Instructions for use of oak bark: benefits, harm and contraindications. Oak bark beneficial properties and contraindications

Our ancestors also knew how to cure various diseases with the help of such a simple substance as oak bark, medicinal properties which have been known for a long time. Despite the fact that over hundreds of years the recipe for a decoction or tincture of oak bark has remained virtually unchanged, today it is folk medicine used in both folk and traditional medicine. Decoctions and tinctures based on this plant are extremely effective for diarrhea and the treatment of sore throat in children.

Properties of natural medicine

Preparation medicinal tincture or a decoction of oak bark will not take much time; the recipe for such a tincture is quite simple. A decoction of oak bark is also used for treatment. Oak bark will help get rid of many unpleasant ailments, the healing properties of which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect on the body.

This remedy is used in the following cases:

  • to relieve the inflammatory process in the body;
  • for stomatitis and gum inflammation;
  • in the treatment of throat diseases in children;
  • for treatment gynecological diseases such as cervical erosion and vaginitis;
  • in case of bleeding due to hemorrhoids;
  • for diarrhea, gastrointestinal diseases and dysentery.

Oak bark, the use of which is effective in the treatment of these diseases, can be used both as a single medicine and in combination with traditional drug treatment. Before you start drinking oak bark decoction, you should carefully study the instructions, dosage and contraindications for the use of this drug.

Methods of using the medicine

Oak is quite common in our area, so the medicine is not difficult to obtain. Most effective for use in medicinal purposes is the bark collected from a young tree, which must be collected in early spring, before the first leaves appear on the tree.

This collection must be stored in a dry place, packed in a cotton or linen bag. However, this collection can be bought at every pharmacy; moreover, it is sold already crushed and dried, which greatly simplifies the preparation process healing tinctures and decoctions. When purchasing bark at a pharmacy, the drug comes with instructions that describe the preparation recipe and contraindications for treatment with this product.

There are three ways to use this medicine, the recipe for which is very simple.

  1. The healing infusion of oak bark is very simple to prepare. To do this, you need to pour a small spoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Let the infusion steep gently for 40-60 minutes, after which it should be carefully strained and can be taken as a medicine.
  2. A medicinal decoction of oak bark, which is also quite simple to prepare - to do this, pour 500 ml of boiling water into a large spoon of the product and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After this, the finished medicine should be allowed to brew for 20–30 minutes and then strain.
  3. Tincture of oak bark in alcohol, for the preparation of which you need to pour the mixture with vodka, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 400 ml of vodka. This tincture should be infused for seven days, after which it must be strained and poured into a convenient, clean container.

The recipe for making medicine from oak bark is quite simple, and the effectiveness of this remedy exceeds all expectations. You can also buy oak bark extract at the pharmacy. The packaging usually comes with instructions that describe in detail required quantity drug and recipe for preparing tinctures and decoctions.

Treatment of gum and oral diseases

Oak bark is often used for gums, providing an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect. When treating inflamed gums and oral cavity, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with a decoction of this collection 8-10 times a day, regardless of meals. This remedy will help strengthen and reduce bleeding gums. Also, such rinses are effective for stomatitis, ulcers in the throat and sore throat.

It should be remembered that the prepared decoction should be stored for no more than two days, and it is better to brew a new portion every day, this will preserve everything beneficial properties plants. Making a decoction is not difficult, but the patient is sure that the medicine remains fresh and effective. When starting treatment, you should carefully study all contraindications and side effects drug.

Oak bark for treating diarrhea

For diarrhea, you should take a decoction of oak bark, 2 teaspoons every 2-3 hours. Treatment is also carried out using alcohol solution oak bark - it should be taken 20 drops twice a day.

Application in gynecology

A decoction of oak bark is used to restore vaginal microflora in case of vaginitis or thrush. Doctors often prescribe douching with a decoction of the bark to treat thrush during pregnancy, when treatment with medications is not advisable. For the treatment of gynecological diseases, a decoction of oak bark is used for douching, which is carried out 2-4 times a day, depending on the degree of the disease.

Please note that during pregnancy, you must first consult a doctor, and only after his approval begin treatment with this remedy.

Treatment of childhood diseases

Oak bark has been successfully used for treatment various diseases in children over 3 years of age. The decoction is very effective in treating sore throat. In this case, you need to gargle with the decoction several times a day. Despite the fact that oak bark has no serious contraindications, it is necessary to first coordinate the treatment of throat diseases in children with a doctor.

