To relieve toothache. How to relieve toothache at home

How to numb a tooth at home? Tooth pain is one of the most unpleasant sensations a person experiences. The pain does not need to be endured, but something needs to be done.

Reducing pain at home

The following remedies may help relieve or reduce pain:

  • Massage of the tip and lobe auricle.
  • Switching attention will allow you to distract from pain (music, dancing, physical activity).
  • Applying cold to the sore area reduces pain (place ice cubes in a bag).
  • Applications made of flax, camphor or fir oil per tooth
  • Chew a valerian leaf.
  • Garlic on the wrist or in the hollow of the tooth at night.
  • Massaging the point between the index and thumb hands (if toothache on the left - massage right hand and vice versa).
  • Apply a paste of onion, garlic and salt onto the damaged tooth, cover the top with a cotton pad.
  • Propolis.
  • A piece of unsalted fresh lard is applied to the sore tooth.
  • Rinse with decoctions of sage, oregano, chamomile, oak bark.
  • Medicines – validol, ketanov, dental gel, ibuprofen, ketanol, aspirin, analgin, no-spa, lidocaine on cotton wool, citramon, baralgin.
  • Rinse with vodka and alcohol.
  • Rinsing the mouth with soda and saline solution.
  • Clove spice - chew it and apply it to the sore tooth.
  • Lubricate the baby's gum with liquid flower honey.

If the pain doesn't go away

If the pain does not go away, you still need to seek help from a dentist and find out the real reason pain. Perhaps behind the pain lies an illness that could result in even more running form, which will be more difficult and expensive to treat.

This condition is difficult to bear. If the pain begins to bother, a person cannot do work, and it is difficult for him to concentrate. The tooth shoots while eating and drinking liquids. The patient finds it difficult to talk and even smile.

Most often it begins suddenly, which indicates inflammation inside the tooth. If the enamel is damaged, it may be caries or pulpitis. When a tooth appears healthy, but it is painful to press on it or it hurts very sharply, this may indicate a problem at the root.

  • Chew your food, being careful not to press on the sore tooth so as not to disturb it.
  • Avoid very hot, sour or sweet foods. They will increase irritation in the affected cavity, and the pain will intensify.
  • Try to open your mouth less often. When exposed to cold air, the symptoms worsen.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis, but when toothache begins on the weekend or late in the evening, getting into the dental office is quite difficult. In such cases, it is necessary to temporarily stop the attack and try to relieve the pain without leaving home.

How to relieve toothache at home

When it occurs from cold drinks or hot food, it is very disturbing, but goes away quickly, it is a symptom of caries.

If the pain is constant, radiates to the ear and neck, and intensifies when pressing a finger on the gum or tooth, most likely it is pulpitis and after a while the cheek may swell.

In order for the throbbing acute pain to subside, first of all, you need to cleanse oral cavity from leftover food. They carry many microbes that lead to inflammatory processes.

  • To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass. warm water and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • To enhance the effect, mix soda with salt in equal quantities, pour water from the kettle, take the liquid into your mouth and keep it there for at least 2 minutes. Try to keep the water rinsing sore spot. Do this three or four times in a row, and the attack will subside.

If discomfort do not pass, hold a small amount of alcohol in your mouth. It can be vodka, cognac or alcohol diluted with liquid one to two. The high-strength drink will make the gums numb and the pain will stop.

Ice can be used to relieve pain. Take a few cubes out of the freezer, wrap them in a thin towel and place them on your cheek. Cold has long been used as local anesthesia, so the discomfort should decrease.

You can suck on a small piece of ice, sometimes this helps.

Relieves pain well Chinese massage. There are points on our body that by massaging you can alleviate your condition.

You need to do the Chinese procedure with light, gentle movements for about 15 minutes. After this time, the pain should begin to decrease. IN in rare cases stimulating the massage points may cause the condition to worsen. In this case, the massage should be stopped immediately.

