What foods contain large amounts of vitamin C? Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can rightfully be called driving force human body- so much important functions he fulfills. The deficiency even has a negative impact on your mood. In order to ensure daily dosage(from 75 to 130 mg), it is important to have an idea of ​​which foods contain vitamin C in the right amount.

A big plus is the fact that berries and vegetables rich in ascorbic acid do not need to be imported from abroad - most of them grow in almost all regions of Russia, and they can be prepared for future use over the summer.

Barbados acerola cherry

100 g of these exotic berries contains the most vitamin C - up to 2500 mg, and according to some data, up to 3300 mg. But on sale in fresh practically never found, most often in pharmaceutical preparations.

Rose hip

Rose hips are the leaders among available products in terms of the amount of vitamin C - about 1250 mg per 100 g. To replenish the daily dose, 15 dried berries are enough. To preserve all the vitamin in the fruits, you do not need to boil them or leave them for longer than 12 hours.

Sweet pepper (bell pepper)

100 g of red fruits contain about 250 mg of vitamin C, with the main concentration in the area of ​​the stalk, which is usually cut out. This vegetable does not large number enzymes that destroy ascorbic acid, so a significant part of it is retained even after heat treatment.

black currant

A small handful of black currant berries is enough to provide the body with vitamin C for a day (200 mg per 100 g of fruit). Fragrant healthy tea can be brewed from twigs and leaves (they contain more “ascorbic acid” than fruits).

Sea ​​buckthorn

The fruits of this tree are called “golden berries” and not only for their color. Sea buckthorn has a mass healing properties, and the vitamin C content in it is not inferior to black currants. So as not to destroy valuable substances, this berry can be:

  • dry;
  • freeze;
  • squeeze the juice and pasteurize it (it cannot be sterilized);
  • sprinkle with sugar and store in the refrigerator.


In terms of the amount of vitamin C, parsley is in the top ten - 150 mg per 100 g of leaves. Greatest effect for the body is achieved if the greens are eaten fresh, but cut and stored in the freezer have the same composition. Frozen summer parsley contains 2 times more ascorbic acid than winter greenhouse parsley.

Hot pepper (chili)

The vegetable is aggressive, but it contains a lot of vitamin C - 144.6 mg per 100 g. It is used both in folk medicine, and as a seasoning for dishes.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are excellent dietary product, rich useful substances and fibers. 100 g of small heads of cabbage contain 120 mg of ascorbic acid.


This herb It is actively used as a seasoning, as well as in salads. A 100 gram bunch of greens contains 100 mg of vitamin C. Dill will not lose beneficial properties, aroma and taste neither in ice cream nor dried form.


The taste of the shoots of this plant resembles garlic, so they are often used in various preparations. But the main value of wild garlic is in its composition: together with vitamin C (100 mg per 100 g), the stems contain a lot necessary for a person microelements.


Sweet juicy fruits are pleasant and tasty to eat, which simplifies the task of providing children with ascorbic acid. Contrary to the opinion established since Soviet times that citrus fruits are the fruits containing the most vitamin C, this group is not at all in first place.

Rich in ascorbic acid (approximate content per 100 g):

  1. “Chinese gooseberry”, also known as kiwi. Yellow fruits contain up to 182 mg, green fruits contain up to 80 mg.
  2. Guava (guava) contains 125 mg.
  3. Papaya – 94 mg.
  4. Oranges contain up to 74 mg.
  5. In lemons and tangerines up to 40 mg.

The problem with overseas fruits is delivery and storage. They are removed unripe and treated with fungicides, otherwise presentation gets lost very quickly.

Over six months of storage, the amount of vitamin C in any fruit is reduced by half, even if they are grown and collected according to all the rules. Moreover, regardless of what warehouse conditions are created.