Natural hair beauty product

Collecting the bark can be used to strengthen hair. The simplest and affordable recipe- This is to brew the mixture with boiling water and use it to rinse your hair after each wash. Preparing such a decoction will not take much time, but it will help strengthen your hair and add thickness to it. This product also effectively fights dandruff.

You should be aware that such a decoction may slightly color the hair, causing it to acquire a darker shade.

Using a decoction during pregnancy

The effectiveness of oak bark in the fight against thrush during pregnancy has long been proven by many years of practice by gynecologists, but, nevertheless, consultation with a doctor is mandatory. Only a doctor can determine whether such treatment during pregnancy is advisable in a particular case.

But there will be no harm from taking oak bark decoction externally for light hair coloring during pregnancy. On the contrary, unlike hair dyes, such a decoction is natural remedy, which does not contain preservatives.


Like any other medicine, oak bark has its contraindications.

  1. During pregnancy, oak bark is prescribed only after such a treatment method has been agreed upon with a doctor.
  2. The product should not be taken by children under two years of age.
  3. Treatment should not exceed 15 days.
  4. In case of overdose, an allergic reaction, nausea and vomiting may occur.

It should also be remembered that when rinsing the mouth for a long time (more than two weeks), the sense of smell may deteriorate.

For many, oak is a symbol of power, reliability and longevity. And no wonder: the height of this foliage plant reaches 30 and even more meters. And the width of old trees reaches a diameter of 4 meters. An oak grows in height for a century and a half; later the tree begins to grow only in thickness until it dies. In addition to this general knowledge, many people do not even suspect how powerful oak has powerful energy and numerous healing properties. Since the time pagan Rus' people worshiped him. IN folk medicine Not only oak bark, which will be discussed today, is widely used; its leaves and fruits - acorns - also have beneficial properties.

More should be noted rich chemical composition. The bark is 10-20% rich in tannins, which have astringent action and block the growth of pathogenic microflora. Organic acids (halic and ellagic), as well as the flavonoid quercetin, have antioxidant properties.

Proteins and pectins have the properties of enterosorbents and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Pentosans bind water in the intestines.

So there are sugars, fats, mucus, pectins. The vitamin series is represented by vitamins B, C, PP, microelements - K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cr, Cu, Se.

This chemical composition ultimately affects the body

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • bactericidal,
  • astringent,
  • antioxidant,
  • antiseptic,
  • enveloping,
  • hemostatic,
  • Wound healing, i.e. reparative - improves blood flow in tissues, stimulates metabolic processes, activates granulation and epithelization of wounds.

As when taking any other medicinal raw material, contraindications should be taken into account when using oak bark. Before starting treatment, consult your doctor. Strictly follow the recommended dosage and frequency of administration, since an overdose or long-term use may have a negative impact on general health. Overdose may lead to vomiting.

The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

Don't forget that some people have individual intolerance and possible allergic reaction, this should also be taken into account when you first decide to use these drugs.

It has been noted that long-term use of oak bark preparations, even in the form of rinses, can lead to deterioration of taste and smell.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

For effective treatment It is necessary to prepare raw materials on time and correctly. Harvesting begins in early spring, when active sap flow is observed (April - May). The harvest is made from young branches that do not exceed 10 cm in diameter. To remove the bark, make 2 ring-shaped cuts at a distance of 20-30 cm, connecting them with a longitudinal cut.

Drying is carried out under a ventilated canopy; undried bark can be dried in electric dryers. Dried raw materials lose up to 50% in weight. Store harvested raw materials in a dry place for up to 5 years.


Rich chemical composition and wide range beneficial properties allows you to use oak bark internally and externally for the following pathologies:

  • How the astringent is used internally for various intestinal infections accompanied by stool disorder;
  • Baths and enemas will help with hemorrhoids;
  • Sore throats, stomatitis, gingivitis, bad smell from the mouth and bleeding gums, which are, will be cured by rinsing with infusion;
  • IN complex treatment various poisonings(salts heavy metals, alkaloids and mushrooms, etc.) decoctions will be useful;
  • Lotions made from decoctions are effective in the treatment of burns, frostbite, bedsores, and weeping eczema;
  • From unpleasant odor from feet and increased sweating decoction baths will help;
  • Gynecologists recommend douching with a decoction or infusion of oak bark for cervical erosions, colpitis and vaginitis;
  • If after each wash you rinse your hair with a decoction, then after just a few procedures your hair will become silky and shiny, there will be no dandruff, and masks in combination with burdock oil will strengthen hair follicles, which will also make your hair beautiful and healthy.