Medicine for toothache

The most reliable way to get rid of any toothache is modern medications. There are a lot of them on the medicine market, and every person can choose the right remedy for themselves.

When taking them, you must take into account chronic diseases which people often have, and individual intolerance painkillers. Therefore, before use, carefully read the instructions and take into account the characteristics of your body.

Let's look at popular medications that effectively relieve pain:

When pain syndrome very high and the above remedies do not help, you need to try to alleviate the suffering with new medications. They were developed relatively recently and have a strong analgesic effect:

Ibufen and ibukin are new generation drugs that perfectly relieve pain and are safe for the body. While taking it, do not exceed the recommended dose; it cannot be more than 4 tablets per day.

If you follow the instructions, they are allowed to be given to children. For them, the medicine is produced in the form of tasty syrups.

Nise and axatulide consist of nimesulide, which has long been used by dentists to treat pain after filling and various inflammations of the oral cavity. These powerful drugs have side effects, so take them with caution and no more than 4 pills per day.

When a tooth is constantly aching, anti-spasm medications help:

  1. papaverine;
  2. nosh-pa;
  3. drotaverine

For toothache, they are most often combined with analgesics. If it is impossible to fall asleep due to painful sensations, nosh-pa, drunk with analgin, will help.

When tooth pain cannot be relieved by anything, you need to use an injection medicines. This way the painkiller instantly enters the bloodstream and begins to act. You can get an injection to help you get through the night before going to the hospital. An injection of analgin with diphenhydramine, or an ampoule of ketonal, will quickly help.

It happens that after effective pain relief unpleasant symptoms disappear for several days, or even weeks. If this happens, do not delay visiting the doctor. The pain will definitely return, because medications cannot stop the inflammation that occurs inside the tooth. Failure to seek help promptly may lead to long-term treatment and even tooth loss.

Folk remedies for toothache

Be sure to keep medicinal herbs at home; they make excellent decoctions for relieving even acute pain.

  • Pour boiling water over 2 large spoons of dried sage. And leave for half an hour. Afterwards, strain and rinse the sore area as often as possible. This herb contains many vitamins, which are needed not only by teeth, but also by gums. In addition, it has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which is necessary for the treatment of the oral cavity.
  • Oak bark is steamed in a water bath. Take a tablespoon of the drug and pour it into a small container. boiled water and place in a large saucepan with boiling liquid. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes and then cool. The warm broth is filtered through a sieve, diluted by a third with water and rinsed three to four times after meals.
  • Chamomile reduces gum inflammation. After its use, the pain weakens and subsides over time. It is brewed in the same way as oak bark. It is best to cook medicinal herbs in a water bath, because when boiled they lose many of their beneficial properties.
  • Regular turnips contain many vitamins and beneficial microelements that are needed for recovery bone tissue. To rinse, finely chop the root vegetable, measure out two large spoons, pour half a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, strain and use the cooled broth as directed every two hours.
  • Aspen bark is no less useful oak bark. It has the same astringent effect, destroys germs and relieves pain. For the decoction, steam a glass of water with a spoonful of aspen shavings in a water bath and rinse your mouth every half hour until the pain subsides.

In addition to decoctions in folk medicine Other recipes have also been used with success. So many positive feedback has onion peel. According to the results of surveys on various forums, this tool helps quickly and for a long time.

  • Peel several large onions and place them in a mug. Pour boiling water over it. Leave for an hour and strain. They say that the peel helps after 3-4 rinses.

Mustard plaster placed in the neck area brings relief. The harder he bakes, the weaker the pain from a damaged tooth will seem.

Those who have tree aloe growing on their windowsill can take advantage of effective recipe from this plant.

  • Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise and place it behind the cheek near the pulsating tooth. Squeeze the juice out of another leaf, moisten a cotton swab with it and place it directly on the tooth. Before this, it is good to eat a small piece of aloe.