PreparationBenefits and features of receptionDosage
Kiddy PharmatonAn active complex of vitamins and minerals, which is prescribed to increase protective properties body and elimination of hypovitaminosis. One of the ingredients of the drug is lysine (an amino acid that promotes bone formation).15 ml per day.
Alphabet SchoolboyAll vitamins and minerals are divided into categories based on compatibility and absorption. Nourishes the body essential vitamins and minerals. There are no dyes, flavors or preservatives in the composition. Recommended for children who have high mental and physical stress.Take 3 chewable tablets different colors. The order doesn't matter.
JungleContains 10 vitamins. The manufacturer decided to please children and made the drug in the form of animals. Prescribed for frequent acute respiratory viral infections and viral diseases.1 tablet 2 times a day.
Multi-Tabs JuniorThe supplement contains 7 minerals and 11 vitamins. The product has a raspberry or fruit flavor, and there are no artificial colors or preservatives. Contains iodine, so it is used during serious exercise.Once every 24 hours – 1 tablet.
Pikovit Forte 7+Contains 10 vitamins and 6 microelements. The tablets have a pronounced tangerine taste. Please note that the product contains high dose B vitamins. There is no sugar.You should take 1 tablet per day.
VitaMishkiThe supplement is a chewable stick containing 13 vitamins and 2 minerals. Prescribed to improve memory and attention. Does not contain synthetic substances.1 record per day
Vitrum JuniorThe complex consists of chewable tablets, which have a fruity taste. Excellent for strengthening the body's resistance during the cold season, improves vision, and normalizes the body's condition during high intellectual and physical stress.Tablet per day
CentrumContains 18 ingredients that are great for children school age cope with increased loads. Used for iron and calcium deficiency. The tablets contain no sugar or dyes.1 tablet per day
Children's formulaThe supplement contains 14 vitamins and 14 minerals. Great solution for children who have recently started school, as the drug improves performance and reduces drowsiness.1 tablet in the morning and at lunch

How to preserve ascorbic acid

Vitamin C, no matter what products contain, tends to be destroyed upon contact with oxygen, so leave them cut into for a long time not worth it. The same applies to lettuce leaves and greens.

C - ascorbic acid, known to everyone since childhood. Having first discovered the powder in 1927, the Hungarian scientist Szent-Gyorgyi gave it the name hexuronic acid. But already in 1932 it was proven that the substance helps prevent and cure scurvy. That's when vitamin C received its new name - ascorbic acid (from the ancient Greek ἀ - non- and Latin scorbutus - scurvy).

Physical properties of vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is not synthesized in the human body, although animals (with the exception of guinea pig and monkeys) and plants are able to produce it independently. As a result of this injustice, we are forced to replenish our food supplies or take medications.

Vitamin C is a transparent powder, however, in this it differs little from other vitamins. It has high solubility in alcohol and water, but is practically insoluble in fatty acids.

Ascorbic acid has sour taste- the same one from childhood. In dry form it can be stored for quite a long time, but under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures decomposes. Therefore, store vitamin C in dark glass packaging in a cool place.

The role of ascorbic acid in the body

Understanding why the body needs ascorbic acid is not easy. The functions of vitamin C are varied:

  1. Boosts the immune system, helping to cope with diseases - colds, asthma, eczema.
  2. Helps prevent cancer of the colon, endometrium, and esophagus.
  3. Prevents deposits on the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Helps remove toxins from the body.
  5. Takes part in the processes of absorption of vitamins A, E, B1, B2.
  6. Promotes the production of stress hormones, which help the body cope with stressful situations.
  7. Helps normalize the penetration of capillary walls.
  8. Regulates blood clotting.
  • Drying - ascorbic acid practically does not decompose when dried. Since moisture evaporates, the weight of the fruit after drying decreases, and the concentration of vitamin per unit weight increases. The disadvantage of drying is that dried fruits are 4-7 times more caloric than fresh fruits. If you are prone to obesity, avoid eating dried fruit at night. But in the morning they will be just right.
  • Freezing - rapid cooling to -18 °C kills microorganisms, preserving almost all the vitamins in the fruit and without increasing calorie content. The disadvantage of freezing is that you need a large freezer. Please note that fruit cannot be re-frozen. When re-frozen, all beneficial substances are lost.
  • Sugaring - used for berries. Raspberries and strawberries are not boiled, but sprinkled with sugar. Vitamins are preserved, and there is no need for a freezer. Candied berries are stored in the cellar or refrigerator in jars under nylon lids. The downside is the high sugar content, but the delicacy turns out very tasty.
  • Cooking - from 10 to 30% ascorbic acid is retained in jam. However, this is the most popular method of preparing fruit. Despite the decrease in vitamins, jam can certainly protect against scurvy.