How to prepare an infusion to treat diarrhea and hemorrhoids

An infusion will help relieve diarrhea for various intestinal infections. To do this, add 0.5 liters of cold boiled water add a teaspoon of crushed oak bark, leave overnight, and in the morning strain and take 50 ml orally up to 4 times a day.

The infusion prepared in this way can be used for baths and enemas for hemorrhoids; it helps reduce inflammation and pain of hemorrhoids.

Oak bark tea

For gastritis, colitis, diseases of the stomach, liver, spleen, diarrhea, rickets, bleeding, it is recommended to drink infusion (tea) from oak bark. It’s easy to prepare, just brew a tablespoon of crushed bark and pour it hot water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Strain and drink a glass 2-3 times a day.

This tea binds toxins, so it will be useful for various poisonings.

How to prepare a decoction for internal use

Such decoctions can be used for poisoning, internal bleeding, gastrointestinal diseases, but only after prescription by a doctor. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. daily until symptoms disappear.

To prepare the decoction, 1 tbsp. l. crushed bark is poured into a glass hot water and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, then filter and cool.

Decoction for external use

For external use, the decoction will be slightly concentrated, since 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour, then filter.

This decoction can be used to rinse the mouth.

Decoction for lotions

For lotions, make a decoction from the ratio of 4 parts raw materials and 1 part boiling water. Cook the broth over low heat for another 1 hour, then cool and filter.

The resulting decoction is moistened with a cotton cloth or bandage and applied to the affected areas of the skin for eczema, burns, frostbite, varicose veins veins or on bedsores. It is advisable to change such dressings twice a day.

Collection for the treatment of wounds, burns, frostbite, bedsores, eczema

Take 30 g of crushed oak bark, cinquefoil and willow rhizomes, mix. 2 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the mixture, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Moisten a cloth or bandage with the decoction and apply to the problem area for 1 hour in the morning and evening.

Infusion for sweaty feet

Unpleasant foot odor due to excessive sweating can be eliminated by dipping your feet in an infusion of oak bark. Pour 2 liters of boiling water into a basin and add 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials, let it brew and cool with the infusion, and then immerse your feet for 20 minutes. Before taking a bath, you need to wash your feet. For effective treatment, at least 10 baths are necessary.

Use of oak bark for hair

Beautiful and strong hair every woman's dream. This can be achieved by regular rinsing after washing your hair with oak bark infusion. In addition, you will not only strengthen your hair, but at the same time get rid of dandruff and shine will appear.

Hair coloring

By adding various additives to the decoctions, you can achieve a beautiful hair color. So, the combination of oak bark decoction and freshly brewed natural coffee will give your hair a beautiful dark shade, and the combination of chamomile decoction and oak bark, on the contrary, will lighten your hair. To achieve the desired result, you must regularly use these decoctions after each hair wash.

Oil for hair loss and growth

Prepare the oil and rub it into the roots of your hair, as a result your hair will be healthy and voluminous. To prepare the oil, take 1 part of crushed oak bark, dandelion leaves, peppermint, plantain and pour 50 ml of warm burdock oil, let it brew for 30 minutes until the oil has cooled, strain. Apply the resulting oil to the entire length of your hair and rub into the roots, leave for 1-1.5 hours, wrapping your hair in cling film and a towel.

After the procedure, rinse your hair a large number warm water(preferably without using shampoo) and rinse strong decoction bark.

The result will be visible after 10 days of daily use of the mask.

Did you know that...

In France, in the hollow of an oak tree there is a room 3.5 m wide, and in the thickest wall of the room there is even a bench cut out and a window? According to scientists, this oak is more than 2000 years old.

The Orthodox monk Tikhon, before he founded the Tikhon Monastery, lived in the hollow of an old oak tree?

Was the flute in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute carved from thousand-year-old oak wood? According to the script, the magic flute then turns into a golden one.

During the revolutionary era in France, in memory of the Gallic tradition, the oak tree was declared a public monument protected by law, where peasants burned landowners' securities, signed important papers and took civic oaths?

In Bulgaria, one oak tree was once struck by lightning and in the ashes of the burnt tree, the residents discovered a metal vessel with Turkish gold coins hidden in it?

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

In ancient times, oak was the tree from which almost everything was made: buildings and dugout boats, weapons and tools, and even medicine. The most popular in medicine is oak bark. We'll talk about it today.