Garlic is very useful for relieving toothache. There are several ways to use it:

  • Peel a clove of garlic and rub it well on your wrist on the side of the painful tooth in the place where the pulse is clearly audible. Then prepare a garlic paste, put it in gauze and tie it tightly to your wrist.
  • Grate the garlic and onion in equal proportions to make a small spoon. Add a pinch of salt, stir and cover inflamed tooth. Cover the top of the composition with a piece of cotton wool.
  • You can simply rub garlic on the gum where the problem tooth is located. This vegetable disinfects and disinfects the oral cavity, reduces inflammation, and as a result, pain goes away quickly.

Good results can be achieved using bee propolis. This product is a natural antiseptic and has a unique composition.

Take a small piece of propolis, heat it so that it becomes soft, mold it into a pea and put it in a hollow carious cavity.

Effective for the same purposes alcohol tincture propolis. Moisten some cotton wool with it and place it on the sore tooth. In addition, dilute the tincture with water one to three and rinse your mouth several times a day.

Clove oil has invaluable properties. Drop it onto the affected tooth or cover it with cotton wool soaked in oil.

Buy plantain root. It must be fresh. Grind and place in gauze behind the cheek in the area of ​​the sore tooth. Can also be used fresh leaf this plant.

According to statistics, toothache sooner or later occurs in every second person, but the same statistics tell us that less than half of patients with toothache see a doctor. How so? Why do people endure this discomfort until the last moment and turn to a doctor when the torment becomes unbearable? In the heads of many of us there is a stereotype of the danger of the dentist, the expectation of pain and fear from his treatment.

In fact, modern technologies allow you to treat a tooth not only effectively, quickly and safely, but also absolutely painlessly. First, the doctor sprays the mucous membrane in the place where the anesthetic is going to be injected. The patient often does not even feel the puncture of the gums with a syringe, let alone other manipulations? Other people don't go to the dentist because they think their services are expensive. But you need to admit to yourself - if your tooth already hurts, a trip to the doctor cannot be avoided (unless, of course, you are afraid of losing a tooth!). And the sooner this visit takes place, the cheaper it will cost you. Therefore, it is better to go to the doctor as soon as you discover any problems with your teeth or oral cavity. Most often we encounter toothache - aching, acute, debilitating. Today we’ll talk about how and why this pain appears, how to get rid of it and what to do to numb the tooth before visiting the doctor.

Why does toothache occur?

Toothache is considered one of the most intense and complex, since the gums contain a huge number of nerve endings. But despite this, the causes of toothache can be quite extensive. Let's look at the main ones.