The menu should contain vitamin products, since the body is not able to store reserves of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is a typical representative water-soluble vitamins. The concentration of vitamin C in the body fluctuates constantly, [...]

The menu should contain vitamin products, since the body is not able to store reserves of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is a typical representative of water-soluble vitamins. The concentration of vitamin C in the body constantly fluctuates; a person needs to replenish this amount through diet or vitamin preparations. Under the influence of oxygen, light and high temperatures, ascorbic acid partially decomposes. Based on this, it is clear that most vitamin C is found in fresh foods, and less in processed foods.

It is known that fresh rose hips contain 650 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of product. And in dried berries contains 1200 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of product. Rosehip is objectively the leader among foods in terms of vitamin C content.

Antioxidants in the product powerfully inhibit free radicals, which means they help renew the entire body. Few products have similar properties, for example, blueberries and cranberries, but they are inferior to rose hips. In addition to this, rose hips also have a lot of medicinal properties. They are consumed by making tea.

What vitamins are in red pepper?

Red peppers are not only delicious, but also very healthy. A 100-gram serving of pepper contains 250 mg of vitamin C. This product is in second place after rose hips, and is also a powerful source.

Pepper also contains lycopene, a red pigment, and carotene, a yellow-red pigment. These substances are strong antioxidants that counteract the development of cancer. It should also be noted that in red pepper high concentration vitamin A, per 100 g - 125 mcg, this is an impressive content that makes the product one of the undisputed leaders in this matter.

Ascorbic acid in products

Below is a small list of food products that contain the most vitamin C. The amount of ascorbic acid per 100 g is indicated:

  • dried rose hips - 1200 mg;
  • fresh rose hips - 470-650 mg;
  • red pepper - 200 mg;
  • black currant - 200 mg;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 200 mg;
  • apples - 165 mg;
  • fresh parsley - 150 mg;
  • green peppers - 150 mg;
  • kiwi - 71-137;
  • broccoli - 136 mg;
  • mango - 122;
  • Brussels sprouts - 120 mg;
  • dill greens - 100 mg;
  • red rowan - 100 mg;
  • papaya - 61-88 mg;
  • pineapple - 78 mg;
  • cauliflower - 70 mg;
  • orange - 60 mg;
  • sorrel - 43 mg;
  • lemon - 40 mg;
  • tangerine - 38 mg;
  • celery - 23-38 mg.

Other foods have medium or low vitamin C content. The listed items are leaders, so to compensate for the deficiency of this substance in the body, you need to take vitamins and include something from the list in your diet.

Daily value of vitamin C

U different people The need for ascorbic acid is different. The generally accepted standards are:

  • small children - 30 mg per day;
  • lactating women - 100 mg per day;
  • most adults - 70 mg per day.

What are the benefits of vitamin C?

In the autumn and summer months, when we eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, vitamin C reserves are normal. Unfortunately, many people deplete their reserves of ascorbic acid during the cold seasons. Last days spring, all winter and the very beginning of autumn is critical time from the point of view of vitamin C deficiency.

Everyone needs to know that ascorbic acid is a powerful natural antioxidant. The substance protects a person from the destructive effects of viruses and bacteria, and gives an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, healing effect. Ascorbic acid maintains normal immunity, enhances the functioning of other strong antioxidants, such as tocopherol, selenium.

It has been proven that vitamin C helps a person resist stress, one of the main triggers of various disorders. The substance normalizes blood composition, activates the production of anti-stress hormones, improves the condition of capillaries, enhances collagen production, strengthens cartilage and bone tissue.

Thanks to ascorbic acid, calcium is better absorbed, the body cleanses itself of harmful substances, proper metabolism is established. In general, vitamin C significantly prolongs youth.

It is difficult to find a person who has never heard about vitamin C. Since childhood, we have been familiar with “ascorbic acid” - a small round granule containing concentrated vitamin C. Why did mothers give us these little vitamins so diligently?