Chemical composition

The bark contains a large amount tannins, they contain up to 20%, and also contain proteins, gallic and ellagic acids, phlobafen and flavonoids, levulin and pectin.

Benefit: medicinal properties

Therapeutic effect from taking the bark is explained by several properties:

  • astringent action- due to the content of tannins, for problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anti-inflammatory effect- achieved thanks to pentosans (polysaccharides that are precursors to antibiotics). Helps with inflammatory diseases mucous membranes of the oral cavity, female problems;
  • wound healing and hemostatic properties- achieved by applying oak powder to wounds and mucous membranes;
  • rejuvenating and antioxidant effects- achieved thanks to flavonoids. They smooth out wrinkles and tighten the skin.

Application in medicine

Oak bark is widely used in folk medicine. It is used in the treatment of both female and male ailments.

For women

Oak bark very often used in gynecology. Good effect observed during douching.

They have the following effects:

  • infection control;
  • regeneration of mucous membranes;
  • analgesic effect;
  • acceleration of healing and scarring.
The recipe for preparing the decoction is as follows:
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour 1 cup of boiling water.
  • Boil in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  • Strain and bring to a volume of 1 liter with boiled water.
  • You need to douche 3 times a day.
This remedy helps with diseases such as thrush, colpitis, erosion, leucorrhoea, bleeding, inflammatory processes and heavy periods. In such cases, oak bark can replace expensive medicines.

Important! Douching is a safe procedure. It is often prescribed when it is impossible drug treatment, for example, during pregnancy.

For men

The most common health problems among men are prostatitis, urethritis, and premature ejaculation(ejaculation). Their reasons may be neurological disorders, feelings of fear and anxiety, irregular sex life. A decoction of oak, prepared as follows, can help solve these problems:

  • take 1 tsp. powder;
  • pour 1 glass of boiling water;
  • Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes.
The broth should be strained and taken a third of a glass 20 minutes before meals.

Male problems can be aggravated by the presence of hemorrhoids. Baths with oak bark will help alleviate this disease. They will relieve inflammation.

For the oral cavity

IN spring period When the body is weakened due to a lack of vitamins, many people’s gums begin to become inflamed and bleed. In addition to taking vitamins, rinsing will help solve this problem. oak tincture. It can also be used for inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity and for bad breath. A decoction of oak bark will help with periodontal disease. The main rule: rinse your mouth as often as possible (the permissible interval between rinses is an hour).

Oak bark strengthens tooth enamel and even cleanses tonsils. This is the most safe remedy for teeth whitening, which does not damage the enamel and does not contribute to the occurrence of caries.

Application in cosmetology

Oak infusions and decoctions not only help care for skin and hair, but also treat many dermatological diseases.

A decoction of the bark helps eliminate oily hair. It is also suitable for:

  • strengthens and accelerates hair growth, as it improves blood circulation;
  • getting rid of dandruff, since bacteria and fungus are killed, and the scalp is renewed;
  • eliminate hair fragility - tannins and astringents cover the hair along the entire length with a film;
  • getting rid of split ends;
  • covering gray hair;
  • protection from harmful effects sun rays.

To color your hair, you can add natural coffee, but when using a decoction with chamomile, you will get a slight lightening effect.

The presence of pentosans in oak extract has a drying effect on the skin, and the presence of starch eliminates sweating. For this purpose, decoctions, infusions, lotions and masks are used. Often in folk recipes are added lemon juice, honey or propolis tincture.

Creams and lotions, in addition to narrowing pores and cleansing the skin, also have a toning and firming effect and smooth out wrinkles. Tannins help in the fight against cellulite, strengthen blood vessels, relieve acne and various rashes.

Did you know? The Marquise de Pompadour washed her face every morning ice water to make your skin look young and fresh. And Empress Catherine II used ice cubes for this.

The broth can be frozen in a special container for ice and wiped the skin in the morning and evening with this cosmetic ice. This procedure promotes facial rejuvenation.

For feet, with excessive sweating of the feet, baths are used:

  • Boil 200 g of bark in 1 liter of water for half an hour, dilute 1 tbsp. l. decoction in 1 liter of warm (+37 °C) water.
This decoction is also used for baths for sweaty hands. After the procedure, you do not need to wipe your hands, but let them dry.