  1. Caries. This is one of the most common causes of toothache. Caries is a pathogenic infection of the tooth by harmful microorganisms. Caries begins with a slight destruction of the tooth enamel - yellow or whitish spots may appear on the surface. Further, the affected area increases, caries penetrates deeper, eating dentin millimeter by millimeter. Usually, with such “average” caries, a person already goes to the doctor and the nerve can still be saved. If caries becomes deep, it is often accompanied by inflammation of the nerve - pulpitis. Also in a patient with deep caries teeth may begin to crumble, appears bad smell from the mouth, the black hollow itself is almost always visible to the naked eye. Caries occurs under a combination of three conditions: bad heredity, poor hygiene, lack of microelements in the body. Pain during caries has characteristic feature– it is usually pulsating, lasts no more than three minutes, and can occur when eating cold ice cream, hot coffee, sour fruits, sweets, etc.
  2. Pulpitis. If caries has penetrated into the root of the tooth so deeply that the inflammation has also affected the pulp, then a complication develops - pulpitis. Pain with pulpitis has its own characteristics - it is quite long-lasting and may not go away for up to 10 minutes, and sometimes it is completely permanent. Pain with pulpitis is considered the most acute and here's why. The fact is that any tissue increases in volume during inflammation. And the pulp simply has nowhere to grow - it rests directly on the dentin. In fact, severe expansion occurs inside the tooth. This excessive pressure is what causes such acute pain. If you touch the painful itch with just your finger, the pain will intensify several times, you may feel as if you have received an electric shock.
  3. Flux. This is another complication of caries and pulpitis, which develops in the periosteal part of the tooth and jaw bones. In essence, this is the formation of a purulent sac that grows and affects an increasingly larger area of ​​neighboring tissue. Characteristic of flux high temperature and severe toothaches that cannot be relieved with medications. The pain can radiate to the ear, neck, throat, eye, appears severe swelling. Often the flux breaks up on its own, providing temporary relief. But inflammatory process continues to develop, pus collects from new strength. In some cases, flux is accompanied by an increase cervical lymph nodes- this speaks of extreme dangerous course diseases.
  4. High sensitivity of teeth. Sometimes it happens that pain appears only when eating sour, sweet, cold and hot foods. If the rest of the time the tooth does not bother you at all, most likely the problem is hypersensitivity teeth. This can occur against the background of damage to tooth enamel - when the dentinal tubules remain exposed. Sensitivity increases after a tooth injury if the nerve is exposed. In addition, teeth become sensitive due to certain malfunctions. endocrine system, with a lack of fluoride in the body. The cause may also be disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system associated with excessive sensitivity of nerve endings.
  5. Seal. Often toothache does not go away even after treatment. Normally this is acceptable for several days. If the toothache does not go away within three days and only gets worse, you need to see a doctor again. Perhaps the treatment was incorrect or insufficient. Pain in the tooth after treatment may occur due to insufficient cleansing of the dentin from the carious cavity. In this case, inflammation continues to develop under the filling. Incorrect filling technique, allergies to filling material, insufficient cleaning with antiseptics, leaving voids in the tooth area, poor quality of filling material - all this can lead to painful sensations after treatment. When the cause of the error is found, the doctor should correct it.
  6. Injury. Often a tooth begins to ache after a blow or bruise. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible - the chances of saving the tooth in this case are quite high.

Apart from this, there are various gum diseases that can also be mistaken for toothache. Discomfort with gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease is difficult to distinguish from tooth pain.

Tooth extraction is always a rather complex and serious process, unless, of course, it is a milk tooth. Particular problems are caused by eights - wisdom teeth. They have long roots and their removal is considered the most painful. But they really need to be removed - as a rule, they are loose and more susceptible to caries and can infect healthy teeth. Moreover, often figure eights grow sideways, displacing the entire main dentition.

The pain after tooth extraction lasts quite a long time, can reach two weeks. The sockets after tooth extraction are completely healed within several months, and the wounds heal in one to two weeks. At this time, you need to protect the holes from pieces of food getting inside - this is a risk of infection. You need to eat soft and liquid foods. Often tooth extraction is accompanied by a course of antibiotics to avoid inflammation. If the pain does not go away and only intensifies, most likely the patient has developed some kind of complication. This often happens if the tooth was not completely removed - to confirm this, you need to take a repeat x-ray. If the tooth was removed against the background various diseases gums, the healing process is also very painful and long.


This is one of the most effective and effective means getting rid of toothache. The duration of action of painkillers is about 8 hours. A few tablets are enough to wait for a visit to the doctor. Remember that you should not take pills immediately before visiting the dentist - this will complicate the diagnosis. To combat toothache, you can use painkillers based on Paracetamol, Aspirin, and Analgin. For children, it is better to use Ibuprofen. At severe pain adults and children over 15 years of age can be offered Ketonal. This is a fairly serious medicine that has a number of contraindications, but it really gives results even with the most severe pain. Don't make the biggest mistake many people make! Often, patients, having numbed their toothache with pills, refuse to see a doctor, hoping that the problem will solve itself. However, this is a temporary improvement; the process of inflammation and tooth decay continues.