Benefits of Vitamin C

Its benefits for the body are enormous: it increases the body’s resistance to various types of infections, strengthens the immune system, and helps with intoxication, including alcohol. In addition, vitamin C has the ability to synthesize collagen - the most important protein that holds the tendons and blood vessels together. bone tissue, improves the condition of the skin and teeth, normalizes the level, increases the ability to absorb iron from food, is required to stabilize hematopoietic function, and is also necessary for many internal energy processes.

Vitamin C is of particular importance for athletes. The fact is that ascorbic acid promotes the production of adrenaline - a hormone responsible for blood flow to the muscles, bringing them into a state of “combat readiness”, increasing the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle (HR) and blood pressure during training.

Another function of vitamin C is antioxidant: “ascorbic acid” neutralizes the effects of free radicals, helping the body fight aggressive effects environment and preserving the youth of cells.

The most important feature of vitamin C is that it is not synthesized by the body on its own. Meanwhile to an ordinary person per day, at least 70-100 mg of vitamin C is required. And in athletes, people experiencing strong physical activity, constantly in a state nervous tension, and even higher. In a higher daily dose Vitamin C is also needed by those whose bodies are weakened by disease, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Where is the most vitamin C?

The absolute champion among foods rich in vitamin C is: 100 mg of dried rosehip contains 470 mg of vitamin C! Include in your daily diet a decoction of rose hips, and your body will say “thank you.”

Other foods rich in vitamin C are, red sweet pepper, sea buckthorn, as well as garden strawberries, oranges and lemons. But animal products practically do not contain this important vitamin.

The following table will help you find out in more detail where vitamin C is most abundant.

Table of vitamin C content in foods

How to increase the absorption of vitamin C?

Vitamin C contained in rose hips and citrus fruits is best absorbed: the bioflavonoids they contain also help to retain it. Ascorbic acid is stable in acidic environment, because it is perfectly preserved in sauerkraut, soaked apples, etc. But oxygen and prolonged heat treatment are destructive for ascorbic acid, so when preparing homemade compotes, do not allow them to boil. The same is true if you decide to use other berries for this.

Valid golden rule: you need to cook with the lid tightly closed, and the less total time cooking the dish, the more vitamin will remain in it. Great option: glass of freshly squeezed orange juice every day. You can read about this, as well as recipes for interesting mixes, on our website.

Also vitamin C in fresh vegetables and fruits are destroyed when they long-term storage. Vitamin C lasts the longest in black currants, oranges, lemons and grapefruits.

An important point: when calculating your daily requirement for vitamin C, keep in mind that just one cigarette a day “burns” 25 mg of ascorbic acid - a gap that needs to be filled.

Now that you know how much vitamin C is contained in certain foods and how to store it ready meals You can analyze your usual diet and calculate whether you are getting enough of this essential vitamin from food. If you have a lack of vitamin C, it makes sense to start taking specially designed vitamin complexes.

Vitamin C– one of essential vitamins, the presence of which in the human body must be mandatory. Shortage vitamin C helps reduce immunity to various infectious diseases and the emergence of many other pathologies.

A little about vitamin

Vitamin C has several other names that are also used in colloquial speech, and in medical terms. These are: ascorbic acid, antiscorbutic vitamin and anticynthic vitamin.

The body's daily need for vitamin C always different. For example, for an adult healthy person it is about 120-150 mg. For colds, it should be increased to 500 mg, and sometimes to 2000 mg.

Also quantity vitamin C should also increase during breastfeeding.

Why is vitamin C so useful?

  • Promotes education connective tissue and collagen.
  • Strengthens blood vessels, dental and bone tissues.
  • Helps the functioning of metabolic processes.
  • It is the main antioxidant that suppresses the effects of toxic substances.
  • Removes toxins and poisons from the body.
  • Reduces cholesterol production.
  • Protects blood vessels from deposits, thereby preventing the development of many diseases.
  • Reduces exposure to allergens.
  • Contributes to more fast healing wound
  • Activates the adrenal glands.
  • Helps with the absorption of iron, which is needed for normal operation hematopoiesis.

Products containing vitamin C

In the process of evolution, the human body has lost its ability to produce its own vitamin C. Therefore, in order to normally maintain one’s life functions, it is necessary to receive it from the outside, i.e. consume products containing vitamin C or take appropriate medications.