Indications for use: treatment

Due to its beneficial properties, oak bark is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, dysentery, gastritis, colitis);
  • diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease);
  • gynecological diseases (thrush, colpitis, erosion, leucorrhoea and inflammatory processes);
  • “male” problems (prostatitis, urethritis, premature ejaculation);
  • for burns, wounds, seborrhea, sweating;
  • with helminthiasis.

Harm and side effects

Despite all the benefits of using oak raw materials, like any medicine, it has side effects. Taking it can cause some abnormalities in the functioning of various organs:

  • excessive use reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, and, consequently, tissues;
  • Frequent rinsing may cause a decrease in sense of smell. This is due to the presence of a large amount of tannins in the bark;
  • in case of overdose, it increases in the intestines suction function. This can cause constipation, as well as intoxication and vomiting;
  • in pregnant women, it can tone the uterus and provoke a miscarriage;
  • at breastfeeding, getting into milk, causes vomiting and diarrhea in the child;
  • at higher doses, a sharp drop in temperature is possible.

Important! You cannot take oak bark for more than two weeks; you need to take a break in treatment for up to 1 month.


When using oak extract in treatment and healing, you must remember the contraindications. The following categories of people are at risk:

  • having kidney problems, gallbladder or liver;
  • those in the acute stage of gastritis, ulcers or cholecystitis;
  • having problems with bowel movements (constipation);
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • children under 3 years old.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

In folk medicine, raw materials from annual lateral branches are most often used. The bark of old branches loses some healing properties.

Harvesting is carried out in strictly designated areas. Basically, oaks that are subject to sanitary felling are used. Raw materials that are cracked or affected by lichen are not harvested. The thickness of the bark should not exceed 6 mm. Harvesting is carried out during sap flow in early spring, when the bark is well separated. At a distance of about 30 cm, cuts are made in half rings, then the bark is further cut along the fibers.

The drying area should be in the shade, dry and well ventilated. The raw materials are periodically turned over. After drying, they are tied in bunches and stored in bags for up to 5 years. Properly harvested bark smells good.

Did you know? In ancient times, oak was considered a sacred tree, so only priests could allow the branches to be cut and used in healing.

Recipe: how to take

Based on oak bark, tinctures, infusions, and decoctions are prepared that have healing properties. Let's look at recipes for preparing and using these drugs.

Alcohol tincture

To receive alcohol tincture You need to pour 10 g of raw materials with 200 g of vodka. Leave for a week in a cool, dark place. Strain and can be used.

Thank you

In this article we will tell you about a plant that has been recognized as sacred by almost all peoples of the world. It's about about the oak, or more precisely, about its bark. It contains greatest number useful components, thanks to which oak bark endowed with a huge number of healing properties. Both infusions and tinctures, as well as decoctions, are made from oak bark. How exactly to prepare decoctions from oak bark, what beneficial properties they are endowed with, and in the fight against what diseases they can be used, the medical college website (www..

Properties and scope of application of oak bark

First of all, we note that oak bark decoctions are endowed with a fairly powerful anti-inflammatory effect. They also have astringent and anti-putrefactive properties. This is explained by the fact that, acting on the human body, the tannins that make up the bark contribute to the compaction of tissue membranes. Decoctions of oak bark are used to combat diarrhea, as well as intestinal bleeding. Their help is also sought in case of stomach bleeding. In the treatment of chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, and gingivitis, decoctions of oak bark are also used. Decoctions of oak bark can also be used for hemorrhoids, bad breath, excessive sweating legs and arms, burns. They found theirs wide application and in gynecology. They are used for douching in the fight against various kinds of urogenital diseases.

Recipes with oak bark

Flocks of oak bark can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. Here is one of the recipes for their preparation: take twenty grams of crushed oak bark, pour one glass of chilled boiled water over it and put it on boiling water. water bath. This decoction must be kept in a water bath for about half an hour, and it is very important to stir it constantly. After thirty minutes, the decoction is removed, cooled, filtered, squeezed and taken orally, one hundred milliliters in the morning, lunch and evening. This decoction can be used to combat diarrhea, gastritis, and gastrointestinal bleeding. At sore throat or stomatitis they gargle with it oral cavity or throat.

The following decoction is suitable for external use: take forty grams of oak bark, pour one glass of water over it and let it boil for thirty minutes. After this, the broth must be left for two hours to infuse. After this time, it is filtered and used both for baths and for enemas or lotions. This decoction is intended for the treatment of eczema, burns, excessive sweating of the feet and hands, hemorrhoids, as well as various wounds and ulcers. Despite the fact that it is most often used externally, there are cases when this decoction can also be taken internally. These cases include: various types of bleeding, diseases of the spleen or liver, poisoning with mushrooms, copper or lead, heavy menstruation.