It is very effective to rinse your mouth for toothache. Essentially, you simply clean the surface of the mucous membrane and teeth from pathogenic microorganisms, which cause sharp pain. Before rinsing, you need to brush your teeth - in this case the effect will be much more noticeable. You should rinse your mouth with warm broth, you can keep medicinal composition in the mouth for as long as possible. The frequency of rinsing depends on the intensity of the pain - as a rule, 1-2 rinses per hour are enough to get rid of even the most serious discomfort.

Any antiseptics can be used as a rinse solution - Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Hexoral. You can crush and dissolve the Furacilin tablet. It is very effective to rinse your mouth with decoctions. medicinal herbs– chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, mint, oak bark. You can dissolve garlic, onion or aloe juice in a glass of warm water. It is very effective to dissolve dental drops in water - only 5-10 drops per glass. The drug is called “Tooth drops”, it contains painkillers, sedatives and disinfectants. If you don't have anything on hand, you can simply add salt to the water and baking soda- this is also useful and effective solution. You can also put vodka in your mouth and hold it near the sore tooth, and spit it out after 5 minutes. A pumpkin ponytail will help relieve sensitivity from your teeth and gums. It should be brewed and the mouth should be rinsed with the decoction every hour.

Applications against toothache

Another way to influence a diseased tooth is an application. The principle is to soak in medicine or an anesthetic composition, a cotton swab and apply to the sore tooth. Instead of cotton wool, you can use a piece of clean bandage. As a solution for application, you can take Novocaine or Lidocaine in an ampoule, or dental drops. You can also crush an aspirin tablet, place it in cotton wool, wrap it tightly and apply it to the sore tooth. In this case, you need to be careful not to get pure aspirin on the mucous membrane. The application solution can be garlic and onion juice; you can apply plantain juice or sage tincture to the tooth. Useful for toothache pharmacy tincture propolis - it disinfects and soothes well. A mixture of chopped onion, garlic and salt is very effective. The prepared composition must be transferred to a clean piece of cloth, tied up at the corners and applied to the sore spot. If the pain is unbearable, it can be temporarily quelled with an ice pack.

How to survive a toothache

As soon as your tooth starts to hurt, you need to pick up the phone and immediately call and make an appointment with your dentist. Then it’s a matter of technique – you just need to wait for your turn. Often the doctor’s high workload does not allow him to see you on the same day, and you cannot trust another dentist, so you have to endure and withstand acute pain for several days. Here are some tips to help you get through this difficult period in life.

The science of acupuncture states that certain points are responsible for the process of pain relief in the body. If you have a toothache, massage the space between your index finger and thumb. It is also effective in influencing top part auricle on the ear on which side the tooth hurts.

You should not neglect brushing your teeth, because it is food debris that provokes and intensifies toothache. In addition, removing plaque at least somehow stops the process of dentin destruction.

If you have a toothache, try not to lie down, but to walk or sit. The horizontal position leads to a rush of blood to painful areas, which increases discomfort.

During the Second World War, soldiers also had toothache, they used this proven method. It was necessary to steam your feet in hot salty water, then the toothache would subside. The principle of the procedure is to activate the flow of blood to the legs, the inflammatory process in this case will be less sensitive.

A piece will help get rid of toothache raw potatoes, applied to the affected tooth.

Toothache is an insidious feeling; the more you think about the discomfort, the stronger it becomes. Therefore, you need to try to distract yourself, do business, work or read. But you shouldn’t talk yet - it can increase the pain.

If you have toothache, be sure to visit a dentist. Sometimes this is enough to refute dental problems. Often toothache is a symptom of other problems and diseases not related to dentistry. For example, migraine, neuralgia, otitis media, sinusitis, ischemia and even heart attack. One thing is certain - you need to be examined by a doctor. He will determine further tactics of action and will certainly relieve you of acute and debilitating pain.

Video: how to quickly relieve toothache without pills