This table shows the most popular food products and quantities vitamin C contained in them.

Products Vitamin C content in mg per 100 g
fresh/dried 600-850/1200-1300
Coriander 520-550
Sea ​​buckthorn 250-500
Guava 210-235
Chili pepper 215-230
Sweet and bitter red pepper 230-260
Dried boletus mushroom 200-220
Dried white mushroom 140-155
Honeysuckle 145-155
Sweet bell pepper 150-160
Horseradish 110-120
Brussels sprouts 110-115
Hawthorn 95-100
Dill, tomato 90-110
Kiwi 90-110
Broccoli 85-95
Rowan 65-80
Cauliflower 65-75
Green onion 60-65
Kohlrabi 60-65
Strawberries 65-80
Papaya 55-70
Sorrel 50-65
Orange 55-80
White and red currants 30-50
Red cabbage 50-65
Spinach 50-60
Pineapple 50-65
Beef liver 35-50
Lemon 45-55
Grapefruit 45-55
Melon 35-45
Strawberry 50-65
Tangerines 40-55
Leek 35-40
White cabbage 40-60
Fresh chanterelle mushrooms 35-40
Apples 30-45
Mango 30-35
Fresh white mushroom 30-35
Patissons 20-30
Green peas 20-25
Potato 25-35
Cowberry 35-40
Chicken, pork liver 20-25
Zucchini 15-25
Cherry 15-20
Cherry plum 15-20
Pomegranate, peach, banana 10-15
Beef kidneys 10-15
Grapes, pear, watermelon, eggplant 5-10
Sea fish, cheese 2-5
Milk, river fish 1-4
less than 1

Quantity of content vitamin C indicated in two numbers: the first is the lower edge, the second is the upper. They depend on several factors: the place where the product is grown, the amount of fertilizer used for it better growth and other things.

The table shows where the most is contained vitamin C. The leaders are: vegetables, fruits and herbs. But its content in products of animal origin is reduced to a minimum. There is no ascorbic acid in some cereals (millet, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal) and in rye bread.

Daily replenishment of the body vitamin C performed by eating potatoes, tomatoes, onions and cabbage.

How to preserve vitamin C?

At heat treatment Most of the products listed in the table, the amount of ascorbic acid in them is reduced by 60%. Therefore, to preserve the vitamin and all the benefits of products, it is advisable to consume them raw.

First of all, this applies to vegetables and fruits, and does not apply to mushrooms, fish, meat, etc.

If the products cannot be consumed immediately, they must be placed in a cool and dark place. Indeed, in addition to heat treatment, vitamin C there are many more enemies: water, oxygen, light. They promote the oxidation of ascorbic acid to inactive substances.

Vitamin oxidation also occurs when elevated temperatures, neutral or alkaline environments. In an acidic environment, on the contrary, it becomes resistant even to heating up to 100⁰C.

This factor is the reason great content vitamin in apples, lemons and sauerkraut.

IN plant products contains the so-called enzyme ascorbinase (antivitamin), which contributes to the gradual destruction vitamin C. This happens during long-term storage.

This antivitamin is found in many fruits and vegetables, but it is found in smaller quantities in citrus fruits and currants. That's why vitamin C they have more than the others.

How to recognize a vitamin deficiency?

To understand what is missing in the body vitamin C, you need to pay attention to some signs. For example:

  • bleeding gums when brushing teeth;
  • hair loss;
  • long wound healing;
  • frequent and easy bruising;
  • joint pain and weakness;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • swelling of the face;
  • the appearance of a blood network on the whites of the eyes;
  • frequent colds and flu;
  • state of depression and hysteria;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia.

If these signs are detected, you should pay attention special attention your diet. The diet should include foods that vitamin C contains the most.

Excess vitamin

Even though all excess ascorbic acid is removed from the body along with urine, in medicine there are cases of excess vitamin C. Symptoms of this pathology:

  • nausea and vomiting of unexplained origin;
  • red rash on the face;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • stabbing pain in the abdomen.

When these signs appear, it is necessary to reduce or temporarily eliminate the use of foods containing large amounts of vitamin C