If your hair is falling very badly, prepare yourself the following decoction from oak bark: take half a glass of crushed oak bark and the same amount of onion peels, pour all this with one liter of boiled water and leave on the fire for sixty minutes. After this, let the broth cool, strain it and use it to rub into the scalp. Such procedures will certainly strengthen your hair, accelerate its growth, and also reduce hair loss to a minimum. Realize this procedure necessary after washing your hair.

Using the same decoction you can get rid of

Oak bark is a medicinal product belonging to the group of herbal medicines, which has an astringent, tanning effect, and also has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used topically for pathologies of the ENT organs, and is also used in dentistry. I'll look at its instructions for use.

Composition and release form

The herbal product is supplied to pharmaceutical market as vegetable crushed raw materials, which are placed in packs. It is a mixture of particles, the shape of which can be different. The color varies from brownish-yellowish to light brown, silver or light grayish; any shade of the bark is normal.

The raw material has a peculiar odor, which is quite weakly expressed. A decoction made from oak bark has a pronounced astringent and somewhat tart taste, which is due to the presence of tannins.

The full text of the instructions for use of the herbal medicine Oak bark is printed directly on the pack of herbal raw materials, where the date of manufacture of the product and its expiration date are also indicated. The packaging can be 50 or 75 grams, inside it there are small polypropylene bags containing crushed powder of this plant.

Oak bark should be stored in a well-ventilated and dry place, the drug is good for five years, after which the use of raw materials is contraindicated. It is recommended to use the prepared broth no later than three days, and it should be kept in the refrigerator. Vacation herbal remedy It is free and does not require a prescription to purchase it.

Medicinal properties, pharmacological action

Oak bark, or rather, a decoction prepared from this plant material, has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect on the body, which is due to the presence of some tannins in it, in addition, it contains gallic acid and ellagic acid, as well as quercetin and other biological active ingredients who have therapeutic effects.

Indications for use

A decoction prepared from plant materials represented by oak bark is recommended for use in inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, oral cavity, pharynx; the drug is prescribed for stomatitis, pharyngitis, as well as gingivitis and tonsillitis after prior consultation with a specialist.

Contraindications for use

The decoction should not be used for hypersensitivity to the components present in oak bark.

Application and dosage

Oak bark is used for cooking medicinal decoction To make this remedy, you will need about twenty grams of plant material, it is placed in a glass container, in addition, you can use an enamel container into which a glass of boiling water is poured.

After that, the resulting mixture is covered with a lid, and then the container is placed in a water bath and boiled over low heat, while it is recommended to stir the broth periodically; in this form it should be on the stove for at least thirty minutes. Then remove the dishes from the heat and cool the medicine to approximately room temperature.

After the decoction prepared from oak bark has cooled, begin to strain it; for this you can use a strainer with a fine nozzle or ordinary double-folded gauze. After which the volume of the resulting medicine is adjusted with pre-boiled water to a volume of two hundred milliliters.

The finished decoction can be used for rinsing, and it is advisable to use it warm, about half a glass. In addition, before starting treatment, it is recommended to shake the medicine well.

Rinsing the mouth and throat can be done up to eight times a day. After each use of the decoction, it must be placed in the refrigerator, which will help it retain its properties longer. long time.

Side effects

Some patients are allergic to oak bark components, which may result in a rash on the skin, their redness and swelling will occur; in this situation, using a decoction is not recommended.

It is worth noting that when long-term use oak decoction, sometimes there may be a decrease taste sensation, and also the olfactory function decreases.

Drug overdose

Cases of overdose of oak bark decoction have not been registered at present. If the medicine is taken orally in large quantities, V similar situation you should rinse your stomach, for this purpose you need to induce vomiting, if necessary, you can consult a doctor.

Special instructions

At long-term storage It is recommended to refrain from using the decoction. In addition, dry plant material should not be placed in a damp place, otherwise it may become moldy.


Currently analogues herbal preparation Oak bark is not developed.


We talked about how oak bark is used, its medicinal properties, its indications, contraindications, action, side effects, analogues, composition, we looked at it, and also clarified what the dosage is in the drugs. Apply oak decoction recommended after consultation with a competent professional. Shouldn't for a long time use the medicine, as this may negatively affect taste and olfactory perception.