoking and alcoholism, and even more so drug addiction. Everyone knows that health and these bad habits are incompatible. And yet every day there are more and more young people who start either smoking or drinking, and someone goes to the worst thing - taking drugs. They need to know that all this leads to illness and is very early death. We must take care of our health and our lives. Life is the most beautiful thing on earth. Smokers, alcoholics and drug addicts are not born, they become due to many reasons. The health of any of us is the most precious gift that nature gives us. No amount of money can buy a trouble-free heart, powerful lungs, muscles full of strength. Losing health is easy, but getting it back is very, very difficult. Remember this.

List of used literature:

one . Reading, learning, playing. 2000. No. 4

2. Read, study, play. 2006.№11

3. Read, study, play. 2007. No. 6, No. 11

4. Anisimov L.N. Prevention of drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction among young people. M.: Legal literature, 1988.

5. Gorkova L.L. Why is it dangerous. M.: Education, 1989.

6. Buyanov M.I. Reflections on Addiction: A Teacher's Book. M.: Education, 1990.

7. Yagodinsky V.N. Protect from dope: A book for the teacher. M.: Education, 1989.

8. Deglin V.Ya. Bad addictions. Moscow: Knowledge, 1972.

9. Yagodinsky V.N. Schoolchildren about the dangers of nicotine and alcohol: A book for teachers. 2nd ed., revised. M.: Education, 1986.

10. Drug addictions and their prevention: Tutorial, compilers: Liferov A.P. and etc.; Ryazan State Pedagogical University them. S.A. Yesenina. - Ryazan, 2004.

11. Prevention of teenage drug addiction: a visual and methodological guide.- M .: Center "Planetarium", 2003.

12. Sheregi F.E., Arefiev A.L. Drug situation in the youth environment: structure, trends, prevention, - M .: Publishing House "Genzher". -2003.

13. Makeeva A.G. To prevent trouble, - M .: Education, 2003.

14. Classroom teacher 2001. №8.

15. Class teacher 2007. No. 5, No. 6.

16. Education of a schoolchild 2002. No. 3.

7. Educational work at school 1005. №3.

The health of a person is the main value in the life. It cannot be bought with any money! There is no price for it. Being the sick person, you cannot realize all your dreams and be successful in the modern world.

But how to be healthy, when there are a lot of fatal temptations around us?

Don't begin! Don`t make the first cigar inhalation, the first sip of alcohol! Everything begins so simply, but comes to the end with a trouble.

It was said so much about the harm of smoking. For a long time it has been proven that smoking is not only reflected on the budget of a family, pollutes the air, but also ruins our health. But, in spite of all that the number of smoking people is not diminished. And what is more grievous, not only the teens but also the junior schoolboys begin to smoke.

I think those who don`t do his (her) best in study or school life, as a rule begin to smoke at the school age. It was proved that there is no such organ which would not suffer from smoking. Smoking is not a harmless pastime which can be given up without efforts. It is necessary to have the will - power to stop smoking.

In addition to smoking, we can name the other fatal habit: the drinking of alcohol. Unfortunately, very often they combine with each other. Alcohol is a poison! Having penetrated into an organism, it has been destroyed the brain of the person for some months. A great man said that drinking alcohol is a voluntary mad, and I think he was right. Under the influence of alcohol the person can make absolutely rash actions. The matter is that alcoholis the drug, and drugs influence on the brains of the person. Especially alcohol is very dangerous for the young because their organism is exposed to the influence of harmful substances more easily. Even a single sip of alcohol causes a poisoning which can lead to death. And the usage of drugs … They ruin all human organs, so the drug addicts die young. Few of them live longer than several years after they have started taking drugs.

So, I consider that there is no place to these habits in our life. To my mind, only healthy people should live on our planet and then our Earth will be brighter and more beautiful, because only the healthy person will provide its further development and prosperity.


Human health is main value in life. No money can buy it! Being a sick person, you will not be able to make all your dreams come true and be fully realized in modern world. Health has no price. How to save it when there are so many pernicious temptations around? Don't start! Don't take the first puff, the first sip! It all starts easy and ends in disaster.

Much has been said about the dangers of smoking. It has long been proven that smoking not only affects the family budget, pollutes the air, but also harms health. And despite this people who smoke does not decrease. And what is especially sad, even people are drawn to cigarettes junior schoolchildren not to mention teenagers.

In my opinion, smoking at school age, as a rule, is started by those who have not shown themselves in any way either in school or in school life. Science has proven that there is no such body that would not suffer from smoking. Smoking is not a harmless activity that can be quit effortlessly. It takes a lot of willpower to quit smoking.

In addition to smoking, bad habits also include an even more harmful one - alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, in life they are very often combined with each other. Alcohol is poison! Having entered the body, it destroys the human brain in just a few months. One of the sages said that drinking alcohol is voluntary madness. Under the influence of alcohol, a person can do absolutely inexplicable acts. The fact is that alcohol is a drug, and drugs affect the human mind. Alcohol is especially dangerous for young people, because their body is more easily exposed to harmful substances. Even a few sips of alcohol cause poisoning, which can lead to death.

And the use of drugs ... They destroy the whole body, so drug addicts die very early. Few of them live for several years after starting to use drugs.

I believe that in our life there should be no place for these bad habits.

In my opinion, healthy people should live on our planet so that our Earth becomes brighter and more beautiful, but only healthy person will ensure its further development and prosperity.

Kameneva Julia